SC H O O L 2 0 1 7
Job 17361 Year 2017 Page 001 (739178670) Master (739178686) 01/16/2017 2:36 PM
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s r e t ss sic u e p u h m M C o C W hat is y o u r p assio n? Ravens rise u p in the mo rning f o r many reaso ns! G olf
A rt
e e f of
Job 17361 Year 2017 Page 002 (745454922) Master (739178685) 01/16/2017 2:36 PM
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a D ram
S occer P
g n i m m D ru
hy p a r g o hot
w e r C r
e h t a e
I t ' s not eas y b eing a R aven. Ev er yday, r is ing at 6 : 0 0 am pu t t ing on dr es s clot h es , ar r iv ing at t h e dining h all b efor e 7 : 3 0 am , at t ending s ix clas s per iods , t u t or ial, at h let ics , and t h en at t ending nig h t s t u dyh all for t w o h ou r s and fift een m inu t es , j u s t t o g et an h ou r of fr ee t im e. S t ill, b eing a R aven h as it ' s g ood point s . R avens ar e s m ar t , h ar d- w or k ing and incr edib ly adapt ab le.
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t i r Spi 3
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What's New in the Nest? W elc om e to th e n est!
Mr. Bailey joined The Gow School as an instructional assistant.
Mr. Podyma '12 joined The Gow School as an instructional assistant.
Mr. DeMaio joined the Math department.
Ms. Szafnicki assisted in Ellis and Whitcomb dorms.
R aven H atc h lin g s
Kelli Fisher became the new Girl's Dean
Haven Mariacher was born August 6, 2016.
George Manning was born on June 18 , 2016.
Eli Renaldo was born on November 24, 2016.
Mr. and Mrs. Dietz were married on August 16, 2016.
Mr. Marshman became the Head of the Upper School.
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Ellis opened to female students.
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Raven Relations This y ear has gon e on record as the y ear that w e hav e the m ost sib lin g R av en s at G ow !
N ick an d Ben Brierley
Tristan an d M ax C arrier
S ton e an d G ia G iardin i
G en n ie an d K atherin e K in g
C ou rtn ey an d Trek W ilday
O tto an d O scar P leakis
A dam an d N oah S y ed
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R AV E N TR I V I A: R avens c an I m itate H um an Speec h ! I n c aptivity , ravens c an learn to talk b etter th an som e parrots. T h ey also m im ic oth er noises, lik e c ar eng ines, toilets f lush ing , and anim al and b irdc alls.
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Job 17361 Year 2017 Page 007 (739178621) Master (739178686) 01/16/2017 2:36 PM
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R AV E N FAC T: R avens are th e larg est m em b ers of th e c row 8
f am ily , and th e larg est song b irds. T h ey are c onsidered am ong th e m ost intellig ent of all b irds.
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G eom etry an d G rap hic D esign
R econ stru ctiv e L an gu age
E n glish an d H istory
W hat is y ou r fav orite su b j ect? Job 17361 Year 2017 Page 009 (739178625) Master (739178686) 01/16/2017 2:36 PM
S cien ce an d M ath
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P aj am a D ay
Twin D ay
H awaiian D ay
G ow Sp ir it D ay
Job 17361 Year 2017 Page 010 (742682997) Master (739178685) 01/16/2017 2:36 PM
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R AV E N TR I V I A: W h at is a g r ou p of R av ens called? A cons pir acy of r av ens , an u nk indnes s of r av ens , or a cons t ab le of r av ens
Job 17361 Year 2017 Page 011 (742682998) Master (739178686) 01/16/2017 2:40 PM
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Grandparent' s D ay
Birds of a Feather, Flock Together!
Job 17361 Year 2017 Page 012 (745160119) Master (739178685) 01/16/2017 2:40 PM
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F all Parent' s W eek end
R A V E N T R IV IA : The common raven, also known as the northern raven, is a large all-black passerine bird. Found across the Northern Hemisphere, it is the most widely distributed of all corvids. Scientific name: Corvus Corax Lifespan: 10 – 15 years (In the wild) Wingspan: 3 .3 – 4.9 ft. (Adult) Higher classification: Crow Conservation status: Least Concern (Population increasing) Encyclopedia of Life
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Raven Nightmares “ O nce u pon a m idnig h t dr ear y” b eg ins " T h e R av en, " s et t ing t h e m ood for one of t h e m os t r ecog niz ab le poem s w r it t en in Eng lis h . Edg ar A llan P oe' s s pook y r av en ent er s t h e nar r at or ' s h ou s e, per ch es on a b u s t ab ov e h is ch am b er door , and r epeat s only one w or d, “ nev er m or e. ”
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L ifer s
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Z akariya Veasy, Z achary Sax, and Stone Giardini
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Front Row: C. Wahler, K. Keesee, C. Cross, M. Vajo, S Sekiguchi, G. Chandon, T. Kulla, Z . Sax, R. Korfhage, B. Fullerton, A. J. Meyers Back Row: C. Wilday, Mr. Giallanza, M. Dell'Agnese, E. Wu, Mr. Howe, J. Starr
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C L ASS of 2 0 1 7 R AV E N S Every year, our juvenal RAVENS leave the nest to build a new life in a new territory. This year's class of 2017 were an especially impressive group of RAVENS. The class was know for it's intelligence, creativity and especially caring and empathetic nature. We will miss you! Tyler Baiz, Hauppauge, NY
Laurent Bernier, Toronto, ON Canada
Anthony Clarke, Trinidad &
20 17
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Gabriel Chandon, Chicago, IL
Brenden Cook, Elma, NY
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Charles Cross Lindsay, ON, Canada
Gordon Diamond, South Hadley, MA
Benjamin Fullerton, Toronto, ON, Canada
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Matthew Dell'Agnese Woodbridge, ON, Canada
Simon Dietrich, Akron, OH
Stone Giardini, Allegany, NY
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William Hobbs, Lafayette, CO
Maximilian Hadinoto, Indonesia
Conner Jackson, Palatine, IL
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Robert Korfhage, River Forest, IL
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Kade Keesee, Austin, TX
Taylor Kulla, Waynesboro, PA
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Anthony Meyers, Henderson, NY
Aditya Nijasure, INDIA
William Morris, China
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Elizabeth Raiff, Orchard Park, NY
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Maxwell Polzler, Toronto, ON, Canada
Adam Sabuda, Buffalo, NY
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Lorenz Schnitzer, East Aurora, NY
Z achary Sax, Amherst, NY
Sora Sekiguchi, Japan
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Noah Syed, Buffalo, NY
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Joshua Starr, Rye Brook, NY
Adam Syed, Buffalo, NY
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Michael Vajo, Etobicoke, ON, Canada
Cole Wahler, East Amherst, NY
Courtney Wilday, Cuba, NY
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Z akariya Veasy, Mt. Juliet, TN
Jared Wangelin, Holland, NY
Chutong Wu, China
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Post - Graduate Seniors
Nick Brierley, Amherst, NY
Jose Cuesta, Ecuador
Senior Superlatives Best Attitude (most optimistic) – Robert Korfhage Computer Genius – Benjamin Fullerton Class Comedian – Adam Sabuda Most Athletic – Charlie Cross Best Smile - Jared Wagelin Best Wrestler – Sora Sekiguchi Best School Spirit – Elizabeth Raiff Most Artistic – Matt Dell'Agnese Most likely to Succeed – Simon Dietrich Most likely to work at Gow – Cole Wahler Most Philosophical – Gordon Diamond Most Musical – Ed Wu Most Serious Student – Max Hadinoto Best Friend – Z ach Sax Most Theatrical – Z ach Veasey Master Mixer – Taylor Kulla Biggest Flirt – Tyler Biaz Most Determined – Gabe Chandon
Most Likely to Keep a Snap Streak – Michael Vajo Most likely to be a Teacher – Aditya Nijasure Most likely to Direct Movies – Conner Jackson Most Creative – Anthony Meyers Most Likely to be seen on the Nightly News – Max Polzler Most Helpful – Josh Starr Most Likely to be an Engineer – Brenden Cook Most Likely to Go into Business Together – Adam and Noah Syed Most Talkative – Laurent Bernier Most Likely to Be a Male Model – Jose Cuesta Most Likely to own a Nightclub – Anthony Clarke Most Likely to Travel the World – Courtney Wilday Most Likely to Join a Fraternity – Kade Keesee Most Likely to be an E-Sportscaster – Will Morris Most likely to be a Politician – Lorenz Schnitzer Most likely to be an Entrepreneur – Nick Brierley Most Likely to Play at Wimbledon – Will Hobbs Most likely to cheer the loudest at Graduation – Stone Giardini
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Job 17361 Year 2017 Page 025 (743317624) Master (739178686) 01/16/2017 2:40 PM
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6 th G ra d e
O scar P leak is
J acob B utta
7 th G ra d e
Daric F rech
C onner Giles
Michael K opp
K ent Simmons
J acob Smitheal
Z ack ery A bramson
Liam B arrett
J acob F ischer
B ora Gurdogan
H unter H aslett
J aheim J ohnson
T haddeus N icholson
B enjamin Walcher
T rek Wilday
Megan Young
8 th G ra d e
2 6
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N athaniel A rchie
A lberto B oggio
J ack son B owie
David B rusco
J ack B uck ley
Luc B urris
Max well C arrier
Lindsay Denning
J ack Drechsler
H arrison E nglander
Gia Giardini
Gervais H az z ard
C olin H enry
F raz er H illiard
T homas H uffmanDorr
Genevieve K ing
Matthew K lein
Michelle K lementowsk i
Max well K obren
J ack Lemaster
Mychal Liriano
Mario Martinez I gnacio
N icholas O ' N eill
O tto P leak is
C onnor R edmond
E than R ossi
Matheos Simantirak is
A lex A cquaviva
J az el T hompson
V ito V amvak itis
Mark Weinewuth
T ravis Z uck erman
I yanla Solomon
H unter Slate
E fe A lpay
N 2 7
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J acob A lper
A bdulah A lshangiti
C arlton A lsheimer
William B eardwood
Duncan C ady
T ristan C arrier
A ndrew C otter
J amie Glencorse- Sherriff
P hilippe H alet
Matthew H amilton
H arrison H uffman
Shugo I z umi
J ack K elly
William K ohl
J oshua A llegra
2 8
Job 17361 Year 2017 Page 028 (750660247) Master (739178685) 01/30/2017 7:58 AM
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K eifer McN ichols
I saiah Merry
J ames Murray
J ohn O gilvie
C aroline R ichards
A lex ander R oger
Q uentin Smith
N icholas V lahos
David Watts
C ampbell Wilson
H einrik X ie
Z achary Z aepfel
Matthew Macdonald
Luk e Loeffel
H O M O R E S 2 9
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Stephen B aughman
B enjamen B rierley
J ohn B rink worth
B randon C hiang
P hilip Davis
T homas Driscoll
Z achary E atroff
Matthew E wers
B enjamin F ach
A llison F arber
Devin F elten- Green
Samantha H enz ler
V ictoria J ones
A bdoul K alla
J eremiah K emmerling
P eter K ern
K atherine K ing
Derrick K untz
N oah Manilow
Liam B arry
3 0
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Michael Murray
E rek N eely
I saac N g
R yan N ice
Grace O bletz
Max imilian O penshaw
Megan P utney
J enna R osser
Z achary Schectman
P eter Scocchi
N icholas Scolaro
William Shuler
C onnor Smith
R uan V isser
H elena Whittak er
J oshua Whittak er
C arson Wildrick
Druien Mattoon
P hisittrak orn Supprapipat
R Gannon Willson
S 3 1
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M. B radley R ogers, J r.
R obin Marshman
J effrey Sweet
C arol B ernat
Douglas C otter
P aul R ose
K atie T ierney
T om Giallanz a
William P arsons
H eidi B aust
E ric B ray
Michael Dibble
J eff P oblock i
B rad R ausch
K athy R ose
R eyna V ergara
3 2
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J oseph B rognano
C harlie B rown
J oe C endrowsk i
J on C hafin
Lynn C hafin
I ssac DeMaio
Dan Dietz
DaMar Dowell
E van Giacomini
J oe Gullo
Dale H az en
Mary K ate H offman
N eil H owe
J ohn Lindahl
David Maier
Matt Mariacher
A my R enaldo
Mari J o R enick
K irk R hodes
J ason R othfuss
Luk e Salerno
J ohn Simms
A udrey Shafer
C indy Sweet
Mark Sz afnick i
3 3
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Gerald Z eis
B rian Z olet
U la Z olet
R ick O hler
B rian T hompson
3 4
S A G E D I N I N G HA LL S TA FF: J ustin B eeman, R andal Graz cz yk , C heryl B arone, A ndrew B entley, T rent H arrison, Liz Meyers, J ack ie E mden, Doreen H awley and J ames R ivera.
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J enn B amann
Sarajane B rognano
B eth C ardamone
Stan C iapa
J en Diehl
Dave E ck ert
K athy F altyn
Matt F isher
K elli F isher
Mary B eth Giallanz a
Don G
R ick H ausauer
Debbie H inman
Lori H ooper
J im K aufman
T ammy K osnik owsk i
Mary K ulpa
A llison Manning
K ristine Mirsk y
Marty O ' C onnor
J acob P odyma
Gerald Sechrist
William Schnaithman
C indy Spink
J ulie Struz ynsk i
K endall Sz afnick i
J ulie Wysock i
P eter Driscoll
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J ared B ailey
3 5
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R A V EN T R I V I A : T h e C om m on R av en is an acr ob at ic flier , oft en doing r olls and s om er s au lt s in t h e air . O ne b ir d w as s een flying u ps ide dow n for m or e t h an a h alf- m ile. Y ou ng b ir ds ar e fond of playing g am es w it h s t ick s , r epeat edly dr opping t h em , t h en div ing t o cat ch t h em in m idair . 39
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G O L F TE AM : D . Felten - G r een , S. D ietr ic h , W . K oh l, Z . E atr off, Z . Sc h ec tm an , B . Fac h , P . D avis, V . J on es, J . g len c or se- Sh er iff, C . H en r y , J . Star r , T. K u lla, J . R osser , J . K elly , T. H u ffm an - D or r , M r . Th om p son , M r . K au fm an 40
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O U TD O O R E D U C ATI O N : Fr on t R ow: M r s. K op p . L ower M id d le R ow: M r . R au sc h , H . W h ittak er , K . H ig h er M id d le R ow: H . H u ffm an , K . Sim m on s, M . Top R ow: R . K or fh ag e, C . Alsh eim er , G . W illson , M J , Alp er
B r og n an o, M r . Sc h n aith m an , J . B u tta, Z . Ab r am son , D . B r u sc o, T. K . N ic h olson , M . K in g . K lein , B . G u r d og an , C . G iles, H . X ie , O p en sh aw, G , G iar d in i, C . R ed m on d , M . M ar tin ez I g n ac io, L . B ar r y , N . V lah os, 41
Job 17361 Year 2017 Page 041 (761771120) Master (739178686) 03/02/2017 2:50 PM
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V ar sity Soc c er
Fr on t R ow: M . H am ilton , G . O b letz , B . C ook , Z . Z aep fel, A. N ij asu r e, N . O ' N eill, N . K alla, J . W h ittak er , K . M c N ic h ols, T. B aiz , Z . V easy B ac k R ow: M r . M ar sh m an A. Sy ed , N . Sy ed , B . B r ier ley , W . Su p p r ap ip at, C . J ac k son , K . K eesee, A. C lak e, G . C h an d on , M . 42 P olz ler , C . C r oss, J . C u esta, M r . Z eis G oalie: R . V isser
Job 17361 Year 2017 Page 042 (761767978) Master (739178685) 03/02/2017 2:56 PM
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M od ified Soc c er Fr on t R ow: N B ac k R ow: M W alc h er , M r G oalie: J . Sm
. Ar c h ie, H . E n g lan d er , D . Fr ec h , J . Fisc h er , J . B owie, H . H aslett, I . Solom on , M . K lem en towsk i, L . B u r r is r . Z olet, J . J oh n son , J . Th om p son , M . Sim an tir ak is, J . L em aster , L . B ar r et, G . H az z ar d , V . V am vak itis, A. B og g io, B . . D eM aio ith eal 43
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C r ew Team : 44
Fr on t r ow: W . B ear d wood , M . K ob r en , M . D ' ell Ag n ese, J . Alleg r a, D . C ad y , M . C ar r ier , F. H illiar d , C . W ah ler B ac k r ow: M r . L in d ah l, P . Sc oc c h i, A. C otter , P . H alet, M . M u r r ay , S. G iar d in i, S. B au g h m an , M . E wer s, J . B u c k ley , M r . M aier
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C r oss C ou n tr y Team Fr on t r ow: A. Far b er , E . R aiff, M . Y ou n g , O . P leak is B ac k r ow: M r . B r ay , E . R ossi, I . N g , C . W ilson , D . K u n tz , C . W ild r ic k , L . Sc h n itz er , C . Sm ith , O . P leak is, D . M attoon , M r C en d r owsk i,
Job 17361 Year 2017 Page 045 (761766884) Master (739178686) 03/02/2017 2:56 PM
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V ar sity B ask etb all
Fr on t R ow: N . M an ilow, J . C u esta, Z . Sc h ec tm an , Q . Sm ith , W . Sh u ler , E . N eely B ac k R ow: M r , C h afin , E . W u , R . V isser , A. Sab u d a, S. D ietr ic h , P . K er n , T. D r isc oll, N . K alla, T. B iaz , M r . B ailey 46
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J u n ior V ar sity B ask etb all Fr on t R ow: N . Ar c h ie, Z . Z aep h el, L . B u r r is, M . W ein ewu th , A. C otter , I . M er r y
B ac k R ow: M r . B ailey , T. C ar r ier , M . M ac D on ald , V . V am vak itis, M . K ob r en , O . P leak is, T. Z u c k er m an , J . G len c or se- Sh er r iff, M r . D ib b le, M . E wer s.
M od ified B ask etb all: Fr on t R ow: K . Sim m on s, O . P leak is, J . Fisc h er , J . B u tta. B ac k R ow: A. C lar k e, J . C olstee, B . W alc h er , L . B ar r ett, J . J oh n son , D . B r u sc o, M r . M aier . 47
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Sq u ash Team 48
Fr on t R ow: J . L em aster , J . O g ilvie, N . O ' N eill B ac k R ow: C oac h Saler n o, P . D avis, C . C r oss, W . H ob b s, G . O b letz , L . B er n ier , F. H illiar d , C oac h G iac om m in i
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Sk i L oad er s: M r . Z olet, P . Sc oc c h i, W . M or r is, M r . Z eis, C . W ild r ic k , L . L oeffel 49
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W r estlin g Team
Fr on t r ow: J . B u c k ley , J . K elly , H . X ie, C . H en r y , S. Sek ig u c h i, C . W ah ler , N . Sc olar o, M . L ir ian o, T. C ar r ier B ac k R ow: M r . M ar iac h er , J . Sm ith eal, K . K in g , A. R og er , M . M u r r ay , A. M ey er s, S. G iar d in i, K . K eesee, S. B au g h m an , A. B og g io, M . H am ilton , D . W atts, H . W h ittak er , M r . R oth fu ss 50
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Th esp ian Soc iety : Z . Sax , D . M attoon , R . V isser , A. J . M ey er s, M . P u tn ey , M . M u r r ay , M r . B r og n an o, B . Fu ller ton
L ove Sic k C ast: M s. Sz afn c k i, S. I z u m i, A. R og er , R . V isser , B . Fu ller ton , M r . B r og n an o, S. H en z ler , J . K em m er lin g , A. J . M ey er s, T. B ates, M . M u r r ay , M . P u tn ey , Z . Sax Fr on t: M . C lay b ac k , D . M attoon 51
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P oettiq u ette: Mr. DeMaio, Z . Sax, L. Bernier, J. Allegra,
Mr. Dowell
G ow Sin g er s: M. Martinez-Ignacio, A. Boggio, K. King, Mrs. Shaffer, G. King, S. Baughman, S. Henzler
M u sic Stu d en ts: First Row: J. Murray, Mr. Dowell, S. Henzler, M. Martinez-Ignacio, M. Openshaw, G. Wilson, P. Davis Second Row: C. Wahler, B. Gurdogan, J. Kemmerling, M. Simantirakis, C. Richards, H. Huffman, T. Kulla Third Row: A. Cotter, J. Alper, J. Allegra, M. Hamilton, B. Fullerton, B. Fach Fourth Row: M. Klementowski, G. Giardini, Y. Solomon, L. Barrett, B. Walcher, T.K. Nelson Fifth Row: R. Visser, Q . Smith, L. Bernier, Z . Sax, M. MacDonald, K. Simmons Sixth Row: N. O'Neill, N. Archie, N. Manilow, M. Kopp, S. Baughman, K. King, H. X ie 52
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Student Leaders Student Council J. Rosser, E. Raiff, J. Brinkworth, S. Dietrich, P. J. Scocchi, A. Nijasure, Mr. Simms, J. Dreschler, A. Cotter, T. Nicholson
Resident Assistants Front row: Mr. Bray, C. Smith, G. Obletz, C. Wilday, A. Farber, C. Wahler, Mr. Cendrowski Back row: T. Kulla, P. Scocchi, S. Giardini, W. Morris, S. Dietrich, N. Kalla, L. Barry, C. Wildrick, Z . Veasy, B. Chiang, Z . Sax, R. Visser, B. Fach, M. Vajo 54
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Heath Office Assistants
Library Assistants
T. Baiz, M. MacDonald, Nurse Faltyn, J. Wangelin, P. Kern
P. Halet, Mrs. Sweet, M. Dell'Agnese, Z . Schectman
Headwaiters A. Clarke, C. Cross, K. Keesee, Mr. Chafin, Z . Eatroff, B. Cook, L. Bernier
Crimson Key Club Front row: Z . Veasy, Mrs. Bamann, W. Morris, D. Cady, Z . Sax, J. Brinkworth, G. Objetz, L. Bernier, J. Rosser, S. Dietrich, C. Cross, E. Raiff, A. Farber, L. Loeffel, C. Wilday, J. Dreschler, P.J. Scocchi, A. Cotter Back row: P. Davis, N. Kalla, Q . Smith, T. Baiz, F. Hillard, M. Vajo,
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Culture Committee Front row: Dr.Rhodes, N.Kalla, M.Simantirakis, D.Brusco, J.Allegra, D.Cady Back row:L.Loeffel, J.Brinkworth, M.Vajo, A.Boggio, C.Wilday, Mrs.Chafin, Q .Smith, A.Alshangiti
Student Clubs and Organizations
Operation Hope Back row: G.Obletz, W.Morris, G.Chandon, D.Kuntz, N.Brierley, B.Fatch, C.Jackson, B.Cook, G.Dimond, Z .Veasy. Front row: Mr. Dietz, J.Kelly, J.Drechsler, J.Ogilvie, A.Boggio, A.Cotter, Mrs. Hoffman
Green Team I.Ng, M.Hadinoto, M.Dell'Agnese, B.Gurdogon, Mr.Thompson (D.Cady Missing)
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Firefighters B. Fach, K. Keesee, P. Kern, S. Dietrich, P. Davis
Echoes of Emery Yearbook B. Chiang, S. Baughman, D. Cady, D. Watts, D. Mattoon, M. Martinez, M. Liariano, Ms. Baust, Mrs. Kosnikowski
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Student Literary Groups, Clubs and Organizations The Govian Staff
Front row: J. Rosser, P. Scocchi, Mr. Ohler, Back row: S. Giardini, A. Clarke, P. Kern, Z . Eatroff,
J. Brinkworth, N. Kalla, G. Obletz, N. Scolaro
Advanced Writers 58
Front row: J. Wangelin, E. Raiff, C. Wilday, A. Nijasure Back row: T. Baiz, S. Dietrich, Mr. Dibble
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Computer Science Club Front row: N. Vlahos, S. Henzler, Ms. Baust Back row: D. Kuntz, L. Schnitzer, J. Alpers, T. Nicholson, Mr. Bray, P. Halet
D Club
Front Row: D. Kuntz, B. Chaing Second row: Mr. Gullo, C. Wildrick, C. Smith, P. Halet Third row: R. Visser, D. Mattoon, A. J. Meyers Back row: M. Murray, B. Fullerton
Engineering Club Front row: N. Vlahos, L. Schnitzer, T. Wilday, B. Fach, W. Morris, P. Scocchi, L. Loeffel, B. Cook, D. Cady, Mr. Poblocki Back row: P. Halet, J. Alper, Mr. Gullo, Mr. Z eis, B. Fullerton
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B u n g ee R u n
B u b b le Soc c er
J ou stin g
8 - B all P ool
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Congratu lati ons 2 0 1 7 S eni ors!
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Jose Cu esta Dear J ose, We are very proud of the effort you have made this year. T enacity, love and hard work will enable you to achieve your goals in the future. We wish you the best. We love you, J ose, N ora, C ristobal T omas
E li z ab eth R ai f f E liz abeth, We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. You amaz e us each day with your k indness, strength and determination. We love you! Love, Mom, Dad & Matthew
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S i m on Di etri ch " F or I k now the plans I have for you," declares the LO R D, " plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." J eremiah 2 9 : 1 1 C ongratulations, Simon. We love you! Dad, Mom, H annah Lane, A ndrew, C laire & E llen
R ob ert K orf hage Congratulations Robert! We are so proud of you. With courage, empathy, and hard work, you have accomplished much during your years at Gow. Love, Mom and Dad
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Ad am
S y ed
Adam, You are truly a gift and it is an honor to be your mom! I love you!
Ad i ty a N i j asu re Dear Adi, You are a superb 'Yodha' fighter and an adorable buddy. You have made us proud and will continue to do so as you scale greater heights. Love, Mom, Dad and Ketaki
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Cole W ahler You' re an amaz ing young man that has shown hard work and commitment. P lease continue to draw strength from the deep love of family past and present. K eep your tender heart and your ability to see good in others. God and your special angel will bless you always. We are so proud of you! Love, Mom, H ilary and Madison
N i ck B ri erley You've traveled a path very few are blessed to go. Your faith, gratitude, diligence, and perseverance have led to S-U-C-C-E-S-S.Congratulations, we're very proud of you and the man of solid moral character you've become! All our love, Dad, Mom,Benjamen, Jonathan, Emmagrace, Joseph, & Will "Continue to trust and walk with God!"
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T ay lor K u lla C ongratulations on all of your achivements to date. We look forward to what the future will bring. Love, Mom, Dad, H annah, C asey and C arrie
L orenz S chni tz er Dear Lorenz, Congratulations! We love you. Mom, Dad, Franky, Kitty and Fish
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N oah S y ed N oah, My greatest joy has been watching you grow. I'm so proud of you ! Love, Mom
T y ler B ai z Tyler we are so proud of you. You have come so far from your first visit to Gow. You’ re a remarkable young man who’ s on a journey to success! Always continue to climb, you will reach the stars! We love you, Mom, Dad & Keira
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Ad am
S ab u d a
Congratulations, Adam! This was a challenging road for you, but you came through it a stronger and more confident young man. This is just the beginning of a successful and wonderful life. We love you so much. xo Mom and Dad
G ab e Chand on Gabriel, you are by far my most competitive child. From insisting I take the training wheels off your bike at age 3 to graduating from Gow, your competitive spirit has gotten you far! We are so proud of you! Love, Papa, Patricia and Jonathon
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Conner Jackson Connor, It's been our honor to stand by your side as we've watched you grow into a fine young man while attending Gow. What started out as faith has grown into tremendous pride as we watch you graduate from The Gow School! Love, Mom and Dad
K ad e K eesee I was proud of you the day you were born and today I could not be more proud of the man you have become. Congratulations on accomplishing so much already. I cannot wait to see what your future holds. With all my love, Your mom
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S tone G i ard i ni Seven years at Gow!! We are so proud of you. You did it! Love, Mom, Dad and Gia
Charli e Cross We are very proud of your accomplishments at Gow. You were faced with many challenges and chose to conquer each one, a life journey you will undoubtedly never forget. Well done! Love you, Mom & Dad
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Matthew Dell'Agnese
Dear Matthew, Congratulations! Your constant hard work and perseverance have paid off. We are very proud of you! Wishing you many successes as you embark on your next life adventure. Remember, anything is possible in life. Impossible only means "I'M POSSIBLE". Love, Mom & Dad
Connor Jackson As with many kids, your education was not what you took head-on and with goals and success in mind. At Gow, you took on the challenges and you’ re now a man. I love you and I’ m so proud of the man you’ ve become! Love, Dad
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Far ewell to P au l R ose Paul Rose came to The Gow School in the fall of 1978 after graduating from St. Bonaventure University. Paul grew up and went to school in East Aurora. His mother was an elementary school teacher and it only seemed natural for Paul to follow in her footsteps and become a teacher. Paul always enjoyed studying history and did well in those courses. Paul led an active lifestyle and was an excellent soccer player in both high school and college. He also enjoyed playing tennis and was an avid runner. When Paul first started teaching at Gow he taught many of the history classes and later became an RL teacher. He was also the varsity soccer and JV lacrosse coach. Paul always looks back fondly to his days as a dorm parent in Cornwall, Main and Ellis particularly in his early years when he shared the duty with Jay Wright. In a few short years Paul met Kathy, got married and started to raise a family in Ellis. Paul also had a keen interest in architecture and became very involved with Headmaster Emeritus David Gow as Orton Hall and Whitcomb Dorm were being designed and built. It was in the mid 8 0's when Paul started to shift his focus from teaching to the design and up keep of the campus. One of the things that stands out when people come to South Wales is the beauty of The Gow School campus. Under Paul's leadership, guidance and hard work the 100 acre campus is marveled for how well it has been planned and taken care of. Paul has not only maintained all of the buildings he also had a major role in their design. Paul's attention to detail has allowed the campus to age so beautifully. He has kept impeccable records of every building on the campus and nothing has been constructed without his careful planning. When Paul is not in his office or looking over codes or local regulations, he can be found cutting the grass, plowing snow, fixing a boiler or a sewer line. There isn't any work order that hasn't been given his approval. Paul knows every inch of the campus because at some point he has worked on it. The Rose's will also be remembered for their decades of service to the South Wales Volunteer Fire Department.
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Far ewell to Alb er t J . W r ig h t Mr. Wright earned his B.A. from Hamilton College, and he earned his M.S. in Education from Canisius College. Mr. Wright’ s 3 0 years at Gow include two separate tenures. Initially, Mr. Wright worked as a Reconstructive Language teacher, and he Lived with Paul Rose in Cornwall Dorm. After he left Gow in 198 1, Mr. Wright taught at Hebron Academy, Idaho State University, and Yakima Valley Community College. Mr. Wright returned to Gow in 1992. During his second tenure at Gow, He taught English, Journalism, Advanced Writing, and he was appointed the English Department Chair. Mr. Wright also helped develop The Gow School’ s Constructive Writing Program. Mr. Wright is also an outdoor enthusiast. He trained as a mountaineer and successfully summited Denali (Mt. McKinley). Mr. Wright shared his love of the outdoors with his students, attending ski and camping trips, and he frequently cross country skied with the students. He was also an excellent lacrosse player. Mr. Wright shared his passion and knowledge of the game with the students as the Junior Varsity Lacrosse Coach. Mr. Wright was a fierce advocate for his students. He had a way of helping students understand that they have unique voices, but to share their voices, they needed to write clearly and effectively. One student noted that Mr. Wright was demanding, but he pushed him in a way that allowed him to take ownership of his own growth as writer. Mr. Wright’ s English faculty also benefited from his mentorship and guidance. His teachers always received sage advice and encouragement that allowed them to develop their professional practices. All of the students, administration, and faculty thank Mr. Wright for his dedication and service, and we wish him well in his retirement.
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A Tale of Five Sweets (A reprint of Cindy Sweets convocation Speach, 2016) Once upon a time, in a state not so far away, lived a nice little family called the Sweets. One day Mr. Sweet came home very excited about a new job offer at a boarding school in Buffalo. "Buffalo!" exclaimed Mrs. Sweet. "Doesn't it snow a lot there?" "Buffalo!" shouted the three little Sweets. "Where the heck is that!" After much discussion, the Sweet family packed up all their possessions, loaded them into their mini-van, and traveled to Buffalo, NY to pursue a new life working and living at The Gow School. It was the year 1990. Because there was no house large enough on The Gow School campus to accommodate the family of five, the first few years they lived in a charming little town called East Aurora. The Sweet children, after much whining about leaving their friends and family (everything was better in the Pocono's) settled into the comfortable life of a small town. After three years of village life, the family finally moved onto the school campus. "How can you DO this to us!" the children cried. "You are RUINING our social lives! That school is WAY too far from civilization!! But, as typically happens, they all adjusted to the Gow way. Life was good. This is where the fairy tale ends. And the reality began! It is true, we all adjusted to life on campus. The family went to dinner every Tuesday evening. Our children went skiing with the school every Friday night during the winter season. We all enjoyed family excursions to the mall and participated in many of the weekend activities. The reality I mentioned…our cute little elementary-age kids had suddenly become teenagers…a word that strikes fear in the hearts of most parents. Nothing really changed for our son, Doug. He still had the friends he made on campus. He still played on the modified soccer team. He still attended summer camp. The real awakening for us, was the reality of dealing with two teenage daughters living on an "all guy" campus. 140 boys right at their fingertips. Very Scary!! Boys took on a whole new meaning. All of a sudden, weekend sleepovers at our house multiplied at an alarming rate. Our daughters' friends started dropping by our house in giggling masses. We were SO popular!! The girls suggested to us that maybe attending their father's study hall would improve their grades, especially in Math. Life as we knew it no longer existed. As parents we were constantly on alert. Are they dressed properly? Where are they? Who are they with? Rules were made, more rules were broken. There was one eighth grade student who developed an interest in our daughter Kim. She liked him too. Let's just call this young guy, Bob. Mr. Sweet had Bob in evening study hall, so we agreed to have him over to the house one night after study hall was completed. Bob was a what I like to call a "frequent flier" on Sweet Airlines, kind of like the Kelley Pain Train. He was constantly in his office. It also needs to be said that Mr. Sweet wasn't too keen on this romance. That night he kept finding ways to keep Bob late in study hall, figuring the longer he kept him in the library, the shorter the visit at our house with our daughter. Finally, he let him go. Mr. Sweet quickly closed up the library and hurried across the street to our house. He wanted to greet Bob at the door when he arrived, maybe put a little fear in him. Well, Mr. Sweet walked into the house only to find this (and I say it fondly) "knucklehead" was already there, in HIS house, sitting on HIS couch with an arm around HIS daughter. "How ya doing Mr. Sweet?" Bob said. He was not a happy camper. The expression on his face was priceless. However, his expression quickly turned to "the look" and then the point! We all know that look. Thankfully the romance didn't last very long.
The entire Gow community would like to thank Jeff, Cindy and their family for everything that they have done for the school all these years. As the lower school head, Jeff 's leadership, teaching ability and compassion for learning disabled students have been an inspiration to all that have had the priveledge to work with him. As the school librarian, Cindy's knowledge of literature, caring and considerate nature and ever ready "helping hands", have been an example of the qualities that we who have worked with her would like to cultivate in ourselves. We have been truly blessed to have shared our work, lives and families with these two amazing educators. 80
Yes, it was challenging living on campus. It's always challenging raising children. You want to teach them all the values your parents taught you. You want them to experience more things than you did, you want to give them more things than you had. Looking back, I think we did this for our children, but we didn't do it alone. Help came from this school community, our second family. Our children felt safe here. They knew they could rely on any one person that lived on this campus. They were accepted for who and what they were by everyone that lived here. They learned about different cultures from our diverse student population. Most of all they learned through love and support from their family and community that they could accomplish anything they set their minds to. I asked our children, now thirty-something adults, what family means to them and to give me a memory of what was important to them growing up. Their answers: family is unconditional love and support. They allow you to make mistakes and teach you how to learn from those mistakes. You can trust them, rely on them, cry with them and laugh with them. Their fondest memories were not the trips we took to Disney World, nor the cruise we took to the Caribbean, but the time we spent together as a family, playing games, eating dinner together, camping or just hanging out talking. Family means a lot to all of us in this room. Maybe that's why we are all here. Why we, as teachers, stay as long as we do. We all feel a part of something, something special. I think I can speak for my whole family when I say that we have felt blessed and honored to have been a part of this exceptional community for the last 27 years.
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