The Goodnews - March, 2015

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MARCH 2015



God’s Providence from Start to Finish

Salvation Testimony

Discovering the Difference Between God in the Bible and God in My Thoughts

Special Article A Gift to Swaziland

Special Article

The Promise Being Fulfilled: Five Hundred Churches

About the Cover The King’s Festival in Swaziland is a huge event that takes place at the beginning of the year where national warriors pay their respects to the King and wish him prosperity. It is a longstanding tradition and it is on this day that the King makes his first official speech of the year. This year, the King’s Festival was held on spacious field in front of the palace and Pastor Park's party was invited. The King had heard much about us through the Minister of Youth and the Prime Minister. During his New Year’s Speech, the King mentioned Pastor Park and thanked him for his visit. Though there was no interview with him this time since the King’s official interviews with external parties are all scheduled for early February, the heart of God to spread the Gospel to the people of Swaziland was very evident and clear. (Photo: Pastor Park is invited to the king's traditional Incwala Festival)






David Waxed Stronger and Stronger;

Saul Waxed Weaker and Weaker

Salvation Testimony


Discovering the Difference Between God in the Bible

and God in My Thoughts



God’s Providence from Start to Finish

Special Article 24

A Gift to Swaziland


The Promise Being Fulfilled: Five Hundred Churches


2015 Pastoral Camp


Memoirs of a Missionary

Transforming into a Missionary Like the Caterpillar

Transforms into the Butterfly


Gospel Lesson Sinner


Preaching the Gospel to Ends of the Earth


Penniless Witnessing Trip: Training in Faith

Church Directory If you would like to subscribe to the good news magazine, please send an email to Be sure to include your name, address, and phone number. 3

This Month's Sermon

David Waxed Stronger and Stronger, Saul Waxed Weaker and Weaker Pastor Ock Soo Park | Good News Gangnam Church

“Now there was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David. But David grew stronger and stronger, and the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker.” (2 Samuel 3:1) Victory in War Is Not Up to Man

There are winners and losers in war. For a long time, there was a war between the house of David and the house of Saul, and David grew stronger and stronger and Saul grew weaker and weaker. How did this happen? It was not because Saul lacked strategy or power. Looking back at Israel’s history, no matter how many soldiers Israel had, if God was not with them they were defeated. On the other hand, if God was with them, even with a few soldiers they were certainly victorious. The victory is up to God; it is not up to man. God Was in David, and David Believed in God

If you want to fight in Christ’s battles, you must forsake 4

man’s methods and go forward following the Word of God. When David first began to fight his battles, he fought with the lion and the bear and later on with Goliath. Afterwards, he was pursued by Saul, and then he fought with the Philistines and Amalekites. Each time, David did not rely on effective tactics, weapons, or the bow, but he always relied on God. We see this when he first fought with the lion and the bear, and even more so when he fought against Goliath. David was not in the same league as Goliath. Goliath was very tall and he was a commander of great strength while David was just a boy. David’s judgments and experiences could never stand up to Goliath. God was inside of David and David believed in God: “Seeing that Goliath who defiles the holy nation of God, God will surely deliver him into my hands!” This is why he dove into a fight he could not win, and he struck Goliath’s head with a smooth stone from the brook which made Goliath fall. In Saul’s Fear He Avoids the Philistines

Saul was different from David. He did not only rely on God, but he relied on many humanistic methods. God chose Saul and anointed him, dwelt with him, and gave him the Holy Spirit in his heart. From that moment on, Saul was a man who was with God. But he did not trust in God. In 1 Samuel 13:5, there is a story of Saul waging war with the Philistines who have: thirty thousand chariots, six thousand horsemen, and a multitude of people as many as the sand on the seashore. Regardless of the many weapons and soldiers, if God 5

Regardless of the many weapons and soldiers, if God fights, then you will be victorious. Although the Philistine army was enormous, if Saul goes forward and fights, God would help him be victorious.

fights, then you will be victorious. Although the Philistine army was enormous, if Saul goes forward and fights, God would help him be victorious. Later on, Jonathan and his armor bearer attack the camp of the Philistines and we clearly see they are victorious. God Must Allow It, I Am Unable

God does not allow his people to fight battles that are possible by man’s strength, but he allows them to meet problems that are impossible by man’s strength. If David had fought against someone in the same league, he could have won without relying on God. Likewise, in order for us to rely on God, He allows all of God’s people to face problems that are bigger and greater than themselves. God continually permits problems that I could never resolve with my own ability. During those times, we may be afraid and tremble but we will be victorious if we rely on God. A person of God is one who relies only on God and goes forward. Fellow brothers and sisters, if we are ignorant of the heart of God, we will avoid the burdens we face, fall into fear, live according to the situation, and fall deep into our thoughts. To such people, proceeding in faith towards God seems reckless and foolish. When David tried to fight Goliath, his brothers rebuked him and even Saul said that he would not be able to fight him. But David relied on God and was victorious. We rely upon God not according to our plans or methodology. When Peter healed the lame man at the gate of the temple called Beautiful, he did not stop there, but he preached the 6

gospel. The priests and the leader of the temple did not want to hear the gospel and arrested Peter. Then they threatened him saying, “From now on you may not speak or teach of His name.” At that time, if Peter was intimidated, he could not preach the gospel again. In the past, Peter was intimidated by the priest and the servant girl, but now he had faith in God and spoke loudly to the high priest, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” When Peter spoke to them boldly, the rulers were dumbfounded so they threatened him but eventually let him go. We can see the church becoming filled powerfully with the spirit and going forward. What Happens When We Avoid the Work That Requires Faith?

Saved saints do not work on humanly possible tasks. God desires to make us into people of faith who can do the impossible. There is so much work being done in our mission that is actually impossible. Each time, we were disconsolate and afraid, but if we did not go forward then we would not be able to preach the gospel. Therefore we clashed with it and every time, God helped and worked for us. It is important for us to know in detail how God works. If we do not know we become like Saul being afraid and avoiding the problem. Our lives fall into this repetitive cycle, however we should have faith to break free. Some consider going forward in faith burdensome and even criticize that it is not the way. They have fallen into their thoughts and they do not listen to anyone who thinks differently. We have heard many sermons about 7

This Month's Sermon

faith, but we only know it theoretically. When we realistically try to proceed by faith, it feels burdensome and we become trapped in the circumstances. Naturally, people become distant because they cannot join their hearts with people of faith, all the while they consider themselves to be right easily judging others. The Bible says not to criticize those without faith and not judge those who have faith. We must hear the Word of God and forsake our conclusions and proceed with faith. Throw Away the Work That Matches Our Thinking and Circumstances

How can we be victorious in the war? We are not victorious because we chose the right path, but regardless of how it seems, it is the way of boldly going forward by receiving the Word of God. A person of faith forsakes his thoughts and proceeds boldly, knowing the precise will of God in the Word. God works through these people and fulfills His will. In 2015, many ministers, brothers, and sisters are forsaking their ways to step over unto the way of faith. I want all of us to refuse the work that suits our thoughts and circumstances, to be free of our opinions and thoughts, and to follow after God. The mentally ill do not listen to others, but only express their opinions. They do not like to communicate with others. If the brothers and sisters talk to one another, they can have faith. But if they block their ears to what others are saying, and only assert their opinions, they can only go down a crooked path. The mentally ill think they are right, but from an objective view they are not right. I may consider myself to be right, but if another person says that I am wrong, then I should open my heart and 8

The saints have been perfected by the blood of Jesus. And

now we must say, “God will work! I will proceed boldly like David with faith in God!

share fellowship with them. By reflecting myself upon the Word of God, I can forsake my thoughts. David Desired the Work to Glorify God

God begins to work after we are saved. We don’t have to be good, righteous, holy, and honest for God to work. Man is filthy, dirty, evil, and terrible, but Jesus has completed perfect salvation so that we lack nothing for God to use us. Although we are weak, through Jesus, we lack nothing to be used by God. Therefore we should not think, “God is not going to work through me because I am weak and lacking.” The saved saints are perfected through the blood of Jesus. Everything has been prepared so that nothing will be lacking for God to work. And now we declare, “God will work! I will boldly go forward like David with faith in God!” In doing so, we are victorious in the spiritual battle saving the dying people around us. I hope the precious works of God will arise to glorify God.

Pastor Ock Soo Park Pastor Park is currently the senior pastor of the Good News Gangnam Church. He is the founder of the Mahanaim Cyber Theology School and International Youth Fellowship. Annually he is the guest speaker for Bible Crusades domestically and internationally and serves as a guest lecturer to university students. He is the author of several titles such as: The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again, Repentance and Faith, Navigating the Heart. These books have been translated in 17 different languages, and in addition he is the author of 40 other books on spiritual life.


Salvation Testimony

Discovering the Difference Between

God in the Bible and God in My Thoughts Norbert Esty | Good News Manhattan Church


I was born on June 10, 1968, in Kingston, Jamaica - the fourth of seven children born to Joyce and Ransford Esty. We grew up in one of the poorer neighborhoods in Kingston where violence, break-ins and shootings were the order of the day. Against this backdrop, my mother singlehandedly raised 3 boys and 2 girls – my father had fallen into alcoholism and run off to live a life without us. To protect us from our environment, Picy, as my mother was affectionately called, raised us with an iron fist. The rules were simple: never play on the streets, never swear, never talk back, never stay out, always respect authority and most importantly, learn to make do with what you have. Thanks to her, people seeing us up-and-about never knew that there were nights we went to bed with no food. As I think back, growing up in Jamaica with my family brings back so many bitter-sweet memories. Back then, I was (and still am, to some extent) what people would call mischievous. To make matters worse, I was also very clumsy and ill-tempered. It didn’t take much for me to lose it and get myself into a world of trouble. For example, I would, in my usual awkward manner, trip over my own feet and get uncontrollably upset when people laughed at me. So upset in fact, that I remember on one occasion throwing half of a cinder block inside my house to get at my younger brother who was making fun of me. Because of me, my mother’s daily routine would be to come home from a hard day’s work, settle in and wait for me by the door with the stick – I also had a habit of visiting friends after school ends at 2:30 not get home until after 6pm. For some reason, I just always went with my first thought, in spite of the fact that 9 times out of 10 it resulted in me getting a beating. What’s even stranger was my ability to see myself as 11

Salvation Testimony

Norbert, 1979

“good, but misunderstood.” The more disobedient I was, the more I’d go to church and ask for forgiveness. My sins were never a problem to me at all, regardless of how many and how terrible they were. Some of my more famous offenses include getting drunk and passing out (age 8); stealing cigarettes and getting caught smoking (age 7); stealing comics from the neighborhood supermarket (age 9); getting stuck trying to sneak into the girl’s bathroom at school (age 5), suffice it to say, the list is endless. So, I developed a routine: just freely sin until I get caught, then go to church and get forgiveness for more serious offenses and try my best to handle the smaller ones on my own. When I entered high school, I became slightly fearful. People like me ended up dead or in prison and my grandmother wasn’t shy about reminding me of this. It’s around this time that I started gravitating toward “good people.” I joined the school choir and became a member of my school’s Christian fellowship group. At home, I would religiously attend the youth activities at church and try to live like the other Christian’s around me. It’s around this time that my personality miraculously changed. My temper subsided and I started listening. I was still, however, not a good student. To make it worse, I was always being compared to my older brother, Noel – the quiet, respectful genius in the family. My one saving grace was that I loved the English Language and was always writing poetry. Unfortunately, this talent was to be my undoing because instead of studying I put my whole heart into becoming a famous lyricist. I somehow got 12

it into my head that one day people would speak my name in the same sentence as the likes of Bob Marley. It’s no wonder I flunked out of high school. My one saving grace was my passing grade in nothing else but English. When I was leaving high school my mother was unemployed, having been laid off from her job at the local bus company. This meant there was no hope of me going back to school, not with 5 kids to feed. Since I wasn’t able to get a job and I had no skill, I was left to suffer the indignity of staying home to help her “take care of things.” This meant learning to clean the house, wash and iron clothes, cook, sew, and do the dishes. My dear brother Noel would often tease me – calling me “Manderella” (his spin on my role as Cinderella). I lived like this for more than a year. I began to resent myself to the prospect of being this way until death, but I caught a break when big brother came to my rescue. I guess he grew tired of seeing me depressed and despondent because, in my mind, my life sucked. Through this situation I gained a new heart toward school and especially math. What I once hated became one of my favorite subjects. With my “Manderella” way a thing of the past, I became obsessed with studying. After six grueling months of tears and confusion, I aced my math test and shortly after got offered a job. While working I saved and used every free moment to learn something. Within five years, I had changed my job and enrolled in a Bachelor’s Degree program. In May, 2000 I graduated but I didn’t want to stop there. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I wanted to erase the clumsy, hot-tempered trouble maker image out of everyone’s mind. I wanted to replace that with the image of a smart, caring, mild-mannered genius. I think I did a pretty good job of fooling everyone except my 13

Salvation Testimony

family and myself. In the years since I left high school, I had gone from living like Jacob to living like Joseph. My life in Jamaica had grown very comfortable indeed. My brothers and sisters were all gainfully employed and my mother had precious little to worry about. As for me, I bought a car and wanted a life in the fast lane to go with it. I decided it was time to start a new chapter in my life – I needed to do a Master’s degree. I was convinced I could get what I needed to put me on track to that fast life in a second degree. When I resigned to start my Master’s degree at Pace University in New York, I was walking away from a Financial Data Analyst position and the admiration of many people. I had an office and everything to my comfort but I wanted more. Over the years I’d grown disconnected from and disillusioned with church and the whole religion thing. I had tried almost every flavor there was: Catholic, Anglican, Pentecostal, Baptist, Church of God, Seventh Day Adventist, and even a Messianic Seventh Day Church of God but they all left a sour taste in my mouth. What was left was the thought that no one made sense. I resorted to creating a belief system of my own by borrowing the “better parts” of all the faiths I knew of and studied, including Rastafarianism and Buddhism, but that didn’t work either. In many respects, especially as it relates to this, my brother Noel and I were like psychic twins. Church, I think, just wasn’t for people like us. I left Jamaica for Pace University in May of 2001, convinced that I was going to take a huge bite out of the Big Apple and 14

Brothers, sister, Picy and Grandma (circa 1994) prove to my friends (none of whom really cared) that I wasn’t stupid and to my family (who never believed it for a second), that I was no longer a klutz. However, my plans for myself and what I thought about God and religion changed on the morning of September 11, 2001. I exited the #6 train at the Brooklyn Bridge Station and ran into a huge crowd of terrified people looking skyward. For the next few hours I watched as a second airplane crashed into the tower and the lives of thousands of people went up in flames. Throughout the entire ordeal I was consumed with thoughts of, “Is this how it will end for me?” Why did God take me away from Jamaica to bring me here? Nobody would ever do something like this in Jamaica. My whole family feared for me, none more so than big brother, Noel. He started reaching out. At first it started with casual emails asking me how I was doing, later it graduated to checking up on the family I was living with and on Kerry, who was then my girlfriend but later my wife. I soon started to detect a more ominous tone in his messages. He had now gotten into the habit of sending messages pulled from Pastor Ock Soo Park’s book and sermons. The final straw was an excerpt entitled “Humans with the Heart of Satan,” that’s when I began to fear for my brother and his association with what seemed to be a cult which he had been sucked into. What made it even stranger was, at the very same time Kerry’s sister was also spouting the same nonsense. Norbert & Kerry 2001 15

The 4 boys of the Esty Clan

Salvation Testimony

To make a long story short, between the two of them, they convinced me to set foot inside of a church again. I thought I knew God and I was 100% sure this wasn’t it. I saw this as my opportunity to prove my brother was being deceived – I was determined to expose this doctrine for what I was and free them before they was too far gone. I sat through the first of what seemed like the longest sermon I’d ever heard and Satan kept showing me things that made my cult theory valid. Firstly, no one there looked or even sounded like me, the translator was horrible and the Korean language was strange and hard to listen to. I think I understood about 5 minutes of the 1½ hour long sermon. I was ready to go! But wait, there was nourishing class and I didn’t have a ride back to Brooklyn from Flushing – I had to stick around. It was during this time that, through Romans 8, I heard for the first time what the Bible said about who I truly was, and it matched what I had always thought but feared to admit. For the next few weeks, through Pastor’s sermons, I began to get answers to questions I had long thought were unanswerable. Verse after verse he made me realize I never knew the bible, I never knew God. The God I had created over the years had no resemblance to the God in the Bible. What had I believed in all these years? From that first Sunday in October, 2001 and every Sunday after, I left Brooklyn and went to church in Flushing. What remained in my heart throughout the many hours of fellowship were the words in Rom. 8:1-4 and Heb. 10:10 as I came to realize through Jesus my sins were forgiven. By grace, on December 16, 2001, I received salvation. I was a tangle of emotions – amazement, happiness, invincibility, anger, fear, 16

Kerry, me and the boys at Manhattan Church sadness, and peace. I just kept repeating, “That’s it? After all this time, it was that simple?” I attended my first Winter Retreat in the Pocono Mountains and for the first time met the rest of my new spiritual family. During that retreat, Kerry received salvation and it was indeed a huge family reunion – my mother and Noel were there, Kerry and 2 of her sisters attended and I met hundreds of my new brothers and sisters in Christ. That was over 13 years ago. God has seen it fit to make me an Elder in the Manhattan Church. I look back many times and I think, God must really love a fool like me. Through what I thought was serendipitous, God actually did the marvelous work of taking me out of my comfort to bring me to the exact place and at the exact time where I could hear the gospel and receive salvation. He made me stupid, hot-headed, fleshly, lustful, greedy, frustrated and finally speechless – and guilty. Many people suffered and died so a jerk like me could receive this salvation. I saw that my plans for myself are like dust in the wind. This is really Amazing Grace.



Sharing a testimony at the Busan Easter Sunday worship.

God's Providence from Start to Finish Soo Hyun Choi | Good News Daegu Church

When I was a senior in high school, I was completely paralyzed and was diagnosed with myelitis. When a healthy person like me could not even move a finger, I fell into despair. At that time I met Pastor Ock Soo Park, and he told me, “Soo Hyun, listen carefully. Electricity flows through wires, water flows through pipes, and God’s heart flows through the heart. Soo Hyun, when your heart is connected to God, He can work.” Pastor also mentioned the words about how the crippled man stood up and walked, once I believed in those words, I was able to walk within five months. After four months of being able to walk, I even completed the 5K run during Korea’s World Camp. I went to Ghana, Africa as a 18


10th class short term missionary. I thought everything was normal now since I could walk, run, and even participate in the Good News Corps. However, I vomited blood the first day I arrived there. About three weeks later, I saw blood even in my urine. Eventually, after spending a month in Ghana, I had to return to Korea to get examined. The test results showed that there were no other abnormalities other than bleeding in my stomach. I became scared because I continued vomiting blood for six months. My mom had already suffered so much when I had myelitis, so I secretly went to the hospital with my friends. The doctor told me that I was in the terminal stage of stomach cancer. He said I had cancer in six different places, so I would not be able to live for more than seven months from now. On top of that he said if I were to die on my way home, he would not take responsibility. He said, “You may have walked after being healed from myelitis, but you will die from stomach cancer.” It took me twenty days to finally tell my mother. “Mom, the doctor says I have terminal stomach cancer, and it has spread to six different places. He said I’d die within seven months.” Surely, my mom should have been despaired, but she said, “That’s nothing. God, is your shield and He is more than able to heal you.” She said this so encouragingly and naturally, that I thought to myself, “My mom is for sure, an evil stepmother.” From then, even Pastor Ock Soo Park called me often to help me believe in the Words. I had the faith that I am already healed. Ten days later, I went back for an examination, and the results showed that aside from a slight bleeding in the stomach, I was completely healed! After some time passed, I went to a camp in Thailand, where I fell and lost my memory. I woke up with the memories of when I was four years old. I remembered my mother was in her Lincoln School Graduation Ceremony with Soo Hyun's older brother. One month prior to being able to walk. 19


Soo Hyun and her family, 2010

twenties and was very pretty, but the mother in front of me was aged and overweight. I would stand in front of the mirror and ask myself, “Who are you?” and I could not recognize anyone. I also liked mathematics, but I could not even count up to three. At first, my mom had a difficult time with the four year old me, but after a while, she treated me accordingly and took good care of me. Six months later, I had somewhat recovered, and the people close to me continued to remind me and my memory continues to come back to me this day. In September of 2012, a year after I was diagnosed with cancer, I went to the hospital with my friends once more. They told me that the results were negative, but the doctor said it was a misdiagnosis. He said that the cancer had now spread throughout my whole body. They said I had stomach cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, among various other cancers I had never even heard about. The doctor said, “How are you still alive? How can you laugh in this situation? You really don’t have any more hope. Back then, you at least had the choice to receive chemotherapy, but it’s over now. I advise you prepare for the worst.” I told the doctor, “Doctor, you are wrong. I believe in God, and it is He who chooses to let people live or die. Your words can’t kill me. You should be able to cure and treat everyone since you’re a doctor, yet people still die. You’re not a doctor. Don’t ever tell me that I’m going to die again.” 20

The doctor replied, “Patients should trust the doctor. Why did you even come here in the first place? Your cancer is still going to cause your death.” Even after hearing the results, I did not tell anyone. A year ago, hearing something like that would have brought death to my heart. But a year later, my heart had changed. I had a peaceful heart that told me, “This cancer is nothing. God already said I’m whole, so I won’t die.” God was holding onto my heart. In March of 2013, I was working as a manager for the Masan Lincoln School, when my stomach suddenly felt heavy and my breathing got heavier. When I went to the hospital for an examination, they told me I had ascites. After having the ascites removed, the results showed that the majority of my body was cancer. The cancer had spread to my blood, lymph nodes, and all other parts of my body. The doctor told me that as bad as the situation is, all I could do now was be admitted to the hospital for my imminent death. I had never thought of cancer to be something so serious, so I had not gone to the hospital. But after seeing the state I was in, the doctor said having ascites means that I am near death, and told me to call my parents to the hospital. For the first time, I was so scared. Wondering if I was really going to die, I asked my mom, but she said, “Soo Hyun, that’s nothing.” “Mom, the results showed that cancer has spread all over my body.” “God will save you. Don’t worry, Soo Hyun.” My mom always talk to me with faith. One lesson I remembered in the ninth grade was about, “Thinking Backwards.” My whole body was cancer. Many times, I was in hardship because of the various types of cancers. I started to drain my ascites starting from two years ago in March. As I went through the process, I saw people die from shock from the draining, and it scared me when some of those who had gotten the ascites drained alongside me would disappear one by one. “What if that happens to me?” Getting the draining 21


three to four times a week weakened me, and my heart died away as well. The doctor suggested that I be admitted into the hospital, but upon my constant refusal, he made me sign a release form, and said I could return home. I did not want to sign the form, because the hospital refused to take responsibility for the problems that could arise, should I deny hospital treatment and leave. “Why do I have to sign this?” I thought. I never wanted to have myelitis or cancer. God gave me the sickness, and God made me free from it; nothing happened because I wanted it to. I thought to myself, “If this is God too, then I should do it,” I signed the form and left the hospital. I often prayed like this: “God, this is too much. Just take me already.” But at that moment, God allowed me to remember something. “I let you walk, I let you live. You couldn’t even move a finger, you were out of breath, and nearly dead. So why are you asking me to kill you?” Thinking about it again, I was so thankful to be alive. From then on, I was even thankful for the ascites draining. Since my heart changed, I would say to my fellow patients, “Have a great day~ Enjoy your ascites draining~!” and they would call me crazy. The people who I said this to, would say it is amazing how I could always smile, I would tell them about God. At first, the doctor said I would only be able to handle the ascites treatment for three months, but I received it for fourteen months. Of course, there were times when I struggled because I could not pay the hospital fee and

Q and A session after sharing testimony with the students at the India World Campp. 22

I was exhausted after every procedure, but I was thankful that I could speak to many people about God. As time passed, the ascites would happen more slowly, and it was not as severe. I felt myself getting much better, and in July of 2013, my diagnosis showed that much of the cancer had diminished. But in September, they told me that I had tongue cancer. They suggested amputating my tongue, but I wrote to them saying, “I have a dream that God gave me. My dream is to travel throughout the world and testify about the God that I met, and how he worked in me. I want to give my testimony to the people that don’t know God to deliver God’s heart to them. I want to teach them what true happiness is. But in order to fulfill that dream, I need my tongue. You can’t amputate my tongue.” A few days later, my rigid tongue returned to its normal state. In the Word, God calls those clean who have leprosy from head to toe. Likewise, I saw God give me cancer from head to toe, but quickly healed me. On May 9th, 2014, the doctor told me that there were no more traces of cancer and he said that the God I believe in, was victorious. Less than a month after the good news, I traveled to many countries to testify how God worked. I went to Australia, New Zealand, Japan, India, and Nepal. I was thankful to God to see many people who were longing to meet God change through my testimony. For the last year, God fulfilled the dream that he gave me, and I was able to speak about God in various places in Korea as well. I am looking forward to where God will send me next. In times of difficulties, if you think about the God who worked in Soo Hyun Choi, I believe you will be filled with hope instead of difficulties. After all, head-to-toe cancer was nothing in front of the Words of God. I hope to testify about God even in America when God gives me the chance.


Special Article A Gift to Swaziland, for Swaziland

A Gift to Swaziland, for Swaziland The Government of Swaziland Invited Pastor Ock Soo Park

The Swaziland Minister of Youth, who attended IYF World Culture Camp in Korea last summer, invited Pastor Ock Soo Park to make a trip to Swaziland. Meanwhile, back in Swaziland, that same Minister of Youth spoke of Pastor Park in conversation with the Prime Minister, as well as many other Swaziland generals and persuaded the government to finally give Pastor Park the opportunity to visit and hold high-level meetings. After hearing this news, Pastor Ock Soo Park made the recommendation that mind lectures, Good News Corps, Good News Medical Volunteers, and many other IYF programs be


The Minister of Youth waits to greet Pastor Ock Soo Park at the airport (left)

implemented in Swaziland. The first step was to establish a church within the nation, as well as dispatch missionary Tae Wook Kang. Brother Kil Woong Park and sister Kyung Mi Yoon had previously received salvation in the Johannesburg church after having met sister Jung Sook Choi on a plane. They both have been residing in Swaziland without an established church The Ministers of Youth and Education Greet Pastor Ock Soo Park at the Airport

January 20th, 8:00 am: Pastor Ock Soo Park arrived at Swaziland’s Manzini Airport. The Ministers of Youth and Education, their secretaries, and a government vehicle were waiting. It was the first time since last year’s IYF World Culture Camp that the Minister of Youth had seen Pastor Park. He greeted the pastor with a warm embrace, and introduced him to the Minister of Education. It was clear the kind of a heart the Swaziland government had when they invited Pastor 25

Special Article A Gift to Swaziland, for Swaziland

Park. Only in special cases do the Ministers personally come out to greet someone. Pastor Park’s party moved to the Prime Minister’s office for the morning’s official meeting with the Prime Minister in one of the eight vehicles provided by the government. With a police escort, the 100 km trip to the meeting place did not take long at all. Looking out the car window, Swaziland’s scenery was so beautiful and validated its reputation as the “Switzerland of Africa.” The clouds and mountains converged to create a picturesque scene that brought both the eyes and mind a sense of peace. Swaziland is a country that is safe enough to walk the streets, even at night. Swaziland is a very small nation with a population of about 1.1 million people. Swaziland contains almost no natural resources. The majority of its income comes from exporting sugar cane that is used in Coca Cola. This produces about 40% of the gross domestic product, with the rest coming through tariffs from the Republic of South Africa. The Republic of South Africa has a duty-free concord, and all tariffs on foreign


goods received by The Republic of South Africa, are funneled into the economy of Swaziland minus the 40% they earn from their sugar cane exports. Also, many tourists make it a point to visit Swaziland while exploring South Africa. The country is governed by a royal regime with a single king and one core tribe. This now-unique government boasts decades of peace, as well as genteel and innocent people. Official Meeting at the Prime Minister’s Office

The broadcasting station and newspaper reporters were already waiting for an interview in the Prime Minister’s sitting room. With the Minister of Youth as emcee, the Minister of Education, The Minister of Health, and other government officials participated in the official interview with the Prime Minister. It started off with a prayer by the Minister of Education (Note: the Minister of Education is also a pastor. Swaziland exercises freedom of religion, and a large portion of the general population practice Christianity). The interview segued into a beautiful song performed by Gracias Choir soloists Hye Mi Choi and Jin Young Park. The Prime Minister, along with the other Ministers, could not hide their surprise as they clapped and hummed along to the songs they did not expect to be sung in the native language of Swaziland. Although the first meeting with the government 27

Special Article A Gift to Swaziland, for Swaziland

Pastor Ock Soo Park has a meeting with the Swaziland Prime Minister (left)

was somewhat stilted, the impeccable performances eased any tensions in the atmosphere while opening the hearts of everyone in the room. Gracias Choir music truly has the power to open its listeners’ hearts. After the song, the Minister of Youth introduced Pastor Ock Soo Park to other guests, and testified about his previous trip to Korea. He had heard Pastor Park pray for the rain to stop for the IYF World Culture Camp Opening Ceremony, and was shocked after seeing the rain stop during the performance, and resuming just 30 minutes after it was over. He also regarded Pastor Park as a true servant of God, testifying that his kidneys were healed after having fellowship with Pastor Park and being saved. The Prime Minister endorsed all the good work Pastor Ock Soo Park is involved with internationally, and officially made a request to Pastor Park to do his best to help Swaziland’s citizens and its youth. Pastor Ock Soo Park said, “When youths begin to have dreams and hopes towards their future, they do not live however they want. They gain the strength to overcome the difficulties in their lives. A student named John Choi, who was dying from 28

a scorpion sting, received hope through the Word of God and overcame the poison coursing through his veins. I want to work, so the youth can live their lives with hope. I was thinking of what to do for Swaziland. I want to invite its students to come to Korea to receive education, and I want to send medical volunteers to Swaziland, as well as facilitate other helpful programs.� Once the itinerary of the meeting was met, Gracias Choir sang once more at the request of the Minister of Education. Interview With the Minister of Education

After the interview with the Prime Minister, there was another interview with the Minister of Education. The Minister of Education requested aid for information technology education, math and science teachers, music, and cultural activities. Pastor Ock Soo Park made a strong recommendation that the Educational

Pastor Ock Soo Park greets the Minister of Education


Special Article A Gift to Swaziland, for Swaziland

Department allow for Mind Lectures to be administered for Swaziland teachers once a year. He qualified this by stating that once the mentalities of both teachers and students change, Swaziland will, in turn, experience amazing and exponential change. Invitation to the King’s Incwala Festival

After the Minister of Education interview, Pastor Park’s party was invited to the King’s Festival held on spacious field in front of the palace. This is a huge event that takes place at the beginning of the year where national warriors pay their respects to the King and wish him prosperity. It is a longstanding tradition and it is on this day that the King makes his first official speech of the year. Rather than being exclusively led by the King, this 2-hour event is more like a warrior tradition to swear their loyalty to the King, and to exalt his authority. The King participates with the warriors, standing in line with them while wearing the same traditional clothes. It was an official event for the King, so there was no possibility for a personal interview. As unfortunate as that was, we gained the faith that an interview and the opportunity to preach the Gospel will take place soon. After all, the King had already heard a lot about us through the Minister of Youth and the Prime Minister. (The King’s official interviews with external parties are all scheduled for early February). During his New Year’s Speech, the King mentioned Pastor Park and thanked him for his visit.



1. The Incwala Festival of Swaziland 2. A commemorative photo with a Incwala Festival attendee


Preaching the Gospel to the Minister of Education at a Luncheon Hosted by the Minister of Youth

Late in the afternoon, the Minister of Youth hosted a luncheon. Through the luncheon, Pastor Ock Soo Park preached the Gospel to the Minister of Education and his assistant, who were also invited. The fellowship did not go too well in the beginning, but as he listened more and more, his heart opened tremendously and grew close to the Word.


Special Article A Gift to Swaziland, for Swaziland

Pastor Ock Soo Park has fellowship with the Minister of Education (left)

The Minister of Youth Hosts ‘Mind Lecture with Pastor Ock Soo Park’

At 6 pm, a ‘Mind Lecture with Pastor Ock Soo Park,’ hosted by the Minister of Youth was held at Swaziland National University. The Minister of Youth, the Minister of Education, department assistants, government officials, various bishops from neighboring churches, and a 350 student representatives of various universities took part in this event. The Minister of Education arrived early seeking personal fellowship with Pastor Park. At the event, there were traditional Swaziland performances, a screening of the IYF promotional video, dances by the Righteous Stars, and a Gracias Choir concert, all unfamiliar to the Swaziland students. These performances were followed with a Mind Lecture given by Pastor Park. The students were mezmerized by Gracias Choir’s classical music. The cultural gaps were clear in the beginning, but the songs sang in their native language were passionately received.


A performance by soprano Jin Young Park and Hyemi Choi, prior to the Mind Lecture

Through the welcoming address, the Minister of Youth once again, testified about how he experienced God at the IYF World Culture Camp. He introduced Pastor Ock Soo Park as God’s servant, and a man of God. Through the lecture, Pastor Park spoke about a life of being one at heart through the story of John, who stepped on a landmine during the Korean War. In particular, he said spiritual life is being one at heart with God; once the heart is united with Him, we can live a happy, joyful, and blessed life. After the event, there was a VIP reception with the Minister of Youth, Minister of Education, secretaries, and various church bishops. Another spot-on performance by Gracias Choir lifted the Minister of Youth, the Minister of Education, and the bishops off their seats into dance and jubilation.

Mind Lecture attendees, rejoicing at the performance


Special Article A Gift to Swaziland, for Swaziland

Swaziland’s Minister of Youth delivers the welcoming address

There were remarks that it is impossible to see that kind of live performance. Bishop Steven, one of the bishops who represent Swaziland, visited Pastor Park, wanting to hear more of the Word through Gospel fellowship after the conclusion of the events.

A commemorative photo with brother Kiwoong Park (far left), and sister Kyeong Mi Yoon (second to left)

So many things happened in a short period of time. The urgent heart of God who wanted to work in Swaziland was deeply felt. The day consisted of an interview with the Prime 34

Article published in the Swaziland national newspaper.

Minister, an in-depth interview with the Minister of Education, an Official Ceremony of the King, and a Mind Lecture with members of the Department of Youth, 350 university representative students, and bishops. The director, who had attended the IYF World Culture Camp in Korea, along with the Minister of Youth, wholeheartedly prepared this jam-packed schedule. The government provided vehicles and police escorts accompanied us from start to finish. The newspaper and broadcasting station of Swaziland have been steadily reporting Pastor Ock Soo Park’s visit. Swaziland is not a very large country. However, Swaziland is a country where God wants to instill His love, and where we can work powerfully through the Gospel. God has decided to establish Swaziland as a place of blessing. This can only result in amazing work, regardless of what happens. God is looking for individuals who will unite their hearts in order to work for Swaziland. The picture of Swaziland that is drawn in God’s heart is gradually being revealed before our very eyes.


Promise Being Fulfilled: Five Hundred Churches Pastor Sae Young Park | Good News Jacksonville Church

God spoke through the servant that five hundred churches would be established in the United States. The Bible says that a church is not just a building, but it is a place where saved brothers and sisters come together inside the will of God. God more than anyone wants the gospel preached to those who are suffering because they have not heard the true Word yet. God has led thousands of people to hear the Word through many events such as the Bible Crusade, Regional Bible Seminars, English Camps, World Camps, and Cantata Tour. This will be the first of many examples of the promise of God to establish the five hundred churches throughout the United States.


God opened the way to have the Cantata for the first time in 2012. At first, I thought how we could host a Cantata in Jacksonville. This will be impossible. Initially it was very burdensome, but when we followed the voice of God, we saw His grace being poured upon us. Pastor David Ki also visited us to help us prepare for the Cantata and he recommended that we should also look for a new chapel as well. Those words just came in one ear and out the other ear. I thought the chapel we have right now is perfect. We can put up a church sign, we have a dedicated worship hall and it can fit up to forty seats. This is plenty for us. When I was reading the Bible, in Jeremiah chapter thirty two, God tells prophet Jeremiah to buy the land. “So Hanameel mine uncle's son came to me in the court of the prison according to the word of the LORD, and said unto me, Buy my field, I pray thee, that is in Anathoth, which is in the country of Benjamin: for the right of inheritance is thine, and the redemption is thine; buy it for thyself. Then I knew that this was the word of the LORD.” (Jeremiah 32:8) Jeremiah was in prison, but how could he buy the land? This situation is so similar to our church’s situation. We cannot afford


Promise Being Fulfilled: Five Hundred Churches

Jacksonville Church Members

it. He was not in a situation to do so, but Jeremiah buys the land. When we followed the voice of God to prepare for the Cantata, we witnessed God pouring grace upon us. My heart was being led by the voice of God. Our church was not in a situation where we could purchase land, but I could see God wanted us to go forward therefore we started to work out the details. I made the announcement to the brothers and sisters and we hired a real estate agent to start the search for a chapel. Surprisingly there were no brothers or sisters who unified their hearts to buy a chapel. Some fell into trial and just observed from a distance. Satan also prompted my heart many times. Are you sure this is the will of God? This might be your greediness? God will work when you preach the Gospel, do you really need to buy a chapel? Many different thoughts raced through my heart. This is when I remembered the words of Jeremiah. God said to buy it. When I was thinking astray, the Word brought me back to have focus. Last year in May, all of the brothers and sisters fell into trial and I really felt that I couldn’t go on anymore. In April, Pastor Yeong Kook Park gave me fellowship. He said, “Don’t run away, don’t give up, and don’t avoid the problem. God knew these 38

things would happen to you.” Even though the problem did not get resolved, God said that he would establish five hundred churches, and I felt at the very least I should not run away. At the time I was reading the Good News Magazine and saw these verses in Habakkuk. “Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.” (Habakkuk 3:17-18) I thought about so many things as I read this. What does it mean to rejoice in God? What would make me happy? I prayed to God asking for good circumstances. I wanted the brothers and sisters to have a change in heart and work together with me. I was seeking for a good circumstance, but I was not having joy and happiness in the Lord. God showed this to me very clearly. Then there was another hurdle to overcome last in year in November. We were ready to buy the property, but our loan was rejected and ultimately we were not able to buy the building. Why didn’t God give this to us? Abraham received the promise of God and left his father’s home; however when he experienced hardship he lived according to his humanistic methods. I felt I was doing the same thing as well. I remembered the testimony Pastor Jong Young Ahn shared about how their church had purchased a bus. It made me feel that God may have prepared something better for us, but deep inside I felt that there might not be anything better than the one we found. I was faithless, but I remembered pastor’s promise. “I will give thee the ends of the earth as an inheritance. Five 39

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hundred churches will be established.� I started to look again. We amazingly found a building in a great location, low price, and with a large field. It was perfect for us. I could not believe it! How could a building like this still be for sale? When I think back, God really gave this to us. All of the brothers and sisters also felt that God gave this to us, and that was so beautiful to see. We bought the new chapel on January 30, 2015 for $260,000. We had to take care of some things at the town hall and when we met one of the advisors he asked how we bought a $600,000 property for only $260,000. I said that God gave this to us, and he was speechless. This was something that no one could explain, because God truly gave it to us. I am the type of person who is weak, faithless, unfocused, and wavers often. However I have the promise of God and I am so thankful for that. I can only get stuck in the situation, but the Word and the promise of the servant led my heart to purchase the chapel. This year, God said that he would give us fruits as many as the sands in the sea. I hope that this year we can live focusing on the promise of God. We will share more testimonies about the promise of God to establish five hundred churches in the next edition.


or at your local Good News Church (See appendix)


New Heart in the Gospel


Special Article 2015 Pastoral Camp

2015 PASTORAL CAMP From January 26th to the 30th, there was a pastoral meeting at the Fontainebleau State Park located in Mandeville. This meeting served as a chance for the east coast and west coast pastors of America to have fellowship and revive their spirits in front of God. Everyone has at least one thing they think they are good at. The heart to believe in oneself arises naturally as one continues to do something well once, twice, and even three times. From the moment the heart to trust oneself forms, it becomes difficult to listen to what others have to say. Even pastors have the heart to trust themselves as they do they work for the gospel. Only when one gets rid of the heart to believe in oneself, can he be used by God as a servant. Pastor Jong Young Ahn, who ministers at the Los Angeles Church reflects on God’s heart. “God did not allow this pastoral meeting to hand select us to do His great work. God scheduled this meeting because He had 43

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Outdoor recreation time at Fountainbleu State Park.

pity on us. To think that we may fall from this position of receiving grace, He had pity on us. That’s why he interferes in our hearts, so we can get closer and not further away from this world of blessings.” God gave a new promise to America through the servant for 2015. “Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable” (Hebrews 11:12) God said that He would save many souls in America through our mission and give rise to amazing works of the gospel. These Words were published not based on our conditions; this is God’s promise to work regardless of how we are. If anyone throws away their experiences, feelings, and thoughts, and believe only in the Words, they can experience God work. Pastor Yeong Kook Park of the New York church emphasized various times that all the ministers are not “water”, but “wine”.


“What’s important is: ‘are you in the pot?’ or ‘are you not in the pot?’ You may be weak and lacking, but you must have faith. ‘I am in the pot. I am the wine.’ The fact that you’re in the Lord already means that you’ve changed.” Not only was there time for the Words, but there was also time for recreation and a scavenger hunt, which helped keep the body and mind healthy. Finally, the presentations for Bible research allowed ministers to reveal God’s heart in the Bible in a newer and deeper light. Through the fellowship, the ministers were able to empty themselves as they realized that they are nothing but unprofitable servants. What makes preaching the Gospel the most difficult is not one’s conditions, difficulties, or persecutors, but their own thoughts. God said that he is with us. All of the ministers hoped for the precious gospel to be spread to the ends of the world until five hundred churches are established in America. One hundred years ago, D.L. Moody swept over America with the Gospel. However, as time passed, only a perfunctory spiritual life, void of true faith has remained. There are countless people today who are lost and suffering in sin because they do not know the true gospel. We believe that our Good News Mission will once again light the flame of the gospel. Today, America is being overturned through the promise of the servant of God with the Bible Crusade, World Camp, and Gracias Choir Cantata Tour. We believe that God will work more powerfully than ever before through the ministers who have thrown away and emptied their hearts.


Memoirs of a Missionary

Transforming into a Missionary like the Caterpillar Transforms into the Butterfly Pastor Joon Hyun Lee | LomĂŠ, Togo I used to live for my own success, but I began to dream something new after I heard the gospel. God often stirred my heart to become a missionary who would save lives. I followed pastor Ock Soo Park to a mission trip in Kenya and Ghana and it made my heart burn to see the people respond so brightly to the Word. Sometime later, I left Korea and moved to Ghana, Africa to serve as a missionary.


The Third Resource from God

A couple years ago, a social organization nominated outstanding middle school and high school students and awarded them scholarships. During this time officials, including the minister of education, were staying at the national theater in Togo. The organization approached us and requested IYF to perform at the venue. Furthermore, they gave me ten minutes to deliver a message after the performance. I was contemplating what to talk about, and then I got on the stage to speak. “I am thankful to stand before the best students, the best parents, and the best social organization in the world. I am a servant of God and, I would like to briefly talk about the heart of God. God gave us natural resources to live in the world. I was shocked when I learned that there are tons of natural resources in Africa. A lot of oil is buried throughout Africa, and there are many resources that God hid under the ground such as gold, diamonds, and phosphate rocks. If people utilize these natural resources, it is very helpful and beneficial to everyone. What is the second resource that God gave for his people? Unlike Africa, Korea is not abundant in natural resources. Koreans started to think about a different type of resource which 47

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The First World Camp in Togo, 2009

is an intellectual resource called ‘human resources.’ There are two universities in Togo, one in the north and the other in the south, but there are over three hundred universities in Korea.” People were shocked to hear this. “The Koreans exploited human resources to continuously develop and produce many products that are essential to peoples’ lives. Korea became a wonderful country that manufactures the best products such as automobiles, ships, and electronics. People discovered this resource from God and this brought change. Then, what is the third resource from God? That is hidden inside of Jesus Christ. The first and second resources are physically helpful to people but the third resource gives blessings in people’s hearts and turns the world of heart to be prosperous and healthy. People change when they receive the gift that is hidden in Jesus Christ. If you receive the hidden gifts in Jesus Christ, you can be the best person and the best leader.” People ponder about what their God-given talents are. Ever since I was young I thought about what my talents were as well. I was not talented with mechanics. I tried to study but I did not get good grades. I was not interested in arts and music. However, I had a special interest in English. When I was a student, I thought about 48

how I could be successful. I came to the conclusion that I would zealously study English. The world was becoming globalized and I believed English was the key to survive in this global society. Since I was not good at any specific subjects during my junior high and high school years, I diligently studied English and invested a lot of time during my college years. I started an English communication club, attended an academy to study English, and I often invited native English speaking professors to the club to lead conversations and participate in our events. I thought I needed to do all of these things to succeed and survive. However, after I was saved in the army, a new heart of God formed in me to do more for others than for myself. “Why does no one believe in this living word of God and the gospel?” I thought most churchgoers believed in the gospel, but there were very few who believed in the true gospel. I often thought. “I never went to church, and looked for God. I had no interest in God and hated religion, but, how did I meet this gospel!” Transforming Into the Butterfly

There was a professor who taught English Literature when I was in college. The professor often gave lectures about his extensive knowledge of literature. I envied him a lot because he knew so much. The professor rarely talked about the Bible while lecturing. “In my English Literature class, the Bible is a worthwhile book to read at least once.” I could not forget what the professor told us. I was curious. “Does he know about the gospel? He must have known about it because he is a smart and great person! If I talk about it, he would understand.” I once visited him during his office hours. “Professor, I am Joon Hyun Lee and I am returning back to school after being discharged from army.” 49

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“Oh, nice to meet you.” “Professor, it is nice to see you again.” I asked him a question. “Professor, you talked about the Bible. Have you read it?” “Yes, I have.” “Do you go to church?” “Yes, I do.” “Professor, are you saved?” “Yes, I am saved.” “Professor, do you have sin in your heart?” “I do have sin in my heart.” I was so disappointed. “Professor, how could you say that you are saved if you have sin in your heart?” The professor’s face blushed. “Hey, it has been a while since we met. Let’s not talk about this stuff.” The professor quickly changed the subject. Then I thought,“The gospel is more precious than anything. I have nothing to boast about, but how great would it be if I could go to a place without the gospel and live there preaching the gospel?” A new heart formed in me to go and preach the gospel in any country. We all know the story of a caterpillar. A caterpillar is an insect that looks disgusting, and people would step on. God created this ugly caterpillar and drew a beautiful picture inside of it. It crawls on the ground, but there is a beautiful butterfly inside it. After some time, the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly and flies in the sky according to the will of God. Look at the butterfly that is born in the will of God. It flies in the sky and journeys through beautiful and fragrant flowers. It eats the honey in the flowers and pollen is transported to the female flowers and they blossom. The butterfly is 50

Doing a presentation in Japan before entering missionary school

helping produce new life while eating the honey. There is the will of God and His plan towards man. People live for their own glory when they are ignorant of the will and plan of God. However, people who have met the gospel could live a life that is beyond this world and live like the butterfly to produce new life. God was forming that heart in me. To Ghana, Africa

I followed the guidance of God and entered the missionary school in October, 1994. In August 1995, there was a retreat at the Pine Barrens in Yeongdong. I was reading the Good News Magazine and there was an article about Africa. Many Africans were saved in Gottingen, Germany where missionary Oh Sun Kwon was ministering. Many of the Africans were from Ghana and they asked the missionary to preach the gospel in Ghana. The article was about the missionary visiting Ghana and preaching the Gospel there. There was not much news in Africa until now. Before this article there was only one article about Africa which was a conference in Kenya in 1994. When I looked at the pictures, I could see that it was a remote area. I was able to see the explicit image of Africa. “There is so much poverty and life 51

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must be so difficult there.” However, the news of Africa moved my heart and made my heart race. In September 1995, the schedule for Pastor Ock Soo Park’s second witnessing trip to Kenya and Ghana was decided. I also was able to join the witnessing trip with Pastor Ock Soo Park by grace. This was the first conference that was hosted by our mission. We held the conference for a few days commuting to the venue on a small bus. Many people came and listened to the word sincerely. However, there was a fierce battle of the gospel as well. In Kenya, churches are required to have religious registration in order to do missions. At the time Pastor Jong Duk Kim and Pastor Jong Soo Yun were working under Pastor Kimani’s religious registration. Pastor Kimani demanded a large amount of money from Pastor Ock Soo Park in order to continue using the religious registration. After Pastor Park found out about this, he prayed in the early morning, and by faith rejected Pastor Kimani’s demands. After this, things became very hectic and urgent in Kenya. After the conference ended in Kenya, Pastor Ock Soo Park visited Ghana for the first time. The weather in Kenya was cool and nice because it is in the alpine region, but Ghana was very hot. For the first time, I experienced the weather in Africa. We visited many cities such as: Tema, Accra, and Kumasi, and preached the gospel. There were preparation teams in each of the cities and we saw many people gathered and absorbing the Word. During the witnessing trip, the pastor was pleased saying this is really good. I also could not forget the image of the people passionately responding to the Word. “Though this is a very poor country, so many people are gathering to listen to the gospel! This was something I never saw before!” The witnessing trip concluded and we came back to Korea. Later on, I was dispatched to Ghana in October 1995. Our plane flew over the Sahara Desert for more than two hours. As I looked down at the 52

Missionary school students in front of the Ghana church in March, 1997

desert, I thought to myself that Africa is where I will live from now on. While I was staying in Ghana, I lived in Brother Samuel’s home who was living in Gottingen, Germany at the time. Their family gave us two rooms to use. Principal Edwin and His Wife Elizabeth

I was going to work under Pastor Man Kil Jang as soon as he arrived to Ghana. Pastor Man Kil Jang was going to be in charge of the Ghana missions. I went to Ghana a month before Missionary Jang came. At first, about twenty people gathered, but less and less people attended. Eventually, after twenty days no one came. Their love and passion toward the Word disappeared. When I think about it now, their heart to love the Word was God’s way to bring us to Africa. The reality was cruel. We could not speak the language well. Moreover, people who lived with us went back to their old churches. No one came to listen to the Word. People gossiped about us and some even laughed at us. I felt frustrated not knowing what to do. It was not easy to get the people on our side. I remembered a couple who I met in the capital of Ghana on a witnessing trip. Elizabeth was a school teacher and her husband, Edwin, was the principal. My wife, my 2-year-old child, and I would take a small bus every Friday to a small town called “Terote.” The couple listened to the Word very well. 53

Memoirs of a Missionary

Edwin's couple and their two sons, left is minister Atto (above) Edwin is giving a testimony during the conference after he was saved (right)

After the Bible study, they prepared delicious food for us. They served us rice, chicken, and delicious pineapples. After we had the Bible study in the morning, we ate lunch and they gave us a ride back to the terminal. After visiting them about three times, I asked about salvation. “Edwin, you are a principal. Let me ask you a question.” “Yes.” “Are you saved?” “Yes, I am saved.” “I would like to hear how you became saved.” “I had a dream eight years ago, and I heard the voice of God. As I heard the voice I thought that God loves me and saved me. At the time that I heard the voice of God, I was saved.” “Mrs. Elizabeth, are you saved?” “Yes, I am saved as well.” “How were you saved?” “I too had a dream nine years ago, and heard the voice of God. God said that He loves me and He is with me. At that time, I was saved.” I was worried about what I should say next. 54

"After the Korean pastor came to our house, my heart was shattered. It is so difficult. If it’s your will, please don’t allow these people to step into our home." “The way that both of you were saved is very different from the way that the Bible describes of being saved.” I carefully and indirectly expressed the fact that they were not saved. The gentle couple’s faces were changing. They did not express it outwardly, but it was clearly on their face that they were uncomfortable. From then on, they did not prepare any food. There was no rice, delicious chicken, nor pineapples. They used to give us ride to the terminal, but they just said bye to us at the gate when we left their home. Later, we heard that they felt unpleasant and were very angry after we left. “Who do those Korean pastors think they are? We believe and serve God as well! Why do those people come and trouble our hearts?” Every Friday morning, the couple sincerely prayed to God. “Father God, we believe that you are with us. However, after the Korean pastor came to our house, my heart was shattered. It is so difficult. If it’s your will, please don’t allow these people to step into our home.” However, after they finished their prayer, we were on their doorstep. Teach Me How to Be Saved

After we finished the Bible study, we bought some snacks and oranges on the street because we were hungry. It took about one hour for us to come back to Tema. This is how we spent the next six weeks. I was so frustrated in my heart. This was going to be the last time I visited the couple. Before I started the Bible study, I asked them. 55

Memoirs of a Missionary

“Before we start, if you have any questions please ask them.” However, they asked me something that I never would have imagined. “I heard your preaching until now. The more I listen to the Word, the more God teaches me in my heart. I believed I was saved, but I realized that I was not saved after hearing the Word. What other questions could I have? I just hope that you could teach me how to be saved.” They both said the same thing. I was so shocked. I still remember that day, December 6, 1995. I preached the gospel on that day, and they received salvation. It was the first fruit in Ghana. I could not express how happy I was. After preaching the gospel, I was about to leave, but sister Elizabeth stopped me and prepared lunch. There was no lunch for long time, but she prepared a chicken and pineapples. Pineapples and the chicken were on the lunch table again. I was so happy that they were saved. God Gives Blessings to the Family

Edwin and his wife were part of the elite in Ghana and they became the first members of the Tema church. They attended church every evening even though I never told them to come. At times, the buses got flat tires and caught on fire on the way, but they always came to church. Many of their relatives lived in Tema. When the couple started to come to our church, the relatives thought they were strange. The couple started to witness to them. A long time had passed, and now all of the couple’s family members received grace. All of their children received salvation, and many people were saved in Nakuru which is Sister Elizabeth's hometown. Today, a church has been established there. All the family members in Tema also were saved, and Brother Assari became a minister. Sister Elizabeth's last son, Atto, became a minister and now preaches the gospel in Tema. All of Esther's family who lived with us also became saved. Brother Edwin became the first elder in the Ghana church. Later, he 56

"I believed I was saved, but I realized that I was not saved after hearing the Word. What other questions could I have? I just hope that you could teach me how to be saved." became one of the core members of the Accra church when it was established. Now, he is working in the Good News International School as a principal. After Edwin's couple was saved, they served God very well and God blessed them. The Gospel Settles in the First Missions Launch in Africa

God cleared our hearts when we were frustrated and in hardship. We started the mission for the first time. We seemed miserable and lonely. However, God allowed people to listen to the gospel and they changed. The hand of God comforted us and gave us hope. Ghana was the first missions launch in Africa and God allowed the gospel to settle down in our hearts. I am so thankful before God.


Gospel Lesson

Sinner Pastor Dong Sung Kim | Good News Daegu Church, Korea

Luke 23: 39-43 "And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss. And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in paradise."


There are few words in this world that are more tragic than the words “death penalty.” The words “death penalty” bring to mind the guillotine or execution by a firing squad. I would like to begin with a story that is set at the scene of an execution. The events of this story take place after Luke chapter 23, verse 39. Despite it being a grim situation, it is a very beautiful scene. The Bible does not mention the crime that these sinners committed; one can only speculate the charges that could have been multiple accounts of murder, adultery, fraud, or theft. The point is that this individual committed a horrible sin and was being punished by the death penalty. Let us examine the life of this sinner. How did this evildoer, who committed a sin deserving of death, receive the promise to enter paradise? The Lord’s Kingdom is a beautiful, wonderful place decorated with gold and jewels; it is also a place where sinners cannot enter. But how is it that this sinner received the promise of the Kingdom of God? How is it that this sinner can enter such a place? This man was still in his sinful body when he received the promise of paradise. However, he knew that his sins were washed as white as snow. If he did not believe in this truth, then he would not have been able to receive such a promise, he would not have been forgiven of all his sin. There are people who practice mortification of the flesh in order to receive forgiveness of their sins. Some attempt to seek forgiveness of sins by raising their hands to the point of severe pain or lying on a bed of nails. If this was the true and only way for our sins to be forgiven, then the sinner hanging on the cross could have never been forgiven. There are others who believe they can enter heaven by diligently attending church. If church attendance was the only way to receive forgiveness of sins, there is no way for that sinner to receive forgiveness. How can this man, who was hanging on the cross, physically attend church in order for him to be forgiven? Had he attended church before being crucified, he would have had a strand of hope. However, as long as he is hanging from that cross, it is impossible. Ultimately, we can see that this man received the promise of paradise not by diligently attending church. Now there are those who believe their sins will disappear through confessing 59

Gospel Lesson

of sins. Not only do they cry in their prayers, they force themselves to fast or stay up during the night to pray. Some people even see visions in the midst of their prayer. They say they have received the “spirit of repentance” and some people go as far as saying they remember all the sins they committed when they were young children. However, I want to emphasize that although people do need to repent in front of God, repentance alone cannot wash away all our sin. If sorrowful prayer led us to our redemption, then the sinner on the cross should have prayed such a prayer. However, how could he have confessed all his sins in the midst of his torment? Although the exact length of his crucifixion is unknown, for sure he could not have been able to confess each and every sin he committed during that time. Whether one confesses or not, it is not the way to redemption. The Bible does not depict the sinner on the cross crying out, “Lord! I have committed adultery. Please forgive me! I have murdered. Please forgive me!” The prayer of repentance itself can never free us from all of our sin. How is it that this man was able to receive the promise of paradise despite not having prayed for repentance? Let us look in more detail about the sinner’s spiritual life. “And we indeed justly; for we receive the due Luke 23:40-41 "And Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss."

reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss. (Luke 23:41)” If we look at this verse, we can see that the sinner knew about Jesus Christ very well. Their death sentence was justified because of the many sins they have committed, however, this one man knew Jesus Christ never committed a sin in his life and did not deserve to die. In all truth, there was nothing sinful about the 60

works of Jesus Christ. Regardless, the Jews condemned and crucified Jesus, who was righteous, on the cross. The other sinner is unable to accept that He was Christ and despises and

One is truly mistaken if he or she attends church, but has never experienced washing of one’s sins.

mocks Jesus. The one who does believe knew Jesus was the Christ and Savior, and rebukes the non-believer. He also knew why Jesus, who is righteous, must die. The few words that the sinner spoke revealed his whole heart. To this day, many people know about Jesus’ death, but they have not realized He died for their sins. Jesus performed many miracles—people ate of his bread, they were healed of their illnesses, they have personally spoken to Jesus. However, the people who realized Jesus

was their personal Savior were few. Just as the Samaritan woman realized Jesus Christ was her Savior in John chapter 4 and just as the man blind from birth realized Jesus Christ in John chapter 9, the sinner realized that the righteous Savior was dying on the cross. Have you ever experienced the redemption of Jesus Christ? This is not a matter of attending church or holding a position in church. It is not a matter of whether one was baptized or not. What I am asking is, “what does the death of Jesus have to do with you?” How does His death on the cross affect you who are a sinner? The evildoer on the cross knew this secret, this truth. Folks, this is not a problem to be taken lightly. Has all your sin been completely washed through your faith in Jesus Christ? One is truly mistaken if he or she attends church, but has never experienced washing of one’s sins. Having a vague notion of the Bible is different from actually experiencing it in spiritual life. The sinner on the cross did not simply have knowledge of Jesus Christ, he experienced Jesus Christ. In Luke 23:42, the sinner says, “when thou comest into thy 61

Gospel Lesson

kingdom.” The “kingdom” that the sinner mentions is the kingdom Jesus talked about when He stood in front of Pilate. Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews” (John 18:36). Pilate did not know about the kingdom of Pontius Pilate Pontius Pilate was the fifth (5th) prefect of the Roman province of Judaea from AD 26–36. In all four gospel accounts, Pilate lobbies for Jesus to be spared his eventual fate of execution, and acquiesces only when the crowd refused to relent. He thus seeks to avoid personal responsibility for the death of Jesus.

Jesus. However, the sinner knew very well that Jesus was from the Kingdom. He also knew why Jesus came, why He had to die on the cross, and after his death, He would go back to the Kingdom. Jesus, who had neither sin nor blemish, received the same condemnation as a sinner who deserved this punishment. However, the sinner realized the secret of His death and he knew that Jesus was fulfilling the work of God. He knew that after His death, He will return to the Kingdom of God. Folks, do you know of Jesus’ Kingdom? Do you know what resulted from His death? Those of you who attempt to receive forgiveness of sin through repentance prayers need to take off the veil of the law that is covering your face and look carefully at the Bible with open eyes. It is also important to heed to the words of the true servant of God. Through this, you can discover exactly how God forgave your sins. Jesus says, “remember me” in Luke 23:42. If Jesus had never met the sinner, then the sinner would not have been able to remember him. This “meeting” is not one of a physical nature. Unlike the lawyer who did not meet Jesus with his heart, the sinner on the cross experienced Jesus spiritually. He realized he had met the Savior. Jesus will remember the Samaritan woman in His kingdom; He will remember the woman who was caught in adultery in John chapter 8. However, they are those on the other spectrum. 62

In Matthew, chapter 7, Jesus says to those people, “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?” The Lord responded, “I never knew you” (Matt 7:22-23). What is odd is that they cast out demons and act as prophets, but the Lord is saying that He has never met them. The Lord had no choice but to say He didn’t know them. The Lord couldn’t say that He didn’t know the evildoer in His kingdom. There is no doubt that He will remember. Do you think the Lord remembers you like he remembered the evildoer on the cross and the Samaritan woman? Don’t decide without thinking carefully. Put your hand on your heart and decide carefully. Although the sinner ended his life pitifully on the cross, in reality he was happy because he received the promise of

If you are a person who had received the promise of heaven from the Lord, you could be drowning in poverty and living as the beggar, Lazarus, and you would still be a happy person.

heaven. If you were to be born as a human being but never have received this promise, you could live a very rich life and die peacefully, yet still be a very unfortunate person. Even though you attend church, if you do not have assurance of entering heaven, you are an unfortunate person. If you are a person who had received the promise of heaven from the Lord, you could be drowning in poverty and living as the beggar, Lazarus, you would still be a happy person. Many people do not know the secret of the cross and they torment themselves to this day, trying to repent their sins. Such people would sadden the sinner who realized the truth. Just as the sinner who met Jesus and was able to receive the promise of

paradise on Calvary, just as light was shed on the darkness,

have you experienced the true promise of salvation? 63

Preaching the Gospe to the Ends of the Earth


Witnessing Trip:

Training in Faith Testimony of Pastor Ock Soo Park

I would be in distress and worry each time I faced hardships even after being saved and living a spiritual life because I did not have faith that God is with me. However, the missionary who trained us in missionary school taught a spiritual life that was completely different from what I knew. “You cannot bring money from home, make money, or mention that you don’t have money to others,” he said. He also added, “Eat, ride the bus, buy a notebook and take notes in it.” In the early 1960s, Korea was experiencing economic difficulties, so we thought, “Since the American missionary has a lot of money he will help us. We will go through training and he will provide chocolate, coffee, and sandwiches.” However, he gave us nothing and that is why we would often starve. He only said, “Seek everything from God.” 64

We did pray to God, but our faith was not clear, because we did not have faith that God would give us everything we needed. “Won’t somebody send me some money? Can’t my father send me some rice from home?” Even while praying, we were full of such humanistic thoughts. Even when we received food, we felt confused. “Is this really God listening to our prayers, or is it just sympathy from other people?” One day, the missionary told us, “You will all be going on a penniless witnessing trip starting from Monday, so start praying and preparing.” The following Monday morning, the missionary gathered everyone. He told us he would be going on the penniless witnessing trip too, and had prepared a pile of Korean flyers to hand out. Before departing, the missionary put his hands in his pockets, so we thought, “Is he going to give us travel expenses?” But he took some money out and put it down in front of us. It was a small amount of money, only amounting to a few pennies. Then, he told us, “You should do the same.” One of the classmates in my group used to be a pastor at another church. While other missionary students only had meager change in their pockets, he had quite a lot. I felt so sour towards him. Soon, the missionary said, “Put all the money in the offering box.” Then, he assigned each team the area where they would be going. “Come back after a week. I won’t be going with you, so I may not know, but God knows everything, so don’t ever reach out for help or even hint that you need money to others. Only seek from God. If you really are servants of God, God will help you.” We all left without a single penny, including the missionary who could not speak any Korean left off with the flyers that he had packed. The three members of my group had to go to Pohang, but while heading to Yeongcheon from Daegu, we began to get hungry. Not only 65

Preaching the Gospe to the Ends of the Earth

were we hungry, we were also very worried about where we would sleep that night. We went witnessing door to door, but all I could think about in my heart was “Won’t anyone give us some food or ask us to spend the night at their home?” Maybe because my heart was saying, “Please Lord, let us sleep over at this house.” Even when we preached the Word, people would not listen. They would only say “We understand, so please be on your way now.” Around 9:30 at night, nearly the whole town was asleep. Feeling disheartened, we left that village and began walking back towards Pohang. We walked until three in the morning, hungry, tired, and sleepy. To the classmate who used to be a pastor, I said, “Brother, let’s get some sleep under the bridge.” He answered, “Brother Park, let’s just wait a little more. I’m sure God has prepared a place for us.” But I could not stand it as it started to drizzle and I was shivering from the cold. Seeing a chapel by the road, I pushed the brother toward it, saying “Let’s go in there.” It was a country church. We fell asleep prostrate, in prayer position. Soon, people began filing in for early morning service, but I continued sleeping, until it was over. When someone woke me up for breakfast, I involuntarily followed. It turned out that my partner knew the minister of that church. After eating the breakfast prepared for us, we departed again. But I did not really feel that it was God who had given us the food. Strangely, on our way from Pohang to Angang, many people said, “Come, eat and sleep at my house.” However, I felt that it was only because we were pitiful, and not because God was working. Our journey was coming to a close and we had to travel from Angang 66

to Daegu province. However, with the money we had we would only be able to take the three of us from Angang to Gyeongju, so we bought the tickets and started heading towards Gyeongju. We preached the gospel on the train, and when we arrived at Gyeongju Station, a man approached us and asked to speak with us. “I would like to treat you gentlemen to lunch.” It was at that point when I realized in my heart that God was working. I followed him and I had such a grateful heart towards God. He took us to a restaurant he knew, but it was closed that day. Then he took us to another restaurant, but that restaurant was closed as well. All the restaurants he took us to were closed. Then, as he looked at his watch, he said, “I really wanted to treat you all to lunch but it seems that the only places that are open are bars. I can’t take you guys to a bar and also I’m sort of in a hurry. Instead, I’ll give you this money so that you can buy yourselves lunch.” He then handed us some money and left. After we said our farewells, we counted the money which was a large amount of money. The first thing we bought were train tickets to Daegu. After we bought our tickets, we each bought a bowl of noodles. After we paid the check, we realized that we had just enough money for everything. The fact that most of the restaurants in Gyeongju was closed that day was something God intended. Not long afterwards, the missionary sent us out to another penniless witnessing trip. This time the groups changed and I headed out to Cheongdo with another brother. We took the route going through Milyang. On our way, there were times we starved, and times we ate. The day was ending as we left Cheongdo and headed out to Daegu. As we witnessed, the only thing on my mind was “Where will we eat and sleep tonight?” I said that the Lord had prepared everything, yet I felt uneasy 67

Preaching the Gospe to the Ends of the Earth

because I did not have faith in God and I could not see Him working. We witnessed to several different homes, but not one of them invited us to stay for the night. We finally decided to just continue walking. We walked on the pavement that led to Gyeongsan from Cheongdo. After walking for quite some time, only the stars were lighting the pitch black night. It was on that road that we noticed the figure of an old man. We found out later that he was drunk and we decided to take him home. When we asked for his address, he told us it was so-and-so in Gyeongsan. We still had around nine miles to Gyeongsan, but we were hungry and tired. We could not just leave the elderly man behind, so we carried him on our shoulders. After some time passed, all of a sudden he shouted out “My shoe!” He should have told us the moment it fell off, but since he did not, we had a hard time looking for it in the dark. We finally found it and went back on our way when he yelled out again, “My shoe!” This kept repeating on and on, and later I became really angry. I was so angry that I just wanted to leave him there. However, I was unable to do so, so we continued to assist him all the way to his home. With about three miles left to his house, the man finally sobered up. “What happened to you?” “I went out to chop wood but I don’t how I got here.” “Do you live in Gyeongsan?” “Yes” We finally arrived and Gyeongsan around midnight. The street lamps were on by the town gate, and there were a few young men gathered around the town gates. As we approached them, one of the young men came running to us and said, “Father, what took you so long?” He then 68

turned to us and asked, “Excuse me sir, but what happened to my father?” “We don’t know. He collapsed by the side of the road so we carried him here for almost nine miles.” “Thank you so much. It’s very late. Please stay the night at my house.” We stayed the night at his house, and as they were preparing a late dinner for us, we preached the gospel to the rest of the family. When one of us was preaching the gospel, the other one was dozing off. And when one of us got tired, we would wake the other person and take turns preaching the gospel. We preached the gospel until 1 am in the morning, and then the food was ready. The lady of the house gave us a big heaping bowl of rice and we ate everything until we were full. The elderly man’s daughter-in-law prepared our beds for us and when we entered the room we realized it was the son’s room. I don’t know where the son and his wife spent the night, but I slept well on that bed that night. When we awoke in the morning, the son overheard that we were headed to Daegu so he went out to buy us two tickets. I felt that it was foolish of me to not believe in God. I natural tendency to not have faith, but as I live inside of Jesus, I cannot help but believe in God. God was helping me and leading me in all of my steps.


Church Directory (North America) EAST COAST Good News New York Church 718-878-4246 300 Nassau Rd., Huntington, NY 11743

Good News New Jersey Church 201-406-4677 1075 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666

Good News Manhattan Church 212-695-1294 268 West 44th St. 5th Floor, New York, NY 10036

Good News Detroit Church 248-971-4151 1181 Harding Ave., Rochester Hills, MI 48307

Good News Bronx Church 646-339-6432 685 Morris Park Avenue 2nd floor, NY 10462

Good News Indianapolis Church 317-919-5640 383 S. Emerson Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46219

Good News Brooklyn NY Church 917-526-7498 765 43rd St. 1st FL, Brooklyn, NY 11232

Good News Miami Church 786-247-2308 331 NW 65th Way, Hollywood, FL 33024

Good News Flushing Chinese Church 631-535-1169 134-24 Cherry Ave., Flushing, NY 11355

Good News New Orleans Church 504-432-6000 3205 Cherry St., New Orleans, LA 70118

Good News Atlanta Church 404-966-6352 11000 Rogers Circle, Johns Creek, GA 30097

Good News Jacksonville Church 904-800-7890 3850 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32207

Good News Atlanta Spanish Church 678-387-9271 2635 Fairlane Drive, 2nd FL, Doraville, GA 30340

Good News Boston Church 617-943-9739 4 Church St. #8, Malden, MA 02148

Good News Philadelphia Church 215-379-0501 305 Township Line Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027

Good News Charlotte Church 704-500-6063 8731 Green Ivy Lane, Charlotte, NC 28217

Good News Chicago Church 847-329-0237 4825 W. Jarlath St., Lincolnwood, IL 60712

Good News Fort Wayne Church 260-797-3412 3316 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne, IN 46807

Good News Washington Church 703-309-7132 5044 Portsmouth Rd., Fairfax, VA 22032

Good News Maryland Chinese Church 301-250-1138 85 Orchard Dr., Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Good News Memphis Church 901-206-7891 4162 Owen Rd., Memphis, TN 38122

Good News Nashville Spanish Church 615-927-8980 120 Arbor Knoll Blvd., Antioch, TN 37013

Good News Minneapolis Church 612-354-3909 3000 West Broadway Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55411

WEST COAST Good News Central Church 213-386-0097 3500 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90004

Good News Orlando Church 407-456-0470 1120 Arden St., Longwood, FL 32750 70

Good News Tacoma Church 253-582-3599 10103 South Tacoma Way, Lakewood, WA 98499

Good News Kansas Church 816-210-0351 1301 E 100th TER, Kansas City, MO 64131

Good News Albuquerque Church 505-301-7167 3001 Cuervo Dr., N.E. Albuquerque, NM 87110

Good News Hawaii Church 808-679-2800 1219 Keeaumoku St., Suite 400, Honolulu, HI 96814

Good News Dallas First Church 972-272-4724 4502 Lawler Rd., Garland, TX 75042

Good News Houston Church 713-498-1980 6534 Rolla St., Houston, TX 77055

Good News San Jose Church 408-893-2267 1548 Curtner Ave., San Jose, CA 95125

Good News Phoenix Church 480-273-2199 9001 West ELM St. #5, Phoenix, AZ 85037

Good News Las Vegas Church 702-248-0572 2880 Red Rock St., Las Vegas, NV 89146

Good News Sacramento Church 916-996-4655 7136 Fair Oaks Blvd., Carmichael, CA 95608

Good News Salt Lake Church 801-656-5299 353 Park Creeke LN #B, Salt Lake City, UT 84115

Good News Oklahoma Church 405-535-9553 5316 Huddleston Drive, Oklahoma City, OK 73135

Good News O.C. Baptist Church 714-226-0595 3330 W. Lincoln Ave., Anaheim, CA 92801

CANADA & CARIBBEAN Good News Vancouver Church 1-778-881-5508 9930 Lyndhurst St., Burnaby, BC V3J 1E9, Canada

Good News Anchorage Church 907-258-9987 1020 W. Fireweed Lane, Anchorage, AK 99503

Good News Ottawa Church 1-647-770-3379 275 Rue LaramĂŠe, Gatineau, QC J8Y 3A1, Canada

Good News El Paso Church 915-478-3576 8001 Magnetic Street, El Paso, TX 79904

Good News Toronto Church 1-416-321-2004 70 Mcgriskin Rd., Toronto, ON M1S 4S5, Canada

Good News Portland Church 971-300-1127 6225 S.W. Dale Ave., Beaverton, OR 97008

Good News Jamaica Church 1-876-318-0189 63b Deanery Road, Kingston 3, Jamaica W.I.

Good News San Antonio Church 210-315-0346 405 Walton Ave., San Antonio, TX 78225 Good News San Diego Church 619-559-6287 4920 Ocean View Blvd. #3, San Diego, CA 92113

Good News Dominican Republic Church 1-809-350-1429 Calle 26 #2, Valle Verde 1, Santiago, La Republica Dominicana

Good News Denver Church 720-308-3442 9825 E. Girard Ave. #3W-233, Denver, CO 80231

Good News Haiti Church 509-70-8253-2511 Rue Jeremie #7 bis Delmas 33, Port-au-Prince, Haiti 71


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