TDA works closely with trade organizations including the Southern United States Trade Association (SUSTA) and U.S. Livestock Genetics Export (USLGE). Through these partnerships, TDA supports Texas companies to expand (or establish) their international presence by participating in international trade missions and trade shows.
Participating businesses can get reimbursed up to 50% of eligible expenses such as international travel to shows, advertising, freight, in-store demonstrations and so much more through SUSTA's 50% CostShare Program and USLGE's Branded Program.
If you know companies interested in exporting or expanding their market reach, we encourage them to contact the International Marketing Team to discuss the available resources.
- Nov 12 - 21,
This virtual trade mission offers a unique opportunity for companies to get consumer packaged goods and high-value added products in front of qualified buyers across Canada without having to travel.
Participation fee: $25
WHO: Food service products, retail products: snacks, dressings, condiments, spices, seasonings, cookies, crackers, jams, spreads, rice
Interested? Contact Lindsay Baerwald (512) 463-7591 or email for more information.
IPM Essen (Germany - January 28 - 31)
Fruit Logistica (Germany - February 5 - 7)
Gulfood (UAE - February 17 - 21)
FOODEX Japan (Japan - March 11 - 14)
Prowein (Germany - March 16 - 18)
International Food & Drink Event London (United Kingdom - March 17 - 19)
Expo Antad & Alimentaria (Maexico - March 25 -27)
Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) Show (Canada - April 8 - 10)
ProWine Tokyo (Japan - April 15 -17)
Seafood Expo Global (Spain - Mary 6 - 8)
HOFEX (Hong Kong - May 14 -16)
SIAL China (China - May 19 - 21)
Seoul Food and Hotel (South Korea - June 10 -13)
Summer Fancy Food Show (New York - June 29 - July 1)
ANUGA (Germany - October 4 - 8)
Visit TDA’s International Marketing website to learn more about how TDA can help the businesses in your community Go Global!
If you have never been to the GO TEXAN Pavilion at the State Fair of Texas, this is your chance to come in person on a weekday and see the opportunities that are offered to you as a Partner!
Limited tickets available for partners who have never participated and are looking to see the GO TEXAN Pavilion. Please email with the following information to find out if you are eligible:
First and Last Name
Business Name
Date of Visit (Weekdays only)
Withmorethan20,000communitymanufacturersonthe Sustainmentplatform,GOTEXANhaspartneredwithTMAC toformtheTexasManufacturingNetwork.Thisnetwork providesaneasy-to-use,secureplaceformanufacturersto connectwiththeirsuppliers.Withsupplierrecords,it'seasy todiscoverandbediscoverablebymanufacturingprocess, certification,location,andothercharacteristicsofyour businessandtheservicesyouoffer.Itisfreetojoinandopen toallmanufacturers,regardlessofindustry.Signuptodayin lessthanaminutebyvisitingtheirwebsite. November 4, 2024 @ 10 am
LearnmoreabouttheFoodIndustrySupply Chainbyjoiningourmeeting!
Are you a young, beginning or small (YBS) farmer or rancher working hard to be outstanding in your field?
GROW Your AgriRoots is Capital Farm Credit’s award contest for YBS ag operators and was created to honor outstanding farm and agribusiness owner-operators who excel in their field.
New for 2024, the GROW Your AgriRoots contest offers up to $50,000 in prizes for two categories:
Eligible applicants must have between two and ten years of experience in farming, ranching or owning their own agribusiness and MUST be a current or former Capital Farm Credit member to apply.
Eligible applicants must be a beginning farmer, rancher or agribusiness owner with less than two years’ experience in managing their own agricultural operation or be in the process of starting an operation within the calendar year as of September 30, 2024. Grant applications are not required to be Capital Farm Credit customers but must reside in Capital Farm Credit’s territory.
LAST CALL to sample and sell products inside the GO TEXAN Pavilion at the State Fair of Texas. Spaces are limited, but there are still opportunities to join us this year!
To view available spaces or if you would like to be on the waitlist for additional units, use the link below.
Interested in being a sponsor? View packages here or contact us at
GO TEXAN is proud to showcase Partners across our social media accounts! With an audience of over 85,000 people, you could be featured through a Partner Spotlight.
Please complete this form to participate.
Questions? Contact Chloe Bertrand at
Celebratewithusbysubmittingahappybirthdayvideoforoursocialmediaaccounts, orlicensethemarktofeatureONyourcertifiedproducts.SeeourrecentReelson Instagramforexamplesofhappybirthdayvideos.
Birthday Video
Example Script: "Happy 25th birthday, GO TEXAN!"
Video Guidelines:
Film vertically (camera at the top!)
Film in a well-lit environment without noise
Video should be less than 10 seconds long
Hold phone steady or prop it up to avoid shaky video
Email your video submissions to with your business name and "birthday video" in the subject. Due date: ASAP.
Licensing the GO TEXAN Mark
Have you ever wanted to use the GO TEXAN Mark on your certified products (such as those pictured below?) Well, GO TEXAN will license the mark to active GO TEXAN partners for a small one-time fee ($50 application + $1,000 royalty). Contact for this opportunity.
J.D. Lawrence (915) 249-9844
Schenk (806) 386-9139
Kirkland (214) 809-5534
Darrell Dean (214) 938-0067
Manuel Martinez (713) 677-9814
6. Kristin Lambrecht (713) 677-9321
Jami McCool (210) 708-1713
Kara Smith (956) 502-6817
Carol Faulkenberry (254) 592-1507
Lauren Moore (254) 340-7046