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f rench c offee

f rench c offee

r eviews of books related to sugarcane, milling, fermentation, distillation, aging, blending and other topics related to the production or history of rum.

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s overeign s ugar: i ndustry and e nvironment in h awai‘i

by c arol A. Mac l ennan

(Publisher’s r eview)

Although little remains of h awai‘i’s plantation economy, the sugar industry’s past dominance has created the h awai‘i we see today. m any of the most pressing and controversial issues―urban and resort development, water rights, expansion of suburbs into agriculturally rich lands, pollution from herbicides, invasive species in native forests, an unsustainable economy― can be tied to h awai‘i’s industrial sugar history.

Sovereign Sugar unravels the tangled relationship between the sugar industry and h awai‘i’s cultural and natural landscapes. i t is the first work to fully examine the complex tapestry of socioeconomic, political, and environmental forces that shaped sugar’s role in h awai‘i. w hile early Polynesian and e uropean influences on island ecosystems started the process of biological change, plantation agriculture, with its voracious need for land and water, profoundly altered h awai‘i’s landscape.

m ac l ennan focuses on the rise of industrial and political power among the sugar planter elite and its politicalecological consequences. The book opens in the 1840s when the h awaiian i slands were under the influence of American missionaries. Changes in property rights and the move toward w estern governance, along with the demands of a growing industrial economy, pressed upon the new h awaiian nation and its forests and water resources. s ubsequent chapters trace island ecosystems, plantation communities, and natural resource policies through time―by the 1930s, the sugar economy engulfed both human and environmental landscapes. The author argues that sugar manufacture has not only significantly transformed h awai‘i but its legacy provides lessons for future outcomes.

Publisher: u niversity of h awaii Press ( n ovember 30, 2022) l anguage: e nglish

Paperback: 392 pages is B n -10: 0824895487 is B n -13: 978-0824895488 i tem w eight : 12.8 ounces d imensions: 5.98 x 1.18 x 8.9 inches

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