AdZone 01-02-18

Page 1

th e 6 1 2 Fi r s t S t , C h i l l i c o

unity; main Turn key business opport seats 43; bar , 118 ting dining area sea e walk in event rooms seats 73; larg area, office cooler, employee locker and dryer. r she wa with

#3115 - $1,110,000

January 2, 2018

Call Lindy Lile @ 660-247-2294

join us on facebook!

Chillicothe, B raymer, Meadville, Wheeling, Chula, Dawn, L udlow, Mooresville, U tica, H ale, Gallatin, L ak e Vik ing, J amesport, J ameson/Coffey, P attonsb urg, Lock Springs, Winston, Altamont, Hamilton, Kidder, Kingston, Polo, Cowgill, Breckenridge, Nettleton, Mirabile, Trenton, Cameron, Lathrop, Brookfield

explore our new website WOODY’S OUTDOOR POWER

side by sides



lawn mowers

auto body

car rentals


CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com ec GAL am L AT I m N - C6 6 0 - 6 6 3 ec - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com CLOSED NOV 24-NOV 28. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. oliday c edule

J anuary 2, 20 18

Better Way, LLC ary ones

IN-HOME CARE & COMPANIONSHIP * Elder Care * Sick Care * Respite Care * Non-nursing Care & Help with Daily Activities * Long Term or Short Term * Four to 24-Hour Care * All Caregivers Carefully Screened & Bonded (Private Pay Only)

16-44 -22




aker • Deli lk oods • ecialt o ee t s Black Fore Corned e Jalapeno Ham Beef Provolon Muenster $3.99 $4.99 $7.99 $3.99

Pricing good an 3 thru an 3 0 7

hile supplies last

We now carry Essential Oils



5 miles EAST of Maysville on Hwy 6 • 816-449-2285 7am - 5pm Tues-Fri • 8:30am to 2pm Saturday

12-26-17 Specializing In Farm Insurance Black forest ham 4.99, corned beef 7.99, provolone 3.99, jalapeno muenster 601 S Davis St., Hamilton, MO 64644 3.99 JanLet 3-13me put my years of experience

to work for you!

Mark Hill 816.583.7333 or 816.262.3565

Closed Thanksgiving o en riday ov 27th 8:30-3 m, at 8:30-2 m

5 miles EAST of Maysville on Hwy 6 • 816-449-2285

Holiday Schedule: Dec 23-24 7am-5pm • CLOSED: Dec 25-29 We nowDecember carry Essential We will be closed 24-27 Oils for the holiday.

WANTED ow cro land wanted to rent or corn or eans. on a


an , ami on

16-2 4-10



Get your message to more than 1 8 , 0 0 0 H O M ES in Daviess, Caldwell, L ivingston & b eyond for as little as $7 per week in the A D Z O N E. 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 or email us at AdZ one@ GP Cink .com to place your ad T O D A Y !

WAN T E D: P aying top dollar for tillab le acres to cash lease. L eading edge farm operation look ing to add more acres for 20 18 , 20 19 , and b eyond. P ays cash lease from $14 0 up to $220 dependent on soil type & fertility. P rovides land owner with grid sample soil tests to show fertility and improvement over lease period. O n top of cash lease, land owner has opportunity to mak e b onus incentives b ased on crop yield (over 55 b ushel an acre soyb eans or over 20 0 b ushel an acre corn). O peration includes industry leading fertiliz ation program and top of the line eq uipment, b uilding soil fertility and improving the land with each growing season. P ractices no- till farming to help minimiz e soil erosion and maintain soil health. O peration is only look ing to add 2,0 0 0 acres, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to have a true agricultural professional improve your land value! Contact S teven McB ee, 8 16 - 8 0 5- 7 58 0 , stmcb ee@ mcb

Agriculture Ceritifed O rganic yellow seed peas, clean and in 50 lb . b ag $20 ea. B ill B ear 6 6 0 - 6 54 - 129 8 Wanted to b uy large round b ales of hay and hedge posts. Call anytime 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 16 3 2 Registered B L ACK AN GU S b ulls. 1, 2, and 3 years old. S tarting at $2,0 0 0 . J ennings Farm. 8 16 .6 3 2.0 229 . P AY I N G $7 5/ACRE FO R RE N T AL P AS T U RE . Will consider any siz e and location. Can do any fence repair necessary. 8 16 - 7 8 7 - 4 0 0 6 WAN T E D FARM GRO U N D to rent for 20 18 in Daviess Co area. Call B randon L ewis at 6 6 0 .8 6 8 .2212. WAN T E D - Wanting farm ground. DeWayne Curtis 6 6 0 - 9 7 3 - 20 3 1 or Wayne Curtis 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 8 9 26 WAN T I N G T O RE N T . Row crop, pasture, or hay ground. Randy J ohnson, Gallatin. 6 6 0 .3 3 4 .0 16 9 .

E For Rent ro5 speed, lan S to rentU N I T S : O utside T O RAGE 19 6 Row 6 C- 7 0 0 Ford, lighting, surveillance camH i/L o,or3 9 corn 1, 16 ’ b or ed, good eans eras, insulated to prevent rub b er, new radiator, $3 ,0 0 0 al 6 6 well aviess ounty large temperature variances, O B O . Call 0 .6 4 6 .8 7 or 29 . different siz es availab le. amilton FRO S T ontact AU T O MO T I VE ell : AutoEvans L ocated H wy O east of and816 truck parts 284& accesso1085 Gallatin. Critten Country Automotive

ries. S ee us for all your parts needs. We also mak e hydraulic hoses. S outh side Gallatin sq uare. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2152 Business Opportunities RO O FI N G CO N T RACT O RS : Metal Roof Restoration and Flat Roof P roducts Manufacturer Looking for Qualified I ndividuals willing to receive training and install roofing systems. 4 0 Y ears of T op Q uality P roducts and Developing S uccessful B usiness O wners. I nvestment Req uired. T raining P rovided.8 16 - 4 25- 1155

S torage, 6 6 0 - 6 0 5- 3 3 50 .

Equipment For Rent CAS E S k id L oader, 8 5hp, b y the day, week or month. Call Gallatin T ruck & T ractor, I nc. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 210 3 or 210 4 . For Sale B AS E RO CK , B L ACK DI RT AND fill dirt. Huston Trucking & Construction, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 3 23 4 or 6 6 0 - 3 3 4 - 0 9 9 7 .

For Sale

For Sale

T WO cemetery plots at Resthaven in Chillicothe. $4 0 0 each. 6 6 0 - 3 59 - 13 24

Q ueen S leep N umb er b ed with adj ustab le upper b ody. L ik e new condition. $8 0 0 . 6 6 0 - 3 59 - 13 24

Cargo trailer, all new lights & wiring, tires in good shape. $20 0 0 ob o. 6 6 0 - 9 7 3 - 6 7 57 B O AT S FO R S AL E : N ew & used b oats & pontoons, several to choose from, j ust watch our web site, www.lak evik or call 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 3 7 22, L ak e Vik ing Marine. O U T DO O R WO O D FU RN ACE b y Central B oiler I nc. FRE E H E AT & hot water. E liminate monthly heating b ills. Call 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 3 8 6 6 today. (N o S unday calls, please).

FO R S AL E : T royb ilt 24 ” S nowb lower. S torm 24 10 . U sed twice. $3 50 . S ells new for $59 9 . T wo 8 ’ wood pallets. $15 each. Call 8 16 .28 8 .126 6 . I n Gallatin area. E N D RO L L S $5 each! U se end rolls of newsprint to wrap items for moving or shipping, or to mak e some fun art proj ects. We support recycling. J oin us b y using this eco- friendly option. Availab le 8 am- 5pm Mon- Fri at Gallatin P ub lishing Co, 6 0 9 B S . Main, Gallatin.

For Rent GAL L AT I N E S T AT E S AP ART ME N T S FO R RE N T : 1 or 2 b drm availab le. H U D vouchers accepted. Rental assistance availab le to those who q ualify. E q ual housing opportunity. Call 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 3 114 . H O U S E FO R RE N T : S pringhill Area. 3 B edroom country home. Remodeled. Well insulated. P ossib le outb uilding. Good reference and deposit req uired. Call 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 3 8 6 2

e are actively recruitin ull-time LP an C A to artner ith current ta e o er creative che ulin o ortunitie a com rehen ive ene it ac a e hich inclu e - ee ai vacation - ee ic leave 12 ai holi ay retirement health li e in urance an com etitive ay rate to a i t ith inte ratin an environment that i carin e icient an a e Contact avi lover at 816-64 -16 0 1111 ucli Cameron 6442

FO R RE N T : 2 b edroom house in H ale. N o pets. $3 50 /month. Deposit req uired. Mid- day calls please 6 6 0 - 7 4 5- 3 53 8

Help Wanted Winston R-VI School District is taking applications for a School Nurse, RN (1 day a week). Applications can be obtained at the school or by calling (660)749-5456. EOE


check your birth year on page 3 to see what animal you are! Brooke & tomie

d ch

J anuary 2, 20 18


Our lawnmower for their dog b y Fr e i d a M a r i e C r u m p

Greetings from Poosey. In China, 2017 is the Year of the Rooster. In the United States, it’s the Year of the Lawnmower. I’ll explain... It was about 12 years ago when Herb went to an estate auction and came home with a riding mower. This mower had not just been around the block a few times, it had hit all the bumps along the way. He claims that the thing was about to sell for much too cheap a price and he had no choice but to holler out the final and fatal bid. I asked him since when had it become his job to go around the world and rescue decrepit lawnmowers and he told me that I just didn’t understand. He was right. I didn’t. The fact that he had to tow it home should have been the first hint that Herbie had not stumbled upon the bargain of the century. The lemon of the lawn soon became a source of stubborn pride as he poured money into tires, batteries, blades, and even new steering wheel. By the end of the second summer there was hardly an original parts on the mower, its cost had tripled, and it still hadn’t mowed a blade of grass. For once in his life, Herb admitted that buying the old mower was a bad idea and he pushed it into the local landfill, so we’ve not spoken of it since. Some things are best forgotten. Thus the Year of the Lawnmower. I’d vote to get this year over with just as soon as possible so we can all begin to rid our memories of the travesties of 2017. Hurricanes Irma, Harvey and Maria did their best to tear up the bottom side of our country and the windy damages extended far into Puerto Rico, a nation still struggling to get on its feet. It seems as if the great gods of the winds have been much too frisky this year. Let’s forget 2017. And it’s been another terrible year of shootings and bombings... Las Vegas, Fort Lauderdale, Cleveland, Manchester, England, Jerusalem, Orlando, Cincinnati. Let’s leave the memory of this year in the dust. It would have been a lousy 12 months if it were only due to one guy, Kim Jong-Un, the well-fed little dictator who starves his people so he can gain international status with nuclear threats. To think that his finger is on the red button while across the Pacific we have some equally twitchy fingers is enough to make anyone tear up this year’s calendar and pretend it didn’t happen. Let’s kick 2017 in the butt and get on to ’18. For Sale

For Sale

Help Wanted

Full grown German S hepherd dogs, 3 female, 1 male. AP R Registered, b reed sellout. 6 6 0 - 6 54 - 3 56 6

N ew Ruger American B olt Action 22 L R, 17 H MR, Ruger 10 - 22 S tainless with scope, Glock 4 2 3 8 0 ACP N ew L ots of ammo 6 6 0 - 255- 4 6 4 4 Help Wanted

Drivers: $5,0 0 0 .0 0 O rientation Completion B onus! O T R, Flatb ed, Regional & P oint to P oint L anes!!! Comprehensive Benefits! (New hires guaranteed minimum $$$ week )! 1yr CDL - A: 1- 8 55- 3 50 - 557 1

Mechanic H elp N eeded. L ak e Vik ing Marine is L ook ing for a N ew Mechanic. Competitive P ay & Great Work ing E nvironment. S end resume to randy@ lak evik

Detailer H elp N eeded. L ak e Vik ing Marine is L ook ing for a N ew Detailer. Competitive P ay & Great Work ing E nvironment. S end resume to randy@ lak evik

T roy B uilt snow b lower 24 ” cut. 1.5 years old. U sed twice. $3 7 5. 6 6 0 - 7 52- 6 0 8 4 19 9 3 Cadillac S eville, Cranb erry in color, cloth top. 113 k miles. E x cellent condition $3 50 0 . 6 6 0 - 7 52- 6 0 8 4

Consignment Auction North Missouri Produce Auction will be having a consignment auction

Friday, January 5, at 10 a.m. At The North Missouri Produce Auction F Highway, 1 mile east of Jamesport

Items from Jamesport Sales & Surplus & Jamesport Farm Supply & Straw, shipped-in Produce & Misc. & 4 cords Hedge Firewood & 14 large bales 3rd cutting Alfalfa & 80 small square bales 2nd cutting g Alf Alfalfa lfa lf falf lfa fa & New #2 Barn Metal, various colors & lengths & Hydraulic Bale Spike for Pickup Truck

NEXT SALE is Saturday, January 20, 2018 To list your items in next week’s sale bill, call the auction phone number listed below. Auction Phone: 660-684-6844-voicemail • Auctioneer: Lance Croy - 816-284-2140

Perhaps one of the scariest events of 2017 has been the rise of various hate groups that we’d hoped were fizzling out. I guess those seeds of insecurity and prejudice will always lie just below the surface of any society. All it takes is someone more intent on votes than our nation’s well-being to cause those seeds to grow. I can be faulted for dwelling only upon the negative as this year comes to a close, but it seems that we’re in a national funk that could use a dose of hope in 2018. Our current year did have a few high points. NASA discovered a new solar system with seven Earth-like planets revolving around a single star, the solar eclipse was fun, Giant Pandas were down-listed to vulnerable instead of endangered, and the high school graduation rate was the highest ever at 83.2%. Acts of human kindness were as plentiful as ever. Last January a mosque in Texas burned to the ground under strange circumstances, but nearby churches and synagogues raised more than a million dollars to rebuild the structure. By September, the mosque was distributing emergency supplies to victims of Hurricane Harvey. But in so many respects, the year of 2017 missed the top 10 list by a long shot and I’ll be glad to see it come to end so we can start 2018 with somewhat of a clean slate. When my silverware gets old and bent, I toss it. When my milk goes sour, I pour it down the drain. Why can’t we do the same with years?

2 display tables

Hydriodic bale spike for pickup Sat. anuary 20 2018 will be the Year of the Dog in the Chinese horoscope. Since we’re always trying to improve trade relations, I propose we exchange our lawnmower for their dog. The dog is the most conservative and traditionalist of all the signs in the Chinese zodiac, and God knows we could use a year of just pulling back a bit and returning to the old fashioned qualities of honesty, compassion, and love. Surely there’s grass to cut in China. You ever ‘round Poosey, stop by. We may not answer the door but you’ll enjoy the trip.


CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

J anuary 2, 20 18

WE DO IT ONCE, WE DO IT RIGHT We cool summers & warm winters Give us a call, we’re here for you! Residential & Commercial Maintenance & Repairs Dry Vent Cleaning & Duct Cleaning SPECIAL NOW ... get a FREE dry vent clean ($125 value) with the installation/replacement of Furnace or A/C unit. (limited time offer)

Your Comfort System Specialist OFFICE

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660-684-6010 660-684-6012 Fax

CHILLICOTHE, MISSOURI Spray Foam, Cellulose and Fiberglass

Sales • Parts • Service

Rick Boley

Scott Boley

Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm

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Edwin Hostetler

Stabilized Cellulose • Insulation New Home Construction • Remodels • Commerical

CHILLICOTHE Chillicothe, MO - - Charming O lder 2 S tory With L ots O f U pdates! 6 2x 112 L ot: T his home offers new paint inside and out, 3 b edrooms, 1 full b ath, toilet room, living room, dining room, and k itchen with gas stove and dishwasher. N ewer carpet, windows and laundry all on main floor, plus much more. L arge deck with an area for hot tub . N ice yard. P artial b asement. L ocated on a q uiet street. Contact Glenda J ohnson at 6 6 0 - 24 7 - 20 3 4 for a showing today. $7 8 ,50 0 . # 7 24 7 E CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .214 1 Chillicothe, MO - - Residential or Commerical. S eller have completely repainted every room. Could be an office or a house. Reduced: $8 0 ,0 0 0 . # 7 0 24 /228 7 7 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 6 4 6 - 14 17

Chillicothe, MO - - Family Friendly N eighb orhood! T his 113 4 sq . ft. home has 3 b edrooms an updated full b ath and a laundry room ― bath comb ination, large living room and eat- in k itchen. T here is a large 2- car garage with a concrete driveway. T he b ack yard is spacious and fenced with lovely landscaping and large b eautiful shade trees. T his home is a perfect for a variety of family needs. P lease give Deb b ie J enk ins a call at (6 6 0 ) 9 7 3 - 0 9 3 6 to ask q uestions or to set up an appointment to view the home. $10 9 ,9 0 0 . # 20 58 E CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .214 1 Chillicothe, MO - - Completely U pdated! L ots of updates since 20 12 up to this past year! N ew chain link fence added. N ew garb age disposal, all new paint with wainscot in dining area! Reduced: $115,0 0 0 . # 7 0 21/227 24 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17

Chillicothe, MO - - A H ome with Charm and Character. 0 .15 Acres. A H ome with Chillicothe - B RI N G L O AN Charm & Character T his is P ACK AGE S ! Remodeled/U pa b eautiful home that needs dated Ranch move in ready! a family with vision that will Updated kitchen, new flooring b ring to it the T L C it truly de- throughout, remodeled b athserves. T he large entryway room, k itchen/dining room invites you into this lovely opened up, and hallway wid2,20 0 sq ft home that offer ened. Full unfinished base4 + b edrooms, 1 full and 1 half ment ready for your winter b ath, living room, formal din- proj ect, large b rand new paing room, k itchen and main tio off the garage. $115,0 0 0 . floor laundry. This home was # 10 11 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & b uilt in 18 8 5 and has endured Associates, wonderfully with updates Chillicothe, MO - 3 B edroom throughout the years. T here Cape Cod on a nice siz ed is a detached garage and a lot, close to park . N ewer fenced b ack yard. P lease call carpet, hardwood floors and Deb b ie J enk ins at (6 6 0 ) 9 7 3 - detached garage. $115,0 0 0 . Call# Lindy LileGaslight Real 0 9 3 6 to set up a showing. 517 5/22512 660-247-2294 $9 0 ,0 0 0 $8 5,0 0 0 . # 9 24 CE N - E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Call Martha Berry T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, Chillicothe, MO - - Great Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .214 660-707-3067 1 N eighb orhood. Fenced yard,

Call Joyce Eddy Chillicothe, MO - - N ice home fresh paint, new appliances, 660-247-0750 in nice neighb orhood, could new carpet with hardwood Tredway $119 ,7 0 0 . b e 5B D/2B A. 7 2x 127 Call L ot: Mary underneath. B asement cleaned out, ready # 3 10 9 /23 0 9 6 Gaslight Real 660-359-7715 for finishing, has nice firestate, 6 Dunn 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Call E Terri place in family room area and 660-247-0460 Chillicothe, MO - - Remodpotential of 2 additional b ed-Sandy eled Thompson in 19 9 8 , new k itchen, Call rooms. Grill on your b eautiful upper level all new every660-646-8777 deck . Carport. $8 9 ,9 0 0 . # 8 21 thing. Basement finished out. Call Amy Hobbs E q uity Missouri Realty - L and Classic! S tunning up to date 660-247-3233 & H ome, Chillicothe, MO k itchen with maple cherry Call Lyn Hague

Chillicothe, MO - - Great cabinets. Hardwood floors, 3 660-247-3218 S tarter H ome! 120 x 16 5 L ot: b ath, large master b edroom Call Pete Madison T his 3 b edroom, 1 b ath would with walk in closet & attached 660-247-2222 mak e a great starter home. b ath. S N ew carpet in b aseCall L arge lot with fenced in b ack Amy ment b Sisson edroom. N ew wood 660-525-9133 yard. N ew N GFA. $9 2,0 0 0 . deck ! $129 ,0 0 0 . # 7 0 28 /227 6 1 # 14 0 20 /2216 3 Gaslight Real Gaslight Real E state, E state, 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .14 17 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17

Chillicothe - 3 b edroom ranch style home. L ots of updates! Move- in ready! Remodeled k itchen with white wood cab inets, q uartz countertops, stainless steel sink , new b ack splash, upscale new stainless steel appliances & eat- in style with ample room for dining tab le. E ngineered hardwood flooring in kitchen & living. T he 1,29 6 S q Ft main floor has completely remodeled b ath. 1,29 6 S q Ft. full basement has 550 SqFt. finished family room & b ath has large storage & laundry hook ups. Replacement windows, vinyl siding, & composite deck all add value along with attached garage & fenced b ack yard. $13 4 ,50 0 . # 50 8 9 E CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .214 1

main floor and in basement. O ver- siz ed garage & shed. This home has a partially finished b asement. $14 4 ,9 0 0 . # gpc20 4 7 4 8 8 RE /MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 6 6 3 - 57 57 Chillicothe, MO - - Q uiet N eighb orhood. 0 .3 3 Acres: L ocated in a q uiet neighb orhood on the edge of town this ranch home has had lots of updates - windows, siding, carpet, paint, roof, and gutters. T his home offers 3 b edrooms, full b ath, large eat in k itchen with coffee b ar and living room, the b asement has laundry room, family room and a 3 /4 b ath. 1 car attached

garage, covered patio, and a nice lot. O wner says “ Mak e O ffer” . Call Glenda J ohnson at 6 6 0 - 24 7 - 20 3 4 to view this home today. $14 9 ,0 0 0 . # 10 15 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .214 1 Chillicothe, MO - - Great Family N eighb orhood. 6 1 x 16 0 L ot: T his spacious 3 b edroom, 2.5 b ath home is in a great family neighb orhood. K itchen with b reak fast b ar, large b ack deck , fenced in yard. N ew landscaping in the front and b ack . Reduced: $155,9 0 0 . # 3 0 7 2/216 3 5 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 6 4 6 - 14 17

Chillicothe, MO - - Great Family N eighb orhood! P ool tab le stays, newer added k itchen cab inets, newer carpet on main level. Updated bathroom fixtures too! S eller replacing master shower. Deck has awning. 2 L ots mak es this a nice space for outdoor play! $17 0 ,0 0 0 . # 28 19 /23 0 7 6 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17

Chillicothe - O ne L evel H ome O n Corner L ot! N ew countertop, stainless steel appliances, b uilt in hutch, cab inets & shelves, window seat, newer windows, lots of storage. $17 9 ,9 0 0 . # 4 551/229 8 0 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 14 17

Chillicothe, MO - - Reduced! N ice family home in a great neighb orhood and convenient location! 150 x 10 0 L ot: Awesome b ack yard with stamped concrete patio. S creened in porch ready for your enj oyment! 3 b edroom 2 1/2 b ath, attractive k itchen (appliances included), & b reak fast nook . N ewer windows, siding & fenced in yard. N ew roof coming soon! You will love this finished b asement w/ex tra storage. L aundry hook ups on the


121 Washington Street Chillicothe, MO 64601

Great Family Home!

2107 Woodcrest Chillicothe 6 bed, 4 bath. New heat pump & furnace for main floor & upper level in 2016. Tile in the master bath, dishwasher, refrigerator. #3114 • $428,000 Call Lindy Lile 660-247-2294

Real Estate



Turn-key business!



wner ro er

612 First St. 1805 Polk St. Chillicothe Chillicothe 3 bed, 2 bath. Updated home. Business opportunity; main dining area 118 seating Freshly painted inside, new capacity, bar seats 43; event bathroom. New breaker box, rooms seats 73; large walk in new sidewalk, large patio. cooler, employee locker area. Insulation added. New hot water heater. #3115 • $1,110,000 #2818 • $195,000

Call Joyce Eddy 660-247-0750 Call Joyce Eddy 660-247-0750

Call Lindy Lile 660-247-2294

SL # 3 right no #3114 #2818

ater ront an






J anuary 2, 20 18






gpc207 Gallatin: Ranch home with 3 e 2 ath one car attache ara e inclu in 36 36 out uil in with concrete loor 2 overhea oors. ice nei h orhoo close to school lar e level tree lot covere eck with sun orch. ewer roo win ows si in remo ele ath kitchen a liances stay $117,000 #2077147

Gallatin: icely remo ele tra itional home. reat or a rowin amily. acious eat in kitchen with a ormal inin room. lar e laun ry cra t room an new sho with electric will make the er ect s ace or your ho ies an ro ects. Partially ence lot with a ar en an lar e ack eck. $122,000 #2073153

Gallatinl: 5 e 2 ath close to the school. ers consi era le amount o livin s ace inclu in ormal inin room lar e livin room eat in kitchen laun ry room recreational room 2 car ara e car ort on t or et the ool mall she inclu e with electricity. $127,000 #2082064

Kidder: Timberrrrrr! 20 acres of timber set back from the road, creek running though the property, crop fields surrounding it, making an ideal hunting site. $56,000 #828

gpc208 gpc207 828

Amanda Riley 660-605-0575 GALLATIN Gallatin - Charming 4 b drm, 1 & 1/2 b athroom 2 story home is located ona nice, shady corner lot witha pretty patio area and oversiz ed 2 car detached garage: L arge k itchen includes gas range and refrigerator, main level laundry room. T his well k ept home has updates including vinyl siding, windows, roof and more! $8 2,50 0 . # gpc20 4 4 58 1 RE /MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57

Gallatin - I mpressive Q ueen Anne style Victorian home with large porch, original woodwork , pock et doors & lead glass: Main level living room, dining room & parlor to accomodate large groups. Would mak e a stunning home or B &B . Detached garage. U niq ue home j ust off the historic courthouse sq uare. $8 9 ,0 0 0 . # gpc19 4 0 23 8 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57

Gallatin, - S ee this 128 8 sq ’ well maintained 2 b drm 2 b ath home with 1 car attached garage and 10 8 0 sq ’ detached garage. H ome features large stainless steel k itchen & dining comb o opening up to 16 ’x 12’ covered deck with 8 ’x 12’ addition. P rivacy fence, new ceiling fans, newer windows, gutters, roof, doors, and floor coverings. $10 1,50 0 . # gpc20 7 3 3 6 0 N orthland MO Realty, L athrop, MO 8 16 .7 4 0 .4 24 2

Gallatin - S pacious home has 3 b d/2 full b aths on main level and 1 bd and office with its own entrance, 1/2 b ath and nice siz e family room in the full finished basement: New A/C installed 6 /17 . Ready for you to mak e your own. S eller relocating and hoping for q uick sell. $10 5,0 0 0 . # gpc20 6 3 0 8 9 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57

with concrete floor, 2 overhead doors with one electric door. 16 6 x 13 0 L ot: Y ou’ll love the nice neighb orhood, prox imity to school and level, treed lot, and covered deck with sun- porch. N ewer roof, windows, siding, remodeled b athroom, and k itchen appliances included! $117 ,0 0 0 . # gpc20 7 7 14 7 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57

Gallatin - Ranch home with three b drms, 2 b aths, one car 240 attached 6 garage h Dr on large lot, including 3 6 x 3 6 outb uilding

EQUITY MISSOURI REALTY LAND & HOME & AUCTION Heartland MLS 621 Locust, Chillicothe


39 900 ecuti e dollhouse

eartlan M JE roker 621 ocust hillicothe Mo 660 247 1700 ew a ents Jack lank on hite Ro anne Rickey


300 tunning e ecuti e home on eautiful 3 acres 299 ne of hillicothe s largest uildings on s uare 240 arge ictorian ome in hristison ddition 90 ice ranch home ric fireplace ansen 0 3 new roof garages 09 illiams t 40 arge shop paint a office ample par ing 30 emodeled newer itchen large porch 16 hillicothe 69 era ourthouse 6 herr 364, 00 otel renta le rooms 189,900 P ed rea fast 1 0 home on 3 acres near town 79,900 D orgeous 3 D shop garage

Jeff Foli, Broker


rea gents: ac lan ic a er Don hite o anne ic e o ent to own wner ro er

Gallatin, MO - - N icely remodeled traditional home, great for a growing family: S pacious eat in k itchen with a formal dining room. A large laundry/ craft room and new shop with electric will mak e the perfect space for your hob b ies and proj ects. P artially fenced lot with a garden and large b ack deck . $122,0 0 0 . # gpc20 7 3 153 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin, MO - - N icely remodeled traditional home, great for a growing family: S pacious eat in k itchen with a formal dining room. A large laundry/ craft room and new shop with electric will mak e the perfect space for your hob b ies and proj ects. P artially fenced lot with a garden and large b ack deck . $122,0 0 0 . 0 7 3 153 RE /MAX home # gpc20 T ownon 3 acres near town & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57

79 900 D orgeous - - 5 b drm 2 b ath 3 Gallatin, D shopMOgarage home wner close ro er to the school! 120 x 14 4 L ot: T his home offers le amount uit a considerab issouri ealt - andof living space, including a forome mal dining room, large living room, eat- in k itchen, laundry eartland room, recreational room, 2 car garage,- carport ro er and don’t forget the pool! S mall shed with electricity. 6 is included ocust hillicothe o $127 ,0 0 0 . # gpc20 8 20 6 4 RE / MAX T 7own700 & Country, Galla660 tin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 rea gents: ac lan Don hite o anne ic e

wner ro er

Gallatin Lumber Company Come see us for all your construction needs! 116 South Market, Gallatin, Mo.

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CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

J anuary 2, 20 18


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GALLATIN Gallatin, MO - - Great ranch style home on a corner lot with a huge fenced yard is ready for a new owner! 125x 3 0 0 L ot: T hree b edrooms upstairs and 2 non- conforming b edrooms in the b asement, 2 b aths on the main level and one in the b asement. N ewer stainless appliances, roof, siding, privacy fence and storage sheds mak e this home super desirab le! $127 ,50 0 . # gpc20 8 3 8 6 1 RE /MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin, MO - - Charming Ranch home with many updates. T his L ovely Ranch 3 b edroom 2 b ath home is loaded with quality finishes and upgrades. A b eautiful k itchen with ceramic flooring, counter tops, tiled b ack splash, sink , faucet, cab inets, range hood and hardware. O ff the k itchen an open dining area flows into the living area b oth with fresh paint and original hardwood floors. Master bedroom and b ath with updated tile shower vanity and fixtures. Two bedrooms with hardwood floors and doub le closets. Full main level b ath completely updated-including tiled floor, double vanity, and faucets. L ower level has a large open area that could be finished for more liv-

ing area plus so much more. T he attic has the spray foam insulation and updated roof in 20 10 . Fantastic opportunity to own this b eautiful home which sits on a corner shaded lot at the edge of town. $14 2,9 0 0 . # 1119 L andmark Realty, 6 6 0 6 6 3 - 3 29 4

DAVIESS COUNTY RURAL HOME H amilton, MO - - H ome on acreage. 8 Acres: T hree b edroom one and a half b ath home on 8 acres. Full unfinished b asement, one pond, new shop, older live stock b arn, mostly fenced, will need new heat and AC installed as they have b een removed. $150 ,0 0 0 . # 20 7 6 4 8 0 Allen Mid West Realty L L C,

Gallatin - B eautiful H istoric H ome with U niq ue Features: T his 4 0 0 0 sq ft, 2- story home is located in a great neighb orhood. Features 17 rooms with 4 b edrooms, leisure room, full b ath w/j etted tub , and laundry room on second floor. A large k itchen w/sunroom, formal dining, living room, family room b illiard room, music room and mudroom/ b athroom are located on first floor. Beautiful winding dark wood stairway, ornate fireplaces, pocket doors, and several stained glass windows are uniq ue to this home which was b uilt ab out 18 6 0 . T he house was b uilt b y J oshua Alex ander, who later was S ecretary of Commerce under P resident Wilson in 19 19 . T he house was occupied b y the Alex ander family until purchased b y the current owners in 19 7 1. Call today and tak e advantage of this offer! O wner/Agent $14 9 ,50 0 . # 1116 L andmark Realty, 6 6 0 .6 6 3 .3 29 4

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P attonsb urg - 2.7 8 ACRE S WI T H T O T AL RE MO DE L E D 210 0 S Q T E ART H CO N T ACT : WI T H 3 B E DRO O MS , 2 B AT H S & GO U RME T K I T CH E N ! 3 0 x 50 metal b uilding, paved road & low, low utility b ills! $14 9 ,7 50 . # 4 6 150 U nited Country O ’Connor Agency, P attonsb urg, MO - - Charming Ranch H ome on 12 acres, 4 B drm/2 B ath. Charming ranch home on almost 12 acres j ust outside of town. T his home features a formal living room, family room, 2 fireplaces, 4 b edrooms, 2 1/2 b aths, 3 car attached garage. What more could you ask for? T his is a MU S T S E E !!! $19 5,9 0 0 . # 24 0 0 2- 17 0 21 U nited Country P roperty S olutions L L C, K ing City, MO 6 6 0 .53 5.4 9 23 P attonsb urg, MO - - DAVI E S S CO U N T Y 4 0 ACRE S WI T H 2 H O ME S : 3 b edroom updated b ungalow & 150 0 sq ft earth


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contact b uilt in 20 0 1! O ld style stock hayb arn, hay & pasture land! Well maintained & priced to sell! $225,0 0 0 . # 4 59 3 0 U nited Country O ’Connor Agency, Cameron, MO Winston, MO - - B ring the Family. 2.20 Acres: 4 B dr, 2 b ath modular setting on 2 acres M/L at the edge of winston. 3 2x 4 8 shed with concrete floor and electric. $124,500. # 1227 B en L ee Real E state, Cameron, MO HAMILTON H amilton, MO - - 2 B drm H ome: Very nice, affordab le 2 b d home in good neighb orhood, new roof, siding & much more. Appliances included. $59 ,0 0 0 . # 8 Arnaman Real E state, Cameron, MO

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H amilton - B eautifully remodeled 2 b edroom, 2 b ath. L arge living room, dining room, great k itchen with center island & lots of cab inets. H ardwood floors, original woodwork & work ing transoms. P ock et doors. E conomical natural gas furnace & CA. $7 4 ,9 0 0 . # 1 Arnaman Real E state, H amilton, MO - - L ovely ranch home on corner lot in q uiet neighb orhood: 3 b d, 2 1/2 b a 1 with walk in shower, large LR w/fireplace, big kitchen, lots of cabinets. Full finished b asement w/wood b urning fireplace, small kitchen, bath & laundry room. 2 car att. garage. S piral staircase & handicap accessib le. N E W L O W P RI CE ! $129 ,0 0 0 . # 2 Arnaman Real E state,

H amilton, MO - - Warm ranch home with three b drms and two full b aths located on two large city lots and adj acent to a vacant field. 2 city lots Lot: T he property includes three outb uildings/b arns. T he main one is 3 0 x 8 0 and the second one is 3 0 x 50 . P erfect for farm eq uipment or cars. O riginal wood flooring in all bedrooms. Ceiling fans in k itchen, family room and all b edrooms. L aundry and utility room located on main floor for easy access. Master b edroom features walk out doors. $129 ,9 0 0 . # gpc19 7 259 1 RE /MAX P artners, Cameron, MO FIND MORE AT

! S R E N N I W AGES 4-6

Grand Prize: Macie Rodenberg, Wheeling Runners p: Carder Michael reatz, Chillicothe; Eleanor Lybarger, Columbia; Lucinda ay Graber, amesport; aitlyn Estes, Winston; essie Arnold, Gallatin; Madelyn rowning, Coffey; Cole Manion, Pattonsburg; Harley Manion, Pattonsburg; Leigha Dixon, Pattonsburg; ennett Dungy, Gallatin; Macee ae Pittsenbarger, idder; Lovina Fern urkholder, amesport; Tanna Ford, Hamilton; ohn Anthony Mast, amesport; Olivia Sterneker, Gallatin; ohn Anthony Mast, amesport; Leroy Todd, Cameron; Gavyn Sprague, Coffey; Lynn Miller, Hamilton; Leeland Miller, Hamilton; Timothy ohn oder, amesport; Luetta Fern Miller, Hamilton; Martha olene Fry, amesport; Hallie Howe, Chula; Regina Detweiler, amesport; Ayden, Chillicothe; Harrison Goad, Chillicothe; inley Provolt, Dawn; Fenton N McGraw, reckenridge; ymber Lowe, Wheeling; adence Clark, Chillicothe; acie Clevenger, raymer; Makayla C. Rahm, Gallatin; enneth Miller, Hamilton; Lynelle immerman, reckendridge; Evan Ray immerman, reckenridge; Matthew Roy urkholder, amesport; arter asey-Hibner, Chillicothe; Lillian oder, Hamilton; Liam Perkins, Chillicothe; Paislee Wright, Gallatin; Sky essa, Chillicothe; Paitynn Pickering, raymer; oseph G. ontrager, Hamilton.

AGES 7-9

Grand Prize: Annalee McGhee, King City Runners p: Piper Mortiz, Platte City; Autumn Score, Polo; oel David eechy, amesport; Adalyn Danae Miller, Gallatin; Marvin Hilty, idder; Roberta Sue eechy, amesport; Regina Sue Miller, amesport; Logan Dixon, Pattonsburg; erry Martin, reckenridge; Clayton, Trenton; Rhoda Faye Schrock, amesport; Marcus Ray, amesport; Vernon Andrew, amesport; Amy Marie urkholder, amesport; Amanda Fern urtz, amesport; Caden Osborn, amesport; anita immerman, reckenridge; ayla Sprague, Coffey; atie Sprague, Coffey; Matthew . Miller, Hamilton; ared Andrew oder, amesport; Clayton Hearn, Trenton; Myron S. Martin, reckenridge; ames oder, Hamilton; Lavern oder, Hamilton; Evan Randolph, Chillicothe; oey Clevenger, raymer; ameron Perry; asey Perry; entlee, Cameron; Lola Webb, reckenridge; Lexi Walker; aiden Rodenberg, Wheeling; Amanda ay Detweiler, amesport; Connor Clevenger, raymer; Lola Webb, reckenridge; Trinity Hines, Altamont; Matilda Lee, Gallatin; Wyatt Rahm, Gallatin; Amanda o Miller, amesport; erry H Miller, Hamilton; Crystal immerman, reckenridge; Hannah Tucker, Gallatin; Maggie Tucker, Gallatin; Allen D ontrager, idder; Lacey Holcomb, Pattonsburg; Olivia Schweizer, Gallatin; Lillian Todd, Cameron; Henry oder, Hamilton; Titus, Hamilton; LeRoy A oder, Hamilton; Sara Mae Mast, amesport; atie Marie Mast, amesport; onathan Daniel Ropp, amesport; athryn Hostetler, amesport; aiden Martin, Winston; Hadasa Hocker, Winston; Cox ones, Chula; Dacey; Aubrey Moss, Chillicothe; ymberle McCracken, Chillicothe; eira Roney, Chillicothe; Gunnar Hawkins; Gavin Gaunt; irkland, Gracie, Chillicothe; essalyn, Chillicothe; Cooper Narr; raden Stimpson, Chillicothe; Lydia; Andrew, Chillicothe; Travian lein, Chillicothe; oslyn Paige Ritchie, Chillicothe; Elena uintero Figg, Chillicothe; Caden; Naomi Peyton, Chillicothe; Ivan ontrager, Hamilton; Ernest ontrager, Hamilton; osi Conrad, Chillicothe; aelyn Graupman, Chillicothe; Natalie Graupman, Chillicothe; Henry, Chillicothe; Peter Donald Fenn, Gallatin.

AGES 10-12

Grand Prize: Kortny Estes, Winston

Runners p: Chloe Moritz, Platte City; Samuel Hilty, idder; Maryann E Hilty, idder; Christopher Shrock, amesport; Matthew Hearn, Trenton; Rose Mary Miller, amesport; Dorothy Rose Schrock, amesport; Addyson Sipple, Gallatin; Glen r. Miller, Hamilton; enneth rowning, Coffey; Avah Nigh, ingston; Samuel Payne, ethany; Addyson Sipple, Gallatin; aylen Sterneker, Gallatin; Eugene immerman, Gallatin; Adrian Neil Graber, amesport; Christina Faye Detweiler, amesport; Sally immerman, reckenridge; Matthew Hearn, Trenton; Glen oder, Hamilton; rent immerman, reckenridge; Hadley umps, Gallatin; Rueben Detwieler, amesport; Loretta May Flory, amesport; Oliver Perry, Chillicothe; Madisyn Sales, Polo; ylei Minnick, Wheeling; Shyanna rown, Chillicothe; Shianne M Stratton, Cowgill; ara Flory, amesport; Abigail L Rahm, Gallatin; Hunter Rahm, Gallatin; Madalyn Home, Chula; ailey Carter, Gallatin; Havilah I Miller, amesport; arydon ones, Altamont; ames Tucker, Gallatin; Abraham D ontrager, idder; Susan D ontrager, idder; Daniel Eric Troyer, amesport; Titus Troyer, amesport; Lena Ann oder, Hamilton; Albert oder, Hamilton; Rosemary Mast, amesport; Langston ohnson, Chillicothe; Lloyd Miller, Hamilton.

Congratulations & Merry Christmas! All Three Grand Prize WINNERS Will Receive Gift Certificates, Compliments of





CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

J anuary 2, 20 18

TRENTON T renton - P erfect 3 b edroom, 2 b ath home. Well k ept inside and out. K itchen with cab inets galore, an island, and all appliances. N ew carpet and laminate flooring. Custom window treatments. N ewer natural gas furnace. H ome is well insulated. E x terior has an open front porch and b ack wood deck with space for a b arb ecue grill. T he property is situated on a corner lot. H as a partial b asement and a 2 car detached garage. $55,0 0 0 . # 20 7 9 19 3 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, T renton, MO 8 8 8 .4 4 6 .8 7 4 0 T renton - Cute 1.5 story b ungalow nestled in a q uiet family friendly neighb orhood. L arge covered front porch. O pen concept main floor features original hardwood floors in the living room, dining room & master b edroom. Main floor also includes laundry room, full b ath & utility room. K itchen over look s the large b ack yard. U pstairs you will find 2 additional bedrooms & second b athroom. Come see all it has to offer! $59 ,50 0 . # gpc20 8 223 5 B erk shire H athaway H omeS ervices H ahn RE AL T O RS ®, Cameron, MO

T renton - S pacious ranch home ready to move right in! Well maintained 2 b edroom, 1 b athroom home features updates in the k itchen and b athroom. Very convenient floor plan with everything on one level including a laundry room, living room with fireplace, dining room, k itchen and a family room. Good location situated on a corner lot, has a side and b ack deck and a detached garage. Call or tex t Melissa at 6 6 0 - 3 59 - 110 1 to come tak e a look ! $59 ,9 0 0 . # 20 0 6 18 7 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates Trenton - Efficient ranch with great location! E nj oy the convenience of everything on one level in this three b edroom, one b ath 120 0 + sq ft home. Conveniently located near maj or shopping area, including grocery stores & restaurants. Well cared for home with newer laminate flooring in kitchen & dining, high-efficiency furnace & central air. Ample cab inet space in k itchen. Full unfinished basement, b ack patio, and 1 car attached garage. Call or tex t Greg Freeman at 6 6 0 - 3 58 - 4 0 0 3 to come tak e a look ! $7 6 ,50 0 . # 20 6 50 6 4 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, T renton, MO 8 8 8 .4 4 6 .8 7 4 0

T renton - Y ou will love the location of this 3 - b edroom home! L ocated in a family friendly neighb orhood that is within walk ing distance to the city pool and Mob erly P ark . S ituated on a corner lot, this home has a wrap- around deck that is partially covered, a b ack deck off the master b edroom, and a large lot with mature shade trees. T he main floor includes the master bedroom with master b athroom, formal dining room, k itchen, and living room. U pstairs there are 2 b edrooms and a full b ath. Call Greg Freeman at 6 6 0 - 3 58 - 4 0 0 3 for more information. $7 8 ,8 0 0 . # 20 0 0 4 18 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, T renton - 2 B drm Condo: Well maintained! H ere is your opportunity to have everything on one level and no ex terior maintenance to worry ab out. T his nice 2 b edroom, 1 ½ b athroom condo is located in a good neighb orhood, comes with all appliances including the washer and dryer and has a small patio area b ehind. All lawn care and snow removal is provided as part of the minimal monthly fee. Come tak e a look as these don’t come on the mark et very often and especially with the ex tra half

b ath. Call or tex t Melissa at 6 6 0 - 3 59 - 110 1 to schedule your personal showing today! $7 9 ,50 0 . # 20 6 50 51 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, T renton, MO T renton - Roomy Ranch on L arge L ot! N ice, clean 3 b drm home has a full finished basement, attached garage, huge yard and a nice outb uilding: I t’s a must see at a great price! $9 9 ,50 0 . # gpc20 4 4 9 6 5 RE /MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 T renton - L ovely 3 b edroom 2 b ath ranch with many q uality additions. Main home features newer k itchen with b eautiful cab inetry & hardwood floor, updated double pane tip out windows, carpet is ex cellent - only 3 - 4 yr. old (owner says hardwood under the carpet). Open floor plan on the large living and dining room giving plenty to room for a family or entertaining. 50 0 sq ft. sunroom right off the k itchen! Guests park on the front drive and walk up on a

large deck to the front door. H owever, with a lot that runs from street to street you will drive in the b ack and park in a 3 0 x 3 0 oversiz ed 2 car garage. Garage is large enough to provide ex tra storage or shop/hob b y area. Get out of the car and walk j ust a few feet to the house. Very few steps for retirees look ing for a home with ex tras. Call Mik e J ohnson 6 6 0 - 3 59 - 7 7 4 9 to set up an appointment today! $10 9 ,9 0 0 . # 20 7 9 250 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, T renton, MO 8 8 8 .4 4 6 .8 7 4 0 T renton - L ak e L ocation. B rick front ranch home with 5 b edrooms, 2.5 b athrooms, and over 2,900 sqft of finished living space. S ituated on corner lot with estab lished shrub s & trees. Features wood deck with gaz eb o, family room with brick gas fireplace, kitchen with cab inets galore, & 2 car attached garage. $119 ,9 0 0 . # 1226 8 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, T renton, MO 8 8 8 .4 4 6 .8 7 4 0

T renton - S pacious 4 B drm Ranch. Many updates and located in the T renton L ak e area! P lenty of room with 4 b edrooms, living room, k itchen, family room, large dining room, and 1.5 b aths. L ocated on a doub le lot that includes an ab ove ground pool ready for summer fun. T he home also features a b ack deck , patio, 2 car attached garage, and partial b asement. Recent updates in 20 15 include vinyl doub le- pane windows, vinyl siding, architectural roof, and gutters. Central air and b rand new natural gas forced air furnace. Call or tex t Greg Freeman at 6 6 0 - 3 58 - 4 0 0 3 for more information. $129 ,0 0 0 . # 19 9 0 4 8 4 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, T renton, MO 8 8 8 .4 4 6 .8 7 4 0 T renton - N ice Ranch S tyle H ome. 4 b edroom, 2 3 /4 b ath home located on large lot with great yard. Move- in Ready! Reduced: $13 9 ,9 0 0 . # 13 0 19 /223 51 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17

AUCTION Real Estate & Personal Property

Saturday, January 6, 2018 - 9:30 a.m.

5 miles west of Chillicothe, Missouri off of 36 Hwy.

610 Marble St. in Utica MO

Guns, Coins, Modern Furniture, Appliances, Antiques, & Collectibles


Real Estate will sell at 12:30 p.m.

Nice modern 3-5 bedroom home: kitchen/dining area, living room, bath, finished basement, utility room, 1/2 bath. Features new roof, vinyl siding, large deck; 40x60x14 metal building with cement floor. Property has many possibilities. Would make a great horse property as it sits on three acres – or hobby farm. Utica, MO, is a very, very clean town for its size. Terms: 15% non-refundable deposit day of auction; enter into binding contract; balance due at closing in 30 days or less. Sells subject to owners' confirmation.

REAL ESTATE PARTITION SALE DAVIESS COUNTY REAL ESTATE: Approx. 80 acres – W ½ SE ¼ Section 23 Township 58 Range 26; all in Daviess County Mo. OwnersJames Gary Greenwood, Sharon Elaine Greenwood Grant, Traci Bowman, Laurie Bowman, Heather Bowman Hayes, Jamie McCormick, James R. McCormick, III, Sarah McCormick, Preston McCormick, and Susie McCormick. SALE DATE: January 11, 2018, at 2:00 p.m., at south front door of Daviess County Courthouse, in Gallatin, Missouri. 10% down at sale, balance payable within 30 days. Title insurance to be provided. Sale does not include any growing crops on the property. 2018 Taxes Prorated At Closing. Sale includes all buildings, fences, and other improvements on the property. Possession at closing.

CONTACT: Lauren Horsman at 660-646-0627 for additional information.

Special Interest: Large windmill – The 2 chests of drawers; Whirlpool Duet Aermotor, Chicago; complete; to be washer & dryer; Maytag Neptune washer; GE electric dryer; fire pit; removed. 1:15 p.m. Guns, Coins, Sporting upright freezer.

Antiques & Collectibles: Oak homemade cabinet; semi truck toy box; red rocks; homemade oak clothes hanger/chest; brass bed; iron bed frame; elk foot oak lamp; lite beer sign; 50 Walt Disney VHS tapes; Western Union clock; steam engine parts; iron kettles; oak dresser; Cleveland 605 Modern Furniture & Appliances: trombone w/case; electric guitar & amp; M a y t a g s t a i n l e s s d o u b l e - d o o r cast skillets; sleds. refrigerator/freezer w/water & ice in Tools, Shop Items: Ingersol Rand T-30 door; large sofa w/recliners; large sofa; air compressor; gas hyd log splitter; 400 2 recliners; large armoire; 5 TVs; Ford engine; 2 shop benches; shop fan; assorted tables; 2 queen Tempur-Pedic steel welding bench; lg. asst. tools; mattresses; air mattress; kitchen items; wrenches; shop items. Items: Remington 700 SPS 30.06 w/scope; Remington 30.06 & .270 bolt action _ w/scope; Savage 30.06 & .270 bolt action w/scopes; 30.06 & .22 ammo; Savage 6.5 Creedmoor w/scope; gun safe; 1920 silver dollars; assorted silver 1/2 dollars; 30' pool deck.

Ronda Reeter. Owner

Statements made sale day take precedence. Not responsible for accidents, thefts, or errors in advertising, or consignment deletions

Chris Arnaman, 816-284-0570 | Hamilton Office, 816-583-1030 Carl Kimble, Stewartsville 816-387-7955 | Matt Fordyce of Behtany 660-373-0440 Crabtree Auctions 660-425-7300 “When you think auction, think Arnaman Auction.”


J anuary 2, 20 18

Livestock Auction Inc.


Lamoni, Iowa

Lamoni ivestock A ction Inc.





0 home raised red ngus red ngus hfrs red to ngus ulls cal e ar st for 70 Da s ha e had ira shield 6 poured w s dectin scourgaurd

- 0 l wf hfrs 00 confirmed d to ereford ulls all are sisters - 0 l wf hfrs 00 red to ereford ulls cal e for 0 da s all are sisters D D 0 l hfrs 0 0- 00 red to production tested ngus ulls start cal ing e st for 0 da s allshots st scour shot ongrange all are sisters D 7 l hfrs 0 sisters d to ar e ereford ull cal e e 7 for da l hfrs red to ereford ulls start cal ing e 7 for da s D l hfrs red to red ngus ulls start cal ing ar 7th for 60 da s 0 l hfrs 0- 00 d s nc red to l ngus onle ommrad ull cal e e 6th for da COW : 90 l cows 3- r old red to im- ng ulls cal e ar 0th for 60 da s ultrasounded to ha e ull cal es all raised cal es last ear selling due to short of feed er gentle P l red cows solid-aged red to red composite ull cal e in arch P D P l cows 3-aged red l ng or ereford ull cal e end of e 70 da s 36 char cows r olds red to l ulls start cal ing ar 0 all sisters selling due to pasture loss 3 l cows -6 r olds red to l red ngus ulls start cal ing e P 3 l cows 3-6 red to erf ull cal e e th for 60 da s D 0 l cows 3- r olds -3rd period red to l ulls and l cows 3- with cal es at side char cows solid- aged red to l ulls cal e ar th

O ice 641-784-3323

ason Allen 641-782-0790

ared Miller 1 -608-09 3

iew live a ctions @ lmaa



O ice 641-784-3323 ason Allen 641-782-0790 Miller 1 -608-09 3 Paul & Deannaared Eitel, Owners iew live a ctions @ lmaa 52762 Bus. Hwy 5 • Milan, MO


Paul 660.265.6404 Ell Ray 660.684.6541

12 Noon Start Time

Mike 660.358.2010 Justin 660.654.4967


ment heifers! Annual N ew AUCTION 0 home raised red ngus red ngus hfrs Y ear’s E ves haCalf & Y earling red to ngus ulls cal e ar st for 70 Da e had Green City, MO , J anuary 3 : ira shield 6 poured w S sale dectin scourgaurd b y Green City L ivestock , We Pare ex pecting 3 ,0 0 0 head L L C, 6 6 0 - 8 7 4 - 4 14 6 . including nice replace- 0 lvery wf hfrs 00 confirmed d to ereford ulls all are sisters - 0 l wf hfrs 00 red to ereford ulls cal e for 0 da s all are sisters D D 0 l hfrs 0 0- 00 red to production tested ngus ulls start cal ing e st for 0 da s allshots st scour shot ongrange all are sisters D 7 l hfrs 0 sisters d to ar e ereford ull cal e e 7 for da l hfrs red to ereford ulls start cal ing e 7 for da s D l hfrs red to red ngus ulls start cal ing ar 7th for 60 da s 0 l hfrs 0- 00 d s nc red to l ngus onle ommrad ull cal e e 6th for da COW : 90 l cows 3- r old red to im- ng ulls cal e ar 0th for 60 da s ultrasounded to ha e ull cal es all raised cal es last ear selling due to short of feed er gentle P l red cows solid-aged red to red composite ull cal e in arch P D P l cows 3-aged red l ng or ereford ull cal e end of e 70 da s 36 char cows r olds red to l ulls start cal ing ar 0 all sisters selling due to pasture loss 3 l cows -6 r olds red to l red ngus ulls start cal ing e P 3 l cows 3-6 red to erf ull cal e e th for 60 da s D 0 l cows 3- r olds -3rd period red to l ulls and l cows 3- with cal es at side char cows solid- aged red to l ulls cal e ar th


Dwain & Amy Ireland, Owners, 660-973-0097

Morning S un, I A, J anuary 6 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 3 9 0 - Acre L and on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .


L E X I N GT O N , Mo, J anuary 6 : E nj oy a wonderful collection of antiq ues and collectib les. J O H N CRO U CH I N DI AN ART I FACT CO L L E CT I O N , WH E ADS . S ee L iving 11ARRO , BRED O S 12 estate of Denise and the late Dick Clark of Manhattan K an0sas weaned on GP ac Cink .com b y Adk ins weaned Auction, 6 6 0 - 259 - 24 0 9 .


1 AM

Monmouth, 6 : E H SI L 1, on J ,anuary EEDERS GU N S , AMMO & RE L AT E D I T CA E MS E. S : ee ‘ N o Reserve’ Gun l st hf 6 0-7 Auction -on0 GP l Cink prewf hf 0-700 sented y miS ullivan Auction- weaned D - b 00 ed st hf 600-700 ac hf .8 0-6 0 weaned eers, L L- C,0 P l h:st217 4 7 .216 0 . Van B uren, I N , on J anuary 9 : - 73 wf rwf st hf 6 0-7 RE 0 weaned AL E S T ac AT E . S ee 5- Acre L addonia, J anuary - 0 MOl ,wf st hf 3 0-6006 : weaned Rural H ome on GP Cink .com FARM E - Q 0U I lP ME st hfN 6T .0-7 S 0eeweaned presented b y S ullivan AuctionFarm - Machinery on weaned GP l st hf 0-700 ac replmt ualit eers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . l st hf 600-700 weaned replmt ualit Cink .com presented b y

l st hf 0-6 weanedN ovelty, ac Wheeler- Auctions & 0Real MO , on J anuary 9 : - 0 l st hf 00- 0 weaned ac E state, P h: 6 6 0 .3 27 .58 9 0 or RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 4 6 5- Acre YEA I : 6 P6 0 .3 27 .18 0 6 . - 0 l st hf 700- 0L and on GP Cink .com preweaned sented b y Wheeler Auctions & 7 l hfrs 0-900 weaned ac L E X I N GT O N , J AN 6 : S E VE RReal E state, P h: 6 6 0 .3 27 .58 9 0 AL ARRO WH E ADS & I N DI AN or 6 6 0 .3 27 .18 0 6 . ART I FACT S FRO M T H E

L AT E J O H N CRO U CH CO L L E CT I O N . B y Adk ins Auction, P h: 6 6 0 - 259 - 24 0 9 . MCBEE ANGUS



E dwardsville, I L , J anuary 10 : FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee Farm Retirement on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . Van B uren, I N , J anuary 10 : FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee Farm E q uipment on GP Cink . com b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . Rose H ill, I A, J AN 11: RE AL E S T AT E . 3 10 - Acre L and on GP Cink .com b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .

HWY WW, Tina MO 64682 Market: 660-622-4214 Mailing Address: PO Box 704, Chillicothe MO 64601 E-mail: Please call Dwain for further details on the upcoming sale: 660-973-0097



Dan Dedrick: 660-646-8103 Pam Dedrick, Office Manager: 660-646-8119 Kurt Kleeman: 816-284-0611 Clark Allen: 660-973-6826 Wes Gorham: 816- 853-7359 L J Cahill: 660-322-1193

Also featuring...

J a n 0 3 : S p e c ia l C a ttle S a le S tarting the new year off with auction to b egin at 11 AM Daviess County L ivestock Mark et, Gallatin, MO J a n 1 3 : S p e c ia l C o w S a le S aturday morning special sale. Call our sale b arn for more details: 6 6 0 .226 .5222. N ew Camb ria L ivestock Mk t, L L C, N ew Camb ria, MO J a n 1 3 : S p e c ia l B r e d C o w S a le S ale time 1 p.m. Daviess County L ivestock Mark et, Gallatin, MO J a n 1 3 : S p e c ia l B r e d C o w S a le S pecial auction b egins at 1 p.m. Daviess County L ivestock Mark et, Gallatin, MO

14 special auctions online

J a n 1 8 : P r e -C o n d itio n P r o g r a m S a le MFA H ealth T rack & P urina 4 - S q uare, QSA Sourced Verified, White & Red T ag H ealth P rogram. N ew Camb ria L ivestock Mk t, L L C, N ew Camb ria, MO J a n 2 0 : S p e c ia l C o w , B r e d H e ife r & B r e e d in g B u ll S a le S pecial Cow, B red H eifer & B reeding B ull S ale Green City L ivestock Mark eting, L L C, Green City, MO Fe b 1 0 : S p e c i a l C o w S a l e S aturday morning special sale. Call our sale b arn for more details: 6 6 0 .226 .5222. N ew Camb ria L ivestock Mk t, L L C, N ew Camb ria, MO Fe b 1 0 : S p e c i a l B r e d C o w S a l e S ale time 1 p.m. Daviess County L ivestock Mark et, Gallatin, MO


CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

J anuary 2, 20 18

Help Wanted T he Gallatin R· V S chool District is accepting applications for a central office bookkeeper/ administrative assistant to the superintendent of schools. Accounting and finance experience is req uired. T he successful candidate must b e a multi- task er who has strong people sk ills. B asic computer sk ills and ab ility to k eep up with educating finance are a must. T his individual must b e ab le to complete payroll and handle proj ects with attention to detail. S trong organiz ational sk ills and effective verb al and written communication sk ills are needed.Save T he candidate chosen will to current b e a team- oriented individual with a positive outlook . S alary is commensurate and will b e

determined b y ex perience. P lease contact the superintendent’s office for more information. T he Gallatin R- V S chool District is an eq ual opportunity employer.

Real Estate FO R S AL E B Y O WN E R: Ranch style 3 B R 2B A on full b asement. U pdated roof, k itchen, master B R/B A, central wood furnace & A/C. Fresh paint & updated flooring throughout. L arge lot in Revise 2015 familyfriendlyJanuary neighb orhood, deck & garden spot. $6 5,0 0 0 . 6 6 0 - 6 0 5- 20 6 4 .




CRP /P AS T U RE CL E ARI N G - T ree pulling/removal w/ sk id loader. Call Gab e B uz z ard T renton, MO 8 16 - 6 7 8 - 3 9 18

P E AK CO N S T RU CT I O N b athrooms, k itchens, ex tra rooms, garages, b asement finishing, small roofs. New b usiness b ut years of ex perience. Affordab le and H igh Q uality. Aaron B alsb augh 6 6 0 - 3 3 4 - 19 9 0

WAN T E D...Row Crop land to rent for corn or b eans. Caldwell or Daviess County. Contact Dell E vans, H amilton 8 16 - 28 4 - 10 8 5

Y O U R DI RT I S our b read & b utter. Carpet & upholstery cleaning. David B aldwin, 8 16 - 6 3 2- 26 27 or toll- free 1- 8 8 8 - 8 54 - 29 4 9 .

T H E H AMI L T O N B AN K check ing/savings accounts, loans, I RA’s & CO D’s. Visit www.hamiltonb ank .net or call 8 16 - 58 3 - 214 3 . N ew b ranch at L athrop, MO . Memb er FDI C & E q ual H ousing Memb er.

Wanted Wanting to b uy standing timb er: Cottonwood, maple, oak , walnut. Call 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 50 8 2 after 6 : 0 0 p.m. M0 0 0 L dtf

J U L I A R. FI L L E Y , Attorney at Farm ground wanted. DEFAULT - Do Services Not Change L aw. General This P ractice, Crimi-File. Competitive rates. Aaron nal Defense, Family this L aw, & ad. L andes 6 6 0 - 3 58 - 26 8 2 altering S week E RVI CE folder - L ivestock before and P rob ate. Free I nitial Consulflatbed trailer custom hauling. tation. West side of Gallatin P asture to rent. Greg L andes 6 6 0 - 8 53 - 0 0 9 3 6 6 0 - 7 4 8 - 58 16 S q uare. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 20 4 4



ocal esta lishe usiness seeks rien ly ener etic erson to oin our team. Peo le skills a must. ccuracy enterin com uter ata essential. Previous sales e erience re erre . ork involves ay tri s throu hout orth Missouri with com any car rovi e . Mon ay ri ay sche ule. ourly wa e cell hone urin ro ationary erio more i ermanently em loye . Email resume with ersonal re erences to arryl P or mail to 609 outh Main allatin M 64640

GPCink — Gallatin Publishing Company


Pierce Auto Supply & Gun Works Paul & Terry Pierce, Owners 2 ackson Street allatin issouri 4 4 or Hours: on -Fri am- pm Sat am- 2pm

S I L VE R & GO L D CO I N S , dental gold, gold mountings, sterling silver, old watches & diamonds. H ighest cash price paid. J unior S andy 8 16 - 3 9 0 20 27 . Garage Sales ADVE N T I S T CH U RCH T H RI FT S hop, 120 7 S Clay, Gallatin. O pen: E very WE D 8 am- 4 pm. O pen during noon hour. FRE E clothing @ 120 6 S Willow entrance 8 am- 3 pm every WE D 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 24 7 8

January 2018


SERVING YOU SINCE 1941 835 S. Washington • Chillicothe, MO 660-646-5525































N e w

Y e a r ’s D a y

7 14

M a r tin L u th e r K in g D a y

Get your event in the AdZone FREE. Email us at

J a n u a ry 7 Red Cross Blood Drive 10:00AM-2:00PM National Guard Armory Chillicothe

Chillicothe Eagles Club Aerie 2428

BINGO NIGHT Every Wednesday 6PM

J a n u a ry 9

200 East Jackson, Chillicothe


Canned Food Drive

Dec 20th J a n u a ry 3 Red Cross Blood Drive 2:00-6:00PM Kate’s Kountry Kupboard Chula

J a n u a ry 8 AUDITIONS for Gulliver’s Travels Missoula Children’s Theatre 4:00-6:00PM Gary Dickinson Performing Arts Center Chillicothe

J a n u a ry 5 Good Times Dance 7:30PM Grand River Multi-Purpose Center (former Aldi’s building) Chillicothe

Go to

J a n u a ry 9 Grand River Historical Society Museum Board quarterly meeting 6:30PM Dinner 7:15PM Program RSVP to 660.646.1341 or 660.646.0052 Elks Lodge Chillicothe

J a n u a ry 8 Red Cross Blood Drive 3:00-7:00PM First Baptist Church Gallatin

Piccadilly Tickets On Sale 5:30PM Celebrations Event Hall Chillicothe

J a n u a ry 1 5 Martin Luther King Day

J a n u a ry 1 9 Operation Help Chili Fundraiser 4:00-7:00PM First Christian Church Chillicothe

J a n u a ry 1 9 J a n u a ry 1 2 50’s, 60’s & 70’s DJ Dance 6:30PM Grand River Multi-Purpose Center (former Aldi’s building) Chillicothe

Good Times Dance 7:30PM Grand River Multi-Purpose Center (former Aldi’s building) Chillicothe to find the BONUS CODE and win more.



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FI N D T H E P AGE # AN D B U S I N E S S N AME FO R E ACH O F T H E I MAGE S . S E N D E N T RY T O T H E ADZ O N E . E ntries due b y Friday at 4 P M. E ntries accepted b y U S P S , drop off at one of our locations or E mail to AdZ one@ GP Cink .com * * O N E E N T RY P E R P E RS O N P E R WE E K * *

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NAME _____________________________

January 2, 2018



CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

J anuary 2, 20 18


69¢/lb Best Choice Turkey’s


1 /lb


79¢/lb $139/lb $4 89/lb 99¢/lb


Assorted Bone In Pork Chops

Best Choice Spiral Ham

18 Oz

Happy O’s 14 Oz

Beef Sirloin Steak


Split Chicken Breast

T-Bone or KC Strip

Best Choice Corn Flakes


$ 49

THURS, FRI & SAT • JAN. 4-6, 2018

Chicken Legs or Thighs


Top Round Roast



Best Choice Green Beans or Corn 14.5 Oz ** Selected Varieties








AT •



$ 29/lb C i en Breast Boneless Skinless Frozen

149 ea


Pork Butt Roast Fresh Boneless

69¢/ea 99¢/lb

Cucumbers or reen eppers Fresh



Best Choice Cottage Cheese 24 Oz, **




Red Sweet Onions

259/lb $399/lb $349/lb


Bone ess C Shoulder Roast



o e o en ineapp es

Ha o C e entines 3 lb



op ait o


ro resso So p


4-6 Oz, **

18-19 Oz, **




Ji ean t Butter

Best Choice Frozen Fr it

Tyson Brea e C i en

12-16 Oz, **


20.5-32 Oz, **

12-16 Oz, **




Cat is Fi ets IQF

299 99¢/lb


Strawberries 1 lb


Premium Gala App es Fresh


$ 99


Spe ia K Bars or Cereal

Best Choice App e Sa e

6-8 Ct bars or 10.5-147 Oz, **




Texas Red rape r it



Baby Back Pork Ribs





Stew Meat

Fresh Family Pack Boneless Beef




6 pack, **




Sugardale Ba on

Best Choice T in eats

16 OZ

2 Oz, **








To stone Pizza

S art Ones ntrees

Best Choice C n C eese

atarain’s Rice Mix

Betty Crocker He pers

18.4-28.4 Oz, **


16 OZ, **

4.4-10.25 Oz, **




Fritos or oritos

S n C ips, Baked Lays or Kett e C ips

8-11.25 Oz, **

9 $499

6.25-8 Oz, **


4.7-8.7 Oz, **

1.75-6.9 Oz, **




onterey XXL Burritos 10 Oz, **

Best Choice Pizza Crust 6.5 Oz, **


Best Choice Pizza Sauce 14 Oz, **

Coca-Cola Products 12 oz cans, 12 pack,**






$ 99



Coca-Cola Products

Gold Peak Tea

Best Choice Cran erry Juice

V8 Juice

.5 Liter Bottles, 6 Pack, **

6-24 pack, **

64 Oz, **

46-64 Oz, **

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