The Goodnews - March, 2017

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MAR 2017


∙ Special Article

Pastor Ock Soo Park Meets with Philippines President Détente

∙ New York Times

The Son Born of Faith

∙ Gospel Lesson The Law

Table of Contents

04 Monthly Sermon If the Heart of Jesus Is Within Us



Salvation Testimony The Big Picture

Memoirs of a Missionary Replacing My Heart with God’s Heart



Special Article Pastor Ock Soo Park Meets with Philippines President Détente

New York Times The Son Born of Faith


Good News Magazine | March 2017

Cover Photo

46 Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth God Opened the Way for Mission Broadcasting



Church Directory

Gospel Lesson The Law


Sermon of the Month

IF THE HEART OF JESUS IS WITHIN US Pastor Ock Soo Park | Good News Gangnam Church

When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. (John 8:10-11)


These words are not meant only for the woman taken in adultery, but for all of us! Just as Jesus said to the woman that He does not condemn her, He says that He does not condemn me.

WHAT HE SAID TO ALL THE SINNERS IN THE WORLD When we look in the Book of John chapter 8, Jesus says to the woman taken in adultery, “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.” After I received salvation, I really liked these words. Jesus met the woman taken in adultery. The woman had sin, and after Jesus had written on the ground with His finger, when He said to the scribes and Pharisees, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her,” the people who were about to stone the women left. Then Jesus asked, “Woman, where are those thine accusers? Hath no man condemned thee?” When the woman answered that there was no one, Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.” For me, the words spoken by Jesus to the woman taken in adultery are not spoken only to the woman, but I believe that it was spoken to all the sinners in the world. Before I received the forgiveness of my sin, I was jealous of the woman taken in adultery. It was because although she was taken in adultery and was in the predicament of being stoned to death, she met Jesus through this and Jesus said that He does not condemn her. And because Jesus does not condemn her, it is certain that the woman received the forgiveness of sin. I too, like the woman, wanted to meet Jesus and hear Him say that He will not condemn me. Back then, I saw the words spoken by Jesus as words only meant for the woman taken in adultery. But as I read the Bible, I accepted into my heart that, “These words are not meant only for the woman taken in adultery, but for all of us! Just as Jesus said to the woman that He does not condemn her, He says that He does not condemn me. The sins I committed, no matter what sin they were, have been washed.” Just as the woman found happiness, I too found great happiness. -5-

Sermon of the Month

WHAT WAS THE WOMAN’S HEART LIKE THEN? The Bible is the Word of God and is different than anything else we read. Neither Shakespeare nor any other literary writer could write a story like John chapter 8. In this story, the woman taken in adultery was dragged in front of Jesus to be stoned to death, and the scribes and Pharisees ask Jesus, “This woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stone: but what sayest thou?” The woman’s fate was in the hands of Jesus. After Jesus wrote on the ground with His finger, He said, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” Then all the people left and only the woman and Jesus remained. Jesus asked the woman, “Woman, where are those thine accusers? Hath no man condemned thee?” “No man, Lord,” she replied. “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.” I’ve read this scripture hundreds of times, and gave sermons on numerous occasions. I searched the woman’s heart each time. “What was her heart like when the woman committed adultery?” Her heart would be filled with lust. “I shouldn’t commit adultery. If I get caught committing adultery, I will be stoned to death.” Although she knew this, when the lustful heart was dragging her, she committed adultery because she didn’t have the heart to overcome it. The woman was taken in adultery and dragged along to be stoned. “What was the woman’s heart like then?” If people throw stones the size of fists at the woman, she would be struck by those stones breaking her head, arms, and face. And she would die, covered in blood. As the woman thought about her fate, she would have felt so pitiful, tormented, and only despair in her heart. In the end, when Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more,” and sent her away, what would the heart of the woman be like then? I searched her heart again. “Everyone hated me and tried to kill me, but Jesus loved me and saved me! He forgave my sins!” The woman would be so happy that her heart would be filled with gratitude and thankfulness for Jesus. -6-

If Jesus places a new heart inside us, then we change. Instead of a heart of lust and depravity, if the heart of Jesus enters us, even if we are tempted to sin, we will naturally escape from sin.

IF THE HEART OF JESUS IS WITHIN HER, HOW COULD SHE COMMIT EVIL? When people do good, it starts from the heart, and when they sin, it starts from the heart. If they don’t have a lustful heart they cannot commit adultery. If they don’t have envy, they cannot steal. But people ignore their hearts, and even when lustful hearts arise, they try not to commit adultery. Even as they have envy, they try not to steal. We should not try to suppress the heart that we have, but rather, change the heart. Jesus does the most precious work of changing our hearts. When the woman was committing adultery, her heart was filled with lust. And when she was being dragged off to be stoned to death, she was filled with fear and despair. If the woman’s heart is filled with despair, how meaningful would it be to say, “Don’t despair.” Even today, there are so many people with lustful hearts, and yet they try not to sin. People try not to drink; try not to do drugs or gamble; try not to fall into video games; and struggle so hard but because they cannot overcome its power. Ultimately, they are dragged by them. If Jesus places a new heart inside us, then we change. Instead of a heart of lust and depravity, if the heart of Jesus enters us, even if we are tempted to sin, we will naturally escape from sin. Jesus said to the woman taken in adultery to sin no more. If the woman sinned, then the Word of Jesus is not fulfilled. But if Jesus said to the woman to sin no more, then He would need to replace the lust, fear, and despair with thankfulness, joy, and love in order to prevent the woman from sinning. When the woman’s heart is filled with God’s love and overflowing with thankfulness, how could she sin in front of Jesus? If the heart of Jesus is within her, how could she sin? -7-

Sermon of the Month

AS WE NATURALLY BECOME CHRISTIANS LIKE JESUS Many people think that spiritual life is accomplished by their efforts and labor. This is not true. When we look to Jesus and we are filled with the Lord’s heart, we can praise the Lord. We can witness of the Lord. And we can volunteer for the Lord and bear any adversity for the Lord. The Lord was crucified for us, and when I think about Jesus, who saved a person like me who deserved to die, how could the woman taken in adultery not give herself completely to Jesus? God wants a spiritual life from the core of our hearts and not a spiritual life done by our will or labor. True spiritual life is not done by determining, “I shouldn’t commit adultery. I shouldn’t steal. I shouldn’t gamble. I shouldn’t play games.” The heart of the woman taken in adultery before meeting Jesus was filled with lust, but after meeting Jesus, that heart disappeared and it was filled with peace and joy. If we meet Jesus with our hearts and accept His words, we will gain the heart of Jesus. The evil thoughts we have inside us will leave and we will be overflowing with thankfulness and joy. Our hearts will naturally become Christians like Jesus. -8-

JESUS PLACES HIS WORDS INSIDE OUR HEARTS DAILY Jesus does not tell us to not be evil while our hearts are filled with evil. Just as it is stated in Jeremiah chapter 31, verse 33, “I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts,” Jesus places His heart and His words daily within our hearts. When the woman heard Jesus’ words, “Neither do I condemn thee,” she would have been overflowing with unspeakable joy and thankfulness. She could only praise the Lord. After the Samaritan woman met Jesus, she went into town to lead others to salvation. It was because of a new heart Jesus had placed inside her. A heart different from the one she had before. Spiritual life begins from the heart. If Jesus comes into our hearts, we cannot help but to become like Jesus. We don’t have to try to do good works nor try to not sin. Our hearts must become closer with Jesus. Then, just as the heart of the woman taken in adultery changed, the dirty heart that dwells in us will also change. There was a brother who drank eight to ten bottles of liquor every day for twenty years. But one day, when the Word entered his heart, the next day, the thoughts of wanting to drink did not rise anymore. It was because his heart was filled with the Word of God. We should not try to do good or try to stop sinning. If the heart of Jesus dwells in us, that heart will lead us to do good, allow us to live an obedient life to the Lord, and give us great glory and increase our joy. I saw so many people change as they accepted the words of Jesus. Drug addicts and alcoholics changed, and I saw how a person who was always irritable changed to be bright. When Jesus takes spaces within our hearts, we become righteous and holy, and we can live a clean life.

Pastor Ock Soo Park

Pastor Park is currently the senior pastor of the Good News Gangnam Church. He is the founder of the Mahanaim Cyber Theology School and International Youth Fellowship. Annually he is the guest speaker for Bible Crusades domestically and internationally and serves as a guest lecturer to university students. He is the author of several titles such as: The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again, Repentance and Faith, and Navigating the Heart. These books have been translated in 17 different languages, and in addition he is the author of 40 other books on spiritual life.


Salvation Testimony


Big Picture In Young Choi Good News Washington Church


od had been drawing a big picture in my life. While experiencing each moment, I was only able to see small portions of that picture, but when I look back, I can’t deny the fact that God had been carefully leading and completing my life within the big picture of salvation all the while. I grew up without much hardships in a very religious household with both parents deeply embedded in the educational and religious fields. However, I was not able to meet with God’s heart and learn about the world of the heart. My Mother, who was always so busy, was always caught up in her own thoughts, yet her heart was empty. Without knowing God, I habitually attended church. But once I became a college student, I found going to church meaningless and therefore stopped going. In the midst of my parents’ prayers and sighs, I may have seemed like a hard-working student, but in actuality, I lived a completely different life. With hopes of having a fresh start in a new place, I went to study abroad in America, where I met my current husband and got married. I majored in English and was confident in my English skills, so I began my life in - 10 -

America with high expectations and hope. Not long after I got off the airplane and took my first step into the airport, I strongly felt that I was nothing but an ordinary, small Asian living overseas with nobody I really knew apart from my husband. Even the homeless people on the streets spoke better English than I did, and I felt like such a small existence that belonged to nobody. Many times, after I had a fight with my husband, I would feel miserable that I had no car to take me anywhere, no roads I knew, nor anybody else I could turn to. My husband had a job that required him to take a lot of business trips, and he was away for about six months out of the year. So even in America, I continued to feel lonely, empty, and in solitude. I felt like that not because of the environment, or because of the people, but it was because I did not have God. However, back then, I did not know that was the reason. While receiving my treatment while I was pregnant with my first child, I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. In addition, it was discovered that my other thyroid, which did not have a tumor, was not functioning at all because of an infection. Six months after giving birth, I had my tumor removed surgically. After the surgery, I had to detach myself from my crying baby looking for her mother, in order to receive radiation treatment. During my treatment, I had to stay in an isolated ward, and even after the treatment, I had to stay alone at a hotel in case of radiation contamination. Seeing myself diagnosed with cancer, having received surgery, being quarantined, and unable to care for my child made my heart feel very difficult and full of thoughts. I questioned my existence, seeing that I had tried so hard to manage everything. Yet, life flowed in a direction completely different from my plans and intentions. Meanwhile, in order to try to change my introverted and obese child, I enrolled him in a Tae Kwon Do Academy, and through the director of the academy, I got connected to Pastor Byung Joo Lim, of the Good News Washington Church. I began to have Bible study with him. That was during a time when I was diligently attending meetings and Bible studies at the biggest Korean church in Virginia, trying to fill the emptiness in my heart. However, nothing was able to solve the doubts I had in my heart. All I heard were empty words of how if a person diligently prays, does volunteer work, and does good works, God will bless that person. I did not look forward to the Bible studies with Pastor Lim in the beginning. But later, I felt as if a ray of light was beginning to shine in my heart. I found out I could not meet God in my heart because of the problem of sin. This was blocking my relationship with God, which had - 11 -

Salvation Testimony

not been resolved. As I listened to the words about the Good Samaritan in Luke chapter 10, my eyes were finally opened. That moment of surprise and joy is still fresh in my heart. At that moment, all the doubts in my heart were gone, and all the confusion and emptiness were changed to thankfulness and hope. It was not that I had to become the Good Samaritan and do good works. It turns out that I was the man who fell among thieves. I was always chasing after something “better,� pouring water into a bottomless well. I fell among thieves on my way from Jerusalem to Jericho and was half dead. For such a person as I, Jesus had compassion, came and poured oil on my wounds and bound them up, and entrusted me to the inn: the church. I never sought for God. I never did anything. All I did was lie on the floor lifeless, after having met many thieves. However, just as I could do nothing, God came and found me, bound me up, fixed me, and gave me life. That day I met God, who had patiently waited for me, I was free from all doubts. Until now, my life had not turned out according to my will, but now my heart is full of hope toward God, who will continue to lead my life. Even after receiving salvation, when my heart became arrogant and I stood stubbornly by my own ways, God allowed things to happen so that I could return to Him. He made me come before the Word. I am living with a hopeful heart in the Lord, who is in the process of beautifully completing the big picture of my life. At times, it feels difficult, and there are things I cannot understand. But nothing is comparable to the strength and comfort I receive from the fact that the Lord will never turn me away when I return my heart before the Word, and go before the servant of God. Despair cannot do anything to me. Therefore, I am happy. - 12 -

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Special Article Pastor Ock Soo Park Meets with Philippines President Détente

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Pastor Ock Soo Park Meets With President Détente

• The Office of the President met with IYF officials and were interested in Pastor Park's activities • The Good News Corps volunteers introduced the World Camp to the President • During the meeting, the President told Pastor Park, "It's a good organization. I will help support it." • The promise to meet again to discuss matters in further detail • The fifth visit overseas with government officials

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Pastor Park stands next to President Détente for a photo op.


astor Ock Soo Park met with the President of the Republic of the Philippines, President Détente, at the Marco Polo Davao Hotel. The Philippines has been riddled with drugs and corruption for a long time. As soon as he was inaugurated, President Détente announced a war on drugs and corruption. While the overall safety of the country has improved, there are still problems that arise. The reality is that it is a very difficult situation to address. The IYF in Philippines made progress to have Pastor Park meet with President Détente. They first approached the Office of the President and introduced Pastor Park and the IYF, as well as requesting a meeting with the President. The Office of the President learned about Pastor Park's many meetings with international government officials, as well as the activities of the mind education and IYF overseas. Once they heard of the teachers’ mind education in the Philippines, they showed interest in attending as well. Since the New People's Army called off the unilateral ceasefire, they attacked government troops last February 3rd. To console those whose family members were lost, President Détente visited Davao and he met with IYF volunteers as well. They briefly explained IYF and invited him to the World Camp that was being held at USeP University where 4,500 students attended, as well as 300 students from Korea. - 15 -

Special Article Pastor Ock Soo Park Meets with Philippines President Détente

The President called over his secretary and told him to “take note of this event.” Due to the attacks of the NPA forces, he was unable to attend the event, he still kept his promise and met with IYF officials. The Manila Times, the oldest and most renown newspaper, held the Philippines Economic Outlook for the 5th Business Forum of the Philippines Economic Outlook for 2017 at the Marco Polo Hotel in Davao.President Détente attended this event and this is where he met with IYF officials. On the 2nd floor of the Marco Polo Hotel, Pastor Park met with President Détente in the meeting hall. Pastor Park introduced himself very briefly and began to introduce how IYF started. “President Détente, I heard you announed a war on crime and have cleaned the Philippines. I clean the hearts of the people. (laugh) There was once this American teenager who did drugs and carried around a gun. I had that boy stay at our house. Whether people sin, commit adultery, steal or murder, it all begins in the heart. I am a pastor. I learned how to change the heart through the Bible. After that teenager came to Korea, he changed into a new person. “That was the beginnings of the IYF. In 2001, we established the IYF and many students from around the world received a change of heart through our guidance. In 2009, I was invited by the Communist Youth League and lectured for two days. This year, we are training over 4,000 students at USeP and are so overjoyed. The former President of Paraguay, President Lugo, was first to ask me to lead the youths of his country. He was followed by Benin, Uganda, Kiribashi and now over ten heads of states have asked me to lead their youths. Last March, we established an FA agreement with Vietnam in order to deal with the problems youths face. “The University President of The place where Pastor Park met with USeP, where we are currently holding our President Détente, Marco Polo Davao World Camp, attended the World Camp Hotel. - 16 -

President DĂŠtente speaking at the Economic Forum.

After the forum ended, President DĂŠtente took photos with the attendees.

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Special Article Pastor Ock Soo Park Meets with Philippines President Détente

After the photo op, President Détente greeted Pastor Park. They spoke very briefly and moved to another meeting place.

in Korea and enjoyed it so much that he started the World Camp at his school this year. Many students have received change. A few years ago, while we were holding a World Camp in Thailand, university presidents from 15 different schools in India attended and saw firsthand the change the students received. They are now currently working together with us. “We have been holding the 3-day World of the Heart Lecture for over 50,000 teachers of the Philippines. We are teaching students three key components: self-control, thinking power, and fellowship. Learning these three things are very beneficial. We will continue to work hard for the Philippines. Just as other governments helped, it will be of much support if you can help us.” President Détente answered, “Yes, we will, we will.” Pastor Park said, “We have a 10-year plan for the Philippines. We will continue our mind education for college students. Through your assistance, we wish to create a mind education program in all universities so that it can reach many students. We also want to teach the mind education to professors, teachers and establish a mind education course for elementary, middle and high schools in order to have students grow up in a positive manner. “We have been the forerunners until now and need the help of the - 18 -

government in these crucial steps forward. If you help us, we will continue to work hard. “I firmly believe that in 20 years time, IYF will be leading the world. The life one leads by controlling one's heart is completely different from a totally unrestrained life. If you have time to attend our World Camp, you can see firsthand how these students receive change through us.” President Détente was very happy to hear this news. “We will support this good work.” Elder Hwo Jung Hwang added, "Our Good News Medical Corps is offering free medical treatment for the citizens of Davao for three days. Yesterday, alone, we treated 1,000 people, and we are working together with the Davao clinics. We will continue to due more medical volunteering in the Philippines." President Détente praised the IYF and said it was a great organization. It was a short meeting but promised to meet again to speak further. Just as it was proclaimed in Pastor Park’s New Year’s message, God is working so that we become the light to the gentiles. This was the fifth meeting with heads of state this year alone. God is working to spread the light of the Gospel. We are hopeful when we believe that God only gives us the best things, and how He will lead the Philippines to be blessed.

Photo taken with President Détente’s trademark fist gesture. - 19 -

Memoirs of a Missionary_Cote d'Ivoire

Memoirs of a Missionary Episode 5

Replacing My Heart with God’s Heart The death of Brother Eve… Brother Vincent and my second daughter, Sun Kyo, becoming very ill… These happenings were not good in the eyes of Missionary Jung Do Lee. The missionary condemned himself, while he felt fear in his heart. However, God emptied the missionary’s heart, and established the authority of the Word of God and the church in his heart. At this time, we would like to introduce the testimony of Missionary Jung Do Lee. “The life of experiencing and tasting the good things that God has prepared is blessed.”

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Brother Eve, Who Was Connected to Church Through the First Conference

Because the location of the new building was good, there were many people who visited the church just by seeing the church sign. Before we moved to the new location, we had to go out for witnessing every day. However, after moving, I was too busy meeting the people who just happened to visit the church. We had our first conference at the new location with Pastor Jin Ki Seo, from Korea. Many people came to the conference and listened to the Word of God, but only one young man named, Eve, was connected to our church. Brother Eve was a plastering worker and a young man with a pure heart. After he was saved, he was always attached to the church. At that time, all of our brothers and sisters were close to one another since there were not many members in our church. Brother Eve was living alone, and became sick one day. Since he had no one to take care of him, he stayed in the church. Unfortunately, his sickness grew worse and worse. As I was praying for him early one morning, I read Matthew chapter 8. There was a story about a centurion and his ill servant. The centurion was a person who had no problem with going out to Jesus. Yet, as his loving servant became ill, he met Jesus and experienced the work of faith. Because the story of the centurion was very similar to my situation, I read the Word of God more carefully. And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him. (Matt. 8:7) I ran to Brother Eve and testified of this, and shared with him the words of Jesus, I will come and heal him. The brother, who was just lying down started to move, little by little. He even went to the roof as well. However, that evening, God took Brother Eve away. I was so confused. I felt like I deceived the brother, and I did not know how to understand and believe the Word of God from now on. In another regional church, we were holding our first conference there, but I could not go. “How can I preach if I can’t believe the Word? If I am not going to preach, why am I staying here? That’s right. Let me stop deceiving myself and leave!” I thought to myself. There were two young ladies who came Ivory Coast as Good News Corps. I placed the two of them in charge of all of church work and finances, and I prepared to leave. I could not leave without saying goodbye to the brothers and sisters, who were like my family. Thus, I gathered everyone in

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Memoirs of a Missionary_Cote d'ivoire

the chapel and honestly shared with them my heart. After saying goodbye, I came back to my room. Because we were so closely connected, it felt like my heart was ripping apart. Soon afterwards, Brother Rose slammed a door open and threw his Bible down in front of me and shouted, “Missionary, take this away! I came to believe the words of the Bible through you. But now you say that you can’t believe this. Then, how can I believe in this? Take this and leave!” Sister Bernadette came to me as well. “Missionary, I have something to say to you. Come outside!” I realized that although I was a missionary and leader, I was not the church. I was able to feel the authority of the church through words of Sister Bernadette. I could not ignore her, so I went outside. She said, “Missionary, we have followed and listened to you until now. It was because we believed that the words that came out of you were the words of God. You always told us, ‘If God does not allow it, then nothing can happen in our lives. And if God has allowed it, then everything that has happened to us is good, regardless of how we perceive them.’ Missionary, who took Brother Eve? Wasn’t it God? If that’s the case, then isn’t it a good thing? Brother Eve, who was supposed to die without anyone’s care, was able to listen to the Word of God by your side until he died and returned to God. Isn’t that good? According to His Word, “I will come and heal him,” Jesus took Brother Eve. It was not done by you. Missionary, go to Port Bouet, now. Go and have the conference.” After I heard what she said, I immediately headed to Port Bouet. I was so thankful that there was a church that held and led me. I was a person easily led by my own thoughts. Such a lacking person as I was able to stay in the church because God sent people who helped me. Lacking was not a curse. Not having someone to help me was. Not having faith was not a curse, but a life living without the church was. Solomon could not get back up after he fell. But on the other hand, David was able to get back up. In Ecclesiastes chapter 4, it says, Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone? And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). - 2222 -

“I was a person easily led by my own thoughts. Such a lacking person as I was able to stay in the church because God sent people who helped me.�

In Matthew 18:20, For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Thus, two people in Ecclesiastes chapter 4 represented the church. God established the church in my heart through the incident of Brother Eve, and He taught me a spiritual life led by the church. Through Brother Vincent’s Sickness, God Had Established the Authority of the Word

When the church in Ivory Coast was first established, most brothers and sisters were young adults. There was not a single elderly person attending. Then one day, Brother Vincent, who was elderly, received salvation. Brother Vincent attended classes in the missionary school daily, and listened to the sermons. In the afternoons, he went out for witnessing with the other missionary students. As Brother Vincent stayed in the church, it felt like there was an adult in the church and atmosphere was good. The church was becoming stable. One day, when I came back from a pastoral meeting in Ghana, I could not find Brother Vincent. When I asked the other missionary students, they told me that Brother Vincent could not come to the church because he was sick. The brother had a disease in his testicles and was supposed to receive surgery. However, he did not have enough money to receive the surgery, so he was temporarily connected a tube for urination. As a problem occurred in the tube, his urine leaked on his pants and sofa. That was the reason why he could not come out to the church and go out for witnessing. I wanted to visit his house, but I could not. It was because it was not only a problem that I could not solve, but I also knew that I would just say a few words out of formality and then return home. I felt terrible because I could not tell him to come to the church, nor could I pay for his surgery. Although the brother who yearned for the Word of God and who wanted to witness could not come to the church due to his sickness, I could not do anything for him as a guidance. In 1 Kings and 2 Kings in the Bible, - 2323 -

Missionary Lee holding a workshop on a holiday and preaching the Word of God (above), Vincent, the middle of back row (Next to a short-term missionary)

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there were servants of God, Elijah and Elisha. They were the true servants of God. In whichever city, in whichever house, and whoever it might have been, everything was solved through the words coming out of their mouths. Every problem turned into joy and peace. I could not do the same. There was nothing I could do before the problems in front of me. Condemnation came upon my heart and I felt so painful. “God, didn’t you send me here? If I were your servant, shouldn’t you give me the Word and power to solve Brother Vincent’s problem? God, I am afraid of visiting the brother. What should I say? I can’t do anything. How can I be your servant? Help me. I have no power.” When I prayed, I kept shedding tears and constantly heard sounds of condemning myself. I could not sleep for 2 nights. I found no answers though I read the Bible and prayed. On the third day, early that morning, I remembered the Word in Galatians 5:1, Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. It said Jesus made us free. Freedom to listen to the Word! Freedom to preach the Word! Next, I remembered the Word in Matthew 8:17, That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses. Jesus not only bore our sins, but all of our infirmities and sickness were also included. Why did Jesus have to take care of our infirmities and sicknesses? Jesus took care of everything so that nothing would be a problem because He knew that saved brothers and sisters might not be able to preach the Gospel boldly due to their infirmities. As I thought of that, I felt incredibly happy. I waited until dawn and went to Brother Vincent’s house. I told him, “Brother, look at the Bible. Jesus gave you freedom. Rejoice in this freedom. You have a privilege to freely listen to and preach the Word. Come to church. Preach. Jesus bore your sicknesses and took care of them. So, come to church today. Okay?” The brother started to come to the church from that day on, and he a few days later, he said, “Pastor, interestingly, my urine doesn’t leak anymore. I think the urinal tube is connected properly again.” “Brother, what does that mean? If God has healed you, then He would have healed you completely, not just connect the urinal tube. Go to the hospital and remove the tube. You are healed.” “Yes, Pastor.” Whenever I saw the brother, I asked him if he visited the hospital. He was

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Memoirs of a Missionary_Cote d'ivoire

burdened by this, and did not answer me. Eventually, he stopped coming church. I gave him a call. “Brother, you don’t have to remove the urinal tube. However, you should go to the hospital and tell a doctor. Tell the doctor that you want to remove the tube. Could you do that?” Brother Vincent asked the doctor if he could remove the tube, but the doctor did not give him permission. The doctor told him that he could never remove the tube without having surgery. However, when he came back from the hospital, the urinal tube just fell apart. The brother was so shocked. He was about to take his urinal tube to the hospital, but the he thought to himself: “Where are you going?” “I’m going to the hospital.” “Why?” “Because my urinal tube fell apart.” “Pastor told you to take it out.” “That’s right.” “Then, you don’t need to go to the hospital.” As a result, he did not go to the hospital that day. The brother has urinated normally from that day on. God purified my heart toward the Word of God through the incident of Brother Vincent. God, who also taught me the authority of the church through the incident of Brother Eve, established the authority of the Word of God in my heart through Brother Vincent’s sickness. I was thankful to God for faithfully interfering with and forming my heart. I was afraid when my second daughter’s, Sun Kyo’s temperature, went up to 40 degrees celsius

In Africa, people regularly catch malaria and typhoid. Me getting sick was okay, but it was hard to bear when my children got sick. Once, my second daughter, Sun Kyo, was sick. After going through a rough night, we went to the local health center for a blood test. Because my daughter was physically weak, it was hard to find a suitable blood vessel. A nurse poked my daughter with an injection needle twice to draw blood, but she failed. When the nurse tried the third time, I could not just watch. As I screamed at the nurse, my wife held my arms and stopped me. The nurse inserted the - 2626 -

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The missionary’s eldest daughter, Do Hee, and his second daughter, Sun Kyo, with other children (above) on Sun Kyo’s birthday.

needle for the fourth time and spun the needle around to find the blood vessel. I could not hold back any longer. I cursed and shouted at the nurse. The blood vessel was ripped and started bleeding. The nurse took the blood and she said, “This is enough.” My daughter cried and collapsed because she was exhausted. The blood test results came out positive for malaria. In the doctor’s prescription, there were a list of medicines and 3 packs of IV. I told the doctor, “Doctor, none of the nurses in this health center knows how to insert an injection needle. The nurse tried to draw blood four times and eventually ripped my daughter’s blood vessel. Please prescribe other medicine like an - 2727 -

Missionary Lee’s three daughters growing healthily by the grace of God. (from left, Do Hee, Woo Sung, Sun Kyo)

intramuscular injection.” The doctor called one nurse. When the nurse looked at my daughter’s arm, she said she could give her a shot. I questioned her a few more times, and I confirmed if she really could do it. She said she was confident. The nurse went to the room and started to put the needle on my daughter’s arm. Once, twice, and three times. She could not find the blood vessel. I shouted at her and my wife pulled me out. The nurse tried again. She smiled this time as if she succeeded. However, my daughter’s arm started to swell. She took out the needle and tried a fifth time, but she failed. I could no longer see my daughter crying in fear. I pulled out the needle and threw the IV on the ground. Then, I kicked the nurse out. Other patients in the room looked pitifully at me. Eventually, my daughter got a shot on her buttock and came out of the hospital. In the evening, Sun Kyo had a fever. Her body temperature was reaching over 40 degrees celsius. I was afraid. I woke up at 2 am, and put my hand on my daughter’s heart. Sun Kyo did not move and did not make a sound, - 2828 -

“Sun Kyo, please forgive your incapable father. Tomorrow, I will take you to the best hospital, even if I have to steal. I’m sorry.”

while lying on the bed. After I lost one child, I developed a habit. I would put my hand on my children’s chests whenever I woke up early in the morning. The heart, “What if…” always remained deep in my heart as a grave fear. Although I was praying for my daughter, I could not be freed from that fear. Sun Kyo was moaning, and her body was extremely hot. I talked to my daughter with teary eyes, “Sun Kyo, please forgive your incapable father. Tomorrow, I will take you to the best hospital, even if I have to steal. I’m sorry.” After talking with my daughter, I started to doubt if I was a true missionary. “God, why did I become like this? Whenever I prayed to you before, no matter the situation, I was in peace. Now, however, even though I pray, I am afraid. How much longer can I endure Africa with this heart? How can I live not getting bit by mosquitos or getting sick? God, I want to find my lost heart. I cannot live like this.” I decided my heart after praying to God. It was around 4 am when I woke up my wife and told her my heart. My wife had the same heart as me. I decided to leave everything to God, and I did not go to the hospital. In the morning, I taught classes for the missionary students, and then I went out to witness in the afternoon. When I came back, Sun Kyo was playing outside. As I saw my healthy daughter, I thought, “I despised God so much!” A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left. (Ecclesiastes 10:2) My heart was located on the left side. It beat quickly when I was afraid and beat slowly when I was at peace. My heart beat differently depending on the situation. Since my heart was located on the left side, the speed of my heart beat changed depending on the circumstance. However, God’s heart is located on the right side, so it never changes. While believing my senses and feelings, I was always afraid. However, I was able to regain peace when I threw away my heart and received God’s heart. It has been such a blissful life as I have lived with God’s senses, waiting for His time, and receiving the best from God. - 2929 -

New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

The Son Born of Faith Pastor Ock Soo Park | Good News Gangnam Church

And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be. And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her. Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear? And Abraham said unto God, O that Ishmael might live before thee! And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him. (Genesis 17:15~19)

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crumbles down the faith to believe in God, saying, “You cannot have a son! You are too old! It is impossible!” This was done in order to provoke distrust, which is the opposite of the Word of God. On the other hand, God changes our hearts of distrust to lead us to have faith. If you look at the traces of Satan in the hearts that Satan has passed, they are full of distrust. If you look at the traces of God in the hearts that God has passed, such hearts are filled with faith. When Sarah heard the promise of God, she first had the heart that the promise would be achieved. But as she and her husband continued to age more and more, and they weren’t able to have a son even after 10 years, Satan then began to work upon Sarah’s heart. “You are old. How can you have a son? It’s impossible!” When Sarah heard the voice of Satan, it truly seemed that she could not have a son. Therefore, she told her handmaid, Hagar, to sleep with Abraham, and Hagar bore a son. This was a humanistic method, opposite of the will of God. But 13 years passed with Abraham and Sarah believing that they had done the right thing. God wanted to break the distrust in Abraham’s heart that had hardened over 13 years. He wanted to crush that heart of not believing in God, the heart of looking at the circumstances. Thus,

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Breaking the 13-Year-Long Distrust Abraham had two sons. One of them was Ishmael, who was borne through humanistic methods. Ishmael is a son borne from distrusting the promise that God would give a son to Abraham. The other is Isaac, who was borne according to the promise. This happened when Sara conceived Isaac. It was 13 years after the birth of Ishmael, and Abraham was 99 years old while Sarah was 89. It had ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women, and she was so old that in every way it seemed impossible that she and Abraham would have a son. When they had given up on having a son, a messenger of God came searching for Abraham one day. “Your wife, Sarah, will have a son.” Abraham laughed. “How can a man 100 years old have a child? Sarah is ninety. . . .” The distrust that appeared in chapter 16 continued all the way here. Abraham thought it was only fitting since he had not had a son for 13 years. Now the Word of God enters Abraham’s heart and works to insert the faith that he will have a son into his heart, which thinks that he cannot have a son. Then Satan brings forth the circumstances and

New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

He appeared unto Abraham. “Your wife, Sarah, will have a son.” Abraham was already full of distrust, thinking that he cannot have a son, so he laughed because he already had Ishmael. “How can a man 100 years old have a child? Sarah is ninety...” He spoke from his humanistic viewpoint, solely from his logic and his experience. God spoke to him again. “Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the appointed time you will have a son. You will call his name Isaac.” God spoke words that broke the distrust in Abraham’s heart. “Is anything too hard for the Lord? Can the Lord not give you a son because you are too old? Can God not give you a son because it has ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women? It is the Lord who is giving you a son. Why do you not believe?” Right then, the Word of God entered Abraham’s heart, and the distrust that was in him began to break. “Yes, that’s right. God said that He would give me a son. If God is the one giving me a son, what problem is it that I am old?” Faith arose in Abraham’s heart. “Yes, God. I will have a son.” Abraham was so old and it had

ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women. Under the circumstances, there is not even the slightest bit of possibility that she can have a son, and it makes no sense according to the experience, logic, and methods of man. But upon hearing the words of the promise of God, Abraham had faith, “That’s right, I will have a son!” Through Faith, Sarah Received the Strength to Conceive God once again came to Abraham and spoke to him. “Where is your wife Sarah?” “She is in the tent.” “At the appointed time, your wife, Sarah, shall have a son.” Sarah heard this at the door of the tent and she laughed. “After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?” Those were purely humanistic thoughts. Humanistically speaking, it is only natural to think, “I am old and my husband is old as well. What pleasure can I have? How can I have a son?” You, too, would speak of humanistic things rather than the faith to believe in God. Sarah spoke of what she saw and felt as a human. God wanted to break this distrust in Sarah’s heart. “Why did Sarah laugh, saying, ‘Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old?’” Sarah, who was afraid, without

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Faith is us accepting the Word of God to have the same heart as God, when we had a different heart from God.

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Through faith also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed. Up to that point, her body was old and powerless, but strangely her body changed as her distrust broke. Strength began to spring up in her as soon as she had faith. The strength to have a son is in God, and when she said, “Yes, God. If you do it, I can have a son,” and faith came upon her, the heart of God and the heart of Sarah became one. That heart became the channel for Sarah to receive the power of God. “Honey, don’t I look 50 years younger? I don’t know why my

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herself realizing it, said, “No, I did not laugh.” It was spontaneous lying, but God said, “No, you did laugh.” Here, the same thing that happened to Abraham’s heart occurred in Sarah’s heart. God said that He would give her a son, but for a long time the distrust from seeing the circumstances that she could not have a child had captured her heart. But as the Word of God entered Sarah’s heart, that distrust completely came crashing down. The faith, “If God gives me a son, then even if I am old, I will have a son!” entered her heart. Hebrews chapter 11, verse 11 says,

New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

appetite is so good these days. Honey, bed and walk.” However, this man shall we go out to exercise?” That is originally had the heart, “How can I what’s truly amazing. get up?” But upon hearing the words of Jesus, he thought, “Well, let me The Word Must Be There Above believe in those words for once. He I have seen many works of God. has come to me and told me to walk, I often say this, but water flows so let me walk!” and changed his heart. through water pipes, electricity When he tried to walk from his heart, his flows through electrical wires, heart became like that of Jesus’ and their and the works of God flow from hearts flowed together. Through this heart to heart. But sadly, many heart, the power of Jesus was delivered to people have a heart different from him and he walked. God. It is because God has power Faith is us accepting the Word but we look at the circumstances. of God to have the same heart as God, The heart of God says, “You will when we had a different heart from have a son,” but we look at the God. Sarah’s heart became one with circumstances and say, “I cannot God’s as she obtained faith. Then the have a son.” Our hearts are different strength to conceive worked upon from God’s. every corner of her heart, and she In John chapter 5, Jesus said was able to have a child. to the man with the infirmity As we live in this world, we cannot for 38 years, “Rise, take up thy ignore our experiences, knowledge, or logic. We live relying on those things. This is only fitting. But regardless of what you face, if you are standing before God, the Word of God must be placed above your thoughts. God must be placed above your methods, knowledge, or experiences. When the general of an army shouts, “Attack!” a private may say, “No, we cannot,” but the order of the general will be followed. Likewise, when God has a higher place than you, although you cannot walk, in your eyes, you can walk when the Lord says to walk.

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“As we live in this world, we cannot ignore our experiences, knowledge, or logic... But regardless of what you face, if you are standing before God, the Word of God must be placed above your thoughts.”

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Receiving the Forgiveness of Sin This is exactly true, also, with receiving the forgiveness of sins by faith. People do say that they believe in Jesus. They know that Jesus was crucified for their sin. How is it in your thoughts? The memories of having sinned make you feel guilty in your conscience and torment your heart. In their hearts, people’s personal thoughts say, “I don’t think this sin can be forgiven. There is no way this sin can be forgiven. This sin must have remained.” That is how your thoughts arise, but if the words of the Bible say that your sins are forgiven, then you must believe those words of God. Even though you may sin every day, are lustful, and always have deceitful hearts arising in you, you must put the word above those things. The heart, “How can I be good and righteous? I am a sinner,” is the same as the heart of Abraham who looked at the circumstances thinking that he cannot have a son. “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” God speaks to our hearts.

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Although you cannot have a child, in your eyes, if the Lord says that you will have a child, you will have a child. The Word of God, in this manner, must be above your heart. Regardless of how it seems in your eyes, you must accept the Word of God by faith, regardless of your own thoughts. Abraham, until now, had not believed in God. He only looked at the circumstances. The circumstances showed that he was too old to have a son, but God loved Abraham and approached him with the word. “Your wife, Sarah, will have a son.” “How can a 100 hundred year old man have a child? Sarah is ninety...” “Why are you laughing? Call your son Isaac. Is anything too hard for the Lord?” The Word of God entered Abraham’s heart and cast out the distrust in his heart. The 66 books of the Bible are the words of God. When these words defeat your experience, logic, and knowledge, regardless of how they are, they are placed below the Word of God. When you then accept the Word of God, He begins to work powerfully in your life.

New York Times: Notes on Genesis I

“If God sends Jesus to cleanse your sins, would He not do it? Can you become holy if God makes you holy? Can you become as white as snow when God makes you so?” “God, if you do it, I can be pure no matter how dirty I am. God, if you do it, I will be holy. It did not work when I tried to wash away my sins and tried to not sin. But God, if you do it, I will be righteous and clean.” That is how you believe. “I am made clean through Jesus bearing the cross. Why couldn’t Jesus, who bore the cross, make me pure? He made me pure!” Abraham had two sons: one of them, Ishmael, was a son borne through the distrust of not believing the promise. He was a son borne of distrust. Ishmael is the son born through using humanistic methods because it seemed that God would not give them a child. Their second son, Isaac, was a son borne

through the faith to believe in the promise of God. Abraham was too old and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women so it was impossible for them to have a son. However, he gained a son through the faith that he would have a son if God allows them one. This is also true with us receiving the forgiveness of sins. It is not because it is possible humanistically. “I cannot become clean no matter how hard I try. It is impossible for me to become pure.” Often, this is how it seems to man. You come to know your limits in what you do and you see that you cannot do it. Thus now we must rely on God doing all the work. “If God makes me clean, then I am clean. If God makes me holy, I am holy, regardless of the circumstances. If God makes me good, I am good even if I am evil.” It is all about believing in the blood Jesus shed on the cross for me. It is relying on the blood of Jesus Christ. “That is right. Jesus died on the cross for me. Jesus perfectly achieved that which I could not do, and made me clean and holy.” It is not done through our righteous actions or our efforts to be holy. Regardless of how you are, you can become righteous. Only Through Faith in Jesus Abraham had two sons: one was the son borne through distrust and the other is the son borne through faith. The son of distrust is the result of seeking - 36 -

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something we cannot imagine, but we believe in God. It is because Jesus bore the cross to make me holy and righteous. Did Jesus fail? Not so. I believe that I am bundled in sin, and that I am evil, dirty, and deceitful. But when our Lord shed His blood and died on the cross, there, every single one of my sins became purified and clean. I have no doubt that it has been washed clean. Through believing in this fact, I am righteous. I have been sanctified through believing that the blood of the cross was shed for me. I was a pile of sin, but I am no longer a sinner. My sins ended on the cross. The punishment and curse that I was to receive all ended at the cross. We believe in this. Just as Abraham had Isaac through faith, that is how you receive salvation. I hope that you will believe that the work of Jesus has perfectly cleansed you.

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humanistically possible things. A son being borne through faith may seem humanistically impossible, but this was the result of having the faith to believe in Him. In our spiritual lives as well, this rings true in us receiving the forgiveness of sin and becoming righteous and holy. It may seem impossible from a humanistic standpoint, but it is about believing in the Word of God. It is about looking at Jesus Christ, who was crucified according to the promise of God. If He was crucified to forgive our sins, that means our sins are washed away. If Jesus shed His blood to make us holy, then we have been made holy. The work He does is perfect. It is we who lack, not Jesus. When we believe not in ourselves but in His cross, in His blood, and rely on Him, it is true faith. Abraham having a son was humanistically impossible, but he believed in the promise God had made. We becoming holy and righteous is

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The Law Pastor Han Gyu Lee | Good News East Seoul Church

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The Law That Imposed Torment and Fear As I was attending church, I heard that, “Death has come to mankind because of sin.” Even in the Bible, it surely says, For the wages of sin is death; (Romans 6:23) and, …death by sin. (Romans 5:12) From that point on, I thought in my heart, “Oh, people go to hell because they have sin. Then I should try not to sin. That is how I will overcome death.” Following that thought, I tried hard to obey God’s Word as I lived. I thought of the Ten Commandments as especially important to obey. Therefore, I was determined to keep the Ten Commandments as much as possible. However, that determination resulted in failure almost everyday. Every time that happened, I was fearful of God, and it was burdensome to go out in front of Him. The words of Exodus chapter 20, verse 5 especially gave me much fear and torment because I was raised under a father who believed in Confucianism, and he gave ancestral rites to our forefathers. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; (Exodus 20:5) It’s bad enough if I get cursed, but the fact that generation after generation would have to take on the wages of sin gave me grave fear and uneasiness. Of course, there were other embarrassing sins that I could never tell anyone in my heart as well. Every time I would look at my own image I would think, “My image and my actions are like this, so how could I dare go out in front of God?” I was disappointed. I did not have hope that I could enter into Heaven. Every time I looked at myself and listened to the sound of my conscious, I felt as though I couldn’t receive grace, and that the wrath of God would come upon me. These thoughts would not leave me. I was so flawed and sinful. I broke the law everyday and fell into temptations. I would look at myself and would always condemn myself and grieve by myself. I always thought my own image

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or my own actions were the problem. Every time I stepped out in front of God, I was caught by my words, “Because I am like this…” I always thought God would be happy if I came out in front of God when I did well. The thought that God will not give me His grace if I sin, and that I cannot come in front of Him boldly, controlled me, until the day I received forgiveness through the blood of Jesus. Now that I look back after I have been born again, because I did not know the precise heart of God towards me, I spent a long time living inside of what I thought was right.

Man Who Cannot Overcome Sin If you look in the Bible, there has never been a person who has never sinned to this day. There never been anyone who has kept all of the Ten Commandments. God knows the fact that in the future, as well, there will never be someone who can stand in front of God as righteous through keeping the Law. This is because God is the one who created us, and He is the almighty one. For there is no man that sinneth not. (1 Kings 8:46)

Because we cannot prevail against sin, we must receive Jesus, who can prevail against sin And so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: (Romans 5:12) If these words are true, the conclusion is that there is no one on this earth that has never sinned. It means that there is not a single person who has overcome sin. People think that if they give a lot of effort not to sin that they will succeed in not sinning. They think that if they try to keep the Law, they will actually be able to. However, the Bible is very clear that there is no one who can overcome sin. Iniquities prevail against me: (Psalms 65:3) Folks, do you agree that this is the Word of God? Although sin can prevail against man, it is impossible for man to prevail against sin. It is religion and a devilish teaching that man must fight and prevail against sin. If we were able to fight and prevail against sin and take

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care of the sin, then we would only have to believe in ourselves. We would not need to rely on Jesus Christ. Because we cannot prevail against sin, we must receive Jesus, who can prevail against sin. And we need grace from the only one, Jesus Christ, who can get rid of sin. There is no one who can stand righteously in front of God and go to Heaven because they do not sin. Although someone may live the world’s most humane, ethical, and great life, in eyes of the holy God, their lives have been lived under sin. It is because all men were begat by Adam, who left God and sinned. Through the disobedience of the first man, Adam, there was already spiritual death. And that death sentence passed onto those who were born of him. Regardless of our individual deeds, we were all destined to go to hell. However, we were unable to realize our own souls were under this curse. That is why God established the Law for us to realize this. This is the “Law” that the Bible talks about.

The Background of the Law Here, we will briefly go over the background of which the law had come to us. First, we will go to Romans chapter 5 verses 12 through 14. Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come. If you see here, there are the words, “world,” “sin,” and “law.” God created this world with His Word. The world God created in the beginning was not this sinful world. Because God is holy, the light, and He is one that works orderly, He created a clean world and man without sin. However, it is written in the Bible that through the first man, Adam, sin entered this clean world. Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions. (Ecclesiastes 7:29) In the English Bible the phrase, “sought out many inventions,” is expressing the fact that man has “sought out many deceptions.” Being

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deceived by the father of deceit, Satan, man was made to live a deceitful and a sinful life. However, man did not know their spiritual state. Although when God looks at everyone, all the souls of mankind are under curse and death through sin, man thinks they are good, clean, and able to be this way if they try hard. God wants us to realize what kind of terrifying curse and eternal sentence is waiting for us if we do not depart from sin. Folks, if we go to the hospital, do they examine us first or do they give us medicine? They first obtain the precise results of examinations, and then tell us what disease we exactly have. It is only then that the patient feels that the treatment is necessary. God gave us the Law to make us realize how sinful we are. The Bible also calls the Law, commandments, decrees, or ordinances. The Law was not there when the world was created. The Law was not in the world originally, but around 1500 B.C., God gave the Israelites the Law through Moses on Mount Sinai. This means that there was no Law from the time of Adam to the time of Moses. Also this Law was time-limited, until the time Jesus came to the earth. That is why Bible scholars call the period between Moses and Jesus the Era of the Law. According to Bible scholars that have researched the Law, the Bible contains 613 laws. However, all of these laws were commanding people, “Do this,” or “Do not do this.” So that is why after the Law came, if you did not do the things God told you to do, or if you did things God told you not to do, it became sin.

The Cruel Law of Curse Then how are people accepting the Law today? “Oh, because people are a little evil, God gave us these laws to try to keep us in check, and live a good life. So we should try to keep them the best we can. And when we can’t, God will let us off if we confess and beg for forgiveness.” People are accepting the Law in this way today. They do not think they can keep the Law perfectly, nor do they think they absolutely cannot keep the Law perfectly. However, the Law is not that kind of Law. For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. (James 2:10) This is the realm of the Law. In Galatians chapter 5, verse 3, it says that

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the person who tries to become righteous by keeping the Law is a debtor to do the whole Law. This is not a Law that you can just try your best to keep, and then if you can’t, then, “Oh well.” The Law does not have any mercy, and it is cruel. This Law does not merely take disobedience of the Law into consideration. Whoever tries to keep the Law, but disobeys even one, they have to be judged and accept the curse. It is not a loose law that would allow even one or two sins. If you cannot keep all 613 laws from the day of birth to the day of death, your chance of being righteous by keeping the Law and going to Heaven through your deeds is over. If you even disobey one Law, you have gone against and disobeyed God who established the Law. Because of this, you have no choice but to receive curse and destruction. Although the Law can become a blessing to people who can keep the Law, but to those who cannot, it is a curse. For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. (Galatians 3:10)

Can You Understand These Words? Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. (Galatians 5:4) People realize themselves, who are unable to keep the Law, but do not come out in front of God in their actual image to seek grace. They are just held by the thought, “We have to keep the Law,” and do not need to learn their own image or learn of God’s heart that gave us the Law. Today, many people do not keep the Law that God has commanded us to keep, but they corrupt, downgrade and distort it. This is because they are unable to keep the Law. They changed the Law into neither something they cannot keep, nor something that they can keep. Accordingly, they live, thinking that this is a life of faith. In addition, some people do not keep the Law, but they hold onto their own religious dogma and do not try to listen to the Word of God that has been recorded in the Bible. They do

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not know much about the Law, but they have such arrogant hearts. It’s not enough that people don’t even try to keep the Law, but so many people have never realized their own image in front of the Law. They think they are maintaining a great spiritual life and they are prideful, thinking they know the entire Bible.

There is no one who can stand in front of God as righteous because of the Law The Law We Would Never Be Able to Keep Folks, have you kept all the laws until now? Can you truly keep all the laws? Today many people, absentminded of the true heart of God who gave us the Law, are accepting the Law in their own ways. So many people are misunderstanding the Law. Many people think that trying to keep the Law well is living a good and faithful life. They believe that you must have kept the Law well in order to be bold in front of God, to receive salvation, and to receive blessings from God. Although they try their hardest to keep the Law, there is no one who can stand in front of God as righteous because of the Law. Folks, including the Ten Commandments, have you kept the 613 laws without disobeying a single one of them? It says in Deuteronomy chapter 5, verse 7, You shall have no other gods before Me. (Deuteronomy 5:7) Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. (Philippians 3:19) If you look at Ezekiel chapter 28, verse 2, the person who lifts himself is setting his heart as the heart of God, being deceived by Satan. Folks, isn’t it true that you have the heart to put yourself or your flesh higher than God? That means you have already gone against the first commandment. Folks, have you kept the Sabbath according to how the Bible says? The Sabbath, as the Bible describes it, is actually from the dusk of Friday to the dusk of Saturday. On the Sabbath, you must

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not even use power, do any labor, or even walk further than 2,000 cubits. Also, it’s said that the one who cannot keep the Sabbath should die. Folks, have all the people who did not keep the Sabbath die? Jesus said that even if one has lust, then it is adultery. If there were two or three witnesses of that adultery, then that person had to be stoned to death. Have you stoned anyone who had two or three witnesses of adultery? God said that hating someone is murder. Have you ever hated someone? If you did not give God a tithe of your income, then He said that was theft. Have you been giving tithe fully from the day you were born? The Law also has a lot of rules on food. You cannot eat pork or squid. You cannot cut the hair of the sides of your head (Leviticus 19:27), so even the people who shaved will all receive the curse of disobeying the Law. If you are not a special researcher on the Law, you probably don’t even know that 613 laws exist, let alone kept them all. So would you be able to stand as righteous through keeping the entire Law in front of God? But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: (Galatians 3:11) Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: (Romans 3:20) Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law? (John 7:19) Folks, can you say amen to these words? If so, is the person who tries to become righteous through lawful deeds someone who is accepting the Word of God? Or is he someone who is disbelieving and ignoring the Word of God? Or a person who does not listen to what God’s Word is saying at all? And a person who only follows his own opinions on what is right? The people who try to keep the Law that we cannot keep are so arrogant and foolish. The Law brings us the curse even if we disobey one. “Then, we don’t have to keep the Law?” People have fallen into the thought that they must keep the Law. So they do not try to learn about God’s heart, who gave us the Law. More than keeping or not keeping the Law, the more important part is the heart of God who gave us the Law. Then, what is the true heart of God who gave us the Law? I will tell you in the next issue. If you can precisely realize this, then your spiritual life will go through great changes and progress.

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T e stimon y of P a stor O c k S oo P a rk

God Opened the Way for Mission Broadcasting


When I was ministering in Daegu, God gave me a passionate heart that we will soon begin broadcasting missions while I was praying. Given our current circumstances, that only seemed to be a dream. However, I would often announce on the podium, "Soon, our mission will be broadcasting, and we will have publications as well." So for prayer meetings, our congregation members would pray, "Please allow Pastor Park to begin broadcasting missions.” A few years later, we were holding our Winter Retreat at the CCC Training Center. One day, a brother came to me with a business card, and said, “Pastor, this man wants to meet with you.” The business card read, “Mr. Kim, Far East Broadcasting Co. Programming Department.” Since it was spiritual counseling time, I could not take the time to meet him. So, Mr. Kim ended up leaving, after he had waited for a while. Even after that, he came by our church two more times to meet with me, but he could never meet me. Later on, I finally got in contact with him, and I met him. He asked me very sincerely, “Pastor Park, please come to our broadcasting station and preach. It costs a lot of money to broadcast something, but this is the only way to preach the Gospel to the people in Russia, China, and North Korea. But when we get letters from listeners in those countries, they say, “The spiritual content in this broadcasting is too - 46 -

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Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth

weak.” So we prayed to be able to invite someone who preaches the true words of life, and when I listened to your sermon at the CCC Training Center, it was so graceful and I thought it would be great if you could preach for our station.” However, I didn’t think the broadcasting station would welcome me with open arms, so I couldn’t answer right away. Soon after, a pastor of an established church asked me to organize a meeting with the Far East Broadcasting Co. so he could preach. I visited the broadcasting studio, and as soon as I stepped in the programming department, the man who visited me said, “Director, that’s him!” The director asked me to broadcast my sermons. The director completely set the other pastor’s case to the side and had me sign the contract to begin my sermons right away. Up to that moment, I had never written a script to preach a sermon before. I felt that it would seem arrogant of me, a newcomer, to preach without a script when all the other pastors who preached for the Far East Broadcasting Company preached with scripts. I tried writing up a script at home, but it didn’t work out. I admired those pastors who preached with a script. I also tried recording myself and then transcribing it, but that didn’t work out either. And so, I ended up returning to the station that day empty handed, and said, “I don’t think I can preach.” “What are you saying? The program’s all set. If you don’t preach, we’ll have an empty slot.” “I just can’t. What do you want me to do?” “Don’t be that way. Just try.”

“I just can’t speak well. How can I preach on the radio?” “That’s not true. You’re a pastor, not an anchor. Anchors have to speak well, but you don’t have to. All you have to do is deliver the truth accurately.” “I didn’t write up a script. How can I preach?” “Why do you need a script? Just preach like you did back at the CCC Training Center.” Eventually, I stood in front of the microphone at the broadcasting station for the first time in my life. The sermon time was 15 minutes, but without the commercials, I had exactly 14 minutes and 13 seconds. “Hello, listeners…” I began speaking about Genesis chapter 1. As the broadcast continually aired, mail arrived from all over the place. Listener ratings are usually estimated through the amount of mail the listeners send, but after my sermon aired, so many people asked for copies of my sermon, so my sermon tapes were supplied. One missionary sent in a letter saying, “I determine the topic of my sermons through your sermons, Pastor.” After about three months, the station suggested that I change the time slot for my sermon. I was assigned to preach for the “Good News” time slot that was the highlight program at the Far East Broadcasting Co. As my sermons continued to be broadcasted, there were great reactions from the listeners, and there were people who slandered me as well. People would write anonymous letters or call in, saying, “Pastor Park’s a heretic. Why are you letting him broadcast his sermons?” Each time that happened, Mr. Kim would say, “The Pastor Park that I know is not a heretic. And there is not one thing Biblically incorrect about his sermons that are aired. His words are so - 48 -

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Preaching the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth

graceful and there are many listeners. That’s why we’re airing this.” When I went to the station to record my sermons, the workers would gather around to listen. And once the recording was over, we would sit together and have spiritual counseling. The workers would show me anonymous letters and mail that the listeners sent. One day, the programming director came to me and said very regrettably, “Pastor, there’s so much backlash from outside. Please wait until things quiet down.” “Okay,” I replied. I felt that since it was God who opened the door to allow me to broadcast my sermons, it would also be God who could also close that door. One thing I felt sad about was that I had not yet preached the Gospel in the hopes that I could do so after I had steadily sown the listeners’ hearts with the Bible. I prayed saying, “God, thank you for allowing me to broadcast my sermons until now. Please open the way so I can finish preaching the Gospel to the listeners.” When the other employees heard that the broadcasting of my sermons were suspended, they cried, saying, “I don’t know how these people who are trying to block such words from being spread expect to stand before God later on.” After the broadcasting had been halted, I was leading the married women’s meeting at my church when the station called me. “Pastor, I apologize but please stop whatever you’re doing and come to the station quickly.” As soon as the meeting was over, I headed over to the station. As the station continued to press me saying, “You must go to the studio quickly and preach a sermon!” I felt in my heart that God is giving me a chance to preach the Gospel. As I recorded four 30 minute-long tapes, I was able to preach the Gospel to my heart’s content. They told me that I was the only person to do a two hour-long recording in the history of that broadcasting station. When the recording was over, I shook hands with the staff and left. Once my four-hour long sermon was aired, my slot was officially over. Through the radio organization, God led me to preach the Gospel, not only in my own country, but in Russia, China, and North Korea as well. None of my humanistic methods were included in this. God first gave me the faith that I will be broadcasting my sermons, and He worked according to that faith.

Church Directory (North America) EAST COAST Good News New York Church 718-878-4246 300 Nassau Rd., Huntington, NY 11743

Good News New Jersey Church 201-406-4677 1075 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666

Good News Manhattan Church 917-678-3344 2152 3rd Ave., NY, NY 10035

Good News Detroit Church 248-885-9646 1181 Harding Ave., Rochester Hills, MI 48307

Good News Bronx Church 646-339-6432 685 Morris Park Ave 2nd Fl, Bronx, NY 10462

Good News Indianapolis Church 317-294-5329 383 S. Emerson Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46219

Good News Brooklyn NY Church 917-526-7498 765 43rd St. 1st FL, Brooklyn, NY 11232

Good News Miami Church 954-667-7753 331 NW 65th Way, Hollywood, FL 33024

Good News Flushing Chinese Church 631-535-1169 134-24 Cherry Ave., Flushing, NY 11355

Good News New Orleans Church 504-602-9930 3205 Cherry St., New Orleans, LA 70118

Good News Atlanta Church 404-966-6352 11000 Rogers Circle, Johns Creek, GA 30097

Good News Jacksonville Church 904-800-7890 3850 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32207

Good News Atlanta Spanish Church 678-387-9271 2635 Fairlane Drive, 2nd FL, Doraville, GA 30340

Good News Boston Church 617-320-3296 4 Church St. #8, Malden, MA 02148

Good News Philadelphia Church 215-379-0501 305 Township Line Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027

Good News Charlotte Church 704-500-6063 8731 Green Ivy Lane, Charlotte, NC 28217

Good News Chicago Church 847-329-0237 4825 W. Jarlath St., Lincolnwood, IL 60712

Good News Fort Wayne Church 260-797-3412 3316 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne, IN 46807

Good News Washington Church 070-4643-8245 7461 Miramar Dr., Manassas, VA 20109

Good News Nashville Spanish Church 615-927-8980 120 Arbor Knoll Blvd., Antioch, TN 37013

Good News Memphis Church 901-206-7891 764 Chatwood Cove, Memphis, TN 38122 Good News Minneapolis Church 612-384-2090 3000 West Broadway Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55411 Good News Orlando Church 407-312-4028 301 S. Oak Ave., Stanford, FL 32771

WEST COAST Good News Central Church 213-386-0097 3500 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90004 Good News Tacoma Church 253-582-3599 10103 South Tacoma Way, Lakewood, WA 98499

Good News Albuquerque Church 505-301-7167 3001 Cuervo Dr., N.E. Albuquerque, NM 87110 Good News Dallas First Church 972-272-4724 4502 Lawler Rd., Garland, TX 75042 Good News San Jose Church 408-893-2267 1548 Curtner Ave., San Jose, CA 95125 Good News Las Vegas Church 702-248-0572 2880 Red Rock St., Las Vegas, NV 89146 Good News Salt Lake Church 801-656-5299 2364 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Good News O.C. Church 714-226-0595 3330 W. Lincoln Ave., Anaheim, CA 92801 Good News Anchorage Church 907-258-9987 1020 W. Fireweed Lane, Anchorage, AK 99503 Good News El Paso Church 915-309-7075 6869 Enid Ct. #74, El Paso, TX 79912 Good News Portland Church 971-300-1127 6225 S.W. Dale Ave., Beaverton, OR 97008 Good News San Antonio Church 210-993-9414 405 Walton Ave., San Antonio, TX 78225 Good News Denver Church 720-308-3442 6400 W. 26th Ave., Edgewater, CO 80214 Good News Kansas Church 816-210-0351 1301 E 100th TER, Kansas City, MO 64131

Good News Hawaii Church 808-679-2800 1219 Keeaumoku St., Suite 400, Honolulu, HI 96814 Good News Houston Church 210-315-0346 2516 Wavell St., Houston, TX 77088 Good News Phoenix Church 480-273-2199 9001 West ELM St. #5, Phoenix, AZ 85037 Good News Sacramento Church 916-996-4655 3501 Bradshaw Rd. #115, Sacramento, CA 95827 Good News Oklahoma Church 405-535-9553 5801 S. Pennsylvania Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73119

CANADA & CARIBBEAN Good News Vancouver Church 1-778-881-5508 409 Goyer Ct, Coquitlam, BC V3K, Canada Good News Ottawa Church 819-431-0377 132 Rue Brodeur, Gatineau, QC J8Y 2R2, Canada Good News Toronto Church 1-416-321-2004 70 Mcgriskin Rd., Toronto, ON M1S 5C5, Canada Good News Jamaica Church 1-876-318-0189 63b Deanery Road, Kingston 3, Jamaica W.I. Good News Dominican Republic Church 1-809-350-1429 Calle 26 #2, Valle Verde 1, Santiago, La Republica Dominicana Good News Haiti Church 509-70-8253-2511 Rue Jeremie #22 Delmas 33, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

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