AdZone 01-16-18

Page 1

th e 6 1 2 Fi r s t S t , C h i l l i c o

unity; main Turn key business opport seats 43; bar , 118 ting dining area sea e walk in event rooms seats 73; larg area, office cooler, employee locker and dryer. r she wa with

#3115 - $1,110,000

January 16, 2018

Call Lindy Lile @ 660-247-2294

join us on facebook!

Chillicothe, B raymer, Meadville, Wheeling, Chula, Dawn, L udlow, Mooresville, U tica, H ale, Gallatin, L ak e Vik ing, J amesport, J ameson/Coffey, P attonsb urg, Lock Springs, Winston, Altamont, Hamilton, Kidder, Kingston, Polo, Cowgill, Breckenridge, Nettleton, Mirabile, Trenton, Cameron, Lathrop, Brookfield

Providing prompt, professional service since 1973


915 S. Washington • Chillicothe, MO

explore our new website WOODY’S OUTDOOR POWER

side by sides


JAN 9th Winner is Alexander Collins of Chillicothe


lawn mowers

auto body


car rentals

on page 11


CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@olida GP Cink .comec c edule Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

J anuary 16 , 20 18


m C O




In compliance with RSMO 115.127.5, notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of the Daviess County Special Road District #1 that the General Municipal Election for the office of Commissioner will be held on the 3rd day of April, 2018, beginning at 6:00 a.m., and closing at 7:00 p.m., to vote for Commissioner to serve a 3 year term. Candidate filing for the Commissioner may file in the County Clerks Office at 102 N. Main St., Gallatin Missouri. The Clerks Office will be open between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, beginning the 12th day of December, 2017, and closing 5:00 p.m. January 16, 2018.


Contact ale


16-2 4-10


W N ED The 16-44 -22 Row Cro land to rent Old or corn a or Cookstove eans ry li l s Da iess ial y Caldwell or County Honey ia Hard Ha Jack Virgin Dell Contact E ans, Pepperilton lami Sa Ham Roasted se ee Ch Turkey 16-2 .99 $4 9 .9 $4.994-10 $3 $5.29

01-16-17 Virginia Ham Honey roaste turkey 5.29, Salami 4.99, Pepper Jack Cheese 3.99 Jan 17-27

Pricing good Jan 17 thru Jan 27, 2018 • While supplies last

We now carry Essential Oils

5 miles EAST of Maysville on Hwy 6 • 816-449-2285 7am - 5pm Tues-Fri • 8:30am to 2pm Saturday T


27 8 30 3

, S 8 30 2

5 miles EAST of Maysville on Hwy 6 • 816-449-2285

Holiday Schedule: Dec 23-24 7am-5pm • CLOSED: Dec 25-29 We nowDecember carry Essential We will be closed 24-27 Oils for the holiday. Agriculture


For Rent

Ceritifed O rganic yellow seed peas, clean & in 50 lb . b ag $20 each B ill B ear 6 6 0 - 6 54 - 129 8

FRO S T AU T O MO T I VE : Auto and truck parts & accessories. S ee us for all your parts needs. We also mak e hydraulic hoses. S outh side Gallatin sq uare. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2152

FO R RE N T : 2 b edroom house in H ale. N o pets. $3 50 /month. Deposit req uired. Mid- day calls please 6 6 0 - 7 4 5- 3 53 8

Wanted to b uy large round b ales of hay and hedge posts. Call anytime 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 16 3 2 P AY I N G $7 5/ACRE FO R RE N T AL P AS T U RE . Will consider any siz e & location. Can do any fence repair necessary. 8 16 - 7 8 7 - 4 0 0 6 WAN T E D FARM GRO U N D to rent for 20 18 in Daviess Co area. Call B randon L ewis at 6 6 0 .8 6 8 .2212. WAN T E D - Wanting farm ground. DeWayne Curtis 6 6 0 - 9 7 3 - 20 3 1 or Wayne Curtis 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 8 9 26 Automotive 19 6 6 C- 7 0 0 H i/L o, 3 9 1, rub b er, new O B O . Call 6 6

Ford, 5 speed, 16 ’ b ed, good radiator, $3 ,0 0 0 0 .6 4 6 .8 7 29 .

FI RS T Y E AR Generation 5 20 10 Camaro 2S S . L ow mileage. E arly production. E x cellent condition. $22K O B O . Call 8 16 .53 3 .17 8 7 .

20 0 1 Chevy E x press 3 50 0 Van. P assenger windows b ut used as cargo van for deliveries. 114 ,8 0 0 miles. Fair tires, engine uses some oil. S liding side door. Ask ing $2,50 0 . T est drive at Gallatin P ub lishing Co., ph: 6 6 0 .6 6 3 .2154 . Business Opportunities RO O FI N G CO N T RACT O RS : Metal Roof Restoration and Flat Roof P roducts Manufacturer Looking for Qualified I ndividuals willing to receive training and install roofing systems. 4 0 Y ears of T op Q uality P roducts & Developing S uccessful B usiness O wners. I nvestment Req uired. T raining P rovided.8 16 - 4 25- 1155

For Rent

S T O RAGE U N I T S : O utside lighting, surveillance cameras, insulated to prevent large temperature variances, different siz es availab le. L ocated H wy. O Looking for a rewarding experience? Now east of Gallatin. Critten Country GAL L AT I N E S T AT E S S torage, 6 6 0 6 0 53 3 50 FullN Time AP ART ME N T S hiring FO Ra RE T : Dental Assistant for. 1 or 2 b drm availab le. H U D practice. busy Chillicothe Experience Equipment For Rent vouchers accepted. Rental preferred, but we’CAS d consider training E S k id L oader, 8 a5hp, b y assistance availab le to those terrific team player a great the with day, week or attitude month. Conwho q ualify. E and q ualstrong housing tact Gallatin T ruck may & T be ractor, work ethic. Candidate opportunity. 6 6 0 required - 6 6 3 - 3 114to. travelI nc. 6 6 0 6 6 3 210 3 or 210 4 . with other team

members. Please bring your resume when you apply in person at McCoy Samples Mattingly Dental 850 Fairway in Albany MOClinic, is hiring! Drive, Chillicothe, MO 64601.

Johnson Controls Inc. If you are looking to oin a stable and growing company, is the place for you Johnson Controls Inc offers excellent benefits, (medical, dental, vision, life insurance, 401-k, health savings account and paid holidays) All interested candidates must apply online at Go to careers then search Albany Missouri and find the appropriate ob No applications are taken at the plant

For Sale

For Sale

B AS E RO CK , B L ACK DI RT AND fill dirt. Huston Trucking & Construction, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 3 23 4 or 6 6 0 - 3 3 4 - 0 9 9 7 .

Cargo trailer, all new lights and wiring, tires are in good shape. $1,8 0 0 ob o. Call 6 6 0 - 9 7 3 - 6 7 57

We are Hiring!

Full Time Front Office Coordinator

We are hiring a Full Time Front Office Coordinator busy Johnson Controls Incforinour l any, MODental practice is hiring Experience is preferred, but we’d consider a terrific I you aretraining looking to oin a stateam le andplayer with a growinggreat co any, Johnson Controls attitude and strong work ethic Inc is the lace or you Johnson may be ene required to travel ControlsCandidate Inc o ers excellent its,

edical, dental, ision, li e insurance, 401-k, health sa ings No phone calls please account and aid holidays ll Please bring your resume when you apply in person at interested candidates ust a ly online at www ohnsoncontrols co McCoy Samples Mattingly o to careers then search l any Missouri and ind the a ro Dental riate o Clinic No a lications are taken at the lant

500 South Davis MO 64601

Johnson Controls is an e ual Hamilton o ortunity e loyer

RESEARCH If you are lo

Johnson Controls is an equal opportunity employer



Shelly Allred, Administrator

NOW HIRING! RN, CNA’s and Activity Assistant Apply at Livingston Manor Care Center 939 East Birch

Livingston Manor has provided care for your loved one for over 50 years.



If you are looking for a career opportunity with excellent benefits, oin a family-owned company that has been in business for more than 75 years R A The Marketing Research Division of the Donning Company Publishers based in Brookfield, Missouri is currently seeking a Research Assistant reporting to the History Sales Manager This full time hourly position will be required to make telecommunication contacts for market research and pro ect development Other duties include supporting sales reps, plus author, sponsor and beneficiary searches Also track leads and book pro ects ualifications for the position include excellent customer service skills, computer skills including knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel as well as Internet use for sales staff support

Send resume and salary requirements to: , Attn: Debbie Timmons 306 North Kansas Ave , Marceline, MO 64658 or email: careers walsworth com Compensation is commensurate with experience. We offer a full line of benefits.

Hwy 36 East • Chillicothe, Mo. 64601 • 660-646-5177 •

Full Coord racti re er consi tea attitud ethic re uir ring you a McCo Denta Da is 64601

Walsworth is an equal opportunity/disability/veteran employer

oin a family than 75 yea

We have a R Brookfield fa

The Marketi Publishers b Research As time hourly p contacts for include supp searches A

ualification skills, compu Excel as we

Send resum

Walsworth, I Attn: Debbie 306 North K Marceline, M or email: ca

Compensati of benefits

Walsworth is

Tomie Walker and Brooke Trussell CHILLICOTHE | | 660-707-1820 | 430C Washington St, Chillicothe MO 64601 GALLATIN | 660-663-2154 | 609B South Main, Gallatin MO 64640

d ch

J anuary 16 , 20 18

Consignment Auction North Missouri Produce Auction will be having a consignment auction

SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, at 10 a.m. At The North Missouri Produce Auction F Highway, 1 mile east of Jamesport Items from Jamesport Sales & Surplus & Jamesport Farm Supply & Straw, shipped-in Produce & Misc. & 4 cords Hedge Firewood & 16 large bales 3rd cutting Alfalfa & 80 small square bales 2nd cutting g Alf Alfalfa lfa lf falf lfa fa & New #2 Barn Metal, various colors & lengths & 30 big round bales 1st, 2nd cutting grass hay

Next sale will be Saturday, February 3, 2018 To list your items in next week’s sale bill, call the auction phone number listed below. Auction Phone: 660-684-6844-voicemail • Auctioneer: Lance Croy - 816-284-2140 For Sale

For Sale

Help Wanted

B O AT S FO R S AL E : N ew & used b oats & pontoons, several to choose from, j ust watch our web site, www. lak evik or call 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 3 7 22, L ak e Vik ing Marine.

14 X 7 0 Mob ile H ome for sale in Chula. B uyer responsib le for moving. 2 B ed, 2 B ath. Call 6 6 0 - 6 3 9 - 26 0 2

FL E X I B L E P ART T I ME P O S IT IO N S availab le for commercial and industrial j anitorial services. Reliab le transportation preferred. Call 6 6 0 - 9 7 3 - 6 0 23 for more info.

O U T DO O R WO O D FU RN ACE b y Central B oiler I nc. FRE E H E AT & hot water. E liminate monthly heating b ills. Call 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 3 8 6 6 today. (No Sunday calls, please). E N D RO L L S $5 each! U se end rolls of newsprint to wrap items for moving/shipping, or to mak e some fun art proj ects. We support recycling. J oin us b y using this eco- friendly option. Availab le 8 am- 5pm MonFri at Gallatin P ub lishing Co, 6 0 9 B S . Main, Gallatin.

Help Wanted Cook , H amilton H ead S tart, 29 hours/week . Visit our web site for j ob description & application, or call 6 6 0 - 3 59 - 2214 . E .O .I . Drivers N eeded. Clean CDL . H ome on week ends. 6 6 0 6 4 6 -6 7 7 0 N E E DI N G A P ART - T I ME T RU CK DRI VE R: CDL /Class B Airb rak e req uired. Apply at S ur- Gro P lant Foods Co., 6 4 0 S . Clinton S treet, O sb orn, MO (816)675-2203

J ohnson Controls I nc. in Alb any, MO is hiring! I f you are look ing to j oin a stab le and growing company, J ohnson Controls I nc. is the place for you. J ohnson Controls I nc. offers excellent benefits, (medical, dental, vision, life insurance, 4 0 1- k , health savings account and paid holidays). All interested candidates must apply online at www.j Go to careers then search Alb any Missouri and find the appropriate job. N o applications are tak en at the plant. J ohnson Controls is an eq ual opportunity employer.


Large discount store with many items such as furniture, household goods, party goods, hardware supplies, books and exercising equipment.

V a le n t in e ’s D a y G if t s


We’re fading away b y Fr e i d a M a r i e C r u m p

Greetings from Poosey.

2 display

Herb can go entire months being absolutely tables numbed to the outside world, oblivious of hurricanes, plagues, and earthquakes then for reasons known only to God and the American Society for Psychiatric Abnormalities he’ll wake up and suddenly get concerned about something. Such was the case last week when he threw his morning paper down onto the kitchen floor and sat there staring at me, mouth agape and eyes clouded over with a glaze that made him look even more deranged than usual.

Hydriodic bale spike for pickup Sat. January 20 “We’re fading away,” he said.

“It’s your glasses, Herb. I’ve told you to rinse the lenses.” “Our small towns are fading away, Freida. Poosey once had hundreds of citizens when we were married and now we’re down to just a tick over a few dozen.” “I had no idea that our wedding would cause so many people to leave.” “It says here that we’re becoming a nation of old people and that’s about all we’ve got left here ‘round Poosey. If somebody ever had to run for help we’d have to hire it done.” Herb has these spells and sometimes it’s best to just let them run their course. It’s often just a momentary spurt of lunacy and with his memory the urge is likely to be gone tomorrow. “Herb,” I said, “Countries always get older and it’s harder for older folks to live in rural communities. Simple as that.” “But listen to this, Freida.” He picked his paper up off the floor and began reading. “In the last century the number of persons in the U.S. under 65 has tripled, but the number of those over 65 has increased by a factor of eleven.” It says that back when they signed the Declaration of Independence the average life expectancy was 35. Now it’s nearly 80.” I smiled, “Just another reason to avoid signing any important documents on hot days.” “I’m serious, Freida. It says that “declining mortality and fertility rates” are the main cause. “We’re living too long and we’re not having enough babies? Herb, I can solve that first problem as soon as I find your gun, but I’m going to have to work a bit on the second.” “We’ve got to do something about this, Freida!” “You are not going to go up and down the blacktops ‘round Poosey knocking on doors and asking women to have more children. It’s just not something they expect from a spindly-legged old man on a cold Tuesday morning.” “Maybe if I made an announcement in church.” “Oh, that’d be just peachy. Stand up and in the name of God proclaim that all young couples should hurry out the back door, go home and. . . ” “Okay. Maybe that’s too blunt. It says here that Japan and France have started offering incentives for young couples to have more kids.” “Having babies for cash? That doesn’t sound like the kind of future populace our country needs, Herb.” “But we’ve got to have enough population to replace the work force and provide the tax revenue.” “Herb, how about we combine the two to solve the problem? Encourage octogenarians to start having more children. That’d increase the number of kids running around town and it’d no doubt shorten the lifespan of some of us.” “This is depressing, Freida in a country full of old people. Who’s there going to be left to get up when the doorbell rings?” “It doesn’t matter, Herb. We won’t be able to hear it.”

(660) 707-0007 • Open Mon - Sat 8:30 am - 5:30 pm 720 Elm St., Chillicothe (Across the street from Elm St. Casey’s)

Herb turned his newspaper over and started reading the comics, his attention span having run its course. I looked at him and thought to myself that if this is what we’re left with then perhaps our nation should start offering a few perks for the fertile among us. But as I read the history of the world it seems that no nation has ever decayed and fallen because of its lack of young people. It’s the wisdom and good sense of the older minds that’ll do us in. You ever ‘round Poosey, stop by. We may not answer the door but you’ll enjoy the trip.


CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

J anuary 16 , 20 18

WE DO IT ONCE, WE DO IT RIGHT We cool summers & warm winters Give us a call, we’re here for you! Residential & Commercial Maintenance & Repairs Dry Vent Cleaning & Duct Cleaning SPECIAL NOW ... get a FREE dry vent clean ($125 value) with the installation/replacement of Furnace or A/C unit. (limited time offer)

Your Comfort System Specialist OFFICE

Livingston County Residential (Inside city limits) Chillicothe, MO - - Close to the P ark , P ool and Y MCA. 7 0 x 9 2 L ot: 2 b edrooms. Ranch home located close to park , pool and Y MCA on N orth end of town. A little TLC will fix it up for a nice place to live. $4 3 ,0 50 . # 4 54 9 /228 15 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - Rental I ncome P roperty. 3 6 x 13 2 L ot: 2 B edroom, 1 B ath investment property. Monthly income of $4 50 . $4 5,0 0 0 . # 27 8 7 /216 7 9 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - Great S tarter or Rental! 57 x 16 0 L ot: new b ack door, vinyl siding, new electric service from house to garage, new garage doors, new roof on garage, new door on garage, new flooring, new cabinet doors. $4 5,0 0 0 . # 3 111/23 17 2 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - P ossib le B usiness Z oning Area - L arge sided 2 story home. 10 0 X 112 L ot: new roof $4 9 ,0 0 0 . # 4 3 9 E q uity Missouri Realty - L and & H ome, Chillicothe, MO Chillicothe, MO - - 3 b drm 2 car garage, listed under appraised value. 6 3 x 10 0 L ot: Great location designed for pets. Fenced- in b ack yard near shopping. O wner motivated to sell due to desire to relocate near family Reduced: $4 9 ,9 9 9 . # 4 0 9 E q uity Missouri Realty - L and & H ome, Chillicothe, MO

Chillicothe - 2 B ed, 1 B ath home, Fenced in B ack Y ard, Carport with S idewalk L eading to H ouse, N ew Carpet in L iving Room. $52,0 0 0 . # 7 0 25/22212 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - Great S tarter H ome. N ew walls and insulation in living room and master. N ew slump pump and fresh paint on the house. Appliances stay. $6 0 ,0 0 0 . # 7 0 29 /23 0 6 0 Gaslight Real E state, C6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - Rental I ncome P roperty. 55x 112 L ot: Rental I ncome P roperty. 2 B edroom, 1 B ath. Rents month to month for $50 0 with $50 0 deposit. $6 0 ,0 0 0 . # 27 8 4 /216 7 0 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - I nvestment P roperty. 3 B edroom, 1 B ath Rental I ncome P roperty. Monthly I ncome $50 0 . Rents Month to Month $6 4 ,0 0 0 . # 27 8 3 /216 6 8 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - Corner L ot with Garden Area. 6 0 x 13 5 L ot: H ardwood Floors, metal roof on house and garage, new b ack deck , garden area and aluminum siding Reduced: $6 4 ,50 0 . # 4 518 /20 3 9 8 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - Residential or Commercial. S eller have completely repainted every room. Could be an office or a house. Reduced: $8 0 ,0 0 0 . # 7 0 24 /228 7 7 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17

Chillicothe - A H ome with Charm and Character. B eautiful home that needs a family with vision that will b ring to it the T L C it truly deserves. T he large entryway invites you into this lovely 2,20 0 sq ft home that offer 4 + b edrooms, 1 full and 1 half b ath, living room, formal dining room, k itchen and main floor laundry. This home was b uilt in 18 8 5 and has endured wonderfully with updates throughout the years. T here is a detached garage and a fenced b ack yard. P lease call Deb b ie J enkins at (660) 973-0936 to set up a showing. $8 5,0 0 0 . # 9 24 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .214 1 Chillicothe, MO - - N ice home in nice neighb orhood, could b e 5B D/2B A. B asement cleaned out, ready for finishing, nice fireplace in family room area and potential of 2 additional b edrooms. Grill on your b eautiful deck . Carport. $8 9 ,9 0 0 . # 8 21 E q uity Missouri Realty - L and & H ome, Chillicothe - Great S tarter H ome! 3 b ed, 1 b ath would mak e a great starter home. L arge lot with fenced in b ack yard. N ew N GFA. $9 2,0 0 0 . # 14 0 20 /2216 3 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .14 17 Chillicothe - Close to P ark Great Family H ome! 3 B edroom Cape Cod on a nice siz ed lot, close to park . N ewer carpet, hardwood floors and detached garage. $110 ,0 0 0 . # 517 5/22512 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 6 4 6 - 14 17

816.284.2694 /

Chillicothe, MO - - Completely U pdated! L ots of updates since 20 12 up to this past year! N ew chain link fence added. N ew garb age disposal, all new paint with wainscot in dining area! $115,0 0 0 . # 7 0 21/227 24 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17


S creened in porch ready for your enj oyment! 3 b edroom 2 1/2 b ath, attractive k itchen (appliances included), & b reak fast nook . N ewer windows, siding & fenced in yard. N ew roof coming soon! Y ou will love this finished base$240K ment 861 w/exShy traDrstorage. L aundry hookups on the main floor and in b asement. O ver- siz ed garage & shed. T his home has a partially finished basement. $14 4 ,9 0 0 . # gpc20 4 7 4 8 8 RE / MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57

Chillicothe - Remodeled/U pdated Ranch: B RI N G L O AN P ACK AGE S ! Remodeled/U pdated Ranch move in ready! • 239,900 Executive 4BRUpdated dollhouse* kitchen, new flooring throughout, remodeled b athroom, k itchen/dining room opened up, and hallway wid- Chillicothe - Q uiet N eighb orened. Full unfinished base- hood. 0 .3 3 Acres: L ocated in ment ready for your winter a q uiet neighb orhood on the proj ect, large b rand new pa- edge of town this ranch home tio off the garage. $115,0 0 0 . has had lots of updates - winHeartland MLS dows, siding, carpet, paint, # 10 11 JEFF CE N T U RYFOLI 21 S - mith Broker roof, and gutters. T his home & Associates, Chillicothe,Chillicothe, MO 621 Locust, offers 3 b Mo edrooms, full b ath, Chillicothe Great N eigh660=247=1700 large eat in k itchen with cofb orhood. NewFenced agents:yard, Jackfee Blank, b ar andDon living room, the fresh paint, new appliances, Rickey b asement has laundry room, White, Roxanne new carpet with hardwood family room and a 3 /4 b ath. underneath. $119 ,7 0 0 . 1 car attached garage, cov# 3 10 9 /23 0 9 6 Gaslight Real ered patio, and a nice lot. E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 O wner says “ Mak e O ffer” . Chillicothe - Reduced! N ice Call Glenda J ohnson at 6 6 0 family home in a great neigh- 24 7 - 20 3 4 to view this home b orhood and convenient lo- today. $14 9 ,0 0 0 . # 10 15 CE N cation! Awesome b ack yard T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, with stamped concrete patio. 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .214 1


Chillicothe - 3 b ed, 2.5 b ath in great family neighb orhood. $155,9 0 0 . # 3 0 7 2/216 3 5 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17

EQUITY MISSOURI REALTY LAND & HOME & AUCTION Heartland MLS 621 Locust, Chillicothe


• $300K Stunning executive home on beautiful 3 acres • $299K One of Chillicothe’s largest buildings on square* • $240K Large Victorian Home in Christison Addition* • $90K Nice ranch home, brick fireplace, 821 Jansen • $50K 3BR, new roof, 2 garages, 409 Williams St • $40K Large shop/paint bay/office, ample parking* • $30K Remodeled 4BR/2BA, newer kitchen, large porch • $16K Chillicothe (1869 era) Courthouse, 624 Cherry * ***$$$***$$$***$$$ • $364,500 GALLATIN Motel, 14 rentable rooms • $189,900 JAMESPORT Bed & Breakfast • $150K TRENTON 4BR home on 13 acres near town • $79,900 BROOKFIELD Gorgeous 3BD, shop/garage

Jeff Foli, Broker


Area Agents: Jack Blank, Rick Baker Don White, Roxanne Rickey No “Rent to own” | * Owner/broker * Owner/broker

$150K TRE acres near $79,900 BR 3BD, shop/ *Owner/bro

Equity Miss Home

Heartland M


621 Locust


Area Agent White, Rox


J anuary 16 , 20 18



Gallatin, MO -- Ranch home with 3 BRs, 2 baths, 1 car attached garage on large lot, including 36x36 outbuilding with concrete floor, 2 overhead doors with one electric door. You'll love the nice neighborhood, proximity to school & level, treed lot & covered deck with sun-porch. Newer roof, windows, siding, remodeled bath & kitchen appliances included! $117,000. #gpc2077147

Gallatin, MO -- Nice Tier Home at Lake Viking! This great split level house features 3 BRs, 2 full baths, a large LR w/fireplace, spacious kitchen - including like new stainless appliances, large mud rm & one car attached garage. $139,000. #gpc2062198


Gallatin, MO -- Nicely remodeled traditional home, great for a growing family. Spacious eat in kitchen with a formal DR. A large laundry/craft rm & new shop with electric will make the perfect space for your hobbies & projects. Partially fenced lot with a garden & large back deck. $122,000. #gpc2073153



Kidder, MO -- Timberrrrrr! 20 acres of timber set back from the road, creek running though the property, crop fields surrounding it, making an ideal hunting site. $56,000. #828

Amanda Riley 660-605-0575

Livingston County Residential (Inside city limits) Chillicothe - Family N eighb orhood! P ool tab le stays, newer added k itchen cab inets. U pdated bathroom fixtures too! S eller is replacing master shower. Deck has awning. 2 L ots mak es this a nice space for outdoor play@ $17 0 ,0 0 0 . # 28 19 /23 0 7 6 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe - O ne L evel H ome O n Corner L ot! N ew countertop, stainless steel appliances, b uilt in hutch, cab inets and shelves, window seat, newer windows, lots of storage. $17 9 ,9 0 0 . # 4 551/229 8 0 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe - L arge Family H ome - Great N eighb orhood! E nlarged deck , shed and partial fencing. B asement has a 25 year warranty through Foundation Recovery. 1/2 b ath on the main level, updated family room and b ath in b asement, lots of storage. Rec room in the b asement. Office on main level. $18 2,0 0 0 . # 3 10 7 /23 0 20 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 14 17

Chillicothe - What a Find! All U pdated! S eller updated this home. All freshly painted inside, new b athroom. N ew b reak er b ox , new sidewalk , large patio for entertaining. N ew front door and b ack door. I nsulation added. N ew hot water heater. $19 5,0 0 0 . # 28 18 /23 0 6 4 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe - Won’t L ast L ong!! B asement has 1 b edroom, full bathroom, large office, storage. $215,0 0 0 . # 3 110 /23 17 1 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe - Great N eighb orhood, Corner L ot! N ew carpets, tile flooring, all appliances, large finished family room in the b asement. T hree b edrooms, 2.5 b aths $224 ,50 0 . # 7 0 20 /229 4 8 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe - E x ecutive Dollhouse.3-4 bedrooms, fireplace, several vaulted ceilings, great oak k itchen, full walk out b asement, corner lot, playground eq uipment, & much more, less than appraised value. O wner/b rok er $23 9 ,9 0 0 . # 8 6 1 E q uity Missouri Realty L and & H ome, Chillicothe, MO

Chillicothe, MO - - S tately H ome!! S tunning one owner home has lots of space with formal dining room, hearth room with gas fireplace, eat in k itchen w/ appliances, great room, sunroom, MF laundry, 3 b edrooms, 2 b aths. Full finished basement with FR-fireplace, bedroom & 3/4 b ath. A b eautiful landscaped yard with b rick patio and 2 car attached garage. Call Glenda Johnson at (660) 247-2034 for a showing today! $27 4 ,9 0 0 . # 7 0 51E CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .214 1 Chillicothe, MO - - Gorgeous H ome on small acreage. 3 .0 0 Acres: B ig outb uilding. 3 acres, 2 car attached garage, large detached shop. All info. $29 9 ,9 0 0 . # 3 10 E q uity Missouri Realty - L and & H ome, Chillicothe, MO Chillicothe, MO – Y ou’ll love this gorgeous, spacious country home on 4 .7 acres: H ome sets j ust off b lack top with b reathtak ing views of the country! T his 4 b edroom, 3 .1 b ath home with 2- stall attached garage will give you 3 ,3 22 sq . ft. of generous space to move about (without

Moments like this Deserve

a Great Smile

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

losing that coz y atmosphere when it’s time to cuddle up by the stone fireplace with a b ook !) Detached 3 8 x 4 8 Morton garage/shop has 3 - stall garage, concrete flooring, 220 V wiring, & full b ath! L arge k itchen has an ab undance of cab inets, pantry & counter space! Reduced: $3 15,0 0 0 . # gpc20 3 6 8 3 5 B erk shire H athaway H omeS ervices H ahn RE AL T O RS ®, Cameron, MO 8 16 .6 3 2.24 59 Chillicothe - E legant curb appeal!! L ocated in one of Chillicothe’s finest neighborhoods. T his story and a half offers 27 10 sq ft of family living. 3 bedrooms (possibly 4), 2 full b aths & 2 half b aths. Formal living and dining room, great room with gas or wood fireplace, large eat in k itchen with custom oak cab inets, granite, newer gas cook top, and double ovens. Main floor and b asement laundry. P rivate entrance to additional in home office, full basement, and 2 car attached garage. Full b ack deck situated on a large scenic lot. A MU S T S E E !!! Call Glenda for your showing 6 6 0 - 24 7 - 20 3 4 . $3 15,9 0 0 . # 10 0 5 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .214 1 Chula, MO - - L ive H ere Cheaper T han Y ou Can Rent! 10 0 x 14 1 L ot: S mall town living! N ewer 3 b edroom, 2 b ath all electric manufactured home. L arge lot! O utb uilding. $55,0 0 0 . # 6 0 3 5E CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .214 1

Wheeling, MO - - S elling As I s: S elling As I s. H ouse has had fire damage, large detached garage, on large L ot. $10 ,0 0 0 . # 27 8 8 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Wheeling, MO - - Great S tarter or Downsiz ing! 120 x 14 0 L ot: All appliances including washer and dryer. S mall rural community. Great for a starter home or someone who is wanting to downsiz e. $28 ,0 0 0 . # 3 10 8 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Livingston County Rural (outside city limits) Chillicothe, MO - - Close to T own! 0 .3 0 Acres: S its j ust outside of town with 3 b edrooms and 1.5 b aths. 3 - seasons room in b ack . $7 5,0 0 0 . # 3 0 9 7 /224 3 2 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 U tica, MO - - S mall T own L iving: fruit trees on property, apple, pear, plum, b lack b erries, grapes. Garden spots availab le. S outh lot has a concrete pad. Redb ud trees. $4 8 ,50 0 . # 3 113 /23 216 Gaslight Real E state, 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Livingston County Commercial Chillicothe - B rick b uilding, could b e made into a home. $8 0 ,0 0 0 . # 7 0 26 /228 26 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe - Commercial P roperty with Main S treet Frontage! AVAI L AB L E T O L E AS E 0 4 /0 1/20 16 O wner Financing Availab le - L E AS E N O W!O ver 4 0 0 0 sq uare feet.

E ndless possib ilities with this commercial industrial steel frame shed. 9 foot overhead door. T his would b e perfect for a startup b usiness or storage.Call N O W! $110 ,0 0 0 . # 7 0 18 /19 3 19 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe - H istorical B uilding. L ots of P otential: B uilt in 19 16 , freight elevator to all 4 floors, commercial grade k itchen, interior sprink ler system, ceiling fans, 2 furnace on main level, central air, r- 3 0 insulation in walls & ceilings, original metal ceilings. gas avg, - $3 6 1.9 2 E lectric - $18 2.10 $13 5,0 0 0 . # 4 50 9 /19 226 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - O ne of Chillicothe’s largest downtown commercial b uildings: Wife wants to b uild a new dance studio$3 4 0 ,0 0 0 Ab out 23 ,0 0 0 sq uare feet total, $15.0 0 / sq uare foot L ocation, location, location!!!Downtown sq uare corner location 6 19 /6 21 L ocust O ld J C P enny b uilding O wner b rok er $29 9 ,0 0 0 . # 6 21 E q uity Missouri Realty - L and & H ome, Chillicothe, MO Chillicothe, MO - - Chillicothe Commercial B uilding, 7 ,50 0 sq ft. Great L ocation: 7 ,50 0 sq ft commercial b uilding ready for a b usiness. L ook ing to lease to a tenant long term for $2,3 0 0 p/month or will sale for. Contact T ammy Amer for more details 6 6 0 - 7 3 4 - 20 29 $3 10 ,0 0 0 . # 0 5- 10 0 0 - 0 3 Missouri L and and Farm, B rook field, MO 660.258.3185


CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

J anuary 16 , 20 18


Pierce Auto Supply & Gun Works Paul & Terry Pierce, Owners 201 W. Jackson Street, Gallatin, Missouri 64640 or Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7am-6pm • Sat. 7am-12pm

Daviess County Residential (within city limits) Altamont, MO - - N ice, inex pensive, clean place at the lak e: 2 b edroom plus sitting room, 2 b ath, large master b ath w/ soak ing tub , 2 sink s, separate shower area, open k itchen/dining & living area, L arge deck , patio area and 2 car garage. L ocated close to S outh entrance. $6 4 ,50 0 . # gpc20 6 253 0 U S Farm & L and Real E state Altamont, MO - - L ocated on the outsk irts of b eautiful L ak e Viking you will find this charming, custom Cape Cod H ome located on 15 acres w/ wooded areas, some crop, over acre of pond area for your fishing and hunting pleasure: O ver 3 6 0 0 sq . ft. 5 b drms. 3 .5 b aths, granite k itchen counters, stainless appliances, Master on main, 2 b drms and b ath up and same down. Family rm. down w/ wet b ar, and new flooring, attached 2 car garage, and large pole building w/ concrete flooring and elec. in place. lg b ack deck and covered front deck . $4 23 ,0 0 0 . # gpc20 7 7 4 4 2 U S Farm & L and Real E state Cameron, MO - - Y ou’ll love this gorgeous 1.5 story home with 4 0 acres on b lack top! 4 0 .0 0 Acres: Main level features b ig k itchen/dining comb o with solid surface countertops, J enn- Aire stove + doub le oven, island, pantries, & custom shak er cab inets.

Formal dining is perfect siz e for a large farm tab le & has wood floors. Main level master also has a private small office (could be nursery). H uge master b athroom with tile floors, soaker tub, his/ hers vanities and b ig walk in closet! 3 0 x 4 0 residential outb uilding, concrete & electric. P ond! Reduced: $525,0 0 0 . # gpc20 58 3 9 8 B erk shire H athaway H omeS ervices H ahn RE AL T O RS ®, Cameron, MO 8 16 .6 3 2.24 59 Gallatin, MO - - Great S tarter H ome or Rental!!! 2 B drm H ome with O riginal Woodwork ! T his is a 2 b edroom, 1 b ath home that would mak e a great rental or starter home. L ocated at the edge of town, this home is situated on a large corner lot measuring 120 ’x 13 2.5’ with a detached 1 car garage and a small storage shed. T he home has had updates including newer vinyl windows, vinyl siding, added insulation, high efficiency furnace and central air. T he home has lots of character including the original woodwork , transom windows, wood columns in the living room/dining room and hardwood flooring under the carpet. P ossib ility of a 3 rd b edroom upstairs with an ex isting staircase off k itchen to attic. Call or tex t S ara O hlb erg to req uest a showing or for additional information (660)3597 151. $3 4 ,9 0 0 . # 7 11 H omeland Realty, 6 6 0 .3 59 .3 4 58



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J anuary 16 , 20 18

Yetter Pest Control

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Daviess County Residential (within city limits) Gallatin - Charming 4 b drm, 1 and 1/2 b athroom 2 story home located on nice, shady corner lot with pretty patio area & oversiz ed 2 car detached garage: L arge k itchen includes gas range & refrigerator, main level laundry room. Well k ept home has updates including vinyl siding, windows, roof & more! $8 2,50 0 . # gpc20 4 4 58 1 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin - I mpressive Q ueen Anne style Victorian home with a large porch, original woodwork , pock et doors and lead glass: I mpressive

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Q ueen Anne style Victorian with a large porch, original woodwork , pock et doors and lead glass. Main level living room, dining room & parlor to accommodate large groups. Would mak e a stunning home or B &B . Detached garage. A truly uniq ue home j ust off the historic courthouse sq uare. S ome work needed. Reduced: $8 9 ,0 0 0 . # gpc19 4 0 23 8 RE / MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin - S pacious home has 3 b d/2 full b aths on main level and 1 bd and office with its own entrance, 1/2 b ath and nice siz e family room in the full finished basement: New A/C installed 6 /17 . Ready

for you to mak e your own. S eller relocating and hoping for q uick sell. $10 5,0 0 0 . # gpc20 6 3 0 8 9 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin - Ranch home with three b drms, 2 b aths, one car attached garage on large lot, including 3 6 x 3 6 outb uilding with concrete floor, 2 overhead doors with one electric door. 16 6 x 13 0 L ot: Y ou’ll love the nice neighb orhood, prox imity to school and level, treed lot, and covered deck with sun- porch. N ewer roof, windows, siding, remodeled b athroom, and k itchen appliances included! $117 ,0 0 0 . # gpc20 7 7 14 7 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57

Gallatin, MO - - N icely remodeled traditional home, great for a growing family: S pacious eat in k itchen with a formal dining room. A large laundry/ craft room and new shop with electric will mak e the perfect space for your hob b ies and proj ects. P artially fenced lot with a garden and large b ack deck . $122,0 0 0 . # gpc20 7 3 153 RE /MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin - 5 b drm 2 b ath home close to school! Considerab le amount of living space, including a formal dining room, large living room, eat- in k itchen, laundry room, recreational room, 2 car garage, carport and don’t forget the pool! S mall shed is included with electricity. $127 ,0 0 0 . # gpc20 8 20 6 4 RE / MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin - Great ranch style home on corner lot with huge fenced yard. Ready for new owner! 3 b edrooms upstairs & 2 non- conforming b edrooms in b asement, 2 b aths on the main level & one in b asement. N ewer stainless appliances, roof, siding, privacy fence & storage sheds. S uper desirab le! $127 ,50 0 . # gpc20 8 3 8 6 1 RE /MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57


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Gallatin - Charming Ranch home with many updates. T his L ovely Ranch 3 b edroom 2 b ath home is loaded with quality finishes and upgrades. A b eautiful k itchen with ceramic flooring, counter tops, tiled b ack splash, sink , faucet, cab inets, range hood and hardware. O ff the k itchen an open dining area flows into the living area b oth with fresh paint and original hardwood floors. Master bedroom and b ath with updated tile shower vanity and fixtures. T wo b edrooms with hardwood floors and double closets. Full main level b ath completely updated-including tiled floor, doub le vanity, and faucets. L ower level has a large open area that could be finished for more living area plus so much more. Attic has spray foam insulation & updated roof in 20 10 . Corner shaded lot at the edge of town. $14 2,9 0 0 . # 1119 L andmark Realty, 6 6 0 6 6 3 - 3 29 4

r 816.262.3565

J amesport - 4 b drm home on 1/2 ac+ lot: B eautiful k itchen w/ custom cab inets, large mudroom with lots of nice storage, living room has fireplace w/wood insert (great for keeping heating bill down!). 2 b edrooms up & 2 on main level. 27 x 3 9 shop/garage, plus 8 x 10 garden shed. $4 5,0 0 0 . # gpc19 56 8 3 9 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 P attonsb urg - B eautiful 3 B drm H ome in P attonsb urg: B eautifully Remodeled, all one level Ranch H ome in P attonsb urg. Maintenance free ex terior with metal siding and roof. T his is a must see! $6 5,0 0 0 . # 24 0 0 2- 17 0 29 U nited Country P roperty S olutions L L C, 6 6 0 .53 5.4 9 23 P attonsb urg - Family Friendly. Light fills this charming 3 bed/2 full b ath, split level home featured j ust minutes from B ethany and Cameron. L ocated on a q uiet cul- de- sac in P attonsb urg, you’ll have the perfect amount of room for your family with an easy walk to school and park s. Vaulted ceilings in k itchen and living room. K itchen features plenty of good storage. L arge dining space for family and friends. Coffered ceiling in master b edroom. Great deck overlook s nice b ack yard with mature trees. T his home is priced to sell, mak es it perfect for first time buyers or families. Call Rick N aylor today at 6 6 0 - 8 6 8 - 0 9 9 0 to see this very appealing house for yourself. $8 4 ,9 0 0 . # 128 9 H oman Realty, Alb any, MO 6 6 0 .7 26 .3 7 7 7

Gallatin - B eautiful H istoric H ome with U niq ue Features: 4 0 0 0 sq ft, 2- story home located in great neighb orhood. Features 17 rooms with 4 b edrooms, leisure room, full b ath w/j etted tub , and laundry room on second floor. A large k itchen w/sunroom, formal dining, living room, family room b illiard room, music room and mudroom/ b athroom are located on first floor. Beautiful winding Winston - H ob b y Farmer’s Dream! J ust what you’ve b een dark wood 1538 stairway,Second ornate St #7030$79,000 waiting for ~ updated & move- in fireplaces, pocket doors,$110,000 #5175- 603 Sunset – Is there any way yo and several stained glass ready ranch on 6 acres with outopen house in the details instead of the regular stu windows are uniq ue to this b uildings: N ice, clean 3 b edroom 1-3p.m. home which was b uilt ab out home has a great location j ust 1625 $119,700 minutes from I - 3 5 with an easy 18#31096 0 . T he house wasBurnam b uilt b y Rd commute to K C or S t J oe. FeaturJ oshua Alex ander, who later ing a ground source heat pump, was S ecretary of Commerce partial b asement and large deck . under P resident Wilson in T wo newer outb uildings; an over19 19 . T he house was occusiz ed two car garage w/10 ’walls pied b y the Alex ander famand a 3 0 x 50 shed, plus small ily until purchased b y current garden shed & lchick en coup! owners in 19 7 1. O wner/Agent $20 9 ,0 0 0 . # gpc20 7 4 6 8 8 RE /MAX $14 9 ,50 0 . # 1116 L andmark T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Realty, 6 6 0 .6 6 3 .3 29 4

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CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

J anuary 16 , 20 18

AUCTION L ewistown, I L , on J anuary 17 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 28 5- Acre L and on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . I ndependence, MO , on J anuary 18 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 2 B drm H ome on GP Cink .com presented b y Cates Auction & Realty Co. I nc., P h: 8 7 7 - 7 8 1113 4 . K ansas City, MO , on J anuary 18 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee O nline P rob ate E state on GP Cink .com presented b y Cates Auction & Realty Co. I nc., P h: 8 7 7 - 7 8 1- 113 4 . J ohnston, I A, on J anuary 19 : Benefit Auction. See Benefit Auction for Beast FeastH osted b y O utdoor Dan on GP Cink .com presented b y Wagner- Dent Auctions, P h: 6 4 1- 9 3 1- 6 8 3 2. Mt. P leasant, I A, on J anuary 19 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 8 2.19 - Acre L and on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . Pittsfield, IL, on January 19: RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 3 7 9 - Acre Farm on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . L E X I N GT O N , MO , J an 20 : DU events are fun! More importantly, the revenue generated from these events is critical to our conservation mission and the future of waterfowl hunting.. S ee Duck s U nlimited Dinner and on GP Cink .com b y Adk ins Auction S ervice, P h: 6 6 0 - 259 - 24 0 9 .

J amesport, MO , J anuary 20 : Q uality Antiq ues & P rimitives. S ee Antiq ue on GP Cink . com presented b y J amesport Community Association, P h: 6 6 0 - 6 8 4 - 6 14 6 .

Chandlerville, I L , J anuary 26 : T RACT O RS - CO MB I N E S P L AN T E RS - GRAI N E Q U I P - VE H I CL E S - T RAI L E RS - FO RK L I FT S . O n GP Cink . com b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .

Mattoon, I L , on J anuary 22: Maple H ill, K S , J anuary 26 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 27 0 Featuring 27 5 Acres± O ffered Acres - S helb y & Coles in 3 I ndividual T racts. N O RE County, I L L and on GP Cink . S E RVE !. S ee K eyser – P rime com presented b y S ulli- K ansas Century Farm on GP van Auctioneers, L L C, P h: Cink .com b y Y ounger Auction Company, 8 16 .58 2.53 6 0 . 217SATURDAY, .8 4 7 .216 0 . APRIL 1st @ NOON P erry, MOat, J11:30AM anuary 26 : H ighly Weigh 10AM, Vandalia, I L , onUps J anuary 25: Feeders P roductive T 12:30PM illab le Cropland! FARM E Q U I P ME BRED N T . S eeCOWS N o• Farm sells free & clear for Reserve Farm Retirement on the 2018 crop year! • ExcelGP Cink .com presented b y lent L ocation! O n GP Cink . S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, com b y S ullivan Auctioneers, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . cell 660.734.2111 • Office 660.963.2461

Livestock Auction Inc.

TETER EQUIPMENT COMPANY Cell 660.734.2111 • Office 660.963.2461

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uctioneer s Note: Don t iss this great auction lease lan to attend this outstanding auction in our cli ate-controlled, s okeree auction gallery with lenty o seating and good ood

The Way Out

F S I-35 North to Highway 69 (Excelsior Springs, Missouri exit), North on 69 to 4-1/2 miles north of Excelsior Springs F From Cameron, I-35 South to Highway 116, East to Hwy 69, South to auction

ary y h r A

er s Conditions: Cash or Checks acce ted he ollowing Credit Cards will e taken: isa, MasterCard, Disco er or erican Ex ress, with a ee on credit cards E erything will e sold as is 10 Buyer s re iu 10 handling ee will e charged er gun

a s n MO

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J anuary 16 , 20 18

AUCTION Grand River, I A, J anuary 27 : T ractors, T railers, 4 wheeler, Farm E q uipment. S ee Galen & P atti J immerson on GP Cink .com presented b y Wagner- Dent Auctions, P h: 6 4 1- 9 3 1- 6 8 3 2. H annib al, MO , J anuary 27 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 1,550 Acre L and on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . MCBEE ANGUS


Mt. S terling, I L , J anuary 29 : 111 Acres +/ - - 1 T ract. S ee B rown County, I llinois on GP Cink .com b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .

K eytesville, MO , J an 27 : S hop tools & eq uip, T ractor implements, AC T ractor, Mower, T railers, etc. S ee L amar Auction on GP Cink .com b y E nyeart Auction & Realty, 6 6 0 .28 8 .3 0 22. P aris, FARM com b 6 6 0 .3 27

H umeston, I A, J anuary 3 0 : Real E state. S ee Wayne County, I owa L and on GP Cink .com b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .

MO , J anuary 27 : E Q U I P . O n GP Cink . y Wheeler Auctions .58 9 0 .

H umeston, I A, J an 28 : P ick up, Mowers & L awn/Garden E q uip, T ools, Appliances, H ousehold, Collectib les, Real E state. S ee Roland U nruh on GP Cink .com b y Wagner- Dent Auctions, 6 4 19 3 1- 6 8 3 2.

K eosauq ua, I A, J anuary 3 0 : 98 Acres± (subject to survey) • 2 Tracts. See 98 Acres - I owa L and on GP Cink .com b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .




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E Please call Dwain for further details on the upcoming sale: 660-973-0097



Dan Dedrick: 660-646-8103 Pam Dedrick, Office Manager: 660-646-8119 Kurt Kleeman: 816-284-0611 Clark Allen: 660-973-6826 Wes Gorham: 816- 853-7359 L J Cahill: 660-322-1193

Also featuring...

J a n 1 8 — P re- Condition P rogram S ale, MFA H ealth T rack & P urina 4-Square, QSA Sourced Verified, White & Red T ag H ealth P rogram. N ew Camb ria L ivestock Mk t, L L C, N ew Camb ria, MO J a n 2 0 — S pecial Cow, B red H eifer & B reeding B ull S ale Green City L ivestock Mark eting, L L C, Green City, MO Fe b 1 0 — S pecial Cow S ale S aturday morning special sale. Call our sale b arn for more details: 6 6 0 .226 .5222. N ew Camb ria L ivestock Mk t, L L C, N ew Camb ria, MO Fe b 1 0 — S pecial B red Cow S ale S ale time 1 p.m. Daviess County L ivestock Mark et, Gallatin, MO

9 special auctions online


O regon, MO , Feb 1: 23 3 acres +/ - of H olt Co. Missouri, Farmland, S elling in 3 I ndividual T racts — T racts will b e sold individually and not offered in comb ination. S ee E rma B urnett – Century Farm Ab solute L and on GP Cink . com presented b y Y AC L L C d.b .a. Y ounger Auction Company, 8 16 .58 2.53 6 0 . K ing City, MO , on Feb ruary 3 : Farm & H ome. S ee H erz b erger on GP Cink .com presented b y Charlie Golden Auction Company, P h: 8 16 - 3 9 0 - 2557 . Rushville, I L , Feb ruary 3 : S ee 7 4 Acres - S chuyler County, I llinois L and on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . K ansas City, MO , Feb 3 : Auction begins at 9:00am • Registration opens at 7 : 3 0 am Do the S neak - P eak preview Friday, February 2, 2018 • 12pm6 pm For q uestions regarding this auction call 8 0 0 .24 5.9 6 9 0 . S ee K ansas City B uilding Material on GP Cink .com presented b y P eak Auctioneering, P h: 8 16 .4 7 4 .19 8 2. Farmington, I o, Feb 10 : 4 6 acres w/ older home & out b uildings. S ee Delmar Meierotto E state T rust on GP Cink .com b y Fett Auction S ervice, P h: 6 4 1.6 8 0 .7 8 28 . H igginsville, MO , Feb 12: 27 1 +/- Acres (197 +/- Tillable) offered in 4 T racts - Grass, H ay, P asture & Alfalfa - 3 B R H ome & O utb uildings on T ract 2. S ee L afayette County L and on GP Cink .com b y Wheeler Auctions & Real E state, P h: 6 6 0 .3 27 .58 9 0 . Middleton, MO , Feb ruary 13 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 156 - Acre L and on GP Cink .com presented b y Wheeler Auctions & Real E state, P h: 6 6 0 .3 27 .58 9 0 or 6 6 0 .3 27 .18 0 6 .

M a r 1 0 — S pecial Cow S ale Don’t miss this special event. Call us at 6 6 0 .226 .5222 for more information. N ew Camb ria L ivestock Mk t, L L C, N ew Camb ria, MO M a r 1 0 — S pecial B red Cow S ale S ale time 1 p.m. Daviess County L ivestock Mark et, Gallatin, MO A p r 2 — B rock mere Angus B ull S ale P lan to attend this special sale. Call us for more details: 6 6 0 .226 .5222 N ew Camb ria L ivestock Mk t, L L C, N ew Camb ria, MO A p r 1 0 — Sydenstricker Influence B ulls S ale. Mark this down on your personal calendar. Call us for details: 6 6 0 .226 .5222 N ew Camb ria L ivestock Mk t, L L C, N ew Camb ria, MO A p r 1 1 - A p r 1 4 — Alternative L ivestock Auction O utstanding offering of unusual animals. Also offering tax idermy auction items. L olli B rothers L ivestock Mark et, I nc., Macon, MO


CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

J anuary 16 , 20 18

Help Wanted

Help Wanted


T he Gallatin R· V S chool District is accepting applications for a central office bookkeeper/administrative assistant to the superintendent of schools. Accounting and finance experience is req uired. T he successful candidate must b e a multi- task er who has strong people sk ills. B asic computer sk ills and ab ility to k eep up with educating finance are a must. T his individual must b e ab le to complete payroll and handle proj ects with attention to detail. S trong organiz ational sk ills and effective verb al and written communication sk ills are needed. T he candidate chosen will b e a team- oriented individual with a positive outlook . S alary is commensurate and will b e determined b y ex perience. P lease contact the superintendent’s office for more information. T he Gallatin R- V S chool District is an eq ual opportunity employer.

DRI VE RS : $5,0 0 0 O rientation Completion B onus! U niq ue Flatb ed or DryVan Fleet! E x cellent Annual P ay, Full Comprehensive Benefits! 1yr Class-A CDL Call: 1- 8 55- 8 56 - 7 9 8 5

S E RVI CE - L ivestock and flatbed trailer custom hauling. 6 6 0 - 8 53 - 0 0 9 3

DRI VE RS : $5,0 0 0 .0 0 O rientation Completion B onus! O T R, Flatb ed, Regional & P oint to P oint L anes!!! Comprehensive Benefits! (New hires guaranteed minimum $$$ week )! 1yr CDL - A: 1- 8 55- 3 50 - 557 1 Research Assistant: Career opportunity with ex cellent benefits. The Marketing Research Division of the Donning Company P ub lishers based in Brookfield, Missouri is currently seek ing a Research Assistant. Full time hourly position. Duties include mak ing telecommunication contacts for mark et research/proj ect development, supporting sales reps, plus author, sponsor and beneficiary searches. S end salary req uirements to: careers@ or apply at Compensation is commensurate with ex perience. Full line of benefits available. Walsworth is an eq ual opportunity/ disab ility/veteran employer

Services CRP /P AS T U RE CL E ARI N G - T ree pulling/removal w/ sk id loader. Call Gab e B uz z ard T renton, MO 8 16 - 6 7 8 - 3 9 18 Y O U R DI RT I S our b read and b utter. Carpet and upholstery cleaning. David B aldwin, 8 16 6 3 2- 26 27 or toll- free 1- 8 8 8 8 54 - 29 4 9 . T H E H AMI L T O N B AN K check ing/savings accounts, loans, I RA’s and C.O .D.’s. Visit www.hamiltonb ank .net or call 8 16 - 58 3 - 214 3 . N ew b ranch at L athrop, MO . Memb er FDI C & E q ual H ousing Memb er. J U L I A R. FI L L E Y , Attorney at L aw. General P ractice, Criminal Defense, Family L aw, & P rob ate. Free I nitial Consultation. West side of Gallatin S q uare. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 20 4 4 P E AK CO N S T RU CT I O N — b athrooms, k itchens, ex tra rooms, garages, b asement finishing, small roofs. New b usiness b ut years of ex perience. Affordab le and H igh Q uality. Aaron B alsb augh 6 6 0 - 3 3 4 - 19 9 0



IN-HOME CARE & COMPANIONSHIP l er are Sick are espite are on-nursin are elp it ail cti ities on erm or S ort erm Four to 24- our are ll are i ers are ull Screene on e


ri ate a


Wanting to b uy standing timb er: Cottonwood, maple, oak , walnut. Call 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 50 8 2 after 6 : 0 0 p.m. M0 0 0 L dtf Farm ground wanted. Competitive rates. Aaron L andes 6 6 0 - 3 58 - 26 8 2

Did your classified listing work? Did you find a job in the AdZ one? Do you love to play the S cavenger H unt contest? We strive to deliver the b est shopper in the area, so email or call us today and let us k now Save to current how we are doing! We love to hear from our readers. Ask for T omie or B rook e 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 or AdZ one@ GP Cink .com

Re ised January 201

DEFAULT - Do Not Change This File. week folder before altering this ad.

P asture to rent. Greg L andes 6 6 0 - 7 4 8 - 58 16


S I L VE R & GO L D CO I N S , dental gold, gold mountings, sterling silver, old watches & diamonds. H ighest cash price paid. J unior S andy 8 16 - 3 9 0 20 27 . Garage Sales ADVE N T I S T CH U RCH T H RI FT S hop, 120 7 S . Clay, Gallatin, Mo. O pen: E very Wednesday from 8 am- 4 pm. O pen during the noon hour. Free clothing at 120 6 S . Willow entrance. O pen 8 am- 3 pm every Wednesday. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 24 7 8 H U GE GARAGE S AL E : S aturday, J an. 20 , 8 - 5. Gallatin Dock ery P ark b uilding. Multifamily. L ots of small tab les, lamps, chairs, dresser, b ed rails, purses, handmade crafts, old b aseb all cards, dishes, variety of children and adult clothing and much more.

You Don’t Have To Be Experienced ...just

‘On Target’

Local esta lished usiness seeks riendly, energetic erson to oin our tea eo le skills a ust ccuracy entering co uter data essential re ious sales ex erience re erred Work in ol es day tri s throughout North Missouri with co any car ro ided Monday-Friday schedule Hourly wage, cell hone during ro ationary eriod, ore i er anently e loyed E ail resu e, with ersonal re erences to darryl Cink co or ail to 60 B South Main, allatin, MO 64640

GPCink — Gallatin Publishing Company

Better Way, LLC







January 2018


SERVING YOU SINCE 1941 835 S. Washington • Chillicothe, MO 660-646-5525































N e w

Y e a r ’s D a y

7 14

M a r tin L u th e r K in g D a y

Get your event in the AdZone FREE. Email us at

J a n u a ry 1 6 Wee Read 10:00AM Tuesdays through Jan. 30 Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

Chillicothe Eagles Club Aerie 2428

BINGO NIGHT Every Wednesday 6PM

J a n u a ry 1 9 Good Times Dance 7:30PM Grand River Multi-Purpose Center (former Aldi’s building) Chillicothe

J a n u a ry 2 3 Wee Read 10:00AM Tuesdays through Jan. 30 Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

J a n u a ry 2 5 2018 Chillicothe Chamber Awards Banquet 5:30-9:00PM Call to purchase tickets 660-646-4050 Chillicothe Elks Lodge 401 Harvester Chillicothe

200 East Jackson, Chillicothe

Holiday J a n u a ry 1 9 Dec 20th

Go to

Lincoln’s Birthday

Wee Read 10:00AM Tuesdays through Jan. 30 Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

Fe b r u a r y 1 3 Toddler Stay and Play 9:00-11:00AM Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

Fe b r u a r y 2 Groundhog Day

Fe b r u a r y 2 J a n u a ry 3 1 Adult Blood Draw Clinic 10:00AM Livingston County Health Center 660.646.5506 Chillicothe

Kirk Decker Photography Closing Reception 5:00-8:00PM Cultural Corner Art Guild & Gallery 424 Locust Chillicothe

Fe b r u a r y 1 4 Valentine’s Day

Fe b r u a r y 9

Canned Food Drive Operation Help Chili Fundraiser 4:00-7:00PM First Christian Church 900 Jackson St. Chillicothe

Fe b r u a r y 1 2

J a n u a ry 3 0

J a n u a ry 2 7 J a n u a ry 2 3 Pajama & Popcorn Family Night 5:30PM Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

Camp Rainbow Chili Lunch 11:00AM-2:00PM Chillicothe Elks Lodge 401 Harvester Chillicothe

J a n u a ry 3 1 Lego Lab 4:00-4:50PM Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

Valentine Tour of Italy Dinner & Dance 5:00-7:00PM Tickets 660.646.1555 Grand River Multi-Purpose Center (former Aldi’s building) Chillicothe

Fe b r u a r y 1 9 Presidents Day to find the BONUS CODE and win more.



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January 16, 2018



CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

J anuary 16 , 20 18

** Selected Varieties

WED 17


FRI 19

SAT 20

MON 22






Chuck Roast


Fresh Boneless Beef


Armour Meatballs

Center Cut Pork Chops

11-14 Oz, **



$ 99




Cheez-It’s Crackers 6-7 Oz, **




Pillsbury Rolls



Sunkist Oranges 3 lb bag



Boneless Skinless Previously Frozen



Fuji or Granny Smith Apples Fresh


El Monterey Burritos

Oscar Mayer Lunchables

Van de Kamp’s Breaded Fish


Malt-O-Meal 22-26 Oz, **


Chicken Tenders




4-10.7 Oz, **

30.4-32 Oz, **


18-24.6 Oz, **






Jack’s Pizza

Best Choice Ice Cream

Pillsbury Grands! Bisquits

Kraft Cheese

5-18.1 Oz, **




20 Ct., **

4 Qt., **

8-13.9 Oz, **


Best Choice Garlic Bread


Kraft Singles

Velveeta Skillets

12 Oz, **

11.3-15.66 Oz, **




$ 79 Best Choice Snack Mix

6-8 Oz, **



Best Choice Rice Mix 8 Oz, **





Bisquick Mix

Nabisco Ritz Crackers

Best Choice Chunky Soup

40 Oz, **

8.75 Oz, **


$ 99

16 Oz or 8 ct, **

5-15.5 Oz, **


Fresh Family Pack Boneless Beef



Doritos, Lay’s or Tostitos Salsa












Stew Meat

Fresh Boneless

16 Oz or Pint

10.8-14.4 Oz, **


Pork Loin Roast

Fresh Family Pack Boneless

$ 99


Strawberries or Blueberries

Dole Chopped Salads

199/lb $179/lb $399/lb $199/lb


8.8-13.7 Oz, **

18.6-19 Oz, **

Coca-Cola Products 12 oz cans, 12 pack,**





7•Up Products

Coca-Cola Products

2 liter bottles **

.5 Liter Bottles, 6 Pack, **


Coca-Cola Products 2 Liter Bottles, **


$ 99 Gold Peak Tea 6-24 pack, **

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