The Goodnews - November, 2015

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Salvation Testimony My Problems and Worries Have Vanished

Preaching the Gospel

Jesus Should Be the One to Receive Your Thanks

Special Article 2015 Christmas Cantata U.S. Tour (continued)

About the Cover Volunteers all throughout America came together to participate in an epic event. We saw the transformation of their hearts and although they came to give they ended up receiving much more.





Monthly Sermon The Life of Jesus Begins in the Samaritan Woman Salvation Testimony My Problems and Worries have Vanished Special Article 2015 Christmas Cantata U.S. Tour: God Bless America Memoirs of a Missionary Through the New Strength of God New York Times The Path of Life the Sons of Lamech Walked Gospel Lesson God Who Fulfills His Promise Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth


Jesus Should be the One to Receive your Thankfulness Church Directory

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This Month's Sermon

The Life of Jesus Begins In the Samaritan Woman Pastor Ock Soo Park | Good News Gangnam Church

“Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water? ... Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” (John 4:10-15)

While serving in the military, I read a book titled, “Hell in the Land of Morning Calm.” The author, Dallas Plemmons, was born in America but his parents died when he was young so he grew up under his grandparents. His grandparents were devout Christians more so than anyone else. The grandparents would read the Bible every day, and share the scripture with the people they met, and at times they would invite the pastors to a meal and listened to the word. Also, whenever they had time, they would sit Plemmons down and spoke to him the words of the Bible. Plemmons, although he liked his grandparents, he didn’t listen to the words of the Bible. In the end, because he wasn’t able to accept the scripture, he left home at a young age and learned boxing and was swept away into a harsh world of gangs. Afterward, he was so tired of that life to the point he could no longer bear it, he enlisted in the army. When he enlisted he was told that he will have to go to Japan. He liked it thinking, “Christianity won’t be in Japan.” Not too long after Plemmons enlisted and began serving in Japan, the Korean War began and he was deployed into the Korean War. Plemmons drank heavily, and even after going to the Army, he drank heavily. He became an alcoholic. He couldn’t bear not drinking even for a day. During 4

Someone who tries fix their heart falls more and more into sin, but he who accepts the Words of Jesus changes. It is because the words of Jesus are holy, that person becomes freed from sin and can live a bright and blessed life. his daily schedule in the army, he couldn’t find any alcohol, so he would go to barbershops and steal and drink cologne that had alcohol in it. One day, like any other day, Plemmons went to the barbershop and won a bottle of cologne by gambling and after returning and drinking all of it, he began to work on digging a bomb shelter. When he dug one side, the other side would crumble, and when he repaired that side, the other side would crumble. Then his immediate superior came and berated him for not doing the work correctly, he yelled back, “If you’re so good at digging, do it yourself!” The immediate superior stood and stared at Plemmons and left without saying a word, and Plemmons flopped down in the bomb shelter and fell asleep. He slept so much that he awoke at dawn. Plemmons looked upon the mountains, and as if someone had slapped him on the face, he became clear minded and recalled how he had lived his life. It was a life so dirty, filthy, and deceitful. Then he remembered the words of the Bible he had heard from his grandfather and grandmother. Amazingly, those words entered his heart. In the bomb shelter, he accepted Jesus into his heart. After that day, Plemmons became a completely different person. The Samaritan Woman Did Not Try to Understand Jesus’ Words It is not only Plemmons who lived an evil and deceitful life. Everyone thinks that they are good, but the thoughts that rise up within us are evil, deceitful, filthy, and lustful. Every last one of us, the thoughts that rise up within us are dirty and filthy. People struggle to clean this kind of heart, but it does not work. No matter how hard they try to live well, it is not accomplished. It is because our hearts are fundamentally evil. Our hearts are filthy and evil but oppositely, the heart of Jesus is holy and truthful. Therefore, someone who tries to fix their hearts falls more and more into sin and becomes evil, but he who accepts the words of Jesus changes. It is because the words of Jesus are holy, that person becomes free from sin and can live a bright and blessed life. In John chapter four, there is a story about the Samaritan woman. This woman also lived a prodigal life. When she met Jesus at the village well, she had already changed her husband five times and was living with her sixth husband. While the woman conversed with Jesus at the well, she encountered a heart that she could not find in anyone else. After meeting the heart of Jesus, she receives a refreshing and surprising shock: “I’ve never had a heart like this before…. This 5

man’s heart is different from mine. His heart is so sincere, holy, and beautiful!” But the words Jesus spoke did not at all fit her thoughts. She couldn’t understand. She didn’t understand that Jesus was asking her for water nor did she understand when Jesus said that he will give her living water. He had nothing to draw the water with; the well was deep; and the one who was thirsty and asking her for water is going to give me living water... And he did not stop there, but Jesus said, “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” She could not understand these words at all. “What kind of water do you drink once and don’t thirst again? Where is this kind of water?” The Samaritan woman did not try to understand the words of Jesus. Although his thoughts were different from her thoughts, it was because her heart was so filthy and dirty compared to the heart of Jesus that was so holy, beautiful, and clean. Although she couldn’t understand the words spoken by Jesus, but one by one, the woman accepted the words of Jesus in her heart. Sir, Give Me This Water… The most difficult problem for Christians living a spiritual life is that people only accept what they understand and will gladly accept what fits their heart, but they reject accepting the word if it does not fit their hearts. In our body, there is a fixed quantity of water and if it lacks water, we become thirsty and drink some water. Also, there is a fixed temperature, so if it gets colder or hotter, we warm or cool ourselves. When we need oxygen, we breathe in air and when we lack nutrients, we eat. Only when we do these things we can maintain our bodies. The world of the heart responds in the same way. In order to maintain one’s heart, a person accepts the heart that is the same as his and rejects the heart that is opposite. The problem here is that because people’s hearts are evil, it is difficult for them to accept what is good. As the Samaritan woman conversed with Jesus, she accepted the words of Jesus that did not fit her heart. Not even once did she hear it before, but when she heard the words about a mysterious and new world, she was shocked, “These words do not fit my thoughts, but since I am at fault for living my life incorrectly, his words are correct!” Then she forsook her thoughts that have been dragging her and forsook the heart that she considered to be right and accepted the words of Jesus in her heart. The Samaritan woman thought that the life she chose would make her happy, but she found out that it was not true. It was because her heart was so dirty and filthy, she knew that following her thoughts could not free her from iniquity. That is why the woman forsook her thoughts, and for the 6

The word of Jesus and the heart of Jesus is what we must accept. Then, just as Dallas Plemmons changed and just as the Samaritan woman changed, we too will change and live brightly like Jesus. first time, she accepted the words of Jesus into her heart that did not fit her way of thinking. Although she didn’t understand what kind of water it was that you drink once and never thirst again, but she was able to believe in the words of Jesus. It is because Jesus is sincere and truthful. The woman spoke, “Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.” The Samaritan Woman No Longer Lived By Her Heart As the Samaritan woman forsook all her thoughts and accepted the words of Jesus, a life not through her, but through Jesus began. The woman left her water pot, went into the city and met with the people. In the past, when she met people, she would joke and talk vainly about things, but now the heart to introduce Jesus arose. This heart was not the woman’s heart. The Samaritan woman no longer lived with her heart. It was because her thoughts we so filthy and dirty that she forsook all and accepted the word of Jesus, and from that moment on, the heart of Jesus began to work inside her. The woman needed to introduce Jesus to the people in the city and she spoke to them about Jesus. The people in the city listened to this woman’s words and came before Jesus and received salvation. When preaching the Gospel, witnessing is in most cases difficult, but because the Samaritan woman took with her the heart of Jesus, although we don’t know what she said, but when she introduced Jesus, the people listened to her words and came before Jesus. They heard the words of Jesus and they took him into the city and heard his words for two more days and had a blessed time. Spiritual life is not about us working diligently. We are the descendants of Adam and we have received our hearts from Satan. That is why our hearts are full of all kinds of dirty, filthy, lustful, and hypocritical thoughts, and discontentment and complaints that Satan has placed inside. With this heart, we cannot live an upright life. Like the Samaritan woman, we must forsake the heart we lived with previously and must accept the words of Jesus; the heart of Jesus in the Bible. Then, just as Dallas Plemmons changed and just as the Samaritan woman changed, we too will change and live a bright life like Jesus. Pastor Ock Soo Park Pastor Park is currently the senior pastor of the Good News Gangnam Church. He is the founder of the Mahanaim Cyber Theology School and International Youth Fellowship. Annually he is the guest speaker for Bible Crusades domestically and internationally and serves as a guest lecturer to university students. He is the author of several titles such as: The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again, Repentance and Faith, Navigating the Heart. These books have been translated in 17 different languages, and in addition he is the author of 40 other books on spiritual life.


Salvation Testimony

My Problems and Worries

Have Vanished

Carlos Rodriguez | Good News Central Church (Los Angeles)


y relationship with the IYF started exactly one year ago when I was invited to attend the Christmas Cantata for the first time. I remember vividly how transformative an experience it was for me when I witnessed the musical reenactment of the birth of Christ. I remember experiencing goose-bumps because the message was so powerful, the music so beautiful, and my heart was filled with joy and thankfulness as I felt the Holy Spirit enter my heart for the first time in a long time. My expectations for the Gracias Choir were very high because I was formerly a musician for many years, and the music was so touching that I was brought to tears by the beautiful performance. From that moment I realized I wanted to volunteer to be a part of the Christmas Cantata program. 8

It was then that I understood that if I put God first into my life, everything else will come.

Before hearing about the Good News Mission, my life was full of anxiety and stress about my future. I was in my fourth year of Chemical Engineering and it was the time when I needed to take the very important tests to determine the direction of the rest of my life. I was so concerned about my personal problems and my personal ambitions there was no room for God in my life. One day as I was doing research at my University, Brother Peter noticed I was under a lot of pressure and invited me to volunteer for the Christmas Cantata: to hear the word of God and do community service. He said it would open my heart and allow me to see that the problems I was facing were temporary and would disappear shortly after allowing the word of God into my heart. I was scared at first to allow myself to open my heart, but I decided to go and participate as a volunteer for the Christmas Cantata. I went to the Good News Church and heard the word of God from Minister Hong, and over the course of that first weekend I was able to step outside my comfort zone and allow God into my heart. Soon my problems and worries disappeared, and the stress about my future was gone. It was then that I understood that if I put God first into my life, everything else will come. So I then dedicated my next few weekends to volunteering for this Christmas Cantata, and every time I went I felt refreshed, renewed and ready to overcome impossible challenges, only this time I knew that God was on my side. Once my participation with the Christmas Cantata ended, a few weeks passed and I didn’t hear the word of God because I was too busy to go to church. The result of my lack of involvement led to stress building up in my heart. Thankfully, one day I was invited by Brother Peter to have fellowship together during lunch to listen to the word to nurture my spiritual life. After sharing one hour with him in the outside patio, all my problems and stress seemed to disappear, it vanished! The giant weight of my problems from sin and stress were lifted from my shoulders. I felt a profound relaxation after hearing the word and allowing God into my heart. What seemed like problems at the beginning of lunch became trivial On a scavenger hunt as part of the Cantata volunteer workshop. (Carlos second from right) afterwards, and after sharing that hour with Brother Peter we decided to have a weekly Bible 9

Salvation Testimony


[This] has been, by far, one of the more transformative volunteering experiences of my young adult life.


Study. I know that this way my life can become more enriched with the word of God helping to lead my life in a more positive direction. This year since I became more involved with volunteering for the Christmas Cantata, I learned about the message of the Good News Church and its close collaboration with the International Youth Fellowship. Before meeting the Good News Church, I was unaware about the teachings of the gospel. However, through individual Bible studies and the intellectually stimulating mind lectures I became exposed to a new emotional and spiritual framework of thinking. My individual Bible studies with Minister Hong about the teachings of the gospel were eye opening, but more importantly heart and spirit opening! Since receiving the Word of God, I have received Salvation! Looking back to one year ago, I remember the critical step that brought me closer towards the path of righteousness and closer to God was the Gracias Choir Christmas Cantata Concert I attended. That night of the concert I received a powerful sensation of joy and thankfulness for all the blessings I have had in my life. That feeling stayed with me, and served as my motivation to volunteer this year.

Volunteers gather in group meetings for info session.


Group picture of Christmas Cantata volunteers in L.A.

Participating in the volunteering activities in preparation for the Christmas Cantata has been, by far, one of the more transformative volunteering experiences of my young adult life. The satisfaction I receive from donating my time and efforts to this program have already repaid me tenfold. The most rewarding experience thus far is when I see the smile on the face of the person that receives the Good News of a free invitation to a life transforming Christmas Cantata Concert. I hope that as many people as possible have the opportunity to listen to this wonderful concert, and receive the beautiful message it has in store for them. My overall experience from working with the Good News Church in preparation for this year’s Christmas Cantata can be summed up in a few words: Fun, Thought-provoking, Spiritually Enlightening, and Rewarding! The first day I volunteered I learned the “I’m Alive” dance, which brought a smile to my face because it was physically stimulating and kept me in high spirits for the entire day. The next memorable activity was the Mind Lecture by Minister Hong about how the importance of self-control over our desires is similar to the importance of brakes to control the engine of a car. What allows a car to reach its top speed is not the engine, but rather the brakes, similar to what allows us humans to reach our full potential is not our desires but rather our self-control over those desires.


Special Article 2015 Christmas Cantata U.S. Tour

The 5th annual Christmas Cantata in the United States was held from September 19th to October 16th. It was held in 25 cities across the U.S. where 100,000 people were enchanted by the high level performance of the Gracias Choir. The audience did not hold back their praises and were overcome with happiness when realizing the secret of salvation that was fulfilled through the birth of Jesus. This Cantata was special in that the Christian Leaders Forum was held and close to 1,000 pastors were able to hear about the true heart of God conveyed in the Bible. “If God says you’re righteous, then you are righteous.” “This is the first time I’ve ever heard words like this.” All the pastors who heard the words were saying the same thing. “God bless America!” We are so hopeful and anticipate how the God who loves America will work. By So Ri Kim

Testimonials from: Christian Leaders Forum, Concert Attendees, Volunteers, ShortTerm Missionaries, Volunteering Pastors, and Staff



Cantata Facts

14,000 miles 27 performances 25 different cities 100,000 attendees

Number of Attendees Per City This Year 10.4 Los Angeles 7,000 10.5 Las Vegas 2,000 10.6 Phoenix 1,400 10.7 El Paso 2,500 10.8 Albuquerque 3,500 10.9 Amarillo 2,400 10.10 Oklahoma City 2,300 10.11 San Antonio 4,800 (2 performances) 10.12 New Orleans 4,000 10.13 Atlanta 3,500 10.14 Jacksonville 3,500 10.15 Miami 4,500 10.16 Orlando 2,400

9.19 New Jersey 3,000 9.20 Philadelphia 7,000 9.21 Washington D.C. 1,900 9.23 Detroit 4,000 9.24 Fort Wayne 2,000 9.25 Indianapolis 2,400 9.26 Chicago 2,500 9.27 Kansas City 2,000 9.28 Minneapolis 2,600 9.30 Seattle 2,300 10.1-2 Anchorage 3,900 (2 performances) 10.3 San Jose 3,000


The Gracias Choir U.S. Christmas Cantata


2015 Top 5 Comments During the Tour “I don’t need to prepare for my sermon this Sunday. I’m just going to preach about what I heard today.” Pastor Juan Cuyon (Orlando, FL) “Are there churches that work like Good News Mission these days?” Mike Cummings (Amarillo, TX) “How can this performance be free?” Russell Hendy (Anchorage, AK) “The true meaning of Christmas is not giving, but receiving the heart from God.” Pastor Bobby (Las Vegas, NV) “You have to come see this. You have to come see this!” Jane (San Antonio, TX)


1,000 Pastors Participating At The Christian Leaders Forum

“The Word of God Has Never Been Clearer.” During the New York World Camp this year, we invited pastors from Central, South, and North America to participate in the World Christian Leaders Workshop (WCLW) held for the first time at Mahanaim Campus in New York. Being that is was the first time holding such an event, there were many burdens and difficulties. Pastor Yeong gook Park of the Good News New York Church said, “God worked in Korea, Thailand, and even in Africa. Why can’t He work in the United States as well? Soon, thousands of pastors will gather at the WCLW.” The WCLW was held at every city, two hours before the start of the Christmas Cantata. The tens and hundreds of pastors gathered to listen to the gospel preached by Pastor Ock Soo Park at every one of the 25 cities across the U.S. Close to 1,000 pastors attended in total. Pastors shouted, “Jesus had made me righteous!” and their hearts were overjoyed. Let’s hear what they have to say.

Above: Pastor Ock Soo Park preaches the word in the pastoral forum in LA. Right: Pastors attentively listen to the word at the pastoral forum in Anchorage.


Pastoral Meeting

– Pastor Ock Soo Park’s message

Close to 1,000 pastors from 25 different cities heard the gospel, and the seed of the gospel were planted in their hearts. They have become one with the Word of God.



“When our hearts are connected with God’s heart, then the works of God arises. Christmas represents the day when Jesus Christ came into this world to save us. The moment Jesus arrived, all our despair, pain and problems ended completely. There is nothing more for us to do for our sins. The Bible states that all my sins were washed through the blood of Jesus Christ. God says we are righteous. In order for us to be closer to God and be connected with Him, then all we have to do is believe in the word that says God made us righteous. It is then we can be connected with Jesus. That is when the works of God begins.”

1,000 Pastors Participating At The Christian Leaders Forum

Pastor John (President of Gideons International) Albuquerque, NM “I met Pastor Ock Soo Park in-flight on my way from Johannesburg to Maseru. We had an engaging conversation for the 45 minutes on the plane. Pastor Park invited me to the Christmas Cantata so I came. Pastor said that our thoughts were different from the thoughts of God. In order for us to know God, we must first acknowledge that we are different from Him. God has a plan for us, but we are unable to fulfill His plans on our own. Jesus paid for all our sins. Now we must decide. We must know who Jesus is and what he did for us.”

Pastor Joel | Amarillo, TX “The performance was beautiful and amazing. I was most impressed by the illustration of the birth of Jesus Christ in the first act. So many people eagerly awaited the birth of Christ! I could see that everything was the plan of God. The message that the pastor preached was the most important aspect of the whole Bible. It was about how to be connected with God. Just as the prodigal son left his father, we, too, left God. We couldn’t help but to follow our thoughts, and live according to our desires. God wanted to become one with people like us, so He told us to return to Him. All we need to do is believe. Believe in the works of God, and leave everything in His hands. I realized this truth by listening to pastor’s words.”

Pastor Juan | Orlando, FL “The gospel we heard today was both concise and clear. It was the basic foundation of how to receive salvation. I don’t need to prepare for my sermon this Sunday. I’m just going to preach about what I heard today.”


Pastor Johnathan | Jacksonville, FL “Pastor Ock Soo Park spoke about the ground. God plants seeds in the ground and then it begins to bear fruit. The condition of the ground doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what kind of person I am, what I did. What’s important is how God sees me. I’ve become righteous for sure today. I misunderstood God until now. But now I know the true heart of God.”

Pastor Timothy | Anchorage, AK “I had a great and wonderful time. I was moved by the choir in Act 3 and I will never be able to forget Act 1. They showed the birth of Christ and praised him through “Hallelujah.” Pastor preached that all our sins were washed forever through the blood of Jesus. We’ve received eternal redemption. All our sins are washed. I believe in that. Now I can say that I am righteous because Jesus washed all my sins. Christmas is the day that Jesus took away my sins and I’ve realized this truth this day.”



Pastor Pablo | San Antonio, TX “The main point of the sermons preached during the pastor’s meeting is that we are righteous. We must all hear these words but people don’t know it; that we’ve become righteous through Jesus Christ. People don’t believe that Jesus has made us perfect and righteous. They believe in their own thoughts so they follow the wrong path. Pastor Park spoke about the World Christian Leaders Workshop that will be held in Dallas. My family and I will be attending that event.”

Stories of 100,000 audience members

“No Matter What Happens, Do Not Miss This Show� People of the United States shed tears of joy. They were touched by the birth of Jesus, by the fact that he had bled for our transgressions; raise their hands to heaven, giving thanks to God. Let us listen to feedback from eight attendees.

Before the performance starts at the Shrine in L.A.


Marbella | Kansas City, MO

It is impossible for me to choose the most impressive scene; It was wonderful beginning to end. The first act that expresses the birth of Jesus was just amazing. That is all I can say, Baby Jesus who was born in such a filthy and humble place. I could not sit still when I heard Hallelujah during the third act. I stood up, raised my hands high and praised the Lord. I wanted to express my heart to God. Jesus washed all of our sins away. Sin has finished! It is finished! Everything was finished when Jesus died on the cross. The Holy Spirit spoke to me during the message. God has made eternal atonement. I am righteous because God told me so. Of course I am righteous!

Attendees express their joy after watching the performance



First of all, I would like to thank you all for inviting me to such a show free of charge. It’s been a while since last I visited a theatre, and I am grateful for being able to listen to such great singing.

Stories of 100,000 audience members

Lorena | San Antonio, TX

Lorena (left)

I am attending church diligently and am an active member. However, I always carried my sins in my heart. Even though I believe in Jesus, I was suffering because I had sin in my heart. By chance I listened to a sermon by Pastor Choi on a Christian Radio station, and I called him thinking he may be able to resolve my spiritual conflict. All these years I thought I was a sinner because I lack and am evil. But Pastor Choi told me that my thoughts were wrong. It was when I discovered the fact that Jesus made me righteous, that peace finally came to my heart. Jesus died for me and I became holy inside of Christ. I saw the Christmas Cantata today. It was amazing and I am happy.

Gregory | Los Angeles, CA

Gregory (left)

One man named Daniel from the Good News church visited our school. He explained about the Christmas Cantata and said he wanted to invite students to the show. So, here we are today with the students to see the show. The musical in the second act and choral singing in the third act shows how great this choir is. You can only admire it. The message of Pastor Ock Soo Park was great, very simple and very clear. Pastor explained about the righteousness of Jesus. Salvation doesn't come from us but comes from God. In God there are no sinners, but only righteous. I was surprised by the powerful message. It is an honor to be here.

Linda | Anchorage, AK The show was beyond my expectation. It is a great honor to be here. My favorites were Halleluiah and God Bless America. Also the Pastor’s sermon was great. He preached about the tabernacle on earth and tabernacle in heaven, and told us that our sins were washed in heaven. He said we have received eternal sanctification. There is no more sin in me, and I believe that truth. I was able to think about the birth of Jesus once more through the Christmas Cantata.


Julie | Detroit, MI I had once seen a Christmas Cantata when I was little. The show tonight was really great. As a Christian I am thankful that I have watched such a performance. It was a show that teaches us the true meaning of Christmas. My favorite was pastor's message, and the testimony of John Choi who survived the scorpion sting was graceful. I believe the word of pastor. I believe that the blood of Jesus has washed all my sins away forever.

Mr. and Mrs. Steward | Seattle, WA

Clyle | Fort Wayne, IN

Clyle (left)

I never imagined this would be such a happy Christmas season. I have never seen a performance like this before. I cannot understand how a show like this can be free. It was unbelievably amazing. The entire choir was professional. I am also grateful about the precise and accurate message from Pastor. I was suffering and in difficulty because of my sin, but through the eternal redemption from heaven, the pain disappeared. Today, Pastor told us that we are holy and righteous; that was heaven indeed.

Marsha | New Orleans, LA It was a performance that thrilled me. I cannot be happier. I cried throughout the first act, for the first act is completely about Jesus. People do not know what the Christmas Cantata is. But I know now. The Christmas Cantata is Jesus. It was so beautiful. The video on screen was great; the artistry, the creativity, everything was fantastic. I want to invite people to this performance. “Everyone, Come and see!” 23


I was happy the whole time. I listened to the songs. The vocal range of the singers was high and clean. The testimony of the person who was stung by a scorpion was refreshing. None of the hospitals, or doctors were able to treat him. But the Word from the book of Isaiah that says, “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength” healed him. Pastor said through the blood of Jesus, our sins have been washed away forever. That was really meaningful. He also told me that if I accept the Word then the Holy Spirit will be within my heart.

Testimonies from the Volunteers

“I Am Satisfied Tenfold For What I Have Done.� While being a Christmas Cantata volunteer I received salvation and gained the eternal life. Where else in this world one can find such a volunteer opportunity! It was truly a happy and joyful volunteer experience.

Volunteers participating in the preparations.


Ciro | Indianapolis, IN

I have been volunteering for the Christmas Cantata since last year. I applied this year again because the atmosphere among volunteers was great and more importantly because the performance was very touching last year. If you want to describe the Gracias Christmas Cantata in one word that will be “Ah!” The word “Ah!” you say when you are shocked, that is Cantata.

LA volunteers promote for the Christmas Cantata.


Teresa (Center)


I started volunteering for the Christmas Cantata from the last week of August. I usually just stay at home and barely talking to anyone. I was always lonely due to my family issues. However, IYF changed my life. While preparing for the Cantata, the volunteers became closer than family to me. I was very happy and joyful when I handout the invitations. Just thinking about the Cantata has ended makes me sad. I would love to work together as a member of IYF.


Teresa | Fort Wayne, IN

Testimonies from the Missionaries

Even of One, and Him as Good as Dead We are introducing three missionaries who testify that God uses them. Although they are as good as dead and do not have abilities and conditions, they are used for the precious work of preaching the Gospel to people who are living without hope in this superpower nation, the United States.

1. People wait in line to enter the Detroit Cantata 2. Missionary Ho Joon Choi promotes the on TBN radio station 3. Gracias Choir is featured on NBC King 5


Missionary Ja Yang Jung Good News Anchorage Church

God started to work in the hearts of the brothers and sisters. Until then, the Anchorage church poured all our hearts to support other churches’ Christmas Cantata, but now it was really burdensome because it became our work. Nevertheless, when the brothers and sisters set their hearts and stepped forward, God opened the way. As the brothers and sisters saw how God helped them, they gained strength and rejoiced. The Holy Sprit led us into the world of the heart that we could not gain on our own. We wanted to invite soldiers and their family members from the Anchorage army base. In the future, we also wanted to have the Christmas Cantata in the army base. However, a lieutenant general from the Air Force came to the Christmas Cantata and completely opened his heart. The Manager of Sam’s Club, Eric Wiley came with his wife and was deeply touched. He said that he would help with all his heart for next year’s Cantata. Many store managers from Office Depot, Cabela’s and many more also attended. The wife of a governor also came and was touched through the performance and went back with a joyful heart. For the Christmas Cantata to be held in Anchorage, the brothers and sisters in New York Church prepared the stage sets and did pulled all-nighters for a month. After the end of the New York World Camp, Pastor Yeong Kook Park and his team departed at 2 a.m. on August 29th driving the 16-meter-long trailer without



During this year’s pastoral meeting in Kansas, Pastor Yeong Kook Park from New York Church told me that God would bestow grace upon Anchorage, Alaska, if we held the Christmas Cantata there. I acted as if I did not hear this because it was burdensome. In the other States, the Christmas Cantata could be performed using the same stage sets. However, if we want to have the Christmas Cantata in Anchorage, we have to prepare new stage sets, props, and etc, plus the choir members would have to take a plane to fly out to Anchorage. I got a call from Pastor Yeong Kook Park on June 9th. He said, “Pastor Jung, find out if there is any available venue to hold the Christmas Cantata on October 1st and 2nd. It is not a problem if we don't do it, because God blocks the way. However, if God opens a way, then we must go forward even if there are difficulties.” Amazingly, there was a venue that was available on those dates. I felt that God planned this so then I talked to pastor about proceeding with this.

Testimonies from the Missionaries

stopping and arrived in Anchorage at exactly 2:30 a.m. on September 2nd. We were truly touched and thankful. We wanted Pastor Yeong Kook Park to stay for the evening service since it was Wednesday, but he had to go back to be on time for the Sunday service in New York. For that reason, we had an early morning service at 3:30 a.m. All of our hearts were fill with thankfulness toward God. After the service, pastor and his team departed at 5:30 a.m. I was able to deeply feel the heart of God, church, and the servants of God toward Anchorage. Anchorage was not on the schedule for the Christmas Cantata in 2015. However, the reason why we could have the performance in Anchorage is because of the New Year's promise of 2015. “Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable� (Hebrews 11:12). This promise brought the Cantata to Anchorage .I believe that God gave the Christmas Cantata to save as many people as the sand by the sea shore and as the stars of the sky.


Missionary Sang Rock Ryu Good News Philadelphia Church

One week before the Cantata, the seating increased from 5,000 to 7,000 seats. At first, I felt burdensome, but made 50,000 more fliers and passed them out while thinking about the heart of God. We also put a billboard on a truck and drove around downtown for a week. It was really good. On the day of the Cantata, many people came with the tickets from the flyers. I had a heart that God increased the numbers of seats to bring these people. Approximately 5,000 people were rejoicing while watching the Cantata. I was overwhelmed and so thankful that I got teary eyes. We made 1,000 invitation packages to invite pastors to the Christian Leaders Forum that would be held before the Cantata and delivered them to churches. On Sundays, we visited churches that we delivered the package to promote the Cantata. Some churches brought their whole congregation to the Christmas Cantata instead of having their evening service. 31 pastors attended the Christian Leaders Forum and were amazed while watching the Cantata. I was really happy to preach the Gospel and share our hearts. There were many pastors who wanted to prepare the next year’s Cantata together. I also invited them to the Pastoral Workshop that we will have during the Winter Retreat. The brothers and sisters and I started to visit the people who came to the Cantata and gave them Pastor Ock Soo Park’s books, and asked if they wanted to have Bible Study. I do not know exactly what to do, but like the Word, “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good



First, I give thanks and glorify God who allowed us to finish the Christmas Cantata beautifully. The most thankful thing is that we are doing the work that is beyond our limits through the church. The Cantata is not something that we could do on our own. That is why we cannot help but rely on God. Without God’s help, nothing could be done. God allowed us to prepare the Cantata with all our hearts and we did it with no regret. Before I always tried to do the work of the Gospel adequately, so I did the work out of formality and could not feel God in my life. However, for the past one month, though my flesh was tired and difficult, my heart was endlessly thankful and happy. The hearts of brothers, sisters, and short-term missionaries were the same as me. Each of the brothers and sisters, who were lacking, seemed so precious.

Testimonies from the Missionaries

work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:” (Philippians 1:6), I believe that God will open the way and accomplish it until the end. It is because God is the one who starts and finishes. The will of God is revealed through the church and the servant of God. It will surely be accomplished. Thus, we could take a step forward with hope. I glorify God who uses such lacking people like us for the precious work of the Gospel.

Missionary Se Young Park Good News Jacksonville Church It was our fourth time holding the Christmas Cantata, but this year we could not find a venue met our circumstances. According to the schedule, only Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena was available, but it was too big for us. The venue rental fee was more burdensome than the size of the venue. It costs at least $50,000. I could not make a decision because, no matter how much I thought about it, I did not think that we could have the Cantata here. Pastor Inho Choi called me and told me to confirm the venue by Sunday. One day, I heard a sermon that Pastor Ock Soo preached for the World Christian Leaders Workshop during the World Camp in Korea. “Jacob walked the path where he should’ve been cursed but he instead received a blessing. Whereas, Esau walked the path where he should’ve received a blessing, but he received a curse instead.” As I listened to the sermon, I asked myself, “What is the path that looks like a curse?” Holding the Cantata in the arena seemed like a curse. I thus chose the arena as the venue. I decided, but the coming circumstances seemed too great. When I thought about the venue rental fee, I felt frustrated and only sighed. However, one brother told me this, “Pastor, when I meet you, I lose faith, even faith that I already had.” The brother’s shocking words remained in my heart. “Yes, that’s true. Another pastor should run our church. If another pastor comes, the brothers and sisters would prepare the Cantata with joy….” I wanted to give up everything, so I laid down for the whole day. I screamed saying, “God! Why don’t you give me faith? Why do I have to shiver like this?” Pastor Young Ho Kim from New Jersey church listened to my situation over the phone, and he told me about Minister Hong Seop Shim. The pastor told


me that he is perfect in God’s eyes even though he drank alcohol for 20 years. I had this heart, “God, am I still perfect even if I can’t do the church construction? Am I still perfect even though I can’t prepare the Cantata well?” As I thought about it, I had a heart that I should prepare the Cantata if I am still perfect.



Amazingly, God worked. A lot of miraculous events happened. The managers of the arena trusted us and proceeded with the work even though we did not pay the rental fee. They also gave us a $10,000 discount. God bestowed grace through many ways. “Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him”(1 Kings 19:18). I realized that the situation I see is nothing before the will of God. God is alive and working, and He told me, “Your thoughts are wrong.” I put down all of my thoughts and looked upon the promise of God. I glorify God who let us preach the Gospel to 7,000 people.

Testimonies from the Cantata Staff

“We Are Happy Because God is Happy.” There are many people who work behind the scenes for the Christmas Cantata. Staff for lighting, sound, video, stage, and costume—a total of 60 people altogether. There is the kitchen staff, made up of pastors’ wives and church sisters who prepare food for all these staff members and the choir. All these individuals lived in a bus for close to a month and were grateful for the people who received salvation. Here are their testimonies.

The staff who support the Christmas Cantata from behind the scenes.


Pyung Ho Kim | Brazil

As a couple days passed on the tour this time, I was more tired because of this heart I had. God began to show little by little that the Cantata tour was for my soul. Pastor Park came and preached that Jesus works to make our hearts one with His. As I heard those words, the birth of Jesus was not simply a presentation on stage; Jesus wanted to become the Lord of my heart. As I saw the birth of Jesus up on stage every day, I was able to see that I relied on my efforts and my own righteousness instead of relying on Jesus. God wants to cover the whole world with the Gospel, not just the United States. God will work according to His will, regardless of what kind of person I am. The world’s best choir, the world’s best performance—God is together with us and showing us that His promise is being fulfilled. The choir director and the choir went beyond their limitations and used 200% of their abilities. I lived trying my best but I couldn’t compete with them. I believe that we can gain the whole world through the promise given to the servant who lives in faith with his whole heart before the Gospel



This is the second time I was able to receive grace to follow along the U.S. Christmas Cantata as part of the lighting staff. Last year, as I saw the churches in the U.S. work with faith for the Gospel, and when I saw the people of America accept the Gospel, God led my heart strongly towards the Gospel. I don’t have the conditions to work as part of the staff on the Cantata. My knees began to hurt this year and I was hardly able to walk. But when I met Pastor Yeong Kook Park of the New York Church, Pastor said that my name was on the staff list and invited me to Africa as well. I felt like I needed to do something in order to be part of the Cantata staff. I was burdened by the thought that I shouldn’t make mistakes that might ruin the Cantata.

Hodong Kim | New York, USA

I was part of the sound staff during the Cantata this year. I joined the staff last year and was in charge of installing the overhead microphones. It was a simple procedure to install the mics in the pipes above the stage but I still made a lot of mistakes. My nickname became Mr. Clumsy. I didn’t want to be known as Mr. Clumsy, so I decided in my heart to start with a new heart for this upcoming Cantata. Despite my efforts to try my best, I still ended up becoming someone who interfered with the Cantata. The director would even say, “I hoped that this time it’d be better, but you’re still a klutz.” I became tied down to this image of mine as someone who was so clumsy. I tried to do well, but I couldn’t be of any help to the Cantata. Before the start of every Cantata, Pastor Chung Gyu Park and the staff held a meeting. He preached about the water that turned into wine. We are like water, but when Jesus works, we can become wine that gives joy to all people. I was thankful that once I accepted the Word, God worked through me and poured grace on me regardless of what kind of person I am.

Through this Christmas Cantata, over 100,000 people heard the Gospel in 25 different cities. I could see the clear heart of God. It was great grace to be a part of the joy of the Lord.

The staff works on the stage.


Ji Ae Kim | Philadelphia, USA

The battle of the Gospel was great. Crowds of Americans came to hear the Gospel of the blood of Jesus Christ. The pastors’ wives and the church sisters traveled from city to city in order to prepare food for the choir and staff. As I saw that, I felt that we were fighting this battle as well. I was thankful to have been utilized for the work of God.

Su Hee Kim | New York, USA

I received grace to be part of the kitchen staff for the first time. Initially, I was burdened by the thought, “Will I be physically able to handle it?” But everyone came together with one heart, and I wanted to be a part of this beautiful work. I am grateful to see how God wants to preach the Gospel in the U.S.

Soo Ock Park | Gangnam, Korea I’m old and my health isn’t so good, so I worried about whether I’d be able to handle the Cantata schedule. I tried to build up my stamina in preparation for the Cantata, but to no avail. I heard the words of the man with the infirmity for 38 years. I felt that Jesus was saying to me, “Get up and walk.” I had faith that God will hold onto my health and stamina. God must help me volunteer for the kitchen. The wisdom to cook well comes from God. It was worthwhile to have worked behind the scenes.



Myung Ok Lee | Buenos Aires, Argentina

This is the third time I participated in the Cantata. I grew up eating a lot of meat in Argentina so I am pretty strong. I asked to be part of the kitchen staff so that I could put my strength to good use. I felt a lot of things seeing the pastors’ wives and sisters who volunteered. They prayed for the health of pastor and cooked food with all their hearts. I respect them. I hope to be utilized for this precious work for a long time.

Memoirs of a Missionary

Through the New Strength of God Pastor Joon Hyun Lee | LomĂŠ, Togo

I greatly rejoiced as people received salvation after hearing the Gospel and I was happy to see them growing inside of the church as I continued my missions in Togo, Africa. My will and heart was mingled together with the world where God works. As I went through the incidents God led me to the world of perfect faith.


A Wedding that Could Only be Seen in Africa Brother Lacent was young and good at working. He was inventive, smart, and well-rounded which stood out compared to other people. After he received salvation, he was doing well but he started to like one of the sisters. He fell in love with the sister and this caused problems. Eventually, I let him get married with the sister. One day, he came to me and said that he wanted to work in the bank. “Brother Lacent, I want you to let others know that you are serving God and preach the Gospel to the bank employees.” “I will, Pastor.” “Money is also important but don’t loose your heart to money. Just like how Ruth said she would pick grain up if she receives grace, I hope that you would think that this is the place where God put you in. I wish your co-workers could listen to the Gospel and gain life.” In the beginning, he preached the Gospel to many people and invited them to the church. However, after 6 months to a year, he started to change. I was able to strongly feel that he trusted himself and was being dragged by his thoughts. He was earning about $300 monthly but he started to earn $1,000 to $1,500 extra as he started side businesses with his co-workers. As the brother fell into making money, he started to depart from the Gospel little by little and the people who were connected eventually all left. The brother was falling further away from the church. His wife was getting pregnant but the baby was a miscarriage. Since he earned a lot of money, he fell into his thoughts that he could go to the best hospital and get treated by the best doctor and good medicine. The brother came to the church once in a while but would make his pregnant wife stay at home. Later, the sister gave birth to triplets. Unfortunately, she passed away in the hospital while giving birth, and only one of the three children survived. The brother went his own way apart from God and he had to face the deaths of his wife and children. The brother left the church and two years had passed. Recently, the brother came back to the church and I had a fellowship with him. “Pastor, until now, I exalted myself and followed my ways. When I look back, I met great disasters. I lived so arrogantly before God.” Although the brother lived doing what he wanted to, nothing went well. Once, he bought a new car and was driving and accidently hit a soldier. The soldier fell forward and broke all of his teeth. People thought brother Lacent was soft, diligent, smart, and good. Actually, he failed with everything. The heart to trust himself made him eventually desolate.


Memoirs of a Missionary

What Goes Up Must Come Down Thinking about what happened to brother Lacent made me looked back on time that I spent in Africa. It had been already 17 years since I started to live in Africa. In 2010, we hosted the second World Camp in Togo and there were many works and instances where we received grace. After the World Camp, Pastor Park, Gracias Choir, and staff left to Benin. All of the important guests left and only Pastor Yeong Chul Jang remained. I spent time with him wrapping up the World Camp for two days. Once I was eating with the pastor and he starting to share some things with me. “Pastor Lee, Pastor Park gave many testimonies after he came back from Western Africa. He enjoyed his time very much. He talked very highly of the missionaries from Western Africa to the extent that we felt envious. I can’t think of any pastor who does like you Pastor Lee. Everyone likes you.” Pastor continued to talk. “Pastor Lee that is how the father looks at the son. There are other perspectives to see as brothers. Pastor Lee, honestly, it is different from our eyes. It is dangerous.” I had a spiritual fellowship with the pastor. A long time had passed since I came to Africa in 1995. I thought many missionaries came to me and I was approachable, but I became a person who other people could not open up to me. When I listened to the testimony of Pastor Park, I could see he believed the Word until the end. Yet, when the situation came, the Word became unclear in my heart. “Ah! The Word of God is not established in the center of my heart and something is unclear. My heart is not clear before the Word. Outwardly, it looks like everything is fine but the actual link that connects my heart and the Word is weak.” I was able to see my image not believing the Word of God and not continuing in faith through Jesus regardless of any situation. Through pastor Jang’s fellowship, I was able to discover my image being displaced from the Word of God. Even though people were being saved I could discover my image of not being one with the Word of God. Through the deep spiritual fellowship, I gained new great strength which was only establishing the Word. I Really Wanted to Leave After the 2010 World Camp, there were brothers and sisters who were sick. I had a heart to fight with them by faith. What does the Word of God say? Let me push forward by receiving the power from God to ignore the circumstances. I gained strength in my heart as I had fellowship with the brothers and sisters who were bound to their situations. In December of 2010, it was time for us to have a monthly fellowship 38

Distrust from one missionary passed on to other missionaries and made their hearts ill. I felt greatly disappointed

with the native missionaries. The atmosphere there was odd. One of the native missionaries started to complain. “My wife is sick. What have you done for my wife? We wanted to go to Korea to receive treatment, but you were not happy with it. Is it a sin to go to Korea?” Distrust from one missionary spread onto other missionaries and made their hearts ill. I thought I had faith, but I felt greatly disappointed because of the native missionaries and I felt difficult and frustrated. “People who I poured my heart for turned against me and became rebellious. Even people who were sincere and pure before God went against me and went on their own ways!” I could not handle it in my heart. As the circumstances came, my heart became broken. I used to think that I really liked Africa and I could even give my life up for it… Many thoughts filled my heart. My heart was dying. The levels of pain I experienced from the problems that brothers caused compared to the problems the missionary students caused, and compared to the native missionary going against God were all different. Each missionary’s confrontation stabbed my heart causing great pain. Only after I experienced this was I able to think about the heart of Pastor Park towards us. How did he feel when missionaries spoke against him being caught by their thoughts and Satan? It was unbearably difficult to face the native missionaries who went against God. My good heart towards Africa died. I just wanted to live quietly. I did not want to deal with anything. I hated Togo and everything in it. What was good about running a missionary school? What was the point of graduating from the missionary school and becoming a pastor? Eventually, they would end up going against us. I wanted to forget about everything and live somewhere quietly. As my world crumbled down, I wanted to avoid everything and run away. Preaching the Gospel During the winter of 2010, I went to Korea. On the second day in Korea, I was riding in the car with Pastor Park on the way to the last city for the Christmas Cantata. In the car, I talked to the pastor about what happened in Togo and the difficulties. The pastor said, “It’s okay, that’s good.” I thought the pastor was talking too lightly without knowing the situation. Although the pastor said that it was nothing and it was good, I could not accept it. I 39

Memoirs of a Missionary

was holding on to the problems as if it was great trouble and pain. I had fellowship but it was not solved easily in my heart. In late January of 2011, I finished the schedule in Korea and came back to Togo. I did not have a pastoral meeting but instead left for a penniless witnessing trip for a month. I left to the northern part of Togo with my wife. I went there with nothing but the Bible in my bag. We went to Sokode where many Muslims lived and it was the second biggest city in Togo. We did not know anyone there. In spite of of the blazing sun, we continuously walked and witnessed. Without eating anything, it was very difficult and painful for us to continue under the scorching sun. Around 2 p.m., we rested under the shade and then continued to walk. It was so painful and lunch time had ended, so we went to a small store. There was a female employee. I told my wife to witness to her and I sat down on the corner to take a break. After 10 minutes passed, my wife told me to preach the Word to the store owner. The owner was Muslim. It was hard to talk with him. Around 15 minutes later, the owner’s friend came over and I continued to talk with the friend. “I went to many churches. I thought I could find the truth in the church, but there were no churches that made me think that. Pastor, there is no truth in the church.” His name was Paul and he was a teacher. He gave up on going to the church because he felt disappointed about the church. He suddenly took out yam and peanuts from a black plastic bag and gave them to us. Since we were so hungry, we ate them so deliciously. Even my wife ate them with a thankful heart. After eating, I pointed out that his life had no connection with God and he had never met God before through the Bible. The Word pricked his heart and he was afraid. “Pastor, it would be good if my wife could hear this too. Let’s go to my house.” We got on a bike and rode for a while. After arriving at his house, he set up some time for us to preach the Word to his wife and brother. I preached for one hour and they all received salvation. I was so thankful! As I was getting up after preaching the Word, Paul told me to eat dinner with him. They cooked rice with beans. Usually, people eat fish with sauce, but they were so poor that they had only watery sauce. However, we were so thankful. Their small kindness sincerely touched our hearts. We were going back on Paul’s bike, but we were worried because it exceeded the occupancy limit. I said, “If three people ride, it is illegal and you don’t even have a license plate. You will be pulled over by the police.” “It’s okay. Pastor, we all are righteous. Don’t you think God will protect us? I will take you back. Let’s go.” As he received the Gospel, he had more faith than me. He said he wanted to buy us beverages so we stopped by a store and had some cool drinks. 40

I was invited from the middle school in Lome and preached the Gospel.

As I was on the penniless witnessing trip, I was having a hard time due to hunger and the hot weather, but I was also thankful because God unexpectedly prepared food and places to sleep whenever we preached the Gospel. Joon Hyun Lee, Step Down, You are Unable! In 2011, I prepared the third World Camp in Togo. I prepared small rooms in a hotel for Pastor Park and the other pastors. Pastor Park preached during the camp and got tired, so he received acupuncture treatment from Elder Lee who went with him. One day, Pastor Dong Sung Kim told me that Pastor Park was looking for me. I hastily went to the pastor. The pastor wanted to say something. “Brother Lee.” “Yes, pastor.” “There are several levels in living spiritual life. There are levels of spiritual life like Abraham and also like Peter. Just like how Peter caught many fish by casting the net, the state of your spiritual life is the same.” That word deeply pricked my heart. “Pastor’s wife, Young Kwon, comes and helps you time to time because you are busy with the World Camp, right?” “No.” “I heard that she comes to help you all the time, right?” “No.” “Why is that?” “…….” “Because she is dead. A dead person cannot work.” The pastor pointed two things out. Pastor said that he would not leave it like this. I could feel the heart that he had towards the other pastors. “Pastor Dong Sung Kim, please have a fellowship with him.” I came down to the lobby and talked while we were walking in the garden of the hotel. I felt like the pastor was Rebecca and I was Jacob. 41

Memoirs of a Missionary

“Pastor Park often says, “You can’t do it. It will only work when you step down!” He says, “Why do you keep trying to do it when you can’t? You, step down.”” As I listened to Pastor Kim, I felt like he was telling me, “Joon Hyun Lee has to step down. If not, he will destroy the Togo church. Joon Hyun Lee! You, step down! You are unable!” The fellowship went on for days. As I was talking to Pastor Kim, my heart was revealed. “Though there are difficulties, you are running away from them and covering it up with the grace that you received from the penniless witnessing trip!” The servant of God exposed my heart. “A dead person doesn’t work. How can a dead person work?” As I had that deep fellowship I felt like I was Uzzah. God cursed and killed Uzzah who was trying to protect the Ark of the Covenant. I was able to see that I was holding on to the native missionaries like Uzzah. “Why is it a sin for Uzzah to hold on to the Ark of the Covenant? Why did he have to die?” I wanted to establish the missionaries and help them with my good heart. I could not do the ministry because I tried to hold on to them so that they would not fall. Jesus could not work in me because I was doing that. While I was working, there was endless suffering, difficulty, and frustration. Satan was dragging me. As I had more fellowship, I was able to see that I was already dead on the cross. I was caught by the allusion thinking that I was still alive and I was ruining the work of God. “God wanted me to draw a clear line! My flesh has to step down. It has already stepped down! The flesh must die. It is already dead!” I drew a clear line about myself. “Pastor, I had nothing to do with the native missionaries. Even if they fall, it is not my problem.” I was able to let go of all the problems as the “Uzzah” left from the center of my heart. We surely need Rebecca so that we could stand before God. She clothes us and prepares everything, so that we could stand before the father. Jacob has to be covered as Esau. It is a curse when the thoughts of Jacob are followed. Jacob only had to do one thing in front of his father which was to speak the words that Rebecca told him. Finishing Memoirs of a Missionary God showed me many mistakes, great flaws, and shameful experiences. God allowed me to hear His heart through Pastor Park and filled me with a new heart. Time to time, there are problems and difficulties in the church. 42

“There are several levels in living spiritual life. ... Peter caught many fish by casting the net, the state of your spiritual life is the same.�

However, I am thankful that there are servants who experienced the world of God who give spiritual guidance that you cannot find anywhere else in the world. I am hopeful to think about how God will work in the future. God revealed many works before us, and I believe that He will reveal new works of the Gospel in His way. I am hopeful that He will use us as the last workers of the Gospel to work in Africa. I hope all the brothers and sisters could be precious workers who will be used powerfully for the work of the Gospel. Memoirs of Missionary Joon Hyun Lee have concluded through a total of 11 issues. We are thankful to the readers who supported the memoirs of a missionary by Joon Hyun Lee in Togo.

Group picture at the West Africa World Camp in Ghana, 2007


New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

The Path of Life the Sons of Lamech Walked Pastor Ock Soo Park | Good News Gangnam Church

And Lamech took unto him two wives: the name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah. And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle. And his brother’s name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ. And Zillah, she also bare Tubal-cain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubal-cain was Naamah. (Genesis 4:19~22)



Farmer Who Bears Fruits of Thankfulness

Jesus entering their hearts and how thankful-things continually happen. There is a lady who has recently A farmer, who grows apples, prepares begun to attend our church. She to produce good apples and works gave a testimony during the women’s tirelessly to produce them. One who meeting saying that she was divorced grows oranges prepares to produce two years ago. One day, while I was good oranges and works tirelessly to having spiritual counseling with her, I produce them. God works to produce came to know why she was divorced. fruits of thankfulness in our lives. It is She said that things her husband was so amazing that whoever meets God doing did not fit her at all, and she could has a thankful heart springing up not take it anymore. But afterwards, this inside of them. lady received salvation and changed, Before I knew Jesus, I thought I thinking, “I was so arrogant to my was great and acted arrogantly though husband! I tried to fit my husband there was nothing I knew how to do. I into my mold!” She deeply regretted lived being led by the ambitions of the flesh. Therefore, I caused much harm having done this. I called her husband and arranged and hardship to those around me and a meeting with the couple. The wife I hurt their feelings. But after Jesus begged for forgiveness from her husband entered my heart, a peace others could and the couple decided to reunite. They not know of entered my heart. I could were so happy to be together again, not defeat plagues, sins, temptations, and the husband joyfully comes to or fears, but Jesus defeated all plagues, our church every Sunday. It was so sins, temptations, and fears. And He good and it was so beautiful. The sister allowed peace to take a place in my said, “Pastor, my children are so happy heart. Therefore, my heart could only and excited about this! My mother- be at peace and be joyful. in-law and my own mother are also happy!” She could not hide her joy and thankfulness. Her mother, who lives on The Path the Three Sons of Jeju Island, came on an airplane to see Lamech Walked me and thank me. That day, I preached We try to find peace through the gospel to her and she rejoiced as she ourselves not committing sin and received salvation. Now she is serving through trying to do well. Sure, you God at the Jeju church. can work hard and make money. In my ministry, I always have the You can gain a high position, have heart, “God is a farmer who bears a good home, and buy a good car, fruits of thankfulness.” Our church but there is no peace there. You will members had always lived inside of be joyful for about a year if you buy their own ambitions and desires, but a new house. You will be joyful for one day they met Jesus. I see how a few months if you buy a new car. their lives have changed through You will be happy for a few days 45

New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

if you wear a good suit. However, those things are not joys that arise from the center of your heart. They quickly fade and you once again feel thirsty. God is showing us our lives through the lives of the sons of Lamech, who lived outside of God, in Genesis chapter 4. It was a life after Adam and Eve departed from God. The lives of the sons of Lamech are clearly showing us the kind of life we will walk. It is teaching us something extremely important. Lamech had three sons. The first son was Jabal, the second Jubal, and third was Tubal-cain. Jabal became the father of all who dwelled in tents and herded sheep, Jubal became the father of those who handle the harp and organ, and Tubal-cain became an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron. In other words, Jabal became a rancher, Jubal a musician, and Tubal-cain a blacksmith.

Jabal’s Choice

I thought about why Jabal became a rancher. As he grew up, he saw that his family was living in need and that his parents had difficulty raising his younger siblings. Jabal’s priority was to eat and survive. In order to eat and live well, Jabal diligently herded sheep and fed cattle. He built tents from cow hide and it was his joy to provide his parents with comfort and to provide his siblings with a place in which they could comfortably live. Jabal was joyful when he made clothes from

wool that kept his brothers warm. And he was happy when his family would feast on lamb meat and cow milk. Jabal lived for food, clothing, and shelter. Why did Jubal become the father of all who handle the harp and organ? Why did he become a musician? If he could not eat, dress, and live well despite Jabal’s efforts, then Jubal too would have had no choice but to herd sheep and feed cattle along with his older brother. He would have had to endlessly search for better pastures and better water. Jubal became a musician because the problem of food, clothing, and shelter had already been taken care of. Jubal’s life was already comfortable because of his older brother’s labor as a rancher. He lived without knowing what it was like to be naked and hungry because of his older brother’s work. Therefore, he wanted to please his own heart. “Older brother only cares about eating. What’s the point of living if eating is everything? You must have class like me. Older brother is too ignorant to know the beauty and power of music.” Jubal grew up thinking this. He was not thankful or joyful for being well fed through his older brother. From the beginning, he never knew what it meant to be hungry, so he grew up thinking about other things. There is no one who is thankful for being able to eat until he is full. I have visited many countries all over the world, and there are truly many people in many countries who are starving because they cannot eat. It 46

broke my heart to see them struggling because they had nothing to eat. But some countries throw too much food away. I once went to a restaurant in America to have breakfast and ordered pancakes. There were three pancakes in one serving, but all I could eat was just one pancake. I wanted to bag the remaining two, but I had a lunch appointment, so I left them behind. As I was leaving, I told the brother next to me, “What does the restaurant do with left over pancakes?” He said that they just throw them away. I felt that those delicious, fine pancakes were put to waste. Much food is thrown away in Korea as well. Six billion dollars worth of food is thrown away every year. But of the people who have enough food to eat, there is hardly anyone who says, “Many people in the world are starving today, I am so thankful that I get to eat until I am full.” In this way, people’s hearts are drawn by other desires when they are full. They want to please their heart. They enjoy music, write poems, etc. Through the arts, they try to find pleasure in their heart.

Tubal-cain’s Choice

The third son, Tubal-cain, grew into an adult. Thanks to his oldest brother, Tubal-cain had no difficulties in

living and was sick of listening to his other brother’s music. Those things could not fill Tubal-cain’s heart. He was not happy eating till he was full and was not happy wearing good clothes. People are happy to eat till they are full when they are hungry, and people rejoice in wearing new clothes when they used to wear ragged clothes. People are happy when they drive new cars after driving junk cars. A person who is used to living in good houses and eating good food to begin with does not feel happiness and thankfulness from those things. Tubal-cain could not fill his heart with what he gained from his brothers. Beautiful tents, good cheese or butter, mutton, and wool clothes could not fill Tubal-cain’s heart. He was sick of his second brother’s singing. “Brother, can you stop playing that harp? I liked it a long time ago, but now I am sick of it! Can’t you leave my ears alone?” Tubalcain was sick of this and wanted to find happiness elsewhere. He wanted to fill his empty heart. Then what did Tubal-cain do? He made swords and spears of brass and felt pleasure in using them to fight beasts and in slaying them. He would make swords and spears and say, “Ah, this is a well made sword. With this, I can take down a bear, no problem. . . ,” and felt satisfaction in killing animals. 47

New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

God Who Makes Conditions of Thankfulness

cut his own body, and he lived in the tombs. One day, Jesus came and freed God continually makes us bear him from the demons. He wanted to fruits of thankfulness in our heart. I follow Jesus, but Jesus said, “Go and thought about the woman taken in tell people how God has worked upon adultery who met Jesus while being you.” He must have gone and said, dragged to be stoned to death. This “Uncle, as you know, I lived in the woman’s heart was only filled with tombs and was demon possessed. The shame, fear, despair, death, and demons dragged me around against things such as these before she met my will. However, Jesus defeated Jesus. But Jesus spoke to her. those demons inside of me! Jesus “Where are your accusers? Hasn’t delivered me from my suffering! Jesus anyone condemned you?” gave me freedom and peace. Now I “No man, Lord.” am free!” People who met Jesus were “Neither do I condemn you. Go all freed from that to which they were and sin no more.” tied down. When this woman was returning Both then and now, Jesus is working home after hearing the words of in the same way to create conditions Jesus, the heart of darkness and pain of thankfulness inside of us. Just like that was in her just a while ago was a husbandman of an orchard waters, no more. Now she was filled with applies pesticide, trims, and grafts the the heart, “Now I’ve made it! Thank branches so that apples will be borne, the Lord!” Jesus must have looked Jesus continually works to make the at her as she was walking away. The fruits of thankfulness come forth image of this woman was not that inside of us. Whether it was when He she was simply walking, but walking was on this earth 2,000 years ago or on air saying, “Lord, thank you!” today, though He is unseen by our This woman’s heart had been filled eyes, Jesus all the same, is living and with the guilt of sin, fear, and terror. working inside of us. Jesus sent her away having filled her heart with thankfulness, hope, and joy. When I draw this woman in my Mankind Who Follows the Path heart, I am so happy. To the people of Lamech’s Sons she met, this woman must have said, The lady I mentioned earlier “I was on the verge of death, but Jesus thought, “I cannot stand a person like you,” in regards to her husband. saved me!” She did not even want to look at her The demon possessed man at Gadarenes also met Jesus one day. husband. Before he would come home from work, she thought, “I should be He was tied down with chains and fetters, but he would break them off, good to my husband,” but as soon as 48

people’s hearts are drawn by other desires when they are full.

she saw him, she would feel hatred and contempt for him and could not stand him. However, when Jesus entered her heart and defeated the hatred in her, she then received the heart, “I was so arrogant!” She then said to her husband, “Honey, I was so arrogant, please forgive me. I now have the heart to love you,” and the two of them are living happily together. Their children were so happy to see that their parents were reunited. The evil spirit, who upholds the hearts of those who have left Jesus, places insecurity, distrust, hatred, desires, and temptations in them, and they are dragged around by those things endlessly. They think that if they are a little better off, make a little more money, buy a nicer home, buy a nicer car, or eat better food, they will be happy. People pursue that. The path of the lives of those without Jesus is clearly shown through the lives of Jabal, Jubal, and Tubal-cain in Genesis chapter 4. Many people today are living the same life as the sons of Lamech. This was how Rome was a long time ago. Rome conquered the world and became wealthy and powerful. They took all the treasures of the world. They thought they would be happy when they took art from Greece, sang songs, danced, and pleasured themselves. However, this could not ultimately give them satisfaction in their hearts. They ultimately built an amphitheater called the Coliseum, and there, they felt a sensation watching

lions tear people apart and seeing people bleed and die. People’s chests would be torn open as they fought against beasts with all their might and the audience would applaud and rejoice as they watched the people with torn legs being dragged out. People who have left God give themselves over to eating and living. If eating and living is difficult, they completely fall into just eating and living their whole lives. But they are not happy simply because they have enough food to eat. Because there is no joy there, people wander, looking for happiness even though they have gained many things. They play the harp and the organ, trying to receive joy. However, there is no satisfaction there as well. Then they turn to extreme things to stimulate themselves and struggle to wake their hearts. If their life goes according to their wants, they progress from Jabal to Jubal, then from Jubal to Tubalcain. The story ultimately ends with Lamech killing people. I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt. (Genesis 4:23) We can see the man’s life ending pitifully in murder. 49

New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

The evil spirit, who upholds the hearts of those who have left Jesus, places insecurity, distrust, hatred, desires, and temptations in them, and they are dragged around by those things endlessly. Happiness Is in Jesus Christ

People are deceived. If they have a high position, much money, good homes, good cars, and wear good clothes, they think they will be happy. Jabal had his food, clothing, and shelter needs fulfilled, but was not happy. Jubal enjoyed music to please his heart, but there was no joy there as well. Ultimately, Tubal-cain made swords and spears to kill animals and we see that the eventual end of man is reaching the level of murder. Man follows the mirage called happiness. But there is no true happiness where they seek. Happiness is inside of Jesus Christ. You are not able to realize happiness because you cannot cast out the things that break happiness: the insecurity, fear, and the guilt of sin from your heart. The only one who can cast those things out is Jesus Christ. Jesus can cast out the sin, insecurity, fear, and distrust from your heart. If you want to find happiness, look for Jesus rather than a new home or a new car. Come before Jesus and have your sins washed away through the blood He shed on the cross. Your sins will be washed as white as snow and if Jesus Christ finds room in your heart, Jesus will rid you of the evil in your heart.

At a certain village a long time ago, there were so many snakes that people could not live there. There were many people who were bitten by snakes in their yard, kitchen, and rooms. There were also many who were bitten while working out in the field. The people of the village began to leave, one by one. One day, a person passing by the village heard about this and said, “Have each house raise a pig.� At those words, the people of the village began to raise pigs. Then the pigs ate the snakes whenever they were seen. Pigs are okay even if they are bitten by snakes because they have thick layers of fat. The pigs would capture the snakes and eat them up. Eventually, all the snakes of the village disappeared. You need pigs to get rid of snakes. Jesus is the only one who can rid our hearts of fear and sinfulness. I hope that the peace of heart you cannot gain through your effort will be gained inside of Jesus.



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THE ENTITY THAT HAS LOST ITS PURPOSE Pastor Kim Sung Hoon | Good News Daejon Church


e can see the thoughts of the Samaritan woman developed so differently from the thoughts of Jesus. Therefore, let us look through the Bible to see where the root of this heart came from and how this heart was made. In Genesis, God incepted Eden. The word Eden means “Felicity”. In the garden of happiness and pleasure, God had created man and He created many fruits that man could eat. I will tell you a story that happened before this. Before God made man on Earth, He created angels. Amongst the angels, the wisdom and beauty given to the lead angel from God was so great that he developed a heart to become like God. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. (Isaiah 14:12-14) When we look here, the lead angel that God created had a heart to become equal with God. This angel tried to escape the purpose and position that God put him in and wanted to go to the place he wanted. This is called sin. Sin is to break away from one’s purpose. This is what is written in Jude


regarding these angels. And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. (Jude 1:16) Here, it is written, “The angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation,” these angels left the position that God put them in and had a heart to exalt themselves. This is sin and corruption. God threw these corrupted angels to the earth. The head of these angels is Satan, and we commonly call the other angels who followed Satan, demons. They are evil spirits. Thereafter, they overturned and ruined the Earth. This state is described in Genesis 1:2. If you read, the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. In the time of God, He created all things to be beautiful, however the state of Genesis 1:2 is not a good state but a bad state. The heart of man is the same. God made our hearts beautiful, but when desire and sin entered the heart of man, it was overturned. Like this, God again restores the void on earth and incepts Eden. After making fruits that are good for man to eat, He creates Adam and Eve. Before Adam and Eve, Satan was already in Eden. Becoming Someone Who Judges on Your Own God made many trees, but He made two special trees in the center of the garden. One was the tree of life and one was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God told Adam to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The interesting part is that all the trees in Eden were trees that bore fruits for food. If eaten, the taste should act upon the tip of the tongue. However, the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil acted upon the heart. If you ate this fruit, the wisdom of good and evil enters you. God wanted man to not eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Why was that so? Someone once said it like this, “Why did He make it and tell them not to eat it? He should not have made it.” Listen carefully. Satan was already on the earth. Satan had the heart to become like God. God knew that Satan would put his own desire into the heart of man. God wanted to teach Adam that Satan was there. God wanted the world of man’s heart to be protected. That is why God made the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and told them not to eat of its fruits. The reason is that He did not want the wisdom of knowing good and evil to enter the heart of man. So, what does it mean to know good and evil? It is to judge something and


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make a decision. People follow their own standards to judge something and make a decision about it. Beauty changes according to a person’s thoughts. A long time ago, a beautiful girl in our country would be one with a “moon face.” However, nowadays, all of the features must be sharp. Just like this, people have their own standards and they fight each other saying that they are right. Everyone has his or her own standard of good and evil. It is because every single person is in a position of a king. Kings long ago were the judges and decision-makers. The people that were not kings followed the orders of the king. God is our judge and king. Thus, all judgments come from God. Whither the tribes go up, the tribes of the LORD, unto the testimony of Israel, to give thanks unto the name of the LORD. For there are set thrones of judgment, the thrones of the house of David. (Psalms 122:4,5) If you look here, the throne of God is the throne of judgment. That is the place where judgment and decisions come from. Because God is the king, judgments and decisions come from His throne. We are to receive those judgments. But man has personally wanted to sit on the throne. Who has wanted to sit on that throne from the beginning? Who wanted to exalt himself? It was Satan. Satan wanted to put himself into the heart of man. In order to block that from happening at the source, He said, “Do not eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.” In other words, “Do not become the decision-maker.” Do not try to seat yourself on the king’s throne. However, one day the serpent approached Eve. God originally made Adam and made Eve. He made Eve into the helper of Adam. If so, Eve should be at Adam's side but she was separated. At that time, Satan came to her. Then Satan said: “Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” What does Eve say then? And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. If you see the reply that Eve gives, the word of God that Eve knows is not precise. “God did not say, “which is in the midst of the garden,” or “lest ye die.” And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. The words that Eve spoke were ambiguous. She did not know the words of God precisely. In other words, the foundation of Eve’s heart was not on the Word. Satan saw that Eve did not have the Word in her heart. And so, he lied


God made our hearts beautiful, but when desire and sin entered the heart of man, it was overturned.

and entered Eve. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. The heart of man which does not have the word of God is Satan’s playground. If the Word does not hold the heart, Satan leads that heart wherever he wishes. Satan lied to Eve. He told Eve to eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil to become wiser and the decision-maker. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. (Genesis 2:1) If you look at this verse, God had finished all things for man. Now, there is nothing more man needs. Man was able to be satisfied by being inside of the God’s creation. If he did lack, God would have given him. But man listened to the voice of Satan. While he listens, he has the heart that the things that God has prepared for him are lacking. Does man need any more wisdom? No, he does not. Because God becomes his wisdom, man does not need his own. However, while man was listening to Satan, he felt that his wisdom was lacking. This is distrust towards God. Satan aroused distrust towards God. Originally, the center of man was God. But Satan told man to become his own center. He told man to become god. Man listened. Man moved his heart in to the world of becoming his own master, making his own judgments and making his own decisions. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise. (Genesis 3:6) Being led by this heart, Eve ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil and she gave it to Adam and he also ate. Man started to be led by the thoughts of Satan. Just like when a fish bites on the fishing bait, from that moment on it cannot help but to dragged regardless of what it wants and by the strength of the person who is pulling the fishing line, man was caught by Satan. Man Who has Died And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. (Genesis 3:7) Please look here. The first thing that man paid attention to after he disobeyed and committed sin was his body. Now, the heart of man had left


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God and moved to living by looking at the flesh. The center of man’s heart had become the flesh. Man had died towards God. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Being “dead” means to “not respond.” Even if you spit at a dead person, they are still and even if you kick them, they do not move. Because man had become unresponsive to God, man had died to God. Man can no longer hear the word of God and even though there is the sure heart of God, he does not have the eyes to see it. Man who had died towards God started to establish the flesh. And so, he must cover the shame of his flesh. The interesting fact is that the people who left God all build cities. And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch. (Genesis 4:16,17) What Cain did after he left God was build a city. He tried to protect himself. He is unable to believe that God is his Master and He is protecting He. So, that is why he must try to protect himself. After man left God and had become his own master, what followed him was labor. Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and iron; Because they rebelled against the words of God, and contemned the counsel of the most High: Therefore he brought down their heart with labour; they fell down, and there was none to help. (Psalm 107:10-12) As Adam left God and became disconnected with Him, he was locked inside of the labor to protect himself. This is a tiring life. I have to develop my own life and I have to protect myself. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. (Genesis 3:8) Man heard the voice of God and hid. Now, the voice of God calling him was

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is one of two trees in the story of the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2-3, along with the tree of life. In Christian theology, consuming the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was the original sin committed by Adam and Eve that subsequently became known as the Fall of man in Genesis 2-3.


Man can no longer hear the word of god and even though there is the sure heart of god, he does not have the eyes to see it.

something of fear. Adam forgot the heart of God that was calling him and only heard his own voice. People have their own hearts and their own words. When I was young, I would offer my grandmother carnations, she would say, “Oh, this rotten boy. Stop being ridiculous.� Am I being ridiculous towards my grandmother by making carnations for her? However, that is how my grandmother expresses herself. And so, I do not exactly hear the words that my grandmother says to me but I hear her heart. Grandmother and I are family. I trust my grandmother and she trusts me. In this state, even if she curses at me, it does not come to my heart as cursing. Even if she says I am being ridiculous to her, it does not come to me like that. But if the relationship between my grandmother and I is obstructed by distrust, no longer do the words reach my heart. Every single action of my grandmother are judged, despised, and ostracized according to the law of my heart. To Adam, it was a problem that God was calling him, so he hid. What does it mean to hide? It means he tried to protect himself. He went into the place that he considered to be safe by himself. Likewise, the heart of man to protect himself is the heart that formed when he left God. Fallen Leaf After man had sinned, he made garments out of leaves. Originally, leaves are attached to trees. The reason why the leaves do not fly away when the wind blows and why the leaves do not wither even though there is no rain is because they are attached to the tree. But, the moment the leaves become detached, the leaves cannot help but to fly away as the wind blows and cannot help but to dry. But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. (Isaiah 64:6) Our righteousness appears here. Our righteousness is the clothes that we made to protect ourselves. It is written that those cloths are filthy rags. It is as if you are not wearing anything at all. If I have these clothes, this makes me more dirty. Also, it is written that we are all like a faded leaf. What is a faded leaf? It is one that fell from the tree, because the tree does not hold the leaf. It is taken wherever the wind takes it.


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The fact that Adam made clothes from leaves and wore them has a tremendous meaning. Those clothes express Adam’s image after he left God. Now, man has to be taken where the wind blows. If death swarms over you, can you escape? No, you will be carried away. If cancer comes and finds you, can you reject it and stand on top of it? No, you will only be carried away. Now, we cannot help but to be carried away. If sin throngs us, we cannot help but to be carried away again. The Word about how sin carries us away like the wind is the image of man after he left God. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither. Here is a leaf that does not wither. It is a leaf attached to a tree planted by a river. The roots of this tree planted by the river stretches out to the water’s edge. The worse a drought is, the deeper into the ground the roots of the tree planted by the river go. It finds the course of the water. The riverside in Psalms chapter 1 refers to the Word of God. There is the leaf and there is the root that is not seen. The life of the leaf is determined by the root. What we do not see is what we decide. On the side that we cannot see, it is important whether your heart is connecting with the Word of God or not. A drought does not become a problem to the tree planted by the riverside, because its life is decided by the roots that are deep in the river's edge. A person connected with the word of God cannot be carried away by the circumstance. Even if there is a drought, the leaf does not dry. This is the righteous man that the Bible speaks about. The one whose roots of his or her heart touches the Word. The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. The ungodly are not so. Because they are disconnected from the tree, they fly according to the circumstance. Are you surely born again? Has there ever been a time that the center of your heart has been connected with the Word of God? In Adam’s heart, he has departed from God. That is why that voice that God called him with gave him fear. He, in order to protect himself, labored, escaped, and avoided. And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was

Satan is described to be an angel who fell out of favor with God, seducing humanity into the ways of sin, and who has power in the fallen world. Satan is identified as the serpent who tempted Eve to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.


The fact that Adam made clothes from leaves and wore them has a tremendous meaning. Those clothes express Adam’s image after he left God.

naked; and I hid myself. (Genesis 3:10) Here, man says that he was afraid because he was naked so he hid. But if you objectively analyze this, Adam became naked by himself. Did God leave him naked? God left him naked. He was not someone who was originally clothed. It is God who left him to be naked. If so, who has to take responsibility that Adam is naked? It is God. But God was no longer the master of Adan. He became his own master. That is why he is taking all the responsibilities. Adam had departed from God and had become his own master which can be found in his words: “Because I was naked,” “I was afraid.” We see many churches today. But most churches tell people to do something diligently. Do you know what Jesus said? Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28) Jesus did not tells us to do something diligently. He wants us to be free from labor and to enjoy rest. That is why Jesus came as our master. Folks, when you return to Jesus who is the master, there is nothing that you have to take responsibility for. Do you know why we labor and are heavy laden? When did you start to be heavy laden? You became heavy laden when you become the master and have departed from God. There is one thing that the entire Bible is saying. What is it? It is “Return to God.” God is your creator. He is your master. You must return to God. If you do, the burdens of your life are truly taken away. Then, the rest that comes from God goes to you.

Pastor Kim Sung Hoon is currently the senior pastor at Good News Daejon Church. This is the sermon that he preached at the 29th Summer Retreat, titled, “For the Lost Souls.”


Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth

Testimony of Pastor Ock Soo Park


his was when I was preaching the Gospel in Geochang. One day, I was on my way home on a bike after witnessing, and I saw a white handkerchief underneath a tree by the newly built road. It looked like something was in the handkerchief so I picked it up. It turned out to be a parcel wrapped in a handkerchief. Asking myself, “I wonder what’s in the parcel?” I unwrapped the handkerchief to find a bundle of money. It was a large sum of money. “I wonder who dropped this much money here. They’d be really heartbroken if they find out they lost it…” With such a heart, I raced away on my bicycle. Not too far off, I saw two grandmothers, walking and speaking to each other. I wondered, “Maybe one of them lost it?” So I stopped my bicycle in front of them and as I showed them the wrapped parcel, I said, “Grandmothers, this.” Suddenly, one of them received the parcel, saying, “Oh, my money!” I was happy that the grandmother got to find her money. That day, the grandmother had sold silk, and had wrapped the money she had made in a handkerchief to put in her pocket. She was on her way home. There was a bus, but to save money, she walked, and on the way she stopped by a tree to rest in the shade. On that spot, she had dropped the bundle of money. The grandmother was so happy, saying, “Oh young man. I couldn’t be more thankful! You’re so young too…I’ll buy you some rice wine.” I told the grandmother that she didn't have to repay me, I got back on my bicycle and continued on my way. On my way back, I thought about myself.


If that had been me before I received salvation, I would never have returned that money. I would have said, “What a find!” and would have used it all up. I got to think more deeply about myself. Not only am I the type of person who would take this bundle of money, but I am the kind of person that would even be willing to take the money from other people’s pockets, if there were no consequences. Such a person like me, had returned the money without any ill intentions. I felt that I had changed so much after receiving salvation, and I thought about Jesus who allowed me to change in such a way. I thought to myself, “That’s right. That grandmother thought I returned the money because I’m a nice person. But I’m not originally that kind of a person! It’s God who has changed me!” It felt unfair that I was the person that the grandmother had thanked. That gratefulness should have gone to God. I turned my bicycle and returned to the grandmother. I met her and gave her my testimony. “Originally, I was not a person who could return the money, but Jesus has changed me. Grandmother, you shouldn’t thank me; you should thank God.” And I told the grandmothers that they too, should believe in God. Even if they did not begin believing in Jesus right then and there, I hoped for them to one day believe in God through this incident. Should I have taken the money, Jesus would have felt uncomfortable. And that would have gotten in the way of my believing in Jesus. This event occurred at a time when many were in financial difficulty. Today, many people are having financial challenges as well. The Spirit protects and guides me so that I am not tempted. Through that incident, rather than feeling as if I had done something good, I was thankful that I could feel Jesus within my heart.


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Good News Jacksonville Church 904-800-7890 3850 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32207

Good News Atlanta Spanish Church 678-387-9271 2635 Fairlane Drive, 2nd FL, Doraville, GA 30340

Good News Boston Church 617-943-9739 4 Church St. #8, Malden, MA 02148

Good News Philadelphia Church 215-379-0501 305 Township Line Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027

Good News Charlotte Church 704-500-6063 8731 Green Ivy Lane, Charlotte, NC 28217

Good News Chicago Church 847-329-0237 4825 W. Jarlath St., Lincolnwood, IL 60712

Good News Fort Wayne Church 260-797-3412 3316 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne, IN 46807

Good News Washington Church 703-309-7132 5044 Portsmouth Rd., Fairfax, VA 22032

Good News Maryland Chinese Church 301-250-1138 85 Orchard Dr., Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Good News Memphis Church 901-206-7891 4162 Owen Rd., Memphis, TN 38122

Good News Nashville Spanish Church 615-927-8980 120 Arbor Knoll Blvd., Antioch, TN 37013

Good News Minneapolis Church 612-354-3909 3000 West Broadway Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55411 Good News Orlando Church 407-456-0470 3164 Knotty Pine Ave, Winter Park FL 32792

WEST COAST Good News Central Church 213-386-0097 3500 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90004

Good News Tacoma Church 253-582-3599 10103 South Tacoma Way, Lakewood, WA 98499

Good News Hawaii Church 808-679-2800 1219 Keeaumoku St., Suite 400, Honolulu, HI 96814

Good News Albuquerque Church 505-301-7167 3001 Cuervo Dr., N.E. Albuquerque, NM 87110

Good News Houston Church 210-315-0346 6534 Rolla St., Houston, TX 77055

Good News Dallas First Church 972-272-4724 4502 Lawler Rd., Garland, TX 75042

Good News Phoenix Church 480-273-2199 9001 West ELM St. #5, Phoenix, AZ 85037

Good News San Jose Church 408-893-2267 1548 Curtner Ave., San Jose, CA 95125

Good News Sacramento Church 916-996-4655 7136 Fair Oaks Blvd., Carmichael, CA 95608

Good News Las Vegas Church 702-248-0572 2880 Red Rock St., Las Vegas, NV 89146

Good News Oklahoma Church 405-535-9553 5801 S. Pennsylvania Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73119

Good News Salt Lake Church 801-656-5299 353 Park Creeke LN #B, Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Good News O.C. Baptist Church 714-226-0595 3330 W. Lincoln Ave., Anaheim, CA 92801 Good News Anchorage Church 907-258-9987 1020 W. Fireweed Lane, Anchorage, AK 99503 Good News El Paso Church 915-478-3576 8001 Magnetic Street, El Paso, TX 79904 Good News Portland Church 971-300-1127 6225 S.W. Dale Ave., Beaverton, OR 97008

CANADA & CARIBBEAN Good News Vancouver Church 1-778-881-5508 2291 Dorman Dr., Burnaby, BC V5A 2V3 Good News Ottawa Church 1-647-770-3379 275 Rue LaramĂŠe, Gatineau, QC J8Y 3A1, Canada Good News Toronto Church 1-416-321-2004 70 Mcgriskin Rd., Toronto, ON M1S 4S5, Canada Good News Jamaica Church 1-876-318-0189 63b Deanery Road, Kingston 3, Jamaica W.I.

Good News San Antonio Church 210-993-9414 405 Walton Ave., San Antonio, TX 78225

Good News Dominican Republic Church 1-809-350-1429 Calle 26 #2, Valle Verde 1, Santiago, La Republica Dominicana

Good News Denver Church 720-308-3442 8279 E Kenyon Ave., Denver, CO 80237

Good News Haiti Church 509-70-8253-2511 Rue Jeremie #22 Delmas 33, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Good News Kansas Church 816-210-0351 1301 E 100th TER, Kansas City, MO 64131

Join the 2015 World Christian Leader’s Workshop

December 27–31, 2015 Hyatt Regency DFW International Airport Dallas, TX World Christian Leaders Workshop (WCLW) provides solutions to various problems Christian leaders encounter in their ministries and personal lives. WCLW aims to promote effective evangelism through creating partnerships to address these pressing issues, and developing sound ministerial practices and a strong heart focused on spreading the gospel throughout the world.

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