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6-Day Distiller c ourse, 2023 s chedule

The r um u niversity® is responsible for in-person teaching of the r um c urriculum of the 6-Day Distiller c ourse offered by m oonshine u niversity at their state of the art facility in l ouisville, KY.

The 6-Day Distiller c ourse is designed not only to give the most comprehensive technical training and business management education in the industry, but also to offer participants social and networking opportunities with other participants, suppliers, industry professionals and world-renowned master distillers.

The r um section of the 6- d ay d istiller Course covers the following topics:

• r um definition (technical, legal, chemical)

• Alcohol congeners, quantifications and differentiations

• s ugarcane origin, cultivation, harvest and processing

• Business and economic aspects of the rum industry

• o rganoleptic assessments of rum via tasting exercises

• o verview of fermentation, distillation, aging and blending

• h ands-on distillation equipment experience

• Q&A

To register or to check for availability, please visit their website at www.moonshineuniversity.com. These are the 2023 dates:

• m arch 26-31, 2023

• m ay 21-26, 2023

• July 23-28, 2023

• o ctober 22-27, 2023

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