14 minute read

r u M in the ne W s

by m ike Kunetka

r hum J. m , makers of r hum Agricole since 1845, announced the u s . launch of r hum J. m Terroir v olcanique in advance of e arth d ay. A homage to the distillery’s micro-climatic tropical milieu and breezy volcanic sugarcane fields. Terroir v olcanique is a blend of rums of at least three years, aged in new American oak barrels with two unique custom heavy toasts charred in the distillery’s own small cooperage. The deep alligator char delivers rich flavors and a smoky, peat-like aroma, perfectly capturing the terroir of the volcano. The new expression will be available in select markets and nationwide through the brand’s website. “At r hum J. m , we like to play with the char levels of barrels, allowing us to develop specific aromas,” says Karine l assalle, the distillery’s expert blender. “ w e are fortunate to have our own cooperage, so we can experiment on a daily basis with time under toast.” s ome of the barrels used in the double-char process are heavily toasted to extract notes of vanilla, honey, and elements of BBQ hardwoods, while other barrel extractions emit flavors of flambéed tropical fruits and a hint of nutmeg. w hile Terroir v olcanique celebrates the land that it came from this e arth d ay, last year on e arth d ay 2022, r hum J. m announced their life-long commitment to sustainable production under the name edden Project ( e ngagés pour le d éveloppement d urable de nos Écosystèmes et de notre n ature). s ince the distillery underwent major renovations, each upgrade to its production processes preserves and protects the local environment and its beloved brand for future generations by cultivating m artinique’s fertile soil, producing in a circular economy to minimize impact, and promoting career development. “ w e produce rum which demands excellence, yet our idea of excellence vastly surpasses that of taste alone,” says e mmanuel Becheau, m anaging d irector, r hum J. m . “The enthusiasts and supporters of our rhum can be certain that behind each bottle there are passionate women and men committed to crafting our spirits within this circular economy: edden w e wish to share what we have been learning and the high regards we hold for our local environment, our people, and social responsibility.” https://www. rhumjmusa.com/.

rolling for K ru M

r olling Fork r um, an independent blender and bottler of aged rums, is now launching in 16 states, complementing its national online availability. r olling Fork rums are unique in that each rum is matched with hand-selected whiskey casks leading to unique and complex flavor combinations. “ w e think there’s a huge gap in the u s . when it comes to high-end rums,” says r olling Fork Co-founder Turner w athen. “ w e take a fresh approach to rum, sourcing high-end, single-distillery, cask-strength rums from the best distilleries on the planet and continuing to mature them in carefully chosen casks that bring really interesting flavors to the rum during secondary aging.” r olling Fork was founded in 2017 and took its time sourcing exceptional rums. Their next mission was to find high quality casks from Kentucky’s most notable distilleries that would bring complementary flavors to the rums. After years of aging different rums in a wide array of casks, founders w athen and Jordan m orris know exactly which characteristics every cask brings to each rum, and they strive to make the best matches. “ w hen we choose casks, we look at everything,” says cofounder Jordan m orris. “ w e look at what was in the cask previously, which cooperage it came from, the oak origins, char and toast profiles and more. All of these factors have an impact on the rum we put inside.” r olling Fork’s debut product was Fortuitous u nion, a blend of rum and rye whiskey that is named for its accidental creation. The first rum they imported, an aged Trinidadian rum, was meant to be aged in a series of rye, bourbon, port and sherry casks. At the facility, the rum was dumped into a tank that contained 5-year-old i ndiana rye whiskey. “After the initial shock of what had just happened, we tasted it and realized it was delicious, so that is what we first bottled and sold. As independent bottlers, r olling Fork delivers adventure to spirits enthusiasts through the history, complexity and variety of the finest rums in the world. https://rollingforkrum.com/home

re D stri P e ru M D rin K s

r ed s tripe announced that it is rolling out new canned rum cocktails that deliver tropical vibes and authentic flavor. r ed s tripe r um d rinks are all about attitude and high energy, giving a head nod to those who express themselves freely, fully, and fabulously. The new cocktails signal r ed s tripe’s unprecedented venture beyond beer, perfect for unleashing the island spirit in us all. r ed s tripe r um d rinks are crafted with real Caribbean rum, mango and lime juice and natural flavors. r ed s tripe r um Punch has a refreshingly sweet and vibrant tropical flavor and r ed s tripe r um m ojito has a smooth classic citrusy flavor. “The spiritbased cocktail segment is the fastest growing category within the beer, wine and spirits industry, and with our latest r ed s tripe rum innovation, we are able to tap into this trend, and introduce this iconic brand to a new generation of consumers,” says o scar m artinez, s enior d irector m arketing & i nnovation at heine K en us A. “The r ed s tripe r um d rinks perfectly embody the vibrant spirit of Jamaica, and signal a venture beyond beer, no shaker required.” r ed s tripe r um d rinks will be rolling out in Florida and select markets across the northeast starting now through the spring. Containing an AB v of 5.9%, both flavors come in packs of slim 12-oz. cans. s erve it up however you like. https://us.redstripebeer.com/.

D e M on s P irits

demon s P iri T s ll C, maker of s infully s mooth demon s piced and demon TropiCoco r um, is teaming up with Kinsbrae Packaging and 17A d istillery in l as v egas to deliver the d emon r um e co Bottle, made from ninety-four percent recycled paperboard. Just in time for e arth d ay, d emon r um is the first spirit brand in n orth America to fully produce, bottle and distribute in this new paperboard bottle. Additionally, the d emon r um e co Bottle uses eighty-four percent less water, six times less carbon and is five times lighter than a glass bottle the same size. For d emon r um, the partnership with17A d istillery, the first legal distillery in the history of l as v egas, and o wner Brendan g aughan, allows the Company to produce and bottle in the southwestern u nited s tates. This alliance, along with the much lighter e co Bottle, dramatically reduces the Company’s overall shipping cost and carbon footprint. As an all-natural brand, these relationships are the next important step toward reducing the Company’s environmental footprint, and establishes the foundation for future sustainability efforts. To further the Company’s sustainable initiatives, an additional relationship with e codrive, verified tree planting for climate action, has been formed. w ith each bottle of d emon r um sold, a mangrove tree will be planted and blockchain verified by e codrive. “ r educing waste and the overall carbon footprint through packaging is a challenge we need to address. w e believe alternative solutions, like those including tree planting, help move the industry forward.” said d emon s pirits Co-Founder and C eo Jeff w arren. “ w e are committed to sustainable packaging for all future products under the d emon r um brand.”

The process of moving the d emon r um production and bottling operation to l as v egas, nv with sustainable packaging will be complete by the end of first quarter 2023. The new e coBottle will be sold in stores by e arth d ay 2023 and joins the distinctive glass bottle, as both are sold in 750ml, six-bottle cases. “The e co Bottle launch is timed with e arth d ay and our team is proud to be the first spirit brand produced and marketed with this sustainable bottle in n orth America.” said w ayne Karls, d emon s pirits Co-Founder and C mo . “ w e look forward to working with all o n and o ff Premise sales channels as we bring it to market.” d emon s piced r um launched January 2016 in h udson w isconsin as a small batch innovation brand. Both d emon s piced r um and TropiCoco s ilver r um begin with real Caribbean rum crafted from pure sugar cane molasses, then blended with all natural flavorings, assuring consistent quality and flavor in every bottle. d emon r um is all natural, 80 proof and gluten free. m anufactured in n orth America by Kinsbrae Packaging, the d emon r um e co Bottle is the first commercially available spirit brand, produced and distributed in n orth America using this technology. e ach e co Bottle is made from 94% recycled paperboard and includes a foodgrade flavor sealed liner inside. These bottles are five times lighter than glass, have six times lower carbon footprint, and provides 360-degrees of branding space. This innovative packaging technology provides d emon r um with a disruptive and revolutionary alternative to glass. https://drinkdemonrum.com

c AP t A in M org A n

w ith Captain m organ o riginal s piced r um, you don’t have to be an expert behind the bar, because creating a delicious, spiced-up cocktail is easier than ever. To prove it, Captain m organ o riginal s piced r um has teamed up with Comedian, Actor and h ost, Tone Bell and i nfluencer, h ost, Author, d rew Afualo for its Battle of the Badtenders, a contest that turns “badtenders”, ordinary folks with zero background in mixology, into bartenders capable of making delicious classic crowd-pleasing cocktails, from tropical Piña Coladas and minty mojitos to the timeless cola with Captain m organ o riginal s piced r um. The possibilities are endless and sure to be delicious, no mixology lessons needed. “This is an exciting new chapter for Captain m organ. w ith a fresh new look that highlights our elevated liquid, we are staying true to our roots and spicing it up,” says Anne n osko, v ice President, Captain m organ. “ w e’re dialing up our trademark taste with even more delicious ingredients for our loyal fans and new consumers to enjoy endless cocktail possibilities.” w e all have friends who are clueless behind the bar. The question is, are they willing to put their skills to the test? Through m ay 3,

Captain m organ is calling on all “badtenders” 25+ to share their attempt at crafting a delicious cocktail on i nstagram or Twitter. To enter, post an original cocktail creation using Captain m organ o riginal s piced r um (or non-alcohol alternative), include #Badtender w orthyContest, and remember to tag and follow @Captain m organ us A on i nstagram or @Captain m organ us on Twitter*. “ i know a thing or two about what makes a delicious drink. i also know how to spot a bad one†,” says Tone Bell. “Captain m organ o riginal s piced r um makes cocktails downright delicious, whether you like to keep it simple or show off a little, there’s no wrong way to enjoy it.” Three finalists will be chosen to bring their best cocktails to the next level at the Captain m organ Battle of the Badtenders in n ew York City on m ay 17. h osted by Bell and Afualo, who will also star in new social spots on @Captain m organ us A, the winner will walk away with $10,000 and the u ltimate “Badtender” title – proving that with Captain m organ o riginal s piced r um, anyone can be a cocktail aficionado. And that’s not all, the u ltimate “Badtender” and their winning sip may be featured in a limited-edition Cocktail Courier kit. “ i ’m no cocktail expert, but i do call the shots,” shares Afualo. “Think you have what it takes to put your cocktail skills (or lack thereof) to the test? i ’ll be the judge of that.† s ee you in n YC, besties.” www.Captain m organ.com.

l A MA ison & V ellier

To celebrate its fifth anniversary, l a m aison & v elier created the Flag s eries, a collection of rare and exceptional spirits, aged for great lengths of time and bottled at cask strength with no additives, colorings, or filtration. Two rum single casks have been bottled for the us m arket, a 1998 g uyana and a 2002 Trinidad. The g uyana 1998 edition is a molasses-based rum produced by d emerara d istillers l imited in its famous Port m ourant still. The rum was first aged for two years in ex-bourbon barrels in g uyana. Then it was transferred to a Port cask and aged for a further 22 years in e urope before it was bottled at 59% AB v. The Trinidad 2002 is a molasses-based rum that was aged for 15 years in an ex-bourbon cask in the tropical island climate of Trinidad. The rum was then transported to e urope where it rested an additional 5 years before being bottled at 63.1% AB v. The rums will be available in select markets throughout the us h owever, the rums are single casks so are limited in quantity. https://www.velier.it/

BAMB oo roo M

The Bamboo r oom, located inside Three d ots and a d ash in Chicago, recently debuted its spring cocktail menu with twelve drinks that feature premium ingredients like 2010 Foursquare r um, Transcontinental Belize s ingle Barrel r um, Admiral r odney s t. l ucia r um, Papy van w inkle 10 Year Bourbon and Candenhead Caroni 20 Year Trinidad r um. h owever, their spin on the very first m ai Tai will feature vintage w ray & n ephew 15-Year- o ld r um and Curaçao used almost a century ago by v ictor Bergeron, or Trader v ic, the creator of the m ai Tai. w hen v ic ran out of the original (now legendary) 17-Year- o ld w ray & n ephew, he started using the 15-Year- o ld. g iven the rarity of the ingredients involved, the 1944 v intage m ai Tai will cost you $800.00. Fewer than a dozen cocktails will be available when the drink hits the Bamboo r oom’s menu in a couple of weeks. But if you’re able to get your hands on one, it might feel and taste as if you’ve been transported back to that pivotal moment at the original Trader v ic’s, with Bergeron and his friends making cocktail history. Their v intage m ai Tai will include 1940’s w ray and n ephew 15-Year- o ld, 1940’s v intage Curaçao, l ime Juice, Cane s ugar and Almond o rgeat. www.threedotschicago.com/thebambooroom/

h AB it A tion s A int - etienne rhu M s

The Concours g énéral Agricole de Paris rewards and promotes the best French local products. This year, three hse rhums were awarded gold medals: • Black s heriff affirms its rum character aged in American Bourbon casks from Kentucky and in the cellars of h abitation s aint- e tienne in m artinique.

• e xtra o ld Agricultural r um, s auterne spends more than 5 years of aging in the purest tradition of old hse rums. Then this vintage receives another year of finishing in barrels of Château l a Tour Blanche, 1er Cru Classé of s auternes.

• e xtra o ld s ingle Cask 2006 has received all the attention of the cellar master in order to offer a new balance between power, roundness and aromatic complexity.



l a m artiniquaise-Bardinet has created a video campaign to celebrate the terroir of its d epaz agricole rum brand. The video highlights the brand’s production method, from harvesting sugarcane to fermentation and distillation. v ictor d epaz started his distillery in 1917 on the slopes of m ount Pelée, fifteen years after the volcano had erupted and destroyed the town of s aintPierre, killing his entire family. Throughout his life, v ictor d epaz never stopped developing the rums that bear his name. i n 1922, d epaz agricultural rums obtained their first medal in m arseille. They were rewarded with a gold medal at the 1927 exhibition in l a r ochelle. i t was the start of a long harvest of rewards that continues to this day. d epaz says that the ‘rich volcanic soil’ gives the ‘ideal growing conditions’ for sugarcane. The new video can be found at https://www. youtube.com/watch?v= v J8grwlAQp0. A longer video, covering the history of d epaz can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= w lfa6 i PlyX i

A ngostur A

i n recognition of w orld Art d ay celebrated on April 15, the h ouse of Angostura hosted a special week of tours from April 11 – 14. Tours were conducted daily, and visitors were given an exclusive view of selected art pieces that are not part of the usual public art tour at the h ouse of Angostura. The tour also included the famous Barcant Butterfly Collection. To end the week of activities, the Company held its first s ip and Paint event on April 15 which was led by C s pot s ip n Paint studio. s ome participants spent the morning and others the afternoon at the h ouse of Angostura painting, enjoying wine and delicious appetizers. Angostura® has an extensive art collection of over 200 original pieces which spans from the 1800s to today. The collection includes pieces from acclaimed local and Caribbean artists, such as l e r oy Clarke, Boscoe h older, Carlisle Chang, d erek w alcott, Jackie h inkson, Pat Bishop and Karen s ylvester. https://www. angostura.com/

B un DAB erg

Australia’s Food & d rink m agazine reported that a new 160kw solar panel system has been installed at the Bundaberg r um d istillery, helping move the distillery towards its target of achieving net zero carbon emissions in its direct operations by 2030. i nstalled on the roof of the d istillery v isitor e xperience Centre and carpark, the solar panels are expected to help reduce electricity usage by about 260 megawatt hours a year, and save more than 200 tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually. For the remaining electricity needs of the site, it uses 100 percent g reenPower from the n ational g reenPower Accreditation Program. i n addition to utilizing renewable energy, the distillery is also focused on reducing energy use. Bundaberg r um marketing and experience manager d uncan l ittler said the addition of the solar panel system was a positive step to making operations more sustainable. “This is a plan that is underpinned by firm targets; it’s the equivalent of the electricity required to charge almost 25 million smartphones,” l ittler said. Bundaberg m P Tom s mith said that as the solar capital of Australia, Bundaberg had more than 15,600 households with solar panels installed across the region. “Bundaberg residents and now our iconic Bundaberg r um d istillery continue to fly the flag for Bundy and this move will help drive down carbon emissions and greatly reduce the cost of electricity used at the distillery. “The Bundaberg r um d istillery has a proud history of innovation in the beverage and tourism sectors and now that innovation extends to sustainable energy generation,” said s mith. https://www.bundabergrum.com.au/

n ext 3-Day r um c ourse: s eptember 6-8 2023

The r um u niversity® is proud to announce the date for its next 3-Day r um c ourse , which will be offered at m oonshine u niversity’s state of the art facility in l ouisville, KY.

This course is designed for both existing and future rum distillers and brand owners, the 3-day workshop combines theory and practice to provide attendees with a practical, hands-on education on all things rum. From the financial, marketing, and regulatory considerations to the distillation, aging, and blending processes, every student will leave this course with a nuanced understanding of rum production, the spirits business, and how rum fits into the global, economic landscape.

o f course, you won’t miss out on any of the fun stuff: you’ll get to explore the science of rum production while getting your d id you miss out on the last course? d on’t let it happen again! v isit gotrum.com and sign up to receive notifications for future r um u niversity® Courses.

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