Gaslight Real Estate 2 4 7 S. Wa s h i n g t o n St
Your Hometown Realtors
Chillicothe, B Lile raymer, M eadville, W heeling, Chula, D awn, L udlow, M ooresville, U tica, H ale, G allatin, L ake V iking, Lindy , Broker J amesport, J ameson/Coffey, Pattonsburg, L ock S prings, W inston, A ltamont, H amilton, K idder, K ingston, Polo, 121 Washington Street Cowgill, Breckenridge, Nettleton, Mirabile, Trenton, Cameron, Lathrop, Brookfield Chillicothe, MO 64601 Ph: (660) 646-1417 Fax: (660) 646-1507
1 9 2 2 3 Hw y 6 5 , Ch i l l i c o t h e
2 stories, full finished basement. 4 beds, 3 bath. Central vacuum, see through fireplace, 2 laundry rooms. Pool with deck. Home on 12 ACRES #26128 -
July 28, 2020
Call Brandi Fahrmeir @ 660-973-2368
Ch i l l i c o t h e Lo b b y Ho u r s : WED
& THU R 9 AM
- 5 P M . P l e a s e u s e p h o n e o r e m a i l w h e n p o s s i b l e . Th a n k y o u .
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