Gaslight Real Estate 2 4 7 S. Wa s h i n g t o n St
Your Hometown Realtors
Chillicothe, B Lile raymer, M eadville, W heeling, Chula, D awn, L udlow, M ooresville, U tica, H ale, G allatin, L ake V iking, Lindy , Broker J amesport, J ameson/Coffey, Pattonsburg, L ock S prings, W inston, A ltamont, H amilton, K idder, K ingston, Polo, 121 Washington Street Cowgill, Breckenridge, Nettleton, Mirabile, Trenton, Cameron, Lathrop, Brookfield Chillicothe, MO 64601 Ph: (660) 646-1417 Fax: (660) 646-1507
1 9 2 2 3 Hw y 6 5 , Ch i l l i c o t h e
2 stories, full finished basement. 4 beds, 3 bath. Central vacuum, see through fireplace, 2 laundry rooms. Pool with deck. Home on 12 ACRES #26128 -
July 28, 2020
Call Brandi Fahrmeir @ 660-973-2368
Ch i l l i c o t h e Lo b b y Ho u r s : WED
& THU R 9 AM
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July 28, 2020
The 816-449-2285
Old Cookstove
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We now carry Essential Oils
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Paid for by Citizens to Re-Elect Sherff Steve Cox Sherry Savage, Treasurer
Closed Thanksgiving Day & Friday Nov 23rd 8:30-3pm, Sat 8:30-2pm
5 miles EAST of Maysville on Hwy 6 • 816-449-2285
Open: Dec 23 7am-5pm, Dec 24 7am-3pm • CLOSED: Dec 25-27 We nowDecember carry Essential We will be closed 24-27 Oils for the holiday. 7am - 5pm Tues-Fri • 8:30am to 2pm Saturday
Holiday Schedule: OPEN: Mon, Dec 24 • CLOSED: Tue, Dec 25
For Rent
For Sale
For Sale
For Sale
For Sale
Custom hay bailing; mow, rake, and big bales. Call H arry for pricing at 660-60509 8 4 .
Chillicothe H ouse For R ent: 2 B edroom, 1 bath, house. A ttached garage. A vailable A ug 1st. $4 25/month + deposit. N o Pets. 660-64 64 9 9 9
B O A TS FO R S A L E : N ew & used boats & pontoons, several to choose from, j ust watch our website, www. or call 660-663 -3 7 22, L ake V iking M arine.
B A S E R O CK , B L A CK D I R T AND fill dirt. CRP clean-up, brush removal, & have a bucket truck for trimming trees ( insured) . H uston Trucking & Construction, 660-663 -3 23 4 or 660-3 3 4 09 9 7 .
Pearl millet seed for sale. Call 660-7 07 -3 8 66
2013 R ed D odge V an Caravan, good condition, 13 0k, asking $8 4 00. Call D avid 660-7 4 5-3 529 . Can leave message.
R eese 3 100 drum mower, $4 500 Call H arry at 660605-09 8 4 . L aying H ens For S ale, $3 each. Y ear and a half old. 66068 4 -64 27 . L eave message
H ay For S ale: 2019 and 2020 season, 1200 lbs bales. $4 5 for this years and $3 5 for last years, you haul. Call 8 16-28 4 -2015 N E W S kid steer brush cutter for sale. 6 ft 660-68 4 -6604 Farm ground wanted. Competitive rates. A aron L andes 660-3 58 -268 2 For Rent CA S E S kid L oader, 8 5hp, by the day, week or month. Contact G allatin Truck & Tractor, I nc. 660-663 -2103 or 2104 . S TO R A G E U N I TS : O utside lighting, surveillance cameras, insulated to prevent large temperature variances, different siz es available. L ocated H wy. O east of G allatin. Critten Country S torage, 660-605-3 3 50. S mall studio apartment for rent in H ale. S uitable for 1 person. I mmediate availability. $250/month, utilities paid, appliances furnished. N o pets. 1st M onth & D eposit required. 660-64 5-23 16
G A L L A TI N E S TA TE S A PA R TM E N TS FO R R E N T: 1 or 2 bdrm available. H U D vouchers accepted. R ental assistance available to those who qualify. E qual housing opportunity. Call 660-663 -3 114 .
O U TD O O R W O O D FU R N A CE by Central B oiler I nc. FR E E H E A T & hot water. E liminate monthly heating bills. Call 660-7 07 -3 8 66 today. ( N o S unday calls, please)
M inor to maj or repairs & rebuilds. Tractors, skid loaders, power units, and more! 28 7 3 2 S tate H wy M , G allatin. O pen M on- Fri, 8 -5. A sk for S ylvan.
19 8 2 H arley-D avidson FL T Tour G lide. R ed “ K ing of the H ighway” showroom stock pkg. w/ fiberglass windshield, hard saddlebags & top case. 16,063 miles ( late father bought new from dealership) . Clean title. R eady for inspection. G ood chrome. R eal beauty; minor paint nicks. Can email photos ( darryl@ G $8 ,000. G allatin 660-605-019 3 evenings
Puppies & Kittens FR E E 3 month old kittens using litter box & eating kitten food. A lso have some adult cats. 660-9 63 -24 57 . FO R S A L E : B eagle & B lue H eeler puppies. 3 month old. 660-9 7 3 -8 27 7 or 660-3 3 4 -14 22
ADZONE . . . July 28, 2020
July 28, 2020
Chillicothe, M O -- E x cellent rental income or first time home buyer. This ranch home offers 2 bedrooms, 1 full bath, living room, kitchen with stove and refrigerator. N ewer roof, furnace and air, plus good foundation. D etached garage and carport, nice back yard plus a 14 X 24 storage shed. Call to see! ! G lenda J ohnson at 660.24 7 .203 4 $59 ,9 00. # 267 4 5 CE N TU R Y 21 Team E lite - Chillicothe Chillicothe - S ellers had sheetrock reworked and painted, painted all ceilings, refinished the hardwood floors, New counter tops B ath and K itchen, O utside is being power washed primed and painted. Windows are being fixed also. N ew electric hot water heater. S teve K erns reworked the plumbing in home with pex . Corner large lot with deck on the back. $62,500. # gpc264 3 8 E ddy R eal E state L L C Chillicothe - 2 bed, 1 bath home sits on a corner lot and has a 1 car carport. This home was completely remodeled in 2013 and has nice kitchen cabinets and lots of potential! Call
K risty L auhoff 660.24 7 .1208 $69 ,9 00. # 264 9 0 CE N TU R Y 21 Team E lite Chillicothe - W ell K ept B ungalow. O riginal woodwork & built-ins. Hardwood floors under carpet. Q uiet street $7 7 ,500. # 4 564 /2668 5 G aslight R eal E state Chillicothe - Personal woodworking/cabinet shop, office, & living quarters: E quipment valued at over $60,000 new. S hop ( 24 ’x 60’) loaded with tools, includes: planer, j ointer, table saw, shaper, compressor, band saw, standing drill press, tables, carts, storage cabinets, racks, finishing spray area, ex haust fan, hand tools, router, chop saw, belt sander. E leven new airlines installed for easy cleanup. Templates for raised panels. A mple parking, newer commercial grade water & electrical, metal roof & siding. V ariance/conditional use permit needed for new commercial business. W as a church, then a laundrymat, then a garage, with renovated apt. R educed: $7 9 ,9 00. # 101 Platinum R ealty O wner/broker.
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ADZONE . . . July 28, 2020
C LL CO E E S & 2 edrooms vaila le Sha nee Drive, Chilli othe ater, se er & trash paid Tenant pays ele tri ill ental ssistan e vaila le to those ho ali y Stove & e rigerator rnished asher Dryer hook ps in ea h nit ll ele tri ell aintained Ni e & Clean
Conta t illie reeden, anager at 0-2 - 8
CHILLICOTHE, MISSOURI Spray Foam, Cellulose and Fiberglass
Scott Boley
age. N ewer furnace and air, roof 15 years old. N ewer carpet has been installed. V inyl siding makes this home easy on maintenance. Call J oyce E ddy today for your private showing! 660.24 7 . $8 5,000. New E Listing! # gpc26555 ddy R eal E state L L C
660-973-3567 660-247-2969
Chillicothe - U pdated B unga- This is a 2 bedroom with the low on Corner L ot. This home possibility of a 3 . There is also has updated to include new an unfinished attic that could plumbing, electrical, furnace, be finished for additional bedflooring, paint, countertop, indy ilerooms or bonus room. R ener ro duced: er $8 5,9 00. # 0004 /26226 bathroom vanity, gutters, downspouts and fascia board. G aslight R eal E state Remodeled! R oof was replaced in 2019 Chillicothe, M O -- H istorical with 3 0 architectural shingles. B uilding downtown. $9 0,000.
247 S. Washington Chillicothe, MO 64601
New Listing!
19223 Hwy 65 506 Grandview St Chillicothe Chillicothe 6.2 Miles south of 4 bed, 2.5 bath. Large yard Chillicothe. 6.9 acres. Rural & good location. 2,656 sq ft. water. Chillicothe, school Large sun-room that opens district.Section 1 Township on to a fantastic wrap 56 Range 24 around deck.
430 Clay St Chillicothe 3 beds, 1 bath. Large bedrooms, living room & formal dining. Lovely covered front porch. One car detached garage
#26730 • $99,900
#26605 • $159,900
#26059 • $49,500
Call Brandi Fahrmeir 660-973-2368
Call Debbie Jenkins 660-973-0936
Call Joyce Eddy 660-247-0750 Call Lindy Lile
Chillicothe - W onderful Family H ome R eady to be L oved by Y ou. 3 B edroom Cape Cod. B eautiful lot close to park. N E W heating,air,water heater garage door and opener. N ewer carpet and hardwood floor $110,000. #25097 Gaslight R eal E state
Chillicothe - Clean & ready Chillicothe, M O -- G reat B uild- to move into! N ice big shop: This home is super clean and ing S ite. 6.9 0 A cres: 6.2 M iles ready to move into. O pen south of Chillicothe, 6.9 acres concept has family room, and wonderful location to build screened in porch. Can be your dream home. R ural wapurchased alone or add on the ter. Chillicothe, school district. double wide nex t door for poSpot Lite#26128 56 REDUCED S ection 1 Township R ange tential rental income. W alking $599,900 24 $9 9 ,9 00. # 267 3 0 G aslight distance to shopping & resR eal EListing state #26730 (I haven’ttaurants. New gotten R educed: $119 ,9 00. picture yetM should be to soon) Chillicothe, O -- L ots O f- # 9 08 Platinum R ealty fer! S tep into this nice 3 bed- Chillicothe - S pacious H ome! Reduced # 26605 $159,900 room, 1 ½ bath home! I t has L ots of potential for this 4 bedReduced $49,500 over 1100 #26059 sq ft of living space room, 2 bath spacious home! with a partially finished base- I t has a large fenced in yard ment! I car attached garage with a 2 car garage. M ore info, and nice fenced in backyard! contact K risty L auhoff at 660D on’t miss out on this home! 24 7 -1208 . $13 5,000. # 267 28 S eller is selling as is. Call CE N TU R Y 21 Team E lite K risty L auhoff to schedule Chillicothe your showing at 660.24 7 .1208 $105,9 50. # 254 8 7 CE N TU R Y 21 Team E lite - Chillicothe # 26064 G aslight R eal E state
Rick Boley
Stabilized Cellulose • Insulation New Home Construction • Remodels • Commerical
Chillicothe - L ooking for large rooms with lots of space? I n remodel stage & lots of work is already done. M ake it a show place! S ellers have moved to the country & want to sell this Estatehome. U pdated kitchen, large 6-1417 back porch with laundry area and built ins for lots of stor-
Chillicothe - I nvestment O ppuritunity. D uplex : O ne side rents for $7 00/month and 1 for $600/month. H as new windows, furnace & air. $14 8 ,9 00. # 254 17 G aslight R eal E state Chillicothe - S ellers j ust had garage floor newly poured. D arren Crow did the work. S ellers had new laminate flooring in kitchen, dining area and hall installed j ust this winter. S ellers had new backsplash put in as well. M aster bedroom and kitchen had wallpaper removed and nicely painted. N ew roof M arch 2019 . N ewer composite deck with atrium door.Carpets cleaned professionally. N ew breaker box is installed in the home. Price reduced selling as is. $150,000. # gpc263 9 2 E ddy R eal E state L L C Chillicothe - 2 units. # 1516 rents for $7 00.00unit # 1517 is occupied by owners. this unit has garage & fenced in back yard. $155,9 00. # 254 18 G aslight R eal E state Chillicothe - G reat N eighborhood. Most flooring replaced throughout, master bathroom completely remodeled, stainless appliances $229 ,9 00. # 2653 G aslight R eal E state
arge etal hop arage Apart ent F S 2,900, 0- - 3
July 28, 2020
Gallatin Lumber Company
Professional Land Surveyor
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2 Ca oll on, MO 4
DAVIESS CO Coffey - A ll O pen G entle R olling. 16 A cres total, 14 acres being in CR P, paying $18 68 thru 2021. For more info, call L loyd M cM ahon @ 660-8 68 028 4 . R educed: $56,000. # 123 1 L ocust Creek R ealty G allatin - G reat S tarter H ome or R ental Property! R anch style home with 2/bedrooms, 1 bath, attached garage and fenced backyard. $55,000. # gpc2208 015 R E /M A X Town & Country G allatin - N ice Commercial on the S quare: This commercial building is located on the west side of the square in G allatin. The building has been remodeled with wiring, plumbing, furnace, A C, water heaters, insulation, and so much more! A one bedroom one bath apartment in basement can be utiliz ed by owner or rent out for ex tra income. R educed: $59 ,500. # 119 0 L andmark R ealty
G allatin, M O -- Priced to sell! N ice ranch with low utilities, ready for government loan buyers. 9 000 L ot: This home currently sits on a full unfinished basement. 1 car attached garage with lots of storage. This home has hardwood floors in all the bedrooms. N ewer roof, siding and windows. Country setting in town. $69 ,000. # gpc218 58 4 9 R E /M A X Town & Country G allatin, M O -- Charming B ungalow! A wesome outdoor space with gaz ebo, covered deck and sunny patio areas. 120x 120 L ot: N icely updated 2 bedroom, 2 bath home with separate office (guest quarters or 3 rd bedroom) . Cute kitchen with newer stainless appliances. D etached garage with shop and carport. Fenced backyard and quiet street are sure to please! ! ! $7 3 ,500. # gpc22217 14 R E /M A X Town & Country
G allatin, M O -- L O T 64 2 This nice, affordable waterfront lot on west side of L ake V iking close to I -3 5 off ex it 68 on cove location. 67 x 252 L ot: E asy access to campground 2. Priced to sell. $7 9 ,9 00. # gpc2211162 Century 21 Crossroads G allatin - R A N CH . 3 B E D & 2 B A TH S : 14 4 0 sqft, updated roof, full basement, wrap around deck & oversiz ed garage! $8 1,500. # 4 8 9 4 0 U nited Country O ’Connor A gency G allatin - L ake front lot nestled at end of cove. L evel lot w/entrance & 58 ft of shoreline. $9 4 ,000. # 124 3 L andmark R ealty
G allatin - A maz ing B uilding with U nlimited Potential: B eautifully remodeled building with 2 stories previously used as event venue and restaurant. L ocated j ust off of the town square with furnishings & equipment included. $9 9 ,000. # gpc222217 4 R E / M A X Town & Country
G allatin, M O -- U pdated older home with unique features and charm. M ove-in ready! 120 x 14 0 L ot: This 2-story home feature 5 bedrooms, 2 full baths, kitchen w/sunroom, formal dining and living room, with family rooms on each floor, plus other rooms to fit your needs. Two stairways, ornate fireplaces, pocket doors, stained glass windows, unique lighting, and other ex ceptional features. S everal rooms recently remodeled, roof inspected and repaired, new wiring, and plumbing updates completed. This home, with a 3 0’x 3 2’ garage, sits on a 120’x 14 0’ corner lot in a friendly neighborhood. The house was built in ca.18 50 by J oshua A lex ander, S ecretary of Commerce, under President W ilson. Call today and take advantage of this offer! O wner/A gent R educed: $13 9 ,9 00. # 1254 L andmark R ealty
G allatin - N ice R anch home at L ake V iking w/room to grow! Unfinished basement that would give additional living space j ust waiting for the new home owner! 1 acre lot, with ultimate privacy. This secluded setting sits close to the W est entrance j ust minutes from I -3 5. Formal dining
room with hardwood floors open to the living room w/coz y stone fireplace, large living room, with 2 bedrooms on the main level. L ake amenities include pool, lake, playground, clubhouse and so much more! $14 7 ,500. # gpc22118 3 3 R E /M A X Town & Country
ADZONE . . . July 28, 2020 New Listing!
New Listing!
New Listing!
UNDER O C NTRACT 213 Bridge St Chillicothe MLS#26745 • $59,900
408 Lincoln St Wheeling MLS#26625 • $189,900
1610 Rosewood Lane Chillicothe MLS#26728 • $135,000
G allatin - 16 A cres + /- B uild Y our D ream H ome or I nvest in G allatin. 16.00 A cres: A great building site or investment opportunity for an investor to development 16 acres + /- within the G allatin city limits with 3 7 platted lots plus acreage with a newer fencing. W ater, sewer and underground electricity in place for lots. H ighway M M frontage or access off W est G rand. $14 9 ,000. # 8 00 R E / M A X Town & Country G allatin, M O -- G reat I nvestment Property. 16.00 A cres: This development property has 16 plus acres within the City limits of G allatin which includes 3 7 platted lots plus
338 Calhoun St Chillicothe MLS#26709 • $35,000
acreage with updated fencing. W ater, sewer and underground electricity for lots. A great investment opportunity or start for a builder looking to start own subdivision. $14 9 ,000. # 3 51 L andmark R ealty G allatin, M O -- B eautiful historic 2 story home. M ust see to appreciate. 0.50 A cres. 105x 208 L ot: S uper nice 13 0 year old 2 story home. 3 -4 bedrooms, 2 bath, central air and heating, beautiful woodwork, hard wood floors, large fenced in back yard for the pets or kids to play in, outbuildings, shed, 3 0 year roof with only 8 years on it, all old
roofs removed, close to downtown. A ll information deemed reliable but not guaranteed $154 ,9 00. # 206 G allatin Platinum R ealty G allatin - R E D U CE D ! O ne-O fA -K ind W aterfront lot at L ake V iking! 0.56 A cres. 167 50 L ot: This beautiful lakefront lot is layered with Colossal limestone rock walls which make a beautiful setting for your future dream home. S tunning captivating views from this.5 acre lot. J ust a short distance from the main lake entrance, clubhouse and pool. N ice one stall boat dock with lift included. $163 ,500. # gpc2214 4 08 R E / M A X Town & Country
Dr. Jim Jim Dr.
Neely for for Governor Governor Neely A Proven Step Forward For All Missourians
Vote For What We All Want...
Common Sense. Dr. Jim Jim Dr. Common Goals. Neely for Governor Neely for Governor Respect For All Missourians. A Proven Step Forward For All Missourians It’s past time to hire a governor who wants to work for you, too! PRO-HEALTHCARE FREEDOM During my time as a physician and as a state representative, I led the fight for terminally-ill Missourians’ right to try experimental treatments. As your Governor, I will get big government out of the healthcare system, so that decisions are left up to patients and their doctors.
PRO-LIFE As a physician, I understand what it takes to protect and preserve life. As your Governor, I will ensure that every person’s right to life is upheld from conception to natural death.
No More Shutdowns NO Mask Mandate NO Mail In Voting No Vaccination Mandates Encourage development of a generic medication manufacturer here in Missouri 3 Eliminate the healthcare monopoly... the certificate of need process needs a revision. 3 Competition is a good thing 3 Family Court Reform
PRO-CONSTITUTION The 2nd Amendment was put in place by our founding fathers to help preserve the rest of our Constitutional rights. As your Governor, I will protect the Constitutional rights of all Missourians.
3 3 3 3 3
I want, need and will appreicate your vote and support on Tuesday, August 4, 2020. Let’s bring back our state government to where it needs to be. Northwest Missouri has been ignored for far too long.
We Can’t Afford To Be Embarrassed By Our Elected Officials Any Longer.
P.O. Box 343 Cameron, MO 64429 Sandra Leamer, Treasurer
We Can’t Afford To Be Embarrassed By Our Elected Officials Any Longer. P.O. Box 343 Cameron, MO 64429 PAID FOR BY CITIZENS FOR NEELY, SANDRA LEAMER, TREASURER Sandra Leamer, Treasurer THIS AD IS PAID FOR BY CITIZENS FOR NEELY, SANDRA LEAMER, TREASURER
ADZONE . . . July 28, 2020
AUCTIONS O nline, J uly 29 : Tractors, Combine & H eads, Planting, Tillage, Truck, Trailers, and S kid S teer.. S ee E ntwistle Farm R etirement on S hoM eM by S ullivan A uctioneers, 217 .8 4 7 .2160. O nline O nly, J uly 3 0: Q uincy, I L , 623 01. S teel Fabrication Commercial E quipment on S hoM eM by S ullivan A uctioneers, 217 .8 4 7 .2160
Chillicothe, M O , J uly 3 0: The Chapman’s have decided to bring up for auction five rental properties to be sold at public auction which are all located in Chillicothe, M O . S ee Tom and L indy Chapman R eal E state on S hoM eM by K eenan A uction S ervice, 64 1.9 9 0.8 04 6. I ndependence, J uly 3 0: H awthorn B & B . Cates A uction & R ealty 8 7 7 -7 8 1-113 4 .
K C M O , J uly 3 0: 167 items. Coin, S tamp, & Collectible on S hoM eM by Cates A uction & R ealty Co. I nc., Ph: 8 7 7 -7 8 1-113 4 . Chillicothe, M O , J uly 3 1: 2 D ay H oux E state on S hoM eM by Pickett A uction, 8 16.669 .3 4 3 3 . D alton, M O , J uly 3 1: Church Pews, Piano, O rgans, Tables, Chairs, Furniture. D alton I mmanuel
U nited M ethodist Church on S hoM eM by E nyeart A uction & R ealty, 660.28 8 .3 022. Trenton, M O , A ugust 1: 10% down on the house, balance due at closing. S ubj ect to Probate & J udge approval. Title I nsurance. Prorate tax es to closing date. J eremiah & M ary K alilimoku E state on S hoM eM by R eed A uction, 660.7 9 4 .27 9 5.
H olt, A ugust 1: J D Tractor, Z ero Turn, Colt Pistols, W estern B ronz es, 19 7 2 D odge Challenger, N ice Trailer, H orse Trailer, S addles, N ice S hop E quip, W elders, Tools, Furniture, H ousehold & M ore on S hoM eM by S teve R itter A uctioneering, 8 16.63 0.1252. H untsville, M O , A ugust 1: R eal E state, B oats, V ehicles, L awn M owers, H oney
B ee, Trapping, H unting, M isc. Farm, and H ousehold.. S ee W ilson R eal E state and Personal Property on S hoM eM presented by S cotty’s A uction S ervice, Ph: 57 3 .3 56.4 4 05. L E X I N G TO N , M O , A ug 1: S ee S teve and D onna B rinkoetter on S hoM eM ore. com presented by A dkins A uction S ervice, Ph: 660.259 .24 09 .
July 28, 2020
M aryville, M O , A ugust 1: Featuring: 2015 H onda Civic, Fenton G lass Pieces, M odern and A ntique Furniture, H ousehold I tems, L awn and G arden and so much more. L ive O nline B idding A vailable. S ee D elores S toll E state and the R ainey Trust on S hoM eM by Y ounger A uction Company, Ph: 8 16.58 2.53 60.
O nline O nly, A ugust 3 : 9 0 A cres ( 1 Tract) . S ee S apper 9 0 A cre L and on S hoM eM presented by S ullivan A uctioneers, L L C, Ph: 217 .8 4 7 .2160. O nline O nly, A ugust 3 : 8 0 A cres ( 1 Tract) . S apper 8 0 A cre L and on S hoM eM ore. com presented by S ullivan A uctioneers, L L C, Ph: 217 .8 4 7 .2160.
M aryville, M O , on A ugust O nline O nly, A ug 4 : Tractors, 1: Coins, Fenton Cranberry S kid L oader, A M S E quip& O palescent G lass, J adite ment, Planting & Tillage G lass, J ewelry, Toys, V in- E quipment, Cattle & H ay tage Prints, S t. J oseph I tems, E quipment, Farm E quipR ed W ing, L ots of A dvertis- ment, Farm R elated I tems, ing Auction I tems, and Primitives. Pickups, L awnmower, M op an eal state H uge O ne D ay A uction.. torcycle, & A TV . M iller Farm A A e decided toS ring or auction iA entique rental properties to e sold aton pu S lichoM auction hich ee H upoffelmeyer on R etirement eM ore. hillicothe, .S hoM eM presented com by S ullivan A uctions by K ermit G oslee A uction eers, L L C, 217 .8 4 7 .2160. h S ervice, 660.58 2.07 7 6 or O nline O nly, A ugust 4 : 2 Jac660.58 son treet 0 2.28 7hillicothe, 4 . Please isit properties prior to auction heTractors, auction illG PS e heldE quipment, at one o the x celsior illS prings, O , sa Combine old and A E properties e sold ro M the e location. & All H hoeads, es haPlante een ed inside. his is a great in est in a ne ho e or a potential inco e A ugust 2: opportunity Firearms,toTools, ing please E quipment, Tillage ere all used as rental properties. ie these call yler eenan H ousehold & M o ore. O nproperties E quipment, G rain H andling S hoM eM by M ac’s E quipment, Trucks, Trailers, A uction, 8 16.63 0.7 9 9 0. and Farm S upport I tems..
r ice a e ay, Auctioneers
M athews Farm R etirement on S hoM eM by S ullivan A uctioneers, L L C, Ph: 217 .8 4 7 .2160.
bids welcome at no charge.. G raeff M oving on S hoM eM by Pioneer R idge A uction, Ph: 660.23 8 .3 9 60.
O nline O nly, on A ugust 5: Tractors, Planting, Tillage, G ravity W agons, A uger, Farm S upport I tems, and M isc. I tems. H epker Farm R etirement on S hoM eM ore. com by S ullivan A uctioneers, L L C, Ph: 217 .8 4 7 .2160.
M ex ico, M O , on A ugust 6: R eal E state, antiques, furniture, tools & more! . S ee Pretz Trust on S hoM eM ore. com by M arquette A uction S ervice, Ph: 57 3 .7 21.1106.
O nline O nly, A ugust 5: 17 8 A cres – 2 Tracts. S ee S prungman L and on S hoM eM presented by S ullivan A uctioneers, L L C, 217 .8 4 7 .2160. O nline O nly, on A ugust 6: Combine & H eads, Tractors, Farm E quipment, S prayer, Trucks, and Trailers.. S ee B rocksmith Farm R etirement on S hoM eM by S ullivan A uctioneers, L L C, Ph: 217 .8 4 7 .2160. H igginsville, M O , A ug 6: Preview starting S ale D ay at 2 PM , or contact auctioneer for appointment. A bsentee
A lbany, M O , A ugust 7 : 7 9 A cres, D 5 Caterpillar, Ford 5600 D iesel, M uch M ore! . S ee 2 D ay -B url/S nead Personal Property & R eal
F E O E E L ES E C O n Lin
E state on S hoM eM by D ollars M essner A uction, Ph: 660.7 26.3 252. A lbany, M O , A ug 8 : 8 N Ford tractor, 7 ’ PTO mower, G uns, & M uch M ore! . S ee 2 D ay -B url/S nead Personal Property & R eal E state on S hoM eM presented by D ollars M essner A uction, Ph: 660.7 26.3 252. G allatin, M O , A ugust 8 : R eal E state, G olf Cart, L awn & G arden, Tools, O utdoors, Furniture, H ousehold, A n-
tiques, Collectibles. D owney R eal E state & H ousehold on S hoM eM by J umps A uctions K ingston, M O , A ugust 8 : K ipp on S hoM eM ore. com by Pickett A uction, 8 16.669 .3 4 3 3 . B ern, K S , A ug 8 : J D Tractors, Combine, Planting & Tillage E quip, B ulk B ins, H og E quip, Farm M isc. K rainbill R etirement on S hoM eM ore. com by Y ounger A uction, Ph: 8 16.58 2.53 60.
th 5:
n e
E t te u ti n
C ST T CT N: he hap an s ha e decided to ring up or auction i e rental properties to e sold at pu lic auction hich are all located in hillicothe, . Th rsday, ly 30th :30 p m CT N C T N: 2 Jac son treet hillicothe, 0 CT N S N T : Please isit properties prior to auction Auction ill e held at one o the properties eing sold and A properties ill e sold ro the sa e location. All ho es ha e een co pletely repainted inside. his is a great opportunity to in est in a ne ho e or a potential inco e producer as these ere all used as rental properties. To vie these properties please all Tyler eenan - 0-80 233 illiams Street Chilli othe, 0 his property includes 2 edroo s, ath, the ho e has a co ination o ne er carpet and hard ood loors, the ho e has also had recent electrical updates, updated ath tu and anity in athroo , detached garage carport and rand ne roo put on ithin the last t o onths. 3 & e ster Street Chilli othe, 0 D ple ou le inco e producer ith this property eing a uple . : uite A includes edroo , ath, ne carpet and central air. his o ers ront ro par ing and entry ro road or rear co ered entry. : uite includes edroo s . ath ain loor, entral air, so e ne carpet, large li ing space and itchen, lots o closet space and storage, his property has a large ull ase ent ith a ull ath.
2 Clay Street Chilli othe, 0 his property includes edroo , ath, and so e ne carpet. o e has an attached car port and detached roughly 2 garage ith electric door opener. here is also a s all 0 0 la n shed or storage. 08 e ster Street Chilli othe, 0 Property includes edroo , ath, entral air, so e ne carpet, nice linoleu looring in itchen, reshly painted inside the ho e. ice siding and roo
2 a kson Street Chilli othe, 0 Property includes 2 edroo , ath, ne er electric urnace, electric ater heater, ne roo , co ered ront entry to house and an attached single car garage.
Sale Conducted by: eenan tion Servi e eenan tionServi e om Tyler eenan & Dave ay, tioneers - 0-80 See Terms online
ADZONE . . . July 28, 2020
O nline O nly, A ugust 8 : L and consists of 3 22 A cres ( subj ect to survey) offered in 5
tracts. S cott on S hoM eM ore. com by S ullivan A uctioneers, 217 .8 4 7 .2160.
O nline O nly, on A ugust 8 : Tractors, H ay E quipment, S eeding E quipment, Farm
E quipment, S hop I tems, A TV & L awn M ower, V ehicle, and H ousehold.. S ee S cott Family Trust E state on S hoM eM by S ullivan A uctioneers, 217 .8 4 7 .2160. R ichmond, M O , A ug 8 : Furniture, Chilmark Pewter, 1000+ S terling S ilver S poon Collection S terling Flatware S ervices, G old W atches & E state J ewelry, G lass, China, A ntiques, Primitives, Coins & M ore on S hoM eM by S teve R itter A uctioneering, 8 16.63 0.1252. R ichmond, M O , A ugust 8 : S terling S ilver Full Catalog on S hoM eM by
40 m/l CRES
ject to Survey)
S teve R itter A uctioneering, Ph: 8 16.63 0.1252. O nline O nly, on A ugust 10: Tractors, S emis, Trailers, Farm M achinery, S prayer, Tanks, G rain H andling, U TV , and G PS E quipment.. D enham Farm R etirement on S hoM eM by S ullivan A uctioneers, L L C, 217 .8 4 7 .2160. O nline O nly, A ugust 10: Farm & construction equip, lawn mower, tools, j et skis & much much more. R after C O nline Chillicothe M O O nline O nly, A ugust 11: Tractors, Combine & H eads, Farm & Construction E quip, G rain H andling, Trucks,
Trailers, and Farm S upport. K nisley Farm R etirement on S hoM eM by S ullivan A uctioneers, 217 .8 4 7 .2160. O nline O nly, on A ugust 12: Tractors, Farm E quip, Truck, G rain Trailer, Car, & Farm R elated. Crawford by S ullivan A uctioneers, 217 .8 4 7 .2160. O nline, A ug 12: G rain Truck, S emi, H opper B ottom, 4 W D Tractor, S kid S teer, S prayer, Farm E quip, Collector Tractors, V intage Farm I mplements, Trailers, M owers, Tools, A ttachments, & Farm S upport. Camille Farm by S ullivan A uctioneers, 217 .8 4 7 .2160.
E t te
Andre Per ins, Auctioneer 0 83 3
e the D te S t, u u t 29th arcels of
eal state
o perso al property
0 est erry rove, amesport 8: har ing ho e ith 2 edroo s and ath, updated itchen, ath, pretty ood loors, ne er indo s and ore. n oy co ee on the dec top paying rent and in est your hard earned . easona le utilities. lose to do nto n and school. 00 So th Forest Street, ith edroo s and 2 arge li ing dining roo , noo , ull un inished ase
amesport 8: lassic ra ts an aths, ood loors and co ered ceilings. a ily roo o ice, itchen ith rea ast ent, nice dec and 2 car detached garage.
5 o e t
C co
aandaa tions om or omplete listing, photos, videos, and terms
5.58/acre through 2023. m with slope of 2-5%. 12th St. is available.
5.58/acre through 2023. am with slope of 2-5%.
both tracts. This farm will sell in 2 ding is not contingent on financing. of the purchase price. Deposit will 1, 2020. • 2020 R/E taxes will be seller. • 2020 CRP payment will be
o any and all recorded or apparent believes the information in this sale
Lance Critten 660-663-5798
Clint Vanatta 660-334-0404
July 28, 2020
O nline O nly, A ugust 13 : Tractors, Combine & H ead, Planting E quipment, Tillage E quipment, B rent W agons, Farm E quipment, Pickup, U TV , Trailers, and Farm R elated I tems.. G udenkauf Farm E state on S hoM eM by S ullivan A uctioneers, 217 .8 4 7 .2160.
B ethany, M O , A ugust 15: L ots of cages of small animals A lso misc items. S ee B ethany Community S mall A nimal & Poultry on S hoM eM presented by Fox A uction, L L C, Ph: 660.3 4 1.14 53 . K ingston, M O , A ug 15: H ousehold; V ehicles; Tractors; G uns. S ee Charles B urrell E state on S hoM eM by Charlie G olden A uction, Ph: 8 16.3 9 0.2557 . L athrop, M O , A ugust 15: Charles & L inda H owerton E state on S hoM eM by S teve R itter A uctioneering, 8 16.63 0.1252.
Plattsburg, M O , A ugust 15: A ttractive 3 -B edroom H ome, Q uality Furnishing, and A ppliances. Tippit S pecial on S hoM eM by Pickett A uction, Ph: 8 16.669 .3 4 3 3 . K eosauqua, A ugust 15: Coins, H ousehold items & collectibles - L awn & G arden I tems - 100 plus B oyds B ears ( mostly music box es) - Precious Moment figurines.
M acon, M O , A ugust 15: E quipment, Truck, Trailer, Car, Concrete Forms, Tools, S upplies & Parts, M etal, and Office. Gaunt on ShoMeM by S cotty’s A uction, 57 3 .3 56.4 4 05.
M oberly, M O , A ug 19 : S elling quality 3 B ed 1 B ath B rick H ome - H ousehold - A ntiques - Collectibles & S hop Tools. H ageman A uction on S hoM eM by E nyeart 660.28 8 .3 022.
My name is Greg Houghton. Democratic candidate for District 2 Commissioner. I would appreciate your vote August 4th. Vote GREG
HOUGHTON DAVIESS COUNTY COMMISSIONER P ai d f o r b y C o m m i tte e to E l e ct H o u g h to n , L i n d a H o u g h to n , Tre as u re r
d a H o u g h to n , Tre as u re r
S ee J O E D E H A R T & L A TE S H IR L E Y D E H A R T E S TA TE on S hoM eM presented by Fett A uction S ervice, Ph: 64 1.68 0.7 8 28 .
M y n am e i s G re g D e m o crati c can d C o m m i si o n e r. I yo u r vo te A u g u st
H o u g h to n . i d ate f o r D i ts ri ct 2 w o u l d ap p re ci ate 4 th .
Daviess County Second District Commissioner
Wayne Republican
Your vote will be appreciated! aid o
y Candidate
M acon, M O , on A ugust 20: G uns, Toys, S tore I nventory, and Partial L iquidation.. S ee S ieren Partial L iquidation on S hoM eM presented by S cotty’s A uction S ervice, Ph: 57 3 .3 56.4 4 05.
M I L TO N , A ug 22: H ouse and Commercial building, V ehicles, Primitives, G arage Collectibles, parts, H ousehold, Tool & S hop equip. B O N A R B E L L G A R A G E by Fett A uction, 64 1.68 0.7 8 28 .
ADZONE . . . July 28, 2020
eC hur
unit , Ju
ale hurs We urnit yard ite s elle or o sellin und Aucti ill te s July 2 the d arran 2 you the a und haleli his uild hur sa e roo W
C O e, 4
,2 2
tion is held in an air onditioned arger items ill e o tside
te s ay e rought to co unity hall Wed, July 29. 9 2 8P . We ill also ta e ite s day o the auction. 9A 2noon.
evin eeling
-23 0 or arlene art
S & S S C
ponso e ae i a useum ui in ommittee. co ttee e e e t e t to e u e any te dee ed nece a y
K eytesville, M O , A ug 22: H ousehold - A ntiques Collectibles - G uns Farm M achinery - Farm R elated B oats. S ee S purlock E state A uction on S hoM eM by E nyeart A uction & R ealty, Ph: 660.28 8 .3 022. M acon, M O , A ugust 22: L awn M ower and O utdoor, Tools, H ousehold I tems, O utdoor I tems, and Patio
Furniture. M iller Personal Property on S hoM eM ore. com by S cotty’s A uction, Ph: 57 3 .3 56.4 4 05. Carrollton, M O , A ug 24 : Tractors & Trucks, Combine & H eads & S ilage Chopper, Farm M achinery & Planter & D rill, H ay E quip - D irt S coop – B rush Cutters, S hop I tems – Tractor Parts – A nd M isc.,
B rand N ew H ydro O il & M otor O il, S alvage S teel & S alvage Trucks. S ee H az en A bsolute N o R eserve R etirement Farm on S hoM eM ore. com presented by R opp A uctions, Ph: 660.24 7 .19 14 .
B ethel, M O , A ugust 29 : Tractor, M owers, Tools, H unting, H ousehold, & M isc. H udson Personal Property on S hoM eM ore. com by S cotty’s A uction, 57 3 .3 56.4 4 05. G allatin, M O , A ug 29 : Tractors, H arvest, Tillage, Planting, S kid S teers, D oz ers, L ivestock E quip & M O R E ! B & S E quipment L I V E O N S I TE PR E H A R V E S T Consignment A uction on S hoM eM by B & S E quipment A uction, 660-605-08 3 9 .
S tanberry, M O , S ept 19 : Tractors, H ay E quipment, Combine & H eads, M achinery, I H Parts & A ccessories, A ntiques & Collectibles. R E S CH E D U L E D - S emi-R etirement M achinery on S hoM eM by D ollars M essner A uction, Ph: 660.7 26.3 252. S helbyville, M O , S ept 5: Tractors, S kid L oader, E quipment, Truck, A TV , L ivestock S upplies, Tools, and M isc! . S ee D ouglass R etirement on S hoM eM by S cotty’s A uction, 57 3 .3 56.4 4 05. A llerton, S ept 12: Farm and Construction equipment, hand tools, antique and collectible farm related
2 Day Houx Auction
1414 Burnam Road, Chillicothe, MO
10 a.m. Friday, July 31, 2020 10 a.m. Saturday, August 1, 2020
Plan to attend- A partial list only!
A n y o n e w an ti n g f u l l l i s t – P l e as e co n tact au cti o n e e r f o r e m ai l l i s t o r s e n t b y U S m ai l . Email: K lp3 9 @ yahoo. com
Sp o o n carve d w al n u t e n d tab l e an d cab i n e t, o ak h i g h b o y ch e ts w / h at b o x, o th e r an ti q u e f u rn i tu re , n i ce co l l e cti o n o f m an y 19 30’ s an d 4 0’ s w o o d e n st e e l an d ti n to ys an d ch i l d re n ’ s i te m s ( M an y w e re D arre l l ’ s ch i l d h o o d i te m s) Re d ri d i n g h o o d co l l e cti o n , ch i l d re n ’ s b o o ks, h an d m ad e q u i l ts, vi n tag e h an ki e s, d o i l i e s ap ro n s an d m o re , p ai n ti n g s an d p ri n ts, M axf i e l d P arri sh , Wal l ace n u tti n g , Due to selling A tki n so the x old F o x,time g l family ass anhome d i ro and n stwill i l l hold b an ks,an auction H u m m e l f i g u ri n e s, p o cke t kn i ve s, ad ve rti si n g i te m s, co l l e cti o n o f E f f an b e e an d M ad am e A l e xa n d e r d o l l s, co l l e cti o n o f b e ars an d o th e r i te m s f ro m No rth A m e ri can B e ar C o m p an y , G e rm an B ava ri a P ru si a Ni p p o n E n g l i sh We l l e r an d Ro g al D au l to n C h i n a, m i sc. cast i ro n i te m s, cran k w al l te l e p h o n e , co f f e e g ri n d e r, ro l l i n g p i n s an d ya rd st i cks. M an y u n l i st e d co l l e cti b l e s!
1101 S. Jefferson Street Kearney, MO (Corner of Highway 33 and 11th Street)
Saturday June 27th – 11 a.m. Y ard i s co m p l e te l y s h ad e d – No f o o d s e rv e d C o v i d •re DAY g u 2l ati• SATURDAY, o n s to b e AUGUST f o l l o w e1ST d
• Antiques • Collectibles • Quality Guns and Pistol • Large Gun Safe
C ro cks; b u tte r m o l d s; Ro se vi l l e M cC o y , Sh aw n e e , p o tte ry . 2 ce d ar ch e st s, o i l l am p s i n cl u d i n g L i n co l n d rap e , A l ad d i n d rap e , b rass l am p s, p o tte ry , co l l e cti o n o f 19 30 – 19 60 b o ard g am e s, co sm o s b u tte r d i sh RS P ru si a C h i n a p i e ce s , o th e r G e rm an an d F re n ch ch i n a, b e e r co l l e cti b l e s, Jo - D o n d o l l s n i ce co l l e cti o n , D e p re si o n g l ass, cu rve d g l ass cu ri o cab i n e t, C l ark 6 d raw e r sp o o l cab i n e t, w al n u t an d m ah o g an y f u rn i tu re , 19 70’ s To n ka to ys, h o t w h e e l s, B arb i e co l l e cti o n . M an y M o d e rn H an d an d P o w e r To o l s. A p p l i an ce s – Se l l af te r re al e st ate , Wh i rl p o o l l arg e cap aci ty w ash e r w h i te , M ayt ag d rye r w h i te , A m an a M i cro w ave , E st ate E l e ctri c st o ve , Ro p e r Re f ri g e rato r.
Bill & Mary Goldberg • REAL ESTATE • 12 PM
Ni ce 3 B e d ro o m 1 ¾ b ath ran ch , A p p ro x. . 14 5 0 qs f e e t ce n tral ai r, B u i l t i n 19 5 8 o n e l e ve l , so m e h ard w o o d f l o o rs. Re al E st ate o f f e re d w i th re aso n ab l e re es rve
Darrell & Gwen (Salisbury) Houx Estate WWW.PICKETTAUCTION.COM
Terms: Cash or valid check with proper ID. Not responsible for accidents, thefts or errors in ads. Any corrections to ad made at auction.
items. Farm M achinery Consignment A uction on S hoM eM presented by Prunty A uctions & R ealty, L L C, Ph: 64 1.8 7 3 .4 262. M T S TE R L I N G , S ept 12: TR A CTO R - L I M E TR U CK - L I V E S TO CK TR A I L E R - M A CH I N E R Y & E Q U I PM E N T - M I S C. FA R M R E L A TE D I TE M S . S ee L O W E L L B E G G S on S hoM eM presented by Fett A uction S ervice, Ph: 64 1.68 0.7 8 28 . H unnewell, M O , S ept 12: Tractor, Trailer, B rush H og, Tools, G uns, A mmo, Crossbow, V ehicle S upplies, V arious S igns, M isc, and A ntiques. G aines Personal Property on S hoM eM ore. com presented by S cotty’s A uction, Ph: 57 3 .3 56.4 4 05. Princeton, M O , on S eptember 12: Formerly B ig G G rocery S tore & L iquidation S ale. S ee L I Q U I D A TI O N S A L E on S hoM eM presented by A llen A uction S ervice, Ph: 660.9 53 .03 4 6.
R ichmond, M O , S ept 12: S ee Col. R on & M arilyn R ichardson - Country S tore Primitives, A ntiques, Furniture, A dvertising, G as/O il, Trade S igns, Toys and Child’s I tems, Pressed S teel, Cast I ron, L amps, A laddin, U nusual Collectibles on S hoM eM by S teve R itter A uctioneering, 8 16.63 0.1252.
pon his dee
Clarence, M O , S ept 17 : R eal E state, M otorcycle, B oat, A ntique Toys, H ousehold, M isc., and Tools.. S ee Chittum 2 D ayFamily H o u R x eal E stE state ate A u cti o n & RePersonal Property al E st ate , P e rso onn al P ro p S hoM eM L o cati o n : 14 by 14 S B cotu rn am Ro ay A u57 cti3 .3 o 56.4 n 4 05. ty’s2 A D uction,
10 a. m . F ri d ay , Ju
l y 31, 202
M aryville, M O , S ept 26: 10 a. m . Satu rd ay , A u g u s t 1 Featuring: Rifles, Shotguns, M ilitary, H and G uns from Colt, Springfield, l an to atte n d W theathi s 2 d ay E st W P inchester, M arlin, e xci Parker ti n g auand cti o M n ore s erby, including S words, K nives A n yo n e w an ti n g f u l l l i st – P and several lots of A mmunition. P i ctu 150+ re s o E f state i te m sG un are se l l i n g on S hoM eM by Y ounger E m ai Al :uction K l p 39Company, @ ya h o o . co m 8 16.58 2.53 60.
P h o n e 8 16- 632- 0700
Kipp Special Auction
D ay 1 – F ri d ay Ju l y 31 – 10 60 S. Clay, Kingston, MO 64650 Sp o o n carve d w al n u t e n d t Saturday, August 8, 2020 f u rn i tu @ re ,9:30 n i ce coAM l l e cti o n o f D i u tee tom ths e ( p M assi an n g y o fw Jo e e re D arre l l ’ s an d B arb K i p p an au cti o n w h i an l l b e d h m e l d adat e th e q h u o m i l tse , vi n tag e h P arri sh , Wal l ace n u tti n g , A t 19 9 2 Ja yco 5 th w h e e l cam p e r; 19 75 H o n d a G o l d w i n g ; 19 8 5 ve s, D o add g e ve 4 x4 rtiTrusi ckn ; g i te m s, c C h e vr o l e t 4 x4 Tru ck; 19 8 9 L an d Ro ve kn r; i 2001 19 65 D i e se l M asse y F e rg u so n Tracto r;ars H o rse an D d rawo n th Sle e ri g i h te; m s f ro m b e H o rse D raw n Wag o n ; F l o ral are a ru g w / m atch i n g th ro w ru g ; Re cl i n e r; C o u ch ; E n d tab l e ; P i ctu re Ni s; p Wal n g l l e r an d p o l sh n e E l ve n s; g lStan i sh d iWe sh e l ve s; K i n g si ze h e ad b o ard an d f ram e ; C h e st o f d raw e rs; D re se r; G u n C ab i n e t; TV trays; F o tel d i n l eg chp h ai o rs; n Q e u ,i l tcorackf ; f e F e u l l g ri n d e r, r si ez 3p c. b l o n d e b e d ro o m se t; 2 Se ts o f ki tch e n tab l e & ch ai rs; A n ti q u e o rn ate Ne w H o m e se w i n g cab i n e t w / m ach i n e ; Ne w H o m e s e w i n g m ach i n e w / cab i n M e t; an D y re s u s n m l aki st e re d s e co w i n lg l e m ach i n e w / cab i n e t; Ro ya l se w i n g m ach i n e w / cab i n e t; C o o k b o o ks; C an n i n g j ars; P o ts & p an s; A so rte d d i sh e s; A so rte d si l ve rw are ; Je w e l te a b o w l s; B e d d i n g ; Q u i l ts; D o i l i e s; Ne w e r G E re f ri g e rato r; Wash e r & d rye r; D e e p f re e ze ; D e l l co m p u te r; H o rse co l l ar m i rro r; Sad d l e ; A n ti q u e cl o cks; H o m co st atu e s; O i l l am p s; C h ri st m as d é co r; H o l l y j o l l y roD ckay sa 2 n ta;Satu Rag g e rdd y ayA n n A & u A n d y d o l l s; A n ti q u e b o ttl e s; F e n to n o va l f l o ral tri n ke t d i sh w / h i n g e d l i d ; 10 g al . cro ck; 10 g al . b ro w n cro ck; C arn i va l g l ass; Je w e l ry b o xe s; F e w p i e ce s o f B Sam l ack H e i l l s l o G cati o l d ; C o o n st u – m 14 e Je w e l ry; F i l i n g cab i n e ts; A n ti q u e d ri l l p re s; 3p t. 2 b o tto m p l o w ; 3 p t. 5 f t. b l ad e ; 6 f t. b u sh h o g ; M i sc. to o l s
cti b l e s!
g u st 1 – 14
Kipp Family
B u rn am
Ro ad i n C h i l l i co th e
816-632-0700 Ni ce 3 B e d ro o m
Terms: Cash or valid check with proper ID. Not responsible for accidents, thefts or errors in ads. Any corrections to ad made at auction.
A p p ro x. . 14 5 0 sq
o o n
b ath r
f e e t ce n tr
B u i l t i n 19 5 8 o n e l e ve
l , so
July 28, 2020
ADZONE ... in print and online
drivers, nurses, teachers and more! like us on facebook
Help Wanted
Garage Sales
PA R T-TI M E D R I V E R . D aytime deliveries. O ne route once per week ( M onday) mostly to post offices plus 3 -4 days delivering real estate publication each month to store locations in the region. Totals about 65-7 0 hours per month @ $9 .4 5/hr. S ome lifting, loading newspaper bundles and mail sacks. M ust have clean driving record ( pass background check) and familiarity with G PS . I mmediate opening. A pply at G allatin Publishing Co., 609 B S . M ain, G allatin.
Custom round baling 5’x 6’ bales, slicing available, wet or dry. Call J amin R inehart 660-68 4 -69 7 7
R . H uston Trucking & Construction. A ll kinds of dirt work, clean out ponds, demolition clearing, pulling trees, site prep, dig basements and tree removal. J D Tractor with H yd ditch mower, brush cutter, track hoe, track loader, back hoe, doz er, scaper, mini hoe, skid loader, dump trucks. I nsured! Call R ick 660-3 3 4 -09 9 7 or R on 660663 -3 23 4 , cell 8 16-3 9 0-5161
E state S ale of J ewell & J ustin H olt. 1103 S . W illow, G allatin. Fri, J uly 3 1, 2020 8 -5, S at, A ug 1, 2020 8 -5. Cash O nly! N o E arly S ales! M ust wear mask! L imited number of customers in house at one time! H and sanitiz er will be provided, please bring your own mask. A ll must go... Furniture, bedroom sets, 60’s retro table & chairs, 50’s I H refrigerator, antiques/collectibles, old toys, old books, material, j ars, tools, push mowers, lots of household items, something for everyone.
D ungys M arket is now hiring. Part time and full time shift managers. Pick up application at D ungys M arket, 4 01 N M ain S t, G allatin M O . Smithfield: Now hiring Land N utrient M anagement Technicians in the rural counties of G entry, D aviess, S ullivan, Putnam & M ercer. Competitive Pay. Excellent Benefits. Apply online at or 17 9 9 9 U S H ighway 65, Princeton, M O 64 67 3 . E E O /A A
Evergreen Roofing - Residential & Commercial roofing and repair. N o j ob too big or too small. FR E E estimates. 660-3 3 4 -19 9 0 CU S TO M B U S H H O G G I N G - 20 ft. brush cutter. Call us to clean your pastures, etc. Peter B eery 660-654 -4 7 64 TH E H A M I L TO N B A N K checking/savings accounts, loans, I R A ’s and C.O .D .’s. V isit www.hamiltonbank. net or call 8 16-58 3 -214 3 . B ranch at L athrop, M O . M ember FD I C & E qual H ousing M ember.
Y O U R D I R T I S our bread and butter. Carpet and upholstery cleaning. D avid B aldwin, 8 16-63 2-2627 or toll-free 1-8 8 8 -8 54 -29 4 9 . Wanted
S ale Conducted by: “ J unk in the Trunk S isters” J oy 8 1628 8 -9 29 1 J ulie 660-663 7 262 S at., A ug. 1, 7 a.m. - ? ? L ots of girls clothes, N B -9 months, 10/12-16 and women’s clothes, med-3 X L . E x ersaucer, baby j umpers, and lots of other baby misc. S hoes, purses, lots of kitchen, sheets, decor, toys, and lots of other misc. 211 E V an B uren S t., Corner of Clay & E V an B uren, G allatin A dvertise your G arage S ale H E R E in the A dZ one. Call 660-7 07 -18 20
Garage Sales M O V I N G S A L E . L O TS of tools, furniture, gardening tools, Christmas decorations, household items, and much more! Thursday-S at, 7 /3 0-8 /1, 8 am-2pm. 1011 S . Prospect S t., G allatin 6609 7 3 -164 9 N ew hours for G allatin A CS C Thrift S hop & B ill’s B arn H ours: W e will be open every W ednesday from 8 -3 . 1207 S . Clay, 660-663 -24 7 8 . V isit our Facebook page at G allatin A dventist Community Center or on the web at
W anting to buy standing timber: Cottonwood, maple, oak, walnut. Call 660-64 6508 2 after 6pm M 000L dtf
J O B O PPO R TU N I TY : First Christian Church L ighthouse L earning Center, G allatin, M o. is taking applications for part time teacher. Call B ecky B utler for any questions. Phone 660-663 -9 618 . Notices D aviess County Food B ank, 1210 S . W illow, G allatin. H ours: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on W ednesdays. A ll business will be conducted outside. Please remain in your car. V isit the new Facebook page at G allatin A dventist Community Center and message the page to let them know you are there.
Call 816-259-5224 or toll free at 1-855-258-7592
July 2020
SERVING YOU SINCE 1941 835 S. Washington • Chillicothe, MO 660-646-5525
4 get your event
in the zone 660.707.1820 Deadline noon on thursday
Get your event in the AdZone FREE. Email us at
Au g u s t 7 J u ly 2 9 Second Harvest Pop-Up Mobile Food Pantry 10:00AM-NOON 100 Central Ave Chillicothe
J u ly 2 9 Imagine Your Story Land of Mythological Creatures 10:00AM Livingston Co. Library FACEBOOK
Au g u s t 1 Hands for Hope Poker Run & Party Proceeds benefit Evyrhett Morris Bike Registration 9:00AM Poker Run 12:00-4:00PM First Band 4:30PM Headliner 8:00PM Jamesport Tavern Jamesport
Flip Side Band 7:00-10:00PM Grand River Multipurpose Center (behind Taco Bell)
Au g u s t 8 Farmer’s Market 10:00AM-Noon Liv. Co. Courthouse. Chillicothe
Au g u s t 2 1
J u ly 3 1 Farmer’s Market 10:00AM-Noon Liv. Co. Courthouse. Chillicothe
Au g u s t 1 Farmer’s Market 10:00AM-Noon Liv. Co. Courthouse. Chillicothe
Flip Side Band 7:00-10:00PM Grand River Multipurpose Center (behind Taco Bell)
J u ly 3 1 Flip Side Band 7:00-10:00PM Grand River Multipurpose Center (behind Taco Bell)
Au g u s t 2 2 Square Dancing 7:30PM Grand River Multipurpose Center (behind Taco Bell)
Au g u s t 4 VOTE
Au g u s t 4
Au g u s t 1 Against All Odds Animal ResQ 10:00AM-2:00PM Westlake Ace Hardware Chillicothe
American Red Cross Blood Drive 12:00PM-5:00PM Livingston Co. Library 450 Locust St Chillicothe
JULY 27- AUGUST 1 Se p t e m b e r 7 Labor Day
Preview night July 31, 5-7PM
Designed for our senior patrons who may want help with online bidding
July 28, 2020 **Selected Varieties
WED 29
¢/lb 89 Chicken Thighs or Drumsticks Family Pack Frozen
1 Red Seedless
99/lb 2 Rump Roast
Fresh Boneless Beef
Hot Dogs
Fresh Family Pack 85% Lean
16 Oz
99 3 Johnsonville
Summer Sausage 12 Oz, **
1 Red or Black
¢/lb 99 Yellow Flesh
California Fresh
$ 99/lb
Sweet Corn
Farmland Sausage 8-12 Oz, **
$ 49 Dole Classic Romaine 9 Oz
99 4 Blue Ribbon
$ 29
$ 19
Classics Ice Cream
99 5 Best Choice
4 Qt Pail, **
Shredded Cheese 32 Oz, **
Smith’s Fruit Pies 35-37 Oz, **
Wheat Sandwich Bread
Load’d Sundaes
5 Pillsbury Rolls or Biscuits
5 Best Choice
99 5 Best Choice
48 Oz, **
45 Oz, **
Pizza Bites
Ice Cream
4-12 Oz, **
1 Jell-O
99 2 Post Cereal
1 Best Choice
99 4 Mrs.
1 Olathe Bi-Color 2/$
3 Sugardale
FRI 31
99 3 Red Seedless $
$ 49/lb
99/lb 3 Ground Round
20 Oz, **
4 Just Crack
An Egg Cups
2.25-3 Oz, **
Lean Cuisine Entrees 6-11 Oz, **
4 Best Choice
18 Oz, **
11-20 Oz, **
Gelatin or Pudding
13.5-25, **
6.5-10 Oz, **
5-8 Oz, **
9 Best Choice 4/$
.5 Liter Bottles, 24 Pack, **
99 5 Maxwell
House Coffee
10-30.6 Oz, **
6 Fritos or Cheetos
2-4 Ct, **
8.5 Oz, **
69 2 Quacker
$ 99
2 Blue Bunny
5 Lay’s Potato Chips
99 3 Gatorade $
20 Oz Bottles, 8 Pack, **
1 Kool-Aid 2
69 Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies
Drink Mix
Mrs. Buttersworth’s Syrup
Makes 2 Qts, **
24 Oz, **
7-14 Oz, **
99 7 Pepsi 12 Oz Cans 24 Pack, **
9 Pepsi
$ 49
.5 Liter Bottles 6pk 7.5 Oz Cans 6pk
7•Up Products
2 Liter Bottles, **