Credits: Contributors and content sources can be accessed at www.gpcc.nsw.edu.au/40-year-anniversary
In the late 1970s a number of Christian parents from Green Point Baptist Church on the Central Coast of New South Wales began thinking about alternatives for the education of their children that would be more aligned with their values and beliefs. An Investigating Committee was formed, and by November 1980 a recommendation was put before the Diaconate to establish a Christian school. After much work from the School Committee, Green Point Baptist Christian Community School commenced on 17 February 1982, with 17 students and Michael Carman as the sole Teacher-in-Charge. As we conclude the 40th year of this ministry being launched it is a wonderful testimony of God’s hand at work through the Church, and through many people who have served and helped build what is now a thriving K-12 co-educational, independent Christian school. As we begin 2022 some 140 staff continue to impact approximately 1100 students and their families. This Anniversary Booklet captures just a glimpse of the many stories that have had their beginnings at Green Point over the past four decades; stories that continue to impact the lives of all those who have part of the birth, growth and ongoing treasure that is Green Point Christian College. We invite you to take a few moments to soak in the memories gathered on the pages that follow, and please join us in celebrating as the Apostle Paul did so fittingly, “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15)
PRINCIPAL Phillip Nash Green Point Christian College
SENIOR PASTOR Rev. Phil Blair Green Point Baptist Church
BOARD CHAIR Emeritus Professor Kevin Sproats GPCC Ltd
Green Point Baptist Christian Community School opens 17 February 1982
is the motto
The Official Opening of the School took place on Sunday 1 August 1982 with Rev. Bob Frisken as the guest speaker.
“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will
The first School Board was appointed from the membership of Green Point Baptist Church
School was held in the top storey of the Jacaranda Building at Green Point Baptist Church
The school had 47 students
in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.” Ephesians 4:15
Mr Michael Carman appointed Teacher-in-Charge.
17 students Kindergarten to Year 6 were in attendance on the first day of school.
The children visit Old Sydney Town for an excursion
Miss Suzanne Herbert was appointed Teacher-in-Charge
With 3 teachers now in the School a School Assembly began on Wednesday mornings with, whenever possible, the Church Pastor, Rev. Bill Thitchener taking part. The Assembly was run by the upper Primary students and included displays, plays and prayer.
4 In September Mr George and Mrs Rita Galieh, who are well known as an evangelist and artist respectively, visited the School for the first of a number of visits in the coming years. 10 children committed their lives to Christ. It was a time of rejoicing for the School.
At the end of the year Miss Suzanne Herbert (now Mrs Driver) resigned.
Memories of those early years include: starting to teach without even a blackboard as equipment; painting the second hand desks from Government stores (red and blue desks for Infants and pink for Primary classes); having only one tree in the playground; the cows on agistment on Church property breaking through into the playground; the lack of resources; saving every scrap of paper to be used; and the wonderful help from the parents.
Mrs Roslyn Beaton employed as Office Secretary.
Volunteer teacher, Mrs Kerrie Rochford began, and is still working for the school 37 years on
In all the planning the Church and School Board were conscious of the principle in Psalm 127:1 that
Three teachers now employed
“Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain.” Three teachers were employed – Lynys Nelson, Christopher Gow, Bronwyn Evans
Mr Graham Vant was appointed Teacher-in-Charge
and unless it was God in control of each phase of the School, every effort would be useless.
The fifth teacher was appointed, Mr Mark Hoppitt
The school has grown rapidly from 49 students to 88 in twelve months
At a Church Business Meeting on 25 February 1987 the Deacons’ recommendation was: “that the Church purchase the land owned by the Department of Education on the eastern side of the Church property...” It was carried unanimously. All saw this as a wonderful answer to prayer and the provision of God. The Church had to dedicate to Gosford Council 3.31 hectares for green belt purposes, leaving 3.884 hectares for the School development. Prayer undergirded each development.
School informed of Department of Education land adjacent to the current property to be sold at auction
An architect was appointed to design buildings to be established on the land bought
A High School Committee was formed to investigate further the establishment of a High School
On 25 May 1988 Chairman Mr Allan Godden reported to the Church Business Meeting that there were 179 children in the whole School; plans for the new buildings were underway though there was some delays in transactions for the purchase of the land; and an Apple 2E Computer had been purchased for use by students.
“And whatever you do, whether
Progress in the School was evident, but daily irritations and problems were sometimes frustrating. At one stage, fleas and rodents were a problem. The Teacher-in-Charge was asked to arrange for extermination! Dogs and goats were another annoying problem—taking lunches, school bags and jumpers and knocking over garbage bins! Mr Graham Vant also remembers that horses from nearby farms sometimes strayed onto the property. He also remembers the ‘Plover Patrol’ whereby students were given flags to patrol the playground. If the plovers attacked all the students hit the ground!
Students attended the Schools Spectacular with Christian Community Schools across Australia for the Bicentennial 11 students started High School in Year 7
in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17 At the end of 1988 there were 210 children in the whole School.
Land bought at auction on 22 November First computers bought for the use of students
“Educating for E t ernity”
Green Point Baptist Christian Community School became an Incorporated Company
First Business Manager appointed
On 7 June 1989, Green Point Baptist Christian Community School became an Incorporated Company. Membership of the Church was a prerequisite for membership of the Company.
10 NINETIES 18 June Mr Rodney Lynn appointed as Principal In late September a letter was sent to the School staff and Church family from the Board Chairman, Church Pastor, Teacher-in-Charge, and the School Bursar/Administrator. It announced ‘Good News!’ “The Board has authorised the architect to proceed with the construction of buildings.” It was hoped that the building would be occupied by the following February and an Official Opening of the Buildings planned for 4 March 1990.
New High School buildings were established with Stage 1 completed
The Official Opening of the Buildings did happen on time and a School Magazine account by the Senior School Student Representatives, Gary Bruderlin and Kirsty McCarthy reported that “1990 has been an exciting and progressive year, with the official opening of the High School buildings.”
245 students were now attending
“Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life—guard it well.” Proverbs 4:13 Mr Rodney Lynn began in the role of Principal of the school
“Green Point Baptist Church sees this School as part of its ministry to the coming generations. As a Church we are building the future under the sovereign leadership of the Lord Jesus Christ. This future is being built in the lives of our students. It is a very high calling.... We are a School with an exciting outlook.” PRINCIPAL, MR RODNEY LYNN
First cohort of 13 sits for the Year 10 School Certificate
261 students were now attending
Behind the scenes the Board and School leadership continued to plan for double streaming of some classes in 1992 and eventually for a development into Senior High School with Years 11 and 12.
Stage 2 building commenced including 2 classrooms and pathways
The 10 Year Anniversary of the establishment of the school was celebrated 320 students were now attending, with teaching and ancillary staff numbering 26
The buildings known as Stage 2 and Stage 3, which had been occupied the previous year, were officially opened on Saturday 27 February 1993 by Mr Frank Walker MP.
13 Rev Ray Case became the new Pastor of the Church
“We are proud to be at this School, to see it achieve so many goals and to look back at where it started. As representatives of this family we wish the best for Green Point Baptist Christian Community School. God has blessed us in many ways. We should be thankful for the many gifts we have been given.” Senior School Representatives, ALEX GELERIS AND MIRANDA KELLY
Approval received for the extension into Year 11
Development of a ‘Master Plan’ is commissioned for the future of the School to build upon for the Church and Board and objectives
406 students now attend the school
The School continued to grow as did its waiting lists for classes. The Board agreed to double stream classes K–2 and Years 7 and 8 in 1994. The projected enrolments would be 267 in Primary and 137 in Secondary making a total of 406. By September the excavations for Stage 4 of the buildings had commenced. By the end of the year the Development Application for Stage 5, the Library and Technology Centre had gone to Gosford Council and a grant had been obtained for this. Notification had also come of approval from the Commonwealth New Schools Commission to extend into Year 11 in 1995.
Mrs Sue Skuthorpe appointed Acting Principal August to December 1994.
The name of the School changed from Green Point Baptist Christian Community School to Green Point Christian College
One of the great highlights of the year, remembered by Principal Rodney Lynn, was the Easter Assemblies where Mr George and Mrs Rita Galieh presented a Gospel message of challenge about Christ’s work at Calvary. A number of Primary students approached teachers afterwards to talk about a commitment to Jesus Christ.
Mr Keith Francis was appointed Principal and commenced duties at the beginning of 1995.
The School numbers according to the official Census for the State Government had reached 496
15 In the Secondary Assembly, students were dismissed after being invited to return to the Church later if they wished to talk about a commitment of their lives to Christ; 65 students returned. Follow up literature and other activities were made available to the students. It was a time of great rejoicing in the School.
A new School logo and uniform were introduced
First Year 12 cohort sitting the HSC started with 29 students
28 students welcomed to the first Year 11
780 students were now enrolled Overall student numbers had reached 670 At the beginning of 1996, the College began Senior High School welcoming 28 students into the first Year 11. Year 7 had grown to three classes and the Primary School had grown to two classes per grade. The overall student numbers at the beginning of the school year were 670. There were also 21 new staff to be integrated into the College family.
1997 was another momentous year for the College, with the first Year 12 group sitting the Higher School Certificate; the Official Opening of the Central Learning Area including the Library; 780 students were enrolled and 18 new staff, which included 13 new positions appointed to cater for the growth.
During 1997 the Library was officially opened by the Pastor of Green Point Baptist Church, Rev. Ray Case on 15 June.
Enrolments had reached 822 students and there were now 89 full-time, part-time teaching and ancillary staff in the College
“A school is far more than an attractive location with good facilities. It is built on the hard work and faithful service of men and women who answer God’s call.” PRINCIPAL, KEITH FRANCIS
School enrolments reached 875 this year.
On 6 August, the final phase of buildings, including the Multipurpose Centre, were officially opened by Federal Member for Robertson, Mr Jim Lloyd MP. Another Official Opening was the Secondary Technology Block opened by Rev Bob Frisken, one of the founders of Christian Community Schools.
“I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Triple streaming had begun in the Junior High School and in the Infants Department 49 children began in Kindergarten.
The College now had 920 enrolled students and over 90 staff.
The College held its own School Olympics over several days, beginning with an Official Opening on Thursday 31 August by Board Chairman Mr Max Pridmore. Students, dressed to represent various countries, marched around the arena, and the torch was carried in by champion swimmer Danielle Roach.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” Joel 2:28 NOUGHTIES
A new Mission Statement was adopted by the Board and Staff:
“To provide quality Christ-centred education through a caring and dynamic learning community.”
The College now draws 950 students from families throughout the Coast.
In January 2001 there were 148 students on the waiting list. Local demographics indicated a larger proportion of school-age children in the Gosford area than there were in Sydney. The nearby Coast Christian School, which did not plan a secondary school at that stage, and had children wanting to enter Green Point Christian College at High School level. Even in the wider community values were becoming an important issue for parents in choosing a school for their children, and the College was often their preferred choice.
20 After much prayer and after considering various options, the Board decided to proceed with the further development of the College on the site by expanding Years 7 and 10 in 2002.
The transaction to permit the College to own the 6.368 hectares of land it occupies from the Church was completed
In July 2001, after nationwide advertising and seeking the Lord’s guidance, the College Board announced the appointment of a new Principal, Mr Peter Bosker. Mr Bosker took up duties in January 2002 and with his wife, Annette and four children, moved from Tasmania to the Central Coast.
Green Point Christian College Celebrates 20 Year Anniversary
Celebrations were planned for the weekend of the 2–4 August, to commemorate the Official Opening of the School in August 1982.
Green Point Christian College joined the new association of Christian Schools Australia (CSA)
This year has been a significant one in the life of the College. We have reached the 20th year and joined in celebrations with families, friends, students, church, staff, and Board in August to recognise and give thanks to God for the vision He gave to the members of Green Point Baptist Church so many years ago. Mr Max Pridmore, Board Chairman
The new Library Resource Centre was opened on 4 May 2003
The old manse on the property was renovated completely in preparation for our new Kindergarten rooms.
Our Tongan Link Mission Trip was a great success and a challenging experience for the students and staff who were involved. Much spiritual and personal growth has been the reward for this mission trip.
The Church manse was adopted as College property in June 2003
The College moved to include a middle school for Years 7-9, in addition to the Junior School K-6, and Senior School 10-12
In 2004 there were 1061 students enrolled at Green Point Christian College. This number was made up of 436 Infants/Primary students and 625 Secondary students.
The House system for sport in the College was established this year with Houses named after the islands of Tonga under Garth Reid’s leadership. The Houses are: Eua Eagles, Ha’apai Hurrianes, Va’vau Breakers and Taloa Warriors.
This year saw the advent of the College’s commitment to mission trips to our outback communities
As College numbers have grown over the past few years to over 1000 students, the need for new buildings and facilities became more urgent. Several demountable classrooms were installed and classrooms were upgraded.
Mr Matthew Drennan took the role as Interim Principal
There were 1081 students enrolled at Green Point Christian College.
Our great distinctive of providing an uncompromising Christian foundation for all students continues to be carried out through committed Christian teachers, a biblically based curriculum, pastoral care families in Secondary, class devotions in Junior School, relevant weekly chapel services and opportunities for students to express their faith through servanthood such as Backyard Blitz.
Mr Wayne Parks was appointed Principal
College Vision Statement For each community member to flourish, be fruitful and be fulfilled in the purposes of the Lord Jesus Christ.
College Mission Statement To provide quality Christ centred education through a caring and dynamic learning community.
A new statement of our Vision, namely “Excellence in Christ-centred Education”, was adopted
Mr Graham Vant left the College at the end of this year. Graham was the Head Teacher from 1985 (the third year of the school) until the Secondary School began and continued teaching in the Middle School until this year. Graham’s leadership over the early years was much appreciated as he built the school from its very small beginnings.
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that Garth Reid left the College this year after being instrumental in building mission and service into the College since 1997.
This year marks 25 years for Green Point Christian College which has gone from a school with just 19 students and one teacher to a College with over 1000 students and approximately 140 staff.
The work of the College is greatly assisted by volunteers who assist in a variety of areas, including serving in the Canteen, attending excursions and supervising exams
Junior School dressed up and paraded for the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony
For the sixth time boys from GPCC travelled to Charleville to experience life on remote properties
Demand for places at Green Point Christian College reached an unprecedented level
you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24 As a result of the Global Financial Crisis the College benefited from the Federal Government’s economic stimulus package to the tune of $3.2m. This lead to the College being able to build a new Creative Arts building and also to construct an undercover walkway and bus bay.
During the course of 2010 land was purchased adjacent to the College for future development with the plan to provide more car parking and to improve access.
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my
We are very thankful for the positive and constructive relationship between the College and Green Point Baptist Church
Demand for places at Green Point Christian College reached an unprecedented level in 2010 reflecting the high regard in which the College is held within the local community.
Green Point Christian College is an enduring feature of the educational landscape of the Central Coast with student enrolments K-12 around 1,025
The CAPA opening was carried out by Deborah O’Neill the Federal Member for Robertson. She commented that the building was the largest she had seen for the $3million, and asked for the plans to be sent to her office in Canberra. The Federal Minister for Education Peter Garrett, then came and saw for himself. Technology received a significant boost in 2011 as laptops were rolled out across the campus as a consequence of a further Federal Government grant. The availability of this technology has greatly assisted learning and helped bring the College into the 21st century in terms of lesson delivery.
children are walking in the truth”. 3 John 4
Working from the Vision statement, the Board, with assistance from the College’s senior management, developed a five year strategic plan known as the Education Plan 2012-2016.
2012 was the 30th Anniversary of Green Point Christian College
Towards the end of 2012 the College had a change of Principal when Mrs Debra Walls replaced Mr Wayne Parks.
This year the College celebrated its 30th anniversary. Who would have thought that the single class that began in a room on the upper level of the Ministries Centre would develop into a school with more than 1,000 students and more than 120 staff! In looking back and seeing all that has been achieved, we can appreciate anew all that God has done and how blessed we are as a College community.
We have an amazing privilege at the college to be able to help and encourage students to grow in their faith in God
Students attended mission trips to Charleville, Hope Vale, Tonga and Cambodia.
Green Point Christian College has been blessed in that the number of parents wishing to enrol their children at the College resulted in a student population of around 1,075 by the end of 2013. The College continues to be blessed in many ways as it operates as a ministry of Green Point Baptist Church and thereby seeks to make Christ fully known to everyone and to make everyone fully grown in Christ.
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your
“To God be the Glory great things he has done.”
Having served at the College for 17 years, Matthew Drennan retired as Head of Junior School. Matthew has, over the years, built a Junior School that has been very highly respected in the community. We thank God for his broad contribution to the life of the College.
bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.” Romans 12:1
The College continues to focus attention on ways of serving.
GPCC continues a holistic approach to educating, caring for and supporting each child and their family
“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face shine upon us,
Our co-curricular activities continue to flourish with support from dedicated staff
Each year brings a further unfolding of God’s plans for the College and this year we have seen the beginning and the final product of the building program which included a new TAS – Technological and Applied Studies Building and an extension to E block to house all Science classes under one roof. This infrastructure will allow an expansion of the gifts and talents of students at the College, providing new and exciting challenges.
We are blessed as a community to have strong leaders who follow Jesus
that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.” Psalms 67:1-2 Our goal is to be always known as the school that walks with God.
As an extension of Green Point Baptist Church, our prayer for the College is that the students and wider College community have every opportunity to know Christ and to make Him known. Your continuing prayers are always appreciated.
The small school that started all those years ago is no longer, for it is now a thriving community spreading and sharing the gospel message whilst educating students through Christ centred educational practices.
We see God’s hands and feet at work in this place each day
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us We are a community that demonstrates our love for God by loving each other.
Our connection with the Gulargambone Indigenous Mission (AIM) continues to gain momentum with two separate teams (one all girls and one all boys) travelling to these remote areas to share God’s Word, build relationships, bless the communities and support the work of the Indigenous Pastors.
Every aspect of life at the College continues to be dedicated to the service of our living God
in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3
As Christian educators we unashamedly preach the gospel
2019 38 At the end of third term, after six years as Principal, the College farewelled Mrs Debra Wells. The Board acknowledged her faithful service and leadership and wishes her well for her future. During the year the Board undertook an extensive recruitment process seeking a new Principal. In July the Board appointed Mr Phillip Nash as the incoming Principal. Due to his commitments in Indonesia, Phillip was not due to take up the position until June 2019. Mrs Jane McLarty, the current Deputy Principal, was appointed by the Board to fulfil the role of Acting Principal pending the new Principal arriving.
Principal Phillip Nash joined the College in June 2019
The Board task force started work in early 2019 on a review of the vision and mission of the school. This was completed with the finalisation of a new Core Purpose Statement, Mission Goals, Graduate Profile and Motto in November 2019.
Core Purpose The purpose of GPCC is to equip students for a life of redemptive service through a holistic education grounded in a Biblical perspective.
“In Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” - Romans 12:5 A new Core Purpose, Mission Goals and the Graduate Profile are launched
Misson Goals STUDENTS
The formation of students who display the attributes of the Graduate Profile
The development of quality staff who serve our students well
The support of families as the cornerstone of a flourishing society
The Graduate Profile was shared across the Primary and Secondary Campus’ in every classsroom and common area
Our goal is the formation of students who display these attributes.
Godly in Character
Socially Engaged
Creative & Critical Thinker
We are designed in God’s image and fulfil our humanity most when we reflect His characteristics.
Life-Long Learner
We are designed in God’s image and fulfil our humanity most when we reflect His characteristics.
We are designed for relationship and co-operation, and flourish when we work together with others.
We are designed for on-going discovery of ourselves, others, the world and the Creator.
We are designed as thinkers and given responsibility to be co-creators with the Great Creator.
We are designed to serve and help others, and to redeem the brokenness of the world.
COLLABORATIVE We are designed for relationship and co-operation, and flourish when we work together with others.
We are designed for on-going discovery of ourselves, others, the world and the Creator.
We are designed as thinkers and given responsibility to be co-creators with the Great Creator.
We are designed to serve and help others, and to redeem the brokenness of the world.
The Melos Foundation launched
Learning went online at times throughout the year due to COVID-19 lockdowns
All of Term 3 2021 was conducted as online home learning due to Covid-19 lockdowns
41 The Melos Foundation is leading the formation of a group of schools that will allow an educational partnership strengthening the cause of Christian Education in our region and beyond. By joining together under a single governance structure The Melos Foundation helps member schools to ensure quality and expertise in governance for all group members into the future.
Property was purchased at Gongolgon for the purposes of GPCC field trips and a possible future school. This area is within driving distance of Brewarrina where GPCC has been active for many years taking students to the area on mission exposure trips.
Approval was granted from NESA to start Yattalunga Valley Christian School in 2022 for K-2
Celebrating 40 Years of God’s faithfulness to Green Point Christian College
“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15 Yattalunga Valley Christian School begins operating for K-2 Students on the Autism spectrum. The school recognises that all people are created uniquely and in the image of God, and are precious and valued in His sight; as such YVCS will provide a caring Christian environment for students with Autism.
GPCC now employs 140 staff and serves approximately 1100 students attending from K-12
Green Point Christian College 382 Avoca Drive, Green Point NSW 2251 Telephone 02 4363 1266 Email office@gpcc.nsw.edu.au