Insights MS Schippers

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Sustainable vision of The Schippers Group a crucial growth accelerator

Path to European market leadership With hygiene and health as its main drivers, The Schippers Group is steadily gaining ground globally. The company's philosophy is increasingly being heard worldwide. Meanwhile, European market leadership - a key ambition - comes ever closer. The secret: investing in knowledge development and innovation.

Export is a prominent lifeline for The Schippers Group, as it is for the entire Dutch agricultural sector. The Dutch Central Statistical Office (CBS) reported earlier this year that in 2020, which we will all remember as the year of COVID-19, the sector broke all records and exported EUR 95.6 billion, of which more than EUR 68 billion of domestic origin. The so-called re-export, i.e. the resale of imported products, amounted to more than EUR 27 billion. Exports generated an estimated EUR 41.9 billion


in export earnings for the Dutch economy. Including agriculture-related goods, the export value amounted to EUR 105.4 billion and EUR 46.1 billion in export earnings. In a year that saw total goods exports decline by about 7 percent, agricultural exports stood firm. Europe is by far the largest market for Dutch agriculture. In 2020, 26 percent of agricultural exports, EUR 24.6 billion, went to Germany. That's a 4 percent increase compared to 2019 (EUR 23.6 billion or 25 percent). Belgium, the United Kingdom and France are other key export destinations. Exports to all these markets dropped by 2 percent (Belgium, France) to 3 percent (United Kingdom). Overall, 67 percent is sold on the EU market


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