2 minute read
Celebrate Freedom
Gò0dNews on Freedom
Celebrate Freedom
by Danette Reeves
Happy Independence Day! We, as the United States of America, celebrate Independence Day on July 4th. It is a celebration of freedom from those who would tyrannically rule over us. Even though we see many freedoms disappearing, we still have much to celebrate as a Nation and much about which to pray.
As Christians, we should also be celebrating our freedom in Christ. According to John 3:16, if we are followers of Jesus, we are free from eternal separation from God and Hell. We will not perish. Romans 8:1 tells us that we are free from condemnation. Jesus has set us FREE! 2 Corinthians 3:17 says, “…where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” We have much to celebrate.
Along with freedom comes responsibility. I Peter 2:16 tells us to “Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil.” As Americans over the past century, we know much about cover-ups politically, religiously, and ethically. Voting fraud, human trafficking, slavery, racism, the abuse of power and authority in churches and denominations, as well as politically…the list is not exhaustive, but exhausting.
I cannot help but go back to Jesus’ teaching of the Greatest Commandment in Matthew 22:37-39. Jesus said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” We are taught through scripture that freedom comes from obedience to God. Christians should be celebrating freedom by obeying these commandments. What a different world we would live in if we truly loved Jesus more than anything or anyone. What would happen if we truly loved our neighbor as ourselves? Can you imagine the sincere concern we would have for each other? Random acts of kindness would be rampant. Selfishness would disappear. Meeting someone else's need would be at the forefront of our thoughts.
As a student at Bryan College in the early 80’s, I remember when Dan DeHaan came to speak in our chapel. I did not personally know this man, but his words have stayed with me since. I wrote them in my Bible that day. DeHaan said, “A man is never free to be all he is meant to be until he is free to be all that God has meant him to be. A woman is never free to be all she is meant to be until she is free to be all that God has meant her to be.”
Our true freedom is in Jesus. Our government cannot change this. Our politicians, denominations, laws, rulers, jail cells or chains…no one and no thing has the power to change our freedom in Jesus…not even our greatest enemy—death.
As you celebrate and pray for our country's freedom, live out loud the freedom you have in Jesus. Boldly go before the throne of God and celebrate.
About The Author Danette Reeves and her husband, Charlie, live in Cleveland, TN. They attend The Church at Grace Point. One of their joys is being Oma and Opa to four grandchildren. Her heart’s desire is to be a student and a teacher of the Word, and a consistent follower of Jesus.