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Dream On
Gò0dNews for Everyone
Dream On!
by Evelyn Bathe
These striking words, written by Gloria Gaither, tell the story of many of our lives: “If there ever were dreams that were lofty and noble, They were my dreams at the start. And my hopes for life’s best were the hopes that I harbored Down deep in my heart. But my dreams turned to ashes; my castles all crumbled, My fortune turned to loss. So I wrapped it all up in the rags of my life, And laid it at the cross.”
Dreaming is an integral part of every individual. As young children, we start out by dreaming big dreams to become a princess, the president, a fireman, a doctor, etc. As we grow older and mature, our dreams change. Life’s circumstances can sometimes seem to shut the door on some of our dreams. Oppositely, if God gives a dream, He will find a way to open the door, refine them, and bring them to pass.
I read about a young woman who had a dream of going to the Olympics. She was anrunner and had what it takes to be a winner. Through a series of events, injuries, andndisappointments, she almost gave up her dream. She eventually did go to the Olympics and won a gold medal— not as a runner, but as a bobsledder!
Although some circumstances cause our dreams to appear that they may have shattered, this could just be God’s way of redirecting that dream for His greater purposes. Some dreams are not meant to be realized until we reach a certain stage of our lives. God may be rearranging the circumstances for His perfect timing.
I vividly remember how God touched my heart as a teenager regarding missions, with a special feeling for Russia. I had read the book, God’s Smuggler, and wanted so desperately to get God’s Word to those people. Some years later after marriage—and in seeking God’s purposes for our lives—my husband and I talked about going into missions, but God took our lives in a different direction.
We entered evangelistic ministry and then pastoral ministry, all the while maintaining strong feelings for missions. Finally, many years later, our family had a door opened to fulfill that dream of getting God’s Word to the Russian people. We were privileged to go on a 10-day missionary journey to Russia and distribute Russian Bibles and worship tapes among the people. What a joy to be able to provide God’s Word to the people of Moscow, Kiev, and St. Petersburg—on the streets, in businesses, in schools, and in churches!
You may have dreams still in your heart that are unfulfilled. I know I certainly do! Some of our dreams may never be fulfilled. When we lay our dreams at the cross, the Lord will take them, sift away what He deems unnecessary, and touch what remains with His anointing. Thus, fulfilling those dreams in a way that will be most beneficial to His kingdom and our lives. Remember: He is “the Author and Finisher” (Hebrews 12:2) so be confident “…that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it…” (Philippians 1:6). So, my friends, dream on! Dream big dreams! Dream small dreams! But keep dreaming! Lay your dreams at the cross of Christ and He will always make something beautiful of them.
About The Author
Evelyn Bathe is the wife of Joseph, mother of Jonathan, and grandmother of Brooklyn and Jackson. She has been a speaker for youth, women, and marriage conferences and served in various Christian ministries. Evelyn and her husband retired from pastoring and presently attend Peerless Road Church in Cleveland. Follow Evelyn’s blog at evelyntbathe.wordpress com.


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