AdZone 12-05-17

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illic o th e 2 1 2 V ir g in ia A v e ., C h added Pool table stays, newer pet on car er new kitchen cabinets, om hro bat ed dat Up el. main lev 2 Lots! g. nin aw has ck De ! too fixtures #2819 - $170,000

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Chillicothe, B raymer, Meadville, Wheeling, Chula, Dawn, L udlow, Mooresville, U tica, H ale, Gallatin, L ak e Vik ing, J amesport, J ameson/Coffey, P attonsb urg, Lock Springs, Winston, Altamont, Hamilton, Kidder, Kingston, Polo, Cowgill, Breckenridge, Nettleton, Mirabile, Trenton, Cameron, Lathrop, Brookfield

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CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com


Decemb er 5, 20 1728. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. CLOSED NOV 24-NOV The

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FO R S AL E - Registered b lack Angus b ulls, 18 months old & older. Gentle. Call 6 6 0 - 6 54 0 8 3 9

FO R S AL E 20 0 0 J eep Cherok ee S port 4 x 4 , b ody a little rough, runs good, needs headlight work , 24 9 K , clean title, good tires, reliab le ride, $10 0 0 . Call 6 6 0 - 6 0 5- 0 3 6 2. L eave message if no answer.

P AY I N G $7 5/ACRE FO R RE N T AL P AS T U RE . Will consider any siz e and location. Can do any fence repair necessary. 8 16 - 7 8 7 - 4 0 0 6 WAN T E D FARM GRO U N D to rent for 20 18 in Daviess Co area. Call B randon L ewis at 6 6 0 .8 6 8 .2212. WAN T E D - Wanting farm ground. DeWayne Curtis 6 6 0 9 7 3 - 20 3 1 or Wayne Curtis 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 8 9 26 Automotive FO R S AL E 20 0 6 Ford T aurus, good condition, 56 K on replaced motor, new catalytic converter, new b attery, clean title, good tires, $250 0 . Call 6 6 0 - 6 0 5- 0 3 6 2. L eave message if no answer.

FRO S T AU T O MO T I VE : Auto and truck parts & accessories. S ee us for all your parts needs. We also mak e hydraulic hoses. S outh side Gallatin sq uare. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2152

Business Opportunities RO O FI N G CO N T RACT O RS : Metal Roof Restoration and Flat Roof P roducts Manufacturer Looking for Qualified I ndividuals willing to receive training and install roofing systems. 4 0 Y ears of T op Q uality P roducts and Developing S uccessful B usiness O wners. I nvestment Req uired. T raining P rovided.8 16 - 4 25- 1155

Johnson Controls Inc. 2001 West 136 Business Highway, Albany, MO 64420

or its l any MO roduction Facility Plant Production Supervisor shift to be determined Candidates with a minimum of five years verifiable supervisory experience are preferred Prefer Bachelor Degree or Associates Degree with applicable experience, energetic, results orientated, production driven candidates Sheet Metal or commercial Air Handling nit experience a plus If you are looking to oin a stable and growing company, Johnson Controls Inc is the place for you offers excellent benefits, medical, dental, vision, life insurance, 401-k, health savings account, and paid holidays Interested candidates must apply online at

. . .


Go to careers then search A and find the appropriate ob No applications are taken at the plant Johnson Controls is an EEO/AA employer

HELP WANTED Green Hills Women’s Shelter hasofa Nursing Victim Grand Advocate Director Supervisor position opening.river Thehealth Victim Advocate care Supervisor is responsible for assisting survivors competitive wages and of domestic and sexual violence with program benefits Experience services, advocacy, and offering to preferred butsupport not survivors qualifying for an neccesary intensive services program. The Victim Advocate Supervisor is www grandriverhealthcare comalso responsible for assisting the Executive Director in Grand River the supervision and oversightHealth of services provided Care by advocates to domestic/sexual violence survivors. 118 Trenton Road Competitive salary and benefit package Chillicothe, MOprovided. Bachelor’s Degree required, with a preference of a 660-646-0353 Master’s Degree, in social work, criminal justice, psychology, sociology, or related field. Applicants must possess a minimum of two years supervisory • Semi-Annual Bonus available experience. • Paid Vacations • Insurance Benefits

Persons interested may contact • Excellent Vision & Dental Plans

• Potential for Paid Certification Training Tammy Taylor at (816) 632-4900, by emailing or Visit GHWS web site @ to request an application.

Applications will be accepted through 5 p.m. December 22. GHWS is an Equal Opportunity Employer

For Rent

For Rent

Equipment For Rent

FO R RE N T : 2 b edroom house in H ale. N o pets. $3 0 0 /month. Deposit req uired. E vening calls only 6 6 0 - 7 4 5- 3 53 8

N E WE R 2 b drm country house, one car attached garage, stove & dishwasher included, J amesport area, no pets, $550 /mo, $6 0 0 damage deposit. 6 6 0 - 6 8 4 - 6 519 .

CAS E S k id L oader, 8 5hp, b y the day, week or month. Contact Gallatin T ruck & T ractor, I nc. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 210 3 or 210 4 .

FO R RE N T : 4 b r home in Gallatin on P rospect S t. N ew appliances. $9 0 0 /mo. Deposit $50 0 . Can pay deposit in two parts. Call 8 16 .6 4 9 .8 17 9 . GAL L AT I N E S T AT E S AP ART ME N T S FO R RE N T : 1 or 2 b drm availab le. H U D vouchers accepted. Rental assistance availab le to those who Johnson Inc q ualify. Controls E q ual housing oppor2001 West 1 6 Business Highway Call64420 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 3 114 . ltunity. any, MO

find more online

Johnson Controls Inc. is ex anding

looking or

or its l any MO roduction Facility

If you are looking to oin a stable and growing company, is the place for you Johnson Controls Inc is now hiring or its Sl T any O RAGE U N I T S : O utside Johnson Controls Inc offers excellent benefits, medical, MO roduction Facility lighting, surveillance camdental, vision, life insurance, 401-k, health savings account lant shi t to e eras, roduction insulatedSu toer isor prevent and paid holidays All interested candidates must apply deter ined Candidates with a ini u large temperature variances, online at Go to careers then o i e years eri ia le su er isory L o-er Bachelor exdifferent erience siz arees reavailab erred le. re search A and find the appropriate ob Degree with cated H orwy.ssociates O east ofDegree Gallatin. No applications are taken at the plant a lica le ex erience, energetic, results Critten Country S torage, 6 6 candidates 0 orientated, roduction dri en 6 0 5- 3 Metal 3 50 . or co ercial ir Handling Sheet nit ex erience a lus

Johnson Controls is an equal opportunity employer

I you are looking to oin a sta le and growing co any, Johnson Controls Inc is the lace or you Johnson Controls Inc o ers excellent ene its, edical, dental, ision, li e insurance, 401-k, health sa ings account, and aid holidays

Grand River Health Care Skilled Nursing & Rehab Facility

ll interested candidates ust a ly online at www ohnsoncontrols co o to careers then search l any Missouri and ind the a ro riate o No a lications are taken at the lant

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Johnson Controls is an EEO



E Apply in person or online at 118 Trenton Road Chillicothe, Mo. ~ 64601 Phone: 660-646-0353 • Fax: 660-646-0845

CH I L L I CO T H E | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com | 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | 4 3 0 C Washington S t, Chillicothe MO 6 4 6 0 1 GAL L AT I N | 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | 6 0 9 B S outh Main, Gallatin MO 6 4 6 4 0

Johnson C and looking candidates roduction a aila le o

I you are l growing co Inc is the Controls In edical, d insurance, account an interested online at w o to care Missouri an No a lica

Johnson C o ortunity

Decemb er 5, 20 17


The Last Bazaar b y Fr e i d a M a r i e C r u m p

Greetings from Poosey. Just like a dental exam or a visit to your proctologist, our church’s annual Fall Bazaar rolled around last week and so far as I can tell no one was seriously injured. That’s always a big plus in the bizarre world of bazaars. Once a year we fry stuff, bake stuff, poach, peal and paint stuff to raise a little money for foreign missions and it’s a pleasant enough way to spend an enjoyable day with the folks we love the most...and the others. For Sale Cargo trailer, all new lights and wiring, tires are in good shape. $20 0 0 ob o. Call 6 6 0 9 7 3 - 6 7 57 B O AT S FO R S AL E : N ew & used b oats & pontoons, several to choose from, j ust watch our web site, www. lak evik or call 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 3 7 22, L ak e Vik ing Marine. O U T DO O R WO O D FU RN ACE b y Central B oiler I nc. FRE E H E AT & hot water. E liminate monthly heating b ills. Call 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 3 8 6 6 today. (No Sunday calls, please). B AS E RO CK , B L ACK DI RT AND fill dirt. Huston Trucking & Construction, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 3 23 4 or 6 6 0 - 3 3 4 - 0 9 9 7 . E N D RO L L S availab le $5 each! U se end rolls of newsprint to wrap items for moving or shipping, or to mak e some fun art proj ects. We support recycling. J oin us b y using this eco- friendly option. Availab le 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Mon.- Fri. at Gallatin P ub lishing Co., 6 0 9 B S . Main, Gallatin. Fast Cash Wanted Guns & Gold Any Condition. N ylon 6 6 $3 25 N ew Western S tyle .22 $16 9 . N ew .4 10 O /U With 5 Chok e T ub es $4 9 9 . B elgium B rowning 3 inch Mag $4 25. Remington 110 0 12GA $4 25. O ther U sed & N ew Guns. Cash B uyer R&R P awn S hop 214 E 3 rd S t Cameron 8 16 .6 3 2.17 8 7

Five 55- gallon lightweight metal b arrels with lids and lid clamps. $10 each. Gallatin P ub lishing Company, 6 6 0 6 6 3 - 2154 during week day b usiness hours. Puppies For Sale AU S T RAL I AN S H E P H E RD P U P P I E S : P ure b read 7 week s, U T D on shots and worming. Great Christmas gift. 6 6 0 - 8 6 8 - 2254 or 50 54 10 - - 2115 Help Wanted DI RE CT O R O F N U RS I N G. Competitive wages & b enefits. Apply in person or online at www.grandriverhealthcare. com Grand River H ealth Care 118 T renton Rd, Chillicothe 6 4 6 0 1 Mechanic H elp N eeded. L ak e Vik ing Marine is L ook ing for a N ew Mechanic. Competitive P ay & Great Work ing E nvironment. S end resume to randy@ lak evik WAN T E D: Driver to distrib ute shoppers every Monday and also real estate copies one week per month. Drop copies at schedule of locations week days using company van. Pays $8.25 hr. (about $450/ month). I mmediate opening. Ask for Darryl at Gallatin P ub lishing Co., 6 6 0 .6 6 3 .2154 . Detailer H elp N eeded. L ak e Vik ing Marine is L ook ing for a N ew Detailer. Competitive P ay & Great Work ing E nvironment. S end resume to randy@ lak evik

Help Wanted H E L P WAN T E D: S ub stitute Cook , H amilton H ead S tart. Visit www.greenhillsheadstart. org for j ob description and application, or call 6 6 0 - 3 59 2214 . E .O .I . P RO DU CT I O N O P E RAT O RS : Walsworth I nc., the 27 th largest U .S . printer, has full- time production positions availab le on all three shifts at our Marceline, Missouri, Finishing Facility. We will train the right applicants on the latest print industry technology. O penings range from entry level to finishing machine operators. Find j ob description, qualifications and physical req uirements online. Apply at Compensation is commensurate with ex perience and accompanies a competitive benefits package. Walsworth is an eq ual opportunity/disab ility/veteran employer. J ohnson Controls I nc. is ex panding and look ing for several qualified candidates for its Alb any MO P roduction Facility. P ositions availab le on multiple shifts. J oin a stab le and growing company. J ohnson Controls I nc. offers ex cellent benefits, (medical, dental, vision, life insurance, 4 0 1- k , health savings account and paid holidays). All interested candidates must apply online at www.j Go to careers then search Albany Missouri and find the appropriate j ob . N o applications are tak en at the plant. E O E

I’m not sure how much longer we can keep this up since the skills required to host a bazaar —baking, knitting, sewing, and quilting — are the province of a generation that’s beginning to thin out. Time was, every lady in church could whip up an angel food cake or crochet a doily. But the average gal today would be hard pressed to summon up the skills that came so naturally to grandma. The click-click of darning needles has been replaced by the single click of the Amazon icon. I don’t fault the current generation for this. I can’t think of the last time I went searching for a good doily. The highlight of each year’s bazaar is the annual Produce LookAlike Contest, a competition to discover who can grow the melon or whatever that resembles a famous person. If you ask me this would have been a good year to cancel this silly contest. Nearly every pumpkin looks like Donald Trump. Not since Hubert Humphrey ran for the presidency have round fruits and vegetables been so prominent along the display tables in our fellowship hall. By the end of the day we’d even given them their own name: Trumpkins. Hillary Clinton was featured more prominently in the squash category. At least we were spared the near obscene produce that was provoked by her husband a few years ago. It was our new minister’s first year in our pulpit and I thought we were going to lose him while judging the gourds. Berney Sanders had his own section this year in the category of also-rans and for some reason most of Berney’s exhibits featured potatoes. There’s something about the way an aged potato will wrinkle that makes spuds a natural way of depicting the Vermont senator, and as the day progressed the exhibits more and more resembled him. Myron Gooshen won the category, “The U.S. Supreme Court Depicted in Produce.” Myron always wins this category since there’s not one person in a 100 who could identify a Supreme Court Justice if they bumped into them at the gas station. Myron is not a pleasant loser so he always manages to enter the more obscure categories. Those of us who’ve made the Poosey Bazaar a part of our annual trek will remember Myron’s attempts at, “The Winning Divers of the 1924 Paris Olympics Sculpted in Rutabagas.” He of course had no competition in his newly designed event, but we all agreed that the svelte form of Olympic divers were not likely to much resemble the squat, pudgy sumo-like rutabaga. One year he constructed a diorama of sorts that was meant to resemble “Sherman’s March to the Sea and the Burning of Atlanta.” I had another name for Myron’s amalgamation of garden vegetables strewn over a piece of plywood. I called it “compost.” The futility of this annual artistic adventure could best be summarized when Lola McBride came into the fellowship hall in her wheelchair as her son, Bobby, held the door open. We had a hefty breeze that day and before we knew it, the labels on the exhibits had all been blown into the primary Sunday school room. It was only as we crawled around on the floor retrieving tags, then trying to match the label with the vegetable that we realized all these potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, and gourds were pretty much alike, thus resembling the politicians and statesmen they were meant to portray. This may be my last bazaar. I usually bake a few cookies and have been known to whip up a mincemeat pie just to scare the small children, but I think I’ll forgo the “Famous Produce” displays from now on. When we start lining up garden vegetables that resemble our elected officials it’s just a bit too eerie, and like the objects they’re to resemble, they tend to go bad so very quickly. You ever ‘round Poosey, stop by. We may not answer the door but you’ll enjoy the trip.


Decemb er 5, 20 17

CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com GALLATIN PUBLISHING COMPANY’S




Address Color the picture fill out the entry form and mail or drop off at our printing plant in allatin or at the Ad one sales office in Chillicothe (addresses shown at right) Entries must e received y p m Friday Dec 22 2 One entry per child inners will e chosen from each of three age groups 4- years old - years old and - 2 years old inning entries will e displayed in our holiday editions Pri es must e claimed within days of notification or they ecome null and void Children of allatin Pu lishing Company employees are not eligi le

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Decemb er 5, 20 17

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LIVINGSTON Chillicothe, MO - - B ank O wned - Financing Availab le! H ome s B ank O wned and they will consider financing! With a little love this would b e a great first time home or retirement. Full unfinished basement with some framing. large lot with sed. H ome will b e sold as- is. $6 2,50 0 . # 7 0 13 /226 51 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - I nvestment P roperty. 3 B edroom, 1 B ath Rental I ncome P roperty. Monthly I ncome $50 0 . Rents Month to Month $6 4 ,0 0 0 . # 27 8 3 /216 6 8 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - Corner L ot with Garden Area. H ardwood Floors, metal roof on house and garage, new b ack deck , garden area and aluminum siding Reduced: $6 4 ,50 0 . # 4 518 /20 3 9 8 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 6 4 6 - 14 17

Chillicothe, MO - - Close to T own! 0 .3 0 Acres: S its j ust outside of town with 3 b edrooms and 1.5 b aths. 3 - seasons room in b ack . $7 5,0 0 0 . # 3 0 9 7 /224 3 2 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - Charming O lder 2 S tory With L ots O f U pdates! T his home offers new paint inside and out, 3 b edrooms, 1 full b ath, toilet room, living room, dining room, and k itchen with gas stove and dishwasher. N ewer carpet, windows and laundry all on main floor, plus much more. L arge deck with an area for hot tub . N ice yard. P artial b asement. L ocated on a q uiet street. Contact Glenda J ohnson at 6 6 0 - 24 7 - 20 3 4 for a showing today. $7 8 ,50 0 . # 7 24 7 E CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .214 1 Chillicothe, MO - - Residential or Commerical. S eller have completely repainted every

room. Could be an office or a house. Reduced: $8 0 ,0 0 0 . # 7 0 24 /228 7 7 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - B rick B uilding, Could B e A H ome! B rick b uilding, could b e made into a home. $8 0 ,0 0 0 . # 7 0 26 /228 26 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - N ice home in nice neighb orhood, could b e 5B D/2B A. 7 2x 127 L ot: B asement cleaned out, ready for finishing, has nice fireplace in family room area and potential of 2 additional b edrooms. Grill on your b eautiful deck . Carport. $8 9 ,9 0 0 . # 8 21 E q uity Missouri Realty - L and & H ome, Chillicothe, MO Chillicothe, MO - - Great S tarter H ome! T his 3 b edroom, 1 b ath would mak e a great starter home. L arge lot with fenced in b ack yard. N ew N GFA. $9 2,0 0 0 . # 14 0 20 /2216 3 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .14 17

Chillicothe, MO - - Completely U pdated! L ots of updates since 20 12 up to this past year! N ew chain link fence added. N ew garb age disposal, all new paint with wainscot in dining area! Reduced: $115,0 0 0 . # 7 0 21/227 24 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe - Great Family H ome! 3 B edroom Cape Cod on a nice siz ed lot, close to park . N ewer carpet, hardwood floors and detached garage. $115,0 0 0 . # 517 5/22512 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - Great N eighb orhood. Fenced yard, fresh paint, new appliances, new carpet with hardwood underneath. $119 ,7 0 0 . # 3 10 9 /23 0 9 6 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - H ome Completely Remodeled. 50 x 120 L ot: T his home was remodeled in 19 9 8 , new k itchen, upper level all new everything.

Basement finished out. What a classic! S tunning up to date k itchen with maple cherry cabinets. Hardwood floors, 3 b ath, large master b edroom with walk in closet and attached b ath. S ellers j ust installed new carpet in b asement b edroom. N ew wood deck ! $129 ,0 0 0 . # 7 0 28 /227 6 1 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - L arge family home with 4 b drms, 1 full, 3/4 and 1/2 baths, 2 fireplaces, large formal dining room, living room, downstairs family room, game room, work shop and laundry on an ex tra siz ed lot: S eller will include a $4 ,0 0 0 carpet allowance! $13 4 ,0 0 0 . # gpc20 29 3 7 0 RE /MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 6 6 3 - 57 57 Chillicothe, MO - - L arge family home with 4 b drms, 1 full, 3/4 and 1/2 baths, 2 fireplaces, large formal dining room, living room, downstairs family room, game room, work shop

and laundry on an ex tra siz ed lot: S eller will include a $4 ,0 0 0 carpet allowance! $13 4 ,0 0 0 . # gpc20 29 3 7 0 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Chillicothe - 3 b edroom ranch style home has lots of updates and is move- in ready! All new remodeled k itchen with white wood cab inets, q uartz countertops, stainless steel sink , new b ack splash, upscale new stainless steel appliances, and is eat- in style with ample room for dining tab le. E ngineered hardwood flooring in k itchen, living room, and hallway. T he 1,29 6 S q . Ft. main floor has a completely remodeled b ath. 1,29 6 S q Ft. full basement with 550 SqFt. finished family room and ½ b ath has a large storage area and laundry hook ups. Replacement windows, vinyl siding, and composite deck all add value along with the attached garage and fenced b ack yard. $13 4 ,50 0 . # 50 8 9 E CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .214 1




CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

Decemb er 5, 20 17

Gallatin Lumber Company



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CALDWELL B raymer, MO - - Ranch H ome on L arge L ot. T he home has 3 b edrooms, 1 b ath, eat- in k itchen, nice siz e living room and utility room. Full unfinished b asement. Deck off of K itchen with a place for a pool. N ew metal roof. O wner going to paint outside. Garden spot. N ice large shaded yard. $57 ,9 0 0 . # 1250 Connie E . P rindle Real E state, 6 6 0 6 4 5- 2123 B raymer - Fully remodeled b ungalow home: 2 b edroom home, that has b een fully remodeled in 20 13 /20 14 . T he home has a one full b ath, living room, large utility/mud room. Fenced b ack yard with small garden utility shed. N ice treed lot. N ew furnace and a/c in 20 16 . $6 2,50 0 . # 124 1 Clevenger Real E state & Auction, B raymer, MO B raymer, MO - - Close to T own. 6 .0 0 Acres: T his property is located j ust outside the city limits. I t has 6 acres m/l. T his home is a 19 9 4 single trailer that has a cement b lock foundation. T he home has 3 b edrooms, 2 b ath, eat- in k itchen, living room and and a 14 X 20 family room addition. O ne car garage plus car port. P roperty is all fenced with

nice siz e b arn, chick en house and b rooder house with electricity. O pen front b ig metal shed and a lawn mower shed. T here is a cellar too. Well k ept place. Don’t miss out on this one. $110 ,0 0 0 . # 126 0 Connie E . P rindle Real E state, B raymer, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 5- 2123 B raymer, MO - - E x cellent b usiness opportunity: L ocally owned and operated b usiness. P roperty includes 4 ,0 0 0 sq ft b uilding, inventory and fixtures. Partial list of equipment: smok er; ice machine; 6 reach- in freez ers; coolers and other misc. eq uipment. Profit and Loss available to qualified buyers. Call for additional information. Reduced: $129 ,0 0 0 . # 118 3 Clevenger Real E state & Auction, B raymer, MO Cameron - 3 5 m/l Acres j ust waiting for you to develop. 158 8 ft hwy frontage on b usy U S 3 6 H ighway. Adj oins mls # 20 59 8 8 2 is j ust down from mls # 20 59 8 7 9 . H ave your own industrial park . $24 5,0 0 0 . # gpc20 59 8 8 5 Reece & N ichols N orth S tar, L awson, MO 8 16 .58 0 .7 0 7 0 Cowgill, MO - - 25 acres m/l. N ice grass farm, fenced with pond. Rural water, electricity 16 x 24 garage and 16 x 3 6


121 Washington Street Chillicothe, MO 64601

shed. T wo older mob ile homes, b eing sold as is.Cowgill E lementary, (Braymer or Polo H igh) $9 5,0 0 0 . # 124 8 Clevenger Real E state & Auction, B raymer, MO Cowgill, MO - - H ome S weet Country H ome! T his immaculate, well maintained home is move- in ready with 4 b drms and 2 b aths and is located on 1: 6 acres on a hard surface road. Features an updated kitchen, full unfinished basement, reasonab le utilities and a 2 car attached garage. T he lawn is level with mature trees, includes an ab ove ground pool with a nice composite deck . H igh school students have a choice of P olo or B raymer school districts. $14 2,50 0 . # gpc20 7 4 0 7 2 RE / MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 H amilton, MO - - B usiness O pportunity in H amilton. Commercial b uilding is a must see to appreciate! T he b uilding has b een completely remodeled with updated electric, plumb ing, windows, sheet rock, flooring, and train furnace. T here is a b athroom with washer/dryer hook up and could easily install a shower. T his price includes the lot the b uilding sits on and a va-

cant lot to the east. T hriving b usiness district in H amilton! $55,0 0 0 . # 116 2 L andmark Realty, Gallatin, MO H amilton, MO - - B eautifully remodeled home: 2 b edroom, 2 b ath home. L arge living room, dining room, great k itchen with center island & lots of cabinets. Hardwood floors, original woodwork & work ing transoms. P ock et doors. E conomical natural gas furnace & CA. $7 4 ,9 0 0 . # 1 Arnaman Real E state, Cameron, MO H amilton, MO - - E asy access to H wy 3 6 ! P retty 20 acres has several assets! 5+ acres of cropland, some timb er, pasture, continual flowing creek, b uilding site and easy access to H wy 3 6 . J ust 2 miles east of H amilton, MO on the corner of 3 6 and S unset. $7 9 ,50 0 . # 20 7 9 4 26 Allen Mid West Realty L L C, Cameron, MO

Real Estate

Toll Free 800-874-3356 Quality work, at reasonable prices Visit us at:

H amilton, MO - - L ovely ranch home on corner lot in q uiet neighb orhood: 3 b d, 2 1/2 b a 1 with walk in shower, large LR w/fireplace, big kitchen, lots of cabinets. Full finished b asement w/wood b urning fireplace, small kitchen, bath & laundry room. 2 car att. garage. S piral staircase & handicap accessib le. Must see! N E W L O W P RI CE ! $129 ,0 0 0 . # 2 Arnaman Real E state, Cameron, MO H amilton, MO - - Warm ranch home with three b drms and two full b aths located on two large city lots and adj acent to a vacant field. 2 city lots Lot: T he property includes three outb uildings/b arns. T he main one is 3 0 x 8 0 and the second one is 3 0 x 50 . P erfect for farm eq uipment or cars. O riginal wood flooring in all bedrooms. Ceiling fans in k itchen, family


Spotlight 2819- 212 Virginia Ave. $170,000

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1625 Burnam Rd Chillicothe Multi-level home w/3 beds, bath and a half. Fenced in yard, fresh paint, new appliances, new carpet with hardwood underneath.

120 Hunt St. Brookfield Custom Cabinetry, New Flooring. Fresh Paint, 2 Car Detached Garage Oversized With Concrete, Electricity And Insulated

1226 Calhoun St Chillicothe Remodeled in 1998 Hardwood floors, 3 bath, large master bedroom with walk in closet and attached bath. . New wood deck !

#3109 • $119,700

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room and all b edrooms. L aundry and utility room located on main floor for easy access. Master b edroom features walk out doors. $129 ,9 0 0 . # gpc19 7 259 1 RE /MAX P artners, Cameron, MO H amilton - Charming H ome in Quilttown, usa: 1st floor has 2 b eds & 1 full b ath, with wonderful master suite w/full b ath, walk - in closet & separate sitting/hobbyroom on 2nd floor. O rginal hardwoods, large k itchen w/pantry, lik e new stainless steel appliances, farmhouse sink , and lots of cab inet/counter space. Main floor laundry room, access to a new covered deck . O versiz ed 2 car detached garage sits in the lovely yard with b eautiful shade trees & landscaping. $13 7 ,50 0 . # gpc20 6 56 3 0 B erk shire H athaway H omeS ervices H ahn RE AL T O RS ® , Cameron, MO 8 16 .6 3 2.24 59




NEW LISTING Decemb er 5, 20 17



Trenton: Best o town country li e 14 ac dated Beauti ul kitchen w custo ca inets granite Fa ily roo , or al li ing dining, aster suite additional edroo s, guest ath ath on ain le el Rec-roo w ire lace storage in ase ent $286,125 #2062705

Gallatin: ou will lo e the clean, resh eel o this ho e with eat-in kitchen Lower le el with large, re odeled a ily roo ath, utility roo with storage area Welco ing entry, deck ature trees in great neigh orhood close to school $130,000 #2014261




Cowgill: 6 acres on hard sur ace road dated kitchen, ull un inished ase ent, reasona le utilities 2 car attached garage Le el lawn with ature trees, a o e ground ool with co osite deck High school students ha e choice o olo or Bray er school districts $142,500 #2074072

Tina: Hunters paradise! 47 acres w/ 24 acres timber full of deer & wildlife, 21 acres in CRP. Custom 3280sqft, 5 Br, 3 ½ bath home ready for you to finish & tailor to your own needs. Soaring windows overseeing 5 acre lake. 50x30 shed. $367,500 #2071549

Amanda Riley 660-605-0575 DAVIESS Coffey, MO - - 3 3 ACRE S . E x cellent hunting tract with row crop for income within an hour drive of K ansas City! I t has 13 .6 5 tillab le acres with 18 timb er and one pond plus a creek running through the property. S hare cropping arrangement has b een in place for 7 years and could b e continued. Daviess County near

EQUITY MISSOURI REALTY LAND & HOME & AUCTION Heartland MLS 621 Locust, Chillicothe


• $364,500 Gallatin Motel, 14 rooms • $299K One of Chillicothe’s largest buildings on square* • $240K Executive Victorian in Christison Addition* • $189,900 Jamesport B&B • $150K Trenton 4BR home & 13 ac • $89,900 Nice ranch home, 821 Jansen • $79,900 Gorgeous Brookfield home, incredible woodwork • $40K Garage/large shop & apartment, $700/mo income* • $29,900 Remodeled 4BR 2BA, new kitchen & windows, large porch, corner lot • $16K Old Chillicothe Courthouse, 624 Cherry * • $7K 2 industrial lots, 222 Brunswick*

Jeff Foli, Broker


Area Agents: Jack Blank, Rick Baker Don White, Roxanne Rickey No “Rent to own” | * Owner/broker * Owner/broker

Coffey ab out a half mile off b lack top on a good gravel road. Rare find with balance of crop & timb er. L oaded with wildlife. $119 ,50 0 . # 3 3 8 4 Davidson Real E state,

Gallatin, MO - - N ice level lot close to the main entrance! 0 .6 0 Acres: L ot 27 has approx 10 8 ’ of shoreline in a convenient location. I t is within walk ing distance to the club house, pool, office and beach. $59 ,9 0 0 . # gpc20 3 9 4 29 RE / MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57

Coffey, MO - - 3 3 ACRE S . 3 3 .0 0 Acres: T his is an ex cellent hunting tract with row crop for income within an hour drive of K ansas City! I t has 18 Gallatin, MO - - Very nice 4 tillab le acres with 15 timb er plex . All units are one level: and one pond plus a creek T he front 2 units include 2 running through FOR the property. REAL ESTATE SALE b edrooms, 1 b ath, eat in S $364,500 hare cropping arrangement GALLATIN Motel, 14k itchen & living room, refrighas b een in place for 7 years erator, stove & b linds. T he 2 rooms and could e Chillicothe continued.L largest o- units downstairs (drive around $299K Oneb of cated in Daviess County near buildings on Square* b ack , lower level no steps) Coffey out a half mile offin include 1 b edroom, 1 b ath, $240K abExecutive Victorian b Christison lack top onAddition* a good gravel eat in k itchen with pantry, livroad. This is a rare find with $189,900 JAMESPORT Bed & ing room, b linds, refrigerator, the b alance of crop and timBreakfast stove. E ach unit has off road b $150K er and TRENTON is loaded with wildlife. 4BR park ing. T enants are respon$119 ,50 0 . # 3 3 8 4 Davidson home/13acres sib le for all utilities. B uilding Real E state, Cameron, MO 821 $89,900 Nice ranch home, has newer siding. Reduced:

Jansen $79,900 Gorgeous BROOKFIELD home, incredible woodwork $40K Garage/large shop & apartment, $700/mo income* $29,900 Remodeled 4BR/2BA, newer kitchen/windows, large porch, corner lot $16K Old Chillicothe Courthouse, 624 Cherry* $7K Two Industrial lots, 222 Brunswick *Owner/broker Equity Missouri Realty - Land & Home Heartland MLS JEFF FOLI - Broker

$6 5,0 0 0 . # gpc18 9 shire H athaway vices H ahn RE Cameron, MO 8 16

3 4 7 2 B erk H omeS erAL T O RS ®, .6 3 2.24 59

Gallatin, MO - - Move in ready! Ranch home with 3 b drms (possibly 4) and 2 full baths, living room, family room (or master b drm), eat- in k itchen and laundry all on one level: T his would mak e a great starter, retirement or rental home. Detached one car garage with concrete floor and electricity. Call today for more information or to schedule a showing! $7 0 ,0 0 0 . # gpc20 6 27 4 5 RE / MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin, MO - - N ice Commercial on the S q uare: T his commercial b uilding is located on the west side of the sq uare in Gallatin. T he b uilding has

b een completely remodeled with wiring, plumb ing, furnace, AC, water heaters, insulation, and so much more! A one b edroom one b ath apartment in b asement can b e utiliz ed b y owner or rent out for ex tra income. A nice commercial property on the sq uare. $8 0 ,0 0 0 . # 119 0 L andmark Realty, Gallatin, MO Gallatin, MO - - Charming 4 b drm, 1 and 1/2 b athroom 2 story home is located on a nice, shady corner lot with a pretty patio area and an oversiz ed 2 car detached garage: Charming 4 b edroom, 1 and 1/2 b athroom 2 story home is located on a nice, shady corner lot with a pretty patio area and an oversiz ed 2 car detached garage. L arge k itchen includes gas range and refrigerator, main level laundry room. T his well k ept home has updates including vinyl siding, windows, roof and more! $8 2,50 0 . # gpc20 4 4 58 1 RE /MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin, MO - - I mpressive Q ueen Anne style Victorian home with a large porch, original woodwork , pock et doors and lead glass: I mpressive Q ueen Anne style Victorian with a large porch, original woodwork , pock et doors and lead glass. Main level living room, dining room & parlor to accomodate large groups. Would mak e a stunning home or B &B . Detached garage. A truly uniq ue home j ust off the historic courthouse sq uare. S ome work

needed. Reduced: $8 9 ,0 0 0 . # gpc19 4 0 23 8 RE /MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin, MO - - S pacious home has 3 b d/2 full b aths on main level and 1 bd and office with its own entrance, 1/2 b ath and nice siz e family room in the full finished basement: New A/C installed 6 /17 . Ready for you to mak e your own. S eller relocating and hoping for q uick sell. $10 5,0 0 0 . # gpc20 6 3 0 8 9 RE /MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin, MO - - Ranch home with three b drms, 2 b aths, one car attached garage on large lot, including 3 6 x 3 6 outbuilding with concrete floor, 2 overhead doors with one electric door. 16 6 x 13 0 L ot: Y ou’ll love the nice neighb orhood, prox imity to school and level, treed lot, and covered deck with sun- porch. N ewer roof, windows, siding, remodeled b athroom, and k itchen appliances included! $117 ,0 0 0 . # gpc20 7 7 14 7 RE /MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin, MO - - N icely remodeled traditional home, great for a growing family: S pacious eat in k itchen with a formal dining room. A large laundry/ craft room and new shop with electric will mak e the perfect space for your hob b ies and proj ects. P artially fenced lot with a garden and large b ack deck . $122,0 0 0 . # gpc20 7 3 153 RE /MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO



gpc206 gpc207 gpc201 gpc207



Decemb er 5, 20 17 AUCTIONS

10 ’&8 ’ single ax le trailers; Ram Charger, Royal 150 , 19 8 4 , 4 wheel prospector, good tires & interior, needs headliner; J D Model MT , gas, three point, tractor; L eyland # 3 4 4 , diesel, 8 speed transmission, dual hydraulic, straight metal, good tires and seat; Allis Chalmers CA - 3 speed transmission, new tires, tri- front; Massey Ferguson 6 5, gas, multi power, ex cellent condition; & MU CH MO RE ! S ee S hoener on GP Cink .com b y Clevenger Real E state & Auction, A D O N P A G E 9 ph: 8 16 - 7 18 - 9 54 9 .

B raymer, MO , on Dec 9 : T ractors - S hop E q uipment - Real E state - Furniture. RE AL E S T AT E T O AU CT I O N : Real E state: 8 0 acres m/l with 2 story, 4 b edroom home; 3 0 x 6 0 metal shed, 4 rollup doors, concrete floor; 36x40 metal shed, 1 sliding door, 3 rollup doors lik e new. L egal: N 1/2 of N E 1/4 of S ection 13 , T ownship 54 N , Range 26 W, Ray County, MO . T RACT O RS , S H O P E Q U I P ME N T AN D FU RN I T U RE : J eep L ib erty L E , silver, 20 0 2, 120 ,6 7 8 miles, ex cellent condition;

2013 V-Nose Cargo Trailer, 18 ramp door, excellent condition E Professional Aluminum Chute, Westfield Drive Over Pit

660.646.1957 • FARM MACHINERY & RELATED MON, DEC 11, 2017 ONLINE AUCTION • Starts closing at 7PM TRA TORS John Deere 4720, 472 hours super nice John Deere 4020, very clean, shedded E LES 1999 Ford F250, 119k miles, Cab heat/air TRA LERS 2013 V-Nose Cargo Trailer, 18 ramp door, excellent condition FAR E Professional Aluminum Chute, Westfield Drive Over Pit



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Pierce Auto Supply & Gun Works Paul & Terry Pierce, Owners 2 ackson Street allatin issouri 4 4 or Hours: on -Fri am- pm Sat am- 2pm

Online Only Auction 10 Buyer Premium is applied to all items $10,000 and less $1,000 Buyer Premium is applied to all items $10,000 Cash, Certified Check, Money Order, Wire Transfer accepted Business Check accepted with ID



Harrison County Land 12 Noon

12023 E. 240th Ave.,Eagleville, MO

acres l


t r a sa r


Dec. 11, 2017

iles rt

a leville

Lo ated on t e east side o nterstate , nort o Ea le ille, Mo. A roxi ate lo ation o land is at ile ar er 111. Small pond with pump house. Access to electric and rural water. Property is all fenced in. 60% timber 40% pastures. Pasture has been leased for cattle grazing at $2,150 per year of income. Balance of the land would be scattered draw and a creek. Excellent location for deer hunting.

Auctioneers Note’s: Absolute Auction - Land will sell to the highest bidder with no reserve. Any and all buyers will sign a legal binding real estate contract at end of auction buyers to sign a escrow check made payable to Grand River Title in the amount of 10% of the total price escrow check will be non-refundable buyers to close in 30 days or less. Buyers will split 50-50 surveying cost at time of closing real estate will sell as is where is with no guarantees Expressed or implied. All taxes on property will be prorated to closing date this tract of land will sell absolute to the highest bitter with no reserve. Any announcements made sale they will take presence of all printed material. For viewing of real estate call the Auction firm number below.

In case of bad weather buyers must call Auction company phone number 660-247-1914 new location of Auction sale will be held rain or shine No small items at this action so please be on time. See our website for more pictures.

Owners: J & M Gingerich Missouri Professional Auctioneers Association

Gilman City 4-H Serving Lunch

conducted by

Ropp Auctions Auctioneers: Norman Ropp 660-247-1914

$$$ We bring high sellers. bidders to our Restrooms Available

Decemb er 5, 20 17

ESTATE AUCTION L DIRECTIONS: 3 miles south of Braymer on Route A to Pleasant Hill Road, east four miles to County Line Road, south 2 miles to property OR 14 miles north of Hardin, MO on Route A to Route W, east 3 miles to County Line Road, north 2 miles to property

10:00 AM • Saturday December 9th, 2017 T


0 acres l with 2 story, 4 edroo ho e 0x60 etal shed, 4 rollu doors, concrete loor 6x40 etal shed, 1 sliding door, rollu doors like new Legal: N 1 2 o NE 1 4 o Section 1 , ownshi 4N, Range 26W, Ray County, MO er s: 10 down day o sale, alance within 0 days Seller reser es the right to acce t or re ect all ids ana auto atic washer Maytag electric dryer Frigidaire electric range Estate re rigerator ree er 20 cu t Nice c ueen si e edroo set 2 ook cases Dou le edestal desk Metal chro e rack lass ront china hutch So a Hide-aed La ta le tility shel ing Blonde edroo suit Full si e chest 2 dressers oshi a Cherry night stand Solid Oak desk chair Oak ull si e edroo suit ed 1 dresser decorations lu er

Christ as uto et eeder Misc

Jee Li erty LE, sil er, 2002, 120,67 iles, excellent condition 10 single axle trailers Ra Charger, Royal 1 0 , 1 4, 4 wheel ros ector, good tires





interior, needs headliner JD Model M , gas, three oint, near new aint, good ru er, nice tractor Leyland 44, diesel, s eed trans ission, dual hydraulic, straight etal, good tires and seat llis Chal ers C s eed trans ission, new tires, triront Massey Ferguson 6 , gas, ulti ower, excellent condition, good tires, rear wheel weights, dual hydraulic, new seat, e ui ed with ront end loader 0 tractor weights Set o 12 4x 2 tires 2 0, t larger ho er grass seeder S all O seeder t carry all Ford sickle ower, 7 t, t Se eral Hydraulic Cylinders t rear oo t tande disc 6 t lade t rotary ower 2 row culti ator Bush Hog twin gear ox o set t ower

Car erters ox, ull o tools Belt sander Router Jig Saw Wood Cla s 2 Ori ital sanders Black Decker Work ate 0 orter Ca le electric Saw all a le saw, 7 1 4 lade Central Machine elt sander with side dresser Chicago cut-out tool Makita 7 1 4 circular saw Sears, Cra ts an ig saw in case 12 Central Machine aria le s eed and saw 10 Mitre saw Master Mechanic 10 ta le saw orta le 1 gal air co ressor Ca ell Haus ield Chicago 1 2 electric i act wrench Dayton 11 h 7200 watt generator ar s Jacks Metal Storage ca inets Misc oils Century 71 1 attery charger, ta le odel Benchcrest un sight tool Fishing oles tackle Har or Freight 4 eat grinder Worx electric attery o erated lawn ower Ranch ing lawn ower 6 Stanley ladder Cole an 0 t cooler Stihl 1 0 chain saw Stihl FS R weed eater Sho els, itch orks, rakes 16 extension ladder 20 gal s rayer with electric u 1 h , M D, 4 s d trans ssion, no ower deck u ota 24 h , 124E ower, 44 deck

Work ench ounted with ost ice grinder and i e ise 20th Century electric welder Lincoln rc Welder Central Machine drill ress 400 ise 24 c co ination o en ox end set S E Metric S E set u to 1 1 4 S all air co ressor 0 angle grinder and attach ents with rushes Black Decker 1 attery ack drill ool ox with isc tools ool ox with electrical ite s Drill its unches chisels Sho ac Welding hel et uto ti ing light 1 2 electric drill Nu erous olts, aint, its, nails, organi ers al

Cash or check with ro er I D , nothing re o ed until settled or







le e






le e


ee s

e ea





Chillicothe, MO , on Dec 14 : AB S O L U T E RE AL E S T AT E AU CT I O N . RE AL E S T AT E , L O VE L Y H O ME I N GRE AT L O CAT I O N Ab solute real estate auction selling to the top b idder with no minimum or reserve. DO N ’T MI S S T H IS O P P O RT U N I T Y !! T his is a lovely home with great “ curb appeal” on corner lot in a super location. (1213 Northwood Terrace). T his one- owner home has 4 b edrooms, 2 b athrooms, 1500 sq. ft. on main floor plus a full basement (approx. 1000 sq. feet finished) , with additional woodwork ing shop in the b asement. H ome has new thermo seal windows, closets & storage everywhere, concrete patio, good roof, good central air & furnace, 528 sq . ft 2- car attached garage, needs some updating, b ut would mak e an ex cellent home to “ j ust move in”, rent out, or “flip it” . N o personal property to sell, so rememb er the time & date, and b e “ O N T I ME ” ! S ee H O FFMAN on GP Cink . com b y Mik e Miller Auction S ervice, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 117 9 . P urdin, MO , on Dec 16 : L I VE S T O CK , FARM MACH I N E RY , H O RS E DRAWN E Q U I P ME N T , S H O P T O O L S , GRE E N H O U S E S , FE N CI N G, L U MB E R, Y ARD T O O L S , AP P L I AN CE S , H O U S E H O L D RE L AT E D I T E MS , AN T I Q U E S , S T O RAGE B ARN , T AH O E , T RAI L E RS , 4 - WH E E L E R, B O AT ; L I VE S T O CK : 4 head of dairy cows, mostly J ersey and one B lack N ormandy currently milking (1 dry by sale day); 2 first calf heif-


ers, milk ing great; 1 yearling J ersey; one 2- mo old J ersey steer calf; all cows are b rok e to lead; FARM MACH I N E RY , H O RS E DRAWN E Q U I P ME N T : J ohn Deere 120 9 Mower Conditioner 9 ’; J ohn Deere 24 T sq uare b aler; J ohn Deere L E Drop S preader; 6 ’ T railer frame; 2 work ing horse drawn 6 gang discs; N o. 9 I nternational high gear sick le mower; N o. 7 I nternational S ick le Mower (needs work); Pioneer 2 seated four cart; Farm Wagon 20 ; walk b ehind fertiliz er spreader; 3 walk b ehind plows, one doub le sided plow; 14 ” left hand P ioneer plow; 2 draft horse & 2 driving horse harness sets; plus misc. tack ; nice horse drawn, ground drive, manure spreader w/ steel wheels; J ohn Deere Running gears w/ 7 ’x 14 ’ rack ; 3 0 ’ hay elevator with electric motor; 3 pt post hole auger; S ee MO L N E R on GP Cink . com b y Mik e Miller Auction, A D O N P A G E 1 2 P hone: 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 117 9 . Gallatin, MO , on Dec 28 : T ractors/L oaders, Antiq ue T ractors, S k idloader Attachments, T illage, P lanting, H arvest, H ay, Farm Machinery, L ivestock E q uipment. S ee B and S E q uipment Y ear E nd Consignment Auction T AK I N G CO N S I GN ME N T S N O W on GP Cink .com presented b y B &S E q uipment Auction, P h: 6 6 0 - 6 0 5- 0 8 3 9 . Alb any, MO , on Decemb er 29 : S ee 2- Day E state on GP Cink .com presented b y Dollars Messner Auction, P h: 6 6 0 - 7 26 - 3 252. E agleville, MO , on Decemb er 11: L ocated on the east side of I nterstate 3 5 N orth of E agleville Mo. L and location approx . mile mark er 111. S ee H arrison County L and on GP Cink .com presented b y Ropp Auctions, P h: 6 6 0 .24 7 .19 14 . E dina, MO , on Decemb er 6 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 6 6 7 - Acre L and on GP Cink . com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . K nox City, MO , Dec 6 : FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee Farm Retirement on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . E lmer, MO , Dec 7 : FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee Farm Retirement on GP Cink .com b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .


Decemb er 5, 20 17


Fairb ury, I L , on Decemb er 8 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 7 1.6 9 - Acre L and on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . T uscola, I L , on Decemb er 8 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 14 2.55- Acre L and on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . Creighton, MO , on Decemb er 8 : T ractors, H ay E q uipment, CAT S k id S teer, T ools, Antiq ues & H ousehold. S ee Daryl & Mildred S loan on GP Cink .com presented b y Anstine Auction L L C, P h: 8 16 .59 7 .3 3 3 1. H annib al, MO , on Dec 9 : FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee

Farm Retirement on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . K ingdom City, MO , on Decemb er 9 : T oy T ractors, T oy Farm I mplements, Collectib les & Memorab ilia. S ee T oy on GP Cink .com presented b y Wheeler Auctions & Real E state, P h: 6 6 0 .3 27 .58 9 0 or 6 6 0 .3 27 .18 0 6 .

ton, S mith & Wesson, and More, Reloading S upplies, Ammo, and Related Collectib les!!! on GP Cink .com presented b y S teve Ritter Auctioneering, 8 16 - 6 3 0 - 1252. S igourney, I A, on Decemb er 11: FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee Dealer Reduction on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .

L ib erty, MO , on Decemb er 9 : S ee I ncredib le Coin Collection - Many Rare K ey Coins!!! on GP Cink .com presented b y S teve Ritter Auctioneering, P h: 8 16 - 6 3 0 1252.

Malta B end, MO , on Decemb er 11: Real E state & Farm E q uipment. S ee K asz a T rust on GP Cink .com presented b y Wheeler Auctions & Real E state, P h: 6 6 0 .3 27 .58 9 0 or 6 6 0 .3 27 .18 0 6 .

L ib erty, MO , on Decemb er 10 : S ee I ncredib le L ifetime Gun Collection - Many Rare Colt, Winchester, Reming-

Brimfield, IL, 12: FARM S ee Farm E GP Cink .com

on December E Q U I P ME N T . q uipment on b y S ullivan

Auctioneers, L L C, 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .

K ansas City, MO , on Decemb er 12: RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 20 .6 4 - Acre L and on GP Cink .com presented b y Wheeler Auctions & Real E state, P h: 6 6 0 .3 27 .58 9 0 or 6 6 0 .3 27 .18 0 6 . L ock ridge, I A, on Decemb er 13 : FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee Farm Retirement on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . Mound City, MO , Dec 13 : S ee P ub lic O ffering 16 0 Acres +/ - H olt Co. on GP Cink .com b y B arnes Realty, Ph: 660-442-3177(MO) or 785-742-4580(KS).

, 18765


69, L



Don t miss this fantastic auction Please plan to attend this auction in our climate-controlled, smoke-free gallery with plenty of seating & good food

Online bidding & photos for guns, ammo and knives will be available through Proxibid com

home on L arge Corner L ot in S alisb ury, MO . S ee Real E state Auction on GP Cink . com presented b y E nyeart Auction & Realty, P h: 6 6 0 .28 8 .3 0 22.

Moravia, I A, on Decemb er 15: FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee L arge Retirement on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .

K eosauq ua, I A, on Decemb er 14 : FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee Farm E state on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .

Rushville, I L , on Decemb er 16 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 7 7 4 - Acre L and on GP Cink . com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .

Mclean, I L , on Decemb er 14 : FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee Farm Retirement on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .

West P oint, I A, on Decemb er 18 : FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee I owa E state on GP Cink . com b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .

S alisb ury, MO , on Dec 13 : N ice 4 B edroom, 1 b ath



P h:





er s Conditions: Cash or Checks acce ted he ollowing Credit Cards will e taken: isa, MasterCard, Disco er or erican Ex ress, with a ee on , 18765 69, L , O credit cards E erything will e sold as is 10 Buyer s F S I-35 North to Highway 69 Excelsior Springs, Missouri exit , North on 69 to 4-1/2 miles re ofiuExcelsior10 handling ee north Springs F From Cameron, I-35 South to Highway 116, East to Hwy 69, Southetocharged auction will er gun



uctioneer s Note: Don t iss this great auction lease lan to attend this outstanding auction in our cli ate-controlled, s okeree auction gallery with lenty o seating and good ood




Also offering on

find us online at

Decemb er 5, 20 17



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Livestock Auctions

Public Auctions ccurate,

-to-Date In or ation ro





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Real Estate Auctions


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Leading Sale Barns throughout Northern Missouri






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L E X I N GT O N , MO , on J anuary 13 : AN T I Q U E S & CO L L E CT I B L E S . S ee E S T AT E O F DO RO T H Y WO MACK rint ad on GP Cink .com we b y Adksite ins Auction S ervice, 6 6 0 - 259 - 24 0 9 .

J ohnston, I A, on J anuary arget: 19: Benefit Auction. See 20 Li estock d ertisers Benefit Auction for Beast Exa le shown is col x 16 = 60 wk Feast- H osted b y O utdoor ut antici ateTOC rinting a 4 col x16 when ature Dan on GP Cink .com preFeeder Cattle T C sented b y Wagner- Dent ,7O 0 = , 660 4 973 0 0097 4 col Ax16 x wk Wednesday st Auctions, P h: 6 4 1- 9 3 1,T O 64682 660 622 4214


D e c 0 6 -D e c 0 8 - A lte r n a tiv e L iv e s to c k A u c tio n Mark your calendar now and plan to attend this outstanding offering of unusual animals. Also offering tax idermy auction items. L olli B rothers L ivestock Mark et, I nc., Macon, MO D e c 0 7 - S p e c ia l C a lf & Y e a r lin g S a le Featuring White and Red T ag H ealth P rogram. Call for pre- sale information, 6 6 0 .226 .5222 N ew Camb ria L ivestock Mk t, L L C, N ew Camb ria, MO D e c 0 8 - S p e c ia l C o w S a le Call us for details on early listings, 6 6 0 .8 8 6 .9 0 9 0 . J ones B rothers L ivestock Auction, Marshall, MO D e c 0 9 - S p e c ia l C o w , B r e d H e ife r & B r e e d in g B u ll S a le S elling b egins 11am. S pecial S aturday auction. Call sale barn office for more information: 6 6 0 .8 7 4 .4 14 6 . Green City L ivestock Mark eting, L L C, Green City, MO D e c 0 9 - H o r s e /T a c k A u c tio n Sale begins 8:30 a.m. Call our office more complete details: 8 16 .59 7 .3 3 3 1 Anstine Auction L L C, K ingsville, MO D e c 0 9 -D e c 1 0 - S p e c ia l B r e d H fr, C o w , C o w /C a lf, & B u ll S a le S ale time 1 p.m. Daviess County L ivestock Mark et, Gallatin, MO D e c 0 9 - S m a ll A n im a l A u c tio n Auction for small animals from 2- 4 p.m. Call 6 6 0 - 8 8 6 - 9 0 9 0 for details. J ones B rothers L ivestock Auction, Marshall, MO D e c 1 4 - S p e c ia l C o w , C o w /C a lf & B u ll S a le S ale time 5 p.m. L olli B rothers L ivestock Mark et, I nc., Macon, MO

D e c 1 5 - S p e c ia l C o w S a le S ale event as part of our regular sale day. Call 57 3 .3 24 .229 5 more more details. E astern Mo. Commission Co., B owling Green, MO D e c 1 6 - S p e c ia l B r e d H e ife r, B r e d C o w & C o w -C a lf P a ir & B r e e d in g B u ll S a le S pecial sale b egins 11 a.m. on S aturday. Call our sale b arn for more details: 6 6 0 .226 .5222. N ew Camb ria L ivestock Mk t, L L C, N ew Camb ria, MO D e c 2 8 - P ig , S h e e p , G o a t & S m a ll A n im a l A u c tio n S pecial auction b egins 5 p.m. Call our office for more details: 816.597.3331 Anstine Auction L L C, K ingsville, MO J a n 1 3 - S p e c ia l C o w S a le S aturday morning special sale. Call our sale b arn for more details: 6 6 0 .226 .5222. N ew Camb ria L ivestock Mk t, L L C, N ew Camb ria, MO J a n 1 3 - S p e c ia l B r e d C o w S a le S ale time 1 p.m. Daviess County L ivestock Mark et, Gallatin, MO J a n 1 8 - P r e -C o n d itio n P r o g r a m S a l e MFA H ealth T rack & P urina 4-Square, QSA Sourced erified, White Red T ag H ealth P rogram. N ew Camb ria L ivestock Mk t, L L C, N ew Camb ria, MO Fe b 1 0 - S p e c i a l C o w S a l e S aturday morning special sale. Call our sale b arn for more details: 6 6 0 .226 .5222. N ew Camb ria L ivestock Mk t, L L C, N ew Camb ria, MO Fe b 1 0 - S p e c i a l B r e d C o w S a l e S ale time 1 p.m. Daviess County L ivestock Mark et, Gallatin, MO






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E 2 weeks x 4 0 = 24, 60 Please call Dwain for further details on the upcoming sale: 660-973-0097

24, FEEDER 60 di CATTLE ided SALE y 20 ad E ERY EDNESDAY • 11 AM


U rb andale, I A, on J anuary 20: Benefit Auction. See Benefit Auction for Saint P ius X on GP Cink .com presented b y Wagner- Dent Auctions, 6 4 1- 9 3 1- 6 8 3 2.


cting 00 400 r i rs, ...orrcould coprint s &Every co Other cal Week airs.

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Also featuring...

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Montgomery City, MO , on J anuary 2: FARM E Q U I P K eystone, I A, on Decemb er ME N T . S ee Farm E q uip19 : FARM E Q U I P ME N T . ment on GP Cink .com S ee Farm Retirement on presented b y Wheeler Lists E presented ery S ecial GP Cink .com b y Li estock uction in ro ides R Code link directly to client Auctions & Real E state,s S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 6 6 0 .3 27 .58 9 0 or P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . 6 6 0 .3 27 .18 0 6 . AUCTIONS


641 784 3323

641 782 0790

515 608 0953




641 784 3323 R

641 442 5501

641 782 0790


Decemb er 5, 20 17

AUCTIONS L E X I N GT O N , MO , on Feb ruary 24 : B I L L H O E P P N E R AN AVI D AL L I S CH AL ME RS FARME R I S P ART I AL L Y RE T I RI N G.. S ee P ART I AL RE T I RE ME N T FO R B I L L H O E P P N E R on GP Cink .com presented b y Adk ins Auction S ervice, P h: 6 6 0 - 259 - 24 0 9 .

REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS E agleville, MO , on Decemb er 11: L ocated on the east side of I nterstate 3 5 N orth of E agleville Mo. L and location approx . mile mark er 111. S ee H arrison County L and on GP Cink .com presented b y Ropp Auctions, P h: 6 6 0 .24 7 .19 14 .

E dina, MO , on Decemb er 6 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 6 6 7 - Acre L and on GP Cink . com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . Fairb ury, I L , on Decemb er 8 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 7 1.6 9 - Acre L and on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . T uscola, I L , on Decemb er 8 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 14 2.55- Acre L and on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . Malta B end, MO , on Decemb er 11: Real E state & Farm E q uipment. S ee K asz a T rust on GP Cink . com presented b y Wheel-

er Auctions & Real E state, P h: 6 6 0 .3 27 .58 9 0 or 6 6 0 .3 27 .18 0 6 . K ansas City, MO , on Decemb er 12: RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 20 .6 4 - Acre L and on GP Cink .com presented b y Wheeler Auctions & Real E state, P h: 6 6 0 .3 27 .58 9 0 or 6 6 0 .3 27 .18 0 6 .

AUCTIONS On-line Banner Advertising $2/Day 660-707-1820 660-663-2154

Mound City, MO , on Decemb er 13 : S ee P ub lic O ffering 16 0 Acres +/ - H olt Co. on GP Cink .com presented b y B arnes Realty, Ph: 660-442-3177(MO) or 785-742-4580(KS). Rushville, I L , on Decemb er 16 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 7 7 4 - Acre L and on GP Cink . com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .


AUCTION SUN., DEC., 10 at 11:00 AM Earnest Shepherd Youth Center 610 E Shepherd Rd., Liberty, MO.

Directions: From Kansas City, take I-35N to the 69Hwy Exit (Exit 20). Immediately Turn Right (South) on Lightburne Rd (33Hwy South) to Shepherd Rd. Turn Left (East) to Auction. Watch for Signs.


AUCTION SA ., DEC., at 11:00 AM Earnest Shepherd Youth Center 610 E Shepherd Rd., Liberty, MO.

FA TAST OLLE T O e are excited to bring you this Lifetime Gun ollection. Frank has spent over 50 ears avidly collecting uality Firearms and Related ollectibles. ith a passion for Rare Guns, and an Eye for uality, he has amassed a onderful ollection of any ard to Find Firearms, as well as a Large Amount of Ammo and Reloading Supplies. Gun Enthusiasts will not want to miss this Incredible Sale ighlights include AN G NS by Ruger, olt, Smith esson, igh Standard, Beretta and ore including Rare Smith and esson 22 asterpiece Revolver, Rare Smith and esson .44 S Special and E ector 2nd odel Revolver, Rare Pat. 1 75 olt Bisley SAA .32 F Revolver, olt odel 1903 Type 3 .32 Automatic, 2 German P3 with Nazi arkings, Remington odel 51 .3 0 Pistol, olt est Pocket 190 ammerless, and any ore L NGG NS by inchester, olt, Remington, arlin, Savage, Rossi, and ore including olt Lightning Small Frame .22 Rifle, olt Lightning edium Frame .32 Rifle, inchester 1 94 Lever Action .30 F Rifle Rare Rifle, not arbine , Remington 12-B Gallery Special Pump .22 Short, Remington 121 Pump .22 LR in Rare Routledge Smooth Bore, inchester 1 90 Pump .22 RF Early Second odel, inchester 62 Pump .22 Short, inchester 1903 Semi Auto .22 with Rare Factory Silencer Adapter, inchester 63 Semi Auto .22, inchester 94 Lever Action Rifles, inchester Buffalo Bill ommemorative, arlin Lever Action Rifles, Remington od 11 Semi Auto 16ga like new, Ansley Fox igh Grade SxS 12ga, inchester 24 SxS 16ga, Remington 1900 ammerless SxS 12ga, L Smith unter Arms Fulton SxS 12ga, Stevens 311 SxS Shotguns, 2 Nazi and apanese Rifles, .22 Rifles, Shotguns, and uch ore In Addition, we will be selling a Large Amount of Reloading Supplies, Ammo, and Gun Related Items. Plan to attend this Large Sale

See website for photos!


Steve & Steven Ritter • Excelsior Springs, MO. (816) 630-1252

Directions: North of Kansas City, off I-35 at 69 Hwy Exit (Exit 20). go South on Lightburne Rd (33Hwy South) to Shepherd Rd. Turn Left (East) to Auction. Watch for Signs.



This will be a Fantastic oin Auction packed full of great items. ighlights from this sale include the ighly oveted 1793 Liberty ap, ead Facing Left, alf ent in F to F etails ondition. The coin has a large obverse ie Break or Planchet Flaw, but is Extremely ard to find in igh Grade ondition and has Beautiful etail to both the bverse and the Reverse. In addition, this collection features 1 of the Best and ost omplete igh Grade ollections of apped Bust alf ollars we have sold in 30 ears of Business. There will also be ver 20 Gold oins including Several igh Grade oronet and Indian Gold oins, any Silver Bars and Silver Rounds, any Rare Type oins including an ncirculated 1914- Lincoln ent, a igh Grade ollection of Buffalo Nickels including Almost ncirculated 1913Type 2 and 1913-S Type 2 Buffalo Nickels and an ncirculated 1937- 3 Legged Buffalo Nickel, a Rare ncirculated 1 5 Flying Eagle ent, a Rare 1912- Lincoln ent S 64 65 Red, an 1 9 Proof Three ent Nickel NG PF 65, igh Grade Seated Liberty Type oins including an ncirculated 1 61 Seated uarter and a igh Grade 1 40 Seated Liberty Silver ollar, a Rare Early 179 Bust Silver ollar F 20, a Rare Early 1 03 Bust alf ollar F 40, any igh Grade organ and Peace ollars including Rare ey ates, a Fantastic Roll of 20 ncirculated 1 7 7 ver oubled Tailfeathers organ ollars sold as 1 Lot, a Nice Roll of 20 ncirculated 1 5-P organ ollars sold as 1 lot, Slabbed organ ollars including an 1 7 NG S 64, PL organs any any Great Books and Sets of oins, any Rare Foreign Silver oins, ommemoratives, Bulk Silver Lots, and uch uch ore

See website for Catalog & photos!


Steve & Steven Ritter • Excelsior Springs, MO. (816) 630-1252

Decemb er 5, 20 17

DAVIESS Gallatin, MO - - N icely remodeled traditional home, great for a growing family: S pacious eat in k itchen with a formal dining room. L arge laundry/craft room & new shop with electric will mak e the perfect space for your hob -



b ies and proj ects. P artially fenced lot with a garden and large b ack deck . $122,0 0 0 . # gpc20 7 3 153 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57

on, ex cellent view & water, located on a very desired area of lak e. $125,0 0 0 . # 10 13 4 L ak e Vik ing S ales L L C, 6 6 0 6 6 3 - 213 4

Gallatin, MO - - B eautiful view of L ak e Vik ing from lot # 13 4 . 1.0 0 Acres.3 3 L ot: L evel, 1/3 acre lot overlook ing b eautiful L ak e Vik ing. Ready to b uild

Gallatin, MO - - Attractive and well maintained ranch style home w/3 b drms and 2 1/2 b aths: Y ou will love the clean, fresh feel of this home with its eat- in k itchen including appliances, lower level featuring a large, remodeled family room and 1/2 b ath, utility room with huge storage area. T he ex terior features a welcoming entry, nice deck and mature trees located in a great neighb orhood close to the school. Reduced: $13 0 ,0 0 0 . # gpc20 14 26 1 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57


Home Tour

Sunday,, Dec. 10 • 2-6 PM Featured Homes....

Travis and Amy Heldenbrand Bryan and Ronda Copple Steve and Christine McBee McBee's Red Barn Morrell Lodge Tickets can be purchased from Tara Burns at Farmers Mutual Insurance in Gallatin or Natalie Salmon at Natalie’s Hair Loft also in Gallatin. Tickets may ts Ticke also be purchased at any of the homes on the day of the tour. Homes can be toured in any order, and the addresses are printed on the tour tickets.


The Gallatin Prom Lock-In ock-In committee is also selling raffle tickets for a Yeti cooler,, which will be given away later this season. Tickets are being sold at home games. The Christmas Home Tour is sponsored by Gallatin Prom Lock-In. Proceeds benefit after prom lock-in activities!


Gallatin, MO - - L ocation and P rice. 0 .4 3 Acres. 0 .4 29 L ot: Great b uilding lot on the main channel, at an ex cellent price in a great area w/ deep water and great views. S urrounded b y b eautiful homes. Mature trees, level, easily accessed from Main or S outh entrances. Ready for you to b uild your new lak e home on or mak e it your retreat to enj oy the lak e from. B etter hurry, not many left with this k ind of location and price. $13 0 ,0 0 0 . # 10 219 L ak e Vik ing S ales, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 213 4 Gallatin, MO - - L ook ing for a nice waterfront lot on L ak e Vik ing, check this one out, it has an impressive rock wall, is conveniently located nex t


to the association amenities, located j ust off one of most popular coves on the water! $13 0 ,0 0 0 . # gpc20 4 6 0 17 Century 21 Crossroads, Cameron, MO 8 16 .6 3 2.4 8 8 4

b e perfect for a 10 ft. b asement home with only steps to the water. E lec. & Water in place $13 9 ,9 0 0 . # 10 4 7 5 L ak e Vik ing S ales L L C, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 213 4

Gallatin, MO - - N ice T ier H ome at L ak e Vik ing! T his great split level house features 3 b drms, 2 full b aths, a large living room w/fireplace, spacious k itchen - including lik e new stainless appliances, large mud room and one car attached garage: T his great split level house features 3 b edrooms, 2 full b aths, a large living room w/stone fireplace, spacious k itchen - including lik e new stainless appliances, large mud room and one car attached garage $13 9 ,0 0 0 . # gpc20 6 219 8 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57

Gallatin, MO - - Great Family L ak e L ot on Good Water! L ot # 26 has all of the ingredients for a fun filled location on Lake Vik ing. I f you are a sk ier, the water is great and the cove is ideal for sk iing. For swimming it is plenty deep and yet plenty of floating and swimming areas away from the dock and b oating. I t has over 20 0 ft. of shoreline. T he grandfathered enclosed b oathouse 18 x 18 b rings everyone together for food and b everages and ex cellent place to hang out on the water. I t is a very coveted place that you cannot do anymore. A covered b oat dock with lift for your b oat plus an attached 8 x 10 swim dock . I t also has a 50 x 25 ft. concrete pad which should accommodate all of your family and friends at one time to top off that enj oyab le day at the lak e. $14 2,0 0 0 . # 10 26 L ak e Vik ing S ales L L C, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 213 4

Gallatin, MO - - L ot Ready for Fun in the S un! T his is the lot you have b een waiting for, great location on the lak e, and a new concrete dock , and fire pit. Lot has 52 ft. of stack ed rock shoreline, and a new concrete single well covered b oat dock . T his lot has b een groomed and will

Have your

Medicare Supplement Premiums Increased?

• Medicare Supplements • Life Insurance • Annuities • Long Term Care

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CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

Decemb er 5, 20 17

Help Wanted



DRI VE RS : $5,0 0 0 O rientation Completion B onus! U niq ue Flatb ed or DryVan Fleet! E x cellent Annual P ay, Full Comprehensive Benefits! 1yr Class-A CDL Call: 1- 8 55- 8 56 - 7 9 8 5

Y O U R DI RT I S our b read & b utter. Carpet & upholstery cleaning. David B aldwin, 8 16 - 6 3 2- 26 27 or toll- free 1- 8 8 8 - 8 54 - 29 4 9 .

Wanting to b uy standing timb er: Cottonwood, maple, oak , walnut. Call 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 50 8 2 after 6 : 0 0 p.m. M0 0 0 L dtf

T H E H AMI L T O N B AN K check ing/savings accounts, loans, I RA’s and C.O .D.’s. Visit www. hamiltonb ank .net or call 8 16 58 3 - 214 3 . N ew b ranch at L athrop, MO . Memb er FDI C & E q ual H ousing Memb er.

Farm ground wanted. Competitive rates. Aaron L andes 6 6 0 - 3 58 - 26 8 2

P lant P roduction S upervisor in Albany MO (shift to be determined) – Candidates with a minimum of five years verifiab le supervisory ex perience are preferred. P refer B achelor Degree or Associates Degree with applicab le ex perience, energetic, results orientated, production driven candidates. S heet Metal or commercial Air H andling U nit ex perience a plus. J oin a stab le and growing company. J ohnson Controls I nc. offers ex cellent benefits, (medical, dental, vision, life insurance, 4 0 1- k , health savings account, and paid holidays). All interested candidates must apply online at www.j Go to careers then search Albany Missouri and find the appropriate j ob . N o applications are tak en at the plant. J ohnson Controls is an E E O / AA employer. Drivers: $5,0 0 0 O rientation Completion B onus! U niq ue Flatb ed or DryVan Fleet! E x cellent Annual P ay, Full Comprehensive Benefits! 1yr Class-A CDL Call: 1- 8 55- 8 56 - 7 9 8 5

Notices L ivestock S pecial Auction Calendar - - Accurate, up- todate info from leading sale b arns plus mark et reports, video, CME current prices and more all on one web site: S hoMeMoreL ivestock .com Services S T U MP GRI N DI N G. 6 6 0 7 4 9 - 57 13 or 8 16 - 8 0 4 - 7 9 4 8 .

J U L I A R. FI L L E Y , Attorney at L aw. General P ractice, Criminal Defense, Family L aw, & P rob ate. Free I nitial Consultation. West side of Gallatin S q uare. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 20 4 4 P E AK CO N S T RU CT I O N — b athrooms, k itchens, ex tra rooms, garages, basement finishing, small roofs. N ew b usiness b ut years of ex perience. Affordab le and H igh Q uality. Aaron B alsb augh 6 6 0 - 3 3 4 - 19 9 0

H AN DY N o j ob mates, Call 8 16

MAN - T ony Mathison. too small. Free estiL ocated in H amilton. .28 8 .17 0 6 .

Christmas Around The Square

’Light up the Night’

P asture to rent. Greg L andes 6 6 0 - 7 4 8 - 58 16 S I L VE R & GO L D CO I N S , dental gold, gold mountings, sterling silver, old watches & diamonds. H ighest cash price paid. J unior S andy 8 16 - 3 9 0 - 20 27 .

Garage Sales ADVE N T I S T CH U RCH T H RI FT S hop, 120 7 S . Clay, Gallatin. O pen: E very Wed from 8 am4 pm. O pen during noon hour. Free clothing at 120 6 S . Willow entrance. O pen 8 am- 3 pm every Wed. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 24 7 8

Multi- Family Garage S ale at Grace E piscopal Church, 4 21 E lm S treet, Chillicothe. Dec 7 & 8 8 - 5pm; Decemb er 9 , 8 - 12

There is no entry fee. This friendly, fun competition is simply to promote the Christmas season.


Production Technicians


Walsworth Inc , the 27th largest S printer, has full-time production positions available on all three shifts at our Marceline, Missouri, Finishing Facility We will train the right applicants on the latest print industry technology Openings range from entry level to finishing machine operators Ÿ Mechanical skills or experience operating

industrial equipment a plus

Ÿ Ability to read measuring devices Ÿ Reading, writing and math skills


Ÿ Perform tasks of a repetitive nature Ÿ Able to stand and lift for extended periods of time Ÿ Overtime may be required

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Compensation is commensurate with experience and accompanies a competitive benefits package

Walsworth Inc , the 27th largest S printer, has full-time production contact: Bethany Vandiver positions available onFor all information, three shifts at our Marceline, Missouri, Finishing Facility


canonbetheprinted andindustry submitted at 2 Broads Salon, City Hall, or We Registration will train the rightforms applicants latest print technology Openings range from entry level to finishing machine Gallatin Publishing Company. operators ualifications: Mechanical skills or experience operating industrial equipment a plus Ability to read measuring devices Reading, writing and math skills Physical Requirements: Perform tasks of a repetitive nature Able to stand and lift for extended periods of time Overtime may be required Apply at www walsworth com/careers Compensation is commensurate with experience and accompanies a competitive benefits package Walsworth is an equal opportunity/disability/veteran employer

Walsworth is an equal opportunity/disability/veteran employer

alsw rt is an e ual

rtunity disa ility eteran em l yer.

December 2017


SERVING YOU SINCE 1941 835 S. Washington • Chillicothe, MO 660-646-5525
































C h r is tm a s

Get your event in the AdZone FREE. Email us at

D e c e m b e r 7 12 Days of Christmas Santa Craft All day drop in Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 8 50’s, 60’s & 70’s Dance 6:30PM Grand River Multi-Purpose Center (former Aldi’s building) Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 1 2 12 Days of Christmas Wee Read Storytime 10:00AM Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 1 5 Good Times Dance 7:30PM Grand River Multi-Purpose Center (former Aldi’s building) Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 1 5 12 Days of Christmas Santa Visit 4:00-5:00PM Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 1 8 12 Days of Christmas Parasol Puppets 6:00-7:00PM Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 6 Kid’s Christmas & Christmas on the Square 4:00-7:00PM Downtown Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 7 Jerry Barlow Celtic Christmas Guitar 6:00-7:00PM 5:30PM Doors open Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

Go to

D e c e m b e r 7

Ladies Night Out Benefit Alison (Critten) McIntyre 6:00-9:00PM 660.247.2532 816.724.6602 Celebrations Event Hall Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 8 12 Days of Christmas Candy Cane Hunt All day drop in Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 9 YMCA Christmas Craft & Vendor Expo 9:00AM-2:00PM Grand River Area YMCA Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 1 1 12 Days of Christmas Ornament Making All day drop in Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 1 3 12 Days of Christmas Snow Globe Making All day drop in Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 1 4 12 Days of Christmas Wreath Making All day drop in Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe to find the BONUS CODE and win more.



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December 5, 2017



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Decemb er 5, 20 17


99¢/lb 39¢/lb Best Choice Turkey’s


1 /lb


69¢/lb $159/lb $499/lb $109/lb


Chicken Legs or Thighs

Whole or Boneless Pork Loin

Best Choice Spiral Ham

T-Bone or KC Strip

Best Choice Brown or Powdered Sugar


2lb - limit 4


$ 59

THURS, FRI & SAT • DEC. 7-9, 2017

99¢ 59¢

Best Choice Marshmallows 10oz

Whole Briskets


Spit Chicken Bone-In Breast

Top Round Roast




Head Lettuce

Colby Jack Cheese ** Selected Varieties

ED 6


$ 99/lb




MON 11



Rump Roast Boneless Beef


$ 69/ $ 99/ $ 99/ / 1 lb 1 lb 3 lb 1 lb




Assorted Pork Chops

Chicken Breast

$ 69

Fresh Family Pack Boneless Skinless

Bottom Round Steak

Fresh Family Pack Bone-In

Ragu Pasta Sauce

Center Cut Pork Roast

Fresh Family Pack Boneless Beef

Fresh Bone-In



Best Choice Spiral Hal Ham

16-24 Oz, **


169/lb $399/lb


American Beauty Pasta

HoneySuckle Turkey Breast

12-16 Oz, **

Frozen Bone-In


New York Garlic Toast




15.25-19 Oz, **

12-16 Oz

1 /lb


Best Choice Flour


5lb bag, **



Bunch Broccoli

Dole Salad Blends

5lb Red or Gold


Cucumbers Fresh

Oz, **


$ 49


ashington Fu i Apples Premium


Campbell s Chunky Soup


Best Choice Marshmallow Creme






Best Choice Ravioli 19-20 Oz, **



Blackberries 6 Oz





Kraft Macaroni & Cheese

Betty Crocker Brownies

Betty Crocker Frosting

5.5-7.25 Oz, **

18.3-20.5 Oz, **

7 OZ, **

$ 49


Best Choice Potatoes


14 Oz, **

Swanson Broth

16 Oz, **

Swai Fillets

California ranges

14.5-15.25 Oz, **


Farmland Bacon






Oldham’s Sausage


$ 99


Best Choice egetables



¢ 39/lb




3/$ Fresh

2-12 Ct, **

Hormel Cure 1 Ham

Boneless Whole or Half








Best Choice Dinner Rolls

Heinz Signature Gravy

24 Ct, **

12 Oz, **

12-16 Oz, **



Tostitos, Baked Lay’s or Sunchips

6.25-15.5 Oz, **

Coca-Cola Products 12 oz cans, 12 pack,**



Coca-Cola Products .5 Liter Bottles, 6 Pack, **


$ 99


Gold Peak Tea

7•UP Products


6-24 pack, **

.5 liter bottles 6 pk, **



Simply range Juice 59 Oz, **

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