Kalki-Sivagamiyin Sabatham (4)

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¸ø¸¢Â¢ý º¢Å¸¡Á¢Â¢ý ºÀ¾õ À¡¸õ - 4 º¢¨¾ó¾ ¸É× («ò¾¢Â¡Âí¸û 1-49) kalkiyin2 civakAmiyin2 capatam part-4 citainta kan2avu (chapters 1- 49) in tamil script, TSCII format

Etext in Tamil Script - TSCII format (v. 1.7) Etext preparation: Mr. Bhaskaran Sankaran and colleagues Ms. Gracy & Ms Parimala, of Anna University - KBC Research Center, MIT - Chrompet Campus, Chennai, India. & tiru N D LogaSundaram, selvi L Selvanayagi Chennai (TSCII version) Etext prep in pdf format: Dr. K. Kalyanasundaram, Lausanne, Switzerland This pdf file is based on TSCInaimathi font embedded in the file. Hence this file can be viewed and printed on all computer platforms: Windows, Macintosh and Unix without the need to have the font installed in your computer. © Project Madurai 2003 You are welcome to freely distribute this file, provided this header page is kept intact.

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