- $140,000
i l l i c o th e 15 3 0 H i c k o ry D r. , C h ome on a h h bat .5 1 , bed 3 Updated pet, new car w larg e corner lot! Ne , new ces lian app / w ts ine cab kitch en new s, ture fix counter tops, new paint. h fres & tile new ty, ani v double
Call Amy Sisson @ 660-525-9133
August 15, 2017
like us on facebook!
Ch illicoth e, Braymer, Meadv ille, Wh eeling , Ch ula, Daw n, L udlow , Mooresv ille, Utica, Hale, Gallatin, L ake V iking , J amesport, J ameson/ Coffey, Pattonsburg , Loc prin s, inston, Alta ont, a ilton, idder, in ston, olo, ow ill, rec enrid e, Nettleton, Mirabile, renton, a eron, Lathrop, roo field
on page 15
CHIL L ICOTHE - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 | AdZone@GPCink.com GAL L ATIN - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 | Ads@GPCink.com Gallatin Publish ing Company | w w w .GPCink.com
Aug ust 1 5 , 2 0 1 7
*Channel Catfish *Largemouth Bass *Redear *Bluegill (Regular & Hybrid) *Minnows *Black Crappie (if avail.) *Grass Carp *Koi (if avail.)
MFA Ag Services in Gallatin, MO Wednesday, August 23, from noon to 1 p.m. TO PLACE AN ORDER CALL 1-870-578-9773
ARKANSAS PONDSTOCKERS, INC. No Debit or Credit Cards Accepted
Automotive FROST AUTOMOTIV E: Auto and truck parts & accessories. See us for all your parts needs. We also make h ydraulic h oses. South side Gallatin sq uare. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 2 1 9 9 8 Ford Rang er X L T, w h ite, reg ular cab, 4- cyl. 2 WD, manual 5 - speed. Bedliner, g ood rubber. Some fenderbumper damag e. 1 0 7 ,6 0 0 miles. Dependable ride. $ 1 ,7 5 0 . See or test driv e at Gallatin Publish ing Co, 6 6 0 .6 6 3 .2 1 5 4 w eekdays.
Business Opportunities Your messag e reach es ov er 1 8 ,0 0 0 h omes in Dav iess, Caldw ell, L iv ing ston & surrounding counties for as little as $ 7 in th e ADZONE? Call us at 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 or 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 to place your ad or email us at AdZone@ GPCink.com For Rent GAL L ATIN ESTATES APARTMENTS FOR RENT: 1 or 2 bdrm av ailable. HUD v ouch ers accepted. Rental assistance av ailable to th ose w h o q ualify. Eq ual h ousing opportunity. Call 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 3 1 1 4.
CAPNCM Seeking Electrical Contractors Community Action Partnership of North Central Missouri (CAPNCM) is advertising for a pool of qualified contractors who have the capability to provide electrical (knob and tube removal and rewire) services in the following counties: Caldwell, Daviess, Grundy, Harrison, Linn, Livingston, Mercer, Putnam, and Sullivan. All qualified contracted electrical companies will be required to comply with all contractor requirements. All electrical companies interested in contracting with CAPNCM should contact: Russell Reeter, Weatherization Director, CAPNCM, 1506 Oklahoma, Trenton MO 64683 or call 660-359-3907 ext. 1078, and/or download contractor checklist information from the agency’s website: www.capncm.org. Funding is provided by the US Department of Energy and Administered by the Missouri Department of Economic Development/Division of Energy. Additional funding is provided by the Low Income Energy Assistance Program, Ameren UE, Empire, and KCP&L. Qualified contractors must submit required documentation no later than September 11, 2017.
For Rent
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
L arg e 3 bedroom h ouse, open kitch en/ dining room/ liv ing room layout. Wash er & Dryer + all appliances included $ 7 5 0 / mo. Maintenance free. $ 7 5 0 deposit References/ credit ch eck req uired. 1 yr lease. 1 5 1 West Blackfoot Driv e, Ch illicoth e. 5 7 3 - 5 1 3 - 0 1 0 4
Mech anic Help Needed. L ake V iking Marine is L ooking for a New Mech anic. Competitiv e Pay & Great Working Env ironment. Send resume to randy@lakev iking marine.com
Driv ers: $ 5 ,0 0 0 Orientation Completion Bonus! Uniq ue Flatbed or DryV an Fleet! Ex cellent Annual Pay, Full o prehensive enefits 1yr Class- A CDL Call: 1 - 8 5 5 - 8 5 6 7 9 8 5
Bookkeeper 3 0 - 40 h ours per w eek. Pay dependent upon ex perience. Tax and/ or payroll know ledg e preferred but not req uired. Call 6 6 0 - 2 47 - 7 7 1 2 for details.
Detailer Help Needed. L ake V iking Marine is L ooking for a New Detailer. Competitiv e Pay & Great Working Env ironment. Send resume to randy@lakev iking marine.com
STORAGE UNITS: Outside lig h ting , surv eillance cameras, insulated to prev ent larg e temperature v ariances, different siz es av ailable. L ocated Hw y. O east of Gallatin. Critten Country Storag e, 6 6 0 - 6 0 5 - 3 3 5 0 .
Taking Applications for parttime mail room w orker. Duties include processing labels th roug h postal softw are, placing inserts into papers and h andling bundles for mailing . Full day on Mondays, part- time Tuesday th roug h Th ursday. Computer ex perience h elpful, but w ill train th e rig h t person. Av erag e 2 0 h ours w eekly. Apply by completing application form at Gallatin Publish ing Company, 6 0 9 B S. Main, during w eekday 8 - 5 business h ours. For more information, call Marj orie at 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 or email labels@g pcink.com.
Equipment For Rent CASE Skid L oader, 8 5 h p, by th e day, w eek or month . Contact Gallatin Truck & Tractor, Inc. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 0 3 or 2 1 0 4. Help Wanted Driv ers- CO & OOp’ s. Earn Great Money Running Dedicated tellar enefits ometime! Month ly Bonuses. Driv e Top- Notch Eq uipment! 8 5 5 -5 8 2 -2 2 6 5
Driv ers: $ 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 Orientation Completion Bonus! OTR, Flatbed, Reg ional & Point to Point L anes! ! ! Compreh ensiv e enefits New hires uaranteed minimum $ $ $ w eek) ! 1 yr CDL - A: 1 - 8 5 5 - 3 5 0 - 5 5 7 1 Dav iess County Sh eriff’ s Office is currently ta in applications for a part- time administrativ e clerk. Apply in person. Resumes req uired.
, P , C A, Part time e ening C T, Part time Transportation ust ha e Class license. Benefits a aila le. Come in or apply online
www.grandri erhealthcare.com Grand River Health Care
11 Trenton oad Chillicothe, O 660-646-0353
i sto Sc ool District is taki applicatio s for a Sc ool urse day a eek pplicatio s ca e o tai ed at t e sc ool or y calli
City of Pattons urg is seeking part time office help, ma 30 hours 5 days a week, no enefits, will e working with uick ooks, Through red and Sensus water Program software, filing, answering phones, etc. Applications can e picked up at City Hall or you may send a resume to City of Pattons urg, P.O Bo 226, Pattons urg, O 64670. Apps esume s must e in y 4 30P Septem er 11th, 2017. uestions, Contact aren Shepherd 660-367-4412
Basic co puter skills a d dri er s lice se re uired arts k o led e preferred ut ot re uired
Taking Bids M The City of Pattons urg A is taking ids or the repair of leaky roof around roof top heating and cooling units, Taking applications for part-time mailing room Bids must in y arch 15, 2016. workers. Duties will include placing inserts into papers and handling bundles for mailing. Average 20 hours weekly with potential for more for the applicant with computer savvy. Full day on Mondays, part-time Tuesday through Thursday. Apply by completing application form at Gallatin Publishing Company, 609B S. Main, during weekday business hours, 8-5. For further information, call 660-663-2154, ask for Mar orie. Or email labels gpcink.com.
Kidder Township Bids Kidder Township will be taking bids on a 1991 International Dump Truck and a separate bid on a mid-mount blade. Bids must be received by September 11, 2017. Bids may be mailed to Kidder Township, PO Box 48, Kidder, MO, 64649. If you have any questions on either item, please call Dale Crabb at 816.575.9310 or Tom Reedy at 816.288.1478 between the hours of 8am and 5pm. Kidder Township has the right to accept or reject any or all bids.
CHIL L ICOTHE | AdZone@GPCink.com | 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 | 43 0 C Wash ing ton St, Ch illicoth e MO 6 46 0 1 GAL L ATIN | 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 | 6 0 9 B South Main, Gallatin MO 6 46 40
Aug ust 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 For Sale
Pleasant View Produce Fresh Local Produce Pies & Baked Goods Available on Saturdays
Vegetable Boxes Available on Saturdays Pre-Order Only
Homemade Jams & Honey Available State
Directions: miles from H y.
on left or miles from
H y. on right
Monday thru Saturday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
S D Su days
Help Wanted
For Sale
Hilltop Grain Co. Polo is seeking FT employee. Work includes operating and maintaining farm eq uipment. Semi truck driv ing . Must h av e clean driv ing record for 3 years. Call 6 6 0 - 3 5 4- 2 5 5 7 or 8 1 6 - 2 8 42 5 2 2
BOATS FOR SAL E: New & used boats & pontoons, sev eral to ch oose from, j ust w atch our w ebsite, w w w . lakev iking marine.com or call 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 3 7 2 2 , L ake V iking Marine.
1 9 8 6 carg o trailer, all new lig h ts and w iring , tires are in g ood sh ape. $ 2 3 0 0 obo. Call 6 6 0 -9 7 3 -6 7 5 7 FOR SAL E - 1 / 2 butch ered beef, all or part of. 6 6 0 - 6 0 5 0 0 8 4 Used 1 6 x 7 2 mobile h ome, 2 bedroom, 2 bath , all appliances, built on sunroom, storag e sh ed, g reat sh ape, ready to mov e in. Hamilton. Call 8 1 6 46 5 - 1 0 8 0 or 8 1 6 - 46 5 - 1 5 44 CRAFTSMAN 1 0 - inch table saw , belt driv e, steel table w ith ex tensions, $ 3 5 0 ; Craftsman combination disk & belt sander on a stand, $ 2 0 0 , ow ner’ s anual M available, odel 1 1 3 .2 2 5 9 0 0 ; Craftsman 42 - inch deck riding mow er, 2 0 h p Koh ler eng ine, ex cellent condition, $ 40 0 , OM; Craftsman 40 - inch tine deth atch er, model 48 6 .2 43 1 5 1 , pulled w / mow er, $ 3 5 , OM; Craftsman 3 6 - inch law n aerator, model 6 1 0 .2 43 7 1 1 1 , pulled w / mow er, $ 6 5 , OM; Craftsman 2 2 - inch , 2 stag e snow blow er w / electric start, nearly new , $ 2 5 0 , OM; Double sh aft 1 / 2 h p, 3 45 0 RPM electric motor, best offer. All av ailable in Hamilton. Call 8 1 6 .9 5 6 .1 5 2 3 .
Greenhouse is Still Open
HELP WANTED Young V eterinary Clinic is looking for an energ etic and outg oing indiv idual to h elp staff our clinic. Th is position includes ex tensiv e w ork w ith clients on intake of patients as w ell as disch arg ing . Answ ering th e ph ones and directing calls in a professional manner, as w ell as sch eduling appointments and processing payments. For a more detailed ex planation of th e position av ailable please v isit our w ebsite @ young v etclinic.com.
Please mail resumes to 3 1 45 North Hw y 6 5 , Ch illicoth e, MO 6 46 0 1 .
OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE by Central Boiler Inc. FREE HEAT & h ot w ater. Eliminate month ly h eating bills. Call 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 3 8 6 6 today. No unday calls, please
END ROL L S av ailable $ 5 each ! Use end rolls of new sprint to w rap items for mov ing or sh ipping , or to make some fun art proj ects. We support recycling . J oin us by using th is eco- friendly option. Av ailable 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Mon.- Fri. at Gallatin Publish ing Co., 6 0 9 B S. Main, Gallatin. F, rain finish ed, deliv ery av ailable. $ 2 / lb. h ang ing w eig h t 6 6 0 - 9 7 3 2 7 8 6
For Sale
2 0 0 2 Cadillac 1 6 6 ,0 0 0 miles, $ 4,0 0 0 1 9 9 3 Ford F- 2 5 0 , 7 7 ,0 0 0 miles, $ 4,5 0 0 BOTH in g ood condition Call 6 6 0 7 0 7 -3 8 6 2
BASE ROCK, BL ACK DIRT AN fill dirt uston ruc ing & Construction, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 3 2 3 4 or 6 6 0 - 3 3 4- 0 9 9 7 .
Serv ice ag e Yorksh ire and Black Poland boars for sale. Free deliv ery North w est Missouri 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 6 7 7 0
Applicants th at call or stop by th e clinic inq uiring about th e j ob w ill not be considered.
9 8 FORD Rang er, red, 4- w h eel driv e, no rust or dents, 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 mi, $ 40 0 0 and 2 0 0 4 Mustang conv ertible, silv er, 8 1 ,0 0 0 mi, slick, g reat sh ape, $ 8 0 0 0 . 7 0 2 S Dav iess. Call 6 6 0 .6 6 3 .9 7 0 8 . Real Estate Used 1 6 x 8 0 mobile h ome, 3 bedroom, 2 bath , all appliances, central h eat & A/ C, g reat condition, cov ered porch , q uiet location. Hamilton. Call 8 1 6 46 5 - 1 0 8 0 or 8 1 6 - 46 5 - 1 5 44 New 1 6 w ide mobile h omes, 2 or 3 bedroom, set up in Hamilton park, w ith decks and central A , financin available 8 1 6 - 46 5 - 1 0 8 0 or 8 1 6 - 46 5 1 5 44
Homemade ice cream by F rei d a M a ri e C rump Greetings from Poosey. My little brother would take about three turns of the crank then moan, “Okay, your turn.” I’d tell him that we still had about 200 cranks to go, but he’d always claim that his arm was on the verge of falling loose from his body. Miraculously, once the ice cream was ready his little arm was healed and he’d scoop the delicious stuff into his mouth. Homemade ice cream was the great healer. George Washington’s Mt. Vernon accounts say that he spent $200 on ice cream in the summer of 1790 after he’d successfully brushed the British back from our shores. Thomas Jefferson had an 18-step recipe for making homemade ice cream. Leave it to Tom to complicate things, but it became a part of our heritage. Some medical experts say that as the making of ice cream spread across the nation the reports of scurvy were nearly wiped out as the Vitamin D helped absorb the needed fruity vitamins. But those of us with some age and a bit of memory can remember the old hand crank ice cream maker. Mom would devise the mixture—a cup of sugar, one or two eggs, a half gallon of milk, some cream, and a vanilla bean or extract. Then Dad would pour the gloppy concoction into the churn, add ice, some salt, and turn it over to the youngsters to swat the mosquitoes on the back porch in between rotations of the handle. A gal named Nancy Johnson, who must have had biceps of steel, or a large family of children, patented the ice cream churn in 1843. When I was young and even dumber than I am now, I could never figure out the bit about adding the rock salt. You put in the ice, and when you add salt, the ice gets colder. Just didn’t make good sense, but once you took your first bite you didn’t really care. Mom would say that if the stuff didn’t get cold enough fast enough then we’d end up with a quart of butter instead of ice cream, so we dutifully salted our ice and trusted that she knew what she was talking out. Of course, the magic moment is when you unscrew the lid and lift the paddles out of the newly made treat. I always felt that the person who’d done the most churning should get the sublime pleasure of licking the paddles, but my little brother would somehow grab the crank every time Mom would come out onto the porch, then turn it back over to me to do the grunt work. We solved this crisis when Dad bought a churn with double paddles. Our mother knew our preferences so she’d flavor the ice cream to our liking, meaning just vanilla. But when we’d go over to the neighbors for an after supper dessert of their ice cream, I’d see Mrs. Stauffer putting things like pineapple into the mixture. Pineapple! She’d ruin a perfectly delicious batch of ice cream by adding fruit. Gastronomic blasphemy! And some people would lade their bowl of this frozen food of the gods with chocolate or butterscotch syrup. Oh, the humanity! They’d cover up this delectable once-a-year treat with flavorings! What an affront on your taste buds! While most at home ice cream chefs have opted for the electric churns and some even purchase ice cream machines, I miss the old hand crank, especially since there are one or two younger generations around to do the cranking. Turning on your new-fangled ice cream machine then spending a half hour playing video games while you wait for the stuff to get done does nothing to excite your taste buds. You really have a spend 30 minutes or so on a hot porch in mid-August with the June bugs dive bombing your back to really get the proper appreciation for homemade ice cream. Breville, Inc. offers the “Smart Scoop Ice Cream Maker,” with a backlit LED display, a self-refrigerating compressor, a timer, a “keep cool” setting, plus you can choose between 12 degrees of hardness and you can set the timer to play ice cream truck music when it’s ready. Bummer. I see no fun in all that, like having an ice cream app for your phone. Last week we went to a neighbor’s house with the promise of some homemade ice cream, “Just the way Grandma used to do it.” We were greeted at the kitchen door by the sound of a Cuisinart Automatic FroYo/Sorbet/Ice Cream maker, complete with LED backlit displays. No crank, no lick-able blades, no salted ice, no effort. Just didn’t taste right. Needed June bugs. You ever ‘round Poosey, stop by. We may not answer the door but you’ll enjoy the trip.
CHIL L ICOTHE - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 | AdZone@GPCink.com GAL L ATIN - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 | Ads@GPCink.com Gallatin Publish ing Company | w w w .GPCink.com
Aug ust 1 5 , 2 0 1 7
Gallatin Lumber Company
660-6 4-6010 660-6 4-6012 Fax les P rts
116 South Market, Gallatin, Mo.
Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm REDUCED
Gallatin: Waterfront cabin with dock. Living room with fireplace. Remodeled kitchen with concrete counter tops & new stainless steel appliances. Walk-out basement with 3/4 bath, bunk room, family room & wet bar. $369,900 #1972834
for your Family!
Come ee u o all you co uc io eed
er ice
Edwin Hostetler
Protect Assets
Phone: 660-663-2522
Gallatin: 20 acres w/ 2 ponds -- perfect for build and/or livestock. Close to Gallatin and in Gallatin school district. Low taxes and quick access to Hwy 6 via 210th Street. Small acreages like this one don't come along very often-- don't miss your chance! $68,000 #2030022
See me about Long-Term Care Insurance
Dallas Lockridge Insurance LLC Dallas ockrid e
DallasLockridgeInsurance gmail.com
e t•
Altamont: Great price for a lovely, remodeled, 2 story home with 3 large bedrooms, beautiful woodwork and an oversized insulated 2 car garage w/concrete floors. Updates include new bathroom, new heat and a/c unit, flooring, paint and more! Located on a corner lot in quiet small town. $73,000 #2044110
Chillicothe: Beautiful 1 ½ story home, recently remodeled inside and out with designer kitchen, vaulted ceiling living room, 4 bedrooms, full finished basement and 2 woodburning fireplaces! Situated on large corner lot in a great neighborhood. $263,000 #2021135
pc pc pc pc
Daviess County Real Estate Altamont - 2 bedroom plus sitting room, 2 bath , larg e master bath w / soaking tub, 2 sinks, separate sh ow er area, open kitch en/ dining & liv ing area, L arg e deck, patio area and 2 car g arag e. L ocated close to South entrance. $ 6 4,5 0 0 . #g pc2 0 6 2 5 3 0 US Farm & L and Real Estate Altamon - L ov ely, remodeled, 2 story h ome w ith 3 larg e bdrms, beautiful w oodw ork and an ov ersiz ed insulated 2 car g ara e w concrete floors Updates include new bath room, new h eat and a c unit, floorin , paint and more! L ocated on a corner lot in q uiet small tow n. $ 7 3 ,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 441 1 0 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country 6 6 0 -6 6 3 -5 7 5 7 Coffey - 1 ow ner, nestled into th e countryside on 5 3 +/ - w ooded acres, 2 ponds & maj estic v iew s! 4 bdrms & 2 bth s. 5 q uality built outbuilding s w ith new fencing on th e acreag e. Wood burnin fireplace New aint pen floor plan Lar e arden and flower beds. Potters sh ed rig h t out your back door! Cov ered front porch . Mature trees and a stocked pond! $ 2 40 ,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 5 3 6 8 5 Remax - Triple H Real Estate Team, Kansas City Gallatin - Ranch Home w ith Basement. Cute 2 bed 1 bath ranch h ome is ready for you! Home h as a full unfinished base ent, a one car attach ed g arag e and a nice back deck to relax . Sh ed for storag e. $ 5 5 ,0 0 0 . #1 1 8 0 L andmark Realty, Gallatin, MO
Gallatin - Ranch h ome w ith 3 bdr s possibly 4 and 2 full bath s, liv ing room, family roo or aster bdr , eat- in kitch en and laundry all on one lev el: Detach ed one car g arag e w ith concrete floor and electricity. $ 7 0 ,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 6 2 7 45 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 5 7 5 7 Gallatin - Ch arming 4 bdrm, 1 and 1 / 2 bath room 2 story h ome is located on a nice, sh ady corner lot w ith a pretty patio area and an ov ersiz ed 2 car detach ed g arag e: Ch arming 4 bedroom, 1 and 1 / 2 bath room 2 story h ome is located on a nice, sh ady corner lot w ith a pretty patio area and an ov ersiz ed 2 car detach ed g arag e. L arg e kitch en includes g as rang e and refrig erator, main lev el laundry room. Th is w ell kept h ome h as updates including v inyl siding , w indow s, roof and more! $ 8 9 ,9 0 0 . #g pc2 0 445 8 1 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 5 7 5 7 Gallatin - Beautiful h ome with terrific location wal ing distance to sch ool! 1 0 0 x 1 2 0 L ot: Finish ed w alkout basement. V ery nice yard w ith deck. Solid surface Corian countertops ric fireplace Natural g as furnace & also radiant h eat! Central v ac, double ov en! $ 1 1 5 ,0 0 0 . #g pc1 9 5 9 45 6 Berksh ire Hath aw ay HomeServ ices Hah n REAL TORS®, Cameron, MO 8 1 6 .6 3 2 .2 45 9 Gallatin - Attractiv e and w ell maintained ranch style h ome w / 3 bdrms and 2 1 / 2 bath s: You w ill lov e th e clean, fresh feel of th is h ome w ith its eat- in kitch en including appliances, low er
lev el featuring a larg e, remodeled family room and 1 / 2 bath , utility room w ith h ug e storag e area. Th e ex terior features a w elcoming entry, nice deck and mature trees located in a g reat neig h borh ood close to th e sch ool. Reduced: $ 1 3 5 ,9 0 0 . #g pc2 0 1 42 6 1 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 5 7 5 7 Gallatin - Ch arming Ranch h ome w ith many updates. L ov ely Ranch 3 bedroom 2 bath h ome is loaded with uality finishes and upg rades. A beautiful itchen with cera ic flooring , counter tops, tiled back splash , sink, faucet, cabinets, rang e h ood and h ardw are. Off th e kitch en an open dining area flows into the livin area both w ith fresh paint and ori inal hardwood floors Master bedroom and bath w ith updated tile sh ow er vanity and fi tures wo bedrooms w ith h ardw ood floors and double closets Full main lev el bath completely updated- including tiled floor, double vanity, and faucets. L ow er lev el
h as a larg e open area th at could be finished for ore liv ing area plus so much more. Th e attic h as th e spray foam insulation and updated roof in 2 0 1 0 . Fantastic opportunity to ow n th is beautiful h ome w h ich sits on a corner sh aded lot at th e edg e of tow n. $ 1 42 ,9 0 0 . #1 1 1 9 L andmark Realty, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 -6 6 3 -3 2 9 4 Gallatin - House w ith pool! J ust in time for summer! Th is mov e in ready 5 bedroom h ome sits on a larg e lot in a fantastic location near th e sch ool. Includes eat- in kitch en, liv ing room, larg e family room, 2 bath rooms, rec room, 2 car g arag e and carport. Out back, you can relax in th e sh ade of th e cov ered patio or cool off by taking a dip in th e refresh ing pool. Practical small sh ed w / electricity can be used for storing your tools or pool supplies. Take adv antag e of th is g reat family h ome! $ 1 45 ,0 0 0 . #1 1 7 1 L andmark Realty, 6 6 0 .6 6 3 .3 2 9 4 Gallatin - Beautiful Historic Home w ith Uniq ue
Features: Th is 40 0 0 sq ft, 2 - story h ome is located in a g reat neig h borh ood. Features 1 7 rooms w ith 4 bedrooms, leisure room, full bath w / j etted tub, and laundry room on second floor A lar e itchen w sunroom, formal dining , liv ing room, family room billiard room, music room and mudroom/ bath room are located on first floor Beautiful w inding dark w ood stairw ay, ornate fireplaces, poc et doors, and sev eral stained g lass w indow s are uniq ue to th is h ome w h ich w as built about 1 8 6 0 . Th e h ouse w as built by J osh ua Alex ander, w h o later w as Secretary of Commerce under President Wilson in 1 9 1 9 . Th e h ouse w as occupied by th e Alex ander family until purch ased by th e current ow ners in 1 9 7 1 . Call today and take adv antag e of th is offer! Ow ner/ Ag ent $ 1 49 ,5 0 0 . #1 1 1 6 L andmark Realty, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 .6 6 3 .3 2 9 4 Gallatin - MOTIV ATED SEL L ER! COUNTRY L IV • 239,900 ecuti e 4B dollhouse ING AT IT’ S FINEST: Re-
Heartland MLS JEFF FOLI - Broker 621 Locust, Chillicothe, Mo 660 247 1700 New agents: Jack Blank, Don White, Roxanne Rickey
lax ation aw aits you in th is w ell maintained 2 0 0 0 + sq ft 2 bedroom 2 bath h ome on 4 acres m/ l. Th e h ome features an eat- in kitch en, larg e master suite w ith w alk in closet and v intag e claw foot tub, ain floor laundry, and 2 4 x 1 6 partially finished fa ily roo dow nstairs. Th e seller h as recently repainted some of th e rooms, updated h all bath , and added new carpeting . Th ere is a 40 x 6 0 building w / concrete, a 1 2 x 2 0 insulated building w ith electricity. $ 1 7 4,9 0 0 . #g pc2 0 49 7 5 4 Berksh ire Hath aw ay HomeServ ices Hah n REAL TORS®, Cameron, MO 8 1 6 .6 3 2 .2 45 9
EQUITY MISSOURI REALTY LAND & HOME & AUCTION Heartland MLS 621 Locust, Chillicothe
REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • $ 5 One of Chillicothe s largest downtown commercial uildings on the s uare •$ 9 9 ecuti e dollhouse, 61 Shy r • $ 5 amesport B B • $ 5 idder 6B , includes orchard, ineyard and out- uildings • $5 21 acres near Blacksmith Corner • $5 5 Charming 3B , 2 garages, 409 Williams •$ 9 emodeled 4B 2BA home, new kitchen windows, asement, corner lot
Jeff Foli, Broker
Area Agents ack Blank, on White, o anne ickey ent to own
Owner roker
Owner roker
335 O largest do uildings 239,900 dollhouse 175 a 175 i orchard uildings 54,000 Blacksmi 52,500 garages, 34,900 4B 2BA kitchen w corner lo o rent
Owner uity Home
621 ocu
660 247
Aug ust 1 5 , 2 0 1 7
Mary’s Cleaning Services
! 5 2 $
CHILLICOTHE, MISSOURI Spray Foam, Cellulose and Fiberglass
Rick Boley
Scott Boley
page 15
play the scavenger hunt every week for your chance at $25
Call Mary @ 660.973.9992
660-973-3567 660-247-2969
Stabilized Cellulose • Insulation New Home Construction • Remodels • Commerical
Daviess County Real Estate Gallatin, MO - - L arg e family h ome w aiting for you: Beautiful kitch en & center island~ g reat for entertainin , appliances included 2 3 0 0 sq ft, Four bedrooms, 3 1 / 2 bath , new er w indow s, roof and more! Beautiful h ome inside and out! L arg e open liv ing area, fireplace ain level and in basement, perfect on th ose cold w inter nig h ts. Nice 2 car g arag e and th is h ome h as plenty of storag e! Basement w as in th e transition stag es of being
finished, tailor it to your needs! L ocated in a nice neig h borh ood. $ 1 9 0 ,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 6 1 7 41 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 5 7 5 7 Gallatin, MO - - Nice larg e ranch h ome w ith your family in mind less th an 2 miles from Gallatin on a pav ed road: Home features 2 9 2 0 ain floor s ft of livin space plus a full basement w ith lots of storag e, shower and a finished e ercise roo 3 2 s ft 5 bedrooms, 2 full & 2 h alf bath s, larg e eat in kitch en, dining room,and a larg e attic space on 2nd floor
th at w ould make a nice 6 th bedroom, or use your imag ination. Additional business opportunity w ith billboard located on th e property. Too many features to mention. $ 2 9 9 ,9 9 9 . #g pc2 0 47 9 3 1 Reece & Nich ols North Star, L aw son, MO 8 1 6 .5 8 0 .7 0 7 0 Pattonsburg , MO - - Family Friendly. 8 0 x 1 2 0 L ot: L ig h t fills this char in 3 bed 2 full bath , split lev el h ome featured j ust minutes from Beth any and Cameron. L ocated on a q uiet cul- desac in Pattonsburg , you’ ll h av e th e perfect amount
of room for your family w ith an easy w alk to sch ool and parks. V aulted ceiling s in kitch en and liv ing room. Kitch en features plenty of g ood storag e. L arg e dining space for family and friends. Coffered ceiling in master bedroom. Great deck ov erlooks nice backyard w ith mature trees. Th is h ome is priced to sell, a es it perfect for first time buyers or families. Call Rick Naylor today at 6 6 0 - 8 6 8 - 0 9 9 0 to see th is v ery appealing h ouse for yourself. $ 8 4,9 0 0 . #1 2 8 9 Homan Realty, Albany, MO 6 6 0 .7 2 6 .3 7 7 7
Winston, MO - - WINSTON: WINSTONV ery nice ranch style duplex close to th e sch ool in Winston. Unit A h as 3 bedrooms and 1 bath , w ith stov e, refrig erator, and dish w ash er. Unit B h as 1 bedroom and 1 bath with a fireplace his property h as g reat rental income potential or w ould make a g reat starter h ome. $ 6 4,9 0 0 . #3 3 6 9 Dav idson Real Estate, Cameron, MO Winston, MO - - WINSTON: lean, ener y efficient 3 bedroom, 1 bath Earth Contact in Winston. Th e h ome h as a laundry room, and th e stov e, refrig erator,
dish w ash er stay, th ere is also a g arbag e disposal. Th is h ome w ould make a g reat starter or rental h ome. $ 6 4,9 0 0 . #3 3 6 8 Dav idson Real Estate, Cameron, MO Winston, MO - - Cute 1 1 / 2 story h ome on 3 acres m/ l: Great location, small acreag e ready for your personal touch . 4 Bedroom, 2 bath h ome w ith 2 car detach ed 2 5 x 3 0 sh ed w ith concrete floors Nice level land, 2 w ells on th e property. Home needs a little TL C. $ 9 4,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 6 0 1 2 5 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 5 7 5 7
The Great American Eclipse on its path over 14 United States. For about two minutes, the sky within the path, about 70 miles wide, will go dark. This period of darkness is called totality. The totality, or umbra of the eclipse, will take about 17 minutes to cross Missouri. It will enter the state in the far northwest corner at 1:04 p.m., and will exit southeast of Cape Girardeau at 1:21 p.m. But the whole eclipse experience will start with first contact, which is when the moon first “touches” the edge of the sun — that’s the start of what is called the partial phase. For viewers in the most northwestern corner of Missouri,
The end — when the moon has moved all the way across the state, and following the partial phase after totality — will come for the last Missourians in the southeast at 2:48 p.m.
In this project, you will use common materials to create a device that allows you to safely view the solar eclipse. Materials Needed: Source: GreatAmericanEclipse.com
On Aug. 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will cut a swath across Missouri
Make a Pinhole Projector to View the Eclipse
that will happen at 11:38 a.m.
Nationwide, it will take the shadow of the total solar eclipse 94 minutes to cross the U.S. from central Oregon to South Carolina. Viewers who aren’t directly in the path will only see a partial eclipse. To see a list of Missouri communities in the path, visit www.eclipse2017.org/2017/ states/mo.htm. Another important aspect of eclipse viewing is safety. Eyes can be seriously damaged by looking at the sun, even in partial eclipse phases, without protection.
It’s never safe to look at the sun without protection, and the view leading up to the total solar eclipse is no different. Wearing safe eyewear is essential. Even cameras and cell phones can be damaged by their view of the sun. No sunglasses, X-rays, undeveloped film or other homemade filters are safe for looking at the sun.
Be sure eclipse glasses and hand-held solar viewers are certified (ISO 12312-2) to meet international safety standards. Certification should be printed inside. Do not cover or remove your eclipse glasses or filter while looking at the sun. Always turn away for both steps. Don’t look at the uneclipsed or partially eclipsed sun through
A total solar eclipse is about as bright as a full moon, and just as safe to look at, but totality passes quickly, and then filters are essential.
Sun light
Paper taped to inside end
Aluminum foil with pinhole
The Diamond Ring One phenomenon associated with a total solar eclipse is the "diamond ring." It appears just before the beginning of totality, when a single bright point of sunlight — the diamond — shines through a deep valley on the moon's edge and the inner corona — the ring — becomes visible. A second diamond ring appears at the end of totality when a deep valley on the opposite side of the retreating moon exposes a single bead of bright sunlight that begins to wash out the corona. Rick Fienberg/TravelQuest International/Wilderness Travel and eclipse.aas.org.
an unfiltered camera, telescope, binoculars, or any other optical device while using your eclipse glasses or hand-held solar viewer — the concentrated solar rays will damage the filter and enter your eye(s), causing serious injury.
Aluminum Foil, Pin, Sheet of White Paper Duct Tape , Small Cardboard Pieces
The U.S. Postal service will release a first-of-itskind stamp that changes when you touch it to commemorate the 2017 eclipse. The “Total Eclipse of the Sun” Forever stamp transforms into an image of the moon from the heat of a finger.
These and other tips on how to view the 2017 Solar Eclipse Safely can be found at https://eclipse.aas.org/eye-safety/safe-viewing.
the bigger your image of the sun will be.
Head goes here
Changeable U.S. Postage Stamp
Be Safe When Viewing
Long Box (minimum 6-ft. long) The longer your box is,
Eclipse watcher: I heard it was never safe to look directly at the sun without protective eyewear — is that true? Doctor Speck: It’s certainly true that you should never look at the bright disc of the sun without protection, but during totality — when the moon totally covers the main disc of the sun, the moon provides protection, the sun’s atmosphere is still visible, but only as bright as a full moon and so safe to look at with the naked eye.
2. Cover the end of the viewing tube with a piece of cardboard. Cut a 1-inch hole in the center of the cardboard. Tape a piece of foil over the hole, then poke a small hole in the foil with a pin. 3. At the other end of the tube, cut a goodsized viewing hole in the side of the box. Put a piece of white paper at the end of the box, right inside the viewing hole. This is the screen where your projected sun will appear. 4. When you use your viewer, you will point the pinhole end of the box right at the sun. To aim it, move it around until you see a round spot of light on the paper at the other end. That is your pinhole image of the sun.
Doctor SPECK
Eclipse watcher: I heard it's okay to look at the partial eclipse through undeveloped film, or X-ray film, or smoked glass. Doctor Speck: None of those techniques is safe. While it helps with the comfort level (it doesn1t hurt so much to look at the sun because it is darkened), it doesn1t cut out all the harmful light rays, especially in the infrared. The retina does not have nerves, so we don1t feel any pain even when damage is happening. Dr. Angela Speck is Director of Astronomy at University of Missouri, Columbia.
If you do not have a long box or tube, create one by taping two or more shorter tubes together. Remember to cut the ends of the tube and tape them together so light can travel the entire length of the tube.
Learning Standards: I can follow sequential directions to create a replica. I can make text-toworld connections. Learn more: eclipse.aas.org
Read more: “When the Sun Goes Dark,” by Fraknoi and Schatz
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Aug ust 1 5 , 2 0 1 7
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Caldwell County Real Estate
Braymer, MO - - Ranch Home on L arg e L ot. 8 5 X 3 2 5 L ot: Th e h ome h as 3 bedrooms, 1 bath , eatin kitch en, nice siz e liv ing room and utility room. Full unfinished base ent Deck off of Kitch en w ith a place for a pool. New metal roof. Ow ner g oing to paint outside. Garden spot. Nice larg e sh aded yard. $ 5 7 ,9 0 0 . #1 2 5 0 Connie E. Prindle Real Estate, Braymer, 6 6 0 - 6 45 - 2 1 2 3 Braymer, MO - - Fully remodeled bung alow h ome: Take a look at th is lov ely 2 bedroom h ome, th at h as been fully remodeled in 2 0 1 3 / 2 0 1 4. Th e h ome h as a one full bath , liv ing room, larg e utility/ mud room. Fenced back yard w ith small g arden utility sh ed. Nice treed lot. New furnace and a/ c in 2 0 1 6 . $ 6 2 ,5 0 0 . #1 2 41 Clev eng er Real Estate & Auction, Braymer, Braymer, MO - - Nice ranch h ome w ith larg e back yard: Take a look at th is lov ely 2 bedroom ranch h ome. Th e h ome h as liv ing room, eat in kitch en, 2 bedrooms, bath and nice front and rear decks. Full basement, partially finished, with stora e area and family room, laundry and partial bath and a one car g arag e. Th ere is a tw o car detach ed g arag e in back of h ome. Call to see th is h ome. $ 6 5 ,0 0 0 . #1 2 45 Clev eng er Real Estate & Auction, Braymer, MO Braymer, MO - - Come see th is spacious 4 BR 2 bath manufactured doublew ide on larg e lot. 1 9 0 x 1 0 0 L ot: Come see th is spacious 4
BR 2 bath manufactured doublew ide on larg e lot. You w ill lov e all th e room th is h ome offers. Eat in kitch en h as lots of cabinets & a center island. Home h as a liv ing room & a family room. Master BR suite includes a priv ate bath room. Maintenance free siding plus a larg e g rilling deck. A lot of h ome for th e $ $ . ML S#2 0 5 5 5 6 4 Call Cindy Spicer 8 1 6 - 6 6 5 - 6 7 44 $ 8 0 ,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 5 5 5 6 4 Reece & Nich ols North Star, L aw son, MO 8 1 6 .5 8 0 .7 0 7 0 Cameron, MO - - Beautiful updated ranch h ome on 5 +/ _ peaceful acres: Beautiful kitch en w ith stainless steel appliances, itchen island, tile floorin and g ranite countertops. Peaceful sitting room off kitch en w ould be perfect for reading , painting or any h obby. Basement is full and clean, tons of storag e. Beautiful w ood bar area built into one of th e rooms. 2 larg e outbuildin s on property 30 40 and 3 0 x 6 0 ) both w ith concrete floorin and 200 AM serv ice. Th e larg e one h as 3 1 0 ft doors. $ 2 6 9 ,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 4445 1 RE/ MAX Partners, Cameron, MO Hamilton, MO - - Warm ranch h ome w ith th ree bdrms and tw o full bath s located on tw o larg e city lots and adj acent to a v acant field 2 city lots Lot he property includes th ree outbuilding s/ barns. Th e main one is 3 0 x 8 0 and th e second one is 3 0 x 5 0 . Perfect for farm eq uipment or cars ri inal wood flooring in all bedrooms. Ceiling fans in kitch en, family room and all bedrooms. L aundry
MAGEE SURVEYING, LLC Call us for all your surveying needs!
and utility room located on ain floor for easy access Master bedroom features w alk out doors. $ 1 2 9 ,9 0 0 . #g pc1 9 7 2 5 9 1 RE/ MAX Partners, Cameron, MO Hamilton, MO - - L ov ely ranch h ome on corner lot in q uiet neig h borh ood: 3 bd, 2 1 / 2 ba 1 w ith w alk in sh ow er, lar e L w fireplace, bi kitch en, lots of cabinets. Full finished base ent w wood burnin fireplace, small kitch en, bath & laundry room. 2 car att. g arag e. Spiral staircase & h andicap accessible. Must see! $ 1 3 9 ,5 0 0 . #2 Arnaman Real Estate, Hamilton, MO Hamilton, MO - - Th is 1 . 5 year old like new 3 bed 2 bath h ome is a must see: Th e main lev el boasts a spacious open split bedroo floor plan with 1 13 sq uare feet of liv ing space. Th e main lev el features a reat roo with fire place, family room, mud/ laundry room, all 3 bedrooms, and both bath rooms. Th e master bedroom is h ug e completed w ith a big tub and w alk in sh ow er. Th ere is a full unfinished wal out basement th at comes stubbed for a 3 rd bath room. Th e h ome sits on a larg e corner lot and h as a 1 2 x 1 6 storag e sh ed on th e property. $ 2 3 9 ,9 0 0 . #g pc2 0 46 41 1 RE/ MAX Partners, Cameron, MO 8 1 6 .6 3 2 .1 0 8 8 Kidder, MO - - A g reat 3 bed 1 bath starter h ome on a corner lot th e h ome h ome and sh op sit on 4 city lots: With a older sh op th at h as many opportunities. $ 5 5 ,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 47 6 8 3 RE/ MAX Partners, Cameron, MO 8 1 6 .6 3 2 .1 0 8 8
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King ston, MO - - Older ing combo plus a formal h ome w ith lots of ch arac- dining room. Upstairs are ter and ch arm: Home is 4 bedroo s so e have remodeled w ith new er w in- new carpet) and 2 bath dow s, v inyl siding , new er rooms. Th e w alkout baseelectric, beautiful kitch en ent is partially finished cabinets and spacious liv - - sh eetrock is done and ing room/ dining room com- painted, needs trim and bo. Detach ed g arag e and floorin New A 201 metal outbuilding . Home $ 2 2 5 ,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 6 2 41 6 is located on 2 city lots. Berksh ire Hath aw ay Ho$ 5 5 ,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 2 9 6 8 8 meServ ices Hah n REAL Reece Nich ols REAL - TORS®, Cameron, MO TORS® Ex celsior Spring s 8 1 6 .6 3 2 .2 45 9 - Bill Hig h tow er Team, Ex - Polo, MO - - Beautiful land celsior Spring s, MO w ith a h ome to make your L aw son, MO - - Th is is th e ow n: Th is h ome is being 1 7 + Acres location you sold As- Is so you can really h av e been looking for! personaliz e to your taste! 1 7 .2 0 Acres: 2 ponds for Walk- in attic can easily your own fishin et away be conv erted into a room. rig h t out your door! A little 4 sh eds and a barn for fishin shac , doc , fire ample storag e space and pit are sure to be enj oyed parking . 4 ponds located by all! Home features a on fenced property! Roof spacious master bedroom only 1 yr old and h as a 40 w / sliding g lass doors to year w arranty! ! $ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 . enj oy your country v iew s, #g pc2 0 2 2 48 6 US Farm & 2 additional bedrooms w / L and Real Estate larg e w alk in closets, a h ug e Livingston County laundry room, & a spacious Real Estate kitch en w ith eating bar/ Island. Th e liv ing room h as Ch illicoth e, MO - - Affordable a hu e asonry fireplace L iv ing ! 0 .2 0 Acres. 7 8 x 1 1 2 Roof, HWH, HV AC all un- L ot: 2 - bedroom h ome on a der 1 0 years old. $ 1 6 5 ,0 0 0 . dead- end street w ith g reat #g pc2 0 5 40 8 9 Reece Nich - bones. New er roof, new er ols REAL TORS® Ex celsior w indow s, 1 car attach ed g aSpring s - Bill Hig h tow er rag e, larg e liv ing / dining room combo, as w ell as eat- in kitch Team, Ex celsior Spring s, Polo, MO - - NEW ROOF en w ith all appliances. En8 / 2 0 1 7 ! L ocated on black- closed porch , mostly fenced top, th is spacious 4 bdrm yard and new er storag e sh ed. h ome features beauti- Call L isa Sch oonov er at 6 6 0 , 00 ful wood floors a stone 7 4- 3 0 1 8 for your sh ow ing 20 Jackson today. $ 5 9 ,0 0 0 . #6 0 5 1 E CENfireplace 1 0 Acres he illicot e, Mo TURY 2 1 Smith & Associates, main lev el offers a big Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 .6 46 .2 1 41 country kitch en w ith din-
4 46
121 Washington Street Chillicothe, MO 64601
O 4 33
Ch illicoth e, MO - - Rental Income Property. 5 5 x 1 1 2 L ot: Rental Income Property. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath . Rents month to month for $ 5 0 0 w ith $ 5 0 0 deposit. $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 . #2 7 8 4/ 2 1 6 7 0 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Totally Remodeled and Mov e- in Ready! ! 6 0 x 8 6 L ot: Th is 1 ,3 1 8 sq . ft. remodeled h ome h as 3 bedrooms to include a master suite w ith a 3 / 4 bath and w alk- in closet. Th ere is a larg e liv ing room, eatin kitch en, full bath , laundry room and mud room. All new floorin throu hout, new interior paint, new ex terior paint and th e porch is currently being stained. Th ere is 2 - car driv ew ay. Th is is a g reat family h ome. Please call Debbie en ins at 660 3-0 36 to sch edule a sh ow ing . $ 6 2 ,5 0 0 . #2 0 5 9 E CENTURY 2 1 Smith & Associates, 6 6 0 .6 46 .2 1 41 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Bank Ow ned - Financing Av ailable! 1 0 1 x 1 3 0 + 1 0 0 x 1 3 0 L ot: Home s Bank Ow ned and th ey will consider financin ith a little lov e th is w ould be a g reat first ti e ho e or retire ent Full unfinished base ent with some framing . larg e lot w ith sed. Home w ill be sold as- is. $ 6 2 ,5 0 0 . #7 0 1 3 / 2 2 6 5 1 Gaslig h t Real Estate, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Inv estment Property. 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath Rental Income Property. Month ly Income $ 5 0 0 . Rents Month to Month $ 6 4,0 0 0 . #2 7 8 3 / 2 1 6 6 8 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7
Real Estate
indy ile
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1612 E Tenth St Trenton
208 Jackson Street Chillicothe Older 4 bed, 2-Story home w/some hardwood floors, beautiful woodwork, newer roof, furnace & air. Newer carpet & updated baths.
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Livingston County Real Estate Ch illicoth e, MO - - Mov e- In Ready! 7 0 x 1 1 3 L ot: Mov ein ready bung alow h as lots of updates. Th is is a g reat starter h ome for a 1 st time buyer! Offers 3 bedrooms, liv ing room, eat- in kitch en, full bath , and enclosed porch w ith laundry. All appliances stay, w h ich includes: fridg e, stov e, dish w ash er, g arbag e disposal, w ash er, and dryer. Partial basement. Outside offers an 1 8 x 2 4 sh op/ g arag e w ith g arag e door. Empty and easy to sh ow ! Call Glenda J oh nson at 6 6 0 - 2 47 - 2 0 3 4 for a sh ow ing today. $ 6 4,9 0 0 . #7 2 49 E CENTURY 2 1 Smith & Associates, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 .6 46 .2 1 41 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Remodeled, Cute- Cute- Cute! ! 8 5 x 1 1 2 L ot: Th is mov e- in ready 1 ,1 2 8 sq uare foot h ome h as 3 bedrooms, 1 full bath , liv ing room, family room, full utility room and a totally remodeled kitch en. Th is h ome offers some
terrific up rades he ho e sits on a larg e corner lot w ith an enclosed priv acy fence. L ov ely cov ered front porch , backyard concrete slab patio, a sing le car detach ed g arag e w ith carport. Please call Debbie at 660 3-0 36 for your personal v iew ing . Reduced: $ 7 4,9 0 0 . #2 0 5 6 E CENTURY 2 1 Smith & Associates, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 .6 46 .2 1 41 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Ch arming Older 2 Story With L ots Of Updates! 6 2 x 1 1 2 L ot: Th is h ome offers new paint inside and out, 3 bedrooms, 1 full bath , toilet room, liv ing room, dining room, and kitch en w ith g as stov e and dish w ash er. New er carpet, w indow s and laundry all on ain floor, plus much more. L arg e deck w ith an area for h ot tub. Nice yard. Partial basement. L ocated on a q uiet street. Contact Glenda J oh nson at 6 6 0 - 2 47 - 2 0 3 4 for a sh ow ing today. $ 7 8 ,5 0 0 . #7 2 47 E CENTURY 2 1 Smith & Associates, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 .6 46 .2 1 41
Pierce Auto Supply & Gun Works Paul & Terry Pierce, Owners 201 W. Jackson Street, Gallatin, Missouri 64640 h - 3-2 22 o - 3-277 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7am-6pm • Sat. 7am-12pm
Ch illicoth e, MO - - Corner L ot! ! 8 0 / 1 2 0 L ot: Th is h ome sits in a family friendly neig h borh ood, close th e dog park and Clay street park. Th e h ome h as been updated w ith v inyl siding , w indow s, metal roof, g utters, furnace, w ater h eater, sprinkler system in th e basement, ceramic tile in th e kitch en and tiled sh ow er. Fenced in back yard and an additional driv ew ay. $ 8 2 ,5 0 0 . #3 0 9 6 / 2 2 3 9 8 Gaslig h t Real Estate, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Dow nsiz ing in mind? You don’ t w ant to miss out on th is ranch h ome! Th is h ome h as h ad updates including carpet, paint, appliances, and much more! 2 bedrooms, liv ing room, larg e eat- in kitch en, full bath , and laundry room. 1 car g arag e, deck, and fenced yard. Won’ t last long ! Call Glenda J oh nson today at 6 6 0 - 2 47 - 2 0 3 4. $ 8 4,9 0 0 . #7 2 48 E CENTURY 2 1 Smith & Associates, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 .6 46 .2 1 41
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Ch illicoth e, MO - - It’ s So Good To Be Home! 5 4x 1 0 4 L ot: Nestled on a q uiet street w ith 2 lots and 2 4x 3 0 sh op - you will find this uaint 4 bedroo h ome w ith lots of ch aracter. Stucco siding and new er roof - th is h ome is g reat for family liv ing . Kitch en w ith appliances, dining room, larg e liv ing room, enclosed porch , 1 bedroom + full bath , and laundry h ook- ups all located on the ain floor pstairs h as 3 bedrooms + full bath , new er carpet, and h ardw ood floors Full base ent 1 2 bath . Natural g as h eat and central air. 2 4x 3 0 sh op h as concrete floor, heat, air, water, and larg e ov erh ead g arag e + stool area. L arg e lot w ith detach ed g arag e. Also included is an older h ome th at could be torn dow n to increase th e yard space! Ow ners say sell! Contact Glenda J oh nson at 6 6 0 - 2 47 - 2 0 3 4 for a sh ow ing today! $ 8 6 ,5 0 0 . #7 2 45 E CENTURY 2 1 Smith & Associates, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 .6 46 .2 1 41 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Historic Masterpiece! 7 0 x 1 1 2 L ot: Historic Masterpiece! Th is MUST SEE h ome w as masterfully constructed in 1 9 0 7 and offers a tremendous amount of ch aracter th roug h out. Th is 3 + bedrooms, 2 bath room h ome boasts ov er 3 ,1 0 0 sq . ft. of pure ch arm. Orig inal custom w ood w ork th roug h out. Beautifully maintained h ardw ood
floors, leased lass windows and h ig h ceiling s. Recently updated in all th e rig h t places. Updated plumbing , fresh ly painted inside and out, new central air unit 2015 , re odeled bath , tex tured w alls and ceiling s and a fresh ly stained porch . Th e 1 ,5 0 0 sq . ft. upstairs could accommodate additional open bedrooms or an out of th e w ay family room w ith bar, 3 / 4 bath and additional storag e space. Come inside and take a look your self. You don’ t w ant to miss out on th is one! Reduced: $ 8 8 ,9 0 0 . #2 8 0 2 / 2 2 2 9 3 Gaslig h t Real Estate, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - A Home w ith Ch arm and Ch aracter. 0 .1 5 Acres. A Home w ith Ch arm & Ch aracter Th is is a beautiful h ome th at needs a family w ith v ision th at w ill bring to it th e TL C it truly deserv es. Th e larg e entryw ay inv ites you into th is lov ely 2 ,2 0 0 sq ft h ome th at offer 4+ bedrooms, 1 full and 1 h alf bath , liv ing room, formal dining room, kitch en and ain floor laundry his h ome w as built in 1 8 8 5 and h as endured w onderfully w ith updates th roug h out th e years. Th ere is a detach ed g arag e and a fenced backyard. Please call Debbie J enins at 660 3-0 36 to set up a sh ow ing . $ 9 0 ,0 0 0 . #9 2 4 CENTURY 2 1 Smith & Associates, 6 6 0 .6 46 .2 1 41
Ch illicoth e, MO - - Great Family Updated Home! 1 0 5 x 9 0 L ot: Th is 3 bedroom, 2 bath h ome h as h ad lots of updates and much to offer. Th e spacious corner lot, w ood deck, metal siding , and 1 car attach ed g arag e all add v alue to th e h ome. Th e new er furnace, central air, duct w ork, and roof are a plus. Th e remodeled kitch en h as nice w ood cabinets, g ood q uality countertops, island, and stainless steel appliances. Th e 2 bath s are g reat for a family. Th is is a must see h ome! Call Sh aron Arr at 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 2 9 6 to v iew today. $ 9 6 ,0 0 0 . #5 0 9 0 E CENTURY 2 1 Smith & Associates, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 .6 46 .2 1 41 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Completely Updated! 7 5 x 1 42 L ot: L ots of updates since 2 0 1 2 up to th is past year! New ch ain link fence added. New g arbag e disposal, all new paint w ith w ainscot in dining area! $ 1 2 3 ,5 0 0 . #2 8 0 1 / 2 2 7 2 4 Gaslig h t Real Estate, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Close to Park - Great Family Home! 7 8 x 1 48 L ot: 3 Bedroom Cape Cod on a nice siz ed lot, close to park. New er carpet, h ardwood floors and detached g arag e. Reduced: $ 1 2 5 ,0 0 0 . #5 1 7 5 / 2 2 5 1 2 Gaslig h t Real Estate, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 6 46 - 1 41 7
CHIL L ICOTHE - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 | AdZone@GPCink.com GAL L ATIN - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 | Ads@GPCink.com Gallatin Publish ing Company | w w w .GPCink.com
Aug ust 1 5 , 2 0 1 7
Livingston County Real Estate Ch illicoth e, MO - - Family Friendly Neig h borh ood! 8 0 x 1 1 5 L ot: Th is 1 1 3 4 sq . ft. h ome h as 3 bedrooms an updated full bath and a laundry room ½ bath combination, larg e liv ing room and eatin kitch en. Th ere is a larg e 2 - car g arag e w ith a concrete driv ew ay. Th e backyard is spacious and fenced w ith lov ely landscaping and larg e beautiful sh ade trees. Th is h ome is a perfect for a v ariety of family needs. Please g iv e ebbie en ins a call at 660 9 7 3 - 0 9 3 6 to ask q uestions or to set up an appointment to v iew th e h ome. $ 1 2 6 ,0 0 0 . #2 0 5 8 E CENTURY 2 1 Smith & Associates, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 .6 46 .2 1 41
Ch illicoth e, MO - - Home Completely Remodeled. 5 0 x 1 2 0 L ot: Th is h ome w as remodeled in 1 9 9 8 , new kitch en, upper lev el all new ev eryth ing . ase ent finished out hat a classic! Stunning up to date kitch en w ith maple ch erry cabinets ardwood floors, 3 bath , larg e master bedroom w ith w alk in closet and attach ed bath . Sellers j ust installed new carpet in basement bedroom. New w ood deck! $ 1 2 9 ,0 0 0 . #2 8 1 2 Gaslig h t Real Estate, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Home Completely Remodeled. Th is h ome w as remodeled in 1 9 9 8 , new kitch en, upper lev el all new ev eryth ing . Basement finished out hat a classic Stunning up to date kitch en
w ith maple ch erry cabinets. ardwood floors, 3 bath, lar e master bedroom w ith w alk in closet and attach ed bath . Sellers j ust installed new carpet in basement bedroom. New w ood deck! $ 1 2 9 ,0 0 0 . #2 8 1 2 / 2 2 7 6 1 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Built in 2 0 1 3 ! Built in 2 0 1 3 th is h ome h as 2 bedrooms and 2 bath rooms. Th is h ome is on a slab and h as a 2 car attach ed g arag e w ith a storm sh elter. It h as g reat curb appeal, landscaping , and a nice outdoor liv ing area. $ 1 3 0 ,0 0 0 . #3 0 9 9 / 2 2 5 41 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Updated And Mov e- In Ready! 8 0 x 1 2 0 L ot: Th is 3 bedroom ranch style h ome h as lots of updates
and is mov e- in ready! All new remodeled kitch en w ith w h ite w ood cabinets, q uartz countertops, stainless steel sink, new backsplash , upscale new stainless steel appliances, and is eat- in style w ith ample room for dining table. n ineered hardwood flooring in kitch en, liv ing room, and h allw ay. Th e 1 ,2 9 6 Sq . Ft ain floor has a co pletely remodeled bath . Th e 1 ,2 9 6 Sq . Ft. full basement w ith 5 5 0 Ft finished fa ily roo and ½ bath h as a larg e storag e area and laundry h ookups. Replacement w indow s, v inyl siding , and composite deck all add v alue along w ith th e attach ed g arag e and fenced backyard. $ 1 3 8 ,0 0 0 . #5 0 8 9 E CENTURY 2 1 Smith & Associates, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 .6 46 .2 1 41
Ch illicoth e, MO - - L ocation! ! Location is what you’ll find in th is updated ranch h ome situated in a g reat neig h borh ood. Th is h ome offers 3 bedrooms, a 3 / 4th bath , 1 / 2 bath , liv ing room, eat- in kitch en w ith new er cabinets, appliances, and ain floor laundry Full finished base ent with fa ily room, additional laundry h ookups, and storag e. 2 car attach ed g arag e and a beautiful landscaped fenced yard. Call Glenda J oh nson at 6 6 0 2 47 - 2 0 3 4 $ 1 3 9 ,0 0 0 . #7 2 5 0 E CENTURY 2 1 Smith & Associates, 6 6 0 .6 46 .2 1 41 Ch illicoth e - Great ranch located in a g reat neig h borh ood w ith 3 bdrms, 2 full & 1 h alf bath , h ug e yard and full unfinished base ent 140,000 #g pc2 0 2 2 0 9 2 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 5 7 5 7
Ch illicoth e, MO - - Updated Home on Corner L ot! 1 0 0 x 1 0 0 L ot: Updated 3 bedroom, 1 .5 bath h ome on a larg e corner lot! New carpet, new kitch en cabinets w ith appliances, new counter tops, new fi tures, new double vanity, new tile and fresh paint. $ 1 40 ,0 0 0 . #7 0 1 0 / 2 2 6 5 6 Gaslig h t Real Estate, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - L arg e family h ome w ith 4 bdrms, 1 full, 3 4 and 1 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, larg e formal dining room, liv ing room, dow nstairs family room, g ame room, w orksh op and laundry on an ex tra siz ed lot: Seller w ill include a $ 4,0 0 0 carpet allow ance! $ 1 42 ,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 2 9 3 7 0 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 6 6 3 -5 7 5 7
Aug ust 1 5 , 2 0 1 7
9AM C O M B IN E S IH 1 6 6 0 , Ax ial Flow , 2 w d, 43 0 0 h rs IH 1 6 40 , Ax ial Flow , 2 w d, 5 0 0 0 h rs IH 1 46 0 , 40 0 h rs on NEW motor, Specialty Rotor IH 1 440 , 3 0 0 0 h rs J D 7 7 2 0 Titan II, 1 40 0 h rs on ov erh aul & Work J D7 7 2 0 New Holland TR8 7 w / 2 0 ft platform Gleaner R5 0 , 3 0 8 6 h rs, 2 w d Sa l v a ge C o mbi n es: IH 1 440 , J D 7 7 2 0 H E AD E R S IH 1 0 2 0 2 0 ft IH 1 0 2 0 2 5 ft, like new , only 6 0 0 acres 2 ) IH 8 2 0 2 ) J D 6 3 5 F Heads - 0 7 & 0 8 J D9 1 8 ’0 3 J D9 2 2 F J D9 2 5 J D2 2 4 Gleaner 2 0 ft IH 1 0 8 3 J D 6 43 6 - 3 0 J D 444 8 Header trailers
T R AC T O R S, L O AD E R S 9 2 J D 49 6 0 , 8 8 7 0 h rs,1 5 speed pow ersh ift J D 48 40 , 9 0 0 0 h rs, Pow ersh ift J D 45 2 0 , 7 9 5 1 h rs J D 7 2 1 0 w / J D 7 40 loader, MFWD, 6 8 0 0 h rs 7 9 J D 4440 , 1 0 ,0 0 0 h rs, Clean 7 8 J oh n Deere 4440 , sh ow ing 1 7 0 0 h rs, q uad, duals J oh n Deere 1 0 2 0 6 5 J D 40 2 0 , Synch ro, diesel 6 8 J D 40 2 0 , Pow ersh ift 7 2 J D 40 2 0 , Pow ersh ift, Side Console, 6 42 1 h rs Oliv er 1 7 5 5 , 3 pt, Hydra pow er, g as, 6 2 0 0 h rs Oliv er 1 6 5 0 , 3 pt, Hydra pow er, g as, 5 46 0 h rs CIH 7 1 3 0 Mag num, Duals, 440 0 h rs, IH 1 5 8 6 , sh ow ing 2 1 7 3 h rs IH 1 0 8 6 , Duals, 43 0 0 h rs IH 1 0 8 6 , Open station, Roug h IH 1 0 6 6 , Open Station, Koyker loader
IH 1 0 6 6 , open, Duals, Weig h ts, Restored IH 5 2 8 8 , Cab, Heat, New Motor Ford 8 0 0 0 Ford 8 0 0 0 , 7 3 47 h rs, duals Ford 8 0 1 , Diesel Ford 3 0 0 0 AC 7 0 8 0 AC 7 0 0 0 AC 2 0 0 AC D1 7 III MF 3 0 7 0 w / w estendorf loader & g rapple MF 2 3 1 , Canopy Kubota L 2 8 5 0 , 3 9 0 0 h rs V ersatile 8 0 0 Series 2 , 3 pt, pto J I Case 2 6 7 0 NEW 5 5 40 9 7 D1 CAT Tractor Track 1 8 .4- 3 8 Duals- L ike new SAL V AG E T ra c to rs ( N o n R un n i n g) : AC 1 8 0 landh andler, AC D1 5 , MF 2 7 45 , Oliv er 1 8 5 0 L O AD E R S, B L AD E S CIH 2 3 5 0 L oader, 1 0 8 6 brackets Westendorf WL 42 Westendorf TA2 6 L oader Bush h og Q T2 8 46 J D 48 J D 46 Du- Al L oader Westendorf 2 1 Westendorf TA2 8 Werts Hydraulic Push Blade J D 5 3 4 Deg leman Blade P L AN T E R S, P L AN T I N G E Q U IP , D R IL L S Great Plains SS1 3 Endw h eel Drill Great Plains SS1 5 Drill J D8 2 0 0 J D B 1 8 x 7 drill Crustbuster 1 5 ft J D No. 6 , 2 row 3 pt J D7 0 0 0 8 -3 0 Kinz e PT- 6 w / interplants CIH 6 - 3 0 cyclo IH 8 - 3 0 cyclo Great Plains 3 0 ft G R AI N T R U C K S, T R AI L E R S ‘ 8 7 GMC 7 0 0 0 , 3 6 6 motor, Grain box ‘ 7 2 F7 0 0 Grain Truck, 5 5 ,6 45 miles ‘ 7 2 F7 0 0 Grain Truck, One ow ner, 43 7 5 7 miles ‘ 7 3 Ch ev rolet C6 5 , new brakes, 1 8 ft box , 5 1 7 7 6 miles ‘ 7 4 Ch ev rolet C6 0 Grain truck, 1 Ow ner 43 ,7 5 7 miles Ford F6 0 0 Grain Truck, Grav ity bed 8 1 Wilson, 7 2 ” sides 40 ft, h opper bottom, nice 7 9 Merrit Sing le Ax le Hopper J ay- Kee Grain Pup- Triple ax le GN 425 bu, Gravity flow ‘ 7 6 Ch ev rolet, Flatbed, new motor
SE M I S, V E H I C H L E S, AT V S ‘ 0 5 F5 5 0 , 4x 4, CL EAN, Flatbed, diesel, 9 6 ,0 0 0 miles ‘ 0 0 F5 5 0 , 4x 4, diesel, serv ice body ‘ 0 0 F3 5 0 , Bale bed, 5 .4 motor ‘ 0 2 Grand Ch erokee, 1 7 0 ,0 0 0 miles ‘ 9 5 Dodg e 2 5 0 0 , Dew Ez e Bed UD L andscape Truck 2 0 0 2 Honda 3 0 0 EX Honda Ranch er 40 0 T R AI L E R S ‘ 9 9 Great Dane Refer, 5 3 ft ‘01 30ft GN trailer-flatbed ‘ 9 9 Maurer, 1 5 K ax les, w inch , GN, h yd ramp ‘04 X-cel 40’ flatbed GN PJ 3 0 ’ 7 0 0 0 lb ax le Flatbd GN ‘ 0 0 Kodiak 2 4ft, 7 0 0 0 lb ax les flatbed 1 6 ft Continental Carg o ‘ 9 5 Titan 1 8 ft ‘ 1 5 1 2 Bale Inline GN ‘ 1 4 Inline Bale GN 8 bale Bumper Hitch Inline Donah ue Implement Trailer Sev eral Small Trailers C O N ST R U C T I O N E X C AV AT O R S, B AC K H O E , SK I D ST E E R S, D O Z E R S, SC R AP E R S, T R E N C H E R S, P U M P S, W E L D E R S ’ 9 8 Bobcat 7 7 3 , 6 0 0 0 h rs ’ 0 8 Bobcat T3 2 0 , 2 6 0 0 h rs, optional forestry packag e, tracks, 40 g pm pump Bobcat 8 6 3 , Clean Fiat Allis 1 4C, Farm Doz er Komatsu PC5 0 ex cav ator, New tracks, Knuckle Boom J D 45 0 D Craw ler Komatsu D2 1 S Track L oader 2 ) V ermeer T6 0 0 Trench ers ’ 49 Cat D6 , HYD, electric start 5 Isuz u Motors Cat 3 1 2 6 motor Pto Generator Ev ersman Scraper 3 yd Ev ersman scraper 5 yd Soilmov er 4yd Cummins 2 0 KW Gen Set IA1 2 Box Blade AN T I Q U E T R AC T O R S & E Q U IP M E N T J D A, Unstyled, Redone J D 7 0 w / 3 pt- NICE J D 7 3 0 , Diesel, narrow front J D MT McCormick W6 Farmall A, restored Farmall C, Restored Farmall H Farmall H Allis Ch almers WD45 AC H3 Craw ler, 6 w ay blade AC 41 6 L aw n Tractor
AC 3 2 0 L aw n Tractor Oliv er 5 5 0 - NR OOliv er 4 w h eel spreader M AN U R E SP R E AD E R S Farmh and 45 0 Tandem Ax le NH 2 1 4 J DR AC 2 9 9 Better Built 1 0 0 0 , Honey Wag on SP R AY E R S, AP P L I C AT I O N New L eader L 2 0 2 0 GT Bed Hardi Sp5 0 0 Sprayer- NICE Bestw ay Field Pro III, Rav en 440 Kuker 3 pt, 3 0 0 g a Summers 1 0 0 0 g a Sprayer- 6 0 ft J D 5 0 0 sprayer 7 sh ank Side dress Mach ine F I E L D C U L T I V AT O R S Wh ite 2 4’ Hesston 2 4’ Krause 41 0 0 HR 2 4’ Krause 41 0 0 HR 3 4’ CIH 48 0 0 2 4’ CIH 46 0 0 2 4’ J D9 8 0 2 6 ’ J D 9 6 0 2 4’ J D 1 0 1 0 2 4’ J D 1 1 0 0 2 1 ’ 3 pt IH 45 1 2 ’ Kent 2 1 ’ D I SK S, V E R T I C AL T I L L AG E McFarlane RD41 0 0 Durareel 41 ’ V ertical till Krause 3 9 5 0 7 in 2 0 ft J D 6 3 0 1 9 .5 ’ Krause 2 1 ’ J D 2 1 5 , 1 4’ Rome 6 ’ AC 3 3 0 0 1 6 ’ Krause 1 2 ’ Kew anee 1 2 ’ F O R AG E E Q U I P M E N T , F E E D IN G E Q U IP M E N T J D 5 40 0 Self- propelled Silag e Ch opper, 3 8 0 0 h rs, 3 r3 0 , pickup 2 IH 1 1 0 Silag e Wag on New Holland Silag e Wag on Sch w artz Mix er Feed Wag on J D 6 8 Aug er Wag on Roorda Feed Wag on New Idea 1 Row Picker Woods 1 Row Picker G R IN D E R M IX E R S Geh l 9 5 IH 1 2 5 0 Ow atonna 42 4 G R AI N E Q U I P M E N T , H AN D L I N G EZ Trail 5 1 0 Grain Cart w / Tarp J D 5 0 0 Grain Cart J D 5 0 0 Grain Cart Bradford 5 2 8 Grain cart - 5 2 0 bush el DMI 40 0 bush el, Double Door A& L 40 0 Grain cart Killbros 3 0 0 Killbros 2 2 0 Grav ity Wag on
Dakon Grav ity Wag on Trig g s 5 0 0 Bu, Grav ity 3 Barg e Box es Kew anee 40 ft Hutch ison 8 - 3 0 ft Grain Aug er 2 ) MAyrath 1 0 - 6 0 Aug ers w / sw ing C H I SE L S, R I P P E R S, M U L C H E R S, P L O W S, R O T AR Y H O E S, H AR R O W S Weath erall 6 - 3 0 Cultiv ator DMI 7 3 0 B 7 sh ank Disk Ripper L illiston Rotary cultiv ator 6 - 3 0 J D 1 6 ft Cultimulch er J D 40 0 1 5 ft Wilrich 1 0 sh ank PT Ch isel Ch alleng er 1 1 Sh ank Ch isel Redline 1 8 ft Harrow NEW Fuerst 3 4ft Harrow SK I D L O AD E R AT T AC H M E N T S ( Al l a tta c h men ts a re n ew & w i l l sel l w i th N O R eserv e) Sk i d Steer Q ui c k a tta c h Stout Brush Grapple 6 6 - 9 Stout Brush Grapple X HD8 4- 6 Stout Brush Grapple 7 2 - 8 Stout Brush Grapple 7 2 - 4 Stout Brush Grapple 7 2 - FB Stout Brush Grapple 7 2 - 3 Stout Rock Bucket/ Brush Grapple Combo HD7 2 - 3 Open End Stout Tree/ post puller Stout Walk- th roug h - Pallet forks Stout FB Pallet Forks 2 Tomah aw k Buckets Ground Force Brush Cutter- L ow flow GroundForce HD Tree Saw - L ow flow Kansas Clipper Tree Sh ear Skidsteer Backh oe 3 P T E Q U I P , M I SC Sh av er Post Driv er Sev eral 3 point Disk 2 pt to 3 pt conv ersion 3 pt Broadcast Seeder Ferg uson Ch isel Westendorf 3 pt Pallet forks Forklift Mast NV H 2 40 X HD blade Tuffox Bale Unroller Q uick Hitch es Super Rh ino 3 pt Blade Sh av er Post Dricer IA 1 8 0 Hyd Blade- New Danh ueser Post Dig g er 1 2 , 1 8 , 2 4in H AY E Q U I P - R O U N D B AL E R S J D5 3 5 J D 5 3 0 ,5 3 5 Gath ering w h eels Case IH RBX 5 6 2 NE- MO 4x 5 Round Baler MF 1 5 6 0 V ermeer 6 0 5 x l, Net NH 8 5 0 , Ch ain Baler
SQ U AR E B AL E R S NH 2 7 3 R AK E S Hesston 1 5 w h eel Hi- Cap V ermeer R- 2 3 6 ) New Holland Side Deliv ery Case IH 8 6 0 M O W E R S NH 1 41 2 Discbine, Nice MF DM1 3 0 9 Disc Mow er Kuh n GMD8 0 0 GII Enorossi DM- 6 Disc Mow er 2 NH 45 6 , Sickle Superior 3 9 4 7 ft J D 3 5 0 9 ft NH 45 1 9 ft SP E C I AL I N T E R E ST 1 3 Parts sh elv es Hog oiler L AW N M O W E R S, F I N I SH M O W E R S Woods Mow - N- Mach ine Zero turn- 3 40 h rs Grassh opper 6 1 6 Zero turn- NR Ag co Allis 1 6 1 3 H law n tractor L I V E ST O C K E Q U I P , H AY , H E D G E P O ST , H AR R O W S WW Hydraulic Sq ueez e Ch ute Portable Cattle Ch utes Fencing suppies Free Standing Cattle Panels 1 2 ft J oh n Boat Portable Creep Feeder 2 0 ft Alley w ay- portable B R U SH C U T T E R S Bush Hog 2 7 2 0 2 0 ’ 0 5 Bush Hog 2 6 1 5 L , nice Bush Hog 2 3 1 5 , L ittle use Bush h og 1 0 ft 3 pt Bush h og SM6 0 Ditch mow er Sh ultz 1 5 ft Caldw ell 1 5 ft Woods 1 0 ft & Woods 1 5 ’ How se 1 0 ft PT How se 1 0 ft 3 pt Rh ino SE7 , 3 pt Rh ino 1 5 ft Landpride AFM4016 15’ finish Sev eral Smaller cutters 3 pt M I N I B AR N S, D E E R ST AN D S, N E W T O O L S, L AW N G AT E S, Q U O N SE T B U IL D IN G S 8 ’ x 1 2 ’ Storag e Building 1 2 ’ x 6 ’ Cabin, w / porch 5 ’ x 5 ’ tow er stand, side door 3 0 ’ x 40 ’ x 1 2 ’ Q ounset 2 0 ’ x 42 ’ x 1 2 ’ Q ounset
J D 7 7 2 0 Titan II, 2 5 0 0 h rs J D 9 2 2 Platform; J D 6 43 Corn h ead J D 7 7 2 0 Salv ag e ‘ 7 2 J D 443 0 ; ‘ 5 9 J D 5 3 0 ; ‘ 5 7 J D 8 2 0 J D 3 0 1 0 ; J D B; ‘ 47 J D B ‘ 5 8 J D8 2 0 D, HWY Tractor w / scraper Oliv er 1 45 0 Diesel ’5 2 J D7 0 ; J D7 0 ; ’5 8 J D7 2 0 ’ 6 7 J D 40 2 0 , salv ag e ’ 6 6 J D 40 2 0 , salv ag e Case 3 3 Backh oe Caterpillar D4 Doz er J D 7 2 0 L oader, 443 0 mounts J D pallet fork attach ment McFArlane V ertical Tillag e Disk, 2 4’ Oliv er 6 btm plow Danh ueser post dig g er, Bobcat 6 1 0 , Skid steer J D 40 0 Grinder DMI Seed Cleaner Clark C2 0 8 Hig h L oader BMB Road Grader Blade Kuh n GMD8 0 0 Disk mow er 3 ) 1 2 ” I Beams,42 ’ Brow n Box Blade Multiple Row Crop Cultiv ators J D coil sh ank 2 0 ft ch isel J D 1 2 ft Disk; J D 6 40 Hay rake Willmar Fertiliz er Wag on ’ 7 2 Bush h og disk 2 4’ J D Kilifer Disk Runnning g ear J D 1 0 0 8 Brush Cutter Kinz e Planter units 2 Grav ity Wag ons J D 7 0 0 0 6 - 3 0 Planter IHC 1 2 ft Ch isel; Krause 1 2 ’ Ch isel Takeuch i TL 1 5 0 Track L oader Skid Steer Tree Puller Fuel Trailer; Honey Wag on IHC 1 2 ft 5 0 0 plow disk J D 6 btm plow ; J D 3 btm Rollov er plow Worksav er Stump Grinder, 3 pt Horse draw n eq uipment 3 w h eeler, old L aw n mow ers, etc. J D Parts, Combine Motors, J D Planter parts, multiple old plow s ’ 9 0 48 ft V an trailer ‘ 7 1 IH Grain Truck; ‘ 6 8 Dump Truck ‘ 5 2 GMC Grain Truck ’ 8 8 IH Sch ool bus ’ 9 9 Econ Flatbed GN Trailer ’ 0 0 Ford 2 5 0 0 , Non running ’ 6 9 IH Fleet star Dump Truck ’ 8 7 Ch ev y 1 5 0 0 ; ’ 9 7 Ch ev y S1 0 ’ 7 5 Ch ev y C6 5 Grain Truck ’ 6 9 Kenw orth W9 0 0 , Dump Sh op Tools, Welders, bolt & nut supply, antiq ue & modern tools, seed memorabilia, Hedg epost, electric tools. Feed bunks, Gates, Wolv en w ire roll, steel post, L umber, Sq ueez e ch ute, Concrete feed bunks, Tires, Duals a n d M O R E !
Shay Esbeck 660.605.0839 | Barney Esbeck 660.605.0841 | Justin Harlow 660.605.2346 N O T E : Partial Listing. More by sale day! Check online for the most up to date listings.
Terms: Cash , ch eck w / proper ID. Noth ing remov ed until settled for. Not responsible for th eft, accident or inadv ertent errors in adv ertising . Statements made day of sale take precedence ov er printed material. No items w ill be pre- sold. Sale bill subj ect to ch ang e.
Aug ust 1 5 , 2 0 1 7
FRIDAY, AUGUST 18TH • 12 NOON Tom Anderson, Personal epresentati e
Location: 2 miles orth of Braymer, O. ust orth of the all field on t A Blacktop ollow auctions signs the day of the sale.
Nearly 5 1
acres Land in Tracts E uipment Near-Ne bedroom Home 5 Che rolet Malibu and Household Items
TRACT : 310 Acres or , Plus ear- ew 2 Bedroom Home with a ice arage Shop. Location: Sec 35 T.56 26W Caldwell County. Crop Land: 2 2 Acres nrolled in 2017 C P, 7.9 acres C P Coming Out in all of 2017. Buyer Can Accept 100 of the 2017 42,562 Payment or Pay 10,641 and Take the and Out of C P, Then it Could e armed. Topography: ently olling Hill arm, ostly Terraced.
RA 0 Acres or Location: Sect 25 T56 26W Caldwell County Crop Land: 34.55 acres in C P, inal Payment 2024, Total Annual Payment 4,443. 40 Acres Crop and Currently Being armed. Topography: ently olling Hill arm
RA 22 Acres or Location: Sect 36 T56 26W Caldwell County. Crop Land: 1 .5 Acres Currently Being armed Topography: ood Bottom and
ehicle: 2015 Che rolet ali u S, 41k miles showing. Machinery: ord ew Holland 1920 SSS shuttle shift, Cat 1 3PT 6 3PT inish ower ord 5 Shank Pull-Type Chisel Plow 7 light 3PT Blade 12 Bo Scraper 6 3PT Brush Cutter ike ew 3 PT irt Scoop 500 gallon Pull-Type Sprayer 1 Pair 14.9 24, good tread 12 uest Harrow Pull-Type 4-16 gates 5 water tank.
RA 0 Acres or Location: Sect 30 T56 ange 25W i ingston County Crop Land: 65 Acres Currently Being armed Topography: ood Bottom and
Household: resser, Ta le, OTS of l is emora ilia, i son uitar A P, artin- oya uitar. Guns & Misc: urray awn ower 21HP 46 cut, og Chains, BB rill, Bench rinder, Sho els, Circular Saw, awn Cart, AT Sprayer, Poulan Chainsaw, loor ack, Battery Charger, Come-A- ong, Weed Tourch, ri e Socket Set, Heritage .22, ew ngland Arms 20ga., Ste ens .22, emington Speedmaster .22
Printable Information Packet Full Terms and Pre-Bidding a ailable at
10% down the day of the sale. Buyer will sign a standard contract. Buyer will assume all obligations of CRP and the existing tenant. Possession at time of closing within 30 days. Title insurance will be furnished by seller. Buyer to receive 100% of the CRP for 2017 and 50% of the growing crop.
find us on face ook at Rafter C Online Auctions
Auctioneer: Lonnie Se ell Phone:
C p to
In h a a In a w re a th n
Aug ust 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 ER, FARM REL ATED Braymer, MO, on Au- ITEMS, 1 4 NICE GUNS, g ust 1 8 : L and. See L ee HUNTING, FISHING & Anderson Estate Auc- OUTDOOR REL ATED ANTIQ UES, tion on GPCink.com by ITEMS, PRIMITIV ES, COL Sew ell Auction Serv ice, L ECTIBL ES, WIL D Ph : 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 8 6 3 0 . TURKEY FEDERATION Utica, MO, on Aug ust 1 9 : SCUL PTURES, FARM ANTIQ UES, COL L ECT- TOOL S, L AWN & GARIBL ES, OL D SETTL ERS DEN ITEMS, ZEROTOOL S & MACHINERY, TURN MOWER, POOL TOOL S, L UMBER. See TABL E, GOOD APPL ISTAMPER’ S GARAGE ANCES, FURNITURE, on GPCink.com by Mike HOUSEHOL D REL ATMiller Auction Serv ice, ED ITEMS. See L ew is Ph : 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 1 7 9 . McColm Trust on GPL udlow , MO, Aug 2 5 : 3 Cink.com presented by TRACTORS, MACHIN- Mike Miller Auction SerERY, NICE PICKUP v ice, Ph : 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 1 7 9 . & CAR, 4- WHEEL -
Gallatin, MO, Aug ust 2 6 : Call Sh ay Esbeck 6 6 0 6 0 5 - 0 8 3 9 or Barney Esbeck 6 6 0 - 6 0 5 - 0 8 41 . See B and S Eq uipment PreHarv est Consig nment Auction on GPCink. com presented by B& S Eq uipment Auction, Ph : 6 6 0 -6 0 5 -0 8 3 9 . Cow g ill, MO, Sept 8 : Tractors, V isible Gas Pumps, Model A & T Parts, Platform Scales, Metal Sig ns, Pedal Tractor, Tools, Collectibles, Anv il. See McElw ee on GPCink.com presented by Pickett Auction Serv ice, Ph : 8 1 6 - 6 6 9 - 3 43 3 .
CHAD 660.646.7931
LARRY 660.752.3228
Seed Tenders, Round Baler, Hay Rake, Disc Mow er, Finish Mow er, Doz er, Skid Steer, Kenw orth T6 0 0 trucks, Hopper Bottom Grain Trailers, Belly Dump trailer, Sleep Deck Trailer, Aluminum Tanker Trailers, ‘ 0 4 Dodg e 3 5 0 0 4WD Pickups. Farm eq uipment, fertiliz er eq uipment, AMS eq uipment, sh op tools, parts, etc. See No- Reserv e Kansas Retirement Auction on GPCink.com presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
Winston, MO, Sept 8 : PICKUP, 3 - WHEEL ERS, RIDING MOWERS, NEW WEL DER, TOOL S, L AWN & GARDEN ITEMS, ANTIQ UES & COL L ECTIBL ES, POOL TABL E, HOUSEHOL D REL ATED ITEMS, FURNITURE. See Mrs. Ph yllis King on GPCink.com by Mike Miller Auction, Ph : 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 1 7 9 . Hig h land, KS, Aug 1 7 : J oh n Deere Tractors, Combine, Flex Draper, Flex Corn Head, Planter, Tillag e, Spreader, Grain Carts, Fertiliz er Carts,
toc s ecial estate AUCTION 45312 Hwy K, Richmond, MO
Due to the passing of my husband, Ray Stock, I will hold an auction at the farm east of Millvillle, Mo. on route K, then north short distance on route E and continue east on route K to auction. Millville, Mo. is located north of Richmond, Mo. on highway 13 and east on route K 5 miles. DIRECTIONS FROM STET, MO. 6 MILES WEST ON ROUTE K TO auction. Plan to attend this outstanding auction for well-known area residents. or ite s sell t .
TRACTOR, PICKUP & MACHINERY 504 Farmall wide-front 4 cyl. gas tractor, very good appearance, overhauled recently. Serial 6 . New Holland 50 big round baler 6-unit big bale hay trailer 2001 like new 1 flatbed bumper hitch trailer with additional 4 sides Heavy duty winch 1996 Chevrolet 1 off-road 1500 half-ton 4x4 pickup with standard cab & long bed, automatic, blue, always kept inside. 196,000 miles. Star 3 pt. post hole digger with 10 digger. 3 pt. 6 rear blade 3 pt. rear spike 3 pt. lister 3 pt. rear scoop 3 pt. rotary cutter 4-wheel flatbed low profile wagon Heavy-duty front boom for tractor loader 2 1 .4x34 used tractor tires SPECIAL ITEMS INCLUDING FORD COUPE, CAMARO RS & JD GATOR
2014 JD 25i 4x4 Gator with winch, bumper guard, cab with doors, hyd. dump bed & blade, only 5 hours use. Offered with reasonable reserve. 1941 Ford Coupe street rod, color flat black with flame design, has 350 Chevy turbo engine, AM-FM CD player, equipped with AC, frame up restored. Excellent appearance and condition. With reasonable reserve. 2011 Camaro RS with stripe package, red with black stripes, leather heated seats, gauge package in console, excellent showroom appearance, 1 , 9 miles. With reasonable reserve. GUNS sell t . Winchester model 6 0A 30-06 rifle with Bushnell scope JC Higgins model 10125 410 5-shot shotgun Westernfield model 95 22 rifle with scope Sears 30-30 model 54 Win lever action rifle with sling 5-unit gun case Some ammunition Leather holster & belt
Domed tent, 2 camping mattresses 10 flat bottom boat ALMOST NEW GARAGE 12x16 portable garage with electric 220 & 110 wiring, overhead door with side entry door, 2 windows, ramps, like new, purchased in fall, 2016. To be removed by buyer. SHOP & POWER TOOLS Acetylene torch Lincoln 225 arc welder Floor drill press Good assortment of electric air & hand tools Puma 5 hp vertical air compressor Double stacked tool chest 2 heavy-duty floor acks 4 safety stands Roll-about shop seat 2 Stihl chainsaws High lift ack 2 3 engine on stand Shop press Power Mate 5000-6250 generator with Subaru engine Battery charger Log chains 20 aluminum ext. ladder
Sand blaster Set of ramps 3 pt. hydraulic lift boom Older bale spikes Fold-over single disc LAWN & GARDEN Husqvarna YTH 23V4 4 cut lawn tractor, only 19 hrs. Cub Cadet RT65 rear tine tiller with Honda GC 190 engine, almost new Earthquake front-tine tiller with 6. 5 hp Briggs engine 25-gallon sprayer for 4wheeler HOUSEHOLD & OTHER ITEMS 2 Lazy-boy recliners Highlander wood stove Several pcs. of furniture to be decided Several fishing rods & reels Collapsible pet kennel, small Antique parking meter MVP handicapped scooter, needs battery Exercise Pro form crosswalk 4 0 treadmill Roll of new woven wire Several 12 x20 tubes 3 – 30 short tubes Hay tarps
Mrs. Ray Martha Stoc
Terms: Cash or valid check with proper ID. Not responsible for accidents, thefts or errors in ads.
Kansas City, Aug 1 8 : REAL ESTATE - - L IV E OFF- SITE AUCTION WITH ONL INE BIDDING. See 40 Acre L and on GPCink.com presented by Cates Auction & Realty Co. Inc., Ph : 8 7 7 - 7 8 1 - 1 1 3 4. King City, MO, Aug 1 9 : Househ old, Tools, Collectibles, Antiq ues, Riding Mow er. See Clark on GPCink.com presented by Dollars Messner Auction, Ph : 6 6 0 - 7 2 6 - 3 2 5 2 . Marceline, MO, on Aug ust 1 9 : We w ill be selling a larg e selection of firear s Ma ority will be in “ V ery Good” condition. Great q uality! Th is is a L iv e Onsite & L iv e Online Auction. All local & federal law s apply. See Th e L ate J im Anderson No- Reserv e Firearm on GPCink.com presented by Teter Auction Serv ice, Ph : 6 6 0 - 7 3 4- 2 1 1 1 . Hamilton, IL , on Aug ust 2 2 : We are currently taking consig nments for th is larg e annual auction! We offer transportation, eq uipment detailing , ex tensiv e marketing , internet bidding , and more. See No- Reserv e Dealer & Farmer Auction on GPCink.com presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 . find more on www.GPCink.com
just married ~ consolidation
AUCTION 26034 SE State Route EE, Weatherby, MO
THURSDAY, AUGUST 24TH @ 10 AM Auction held at the farm home east of Weatherby, Mo. on state route 6, then south on state route EE, short distance to 26034 state route EE. Traveling I-35 north of Cameron, Mo. take exit 64 and go west on route 6 to route EE, then south to 26034 Route EE. Look for entrance sign marked Booner Valley. OWNERS SAYS: We are combining two households into one. As KC Royals announcer, Rex Hudler always says, new bride announces: “ IT'S GOT TO GO!” GOLDWING MOTORCYCLE & JOHN DEERE LAWN TRACTOR 1999 Honda Goldwing 1500 SE 50th Anniversary Special Edition with only 36,000 miles. Motorcycle comes equipped with 2 matching helmets with microphones & head sets. Motorcycle offered at 12 noon with reasonable reserve. JD Sabre lawn tractor with Kohler 23 hp Commander engine & new battery. GUNS, AMMUNITION, RELOADING EQUIPMENT, DECOYS, HUNTING CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES & FISHING EQUIPMENT -5 GUNS, MODERN TO ANTIQUE
Engraved Aguirre y Aranzabal (AYA) 12 ga. double barrel Very rare HS Brown machine gun barrel steel 20 gauge hammer double barrel Engraved Damascus barrel 10 gauge Very rare Merwin Hulbert saddle ring Jr. 22 long rifle Savage Arms Army training rifle 22 LR full length stock Reloading equipment & accessories for rifles, shotgun & pistols Reloading dies for rifles, shotgun & pistols Goose, duck & dove decoys QUALITY FURNITURE & OTHER ITEMS Mahogany china cabinet
Nice roll-top desk Camel-back steamer trunk Vision Fitness elliptical trainer Treadmill Exercise equipment & weights Swivel top TV stand Antique brass fire extinguisher Collectible shotgun shells in boxes POWER TOOLS & ITEMS OF VALUE Shop tools – Craftsman Professional drill press, band saw, radial arm saw New garden planter with plates Antique hand cultivator Wire cattle panels Farm gate & garden gate VARIOUS HOUSEHOLD & KITCHEN ITEMS NOT LISTED
Check Website for Full Listing & Photos
OFF ROAD PARKING AND SHELTER IN LARGE SHED Plan to attend this auction with a wide variety of useable items
Check Website for Full Listing & Photos JOE & DAWN ERKMANN
Terms: Cash or valid check with proper ID. Not responsible for accidents, thefts or errors in ads.
Aug ust 1 5 , 2 0 1 7
AUCTION Macon, MO, on Aug ust 2 4: ANTIQ UES, COL L ECTIBL ES, HISTORICAL , ARTIFACTS, ANTIQ UE SPORTING GOODS, COL L ECTIBL E FIREARMS AND OL D WEST MEMORABIL IA. See Old West Sh ow & on GPCink.com presented by L olli Broth ers L iv estock Market, Inc., Ph : 6 6 0 -3 8 5 -2 5 1 6 . Weath erby, MO, on Aug ust 2 4: Goldw ing Motorcycle, J oh n Deer L aw n Tractor, Guns, Ammunition, Reloading Eq uipment, Decoys, Hunting , Cloth ing , Guns, Furniture, Pow er Tools, and more. See Erkmann Special on GPCink. com by Pickett Auction Serv ice, Ph : 8 1 6 - 6 6 9 - 3 43 3 . Woodburn, IA, on Aug ust 2 5 : Tractors, Doz ers, Combines, Implements, V eh icles, MF Snow mobile, New Old Stock.
See G. Allen Heston Estate Auction on GPCink.com presented by Wag ner- Dent Auctions, Ph : 6 41 - 9 3 1 - 6 8 3 2 . Pilot Grov e, MO, on Aug ust 2 5 : Tractors, Farm Eq uipment, Trucks, Sh op Tools, Automotiv e Eq uipment. See Estate Mach inery on GPCink.com presented by Wh eeler Auctions & Real Estate, Ph : 6 6 0 .3 2 7 .5 8 9 0 or 6 6 0 .3 2 7 .1 8 0 6 . Trenton, MO, on Aug ust 2 5 : Real Estate, Farm Supplies. See Moores Farm Supply on GPCink.com by Arnold Auction Company, 6 6 0 .7 8 9 .2 3 6 5 or 6 6 0 .3 5 8 .49 0 0 . Dysart, IA, on Aug ust 2 6 : Combines, Tractors, L iv estock Eq uipment. See Farm Retirement on GPCink.com by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
Lamoni Livestock Auction Inc.
LAMONI, IOWA Regular Auction Every Thursday Special Sales as Advertised OFFICE (641)784-3323 Randy Gibson Jason Gibson 641-442-5501 641-782-0790
Paola, KS, on Aug ust 2 6 : Antiq ues, Collectibles, Furniture, Tools and Game Room Items. See Ch uck & Teresa How ard on GPCink.com by Dennis Wendt Auction, 9 1 3 .8 9 8 .3 3 3 7 .
Rich mond, Aug 2 6 : Plan to attend th is outstanding auction for w ell- know n area residents. Maj or items sell at 1 1 : 3 0 a.m. See Stock Special Estate on GPCink.com by Pickett Auction, 8 1 6 - 6 6 9 - 3 43 3 .
L EX INGTON, Aug ust 2 6 : TOYS, COL L ECTIBL ES, ANTIQ UE FURNITURE & MORE. See DAN WAL KER & OTHERS on GPCink.com by Adkins Auction, 6 6 0 - 2 5 9 - 2 40 9 .
Greentop, MO, Aug ust 2 8 : REAL ESTATE. See Greentop Grain Elev ator on GPCink.com by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
Memph is, MO, Aug ust 2 6 : ANTIQ UES, COL L ECTIBL ES, L AWN, SHOP , MISC HOUSEHOL D AND KITCHEN. See Dottie & th e late V ernon Yoder on GPCink. com by Fox Auction, L L C, 6 6 0 .3 41 .1 45 3 .
Trenton, Aug 2 8 : 3 TRACTORS, SKID STEER L OADER, DUMP TRUCK, FARM MACHINERY, TRAIL ERS, 4- WHEEL ERS, FARM REL ATED ITEMS, “ PIONEER” PONY WAGON. See Koenig on GPCink.com by Mike Miller Auction, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 1 7 9 .
AUCTIONS AUCTIONS roo field, M , on Aug ust 3 1 : L EFTON CHINA & FIGURINES, FURNITURE, APPL IANCES, ANTIQ UES, HOUSEHOL D REL ATED ITEMS, L AWN MOWER, TOOL S. See J ames “ J immy” Dow ell on GPCink.com presented by Mike Miller Auction Serv ice, Ph : 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 1 7 9 . Weath erby L ake, MO, Aug 3 1 : REAL ESTATE & PERSONAL PROPERTY. See McClure L akefront Estate on GPCink. com presented by Cates Auction & Realty Co. Inc., Ph : 8 7 7 - 7 8 1 - 1 1 3 4. Mex ico, MO, September 1 : REAL ESTATE. See Sandra Binder Ex ecutiv e Home
on GPCink.com presented by Central States Brokers & Auctioneers, Ph : 8 0 0 .49 9 .6 7 7 4. Corydon, IA, on September 2 : V eh icles, Farm Eq uipment. See Consig nment Auction on GPCink.com presented by Wag ner- Dent Auctions, Ph : 6 41 - 9 3 1 - 6 8 3 2 . Memph is, MO, on September 2 : ANTIQ UES AND COL L ECTIBL ES, HIT & MISS ENGINES AND PARTS, MACHINERY, SCAL ES, SHOP, MAGAZINES. See Sterling & Elaine Forrester on GPCink. com presented by Fox Auction, L L C, Ph : 6 6 0 .3 41 .1 45 3 . Sav annah , September 3 : Househ old, Collectables,
Aug ust 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 tools someth ing for ev eryone. Please plan to attend. See Geralds Estates on GPCink.
com presented by Kimble Auction Serv ice, Ph : 8 1 6 - 6 6 9 3 5 6 7 or 8 1 6 - 6 6 7 - 5 41 1 .
D ain & Amy Ireland O ners
-9 - 9
HWY WW Tina MO Market: - Mailing Address: PO Bo Chillicothe MO www.grandriverlivestock.com E-mail: d ain grandri erli estock.com Please call wain for further details on the upcoming sale 660-973-0097
Dan Dedrick: 660-646-8103 Pam Dedrick, Office Manager: 660-646-8119 Kurt Kleeman: 816-284-0611 Clark Allen: 660-973-6826 Wes Gorham: 816- 853-7359 L J Cahill: 660-322-1193
Sav annah , MO, on September 3 : See Geralds Estates on GPCink.com presented by Kimble Auction Serv ice, Ph : 8 1 6 - 6 6 9 - 3 5 6 7 or 8 1 6 - 6 6 7 5 41 1 . New Berlin, IL , on September 6 : HIGHL Y PRODUCTIV E FARM REAL ESTATE. See Mosely Farmland on GPCink.com presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 . Payson, IL , on September 6 : Real Estate in 4 Tracts, V eh icle, Appliances, Househ old & Antiq ues, Farm Items & Tools. See Ding erson Estate on GPCink.com presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 . Warsaw , IL , on September 7 : HANCOCK COUNTY FARM L AND. See 5 0 - Acre L and on GPCink.com presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
Atkinson, IL , on Sept 8 : FARM EQ UIPMENT. See Reiling Estate on GPCink.com presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 . Edina, MO, on Sept 1 2 : Selling approx imately 7 9 Acres± sub ect to survey in 1 tract located in Section 1 4, 61N , La elle ownsh ip approx imately 2 .5 miles south east of L aBelle, MO along Hw y. DD. L and represents h ig h ly productiv e tillable cropland, h unting / recreational as w ell as ex cellent building sites w ith state h ig h w ay frontag e. See L ew is County, M Land Auction Acres on GPCink.com presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 . Kirksv ille, MO, on Sept 1 2 : REAL ESTATE. See 2 3 1 Acre L and on GPCink.com presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 . Knox City, MO, on Sept 1 2 : Selling 5 0 .9 2 Acres± in 1 tract located in Section 8 , 61N 10 , eddo ownship approx imately 3 miles south w est of Knox City, MO. L and represents productiv e tillable cropland 24 6 acres currently enrolled in CRP) , stocked lake, outstanding w h itetail deer and w ild turkey h unting and offers beautiful building sites w ith rural w ater and electric. See Knox County, MO Land Auction 50 2 Acres on GPCink.com presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 . Houg h ton, IA, on September 1 3 : REAL ESTATE in 2 TRACTS. See 1 3 8 Acre Farmland on GPCink.com presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 . Mt. Pleasant, IA, on Sept 1 5 : HIGHL Y PRODUCTIV E REAL ESTATE. See 3 8 Acre Henry County L and on GPCink.com presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
MOTORCYCLE, FARM TOOLS, LAWN & GARDEN, ZERO-TURN, POOL TABLE 2009 Yamaha VStar 1300CC motorcycle, 24,000 actual miles, good condition, blue in color; one owner Cub Cadet Zero-Turn riding mower, 22 horse, 50” deck; 8 ft yard windmill; animal traps; park bench; patio table & chairs; portable air compressor; port air pig; air ratchet, impact, chisel & other air tools; many power tools; lots of wrenches; crescent wrenches up to 24”; 2.25 ton hyd floor jack; jack stands; car ramps; 1750 PSI power washer; gas bbq grill w/tank; bench-top grinder; Werner fold up alum ladder; log chains & boomers; come-a-long; many good yard & garden tools; bolt organizers; 2-wheel dolly; garden planter; loppers; prune saw; apple picker; Homelite chain saw; circular saws; chest-on-chest tool cabinet; large storage cabinet; heavy ext cords; oil & antifreeze; wet/dry shop vac; folding sawhorses; pet taxi’s; nice Dynamo pool table w/heavy slate, 45” wide by 7.5 ft long w/all accessories.
Fairbury, IL , on Sept 1 5 : Productiv e Illinois Farmland - Premier Recreational Acreag e - Inv estment Opportunities. See 40 0 Acre L iv ing ston County L and on GPCink.com presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 . Albany, Mo, on Sept 1 6 : V eh icles, Mach inery, Antiq ues, Collectibles, Guns, Househ old, & more. See Burns on GPCink.com presented by Dollars Messner Auction, Ph : 6 6 0 -7 2 6 -3 2 5 2 . Hamilton, MO, on Sept 1 6 : Th e items in th is estate belong ed to long - time residents of Hamilton and feature a v ariety of w ell- cared for h ouseh old and sh op materials as w ell as mach inery and v eh icles. Th is is a larg e auction w ith maj or items selling at approx imately 1 2 noon. See McIntosh Estate on GPCink.com presented by Pickett Auction Serv ice, Ph : 8 1 6 - 6 6 9 - 3 43 3 .
CHIL L ICOTHE - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 | AdZone@GPCink.com GAL L ATIN - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 | Ads@GPCink.com Gallatin Publish ing Company | w w w .GPCink.com
Aug ust 1 5 , 2 0 1 7
Real Estate
Used 1 6 w ide mobile h omes set up in Hamilton park, decks, central A/ C, close to sch ool. 8 1 6 - 46 5 - 1 0 8 0 or 8 1 6 46 5 - 1 5 44
J UL IA R. FIL L EY, Attorney at L aw . General Practice, Criminal Defense, Family L aw , & Probate. Free Initial Consultation. West side of Gallatin Sq uare. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 0 44
SIL V ER & GOL D COINS, dental g old, g old mounting s, sterling silv er, old w atch es & diamonds. Hig h est cash price paid. J unior Sandy 8 1 6 - 3 9 0 2 0 2 7 .
PEAK CONSTRUCTION — bath rooms, kitch ens, ex tra rooms, g arag es, basement finishin , s all roofs New business but years of ex perience. Affordable and Hig h Q uality. Aaron Balsbaug h 6 6 0 - 3 3 4- 1 9 9 0
V ENDORS WANTED for 2 0 1 7 Gallatin Ch autauq ua, Sept. 1 5 - 1 7 ! To sig n up g o to Dav iessCountyArt.com. Contact J essica at 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 5 2 7 1 or email: g allatinv endors@ g mail.com w ith q uestions.
Services Construction Serv ices: Residential - Commercial - Geo Tech nical. New Homes, Gara es, heds, oofin , New Plumbing , Sh otcrete sw imming pools,Concrete, Retaining w alls, Foundations, Decks and Additions. Commercial Building , Concrete patch ing , Soil Stabiliz ation, Sh otcrete tie back retaining w alls, Cemetery restoration. Booh er Construction. Ridg ew ay, Mo 5 2 0 - 6 8 6 - 48 8 6 Free pickup of any type of scrap metal, salv ag e v eh icles, farm mach inery/ implements, v eh icle batteries, appliances, etc.. call or tex t Doug : 6 6 0 6 0 5 - 0 5 9 3 or J ames: 6 6 0 - 9 7 3 448 8 YOUR DIRT IS our bread and butter. Carpet and uph olstery cleaning . Dav id Baldw in, 8 1 6 6 3 2 - 2 6 2 7 or toll- free 1 - 8 8 8 8 5 4- 2 9 49 . THE HAMIL TON BANK ch ecking / sav ing s accounts, loans, IRA’ s and C.O.D.’ s. V isit w w w .h amiltonbank.net or call 8 1 6 - 5 8 3 - 2 1 43 . New branch at L ath rop, MO. Member FDIC & Eq ual Housing Member. STUMP GRINDING. 6 6 0 7 49 - 5 7 1 3 or 8 1 6 - 8 0 4- 7 9 48 .
Kessing er Construction, L L C for all of your ex cav ation and backh oe needs, Bid rate or h ourly rate. Insured. Call Billy 8 1 6 - 6 0 6 - 3 3 40 or email kessing erconstructionllc@g mail. com Wanted
Garage Sales Garag e Sale, Saturday, Aug . 1 9 , 8 to 3 — Fabric, q uilt/ craft mag az ines and books. Microw av e cart, corner sh elf, piano, patterns, w omen’ s cloth es, lot more too much to mention. 5 1 2 W Samuel St., Hamilton, MO
Wanting to buy standing timber: Cottonw ood, maple, oak, w alnut. Call 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 5 0 8 2 after 6 : 0 0 p.m. M0 0 0 L dtf
ADV ENTIST CHURCH THRIFT Sh op, 1 2 0 7 S. Clay, Gallatin, Mo. Open: Ev ery Wednesday from 8 am- 4pm. Farm g round w anted. Com- Open during th e noon h our. petitiv e rates. Aaron L andes Free cloth ing at 1 2 0 6 S. Willow entrance. Open 8 am- 3 pm 6 Holiday 6 0 - 3 5 8 - 2 Schedule: 6 8 2 Dec 23-24 7am-5pm • CLOSED: ev ery Wed. 6 6 0 - 6 6 Dec 3 - 2 4725-29 8 Pasture to rent. Greg L andes 24-NOV 28. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. 6 CLOSED 6 0 - 7 48 - 5 8 1 NOV 6 www.myAdZone.com
Old Cookstove
Bakery • Deli Bulk Foods • Specialty Coffee one C un O the Bone iss ot e e u e Cheese Cheese 5 99 3 99 4 69 4 99 Pricing good August 16 thru August 26, 2017 • While supplies last.
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NWMO Steam N’ Gas Engine Grounds
AUGUST 18TH - 21ST 834 NW Osage Dr., Hamilton, MO
Threshing, sawmills, blacksmith and homestead skill demonstrations
Wheatland Tractors - All Makes
FEATURED ENGINE: Portable Steam Engines
Meals & snacks available. Limited camping available.
Special Show Extension Total Solar Eclipse Monday, August 21, 2017
All day ~ Steam and Gas Engine Exhibits 4 9,~ open music jamboree, upper stage 9 to noon to noon ~ Eclipse Seminars & Speakers, grandstands st 9 ee 99, e1:08 pm c ~4Total 9,Solar Eclipse, grandstands
o e Col 4 9 M ch 9-
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August 2017
SERVING YOU SINCE 1941 835 S. Washington • Chillicothe, MO www.clarksfurniture.com 660-646-5525
British Burger
Turkey & Ham
25 26
Chicken Fried Steak
Sweet & Spicy
August 18
Fiber Art Exhibit Tues-Fri 10:00AM-4:00PM Sat. 10:00AM-2:00PM Cultural Corner Art Guild & Gallery 424 Locust Chillicothe
Star Lab Mobile Planetarium 5:30-7:30PM Register by Aug 11 660-646-0547 Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe
August 17
August 18
Livingston Co. Women’s Democratic Club Meeting 6:30PM 1220 Elm St. Chillicothe
Cornerstone Church Party in the Park 6:30-8:30PM Simpson Park Chillicothe
Monday - Soup & Grilled Cheese Tuesday - Stuffed Green Peppers Wednesday - Chili Burger Thursday - Open Face Hot Beef Friday - Douille Burger
August Specials SERVED ALL DAY! Dine In Only
Open Face
Get your event in the AdZone FREE. Email us at AdZone@GPCink.com
August 8-September 1
British Burger
Boom Boom
Frisco Burger
INSIDE DAYS INN 606 W Business 36 • Chillicothe, MO 64601 • 660-646-6590
SATURDAY ONLY: Fantailed Coconut Shrimp... Only $9.99! August 28 AYBF Ham & Turkey Golf & Tournament Taco The Tuna Melt 7:30AM & 1:30PM Beans With Ham Melt Salad Cap’n Tee Times Cornbread Ron Green Hills Golf Course
Chicken Sandwich
Chillicothe 660-973-3104 The
Cap’n Ron
August 21 Greatest Eclipse Since Sliced Bread Watch Party 11:00AM-3:00PM Between Fairfield Inn & Comfort Inn Chillicothe
September 9 August 18-21 Northwest MO Steam & Gas Engine Show 1 mile west of Hamilton, on CC Hwy to 834 NW Osage Dr. Info call 816-284-2646 Hamilton
August 18
August 26
Good Times Dance Walter Plant 7:30PM Grand River Multi-Purpose Center (former Aldi’s building) Chillicothe
3rd Annual Battle of the Badges Charity softball game 6:00PM Danner Park Chillicothe
August 26 25th Annual Breakfast Fly-In & Drive-In 7:00AM-2:00PM Chillicothe Municipal Airport
Washer’s Tournament Main Street Chillicothe 5:00-8:00PM Silver Moon Plaza Chillicothe
September 9 & 10 2017 Chautauqua in the Park Simpson Park Chillicothe
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CHIL L ICOTHE - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 | AdZone@GPCink.com GAL L ATIN - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 | Ads@GPCink.com Gallatin Publish ing Company | w w w .GPCink.com
Aug ust 1 5 , 2 0 1 7
WED 16
FRI 18
SAT 19
MON 21
** Selected Varieties
1 /lb
$ 69
Pork Loin Assorted Chops Fresh Family Pack Bone-In
1 /lb $249/lb
Chicken Breast
Seedless Watermelon Fresh
Fresh Family Pack Thick Cut Bone-In
Kraft Macaroni & Cheese 7.25 Oz, **
General Mills Cereal
Yoplait GoGurt
Kellogg’s Pop•Tarts
Keebler Cookies
Best Choice Frozen Pot
7•Up Products
7•Up Products
12 oz cans, 12 pack,**
2 Liter Bottles, **
Gatorade 32oz, **
13.7-16 Oz, ** 21-28 Oz., ** 10 Ct, **
79¢ 10
Blue Bunny Bars
Blue Bunny Ice Cream
Best Choice Pudding Cups
46-48 Oz, **
$ 99
Best Choice Delux American Singles
Best Choice Peanut Butter
8 Oz, **
Best Choice Soda
Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing
12 oz cans 12 pk, **
2/$ 6 Ct, **
4 Pack, **
16 Oz, **
Best Choice Crackers
Best Choice Fruit Snacks
Bai Drinks
5-8 Oz, **
Best Choice Salsa
11.2-14.38 Oz, **
15 Oz, **
Kraft Cheese
8 Ct, **
$ 99
Red Delicious Apples
KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce
Kellogg’s Nutri Grain Bars
12 Ct, **
18 oz bottles, **
45 Oz, **
28-32 Oz, **
Bunch Broccoli
16 Oz, **
8.9-13 Oz, **
Best Choice Pizza Bites
Best Choice Pancake & Waffle Mix
4 99¢/lb
5 2/$
14-16 Oz, **
Dole Salads
Oscar Mayer Beef Franks
11-14 Oz, **
12.85-14.4 Oz, **
16 Oz 31/40 Ct Fully Cooked
Red, Green or Black Grapes
$ 99
Armour Meatballs
129/lb $179/lb $299
Colorado Peaches
Center Cut Pork Chops Aqua Star Shrimp
Frozen Boneless Skinless
$ 99
$ 69
20-24 Oz, **
16-16.3 Oz, **
KC Masterpiece Marinades 16 Oz, **