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The Spiritual Roundabout
by D.A. Reed
ccasionally as we drive, we come across
down and the enemy wins by keeping you off track
a two-way stop that crosses a busy road.
and away from the path God has intended for you.
Normally it’s no problem as we make sure
Newton’s First Law of Motion states that objects
it is clear and proceed on our way, but sometimes the
in motion stay in motion and objects at rest stay at
traffic is congested: maybe the drive-thru at Chick-fil-A
rest. So how do we move on? How do we get past
is holding up traffic, or maybe even you are too scared
spiritual stop signs and obstacles? I propose the
to pull out into traffic. Now apply that in a spiritual
spiritual roundabout. Instead of stopping at life’s stop signs, you move forward in a circle until you come to the desired path, and then you exit the roundabout. Yes, obstacles are still present and it can be scary at first to navigate, but you are in motion: no longer at a standstill but looking forward to the way out. You still may need to yield to other obstacles, but you will no longer need to stop for them. There will be life events that will follow you, but no longer will they press upon you. The critical item is direction. The roundabout is great, but if we just keep moving in a circle, it will be as bad as coming to a complete stop as you will stagnate and not progress; therefore, it
sense. You are living life when something causes you
is critical to keep Jesus as your GPS guiding you so that
to stop, and you are blocked from proceeding due to
you go down the right path and not your own ways.
obstacles like the loss of a job, a divorce, or even being
Remember Proverbs 3:6: “In all your ways acknowledge
a Braves fan. You are ground to a halt with no way or
Him and He will direct your paths.” God doesn’t want
even a desire to move along.
you to stop, and even if your path is not a direct route
Even when the obstacle clears itself, minor issues
and you have to go around obstacles, keeping your eyes
still hold you in place due to fear of being blindsided
on Jesus will keep you in motion, and you will reach
by just another big issue. In other words, you are
your spiritual home safe and sound.
keeps you immobile but also the rest of life that piles on behind you, adding even more stress until you shut
36 // June 2020
About The Author
stuck, and it is not only the path in front of you that D.A. Reed is a resident of Cleveland, Tennessee. He is a retired 25 year law enforcement/corrections lieutenant and theme park tour guide, who loves the Lord and follows His guidance.