The Goodnews - October, 2012

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Delivering the Gospel & the Testimonies of Grace

October 2012

Lot Who Was Not Able to Leave Sodom Sermon of the Month IYF World Camp in San Diego, Haiti, Chile Global Focus How God Worked Beautifully in Nashville Testimony Part 3: Joseph’s Sons Discussion Topic

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Delivering the Gospel & the Testimonies of Grace

October 2012

Contents 4 Photo & News 8 Salvation Testimony

So by The Obedience of One Shall Many Be Made Righteous! 16 Sermon of the Month

Do Not Live like Lot Who Was Not Able to Leave Sodom 24 Testimony

How God Worked Beautifully in Nashville 28 Discussion Topic

Part 3: Joseph’s Sons 38 Global Focus I: 2012 IYF San Diego World Camp The IYF World Camp Everybody Has Been Waiting for 42 Iron Sharpeneth Iron

Receiving the Guidance of the Word Opens a New World 48 Global Focus II: 2012 IYF World Camp in Haiti and Chile

Dream with New Hope!

52 Admonition of the Lord

People Who Forgot Themselves 60 A Grain of Mustard Seed

A Deputy Secretary of the Department of Youth Whose Heart Is Meek and Humble

66 Testimony Good News from Helsinki Church, Finland

God Is My Real Father!

The Good News (Vol.200) is published monthly by Good News Publications, Inc., 3500 W. 1st Street, Los Angeles, CA 90004 E-mail: Chairman, Chief Executive Officer: Ock Soo Park Editor-in-Chief: Jeong-ho Park Art Director: Seol-ah Park Chief Printer/ Press: DLAP Printing, Co. Printed on October 1, 2012. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of Good News Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2012 by Good News Publications, Inc.

Photo & News _ United States

Preaching the Gospel to People from All Walks of Life This year’s New York World Camp was held at Mahanaim. Neighbors from the local area and abroad around Mahanaim came and heard the gospel. Many distinguished guests lectured at leadership symposium. Olympic gold medalist (2008 and 2012), Susan Francia; FOX news anchor, Kelly Wright; St. John’s University basketball coach, Steve Lavin; and member of the National Assembly of South Korea, Jae-kyung Kim gave lectures. Kelly Wright and Steve Lavin listened to the gospel and received salvation. The gospel was preached and there were works of salvation in every city the World Camp was held this year. That’s because planting the seeds of the gospel and waiting for them to bear fruit, was the foundation of the camp. This camp gave us hope for the works of the gospel that will arise next year. 4 • The Good News October 2012

Steve Lavin listened to the Gospel from Pastor Ock Soo Park and received salvation.

News • 5

Photo & News _ Haiti

He will take on our problems

The Christmas Cantata was held at Delma City Hall on the third day of the Haiti World Camp. Although it was pouring down rain, Pastor Ock Soo Park went up to the stage and told the audience, “The Christmas Cantata will go on!” He started to preach the gospel regardless of the rain. The wind was blowing fiercely during the message but everyone was intently listening to the gospel regardless of the distractions. After the performance, Pastor Ock Soo Park said, “I faced various problems the 70 years of my life. I didn’t have the power to overcome any of those problems, but Jesus was inside of me. Jesus helps us with our problems because he loves us.” Just as he worked in the Haiti World Camp, whether we are good or bad, he will still take on whatever problems we may face. 6 • The Good News October 2012

News • 7

Richard Gillman IV Testimony

Good News Las Vegas Church brothers and sisters (Richard pictured first from the left)


grew up in a Christian household and attended a Baptist church with my family from an early age. I got baptized around the age of 10 and thought I was saved ever since. My childhood was a peaceful one. My father worked hard to support our family and my mother was very devoted to her three children. Everything seemed fine in our lives, until one day, when our parents announced that they were getting a divorce. We rarely saw them 8 • The Good News October 2012

fight so the news was a big surprise to us. I was around 15 years old. Seeing our once united and strong family break apart made me feel very confused and detached. Although we never heard the details of the issues going on between my parents, it became that evident my father had an affair with another woman. Even though I didn’t say anything, I was very disappointed in my father and felt sorry for my mom. My younger brother went to live with my father, but my

Salvation Testimony

So by the Obedience of One Shall Many Be Made Righteous! When I look back, there was pain, remorse and regret in my life. I didn’t really know why all that happened to me. Yet, now I realize God allowed it in order to humble me and learn how evil human beings are. My heart was broken down from being very proud and trusting in myself, so I could realize that I have nothing good inside of me.

sister and I remained with my mom. The new life awaiting the three of us was not an easy one; my mom didn’t earn much, she didn’t get much from the divorce and my dad wasn’t helping her financially either. I started to work one year before I graduated high school. I had a partial scholarship to a local college, so I was going to school but the stress of urgently needing money make me drift away from college. Eventually, I quit school. After a few years, my mom

started to date someone. My sister and I weren’t very happy about him. He was telling our mom how to raise us, filling a position we didn’t ask him to (at least not my sister and I). I was seeing a girl as well at the time. They disapproved of her greatly for all the right reasons. But this problem only increased the tension between us. I never caused any problems in school or at home. I didn’t smoke, drink or do drugs. But after my dad left, I felt like I don’t need to do what I Testimony • 9

I wanted to believe something that wasn’t true. Despite her questionable past and her contradictory self I wanted to stay with her and have a life

promised she would and tried several times but was unsuccessful. In the middle of that battle, she got pregnant. She assured me she would quit for sure, for our baby’s sake and I believed her. I decided to marry her because I didn’t want my child to be illegitimate.


ime proved me wrong. The baby was born, but her mother was not ready to take care was told. I thought, “What for?” of her. I would come home to an My mom’s boyfriend certainly unconscious wife and a starved didn’t have any right to tell me new-born crying her eyes out. what to do either. I felt like I was I was outraged and desperate. old enough to make my own She couldn’t quit the pain killdecisions and to live my life the ers. She couldn’t feed or change way I wanted. So, I left. the baby. I didn’t earn enough I moved in with my girlfriend. to hire help or afford daycare, so There were all kinds of signs that I was beating myself up trying she was not good for me, but I to find a solution soon. My dad decided to ignore them. I wanted heard about it and called offerto believe something that wasn’t ing help. He said that he and true. Despite her questionable his wife could take care of my past and her contradictory self I daughter for a couple of months wanted to stay with her and have or so until we figured out a solua life together. Not long after tion. There was no other way, I moved in, I realized she was so I agreed. After six months, addicted to pain killers. I didn’t my one-month old daughter left know that before. I was support- with them and I received a notiive and tried to help her quit. She fication for custody request. My


10 • The Good News October 2012

Salvation Testimony

Pictured: my father Richard, mother Gwen, myself(center), oldest sister Melissa, and brother Robert.

dad was demanding legal custody of my daughter. He never mentioned anything like that to me before. That was not part of the deal. I felt like I got stabbed in the back. The one person I could trust betrayed me. I threatened to kill him but the custody procedure didn’t stop. Because of my wife’s problem and my low income, I couldn’t prove I could take better care of my baby than my father. So finally, he was granted legal custody. For the first time in my

life, I seriously thought of killing someone. I even told my mom about my plan. She persuaded me against the idea, warning me about the grave consequences. After some time I abandoned the idea of killing my father. My child’s mother and I couldn’t make it work so we got a divorce. I moved back in with my mom and step-dad. The pain and emptiness lingered for a long time. I was disappointed at the world and myself. I failed and hit rock bottom. All those Testimony • 11

All in all, I thought I was on good terms with God. I vaguely thought that I was saved because I thought I knew God and believed in him. incidents left a deep wound in me. I heard news from my daughter from time to time, but finally gave her up for adoption to my father. He was contemplating a possible demand for child support while controlling and deciding all matters regarding my child. I did not want to submit to his commands. While living with my mother and step father, they helped me get back on my feet and to eventually get a job with the Postal Service. During this time, I was attending a church with some friends and we were having a service in their house. I would listen to my friend preach and I would also try to preach the 12 • The Good News October 2012

word of God, but I never really understood what the Bible was saying. All in all, I thought I was on good terms with God. I vaguely thought that I was saved because I thought I knew God and believed in him. After failing once at marriage, I grew skeptical and weary about trusting others. But I felt lonely and was looking for a special partner to share my life with. After some years, I met my current wife, Sofia. It might sound strange but I knew she was the one when we met. We dated very shortly and got married. She told me she was Christian, but in the beginning she refrained from talking about God. We visited a few churches but didn’t find the one we liked. One day she tracked the church from the mission she belonged to in Paraguay (where she used to live). We went there once but didn’t go back again. A year went by and Sofia’s mom came to visit us and meet her new born grandson. She was insisting on us to take her to the Good News Mission church in Las Vegas.

Salvation Testimony

I could preach Gospel after Sunday Service to a English Camp volunteer. It is only through the grace of God.


fter my first service with the church they wanted to have fellowship with me and I thought this was very weird. I asked my wife one time after church why they always want to have fellowship with me. She told me that’s just what the church did to be certain of my salvation. I had gone to church for so many years in the past, but after six months of fellowship and conferences I finally received salvation. It was at a

conference in Las Vegas in July of 2010. I was listening to the words the pastor was preaching and finally understood that all my sins are forgiven and that there is nothing more that I need to do because Jesus took care of them, Romans 5:19 “For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.” Once I understood this about salvation I felt a great burden lifted from my heart and knew now that I was going to Testimony • 13

There are only two ways to live life. I am either a servant of sin by believing my thoughts, or a servant of righteousness by believing God. heaven. I always had questioned if I was truly going to be able to go to heaven and never really knew the answer, but when my heart finally opened up to the Word of God I had no doubts whether I was going to heaven or not. I understood that my deeds had nothing to do with my sin or redemption. God had done everything for me already. When I received salvation, I was anxious to come to church and listen to the Word of God. Before receiving salvation I would always try to understand the sermons with what I thought I knew about the Bible, but now when I listen to sermons I can connect and relate to the Word 14 • The Good News October 2012

of God. When I look back, there was pain, remorse and regret in my life. I didn’t really know why all that happened to me. Yet, now I realize God allowed it in order to humble me and learn how evil human beings are. My heart was broken down from being very proud and trusting in myself, so I could realize that I have nothing good inside of me. Just as the Bible verse in Genesis 6:5 explains, “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” I finally understand that my thoughts are not my own and that there are only two ways to live life. I am either a servant of sin by believing my thoughts, John 8:34, “Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin;” or a servant of righteousness by believing God, Romans 6:18, “Being then made free from sin, ye became servants of righteousness.” Now my true hope is in heaven and the life that awaits us inside God.



Do Not Live like Lot Who Was Not Able to Leave Sodom An Excerpt from One of Pastor Ock Soo Park’s Sunday Services

Lot lived with the people of Sodom even though he saw them commit sin. Ultimately, he left empty-handed and pitiful when Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. If we doesn’t trust in oneselves and compare our thoughts to the Word, we will throw them away immediately. However, if we start to accept our thoughts little by little, we will be led by sin.

BEFORE SODOM AND GOMORRAH WERE DESTROYED In Genesis 12, God called Abraham out of his country, kindred, and father’s house and led him to the promised land of Canaan. Abraham left everything behind and went 16 • The Good News October 2012

to the land of Canaan. When God gave Abraham hardship through a drought, Abraham left Canaan for Egypt and went ended up losing his wife Sarah to Pharaoh. When Abraham prayed to God, God blessed him and returned Sarah.

Sermon of the Month

Abraham returned to Canaan with much cattle and wealth that he obtained through Sarah. Lot also went to Egypt and returned to Canaan with his uncle Abraham. Lot also had many sheep and cattle. Abraham’s and Lot’s shepherds started to fight because they had many sheep and cattle. Abraham started to think, “Why are the shepherds fighting so much?” One day, he made up his mind and thought, “It’s great that Lot and I are together, but bad things will happen if he stays with me.” He told Lot, “Separate from me. If you take the left, I will go to the right. If you take the right, I will go to the left.”

That’s how Lot left Abraham. Lot chose the plain of Jordan before Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. It was wellwatered and a great place to keep sheep. However, it is written in the Bible, “But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.” Lot might have felt uncomfortable about it, but he thought, “In the end, a plain is better to feed my sheep. I have to choose the plain of Jordan!” TO REMOVE THE HEART OF TRUSTING ONE’S SELF There is one thing born again brothers and sisters should know when they serve the Sermon • 17

If a born again person believes in the Word of God, that person will live a powerful life of faith because the Word lives and works inside of him. Lord. It’s great if we can serve the Lord by reading and following the Word, but Satan prevents us from living spiritual life by continually giving us thoughts. Just as the devil put in Judas Iscariot the heart to betray Jesus in John 13:2, Satan continually gives us the thought of liking the flesh and the world. If we are led by those thoughts, we will turn our backs to God and leave Jesus. Many people actually live like this. That is why a clear line needs to be drawn when we start to live spiritual life. Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself.” It is also written in 18 • The Good News October 2012

Isaiah 55, “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts” and “For my thoughts are not your thoughts saith the LORD.” A person who trusts himself in spiritual life follows every thought that arises within. If we do that, we will eventually fall into sin. That is what Satan wants. He makes us think it is burdensome to walk in faith by believing in the Word of God. He plants the thought that things will not work out and we will fail, and it is better to follow the methods of man. If a born again person believes in the Word of God, that person will live a powerful life of faith because the Word lives and works inside of him. On the other hand, if he accepts Satan’s thoughts, then he won’t be able to live spiritual life. Thus, brothers and sisters that happily served the Lord after receiving salvation gradually fall back into the world, and turn away from God like Lot. The most important

Sermon of the Month

thing is to remove the heart of trusting yourself. The thoughts that arise from within are from Satan; therefore, we need to think, “Is this thought correct? Is it consistent with the Bible? Is God pleased with it?” However, people who trust themselves accept the thoughts that seem good in their eyes. HE LEFT SODOM BUT HIS WIFE TURNED INTO A PILLAR OF SALT A war broke out as Lot entered Sodom and Gomorrah. After the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah were defeated, Lot was also taken prisoner. Abraham went to save Lot.

God gave such hardship to Lot because He wanted him to leave Sodom and Gomorrah. He wanted him to depart that sinful city and be together with Abraham, the man of God. Yet Lot was not able to bring himself to it. Eventually, sinful Sodom and Gomorrah were cursed by God and destroyed with fire and brimstone. Lot remained in Sodom until the end and left with help from an angel. Unfortunately, his wife turned into a pillar of salt, and his two daughters gave birth to Moab and Ammon,

Sermon • 19

If we don’t trust ourselves but compare our thoughts to the Word, we can throw them away. We will think, “Oh, this is wrong. I will fail if I follow this thought.” sons by incest. Lot left all his cherished sheep and cattle to burn in Sodom and came out empty-handed. We see how pitiful Lot become. Satan is using the same method on born again children of God to make them fall into hardship and failure. Therefore, we should not trust ourselves when we live spiritual life just as Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself.” If I trust myself, I will follow my thoughts. However, I don’t immediately listen to someone I distrust. First, I try to figure out whether that person’s story is true or not. Likewise, we shouldn’t follow 20 • The Good News October 2012

our thoughts but rather ask ourselves, “Is this thought the same as the Word of God or is it from Satan?” If we don’t trust ourselves but compare our thoughts to the Word, we can throw them away. We will think, “Oh, this is wrong. I will fail if I follow this thought.” However, if we follow our thoughts little by little, we will become incapable of throwing away what is bad. UNABLE TO RUN AWAY EVEN THOUGH WE SEE THEM DOING WRONG It is written in 2Peter 2:67, “And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly; And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked.” Lot was just and man of God, but the Bible said, “For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their

Sermon of the Month

unlawful deeds.” The following is written starting with verse 9. The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished: But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities. Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord. But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish

in their own corruption (2Peter 2:9-12) Lot’s righteous soul was vexed when he was with people that walked after the flesh, and defied and despised God. Later, Lot saw them do wrong, but was unable to turn away. He spent time with them, and lost everything and left in a pitiful state when Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. That’s why the Bible is telling us not to trust our thoughts. All our thoughts come from Satan; so it is

Sermon • 21

telling us not to follow them. When thoughts arise, we must judge if it come from God or from Satan. If it is different from the Word, we must throw it away, and yearn and seek for the Word of God. ARE MY THOUGHTS THE SAME AS THE WORD OF GOD Many people follow their thoughts if they seem good because they trust themselves. The Bible is showing us that we will end up like Lot if we live that way. We can live a blessed life if we always yearn for the Word of God and not trust ourselves. On the other hand, we will eventually turn away from

God if we trust and follow our thoughts just because they seem right. Many people fall and are unable to live spiritual life when they live believing in themselves. Many people serve God with thanks and joy after receiving salvation. However, there are those that are saved but walk the path of destruction after turning away from God because they followed their thoughts. Do not accept your thoughts because they seem right. Judge whether it came from Satan or not. Search the Bible often to find whether your thoughts are the same as the Word, and have faith in following the Word of God.

Pastor Ock Soo Park Senior Pastor of Good News Gangnam Church, Korea Chief Advisor of International Youth Fellowship (IYF) 22 • The Good News October 2012


BORN AGAIN A collection of sermons by Pastor Ock Soo Park. Forgiveness, which is the greatest gift that God has given us, is now revealed.

••CONTENTS•• 1. The Four Lepers 2. Jacob and Esau 3. Woman Caught in Adultery 4. The Man With an Infirmity for 38 Years 5. The Chief Butler and the Chief Baker 6. Eternal Redemption 7. Man Hit by Robbers 8. The Power of Samson 9. Cain and Abel


Tel: 213-210-3310 23

2012 Christmas Cantata Tour 9.29 ~ 10.10 9 Cities 13,000 People 6,200 Miles






600 People

2,500 People


1,500 People


Nashville 600 People


Red Lake


1,100 People


1,500 People


New Orleans 2,000 People




1,500 People


800 People

How God Worked Beautifully


in Nashville

went on a witnessing trip to Nashville to promote this past 2012 IYF World Camp in New York. Being the first time my wife and I went on a no-money witnessing trip like this, I admit I was 24 • The Good News October 2012

worried about it. It was then that I remembered a passage in the Bible. The words in Ruth 3:18 says, “Then said she, Sit still, my daughter, until thou know how the matter will fall: for the man

will not be in rest, until he have finished the thing this day” and when I re-read the verse, I felt peace enter my heart. Reading on, I came across 1 Samuel 12:16, which says, “Now then, stand still and see this great thing the Lord is about to do before your eyes!” This verse filled me with so much hope. I always made the effort to try my best, but the more I did that, the more I saw myself fall into difficulty. My senior pastor had asked me visit Knoxville, TN, but by accident, I went to Nashville instead. I visited public schools during the day and went around from church to church at night. During one of public school witnessing trips, I came across a sign for a Spanish church and decided to pay them a visit. I remembered that

their doors were closed, so my wife and I were determined to come back later. When we did, a woman at the church greeted us and we told her we wanted to meet the church’s pastor. She told us he was busy and told us to leave our information so he could call us back. But, we insisted on meeting him and asked her again and again to connect us. She went back into the room and emerged saying that he would meet. As we followed her in, their large, clean, well-organized chapel caught our eye. Just then, the pastor’s wife came back after having been out shopping and guided us further in. This is where we met Pastor Victor for the first time. We introduced ourselves to him and promoted the World Testimony • 25

Camp and our IYF organization. He watched our promotional video and completely opened his heart. Pastor Victor told us that he was searching for this kind of organization and then proceeded to politely invite us in his office. He told us that he, along with his wife and 40 members of his young adult group, would attend the World Camp. He made arrangements for a bus, and his wife searched for flights online with us.


hen we told him about Pastor Ock Soo Park, he was already very familiar with him because of the sermons that were broadcasted on Enlace, an international cabel TV channel that covers the Americas. Victor was 26 • The Good News October 2012

so happy to hear about Pastor Park and expressed his wish to meet him in New York. He then showed us his chapel, end-to-end, and said that we could hold the Christmas Cantata here, so we tentatively agreed to hold a performance the next year. Victor eventually met Pastor Park in New York during the IYF World Camp and joyfully received the Gospel. Pastor Park invited him to the Korea World Camp, which further delighted Victor, who informed us he was already making plans to go. That was the moment that we decided to officially hold the Christmas Cantata in Nashville. Pastor Victor’s congregation helped us prepare for the Christmas Cantata performance with all their hearts.

Everything from cooking to making arrangements for the Gracias Choir, we could see their sincerity and anticipation for the Cantata. They generously paid for the venue, stage, electricity, lighting, and rental fees. They took direction in all parts of the preparation. Pastor Victor took it upon himself to share the news with many of his fellow pastors around the region, as well as the broadcast media and radio stations. His church members even printed posters and put them up around Nashville to promote the Christmas Cantata. Many of the attendees were touched by the music, stating that they had never heard or witnessed a performance like this. When Pastor Yeong Kook Park took the stage to deliver the welcoming message, he had

the undivided attention of everyone in the audience. Pastor Park preached from Acts 10:15, reciting God’s commandment to Peter saying not to call what He deems clean, unclean. We could see firsthand people accepting the Gospel. On top of that, Pastor Victor was so touched by the sermon he invited Pastor Park back to be a guest speaker for a separate revival. He requested the Gracias Choir to come perform the Easter Cantata at his church next year. God worked beautifully through this Gracias Choir Christmas Cantata in Nashville and held fast to his promise in 1 Samuel 12:16. “Now then, stand still and see this great thing the Lord is about to do before your eyes!” Miguel Choi (Pastor, Good News Atlanta Church) Testimony • 27

Conscience: The Illusion of Good and Evil

Part 3: Joseph’s Sons

Eddie Pennoyer Pastor, Good News Central Church in Los Angeles


ne of the central characters of the book of Genesis is a man named Joseph who was the son of Jacob and Rachel. Jacob fled from his home after taking his brother Esau’s blessing. He went to stay with his mother’s brother, Laban according to the word of his parents who wished him to take a wife from among his daughters. Jacob chose Rachel but Laban wouldn’t agree to it unless 28 • The Good News October 2012

Jacob worked for him for seven years. After seven years passed he finally married Rachel. However, after waking up the day after the wedding, he found Leah, Rachel’s older sister with him in the tent. When he complained to Laban, he explained that it was improper for younger Rachel to be married before her older sister Leah. Furthermore, he explained that if he still wanted to marry Rachel, he would have to work another seven


years. Because Jacob loved Rachel, he did what his uncle required of him. Jacob had four wives in total; Leah and her handmaid, and Rachel and her handmaid. Between his four wives, he had twelve sons. God gave Jacob the name Israel and so his twelve sons were the fathers of the twelve tribes of Israel. Of his twelve sons, he loved Joseph the most because he was Rachel’s child. Later on, Rachel would give birth to another son, Benjamin, who Jacob also favored. Being favored by Jacob led to Joseph being hated by his brothers. Jacob gave Joseph a special coat of many colors. If you have any siblings, you can imagine what Joseph’s brothers thought about it. They resented him because they were jealous of his father’s favor toward him. What’s more, the Bible tells us that, “…Joseph brought unto his father their evil report.” (Genesis 37:2) It was about this time that Joseph had two dreams. Joseph told his brothers, “…Hear, I pray you, this dream which I

have dreamed. For, behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright; and, behold, your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance to my sheaf.” (Gen. 37: 7) The brothers hated Joseph more after hearing about his dream and said, “… Shalt thou indeed reign over us? Or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us?” (Gen. 37: 8) Soon after he had a second dream and told his brothers as well as his parents, “Behold, I have dreamed a dream more: and, behold the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.” (Gen. 37: 9) His father rebuked him saying, “…Shall I and thy mother and

Discussion Topic • 29

thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?” (Gen. 37: 10) These dreams were actually promises that God would keep to establish Joseph as a ruler over many people and as a savior to his family. But the resulting hatred and bitterness his brothers felt toward him led them to conspire to kill him. One day as he met his brothers, who were feeding the flocks, they decided first to kill him, but then changed their minds and chose to sell him to slave traders instead. They took his coat and ripped it and splattered it with blood and showed it to their father. They explained that they found it in the field but Joseph was missing, so Jacob believed his

30 • The Good News October 2012

beloved son was dead.


e can imagine how Joseph might have felt as he made the journey down to Egypt. Certainly it would be easy to think that Joseph hated his brothers for what they did. Perhaps maybe he even had new dreams of taking revenge on his brothers. Of course the Bible doesn’t tell us that these things happened but it isn’t unreasonable to think that Joseph had ill will towards his brothers. Regardless of all this, he was sold to a man named Potiphar, an Egyptian who was the captain of the guard of Pharoah, and began serving him. The Bible does tell us that God was with Joseph and so he was prosperous. “And his master saw that the Lord was with him, and that the Lord made all that he did to prosper in his hand. And Joseph found grace in his sight, and he served: and he made him overseer in his house, and over all that


he had, that the Lord blessed the Egyptian’s house for Joseph’s sake; and the blessing of the Lord was upon all that he had in the house, and in the field.” (Genesis 39: 3-4) It seemed as though Joseph was able to begin a new life and perhaps even put away, or at least forget, about the horrible pain and injustice he suffered at the hands of his brothers. Again, though the Bible doesn’t say so, we can imagine what Joseph might have thought about his newfound prosperity. As is often the case, when people receive grace, they mistakenly believe that it is because of their own goodness or skill that they are being rewarded. However, grace is something completely different from a reward. Grace is not something we earn or deserve; it is through the will and virtue of the one who is bestowing the grace that we are able to enjoy it. It is because God is good that we enjoy grace, not because we are good. Satan makes people lose sight of this fact so that they end up

being unable to believe God. God was leading Joseph to become a leader and a savior for his family and that’s the reason Joseph had the dreams of the sheaves and the sun and moon and stars. However, because Joseph couldn’t see the future, he didn’t know that the “problems” he was facing were actually part of God’s plan. People are prone to believe what they see and feel more than the word of God. That’s why when a burden or difficulty comes to them, they often think God is against them or has forsaken them. Conversely, when something “good” happens, they think God is helping them or is pleased with them. In reality, people are foolish to judge what is “good” and “evil” because they don’t have the facility or requirements to do so. If a judge in a court of law is to give a just judgment, he or she must be both educated in the law and its interpretation as well as the particulars of the case that is being heard. If there is evidence that is withDiscussion Topic • 31

Even though we are unable to see the future, we often believe that we can navigate the course of our lives by merely intending to have a good outcome. held by either the prosecution or the defense, and it later comes to light, a mistrial may be called and the case may be retried. Moreover, if the judge demonstrates a different interpretation or understanding of the law by setting a new precedent with his or her judgment, the case can be appealed on the grounds that the ruling was not consistent with the accepted interpretation of the law. Judges are appointed because they demonstrate that their interpretation of the law is consistent with that of their peers. In other words, they are knowledgeable about the law. Aberrant rulings are a sign of ignorance of the law. 32 • The Good News October 2012

When it comes then to matters of what is just, it is vital for the judge to know as much as possible in order to give a fair ruling. Being ignorant of the facts make it impossible to render a fair judgment. Even though people’s knowledge is limited, they often trust that they are capable of judging right from wrong and good from evil. These judgments are limited to the world of appearances and so the court of man’s law judges men according to their deeds. But what about those things that are harder or even impossible to discern like the future and the thoughts of a man’s heart? Even though we are unable to see the future, we often believe that we can navigate the course of our lives by merely intending to have a good outcome. It becomes more and more obvious to people as their lives go on that there are many factors that are beyond their control and that without “luck” or divine intervention, they will not be able to have the kind of life they were hoping for. Even worse,


many people are at a loss for what direction their lives should take because the idea of “happiness” becomes more elusive the more diligently we seek after it.


here is a Chinese folk tale that illustrates this dilemma well. In the story, there is an old man and his son who is a young adult and the old man’s friend from a neighboring village. One day the friend greeted the old man and asked how he was doing. The old man replied that their horse ran away. The friend tried to console the old man but he just replied that he wasn’t sure whether it was a good thing or a bad thing that the horse ran away. The friend was confused and asked how it could be a good thing that the

horse ran away. The old man said he didn’t know but that he still didn’t want to say that it was a god or bad thing. So the friend left thinking to himself that the old man was becoming foolish in his old age. After a few days, the friend returned and again inquired how the old man was doing. The old man explained that his horse returned and that it brought another horse with it. The friend rejoiced with the old man and said he was wrong to think it was a bad thing. Furthermore, he asked the old man how he was able to know that it was going to be such a good thing. But the old man replied that he didn’t know that it was going to be good nor did he know that it was indeed a good thing that the horse returned with another horse. The friend was puzzled and asked if he was proposing that it was actually a bad thing that he had two horses now instead of none. The old man replied in the same way he did previously; that he didn’t know whether it was good or Discussion Topic • 33

still didn’t want to say whether it was good or bad. The friend left thinking that the old man was surely senile. When their friend returned many days later, he was curious to know how the old man’s son was doing. The old man explained that he was well and that some days before, a militia rode into the village and took all the young men by force to fight in bad. The friend was at a loss a civil war. However, because so he just returned to his vilhis son had a broken leg, they lage thinking the old man was didn’t take him. The friend so strange. Several days later, was shocked and embarrassed the friend came to visit the old and asked the old man how he man to see how he was and the was able to know it would turn old man told him about his son out to be a good thing that his broke his leg while he was try- son broke his leg. The old man ing to tame the new horse. The smiled and said he didn’t know friend was so sorry for the old and that he still wasn’t sure it man because he knew that he actually a good thing. depended on his son for many The folktale shows that things. But the old man again things may appear “good” or said he wasn’t sure whether “bad” at a given time but later this was a good or bad thing. on the appearance may change. The friend was amazed and Because man is not capable asked how it could possibly be of foreseeing the future, it is a good thing that his son had not possible for man to judge a broken leg especially since things beyond the present he was dependent on his help. time. However, God is able He said he didn’t know but he to judge all things because

Because man is not capable of foreseeing the future, it is not possible for man to judge things beyond the present time. However, God is able to judge all things.

34 • The Good News October 2012


He knows all things. Most importantly, God is able to know the hearts and intents of men. How often are we deceived by people who appear “good” because of their deeds and outward appearance? Con artists are keenly aware of how to gain people’s confidence by acting and appearing a certain way. A thief showed how he was able to pick the pockets of people riding the “Underground” (subway) in London. He would wear a suit and be very polite to the other passengers, even giving his seat to old ladies if there were none for them to sit down. By gaining their confidence, he was easily able to pick their pockets and steal their valuables. What is important to note about con men is that their outward appearance and their inward intention is very different. It’s been said that we ought not to judge a book by its cover and the same is true for people. Because God is able to see the hearts of men, we can trust that his judgment is true. Although this is obvious

in theory, in reality, we find a rather different outcome. Although God’s judgment is true, people often despise and disregard it, especially when it comes to their own image of themselves. The Bible states in Genesis 6:5, “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” If this word is true, then what can man do to have a relationship with God? Because this is true, the reality is that there is nothing that man can do to have a relationship with God. However, this doesn’t mean that man cannot have a relationship with God. In order for man to have a relationship with God then, God must make it possible. This is why the foundation of man’s relationship with God is grace. If man is able to recognize his estate, that all of his thoughts are only evil, and that he has no way on his own to be together with God, then the necessity and importance of his salvation becomes clear. Discussion Topic • 35

Satan leads people to believe in their own false standard of good and evil so that they will be unable to repent and receive the grace of God. The problem then is not that men are evil. It is their inability to first recognize that they are and second to accept the truth when it is brought before them. Isaiah 55:7 says “Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.” If a person is unable to see his way is wicked and his thoughts unrighteous, he will not be able to receive the grace of God which is promised in this verse. Because Satan doesn’t want people to receive grace, he allows them to think they are good and honest which is 36 • The Good News October 2012

directly opposed to the word of God. Even though people can see that this is true if the Bible is opened and shown to them, they often will still resist the word. This is the clear influence of Satan to lead people to destruction. Satan leads people to believe in their own false standard of good and evil so that they will be unable to repent and receive the grace of God. Joseph also was deceived into believing in his false standard of good and evil. Because he thought he knew what was good and bad, he was unable to acknowledge God. When he was sent to prison because he was falsely accused of rape, he believed that it wasn’t fair for him to be there. After interpreting the dream of the chief butler, he said as much saying, “But think on me when it shall be well with thee, and shew kindness, I pray thee, unto me, and make mention of me unto Pharoah, and bring me out of this house; For indeed I was stolen away out of the land of the Hebrews: and here also


have I done nothing that they should put me into the dungeon.” (Genesis 40: 14-15) If he knew that it wasn’t because of what he did, why couldn’t he believe then that God allowed him to be put in prison? Regardless of whether it seemed fair to him or not, the more important thing was for him to acknowledge that God allowed it. People can easily thank God when something they think is good happens and they just as easily complain against God or ignore him altogether when something they think is bad happens. In the case of Joseph we can see that everything happened according to the will of God and his plan for him. Thankfully, Joseph was also able to see it and so he named his two sons acknowledging

God. And unto Joseph were born two sons before the years of famine came, which Asenath the daughter of Potipherah priest of On bare unto him. And Joseph called the name of the firstborn Manasseh: For God, said he, hath made me forget all my toil, and all my father’s house. And the name of the second called he Ephraim: For God hath caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction. (Genesis 41: 50-52) Both of Joseph’s son’s names are a testimony of how God worked. When Joseph was able to see how God worked, God was able to work through Joseph to save his family. Joseph would lead his brothers to salvation in much the same way God led him.

Discussion Topic • 37

Global Focus I

2012 IYF San Diego World Camp

The IYF World Camp Everybody Has Been Waiting for


he 2012 IYF San Diego World Camp was held in Southern California from Sunday, August 19 to Wednesday, August 22. The past two IYF World Camps were held in LA and Irvine. This year it was held in San Diego, the site of the U.S. Navy and harbor, and a popular tourist destination. The majority of schools in California were already into their second of week of school during the dates of the World Camp so we wondered how many students would attend. But just as if everyone was waiting for this IYF World Camp, many students 38 • The Good News October 2012

registered and over a thousand attended. The Town and Country Resort Hotel, where the World Camp was held, is usually sold out every day. But the hotel gave us a great deal, provided us with a great venue, and gave us their full support. On Sunday, August 19 at 7pm, the Opening Ceremony of the San Diego World Camp was held. The Army prepared the national anthem, the Korean IYF youth prepared a Taekwondo demonstration and a Fan Dance, and the Gracias Choir gave a beautiful performance. All were received with enjoyment and cheers.

Guest Lecture

Sushi Academy

Beach Activity

Global Leadership Forum

Mindset Lecture

5K Run

Christmas Cantata

Cultural Performance Global Focus • 39

“As I heard the stories of the characters in the Bible, I realized I too can become a leader like them.” April Church (Challenge 8/Los Angeles)

During the Opening Ceremony, San Diego City Council President Anthony Young greeted the students by saying, “Through the World Camp, I hope you can reflect upon yourself.” General Robert Haebel, an 85 year old Korean War veteran said, ““Bloom where planted.” IYF’s representative, Pastor Ock Soo Park, spoke about how problems arise because people’s hearts are closed towards each other. He said, “If your heart is connected to God’s heart, you can live a life filled with happiness.” Starting from the next day, Monday, the 20th, participants enjoyed the various programs of the World Camp, which included academies, guest lectures, a scavenger hunt, a 5K run, mindset lectures, and 40 • The Good News October 2012

touring. There were 12 academy classes offered. There are many people in the U.S. who are optimistic towards volunteering and sponsoring, so during this World Camp, we had professionals from famous American companies such as Bank of America, Sephora, and Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. come and give lectures. The academies with topics related to health such as Cancer, Alternative Medicine, and CPR also had a great response.


he Global Leadership Forum was held on Monday, the 20th, with youth educators in various fields. The topic was ‘A Leadership Mindset’. Linda Dews, Assistant Dean at

Global Focus

“As I prepared the play for the camp, I learned how to look for God and my faith became more clear.” Grace Yang (Dream 4/Los Angeles)

the University of San Diego’s School of Leadership, Professor Jordan Barry of the University of San Diego School of Law, Jeremy Yamaguchi, Mayor of the city of Placentia, were among the six distinguished forum panelists. The panelists told the students that leadership depends on relationships. One of the panelists, Jeff Klaus, Vice Chancellor of Cal State University, Long Beach said, “The Leadership Forum will become a valuable experience to the students. They will get to learn how leadership is formed as they share their thoughts and listen to what others have to say.” Mr. Klaus was also thankful for the time he had spent with the students. The Easter Cantata was held on Tuesday, the 22nd.

Participants were able to see in detail how Jesus Christ died and resurrected for the sins of mankind. The audience was able to see a vivid production of how Jesus was nailed to the cross and as they saw how He was whipped, they screamed just as if they themselves were being hit. When Jesus overcame death and resurrected, everyone cheered and rejoiced. It isn’t easy to become a wise and brilliant leader but the youths that participated in the 2012 IYF San Diego World Camp were able to listen to other people. As they learned to communicate, we saw them taking the first steps into becoming brilliant leaders. Now, we can’t wait to see how they will lead America into a brighter future. Global Focus • 41

A Life With Continuous Guidance

Receiving the Guidance of the Word Opens a New World

There is nothing more joyful than being guided by the Word of God. From then on, God works in the midst of us so everything is very easy and peaceful. Once you experience God’s work, you no longer trust yourself but instead incline your ear to hear what the Word says- to what God is saying to you. You end up being soaked with the heart of God more and more. When you receive the guidance of the Word, a new world opens up inside you. 42 • The Good News October 2012

Iron Sharpeneth Iron

GOD ALWAYS LEADS YOU TO A NEW PLACE When you meet many people and deal with them heart to heart, you can get a glimpse of the world of their hearts little by little. Sometimes brothers and sisters that just received salvation bring their friends and say, “Pastor, please preach the gospel to him. Tell my friend exactly what you told me.” They think once the person hears the gospel, he will receive salvation, but that’s because they don’t know that people’s hearts are different. Most people live without knowing about the world of the heart but we receive salvation and learn about that world in church. There is the world you see when you first receive salvation, and then the world of the heart that gets deeper and deeper. Each time we enter into that world, a new heart that we couldn’t have before is formed. Each time we meet the new world, we become joyful, thankful and happy. God doesn’t allow our heart to remain still. He always works and leads us to new places. The God of Abraham was a God of prom-

ise. God is the one who first leads us to the promise. Abraham’s son Isaac lived by digging wells. This kind of life is really talking about drawing and giving the water of life; the life of enjoying the promise. Isaac’s son Jacob went to Padan-Aram, gained many children and returned to the land of Canaan. He lived a life of leading people to the promise. Just like that, the lives of saved people continue to enter into the new world. A spiritual life can never remain stagnant. The great thing about our mission is that we have servants who continue to go forward with faith. They first experience the world of faith and continue to teach that world to the saints. They lead the lives of the saints one by one. TRUE CHURCH ALLOWS VICTORY AND CONQUEST Moses lived in Egypt for 40 years with thinking he was capable. After living in the wilderness of Midian for 40 years, God emptied his strength and made him into a person who was incapable. Sermon • 43

For the next 40 years, Moses led Israelites from Egypt to Canaan. After Moses died, Joshua led the Israelites, went over Jordan and entered into Canaan. God was with him and anywhere that Joshua trod, God allowed him to triumph and conquer. The life that God gave Joshua, a life of triumph and conquest, is what God wants to give us. In order to do so, He tells saved people, “Empty yourself; spiritual life is not done through you, it is done through me; spiritual life is deeper.” As Joshua went over Jordan and entered into Canaan, no matter what he did, he won. In the same way, God wants to be with us and lead us to victory in all we do. Therefore we can see that the true church is the one that leads the lives of saints into. Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the LORD blessed him. And the man waxed great, and went forward, and grew until he became very great: For he had possession of flocks, and possession of herds, and great store of servants: and the Philistines envied him. For 44 • The Good News October 2012

all the wells which his father’s servants had digged in the days of Abraham his father, the Philistines had stopped them, and filled them with earth. (Genesis 26:12-15) When you look at this verse, once Isaac was blessed, an enemy arose. However, Isaac did not fight with the enemy but instead dug another well. Even when the enemy filled them with earth, he went to another place to dig. When he dug wells like that, the fighting ceased. We see that God leads our church that way. While we broaden the boundary of the gospel without fighting our enemies, it is God who stops the fight. God allows us to win wherever we go. God allows us to conquer. It is because we do not actually do anything but because Christ does it, it is accomplished beautifully. Every year God allows us to expand the borders of the gospel. As God works, he makes us happy. MANY PEOPLE WHO FOLLOW THE PATH OF SAUL Although the Israelites experi-

Iron Sharpeneth Iron

enced God’s work and power in the wilderness for 40 years, God emptied them and taught them to live only through the Word of God. That was why God made them walk in the wilderness for 40 years. Now, God wants to lead saved people into the world where things get achieved only through the Word of God. God leads each one of us that way. Many people today say that they serve God but their heart is often distant from Him. God wants distant hearts to return. Through many things we face in our lives, God speaks to us. Unfortunately, people do not break their heart or deny their thoughts. They don’t return to God but rather continue to walk their own path. They follow the path that Saul walked. A path we know so well. Saul, in 1 Samuel 13, gave a burnt offering without waiting for Samuel, and did not utterly destroy Amalek but instead kept what was good in his eyes. God chastised Saul and finally, in chapter 16,

God flatly rejected Saul. So, when Goliath appeared in chapter 17, neither Saul, nor the captain nor the soldiers could defeat Goliath. Even outwardly Saul’s time came to an end. However, Saul continued living as a king until his death in chapter 31. God had definitely rejected him, so why did his days continue? That time was given for him to change his ways. However, Saul did not change and continued to live as a king, giving commands from the throne. Saul lost the chance to change his ways and finally faced a tragic death in 1 Samuel 31. How happy could Saul have been had he returned to God! How blessed could he have been had he taken the chance God gave him! Then, Israel would

Sermon • 45

have been a country led by God instead of being led by Saul. The people would have been blessed and Saul himself would have been blessed as well. The unfortunate fact is that many saints today walk the same path as Saul. Satan is the one who does this. He makes them their own master and live like kings; making all decisions without breaking their hearts and repenting. IN THE EYES OF GOD, FLESH IS SURELY DEAD We must realize that Saul was already rejected in the eyes of God. He had the garment of a king and was giving commands while sitting in the throne, but in God’s sight, Saul was already dead. In the same way, our flesh is dead in God’s eyes. However, we don’t see it so we believe that it is alive. We continue to live following our flesh without turning back. There are so many people who believe in themselves and walk their own path after receiving salvation. We need to accept God sees. When we receive salvation, we accept God’s perspective and believe that we are 46 • The Good News October 2012

righteous although we continue to sin. In the same way, we need to accept the fact that our flesh ended on the cross. The truth about the cross ended me and established Christ in me. Once we accept the Word and the eyes of God, then we no longer submit ourselves to our flesh. Jesus who dwells in us rules over our hearts and our lives. Once David led Israel, the country became beautiful and happy. Likewise, once Jesus rules and leads our hearts, our lives can only be happy. No matter what we do, it is blessed and joyful. Once you are led by the Word, you resonate with the heart of God.The church always tries to lead our lives to a new, deeper place. Just as Elisha followed

Iron Sharpeneth Iron

Elijah, once we follow guidance and step forward little by little, we get to meet that world. However, Satan blocks the way so we won’t be able to enter into that world. He deceives us with lies and desires of the flesh so we will not be led by God. There are so many people who get trapped by Satan and turn their back on God. There is nothing more joyful than being guided by the Word of God. From then on, God works in us so everything is very easy and peaceful. Once you experience God’s work, you no longer trust in yourself and instead, you incline your ear to hear what the Word says, what God is saying to you today. You end up being soaked in the heart of God more and more. We want the Word of God

to enter into our hearts so we can all continuously receive the guidance of the Lord. We want our spirit to perpetually grow in the Word of God. Once we receive guidance through the Word, then a new world opens up inside of us and each time, our heart becomes truly happy and blessed. When you actually see the works of God inside of our mission, you will not be able to describe how amazing it is. Each time we accepted the guidance of God and met this new world, we were truly happy. Even today, God wants to further lead our footsteps towards him. The Word makes us new, happier and more joyful. Let us not stay in one place but run to the place that God leads us to and receive His grace.

Pastor Young-joon Park Senior Pastor of Busan Daeyeon Church, Korea Sermon • 47

Global Focus II

Dream with New Hope! 2012 IYF World Camp in Haiti and Chile Through the World Camp Haiti finds hope in the mist of despair and Chile’s first World Camp was a success.

THE HAITI WORLD CAMP IN THE UNFAVORABLE CONDITIONS After the World Camp in the Dominican Republic, the 2012 IYF World Camp was held in Haiti on September 13th and in Chile on September 16th. It has been two years since a 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit Haiti, but the nation is still in a miserable state and has not been restored. Many young people lost hope due to the lack of jobs and are aimlessly wandering the streets. Thus, it wasn’t easy for them to use 48 • The Good News October 2012

public transportation to attend the World Camp. To make matters worse, there was a slight clash at the border between the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The IYF World Camp personnel went through many difficulties to cross over to Haiti. However, they finally arrived at the Delmas City Hall (a section of Port-auPrince) two and a half hours before the start of the Opening Ceremony. The Opening Ceremony went on without any problems with 700 people

in attendance. The participants loudly applauded every performance. Mayor Wilson Jeudy of Delmas welcomed the participants saying, “I thank the IYF for holding such a great camp in Haiti.” The participants enjoyed the camp starting from the 14th through various programs like academies, keynote lectures, and mindset lectures. The Gracias Choir Christmas Cantata was held on the 15th to celebrate the Closing Ceremony. The event was temporarily suspended due to an unexpected blackout and rain. Public transportation stops at 8 PM, but most of the participants calmly waited for the event to resume. The Gracias Choir moved to where the audience was because of

the rain, and the participants were happy to see the beautiful performance up close. The Opening Ceremony and the Christmas Cantata were broadcast live by Haiti’s national broadcast company, RTG, and there was an interview at an Islamic broadcasting station, Telemax. IYF received lots of exposure through these networks. IYF Chief Advisor, Pastor Ock Soo Park, had a discussion with Haitian pastors regarding forgiveness of sins in the Bible, and attended the dedication service of the Haiti Church on the 16th. Pastor Park gave a congratulatory message that day saying, “If you throw away your thoughts and accept the words of Jesus, then you will change and Haiti will change.” Global Focus • 49

VOLUNTEERS MOVED THE HEARTS OF THE RESIDENTS During the Haiti World Camp that took place from wednesday, September 12th (Wed) to 15th (Sat), the Good News Medical Volunteers, which included volunteers from Korea, USA and Haiti, provided free medical services to patients at Delmas City Hall. Lungi Celia suffered from body aches and pains. She said, “In Haiti, meeting a doctor is very difficult, but here, I received care and medicine, which gave me the strength to start again.” Living in poor conditions, 3,000 patients that suffered from various ailments waited in the long line from dawn to receive much needed care. 50 • The Good News October 2012

Delmas City Mayor Wilson Jeudy was very thankful for the service provided by the Good News Medical volunteer team. Joongang Daily from Korea and reporters from international newspapers were there to cover the story of the Good News Medical Volunteers. THE OPENING CEREMONY OF THE IYF WORLD CAMP IN CHILE In the capital city of Santiago, Chile, 450 participants gathered at the Sheraton Hotel to welcome the first World Camp held in Chile from Sunday, September 16th (Sun) to 19th (Wed). Leaving the heat of Haiti, the weather in Chile was like the beginning of fall

with blowing leaves. Many students were able to attend the World Camp that took place during the week of the Chilean Independence Day. Because the city of Santiago permitted the use of the city logo, the venue was obtained inexpensively and many companies provided drinks and refreshments for everyone. On the evening of September 17th, the Opening Ceremony of the first World Camp in Chile was held. The participants enthusiastically welcomed various performances that included an Argentinean Prewar Dance and Tae Kwon Do performance, among others. Many VIP guests attended the Opening Ceremony. Among the distinguished guests was Congressional

Representative Marcela Sabat, who welcomed all the participants by saying, “During the IYF World Camp, I hope that everyone can utilize this time to develop the world of the heart.” Pastor Park urged the participants to “Open your hearts and communicate” during the mindset lectures of the World Camp. After listening to the mindset lectures, Vice Chancellor Luis Alfonso of San Sebastian University suggested that the next World Camp be held at his university. Finally Senator Ana Bon Bear of the Democratic Union Party said “I hope everyone can learn the IYF motto of Challenge, Change, and Cohesion.” Global Focus • 51

People Who Forgot Themselves If we knew the world precisely, we would distrust it. Likewise, if we knew ourselves well, we would distrust ourselves, too. If we knew there are no vitamins in vitamin drinks, would we drink them for their vitamins? Even though someone gives some vitamin drinks to us, we would think them as just sugar water and trash them. We should ignore ourselves as we do “so-called” vitamin drinks. If we know that there is no goodness inside us and only deceit, who would brag and trust ourselves? It would become natural to be away and leave from ourselves. We would also trust only the Words of God.

WHY DO YOU TRUST YOURSELVES If we knew the world precisely, we would distrust it. Likewise, if we knew ourselves well, we would distrust ourselves, too. If we knew there are no vitamins in vitamin drinks, would we 52 • The Good News October 2012

drink them for their vitamins? Even if someone give us vitamin drinks, we would think they were just sugar water and throw them away. We should despise ourselves the same way we despise “so-called” vitamin drinks. If we knew that there is no

Admonition of the Lord

goodness inside us and only deceit, who would brag and trust in themselves? It would become natural to depart from ourselves. We would only trust the Word of God. VITAMIN DRINKS NOT CONTAINING ACTUAL VITAMINS Vitamin drinks with misleading information about their vitamin content were reported by Korea’s Food and Drug Administration. It found that 23 vitamin drinks either overstated their vitamin content or did not indicate it. It was also found that some drinks, in spite of the claim on their labels, contained no vitamin C at all. Reading these reports, we begin to distrust food and drink advertising and perhaps even society as a whole. Drinking water is no different. An investigative TV program once reported on water filtering systems and bottled water. Interviewees said that they had become

reluctant to drink water outside their own homes, including in restaurants. In some places, so-called “spring” water was discovered to contain colon bacillus that exceeded acceptable limits. Recently, bromate—a cancer-causing chemical formed when spring water is sterilized—was detected in some bottled water. People are exposed to cancer-causing substances without their knowledge. When we hear this sort of news, we wonder what is really safe, when even drinking water exposes us to such risk. Similar problems have surfaced with powdered infant formula. Formularelated accidents have occurred in each of the past six years. In both 2006 and 2007, the Cronobacter sakazakii bacteria, which causes meningitis, was detected in a popular brand of baby formula. In 2008 and 2009, colon bacillus was detected in other brands of formula. Compared with Korean Sermon • 53

ing yourself, you don’t bring yourself to do it. Rather you try to trust yourself. Even though you behave wickedly and deceive yourself, again and again, you still trust yourself. It is truly ironic. When parents heard bad news about Korean formula, they started to buy Japanese products, even though it required going through an formula brands, there have inconvenient Internet shopbeen fewer incidents of ping process. But people contamination in Japanese who live spiritual lives do formula, so their import has not know how to do this. been rapidly growing. For Even if they have many the years 2008-2011, imports problems, they still trust and increased by 60%. However, generous with themselves. Japanese products are not Many people think that they completely safe, either. are doing well because they do not truly know themWHY DON’T YOU selves. They overestimate DISTRUST YOURSELF? themselves. Even though You face many incidents in they ought to see themselves your life that might lead as filthy and wicked and you to distrust many aspects abandon themselves, they of society. If you distrust continue to trust themselves. certain brands of foods or products, you might choose BROTHER KIM, ARE to pay more to buy better YOU ENTITLED TO EAT ones. But when you are faced THIS BREAD? with the choice of distrustAfter graduating from mis-

Many people think that they are doing well because they do not truly know themselves. They overestimate themselves.

54 • The Good News October 2012

Admonition of the Lord

sionary school, I was sent to a small local church. Several months later, I attended the winter retreat with 17 members of our church. These church members had very little money, but they paid their own way for the conference. Of course, it was the natural thing to do. One day during the retreat, I went and visited the pastor’s residence. At the time, we did not have space to have meals at the retreat site, so we took turns eating at the pastor’s residence. Pastor Park was having fellowship with some Presbyterian church pastors in his room, and he mentioned my name in his conversation. Pastor Park said that I had brought 17 people to the retreat, and that they had all paid their own way. I thought I had done something outstanding— I thought this was what I was supposed to do in my ministry. But I was not then in a spiritually whole condition. Pastors were wondering whether I was able to con-

tinue my ministry. A year and a half later, I was recalled to the missionary school to be rebuked for my arrogance. I didn’t know why. Even if I was really arrogant, I didn’t see myself clearly, so I assumed I was doing well. Later, I joined the army and did my service, but I served without faith. Even though I thought I was witnessing fervently, there was no help from God and many people turned against me. I felt that I wasted my army life, just arguing with many people. Pastor Park scolded me numerous times for leading my army life without faith, but I thought I did well in the military. I also thought I received much grace from God. How wrong I was! Once during a break from service, I visited my church and the youth group members bought me some traditional Korean rice cake. I thought that it was holy rice cake, and I was relucSermon • 55

tant to take some of it back with me to share with my comrades because I thought they didn’t deserve it. I said, “They are not worthy of this.” Pastor Park happened to overhear me and said, “Brother Kim, are you worthy of eating this? When I said, “No!” he replied, “That is why we eat by grace. Take it with you to the base.” When I heard what Pastor Park said, I looked at myself. I thought I was better than my army colleagues, but I still thought myself unworthy of taking the rice cake. But was I truly better than my colleagues? According to the Scriptures, I was not different from them at all. I was surely no more valuable than they were. But I still

56 • The Good News October 2012

trusted myself. I knew of my weakness, laziness, and wickedness. But I was still generous to myself. If my life had been like imitation spring water, or contaminated formula, I would have forsaken it long before. Even after my wickedness was revealed many times, I did not forsake myself. THEY WERE CAST OUT IN THE OPEN FIELD AT BIRTH “And as for thy nativity, in the day thou wast born thy navel was not cut, neither wast thou washed in water to supple thee; thou wast not salted at all, nor swaddled at all. None eye pitied thee, to do any of these unto thee, to have compassion upon thee; but thou wast cast out in the open field, to the lothing of thy person, in the day that thou wast born.” (Ezekiel 16:4-5) The Israelites were cast out in the open field at birth. “Loathing” has the same meaning as “despising.”

Admonition of the Lord

How could it be that even their parents refused to care for them and forsook them? And why did no one have compassion for them? Even today, babies are abandoned because of economic or social reasons. Even though it is hard to justify such a thing, there is always some reason. But the Israelites were forsaken without any clear reason. In Korea, when babies are born without any proper parenting, they are trusted to an orphanage. But the Israelites were not taken up by anyone. No one had pity on them. God had mercy on these Israelites. God saved them, washed them, oiled them, and clothed them with embroidered fabric. He decorated them with leather shoes, precious gems, and gold and silver. God made the Israelites beautiful virgins and prepared them to become the king’s wife. But the Israelites did not remember their miserable selves. They did not

humble themselves for further grace. They instead became arrogant, trusting in themselves, rebelling against God, and worshipping gentile gods. This is why God rebuked them, saying “In all thine abominations and thy whoredoms thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth, when thou wast naked and bare, and wast polluted in thy blood. (Ezekiel 16:22) The Israelites did not know God, who made them beautiful with ornaments. They left Him, trusting themselves and thinking they had always been beautiful. Because the Israelites did not know themselves well—like most people— they were confident and proud. But in fact, they were useless abandoned. Son of man, what is the vine tree more than any tree, or than a branch which is among the trees of the forest? Shall wood be taken thereof to do any work? or will men take a Sermon • 57

If we knew the world precisely, we would distrust it. Likewise, if we knew ourselves well, we would distrust ourselves, too. pin of it to hang any vessel thereon? Behold, it is cast into the fire for fuel; the fire devoureth both the ends of it, and the midst of it is burned. Is it meet for any work? Behold, when it was whole, it was meet for no work: how much less shall it be meet yet for any work, when the fire hath de-

voured it, and it is burned? Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; As the vine tree among the trees of the forest, which I have given to the fire for fule, so give the inhabitants of Jerusalem. (Ezekiel 15:2-6) God compared the Israelites to the vine trees, meaning that they were useless. It is written that vine trees cannot be used to build; they cannot be used to even make pegs for hanging pots; they have no value at all. But the Israelites did not see themselves as they truly were. As the prodigal son trusted himself and left his father, the Israelites were arrogant enough to leave God. When God saw them, they were only good to be burned for fuel. They did not know how useless and valueless they were. WHO AMONG US WOULD TRUST OURSELVES? The Israelites are like the ones who are abandoned in

58 • The Good News October 2012

Admonition of the Lord

the field, or like the vine branches that are chosen to be burnt. But without knowing their true image, they were arrogant. So many people, including me, also live an arrogant life and trust ourselves, not realizing our weakness. If we knew the world precisely, we would distrust it. Likewise, if we knew ourselves well, we would distrust ourselves, too. If we knew there are no vitamins in vitamin drinks, would we

drink them for their vitamins? Even though someone gives some vitamin drinks to us, we would think them as just sugar water and trash them. We should ignore ourselves as we do “socalled� vitamin drinks. If we know that there is no goodness inside us and only deceit, who would brag and trust ourselves? It would become natural to be away and leave from ourselves. We would also trust only the Words of God.

Pastor Dong-sung Kim Senior Pastor of Good News Daegu Church, Korea Sermon • 59

A Deputy Secretary of the Department of Youth Whose Heart Is Meek and Humble

IT WAS VERY RARE TO MEET A PERSON LIKE HIM Visiting many countries to preach the gospel, I meet many people. Especially, when I go to Africa, I meet people such as deputy secretary(vice ministers), ministers, and prime ministers whom I cannot meet easily in Korea. In special cases, I have the chance to preach the gospel to a president. We get to meet these people through events. However, as I preach the gospel to them little by little, they often open their hearts and accept the gospel. 60 • The Good News October 2012

One time, when we held a camp in an African country, the deputy secretary of Youth department came. Looking around the camp, he opened his heart a lot. Sharing a meal and conversation with me, he started to accept the gospel. When I talk about the gospel to government officials, most of them pretend to accept it out of politeness. However, this deputy secretary accepted the gospel very sincerely and received salvation. Whenever I met him, I talked about spiritual matters. In fact, it was rare that I had met someone among the government of-

A Grain of Mustard Seed

ficials who accepted the Word with sincerity and had a joyful heart in front of the Word. One day, the vice minister of the youth department visited me and talked about what was in his heart. He said to me, “My youngest son has a serious mental disability. Could you pray for him?” I promised to do that, and the next day he brought his youngest son to the camp. His son had many mental problems so I told him about spiritual life and prayed for him. After that, the deputy secretary was very happy and said, “After you prayed for my son,

he became more stable mentally.“ He was very thankful . Upon hearing me saying, “If you bring him to me, whenever I have a chance, I want to preach to him and pray for him,” he left with a grateful heart. THE DEPUTY SECRETARY DID. SO DID HIS WIFE AND SON The next time he brought his wife to the camp. I said, ”I have something to tell you. Do you time?” She gladly gave me her time. I explained to her how our sins could be washed away. God gave us his begotTestimony • 61

ten son so that we could come out of sins. Jesus carried our sins, shed his blood, and died on the cross. I told her that His death was not in vain, and all of our sins were forgiven. We became righteous in the eyes of God so that He called us righteous. She listened to the Word and received salvation. After that time, the viceminister brought his eldest son. He was a very positive, brilliant young man. On that day, it was difficult to speak to him individually because we had a group meeting. I said to this young man, “I have something to tell you. If you 62 • The Good News October 2012

have time, can you visit me tomorrow?” The next day, the vice-minister’s eldest son came to see me by himself. I was so thankful. I preached the gospel to him. Just as the viceminister accepted the gospel, so did his wife and son. The young man was studying in England so I introduced him to the church in England so that he could go to our church when he returned there. GOD PREPARED PEOPLE IN EACH COUNTRY THAT WE VISITED From then on, I could see that the vice minister of the department of youth was help-

A Grain of Mustard Seed

ing IYF with his whole heart and working for us. When I look back on that time, his youngest son had brought such difficulty and pain to the vice minister and his wife. However, I could see that God humbled the vice minister’s heart through his son. I could feel that his heart became gentle. When I preach the Word of God to people, people usually think of their position and status instead of the Word itself. On many occasions people do not accept the Word of God and rather go against it when they have a conflicting thought while listening

to the Word. Nevertheless, a humble person has no heart to abandon or refuse the Word of God because his heart is lowered. He has the heart to follow the Word of God and receive the grace of God. On the other hand, the person whose works are going well and better than others pursues their own desires. Therefore, he is influenced by those things, despite listening to the Word of God. The vice minister provided great help to us as we preached the gospel. When we go to a foreign country and work for the youth facing various kinds of difficulties, Testimony • 63

I experience how God allows people to help us and work for us. If it were not for them, there would have been a lot of hardships ministering abroad. Wherever we went, God prepared someone like the vice minister in each country. Whenever I notice that these people help us and work for us, I am unceasingly thankful. THE VICE MINISTER KNELT DOWN NEXT TO ME AND PRAYED A deputy secretary! I respect him in my heart. I once visited him in his office, and he asked me, “Pastor, could you pray for us? Please pray for our children, for our youth de64 • The Good News October 2012

partment.” Then I suggested to him, “Sir, let’s pray together!” I knelt down on the office floor and prayed. He also knelt down next to me and prayed. He was so joyful and thankful. A country’s vice minister of the department of youth is a very highly regarded person. It is not easy to meet a person like him. Nonetheless, whenever I went to that country, he visited me and spent time with me . Sometimes, he invited me to his office, prayed, and had fellowship with me. He always remains in my heart among the many government officials that I have met until now. Although the pain and

A Grain of Mustard Seed

sorrow that he went through because of his youngest son was so great, I am thankful that the heart of the vice minister became the best heart to receive the grace of God through that. I am so thankful that the vice minister, his wife, and his oldest son, all humbled their hearts in front of God and received salvation. I am still very thankful when I remember the vice minister who helped us so that many things went well for us. I hope God pours abundant blessings and grace unto him. Whenever I think about him, I pray for his youngest son to be healed soon and live a blessed life.

GIVE THANKS TO GOD WHO MADE US PRAISE HIM I do many things abroad. If I go to one county, I lead a conference or camp for the youth for three to four days. God prepares many people to help us whenever we face big and small difficulties in a foreign country. I am very thankful to God who lets us preach the gospel to many countries around the world and leads many youths to receive salvation in this way. God arranges people and lets them help us whenever we visit a certain country for the gospel. I give thanks to God who allows us to praise Him through this. Testimony • 65

Good News from

Helsinki Church, Finland


n December 8, 2005 I brought my wife and my two sons, a 4-yearold and a 5-month-old, recklessly to Finland. I didn’t know English and I had no information about Finland. The start of my mission was only an unsure step. I had no visa, no house, and there were no familiar faces. I only came because the church sent me. I even felt scared. The people of Finland are good at English, possibly be66 • The Good News October 2012

cause they have a good education system. I tried to learn Finnish but I had neither a dictionary nor a book. Everything was in English, so I decided to learn it first. Although I didn’t know the vocabulary or grammar, I decided that I had to first be free from my fear of English. I first preached the gospel to a Finnish 30-yearold man named Juha. It had been one month since I came to Finland. When I couldn’t remember the English word for “Lamb”, I said, “Moo.” Later


Bible conference in Helsinki Church

this man received salvation. That day, as I preached the gospel, I was completely freed from my fear of English. It was a short conversation. However, in the conversation, there was a force. I put away my thoughts. How thankful I am to be a missionary in Finland! Each year, through the heart of wanting to preach the gospel, I preached to many people. We had seminars and I personally preached the gospel, but after 3, 4, and 5 years there were still no people

in our church. Most people came as guests and after 3 or 4 months, they disappeared and this repeated many times. One day, God gave me a new heart. God’s heart flowed into mine. I was able to be free from the world I saw. Moreover, I am Finland’s missionary and pastor through God. Some unknown strength arose. A strong hope appeared in Finland. Strangely, from that moment on, our church in Finland, my ministry, and my heart changed. Testimony • 67

Finland is neither a boring place nor a place where I want to leave. This heart is definitely not my own. This is a heart that God bestowed upon me.


nce in our Korean school classroom, I told the participants about the Good News Corps, where students can go to Korea as short term missionaries. At that time, three students Tanja, Marina, and Mia applied to go, and through the workshop, they received salvation and went to Korea. From this point, God allowed me to overcome all my burdens about Finnish people and of negative thoughts. God began to work. When I first arrived in Finland, I did not like it, but God gave me the heart to love Finland and also brought people to the church. On the outside, the people of Finland seem to be affluent and well-off. However, after I met them heart to heart, I found them to have pure and humble hearts. I was surprised. I was able to see how I 68 • The Good News October 2012

had been deceived. In 2011, God connected many people to the church. Rauha, Tulli, Enni, Maria, Mariela, Laura, Tommi, and others received salvation to become brothers and sisters, and the church completely changed. Now, I am so happy and thankful to be a missionary and pastor in Finland. Finland is neither a boring place nor a place where I want to leave. This heart is definitely not my own. This is a heart that God bestowed upon me. The mission is truly not a place where I can do anything. It is not through my hard work or dedication, but everything happens completely through God. God continuously gives me a new heart. “Do the workshop, do the camp...,” now I will follow the heart that God gives. I return glory to God for the new life and grace that He gave me.

God Is My Real Father!


ince I was young I belonged to the church but actually I never went to church nor believe in


When I was 4, my parents got divorced and my life completely changed. My father, who I loved so much, left me. It was heartbreaking for me because my father was my best friend and my all. After the divorce I couldn´t believe in people and I closed my heart completely. My school life didn´t go very well because I couldn´t focus on studying, and there was no one to teach me or tell me what to do at

home because my mother was always working. My mom married again after dating a guy for only 6 months. At that time I was full of hope and dreams. I thought that my life can become happy again. But it wasn’t so. My stepfather finished his job and started to stay at home with the kids. He became lazy and he just watched TV all the time. I got sick of the life where I had to do everything so I stopped going to school and I found new friends from the internet. I started to drink and smoke and every day with these friends. But when I turned 19, I got tired of that life. I was depressed with Testimony • 69

my life. I thought that in my life I didn’t have anyone who cares about me and that I don’t have any future. My heart was empty and I couldn’t let anyone in my heart. Suddenly my little sister who I fought with all the time asked me to go to meet Pastor Kim because she was interested in going to Korea as a volunteer. She didn’t want to go alone so she

we had to attend workshops and at that time I learned so much about myself and I realized how all the bad things led me to this happiness that I never felt before but I couldn’t believe that Jesus washed all my sins away. There was this deep darkness inside of me where I was hiding all by myself. But then I realized that if I just let God come into my heart, my life will automati-

asked me to go with her. After she met Pastor Kim, he asked us to stay and listen to the sermon. I just thought that when I die I will go to hell because I did many bad things. But when I heard the Word that day I started to realize why my life failed. As time passed I decided to go to Korea as a volunteer. Before going to Korea

cally become brighter. That was the moment I believed my sins was taken away. I let God into my heart and my life started to get brighter day by day. Now I have finally found the real father and family who will always protect me, and who will always be with me in the church.

70 • The Good News October 2012

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GOOD NEWS MISSION CHURCHES • Good News New York Church 300 Nassau Road, Huntington, NY 11743, USA Tel.1-631-745-4734 • Good News Brooklyn Church 597 Degraw St. Brooklyn, NY 11217, USA Tel.1-631-988-1206 • Good News Atlanta Church 11011 Rogers Circle, Johns Creek, GA 30097, USA Tel.1-678-473-1594 • Good News New Jersey Church 1075 Queen Anne Road Teaneck, NJ 07666, USA Tel.1-201-543-1208 • Good News Detroit Church 1181 Harding Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48307, USA Tel.1-248-971-4151 • Good News Chicago Church 4825 W. Jarlath St. Lincolnwood, IL 60712, USA Tel.1-847-329-0237 • Good News Boston Church 228 Ferry St. Everett, MA 02149, USA Tel.1-617-943-9739 • Sydney Grace Church 72-74 Joseph st Lidcombe Sydney NSW 2141, Australia Tel.61-2-9749-2114 • Good News Finland Church Porslahdentie 23 C 9 00980 Helsinki, Finland Tel.358-45-112-3588 • Auckland Grace Baptist Church 18 Kaipatiki Rd Glenfield Auckland, New Zealand Tel.64-9-440-9214 • Good News Kingston Church 63B Deanery Road, Kingston 3, Jamaica W. I. Tel.1-876-620-9340 • Good News Mission Baptist Church-Tema Good News Mission. P.M.B. Comm. 1, Tema, Ghana (W/Africa) Tel.233-22-305857~8 • Good News Mission(K) Nairobi Church P.O.Box 57329, Nairobi, Kenya -00200- Tel.254-729-398912 • Good News Kampala Church P.O.Box 33441 Kampala, Uganda Tel.256-414-271-357 • Good News Mission(Burundi) Bujumbra Church B.P 2207 Bujumbura, Burundi, Central Africa Tel.257-79901723 • Good News Mission(R) Kigali Church P.O.Box 3539 Kigali, Rwanda, Africa Tel.250-78-8610363

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