AdZone 12-12-17

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December 12, 2017

join us on facebook! Chillicothe, B raymer, Meadville, Wheeling, Chula, Dawn, L udlow, Mooresville, U tica, H ale, Gallatin, L ak e Vik ing, J amesport, J ameson/Coffey, P attonsb urg, Lock Springs, Winston, Altamont, Hamilton, Kidder, Kingston, Polo, Cowgill, Breckenridge, Nettleton, Mirabile, Trenton, Cameron, Lathrop, Brookfield

explore our new website WOODY’S OUTDOOR POWER

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Shop Local - Buy American

Clark s carries do ens of brands that are Made in the USA. Recliners, Sofas, Bedroom, Dining Room, Mattresses...

High Quality - Low Prices


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m C

CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com


CLOSED NOV 24-NOV Decemb er 12, 2028. 17 HAPPY THANKSGIVING.

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Old Cookstove se Smokehou Turkey Muenster Lacey Ham Pastrami Cheese Baby Swiss $4.99 $5.49 $3.69 $4.99 ri in

ood e




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Better Way, LLC

12-07-17 Smokehouse Ham 4.99, Turkey ary ones pastrami 5.49, IN-HOME CARE & COMPANIONSHIP muenster 3.69, * Elder Care * Sick Care * Respite Care lacey *baby Swiss Care & Help with Daily Activities Non-nursing 4.99 * Long Term or Short Term Dec 6-16 * Four to 24-Hour Care * All Caregivers Carefully Screened & Bonded (Private Pay Only)

We now carry Essential Oils

5 miles EAST of Maysville on Hwy 6 • 816-449-2285 7am - 5pm Tues-Fri • 8:30am to 2pm Saturday T F 27 8 30 3 , S 8 30 2


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5 miles EAST of Maysville on Hwy 6 • 816-449-2285

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P AY I N G $7 5/ACRE FO R RE N T AL P AS T U RE . Will consider any siz e & location. Can do any fence repair necessary. 8 16 - 7 8 7 - 4 0 0 6

FO R S AL E 20 0 6 Ford T aurus, good condition, 56 K on replaced motor, new catalytic converter, new alternator, clean title, good tires, $250 0 . Call 6 6 0 - 6 0 5- 0 3 6 2. L eave message if no answer.

WAN T E D FARM GRO U N D to rent for 20 18 in Daviess Co area. Call B randon L ewis at 6 6 0 .8 6 8 .2212. WAN T I N G FARM GRO U N D. DeWayne Curtis 6 6 0 - 9 7 3 - 20 3 1 or Wayne Curtis 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 8 9 26 Automotive FO R S AL E 20 0 0 J eep Cherok ee S port 4 x 4 , b ody a little rough, runs good, needs headlight work , 24 9 K , clean title, good tires, reliab le ride, $10 0 0 . Call 6 6 0 - 6 0 5- 0 3 6 2. L eave message if no answer.

FRO S T AU T O MO T I VE : Auto and truck parts & accessories. S ee us for all your parts needs. We also mak e hydraulic hoses. S outh side Gallatin sq uare. 6 6 0 6 6 3 - 2152

Business RO O FI N G CO N T RACT O RS : Metal Roof Restoration and Flat Roof P roducts Manufacturer Looking for Qualified I ndividuals willing to receive training and install roofing systems. 4 0 Y ears of T op Q uality P roducts and Developing S uccessful B usiness O wners. I nvestment Req uired. T raining P rovided.8 16 - 4 25- 1155

City of Meadville

Public notice is hereby given that an election will be held in and for the City of Meadville, MO for the purpose of electing the following:

2 Aldermen – 2 year terms

• Candidates for alderman must have lived within the city limits of Meadville at least one year prior to election to office. Must be at least 21 years of age at time of filing. Candidate must also be a qualified voter in the city, shall reside in the city throughout his/her term of office and be a citizen of the United States.


ndid e or e o e o i e oin en y llin e ore on e d y n ry

For Rent

For Sale

For Sale

Help Wanted

S T O RAGE U N I T S : O utside lighting, surveillance cameras, insulated to prevent large temperature variances, different siz es availab le. L ocated H wy. O east of Gallatin. Critten Country S torage, 6 6 0 6 0 5- 3 3 50 .

B O AT S FO R S AL E : N ew & used b oats & pontoons, several to choose from, j ust watch our web site, www.lak evik or call 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 3 7 22, L ak e Vik ing Marine.

Cargo trailer, all new lights and wiring, tires are in good shape. $20 0 0 ob o. Call 6 6 0 9 7 3 - 6 7 57

O U T DO O R WO O D FU RN ACE b y Central B oiler I nc. FRE E H E AT & hot water. E liminate monthly heating b ills. Call 6 6 0 7 0 7 - 3 8 6 6 today. (N o S unday calls, please).

J ack Russell T errier puppies. 6 6 0 - 3 59 - 54 6 8

P WS D# 1 of Daviess County is accepting resumes for a part time clerk in our office. T his position is for approx imately 3 0 hours a month. Applicant should b e availab le to work during normal week day hours. Resumes may b e mailed to P WS D# 1 of Daviess County, P .O . B ox 6 7 , P attonsb urg, MO 6 4 6 7 0 or sub mitted to the office at 15330 US Hwy 6 9 , P attonsb urg.

GAL L AT I N E S T AT E S AP ART ME N T S FO R RE N T : 1 or 2 b drm availab le. H U D vouchers accepted. Rental assistance availab le to those who q ualify. E q ual housing opportunity. Call 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 3 114 . FO R RE N T : 2 b edroom house in H ale. N o pets. $3 0 0 /month. Deposit req uired. E vening calls only 6 6 0 - 7 4 5- 3 53 8 FO R RE N T : 4 b r home in Gallatin on P rospect S t. N ew appliances. $9 0 0 /mo. Deposit $50 0 . Can pay deposit in two parts. Call 8 16 .6 4 9 .8 17 9 . Equipment For Rent CAS E S k id L oader, 8 5hp, b y the day, week or month. Contact Gallatin T ruck & T ractor, I nc. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 210 3 or 210 4 .

RE ACH O VE R 17 ,0 0 0 households with your classified message in the Ad Z one ... only $7 ! (25 words or less). Call Gallatin 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 or Chillicothe 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 to place your ad! E mail: ads@ gpcink .com.

B AS E RO CK , B L ACK DI RT & fill dirt. Huston Trucking & Construction, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 3 23 4 or 6 6 0 - 3 3 4 - 0 9 9 7 . E N D RO L L S - $5 each! U se end rolls of newsprint to wrap items for moving/shipping, or mak e fun art proj ects. We support recycling. 8 AM- 5P M Mon- Fri at Gallatin P ub lishing Co., 6 0 9 B S . Main, Gallatin.

HELP WANTED Green Hills Women’s Shelter has a Victim Advocate Supervisor position opening. The Victim Advocate Supervisor is responsible for assisting survivors of domestic and sexual violence with program services, advocacy, and offering support to survivors qualifying for an intensive services program. The Victim Advocate Supervisor is also responsible for assisting the Executive Director in the supervision and oversight of services provided by advocates to domestic/sexual violence survivors. Competitive salary and benefit package provided. Bachelor’s Degree required, with a preference of a Master’s Degree, in social work, criminal justice, psychology, sociology, or related field. Applicants must possess a minimum of two years supervisory experience.

Persons interested may contact

y ile y A

Tammy Taylor at (816) 632-4900, by emailing or Visit GHWS web site @ to request an application. lications will e acce ted through


ecem er

Puppies For Sale

AU S T RAL I AN S H E P H E RD P U P P I E S : P ure B read, 7 week s, U p T o Date on shots & worming. WO U L D B E A GRE AT CH RI S T MAS GI FT ! 660-868-2254 • 505-410-2115 Help Wanted DI RE CT O R O F N U RS I N G. Competitive wages & benefits. Apply in person or online at www.grandriverhealthcare. com Grand River H ealth Care 118 T renton Rd, Chillicothe 6 4 6 0 1


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Drivers: $5,0 0 0 O rientation Completion B onus! U niq ue Flatb ed or DryVan Fleet! E x cellent Annual P ay, Full Comprehensive Benefits! 1yr Class-A CDL Call: 1- 8 55- 8 56 - 7 9 8 5

H elp Wanted: Cook , H amilton H ead S tart, 29 hours/week . Visit for j ob description and application, or call 6 6 0 3 59 - 2214 . E .O .I .







ool i lo or lid ri er Li en e e i n nd d ini r i e d ie e ron de ire o le rn nd de elo er kill o w re ed in l de en ineerin de i n r Lid r nd o er ion o i ro o ey e le o er or in ren o o door i i y in ll e on id ene i nd r in l ry i n o r wi il le y in re e i eri ed y work er or n e i o i ion will e red wi ndrew B n n ie nd e l o n ie e o n y in w i e e loyee will e ioned will de er ined l er d e o y i k n li ion ny o e e o i e or ro e we i e li ed elow ndin or i o i ion will on in e n il or lon e d e or e en y n or i o i ion

S 22, 2017 A

S i w y nn O e or enni er i n w d S O kl nd e e o e O e or r nw y w d S ree ll in O e or n elden r nd w K S o olk y ille O e or y r ry w d

o o o o d o o o o

GHWS is an Equal Opportunity Employer

CH I L L I CO T H E | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com | 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | 4 3 0 C Washington S t, Chillicothe MO 6 4 6 0 1 GAL L AT I N | 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | 6 0 9 B S outh Main, Gallatin MO 6 4 6 4 0

Decemb er 12, 20 17

It’s Worth the $5 b y Fr e i d a M a r i e C r u m p

Greetings from Poosey. Herb shops once a year. That’s it. I’m not kidding. Except for replacing the batteries in his hearing aid or buying tickets to the Odd Fellows Oyster supper, he relies on me to purchase everything he needs. I see nothing wrong with this since I’m the brains of our marriage. But when he does go on his once-a-year Christmas shopping spree, the man has little judgment. He usually has maybe two gifts to buy for the holiday season and ends up buying more junk for himself than his intended recipients. “You’ll never guess what I found this morning, Freida.” “What’s that... a reason to live?” “Look at the price of this!” Herb handed me a flier from Mall-Mart, one of the big box stores. “Just look at it! $129.95 for that beauty!” He was pointing to a camouflage hunting jacket with about six dozen pockets to store dead geese, I guess.

All Lobby and Drive Thru services will be closed Christmas Day & New Years Day Help Wanted

Help Wanted

FosterAdopt Connect is currently seek ing a L icensing Work er for our Chillicothe, Missouri office. To apply, visit or call 8 16 - 6 59 - 9 3 7 7 .

Mechanic H elp N eeded. L ak e Vik ing Marine is L ook ing for a N ew Mechanic. Competitive P ay & Great Work ing E nvironment. S end resume to randy@ lak evik

More Help Wanted at

& 3rd .-March

Detailer H elp N eeded. L ak e Vik ing Marine is L ook ing for a N ew Detailer. Competitive

Consignment Auction North Missouri Produce Auction will be having a consignment auction

Saturday, December 16, at 10 a.m. At The North Missouri Produce Auction F Highway, 1 mile east of Jamesport Items from Jamesport Sales & Surplus & Jamesport Farm Supply & & & & &

Straw, shipped-in Produce & Misc. 4 cords Hedge Firewood 14 large bales 3rd cutting Alfalfa 80 small square bales 2nd cutting g Alf Alfalfa lfa lf falf lfa fa New #2 Barn Metal, various colors & lengths

NEXT SALE is Friday, January 5, 2018 To list your items in next week’s sale bill, call the auction phone number listed below. Auction Phone 660-684-6844-voicemail Auctioneer ance Croy - 816-284-2140

“You don’t need a camo jacket, Herb. You don’t even hunt.” “It’s a fashion statement.” P ay & Great Work ing E nvironment. S end resume to randy@ lak evik

“Yeah, it’s a statement that this coat is being worn by a crazy old man who can barely hold a gun, much less shoot something with any accuracy. Besides, Harold Bradley has the same coat hanging in his store window.”

Drivers: $5,0 0 0 .0 0 O rientation Completion B onus! O T R, Flatb ed, Regional & P oint to P oint L anes!!! Comprehensive B enefits! (New hires guaranteed minimum $$$ week )! 1yr CDL A: 1- 8 55- 3 50 - 557 1

Herb only gets to use his smug smile on rare occasions since he’s hardly ever right. This wasn’t one of those times. “I saw it. Harold’s got the same coat for $135. You can’t fool me, Freida. I’m one smart shopper.”

P WS D# 1 of Daviess County is accepting resumes for a full time lab orer in our Water Maintenance Department. Applicant should b e availab le to 2 display work after b usiness hours and tables week ends as needed. Must have a valid driver’s license. Resumes may b e mailed to P WS D# 1 of Daviess County, P .O . B ox 6 7 , P attonsb urg, MO 6 4 6 7 0 or sub mitted to the PWSD#1 office at 15330 US H wy 6 9 , P attonsb urg, MO until the position is filled. Continued on pg 10

Grand River Health Care Skilled Nursing & Rehab Facility

Dedication to Our Residents Begins with Our Employees.

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“Five bucks? You’re going to send your money off to the Mall-Mart corporate office in Bentville, Arkansas, for just five bucks?” Harold Bradley runs what we used to call a Dry Goods and Notions store not too far from Poosey, and his is one of the few retail stores around. His dad started the business in 1949 and what used to be the busiest corner in town has now dwindled down to a store selling odds and ends while sadly most folks shop online or in bigger towns. “Herb, if you’ve got to buy such a foolish thing, buy it from Harold.” “I can’t believe you, Freida! You’re always on me for wasting money and now you want me to throw away five dollars?” “How much fuel do you reckon the CEO of Mall-Mart buys from folks ‘round Poosey? You ever seen his Mercedes filling up down at the pump?” “What’s that got to do with anything?” “You shop local the dollars stay right here. Spend your money in the big box stores or online and somebody else profits while our town dries up. And when was the last time you saw Mall-Mart or an internet store give any money to our local non-profits? The Boy Scout troop, the senior class yearbook, the fundraisers for folks down on their luck ever see any trucks from Bentville parked in front of the Methodist church’s soup supper when they’re raising money for Christmas baskets?” “Freida, I’m just tryin’ to save us some money.” “Oh, let’s stop arguing, Herb. Sweetheart, I’m out of chocolate chips. Could you run up town to Reed’s Grocery to fetch me a bag?” “Reed’s Grocery has been out of business for over 40 years, Freida.” “Darn. I forgot. They got pushed out of business by the big supermarket, didn’t they? That’s okay, I can do without cookies, but could you run up to the hardware store and see if... “

r nd

nd e


“Freida, you know darned well that our hardware store closed back in the ‘80s.”

E Apply in person or online at

“Gosh Herb, I forgot. Now if we want to buy a nail or a hammer we’ve got to drive 40 miles. I guess folks just forgot to shop local, didn’t they?” “Freida, I see where you’re goin’ with this, and... “

118 Trenton Road Chillicothe, Mo. ~ 64601

“I doubt it. Herb, if you and me shop locally it raises our property values, we’ll be waited on by folks we know, we’ll put more money back into our own community, we’ll get better service, and besides that, you need the exercise.” “All I want is a new jacket, Freida, not a speech.” “Sorry honey, you got both. Here’s $5. Shop local. It’s your patriotic duty.”

Phone: 660-646-0353 • Fax: 660-646-0845

You ever ‘round Poosey, stop by. We may not answer the door but you’ll enjoy the trip.

ew ting




CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

Decemb er 12, 20 17


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LIVINGSTON CO Chillicothe, MO - - Close to T own! 0 .3 0 Acres: S its j ust outside of town with 3 b edrooms and 1.5 b aths. 3 - seasons room in b ack . $7 5,0 0 0 . # 3 0 9 7 /224 3 2 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - Residential or Commerical. S eller completely repainted every room. Could b e an office or house. Reduced: $8 0 ,0 0 0 . # 7 0 24 /228 7 7 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - B rick b uilding, could b e made into a home. $8 0 ,0 0 0 . # 7 0 26 /228 26 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - N ice home in nice neighb orhood, could b e 5B D/2B A. 7 2x 127 L ot: B asement cleaned out, ready for finishing, has nice fireplace in family room area and potential of 2 additional b edrooms. Grill on your b eautiful deck . Carport. $8 9 ,9 0 0 . # 8 21 E q uity Missouri Realty - L and & H ome, Chillicothe, MO

Chillicothe, MO - - Great S tarter H ome! 120 x 16 5 L ot: T his 3 b edroom, 1 b ath would mak e a great starter home. L arge lot with fenced in b ack yard. N ew N GFA. $9 2,0 0 0 . # 14 0 20 /2216 3 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .14 17

Chillicothe, MO - - Close to P ark - Great Family H ome! 3 B edroom Cape Cod on a nice siz ed lot, close to park . N ewer carpet, hardwood floors and detached garage. Reduced: $115,0 0 0 . # 517 5/22512 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17

Chillicothe, MO - - Completely U pdated! 7 5 x 14 2 L ot: L ots of updates since 20 12 up to this past year! N ew chain link fence added. N ew garb age disposal, all new paint with wainscot in dining area! Reduced: $115,0 0 0 . # 7 0 21/227 24 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17

Chillicothe, MO - - Great N eighb orhood. 7 0 x 13 0 L ot: Fenced yard, fresh paint, new appliances, new carpet with hardwood underneath. $119 ,7 0 0 . # 3 10 9 /23 0 9 6 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 14 17

Chillicothe, MO - - Remodeled/U pdated Ranch: B RI N G L O AN P ACK AGE S ! Remodeled/U pdated Ranch move in ready! U pdated k itchen, new flooring throughout, remodeled b athroom, k itchen/dining room opened up, and hallway widened. Full unfinished basement ready for your winter proj ect, e i e B large doll o b erand new patio off the garage. $115,0 0 0 . # 10 11 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, Chillicothe, MO

Chillicothe, MO - - H ome Completely Remodeled. 50 x 120 L ot: T his home was remodeled in 19 9 8 , new k itchen, upper level all new everything. B asement finished out. What a classic! S $240K tunning up to date k itchen r with mapley cherry cab inets. Hardwood floors, 3 bath, large master b edroom with walk in closet and attached b ath. S ellers j ust installed new carpet in b asement b edroom. N ew wood deck ! $129 ,0 0 0 . # 7 0 28 /227 6 1 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17

Chillicothe - L arge family home with 4 B E D, 1 full, 3 /4 & 1/2 b aths, 2 fireplaces, large formal dining, downstairs family room, work shop & laundry on ex tra siz ed lot: S eller will include $4 ,0 0 0 carpet allowance! $13 4 ,0 0 0 . # gpc20 29 3 7 0 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Chillicothe - H istorcial B uilding with L ots of P otential: B uilt in 19 16 , freight elevator to all 4 floors, commercial grade kitchen, interior sprink ler system, ceiling fans, 2 furnace on main level, central air, r- 3 0 insulation in walls an ceilings, original metal ceilings, men an woman’s restrooms, $13 5,0 0 0 . # 4 50 9 /19 226 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17

EQUITY MISSOURI REALTY LAND & HOME & AUCTION Heartland MLS 621 Locust, Chillicothe

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $364,500 ll in o el roo $299K One o illi o e l r e ildin on re $240K e i e i ori n in ri i on ddi ion $189,900 e or B B $150K ren on B o e

$89,900 i e r n o e n en $79,900 or eo Brook ield o e in redi le woodwork $40K r e/l r e o r en / o in o e $29,900 e odeled B B new ki en window l r e or orner lo $16K Old illi o e o r o e erry $7K ind ri l lo Br n wi k

Heartland MLS FF F L - Broker 621 Locust, Chillicothe, Mo 66 24 1 New agents ack Blank, Don White, Roxanne Rickey

Jeff Foli, Broker

660-247-1700 re


en : k Bl nk i k B ker on Nei e o nne i key w Lisotin o en owng * Owner/ roker


Landmark Realty

Tina Esbeck, Broker 21020 Hwy. 6; Gallatin, MO Phone: 660-663-3294

Owner/ roker

Visit our website at Many, many listings with photos! Farms, Residential, Hunting, Lake...

New Listing

Chillicothe, MO - - Great Family N eighb orhood. S pacious 3 B E D, 2.5 b ath home is in a great family neighb orhood. K itchen with b reak fast b ar, large b ack deck , fenced in yard. N ew landscaping in the front and b ack . Reduced: $155,9 0 0 . # 3 0 7 2/216 3 5 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - Great Family N eighb orhood! P ool tab le stays, newer added k itchen cab inets, newer carpet on main level. Updated bathroom fixtures too! S eller is replacing master shower. Deck has awning. 2 L ots mak es this a really nice space for outdoor play@ $17 0 ,0 0 0 . # 28 19 /23 0 7 6 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17




Chillicothe, MO - - L arge Family H ome- Great N eighb orhood! E nlarged deck , shed and partial fencing. B asement has a 25 year warranty through Foundation Recovery. 1/2 b ath on the main level, updated family room and b ath in b asement, lots of storage. Rec room in the basement. Office on main level. $18 2,0 0 0 . # 3 10 7 /23 0 20 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe - What a Find! All U pdated! S eller updated this home. All freshly painted inside, new b athroom. N ew b reak er b ox , new sidewalk , large patio for entertaining. N ew front door and b ack door. I nsulation added. $19 5,0 0 0 . # 28 18 /23 0 6 4 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17

Chillicothe, MO LL- - O ne L oevel el Chillicothe - H unting farm, Duck s H roo ome O n Corner L ot! N ew & Deer!!! 20 0 Acres: N ice WRP countertop, Onestainless o illisteel o eap-l r etract offers ex cellent hunting pliances, b uilt in hutch, ildin on re cab i- with great location to Chillicothe nets and shelves, window e i e i oriseat, n in & Grand River Flyway. Cal J eff newer windows, lots of storage. Q uinn 6 6 0 - 7 3 4 - 3 9 25 $20 0 ,0 0 0 . ri i on ddi ion # 0 5- 20 0 - 0 2 Missouri L and and $17 9 ,9 0 0 . # 4 551/229 8 0 GasO Bed Farm, 6 6 0 .258 .3 18 5 light Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17

Bre k

O B re i er n o e

Yetter Pest Control n en

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or eo OB Bo OO L eron O r i ri in Owner/ er o er i l li or o e in redi le woodwork r e/l 530 r e o5944 800 816 632 6766 r en / o in o e o le e er i e o ny or o r e odeled B / B e iden i l nd o er i l e on rol eed newer ki en/window l r e in Termite Control or orner Specializing lo OldYour Area illi o Since e o1972 r -oYetter e Serving Is Better! erry wo nd ri l lo Br n wi k Real Estate & Personal Property Owner/ roker

AUCTION Saturday, i y i o ri January e l y L nd6, 2017 - 9:30 p.m. omiles e west o Chillicothe, Missouri o o 36 Hwy. 610 Marble St. in Utica MO

e r l nd L

OL Broker

Ne Listi w ng

New New Listin g L is t ing at 1 :30 p.m.: Real state ells

odern 3-bedroom ranch, modern kitchen with appliances, cabinets, living room, finished basement, with a nice deck. Redu ced New arge metal building with cement floor G roll up door, regular roll up door, walk thru door. This all sits on 3 acres with pond. This would make a great horse New New farm. tica property or small hobby is a small town PRIC istin is a very very just outside of Chillicothe mo. Ltica g E clean town for its si e. ells subject to owner conformation. Ne

Gallatin, MO – 14 Ac Income/Building Site: Gently rolling 14 acres m/l in Daviess County, a short distance from Gallatin. This rural acreage has roughly 13 ac tillable that are tiled and terraced and currently being farmed along with Hwy 13 and gravel road frontage. Also, has access to rural water and electricity, and would make an ideal location for a new home with its surrounding beautiful views. Don't miss out on this hard to find acreage. $67,000 #1193


Gilman City, MO -- 10 acres in Gilman City: This 10 acre property is located just within city limits of Gilman City. Great location for building a home or shop and all utilities are available. Call for more information. $30,000 #1131

Gallatin, MO – Beautiful Historic Home with Unique Features: This 4000 sq ft, 2-story home is located in a great neighborhood. Features 17 rooms with 4 bedrooms, leisure room, full bath w/jetted tub, and laundry room on second floor. A large kitchen w/sunroom, formal dining, living room, family room, billiard room, music room & mudroom/bathroom. $149,500 #1116

w PRIC LAKE Also Selling ools, General EHousehold Modern A liances ollecti les, Guns, Ammo, oins

Kidder, MO – 40 Acres Near Far West: This 40 ac property just out of CRP has 28.66 tillable per FSA. It features one pond, numerous deer signs, and all the elements necessary for a nice hunting acreage. This hunting/recreational or building tract is located just off blacktop and near Far West. $210,000. #1161

Rhonda Reeter. Owner

New istiday tatements made Lsale ng take precedence. Not responsi le or accidents, the ts, or errors in ad ertising, or consignment deletions

Chris Arnaman, 816-284-0570 | Hamilton Office, 816-583-1030 d uce Carl Kimble, Stewartsville 816-387-7955 Red


“When you think auction, think Arnaman Auction.”



ile 94 Berry 67 ddy 50 dway 15 unn 60 mpson 77

Decemb er 12, 20 17


WE DO IT ONCE, WE DO IT RIGHT We cool summers & warm winters Give us a call, we’re here for you! Residential & Commercial Maintenance & Repairs Dry Vent Cleaning & Duct Cleaning SPECIAL NOW ... get a FREE dry vent clean ($125 value) with the installation/replacement of Furnace or A/C unit. (limited time offer)

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LIVINGSTON CO Chillicothe, MO - - Won’t L ast L ong!! B asement has 1 b edroom, full b athroom, large office, storage room. $215,000. # 3 110 /23 17 1 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe - Great N eighb orhood, Corner L ot! N ew carpets, tile flooring, all appliances, large finished family room in the basement. 3 b edrooms, 2.5 b aths $224 ,50 0 . # 7 0 20 /229 4 8 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe - 11 Acres O f P rime L and. 3 Acres Z oned Commercial & 8 Acres Z oned Rural. S ome highway frontage & some gravel access. 2 lots along gravel rent for $6 5 monthly (T railers not included). B illb oard rent. Rural water & FE C electric. $225,0 0 0 . # 50 8 2E CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .214 1

Dawn, MO - - 7 4 - acre T imb er T ract, j ust up off S hoal Creek . L ocated j ust up form S hoal Creek and should offer some great deer and turk ey hunting. T his would mak e a great get away tract located ab out an hour from N orth K C. Call today 1- 6 6 0 - 7 3 4 - 3 9 25 $150 ,0 0 0 . # 0 50 7 4 - 0 2 Missouri L and and Farm, Brookfield, MO 660.258.3185

Mooresville, MO - - Affordab le H unting And Fishing P roperty I n Missouri. 8 6 .0 0 Acres: A perfect week end destination with a shed with living q uarters, AT V trails, three ponds, timb er, and great hab itat for deer, turk ey, and small game. $120 ,0 0 0 . # gpc26 6 4 1 Whitetail P roperties Real Estate LLC, Pittsfield, IL 217 .28 5.9 0 0 0

L udlow, MO - - H ome on 5 acres m/l. H ome offers 3 + b edrooms, 2 b ath, large living room with wood burning fireplace. Unfinished b asement. B onus room. covered patio. 2 car attached garage. N ice b ig metal shed with horse stalls,plus two other b ig out b uilding. N ice shaded yard. Don’t miss out on this one. 15 minutes from Chillicothe. $16 4 ,9 0 0 . # 1255 Connie E . P rindle Real E state, B raymer, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 5- 2123

Coffey, MO - 3 3 .0 0 Acres: E x cellent hunting tract with row crop for income within an hour drive of K ansas City! I t has 13 .6 5 tillab le acres with 18 timb er and one pond plus a creek running through property. S hare cropping arrangement in place. Daviess County near Coffey. Rare find with balance of crop & timb er. $119 ,50 0 . # 3 3 8 4 Davidson Real E state, Cameron, MO



WH L SAL RS, NC. 12 Miles North of Salisbury on Hwy 12 66 -222- 262

Gallatin, MO - - Very nice 4 plex . All units are one level: T he front 2 units include 2 b edrooms, 1 b ath, eat in k itchen & living room, refrigerator, stove & b linds. T he 2 units downstairs (drive around b ack , lower level no steps) include 1 b edroom, 1 b ath, eat in k itchen with pantry, living room, b linds, refrigerator, stove. E ach unit has off road park ing. T enants are responsib le for all utilities. B uilding has newer siding. Reduced: $6 5,0 0 0 . # gpc18 9 3 4 7 2 B erk shire H athaway H omeS ervices H ahn RE AL T O RS ® , Cameron, MO 8 16 .6 3 2.24 59 Gallatin, MO - - 14 Ac I ncome/ B uilding S ite. 14 .0 0 Acres: Gently rolling 14 acres m/l in Daviess County, a short distance from Gallatin. T his rural acreage has roughly 13 ac tillab le that are tiled and terraced and currently b eing farmed along with H wy 13 and gravel road frontage. Also, has access to rural water and electricity, and would mak e an ideal location for a new home with its surrounding b eau-

816.284.2694 /

tiful views. Don’t miss out on this hard to find acreage. $67,000. # 119 3 L andmark Realty, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 3 29 4 Gallatin, MO - - Move in ready! Ranch home with 3 b drms (possib ly 4 ) and 2 full b aths, living room, family room (or master b drm), eat- in k itchen and laundry all on one level: T his would mak e a great starter, retirement or rental home. Detached one car garage with concrete floor and electricity. $70,000. # gpc20 6 27 4 5 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin - Commercial b uilding is located on the west side of the sq uare in Gallatin. T he b uilding has b een completely remodeled with wiring, plumb ing, furnace, AC, water heaters, insulation, and so much more! A one b edroom one b ath apartment in b asement can b e utiliz ed b y owner or rent out for ex tra income. A nice commercial property on the sq uare. $8 0 ,0 0 0 . # 119 0 L andmark Realty, Gallatin, MO

Manufacturing ROOF TRUSSES • Agricultural • Residential • Commercial • Up to 80’ Clear Span

FLOOR TRUSSES - Engineer’s Seal - Quick Turn Around Time

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121 Washington Street Chillicothe, MO 64601

Real Estate


Lindy Lile:


Great Neighborhood

Country setting in town


1625 Burnam Rd Chillicothe Multi-level home w/3 beds, bath and a half. Fenced in yard, fresh paint, new appliances, new carpet with hardwood underneath.

120 Hunt St. Brookfield Custom Cabinetry, New Flooring. Fresh Paint, 2 Car Detached Garage Oversized With Concrete, Electricity And Insulated

1226 Calhoun St Chillicothe Remodeled in 1998 Hardwood floors, 3 bath, large master bedroom with walk in closet and attached bath. . New wood deck !

#3109 • $119,700

#3104 • $124,500

#7028 • $129,000

Call Lindy Lile 660-247-2294


Call Amy Sisson 660-525-9133

Call Joyce Eddy 660-247-0750 Call Lindy Lile

Spotlight 2819- 212 Virginia Ave. $170,000 3109- 1625 Burnam Rd - $119,700 3104- 120 Hunt St Brookfield $124,500 7028- 1226 Calhoun St $129,000



Gallatin, MO - - Charming 4 b drm, 1 and 1/2 b athroom 2 story home is located on a nice, shady corner lot with a pretty patio area and an oversiz ed 2 car detached garage: Charming 4 b edroom, 1 and 1/2 b athroom 2 story home is located on a nice, shady corner lot with a pretty patio area and an oversiz ed 2 car detached garage. L arge k itchen includes gas range and refrigerator, main level laundry room. T his well k ept home has updates including vinyl siding, windows, roof and more! $8 2,50 0 . # gpc20 4 4 58 1 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin, MO - - S pacious home has 3 b d/2 full b aths on main level and 1 bd and office with its own entrance, 1/2 b ath and nice siz e family room in the full finished basement: New A/C installed 6 /17 . Ready for you to mak e your own. S eller relocating and hoping for q uick sell. $10 5,0 0 0 . # gpc20 6 3 0 8 9 RE / MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57





Decemb er 12, 20 17


CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com


Gallatin: 5 bedroom 2 bath close to the school! Considerable amount of living space, including formal dining, large living room, eat-in kitchen, laundry room, recreational room, 2 car garage, carport & don't forget the pool! Small shed included with electricity. $127,000 #2082064


Gallatin: 3 Bed 2 Bath Ranch on 1 acre lot at Lake Viking! Quiet setting close to Beach 2! Raised ranch on finished basement w/ 2 car garage. Huge kitchen, lots of cabinets, island & room for large dining table. Deck & patio. 12x24 shed. Plenty of storage in this home and lots of living space. $169,500 #1029



Chillicothe: 66 acres of Amazing Hunting! This great hunting property adjoins Poosey State Forest and offers some of the best hunting in NW Missouri. $231,000 #2062715

Gallatin: Lake Viking lot #1585. Looking for the ideal tier lot to build? Great location on the west side, nice neighborhood, close to the Altamont entrance, gently sloped lot and perk tested! $10,500 #2080126

Amanda Riley 660-605-0575

DAVIESS CO Gallatin, MO - - 16 Acres + /B uild Y our Dream H ome or I nvest in Gallatin. 16 .0 0 Acres: A great b uilding site or investment opportunity for an investor to development 16 acres + /- within the Gallatin city limits with 3 7 platted lots plus acreage with a newer fencing. Water, sewer and underground electricity in place for lots. H ighway MM frontage or access off West Grand. $14 9 ,0 0 0 . # 8 0 0 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin, MO - - Great I nvestment P roperty. 16 .0 0 Acres: T his development property has 16 plus acres within the City limits of Gallatin which includes 3 7 platted lots plus acreage with updated fencing. Water, sewer and underground electricity for lots. A great investment opportunity or start for a b uilder look ing to start own sub division. $14 9 ,0 0 0 . # 3 51 L andmark Realty, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 3 29 4

Gallatin, MO - - ex cellent w.f lot on cove w/ main channel view. 1.0 0 Acres.3 3 + L ot: E x cellent w.f. lot on cove w/ main channel view. Deep water, level lot ready for b uilding or to enj oy the lak e from, S horeline has b een maintained and look s very pretty from the lak e. S torage b ldg. in place. E ntrance to lot from street. Reduced: $155,0 0 0 . # 10 18 0 L ak e Vik ing S ales L L C, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 213 4

Gallatin, MO - - N ice Ranch on 1 acre lot!Check out this 3 b ed, 2 b ath home at L ak e Vik ing! N ice q uiet setting close to B each 2! Raised ranch on a finished b asement w/a 2 car garage. H uge k itchen with lots of cab inets, nice island and room for a large dining room tab le. L arge deck partially covered, and nice patio ex tending from the walk out b asement. 1 acre lot with 2 separate drives for convenient park ing. 12 x 24 shed stays. P lenty of storage in this home and lots of living space. $16 9 ,50 0 . # 10 29 RE /MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin - L arge, Well maintained home w/ lak e view! 2 lots, close to main entrance to the lak e with lak e view w/ around 3 ,6 9 8 sq . ft. 2 car garage, full b asement w/ plenty of storage. 4 b edrooms, 2 b aths, f.p in living room, fenced area in b ack , patio, screened front porch. $17 9 ,9 0 0 . # 10 19 3 2 & 19 3 3 L ak e Vik ing S ales, 6 6 0 6 6 3 - 213 4


Strayed on 12/8/17 around 6:15 a.m. south of Highway D on 177th St south of the Woodson Cemetery near Kidder, older male miniature Schnauzer named Manny. He has a purple collar with a bell, he's salt 'n pepper (silver) in color. He is diabetic and is going blind. He is missed terribly by his family and sister. If found, call 816-724-4132.

Gallatin, MO - - 3 7 acre farm near Gallatin and H amilton. 3 7 .0 0 Acres: Ranch home with 3 b edrooms, 1 b ath. N ewly remodeled w/several outb uildings, lean too, loafing shed, several pens, and a grain b in. 2 ponds, fenced & cross- fenced for rotational graz ing, ready for livestock . P erimeter of farm is fenced. U pdated home with refinished hardwood floors, living/ dining room comb o, updated k itchen and b athroom with a partial unfinished basement. N ice location in Gallatin school district. Cross listing Residential ML S # 20 7 20 9 8 . $215,0 0 0 . # gpc20 7 4 17 4 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin, MO - - 3 7 acre farm near Gallatin & H amilton: Ranch home with 3 b edrooms, and 1 b ath. N ewly remodeled w/ several outb uildings, lean too, loafing shed, several pens, and

a grain b in. 2 ponds, fenced & cross- fenced for rotational graz ing, ready for livestock . P erimeter of farm is fenced. U pdated home with refinished hardwood floors, living/dining room combo, updated k itchen and b athroom with a partial unfinished basement. Gallatin school district. Cross referenced L ots and L and ML S 20 7 4 17 4 . $215,0 0 0 . # gpc20 7 20 9 8 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57

CALDWELL CO H amilton, MO - - H ome on acreage. 8 .0 0 Acres: T hree b edroom one and a half b ath home on 8 acres. Full unfinished basement, one pond, new shop, older live stock b arn, mostly fenced, will need new heat and AC installed as they have b een removed. $150 ,0 0 0 . # 20 7 6 4 8 0 Allen Mid West Realty L L C, Cameron, MO

Gallatin Lumber Company Come see us for all your construction needs! 116 South Market, Gallatin, Mo.

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gpc20820 1029 gpc20627 gpc20801

Decemb er 12, 20 17


Chillicothe, MO , DE C 14 : AB S O L U T E RE AL E S T AT E AU CT I O N . L O VE L Y H O ME I N GRE AT L O CAT I O N . S ee MRS . DAL E (L I L ) H O FFMAN on GP Cink .com b y


Mik e Miller Auction S ervice, P h: 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 117 9 . P urdin, MO , on Decemb er 16 : L I VE S T O CK , FARM MACH I N E RY , H O RS E DRAWN E Q U I P ME N T , S H O P T O O L S , GRE E N H O U S E S ,

FE N CI N G, L U MB E R, Y ARD T O O L S , AP P L I AN CE S , H O U S E H O L D RE L AT E D I T E MS , AN T I Q U E S , S T O RAGE B ARN , T AH O E , T RAI L E RS , 4 - WH E E L E R, B O AT S , CAN O E . S ee MR. & MRS . (GRE G & FRAN CI N E ) MO L N E R on GP Cink .com presented b y Mik e Miller Auction S ervice, P h: 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 117 9 .

Chillicothe, MO , DE C 18 : AL L I T E MS (17 ) - FARM E Q U I P ME N T (10 ) - T E RMS o e r o r iler r door e ellen ondi (7 ).ionS ee T ax Adj ustment ro e ion l l in e e ield ri e O er i Auction on GP Cink .com presented b y Rafter C O nline Auctions, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 19 57 .





E ei er i

o or Li id e i l nk B lk er nk i er i ken r iy on i el er er B le B er illBro r in r eed in eed ender o n eere B rill n ern ion l r in r k e y r in r k n ern ion l O er S

Chillicothe, MO , DE C 28 : GO L D, S I L VE R CO I N & CU RE N CY CO L L E CT I O N , 15 VE RY N I CE GU N S , N I CE FO RD RAN GE R P I CK U P , AN T I Q U E S & CO L L E CT I B L E S . S ee L U T H E R CAN O N on GP Cink . com presented b y Mik e Miller Auction S ervice, P h: 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 117 9 .

L ock ridge, I A, on DE C 13 : FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee Farm Retirement on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . Mound City, MO , DE C 13 : S ee P ub lic O ffering 16 0 Acres +/ - H olt Co. on GP Cink .com presented b y B arnes Realty, P h: 6 6 0 4 4 2- 3 17 7 (MO ) or 7 8 5- 7 4 24 58 0 (K S ).


Mclean, I L , DE C 14 : FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee Farm Retirement on GP Cink . com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . Wellsville, MO , DE C 14 : Guns, B arrels & S copes, Gun S afes, K nife Collections, Ammunition, L oading E q uipment & S upplies. S ee P ub lic Gun on GP Cink .com presented b y Wheeler Auctions & Real E state, P h: 6 6 0 .3 27 .58 9 0 or 6 6 0 .3 27 .18 0 6 .

Gallatin, MO , on DE C 28 : Call S hay E sb eck 6 6 0 - 6 0 50 8 3 9 or B arney E sb eck S alisb ury, MO , DE C 13 : N ice 6 6 0 - 6 0 5- 0 8 4 1. S ee B and 4 B edroom, 1 b ath home on S E q uipment Y ear E nd Con- L arge Corner L ot in S alissignment Auction T AK I N G b ury, MO . S ee Real E state Moravia, I A, DE C 15: FARM CO N S I GN ME N T S N O W on Auction on GP Cink .com pre- E Q U I P ME N T . S ee L arge GP Cink . TA b AD STM NT ARetirement CT N - on Mon. GP Cink .comLAR presented Tb y Msented y E nyeart Auction & com presented b y S ulliDec 1 , Starts Closing at pm B &S E q uipment Auction, P h: Realty, P h: 6 6 0 .28 8 .3 0 22. van Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 6 6 0 - 6 0 5- 0 8 3 9 . 0 . Bulk K eosauq ua, I A,LiDE uid C 14Chemical : 217 .8 4 7 .216 Farm . 2 12 Rogator, Tanks, Alb any, MO , on DE C 29 : FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee I L , Wagon, on DE C 16 : Water Tanks, pt Ditcher, Ficken 4 Atk5 inson, ravity S ee 2- Day E state on GP - Farm E state on GP Cink . FARM 6E Q U I P illBros ME N T . S ee Steiger Disc Chisel, Vermer Bale Buster, Cink .com presented b y Dol- com presented b y S ulliFarm Retirement on16 GP CinkB. rain Cart, Speed ing Seed Tender, ohn Deere lars Messner Auction, P h: van Auctioneers, L L C, P h: com b y S ullivan AuctionDrill, 6 6 0 - 7 26 - 3 252. 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . eers, L L C, 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .

Farm Vehicles 1 nternational rain Truck, 1 6 Chevy rain Truck, nternational Cab ver. eep everything else you have and add this. And Swap the red wagon for attached picture



Online Only er i ied

e k

ion B yer re i i lied o ll i e B yer re i i lied o ll i e oney Order ire r n er e ed B ine

nd le e k

e ed wi


D e c 1 4 - S p e c ia l C o w , C o w /C a lf & B u l l S a l e S ale time 5 p.m. L olli B rothers L ivestock Mark et, I nc., Macon, MO D e c 1 4 - S p e c ia l B r e d C o w , C C P R & B u l l S a l e Auction b egins 6 p.m. Call 6 6 0 .26 5.4 28 6 for more information. N orth Missouri L ivestock Auction, L L C, Milan, MO D e c 1 5 - S p e c i a l C o w S a l e S ale event as part of our regular sale day. Call 57 3 .3 24 .229 5 more more details. E astern MO Commission Co., B owling Green, MO

27 special auctions online

D e c 1 6 - S p e c ia l B r e d H e ife r, B r e d C o w & C o w -C a lf P a ir & B r e e d in g B u l l S a l e S pecial sale b egins 11 a.m. on S aturday. Call our sale b arn for more details: 6 6 0 .226 .5222. N ew Camb ria L ivestock Mk t, L L C, N ew Camb ria, MO D e c 1 6 - 1 7 - S p e c ia l C o w /B u ll C o w / C a l f A u c t i o n S pecial sale b egins at 11 a.m. on Dec 16 Anstine Auction L L C, K ingsville, MO D e c 1 6 - S m a l l A n i m a l S a l e O utside Merchandise, Caged Animals, H ogs, Goats & S heep. Auction b egins at 10 AM Grand River L ivestock , T ina, MO



CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GPWeigh Cink .com Ups 10AM, Feeders at 11:30AM GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com BRED COWS 12:30PM Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

Decemb er 12, 20 17


Rushville, I L , Decemb er 16 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 7 7 4 Acre L and on GP Cink .com b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 . H igginsville, MO , DE C 16 : E verything goes! U se Furniture – Appliances – Antiq ues - Vintage - T ools – J ewelry - Coins and more. O n GP Cink .com b y Adk ins Auction S ervice, 6 6 0 - 259 - 24 0 9 . P auls Valley, O K , DE C 16 : J D T ractors, P lanting E q uipment, S pray E q uipment, H ay E q uipment, T ruck s & T railers, T ires/Duals. S ee Farm E q uipment on GP Cink .com b y Wheeler Auctions & Real E state, P h: 6 6 0 .3 27 .58 9 0 or 6 6 0 .3 27 .18 0 6 .

West P oint, I A, FARM E Q U I P ME I owa E state on com presented van Auctioneers, 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .

DE C 18 : N T . S ee GP Cink . b y S ulliL L C, P h:

Churdan, I A, DE C 21: RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 16 6 Acre L and on GP Cink . com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .

L ex ington, MO , DE C 18 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 10 5Acre L and on GP Cink .com b y Wheeler Auctions & Real E state, P h: 6 6 0 .3 27 .58 9 0 or 6 6 0 .3 27 .18 0 6 .

H amilton, I L , DE C 28 : FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee E ndof- Y ear Farmer- Dealer on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .

K eystone,, I A, DE C 19 : FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee Farm Retirement on GP Cink . com b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .

Ab ingdon, I L , DE C 29 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 7 0 .7 1Acre L and on GP Cink . com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .

Rochester, MN , DE C 20 : FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee Dealer I nventory on GP Cink . com b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .

Montgomery City, MO , J AN 2: FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee Farm E q uipment on GP Cink .com b y Wheeler Auctions & Real E state, P h: 6 6 0 .3 27 .58 9 0 or 6 6 0 .3 27 .18 0 6 .

L addonia, MO , J anuary 6 : FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee Farm Machinery on GP Cink .com presented b y Wheeler Auctions & Real E state, P h: 6 6 0 .3 27 .58 9 0 or 6 6 0 .3 27 .18 0 6 . E dwardsville, I L , J AN 10 : FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee Farm Retirement on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .

L E X I N GT O N , MO , on J anuary 13 : AN T I Q U E S & CO L L E CT I B L E S . S ee E S T AT E O F DO RO T H Y WO MACK on GP Cink .com b y Adk ins Auction, 6 6 0 - 259 - 24 0 9 .


Lamoni L A LAR A




641 784 3323

641 782 0790

515 608 0953


641 784 3323 R

641 442 5501

641 782 0790


641 7 4-



A Randy Gibson 641-442-5501

amoni o a

Jason McBee


U rb andale, I A, on J anuary 20: Benefit Auction. See Benefit Auction for Saint P ius X on GP Cink .com presented b y Wagner- Dent Auctions, P h: 6 4 1- 9 3 1- 6 8 3 2.

J ohnston, I A, J anuary 19 : Benefit Auction. See Benefit Auction for Beast FeastH osted b y O utdoor Dan on



GP Cink .com b y WagnerDent, 6 4 1- 9 3 1- 6 8 3 2.

Jason Gibson 641-782-0790





, 660 973 0097

O 64682 660 622 4214 O 704, O 64601 gran river ive oc co

E le e ll w in or r er de il on e

o in







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MISC POSTS,HAY,ETC CAGED ANIMALS, HOGS CATTLE, GOATS & SHEEP 1ST & r Sat r a s o t Mont 10AM Dan D ric 660 646 810 Pa D ric , O ic Manag r 660 646 8119 rt l an 816 284 0611 Clar All n 660 97 6826 s Gor a 816 85 7 59 L J Ca ill 660 22 119

NORTH MISSOURI LIVESTOCK AUCTION LLC Paul & Deanna Eitel, Owners 52762 Bus. Hwy 5 • Milan, MO

Barn: 660.265.4286


Paul 66 .265.64 4 ll Ray 66 .6 4.6541

12 Noon Start Time

Mike 66 . 5 .2 1 ustin 66 .654.4 6

Fee Wed

Spe and

xp bred






Address Color the picture fill out the entry form and mail or drop off at our printing plant in allatin or at the Ad one sales office in Chillicothe (addresses shown at right) Entries must e received y p m Friday Dec 22 2 One entry per child inners will e chosen from each of three age groups 4- years old - years old and - 2 years old inning entries will e displayed in our holiday editions Pri es must e claimed within days of notification or they ecome null and void Children of allatin Pu lishing Company employees are not eligi le

Contest prizes purchased from various area businesses, courtesy of...


Gallatin Publishing Company B South ain P O Bo allatin issouri 4 4 Ph -2 4 Fa -24 Email ads PCink com www PCink com





ashington P O Bo Chillicothe O 4 Ph - 2 Fa 44-2 Email Ad one PCink com www PCink com



CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

Decemb er 12, 20 17



L ivestock S pecial Auction Calendar. U p- to- date info from leading sale b arns plus mark et reports, video, CME current prices & more all at www. S hoMeMoreL ivestock .com

T H E H AMI L T O N B AN K check ing/savings accounts, loans, I RA’s and C.O .D.’s. Visit www.hamiltonb ank .net or call 8 16 - 58 3 - 214 3 . N ew b ranch at L athrop, MO . Memb er FDI C & E q ual H ousing Memb er.

Real Estate 3 B edroom house in U tica. 1200 sq ft finished in 2016. Metal siding and roof. Doub le insulated walls. Doub le paned windows. All electric. T ile and S tainmaster carpet. Covered deck on b ack . $8 0 ,0 0 0 Financing must b e secured b efore house will b e shown. 6 6 0 -9 7 3 -3 8 6 6 For S ale B y O wner: Ranch S tyle 3 B R 2B A on Full B asement. U pdated Roof, K itchen, Master B R/B A, Central Wood Furnace & A/C. Fresh paint & updated flooring throughout. L arge L ot in Family- friendly N eighb orhood, Deck & Garden S pot. $6 5,0 0 0 6 6 0 - 6 0 5- 20 6 4 . Services Y O U R DI RT I S our b read and b utter. Carpet and upholstery cleaning. David B aldwin, 8 16 6 3 2- 26 27 or toll- free 1- 8 8 8 8 54 - 29 4 9 .

J U L I A R. FI L L E Y , Attorney at L aw. General P ractice, Criminal Defense, Family L aw, & P rob ate. Free I nitial Consultation. West side of Gallatin S q uare. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 20 4 4 S E AML E S S GU T T E RI N G, A- 1 L eaf Guard, CH I O verhead Door, L iftMasterChamb erlain O perator S ales, I nstallation & S ervice. Call for free estimate. S erving you since 20 0 6 ! Miller Construction, J amesport, MO 6 6 0 6 8 4 - 6 9 50 . S T U MP GRI N DI N G. 6 6 0 7 4 9 - 57 13 or 8 16 - 8 0 4 - 7 9 4 8 . P E AK CO N S T RU CT I O N — b athrooms, k itchens, ex tra rooms, garages, b asement finishing, small roofs. New b usiness b ut years of ex perience. Affordab le and H igh Q uality. Aaron B alsb augh 6 6 0 - 3 3 4 - 19 9 0

Services H AN DY N o j ob mates, Call 8 16

MAN - T ony Mathison. too small. Free estiL ocated in H amilton. .28 8 .17 0 6 . Wanted

Wanting to b uy standing timb er: Cottonwood, maple, oak , walnut. Call 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 50 8 2 after 6 : 0 0 p.m. M0 0 0 L dtf Farm ground wanted. Competitive rates. Aaron L andes 6 6 0 - 3 58 - 26 8 2 P asture to rent. Greg L andes 6 6 0 - 7 4 8 - 58 16 S I L VE R & GO L D CO I N S , dental gold, gold mountings, sterling silver, old watches & diamonds. H ighest cash price paid. J unior S andy 8 16 - 3 9 0 - 20 27 .

Garage Sales ADVE N T I S T CH U RCH T H RI FT S hop, 120 7 S . Clay, Gallatin. O pen: E very WE D 8 am- 4 pm. O pen during noon hour. Free clothing at 120 6 S . Willow entrance. O pen 8 am3 pm every WE D 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 24 7 8

find more classifieds online at

Christmas Around The Square

’Light up the Night’ City Wide Holiday Lighting Contest for homes and businesses in Gallatin, MO

The annual “Light Up The Night” Christmas decorating contest renews this year with two winners to be announced soon after Christmas Day. Just deck your property out in bright lights anytime from now to Saturday, Dec. 23. The Gallatin Board of Aldermen have authorized two contest winners: st st The 1 place commercial winner will receive a $75 electric credit and the 1 place residential winner will receive a $75 electric credit, courtesy of the Gallatin Board of Aldermen. There is no entry fee. This friendly, fun competition is simply to promote the Christmas season.

If you wish to enter this contest, you MUST register either by completing the form below or going to Name

Phone #


Register for the RESIDENCE Contest

Register for the COMMERCIAL Contest

For information, contact: Bethany Vandiver 660-334-0876

Registration forms can be printed and submitted at 2 Broads Salon, City Hall, or Gallatin Publishing Company.

December 2017


SERVING YOU SINCE 1941 835 S. Washington • Chillicothe, MO 660-646-5525
































C h r is tm a s

D e c e m b e r 2 8 Acoustik Element New Year’s Concert 6:00-7:00PM Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

Get your event in the AdZone FREE. Email us at

D e c e m b e r 1 5 12 Days of Christmas Santa Visit 4:00-5:00PM Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 1 7

D e c e m b e r 1 2 12 Days of Christmas Wee Read Storytime 10:00AM Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 1 3 12 Days of Christmas Snow Globe Making All day drop in Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 1 4 12 Days of Christmas Wreath Making All day drop in Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 1 4 Community Blood Center Blood Drive 8:00AM-2:30PM Grand River Tech. School Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 1 3

D e c e m b e r 1 2 Holiday Food & Wine Pairing 6:00-7:00PM Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

Go to

Red Cross Blood Drive 2:00-6:00PM Bishop Hogan Memorial School Gym 800.733.2767 Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 1 5 Good Times Dance 7:30PM Grand River Multi-Purpose Center (former Aldi’s building) Chillicothe

Life Center Food Pantry 2:00 - 4:00PM 810 Elm Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 1 8 12 Days of Christmas Parasol Puppets 6:00-7:00PM Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 2 2 Ugly Holiday Sweater Trivia Night 6:30-9:30PM Livingston Co. Library Chillicothe to find the BONUS CODE and win more.



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FI N D T H E P AGE # AN D B U S I N E S S N AME FO R E ACH O F T H E I MAGE S . S E N D E N T RY T O T H E ADZ O N E . E ntries due b y Friday at 4 P M. E ntries accepted b y U S P S , drop off at one of our locations or E mail to AdZ one@ GP Cink .com * * O N E E N T RY P E R P E RS O N P E R WE E K * *

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December 12, 2017



CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

Decemb er 12, 20 17

** Selected Varieties

WED 13


FRI 15

SAT 16

MON 18


WED 13


FRI 15

SAT 16

MON 18




$ 79/lb


Best Choice Spiral Ham Whole or Half



Cook’s Hams Butt portion

Beef Brisket

Best Choice Frozen Turkey


$ 59/lb

249/lb $169/lb $199/lb $299/lb


Pork Steak

Fresh Bone-In

Hen or Tom

Cook’s Ham Steak

Fresh Family Pack Bone-In


Cook’s Hams Shank portion





Farmland Sliced Bacon 12-16 Oz, **

389/lb $599



Hormel Cure 81 Ham

Farmland Ham



Green Giant Whole White Mushrooms


8 oz



Best Choice Butter


16 Oz, limit 2

Pillsbury Rolls



French’s French Fried Onions 5-6 Oz, **


Coca-Cola Products

2 Liter Bottles, **


7•Up Products

12 oz cans, 12 pack,**





Coca-Cola Products 12 oz cans, 12 pack,**

King’s Hawaiian Dinner Rolls


$ 19 Gala Apples Fresh



15-16 Oz, **




Rhode’s Rolls

Cool Whip Topping

6-36 Ct, **



Reser’s Salads

12 Ct, **

46-48 Oz, **

8 Oz, **




Best Choice Vegetables

Kraft Deluxe Mac & Cheese Dinners

16 Oz, **

9.4-14 Oz, **









Betty Crocker Specialty Potatoes

Heinz Home Style Gravy

Stove Top Stuffing

Barilla Pasta

3.7-5.1 Oz, **


12 Oz, **





Lay’s Rold Gold or Tostitos

Keebler Ready Crust

8.75-16 Oz, **


Best Choice Granulated Sugar

Mrs. Smith’s Pies 32-37 Oz, **

Blue Bunny Ice Cream

11-14 Oz, **

12-14 Oz


4 bag limit

8 OZ, **

Armour Meatballs

3 lb


Best Choice Cream Cheese

8-13.9 Oz, **


Yellow Onions

$ 39






10 lb bag



Hillshire Farm Lit’l Smokies

$ 69


Best Choice Russet Potatoes


12-16 Oz, **

Sweet Potatoes



Jimmy Dean Roll Sausage

¢ 89/lb

$ 79

Golden Pineapples


Best Choice Cocktail Shrimp Boneless Whole or Half Ring 10 Oz

4lb Boneless



Boston Butt Pork Roast

Fresh Boneless




Gold Medal Flour 5 lb, **


6-13.5 Oz, **


12-16 Oz, **

6 Oz, **



Pillsbury Cake Mix

15.25 Oz, **




Ritz Toasted Chips

Jell-O Gelatin or Pudding

7.1-8.1 Oz, **



.3-3.9 Oz, **



$ 99


Coca-Cola Products

Gold Peak Tea

Dasani Water

.5 Liter Bottles, 6 Pack, **

6-24 pack, **

.5 Liter bottles, 24 pack, **


Hershey’s Morsels 7-12 Oz, **


Dole Pineapple 20 Oz, **


Best Choice Mixers

1 liter bottles, **

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