November 28, 2017
join us on facebook! Ch illicoth e, Braymer, Meadv ille, Wh eeling , Ch ula, Daw n, L udlow , Mooresv ille, Utica, Hale, Gallatin, L ake V iking , J amesport, J ameson/ Coffey, Pattonsburg , oc S rings inston ltamont amilton idder ingston olo Co gill rec enridge ettleton irabile renton Cameron at ro roo field
explore our new website WOODY’S OUTDOOR POWER
side by sides
lawn mowers
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915 S. Washington • Chillicothe, MO
on page 15
ol a
23-24 a -
2 -29
CLOSED 24-NOV Nov NOV ember 2 8 , 2 0 28. 1 7 HAPPY THANKSGIVING.
O Bu k
CHIL L ICOTHE - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 | GAL L ATIN - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 | Gallatin Publish ing Company | w w w
Protect Assets Come Visit Santa Claus
Bakery • e i oo s • ecia ty
ricing goo No 22 thru ec 2, 2 1
o ee
for your Family! ee me about Long erm are Insurance
Dallas Lockridge Insurance LLC
hile supplies last.
We now carry Essential Oils
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e, A ent •
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C ose Than sgi ing o en Fri ay No
7th 8:
SATURDA Sunday, Decem AUGUSTer ND rom TO M 14 MM 11AM
m, Sat 8:
1st St., Altamont . 4 .5 5
We now carry Essential Oils Agriculture
FOR SAL E - Reg istered black Ang us bulls, 1 8 month s old & older. Gentle. Call 6 6 0 - 6 5 4- 0 8 3 9 PAYING $ 7 5 / ACRE FOR RENTAL PASTURE. Will consider any siz e and location. Can do any fence repair necessary. 8 1 6 - 7 8 7 40 0 6 WANTED FARM GROUND to rent for 2 0 1 8 in Dav iess Co area. Call Brandon L ew is at 6 6 0 .8 6 8 .2 2 1 2 . WANTED - Wanting farm ground. e a ne urtis 6 6 0 - 9 7 3 - 2 0 3 1 or Wayne Curtis 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 8 9 2 6 Automotive
FROST AUTOMOTIV E: Auto and truck parts & accessories. See us for all your parts needs. We also make h ydraulic h oses. South side Gallatin sq uare. 6 6 0 -6 6 3 -2 1 5 2
Business Opportunities
ROOFING CONTRACTORS: Metal Roof Restoration and Flat Roof Products Manufacturer L ooking for ualified ndi iduals illing to receiv e training and install roofing s stems. 0 Years of Top Q uality Products and Dev eloping Successful Business Ow ners. Inv estment Req uired. Training Prov ided.8 1 6 - 42 5 - 1 1 5 5 For Rent
FOR RENT: 2 bedroom h ouse in Hale. No pets. $ 3 0 0 / month . Deposit req uired. Ev ening calls only 6 6 0 - 7 45 - 3 5 3 8 GAL L ATIN ESTATES APARTMENTS FOR RENT: 1 or 2 bdrm av ailable. HUD v ouch ers accepted. Rental assistance av ailable to th ose w h o q ualify. Eq ual h ousing opportunity. Call 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 3 1 1 4.
Johnson Controls Inc. is expanding & looking for RAL AL A A for its Albany MO Production Facility.
ositions a ai a e on mu ti e shifts If you are loo ing to oin a sta le an growing company, ohnson Contro s Inc is the place for you. ohnson Controls Inc. offers excellent enefits, (me ical, ental, ision, life insurance, 4 1- , health sa ings account an pai holi ays). ll intereste can i ates must apply online at . ohn oncon ro .co . o to careers then search A any Missouri an fin the appropriate o . No applications are ta en at the plant.
For Rent
For Sale
For Sale
STORAGE UNITS: Outside lig h ting , surv eillance cameras, insulated to prev ent larg e temperature v ariances, different siz es av ailable. L ocated Hw y. O east of Gallatin. Critten Country Storag e, 6 6 0 - 6 0 5 - 3 3 5 0 .
FOR SAL E - 2 4’ camper trailer, w ould make a g ood unting abin. 1100 1000 bu. grain bin 500 FREE Fill dirt,Mose Graber 6 6 0 - 6 8 4- 6 1 0 8
Fiv e 5 5 - g allon lig h tw eig h t metal barrels w ith lids and lid clamps. $ 1 0 each . Gallatin Publish ing Company, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 during w eekday business h ours.
Equipment For Rent CASE Skid L oader, 8 5 h p, by th e day, w eek or month . Contact Gallatin Truck & Tractor, Inc. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 0 3 or 2 1 0 4. For Sale
Carg o trailer, all new lig h ts and w iring , tires are in g ood sh ape. $ 2 0 0 0 obo. Call 6 6 0 9 7 3 -6 7 5 7
BOATS FOR SAL E: New & used boats & pontoons, sev eral to ch oose from, j ust w atch our w ebsite, w w w . lakev iking or call 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 3 7 2 2 , L ake V iking Marine. OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE by Central Boiler Inc. FREE HEAT & h ot w ater. Eliminate month ly h eating bills. Call 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 3 8 6 6 today. ( No Sunday calls, please) .
REACH OV ER 1 8 ,0 0 0 h ouseh olds w ith your classified message in t e dZone ... only $ 7 ! ( 2 5 w ords or less) . Call Gallatin 6 6 0 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 or Ch illicoth e 6 6 0 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 to place your ad! Email: ads@g
BASE ROCK, BL ACK fill dirt. uston ing & Construction, 6 6 3 - 3 2 3 4 or 6 6 0 - 3 3 4- 0
ro uction O erators
alsworth Inc., the 2 th largest .S. printer, has full-time Johnsonpro Controls Inc. is expanding uction positions a aila le on all three shifts at our and looking forMarceline, several qualified Missouri, Finishing Facility. candidates fore its willAlbany train the MO. right applicants on the latest Production print Facility. Positions in ustry technology. penings range from available on multiple entry le elshifts. to finishing machine operators. ua ifications: If you are looking to oin a stable and Ÿ Mechanical s ills or experience operating growing company, Johnson Controls in ustrial e uipment a plus Inc. is the place for you. Johnson Ÿ ility to rea measuring e ices Controls Inc. offers excellent benefits, ea vision, ing, writing (medical, Ÿ dental, lifean math s ills insurance, 401-k, health savings hysica e uirements: account and paid holidays). All erform tasmust s of aapply repetiti e nature interestedŸcandidates Ÿ le to stan an lift for exten online at www. . e perio s of time Ÿ ertime may eAlbany re uire Go to careers then search Missouri and find the appropriate pply at ob. No applications are taken at plant. career . a Johnson Controls is an aequal accompanies competiti e enefits pac age. opportunity employer. alsworth is an e ual opportunity/ isa ility/ eteran employer.
DIRT ruc 6 6 0 9 9 7 .
END ROL L S av ailable $ 5 each ! Use end rolls of new sprint to w rap items for mov ing or sh ipping , or to make some fun art proj ects. We support recycling . J oin us by using th is eco- friendly option. Av ailable 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Mon.- Fri. at Gallatin Publish ing Co., 6 0 9 B S. Main, Gallatin.
erience, some too s an ro uction echnicians
Compensation is commensurate with experience an
ohnson Controls is an e ual opportunity employer.
For Sale
ri er s icense nee e .
COME FOR.S.APPLICATION alsworth Inc., theIN 2 th largest printer, has full-time pro uction positions a aila le on all three shifts at our Marceline, Missouri, OO OOR O R M Finishing Facility. O .
e will train the right applicants on the latest print in ustry technology. penings range from entry le el to finishing machine operators.
Johnson Controls Inc. 2 1 est 136 usiness Highway, l any, M 6442
ualifications O R G for its Albany MO Production Facility. Mechanical s ills or experience operating in ustrial e uipment a plus ROe ices O R OR ility to rea LA measuring ealant ing,rowriting math ills to e etermine ) Can i ates with a uctionan Super isors (shift minimum of fi e years erifia le super isory experience are preferre .
refer achelor egree or ssociates egree with applica le experience, hysical e uirements energetic, uction ri en can i ates. Sheet Metal or erform tas results s of aorientate repetiti e, pro nature commercial ir Han nit experience le to stan an lift ling for exten e perioa plus. s of time Ifertime you aremay loo ing to oin e re uirea sta le an growing company, ohnson Controls Inc. is the place for you. ohnson Contro s Inc offers excellent enefits, (me ical, ental, ision, life insurance, 4 1- , health sa ings account, an
pply pai at ays).
Intereste can i ates must apply online at
Compensation is commensurate with experience . ohn oncon ro .coan accompanies a competiti e enefits pac age. o to careers then search A any Missouri an fin the appropriate o . alsworth is an e No ualapplications opportunity/ ility/ eteran areisa ta en at the plant.employer. ohnson Controls is an EE /
alsw rt is an e ual
Johnson Co 2001 West 1 Albany, MO Johnson Co Albany MO.
Plant Produ determined) of five years experience a Degree or A applicable e orientated, p Sheet Metal Unit experie
If you are lo growing com is the place offers excell vision, life in savings acc
All intereste online at ww rtunity disa ility careers eteran emthen l ye find the app are taken at
ADZONE ... in print and online
drivers, nurses, teachers and more! like us on facebook
CHIL L ICOTHE | | 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 | 43 0 C Wash ing ton St, Ch illicoth e MO 6 46 0 1 GAL L ATIN | 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 | 6 0 9 B South Main, Gallatin MO 6 46 40
Johnson Co
Nov ember 2 8 , 2 0 1 7
My personal thanks b y K en Bradb ury
Greetings from Poosey. I’ve taught theatre for some 40 years and therefore I know it’s not cool to step out of character. So, forgive the intrusion of Ken Bradbury into the world of Freida Marie Crump. On this Thanksgiving week the temptation was simply too great, the opportunity too obvious. When I began writing this column some 35 years ago (printed elsewhere as the Coonridge Digest), I took a personal vow to never appear personally in the column. But a diagnosis of esophageal cancer some months ago has changed my thinking on a great many things. Forgive a bit of self-indulgence on my part. Next week I promise that Freida will once again grab the reins.
Help Wanted
Mech anic Help Needed. L ake V iking Marine is L ooking for a New Mech anic. Competitiv e Pay & Great Working Env ironment. Send resume to randy@lakev iking WANTED: Driv er to distribute sh oppers ev ery Monday and also real estate copies one w eek per month . Drop copies at sch edule of locations w eekdays using company v an. Pays $ 8 .2 5 h r. ( about $ 45 0 / month ) . Immediate opening . Ask for Darryl at Gallatin Publish ing Co., 6 6 0 .6 6 3 .2 1 5 4.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
If you h av e people skills and know adv ertising , w e w ant to talk w ith you! Wag es, commissions, bonuses, cell ph one, v eh icle, paid v acation, 40 1 k options. Weekdays only. North Missouri territory. Computer skills, sales ex perience necessary. Apply online: w w w . h elp- w anted or email resume to Gallatin Publish ing Co., 6 0 9 B S. Main, Gallatin.
SUBSTITUTE SCHOOL NURSE w anted for Gallatin R- V Sch ool District. Applicants must be certified as an or . Contact t e Su erintendent s office at 60 S. Oliv e, Gallatin, MO, 6 46 40 or ph one 6 6 0 .6 6 3 .2 1 7 1 for an application. Th e Gallatin R- V Sch ool District is an eq ual opportunity employer.
HEL P WANTED: Substitute Cook, Hamilton Head Start. V isit w w w .g reenh illsh for j ob description and application, or call 6 6 0 3 5 9 - 2 2 1 4. E.O.I.
Consignment Auction North Missouri Produce Auction will be having a consignment auction
Saturday, December 2, at 10 a.m. At The North Missouri Produce Auction F Highway, 1 mile east of Jamesport
2 display tables
Auctions 1st & 3rd Items from Jamesport Sales & Surplus Saturdays Nov.-March & Jamesport Farm Supply & Hedge Posts, Straw, Shipped-in Produce & Misc. & 1 Four-cord load of Hedge Firewood & 20 Large bales, 5th cutting Alfalfa & Grass & 20 Large bales, 6th cutting Alfalfa & Grass & 20 Large Bales straw & 14 Large, 3rd cutting Alfalfa & 80 Small Square Bales, Alfalfa & grass
MISC: & & & & & &
Brinkman BBQ Grill, 4-burner 6 Stihl chainsaws 6 New style 20lb propane tanks 6 100lb propane tanks 4- 12ft. Steel Gates 10ft. Step Ladder
To list your items in next week’s sale bill, call the auction phone number listed below. Auction Phone: 660-684-6844-voicemail • Auctioneer: Lance Croy - 816-284-2140
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Detailer Help Needed. L ake V iking Marine is L ooking for a Detailer. Competitiv e Pay & Great Working Env ironment. Send resume to randy@lakev iking
DRIV ERS: $ 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 Orientation Completion Bonus! OTR, Flatbed, Reg ional & Point to Point L anes! ! ! Comre ensi e enefits e h ires g uaranteed minimum $ $ $ w eek) ! 1 yr CDL - A: 1 -8 5 5 -3 5 0 -5 5 7 1
Th e Gallatin R- V Sch ool District is accepting applications for substitute teach ers. lease contact t e office of th e Superintendent for more information. Th e Gallatin R- V Sch ool District is an eq ual opportunity employer.
DRIV ERS: $ 5 ,0 0 0 Orientation Completion Bonus! Uniq ue Flatbed or DryV an Fleet! Ex cellent Annual Pay, Full Compreh ensiv e Benefits 1 r Class C Call: 1 -8 5 5 -8 5 6 -7 9 8 5
PRODUCTION OPERATORS: Walsw orth Inc., th e 2 7 th larg est U.S. printer, h as full- time production positions av ailable on all th ree sh ifts at our Marceline, Missouri, Finish ing Facility. We w ill train th e rig h t applicants on th e latest print industry tech nolog y. Opening s rang e from entry lev el to finis ing mac ine o erators. ind ob descri tion ualifications and ph ysical req uirements online. Apply at w w w .w alsw orth . com/ careers Compensation is commensurate w ith ex perience and accompanies a competitiv e benefits ac age. als ort is an eq ual opportunity/ disability/ v eteran employer. J oh nson Controls Inc. is ex panding and looking for sev eral q ualified candidates for its lban Production Facility. Positions av ailable on multiple sh ifts. J oin a stable and g row ing company. J oh nson Controls Inc. offers ex cellent benefits medical dental, v ision, life insurance, 40 1 - k, h ealth sav ing s account and paid h olidays) . All interested candidates must apply online at w w w . j oh Go to careers th en search Albany MO & find t e a ro riate ob. o a plications are taken at th e plant. EOE Plant Production Superv isor in Albany MO ( sh ift to be determined) – Candidates w ith minimum fi e ears erifiable su erv isory ex perience are preferred. Prefer Bach elor Deg ree or Associates Deg ree w ith applicable ex perience, production driv en candidates. Sh eet Metal or commercial Air Handling Unit ex perience a plus. J oin a stable & g row ing company. Offering ex cellent benefits medical dental ision life insurance, 40 1 - k, h ealth sav ing s account, & paid h olidays) . All interested candidates must apply online at w w w .j oh nsoncontrols. com. Go to careers th en search lban issouri and find t e a propriate j ob. No applications are taken at th e plant. J oh nson Controls is an EEO/ AA employer.
I’ve always given thanks at Thanksgiving ...first because my grandmother told me to, then my Sunday School teacher, and, yes, I eventually played a part in one of those fifth-grade Thanksgiving pageants. I have no idea what part I played but I know that my 10-year-old figure was rather round so I may have been the turkey. But this past summer my thanks became deeper, richer, and more genuine, as I waded my way through chemotherapy, radiation treatment, and finally a bit of major surgery in Barnes Hospital. My surgeon says that my recovery is remarkable. I think it’s darned slow. I guess it depends on who’s holding the scalpel. I had to stop writing new columns for quite some time. I think that most of the 14 newspapers in Illinois, Missouri and Indiana carrying Freida Marie ran old columns in my absence. That was their call. I couldn’t write the column in the roughest days of chemo and during my surgery stint in Barnes. And now it’s taken a few weeks at home for me to bring myself to write again. But I will, and gladly. Enough of that... this is a column of Thanksgiving. Some editors chose to explain my health situation in their newspaper and that was fine. After all, cancer is real. And as a result I have been showered, that’s too mild... I have been blessedly bombarded with letters and cards from Missouri and Illinois wishing me the best and promising prayer on my behalf. Okay, none from Indiana yet -- but that’s okay. They were probably busy playing basketball. At no season of my life have I had more reason to give thanks than in November of 2017. The chemo was effective, the radiation did its job, and the rest was cleaned up with surgery. I still get a bit of a painful thrill when I sneeze, and my energy isn’t back to my old rpm’s, but the cancer is gone... at least as much as any cancer can be truly gone. Doesn’t matter. I’m claiming healing and you can’t talk me out of it. True, my new stomach only holds a half-cup at a time, but by-golly I’m alive and glad of it, and for that I give thanks. Thanks to the many readers who were my cheerleaders, thanks to the church prayer groups who kept my name on their list, thanks to friends who have stopped by to urge me onward, thanks to a very special group of caretakers including my family, and thanks to God for bringing me through this alive. The scars on my chest, back, and side will pretty much knock me out of the two-piece bathing suit competitions next summer, but that’s okay. Let someone else win for a change. To celebrate the Fourth of July you really need a few fireworks and a crowd of people. Valentine’s Day is made more special when shared with a loved one. But the very best Thanksgivings are personal. You may be surrounded by cranberries and cousins, but each of us has the opportunity to give private thanks for the many ways we have been blessed. There will be those eating turkey this week who still have the diagnosis of a dreaded disease hanging over them. There will be those who’ll be spending their first Thanksgiving without a special loved one. The world won’t be perfect. But I have found that the very act of giving thanks is healing in and of itself. An elderly saint once told me, “Ken, it’s like you have this cloud hanging over you and you can’t quite reach out and touch God. Then you give thanks and you suddenly bust a hole in the clouds.” I’ll take that. I’ll take that any day. So, to those of you who have written, called, emailed, cried, hugged, laughed, encouraged, prodded, reminded, cheered and prayed, thank you. You are very much a part of my Thanksgiving. And I promise that next week Freida will return. She told me, “Okay, this once, then that’s it, Bubba.” You ever ‘round Poosey, stop by. We may not answer the door but you’ll enjoy the trip.
Nov ember 2 8 , 2 0 1 7
CHIL L ICOTHE - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 | GAL L ATIN - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 | Gallatin Publish ing Company | w w w GALLATIN PUBLISHING COMPANY’S
Address Color the picture fill out the entry form and mail or drop off at our printing plant in allatin or at the Ad one sales office in Chillicothe (addresses shown at right) Entries must e received y p m Friday Dec 22 2 One entry per child inners will e chosen from each of three age groups 4- years old - years old and - 2 years old inning entries will e displayed in our holiday editions Pri es must e claimed within days of notification or they ecome null and void Children of allatin Pu lishing Company employees are not eligi le
Contest prizes purchased from various area businesses, courtesy of...
Gallatin Publishing Company B South ain P O Bo allatin issouri 4 4 Ph -2 4 Fa -24 Email ads PCink com www PCink com
ashington P O Bo Chillicothe O 4 Ph - 2 Fa 44-2 Email Ad one PCink com www PCink com
Nov ember 2 8 , 2 0 1 7
Better Way, LLC 66 -24 - 2
-- Mar
* Elder Care * Sick Care * Respite Care * Non-nursing Care & Help with Daily Activities * Long Term or Short Term * Four to 24-Hour Care * All Caregivers Carefully Screened & Bonded (Private Pay Only)
Ch illicoth e, MO - - Great Starter Home. 5 6 x 8 2 L ot: New w alls and insulation in liv ing room and master. New slump pump and fresh paint on th e h ouse. Appliances stay. $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 . #7 0 2 9 / 2 3 0 6 0 Gaslig h t Real Estate, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, - - Bank Ow ned - Financing Av ailable! Will consider financing it a little lov e th is w ould be a g reat first time ome or retirement. ull unfinis ed basement it some framing . larg e lot w ith sed. Home w ill be sold as- is. $ 6 2 ,5 0 0 . #7 0 1 3 / 2 2 6 5 1 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 1 41 7
Ch illicoth e - 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath Rental Income Property. Month ly Income $ 5 0 0 . Rents Month to Month $ 6 4,0 0 0 . #2 7 8 3 / 2 1 6 6 8 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Corner L ot w ith Garden Area. Hardw ood Floors, metal roof on h ouse and g arag e, new back deck, g arden area and aluminum siding Reduced: $ 6 4,5 0 0 . #45 1 8 / 2 0 3 9 8 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Close to Tow n! 0 .3 0 Acres: Sits j ust outside of tow n w ith 3 bedrooms and 1 .5 bath s. 3 - seasons room in back. $ 7 5 ,0 0 0 . #3 0 9 7 / 2 2 43 2 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7
Ch illicoth e, MO - - Brick Building , Could Be A Home! Brick building , could be made into a h ome. $ 8 0 ,0 0 0 . #7 0 2 6 / 2 2 8 2 6 Gaslig h t Real Estate, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e - Beautiful h ome th at needs a family w ith v ision th at w ill bring to it th e TL C it truly deserv es. Th e larg e entryw ay inv ites you into th is lov ely 2 ,2 0 0 sq ft h ome th at offer 4+ bedrooms, 1 full and 1 h alf bath , liv ing room, formal dining room, kitch en and main oor laundr . uilt in 1 8 8 5 & endured w onderfully w ith updates th roug h out th e years. Detach ed g arag e & fenced backyard. $ 9 0 ,0 0 0 #9 2 4 CENTURY 2 1 Smith & Associates, 6 6 0 .6 46 .2 1 41
Ch illicoth e - Nice h ome in nice neig h borh ood, could be 5 BD/ 2 BA. Basement cleaned out read for finis ing nice fire lace in famil room potential for 2 additional bedrooms. Beautiful deck. Carport. $ 8 9 ,9 0 0 . #8 2 1 Eq uity Missouri Realty - L and & Home,
Ch illicoth e - 3 bedroom, 1 bath . Great starter h ome. L arg e lot w ith fenced in back yard. New NGFA. $ 9 2 ,0 0 0 . #1 40 2 0 / 2 2 1 6 3 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 .6 46 .1 41 7 Ch illicoth e Completely Updated! L ots of updates since 2 0 1 2 ! New ch ain link fence. Reduced: $ 1 1 5 ,0 0 0 . #7 0 2 1 / 2 2 7 2 4 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7
Trenching & Drainage • Drain Tile & Culverts Terraces & Structures • GPS Layout/Design Cody Selby 660.605.1990 • Kurt Esbeck 660.663.9601
Ch illicoth e, MO - - Remodeled/ Updated Ranch : BRING L OAN PACKAGES! Remodeled/ Updated Ranch mov e in ready! Updated kitch en, new ooring t roug out remodeled bath room, kitch en/ dining room opened up, & h alla idened. ull unfinis ed basement. Brand new patio. $ 1 1 5 ,0 0 0 . #1 0 1 1 CENTURY 2 1 Smith & Associates,
Ch illicoth e, MO - - L arg e family h ome w ith 4 bdrms, 1 full, 3 and 1 bat s fire laces, larg e formal dining room, liv ing room, dow nstairs family room, g ame room, w orksh op and laundry on an ex tra siz ed lot: Seller w ill include a $ 4,0 0 0 carpet allow ance! $ 1 3 4,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 2 9 3 7 0 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 6 6 3 -5 7 5 7
Ch illicoth e - Close to Park. Great Family Home! 3 Bedroom Cape Cod on nice siz ed lot. New er carpet, h ardw ood oors and detac ed garag e. Reduced: $ 1 1 5 ,0 0 0 . #5 1 7 5 / 2 2 5 1 2 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7
Ch illicoth e, MO - - Updated And Mov e- In Ready! 8 0 x 1 2 0 L ot: Th is 3 bedroom ranch style h ome h as lots of updates and is mov e- in ready! All new remodeled kitch en w ith w h ite w ood cabinets, q uartz countertops, stainless steel sink, new backsplash , upscale new stainless steel appliances, and is eat- in style w ith ample room for dining table. Eng ineered ard ood ooring in kitch en, liv ing room, and h allw ay. Th e 1 ,2 9 6 Sq . Ft. main oor as a com letel remodeled bath . Th e 1 ,2 9 6 Sq . Ft. full basement w ith 5 5 0 Sq . t. finis ed famil room and ½ bath h as a larg e storag e area and laundry h ookups. Replacement w indow s, v inyl siding , and composite deck all add v alue along w ith th e attach ed g arag e and fenced backyard. $ 1 3 4,5 0 0 . #5 0 8 9 E CENTURY 2 1 Smith & Associates, 6 6 0 .6 46 .2 1 41
Ch illicoth e, MO - - Great Neig h borh ood. Fenced yard, fresh paint, new appliances, new carpet w ith h ardw ood underneath . $ 1 1 9 ,7 0 0 . #3 1 0 9 / 2 3 0 9 6 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e - Home Completely Remodeled. Th is h ome w as remodeled in 1 9 9 8 , new kitch en, upper lev el all new ev eryt ing. asement finis ed out. Wh at a classic! Stunning up to date kitch en w ith maple ch erry cabinets. Hardw ood oors 3 bat large master bedroom w ith w alk in closet and attach ed bath . Sellers j ust installed new carpet in basement bedroom. New w ood deck! $ 1 2 9 ,0 0 0 . #7 0 2 8 / 2 2 7 6 1 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - L arg e family h ome w ith 4 bdrms, 1 full, 3 and 1 bat s fire laces, larg e formal dining room, liv ing room, dow nstairs family room, g ame room, w orksh op and laundry on an ex tra siz ed lot: Seller w ill include a $ 4,0 0 0 carpet allow ance! $ 1 3 4,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 2 9 3 7 0 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 5 7 5 7
Ch illicoth e - Historcial Building w ith L ots of Potential: Built in 1 9 1 6 , freig h t elev ator to all oors commercial g rade kitch en, interior sprinkler system, ceiling fans, 3 0 tables, 1 7 6 ch airs, 2 furnace on main lev el, central air, r- 3 0 insulation in w alls and ceiling s, orig inal metal ceiling s, restrooms, g as av g , - $ 3 6 1 .9 2 Electric- $ 1 8 2 .1 0 $ 1 3 5 ,0 0 0 . #45 0 9 / 1 9 2 2 6 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7
Have your
Medicare Supplement Premiums Increased?
Medicare Supplements Life Insurance Annuities Long Term Care
Kirk Burkhead
Burkhead 816.288.2209 ASSOCIATES Senior Benefit Consultant
CHIL L ICOTHE - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 | GAL L ATIN - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 | Gallatin Publish ing Company | w w w
Nov ember 2 8 , 2 0 1 7
Gallatin Lumber Company
CHILLICOTHE, MISSOURI Spray Foam, Cellulose and Fiberglass
Scott Boley
Rick Boley
660-973-3567 660-247-2969
Co or all o r on tr t on n 116 South Market, Gallatin, Mo.
Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm
Phone: 660-663-2522
Stabilized Cellulose • Insulation New Home Construction • Remodels • Commerical
Ch illicoth e, MO - - Commercial Property w ith Main Street Frontag e! AV AIL ABL E TO L EASE 0 4/ 0 1 / 2 0 1 6 Ow ner Financing Av ailable - L EASE NOW! Ov er 40 0 0 sq ft. Endless possibilities w ith th is commercial industrial steel frame sh ed. 9 foot ov erh ead door. Call NOW! $ 1 3 5 ,0 0 0 . #7 0 0 0 / 1 9 3 1 9 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Updated Home on Corner L ot! Updated 3 bedroom, 1 .5 bath h ome on a larg e corner lot! New carpet, new kitch en cabinets w ith appliances, new counter to s ne fi tures ne double v anity, new tile and fresh paint. Reduced: $ 1 3 5 ,0 0 0 . #7 0 1 0 / 2 2 6 5 6 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Great ranch located in a g reat neig h borh ood w ith 3 bdrms, 2 full and 1 h alf bath , h ug e yard & full unfinis ed basement 1 0 000. #g pc2 0 2 2 0 9 2 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 5 7 5 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Reduced! Nice family h ome in a g reat neig h borh ood and conv enient location! 1 5 0 x 1 0 0 L ot: Aw esome backyard w ith stamped concrete patio. Screened in porch ready for your enj oyment! 3 bedroom 2 1 / 2 bath , attractiv e kitch en ( appliances included) , & breakfast nook. New er w indow s, siding & fenced in yard. New roof coming soon ou ill lo e t is finish ed basement w / ex tra storag e. L aundry h ookups on th e main oor and in basement. Ov er- siz ed g arag e & sh ed. is ome as a artiall finish ed basement. $ 1 44,9 0 0 . #g pc2 0 47 48 8 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 6 6 3 -5 7 5 7
Ch illicoth e, MO - - Great Family Neig h borh ood. Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 .5 bath h ome is in a g reat family neig h borh ood. Kitch en w ith breakfast bar, larg e back deck, fenced in yard. New landscaping in th e front and back. $ 1 5 5 ,9 0 0 . #3 0 7 2 / 2 1 6 3 5 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Great Family Neig h borh ood! Pool table stays, new er added kitch en cabinets, new er carpet on main lev el. Updated bath room fi tures too Seller is replacing master sh ow er. Deck h as aw ning . 2 L ots makes th is a really nice space for outdoor play@ $ 1 7 0 ,0 0 0 . #2 8 1 9 / 2 3 0 7 6 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - One L ev el Home On Corner L ot! New countertop, stainless steel appliances, built in h utch , cabinets and sh elv es, w indow seat, new er w indow s, lots of storag e. $ 1 7 9 ,9 0 0 . #45 5 1 / 2 2 9 8 0 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - L arg e Family Home- Great Neig h borh ood! Enlarg ed deck, sh ed and partial fencing . Basement h as a 2 5 year w arranty th roug h Foundation Recov ery. 1 / 2 bath on th e main lev el, updated family room and bath in basement, lots of storag e. Rec room in th e basement. ffice on main lev el. Reduced: $ 1 8 2 ,0 0 0 . #3 1 0 7 / 2 3 0 2 0 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Wh at a Find! All Updated! 1 1 8 x 1 3 0 L ot: Seller h as updated th is h ome. All fresh ly painted inside, new bath room. New breaker box , new sidew alk, larg e patio for entertaining . New front door and back door. Insulation added. New
h ot w ater h eater. $ 1 9 5 ,0 0 0 . #2 8 1 8 / 2 3 0 6 4 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - Nice h unting farm, Ducks and Deer! ! ! 2 0 0 .0 0 Acres: Th is nice WRP tract offers some ex cellent h unting w ith a g reat location to Ch illicoth e and th e Grand Riv er Flyw ay. Call, tex t or email today J eff Q uinn 1 - 6 6 0 7 3 4- 3 9 2 5 $ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 . #0 5 - 2 0 0 0 2 Missouri L and and Farm, roo field 660. 58.3185 Ch illicoth e - Great Neig h borh ood, Corner L ot! New carets tile ooring all a liances large finis ed famil room in th e basement. Th ree bedrooms, 2 .5 bath s $ 2 2 4,5 0 0 . #7 0 2 0 / 2 2 9 48 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e, MO - - 1 1 Acres Of Prime L and. 1 1 .2 0 Acres: 3 Acres Zoned Commercial & 8 Acres Zoned Rural. Some h ig h w ay frontag e and some g rav el access. 2 lots along g rav el rent for $ 6 5 month ly ( Trailers are not included) . Billboard rents for $ 1 ,2 0 0 yearly. Rural w ater & FEC electric. $ 2 2 5 ,0 0 0 . #5 0 8 2 E CENTURY 2 1 Smith & Associates, Ch illicoth e, MO 6 6 0 .6 46 .2 1 41 Ch illicoth e, MO - - L arg e Family Home on 1 .5 Acres! 5 bedrooms, w h ich include 2 Master Bedrooms. A 3 0 x 6 4 steel Garag e/ Sh op ( 2 g arag e doors) 3 0 x 7 0 Greenh ouse, laminate ooring. 5 000. #3 1 0 5 / 2 2 8 2 1 Gaslig h t Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 41 7 Ch illicoth e - Ex ecutiv e Dollouse. 3 bedrooms fireplace, sev eral v aulted ceiling s, oak kitch en, full w alkout basement, corner lot, playg round eq uipment, & much more, less th an appraised v alue. Ow ner/ broker $ 2 3 9 ,9 0 0 . #8 6 1 Eq uity Missouri Realty - L and & Home
Ch illicoth e, MO - - Stately Home! ! Th is stunning one ow ner h ome h as lots of space w ith formal dining room, h earth room it gas fire lace eat in kitch en w / appliances, g reat room, sunroom, MF laundry, 3 bedrooms bat s. ull finis ed basement it fireplace, bedroom & 3 / 4 bath . A beautiful landscaped yard w ith brick patio and 2 car attach ed g arag e. Call Glenda J oh nson at ( 6 6 0 ) 2 47 - 2 0 3 4 for a sh ow ing today! $ 2 7 4,9 0 0 . #7 0 5 1 E CENTURY 2 1 Smith & Associates, 6 6 0 .6 46 .2 1 41 Ch illicoth e - One of Ch ilicoth e’ s larg est dow ntow n commercial building s: Wife w ants to build a new dance studio$ 3 40 ,0 0 0 About 2 3 ,0 0 0 sq uare feet total, $ 1 5 .0 0 / sq uare foot L ocation, location, location! ! ! Dow ntow n sq uare corner location 6 1 9 / 6 2 1 L ocust Old J C Penny building Ow ner broker $ 2 9 9 ,0 0 0 . #6 2 1 Eq uity Missouri Realty L and & Home, Ch illicoth e, MO
L udlow , MO - - Home on 5 acres m/ l. 5 .0 0 Acres: Th is h ome offers 3 + bedrooms, 2 bath rooms, larg e liv ing room it ood burning fire lace dining room and kitch en. Unfinis ed basement. onus room. cov ered patio. 2 car attach ed g arag e. Nice big metal
sh ed w ith h orse stalls,plus tw o oth er big out building . Nice sh aded yard. Don’ t miss out on th is one. 1 5 minutes from Ch illicoth e. $ 1 6 4,9 0 0 . #1 2 5 5 Connie E. Prindle Real Estate, Braymer, MO 6 6 0 6 45 - 2 1 2 3 Mooresv ille, MO - - Affordable Hunting And Fish ing Property In Missouri. 8 6 .0 0 Acres: A perfect w eekend destination w ith a sh ed w ith liv ing q uarters, ATV trails, th ree ponds, timber, & g reat h abitat for deer, turkey. $ 1 2 0 ,0 0 0 . #g pc2 6 6 41 Wh itetail Properties Real Estate L L C, Pittsfield 17. 85.9000 Search more property listings online at
Daw n, MO - - 7 4- acre Timber Tract, j ust up off Sh oal Creek. 7 4.0 0 Acres: Th is nice 7 4 acre timber tract is located j ust up form Sh oal Creek and sh ould offer some g reat deer and turkey h unting . Th is w ould make a g reat g et aw ay tract located about an h our from North KC. Call today 1 - 6 6 0 - 7 3 4- 3 9 2 5 $ 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 . #0 5 - 0 7 4- 0 2 Missouri L and and Farm, Brookfield 660. 58.3185 Daw n, MO - - Riv er Bottom Ground - WRP Potential. 5 4.0 0 Acres: Th is 5 4 acres h as 47 .6 tillable currently being farmed by th e ow ner.
121 Washington Street Chillicothe, MO 64601
Great Neighborhood
Call Lindy Lile 660-247-2294 Call Martha Berry 660-707-3067 Call Joyce Eddy 660-247-0750 Call Mary Tredway 660-359-7715 Call Terri Dunn 660-247-0460 Call Sandy Thompson 660-646-8777
Ow ner is w illing to split th is tract off th e ex isting tract along w ith th e ex isting road th ey use to g o dow n and farm it. Th at road is located at th e end of 4th street. 40 acres of th is tract are g ood class 2 soils. At $ 3 5 0 0 / acre th is tract is ch eap and w ould make a g reat WRP prospect. Call today J eff Q uinn 1 - 6 6 0 - 7 3 43 9 2 5 $ 1 8 9 ,0 0 0 . #0 5 - 0 5 4- 0 2 Missouri L and and Farm, roo field 660. 58.3185
1625 Burnam Rd Chillicothe Multi-level home w/3 beds, bath and a half. Fenced in yard, fresh paint, new appliances, new carpet with hardwood underneath. #3109 • $119,700 Call Lindy Lile 660-247-2294
eal state
in y ile
wner/ ro er
1705 Polk St. 1530 Hickory Dr. Chillicothe Chillicothe Larged deck, shed and partial Updated 3 bed, 1.5 bath fencing. Basement has a 25 home on large corner lot! New year warranty . ½ bath on the carpet, new kitchen cabinets main level, updated family w/appliances, new counter room & bath in basement. tops, new fixtures, new double vanity, new tile & fresh paint. #3107 • $182,000 #7010 • $135,000
Call Joyce Eddy 660-247-0750 Call Lindy Lile 660-247-2294
Call Amy Sisson 660-525-9133
#3109- 16 #3107- 17 #7010- 15
NEW LISTING Nov ember 2 8 , 2 0 1 7
Trenton: Best of town & country life 14 ac Updated. Beautiful kitchen w/ custom cabinets & granite. Family room, formal living & dining, master suite 3 additional bedrooms, guest bath & bath on main level. Rec-room w/ fireplace & storage in basement. $286,125 #2062705
Gallatin: You will love the clean, fresh feel of this home with eat-in kitchen. Lower level with large, remodeled family room & bath, utility room with storage area. Welcoming entry, deck & mature trees in great neighborhood close to school. $130,000 #2014261
Cowgill: 6 acres on hard surface road. Updated kitchen, full unfinished basement, reasonable utilities & 2 car attached garage. Level lawn with mature trees, above ground pool with composite deck. High school students have choice of Polo or Braymer school districts. $142,500 #2074072
Tina: Hunters paradise! 47 acres w/ 24 acres timber full of deer & wildlife, 21 acres in CRP. Custom 3280sqft, 5 Br, 3 ½ bath home ready for you to finish & tailor to your own needs. Soaring windows overseeing 5 acre lake. 50x30 shed. $367,500 #2071549
gpc206 gpc207 gpc201 gpc207
Amanda Riley 660-605-0575 DAVIESS COUNTY Altamont - Nice, inex pensiv e, clean place at th e lake: 2 bedroom plus sitting room, 2 bath , larg e master bath w / soaking tub, 2 sinks, separate sh ow er area, open kitch en/ dining & liv ing area, L arg e deck, patio area and 2 car g arag e. L ocated close to South entrance. $ 6 4,5 0 0 . #g pc2 0 6 2 5 3 0 US Farm & L and Real Estate
EQUITY MISSOURI REALTY LAND & HOME & AUCTION Heartland MLS 621 Locust, Chillicothe
6 ,5 allatin Motel, 14 rooms 99K ne of Chillicothe s largest uil ings on s uare K Executi e ictorian in Christison ition 189,9 amesport 15 K renton 4 home 13 ac 89,9 Nice ranch home, 21 ansen 79,9 orgeous roo fiel home, incre i le woo wor K arage/large shop apartment, /mo income 9,9 emo ele 4 2 , new itchen win ows, large porch, corner lot 16K l Chillicothe Courthouse, 624 Cherry 7K 2 in ustrial lots, 222 runswic
rea gents ac
lan , ic
wner/ ro er
Altamont, MO - - L ot w ith g reat amenities! 1 .0 0 Acres.3 3 + L ot: Th is pretty treed lot, w ill make a g reat building location comes w ith entertainment bldg. area fire it co ered boat dock w / slide, stacked rock sh oreline, and adj oining lot 7 1 2 can be purch ased at a packag e price. Sellers h av e h ad lot per tested and surv eyed and w ill sh are w ith new ow ners. Reduced: $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 . E ESMO E- - FNICESCOV EE #1 0 7 1 1 L ake V iking Sales Altamont, 364,5WITH A COV IN Motel, L OT ERED 14L L C, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 3 4
rooms W/ L IFT. 0 .3 3 Acres. Altamont, MO - - W. F. L ot w ith DOCK ne of Chillicothe 8 0 299 x 2 0 0 L ot: Nice q uiet cov largest e g reat v iew of th e lake and ex lotuilw ings ith g on oodS uare deep w ater, tras g alore! 1 .0 0 Acres.3 3 L ot: 24 Executi GREAT FISHING,e aictorian cov eredin Waterfront L ot w ith all of th e Christison ition patio and ex tras to g o w ith it: V iew , L odock w / lift, concrete 1 9,9 MES Reduced:e cation, Great Sw imming Area, lots of nice trees. $ 8 rea 5 ,0 0 fast 0 . #1 0 2 45 L ake V iking Dock area ready for dock, L ot 15 L L C,EN N 4MO 6 6 0 - is ready for Entertaining . It is Sales Gallatin, 6 home/13acres 6 3 -2 1 3 4 all th ere! Elec. is in place from 9,9 Nice ranch home, 21 ansen 9,9 orgeous FIE home, incre i le woo wor 4 arage/large shop apartment, /mo income 29,9 emo ele 4 /2 , newer itchen/win ows, large porch, corner lot 16 l Chillicothe Courthouse, 624 Cherry wo In ustrial lots, 222 runswic wner/ ro er
Jeff Foli, Broker
a er
ic ey New on hite, oxanne ICE E EW PR wner/ ro er PRIC No ent to Nown
Altamont, MO - - Aw esome w aterfront lot! Great v iew and nice conv enient location! 0 .5 0 Acres: Nice lot for a w alkout basement! L arg e lot in th e Yach t Club area, w / 1 3 1 ’ of sh oreline. L ot comes w / nice sing le- w ell cov ered dock. Easy access to th e South Altamont entrance to Hw y 6 . $ 6 9 ,9 0 0 . #g pc2 0 47 3 6 7 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 5 7 5 7
lot to th e lake. Elec. outlets all along th e 2 3 9 ’ rocked sh oreline. Beautiful landscaping is place at th is lot.Surv ey done. $ 1 5 9 ,0 0 0 . #1 0 7 2 9 L ake V iking Sales L L C, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 -6 6 3 -2 1 3 4 Coffey, MO - - 3 3 ACRES. Ex cellent h unting tract w ith row crop for income. Hour driv e to Kansas City! It h as 1 3 .6 5 tillable acres w ith 1 8 timber and one pond plus a creek running th roug h property. Sh are cropping arrang ement h as been in place for 7 years and could be continued. L ocated in Dav iess County near Coffey about h alf mile off blacktop on g ood g rav el road. Rare find it t e balance of cro & timber. L oaded w ith w ildlife. $ 1 1 9 ,5 0 0 . #3 3 8 4 Dav idson Real Estate, Cameron, MO
E uity Missouri ealty - an Home
Gallatin, MO - - Nice Commercial on th e Sq uare: Th is commercial building is located on th e w est side of th e sq uare in Gallatin. Completely remodeled w ith w iring , plumbing , furnace, AC, w ater h eaters, insulation, and so much more! A one bedroom one bath apartment in basement can be utiliz ed by ow ner or rent out for ex tra income. $ 8 0 ,0 0 0 . #1 1 9 0 L andmark Realty,
Gallatin, MO - - V ery nice 4 plex . All units are one lev el: Th e front 2 units include 2 bedrooms, 1 bath , eat in kitch en & liv ing room, refrig erator, stov e & blinds. Th e 2 units dow nstairs ( driv e around back, low er lev el no steps) include 1 bedroom, 1 bath , eat in kitch en w ith pantry, liv ing room, blinds, refrig erator, stov e. Each unit h as off road parking . Tenants are responsible for all utilities. Building h as new er siding . Reduced: $ 6 5 ,0 0 0 . #g pc1 8 9 3 47 2 Berksh ire Hath aw ay HomeServ ices Hah n REAL TORS®, Cameron, MO 8 1 6 .6 3 2 .2 45 9
I - ro er
Landmark Realty
ina eck oke 21020 Hwy. 6; Gallatin, MO one 660-663-32
Gallatin, MO - - Ch arming 4 bdrm, 1 and 1 / 2 bath room 2 story h ome is located on nice, sh ady corner lot w ith patio and ov ersiz ed 2 car detach ed g arag e: L arg e kitch en includes g as rang e and refrig erator, main lev el laundry room. Th is w ell kept h ome h as updates including v inyl siding , w indow s, roof and more! $ 8 2 ,5 0 0 . #g pc2 0 445 8 1 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 6 6 3 -5 7 5 7
Many, many listings with photos! Farms, Residential, Hunting, Lake...
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Ne Listi w ng
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New isting
liv ing room, family room ( or master bdrm) , eat- in kitch en and laundry all on one lev el: Th is w ould make a g reat starter, retirement or rental h ome. Detach ed one car g arag e w ith concrete oor and electricit . Call today for more information or to sch edule a sh ow ing ! $ 7 0 ,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 6 2 7 45 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 5 7 5 7
Gallatin, MO - - Mov e in ready! Ranch h ome w ith 3 bdrms ( possibly 4) and 2 full bath s,
Heartlan M S EFF F
Coffey, MO - - 3 3 ACRES. 3 3 .0 0 Acres: Th is is an ex cellent h unting tract w ith row crop for income w ith in an h our driv e of Kansas City! It h as 1 8 tillable acres w ith 1 5 timber and one pond plus a creek running th roug h th e property. Sh are cropping arrang ement h as been in place for 7 years and could be continued.L ocated in Dav iess County near Coffey about a h alf mile off blacktop on a g ood g rav el road. is is a rare find it th e balance of crop and timber and is loaded w ith w ildlife. $ 1 1 9 ,5 0 0 . #3 3 8 4 Dav idson Real Estate, Cameron, MO
New Listin g
for the
Redu ced
New Listin g
New Listing
d ce du
uced Red
Reopening on March 1, 2018 Gilman City, MO – 120 ac m/l CRP & Tillable Income ice o t e n i ou i 120 m ac a m wit 68. ac e o t ou 2020 2023 ome te ace an ti e oun 23 ac o ottom ti a e oun an emainin in tim e . on c eek acktop an a e onta e wit ua wate a ai a e. ou make an ce ent untin an ec eationa t act wit income. 360 000 1181
Gallatin, MO -- Great Investment Property: i e e opment p ope t a 16 p u ac e wit in t e it imit o a atin w ic inc u e 37 p atte ot p u ac ea e wit up ate encin . ate ewe an un e oun e ect icit o ot . eat in e tment oppo tunit o ta t o a ui e ookin to ta t own u i i ion. 1 000 3 1
Kidder, MO – A Dream Property! 1 ac e wou make a a u ou ocation o ma an a e con e ence u ine unction ami ce e ation eunion etc... ttac e 2 apa tment connecte on t e ea t. 2- to 20 00 . t ui in wit a ement ou e a comme cia kitc en. 7200 . t ui in no t o t e main ui in inc u e a mna ium wit co e oa an ocke oom 0 000 1187
Gallatin, MO – Charming Ranch home with many updates: 3 e oom 2 at ome i oa e wit ua it ini e an up a e . itc en wit ce amic oo in counte top ti e ack p a ink aucet ca inet an e oo an a wa e. anta tic oppo tunit to own t i eauti u ome w ic it on a co ne a e ot at t e e e o town. 1 2 00. 111
816.649.8474 New Listin g
408 N Davis St. Hamilton, Mo d uce Red
CHIL L ICOTHE - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 | GAL L ATIN - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 | Gallatin Publish ing Company | w w w
Nov ember 2 8 , 2 0 1 7
Professional Land Surveyor Call us for all your surveying needs!
Office: (660) 542-3310 Cell: (660) 542-6227
Email: Box 192 - Carrollton, MO 64633
CALDWELL COUNTY Braymer, MO - - Close to Tow n. 6 .0 0 Acres: L ocated j ust outside th e city limits. Home is 1 9 9 4 sing le trailer th at h as cement block foundation. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath , eat- in kitch en, liv ing room and and a 1 4 X 2 0 family room addition. One car g arag e plus car port. Property is all fenced w ith nice siz e barn, ch icken h ouse & brooder h ouse w / electricity. Open front big metal sh ed & law n mow er sh ed. Cellar. Well kept place. $ 1 1 0 ,0 0 0 . #1 2 6 0 Connie E. Prindle Real Estate, 6 6 0 - 6 45 - 2 1 2 3
Braymer, MO - - Ex cellent business opportunity: L ocally ow ned & operated business. Property includes 4,0 0 0 sq ft building in entor and fi tures. Partial list of eq uipment: smo er ice mac ine 6 reac in free ers coolers and ot er misc. e ui ment. rofit and oss a ailable to ualified bu ers. Call for additional information. Reduced: $ 1 2 9 ,0 0 0 . #1 1 8 3 Clev eng er Real Estate & Auction, Braymer, MO Cameron, MO - - 3 5 . 0 2 Acres j ust w aiting for you to dev elop into your dream business. 3 5 .0 2 Acres: 1 5 8 8 ft h w y frontag e on busy US 3 6 Hig h w ay.
Adj oins mls # 2 0 5 9 8 8 2 is j ust dow n from mls # 2 0 5 9 8 7 9 . Hav e your ow n industrial park. $ 2 45 ,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 5 9 8 8 5 Reece & Nich ols North Star, L aw son, MO 8 1 6 .5 8 0 .7 0 7 0 Cow g ill, MO - - 2 5 acres m/ l. Nice g rass farm, fenced w ith pond. Rural w ater, electricity 1 6 x 2 4 g arag e and 1 6 x 3 6 sh ed. Tw o older mobile h omes, sold as is. Cow g ill Elementary, ( Braymer or Polo Hig h ) $ 9 5 ,0 0 0 . #1 2 48 Clev eng er Real Estate & Auction, Cow g ill, MO - - Home Sw eet Country Home! Well maintained h ome is mov e- in ready w ith 4 bdrms & 2 bath s. L o-
cated on 1 : 6 acres on a h ard surface road. Updated itc en full unfinis ed basement. 2 car attach ed g arag e. Th e law n is lev el w ith mature trees, includes an abov e g round pool w ith a nice composite deck. Hig h sch ool students h av e a ch oice of Polo or Braymer sch ool districts. $ 1 42 ,5 0 0 . #g pc2 0 7 40 7 2 RE/ MAX Tow n & Country, 6 6 0 6 6 3 -5 7 5 7
Hamilton, MO - - Beautifully remodeled h ome: 2 bedroom, 2 bath h ome. L arg e liv ing room, dining room, g reat kitch en w ith center island & lots of cabinets. ard ood oors orig inal w oodw ork & w orking transoms. Pocket doors. Economical natural g as furnace & CA. Must see! $ 7 4,9 0 0 . #1 Arnaman Real Estate, Hamilton - Ch arming 2 bdrm, 1 bath , one- lev el h ome on a
beautiful lev el lot! Wh ile th is h ome is on city sew er & city w ater, it is not inside city limits. Immaculate and ready to mov e- in. Th e detach ed building h as concrete, electric, & is insulated. Yard is 1 7 0 x 1 1 5 and w ill be surv eyed. J ust on th e edg e of tow n! $ 7 5 ,0 0 0 . #g pc2 0 6 6 1 41 Berksh ire Hath aw ay HomeServ ices Hah n REAL TORSÂŽ, Cameron, MO 8 1 6 .6 3 2 .2 45 9 1 9 Lu ow, MO: acres m u low, M 64656 i ingston County his 14 acres m/l offers 12 acres m/l tilla le lan , le el, le y on two si es, no le y istrict. er the S -FS 143.4 acres m/l with 119. 3 tilla le an 11 .4 ase acres. 1 9 686, 1
Sammy Watson, Sa es raymer, M 66 .645.2621 cell 66 . .25 2
Ste e Mc ee 66
raymer, M 67
eremy C e enger 66 97 98
16. 1 .9549
Le oy Kern, Sa es olo, M 66 .354.2693 cell 16.59 .6452
Greg C e enger 816 718 5
1 9
ray usi ocal usin uil i arti smo in fre misc. a aila
ITEMS. See ERMA THOMPSON ESTATE on by Mike Miller Auction Serv ice, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 1 7 9 .
METAL ROOFing INSTALLed n ou ouse o n goo e to co osite s ingles
FREE ESTIMATES Reuben Wagler Trenton, MO
metal works
660 646 1957 • FARM MACHINERY & RELATED MON, DEC 11, 2017 ONLINE A CTION • Starts closing at 7PM
Beth any, MO, on December 2 : Ch ickens,Holstein Heifers. See Beth any Community Small Animal and Poultry on presented by Fox Auction, L L C, Ph : 6 6 0 .3 41 .1 45 3 . L aclede, MO, on December 2 : TRACTORS, SKID STEER, PL ANTING, HAY EQ UIPMENT, SKID L OADER ATTACHMENTS, L IV ESTOCK EQ UIP, SPRAYER, TIL L AGE, ROTARY CUTTERS, FARM REL ATED, MISC.,. See FARM CONSIGNMENT AUCTION on GPCink. com presented by Teter Auction Serv ice, Ph : 6 6 0 - 7 3 4- 2 1 1 1 .
Maysv ille, MO, on December 2 : . See Maysv ille Consig nment on presented by Offutt & Offutt Auction Serv ice, Ph : 8 1 6 -6 3 2 -9 8 8 9 . Trenton, MO, Dec 2 : FORD TRUCK – GUNS/ AMMO HOUSEHOL D. See Consig nment on by Bland Auctions, Ph : 6 6 0 - 6 5 4- 2 3 3 7 . Braymer, MO, December 9 : Tractors - Sh op Eq uipment - Real Estate - Furniture. See Sh oener on presented by Clev eng er Real Estate & Auction Serv ice, Ph : 8 1 6 - 7 1 8 - 9 5 49 . Eag lev ille, MO, on December
A en an
1 1 : L ocated on th e east side of Interstate 3 5 North of Eag lev ille Mo. L and location approx . mile marker 1 1 1 .. See Harrison County L and on presented by Ropp Auctions, Ph : 6 6 0 .2 47 .1 9 1 4. Ch illicoth e, MO, on December 1 4: ABSOL UTE REAL ESTATE AUCTION. L OV EL Y HOME IN GREAT L OCATION.. See MRS. DAL E ( L IL ) HOFFMAN on presented by Mike Miller Auction Serv ice, Ph : 6 6 0 6 46 - 1 1 7 9 .
Location: 223 6 County ine . raymer, M 3 miles south of raymer on oute to leasant Hill oa , east 4 miles to County ine oa , south 2 miles to property or 14 mi N. Har in, M on t . E. 3 mi on Hwy. N 2 mi on County ine
Sa rday Dec
Tractors: ohn eere 4 2 , 4 2 hours super nice ohn eere 4 2 , ery clean, she e .
Tractors ehic es: 1999 For F25 , 119 miles, Ca heat/air Sho E ui ment Trai ers: 2 13 -Nose Cargo railer, 1 ramp oor, excellent con ition Estate Farm E :ea rofessional luminum Chute, estfiel ri e er it U E S & SELLE S
On ine auctions the secon mon ay of e ery month
MON, DEC 18, 2017 ONLINE TA ADJ STMENT A CTION Starts closing at 7PM
hether you nee to sell something to pay your taxes or uy something to re uce your tax lia ility, we can help. (No small items in this auction.)
Advertising deadline coming soon
iew Auction tems with
escri tion
hoto at
EAL ESTATE: acres m/l with 2 story, 4 e room home 3 x6 metal she , 4 rollup oors, concrete floor 36x4 metal she , 1 sli ing oor, 3 rollup oors li e new. SELLING oo wor ing Shop ools Househol items Farm tools, awn ar en, Hunting Fishing 4 tractors an small machinery utomo iles inclu ing 2 2 Sil er eep i erty, 12 miles, goo con ition o ge am oyal Charger, 4 wheel ri e rospector
Sale Conducted by:
Bruce & Greg Clevenger, Auctioneers
816/718-9549 • 816/718-5023 • Sammy Watson, Cashier
Jeremy Clevenger, Agent 660/973-9883
Judy Clevenger, Clerk
Nov ember 2 8 , 2 0 1 7
AUCTIONS Purdin, MO, Dec 1 6 : L IV ESTOCK, FARM MACHINERY, HORSE DRAWN EQ UIPMENT, SHOP TOOL S, GREENHOUSES, FENCING, L UMBER, YARD TOOL S, APPL IANCES, HOUSEHOL D, ANTIQ UES, STORAGE BARN, TAHOE, TRAIL ERS, 4- WHEEL ER, BOAT. See MOL NER on by Mike Miller Auction, 6 6 0 - 6 46 - 1 1 7 9 . Gallatin, MO, Dec 2 8 : Tractors/ L oaders, Skidloader Attach ments, Tillag e, Planting , Harv est, Hay, Farm Mach inery, L iv estock Eq uip. B& S Eq uipment Year End Consig nment Auction TAKING CONSIGNMENTS NOW B& S Eq uipment Auction, Ph : 6 6 0 - 6 0 5 - 0 8 3 9 .
Albany, MO, on December 2 9 : . See 2 - Day Estate on GPCink. com presented by Dollars Messner Auction, Ph : 6 6 0 - 7 2 6 - 3 2 5 2 .
Kansas City, MO, Nov 3 0 : REAL ESTATE. See 3 Bdrm Home on by Cates Auction & Realty Co. Inc., 8 7 7 - 7 8 1 - 1 1 3 4.
Sh elbina, MO, on Nov ember 2 8 : REAL ESTATE. See Absolute L and on presented by Wh eeler Auctions & Real Estate, Ph : 6 6 0 .3 2 7 .5 8 9 0 or 6 6 0 .3 2 7 .1 8 0 6 .
Memph is, MO, on Dec 1 : REAL ESTATE. See 1 8 0 - Acre L and on by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
Carth ag e, IL , on Nov ember 2 9 : REAL ESTATE. See 1 1 7 - Acre L and on presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
King sv ille, MO, Dec 2 : Rare Collection of Guns- PISTOL S OF AL L KINDS RIFL ES, ARMY CL OTH & METAL INSIGNIAS, BUTTONS & CL OTHING.. McL aug h lin Guns on by Anstine Auction L L C, 8 1 6 .5 9 7 .3 3 3 1 .
King sv ille, Dec 2 : Antiq ue Gas Eng ines. See Gene Strate on by Anstine Auction L L C, 8 1 6 .5 9 7 .3 3 3 1 .
NOS Knives, Hardware, Supplies,
Store Displays & More!
SUN., DEC., 3 at 11:00 AM
415 S. Thompson Ave., Excelsior Springs, MO. Brunke Supply & Hardware Store, closed after 96 yrs in business. Large auction with many NOS Hardware & Supplies Dayco DE60 Hyd. Hose Crimping Machine with Storage Cabinet of Fittings Toledo 999 Pipe Threading Machine NOS Pwr Tools Hand Tools Drill Bits Router Bits Garden Tools Tons of Hardware Nuts & Bolts Screws & Fasteners Lots Electrical Copper Wire Elect. Motors Plumbing Water Heaters Metal Organizer Bins with Brass & copper Fittings 4 Key Machines Lots of Blank Keys Hinges Locks Pulls NOS Household Anti ue 190 Detroit Scales Old Lighted Dbl Sided Cashiers Signs Old Store Displays Vintage Store Items Old Hardware Store Catalogs Slant Frnt Flr Show Case Lots of NOS Pocket Knives, Hunting Knives, & Kitchen Knives Rare 19 Case Knife Display with 31 Case xx Knives w rsrv Sev. Knife Display Cabs Lots NOS vintage Items. Running two rings Sorry, no concessions. Cash or check only. Sales Tax collected. Some items sold outside
More hotos
wain & Amy Ire an , Owners, 66 97
HW WW, Tina MO 6 68 Mar et: 66 6 1 Mai ing A ress: O o 7 , Chi icothe MO 6 6 1 . randr er e oc .co E mai : wain gran ri er i estoc com lease call wain for further etails on the upcoming sale 66 -9 3- 9
Monticello, IA, on Nov ember 3 0 : FARM EQ UIPMENT. See Farm Retirement on presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
ull Listing
Holt, MO, on December 2 : L aw n Tractor, Pow er Tools, Hand Tools, Househ old, Garag e Cabinets, Misc.. See Ratliff on by Pickett Auction Serv ice, Ph : 8 1 6 - 6 6 9 - 3 43 3 .
Dan Dedrick: 660-646-8103 Pam Dedrick, Office Manager: 660-646-8119 Kurt Kleeman: 816-284-0611 Clark Allen: 660-973-6826 Wes Gorham: 816- 853-7359 L J Cahill: 660-322-1193
As I am selling my home, I will hold an auction at 215 Dykes Lane in the west part of Holt, Mo. Auction signs posted on Hwy 33, west on Cleveland to auction.
for upcoming3 vertical auction cabinets on rollers, LA N RAC OR lan to attend this uality auction. ot lengthy, attend on time.
Base bench with good storage OOL SATURDAY on rollers Troybilt 19 hp 42” cut lawn O E OL tractor Lazy Boy sofa Husky 5 hp 32-gallon vertical 2017 Small curved glass china air compressor cabinet Troybilt 2600 psi washer with Matching coffee & end tables 5 hp Honda motor Table lamps Porter Cable pancake air Large recliner compressor with nail kit Glide rocker Delta 12” compound miter saw Bookshelf Ridgid TS 3660 large table Wood dining table & 4 chairs saw Combination bench & storage Ceramic saw box 1500 psi power washer CALL ME BY NOVEMBER 22ND Kirby Diamond addition selfLouisville 6' fiber glass step propelled sweeper ladderCONSIGNMENT TO GET YOUR ADVERTISED New NU Wave pizza cooker Heavy duty car ramps CONTACT LARRY tools OFFUTT -Handicapped AUCTIONEER items Electric & air-operated O ER I EM Large selection of816.724.4160 Craftsman Patio set & SK tools Outdoor grill Usual amount of long-handled Rubbermaid storage box tools Pro-Form LS treadmill ECIAL I EM
dec. 2
Conley bldg. 6 hwy. maysville, MO. Located at the east edge of town. Signs posted.
Early Consignments Include Ferguson 35 tractor, 3 speed w/over/under transmission, near new rubber, new brakes, slide out rims in excellent running condition, wide front, 3-point near new Farris 48 inch cut zero turn mower w/ Kawasaki 26 h.p. motor, spring ride frame, chainsaws, compound Brown bear bow, 9 oxygen tanks with bottle and machine, cross bed diamond plate tool box, weed eaters, new 6-ton hyd. Jack with 24 in. Ram, security safe, hand and power tools, regulator style clock, very nice Germany bowl, Joe Montana Chiefs Plate with certificate, powder blue sette very good, chest of drawers, round hard maple dinette table with 4 captain chairs (very nice), lots of new Christmas items, bar stool, lamps, 2 nice office chairs, Robert E. Lee Bowie knife w/bracket, expecting 22 cal. automatic Rifle. Autos & Trailers 12 ft. flatbed Doolittle trailer w/ramps,1997 Dodge Ram ex cab 4x4 w/ lift, 2002 Ford Escape SUV, automatic front wheel drive,
Expecting much more by sale day. Anyone wanting to consign items to this auction may do so up to sale time, Call for information. Auctioneer:Larry Offutt, Cameron, MO - 816-724-4160 Clerk: Donna Offutt Cashier: Ivy White If you see someone today without a smile, give’m one of yours.
See website for photos!
Steve & Steven Ritter • Excelsior Springs, MO. (816) 630-1252
Terms: Cash or valid check with proper ID. Not responsible for accidents, thefts or errors in ads.
AUCTION CONDUCTED BY LARRY OFFUTT CAMERON, MO 816-724-4160 Nothing To Be Removed Until Settled For Statements Made Day of Sale Take Precedence Over All Advance Advertising. Not responsible for accidents or errors in advertising.
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Nov ember 2 8 , 2 0 1 7
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Special Sale Day Calendar: What You’ll Find ONLINE NOW:
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Dec 01 - Special Bred Cow Sale Auction beg ins 6 p.m. Kirksv ille L iv estock, L L C, Kirksv ille, MO Dec 01 - Special Yearling & Weaned Calf Sale A special sale as part of our reg ular sale day. Call 5 7 3 .3 2 4.2 2 9 5 for details. Eastern Mo. Commission Co., Bow ling Green, MO Dec 02 - Special Christmas Tack, Saddle & Horse Sale Mark your calendar and plan to attend. For more details, call us at 6 6 0 .3 8 5 .2 5 1 6 L olli Broth ers L iv estock Market, Inc., Macon, MO Dec 04 - Special Sheep & Goat Sale Call us for details, 6 6 0 .6 6 5 .9 8 0 4. Kirksv ille L iv estock, L L C, Kirksv ille, MO Dec 06-Dec 08 - Alternative Livestock Auction Mark your calendar now and plan to attend th is outstanding offering of unusual animals. Also offering tax idermy auction items. L olli Broth ers L iv estock Market, Inc., Macon, MO Dec 07 - Special Calf & Yearling Sale Featuring Wh ite and Red Tag Health Prog ram. Call for pre- sale information, 6 6 0 .2 2 6 .5 2 2 2 New Cambria L iv estock Mkt, L L C, New Cambria, MO Dec 08 - Special Cow Sale Call us for details on early listing s, 6 6 0 .8 8 6 .9 0 9 0 . J ones Broth ers L iv estock Auction, Marsh all, MO Dec 09 - Special Cow, Bred Heifer & Breeding Bull Sale Selling beg ins 1 1 am. Special Saturday auction. Call sale barn office for more information: 6 6 0 .8 7 4.41 46 . Green City L iv estock Marketing , L L C, Green City, MO
56 32
Special Livestock Auctions Online Today!
Maryv ille, MO, on December 2 : GREAT RENTAL OR STARTER HOME CL OSE TO UNIV ERSITY. See Real Estate on presented by Kermit Goslee Auction Serv ice, Ph : 6 6 0 - 5 8 2 - 0 7 7 6 or 6 6 0 - 5 8 2 - 2 8 7 4.
Dec 09 - Horse/Tack Auction Sale begins 8:30 a.m. Call our office more complete details: 8 1 6 .5 9 7 .3 3 3 1 Anstine Auction L L C, King sv ille, MO Dec 09-Dec 10 - Special Bred Hfr, Cow, Cow/Calf, & Bull Sale Sale time 1 p.m. Dav iess County L iv estock Market, Gallatin, MO Dec 09 - Small Animal Auction Auction for small animals from 2 - 4 p.m. Call 6 6 0 - 8 8 6 - 9 0 9 0 for details. J ones Broth ers L iv estock Auction, Marsh all, MO Dec 14 - Special Cow, Cow/Calf & Bull Sale Sale time 5 p.m. L olli Broth ers L iv estock Market, Inc., Macon, MO Dec 15 - Special Cow Sale Sale ev ent as part of our reg ular sale day. Call 5 7 3 .3 2 4.2 2 9 5 more more details. Eastern Mo. Commission Co., Bow ling Green, MO Dec 16 - Special Bred Heifer, Bred Cow & Cow-Calf Pair & Breeding Bull Sale Special sale beg ins 1 1 a.m. on Saturday. Call our sale barn for more details: 6 6 0 .2 2 6 .5 2 2 2 . New Cambria L iv estock Mkt, L L C, New Cambria, MO Dec 28 - Pig, Sheep, Goat & Small Animal Auction Special auction beg ins 5 p.m. Call our office for more details: 816.597.3331 Anstine Auction L L C, King sv ille, MO Jan 13 - Special Cow Sale Saturday morning special sale. Call our sale barn for more details: 6 6 0 .2 2 6 .5 2 2 2 . New Cambria L iv estock Mkt, L L C, New Cambria, MO
Also featuring...
Target: 20 Livestock Advertisers
4 col.x16”x$7.50 = $480/wk
52 weeks x $480 = $24,960
er year or A one (about $25 per week)
...or could print Every Other Week ...or once monthly ..or adjust print ad size to fit revenue if
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or click on the “Livestock Auctions” tab on any of these regional websites:
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Edina, MO, December 6 : FARM EQ UIPMENT. See Mach inery Retirement on presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
N 1 l / wf st/hf 5 -65 ac E E 11 l st/hf 6 weane , ICE/ ICE 9 l mostly strs 55 -65 SCH M - mostly l st/hf 5 weane , ac I E - 65 l /r st/hf 4 -6 ac IE SCH CHE - l / wf strs 6 - 5 weane , E 5 l st/hf 5 -6 H 5 mostly l st/hf 5 -625 S I E FMS 5 l strs 45 -6 ac E E FMS - 3 l pen hfrs 1 ac E S N SMI H - 3 l st/hf 55 weane , ac INNIN - 11 re st/hf 6 weane , ac
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WEIGH UPS 10:00, FEEDERS 11:30, BRED COWS 12:30
Office 6 1 78
Knox City, MO, on December 6 : FARM EQ UIPMENT. See Farm Retirement on pre... sented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
ason A en 6 1 78
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HEIFE S: etty 45 l hfrs, half-sisters, 12 , I to Herf ulls. Cal e Fe 24, confirme I , cleane up 4 ays w/Herf ulls Miller an Cattle 23 fancy wf hfrs, I re ngus hree rees Exceptional for 1 ay, cal e Fe 1 urrell 1 l hfrs, re l , cal e Mar 15 AI S: 6 Cattle 55 l fancy 3 yr ol cows, 12 , re re s enetic ulls ll raise a calf last year, cal e Mar 15/6 ays Mason 25 mostly ll cows, 3-6, with ig cal es Morgan Fms 1 e ngus cows with cal es Sweiger Fms - 12 l Herefor pairs, running ages an aar - 1 e ngus pairs, soli mouth urrell 5 l cows, all ages, with re cal es COWS: Mc ee mx cows, 3-age , re l /re ng ulls, cal e Fe 15 Mason 45 l cows, 3-6, 2n 3r perio , re l ull Howar 4 l cows, 3-5, re ng, cal e Mar 1, an 3 l pairs an aar - 25 e ngus cows, soli mouth, cal e Mar 15 Morgan Fms 1 l cows, 3 yrs ol , re l , cal e in March Swart entru er 1 l cows, 4- , re e ng, cal e Mar 1 Complete ispersal ayne Co - 15 wf cows 3-6, re l cal e Fe 15 Finney 1 e cows, age , re l /re ull urrell 5 l cows, all ages, re re or l ng, cal e Mar 15
Edina, MO, December 6 : REAL ESTATE. See 6 6 7 - Acre L and on Sulliv an Aucsales do notbymaterialize tioneers, L L C, 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
A one re enue ains e en Auction Inc. i a ertisers Livestock ro e istin a ertisin EXAMPLE: ecia th A one Elmer, MO, on December 7 : moni oa es in the May 10” – Tri-County Livestock 2x5 FARM EQ UIPMENT. See Farm Retirement on by 13” – Lamoni Livestock 2x6.5 Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 6” – Daviess Livestock Li estocCounty Auction Inc 2x3 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 . 8” – Grand River Livestock Fairbury, IL , on December 8 : 27” x $7.50 = $202 ...compares to $480 weekly REAL presold ESTATE. See 7 1 .6 9 - Acre
Paris, MO, on December 5 : REAL ESTATE. See 2 1 5 Acre L and on presented by Wh eeler Auctions & Real Estate, Ph : 6 6 0 .3 2 7 .5 8 9 0 or 6 6 0 .3 2 7 .1 8 0 6 .
$24,960 divided by 20 advertisers =
Presented by...
Ex celsior Spring s, MO, on December 3 : .. See Brunke Hardw are Complete L iq uidation after 9 6 Years on presented by Stev e Ritter Auctioneering , Ph : 8 1 6 - 6 3 0 - 1 2 5 2 .
King sv ille, MO, December 2 : L arg e Rare Collection of Hummel Fig urines, Plates, Plaq ues, Bells & Plastic Dolls. Pictures and Online Bidding at w w w .Prox ibid. King sv ille, MO, on December 3 : com.. See McL aug h lin on GPEx tensiv e Collection of Hummel presented by Anstine • Lists Every Special Livestock Auction in print ad Auction L L C, Ph : 8 1 6 .5 9 7 .3 3 3 1 . Perryv ille, MO, on December 2 : Fig urines, Plaq ues, Plates, Bells • Provides QR Code link directly to client’s website TRACTORS - FARM EQ UIP- & Dolls.. See Hummel CollecL EX INGTON, Dec 2 : COOKING tion on presented HOME DECOR * L AWN & GAR- MENT. See Farm Estate on by Anstine Auction L L C, Ph : DEN. On by Adkins presented by Sul8 1 6 .5 9 7 .3 3 3 1 . liv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : Auction Serv ice, 6 6 0 - 2 5 9 - 2 40 9 . Monticello, IA, on December 4: Maryv ille, MO, on December 2 : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 . FARM EQ UIPMENT. See Farm Featuring : 5 0 0 + lots to include Ex celsior Spring s, MO, on DeRetirement on preExample shown is 3 col. x 16” = $360/wk Gold, Silv er Bullion, Morg an cember 3: firearms ammunition sented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, but anticipate printing a 4 col.x16” when mature & Peace Dollars, Proof & Mint g uns, ammo, g un safe. See Out- L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 . Sets, Currency and Smaller Denomination Coins. See Coin on standing Firearm & Ammo Auc- Green City, MO, on December by YAC L L C d.b.a. tion on presented 5 : REAL ESTATE. See 2 7 5 - Acre Young er Auction Company, by Mac’ s Auction Serv ice, Ph : L and on presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, 8 1 6 .5 8 2 .5 3 6 0 . 8 1 6 -6 3 0 -7 9 9 0 . Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
All this and more on one website!
L and on presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
Sa de
Pi fo on
ecem er 2, 2 1 Fa ral l red metal li etimeSwarranty IN & l Nad N art 236 l s. HEIFE S rand eam ettysteel 45lal sidin hfrs, half-sisters, 12 Cal e Fe 24, confirme I , cl Stud wallulls & le uildin stru Millertures an Cattle 23 fancy w rees yellExceptional w ine lum for 1er ay, cal e Fe 1 urrell 1 l hfrs, re l , cal e Deld n er ead d rs
I S uality 6en Cattle ineered55 trusses l fancy 3 yr ol co enetic ulls Pa all raise e uidlin a calfslast year, cal e Ma Deli ery a aila le statewide Mason 25 mostly ll cows, 3-6, Morgan Fms 1 e ngus cows 12 MiSweiger es ort Fms o- 12 l Herefor p a is ranonaar - 1 12e ngus pairs, so “Why settle for 5anything urrell l cows, all ages, with
less than the best.” Serving Cyou Ssince 1970!
Mc ee mx cows, 3-age , re Fe 15 MasonANGUS 45 l cows, 3-6, 2n 3 MCBEE Howar 4 l cows, 3-5, re pairs an aar - 25 e ngus cows, so Morgan Fms 1 l cows, 3 yrs o Swart entru er 1 l cows, 41 Complete ispersal ayne Co - 15 wf cows 3-6, re Finney 1 e cows, age , re urrell 5 l cows, all ages, re 15
Nov ember 2 8 , 2 0 1 7
AUCTIONS Tuscola, IL , December 8 : REAL ESTATE. See 1 42 .5 5 - Acre L and on by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 . Creig h ton, MO, on Dec 8 : Tractors, Hay Eq uipment, CAT Skid Steer, Tools, Antiq ues & Househ old. See Daryl & Mildred Sloan on by Anstine Auction L L C, Ph : 8 1 6 .5 9 7 .3 3 3 1 . Hannibal, MO, Dec 9 : FARM EQ UIPMENT. On by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 . King dom City, MO, Dec 9 : Toy Tractors, Toy Farm Implements, Collectibles & Memorabilia. See Toy on presented by Wh eeler Auctions & Real Estate, 6 6 0 .3 2 7 .5 8 9 0 .
L iberty, MO, on December 9 : .. See Incredible Coin Collection - Many Rare Key Coins! ! ! on presented by Stev e Ritter Auctioneering , Ph : 8 1 6 -6 3 0 -1 2 5 2 .
Malta Bend, MO, on December 1 1 : Real Estate & Farm Eq uipment. See Kasz a Trust on presented by Wh eeler Auctions & Real Estate, Ph : 6 6 0 .3 2 7 .5 8 9 0 or 6 6 0 .3 2 7 .1 8 0 6 .
Mound City, MO, on December 1 3 : . See Public Offering 1 6 0 Acres + / - Holt Co. on GPCink. com presented by Barnes Realty, Ph : 6 6 0 - 442 - 3 1 7 7 ( MO) or 7 8 5 - 7 42 - 45 8 0 ( KS) .
L iberty, MO, on December 1 0 : .. See Incredible L ifetime Gun Collection - Many Rare Colt, Winch ester, Reming ton, Smith & Wesson, and More, Reloading Supplies, Ammo, and Related Collectibles! ! ! on GPCink. com presented by Stev e Ritter Auctioneering , Ph : 8 1 6 - 6 3 0 1 2 5 2 .
rimfield on ecember 1 : FARM EQ UIPMENT. See Farm Eq uipment on presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
Salisbury, MO, on December 1 3 : Nice 4 Bedroom, 1 bath h ome on L arg e Corner L ot in Salisbury, MO.. See Real Estate Auction on by Enyeart Auction & Realty, Ph : 6 6 0 .2 8 8 .3 0 2 2 .
Sig ourney, IA, on December 1 1 : FARM EQ UIPMENT. See Dealer Reduction on presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
L ockridg e, IA, on December 1 3 : FARM EQ UIPMENT. See Farm Retirement on presented by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, Ph : 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
Kansas City, MO, on December 1 2 : REAL ESTATE. See 2 0 .6 4Acre L and on by Wh eeler Auctions & Real Estate, Ph : 6 6 0 .3 2 7 .5 8 9 0 .
North Country Community Center, 18765 Hwy 69, Lawson, MO From the South: I-35 North to Highway 69 (Excelsior Springs, Missouri exit), North on 69 to 4-1/2 miles north of Excelsior Springs. From the North: From Cameron, I-35 South to Highway 116, East to Hwy 69, South to auction. Watch for signs
Gary Ryther, Auctioneer/Broker • • Lawson, MO
Keosauq ua, IA, on December 1 4: FARM EQ UIPMENT. See Farm Estate on by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
Mclean, IL , Dec 1 4: FARM EQ UIPMENT. See Farm Retirement on by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
Keystone, IA, Dec 1 9 : FARM EQ UIPMENT. See Farm Retirement on by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
Morav ia, IA, Dec 1 5 : FARM EQ UIPMENT. On by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
Montg omery City, J an 2 : FARM EQ UIPMENT. On by Wh eeler Auctions & Real Estate, 6 6 0 .3 2 7 .5 8 9 0 .
Rush v ille, IL , Dec 1 6 : REAL ESTATE. See 7 7 4- Acre L and on by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
L EX INGTON, MO, J an 1 3 : ANTIQ UES & COL L ECTIBL ES. See ESTATE OF DOROTHY WOMACK on by Adkins Auction, 6 6 0 - 2 5 9 - 2 40 9 .
West Point, IA, Dec 1 8 : FARM EQ UIPMENT. See Iow a Estate on by Sulliv an Auctioneers, L L C, 2 1 7 .8 47 .2 1 6 0 .
Urbandale, IA, J an 2 0 : Benefit uction. n Cin .com b Wag ner- Dent, 6 41 - 9 3 1 - 6 8 3 2 .
Gallatin North Missourian, June 28, 2017 - 15 Nov ember 2 8 , 2 0 1 7
CAMERON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER We’ve Dedicated Our Lives to Yours
Outpatient Clinic Physicians
Staff Physicians Muhammad Amin, M.D. Laeeq Azmat, M.D. Sam Barton, D.O. Gordon Byrom, D.O. Stephanie Davis, D.O. Kendall DeSelms, D.O. Doak Doolittle, M.D. Nancy Gasparovic, D.P.M. Daut Gjoni, M.D. Laura Harbison, D.O. Molly Harp, D.O. Arihant Jain, M.D.
Fred Kiehl, D.O. James Neely, D.O. Shahzad Shafique, M.D.**
Srivani Chunchulu, M.D. Elisa Vinyard, D.O.
1600 E. Evergreen; Box 557, Cameron, MO 64429
Gallatin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660.663.3751 Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.632.3945 Lathrop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.740.3282 Cameron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.632.3945 Plattsburg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.930.2041 Lathrop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.740.3282 Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.632.2139 Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.632.2801 Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.632.2101 Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.632.2111 Bethany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660.425.7333 Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.632.5424 Cameron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.632.5228 Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.649.0500 Bethany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.649.0500 Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.632.2111 Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.583.7839 Polo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660.354.2550 Jamesport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660.684.6252 Lathrop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.740.3282 Pattonsburg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660.367.4304 Hamilton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.583.7839 Maysville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.449.2123 Stewartsville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.669.3225 Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.649.3230 Bethany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660.425.7333 Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.649.3398 Eagleville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660.867.5414 Gilman City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660.876.5533 Maysville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.449.2123 Stewartsville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.669.3225 Maysville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.449.2123
Faheem Arain, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Psychiatry/Child Psychiatry Peri Ananth, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pain Management (Located in Orthopedic Center) Kerri Barnes, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Urology (Located at Westside Medical Office) Gregory Barnhill, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orthopedics (Located in Orthopedic Center) Nancy Brecheisen, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pulmonary Medicine Wendell Bronson, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rheumatology Robert Carter, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vascular Surgery (Located at Westside Medical Office) Alan Cornett, D.O.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orthopedics (Located in Orthopedic Center) S.R. Davuluri, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neurology David Dugan, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orthopedics (Located in Orthopedic Center) Steven Freeman, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardiology Mohan Hindupur, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardiology Syed Jafri, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gastroenterology James Kesl, D.O.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orthopedics (Located in Orthopedic Center) Shahbaz Khan, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Psychiatry Eugene Lee, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Urology (Located at Westside Medical Office) Matthew L. Lukens, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vascular Surgery Salman Malik, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neurology Mark Mandelbaum, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neurology Roma Manzoor, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Psychiatry Mary Jo Middleton, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physiatry (Located in Orthopedic Center) Moben Mirza, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Urology (Located at Westside Medical Office) Jason Montone, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orthopedic Spine Surgery John P. Olson, M.D., PhD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neurosurgery Priya Padmanabhan, M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Urology (located at Westside Medical Office) Ricardo Ramos, M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardiology Muhammad Salamat, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oncology Thomas Scott, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rheumatology (Located in Orthopedic Center) Sobia Shaffie, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Psychiatry Arvind Sharma, M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardiology Robert Shemwell, D.P.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Podiatry Muhammad Shoaib, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neurology Karl Stark, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vascular Surgery (Located at Westside Medical Office) Damien Stevens, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pulmonary/Sleep Medicine Marija Tonkovic, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dermatology Viseslav Tonkovic, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dermatology Joel Waxman, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ear, Nose & Throat Sherry Zhou, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Endocrinology
December 2017 Outpatient Clinic Calendar
Outpatient Clinic I (816) 649-3230 Outpatient Clinic II (816) 649-3208 NEW Orthopedic Center (816) 649-3362
Ask us about our prompt self-pay discount program.
**Dr. Shafique provides full-time Nephrology/Kidney services in Medical Plaza II at CRMC
CRMC offers financial assistance to qualifying individuals. Please call 816-649-3326 for more information. Dr. Cornett Dr. Middleton Dr. Barnes Dr. Stark Dr. Stevens Dr. V. Tonkovic Dr. Shemwell
Dr. Arain
Dr. Cornett Dr. Middleton Dr. Montone Dr. Carter Dr. Barnes Dr. Stevens Dr. V. Tonkovic Dr. Ramos
Dr. Khan
Dr. Cornett Dr. Middleton Dr. Shemwell Dr. Barnes Dr. Stark Dr. Montone Dr. Hindupur Dr. V. Tonkovic
Dr. Shaffie Dr. Shoaib
Dr. Waxman Dr. Ananth Dr. Davuluri Dr. M. Tonkovic
Dr. Middleton Dr. Barnhill Dr. Waxman Dr. Bronson Dr. Mirza Dr. Sharma Dr. M. Tonkovic
Dr. Davuluri Dr. Waxman Dr. Ananth Dr. Lee Dr. Mandelbaum Dr. M. Tonkovic
Dr. Barnhill Dr. Middleton Dr. Waxman Dr. Mirza Dr. V. Tonkovic Dr. Sharma Dr. Zhou
Dr. Davuluri Dr. Waxman Dr. Ananth Dr. Lee Dr. M. Tonkovic
Dr. Middleton Dr. Waxman Dr. Mirza Dr. Barnhill Dr. M. Tonkovic
Dr. Mandelbaum Dr. Lee Dr. Davuluri
Dr. Kesl Dr. Freeman
Dr. Jafri Dr. Lukens Dr. Scott Dr. Dugan Dr. Middleton
Dr. Jafri Dr. Scott Dr. Dugan Dr. Brecheisen Dr. Padmanabhan
Dr. Jafri Dr. Scott Dr. Dugan Dr. Lukens
Dr. Scott
Dr. Olson Dr. Kesl
Dr. Kesl Dr. V. Tonkovic Dr. Freeman Dr. Malik
Dr. Kesl Dr. Malik
Dr. Freeman
Dr. Arain Dr. Salamat
Dr. Manzoor Dr. Arain Dr. Khan
Dr. Salamat Dr. Shoaib
CHIL L ICOTHE - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 | GAL L ATIN - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 | Gallatin Publish ing Company | w w w
Nov ember 2 8 , 2 0 1 7
Notices L iv estock Special Auction Calendar - - Accurate, upto- date info from leading sale barns plus market reports, v ideo, CME current prices and more all on one w ebsite: Sh oMeMoreL iv Services YOUR DIRT IS our bread and butter. Carpet and uph olstery cleaning . Dav id Baldw in, 8 1 6 - 6 3 2 - 2 6 2 7 or toll- free 1 - 8 8 8 - 8 5 4- 2 9 49 .
THE HAMIL TON BANK ch ecking / sav ing s accounts, loans, IRA’ s and C.O.D.’ s. V isit w w w .h or call 8 1 6 5 8 3 - 2 1 43 . New branch at L ath rop, MO. Member FDIC & Eq ual Housing Member.
SEAML ESS GUTTERING, A- 1 L eaf Guard, CHI Ov erh ead Door, L iftMaster- Ch amberlain Operator Sales, Installation & Serv ice. Call for free estimate. Serv ing you since 2 0 0 6 ! Miller Construction, J amesport, MO 6 6 0 - 6 8 4- 6 9 5 0 .
J UL IA R. FIL L EY, Attorney at L aw . General Practice, Criminal Defense, Family L aw , & Probate. Free Initial Consultation. West side of Gallatin Sq uare. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 2 0 44
STUMP GRINDING. 6 6 0 7 49 - 5 7 1 3 or 8 1 6 - 8 0 47 9 48 . HANDYMAN - Tony Math ison. No j ob too small. Free estimates, L ocated in Hamilton. Call 8 1 6 .2 8 8 .1 7 0 6 .
Garage Sales
PEAK CONSTRUCTION — bath rooms, kitch ens, ex tra rooms, g arag es, basement finis ing small roofs. New business but years of ex perience. Affordable and Hig h Q uality. Aaron Balsbaug h 6 6 0 - 3 3 4- 1 9 9 0
Farm g round w anted. Competitiv e rates. Aaron L andes 6 6 0 - 3 5 8 - 2 6 8 2
ADV ENTIST CHURCH THRIFT Sh op, 1 2 0 7 S. Clay, Gallatin, Mo. Open: Ev ery Wednesday from 8 am- 4pm. Open during th e noon h our. Free cloth ing at 1 2 0 6 S. Willow entrance. Open 8 am- 3 pm ev ery Wednesday. 6 6 0 6 6 3 - 2 47 8
Pasture to rent. Greg L andes 6 6 0 - 7 48 - 5 8 1 6
SIL V ER & GOL D COINS, dental g old, Wanted g old mounting s, sterling Wanting to buy standing silv er, old w atch es & timber: Cottonw ood, madiamonds. Hig h est cash ple, oak, w alnut. Call 6 6 0 6 46 - 5 0 8 2 after 6 : 0 0 p.m. price paid. J unior Sandy 8 1 6 -3 9 0 -2 0 2 7 . M0 0 0 L dtf
find more online at or visit us on facebook
Hamilton Chamber of Commerce
Christmas Around The Square
’Light up the Night’ City Wide Holiday Lighting Contest for homes and businesses in Gallatin, MO
The annual “Light Up The Night” Christmas decorating contest renews this year with two winners to be announced soon after Christmas Day. Just deck your property out in bright lights anytime from now to Saturday, Dec. 23. The Gallatin Board of Aldermen have authorized two contest winners: st st The 1 place commercial winner will receive a $75 electric credit and the 1 place residential winner will receive a $75 electric credit, courtesy of the Gallatin Board of Aldermen. There is no entry fee. This friendly, fun competition is simply to promote the Christmas season.
If you wish to enter this contest, you MUST register either by completing the form below or going to Name
Phone #
Register for the RESIDENCE Contest
Register for the COMMERCIAL Contest
For information, contact: Bethany Vandiver 660-334-0876
Registration forms can be printed and submitted at 2 Broads Salon, City Hall, or Gallatin Publishing Company.
Christmas Expo Hamilton United Methodist Church ~ Hamilton, MO
10:00 a.m. Christmas PJ’s themed Baby Show *Benefiting the UMC Missions 11:00 a.m. DRUM SAFARI Christmas Show Visit our Santa Letter writing station ALL DAY!
*Letters will be hand delivered to Santa at the Penney Park lighting that evening.
Come knock out your Christmas Shopping and enjoy the festivities! Food available ALL Day. Proceeds benefiting PHS Grad Night!
SHOP LOCAL, SHOP PROUD! To sign up to be a vendor, contact Karla Nelson at 816-500-1959 Baby show information, contact Jessica DeVaul at 660-334-0207 General information, contact Jessica Green at 816-583-2143
Join us in Penney Park at 6:00 p.m. for the Penney Park Tree Lighting and Santa and Mrs. Claus! *Pictures available for $5
November 2017
SERVING YOU SINCE 1941 835 S. Washington • Chillicothe, MO 660-646-5525
Get your event in the AdZone FREE. Email us at
Decemb er 1
N ovemb er 28 Baby Storytime 4:30PM 24 mos & under Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe
CHS presents Beauty & The Beast 7:00PM Gary Dickinson Performing Arts Center Chillicothe
Decemb er 2 Decemb er 3 CHS presents Beauty & The Beast 2:00PM Gary Dickinson Performing Arts Center Chillicothe
Family Holiday Art Workshop 1:00-3:00PM Cultural Art Guild & Gallery 424 Locust St Chillicothe
Decemb er 7
Ladies Night Out Benefit Alison (Critten) McIntyre 6:00-9:00PM 660.247.2532 816.724.6602 Celebrations Event Hall Chillicothe
N ovemb er 30 CHS presents Beauty & The Beast 7:00PM Gary Dickinson Performing Arts Center Chillicothe
Go to
Decemb er 3 The Morton Sisters 10:00AM First Christian Church Everyone welcome! 900 Jackson Chillicothe
Decemb er 6 Kid’s Christmas & Christmas on the Square 4:00-7:00PM Downtown Chillicothe
Decemb er 9 YMCA Christmas Craft & Vendor Expo 9:00AM-2:00PM Grand River Area YMCA Chillicothe to find the BONUS CODE and win more.
page # ________
page # ________
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page # ________
page # ________
EMAIL _____________________________
FIND THE PAGE # AND BUSINESS NAME FOR EACH OF THE IMAGES. SEND ENTRY TO THE ADZONE. Entries due by Friday at 4PM. Entries accepted by USPS, drop off at one of our locations or Email to **ONE ENTRY PER PERSON PER WEEK**
page # ________
PHONE ____________________________
ADDRESS __________________________
NAME _____________________________
November 28, 2017
CHIL L ICOTHE - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 1 8 2 0 | GAL L ATIN - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2 1 5 4 | Gallatin Publish ing Company | w w w
Nov ember 2 8 , 2 0 1 7
** Selected Varieties
WED 29
Round Roast
Fresh Boneless Beef
349/lb $169/lb $399 $199/lb
Ground Chuck
Pork Loin Roast Sold in CryOVac Whole Boneless
Fresh Family Pack
Armour Meatballs
Center Cut Pork Chops
20-25 Oz, **
16 Oz, **
16-16.5 Oz, **
Dole Chopped Salads
Best Choice Cinnamon Rolls
10.8-14.4 Oz
12.4-13.9 Oz, **
69 /lb $169 ¢
Zucchini or Yellow Squash
Best Choice Garlic Toast
Prairie Farms or Hiland Yogurt
Minute Maid Orange Juice
6 Oz
59 Oz, **
PictSweet Vegetables
Best Choice Ice Cream
10-12 Oz, **
64 Oz, **
Best Choice Cheese
General Mills Cereal
Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies
Best Choice Tortilla Shells 8 Ct, **
19.8-28.4 Oz, **
Taco Bell Dinner Kit
Taco Bell Seasoning 1-1.4 Oz, **
8.85-14.6 Oz, **
Best Choice Sloppy Joe Sauce
7•Up Products
2 liter bottles **
Bai Drinks
18oz bottles, **
Taco Bell Refried Beans
Kraft Mac & Cheese
Folgers Coffee
Lay’s, Doritos, Rold Gold or Kettle Chips
20.6-30.5 Oz, **
5 Pack, **
15.5 Oz, **
$ 39
16 Oz, **
12 oz cans, 12 pack,**
TombStone Pizza
7-13 Oz, **
$ 88
9-12.25 Oz, **
$ 69 7•Up Products
Texas Red Grapefruit
7-8 Oz, **
8 Oz
6-8 Ct, **
79¢ 99¢
Green Giant Whole Mushrooms
3lb bag
Yellow Onions
Old Folks Sausage
Fresh Family Pack Boneless
Pillsbury Cookie Dough
$ 99
6.5-16 Oz, **
Best Choice Grapefruit Juice
Best Choice Snackers
Best Choice Creamer
64 Oz, **
13.7-16 Oz, **
10.2-15 Oz, **
Best Choice Hot Sauce 6 Oz, **