Smart Industry Aeronamic

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Aeronamic commits to a future-proof approach

We’re constantly innovating

Additive Manufacturing from powder to product

For years, Aeronamic has been planning ‘the more electric aircraft’

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Smart Industry is published by Goo Media T +31 (0)71 - 70 70 161 E I

Coordination • Peter Molenaar Realisation • Bianca van Essen • Cristel van Laar • Nima Larkani Inleiding NL Production • Ellen van Vliet Design • Inge klein Gunnewiek • Rachelle de Boer Editing • Willem Bakering Photography • JLF

This publication was realized with the cooperation of: Aeronamic T +31 (0)546 545 570 I Magistor B.V. • OSG Nederland B.V. • Oude Reimer B.V. • Pronexos B.V. • Recreate Solutions B.V. • Technology Twente B.V.


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Introduction Continuous improvement. This is what almost every company wants‌.and certainly companies active in the high-tech manufacturing industry. Not just for innovation, but to stay ahead of the competition and show customers that they are doing business with the very best. Aeronamic creates smart, workable solutions for the aerospace industry. These solutions can quickly be realized and immediately put into practice. Aeronamic can respond quickly to new demands from the markets in which the manufacturer operates. In the field of Additive Manufacturing, for example, it set up a pilot factory. For the maintenance, repair and overhaul activities, Aeronamic’s staff is increasingly using the self developed MRO app in their daily work. Aeronamic has also won the contract for carrying out worldwide maintenance on the F-35 (JSF) aircraft over the coming decades. In this issue of Smart Industry, we look at developments in the world of highspeed rotating components and precision parts for the aerospace industry. An informative issue, offering a peek into a global market which - like Aeronamic itself - never stops pushing limits.








Contents 4

Aeronamic commits to a future-proof approach

We’re constantly innovating


Vertical integration for fast and innovative work

Responding quickly to the demands of the market


Aeronamic looks to new technologies and processes

Additive Manufacturing - from powder to product


Magistor supports Aeronamic with tooling and knowledge


Pronexos as partner in Aeronamic’s supply chain


Aeronamic is known as a good company to work for

Great interaction between young and old


Technology Twente

The aerospace market is characterised by a number of

important developments


Worldwide maintenance of F-35 to Woensdrecht

Flexibility is part of our DNA


Manufacturer commits to sustainable development

For years, Aeronamic has been planning

‘the more electric aircraft’


Aeronamic in Almelo has been an established name in the aerospace industry for over thirty years. Whether for the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II project, avionics cooling, your drink in the Airbus A350 or the production and delivery of compressors on board the new Boeing 767 Stratotankers, Aeronamic is an important partner. Renowned firms such as Collins Aerospace (formerly United Technologies), Honeywell and Lockheed Martin rely daily on the expertise, innovation and service of this high-tech company from the region of Twente.

Aeronamic commits to future-proof approach

“We’re constantly innovating”

Reinoud Siezen

5 Aeronamic designs, produces, maintains, tests and delivers turbo machines, precision high-speed rotational components and motor-driven systems for both commercial and defense industries, as well as aircraft made by Airbus, Boeing, Gulfstream, Embraer, Bombardier and Lockheed Martin. The Aeronamic factory in Romania, an emerging market region, manufactures parts for components made in Almelo, but can also send them direct to end customers. To maintain its prominent position in the aerospace industry, Aeronamic develops high-quality technologies. Teams of technicians and scientists constantly research new products, alternative materials and business processes. “We’re constantly innovating,” says Reinoud Siezen, Vice President of Business Development and Programs at Aeronamic. “We also put a large portion of our annual profits back into the company. That’s the advantage of not being listed on the stock exchange - the company can determine its own direction because it doesn’t have

Steffen de Vries

shareholders who may opt for a shortterm strategy. Our approach makes us future-proof.” F-35 Maintenance Contract Aeronamic got national media attention when it was announced that the company would be responsible for the worldwide maintenance of the F-35 (Joint Strike Fighter) over the coming decades. Aeronamic will open a new maintenance facility at the West Brabant Air Base in Woensdrecht and will eventually employ a staff of fifty. Aeronamic is building the complete starter motor, emergency power system and the regulation of cabin pressure and cooling system for Lockheed Martin’s F-35. Aeronamic will carry out maintenance work on F-35s at the Woensdrecht Air Base. Lockheed Martin is building just over 3,000 of


this type of fighter aircraft. About 500 will be stationed in Europe, 250 in Asia and 2,400 in the USA. “That gives you an idea how large and important this maintenance contract is for us.”

Reinoud Siezen: “We have a huge advantage in that we were part of Urenco, our former parent company which invented the world’s first ultra-centrifuge for uranium processing. This historical step set the bar for all of our achievements.”

Improvement processes “We always want to add value,” says CEO Steffen de Vries. “We can do this largely because we carry out most of the production ourselves and are not dependent on others. This means we can offer not only the best value, but also guarantee high quality. In addition, our management team has an improvement manager whose job is to steer all innovative processes and projects, and who makes progress reports every Monday. During regular “Broodje Info” meetings, we get our entire staff involved in company business and improvement processes, which means everyone can keep up-to-date with developments and know how we’re doing as a company. To my mind, this is essential for getting our people involved. They must know which direction we are taking as a company so they can also make their own contribution.”

“As a Tier 2 company, what do we stand for and want to communicate to our (potential) customers?” asks Reinoud Siezen. His answer is: “Let Aeronamic do the work for you and achieve more by doing less. An important part of this is to raise awareness. Customers need to know that they can simplify their supply chain by buying the best of the best from Aeronamic. As a Tier 2 company, we can supply components to Tier 1 standards, so our customers can immediately use them in their integrated systems.” Working smarter Aeronamic is Black Belt certified for LEAN production processes. The company works with short lines of communication and has a management team with no underlying management layers. All staff are challenged to get the best out of themselves for the company, and know it’s important to continually improve. “If only because we have to do more work with the same number of people. So, you need to work smarter,” explains Steffen de Vries. Digitalization The Almelo-based company finds it a challenge to really implement digitalization. “It is far from simple, as the


High-tech knowledge Aeronamic originated from Urenco (Uranium Enrichment Company), a company which used ultracentrifuge technology to enrich uranium for nuclear power plants. In 1988, the Urenco Aerospace Division was founded, focused on high-speed rotating components for the aerospace industry and capitalized on Urenco’s high-tech expertise. To begin with, the division used Urenco’s machinery but since 2005, Aeronamic has become privately owned, fully independent, with its own headquarters in Almelo and a production facility in Sibiu, Romania.

aerospace world is both progressive and conservative. For each part you make, you need to gather the information which declares that the part meets all requirements. This information is now incorporated into our database,” adds Steffen de Vries. “One of the benefits is that you can create better simulations and our people can extract information from that database. For example, they can see how to assemble components on video-instructions. ” Aeronamic has also introduced robotization for frequent repetitive tasks, such as the soldering of certain components. Aeronamic has a pilot factory for Additive Manufacturing which must also comply with the aerospace industry’s strict regulations. With the help of 3D printers,

parts can be made for production, complete with everything required for a finished end product. “The trick is not to get too far ahead of yourself, but to be ready when the customers are ready. This isn’t always easy, as you need to look years ahead,” explains Reinoud Siezen. Say “more electric aircraft” and everyone at Aeronamic sits up. The big ambition is to develop an aircraft that can fly using electricity, and which no longer relies on fossil fuel. To achieve that, many parts have to change and Aeronamic is busy working on it. Parts will have to become smaller and lighter, while the speed of rotating parts will have to increase considerably. Steffen de Vries: “Because of all the areas in which we continue to innovate, we are truly ahead in our field and we have reached the point where we want to make that clear to everyone. Plus, the people working here are proud of this. Most aircraft flying today have one or more parts made by us, including passenger aircraft and those used by the Dutch Air Force.”


Han Kleisen

Vertical integration for fast and innovative work

“Responding quickly to the demands of the market” It’s all about speed. Not only Aeronamic’s high-speed rotating components, but also with the production facilities in the Netherlands and Romania. Speed here doesn’t just mean being lean - it’s also a question of working smart. How else can Aeronamic produce a turbine wheel in two weeks as standard, as opposed to the usual industry standard of 12 to 14 weeks?

Han Kleisen, Vice President of Operations, talks about vertical integration at Aeronamic: “I am responsible for operations, from procurement to delivery; over every link of the supply chain, you could say. You must know in advance how to achieve an optimal supply chain and how to lead the production department, as everything has an impact on each other.” Han Kleisen is responsible for procurement, inventory, assembly, testing and logistics. “Thanks to our working methods, we can turn incoming orders into final orders at a rapid pace. We look at everything, to see whether we should purchase it or make it ourselves. That’s not only because we want to make a difference by being faster, but also to be better and cheaper than our competitors. That’s why our production facilities have ‘Centers of Excellence’, for part families such as our housings and high-speed rotating parts.” Everything under control “The benefit of making parts ourselves is that we have everything under our control,” explains Han Kleisen. “It means we can work fast. And, in the rare case that something goes wrong, we only have ourselves to blame.

Production facility in Romania Aeronamic’s facility in Sibiu, Romania, manufactures parts for components made in its head quarters in Almelo, but these can also be sent directly to end clients. This is also vertical integration, from CAD/ CAM, processing, NDT, surface treatments and assembly. Han Kleisen: “We made a conscious decision to set up a new facility with brand new machines. This encourages highly educated people there to come and work for us. Ultimately, we committed to this to ensure product certainty. Products have to meet all quality requirements. We cannot make any concessions. We also decided not to outsource any processes in Romania, because we want to maintain control over quality and throughput time. This way of working means we can supply most products within two weeks, whereas other companies usually take from fourteen to sixteen weeks.


Vertical integration is essentially what distinguishes us from our competitors. We don’t need large stocks. It all revolves around being flexible with changes in the company or with the customer. Short throughput times enable us to have low and constant Work in Progress (WIP) and potential problems can be immediately detected and resolved.” Han Kleisen points out that this is especially important in the aerospace industry, because all products and processes need to be certified. Regular audits are carried out in the factory, both by certifying authorities and by clients who have their own requirements. When Han Kleisen speaks, the word ‘speed’ is mentioned regularly and not for nothing. “If you, as a company, can produce things at speed, you have to resolve any bottlenecks in the process. That means you can respond quickly to the demands of the market.” Preventing delays Han Kleisen: “Instead of large production runs, we have to think and

work in terms of small production runs in order to meet demand. That’s why we keep our own products at minimal stock levels. Naturally, we store products that we buy ourselves, but this is to maintain our independence and prevent delays in our own processes. To keep everything flowing.” The Operations Manager also highlights the research made into new technologies for the production of complex aerospace parts. Aeronamic finds itself challenged by customers such as Honeywell and Collins Aerospace (formerly United Technologies). “With a 3D metal printer in-house, we can research the possibility of producing certified 3D-printed parts, which we think will offer new opportunities for reshoring through industrial innovation.”

Smart investing When Aeronamic decides to invest in a new machine, speed is the most important requirement. Take the phosphate line, for instance. Han Kleisen: “This line only operates one day a week, but when this short process is outsourced, it usually takes three weeks to get the work done. This is due to things like dispatch periods, delivery times, being the next in line, etc. Some might say it’s crazy to invest in our own line when you look at its total usage per year. But we consider it to be a smart investment which helps us to achieve outstanding performance.


Aeronamic looks to new technologies and processes

Additive Manufacturing from powder to product Sectors such as the automotive and aerospace industries are increasingly manufacturing in smaller quantities and tailoring their production. Above all, it has to be much faster. This is where the major added value of additive manufacturing and digitalization lies for the manufacturing industry. After all, when a product is modified, only a new digital file is needed for printing. With conventional technologies, new tools need to be made first.

“Additive Manufacturing (3D printing) will not replace all of the existing manufacturing processes in production, but it adds a new process to these with new possibilities. It means that you have to think differently,” says Renko Overmeen from Aeronamic. He is working at Aeronamic, together with Ronny Blaauwgeers, on the preparation of special processes. They are also trying to introduce new technologies in the organisation. “It’s all about continuously improving the existing production method,” says Ronny Blaauwgeers. Step by step His colleague, Renko Overmeen, adds the following: “The core is to ‘improve step by step with the end in mind.’ We want to improve by following a vision, but at the same time we also want to make sure that we make concrete steps. We are achieving this at Aeronamic Additive Manufacturing in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Project Center at The University of Twente, but we are Ronny Blaauwgeers also developing the necessary knowledge in our own company. Furthermore, we want to ensure that things such as Virtual and Augmented Reality can be truly useful in the organisation. We don’t want operators to just put on VR glasses with a lovely 3D world, without this actually helping them further. We do have a concrete implementation on our roadmap, and we already use the underlying data processes in practice. These allow you to effectively address new developments such as additive manufacturing, the App for aircraft maintenance repair and overhaul (MRO) or artificial intelligence. We have to do this, because the world is changing, and if you do not respond to new developments, you lag behind. We also want to participate in the future, and innovative technology plays an important role in this.”


Aeronamic aims to use Additive Manufacturing to improve the design, costs, performance, quality and availability of parts. “The 3D printer enables us to effectively and efficiently conduct research into new designs with significantly lower turnaround times and costs. It also means we are able to significantly reduce lead times and the availability of existing parts,” says Renko Overmeen.

Renko Overmeen

Timing This does not happen on its own. Ronny Blaauwgeers: “The art is not to get to too far ahead of the current state of technology, but also not to be late. Timing based on correct estimates is of huge importance.” In the field of Additive Manufacturing, Aeronamic is dependent on a good equipment manufacturer. Renko Overmeen: “Some companies were already working with Additive Manufacturing, but may have opted for 3D printing too early, because the process was not yet sufficiently robust. That is different now, which means that we can implement the entire process in our pilot factory. It doesn’t only involve 3D printing, but also the data that needs to drive the printer


and the steps that come afterwards. This enables you to look at the entire chain, which you can optimise and therefore add value. When you focus on a single piece of the process, it may have consequences elsewhere in the chain. Now you can align everything.” Focus on the chain Ronny Blaauwgeers explains that our “vertical integration” philosophy is also found in our Additive Manufacturing project. “It also involves all of the production processes that come after the 3D printing. These production processes are optimised in the Additive Pilot Factory, from the removal of metal powder and metallurgical research to machining processes. To do this, we use one software package in which the design is linked to the preparation of both the printing process and the machining processes. This integration enables us to rapidly implement a design optimisation in the production. During this process, it is also important for us to sit around the table with the software developers. This is necessary to enable us to work in a well-integrated manner. In addition to the standard software that is available, we develop our own Manufacturing Apps. For example, we develop these for the automation of

Digital support via MRO App Some of the staff at Aeronamic is already working with the MRO App. The app is mainly used on the shop floor by the production personnel, but it is also used by the Support Engineers, management and customers for status overviews. Depending on the scope of the work, the App will guide the engineer throughout all aspects of the MRO process. The App offers twoway communication - the operator receives instructions via the App, but they can also enter their own data, such as photos and inspection results. “It incorporates all of Aeronamic’s knowledge and expertise. The App actually helps us to have better control over our processes,” says Gerard Janssen, General Manager at Aeronamic Services. “That’s because if your data is not good or it can be entered in various ways, these Apps do not offer any help. Good data integrity is the basis, on which we can build our Manufacturing Apps. This way of thinking and working helps us to keep ahead of others. We have already planned the follow-on steps, such as adding video- and 3D-instructions and projecting data from the Digital Twin with Augmented Reality, and we have made the first steps in predictable maintenance via AI (Artificial Intelligence). We truly have something fantastic here.”

processes, data links from ERP and PLM or for gathering and analysing production data. We believe that companies with this kind of ‘Manufacturing IP’ will make a difference, both in terms of the price-quality ratio and in terms of efficiency.” “It’s important that we have a company culture where staff is encouraged to make suggestions about how things can be improved. So, we implement small projects that produce immediate benefits as quickly as possible. However, we always look at the consequences for the entire chain,” adds Renko Overmeen. Aeronamic organises special sessions for its own staff and for other high-tech companies in the region to share knowledge about Additive Manufacturing.


Magistor supports Aeronamic with tooling and knowledge



Productivity, continuity and process security are the keywords in the machining department of Aeronamic in Almelo. The success of the tier 2 supplier to the aerospace industry requires a balanced total package. Tooling and machining technology are essential in this.


Optimising processes together At the start of a new project, there is no doubt that Jan Nijenkamp, Jacco Loonstra, Production Technician, and Hans Rosenbrand, Account Manager at Magistor, will meet regularly. “With difficult materials or products, we combine our knowledge and look for the ideal solution together”, says Hans. Even if Magistor has developed a solution in the meantime that significantly improves productivity, Aeronamic is prepared to make changes to a validated process.

Aeronamic in Almelo supplies to all major aircraft manufacturers. The tier 2 supplier derives the most revenue from the supply of components. These components contain fastrotating precision parts, often machined from heat-resistant materials such as inconel and titanium. “Machining technology is key for us”, explains Ronny Blaauwgeers, Director of Manufacturing Engineering. Because more efficient machining can make a difference with the competition. Total package The success of Aeronamic requires a balanced total package, in which tools play an essential role. Aeronamic has been working with Magistor (supplier of high-quality tools to brands such as MA Ford, DC Swiss, Tungaloy and Mikron) in this area for over ten years. For Jan Nijenkamp, as the Production Technician responsible for the tools, a supplier must do more than deliver on time. “We count on technical support.”

Absorbing growth with productivity gains Aeronamic’s next challenge is the automation of rotary milling technology for complex titanium precision parts. The MRO contract for the F-35 fighter plane will generate more work in Almelo. The titanium precision parts are produced on the new, automated multi-tasking machine without human intervention, despite the close tolerances. This also requires the right tool technology. Ronny Blaauwgeers: “We appreciate the processing knowledge of Magistor and the way they work with us to ensure the overall picture is right.” Captions 1

Aeronamic produces many fast-rotating precision parts that must meet very narrow tolerances.


Aeronamic expects more from Magistor than simply the supply of tools. Technical support is just as important. From left to right Jan Nijenkamp, Jacco Loonstra, Hans Rosenbrand and Ronny Blaauwgeers: optimizing processes together.


With MA Ford, Magistor has a tool manufacturer in its portfolio that is closely linked to Boeing.

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14 Partners and neighbours

Pronexos as partner in Aeronamic’s supply chain As a supplier of specialist industrial services and expertise, Pronexos has worked with Aeronamic for the past five years as a trusted partner. “Our complementary skills create a good alignment between our two companies” explains Frank Wissink, Pronexos’ Sales Manager for aerospace projects.

Pronexos has a strong relationship with Aeronamic based on a shared commitment to quality, a common heritage and the benefit of being good neighbours!

Based in The Netherlands and Germany, Pronexos is a supplier of specialist manufacturing products, engineering and other services to high-tech sectors like aerospace, the semi-conductor industry and the energy industry. Pronexos is fully accredited to work on aerospace applications, with both the EN9100 quality standard certification as well as NADCAP accreditation for heat treatment, brazing and tensile testing. “The services we offer complement Aeronamic’s very closely. We can provide capacity, expertise and specialist services, to meet Aeronamic’s demands more effectively” says Wissink. “Furthermore, we live next door! Our facility in Almelo, Netherlands is within the same premises as Aeronamic. As a result, we can offer the significant advantage of being able to collaborate very closely with them to deliver projects more efficiently and cost-effectively.” Steffen de Vries, CEO of Aeronamic,

agrees that there is a special relationship between the two companies. “With their experience and knowledge of specialist industrial services, Pronexos is an ideal partner for Aeronamic” he says. “We are committed to achieving vertical integration and so Pronexos fits our needs exactly. With their range of capabilities, we know our requirements can be met. It is incredibly helpful for us to have Pronexos on the same site, offering us superb quality, good engineering skills, a high level of security and great production speeds.” There is another advantage to this neighbourly collaboration: both Pronexos and Aeronamic are situated together on a secure site. “The work we do is well protected. We offer secure premises and a stable team” says Wissink. “Our company background in manufacturing highly specialised gas centrifuges for the nuclear power industry means that values such as quality, traceability, documentation and good security are in our company’s DNA.” A long relationship The current collaboration spans back five years. “We know how they work, and they know how we work” explains Wissink. “The situation is ideal for us to contribute positively to Aeronamic’s supply chain. Our proximity de-risks the projects we work on together, reduces transportation costs, lead times and accelerates successful project deliveries.” Pronexos has fulfilled a range of different contracts for Aeronamic, in a range of specialist services such as electron beam welding, heat treatment and vacuum brazing. “We


are currently looking at a project involving the machining and manufacturing of parts using flow form technology,” says Wissink. “The second project is for heat treatment of parts produced by additive manufacturing. We are currently in an exploration phase. This is typical of how we work with Aeronamic - we use our expertise to add value to the services they provide to their customer and help them win business.” Shared heritage In fact the relationship between Aeronamic and Pronexos goes back much further. While Aeronamic evolved out of URENCO’s activities in the aerospace sector, Pronexos’ parent company ETC is part-owned by URENCO. In the past, Aeronamic has been a supplier to ETC. “Many colleagues at Pronexos and Aeronamic have worked with each other for a long time in various ways” explains Wissink. “Our shared heritage means that we at Pronexos can fully understand and fulfil Aeronamic’s requirements, and those of their customers.” More information: | |

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16 Aeronamic is known as a good company to work for

“Great interaction between young and old” Aeronamic is a high-tech company, known to be a good company to work for in the Twente region and far beyond. “We have a good reputation and there is never any problem with finding the right people,” says Marion Eberhard, the person responsible for HRM at Aeronamic. “Staff turnover is low, which means it’s not always possible for someone to progress. This could be a reason for an employee to leave the company . Even so, we have a fine mix of ages in the organization, with great interaction between young and old employees. So, there is a nice balance between new employees and people with many years of experience.

Marion Eberhard


“I know everyone who works here - we really do have a flat organization,” continues Marion Eberhard. “Anyone who starts work at Aeronamic will first have meetings with me, the managers and their direct colleagues. We make it clear what the work entails and what we expect from the new employee. The work here is not without obligations - you have to show commitment and dedication. So, if we have any doubts, we don’t select that person. We want to be one hundred per cent behind our selection.” Adjusting staffing levels to plans Together with the management team, Marion looks at the business plans annually and adjusts staffing levels to them. “That’s when we can see where we might need people, so we can make efforts to recruit them. That’s usually done through the website or social media, but we are increasingly taking on people through employees’ contacts or elsewhere in our network.” The HRM manager acknowledges that it can sometimes be a challenge for the company to keep people interested and make them feel connected. “The innovative character

The ‘Ontdek High-Tech Almelo’ Foundation Of course, Aeronamic is constantly preparing for the future. For instance, by being an active member of the ‘Ontdek High-Tech Almelo’ Foundation, which is an initiative of twelve Almelo-based high-tech companies. The foundation’s aim is to promote technology among young people and to fill vacancies, both now and in the future. Every year in November, the foundation organizes the ‘Technology Month’ - a month of various technological activities organized for all age groups, from primary school pupils to university students. The foundation also organizes company visits and workshops throughout the year and takes part in internship and student programs and company open days. The foundation does this to show how rewarding it can be to work in technology. There are many opportunities for a great career in this industry, particularly in the twelve high-tech companies in Almelo. No other city in the east of the Netherlands has so many technology manufacturing companies with international reputations.

of Aeronamic means that our people have a high level of responsibility. This, in combination with continuous improvement, makes it interesting for many people working here. They all have a passion for their chosen profession.” Marion Eberhard also points to the training opportunities available, which are frequently taken up by staff. There is a focus on long-term employability and staff members get an extensive health check every three years.

18 Technology Twente

The aerospace market is characterised by a number of important developments Technology Twente, situated in Hengelo is one of the two members of the Micro Machining Group. Together with our sister company Germefa in Alkmaar we are specialized in demanding markets as measuring and control technology, oil- and gas, aviation, aerospace, semiconductor, automotive, medical, optical, defence, food, rollercoasters. For decades Technology Twente is a reliable supplier to the world’s most leading companies in the Aerospace market. Technology Twente is a key component and sub-module supplier in major commercial aircraft programs. Technology Twente focuses on high precision- and complex components, combined with surface finishing in accordance with the highest aviation quality approvals and industrial standards such as ISO and AS certifications. Key is our high quality scope and are innovative in new production technologies with a highly motivated and skilled Team. Our goal is to perform “best in class” and

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In the coming years, the Aeronamic Sustainment Center will be doing maintenance work for all F-35’s (Joint Strike Fighter) operating in the EMEA and the Asian-Pacific region, as well as the American F-35 fleet stationed in Europe. The estimated operational life of an F-35 is at least 40 years. “Which means many, many years of work,” says Gerard Janssen, General Manager of Aeronamic Services.

Gerard Janssen

Worldwide maintenance of F-35 to Woensdrecht

“Flexibility is part of our DNA” Gerard Janssen has thirty years’ experience in overhauling and maintaining aircraft engines and, two years ago, he began making concrete plans at Aeronamic for large-scale maintenance of the F-35. “I noticed this great dynamism within Aeronamic which is required for setting up this capability. By talking to everyone involved - from people flying the aircraft, but also those making the parts - you can get a good idea how to organize the best service and maintenance.” “Together with the Dutch Air Force, we serve our client Lockheed Martin. It’s good to see that you have something to contribute in the joint strategy when you’re working closely with each other. It’s great when all the facets come together and we can see that, bit by bit, Aeronamic is playing an increasingly important role. “We are getting noticed more and more. The beauty of the F-35 is that if you keep on doing a good job, you’ll have work until 2060. And being involved so early in the process was great, because then you can prepare the whole enterprise properly. You don’t have to make any hasty decisions. At this moment there will be around 450 F-35’s by the end of this year and that number will increase rapidly.” Everything set up from the first minute “We want our services in Woensdrecht to be set up right from the first minute. That’s why, among other things, we

are developing growth scenarios so that we can scale up at the right moment,” says Gerard Janssen. “In the initial phase, we will even be able to provide part of the maintenance work from our Almelo facility. At present, we’re showing enormous flexibility, but it’s always essential to maintain the qualification process so you can keep doing the work according the standards. This means things like facilities, processes and test systems need to be qualified and implemented in a manner making sure flight safety is guaranteed.” According to Gerard Janssen, it is also good that Aeronamic now has greater visibility to other companies operating in the closed military market. “The beauty is that we have shown these companies, as well as to the Dutch Air Force, we can respond quickly and efficiently. That makes them take notice, as they are used to much longer lead times. It’s a different way of operating and that’s something which is in Aeronamic’s DNA something which we are proud of.”

20 Aeronamic develops devices which make the further electrification of aircraft possible. The emphasis is on the high rotational speed of electric machines with a permanent magnet, together with the required electronic control units. As a result, these systems are leading the way in weight and volume reduction, while naturally complying with regulations (ARP, DO). The technology is suitable for creating applications in devices such as starters, generators, electric drive gears, air compressors and vapor cycle systems.

Manufacturer commits to sustainable development

For years, Aeronamic has been planning ‘the more electric aircraft’ While Sido Kermans, Vice President of Product Development, is chiefly focused on mechanics, Mark Gerber is responsible for electronics within the same company division. At the moment, the trend is certainly ‘the more electric aircraft’. Mark Gerber, -whose post-doctorate project for Aeronamic while at the Delft University of Technology led to his joining the manufacturer in Almelo - says: “We work a lot with algorithms to help us determine how the electronics should be controlled. With rotating parts, we’re always dealing with more than 40,000 rotations and everything - both mechanical and electrical - has to function properly.”

Mark Gerber

Sido Kermans

How does the product behave? Sido Kermans: “When you look at rotor dynamics, you have to ask yourself how the product will behave when you reach a rotational speed of 300,000. Which bearings do you use, for example? At Aeronamic, we have been working for a long time on electric flight. It’s possible in practice - in Israel, electric aircraft carrying twenty people and with a range of two hundred miles have already been flown. When it comes to larger aircraft, batteries are the major problem we still face, especially when it comes to recharging them.” According to Sido Kermans, it’s not a question of whether the industry will shift to electric power, but rather when clients will demand it from their suppliers. “As an industry, we have to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions, and we want to be prepared. We made a conscious choice to develop in-house expertise and skills in the field of ‘the more electric aircraft’. We acquired these expertise and skills in collaboration with Delft University of Technology, Twente University, the Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR) and the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO).”


The future of MRO will be digital and integrating Mixed Reality will be a crucial part of this strategy. We at Recreate understand the added value of Mixed reality in maintenance industry. Being able to directly link the user to a knowledge database results in users being able to fast and effectively control and repair hardware without having to extensively train expert personnel.

MIXED REALITY CAN BRING MRO PROCESSES A STEP FURTHER AND WILL CHANGE THE WAY WE WORK AND LEARN FOREVER. AR/VR INTEGRATION AR/VR and MR applications spark the imaginations and to fully make use of these new possibilities Recreate is directly connecting them with existing systems. Our experience spans ERP, CRM and PLM software and our official partnership with Microsoft ensures we have a great integration out-of-the-box with the Microsoft Stack. Whichever system you use, we can integrate it into our solution. We got this far thanks to our enthusiastic employees who are always excited to help our customers get ready for the future. It’s no wonder Recreate was named 1 of the 30 most promising startups in the Netherlands in 2017.

Build a better tomorrow, Recreate today.

ABOUT RECREATE The world of tomorrow is changing at an amazing rate. Technology is developing from day-to-day, also in the world of Virtual and Augmented reality. The experiences people get with products or services are becoming increasingly important. That is why Recreate is open to the challenge of optimizing and improving customer and business processes. There is a reason we are the market leader in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and software for business applications.

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