February 2021 Natural Awakening Chicago Magazine

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How Not to Lose Your

Heart Reclaim Your Heart! Hormones … Female hormones are cardio-protective. Heart disease is not common in younger women with regular cycles, but as women approach menopause, the risk of heart disease goes up exponentially. Optimally balanced hormones support heart health. Exercise … Aerobic exercise 30-40 minutes a day, 4-6 times a week is crucial for heart health. Hello, I’m Dr. Meena, MD, Medical Director of the Heal n Cure Wellness Center in Glenview.

Apple … Represents a whole foods diet. A good rule of thumb—if it grows out of the Earth, it’s good for you, or “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!”

Rest … Your body repairs itself during restorative sleep. The stress hormone cortisol comes down and the brain detoxifies itself, both are better for heart health.

We have helped thousands of patients feel better, improve their heart and get back to good health.

Tobacco … In any form is cardiotoxic. Don’t smoke!

Dr.Meena guided me through a life changing experience. She is very attentive, knowledgeable and kind. In 4 months I saw unbelievable results. You didn’t get sick or have medical problems over night, so to restore everything will take some time, you just have to believe and stay with the program. The results are AWESOME!!! Dr.Meena and her staff are absolutely incredible and will help you to be the best version of yourself. ~ Diana

To learn more about the treatment, schedule a free 15-minute discovery call with our Wellness Coordinator at

Heart disease does not discriminate! Don’t wait so long that you find out about your heart problems in the ER!



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Natural Awakenings is a family of 50+ healthy living magazines celebrating 26 years of providing the communities we serve with the tools and resources we all need to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet.





21 A NEW PARADIGM for Career Advancement


Exploring Mindfulness and Meditation




Integrative Cardiologists on Preventing Heart Disease

28 HEARTFELT EATING Best Foods for a Heart-Healthy Diet



Exercises to Lower High Blood Pressure

ADVERTISING & SUBMISSIONS HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 847-858-3697 or email info@NAChicago.com. Deadline for complete and finalized ads: the 14th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Amy@NAChicago.com. Deadline for editorial: the 5th of the month. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Submit online at: NAChicago.com/events/new or email Calendar Events to: Calendar@NAChicago.com. Deadline for calendar: the 8th of the month. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-434-9392. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakenings.com. 4







Beneath Frozen Terrain

DEPARTMENTS 8 news briefs 14 kudos 16 health briefs 18 global briefs 20 therapy spotlight 21 business spotlight 22 healing ways

28 conscious

eating 34 fit body 36 natural chicago 38 calendar 42 classifieds 43 resource guide

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from the publisher…


’m not a huge fan of cold-weather winter days—give me a warm summer’s day in the garden or an afternoon on the water—but as a lifelong resident of the Chicago area, I’ve learned to make the best of whatever the seasons serve up! If you read my letter regularly, you’ve likely noticed that each month I encourage you to step outside your door and observe the daily and seasonal changes in our world. As I was preparing to write my monthly note, I decided to heed my own advice and wander out into the yard for inspiration. I’m fortunate to live on a block with many trees, including native oaks, a shagbark hickory and other species that birds and insects favor. As I walked around my yard, I did what I often do, which is to look up and observe the patterns winter branches form against the tapestry of the sky. On this partly sunny day, I watched squirrels Peggy Malecki traveling to and from their home in what was once intended to be a screech owl nest box (no owls, lots of squirrels). A nuthatch walked upside down on white oak branches, seeking out lunch. Downy and hairy woodpeckers darted from trees to the suet feeder and back again. Sparrows, juncos and chickadees flitted around the branches and the ground. I heard cardinals in the upper branches, and a winter robin was hanging out in a neighbor’s tree. After 10 minutes in the yard, I came back inside, refreshed, calm, focused and invigorated. As we work our way through a pandemic winter in Chicago, getting outside every single day, no matter the weather conditions, will help both to make it more bearable and perhaps, more importantly, keep us grounded and connected to our natural world. Each month, we include a “Natural Chicago” feature, written by the talented Sheryl DeVore, who inspires us with her educational and enlightening pieces about nature in the Midwest. This month, Sheryl introduces us to some of the ways native species have adapted to surviving and thriving through a Chicago winter, albeit unseen to most of us in our everyday lives. The Norwegian term friluftsliv translates roughly to “open air living” and according to a recent National Geographic article, “means a commitment to celebrating time outdoors, no matter the weather forecast.” It’s a word created in 1859 by the writer Henrik Ibsen, and it expands on ways we can embrace the healing power of being in nature. Rather than a specific outdoor activity that we do in a busy moment and then move on, it denotes a lifestyle, a different perspective and a mindset on how we can consciously choose to interact daily with the natural environment around us. Exercising outside is not just for summer months, and as February is national Heart Month, which we’re highlighting in this issue of Natural Awakenings Chicago, it’s an ideal time to find creative ways to boost aerobic fitness in the great outdoors. Don’t wait for spring—even a few minutes spent outside each day offers opportunities for fresh air, sunlight or clouds (or even the moon and stars) and a change in perspective. Expanding on friluftsliv, this could mean planning several brisk walks each week, running outdoors, cross-country skiing or snowshoeing, safely visiting a natural area, interval training at the park, bird watching along the lakeshore, taking a socially distanced photo hike in a forest preserve, creating snow angels in the yard or finding another outdoor exercise to support your heart and change your perspective. Healthy food and good nutrition are important to our hearts as well, and we’re pleased to bring you a variety of heart-healthy tips and ready-to-make recipes from local experts in our Conscious Eating department. As always, I encourage you to be curious about our world and step outside daily to see what the lengthening days of February have to offer. Listen for the first calls of male cardinals later this month, try to hear a great horned owl one evening and check for squirrel tracks in the snow. Listen to the roar of wind in a storm, look up at the lacy patterns tree branches make across a brilliant blue winter sky and feel for the first hints of warmer breezes to come. 6




CHICAGO EDITION Publisher Peggy Malecki Sales & Marketing Peggy Malecki Carrie Jackson Heidi Hetzel Dee Bayro Operations Amy Hass Kyle Hass Editors Marty Miron Theresa Archer Randy Kambic Writers Carrie Jackson Megy Karydes Sheryl DeVore Design & Production Suzzanne Siegel Martin Friedman

CONTACT US Natural Awakenings Chicago P.O. Box 72, Highland Park, IL 60035 Ph: 847-858-3697 • Fax: 888-858-3107 Info@NAChicago.com • NAChicago.com Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are available by sending $29 (for 12 issues) to the above address.

NATIONAL TEAM CEO/Founder Sharon Bruckman COO/Franchise Sales Joe Dunne Layout & Design Gabrielle W-Perillo Financial Manager Yolanda Shebert Asst. Director of Ops Heather Gibbs Digital Content Director Rachael Oppy National Advertising Lisa Doyle-Mitchell Administrative Assistant Anne-Marie Ryan

© 2021 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment. Natural Awakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S® 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines

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February 2021


news briefs

New Health Coaching Practice Focuses on Optimal Aging


ebi Kiddle, owner of Debi Kiddle Health Coaching in Chicago’s northern suburbs, has been passionate about natural health for more than 20 years and offers a complimentary 50-minute health history, individual and group sessions, grocery store tours, in-home product makeovers and Mindset Mondays, a group support session to start the week off with a positive mindset. She is offering 15 percent off any service during February. She focuses on a positive mindset, bio-individuality, mind-body connection, a supportive community and asking the right questions. When COVID-19 began taking the lives of so many elderly, Kiddle made it her mission to educate herself on how to age optimally and prevent the most common conditions of aging that rob the elderly of a healthy life. Her intense desire to learn led her to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and certification as a health coach. “I had to be successful at coaching myself before I felt qualified to coach other people, and after seven months, I lost 15 pounds and was able to rid myself of refined sugar and Debi Kiddle carbohydrates, processed food and bad oils, which I believe rob us of our longevity,” she says. For more information, visit DebiKiddleHealthCoaching.com. See ad in the Community Resource Guide and in the Business Directory at NAChicago.com.

Biofield Tuning with Randa Clark


Photo credit the Edgar Cayce Holistic Center

he Edgar Cayce Holistic Center, in Des Plaines, will host Certified Biofield Tuning Practitioner Randa Clark from 4 to 7 p.m., February 13. Each 30-minute chair session is $30. This scientific method introduces a coherent frequency of sound waves produced by specific tuning forks in the human biofield (biomagnetic energy field that surrounds and permeates the human body) where conscious and subconscious memories reside. Working with a Biofield Anatomy map, Clark will conduct sessions to identify areas of discordant waves imprinted by life events found in the Biofield while the intelligent body inherently tunes into an optimal therapeutic tuning fork vibration that can resolve a wide variety of ailments. The vibration gently neutralizes this dissonance to reduce and even eradicate physical, mental and emotional symptoms. Clients generally feel lighter and more relaxed. Biofield Tuning is contraindicated for those with pacemakers, are pregnant, recently suffered broken bones, had a concussion or major surgery in the last six months, had cancer or are Randa Clark terminal/extremely ill. Location: 259 E. Central Rd. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 847-299-6535. See ad on page 19, in the Community Resource Guide and in the Business Directory at NAChicago.com. 8



Wellness Events from Midwest Women’s Herbal


he Midwest Women’s Herbal Conference is celebrating its tenth year of service to the healing and herbal communities of women. To start the celebration, the online In Our Hands: Women’s Wellness Series will be held February 13 through April 25 with six amazing instructors and a deep dive into wellness and self-care. With Restorative Yoga for Every Body with Mary Bue being offered before each workshop, this rejuvenating experience is not to be missed. The impressive lineup of instructors include Ruth Barrett, Linda Conroy, Cornelia Cho, Dominique Christina, Mary Lou Singleton and Mimi Hernandez; find them sharing their wisdom virtually. There are six sessions, and women can participate in one session or the entire series. The tenth anniversary Midwest Women’s Herbal Conference: Healing the Earth, the People and the Plants, will be held online on May 7, 8 and 9, with keynote speaker Rosemary Gladstar and many other outstanding herbalists and healers. Participants will enjoy a healing community and rich learning environments as well as an artisan marketplace and more.

Early conference registration discount is available until Apr. 1. For more information or to register, visit MidwestWomensHerbal.com. See ad on page 9.


Midwest Women’s Herbal Virtual Conference ENTER AT:





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February 2021


news briefs

GF Mom Certified Celebrates Self-Care on Valentine’s Day


Are you looking for a new Career Opportunity in 2021?

Photo credit Michelle Imbordino


F Mom Certified Tiffany Hinton will celebrate self-care and self-love at 6 p.m. on Saturday, February 13 on Instagram IGTV with a free, live and interactive Valentine’s Day-themed, virtual Spa Night-In. Participants will learn how to make allergen-friendly face masks, enjoy special treats and giveaways from Chicago favorites Lou Malnati’s and Garrett’s Popcorn, as well as share their favorite gluten-free baking tips and chocolate recipes from Namaste Foods and more. Find the evening’s recipes and activities to follow from home by visiting Hinton on Facebook and Instagram at @GFMomCertified, or the GF Mom Certified blog. This is a free, virtual event streaming on @GFMomCertified Instagram IGTV. For more information, visit GFMomCertified.com and follow @GFMomCertified. See ad on page 11 and in the Business Directory at NAChicago.com.

Kadampa to Host Several Events


is looking for

Sales People Commission-based position with GREAT EARNING Potential for the right person! 2020 is a great time to change your job and change your life! Email Your Resumé to: Info@NAChicago.com 10




ustralian Buddhist monk and meditation teacher Gen Kelsang Dornying will give a special online workshop, Love without Pain, live from Melbourne, Australia from 3 to 6:30 p.m., February 14. It will include practical wisdom and guided meditation. For details and to register, visit MeditateInChicago.org/event-details/love-without-pain. The Kadampa Meditation Center Chicago will offer a Loving-Kindness Retreat from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., March 13, with senior meditation teacher Rich Zarbock, who has more than 20 years of experience practicing Kadampa Buddhist meditation. This online retreat is ideal for newcomers to meditation practice. For details and to register, visit MeditateInChicago.org/event-details/loving-kindness-retreat. “Driven by our own selfish desire, we think nothing of destroying others' peace of mind and causing them distress or harm. We see this played out every day in the news, but this is not a new story. Nor does it need to be the narrative of our life, our neighborhoods or our nation,” says Gen Kelsang Zamling, an ordained Buddhist monk and principal meditation teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center Chicago, based in Oak Park. For more information, visit MeditateInChicago.org. See ad in the Community Resource Guide and in the Business Directory at NAChicago.com.

Photo credits Michelle Imbordino

SPONSORED CONTENT before dinner and a movie. Valentine’s Day is a holiday to celebrate love. And our family loves to bake together. With easy-to-use mixes like the Namaste Chocolate Cake Mix, the kids can easily stir and help prepare so the family can spend quality time together in the kitchen. One box can go a long way. We use half the box to make 12 cupcakes. Follow the instructions on the side to use only 2 cups of the cake mix, saving the remaining for another fun celebration. Our family wanted to share our allergen-sensitive beetroot frosting recipe so you and your family can try it too. We wish you and your family a day filled with love!

Stay-at-Home Family Celebration Ideas for

Valentine’s Day by Tiffany Hinton, GF Mom Certified


alentine’s Day is a wonderful holiday for couples and families both as it reminds us to spend quality time together. This year offers families a chance to embrace stay-at-home celebrations and create new and festive ways to enjoy the day. My family and I decided we would have a festive family dinner at home with all our favorite treats. We will be ordering Lou Malnati’s Gluten-Free Deep Dish and

our favorite Garrett’s Popcorn, decorating our home and family dinner table, and making Namaste Foods Chocolate Cupcakes with homemade beetroot frosting. We are going to get dressed up, and to make the day extra fun for our crafty girls, we have decided to ask them to create a special table setting for the family. We will all pour glasses of our favorite bubbly drinks, fizzy soda for the girls and sparkling red wine for Mom and Dad, and have a family toast

Valentine’s Day Beetroot Frosting Ingredients: 1 stick butter or non-dairy substitute ¼ cup coconut palm shortening 1 tsp vanilla extract 4 cups powdered sugar ¼ cup plant-based milk (coconut or almond suggested) 1 tsp beetroot powder Directions: Cream butter and shortening together. Add vanilla. Slowly add powdered sugar, beetroot powder and plant-based milk in small amounts until it is well mixed. If it gets too stiff, add more plant-based milk and mix until smooth and creamy. Tiffany Hinton is GF Mom Certified. Connect on social media @GFMomCertified and on the GFMomCertified.com blog for more allergen-friendly living tips. February 2021


news briefs

Moving Toward Collective Compassion


orward Together, sponsored by the Infinity Foundation, is a family project to showcase our collective compassion and engender kindness by demonstrating its expression through any medium. The project is intended to give families an opportunity to understand and recognize the importance that acts of kindness can bring about for ourselves and others. People may participate by taking digital pictures, making a collage or sign, drawing a picture, painting kindness phrases on stones to leave in a park path or by any other creative endeavor. Acts of kindness develop virtuous feelings and a greater sense of purpose beyond oneself, and inspire a deeper understanding of altruism, empathy and family togetherness. Entrants will receive an act of kindness bracelet for themselves and one to pass along to keep the act of kindness moving forward. The grand prize is an at-home, family ice cream party. Only U.S. residents are eligible for prizes, but entries are welcome from anywhere in the world. All submissions will be combined into a slide show and posted on the Infinity website and Facebook. Email a digital picture or .mp4 video submission, including name and age, by Apr. 5 to Infinity@InfinityFound.org, including a brief description of what the act of kindness is expressing. For more information, visit InfinityFoundation.org. See ad on page 21, in the Community Resource Guide and in the Business Directory at NAChicago.com.

Helping Hearts Heal in a Virtual Manner


hicago-based Healthy Transition Community (HTC) enjoys helping people help themselves. Co-founder Jordan Fisher has been an athlete for most of his life and continued to train others while achieving a master’s degree in exercise science. He says, “Fitness is our main passion and a subject that we have mastered.” Fisher specializes in the rehabilitation of cardiac and pulmonary patients at a local hospital, and through HTC trains others to improve their quality of life through virtual fitness programs. He says, “I currently work within the cardiac services department at the hospital, where we facilitate both cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. I train patients that are either preparing or recovering from heart or lung surgery. It is my responsibility to design exercise therapy to improve their cardiovascular system. Although I train patients in person in a clinical setting, I also train clients virtually in a more personal setting of their homes.” The one-on-one virtual training is professional, personable and effective, and provides for accountability to ensure success. People can participate from anywhere; all that is required is a cell phone or laptop, comfortable clothing and a yoga mat. For more information, email HealthTransitionCommunity@gmail.com or visit HealthyTransitionCommunity.com. See ad in the Community Resource Guide and in the Business Directory at NAChicago.com.

Paulina Iannotta

Iannotta Provides Unique Holistic Facial Treatments


olistic skin expert Paulina Iannotta, a licensed esthetician and the only certified corneotherapist (remedial skin treatment) in Illinois, is now offering cosmetic acupuncture facial treatments, a natural alternative to Botox and fillers, by appointment, at the Estuary Center for Living and Healing Arts, in Naperville. Iannotta specializes in holistic, non-invasive treatments that combine ancient Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine practices with modern technology. She offers intuitive, deep, massage-based, twohour facials that are tailored to individual skin care needs. Services include gua sha massage, Chinese cupping, lymphatic drainage, acupressure, aromatherapy, Dien Chan Zone Facial Reflexology, transbuccal massage, LED light therapy, micro-channeling and microcurrent. Iannotta believes that everything we put on our skin should be clean. All products used during the treatments are free of perfumes, dyes, amines, emulsifiers, preservatives, silicones and mineral oils. Every product is custom-blended with high-quality ingredients to repair and renew skin barrier function for healthy and happy skin. Location: 24W788 75th St. For more information and to make appointments, call 708-769-5351 or visit HolisticSkinExpert.com. See ad in the Community Resource Guide and in the Business Directory at NAChicago.com.

Life can be a rocky road. The challenge is not to let it grind you into dust, but to polish you into a brilliant gem. ~John Milton Fogg 12



Special Valentine’s Offer from NaturalAwakeningsSingles.com


s we approach a full year of being in and out of lockdowns, many have taken the opportunity to do some serious soul-searching, and many singles have come to the realization that they desire a deeply connected, conscious and loving relationship. To help in their quests, especially during special days this month that usually provide many face-to-face opportunities for potential romance that the pandemic has inhibited, NaturalAwakenings Singles.com is having a Valentine’s Sale from February 12 through 18 with all subscriptions being offered at 25 percent off of regular prices during this period. The platform, a leading holistic, conscious dating site and a venue for eco-conscious and spiritual singles to meet each other, is not a superficial, “swipedy-swipe” app, but a truly “help singles meet their match” dating site. Each member exerts control over which profiles they view and with whom they choose to initiate contact. The detailed profiles allow members to read and learn about potential matches, which makes meeting someone compatible more probable. Further, its new video dating feature has been well received as it allows members to get to know each other before meeting in person. For more information, visit NaturalAwakeningsSingles.com. See ad on page 15.


Milota Expands Services Due to COVID-19


aureen “Mo” Milota, APRN, MP-C is a functional medicine practitioner and founder of woman-owned Great Lakes Integrative Medicine (GLIM). She has pivoted during the COVID-19 pandemic to add home and telemedicine visits to her existing practice. Milota is a board-certified advanced practice registered nurse in family practice, an Institute for Functional Medicine-certified practitioner and completed the twoyear fellowship in integrative medicine through the University of Arizona’s Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine. She is also a certified diabetic and asthma educator. Her full practice authority allows Milota to see clients without physician oversight. She is able Maureen Milota to serve individuals in-person at GLIM locations, via telemedicine or with home visits using all precautions for COVID-19 safety and prevention. To schedule a free, 20-minute, introductory phone call, visit GreatLakesIM.com/book-online.


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Men suffering from the inability to achieve and sustain an erection will benefit from our generic selection of low-cost sildenafil and tadalafil tablet. For a fast-acting & powerful solution to erectile dysfunction, try our Tri-Mix injections. TriMix injections are an alternative to PDE5 Inhibitors. With strengths customized to each patient’s unique needs, this will leave memories of bedroom-related failures in the past.

Women of all ages experiencing vaginal dryness, atrophy and related symptoms are candidates for vitamin E topicals. Or, for a more natural approach, we carry NeuEve suppositories. Made from 100% all-natural, organic food grade ingredients free of gluten, boric acid, petrochemicals and parabens. If you are post-menopausal with vaginal dryness and irritation, talk to your health-care provider about our estrogen-infused vaginal creams. The addition of testosterone will provide a boost to your libido and restore intimacy in the near future and beyond.

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New Name for Shine Functional Health


hine Functional Health (formerly Whole Health Family Medicine & Weight Loss) is owned by Dr. Alison Lechner, who knows the importance of health and personalized comprehensive medicine. Their motto is, “Helping you SHINE from the inside out.” Her goals are to educate clients about the care it takes to feel good, stay healthy and achieve the fullest in leading stronger and healthier lives. Lechner works with top diagnostic labs on the forefront of comprehensive diagnostic testing that help her understand the biomedical status of a patient’s current health, including nutritional status, gastrointestinal and hormonal health, and immune function. This information allows the development of a personalized plan to meet individual health goals. Working with Lechner is a collaborative team effort where patients learn how their bodies work for healing and living with full vitality. She says, “Health is not just the absence of disease, but rather having the Dr. Alison Lechner physical and mental capacity to achieve all your goals every day. A simple care for self is with vitamin D that most don’t realize. It is essential. The side effects of deficiency can vary on many physical and emotional levels.”

Location: 3233 N. Arlington Heights Rd., Ste. 302, Arlington Heights. For more information or to make appointments, call 224-345-2532 or visit LechnerWholeHealth.com.

Purple Sprout Conscious Organics, a one-stop shop for health and wellness with an online organic, plant-based, meal delivery service, was featured in a three-minute news segment on ABC 7 Weekend on January 10. They offer holistic wellness consultations that help address a wide range of health concerns, healthy living coaching, detox and fasting programs and more to unlock the body’s innate healing potential. Location: 364 Lexington Dr., Buffalo Grove. For more information, visit PurpleSprout.com. See ad on page 31 and in the Business Directory at NAChicago.com. Chicago

Moving Beyond Our Blind Spots


rom the White House to women’s shelters, Karyn Pettigrew has inspired, refreshed and transformed dozens of businesses and thousands of lives internationally through her consulting, coaching, training, speaking, media appearances and books. Through her proprietary process called the Soul’s Code to Business, Pettigrew guides passionate, creative individuals, to create unique, indispensable and highly sought-after businesses. It is using this very process that she launched a sustainKaryn Pettigrew able women’s capsule collection called ZoeGoes. When the world was sent into shelter last spring, Karyn began offering a free mini-workshop with live coaching to help people navigate their lives and businesses. She offers group Clarity sessions every Thursday at noon CST on Zoom. For more information or to register, visit BeyondBlindSpots.com.






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February 2021


Photo by freestocks.org from Pexels

Treating Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 by Teri Calandra The COVID-19 pandemic has infected more than 20 million people in the U.S. and hundreds of thousands have died. Most people that recover from COVID-19 return to normal health, but some suffer long-term effects which range from mild to severe and can last weeks or months after recovery from the acute stage. There are several beneficial alternative healing methods that can help ameliorate these long-term symptoms. Commonly reported long-term COVID symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, cough, joint pain and chest pain. Others are brain fog, depression, muscle pain, headache, intermittent fever and heart palpitations. More serious long-term cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, dermatologic, neurological and psychiatric complications have been reported. Here are four integrative treatment approaches for alleviating the long-term symptoms of COVID-19. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): For more than 5,000 years, TCM has been using acupuncture and herbal medicine to address respiratory (chronic cough, wheezing, phlegm, asthma), cardiovascular (palpitations, tightness in the chest), dermatological (rash, hair loss), renal, neurological (loss of taste/ smell, neuropathy), insomnia, poor memory, psychiatric (depression, anxiety, changes in mood) and all types of pain. TCM works well as a complement to Western medical therapies. Herbal medicine can also be a viable alternative to prescription medications. Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET): A non-invasive, drug-free therapy, NAET integrates techniques from multiple healing modalities such as acupuncture, acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic techniques, Applied Kinesiology, homeopathy and nutrition. NAET works to rebalance the body to bring it back to a homeostatic state. This modality is beneficial for those with allergies and sensitivities prior to contracting COVID-19 that have noticed an increase in reactions since then. Meditation: In particular, deep, diaphragmatic breathing has been shown to stimulate the vagus nerve and calm the sympathetic nervous system (fight/ flight). It also helps to increase the oxygen within the cells.

Consider Melatonin to Lower COVID-19 Risk Melatonin, a hormonal sleep aid that can be purchased for a few dollars at local pharmacies, appears to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19 by 30 percent, report researchers from the Cleveland Clinic. Among African Americans, a group disproportionately impacted by the virus, the risk was reduced by 52 percent. For the study, published in PLOS Biology, researchers used artificial intelligence to compare the host genes and proteins of the novel coronavirus to those of 64 other diseases across a range of categories. They found 34 drugs for possible repurposing, then combed through 27,000 patient records to find which drugs had in fact lowered the risk of contracting the virus. “We’re excited about these results and to study that connection more, but large-scale observational studies and randomized controlled trials are essential to confirm what we’ve found here,” says lead researcher Feixiong Cheng.

And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make.

Reiki: Reiki has been shown to lower cortisol (stress hormone) levels and may also have a positive effect on depression and anxiety by calming the nervous system. For more information, call 312-796-3965, email Admin@CalandraAcupuncture. com or visit CalandraAcupuncture.com. See ad in the Community Resource Guide and in the Business Directory at NAChicago.com. 16



~Sir Paul McCartney


health briefs

Sensible HeartHealthy Tips by Meena Malhotra Heart health is on our minds each February during national Heart Month, and we can benefit by remembering to support it daily. Much has been written about the heart, which constantly nourishes every cell in the body. Here are five preventive measures to take in keeping our heart in top shape—HEART. H stands for hormones. Female hormones are cardioprotective; this is why heart disease is not very common in young women with normal menstrual cycles. As they approach menopause, the risk of heart disease goes up exponentially. This is another reason to keep the hormones optimally balanced for as long as possible. E stands for exercise. Aerobic exercise 30 to 40 minutes a day, four to six times a week, is crucial for heart health. A stands for an apple, symbolically representing whole foods. A good rule of thumb is if it grows out of the Earth, it’s good for us, reaffirming the old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” R stands for rest. The body repairs itself during restorative sleep. Levels of the stress hormone cortisol decreases and the brain detoxifies itself. Persistent elevated cortisol levels or sympathetic overdrive is not good for heart health. T stands for tobacco. Consumption of tobacco in any form, chewed or smoked, is cardiotoxic. Just pay attention to HEART to take care of the heart. Meena Malhotra, M.D., is the medical director of the Heal n Cure Wellness Center, located at 2420 Ravine Way, Ste. 400, in Glenview. For a consultation, call 847-686-4444. For more information, visit. HealnCure.com. See ad on page 3, in the Community Resource Guide and in the Business Directory at NAChicago.com

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global briefs

Big Blow

Tiny Invaders

A study from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University published in Nature predicts that hurricanes will remain stronger and persist longer after making landfall, causing greater and more widespread destruction, because of ocean waters heated by climate change. In the 1960s, hurricanes lost 75 percent of their energy in the first day after making landfall, but more recent hurricanes lost only about 50 percent of their energy in that same time. Hurricanes feed off heat energy from the sea and rapidly lose strength once they reach land. Pinaki Chakraborty, a senior author of the study, and its lead author, Ph.D. student Lin Li, analyzed data on storms that made landfall after forming in the North Atlantic between 1967 and 2018. They found that how slowly the storms weakened closely matched changes in sea surface temperatures during the same period. From computer simulations of hurricanes, they discovered that hotter temperatures allowed the hurricanes to hold on to more moisture, which they could continue to use as a source of heat energy once they reached land.

Researchers at the University of Victoria, British Columbia, estimate people that drink bottled water ingest an additional 90,000 microplastic particles annually compared to 4,000 microplastics for those that drink only tap water. Food is contaminated with plastic as well, which we also ingest. The researchers took data from 26 studies that measured plastic in salt, beer, sugar, fish, shellfish, water and urban air, and combined it with U.S. dietary guidelines to calculate how many particles people likely consumed annually. The results are 50,000 particles per year for adults and 40,000 for children. When inhalation is included, the estimate rises to between 74,000 and 121,000 particles per year for adults. Even these figures are likely underestimated, because the foods in the studies make up only 15 percent of the typical American caloric intake. The particles’ effect on the human body is not yet understood. Another study revealed that some plastic is expelled from the body in feces. But there is also evidence that it gets absorbed, and that the tiniest particles can enter the bloodstream and lymphatic system, which could affect immune response and aid transmission of toxic chemicals.

Plastic Particles Ingested in Food and Water

victoria strukovskay/Unsplash.com


Climate Change Makes Hurricane Destruction Worse

Outdoor Fun

Childhood Immunity Enhanced by Natural Environment


At the University of Helsinki, in Finland, a new project recorded in the journal Science Advances found that switching a child’s playground from gravel to natural forest floor could foster a better immune system within a month by exposing them to a greater variety of skin and gut bacteria. The researchers studied 75 children between 3 and 5 years of age at 10 daycare centers in two Finnish cities to see how a change in their playing environment altered their skin and gut microbiota, as well as immune markers in their blood. Four centers turned their gravel playgrounds into fields of forest floor, soil and grasses, while three already had that setting. Three others kept their existing gravel playground. One month after the changes were made, scientists collected samples of skin, blood and feces from the children. In just a few weeks, microbiota of the children at the renovated daycare centers quickly shifted to become more like the microbiomes of children that attended centers that already had more natural play surfaces. The children at the renovated daycare centers developed a higher ratio of the anti-inflammatory proteins to pro-inflammatory proteins in their blood, indicating that their immune systems were in better shape. 18



Hard Knocks

Low-Carbon Cement Offsets Climate Change

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The manufacture of cement creates up to 8 percent of the total global carbon dioxide generated by humans, according to the Chatham House, a London-based think tank. Four billion tons of cement are produced every year, but that figure is expected to rise to 5 billion tons in the next 30 years. The emissions result from the fossil fuels used to create heat for cement formation, as well as the chemical process in a kiln that transforms limestone.

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Whatever we are waiting for–peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance–it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart. ~Sarah Ban Breathnach Saturday, February 6, 6-7:30 pm

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February 2021


therapy spotlight

Superhuman Protocol Speeds Healing


Image courtesy of thriveMD

he Superhuman Protocol (SP) is a unique combination of three services, done in a specific order, designed to replace much of what the body needs and has lost over time. Schaumburg-based thriveMD is one of the only SP providers in the area to offer these wellness services. Treatments can be purchased individually, in packages or through a membership program to get the greatest benefit. The benefits of each unique modality in the SP protocol work synergistically to provide optimal binding of oxygen with a patient’s red blood cells, as well as delivering oxygenated red blood cells to distal tissues to decrease inflammation, increase healing and more efficiently make energy. SP can restore the slight negative polarity across red blood cells (helping them to repel each other and therefore be better able to bind and carry oxygen); alkalize the body; open up microcirculation (getting blood to distal tissues); flood the body with oxygen; and help that oxygen get into the cells by breaking the bond between nitric oxide and cytochrome c oxidase. The first modality, pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy, will help to restore the slight negative charge in the body and help red blood cells repel each other to better bind and carry oxygen. This slight negative charge also helps to alkalize the body and open up microcirculation. This has been practiced in principle for years by a process referred to as grounding. With grounding, a person places their bare feet on the ground and allows some of the electrons from the earth to enter their body through their feet, thus


restoring this critical negative charge. The second modality is exercise with oxygen therapy (EWOT), which involves exercising while breathing concentrated oxygen at concentrations of greater than 90 percent, rather than the 21 percent of room air. thriveMD’s founder and functional medicine doctor Gregory Seaman, M.D., says, “When we go to the gym and begin to work out a muscle, everyone thinks that the blood vessels dilate to bring more blood to that working muscle and thereby bring that muscle the increased oxygen it needs to keep performing the work. This is true, but not for the reasons many of us think. When the muscle starts performing the exercise, one of the first things that happens is that muscle begins to make CO2 which is a very common waste product of cellular metabolism. CO2 is one of the most potent vasodilators known to exist, and that is what actually dilates the blood vessel, thus bringing that oxygenated blood to the muscle to maintain peak performance.” The final modality of this trio is red light bed therapy, or photobiomodulation. This involves exposing the skin to specific wavelengths of red and infrared light. When it hits the skin, the light energy is absorbed into the cells and basically kicks out damaging free radicals, allowing oxygen to get into the cell and help with energy (ATP) production on the cellular level. These multiple wavelengths of light cause nitric oxide to dissociate from cytochrome c oxidase, which has several beneficial effects. First, the dissociated nitric oxide hits the arterial walls on its way out, which causes vasodilation. In addition, breaking the bond between nitric oxide and cytochrome c oxidase allows oxygen to bind in its place, allowing oxygen into the cell, where it can be used to efficiently produce ATP on the cellular level. thriveMD uses the Bemer mat for the PEMF portion, the Maxx O2 system for the EWOT portion and the ThereLight 360 red light bed (one of the strongest red light beds on the market) for the photobiomodulation portion of the protocol. The SP is a prime example of thriveMD’s desire to employ the latest high-tech modalities together in a synergistic fashion to help clients reach their health optimization goals. thriveMD is located at 1355 Remington Rd., Ste. I, in Schaumburg. For a consultation, call 312-600-5070. For more information, visit thriveMD.com. See ad on page 5, in the Community Resource Guide and in the Business Directory at NAChicago.com.



business spotlight

A New Paradigm for Career Advancement by Elysabeth Alfano

Photo courtesy of Elysabeth Alfano


he new recruitment platform Passion Placement (PassionPlacement.com), created by Bonnie Brown and Paul Turcotte, taps into the growing demand for purpose-driven employment. It places mission-aligned hires in positions and industries from interns to volunteers, board members and CEOs at companies that make a difference for people, the planet and animals. Brown, president and CFO, says, “Passion Placement grew out of my frustration as a financial professional looking to apply my own career skills to helping animals and improving life on the planet, only to find myself jumping from one site to another, back Bonnie Brown and forth, thinking there has got to be a better way. Those later in life are also looking at leaving a current position to begin living their purpose.” Younger generations are also getting in on the game. Online recruiter WeSpire (WeSpire.com) noted in a recent study that Gen Z is the first generation to prioritize purpose over money due to passion and desire to make a difference through work. The stress of COVID-19 and its ancillary environmental circumstances around the globe are forcing many to pivot in how they spend their workday. Candidates are focusing on what is important to them for the future, including their health, how their food is sourced and putting an end to animal agriculture, a leading contributor to climate change. Many people are living through a chaotic time when they don’t feel in control of many things. Believing in the mission or purpose of a company makes them feel that their job will be important and that they can make a difference, even on a small scale. It’s not only employees that benefit. Plant-based eating startup abillion (abillion.com) founder Vikas Garg says, “We get really excited about folks that are mission-driven like us. Having that passion is like rocket fuel. It means you get through problems faster, find solutions faster, love your team more and it’s easier to form a bond and trust between the individual and the company.” Brown and Turcotte are conducting free consultations to both companies and candidates through February at PassionPlacement.com/ other-services/#coaching.

Forward Together Family Acts of Kindness Project

An opportunity to understand and recognize the importance that acts of kindness can have for oneself and others through the medium of your choice. Create photos, collage, drawing, signs, kindness phrases on stones left on a park path, or any other creative endeavor you and your family choose. Creating a more loving, kind, and compassionate community and world.

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healing ways For healing arts practitioner Evelyn Hall, in Santa Cruz, California, mindfulness is a lifestyle choice. “When my mind runs off into the future, it can create not only anxiety because I fear the unknown, but also worry about all the ‘what ifs’. When I find myself lost in the past, it can bring me sadness and regret. I have learned from mindfulness that these are just mental habits.” Cara Bradley, a mental fitness coach in Philadelphia and author of On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up and Shine, says, “To be mindful is to show up to experience the moment as it is, with all your senses— when we eat, when we walk, whatever we are doing.”

darius bashar/Unsplash.com

Diving Deeper

Tools for Inner Peace

Exploring Mindfulness and Meditation by Marlaina Donato


he practices of mindfulness and meditation, although closely related, offer individual, science-backed benefits for both body and psyche. Mindfulness has been shown to amp up immunity and increase gray matter in the brain, and 2018 research published in Experimental Biology shows that just an introductory hour of meditation using breathwork and awareness of thoughts significantly reduced anxiety. The study indicates that when applied regularly, mindfulness minimizes arterial pressure and cardiovascular health risks associated with long-term nervous system stress.

Immersion in the Moment Mindfulness—cultivating present-moment awareness by noticing body sensations, thoughts and details in our environment—not only makes life more enjoyable, but enables us to acknowledge life experiences and emotions without aversion and judgement. Mindfulness techniques are now being used in psychotherapy for insomnia, eating disorders and addictions. Physiological benefits are also significant. Harvard Health Publishing, referencing the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, highlights mindfulness for cardiovascular and gastrointestinal conditions, as well as clinical depression. 22



While mindfulness can be the simple act of noticing the geometric design of a flower or the variety of tastes on a dinner plate, meditation brings awareness to the deepest levels of consciousness through a variety of focused techniques, including breathwork, chanting, visualization or gazing at a candle flame. Contrary to common assumption, meditation need not be associated with religious structure. Neuroscientist Tony Nader, who heads the global Transcendental Meditation (TM) organization in 100 countries, underscores, “When you say meditation, there are numerous kinds of meditation with different origins. It can’t be assumed that just because meditation involves the mind that it involves dogma, or that meditation is religious because it has its roots from the Eastern traditions. Over time, some traditions integrated aspects of these ancient techniques into their own religions, yet not all meditations are religious.” Meditation can bring us into the eye of the storm. “The ocean is a great analogy for understanding different approaches to meditation. Just as the ocean can be turbulent on the surface with innumerable waves and quiet at its depth, so, too, the mind is active on the surface with innumerable thoughts, but it is also naturally, profoundly quiet, deep within.”

Marlaina Donato is a body-mind-spirit author and composer of visionary music. Connect at AutumnEmbersMusic.com.

Meditative Approaches to Try Cara Bradley: There are times in life, during a busy workday or after watching the news, when you can feel that your mind has gotten very small and fixed. One of my favorite, super-simple practices is called Tibetan sky-gazing. Go outside or look out your window and look up into the sky. Use your inhale to help you expand your breath, but also your mind; allow your mind and your eyes to widen to the peripheral, and as you exhale, you just let go of any fear, worry or control. Inhale—expand up and out; exhale, let something go—tension, struggle, expectation.

motok tonn/Unsplash.com

TM, taught in personal, one-to-one instruction by a certified instructor, is one of the most thoroughly studied approaches and does not involve breathwork or repetition of chants. “There are 600 scientific research studies about the effectiveness of the Transcendental Meditation technique to develop the full brain—actually, the full potential of the human nervous system,” says Nader. Today, meditation has moved into the mainstream, with more than 2,500 digital apps offering quick, convenient access to every type and tradition. With names like Calm and Headspace, they were downloaded by more than 52 million first-time users in 2019—and that was before the anxiety-inducing pandemic. Most can be easily customized: InsightTimer, for example, offers 45,000 free meditations that can be sorted by need, duration or style. By practicing meditation, mindfulness is also cultivated. “You can think of it as a workout for your mind, a way of becoming familiar with our mind and training our mind,” says Bradley. Meditation can simply help to lower blood pressure or boost memory, yet it can bring mindfulness to a more spiritual level. “In a meditative state, I can feel how everything around me is alive and communicating with their own tongue and song,” says Hall. “I feel peace, no longer lost in wishing, praying or pleading that things be different. I am free from the burden of having to do something.”

Evelyn Hall: Close your eyes, take a couple of nice belly breaths and relax. Send waves of relaxation through your entire body, from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. As you do this, just listen to the sounds around you, both near and far. Then notice what you smell, both near and far. How does the air feel on your skin? Expand all your senses to experience what is present in this moment. Once you are deeply relaxed, just rest within the present environment, doing nothing. Unplug, reset. Try three to five minutes to reboot. Tip: It’s helpful to remember a time when you were totally relaxed—in nature or on vacation. The mind and body love to work together; think it and the body will respond.

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Live a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle Integrative Cardiologists on Preventing Heart Disease

b elight/Adobestock.com

by Ronica O’Hara


ardiology has made mind-boggling advances in efficiently repairing everything from clogged arteries to floppy mitral valves and even replacing the entire failing heart itself. Yet the stubborn fact remains that almost half of all Americans suffer from cardiovascular disease, killing one in four of us, and those numbers are rising. Research shows that simple lifestyle changes can prevent 80 percent of these deaths, but many cardiologists typically reach for a prescription pad rather than explore diet, exercise and other prevention options with their patients. “Medicine can be life-saving, but optimal heart health can’t come from medicine alone,” says cardiologist Stephen Devries, co-author of Integrative Cardiology. “There is a common belief among many physicians that patients generally don’t want to make lifestyle changes—an assumption that is often dead wrong and refuted by surveys of patients that show that the majority are looking to do exactly that.” Los Angeles restauranteur and musician Gianni Neiviller, 54, is such a case. When he found holistic cardiologist Cynthia Thaik three years ago, he had already endured four major surgeries for gut illnesses; was suffering from obesity, high blood pressure, anxiety 24



and depression; and was heavily abusing alcohol and marijuana. Thaik ordered tests that uncovered sleep apnea, and she encouraged him to turn to an all-organic diet, take vitamin and mineral supplements, exercise and practice mindfulness and meditation. “At first it was all fairly hard, but as I started losing the pounds, my mind became more clear, and little by little, it all started getting a bit easier,” Neiviller says. He lost 86 pounds within a year, got sober and ceased taking blood pressure medication and using a sleep apnea machine. He now walks six miles a day; practices a hybrid

regimen of qigong, yoga and meditation; and is switching to a holistic health career. “When people try to push my buttons, they rarely succeed these days,” he smiles. Rebounding into vibrant health is what integrative cardiologists like Devries and Thaik strive for. Also known as preventive or holistic cardiologists, they focus on guiding patients to change long-held, harmful, physical and emotional practices. Although they are comparatively few in number—probably no more than 100 nationally—these doctors are vocal and influential, imparting valuable advice about preventing and reversing heart disease through daily lifestyle choices.

Heart-Happy Eating Substantial research affirms that one major line of defense against heart disease is what we put into our mouths every day, yet only 8 percent of cardiologists consider themselves capable to give nutritional advice, a survey showed. To counter that, Devries co-founded the Gaples Institute, a Naperville, Illinois, nonprofit that offers free nutritional training online to the public and nutritional accreditation for medical clinicians. Devries, who trained at Dr. Andrew Weil’s Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, lectures internationally and recently authored What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Cholesterol. “People have a lot more power over their heart health than they realize,” he says. According to Devries, the name of a diet is not as important as the anti-inflammatory foods it should contain, such as “a wide variety of vegetables and fruit, plenty of beans, whole grains in place of refined, minimizing or eliminating meat (especially processed meat like bacon and sausage), minimizing added sugar (especially from sugar-sweetened beverages) and using small amounts of the most healthful oils, like extra-virgin olive oil.” And the evidence is increasing, he says, of “minimizing or eliminating animal products and getting most or all of your protein from high-quality plant sources like beans, tofu, whole grains and nuts. Fish is one exception for which there is good evidence.” He’s backed up by a November 2020 study of 220,000 adults published in the

Journal of the American College of Cardiology. It concludes that those with diets high in red and processed meat, refined grains and sugary beverages had a 46 percent higher risk of heart disease and a 28 percent higher risk of stroke compared to those consuming anti-inflammatory diets rich in green and yellow vegetables, whole grains, coffee and tea. Devries suggests that gradual, incremental changes to the diet may be easier than abrupt and dramatic choices. For example, he might recommend switching from sugary soda to flavored seltzer first, then trying lemon water and black tea with milk before opting for plain, green tea. Sipping a cup of green tea at least every other day reduces the risk of heart attacks and dying of heart disease by onefifth, Chinese researchers report in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.

Powerful Supplements As a young cardiologist frustrated by the revolving-door nature of his patients, Stephen Sinatra came upon an obscure 1982 study of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) that he realized could have saved the life of a favorite patient. This catalyzed his intensive studies into nutrition and bioenergetics that produced 17 books, including the bestselling Reverse Heart Disease Now and The Sinatra Solution. He helped formulate the new field of metabolic cardiology that proposes preventing and treating cardiovascular disease with nutraceuticals to improve energy production in heart cells. In addition to suggesting a high-potency, multi-nutrient, fish oil, magnesium and vitamin C for prevention, he recommends four key nutrients that produce and use adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the body’s basic cellular fuel:

YCoQ10 is synthesized in the body, but

declines with age and statin use. It protects from the free radical damage linked to inflammation. Dosage: 90 to 250 milligrams (mg) daily for prevention, 180 to 360 mg for hypertension and 300 to 600 mg for heart failure.

YL-carnitine ferries fatty acids to be

oxidized to make ATP and moves toxic metabolites out of heart cells. Dosage:

1,000 to 1,500 mg in divided doses to prevent deficiency and up to 3,000 mg for heart disease.

YMagnesium, required in all reactions involving ATP, is depleted by some gastrointestinal medications and diuretics. Dosage: at least 400 mg. YD-ribose is a naturally occurring sugar

derivative of ATP that hastens energy regeneration. Dosage: five to seven grams (gm) daily as a preventive, seven to 10 gm daily for heart failure.

In other nutrient news, adults that took glucosamine/chondroitin every day for a year or longer had a 65 percent reduction in cardiovascular-related deaths, reports West Virginia University researchers that analyzed 16 years of data from 16,686 adults.

Smart Testing Preventive cardiologist Joel Kahn, the author of Your Whole Heart Solution and The Plant-Based Solution, says that lab tests typically prescribed by cardiologists and other doctors are inadequate. “Standard lab tests have not changed in 30 to 40 years, but science has,” he says. “For example, inflammation is now understood to be a fundamental process for most chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. A simple lab test, hs-CRP, is available to measure inflammation. Very few doctors add this to their panel. When it is high, it leads to a search for why there is inflammation and diet, lifestyle and other measures to resolve it.” After 25 years as a cardiologist treating heart-attack emergencies, Kahn, who is vegan, went back to college to study preventive cardiology and set up the Kahn Center for Cardiac Longevity, in Bingham Farms, Michigan, which focuses on dietary counseling and preventive screenings. His list of “must have” tests includes:

YAdvanced cholesterol panel for a breakdown of LDL-cholesterol particle number and size, which is highly predictive of cardiovascular problems. YLipoprotein(a) cholesterol to detect a risk-elevating genetic form of cholesterol that’s present in about 20 percent of those tested. February 2021


YHigh-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) to identify inflammation of blood vessels.

YHemoglobin A1c (HbA1C) to obtain the three-month

measure of sugar in hemoglobin, a marker of both diabetes and heart disease.

YVitamin D to identify deficiencies linked to a higher risk of hypertension, heart failure, angina and heart attacks.

Move It or Lose It The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (brisk walking, water aerobics, gardening, tennis, dancing) or 75 minutes of vigorous activity (running, jumping, swimming laps), as well as muscle-strengthening activity (weights) at least two days a week. Only 20 percent of adults exercise for the full 150 minutes per week, which may be why physical inactivity is a major factor in an estimated one-third of heart disease deaths. “I like to frame it as ‘being active’, because exercise sounds onerous,” Devries says. “Even a small amount of activity goes a long way—walking at a gentle pace 30 minutes a day confers very significant benefits. Up to a point, more can be better, but only for some people, and only to a point.” Even moving a few minutes daily can add up. Doing 12-minute bursts of vigorous exercise favorably impacts 80 percent of the metabolites that govern such functions as oxidative stress, inflammation and vascular reactivity, reports a new study in Circulation. Just one hour a week of strength training significantly lowers the risk of heart attack, stroke and heart disease death, another study found. And simply holding thigh and calf stretches for 45 seconds for a total of five minutes daily improved arterial blood flow, reports a study in the Journal of Physiology.

The Emotional Heart As a child in Myanmar, Thaik witnessed hands-on healing at a clinic she visited with her physician mother, but holistic care only entered her life after 20 years of practice as a frustrated cardiologist, when she was laid low by severe anemia that required transfusions and surgery. Today, the Harvard-trained cardiologist is the author of Your Vibrant Heart and founder of the Holistic Heart Healing Center, in Los Angeles, which integrates the medical model with lifestyle strategies and approaches like homeopathy and acupuncture. “I very much believe that we are both physical beings and energetic or spiritual beings. Our physical makeup is closely intertwined with our mental and emotional makeup,” Thaik says. She counsels patients to practice the following:

YMindfulness. “A mentor of mine, (life coach) Mary Morrisey,

taught me to avoid the three Cs—complaining, comparing or criticizing. If you attempt to do this for even an hour, you will find that it is actually a hard task. Practicing this allows us to be acutely mindful of our thoughts.”




YGratitude. “I wake up every morning and before my feet hit

the floor, I make this statement five times and fill in five different answers: ‘I am so happy and grateful now that ...’”

YReleasing. “I believe the most important ingredient to health and healing is the ability to release—to forgive self and others, to let go and abandon all of our negative thoughts, our self-limiting beliefs, our notions of right and wrong, our feelings of injustice and being wronged.” She advises, “When we can abandon all these beliefs and allow ourselves to float or drift unimpeded—imagine yourself on a tube in a lazy river—that is when healing within our bodies begins, when our parameters of stress and the hormones and neurotransmitters associated with stress start to down-regulate, and we can literally feel a wave of relaxation passing through our bodies. This will lower our heart rate, blood pressure, adrenaline and cortisol levels, thereby mitigating our risk of a heart attack or stroke.” Ronica O’Hara, a natural health writer, can be contacted at OHaraRonica@gmail.com.

More Heart-Healthy Strategies take long soaks. Middle-aged Japanese adults that took a daily bath in warm or hot water had a 28 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease and a 26 percent lower risk of stroke than people that didn’t bathe in the tub more than twice a week, concludes a study in the journal Heart. outdo each other. People that competed with each other to walk more steps ended up walking about 100 miles more in nine months than people that simply walked on their own, reports the JAMA Internal Medicine. consider cannabidiol. This non-psychoactive form of cannabis has been shown in small lab studies to lower inflammation and ease arrhythmia. “CBD can help to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, improve anxiety and depression, reduce inflammation, improve glucose regulation, diminish pain and thereby lower our adrenergic (fight-orflight) tone,” says holistic cardiologist Cynthia Thaik. brush a lot. In a 10-year Korean study, people that brushed their teeth three or more times a day had a 10 percent lower risk of atrial fibrillation and a 12 percent lower risk of heart failure. sidestep pollution. Stay away from traffic and industrial areas when exercising. Even a few hours of exposure to the ultrafine particles generated by emissions may potentially trigger a nonfatal heart attack, reports research in Environmental Health Perspectives.

Big Love From Small Animals green living


natural pet

e katerinapichukova/Adobestock.com

Saying ‘I Do’ : Green Weddings

wise words

Shefali Tsabary on Conscious Relationships

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February 2021


conscious eating

Heartfelt Eating Best Foods for a Heart-Healthy Diet by April Thompson



ypertension affects nearly half of all Americans, increasing the risk for heart disease and stroke, the leading cause of death. We can help mitigate that risk and have a healthy “change of heart” by revamping our diets.




While food fads are constantly changing, the basics of a heart-healthy diet have not, says Cheryl Strachan, a registered dietitian in Calgary, Canada, and founder of SweetSpotNutrition.ca. Strachan notes the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet has been used to help lower blood pressure and with other heart disease risk factors since its development in the 1990s. The DASH diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans and low-fat dairy foods. While it includes lean meat, fish and poultry, it limits sugary foods and fatty meats. The Mediterranean diet, says Strachan, is another proven regimen for heart health, citing a five-year Spanish study in The New England Journal of Medicine that found the incidence of cardiovascular events was 30 percent lower among participants on this diet, supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil or nuts, compared to those assigned a reduced-fat diet. A Mediterranean diet doesn’t necessarily mean eating dishes specific to that region. “It’s the type of foods that matters: a largely plant-based diet focused on whole grains such as the bulgur in tabouli, legumes, nuts, seeds, olive oil and some animal products like fish, poultry and dairy,” says Strachan. Michael Greger, a Seattle physician and author of the bestseller How Not to Die, disagrees that meat-based proteins have a place in a heart-healthy diet. “Only one way of eating has ever been proven to reverse heart disease in the majority of patients: a diet centered around whole-plant foods,” says Greger, adding that the most critical risk factor is elevated LDL cholesterol. “To drastically reduce LDL cholesterol levels, we need to drastically reduce our intake of trans fat, which comes from processed foods and naturally from meat and dairy; saturated fat, found mainly in animal products and junk foods; and playing a lesser role, dietary cholesterol, found exclusively in animal-derived foods, especially eggs.” Michelle Routhenstein, a preventive cardiology dietitian and owner of Entirely Nourished, a nutrition counseling practice in New York City, likes to meet clients where they are rather than trying to force a drastic switch they can’t maintain. “Often, people get very broad advice, like ‘Adopt a

Nutrients for Heart Health Potassium is a key mineral for heart health, as it can help the body remove excess sodium, lower blood pressure and improve blood flow and blood vessel health. Yet research shows less than 2 percent of Americans get enough. Beans, sweet potatoes, lentils, beets and avocados are among many potassium-rich foods with multiple heart benefits. There is a growing awareness of the importance of inflammation-fighting omega-3 fatty acids, particularly in fish like wild salmon, arctic char and sardines. Routhenstein also advocates omega-9 fatty acids such as in tahini and avocado. Omega-9s have been shown to help increase HDL “good” cholesterol and decrease LDL “bad” cholesterol while protecting blood vessel health. Heart attacks often seem to occur suddenly simply because the damage happens gradually and quietly, warns Routhenstein. “Heart disease is progressive, so over time a poor lifestyle and diet can damage blood vessels and accelerate hardening of the arteries that lead to heart attacks,” she warns. “Some damage may not be entirely reversible, but it’s never too late to optimize heart functioning.” Connect with Washington, D.C., freelance writer April Thompson at AprilWrites.com.

Servings for the Heart Quinoa, Edamame and Carrot Salad with Ginger-Sesame Dressing Edamame are whole, young, green soybeans that are mildly grassy in flavor. They have about five times the folate—a highly important cardiovascular nutrient—of mature soybeans. Edamame’s flavors pair well with fluffy quinoa, crunchy cabbage and carrot slaw, and combine seamlessly with the spicy, toasty notes of the ginger-sesame dressing. Yield: 2 servings ½ cup quinoa 1 cup water 1 cup edamame, fully cooked and chilled 2 Tbsp ginger-sesame dressing 1 cup shredded carrots 2 cups shredded cabbage

courtesy of laura flippen

plant-based diet,’ but when it comes to the heart, you have to find a way of eating you can commit to long term. I start by asking what foods bring them joy, as well as their food dislikes, history and culture.” For Routhenstein, an optimal diet for the heart includes a healthy balance of good fats, lean protein and the complex carbs that are important sources of fiber. “Research has shown that every additional 10 grams of fiber per day can decrease the risk of coronary heart disease by as much as 25 percent,” by helping the body remove excess cholesterol, says the dietitian and author of The Truly Easy HeartHealthy Cookbook: Fuss-Free, Flavorful, Low-Sodium Meals. While fatty foods are sometimes scapegoated for poor health, unsaturated fats are “really good for blood vessel health,” she adds.

In a small pot, bring the quinoa and water to a boil. Lower the heat to low, cover and simmer for 8 minutes. Add the edamame to the pot and cook for an additional four minutes, until the water in the quinoa pot has been absorbed and the edamame is tender. In a medium-size bowl, combine the quinoa and edamame with the dressing, shredded carrots and shredded cabbage and serve. Tip: There are three ways to make this easier: batch-cook the quinoa; thaw, cook and shell the edamame and keep overnight in the refrigerator; and buy prepackaged slaw. Just assemble.

Ginger-Sesame Dressing Typical sesame dressing is high in sodium from the soy sauce; even the low-sodium varieties are high in salt. This dressing is well-balanced, low in sodium and adds flair to just about any dish. Toasted sesame oil is aromatically pleasing and adds immediate flavor that is balanced by tangy rice vinegar, zesty ginger and crunchy sesame seeds. 2 Tbsp toasted sesame oil 2 tsp rice vinegar

2 tsp fresh grated ginger 2 tsp unsalted sesame seeds

In a small bowl, mix the sesame oil, rice vinegar, ginger and sesame seeds until well combined. Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to one week. Flavor tip: For added heat, add ½ teaspoon of hot sauce and 1 teaspoon of lime juice to balance it out. February 2021


Blueberry and Pumpkin Seed Yogurt Bark This dessert is for lovers of froyo, ice cream or frozen treats. Plain yogurt is blended with refreshing mint, sweet blueberries and a hint of honey­—all topped with crunchy pumpkin seeds. This bark can also be an easy breakfast alternative that balances high-quality protein, dietary fiber and heart-healthy fats. Eat this delicious snack in a bowl to catch the yogurt bark liquid goodness as it melts. Add a drizzle of dark chocolate for extra decadence.

courtesy of laura flippen

Yield: 6 servings 2 cups nonfat plain yogurt 1¼ cups blueberries, divided 1 Tbsp coarsely chopped fresh mint 1 tsp honey ¼ cup raw, unsalted, pumpkin seeds

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, making sure the edges are covered. In a medium-size bowl for a food processor, combine the yogurt, 1 cup of blueberries, the mint and honey. Blend until smooth, about 2 minutes. Using a rubber spatula, evenly spread the yogurt mixture over the parchment paper. Evenly add the remaining blueberries along with the pumpkin seeds on top of the yogurt mixture. Freeze for 2 to 4 hours until the bark is fully frozen. The best way to check is to poke the middle of the pan with a fork to see if it has hardened. Once fully frozen, the edges should easily lift, as well. Break the bark up into 12 pieces and freeze in an overnight container or a freezer-safe, zip-top bag for up to one month.

Lentil, Raisin and Pecan-Stuffed Acorn Squash This meal fills up a home with the smell of warm, sweet cinnamon and is accompanied by a toasted mixture of flavorful lentils, sweet and fruity raisins and buttery pecan pieces. It tastes like dessert, but is well-balanced with lean proteins from the lentils, complex carbohydrates from the squash and heart-healthy fats from the pecans to keep one satisfied and properly nourished.

1 large acorn squash 2¼ tsp ground cinnamon, divided 1 cup low-sodium canned, cooked lentils, drained and rinsed ¼ cup pecan pieces ¼ cup raisins Preheat the oven to 400° F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Cut the acorn squash in half and scoop out the seeds. Sprinkle ⅛ teaspoon of cinnamon on the inside of each squash section and place them flesh-side-down on the baking sheet. Cook for 30 minutes until fork-tender and lightly golden brown. In a medium-sized mixing bowl, mix the lentils, pecans, raisins and the remaining 2 teaspoons of cinnamon. Scoop evenly into the inside of each squash and bake for an additional 5 to 10 minutes, until the pecans and the top of the lentil mixture are lightly golden. Once ready, place half an acorn squash on each plate and serve. This can also be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days. Make-it-easier tip: Reduce cooking time by cutting the acorn squash in half, placing it in a microwave-safe dish and microwaving it covered on high for about 10 to 12 minutes until tender. Add the squash to the oven and continue with earlier step for a crispy finish. Source: The Truly Easy Heart-Healthy Cookbook by Michelle Routhenstein. Natural Awakenings recommends using organic, non-GMO (genetically modified) and non-bromated ingredients whenever possible. 30



courtesy of laura flippen

Yield: 2 servings

recipes from a plant-based kitchen

AntiInflammatory, detox and weight control meal plans

Plant-Based Coconut Fajitas

Coconut Fajitas Yield: 4 servings Pan 1: 10 oz young coconut meat (fresh or frozen) 1 med. to large onion 2-in. piece ginger 4 to 5 cloves garlic ½ tsp black pepper 1 tsp sea salt (optional) 1 to 2 Tbsp oil (optional) (avocado/grapeseed) 1 to 2 Tbsp coconut aminos 1 tsp cumin powder 1 tsp coriander powder 1 tsp fennel powder 1 tsp Purple Sprout signature Super Digestion spice mix (asafoetida, ajwain, fenugreek, clove) (optional) 1 cup filtered water or vegetable stock Pan 2: Brussels sprouts/broccoli/cauliflower Carrots (may want to leave out for keto) Daikon radish ½ tsp black pepper 1 tsp sea salt (optional) 1 to 2 Tbsp oil (avocado/grapeseed) (optional) 1 cup filtered water or vegetable stock Slice coconut meat into strips and onions into half-moons. In the first frying pan, heat up the oil, add

the onions and sauté for 3-5 minutes until translucent and browned. Add the rest of the Pan 1 ingredients to the pan, stir together, brown slightly. Add the water/stock and sauté, stirring frequently until tender (about 7-12 minutes). Option: Omit the oil for a more hearthealthy meal, and use water or vegetable stock instead. Heat up the oil in the second pan, add all of the Pan 2 ingredients (except for the water/stock) and slightly brown, stirring frequently. Now add the liquid, cover with a lid and cook until tender for about 7-12 minutes, stirring frequently.

for your New Year resolutions

Photo by Purple Sprout

“Do not think you will be deprived when starting to eat healthy. On the contrary, prepare yourself for an amazing journey of discovering new tastes, new flavors, new foods, cooking methods—a whole world of organics, plant-based eating and all the health benefits that come with it,” says Purple Sprout Conscious Organics co-owner Irina Ra. “Meals can be customized to your health objectives, such as reducing inflammation, stress reduction, healthy heart, healthy digestion, detox and weight control. We also offer nutrition consultations, healthy living workshops, cooking classes and some of the healthiest desserts in the Midwest.” Coconut fajitas are a nourishing, immunity-boosting dish that is healthy, vegan, keto- and paleo-friendly, delicious and easy to make. This dish can be refrigerated or frozen and reheated on demand. Coconuts contain antioxidants and essential minerals (iron, manganese, copper magnesium) that assist blood sugar regulation, can boost HDL (the good cholesterol), boost endurance and are associated with fat burning.

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Find more recipes in the Conscious Eating and Recipe sections at NAChicago.com.

Option: Omit the oil for a more hearthealthy meal, and use water or vegetable stock instead. Combine the Pan 1 and Pan 2 sautés and spoon onto green leaves of choice that serve as tortillas. Choose from lettuce, cabbage, kale, chard or collard greens. Sprinkle fresh chopped cilantro on top. The fajitas can be stored in the fridge for up to seven days or frozen and reheated on demand. Recipe by Purple Sprout Conscious Organics. Location: 364 Lexington Dr., Buffalo Grove. For more information, visit PurpleSprout.com. See ad on this page. February 2021


recipes from a plant-based kitchen

Super Plant-Powered Nachos for A Superbowl Party

Potato Cheese 2 cups potatoes, peeled and diced 1 cup carrots, peeled and diced ½ cup water ½ cup nutritional yeast ⅛ cup olive juice 1 tsp salt ½ tsp garlic powder ½ tsp onion powder ½ tsp celery salt ½ tsp cayenne pepper (optional)

by Elysabeth Alfano For how to get through a Super Bowl party with 1) something plant-based to eat that is 2) delicious and 3) healthy, it’s time to bring our own party to the party. This nacho recipe will make others jealous and not throw you off your New Year’s resolution of eating loads of veggies.


Yield: 2 servings Chips of choice, or for a healthy version, take corn tortillas (made of corn and salt) and bake until crispy. 1 cup texturized vegetable protein (TVP) Mushroom broth (enough per directions of TVP product) ½ onion 3 cloves garlic 4 Tbsp soy sauce 1 tsp cumin 1 tsp paprika ½ can black beans ½ cup salsa Avocado (as a garnish on top) Chopped lettuce (as a garnish on top) Tabasco or preferred hot sauce Jalapeños (optional)

Boil potatoes and carrots. Throw in blender and add other ingredients. Works as a dipping cheese (add more water to make it thinner), a spread or heated on nachos or in casseroles. Spread potato cheese on the chips.

Spread chips of choice out on a plate to cover in full. Use mushroom broth to create TVP per directions. Set aside. Sauté diced onions and garlic, add in TVP. Add in soy, cumin and paprika. Stir together until fully cooked. This is also the basic filling for Tacos.

Elysabeth Alfano is a personal coach, chef and host of The Elysabeth Alfano Show on Evanston-based station WCGO and The Smart Talk Radio Network. For more information, email Elysabeth@ElysabethAlfano.com or visit ElysabethAlfano.com.



he heart and soul of any thriving community is comprised of local business owners and right now, more than ever, THEY NEED US! And we need them. Certainly, stressors are high and budgets are tight but when making needed purchases, COMMIT to shopping in person or online at local, small businesses whenever you can. Choose local markets, buy direct from local farmers, opt for takeout from your favorite restaurant. We need each other to stay balanced and healthy, supporting our immune systems, our rest and renewal and our environments. Check in with local specialists, retail stores and practitioners about inventory and resources to support diet, stress and sleep, to optimize a healthy mind, body and home. Take care of our communities -





Photo by monkeybusiness/DepositPhotos.com

Photo by Elysabeth Alfano

Add TVP mixture. Add beans and warm in microwave or oven. Place sliced avocados on top. Pour over salsa, chopped jalapeños and lettuce.

recipe from a gluten-free kitchen

healthy kids

Gluten-Free Flatbread by Tiffany Hinton Serve this flatbread with your favorite hummus and veggies. Personally, I love to top it with guacamole, arugula, cherry tomatoes and balsamic vinegar drizzle.


1 cup potato starch ¼ cup coconut flour ½ cup water ¼ cup olive oil 1 tsp garlic, minced 1 tsp oregano ½ tsp coriander 1 tsp Himalayan salt 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar + coconut milk to make ¼ cup total 1 egg 1 red pepper, thinly sliced 1 green pepper, thinly sliced Several button or baby bella mushrooms, thinly sliced 10 baby carrots Additional herbs, veggies and toppings of choice (optional)

Photo by Tiffany Hinton

Yield: approximately 2 servings

How to Get Kids to Eat Better

Preheat the oven to 450° F. Line a cookie sheet or baking stone with parchment paper. Place the pan in the oven to get it warm. In a large bowl, mix coconut flour, potato starch and pink salt. Stir in the warm water and olive oil and mix until combined. Let this set for 3-5 minutes; it will thicken up as the coconut flour absorbs the liquid. Remove the baking sheet from the oven (use an oven mitt) and pour the flatbread dough on the parchment paper. Spread around. Cook for 20 minutes in the oven until the edges start to brown. Serve with veggies and hummus. Recipes courtesy of Tiffany Hinton, GF Mom Certified. Connect on social media @ GFMomCertified. See ad on page 11 and in the Business Directory at NAChicago.com.

Turn your attention for a while away from the worries and anxieties. Remind yourself of all your many blessings. ~Ralph Marston


Add milk/vinegar, egg and mix together with garlic, oregano and coriander.

Read More About Your Kids’ Health in the Healthy Kids section at NAChicago.com February 2021


Lifestyle Emphasis, Targeted Fitness

sonnie hiles/Unsplash.com

fit body

Halting Hypertension Exercises to Lower High Blood Pressure by Marlaina Donato


n estimated 75 million American adults have blood pressure high enough to require management, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For people with hypertension, tempering stress responses and limiting consumption of sodium, caffeine, alcohol and sugar can make a difference. Fortifying these lifestyle changes with aerobic exercise, yoga and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can also help prevent and manage worrisome blood pressure readings. Integrative cardiologist Jack Wolfson, in Paradise Valley, Arizona, points out that the development of hypertension is multicausal. “We are not genetically programmed to develop high blood pressure. Studies over the last 50 years confirm that physically active people have a lower risk of developing high blood pressure. For those with high blood pressure or people with a condition known as pre-hypertension, there is a blood pressure-lowering effect of physical activity.” Aside from the value of strength training, walking, cycling and jogging, the Mayo Clinic recommends everyday movement in the form of household chores such as raking leaves, tending a garden or pushing a lawnmower. Cross-country skiing, skating and swimming also pack an aerobic punch. Experts agree that an active lifestyle strengthens the heart, demanding less systemic effort to pump blood, and healthier blood pressure is a result. 34



“It’s been fascinating to watch clients come in extremely anxious about their high blood pressure number. A few months after consistent training and maintaining a healthier diet, there is a significant change within the body,” says Los Angeles fitness trainer Dominic Kennedy, creator of the new wellness app Dominic Effect. Kennedy recommends beginning with a brisk walk outside or on the treadmill and according to comfort level, bumping up the time each day. He underscores weights for those ready for strength training. “For many of my clients with high blood pressure, I superset their exercises so their heart rate is pumping. You will be surprised how aerobic weight training can be.” Wolfson testifies to the benefits of HIIT, which alternates short periods of intense aerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods. “I recommend my patients get 30 minutes of HIIT four to five times per week. The design of a HIIT program must meet the person where they are at in their level of fitness. Whatever physical activity you choose, try to do it outside,” he says. “This way, we get the synergistic benefits of exercise and sunshine to lower your blood pressure. I’ve always told people that there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes.”

Yoga for Stress Management Wolfson is also an advocate of yoga for its parasympathetic nervous system support. Research published in Journal of the American College of Cardiology in 2018 shows that yoga, breathwork and stretching all positively impact blood pressure, with the greatest improvements evident from yoga and deep breathing. “Yoga, no matter the type, is known to promote a sense of calm in the body and mind. A regular practice will help to reduce the effects that stress causes. It may or may not be the only step necessary,” says New York City yoga instructor Gail Grossman, author of Restorative Yoga for Life. She emphasizes personal preferences and staying within your comfort zone,

Marlaina Donato is an author and recording artist. Connect at AutumnEmbersMusic.com.

You always gain by giving love. ~Reese Witherspoon

Everyday Heart-Healthy Exercise Tips by Rowena Dziubla


aby, it’s cold outside, but we can warm up before Valentine’s Day with some hearthealthy tips for fitness and getting that heart rate up, not to mention changing our nutrition style to make our ticker a little bit more efficient. Cardiovascular exercise is good for the heart, lowers blood pressure, regulates blood sugar and makes us sleep better, but those that are not enamored of doing traditional cardio can get their heart rate up by doing whatever it is they like doing, but faster or on different planes of motion. So, if we like walking, increase the intensity with a backpack and go rucking or turn up an outdoor walk by varying the speed, such as walking as fast as possible for one minute, then at a regular pace for two minutes off and on for 15 to 20 minutes a day or every other day. The faster part can be accomplished with high-intensity interval training (HIIT) where we do movements at an increased pace for short bursts, but we can create the same cardio effect by working the heart on different planes. For example, “burpees” (a squat thrust with an additional stand between reps), are simply taking the heart from “up there” to “down there,” using bodyweight movement. A burpee can be modified in many ways to suit a person’s current level of fitness. They can do a no-pushup burpee, step back into a plank instead of jumping back or even do a walkout in lieu of stepping back. All of these still take the heart through different planes of motion that create the cardio work we are looking for. Also, yoga is not just for stretching and relaxation. If we truly follow our breath through each of the movements, that takes our heart into different planes; inhaling with one movement and exhaling with the other—that is cardio. A very good example is the structured flow of ashtanga or Bikram yoga. With poses as part of a set sequence, it’s easier to work on tying that breath to the movement because we know what’s coming next. The last example for creating the “cardio effect” is using compound movements with weights. Weights increase the intensity of the movement without having to go faster. Adding weights to functional movements like squats (standing up/sitting down), deadlifts (picking things up), strict press (putting things away overhead) or push-ups (pushing a box forward) will increase heart rate when done effectively. Now that we have jump-started our ticker, a little tune-up is in order. Some foods to consider for heart health are almonds, berries, dark chocolate, avocados and garlic, to name a few. Even though we know they are good for us, we still need to respect their caloric load. The more calorie-dense the food, the more nutritious it is, but also easier to eat in excess. So for those looking to get a routine jumpstarted this winter along with the heart, think about a workout we will actually enjoy, kick it up a notch and have a piece of chocolate.

Photo credit @dave for Adobe Stock

noting, “If you feel stressed because it’s difficult, it won’t benefit you. I personally think restorative yoga, breathwork and meditation are the best practices for high blood pressure.” For Grossman, there is no such thing as too much yoga, but she recommends not getting overwhelmed with the commitment and having professional guidance for pranayama, or breathwork. “Do what you can. A practice does not have to be a full class, especially in restorative yoga. If you can commit to 20 minutes a day, you will see results, if you are consistent.” Kennedy underscores that investment pays off. “Many clients have come to me months later when they are in a more normal range and say, ‘We wish we would have started this sooner in life,’ but it’s never too late to start a fitness program. A good personal trainer or coach will help you do it in a safe way and get your body back in shape and healthy.”

Rowena Dziubla is the owner and head coach at GET FIT EGV, located at 1100 Nerge Rd., Ste. 206, in Elk Grove Village. See ad in the Community Resource Guide and in the Business Directory at NAChicago.com. February 2021


natural chicago

Life Goes on

Photo by Steven D. Bailey



pond with a layer of soft snow above the ice may seem to harbor little or no activity, but underneath, where there’s still open pond water or a muddy bottom, life goes on in winter, just at a much slower pace. Animals such as fish, turtles and frogs that live there year-round can withstand the Chicago region’s climate. “These species have adapted to survive in cold water,” says Steve Silic, fisheries biologist for the Forest Preserves of Cook County. Many fish species and reptiles such as turtles and amphibians, including frogs, are ectotherms. That means they don’t produce their own heat like mammals do. “The term gets used synonymously with the term cold-blooded, but more specifically, their body temperature changes with the environment,” explains Silic. Dropping water temperatures and diminishing daylight hours, as well as hormonal changes in fall, trigger fish, reptiles and amphibians that live in or near the water to prepare for winter by building up glycogen in their bodies as winter approaches. “They convert glycogen into glucose, and then the glucose can be transported to cells and used like an antifreeze 36



to prevent cells from freezing and causing death,” says George Klut, a Forest Preserves of Cook County naturalist at Little Red School House, in Hickory Hills. “As long as the cells don’t freeze, a fish, frog or turtle can survive in winter,” he says. In winter, fish seek a depth where the temperature is most comfortable, venturing farther down as it gets colder. Beneath a pond that appears completely frozen is a lower layer of water that’s cold, but comfortable enough for fish to live. “As long as they don’t get trapped in the ice, they should survive,” Silic says. Their metabolism slows and they are mostly inactive, but they’re still alive, and will

American bullfrogs spend winters beneath a frozen pond or other wetland as either adults or tadpoles.

Photo by Laura Perlick/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo

by Sheryl DeVore

move around on warm winter days just enough for an ice fisherman to catch them. On warm, sunny, winter days when the light penetrates the ice, fish may become even more active, swimming around and munching on tiny plants and animals closer to the bottom of the lake. Some aquatic insects have developed a type of antifreeze in their blood that allows them to survive in frigid temperatures and give fish that occasionally get active in winter something to eat. Even in winter, water quality is important to fish living in the Chicago region’s small lakes, ponds and wetlands. In summer, too many plants can reduce the amount of dissolved oxygen and can lead to fish kills. But something similar can happen in extreme winters when the ice gets too thick for light to penetrate, preventing plants from producing oxygen in the water. “A really bad winter seven years ago at the lakes had close to two feet of ice that was not clear enough for sunlight to get through,” Silic says. “Oxygen levels in the water got very low, and that was pretty detrimental to fish species.” Amphibians and reptiles, or “herps”, go through a process called brumation in winter. It’s not the same as hibernation, but rather a slowing down period of sluggishness or inactivity, similar to what happens with fish. “Aquatic turtles will go through brumation under muck in ponds, but become active in the water if temperatures rise a bit or if sun penetrates the water on winter days,” Klut says. Bullfrogs, including adults and tadpoles, make their way to the sediment in the bottom of a pond and bromate there. “They can absorb oxygen from the water through their skin. If it gets warm enough, they might get active again and then hunker down again,” Klut says. Spring peepers, Western chorus frogs and wood frogs, which are much smaller than bullfrogs, breed in water, spend summers beneath cool mud and then spend winters in leaf litter. “They essentially freeze and thaw out again,” Klut says.

Ryan Hagerty/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo

Left: A frozen wetland covered with snow at Volo Bog State Natural Area belies life, but fish and other aquatic creatures are living beneath, waiting for spring to come.

An eastern painted turtle spends time at the bottom of a lake or pond where water is still flowing beneath the frozen earth. The wood frog, the only frog species found north of the Arctic Circle, is among the most adept at withstanding frigid temperatures. Their heart stops beating and the lungs stop working, and yet as spring approaches, the lungs thaw out and the heart beats again. Scientists have studied wood frogs because of their ability to tolerate frozen conditions and hope to learn more that could help people with diabetes or in need of organ transplants. Klut sees signs of herps preparing for winter at the indoor exhibit at the Little Red Schoolhouse, where he works. “Even though the building is warmer than it is outside, herps can pick up on changes such as less sunlight,” he says. “They also have a circadian rhythm; an internal clock, which triggers them to build up glycogen and go into brumation.” Two alligator snapping turtles kept indoors for an exhibit stop eating from November through about March, Klut says. “They’ll be a lot more sluggish and sit at the bottom.” As April approaches, those turtles become more active, and when the ponds and lakes start to thaw, they will be back sunning themselves on logs while frogs begin another season of calling from the water. Sheryl DeVore has written six books on science, health and nature, as well as nature, health and environment stories for national and regional publications.

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African American History Month


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Candlemas – return of the light (Wiccan)

ONLINE: Go Green Highland Park Monthly Meeting – 7pm. 1st Tues. Join GGHP for our monthly meeting and share your ideas. Find out how you can get involved in event planning or help with other group activities. For more info: GoGreenHP.com.


ONLINE: Core Healthy Transition Habit

Building Course – 5:30-5:45pm. Held weekly on Wed thru Feb. Topic: Strength. Free. On Instagram @healthytransitioncommunity. HealthyTransitionCommunity.com.

ONLINE: Finding Your Space Meditation –

7-8pm. 1st & 3rd Wed. Join Larry Freson for a guided meditation. Energetically ground to Mother Earth, center yourself in your aura, balance your 7 major chakras. All you need is a quiet place to tune into Zoom while ideally seated upright in a comfortable chair. Via Zoom. 847-299-6535. HolisticCenterChicago.com.

Amazing Gong Journey – 6-7:30pm. With Sound Healer Andre Peraza. The gong is a powerful instrument that works on many levels to heal the listener. It can help release deep emotional energy and feelings to better ground yourself. Bring yoga mat, pillow, blanket and an open mind. $25. The Edgar Cayce Holistic Center, 259 E Central Rd, Des Plaines. 847-299-6535. HolisticCenterChicago.com.


ONLINE: Learn to “Live with Detachment

ONLINE: Vibrations of the Universe – Saturdays,

Feb 6, 13, 27. 9:30-11:30am, Feb 6 & 13; 9:3010:30am, Feb 27. Starts on New Moon energy; closes on Full Moon energy. Register: LauriePawli@gmail. com. More info: TheFengShuiSchoolOfChicago.com.

ONLINE: Soil Health – 1-2pm. Understanding

a soil test and soil remediation. $15. Register: ChicagoParkDistrict.com.




With Allana Pratt. Turn loneliness into allowance and frustrated emotions into heartfelt appreciation. $35. Via Zoom. For more info & registration: 847-831-8828 or InfinityFoundation.org.

Free Shiatsu Intro – 7-9:30pm. Learn the fundamental techniques and philosophies of Zen Shiatsu, and chat with current students and instructors. Zen Shiatsu Chicago, 818 Lake St, Evanston. 847-864-1130. ZenShiatsuChicago.org.


ONLINE: Unmasking the Energies of the Bagua – 9:30-11:30am. The energies of the bagua lie deeper than the color, shape and placement. Delve into the various aspects of the unknown by removing the mask and looking deeper inside the representation of the bagua. $81; gift included to enhance the vibrations of your home (value $81). Register: LauriePawli@gmail.com. More info: TheFengShuiSchoolOfChicago.com.

ONLINE: Feng Shui In A Day – Feb 8-12. 12-



ONLINE: Become the One to Find – 7-9pm.


days, Feb 8-Mar 15. 7:30-9:30pm. Learn planets, signs, houses, aspects, interpretation and transits. Know nothing about astrology, know some but need to increase skill in interpreting charts, this course will provide what you need to go forward in study. $55; $45 by Feb 1. Life Force Arts Center, 1609 W Belmont Ave, Chicago. 773-327-7224. LifeForceArts.org.

See NAChicago.com for latest events.

Journal to the Self: ONLINE Workshop – 6-wks, self-paced. Quick, goal-oriented writing techniques for mindfulness, goals, emotional healing and more. A new lesson opens every Thurs. Discussion and learning guided by a trained facilitator. All writing in the privacy of your own laptop or journal. $197. 773-251-1631. TeamSage.studio.

Lunar New Year (Year of the Ox)

ONLINE: Small Farm Winter Webinar Se-

ries – Thursdays thru Mar 21. 12-1pm. A weekly educational series for the small farm community. These online presentations will give small farm producers a look at how leading practices in production, management, and marketing can improve profitability and sustainability. Free. Register & more info: Go.Illinois.edu/SFWW.

Hisa-t-ah – Moon of Treacherous Little Winter Left

& Compassion” – 11am-12:15pm. ECK Light & Sound Service. Learn how to recognize your own experiences in the Light and Sound of God to get help in daily life, maintain your balance and live creatively. Hear uplifting stories, readings and creative arts. Experience the sacred sound of HU in a contemplative spiritual exercise. Share experiences/ insights in small group discussion. All welcome. Sponsored by Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom. Free. Via Zoom or phone. 630-427-5950. RSVP: EckInfo@Eck-Illinois.org.

1pm. This eye-opening class explains feng shui in an easy, understandable way with tips to use immediately. Share your floor plan for a quick analysis. This is also the first day of the Certification Course. $135. Register: LauriePawli@gmail.com. More info: TheFengShuiSchoolOfChicago.com.



ONLINE: Beginning Astrology Level 1 – Mon-


See NAChicago.com for latest events.


ONLINE: Core Healthy Transition Habit

Building Course – 5:30-5:45pm. Held weekly on Wed thru Feb. Topic: Stretching. Free. On Instagram @healthytransitioncommunity. HealthyTransitionCommunity.com.

ONLINE: Happy Anniversary Midewin NTP – 6pm. Bill Kurtis will be the MC for a silver anniversary celebration program sponsored by the National Forest Foundation. Free. To register: 815-423-6370 or sm.fs.Midewin_RSVP@usda.gov. For more info: fs.usda.gov/midewin.


Women’s Wellness Virtual Series – Feb 13-Apr 25. Learn how to discover our own voices, nourish ourselves and partner with herbal medicine to heal ourselves and those around us. Restorative Yoga for Every Body with Mary Bue offered before each workshop. Instructors include Ruth Barrett, Linda Conroy, Cornelia Cho, Dominique Christina, Mary Lou Singleton, Mimi Hernandez. For more info & to register: MidwestWomensHerbal.com.

ONLINE: Chicago IANDS – 2pm. Support/study/ resource forum for near-death, out-of-body and spiritual experiences, losses. Guest speaker: Carolyn Clapper, NDEr, Evidential and Medical Medium, works with 5 doctors on the other side, Clear Channel, from WI. Become a subscriber to Chicago IANDS by filling in the form on our website. You will receive an invitation with instructions. $20 Tax-deductible donation requested. Send to Chicago IANDS, PO Box 732, Wilmette, IL, 60091 or use Zelle on your bank site. For more info: 847-251-5758 or ChicagoIANDS.org. Biofield Tuning – 4-7pm. A scientific method that introduces coherent frequency sound waves produced by specific tuning forks in the human biofield where conscious and subconscious memories reside. Certified Biofield Tuning Practitioner, Randa Clark, conducts a 30-min chair session to identify discorded waves imprinted in the Biofeld, while a therapeutic tuning fork vibration brings resolution and neutralizes dissonance. $30. The Edgar Cayce Holistic Center, 259 E Central Rd, Des Plaines. 847-299-6535. HolisticCenterChicago.com.

Reboot the system that

fuels and sustains your whole body. Is your body telling you it needs help? Do new symptoms creep up on you too fast? Have dietary modifications failed to provide relief ?

There is help.

into the bloodstream through a condition called “leaky gut syndrome,” which often leads to more serious conditions like Crohn’s Disease, colitis, and other autoimmune disorders.

Environmental irritants also affect digestion.

Reneé Barasch, Certified Digestive Health and Detoxification Specialist, has been helping clients achieve nutritional balance and enhance quality of life for more than 14 years. Reneé’s individualized plans help clients re-boot their digestive tracts and increase absorption of needed nutrients—creating the environment for detoxification of all organs and the pathways between them.

The environment can also produce irritation and inflammation. Everyday, airborne toxins — perfumes, cleaning products, smoke, automotive exhaust, indoor dust, and springtime pollen— find their way into our bloodstream (in less than 20 seconds!) and cause digestive organs to work overtime. A runny nose, itchy eyes, and red and blotchy skin often result in a trip to the allergist, when a digestive imbalance may be contributing.

Working with Reneé, you will:

Stay strong and healthy with a gut ‘reset.’

• Identify digestive triggers. (Some may surprise you!) • Understand which foods agree with you—

• Effectively and efficiently digest food. • Reduce inflammation. • Nourish your gut—and ensure your

and those that don’t.

• Create a detoxification and digestive plan.

Digestion is one of the main ways the body detoxifies and cleanses. If the food you consume isn’t thoroughly broken down, your body cannot work as efficiently as it should. Poor digestion causes stress for the entire digestive system and leads to gas, bloating, acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea—and even insomnia, psoriasis, eczema, chronic pain, and anxiety. Undigested food can seep

whole body is balanced.

• Regulate the processing and digestion of

food and the elimination of waste by incorporating foods that lead to better absorption and detoxification.

Digestive Health Solutions Now exclusively at ADIO Chiropractic Clinic

Let’s get you feeling better. Reneé S. Barasch , LDH S Certified Digestive Health Specialist

316 Peterson Rd, Libertyville, 60048


847- 207- 2034

February 2021


VIRTUAL: Valentine’s Spa Night-In – 6pm. With GF Mom Certified Tiffany Hinton. Celebrate self-care and self-love. Learn how to make allergen-friendly face masks, enjoy special treats and giveaways from Chicago favorites Lou Malnati’s and Garrett’s Popcorn, as well as share their favorite gluten-free baking tips and chocolate recipes from Namaste Foods and more. On Instagram IGTV @gfmomcertified.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Valentine’s Day

ONLINE: Love Without Pain Meditation Work-

shop – 3-6:30pm. Relationships are challenging. This special workshop will include skillful tools and effective meditations you can practice at home and integrate immediately into your relationships. No previous experience needed; all welcome. With a special guest teacher live from Australia, Buddhist monk Gen Kelsang Dornying. Available online for 72 hrs afterward. $30. Via Zoom. Info & register: 312-767-1898 or MeditateInChicago.org.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Nirvana Day (Buddhism) President’s Day


WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Ash Wednesday (Christianity)

ONLINE: 40 Days & 40 Nights: A Prayer Journey for the Soul – Feb 17-Apr 3. 7am. With Andrew Harvey. In many traditions, 40 days and nights is the timespan of spiritual connection that enables true connection and transformation. In that spirit, he created this prayer journey, engaging the power of that mystical number to help inspire you with joy and passion for these coming days of great change and possibility. Each day’s morning and evening prayer will help you align yourself at the deepest level of your being with the Divine. In a time of tremendous suffering and challenge, prayer is the most intimate and direct way of staying connected to the essential beauty, glory and power that lives in you as an original blessing from the Divine. Register: AndrewHarvey.net/40daysand40nights.

ONLINE: Core Healthy Transition Habit Building Course – 5:30-5:45pm. Held weekly on Wed thru Feb. Topic: Meditation. Free. On Instagram @healthytransitioncommunity. HealthyTransitionCommunity.com.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 See NAChicago.com for latest events.


Beginning Zen Shiatsu – Feb 19-21 & 26-28. 7-10pm, Fri; 9:30am-4:30pm, Sat & Sun. Learn how to give a basic 1-hr shiatsu treatment that you can share with friends and family. This course is a stand-alone offering, and is also the first 30 hrs of our complete shiatsu certification programs. $450 plus books. Zen Shiatsu Chicago, 818 Lake St, Evanston. 847-864-1130. ZenShiatsuChicago.org.


ONLINE: Clinical East/West Aromatherapy Part

1 – Feb 20-21. 9am-12pm. An introduction to the professional practice of aromatherapy combining both Eastern and Western concepts of essential oil use. Be introduced to identifying the needs of the client’s body, mind and spirit, and customize an essential oil blend for them. Learn to conduct a thorough clinical assessment and the safe use of 30+ essential oils and their varied applications. $150. Via Zoom. Zen Shiatsu Chicago: 847-864-1130 or ZenShiatsuChicago.org.

ONLINE: Indoor Composting – 1-2pm. $15. Register: ChicagoParkDistrict.com.


See NAChicago.com for latest events.


See NAChicago.com for latest events.


ONLINE: Open Your Heart to the Sound of God

by Chanting HU – 11am-12pm. A sacred sound and ancient mantra, HU, has been sung for thousands of years in many lands for its spiritually uplifting vibration. Join us to experience chanting HU for 15 mins, followed by a few mins of silent contemplation. Then join in a relaxed spiritual conversation with others of like interest. All welcome. Sponsored by Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom. Free. Via Zoom or phone. 630-427-5950. RSVP: EckInfo@Eck-Illinois.org.

ONLINE: Messages from Spirit with Portraits – 7-9pm. Witness one of the world’s most sought-after mediums, Joseph Shiel, deliver messages from your loved ones and draw their images. $35. Via Zoom. For more info & registration: 847-831-8828 or InfinityFoundation.org.


ONLINE: Core Healthy Transition Habit Build-

ing Course – 5:30-5:45pm. Held weekly on Wed thru Feb. Topic: Strength. Free. On Instagram @ healthytransitioncommunity. HealthyTransitionCommunity.com.

VIRTUAL: Reiki Relaxation Hour – 7-8pm.

Shake off the stress of the day in a natural and healthy way with reiki. Relax even deeper with a guided reiki meditation (which you can use at home to bring peace to your daily life). Experience distance reiki along with the meditation. A great opportunity to check out what a reiki distance session is like. Time afterwards for sharing and Q&A. Free. Via Zoom. CalandraAcupuncture.com.

ONLINE: Beginning Astrology Level 1 – Wednes-

days, Feb 24-Mar 31. 7:30-9:30pm. Learn planets, signs, houses, aspects, interpretation and transits. Know nothing about astrology, know some but need to increase skill in interpreting charts, this course will provide what you need to go forward in study. $55; $45 by Feb 17. Via Zoom. 847-299-6535. HolisticCenterChicago.com.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Purim begins at sundown (Judaism)

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Lantern Festival




Reiki Play Day – 9-11am. All members of the reiki community are welcome, whatever your reiki level or lineage. What new things are possible when we unleash the joy of playful exploration and discovery together? No hands-on work. Social distancing will be maintained. Class limit 6 people; mask required; $20 suggested donation. Calandra Center for Health and Wellness, 47 W Polk St, Ste M-5, Chicago. Registration required: 312-796-3965 or CalandraAcupuncture.com.

ONLINE: Fearless Life: Letting Go of Stress – 10am-12:30pm. Guided meditation retreat provides an ideal opportunity to practice meditations that are effective for reducing anxiety and stress. Learn how to incorporate the peace of meditation into everyday life, regardless of how busy you may be. No previous experience necessary; all welcome. Available online for 72 hrs afterward. $20. Via Zoom. Info & register: 312-767-1898 or MeditateInChicago.org. Full Moon Healing Ceremony – 5-7pm. Join with Melissa Gama, Shaman, (onsite and via Zoom), in this full moon healing ceremony to deepen our trust with life and the Light that we are. We will support the removing of chaos and be initiated in Light codes of clarity. $35. The Edgar Cayce Holistic Center, 259 E Central Rd, Des Plaines. 847-299-6535. HolisticCenterChicago.com.


ONLINE: Reiki Level 1 – 9am-4pm. Attend online or in person. Get attuned to reiki which enables you to become a channel for this healing energy. Also start a 21-day energetic cleanse that moves through your chakras cleaning and releasing bound energy. $150. Via Zoom. Zen Shiatsu Chicago: 847-864-1130 or ZenShiatsuChicago.org. Crystals for the Age of Aquarius – 2-4pm. In this crystal workshop presented by Janel you can experience the energy of Aquarian Age crystals for your transformation and empowerment, as well as the energy of a sacred crystal grid created with these special crystals. Learn about the placement of the grid in your own home and how to activate the grid in your space. $25. The Edgar Cayce Holistic Center, 259 E Central Rd, Des Plaines. 847-299-6535. HolisticCenterChicago.com.


ONLINE: Midewin NTP: Caring for the Land and Serving People – 6pm. World Wildlife Day. A special focus on some of the USDA Forest Service subject matter experts that have made a difference over the past 25 years. Free. To register: 815-423-6370 or sm.fs.Midewin_RSVP@usda.gov. For more info: fs.usda.gov/midewin.


SAVE THE DATE 10th Anniversary Midwest Women’s Herbal Conference Weekend: Healing the Earth, the People, and the Plants – May 7-9. Keynote speaker Rosemary Gladstar and many other amazing herbalists and healers. Enjoy a healing community and rich learning environments as well as an artisan marketplace and more. Early registration discount available until Apr 1. MidwestWomensHerbal.com.

ongoing events To ensure we keep our community calendar current, ongoing events must be resubmitted each month. DEADLINE: All listings must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication. Calendar events must be submitted online at NAChicago.com/Calendar.

Check Online: Check the NA Online Calendar and Directory for many updates and new online events and workshops.

MONTHLY SPECIAL OFFERS ONLINE: Christian Science Lectures – During COVID-19, all Christian Science lectures have moved online. Everyday you’ll find several events happening live as well pre-recorded presentations you can watch anytime. Cultivate your spiritual practice and get ideas and inspiration to stay calm, safe and healthy. CSMetroChicago.org. Dulce Mobile Massage Special – Thru Feb. Swedish massage with Candy Kessler. $80/60min; $100/90-min. 847-420-2345. DulceMobile Massage@gmail.com. DulceMobileMassage.com.

ONLINE: Free Crisis Health Coaching – With

the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, Inc and the Institute for Functional Medicine. This

SUNDAY Ruck the Work Week – 8am. Rucking effectively allows you to combine aerobic training and strength training while slicing your workout to a fraction of the time. With Get Fit EGV. Free. Busse Forest South Grove 17, Elk Grove Village. Must register by 7pm the night before: Linktr.ee/getfitegv_coachro.

ONLINE: The Mike Nowak Show Radio Pro-

Green Drinks Libertyville – 6:30pm. 2nd Tues. Check our Facebook page for updates. Facebook. com/greendrinkslibertyville.

ONLINE: Hacking Your Health Meetup – 6:308pm. 3rd Tues. With Tiffany Hinton. Let’s get together to expand our knowledge of living a healthy life, using integrative wellness. Features an expert speaker on topics current to our health landscape. We can share recipes, have events at local health restaurants and learn more to raise healthier children. Free. Purple Sprout Cafe and Juice Bar: Meetup. com/Hacking-Your-Health-Meetup.

amazing community of health coaches is giving back during this extraordinary time of need by offering free health coaching services. More info: bit.ly/FMCHC_Gives_Back.

ONLINE: Guided Meditation for Inner Balance & Quieting the Mind – 6:50-8:10pm. 3rd Tue. With Ellen Radha Katz. Donation. Via Zoom. Register: Meetup.com/Inner-Balance-Meditation.

ONLINE: Your Own Group Workshop: Goals for a New Year – Thru Feb. Natural Awakenings readers can book a custom new year’s event. Special rate is only $20/person. Limited number of 2-hr sessions available. Let’s connect, support, care, build, dream. Three fun and simple writing prompts, with a group toast at the end to celebrate the year ahead. Begin designing your group session now: Laura.TeamSage@gmail.com or TeamSage. studio/newyearworkshop.

ONLINE: Let’s Talk Hemp Health – 7pm. A short

ONLINE: Inspiring Solutions for a Challenging World – 11am-12:15pm. Meditation and modern Buddhism. Overcome negative thinking and emotions, strengthen your mind, and stay inspired in daily life using profound Buddhist psychology and simple, effective meditations you can incorporate in everyday life. No previous experience necessary. With Kadampa Buddhist monk Gen Zamling. Donation. MeditateInChicago.org/sunday.

gram – 9-11am. Live weekly online local talk show focused on gardening and the environment, with lots of humor to wake us up. Author and master gardener Mike Nowak and cohost Peggy Malecki feature a variety of guests and weather/climate scientist Rick DiMaio in a live show on Facebook @The Mike Nowak Show, YouTube and streaming live at MikeNowak.net. Also available in podcast on MikeNowak.net, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and podcast apps,. Free. MikeNowak.net.


Logan Square Winter Farmers’ Market – Thru Mar. 10am-3pm; 9-10am, high-risk shoppers. Rockwell on the River, 3029 & 3031 N Rockwell St, Chicago. LoganSquareFarmersMarket.org.

ONLINE: Yoga Basics with Jenny – 11am. Also held 9:30am, Wed & Fri. Heaven Meets Earth, 2746 Central St, Evanston. 847-475-1500. HeavenMeetsEarthYoga.com.

ONLINE: Time to Dance: Ballet – 10:30am. Also 1:30pm, Tues & 5:30pm, Thurs. Although not beginner classes, dancers of all levels of experience welcome. Via Zoom. To register: DanceForJoy16@ gmail.com or CBG-Institute.org.

ONLINE: Time to Dance: Ballet – 1:30pm. Also 10:30am, Sun & 5:30pm, Thurs. Although not beginner classes, dancers of all levels of experience welcome. Via Zoom. To register: DanceForJoy16@gmail.com or CBG-Institute.org.

Sentinel Watch Podcast – 7am. Weekly audio podcasts filled with thought-provoking ideas posted each Mon. Contributors tackle topics relevant to daily life and inspiring prayers for the world. New programs are posted every Mon and available 24/7 throughout the week. Tune in any time. CSMetroChicago.org.

ONLINE: Mindset Mondays – 10am. 30-min

Uber conference to begin your week in a positive, supportive group environment. To register: Debi@DebiKiddleHealthCoaching.com.

TUESDAY ONLINE: Yoga with Lisa – 10am. Heaven Meets

Earth, 2746 Central St, Evanston. 847-475-1500. HeavenMeetsEarthYoga.com.

presentation by hemp advocates and educators on the basics of CBD oil. Learn the benefits and science of how and why cannabis works in the body. Learn exactly what CBD and other cannabinoids are and what function they play in the body. Different guests each week. Free. On Zoom. Details: 630-309-3409 or HempHealthTalks.com. Shiatsu Student Clinic – 7-9pm. Receive a 45-min session from an advanced Zen Shiatsu student. Sessions are performed in a group setting with instructor observation. $35/45-min or $90/3 treatments. Zen Shiatsu Chicago, 825A Chicago Ave, Evanston. Availability limited; for appts: 847-864-1130. ZenShiatsuChicago.org.

WEDNESDAY ONLINE: Body & Brain Tai Chi Class – 7:30-

8:30am; 10-11am; 6-7pm. Additional classes held daily; see website for times. After a short set of warm up exercises, get into meridian stretching (to improve circulation, strength and flexibility, and relax the mind) and then go into Body & Brain-style tai chi called DahnMuDo. We stream all classes live on Zoom. Info & to register: 847-362-2724, Libertyville@BodyNBrain.com, BodyNBrain.com/ libertyville.

ONLINE: Mindfulness Adjustments for the Pandemic – 10-10:30am. With Vacation of the Mind. Free mindfulness webinar series for HR Specialists, Leaders and Management. Will discuss best practices for handling employee production, communication issues, lifestyle changes and more. Workplace wellness topics highlighted. VacationOfTheMind.com/webinar. Green Drinks McHenry County – 5-7pm. 1 s t We d . C h e c k w e b s i t e f o r u p d a t e s . GreenDrinks.org/IL/Crystal Lake.

ONLINE: Prayer Meeting – 6-7pm. Informal

weekly gatherings with inspirational readings, song, prayer and time to share healings and inspiration. Meetings being held remotely during COVID-19. More than a dozen different online groups hold mid-week online meetings; times vary, but all groups meet on Wed evenings. Free. Log-on info & times: CSMetroChicago.org.

February 2021


CLASSIFIEDS AKASHIC CONSULTATION AKASHIC RECORD READING – Open the record of your soul’s journey to find information to support you in your life right now, heal your past and help you into your future. Heal. Grow. Investigate. Find direction. Lin Ewing: 847-609-0034. AstrologicalDetails.com.

ASTROLOGY ASTROLOGY – Understand yourself, your motivations, your feelings. Recognize your talents, strengths, successes. Overcome difficulties and confusion. Astrology can help pull it all together. Relationships. Career. Plan the future. Serious astrology for serious seekers. Private, personal consultations. Lin Ewing: 847-609-0034. AstrologicalDetails.com.


HELP WANTED ARE YOU HIRING? – Find your next team member. Call 847-858-3697 or submit online at NAChicago.com/classifieds. DIGITAL MEDIA SALES: CHICAGO & SUBURBS – Excellent opportunity for flexible full- or part-time work with great rewards and a really amazing commission opportunity! Natural Awakenings Chicago is seeking a self-motivated professional with strong interpersonal and communication skills and a passion for digital marketing and business development. Ideal candidate must be self-motivated, organized and creative in sourcing suitable clients and events to target in Chicago and suburbs. You must enjoy conversing on Zoom, using LinkedIn and Facebook, plus meeting via the phone, as well as enjoy working both from your home and from the road throughout the metropolitan area. Previous relationship-based ad sales experience as well as digital marketing understanding and experience preferable. You’ll need at least 20 flexible daytime hours per week to prosper. Occasional weekend and evening time needed to attend events and network. Pay is generous commission, plus bonuses. Email your info, a brief description of your experience and your phone number to Editor@NAChicago.com.

THURSDAY ONLINE: Time to Dance: Modern – 1:30pm. Although not beginner classes, dancers of all levels of experience welcome. Via Zoom. To register: DanceForJoy16@gmail.com or CBG-Institute.org. ONLINE: Time to Dance: Ballet – 5:30pm. Also 10:30am, Sun & 1:30pm, Tues. Although not beginner classes, dancers of all levels of experience welcome. Via Zoom. To register: DanceForJoy16@gmail.com or CBG-Institute.org. ONLINE: Healy Introduction – 6:30pm. Have

you heard of frequency medicine? Learn about a new personal device called Healy. A short presentation on what the frequency medicine is and how to purchase one. This is the next level in well-being and balance. RSVP: 630-309-3409. Meeting ID: 630-309-3409. Zoom.US.

FRIDAY Achieving Solutions for Health and Happiness – In-person sessions in a healthy and safe environment achieving root solutions for health, happiness and action steps on your life projects. With Susan Curry, of InteriorWerx. Complimentary 15-min phone consultation, use promo code MYFIRSTSESSION. 1420 Renaissance Dr, Ste 411, Park Ridge. 312-479-7893. Susan@InteriorWerx.us. InteriorWerx.us.

ONLINE: Time to Dance: Ballet for Beginners – 9:15am. Via Zoom. To register: DanceForJoy16@gmail.com or CBG-Institute.org. Shiatsu Student Clinic – 11am-1pm. Receive a 45-min session from an advanced Zen Shiatsu student. Sessions are performed in a group setting with instructor observation. $35/45-min or $90/3 treatments. Zen Shiatsu Chicago, 825A Chicago Ave, Evanston. Availability limited; for appts: 847-864-1130. ZenShiatsuChicago.org.

Mindfulness & Wellness: Managing Stress, Creating Health, Encouraging Balance – 1:152:30pm. With Archana Lal-Tabak, MD, and Jim Lal-Tabak. Learn about mind-body connection and variety of mindfulness exercises. Experience natural stress reduction strategies and tools. Each class is self-contained and a new wellness-educational topic and mindfulness technique presented every week. Series of 4 classes or individual class. Scholarships and work study available. Drop-ins welcome. Heart of Transformation Wellness Institute, 1618 Orrington Ave, Ste 206, Evanston. Details: BodyMindMedicine.com.

ONLINE: Ancient African Adorations – 7pm. 2nd

Fri. Livestream online concert series presented by Tchiya Amet. Tchiya.EventCombo.com.

SATURDAY Advanced Allergy Therapeutic Treatment – 9am1pm. Offering holistic, non-invasive, drug-free treatments to calm the sympathetic nervous system. Taking all precautions to protect from COVID-19. For an appt: 847-392-7901, MWAllergyRelief@gmail.com or MidwestAllergyRelief.com. Mt Prospect Indoor Winter Farmers’ Market – Thru May. 9am-12:30pm. 2nd & 4th Sat. St. Mark Lutheran Church, 200 S Wille St, Mt Prospect. Check for changes before attending: Tinyurl.com/yxwdatu6.

ONLINE: Body & Brain Basic Yoga Class –

9:30-10:30am & 2-3pm. After a short set of warm up exercises, get into meridian stretching, followed by core strengthening and breathing postures to accumulate energy. Then be guided in the practice of energy meditation. $20/class. Body & Brain Yoga and Tai Chi, 860 S Milwaukee Ave, Libertyville. 847-362-2724. BodyNBrain.com/libertyville. Palatine Winter Farmers’ Market – Thru Apr. 10am-12pm. 1st & 3rd Sat. To view the guidelines and procedures established by the Farmers’ Market due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, please visit the website to check for any changes before attending. Palatine Train Station. Palatine.il.us/663/Farmers-Market.

GROW YOUR BUSINESS Secure Your Ad Spot! CALL 847-858-3697




community resource guide Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care and green living in our community.

ACUPUNCTURE AND TRADITIONAL ORIENTAL MEDICINE LANA MOSHKOVICH, LAC, ND, MSOM Nirvana Naturopathics 707 Lake Cook Rd, Ste 100, Deerfield 60015 847-715-9044 NirvanaNaturopathics.com

We use acupuncture to help you get immediate relief from acute or chronic pain. Combining Western and Chinese Medicine, we can treat and resolve insomnia, anxiety and women’s health issues, plus chronic conditions. Certified NAET. Preferred MeiZen Provider. Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. Major insurances accepted. Schedule your initial appointment on Nirvana Naturopathics.com. Get a healthier and alternative approach to your chronic health conditions.


Acupuncture, NAET Allergy Elimination, Reiki, Classes/CEU Located in Chicago’s South Loop & Schaumburg 312-796-3965 CalandraAcupuncture.com CCHW offers: acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, NAET Allergy Elimination, reiki, Access Consciousness Bars and a variety of classes. Classes are available for adults, children and CEU for acupuncturists. We believe that when someone has the tools to help themselves that the possibilities are endless.

MIDWEST ALLERGY RELIEF CENTER 3365 N Arlington Hts Rd, Ste D, Arlington Hts 60004 847-392-7901 MidwestAllergyRelief.com

Dr. Amanda Thiry, DC, BSN, uses Advanced Allergy Therapeutics (AAT), a non-invasive alternative technology that’s effective and safe for all ages, to identify and treat specific allergen elements that affect your quality of life. Discover how you can eat foods, be near pets and use products again that you now avoid, and experience a new lease on life.


Sharon M Vogel, LMT, CLT, BCTMB, MFR 5002a Main St, Downers Grove 3100 Theodore St, Ste 202, Joliet 630-241-4100 • Lymphatics.net Sharon Vogel is referred to by Mayo Clinic practitioners, national surgeons and physicians. She offers 46 years hands-on experience, 29 years as a licensed practitioner, and is Nationally Board Certified, specializing in oncology massage, lymph drainage MLD and myofascial release JFB MFR, all to help assist clients in regaining health. Free consult with RSVP.


CBD / HEMP OIL NATURAL REMEDEE HEALTH SOLUTIONS Dee Bayro, CHHC NaturalRemedee.com LetsTalkHempOil.com

The research is overwhelming on the benefits of using phytocannabinoids from hemp. As a certified holistic health advisor, let me help answer your questions and see if hemp oil extract is right for you. Over thousands of studies support the therapeutic benefits of phytocannabinoid diols for over 250 health conditions. I offer the world’s best, one-of-akind hemp extract that has the power of intravenous therapy within a convenient oral, liposomal delivery system. Visit our website or attend a local presentation to learn more about this new science. Get involved with this revolution in health. We are looking for professionals and influencers to work with contact me for more info. See ad on page 17.

Diane Roth, BCSI Highland Park, 60035 847-533-3213 • RothSI.com Structural Integration (SI) realigns, rebalances and re-educates the body through manual therapy and movement education. Chronic pain, bad posture, tired and achy bodies are signs that the body is out of balance. SI benefits include decreased pain, injury rehabilitation, improved posture, ease in movement, and increased flexibility and stamina.

ZEN SHIATSU CHICAGO 825 Chicago Ave, Evanston 60202 847-864-1130 ZenShiatsuChicago.org

You’ll feel the stress melt away like the snow in spring through our relaxation-focused shiatsu massage practice, which offers the same energizing benefits as acupuncture combined with the restorative power of yoga poses. Dress in cozy threads, shiatsu is performed on fully clothed clients. Professional and student therapists available. See ad on back cover.

We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: We have the power to imagine better.


InteriorWerx 312-479-7893 Info@InteriorWerx.us InteriorWerx.us Feeling anxious or scared? Are you seeking solutions to regain emotional balance and clarity? Susan Curry of InteriorWerx can assist, using her intuitive energy coaching skills. 15-min complimentary phone consult available using promo MYFIRSTSESSION.

DANCE FOR HEALTH TIME TO DANCE WITH CBG INSTITUTE FOR DANCE & HEALTH North Shore School of Dance 505 Laurel Ave, Highland Park 60035 DanceForJoy16@gmail.com CBG-Institute.org

Discover the healing art of dance through ballet, modern and tap for adults 50+. Dance is proven to have both physical and psychological benefits. Taught by dancer teachers Lisa Gold, Lynne Chervony Belsky, MD, and Lorraine Chase. See ad on page 23.

~JK Rowling

February 2021






Digestive problems? Acid Reflux/ GERD, IBS, Crohn’s, colitis? Let us help you naturally achieve nutritional balance, feel better and enhance the quality of your life. Improve digestion while reducing discomfort and bloating so you can eat the foods you love again. Certified digestive health specialist/enzyme therapist. See ads on pages 7 and 39.

Specializing in medical wellness, weight loss, hormone balancing, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and anti-aging using integrative and functional medicine. We find and resolve the root cause of medical conditions and achieve outstanding, lasting results for our patients, many of which had almost given up on wellness goals. Free educational seminars. PPO insurance and Medicare accepted for covered services. See ad on page 3.

316 Peterson Rd, Libertyville 60048 847-207-2034 DigestiveHealthSolutions.com

Meena Malhotra, MD, ABIM, ABOM 2420 Ravine Way, Ste 400, Glenview 60025 847-686-4444 • HealNCure.com


The Feng Shui School of Chicago LauriePawli@gmail.com CreateTheFeeling.com TheFengShuiSchoolOfChicago.com


You can now learn feng shui in the Chicago area. The Feng Shui School of Chicago is recognized as a Gold Level School, the highest standard established by the International Feng Shui Guild. We teach basic “Feng Shui in a Day” classes, as well as a comprehensive 77-hour “Certified Feng Shui Consultant Training Program.” A “layering” approach is taught using Form, Best Personal Direction, and Front Door Bagua placement. Laurie is a student of Grand Master Professor Lin Yun, Katherine Metz and Denise Linn.

RX your workout at GET FIT EGV located at 1100 Nerge Rd, Ste 206 in Elk Grove Village. Semi-private classes available 7 days a week: barbell/Olympic training, HIIT, bootcamp and more. We also offer ONLINE virtual coaching options for home workouts; see website for more info.


57 E Scranton Ave, Lake Bluff 60044 847-482-1700 Flotstone.com Floatation therapy is quickly being recognized as a very safe and effective way to shift into the parasympathetic state of total relaxation. Floating cradles you in its graceful healing waters optimizing your body’s ability to do what it does best, heal! Float effortlessly in over 1,250 lbs of Epsom salt.

CLICK ON nachicago.com for the latest updates in health & wellness 44




2400 Ravine Way, Suite 400, Glenview 60025 847-998-5100 GlenviewSmiles.com Our office uses whole-body, preventive dental care. We utilize non-fluoridated ozonated water, herbal periodontal treatments, and gluten-free herbal paste. We offer: safe amalgam removal; BPA-free fillings and sealants; non-metal crowns; sleep apnea and TMJ appliances; ozone therapy; microscopic plaque analysis; material reactivity testing kits; and non-acrylic night guards, partials.




Rowena Dziubla, Owner 773-819-7459 • CoachRo@GetFitEGV.com Facebook | Instagram


HealthyTransitionCommunity@gmail.com HealthyTransitionCommunity.com Healthy Transition Community LLC offers luxury fitness virtual training and customer service. Many people are taking precautions during the transition and isolating themselves. Our virtual 1-on-1 trainings are personalized to meet the needs of each client. Our business model only requires you to bring a streaming device, comfortable clothing and a yoga mat.


1585 N Barrington Rd, Ste 106, Hoffman Estates 60069 847-884-1220 1440 Maple Ave, Ste 2A Lisle 60532 630-810-1280 • KBoehmDDS.com

Offering state-of-the-art holistic dental care in a relaxed environment, Dr. Boehm and his staff are ready to meet all your dental needs in either of his two locations. Bio-compatible materials and an extensive knowledge of the correlation between oral and overall health are his specialties. Services include safe mercury removal, electrodermal screening for materials compatibility and tooth viability, crowns, bridges, dentures, zirconia implants, homeopathy, cranial osteopathy, orthodontics, ozone therapy, CT/3D imaging, and laser treatment for both gum disease and decay.


Dr. Bernice Teplitsky, DDS, PC 3256 N Ashland, Chicago 60657 773-975-6666 WrigleyvilleDental.com In addition to state-of-the-art technology and methods offered by most holistic dentists (microscopes, ozone therapy, etc.), we treat you as a partner. We thoroughly explain your unique situation, provide treatment options and keep you comfortable with Netflix, music and paraffin wax treatments. Now offering reiki treatments. Located off the Brown line. Free garage parking.



Debi Kiddle Health Coaching Debi@DebiKiddleHealthCoaching.com DebiKiddleHealthCoaching.com

Kankakee Natural Foods BioEnergy Center 815-933-6236 KankakeeNaturalFoods.com

Health coaching focusing on optimal aging. Debi is passionate about helping people age optimally and providing the resources, tools and support needed for you to make the best health choices possible. Offering a complimentary health history, individual and group sessions, grocery store tours, In-Home Product Makeovers, and like-minded community support.

Our BioEnergy Center brings together state-ofthe-art machines in one location for an integrative wellness experience. Our approach to healing meets each client’s unique needs through personalized testing and therapies. Come as you are, no appointment needed. Kankakee Natural Foods Wellness under One Roof.

EPIGENETIC SIGNATURE MAPPING Wellness Empowered 2177 Shermer Rd, Northbrook 60062 847-963-6094 YourWellnessEmpowered.com

Every hair on our head contains valuable genetic information coded in DNA biomarkers. The Cell Well-Being hair profiler assesses for nutritional deficiencies, immune health and environmental toxins. Becoming aware of healthier lifestyle choices is crucial to repair damaged DNA. The scan includes a 1-hr consultation with a holistic practitioner to review your results and assist you on your wellness journey.

WHOLE LIFE SPINE & SOFT TISSUE Christopher Codina, DC 33 W Higgins Rd, Ste 735 South Barrington 60010 WholeLifeChiroHE.com

Constantly foam rolling or taking meds to get through the day, just for it to come back? Learn how something that is easily treated and commonly found in the body may be the reason for your pain. Schedule your free consultation today to learn more. Conveniently located and insurance accepted.


24W788 75th St, Naperville 60565 (within Estuary Center for Living and Healing Arts) 708-769-5351 HolisticSkinExpert.com Paulina has been a holistic licensed esthetician since 2010. She believes in balance and treats the body as a whole, and that the skin should be nourished and nurtured with love and not abused with harsh chemicals and treatments. Every treatment is about 2 hours and it’s customized to meet the needs of every individual.

NEFERTEM HOLISTIC SKINCARE Info@NefertemNaturals.com NefertemNaturals.com FB: NefertemNaturals IG: @NefertemNaturals

Imagine skincare made with all-natural ingredients, purposefully formulated to support your spiritual journey. Offering soaps to cleanse your aura, moisturizers to cultivate confidence and aromatherapy sprays to inspire growth. Create an opportunity to reflect and evolve daily with Nefertem. 100% Natural. 90% Organic. 0% Artificial. 10% off code: NATURAL10.


Dr. Greg Seaman 1355 Remington Rd, Ste I, Schaumburg IL 60173 312-600-5070 Info@thriveMD.org

Using IV therapies, PRP, weight management and other natural programs, we help conditions like fatigue, brain fog, hormone imbalance, pain, injury, weight gain, decreased performance, tickborn disease and more. After an initial consultation, we design your custom program to obtain true optimal health, which includes living a healthy lifestyle and being committed to yourself. See ad on page 5.


ad on page 23.

Resources for your spiritual journey … events, weekly online podcasts, community worship services, Christian Science Reading Rooms. Explore our website and connect with us at more than 24 locations around Chicago. See



Clinical Director, Inner Balance Northbrook, Chicago, Palm Springs 847-224-0244 EllenKatz.net Ellen’s 30 years of experience as a psychotherapist integrates a conscious approach to healing old patterns through a mix of trauma and mindfulness-based psychotherapies, HMR, Lifeline, The Work (Byron Katie), energy medicine and somatic awareness. Join Meetup.com “Inner Balance Meditation” for updates on her events, and visit her at EllenKatz.net.


Eunice Marchman AkashicCounsel@gmail.com AkashicCounsel.org Curious about your soul’s purpose? Think about where you would like insight and healing information. Let’s open the records insightfully to receive, heal and enrich your current situation. An Akashic reading can help you reconnect to your deeper self and enable you to move on with a clearer sense of purpose.


847-509-8289 MicheleHeather1@yahoo.com Get clarity, direction and empowerment as we release old patterns and blockages that keep you feeling stuck in life. Using Soul Memory Discovery, Michele helps you work with your angels and guides to practice new inner processes and expand into your highest good and true self. Michele is also intuitive and a Reiki Master Teacher.

At Unity Northwest Church 259 E Central Rd, Des Plaines 60016 847-299-6535 • AREChicagoCenter@gmail.com Full-service bookstore, Cayce remedies, spiritual growth study groups, monthly programs, workshops and holistic fairs, intuitive skills development training, knowledgeable seekers, intuitives, healers and more. Call for hours. See ad on page 19.


1280 Old Skokie Rd, Highland Park 60035 847-831-8828 • InfinityFoundation.org All courses now on Zoom, many are recorded to watch later. CEUs available. Everyday Self-Defense starts February 1; Become the One to Find with Allana Pratt, February 11. Call for free course guide.

TEAM SAGE: STUDIO FOR JOURNAL WRITING Laura Stukel 773-251-1631 Laura.TeamSage@gmail.com TeamSage.studio

Reflective journal writing is a mindful way to direct your own growth, to tap the wisdom within. Thoughtfully designed online workshops give you space to explore new techniques for deeper insights, greater personal growth, more variety and less effort. Resources you can try in 20 mins or explore over 6 wks.

The more important an activity is to your soul’s evolution, the more resistance you will feel to it—the fear you will feel. ~Steven Pressfield February 2021




13 Harrison St, Oak Park 60304 2010 W Pierce Ave, Chicago 60622 708-763-0132 • MeditateInChicago.org

Regenerative Organic Farming

Meditation and modern Buddhism. Everyone welcome. We offer an array of drop-in classes, weekend events, and retreats open to everyone and suitable for all levels of experience. A nonprofit, all-volunteer organization, we’re dedicated to sharing the practical wisdom of Buddha’s teachings with Chicagoland through meditation and mindfulness practices.


847-420-2345 DulceMobileMassage@gmail.com DulceMobileMassage.com Candy Kessler will travel to your residence to provide excellent Therapeutic Massage service with the best possible care tailoring your massage to your specific needs. February Special: 60 mins of Swedish Massage, $80 (value $110) or 90 mins of Swedish Massage, $100 (value $130).


Associate Professor, Rush University Med. School Antalee Wellness 1836 Glenview Rd, 2nd Fl, Glenview 60025 847-486-1130 • AntaleeHolistic.com Have gut problems? Suspect leaky gut? Do not give up! We have a solution for you! Our key strategies are “DetermineRemoveRepairRestore” that address the gut health and integrity of the intestinal wall. Special individual program will be created and help your gut be happy again. Learn more about leaky gut and our therapeutic strategy at AntaleeHolistic.com.


can do you good To advertise or participate in our next issue, call

847-858-3697 46




1355 Remington Rd, Ste I, Schaumburg IL 60173 312-600-5070 • thriveMD.com Thrive MD offers a way to deliver vital fluids, vitamins, electrolytes and nutrients directly into the bloodstream which can restore hydration, support the immune system and aid in faster recovery. Offerings include nutritional immune support, weight loss, vitality and stress relief. See ad on page 5.



Indoor Kitchen Garden


Join the Natural Awakenings Franchise Family

For more info, visit: NaturalAwakenings.com

HEALING WAVES SOUND THERAPY 1733 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago 60647 773-485-2935 Info@HealingWavesSoundTherapy.com HealingWavesSoundTherapy.com

Alternative emotional therapy using applied specific sound frequencies to release you from the weight of unwanted emotional burdens. Common emotions worked with are anxiety, fear, anger, depression, grief, worry, suicidal thoughts, stress and much more. In-person and remote sessions are available.


Mary Ellen Azzi 3323 N Pulaski, Chicago 60641 773-609-3466 SoulEnergyWeb.com Life is full of challenges but we can learn to flow with the continual changes. Receive a combination of vibrational sound therapy, meditation, reiki and other energy modalities to release the charged energies of these times. Offering private sessions, group sound journeys and reiki classes by creating a virtual space that is kind, caring, supportive and safe.


2177 Shermer Rd, Northbrook 60062 847-963-6094 YourWellnessEmpowered.com Whole Body Thermometry (WBT) is a gentle, painless, testing method utilizing a radiation-free, infrared-scanning device which assesses and identifies which organs are struggling to regulate. Knowing which organ systems are stressed, enables us to take preventive actions to restore and maintain balanced organ function. This remarkable adjunct diagnostic device, enables us to see the contributing factors that often manifest long before symptoms of chronic illness appear.

February 2021


NEW: Federal Financial Aid available for full and part-time students. Get the support you need to start a rewarding new career!

Beginning Zen Shiatsu 2 Weekend Intensive Session

Feb 19-21 & 26-28, Fri 7-10pm, Sat/Sun 9am-4pm

10-Week Session

Mar 30 - Jun 8, Tuesdays 10am-1pm Mar 31 - Jun 2, Wednesdays 7-10pm

Federal Aid Available for full & part-time students

Rooted in universal principles of change and balance, the study of Zen Shiatsu enriches your life while you learn to help others. Learn to relieve aches and pains through acupressure and assisted stretching while also listening to the deeper messages our bodies have to tell us. Try an entry-level class and decide if our program is the one you’ve been looking for.

or try one of our

Free Introductory Workshops February 11, Thursday, 7:00-9:30pm March 16, Tuesday, 10am-12:30pm To view more class times visit zenshiatsuchicago.org/schedule/

E-mail info@zenshiatsuchicago.org or call 847-864-1130 to sign up today!

www.zenshiatsuchicago.org CEs Available

Approved by the Division of Private Business and Vocational Schools of the Illinois Board of Higher Education

818 Lake Street, Evanston, IL

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