8Story 2023 Online Catalog

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Austin & Courtney Story

29143 175th Street • Altamont, MO 64620

Cell: (660) 663-5048


Austin Story: 660-663-5048

Courtney Story: 660-663-7925

Sale Barn Office: 660-663-2177

David Hobbs: 913-515-1215


Russele Sleep: 712-621-1365


David Hobbs, Kansas City, Missouri: 913-515-1215


If you are unable to attend the sale and wish to have someone on the sales staff assist you with an order bid, please contact anyone connected with this sale. Bids will be handled in a confidential manner.


Saturday, March 25, 2023, 1 p.m.


Daviess County Livestock Market, 912 W. Grand, Gallatin, Missouri, 64640: 660-663-2177


A complimentary lunch will be served at 11 a.m. courtesy of 8 Story Farms.


On all bulls within 200 miles or $50.00 off each bull if picked up sale day. All cattle, bulls and females must be loaded out of the sale barn sale day, unless the buyer makes arrangements with the sale barn owners. If you need assistance with trucking please contact Austin Story.


All bulls have passed a breeding soundness examination prior to the sale. All bulls are virgin bulls and the 18-month old bulls have been Trich tested. All open heifers are guaranteed to be satisfactory breeders and all bred heifers will have proven to be breeders with a calf at side or due to calve.


All bulls and heifers will sell with proper health certificates. All cattle are up to date on their vaccinations.

Dear Friends,

Thank you for considering 8 Story Farms for your Charolais genetics! As we prepare for this our 5th Annual production sale, we are very humbled by your support and your confidence in our program. It is always our goal to provide cattle that work for you and help make you more profitable. This includes searching and selecting the best genetics, feeding them right, providing top health care, and above all offering you uncompromising customer service.

This year we are bringing you another high-quality set of bulls that are very uniform. We are even more impressed with the uniformity in this year’s crop, considering that we had to seek out some newer genetics. With so many Citation daughters now in the herd, you will see fewer of his progeny represented in the sale. However, we think we have hit on several new upand-coming herd sires. We think you’ll like the cattle by these young herd sires, LT Marksman, WC Chart Topper, and Box P Xavier. If you study the pedigree, EPD’s, and see them in person you’ll appreciate how these newer sires are impacting our herd. Seeing what they are doing in our herd gives us confidence those genetics will do well at your farm or ranch as well.

We are moving in a different direction with our females offering this year, so we are only bringing you 10 of our top open heifers for your choosing this go-round. These were all selected out of our replacement pen. We even invited over a good friend to review them in the pen and select 3 or 4 he liked. We held nothing back and his selections are all represented in the sale. They are as good as they get.

As you review the catalog, please feel free to call and discuss with any questions you might have. We love talking cattle, from Austin to the youngest child, Axle, farming is family around here! Be sure and check our website for updates of links to review the videos near sale time. If you can’t attend the sale in person, you can utilize DVAuction or give us a call to place a bid for you. Thank you again for considering us as your seedstock partner.


Austin, Courtney, Xander, Axton, Aubrey, & Axle


CE: 6.0 BWT: -0.4 WW: 59 YW: 107

Milk: 24 MCE: 5.6 MTNL: 52 SC: 1.0

CW: 23 REA: 0.72 Fat: 0.010 Marb: 0.11

TSI: 249.81

CE: Calving Ease (A higher value indicates greater calving ease)

BW: Birth Weight (A lower value indicates the difference in average birth weight)

WWT: Weaning Weight (The expected difference in average weaning weight of calves)

YWT: Yearling Weight (The expected difference in average yearling weight of progeny)

Milk: Maternal Milk (The genetic ability to express pounds of weight through dam’s milk)

MCE: Calving Ease Maternal (A higher value indicates greater calving ease with a sire’s daughters)

MTNL: Total Maternal (A value to predict weaning weight due to genetics for growth & maternal ability)

SC: Scrotal Circumference (The expected difference of bull’s in circumference at yearling)

TSI: Terminal Sire Index (Is a formal method of combing many EPD traits into one single value. The TSI represents a dollar index per terminal progeny produced, ranking them for profit potential.

Example: If Sire A’s index is $191.00 and Sire B’s index is $200.00, then we would expect Sire B’s offspring to average $9.00 more net return than Sire A’s offspring)


When evaluating cattle for purchase, a sale catalog will provide as much information to help one make as informed of a decision as possible. That often includes actual or adjusted performance data, EPD’s, and highlighted notes about the animals. Pictures and even videos will also help to analyze and evaluate the animal. But one characteristic that no number of pictures and information can adequately assess is the animal’s disposition.

Disposition is the top trait at 8 Story Farms. A gentle mannered animal is always so much more enjoyable to be around, and the peace of mind that brings with it is invaluable. You shouldn’t need someone to watch your six while you are trying to sort off a pen of calves or working them through the pens for vaccinations. When the average age of your farm help is 7 years old, the appreciation for that characteristic is heightened even further. A bulls disposition heavily influences our decisions when we purchase, and therefore expect it should and will affect yours. That’s why we are uncompromising in our sorting and culling for disposition.

While we believe a lot of disposition is genetic, it’s also influenced by the environment. That’s one of the reasons we interact so closely with our cattle on a daily basis. For the developed bulls and heifers, we offer in our sale each year, that begins with daily moves on rotationally grazed pastures. It continues with hand feeding them after weaning twice daily. Multiple interactions in the barns and chutes for weights and health protocol ensure that they are used to being handled by large and small helpers alike!

While the bulls and females in this sale aren’t broke to lead, you can bid with confidence knowing they are easy to handle. And they are sure to come with a friendly run to a bucket full of feed!




LT SUNDANCE 2251 PLD #M820210 LT JULIE 2055 PLD #F1156396 LT LEDGER 0332 P LT BALLET 9219 POLLED EATONS ROYAL DYNASTY 6164 LT JULIE 9171 POLLED LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P LT BRENDA 6120 PLD LT EASY PRO 1158 PLD LT BALLET 6233 EATONS VALUE ROYAL 2101P EATONS MISS CADET 2899 LT SILVER DISTANCE 5342P LT JULIE 7148 PLD DOB: 03/14/2015 BULL REG# M866811 Tattoo: 5228 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 9.9 -0.5 76 133 22 7.7 60 2.3 0.89 0.34 278.75 REF. SIRE act. BW 88 adj. WW 975 WWR 122 adj. YW 1545 YWR 117
RBM FARGO Y111 #EM809088 LT 7N ROSEBUD 4035 PLD #F1190426 SPARROWS FARGO 811U HC RHINESTONE 5100 LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD LT 7N ROSEBUD 2157 PLD WINN MANS LANZA 610S SPARROWS DELIGHT 74L LT EASY PRO 1158 PLD HC JACK 2082 LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD LT PRIMA PRO 1220 PLD DOB: 03/10/2019 BULL REG# EM926819 Tattoo: 9455 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 9.6 -1.8 65 134 30 8.1 63 1.3 0.89 -0.02 275.63 REF. SIRE act. BW 92 adj. WW 841 WWR 100 adj. YW 1467 YWR 100 LT MARKSMAN 9455 PLD ET - Sire of Lots 4-7, 20-24, & 47 LT CITATION 5228 PLD - Sire of Lots 36-43 - 3 -





WC UNCHARTED 7328 P #M898749 WC CLARICE 4115 P ET #F1192683 CCC WC RESOURCE 417 P WC BRENDA 4035 P LT LEDGER 0332 P JWK CLARICE J139 ET LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD WC CCC BLUE GIRL 1528 P WC CAPITAL GAIN 2220 P ET WC BRENDA 2005 P LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P LT BRENDA 6120 PLD VCR SIR DUKE 914 PLD JWK CLARICE D050 ET DOB: 01/10/2019 BULL REG# M926565 Tattoo: 9225 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 8.8 -0.7 81 138 35 5.5 75 0.8 0.69 0.11 272.22 REF. SIRE act. BW 82 adj. WW 889 WWR 113 adj. YW YWR
ELDER’S AMBASSADOR 8038F #M923345 BOX P REMI 5102 P #F1213327 WCR COMMISSIONER 593 P ELDER’S MERIT ECHO 120D BOX P REMINGTON 1101 P BOX P SD SANDRA 3118 P WCR COUNTY LINE 3132 P WCR MS BRAVO 399 P ELDER’S BLACKJACK 788B MERIT ECHO 9546W EATONS IMPACT 9423 BC MISS GOLD 490 HC SILVER SAND 1336 BOX P AUDREY 9067 P DOB: 03/4/2020 BULL REG# M947963 Tattoo: 0057 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 6.6 -2.0 86 155 28 5.7 70 1.5 1.07 0.03 293.97 REF. SIRE act. BW 95 adj. WW 794 WWR 123 adj. YW 1429 YWR 118 BOX P XAVIER 0057 P - Sire of Lots 30-35 & 44 WC CHART TOPPER 9225 P - Sire of Lots 1, 2, 25, 26, & 49 - 4 -


LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD #M780143 LT BLUE DIVA 2369 PLD #F1156346 LT SILVER DISTANCE 5342P LT BELLE 7026 P LT BLUEGRASS 0330 P LT ROYAL DIVA 0391 P LT SILVER YIELD 3196 P LT MATTIE 9026 POLLED LT EASY PRO 1158 PLD LT BELLE 5110 PLD LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P LT MOLLY 6049 PLD EATONS ROYAL DYNASTY 6164 LT DARLIN’ DIVA 6135 P DOB: 02/22/2014 BULL REG# M852832 Tattoo: 4038 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 6.2 -0.9 46 87 26 7.3 49 0.2 0.71 0.26 236.28 REF. SIRE act. BW 80 adj. WW 871 WWR 109 adj. YW 1399 YWR 109 8S INCREDIBULL
LT CITATION 5228 PLD #M866811 EATONS MISS WYOMING 30503 P #F1179619 LT SUNDANCE 2251 PLD LT JULIE 2055 PLD SCHURRTOP EATON CHOICE K717 EATONS WYOMING 11105 LT LEDGER 0332 P LT BALLET 9219 POLLED EATONS ROYAL DYNASTY 6164 LT JULIE 9171 POLLED SCHURRTOP TWENTY ONE P SCHURRTOP 5001-H803 P EATONS DANGER 9348 EATONS WYOMING 8504 DOB: 1/15/2021 BULL REG# M958364 Tattoo: 1039 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 9.6 -1.8 65 134 30 8.1 63 1.3 0.89 -0.02 275.63 REF. SIRE act. BW 97 adj. WW 618 WWR 119 adj. YW 1308 YWR 118 8S INCREDIBULL 1039 P LT COMMANDER 4038 P - Sire of Lots 10-13 - 5 -
1039 P


8S BLAZE 1113 P

• Herd sire prospect

• Tremendous depth of body with extra volume

• Standing on a wide firm base and has that performance look

• Loads of power, his WW EPD is in the top 2% of the breed


• A spitting image of his sire LT Maverick 6734 PLD

• Soggy and loaded with guts

• Long bodied and a modest frame

8S CHART 1114 P

• Good square frame, small head, and curly hair

• A BW EPD in the top 8% of the breed

BLAZE 1113 P - Sells as Lot 1 LT Maverick 6734 PLD - Sire Lot 3, 27-29, & 45 1
WC CHART TOPPER 9225 P #M926565 8S WENDY 774 P #F1263588 WC UNCHARTED 7328 P WC CLARICE 4115 P ET LT CITATION 5228 PLD M&M MS WIND STORM 4027 PLD ET CCC WC RESOURCE 417 P WC BRENDA 4035 P LT LEDGER 0332 P JWK CLARICE J139 ET LT SUNDANCE 2251 PLD LT JULIE 2055 PLD LT WIND STORM 8223 PLD SHOESTRING 2244’S 165CTW DOB: 9/3/21 BULL REG# M977173 Tattoo: 1113 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 6.5 0.0 77 124 31 5.2 69 1.0 0.69 0.14 258.65 1 act. BW 91 adj. WW 585 WWR 122 adj. YW 1169 YWR 102
WC CHART TOPPER 9225 P #M926565 HC LONG RANGE 1181 #F1141444 WC UNCHARTED 7328 P WC CLARICE 4115 P ET LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD HC DUKE 9154 CCC WC RESOURCE 417 P WC BRENDA 4035 P LT LEDGER 0332 P JWK CLARICE J139 ET LT SILVER DISTANCE 5342P LT BELLE 7026 P OAKDALE DUKE 9003P HC TRES 7048 DOB: 9/4/21 BULL REG# M977174 Tattoo: 1114 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 11.1 -3.3 57 97 31 1.9 59 0.4 0.55 0.16 241.06 2 act. BW 77 adj. WW 478 WWR 100 adj. YW 1040 YWR 91
LT MAVERICK 6734 PLD #EM880445 8S DAPHNE 412 P #F1195332 LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD WC IMPRESSED 0072 P ET SR MS SILVER MELODY 6503 LT RIO BLANCO 1234 P LT 7N OF DUKE 9083 PLD LT UNLIMITED EASE 9108 LT BRENDA 1014 PLD PF IMPRESSED 620 P ET MS BBF LIBERTY ACTOR LT SILVER VALUE 2122 P GP MELODY L43 DOB: 7/1/21 BULL REG# M977170 Tattoo: 1091 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 8.0 -.9 58 100 26 2.5 55 1.1 0.67 0.13 245.24 3 act. BW 88 adj. WW 482 WWR 102 adj. YW 967 YWR 98 - 6 -

1124 P

• The top weaning and yearling weight bull amongst his contemporaries

• Large frame with extra length

• Add dimension and pounds to your next calf crop

8S WATTS 1122 P

• Add some stretch here

• Well balanced in phenotype and EPDs


• Square made and attractive

• Smooth shoulder with a darker hair tint

• He gained over 4lbs per day from weaning to yearling

• Maternal brother was a sale feature in 2020 selling to MW Farms in Tennessee


A longer body and moderate frame score

• Enjoy above average performance with calving ease

CRUSHER 1124 P - Sells as Lot 4 Maternal brother
5 4
to Lot
LT MARKSMAN 9455 PLD ET #EM926819 8S SIERRA 506 P #F1224381 RBM FARGO Y111 LT 7N ROSEBUD 4035 PLD LT LEDGER 0332 P EJ K118 LANZA 610S 214 SPARROWS FARGO 811U HC RHINESTONE 5100 LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD LT 7N ROSEBUD 2157 PLD LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P LT BRENDA 6120 PLD WINN MANS LANZA 610S SCC LADY MAC K118 DOB: 9/26/21 BULL REG# M977177 Tattoo: 1124 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI -1 3.4 73 139 28 2.1 64 1.5 0.83 0.06 274.41 4 act. BW 110 adj. WW 599 WWR 125 adj. YW 1255 YWR 110
MARKSMAN 9455 PLD ET #EM926819 G4 MS KAY #F1179131 RBM FARGO Y111 LT 7N ROSEBUD 4035 PLD M6 NEW STANDARD 842 P ET JASR TANYA 185Y PLD SPARROWS FARGO 811U HC RHINESTONE 5100 LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD LT 7N ROSEBUD 2157 PLD LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P M6 MS GRID MAKER 2175 ET ACE MR PRO CUT 987 SF MISS TANYA 0935 P DOB: 9/28/21 BULL REG# M977178 Tattoo: 1127 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 5.8 -0.2 57 123 22 4.7 51 1.4 0.78 0.09 267.58 5 act. BW 91 adj. WW 444 WWR 93 adj. YW 1119 YWR 98
LT MARKSMAN 9455 PLD ET #EM926819 8S PRINCESS KATE 301 PLD #F1178306 RBM FARGO Y111 LT 7N ROSEBUD 4035 PLD WCR SIR DUKE 7340 P WCR MS BIG BEN 111 P SPARROWS FARGO 811U HC RHINESTONE 5100 LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD LT 7N ROSEBUD 2157 PLD WCR OZ SIR DUKE 1155 PET WCR MISS TRADITION 6240P WC BIG BEN 9036 P WCR MS DESIGN 8015 P DOB: 9/21/21 BULL REG# M977176 Tattoo: 1122 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 10.3 -3.1 59 118 29 6.6 58 1.3 0.78 0.06 263.32 6 act. BW 76 adj. WW 496 WWR 103 adj. YW 1173 YWR 103
MARKSMAN 9455 PLD ET #EM926819 8S MISS LEDGE 663 P #F1253014 RBM FARGO Y111 LT 7N ROSEBUD 4035 PLD LT LEDGER 2284 PLD RCR MISS FREEDOM 0861 SPARROWS FARGO 811U HC RHINESTONE 5100 LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD LT 7N ROSEBUD 2157 PLD LT LEDGER 0332 P LT GRACIE 9254 POLLED VPI FREE LUNCH 708T RCR 5642 P DOB: 10/1/21 BULL REG# M977179 Tattoo: 1130 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 12.5 -3.6 62 113 26 7.5 57 1.2 0.72 0.09 255.45 7 act. BW 82 adj. WW 504 WWR 105 adj. YW 1070 YWR 94 - 7 -




• The look of a herd bull

• Very complete from head to tail • Square hipped with sound feet • Small head, clean sheath, and a wide flat top


and range to his calves

8S PURSUIT 1098 P - Sells as Lot 8 LT PURSUIT 8190 PLD - Sire of Lots 8 & 9 8S DARINGTON 1119 P - Sells as Lot 10 • Attractive and stout
Exhibiting larger bone structure and even muscling
Big hipped and a firm base
LT PURSUIT 8190 PLD #M912382 8S BLUE VALUE 422P #F1182651 LT AFFINITY 6221 PLD LT MAXINE 2017 PLD LT-HC BLUE ROCK 0368 P HC BLUE VALUE 1031 LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD LT ATHENA 1247 LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD LT MAXINE 0281 P LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD LT BLUE VALUE 7903 ET HC EDGE 4049 DOB: 7/11/21 BULL REG# M977171 Tattoo: 1098 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 2.8 0.5 55 108 28 2.6 56 0.8 0.66 0.32 256.31 8 act. BW 96 adj. WW 520 WWR 110 adj. YW 1010 YWR 102
The oldest bull in the sale, ready for heavy service • He’ll add length
LT PURSUIT 8190 PLD #M912382 8S AMETHYST 868 P #F1266573 LT AFFINITY 6221 PLD LT MAXINE 2017 PLD LT CITATION 5228 PLD EATONS MISS FAUSTIN 50521 PLD LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD LT ATHENA 1247 LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD LT MAXINE 0281 P LT SUNDANCE 2251 PLD LT JULIE 2055 PLD LT BLUE BLOOD 1131 PLD EATONS MISS FAUSTIN POLLED DOB: 6/24/21 BULL REG# M977169 Tattoo: 1090 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 9.9 -2.4 60 109 29 6.8 60 1.0 0.71 0.22 255.81 9 act. BW 74 adj. WW 516 WWR 109 adj. YW 991 YWR 100
LT COMMANDER 4038 P #M852832 JCR VISION 292 P #F1153743 LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD LT BLUE DIVA 2369 PLD WCR SIR VISION 861 P JCR IMPRESSIVE 850 P LT SILVER DISTANCE 5342P LT BELLE 7026 P LT BLUEGRASS 0330 P LT ROYAL DIVA 0391 P EATONS VISIONARY 2044 P WCR MS DUKE 6122 P WCR SIR IMPRESS 1325 P JCR MISS DUKE 572 P DOB: 9/13/21 BULL REG# M977175 Tattoo: 1119 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 2.4 0.6 61 106 22 2.5 53 0.6 0.57 0.19 246.79 10 act. BW 95 adj. WW 559 WWR 117 adj. YW 1175 YWR 103 8 10 - 8 -

2038 P

• Has the Commander look

• Strong top line and very attractive

• Excellent conformation


• Another ET and full sib to lot 12

Nice profile and good hair


LT Julie 2055 PLD - Dam of LT Citation and Lots 12 & 13 11
2038 P -
as Lot 11
LT COMMANDER 4038 P #M852832 8S TUITION 615 P #F1229275 LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD LT BLUE DIVA 2369 PLD LT LEDGER 2284 PLD 8S COLLEGE FUND PLD 201 LT SILVER DISTANCE 5342P LT BELLE 7026 P LT BLUEGRASS 0330 P LT ROYAL DIVA 0391 P LT LEDGER 0332 P LT GRACIE 9254 POLLED RIVERDALE TOP END H114 ET PF MISS SUPERIOR 6074 P DOB: 1/17/22 BULL REG# M978167 Tattoo: 2038 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 2.1 1.6 61 112 23 2.0 54 0.5 0.76 0.17 253.25 11 act. BW 106 adj. WW 592 WWR 104 adj. YW 1150 YWR 104 • An ET out of the dam of LT Citation 5228 PLD • A full sib to lot 13
LT COMMANDER 4038 P #M852832 LT JULIE 2055 PLD #F1156396 LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD LT BLUE DIVA 2369 PLD EATONS ROYAL DYNASTY 6164 LT JULIE 9171 POLLED LT SILVER DISTANCE 5342P LT BELLE 7026 P LT BLUEGRASS 0330 P LT ROYAL DIVA 0391 P EATONS VALUE ROYAL 2101P EATONS MISS CADET 2899 LT SILVER DISTANCE 5342P LT JULIE 7148 PLD DOB: 1/30/22 BULL REG# EM978183 Tattoo: 2059 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 6.0 -0.6 52 95 28 7.3 54 0.7 0.61 0.26 243.09 12 act. BW 89 adj. WW 515 WWR 103 adj. YW 984 YWR 98
LT COMMANDER 4038 P #M852832 LT JULIE 2055 PLD #F1156396 LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD LT BLUE DIVA 2369 PLD EATONS ROYAL DYNASTY 6164 LT JULIE 9171 POLLED LT SILVER DISTANCE 5342P LT BELLE 7026 P LT BLUEGRASS 0330 P LT ROYAL DIVA 0391 P EATONS VALUE ROYAL 2101P EATONS MISS CADET 2899 LT SILVER DISTANCE 5342P LT JULIE 7148 PLD DOB: 2/4/22 BULL REG# EM978187 Tattoo: 2070 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 8.4 -1.5 55 97 28 8.0 55 0.7 0.61 0.26 244.87 13 act. BW 82 adj. WW 561 WWR 112 adj. YW 1020 YWR 102 - 9 -



• A powerful Patriot

• Stout with extra thickness

• Ranked #1 of his contemporaries for yearling weight and just 72lbs at birth


• Low birth weight and a small head

• Built like a calving ease bull with a pedigree

• Deep middle and moderate frame

Boasting a 111 weaning weight ratio • Clean

and that Patriot head

CAMPBELL 2049 P - Sells as
14 LT PATRIOT 7461 PLD ET - Sire of Lots 14-19 14
LT PATRIOT 7461 PLD ET #EM898287 8S DIANA 0060 P #F1296304 LT PATRIOT 4004 PLD LT WILLOW MAKER 9131 PLD LT CITATION 5228 PLD EATONS MISS FRANZ 30540 P LT LEDGER 0332 P LK MISS RIO 2119 M6 GRID MAKER 104 PET LT WILLOW EASE 0231 P LT SUNDANCE 2251 PLD LT JULIE 2055 PLD SCHURRTOP EATON CHOICE K717 EATONS FRANZ 10605 DOB: 1/25/22 BULL REG# M978174 Tattoo: 2049 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 6.5 -0.6 69 133 27 6.3 62 1.3 0.73 0.20 277.96 14 act. BW 72 adj. WW 623 WWR 111 adj. YW 1188 YWR 109
to back it up
• Extra bonus for style and eye appeal
#EM898287 8S CHARLOTTE 0011 P #F1297424 LT PATRIOT 4004 PLD LT WILLOW MAKER 9131 PLD WC TOTAL RUSH 3044 P 8S CHARLOTTE 850 P LT LEDGER 0332 P LK MISS RIO 2119 M6 GRID MAKER 104 PET LT WILLOW EASE 0231 P LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD WC QUEEN 1120 P LT COMMANDER 4038 P EATONS MISS CHARLO 30537 P DOB: 1/10/22 BULL REG# M978157 Tattoo: 2015 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 5.9 -1.2 64 116 32 5.8 64 1.0 0.68 0.15 258.92 15 act. BW 73 adj. WW 616 WWR 110 adj. YW 1109 YWR 102 •
LT PATRIOT 7461 PLD ET #EM898287 8S LAURIE 0019 P #F1296286 LT PATRIOT 4004 PLD LT WILLOW MAKER 9131 PLD LT CITATION 5228 PLD 8S LAURIE 604 P LT LEDGER 0332 P LK MISS RIO 2119 M6 GRID MAKER 104 PET LT WILLOW EASE 0231 P LT SUNDANCE 2251 PLD LT JULIE 2055 PLD LT COMMANDER 4038 P EATONS MISS VERA 40572 DOB: 1/26/22 BULL REG# M978176 Tattoo: 2050 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 7.0 -0.9 62 110 29 6.2 60 1.2 0.67 0.21 252.71 16 act. BW 78 adj. WW 625 WWR 111 adj. YW 1068 YWR 98 - 10 -

• Extra thickness throughout, he’ll pack a punch

• Take advantage of his good looks and extra growth

• Check out his weaning and yearling ratios at 115 & 108 respectively



• Top weaning bull from the first calf heifers to ratio 119

• One of the larger framed Patriots

• A big performer yet refined in his structure

PRIME 2053 P - Sells as Lot
DAVE & SIMON PARSONS CALVES - Ledger & Citation Genetics 17
LT PATRIOT 7461 PLD ET #EM898287 8S HELEN 0036 P #F1297492 LT PATRIOT 4004 PLD LT WILLOW MAKER 9131 PLD SAT BOOMTOWN 8303 P ET 8S HELEN 424 P LT LEDGER 0332 P LK MISS RIO 2119 M6 GRID MAKER 104 PET LT WILLOW EASE 0231 P RBM FARGO Y111 M6 MS JEWEL 428 P LT LEDGER 2284 PLD KAC VANTY 053PTW DOB: 1/27/22 BULL REG# M978180 Tattoo: 2053 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 0.2 1.2 70 132 29 -0.9 64 1.0 0.74 0.07 270.98 17 act. BW 84 adj. WW 643 WWR 115 adj. YW 1168 YWR 108
2053 P
#EM898287 8S BRIANNA 0074
#F1297493 LT PATRIOT 4004 PLD LT WILLOW MAKER 9131 PLD LT VENTURE 3198 PLD 8S BRIANNA 624 P LT LEDGER 0332 P LK MISS RIO 2119 M6 GRID MAKER 104 PET LT WILLOW EASE 0231 P LT STAGECOACH 8068 PLD LT BALLET 9219 POLLED LT COMMANDER 4038 P WCR MS DESIGN 1208 P DOB: 1/26/22 BULL REG# M978177 Tattoo: 2051 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI -1.4 1.0 66 112 28 -1.8 61 1.0 0.69 0.12 249.50 18 act. BW 79 adj. WW 665 WWR 119 adj. YW 1084 YWR 100 • Good
of body • Linebred to breed legend LT Ledger 0332 P
LT PATRIOT 7461 PLD ET #EM898287 8S CHARLENE 0080 P #F1296309 LT PATRIOT 4004 PLD LT WILLOW MAKER 9131 PLD LT MAVERICK 6734 PLD 8S CHARLENE 724 P LT LEDGER 0332 P LK MISS RIO 2119 M6 GRID MAKER 104 PET LT WILLOW EASE 0231 P LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD LT LEDGER 0332 P EATONS MISS CHARLO 30537 P DOB: 1/28/22 BULL REG# M978181 Tattoo: 2054 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 5.5 -0.5 56 109 27 3.1 55 1.2 0.67 0.17 253.06 19 act. BW 74 adj. WW 534 WWR 95 adj. YW 1001 YWR 92 - 11 -

8S FERENTZ 2027 P - Sells as Lot 20


• Calving ease deluxe with incredible maternal potential

• Calving Ease and Birth Weight EPD’s rank in the top 3% of the breed

• Dam is attractive and boasts one of the best udders in the herd

• Checks a lot of boxes in terms of eye appeal and stature

• Selling 2/3 interest and full possession


DOB: 1/14/22 BULL REG# M978161 Tattoo:


725 P

• Extra frame with long legs and length of body

• Featuring a thick top line and lots of performance

• Produce calves that grow, gain, and attract attention

#EM926819 EATONS MISS VERA 40572 #F1183755 RBM FARGO Y111 LT 7N ROSEBUD 4035 PLD EATONS PROFILER 10167 POLLED EATONS MISS VERA 20524 POLLED SPARROWS FARGO 811U HC RHINESTONE 5100 LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD LT 7N ROSEBUD 2157 PLD EATONS INTEGRITY 7030 EATONS KONA 7626 LT LEDGER 0332 P EATONS MISS VERA 00553 DOB: 1/13/22 BULL REG# M978160 Tattoo: 2027 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 14.1 -4.7 58 110 25 12.7 54 1.2 0.65 0.05 254.29 20 act. BW 77 adj. WW 598 WWR 105 adj. YW 1105 YWR 100
9455 PLD ET
#EM926819 8S SAVINGS
#F1249811 RBM FARGO Y111 LT
2029 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 4.5 0.9 66 128 22 5.2 55 1.3 0.80 0.06 267.29 21 act. BW 103 adj. WW 591 WWR 104 adj. YW 1162 YWR 105 Maternal brother to Lot 20
21 - 12 -
- Sells as Lot 21

8S TUCKER 2039 P

• Total package, with EPD’s for calving ease and growth all in the top 20% of the breed

• Clean and evenly built

• Feet and leg structure put him on a firm foundation

• Maternal promise with his dam’s cow family being the most prominent in the 8S herd



• Small head and stylish profile in this twin calf

• Still plenty of rib in a smaller frame package

8S RHULE 2041 P

• A performance leader with smooth muscling and an envious look

• Big footed and a bit more frame •

to none in his depth from front to rear

Lot 24 24
8S TUCKER 2039 P - Sells as Lot 22
RHULE 2041 P - Sells as
ANGEL 867 P #F1266574 RBM FARGO Y111 LT 7N ROSEBUD 4035 PLD LT CITATION 5228 PLD 8S ANGEL 529 P SPARROWS FARGO 811U HC RHINESTONE 5100 LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD LT 7N ROSEBUD 2157 PLD LT SUNDANCE 2251 PLD LT JULIE 2055 PLD LT LEDGER 2284 PLD 8S ANGELIC 208 PLD DOB: 1/17/22 BULL REG# M978168 Tattoo: 2039 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 10.1 -1.9 67 128 26 7.0 60 1.4 0.85 0.10 271.20 22 act. BW 84 adj. WW 576 WWR 102 adj. YW 1134 YWR 103
9455 PLD ET
#EM926819 8S CALLIE 9033
#F1281842 RBM FARGO Y111 LT 7N ROSEBUD 4035 PLD LT MAVERICK 6734 PLD UG MS LEDGE 4073 SPARROWS FARGO 811U HC RHINESTONE 5100 LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD LT 7N ROSEBUD 2157 PLD LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD LT LEDGER 0332 P JLS NO DOUBT 2580 PLD DOB: 1/16/22 BULL REG# M978163 Tattoo: 2034 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 7.2 -1.0 59 115 25 2.4 54 1.3 0.76 0.09 256.74 23 act. BW 76 adj. WW 515 WWR 100 adj. YW 1099 YWR 100
Dams cow
family is very strong in the 8S herd
LT MARKSMAN 9455 PLD ET #EM926819 8S FROST 505 P #F1224379 RBM FARGO Y111 LT 7N ROSEBUD 4035 PLD LT LEDGER 0332 P EATONS WINSTON 10555 SPARROWS FARGO 811U HC RHINESTONE 5100 LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD LT 7N ROSEBUD 2157 PLD LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P LT BRENDA 6120 PLD EATONS LEGENDARY 8008 EATONS WINSTON 9998 DOB: 1/20/22 BULL REG# M978170 Tattoo: 2041 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 9.0 -1.5 64 121 25 8.4 57 1.2 0.72 0.06 260.83 24 act. BW 93 adj. WW 617 WWR 109 adj. YW 1164 YWR 105 22 - 13 -


• Extra growth and lots of stretch

• A sharp profile enhances the appeal

• His dam is making an impact with 2 featured sons and 2 replacement females in 4 calves

8S CHART 2045 P

JIMBO 2040 P
Lot 25 WC UNCHARTED 7328 P - Grandsire
25-26 & 49
brother to
25 25
- Sells as
to Lots 1-2,
JIMBO 2040
WC CHART TOPPER 9225 P #M926565 8S VEIL 723 P #F1249792 WC UNCHARTED 7328 P WC CLARICE 4115 P ET LT COMMANDER 4038 P EATONS MISS CHARLO 50830 PLD CCC WC RESOURCE 417 P WC BRENDA 4035 P LT LEDGER 0332 P JWK CLARICE J139 ET LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD LT BLUE DIVA 2369 PLD EATONS WHITE OMEN 30130 P EATONS CHARLO 20778 DOB: 1/19/22 BULL REG# M978169 Tattoo: 2040 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 5.8 0.3 68 122 30 6.6 64 0.8 0.67 0.17 261.63 25 act. BW 97 adj. WW 610 WWR 108 adj. YW 1156 YWR 105
His calving
• A solid base and good hips •
ease numbers add extra value
WC CHART TOPPER 9225 P #M926565 8S ANGEL 9071 P #F1281850 WC UNCHARTED 7328 P WC CLARICE 4115 P ET LT CITATION 5228 PLD 8S ANGEL 529 P CCC WC RESOURCE 417 P WC BRENDA 4035 P LT LEDGER 0332 P JWK CLARICE J139 ET LT SUNDANCE 2251 PLD LT JULIE 2055 PLD LT LEDGER 2284 PLD 8S ANGELIC 208 PLD DOB: 1/23/22 BULL REG# M978172 Tattoo: 2045 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 12.8 -2.9 70 118 28 8.1 63 1.2 0.76 0.15 259.25 26 act. BW 76 adj. WW 557 WWR 98 adj. YW 1061 YWR 96 - 14 -


2024 P

• His dam unfortunately died when he was just 4 weeks old so he will ratio by himself

• An unwilling surrogate dam brought him to weaning but he has accelerated since

• Gaining over 4 lbs per day

• An excellent combination of size, thickness, style, and disposition

• Selling 2/3 interest and full possession


• Big, stout, rugged, and ready to work

• Find mature cows and reap the profits from this performance phenom


• Use his length of body and add stretch to your next calf crop

• There is calving ease, performance, and maternal genetics in his pedigree

MAVERICK SONS - LONG YEARLINGS 8S DABO 2024 P - Sells as Lot 27 RAY MEYER CALVES - Ledger & Commander Genetics 27
LT MAVERICK 6734 PLD #EM880445 8S IVORY 807 P #F1266551 LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD LT CITATION 5228 PLD EATONS MISS WINSTON 40871 P LT RIO BLANCO 1234 P LT 7N OF DUKE 9083 PLD LT UNLIMITED EASE 9108 LT BRENDA 1014 PLD LT SUNDANCE 2251 PLD LT JULIE 2055 PLD EATONS TREASURY 00369 EATONS WINSTON 10555 DOB: 1/13/22 BULL REG# M978159 Tattoo: 2024 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 7.6 -0.6 60 103 28 3.0 58 1.4 0.66 0.16 245.27 27 act. BW 98 adj. WW 541 WWR 100 adj. YW 1205 YWR 100
LT MAVERICK 6734 PLD #EM880445 8S NIA 623 P #F1229278 LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD LT LEDGER 2284 PLD WCR MS NO QUESTION 1261 P/S LT RIO BLANCO 1234 P LT 7N OF DUKE 9083 PLD LT UNLIMITED EASE 9108 LT BRENDA 1014 PLD LT LEDGER 0332 P LT GRACIE 9254 POLLED CFL NO QUESTION 732 WCR MS VISION 729 P DOB: 1/21/22 BULL REG# M978171 Tattoo: 2043 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 4.9 0.2 60 98 27 -1.6 57 1.0 0.65 0.17 236.37 28 act. BW 99 adj. WW 594 WWR 105 adj. YW 1002 YWR 91
LT MAVERICK 6734 PLD #EM880445 8S SUNSHINE 704 P #F1249780 LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD LT COMMANDER 4038 P 8S SUNNY 525 P LT RIO BLANCO 1234 P LT 7N OF DUKE 9083 PLD LT UNLIMITED EASE 9108 LT BRENDA 1014 PLD LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD LT BLUE DIVA 2369 PLD LT LEDGER 2284 PLD KAC VANTY 053PTW DOB: 1/15/22 BULL REG# M978162 Tattoo: 2031 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 4.0 0.2 64 116 31 -3.0 63 1.1 0.73 0.19 257.69 29 act. BW 95 adj. WW 655 WWR 116 adj. YW 1159 YWR 105 - 15 -

• Large-bodied Xavier son to lead off this sire group

• Heavy muscling with a very wide top and big middle

• Growth and performance with a negative birth weight EPD

SABAN 2076 P

• Exceptional growth as the top gaining bull since weaning to ratio 122 on his ADG

• Very attractive with a moderate head and clean front

• Big footed and heavy bone structure

• Heavy, thick, and wide bodied

XAVIER SONS - LONG YEARLINGS 8S KIRBY 2074 P - Sells as Lot 30 8S SABAN 2076 P - Sells as Lot 31 30
8S KIRBY 2074 P BOX P XAVIER 0057 P #M947963 8S GRACE 617 P #F1229276 ELDER’S AMBASSADOR 8038F BOX P REMI 5102 P LT LEDGER 0332 P 8S GRACE 107 WCR COMMISSIONER 593 P ELDER’S MERIT ECHO 120D BOX P REMINGTON 1101 P BOX P SD SANDRA 3118 P LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P LT BRENDA 6120 PLD CCF COOKN TIME 8S ACE OF CLUBS 811 DOB: 2/6/22 BULL REG# M978189 Tattoo: 2074 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 6.8 -1.3 72 135 26 4.2 62 1.4 0.98 0.03 275.55 30 act. BW 92 adj. WW 589 WWR 104 adj. YW 1175 YWR 106
BOX P XAVIER 0057 P #M947963 8S IVY 514 P #F1224387 ELDER’S AMBASSADOR 8038F BOX P REMI 5102 P LT LEDGER 0332 P BCR LINDY 104 PLD WCR COMMISSIONER 593 P ELDER’S MERIT ECHO 120D BOX P REMINGTON 1101 P BOX P SD SANDRA 3118 P LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P LT BRENDA 6120 PLD KEYS MCHENRY 24M BCR LILLY 801 PLD DOB: 2/7/22 BULL REG# M978192 Tattoo: 2076 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 5.2 -0.7 72 141 22 6.9 58 1.5 0.92 0.14 285.15 31 act. BW 93 adj. WW 567 WWR 100 adj. YW 1207 YWR 109 31 - 16LT LEDGER 0332 P - Maternal Grandsire to Lots 30 & 31

• The youngest bull in the sale but you wouldn’t know it by looking

• Added pop and performance

• Big, burly, and that extra thickness Xavier is adding

• Good wavy hair and an attractive profile add to his completeness

2075 P

• Solid squared base and structurally sound • Attractive and sporting a smooth clean front

8S XAVIER 2072 P

• A smaller head and calving ease inside the top 5% of the breed

• Calve easy and use his extra frame to add dimension to your calf crop

8S XAVIER 2079 P

Built heavy with good bone structure

rounded rear

Sells as
2083 P -
Lot 32
8S KIFFIN 2083
BOX P XAVIER 0057 P #M947963 8S MISSY 613 P #F1229273 ELDER’S AMBASSADOR 8038F BOX P REMI 5102 P LT COMMANDER 4038 P 8S MIRACLE 429 P WCR COMMISSIONER 593 P ELDER’S MERIT ECHO 120D BOX P REMINGTON 1101 P BOX P SD SANDRA 3118 P LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD LT BLUE DIVA 2369 PLD WC IMPRESSED 0072 P ET WCR MS NO QUESTION 1261 P/S DOB: 2/10/22 BULL REG# M978197 Tattoo: 2083 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 4.6 -0.2 65 127 26 5.1 59 0.9 0.88 0.10 271.40 32 act. BW 93 adj. WW 565 WWR 100 adj. YW 1175 YWR 106
P #F1170853 ELDER’S AMBASSADOR 8038F BOX P REMI 5102 P LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD VCR MISS DAKOTA VISION 0912 P WCR COMMISSIONER 593 P ELDER’S MERIT ECHO 120D BOX P REMINGTON 1101 P BOX P SD SANDRA 3118 P LT SILVER DISTANCE 5342P LT BELLE 7026 P WCR SIR VISION 4246 P VCR MISS DUKE II 136 P DOB: 2/4/22 BULL REG# M978188 Tattoo: 2072 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 13.0 -4.9 63 103 26 9.2 57 0.8 0.64 0.04 243.70 33 act. BW 75 adj. WW 574 WWR 101 adj. YW 1024 YWR 93
BOX P XAVIER 0057 P #M947963 8S VERA 729 P #F1249794 ELDER’S AMBASSADOR 8038F BOX P REMI 5102 P LT COMMANDER 4038 P EATONS MISS VERA 20524 POLLED WCR COMMISSIONER 593 P ELDER’S MERIT ECHO 120D BOX P REMINGTON 1101 P BOX P SD SANDRA 3118 P LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD LT BLUE DIVA 2369 PLD LT LEDGER 0332 P EATONS MISS VERA 00553 DOB: 2/7/22 BULL REG# M978190 Tattoo: 2075 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 7.8 -2.2 57 111 21 5.9 50 0.9 0.78 0.12 257.53 34 act. BW 89 adj. WW 504 WWR 89 adj. YW 1050 YWR 95
Stout front, big middled and
P #M947963 CR
#F1258893 ELDER’S AMBASSADOR 8038F BOX P REMI 5102 P LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD CR MS CIGAR 563Y5 WCR COMMISSIONER 593 P ELDER’S MERIT ECHO 120D BOX P REMINGTON 1101 P BOX P SD SANDRA 3118 P LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD LHD CIGAR E46 LINK 563 MS KENCOTRADITION317P DOB: 2/10/22 BULL REG# M978193 Tattoo: 2079 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 9.3 -2.8 61 113 25 5.5 55 1.2 0.86 0.01 256.56 35 act. BW 83 adj. WW 517 WWR 91 adj. YW 1024 YWR 93 - 17 -



• ET Calf by Citation

• Clean cut and smooth made

• Extra length of body


• Build and EPD’s to calve easy and grow well

• Longer and sleek made

• A full brother is working for Caleb Owens in Iowa


• Stout hips and more spring of rib

• Two full brothers have sold the past two years, one topped last years sale going to the Paul & Rachel Heldermon in Oklahoma, the other is working for Danny Pickering and Jerry Newsome


• Smooth front shoulder and a good head compliment his -2.1 BW EPD

frame here as well

LT CITATION 5228 PLD #M866811 LT MOLLY 7122 PLD #F1069111 LT SUNDANCE 2251 PLD LT JULIE 2055 PLD EATONS LEADER 2233 P LT PEARL’S WIND 4150 P LT LEDGER 0332 P LT BALLET 9219 POLLED EATONS ROYAL DYNASTY 6164 LT JULIE 9171 POLLED EATONS CANDIDATE 9177 EATONS RHODORA 9506 LT WYOMING WIND 4020 PLD LT EASE’S PEARL 9034 PLD DOB: 2/4/22 BULL REG# EM978186 Tattoo: 2069 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 10.4 -0.7 67 111 23 12.0 57 1.4 0.75 0.18 251.28 36 act. BW 79 adj. WW 571 WWR 114 adj. YW 1011 YWR 101
LT CITATION 5228 PLD #M866811 EATONS MISS WINSTON 40871 P #F1183756 LT SUNDANCE 2251 PLD LT JULIE 2055 PLD EATONS TREASURY 00369 EATONS WINSTON 10555 LT LEDGER 0332 P LT BALLET 9219 POLLED EATONS ROYAL DYNASTY 6164 LT JULIE 9171 POLLED EATONS TREASURE 8076 EATONS ELNA 7888 EATONS LEGENDARY 8008 EATONS WINSTON 9998 DOB: 1/13/22 BULL REG# M978158 Tattoo: 2021 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 11.3 -2.1 61 104 23 11.7 53 1.3 0.64 0.16 248.58 37 act. BW 82 adj. WW 575 WWR 101 adj. YW 1122 YWR 101
LT CITATION 5228 PLD #M866811 8S BRIANNA 812 P #F1266553 LT SUNDANCE 2251 PLD LT JULIE 2055 PLD WC TOTAL RUSH 3044 P 8S BRIANNA 624 P LT LEDGER 0332 P LT BALLET 9219 POLLED EATONS ROYAL DYNASTY 6164 LT JULIE 9171 POLLED LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD WC QUEEN 1120 P LT COMMANDER 4038 P WCR MS DESIGN 1208 P DOB: 1/16/22 BULL REG# M978165 Tattoo: 2037 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 11.8 -3.5 60 104 27 7.6 57 1.7 0.74 0.22 250.57 38 act. BW 78 adj. WW 547 WWR 96 adj. YW 1033 YWR 93
LT CITATION 5228 PLD #M866811 8S ANGEL 714 P #F1249785 LT SUNDANCE 2251 PLD LT JULIE 2055 PLD LT COMMANDER 4038 P 8S ANGEL 529 P LT LEDGER 0332 P LT BALLET 9219 POLLED EATONS ROYAL DYNASTY 6164 LT JULIE 9171 POLLED LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD LT BLUE DIVA 2369 PLD LT LEDGER 2284 PLD 8S ANGELIC 208 PLD DOB: 2/10/22 BULL REG# M978195 Tattoo: 2082 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 10.7 -2.1 66 100 23 7.8 56 1.4 0.81 0.25 242.76 39 act. BW 87 adj. WW 600 WWR 106 adj. YW 1005 YWR 91 Full Brother to Lot 37
Full Brother to Lot 38 Full Brother to Lot 38 - 18 -

• A pedigree that represents multiple breed greats

• Very attractive and ready for the front pasture or your show string

• Square build and straight topped with a clean front

• There’s not a better one in the replacement pen


• Hailing from the Angel cow family that has been very good to us

• Feminine style and a moderate build


• Stout yet moderate and packing a little extra umph

• She moves well and stands proud

• Twin to a heifer, guaranteed breeder

8S MISTY 2101 P

• Standing on a good firm square base

• There’s cow power in her pedigree, her maternal grandam weans them off near the top year in and year out

2026 P - Sells as Lot 40 40
LT CITATION 5228 PLD #M866811 8S CRYSTAL 855 P #F1266567 LT SUNDANCE 2251 PLD LT JULIE 2055 PLD LT MAVERICK 6734 PLD VCR MISS DISTANCE 3120 P LT LEDGER 0332 P LT BALLET 9219 POLLED EATONS ROYAL DYNASTY 6164 LT JULIE 9171 POLLED LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD VCR MISS DAKOTA VISION 0912 P DOB: 1/13/22 HEIFER REG# F1331992 Tattoo: 2026 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 10.6 -1.7 67 120 23 2.9 56 1.5 0.57 0.24 263.80 40 act. BW 82 adj. WW 535 WWR 105 adj. YW 889 YWR 108
2026 P
LT CITATION 5228 PLD #M866811 8S MISS TIME 639 P #F1229286 LT SUNDANCE 2251 PLD LT JULIE 2055 PLD LT LEDGER 2284 PLD 8S MISS TIME 913 LT LEDGER 0332 P LT BALLET 9219 POLLED EATONS ROYAL DYNASTY 6164 LT JULIE 9171 POLLED LT LEDGER 0332 P LT GRACIE 9254 POLLED CCF COOKN TIME MANN’S MS CAPRICE 027 DOB: 1/7/22 HEIFER REG# F1331981 Tattoo: 2008 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 9.1 -0.9 66 114 23 6.8 56 1.6 0.78 0.15 254.57 41 act. BW 88 adj. WW 504 WWR 99 adj. YW 790 YWR 96
LT CITATION 5228 PLD #M866811 8S ANGELIC 208 PLD #F1156627 LT SUNDANCE 2251 PLD LT JULIE 2055 PLD WC IMPRESSED 0072 P ET 8S ANGEL B02 PLD LT LEDGER 0332 P LT BALLET 9219 POLLED EATONS ROYAL DYNASTY 6164 LT JULIE 9171 POLLED PF IMPRESSED 620 P ET MS BBF LIBERTY ACTOR CCF COOKN TIME 8S PRINCESS DOB: 2/9/22 HEIFER REG# F1332000 Tattoo: 2077 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 8.3 -0.6 62 97 22 7.3 53 1.4 0.78 0.17 238.26 42 act. BW 85 adj. WW 499 WWR 98 adj. YW 725 YWR 88
LT CITATION 5228 PLD #M866811 8S MISTY 736 P #F1249800 LT SUNDANCE 2251 PLD LT JULIE 2055 PLD LT COMMANDER 4038 P 8S MISTY 516 P LT LEDGER 0332 P LT BALLET 9219 POLLED EATONS ROYAL DYNASTY 6164 LT JULIE 9171 POLLED LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD LT BLUE DIVA 2369 PLD LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD WCR MS DESIGN 1208 P DOB: 3/12/22 HEIFER REG# F1332008 Tattoo: 2101 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 5.4 0.5 63 106 25 4.2 56 1.3 0.79 0.26 249.84 43 act. BW 94 adj. WW 516 WWR 101 adj. YW 777 YWR 94 - 19 -


2093 P

• A showy look

• She is a standout and catches your attention as soon as you go in the pen

• Moderate in frame, wide based and a deep middle

MISTY 2001 P

• Attractive profile and a sharp look

• Extra width and depth

• A maternal pedigree with plenty of power producing genetics as well


• Mid size frame in a growth leading package

• Square base, square hipped and small head

• She was the #1 weaning weight heifer to ratio

8S DAZZLED 2093 P - Sells as Lot 44 DAM OF LT PATRIOT 4004 PLD 44
BOX P XAVIER 0057 P #M947963 8S DAZZLED 643 P #F1229289 ELDER’S AMBASSADOR 8038F BOX P REMI 5102 P LT COMMANDER 4038 P 8S DAZZLE 306 PLD WCR COMMISSIONER 593 P ELDER’S MERIT ECHO 120D BOX P REMINGTON 1101 P BOX P SD SANDRA 3118 P LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD LT BLUE DIVA 2369 PLD WC IMPRESSED 0072 P ET DCF RIO LADY 600 P DOB: 2/24/22 HEIFER REG# F1332007 Tattoo: 2093 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI -0.1 1.9 68 130 23 4.2 57 1.1 0.87 0.12 271.04 44 act. BW 97 adj. WW 495 WWR 97 adj. YW 849 YWR 103
#EM880445 8S MISTY 0031 P #F1296291 LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD LT CITATION 5228 PLD 8S MISTY 516 P LT RIO BLANCO 1234 P LT 7N OF DUKE 9083 PLD LT UNLIMITED EASE 9108 LT BRENDA 1014 PLD LT SUNDANCE 2251 PLD LT JULIE 2055 PLD LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD WCR MS DESIGN 1208 P DOB: 1/1/22 HEIFER REG# F1331976 Tattoo: 2001 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 4.9 0.7 69 124 29 -2.0 64 1.4 0.70 0.20 265.05 45 act. BW 72 adj. WW 552 WWR 115 adj. YW 840 YWR 110
P #F1296298 LT PATRIOT
PLD LT WILLOW MAKER 9131 PLD LT MAVERICK 6734 PLD 8S BROOKLYN 333 P LT LEDGER 0332 P LK MISS RIO 2119 M6 GRID MAKER 104 PET LT WILLOW EASE 0231 P LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD WC IMPRESSED 0072 P ET BCR LINDY 104 PLD DOB: 2/19/22 HEIFER REG# F1332006 Tattoo: 2090 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 3.4 0.7 64 117 31 2.0 63 1.1 0.67 0.15 257.69 46 act. BW 74 adj. WW 558 WWR 117 adj. YW 814 YWR 107 - 20 -

8S HAZEL 2036 P

• An exceptional brood cow prospect from our highly maternal Marksman herd sire

• Larger framed with extra stretch

• Good feet and legs and an attractive profile

• Her dam has calving intervals of 1-26-17, 1-18-18, 2-9-19, 1-23-20, 1-19-21, 1-16-22, and 1-3-23


8S FROST 2046 P

Wider body and wide hipped • A clean front and feminine style

• Excellent EPD’s to match up with her visual qualities

• Ledger line breeding and from a very productive cow family

Lot 47 SAT
48 8S
49 47 49
BOOMTOWN 8303 P ET - Sire of Lots
FROST 2046 P - Sells as Lot
#EM926819 EATONS
SPARROWS FARGO 811U HC RHINESTONE 5100 LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD LT 7N ROSEBUD 2157 PLD LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P LT BRENDA 6120 PLD EATONS HEAVY GAUGE 00334 EATONS ALLEGRO 81067 DOB: 1/16/22 HEIFER REG# F1331996 Tattoo: 2036 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 7.7 -1.1 54 119 29 6.3 56 1.3 0.69 0.10 264.44 47 act. BW 93 adj. WW 487 WWR 96 adj. YW 877 YWR 106 • A sharp
• Big barreled and
thicker throughout • Her 11 year old dam is still going strong
9455 PLD ET
look with a small head
a bit
SAT BOOMTOWN 8303 P ET #EM915445 JCR BLUEGRASS 202 P #F1153818 RBM FARGO Y111 M6 MS JEWEL 428 P LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P JCR MISS CHARTER 013 P SPARROWS FARGO 811U HC RHINESTONE 5100 M6 COOL REP 8108 ET M6 MS NEW JEWEL 0155 PLD LT ASSERTION 1277 P LT PEARL’S BREEZE 2236 P JCR/LT CHARTER 8110 PET JCR MISS DAKOTA WIND024P DOB: 1/12/22 HEIFER REG# F1331987 Tattoo: 2019 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 8.2 -0.9 57 111 24 6.0 52 0.8 0.68 0.00 252.94 48 act. BW 87 adj. WW 514 WWR 101 adj. YW 823 YWR 100 •
WC CHART TOPPER 9225 P #M926565 8S FROST 9037 P #F1281844 WC UNCHARTED 7328 P WC CLARICE 4115 P ET LT CITATION 5228 PLD 8S FROST 505 P CCC WC RESOURCE 417 P WC BRENDA 4035 P LT LEDGER 0332 P JWK CLARICE J139 ET LT SUNDANCE 2251 PLD LT JULIE 2055 PLD LT LEDGER 0332 P EATONS WINSTON 10555 DOB: 1/23/22 HEIFER REG# F1331998 Tattoo: 2046 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTNL SC REA MARB TSI 7.6 0.1 75 134 30 6.6 67 1.3 0.78 0.17 273.44 49 act. BW 82 adj. WW 539 WWR 106 adj. YW 917 YWR 111 - 21 -
8 Story Farms 29143 175th Street Altamont, MO 64620

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