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God’s Power
Gò0dNews for Kids
God’s Power
by Bekah Prytherch
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is about the Israelites being freed from Pharaoh’s control in Egypt. This story is filled with amazing things that God did to show His power to the Israelites—like all of the plagues! Then, He shows them His power again by parting the Red Sea and letting His people go.
“Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground. I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they will go in after them. All I will gain glory through Pharaoh and all his army, through his chariots and his horsemen. The Egyptians will know that I am the Lord when I gain glory through Pharaoh, his chariots and his horsemen” (Exodus 14:15-18).
One of my favorite things about this story is that God continues to show His power to the good guys and the bad guys—and that He was in control!
I am older now, but as a child I loved this story. I never really thought about it until recently, but there were children who experienced this. They saw all the plagues that took place, they saw their parents and themselves being enslaved, and they also saw the hand of God upon them by being led out of slavery! All the powerful things that God did to get them free—I cannot imagine being a child who is able to walk through water, and seeing the walls of water surround me! God did some pretty amazing things for the Israelite children, just as He did for their parents. He is the same God that He was for the Israelites as He is for us today! He can take us to some amazing experiences in our life today, as long as we keep our focus and our eyes upon Him!
About The Author Bekah Prytherch is the children’s pastor at Heritage Fellowship Church of God in McDonald, Tennessee. She is married to her husband, Caleb, and they live in Cleveland, Tennessee.