Gosha Galitsky Portfolio 2012_v02

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I am a child of two artists, formed in multiple and diverse cultural backgrounds. I enjoy uncovering real people’s needs and finding creative solutions for their problems. I firmly believe that good design can and should improve people’s lives and the world we inhabit. I utilize a wide array of analytic and creative tools to arrive to innovative and aesthetic solutions. Five years of experience in the product design field both in consultancies and in-house design departments give me important real world insights on design, materials and production processes of a wide range of products.

EDUCATION Umeå Instutute of Design /2010-2012 Advanced Product Design

GOSHA GALITSKY Industrial Designer

Cell 0046 (0) 7676 54 356 Email gosha_id@yahoo.com URL www.gosha-id.com

Bezalel Academy of Art and Design /2003-2007 Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Design. Politecnico di Milano/ 2006 Exchange (Erasmus), Industrial Design Technion institute/2002 Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

LANGUAGES English, Russian, Hebrew / Native Italian / Intermediate

EXPERIENCE Atlas Copco/ 2011 (Sweden) Intern Product Designer www.atlascopco.com

Flexible and creative mind set.

I2D design studio/ 2007-2010 Product Designer www.i2d.co.il

Solid knowledge of prototyping techniques, materials and manufacturing processes.

User Research. Rapid manual and digital sketching.

Effective 3D modeling and rendering. Able to meet strict deadlines.

Shenkar College of Design /2009-2010 Industrial Design Tutor www.shenkar.ac.il

Good team work skills.


Costa Design / 2007 Junior Product Designer www.costadesign.co.il

2D Graphics - Adobe Photoshop - Adobe InDesign - Adobe Illustrator

Whirlpool Europe Design Lab / 2006 Product Design Intern Worked as part of a team responsible for visualization of radical future concepts using digital imaging and animations. www.whirlpool.eu

3D Modeling - Solidworks+SolidCAM - Rhinoceros Rendering - 3dMax+Vray+Animation - Bunkspeed Keyshot2 Video Editing - Adobe After Effects

Mathov Visualization Solutions/ 2004 Model Maker Created scale models and functional prototypes of different products. Worked with polystyrene foam, RTV casting, CNC milling. www.mathov.co.il

“ I reject reality and substitute my own. Adam Savage, Mythbusters




JOURNEY Masters Umea, Sweden, 2010-12

Internship Atlas Copco, summer 2011

Erasmus Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 2006 Internship Whirlpool, 2006 Road Trip, Summer 2002

Bachelors Jerusalem, Israel, 2004-2007 I2D Studio, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2007-2010 Travels, Summer 2004

Sailing! Tel Aviv-Kastellorizo-Toulon-La Spezia-Rome

Bike Trip, 2009

Born Moscow, USSR, 1980

Selected Work 2003-2012 ACADEMIC PROJECTS MFA


ACADEMIC PROJECTS BFA Hopper- post delivery vehicle HB200S

Suitcase Bike Diver Distress Signal System Crystal

Air Ship One OXO electric screwdriver Neo-G


Umea Institute of Design MA Advanced Product Design

Umea, Sweden

DYNAPAC RED CARPET Drive-on street re-paver for future megacities

DYNAPAC RED CARPET The Dynapac Red Carpet is an environmentally conscious solution for road maintenance in future Mega-Cities, where street traffic will become increasingly dense and unstoppable. This futuristic road-recycling paver allows inner city traffic to continue its flow without interruptions by letting vehicles drive over it while paving.

The machine utilizes an existing process known as Hot-In-Place Recycling, in which the old road surface is re-heated using microwaves. The reclaimed asphalt is lifted into the machine, mixed with a small amount of fresh binder and paved back onto the road. sponsored by

Part of the Atlas Copco Group

in collaboration with


For more information please visit http://www.dh.umu.se/12/projects/projects/apd/paving-the-megacity.aspx


“HOPPER” Mail Delivery Vehicle This vehicle is the result of a term project in User Centered Design. During this project, which was performed over two and a half months in collaboration with Posten AB, we were asked to perform a week-long handson survey of the entire process of mail delivery from the airplane to the mailbox, and suggest viable and innovative solutions that would assist the post-men and women in their work. The Hopper is a post delivery vehicle that is designed specifically to fit the needs of post personnel. The vehicle features an integral mail delivery

In collaboration with the Swedish Postal Service

system that is able to put mail (pre-sorted by order of delivery) virtually at the postman’s fingertips. It offers improved safety and weather protection for the postman, while still enabling the mailman to leave the vehicle quickly and safely. Its driving position and small size allow for easy maneuvering in tight urban environments. Finally, the vehicle’s assymetric layout brings the postman closer to the mailbox, eliminating the need for a long and uncomfortable reaching motion which was previously needed to place the mail in the mailbox.


The public doesn’t see us as professionals

“I can’t see a thing when I am backing up”

“I get in and out of the car hundreds of times each day”


Postman, 19 years of experience

I’ve had a close call a week ago. If I would have hit that child, my life would be OVER.

“It’s really uncomfortable to reach across the handlebars to get the mail.”

“We use the mail lid as a windshield. It takes too long to open and close it every time, so we just keep it open” “Man, you have NO IDEA what it’s like to ride a moped with bare hands in -15 DEGREES!” “It’s quicker to deliver from the vehicle, but


Postman, 11 years of experience


you have to bend

like crazy”

“We are so close to houses, i am really afraid of running over a kid”

Mail Cartridge (sorted by BFM)

Klump Box (Unsorted)


Storage of Personal Items


Based on the initial ideation sketches, rough 1:1 mockups were constructed to establish the cargo configuration and volume. The mockups were tested with four different postmen, who were asked to interact with it and express their opinion about the concept. When the mockup adjustments were completed, I measured it and built a rough 3D model which served as underlay for sketching. This assured that I stayed within the correct load volume and ergonomic dimensions which I had set.


Klump Box

Mail to be delivered Protective Arch Arm Rest

Rear Engine Pod

FINAL DESIGN The Hopper features an adjustable seat, a joystick steering system and a roll cage which provides the postman with improved weather and safety protection. The semi-open cab allows the postman to quickly hop on an off the vehicle to speed up delivery. The driver is seated as close to the mailbox as possible, eliminating the need for the long reaching motion which was previously required to place the mail in the box.



Vehicle design shall inspire professional and respectful attitude towards Posten personnel. Project goal, quoted from the design brief

MECHANISM The mail to be delivered is mechanically sorted in the mail terminal and the mail cartridge is loaded onto the vehicle. Once the vehicle is in motion, the next mail to deliver is

automatically placed on a dedicated shelf in front of the driver. The right side of the cargo bay is used to carry bulky items which are sorted manually.

DIVER DISTRESS SIGNAL SYSTEM This device is a result of a group project completed in 10 working days. I worked in collaboration with fellow product designer DoÄ&#x;an Sekercioglu and interaction designer Carol Tang to design a device that will use sound and light in an innovative way. We developed a concept of an emergency beacon which is activated either automatically or manually by the diver in distress, enabling the diver to communicate a problem to other members in the diving group. The device uses specialized alarms and light signals to communicate different levels of distress. During this project a comprehensive design process was performed, which included the design of the device itself, the different scenarios in which it will be used and the type of sound and light it would produce.

Please watch the animated scenario: http://vimeo.com/20378926

SOUND TESTING Specialized sounds were designed for the device using audio software. The sounds utilized specific tones, frequencies and repetitions that are especially audible underwater, taking into account the distortion of sound underwater and the ambient sounds that are present during scuba diving. The prototype designed sounds were then tested in a water pool. Based on our results we fine-tuned the sounds and made sure that they are distinct and clearly audible. The sound of the alarms were carefully balanced to communicate the appropriate level of urgency, with the goal of not increasing the stress level of the rescuers and rescuee. For the final concept we have decided to utilize sound for alert communication and light to guide the rescuers to the victim’s location.

TEAM WORK As part of the group work we conducted frequent discussions where we developed the product concept and scenario. After that the work was divided between members allowing each member the opportunity to equally participate in the design of different aspects of the product. The physical device was rapidly developed from sketches to several foam models, then into a CAD design which was rapid prototyped using the Objet machine. The finished model was then painted and a functioning light circuit was installed.

MEDICAL INNOVATION* This project is a result of a collaboration with a Swedish medical startup that asked us to explore the potential implementation possibilities of a new medical technology that they had discovered. The project involved in-depth research into medical technology and procedures, operating room observations, extensive interviews with surgeons and clinical personnel as well as client-designer brainstorming sessions. The outcome of this project was a completely new product system which will dramatically expand the market for this new found medical technology.

*Due to intellectual property restrictions the final result can not be revealed at this moment. The product is currently in process of a patent application and medical implementation.

direction selector insert

universal joint chuck sub-assembly battery

axle supports

reduction gear

Tools You Hold On To

BRAND COMMUNICATION This screwdriver was designed during a five-week long Parametric Modeling course. The project goal was to make a brief brand research and apply the brand values we find to our design. The design was based on real components, and was developed through sketches and foam models. The finalized version was modeled using Rhinoceros and Solidworks, and rapid prototyped. The model was then finished, painted and assembled into a functioning prototype.

outer shell

inner shell



FUNCTIONAL PROTOTYPE This screwdriver features a new components arrangement. Unlike most screwdrivers, the drive motor and reduction gear are placed in the handle, bringing the center of gravity in the operator’s hand. This screwdriver is charged via induction is similar to the process used in modern electric toothbrushes. The motor is activated automatically using a switch that is triggered by pressure on the chuck.


Helping Children Control Asthma in collaboration with

This project’s goal was to imagine the next generation of Niox Mino, an asthma monitoring device manufactured by the Swedish company Aerocrine. The Niox Mino enables Asthma patients to monitor their condition using a simple noninvasive test. The patient exhales into the device for 10 seconds while keeping the breath level constant. The asthma condition is then assessed by measuring the level of Nitric Oxide in the exhaled breath. In my project I designed the Nio-X to fit a target market of children aged from 6 to 12. According to the interviews I made this group was found to be one of the most problematic in terms of adherence to their asthma medication.

Please watch an animated user scenario: http://vimeo.com/30106370

In order to avoid neglect the child’s interaction with the device is transformed into a challenging game. Once the test is complete, the device transmits the results via a smartphone to the child’s parents and to the family doctor. The Nio-X’s aim is to create a close and lasting interaction with the user. The device utilizes a reward system that actively encourages the child to take an ongoing initiative in managing his or her asthma condition. This transforms the experience from a negative medical check-up into an exciting daily challenge.

ing device tool to a self monitor t into a bigger • Embed the produc system

• Test is non invasive • High Accuracy • Easy to Use


mother, Sandra. Her parents er father Jean now lives in

ide but reads a lot. She read so likes Neil Gaiman’s books rnative reality where she has



listens to


Loneliness Loud arguments





d e an , c n bit lige neg itive ha t be d s s en “To te a po op mu o crea back l d e fe ed” clos




e gem ana M ma m Asth Syste





Emily the strange






Junior High School Reads fantasy books Drawing

her and calls her a weakling. r mother often talks to them ch other.

Her best friend is Bernard, er. He had Asthma when he nderstands her well. He even r when she got it for the first he can feel “normal”.

imaginitive critical fragile






VALUES Superbus

n • Cheaper competitio r target • Products with cleare definition

reach) • Expensive (Hard to is not unique • Design Language spread • Target group is wide d enough by • Device is not truste sy enough doctors but is not ea to use at home

Analytical techniques were applied to strategically examine the future of the Aerocrine brand and the market it will operate in. In parallel, I analyzed the unique properties of the target user group to understand how the product can assist in the management of their asthma condition.





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They bu


Asthma Level

and asks her about her life. out her health than she does ten gets nervous and makes




During th Her brea e night Sara ha s troubl th e sleep Her pare is irregular. ing. nt wake he s worry abou t her, bu r up. t do no t

She text s „This is her friend: not fair :-(“


Brand Character (Internal) + Established, Experienced - Ordinary, Reserved

Brand Image (External) + Authentic, Mature - Unfocused, Old School

Sara‘s pa rents sp He advi eak to th ses them e family to fill a doctor. diary to keep tra her sym ck of ptoms.

Financial Status

Sara feel s stay be better but is fo hind in rced to the while he r friends school bus enjoy th e trip.

“Aerocrine’s innovation and experience are not sufficiently reflected in the design language”

She spea ks The teac to the teache r. he her med r helps her ta ke icine.



The teac parents her calls Sara ‘s about th Her pare e attack . helpless nts feel anxiou s and ev them Sa en though she ra feels tells all right now.


Sara, 10

She was

a week

years o ld

diagnos ed with asthma ago, the do

Sara wak es up, her pare nt she uses s make sure the inha before breakfas ler t.

sure ab ctor out the exact ty s are not She does pe. not fully unders this „Ast tand w h hat what is ma“ thing is wrong with he and wonders r.


Sara go es She take to school. s with he the inhaler r in the backpa ck.

The clas s takes a trip to During the loca th l woods and star e trip Sara is ex . ts feelin po g tightne sed to allerg en ss in he r chest. s

Umeå In

MA Adva



of Desig

It should not be about checking how sick you are. Instead, it should be about helping children develop healthy habits. Helena Bogseth Asthma Nurse Dragonen Health Center, Umeå


I2D Most of the commercial work presented here was done during my period of work in I2D studio from 2007 to 2010. I2D is an industrial design firm founded in 2001 in Tel Aviv. It was founded by Elisha Tal and Safi Hefetz, who were both formerly part of IDEO Israel. I2D is a multi disciplinary design consultacy that develops a broad range of products ranging from sophisticated medical instruments to mass produced electronics and home appliances. I2D’s clients include SanDisk, Palm, Medtronics, SodaClub, Syneron.

HB200S The Hisense HB200S is a wireless headset and a part of a line of Bluetooth accessories designed for Hisense. The challenge of this project was to create differentiation for an old brand entering a new and already ultrasaturated market of Bluetooth accessories. I2D developed a family of Bluetooth products with an iconic design language and innovative technical solutons.

FUNCTION AND FORM At an early stage in the project different functional and shape concepts were rapidly produced using sketching and digital imaging with concepts presented to the client to spark a discussion on the proposed design direction.





long and short Same for longSame andforshort

On Center Line On Center Line

On Center Line


On Center Line 25.2mm



Pantone 4485 C

Front Side

Pantone 4485 C

DEVELOPMENT PROCESS The design process of the HB200S presented complex engineering

ont Sideand ergonomic challenges, which were addressed by making multiple 14.5mm

physical models and trying them out.


We delivered a comprehensive design package, from concept design Same for long and short through mockups to detailed design for manufacturing, color/material/ finish, graphics and packaging.


me for long and short



utton Edge

Aligned to Button Edge




TONE 402 C

Aligned to Button Edge

USABILITY Following an extensive usability research we discovered a number of opportunity areas, the most important being the wearablility of the headset when not in use. We explored several concepts and scenarios, and created a new Bluetooth headset that can be worn on the neck when not in use. The headset attaches to a necklace by means of a strong magnet. The attaching movement can be performed blindly, as the magnet aligns itself naturally with the headset. This functionality eliminates the need to have the headset in your ear for a prolonged period of time and also provides the user with a positive “Hang-Up� gesture.



SODA CLUB CRYSTAL The Crystal is a soda machine which enables the user to prepare and serve sparkling drinks in an elegant glass carafe, thus adding value to the carbonated beverage. The Crystal is a part of a line of Soda machines designed by I2D Studio for Soda Club. Soda Club manufactures products that enable the user to prepare sparkling drinks at home. Soda machines essentially eliminate the need for purchasing carbonated drinks in disposable plastic bottles, thus saving money and reducing pollution. The Crystal was selected as the German Product of the year 2011 and received the Israeli Ministry of Trade Design Award in 2010.

NEO-G The Neo-G is an electric guitar which represents the most significant innovation in the guitar world since the 1950’s. The Neo-G features innovative bridge, tuning keys, frets and neck technology. It improves on ergonomic aspects and utilizes novel manufacturing methods. The Neo G was designed to house revolutionary mechanical and electronic components that would offer the guitar player a new degree of sound quality and unparalleled freedom of play.

MANUFACTURE The Neo-G was an extremely ambitious project that employed fresh thinking to how an electric guitar should be made, and how it should be played. During the design of the Neo-G virtually every component of the guitar was re-thought and designed in a completely new manner that has been never previously attempted. New manufacturing technologies were developed for the frets, bridge and neck of the guitar.

The body of the guitar was designed for massproduction through low-pressure plastic injection, something that has not been previously attempted along the entire history of this musical instrument. In fact virtually every component of the Neo-G departs from the traditional way of guitar making, while retaining all the positive qualities of an electric guitar.

DETAILS The design process of a musical instrument proved to be a challenging but extremely exciting process. During this process I strived to understand the inner emotions and technical qualities that players cherish in their musical instruments. I spent a lot of time talking to guitarists and watching them play, to learn about the aesthetic qualities that create the deep connection of a guitar player to his instrument, and to understand the complex ergonomic aspects that had to be considered in the design. The process of the design involved working with a considerable amount of physical models and prototypes, all of which were given to guitar players to get their feedback on the aesthetic, ergonomic and musical qualities of the new guitar.


Bezalel Academy of Art and Design B.F.A Industrial Design

Jerusalem, Israel

SUITCASE BIKE The Suitcase Bike is a folding bicycle designed to operate seamlessly with public transport. Public carriers are equipped to deal with wheeled luggage, and when folded the Suitcase Bike becomes exactly that- a wheeled suitcase. Most modern folding bicycles, even when folded are still cumbersome and

difficult to carry. The Suitcase bike folds into a closed package which can be easily rolled along you through the station using the small front wheel. When the Suitcase Bike is folded it forms a neat package with all the delicate and greasy parts enclosed within the body of the bike, protecting yours and fellow passengers’ clothes.

PROTOTYPE With help from Nir Barkai, a fellow engineer, a working prototype was constructed and evaluated. The purpose of this prototype was to test frame stability and the functionality of the folding mechanisms. Using the proof of concept that the prototype provided, and with help from the Swedish business venture “Uminova Innovation� the concept is in the process of being patented and commercially realized.

AIRSHIP ONE The AirShip One is a conceptual solar powered hybrid airship, a cross between a semi-rigid airship and an airplane. The airship derives three thirds of its take off weight from lighter than air gas, and the other third from aerodynamic lift. This makes the craft just a bit heavier than the air around it, and therefore it requires little power to become airborne.

CONSTRUCTION While a conceptual vision, the design of Airship One was based on detailed research into very real needs and real-world lift formulas. In the near future, as oil prices become too high to sustain air travel, alternative solutions will have to be found. The Airship One has a semi-rigid structure. An airframe built of aluminum and fiber composites supports PU fabric ballonets filled with lighter than air, non flammable Helium gas. Propulsion is provided by four electric motors, which during cruise receive their energy from solar panels mounted on the hull and wings. During takeoff, landing and hover an on-board bio-diesel generator is used to supply extra energy for the craft. The engines are mounted on swiveling nacelles, enabling them to direct their thrust in multiple directions. The Airship One was designed for cargo transport. Its large cargo bay can house up to two full trailer containers, and its runway independence makes it suitable for transporting large freights to places with poor airport and road infrastructures, or as a mobile emergency response center in disaster stricken areas.

To watch an animation about the project please visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRTxD_WGSEM

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION for more information please contact

Gosha Galitsky Email: gosha_id@yahoo.com Mobile: (+46) 0 7676 54 356

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