2016 Strategic Plan
Goodwill Industries of Middle Georgia and the CSRA
Mission We build lives, families, and communities one career at a time by helping people develop their God-given gifts through education, work, and career services.
Vision Better jobs, stronger families, dynamic communities
Values I am proud to be Goodwill. Service Ownership Accountability Respect
Goal 1:
We will maintain the strength of Goodwill’s existing businesses and mission initiatives by building and sustaining financial capacity and quality systems. Objectives/Action Maintain organizational ER of 95% or better Increase donated goods retail market share to 48% by 2016 Maintain current asset to current liability ratio to 2:1 or greater Achieve debt to equity ratio of 1:3 to 1 Establish and document formal enterprise risk standards for the organization
Target Annually Increase 3% annually Annually Annually 2014
Document and implement quality systems across all new and existing departments to include documented procedures, internal audits, and overall customer satisfaction rating of 100%
2014 (existing) 2016 (new programs)
Increase ratio of commercial contracts to 10% of total contracts Increase advancement activities (including philanthropy et. al) by 25% through relationship building and an increase in mission awareness Ensure IT growth stays ahead of enterprise growth
3% by 2014 3% by 2015 4% by 2016 2016 Annually
Goal 2:
We will grow Helms College and mission initiatives in a manner that advances Goodwill employees and “the unfortunate.” Objectives/Action Serve 21,000 people annually Place 4,000 people in employment annually Staffing business will generate $8 million in revenue with ER of 95% Student enrollment in Helms College of 1,500 within our territory, based on 6 industry clusters as follows: Culinary Arts/Hospitality, Health Care, Administrative/Clerical, Customer Service, Industrial Trades/Logistics and Holistic Arts
Target 2016 2016 2016 2016
Achieve Helms College graduation rate of 70%
Achieve Helms College industry of study placement rate of 75%
Helms College will generate average of $16 million annual revenue with annual profitability of 10% Operate two satellite campuses in our territory
2016 1st satellite - 2014 2nd satellite - 2016
Operate two branches of Helms College in partnership with other Goodwills
Initiate regional accreditation process
Initiate at least one alternative secondary school
Helms College continuing education will absorb Goodwill Corporate University education programs for stackable portable credentials for employees
Goal 3:
We will grow existing and new enterprises as applied learning venues for Helms College and other mission initiatives. Objectives/Action
Create two rural retail locations with adjacent economic development centers with cottage industry and agri-business enterprises
Increase material donations in counties that currently have no Goodwill presence
Add up to two CSRA stores
Develop four specialized Staffing Services niche operations tied to the Helms College six industry clusters
2 - 2014 2 - 2015
Hospitality: Achieve 5% profitability in Macon and 10% profitability in Augusta with vibrant Helms College partnership
Add minimally two Hire Grounds CafĂŠs
Establish profitable contracts for fleet preventative maintenance services
Be recognized as a viable TFM contractor with expertise in multiple fields tied to Helms College
Be landlord for Helms College graduate franchisee opportunities in vacant Goodwill owned real estate
Launch three entrepreneurial micro-business development enterprises tied to Helms College
Create one new enterprise per region established in health care field tied to Helms College
Buy, develop, or partner with existing businesses tied to applied learning model and aligned with six clusters or potential new clusters
Create at least one enterprise to offer opportunities for persons with most severe disabilities using revenue to serve individuals with significant barriers to employment
Operate a teaching hotel tied to Helms College
Historical Perspective
In January 1996 Goodwill Board members and senior staff gathered for the first strategic plan development for Goodwill Industries of Middle Georgia and the CSRA. In January 2013 another retreat gathering culminated nine months of preparation to create the 2016 Strategic Plan.
Total Revenue
Retail Revenue
Program Services Revenue
Contracts Revenue
Public Support/Fundraising
People Served
People Placed
Number of Goodwill Employees
Rev. Edgar J. Helms, founder of Goodwill Industries, worked passionately to establish the first 70 autonomous Goodwill organizations throughout the world. Goodwill’s mission has thrived for more than a century and is based upon our belief that we do the greatest good by helping people with a hand-up to develop their God-given gifts through education, work, and career services. “Friends of Goodwill, be dissatisfied with your work until every...unfortunate person in your community has an opportunity to develop to his fullest usefulness and enjoy a maximum of abundant living.” “We are seeking to prevent pauperism rather than relieve it, and to do so by teaching trades to the unskilled and offering self-respecting work...and also training workers to manage their own enterprises.” -Edgar J. Helms Almost seventy years after Rev. Helms completed his earthly work, Helms College was established by Goodwill Industries of Middle Georgia and the CSRA to help all people gain the education, experience, and credentials needed to enjoy the “maximum of abundant living.”