AdZone 12-26-17

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December 26, 2017

join us on facebook! Chillicothe, B raymer, Meadville, Wheeling, Chula, Dawn, L udlow, Mooresville, U tica, H ale, Gallatin, L ak e Vik ing, J amesport, J ameson/Coffey, P attonsb urg, ock Springs, Winston, Altamont, Hamilton, idder, ingston, olo, Cowgill, Breckenridge, ettleton, ira ile, Trenton, Cameron, athrop, Brookfield

explore our new website WOODY’S OUTDOOR POWER

side by sides


915 S. Washington • Chillicothe, MO



lawn mowers

auto body

car rentals


CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

Decemb er 26 , 20 17

WANTED ow cro land wanted to rent or corn or eans. on a


an , ami on

E Row ro lan to rent or corn or eans al well or aviess ounty ontact ell Evans amilton 816 284 1085


23-24 a -


for your Family!

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ol a

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inston R chool istrict is takin a lications or a chool urse R 1 ay a week . lications can eSee me about o taine at the school orCare Insurance Long-Term y callin 660 749 5456. E E

2 -29





Pricing good Dec 0 thru Dec 30 0 7

hile supplies last

Closed Thanksgiving o en riday ov 27th 8:30-3 m, at 8:30-2 m



We now carry Essential Oils GRO U N D to WAN T E D FARM Get your message to more We now carry Essential Oils than 1 8 , 0 0 0 H O M ES in rent for 20 18 in Daviess Co Daviess, Caldwell, L ivingston area. Call B randon L ewis at 6 6 0 .8 6 8 .2212. & b eyond for as little as $7 per week in the A D Z O N E. WAN T E D - Wanting farm 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 or email us ground. DeWayne Curtis 6 6 0 at AdZ one@ GP Cink .com to 9 7 3 - 20 3 1 or Wayne Curtis place your ad T O D A Y ! 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 8 9 26 Agriculture Ceritifed O rganic yellow seed peas, clean and in 50 lb . b ag $20 ea. B ill B ear 6 6 0 - 6 54 - 129 8 P AY I N G $7 5/ACRE FO R RE N T AL P AS T U RE . Will consider any siz e and location. Can do any fence repair necessary. 8 16 - 7 8 7 - 4 0 0 6

WAN T I N G T O RE N T . Row crop, pasture, or hay ground. Randy J ohnson, Gallatin. 6 6 0 .3 3 4 .0 16 9 . Automotive 19 6 6 C- 7 0 0 Ford, 5 speed, H i/ L o, 3 9 1, 16 ’ b ed, good rub b er, new radiator, $3 ,0 0 0 O B O . Call 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .8 7 29 .


For Rent

For Sale

For Sale

FRO S T AU T O MO T I VE : Auto and truck parts & accessories. S ee us for all your parts needs. We also mak e hydraulic hoses. S outh side Gallatin sq uare. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2152

H O U S E FO R RE N T : S pringhill Area. 3 B edroom country home. Remodeled. Well insulated. P ossib le outb uilding. Good reference and deposit req uired. Call 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 3 8 6 2

Q ueen S leep N umb er b ed with adj ustab le upper b ody. L ik e new condition. $8 0 0 . 6 6 0 - 3 59 - 13 24

B AS E RO CK , B L ACK DI RT A fill dirt Huston Trucking Construction, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 3 23 4 or 6 6 0 -3 3 4 -0 9 9 7 .

Martin Magcat compound b ow. Right hand 4 5- 6 0 pounds. $150 CVA 50 cal Muz z leloader with scope. $150 6 6 0 - 214 - 0 7 4 9

E N D RO L L S availab le $5 each! U se end rolls of newsprint to wrap items for moving or shipping, or to mak e some fun art proj ects. We support recycling. J oin us b y using this eco- friendly option. Availab le 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Mon.- Fri. at Gallatin P ub lishing Co., 6 0 9 B S . Main, Gallatin.

Business Opportunities RO O FI N G CO N T RACT O RS : Metal Roof Restoration and Flat Roof P roducts Manufacturer ooking or ualified I ndividuals willing to receive training and install roofing s stems. 4 0 Y ears of T op Q uality P roducts and Developing S uccessful B usiness O wners. I nvestment Req uired. T raining P rovided.8 16 - 4 25- 1155 For Rent GAL L AT I N E S T AT E S AP ART ME N T S FO R RE N T : 1 or 2 b drm availab le. H U D vouchers accepted. Rental assistance availab le to those who q ualify. E q ual housing opportunity. Call 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 3 114 .

S T O RAGE U N I T S : O utside lighting, surveillance cameras, insulated to prevent large temperature variances, different siz es availab le. L ocated H wy. O east of Gallatin. Critten Country S torage, 6 6 0 - 6 0 5- 3 3 50 .

Equipment For Rent CAS E S k id L oader, 8 5hp, b y the day, week or month. Contact Gallatin T ruck & T ractor, I nc. 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 210 3 or 210 4 . For Sale Cargo trailer, all new lights and wiring, tires are in good shape. $20 0 0 ob o. Call 6 6 0 - 9 7 3 - 6 7 57

2 cemetery plots at Resthaven in Chillicothe. $4 0 0 each. 6 6 0 - 3 59 - 13 24 B O AT S FO R S AL E : N ew & used b oats & pontoons, several to choose from, j ust watch our web site, www.lak evik or call 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 3 7 22, L ak e Vik ing Marine. O U T DO O R WO O D FU RN ACE b y Central B oiler I nc. FRE E H E AT & hot water. E liminate monthly heating b ills. 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 3 8 6 6 (N o S unday calls, please)

Help Wanted Drivers: $5,0 0 0 .0 0 O rientation Completion B onus! O T R, Flatb ed, Regional & P oint to P oint L anes!!! Comprehensive B enefits ew hires guaranteed minimum $$$ week )! 1yr CDL A: 1- 8 55- 3 50 - 557 1

CH I L L I CO T H E | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com | 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | 4 3 0 C Washington S t, Chillicothe MO 6 4 6 0 1 GAL L AT I N | 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | 6 0 9 B S outh Main, Gallatin MO 6 4 6 4 0

Decemb er 26 , 20 17


Go look in the cupboard b y Fr e i d a M a r i e C r u m p

Greetings from Poosey. Four hundred dollars. My jaw dropped to the floor and bounced a couple of times as I read the amount again. Four hundred dollars for 20 seconds work. Herb had been in the hospital for a little flare up of his electrical system and when we received the itemized bill we saw that, among the thousands of dollars billed for a couple nights in a hospital bed, the invoice listed $400 for a single shot in his arm. And note, this did not cover the cost of the serum in the syringe, just the act of sticking Herbie in the arm. Yes, our insurance covered the charge, but somebody somewhere down the line was going to have to pay this bill in the form of increased premiums. In response to the insane cost of health care I’d make a simple suggestion: return to Grandma’s kitchen. If your grandmother was like mine, she did more doctoring from her cupboard and refrigerator than her medicine cabinet, which is why I’d always fake insomnia when staying overnight with Grandma. Grandma swore that a tablespoon of Peter Pan peanut butter would put you to sleep. Skippy peanut butter was not an option. It had to be Peter Pan and of the creamy, not nutty variety. All it would take would be an 11 p.m. cry of “Grandma, I can’t sleep!” and she’d hoist herself out of bed, pad-pad-pad her house-slippered feet to the kitchen and before I’d know what was happening, she’d be standing over my bed with her magical dollop of peanut butter. I liked peanut butter and I liked Grandma. Putting the two together became a lethal combination of bedtime love. Our National Healthcare System might take a tip from our grannies and invest heavily in Jell-O. No matter what your diseases, Jell-O would make you feel better if not actually cure it. After I began to overdose after a week at Grandma’s house suffering from both the mumps and a flood of strawberry Jello, I asked Grandma why Jell-O could be such a help in getting over a sickness. She informed me that gelatin is made from the hooves of cows, and that you hardly ever see a sick cow. When you’re five years old, you’ll accept anything coming from a gray head.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Mechanic H elp N eeded. L ak e Vik ing Marine is L ook ing for a N ew Mechanic. Competitive P ay & Great Work ing E nvironment. S end resume to randy@ lak evik

Detailer H elp N eeded. L ak e Vik ing Marine is L ook ing for a N ew Detailer. Competitive P ay & Great Work ing E nvironment. S end resume to randy@ lak evik

Drivers: $5,0 0 0 O rientation Completion B onus! U niq ue Flatb ed or DryVan Fleet! E x cellent Annual P ay, Full Comprehensi e Benefits 1 r Class-A CDL Call: 1- 8 55- 8 56 - 7 9 8 5 Gallatin R· V S chool District accepting applications for central o fice ookkeeper administrative assistant to the superintendent of schools. Accounting and finance experience req uired. S uccessful candidate must b e multi- task er with strong people sk ills. B asic computer sk ills and ab ility to keep up with educating finance are a must. Must b e ab le to complete payroll and handle proj ects with attention to detail. S trongorganiz ational sk ills and effective verb al and written communication sk ills needed. T he candidate chosen will b e a team- oriented individual with a positive outlook . S alary is commensurate and will b e determined b y ex perience. P lease contact the superintendent’s o fice or more in ormation T he Gallatin R- V S chool District is an eq ual opportunity employer.

Real Estate FO R S AL E B Y O WN E R: Ranch style 3 B R 2B A on full b asement. U pdated roof, k itchen, master B R/B A, central wood furnace & A/C. Fresh paint & updated flooring throughout arge lot in family- friendly neighb orhood, deck & garden spot. $6 5,0 0 0 . 6 6 0 - 6 0 5- 20 6 4 . Services Y O U R DI RT I S our b read and b utter. Carpet & upholstery cleaning. David B aldwin, 8 16 - 6 3 226 27 or toll- free 1- 8 8 8 - 8 54 - 29 4 9 T H E H AMI L T O N B AN K check ing/savings accounts, loans, I RA’s and C.O .D.’s. Visit www. hamiltonb ank .net or call 8 16 58 3 - 214 3 . N ew b ranch at L athrop, MO . Memb er FDI C & E q ual H ousing Memb er. J U L I A R. FI L L E Y , Attorney at L aw. General P ractice, Criminal Defense, Family L aw, & P rob ate. Free I nitial Consultation. West side of Gallatin S q uare. 6 6 0 6 6 3 - 20 4 4 S E AML E S S GU T T E RI N G, A- 1 L eaf Guard, CH I O verhead Door, L iftMaster- Chamb erlain O perator S ales, I nstallation & S ervice. Call for free estimate. S erving you since 20 0 6 ! Miller Construction, J amesport, MO 6 6 0 - 6 8 4 - 6 9 50 .

S T U MP GRI N DI N G. 6 6 0 - 7 4 9 57 13 or 8 16 - 8 0 4 - 7 9 4 8 . P E AK CO N S T RU CT I O N — b athrooms, k itchens, ex tra rooms, garages, asement finishing, small roofs. N ew b usiness b ut years of ex perience. Affordab le and H igh Q uality. Aaron B alsb augh 6 6 0 - 3 3 4 - 19 9 0 H AN DY MAN - T ony Mathison. N o j ob too small. Free estimates, L ocated in H amilton. Call 8 16 .28 8 .17 0 6 . CRP /P AS T U RE CL E ARI N G - T ree pulling/removal w/ sk id loader. Call Gab e B uz z ard T renton, MO 8 16 - 6 7 8 - 3 9 18 Wanted WAN T E D: Row Crop land to rent for corn or b eans. Caldwell or Daviess County. Call 8 16 - 28 4 - 10 8 5

Wanting to b uy standing timb er: Cottonwood, maple, oak , walnut. Call 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 50 8 2 after 6 : 0 0 p.m. M0 0 0 L dtf Farm ground wanted. Competitive rates. Aaron L andes 6 6 0 - 3 58 - 26 8 2

P asture to rent. Greg L andes 6 6 0 - 7 4 8 - 58 16 S I L VE R & GO L D CO I N S , dental gold, gold mountings, sterling silver, old watches & diamonds. H ighest cash price paid. J unior S andy 8 16 - 3 9 0 - 20 27 . Garage Sales ADVE N T I S T CH U RCH T H RI FT S hop, 120 7 S Clay, Gallatin. O pen Wed 8 am- 4 pm. O pen during noon hour. Free clothing at 120 6 S . Willow entrance. O pen 8 am- 3 pm Wed - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 24 7 8

Honey was the preferred treatment for a bedtime cough and if you played your cards right you could scrounge up a cough along with a good case of insomnia and Grandma would fetch you a bedtime treat of honey and peanut butter. I won’t say that I purposely played the system, but I certainly didn’t hesitate to call for Doctor Grandma if I felt the slightest tingle. I always tried to avoid ailments that Grandma would cure with foods I didn’t like. For example, oatmeal was a day-starter at the very bottom of my taste list. But if I ever made the mistake of telling her that I itched somewhere on my body, she’d mix a dab of oatmeal with warm milk and rub it over the itchy area. True, I didn’t have to swallow the stuff, but I once had to suffer through a day of school when I’d told Grandma my feet itched and I spent the entire morning feeling the crunch of oatmeal between my toes. And it didn’t involve food, but holding a bag of ice under your armpit gives you a headache that makes you forget all about your original fever. Sick to your stomach? The home cures were legion and you’d do anything to avoid the Pepto-Bismol or Milk of Magnesia. If your grandma had any concern for you at all, she’d first try ginger shaved into a cup then covered with hot water and a little sugar. I’ll admit that I preferred the latter method over the purchased cures, but if you’re eating ginger in a Japanese restaurant then please don’t exhale around me. It conjures up methods of sweaty blankets and a plastic bucket at my bedside. If you’d spent too many hours playing on the roof of Grandpa’s cowshed then chances were good you’d complain to Grandma that evening of sunburn. Again, her cure came from the kitchen and not the medicine chest... a compress of cold milk and ice. You really have to experience cold milk and ice on your bare back to fully appreciate this. And is there a soul among us who’s not had to gargle Grandma’s salt water when faced with a sore throat? In fact, Grandpa did this every morning to, in his opinion, prevent colds. Grandpa never smiled much. There may have been a reason. So, just a sliver of advice ...before spending $400 for a shot, you might want to look in your cupboard. You ever ‘round Poosey, stop by. We may not answer the door but you’ll enjoy the trip.


CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

Decemb er 26 , 20 17

WE DO IT ONCE, WE DO IT RIGHT We cool summers & warm winters Give us a call, we’re here for you! Residential & Commercial Maintenance & Repairs Dry Vent Cleaning & Duct Cleaning SPECIAL NOW ... get a FREE dry vent clean ($125 value) with the installation/replacement of Furnace or A/C unit. (limited time offer)

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CHILLICOTHE, MO Chillicothe - Residential or Commerical. S eller have completely repainted every room Could e an o fice or a house. Reduced: $8 0 ,0 0 0 . # 7 0 24 /228 7 7 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe - Great S tarter H ome! 3 b edroom, 1 b ath would mak e a great starter home. L arge lot with fenced b ack yard. $9 2,0 0 0 . # 14 0 20 /2216 3 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .14 17 Chillicothe - Family Friendly N eighb orhood! T his 113 4 sq . ft. home has 3 b edrooms an updated full b ath and a laundr room ath com ination, large living room and eat- in k itchen. T here is a large 2- car garage with a concrete driveway. T he b ack yard is spacious and fenced with lovely landscaping and large b eautiful shade trees. T his home is a perfect for a variety of family needs. $10 9 ,9 0 0 . # 20 58 E CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .214 1 Chillicothe - Completely U pdated! L ots of updates since 20 12 up to this past year! N ew chain link fence added. N ew garb age disposal, all new



paint with wainscot in dining area! Reduced: $115,0 0 0 . # 7 0 21/227 24 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe - B RI N G L O AN P ACK AGE S ! Remodeled/U pdated Ranch move in ready! pdated kitchen, new flooring throughout, remodeled b athroom ull unfinished asement ready for your winter proj ect, large b rand new patio off the garage. $115,0 0 0 . # 10 11 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates Chillicothe, - Close to P ark - Great Family H ome! 3 B edroom Cape Cod on nice siz ed lot, close to park . N ewer carpet, hardwood floors and detached garage. $115,0 0 0 . # 517 5/22512 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe - Great N eighb orhood. Fenced yard, fresh paint, new appliances, new carpet with hardwood underneath. $119 ,7 0 0 . # 3 10 9 /23 0 9 6 Gaslight Real E state 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe - H ome Completely Remodeled. T his home was remodeled in 19 9 8 , new k itchen, upper level all new everything Basement finished out What a classic! S tunning up

METAL ROOFing INSTALLed On your House or Barn Say goodbye to composite shingles

FREE ESTIMATES Reuben Wagler Trenton, MO

metal works

to date k itchen with maple cherry cab inets. H ardwood floors, 3 ath, large master b edroom with walk in closet and attached b ath. S ellers j ust installed new carpet in b asement b edroom. N ew wood deck ! $129 ,0 0 0 . # 7 0 28 /227 6 1 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe - U pdated And Move- I n Ready! 3 b edroom ranch style home has lots of updates and is move- in ready! All new remodeled k itchen with white wood cab inets, q uartz countertops, stainless steel sink , new b ack splash, upscale new stainless steel appliances, and is eat- in style with ample room for dining tab le. E ngineered hardwood flooring in kitchen, li ing room, and hallway. T he 1,29 6 S q . t main floor has a completely remodeled b ath. T he 1,29 6 S q .Ft. full b asement with 550 S t finished amil room and ath has a large storage area and laundry hook ups. Replacement windows, vinyl siding, and composite Lindy Lilealong with deck Call all add value 660-247-2294 theCallattached garage and Martha Berry fenced b ack yard. $13 4 ,50 0 . 660-707-3067 # 50 Call 8 9 E Joyce CE N T U Eddy RY 21 S mith 660-247-0750 & Associates, 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .214 1 Call Mary Tredway 660-359-7715 Call Terri Dunn 660-247-0460 Call Sandy Thompson 660-646-8777 Call Amy Hobbs 660-247-3233 Call Lyn Hague 660-247-3218 Call Pete Madison 660-247-2222 Call Amy Sisson 660-525-9133


New Listing


121 Washington Street Chillicothe, MO 64601


#5175 • $115,000 Call Terri Dunn 660-247-0460

Chillicothe, MO - - Great Family N eighb orhood! P ool tab le stays, newer added k itchen cab inets, newer carpet on main level. U pdated b athroom fixtures too Seller is replacing master shower. Deck has awning. 2 L ots mak es this a really nice space for outdoor play@ $17 0 ,0 0 0 . # 28 19 /23 0 7 6 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Chillicothe, MO - - O ne L evel H ome O n Corner L ot! 13 5 x 13 4 L ot: N ew countertop, stainless steel appliances, b uilt in hutch, cab inets and shelves, window seat, newer windows, lots of storage. $17 9 ,9 0 0 . # 4 551/229 8 0 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17 Find more Chillicothe listings online at S

Real Estate

660-646-1417 Reduced!



wner ro er

#5175 60 #3107 17 #3110 14

Won’t last long!

140 Garr Field Ave. 1705 Polk St. Chillicothe Chillicothe 4 bed, 3 bath. Large deck, shed & partial. ½ bath on the 3 bed, 3 bath home. main level, updated family Basement has 1 bedroom, full room & bath in basement, bathroom, large office, storage lots of storage. Rec room in room. the basement. #3110 • $215,000 Call Joyce Eddy #3107 • $182,000 660-247-0750 Call Lindy Lile Call Lindy Lile 660-247-2294 660-247-2294 New


Tina Esbeck, roker 21020 Hwy. 6; Gallatin, MO Phone: 660-663-3294

Ne Listi w ng

Visit our website at Many, many listings with photos Farms, Residential, Hunting, ake...



Sales • Parts • Service

Chillicothe - Great Family N eighb orhood. S pacious 3 b edroom, 2.5 b ath home K itchen with b reak fast b ar, large b ack deck , fenced in yard. N ew landscaping in the front & b ack . $155,9 0 0 . # 3 0 7 2/216 3 5 Gaslight Real E state, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 14 17

Landmark Realty

d uce Red

lots of updates - windows, siding, carpet, paint, roof, and gutters. T his home offers 3 b edrooms, full b ath, large eat in k itchen with coffee b ar and living room, the b asement has laundry room, family room and a 3 /4 b ath. 1 car attached garage, covered patio, and a nice lot. O wner says “ Mak e O ffer” . Call Glenda J ohnson at 6 6 0 - 24 7 - 20 3 4 to view this home today. $14 9 ,0 0 0 . # 10 15 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, 6 6 0 .6 4 6 .214 1


3 Bedroom Cape Cod on a nice sized lot, close to park. Newer carpet, hardwood floors and detached garage.




Chillicothe - L ocated in a q uiet neighb orhood on the edge of town this ranch home has had

603 Sunset Ave Chillicothe

660-973-4229 PRICE


Chillicothe, MO - - Reduced! N ice family home in a great neighb orhood and convenient location! 150 x 10 0 L ot: Awesome b ack yard with stamped concrete patio. S creened in porch ready for your enj oyment! 3 b edroom 2 1/2 b ath, attractive k itchen (appliances included), & b reak fast nook . N ewer windows, siding & fenced in yard. N ew roof coming soon ou will lo e this finished b asement w/ex tra storage. L aundry hook ups on the main floor and in asement O ver- siz ed garage & shed. This home has a partiall finished b asement. $14 4 ,9 0 0 . # gpc20 4 7 4 8 8 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57

Redu ced

w Ne CE I PR

Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm E

New Listing

New Listing

CHILLICOTHE, MISSOURI Spray Foam, Cellulose and Fiberglass ed uc

Scott Boley

d Re

Rick Boley uced Red

660-973-3567 660-247-2969 Stabilized Cellulose • Insulation New Home Construction • Remodels • Commerical

C o f f e y, M O – G r e a t Location: This 9 m/l acreage is hard to find. Great location off blacktop, not too far from I-35. There is an old home and outbuildings on the property. Land is currently farmed on a year to year lease. Great place to build your dream home. $45,000 #1164


Jameson, MO -- 19 ac Surveyed Building Tract with Rural Water! This 19.28 surveyed acres would be a beautiful location for a new home site in the country. Has 16 acres tillable income, remaining ground in timber which would make great hunting for deer and turkey. Blacktop and gravel frontage with a Rural water meter already in place. $90,250 #1183

Kidder, MO – A Dream Property! This 15 acre amazing p r o p e r t y w o u l d m a ke a fabulous location for small and large conferences, business functions, etc..... This 1910 historic Kidder Institute includes administration building with office space, classrooms, and unique, old gymnasium w/catwalk. Other features include pond, onsite greenhouse & garden area. $950,000 #1187

Gallatin, MO – Nice Commercial on the Square: This commercial building is located on the west side of the square. The building has been completely remodeled with wiring, plumbing, furnace, AC, water heaters, insulation, & so much more! One bedroom one bath apartment in basement can be utilized by owner or rent out for extra income. $80,000. #1190

u Red

REDUCED ater ront an






Decemb er 26 , 20 17



Gallatin: reat ranch style home on a corner lot with hu e ence yar . Rea y or a new owner hree e rooms u stairs 2 non con ormin e rooms in asement 2 aths on the main level 1 in asement. tainless a liances roo si in rivacy ence stora e she s $127,500 #2083861



Gallatin: icely remo ele tra itional home. reat or a rowin amily. acious eat in kitchen with a ormal inin room. lar e laun ry cra t room an new sho with electric will make the er ect s ace or your ho ies an ro ects. Partially ence lot with a ar en an lar e ack eck. $122,000 #2073153


Gallatinl: 5 e 2 ath close to the school. ers consi era le amount o livin s ace inclu in ormal inin room lar e livin room eat in kitchen laun ry room recreational room 2 car ara e car ort on t or et the ool mall she inclu e with electricity. $127,000 #2082064

66 ACRES OF AMAZING HUNTING: Great hunting property adjoins Poosey State Forest and offers some of the best hunting in North West Missouri. $231,000 #2062715

Amanda Riley 660-605-0575 GALLATIN, MO Gallatin - Charming 4 b drm, 1 & 1/2 b athroom 2 story home is located on a nice, shady corner lot with a pretty patio area and an oversiz ed 2 car detached garage: Charming 4 b edroom, 1 and 1/2 b athroom 2 story home located on nice, shady corner lot with patio area & oversiz ed 2 car detached garage. L arge k itchen includes gas range & refrigerator, main level laundry room. Well k ept home has updates

including vinyl siding, windows, roof & more! $8 2,50 0 . # gpc20 4 4 58 1 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin, MO - - I mpressive Q ueen Anne style Victorian home with a large porch, original woodwork , pock et doors and lead glass: I mpressive Q ueen Anne style Victorian with a large porch, original woodwork , pock et doors and lead glass. Main level living room, dining room & parlor to accomodate large groups. Would mak e a stun-

AUCTION Real Estate & Personal Property

Saturday, January 6, 2018 240 - 9:30 a.m.

5 miles west of Chillicothe, Missouri 6 h off Dr of 36 Hwy.

610 Marble St. in Utica MO Guns, Coins, Modern Furniture, Appliances, Antiques, & Collectibles

39 900 ecuti e dollhouse


Real Estate will sell at 12:30 p.m.: Nice modern 3-5 bedroom home: kitchen/dining area, living room, bath, finished basement, utility room, 1/2 bath. Home features new roof, vinyl siding, large deck; 40x60x14 metal building with one 20x14 door, one walk-thru door, one standard roll-up door, with cement floor. This property has many possibilities. Would make a eartlan M as it sits on three acres – or great horse property JEfarm. Utica, MO, roker hobby is a very, very clean town for its size. 621 ocust hillicothe Mo Terms: non-refundable deposit day of auction; 66015% 247 1700 enter into binding contract; balance due at closing in ew a ents Jack lank on 30 days or less. Sells subject to owners' confirmation.

hite Ro anne Rickey Ronda Reeter. Owner

Statements made sale day take precedence. Not responsible for accidents, thefts, or errors in advertising, or consignment deletions

Chris Arnaman, 816-284-0570 | Hamilton Office, 816-583-1030

Carl Kimble, Stewartsville 816-387-7955 | Matt Fordyce of Behtany 660-373-0440 Crabtree Auctions 660-425-7300


“When you think auction, think Arnaman Auction.”


ning home or B &B . Detached garage. A truly uniq ue home j ust off the historic courthouse sq uare. S ome work needed. Reduced: $8 9 ,0 0 0 . # gpc19 4 0 23 8 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin, MO - - S ee this 128 8 sq ’ well maintained 2 b drm 2 b ath home with a 1 car attached garage and a 10 8 0 sq ’ detached garage.52 L ot: H ome features a large stainless steel k itchen & dining comb o opening up to a 16 ’ x 12’ covered deck with an 8 ’x 12’ addition. Additional features include a new cedar shadow

b ox privacy fence, new ceiling fans, newer windows, gutters, roo , doors, and floor co erings. $10 1,50 0 . # gpc20 7 3 3 6 0 N orthland MO Realty, L athrop, MO 8 16 .7 4 0 .4 24 2 Gallatin - S pacious home has 3 b d/2 full b aths on main level and 1 d and o fice with its own entrance, 1/2 b ath and nice siz e family room in the ull finished asement ew A/C installed 6 /17 . Ready for you to mak e your own. S eller relocating & hoping for q uick sell. $10 5,0 0 0 . # gpc20 6 3 0 8 9 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57

Gallatin - Ranch home with b drms, 2 b aths, one car EQUITY MISSOURI three attached on large lot, CHRIS ARNAMAN’S FALLgarage ROUNDUP REALTY including 3 6 x 3 6 outb uilding LAND & HOME & AUCTION with concrete floor, 2 o erHeartland MLS 621 Locust, Chillicothe head doors with one electric

door. 16 6 x 13 0 L ot: Y ou’ll love the nice neighb orhood, prox imity to school and level, treed lot, and covered deck with sun- porch. N ewer roof, windows, siding, remodeled b athroom, and k itchen appliances included! $117 ,0 0 0 . # gpc20 7 7 14 7 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin, - N icely remodeled traditional home, great for a growing family: S pacious eat in k itchen with a formal dining room. A large laundry/ craft room and new shop with electric will mak e the perfect space for your hob b ies and proj ects. P artially fenced lot with a garden and large b ack deck . $122,0 0 0 . # gpc20 7 3 153 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57

Gallatin - 5 b drm 2 b ath home close to the school! O ffers a considerab le amount of living space, including a formal dining room, large living room, eat- in k itchen, laundry room, recreational room, 2 car garage, carport and don’t forget the pool! S mall shed is included with electricity. $127 ,0 0 0 . # gpc20 8 20 6 4 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57 Gallatin - Ranch style home on corner lot with fenced yard. Ready for new owner! 3 b ed upstairs & 2 non- conforming b edrooms in b asement, 2 b aths on the main level and one in the b asement. N ewer stainless appliances, roof, siding, privacy fence & storage sheds mak e this home VE RY desirab le! $127 ,50 0 . # gpc20 8 3 8 6 1 RE /MAX T own & Country, 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57

Gallatin - N icely remodeled traditional home, great for a Gallatin - B eautiful H istoric 300 tunning e ecuti e growing family: S pacious eat 4 0 0 0 sq ft, 2- story home. FeaALREADY CONSIGNED: home on eautiful 3 acres in k itchen with a formal din- tures 17 rooms!!! Winding 299 ne of hillicothe s ing room. A large laundry/ dark wood stairway, ornate largest uildings on s uare Wholesalers, Inc. 240 arge ictorian ome in craft room and new shop with fireplaces, pocket doors, hristison ddition electric will mak e the perfect stained glass windows. B uilt 90 ice ranch home ric #2 and BTR spaceAermotor, for your Chicago; hob b ies and ab outto18 be 6 0 b y J oshua Alex anfireplace ansen Special Large windmill complete; 0 Interest: home on– The 3 SPF Lumber 0 3 new roof proj ects. P artially fenced lot der, who later was S ecretary removed. acres near town garages 09 illiams t 1:15 p.m. Guns, Coins, Sporting 700. SPS 30.06 under P resident withItems: garden &Remington large b ack deck of Commerce 40 arge shop paint 79 900Remington D orgeous Pre-cut Studs w/scope; 30.06 & .270$122,0 bolt action _ w/scope; 30.06in&19 19 . O wner/Agent 0 0 . # gpc20 7 3 153 Savage RE / Wilson a office ample par ing 3 Dbolt shop garage .270 action w/scopes; 30.06 & .22 ammo; Savage 6.5 Creedmoor 30 emodeled $14 9 ,50 0 . # 1116 L andmark MAX sheds; T own &asst. Country, Galla-clothes; w/scope; gun safe; deer mount; deer hunting 1920 wner ro er newer itchen large porch Blandex/Plywood Realty, , MO 6 6 0 .6 6 3 .3 29 4 tin, MO 6 6 0 6 6 3 57 57 silver dollars; assorted silver 1/2 dollars; foosball table; new 30' pool tarp; 16 hillicothe 69 era




pool chemicals; 30' pool deck; canopy & umbrella; treadmill elliptical. uitAdvantech issouri ealt and Subfloor Modern Furniture & - Appliances: Maytag stainless double-door ome 364, 00 otel refrigerator/freezer w/water & ice in door; large sofa w/recliners; large sofa; renta le rooms 2 recliners; large armoire; 5 TVs; assorted tables; 2 queen Tempur-Pedic I-Joists 189,900 P ed mattresses; air mattress; food dehydrator; lg. asst. kitchen items; 2 chests of eartland rea fast drawers; Whirlpool Duet washer & dryer w/drawers; Maytag Neptune 1 0 home Beams washer; GELVL electric dryer; fire pit; lawn chairs & table; Nintendo 64; upright on 3 acres near town - ro er freezer. 79,900 D Antiques & Collectibles: Oak homemade cabinet; homemade oak clothes orgeous 3 D shop garage hanger/chest; elk foot oak lamp; lite beer sign; 50 Walt Disney VHS tapes; 6 ocust for hillicothe o Union Pricing!!! clock; steam engine parts; iron kettles; oak dresser; Jeff Foli, Broker WesternCall Cleveland 605 trombone w/case; electric guitar & amp; iron bed; cast 660 sleds. 700 North of 127 Miles skillets; 116 South Market, Gallatin, rea gents: ac lan ic a erTools,Salisbury Shop Items: Ingersol on Hwy 129Rand T-30 air compressor; gas hyd log splitter; Don hite o anne ic e 400rea Ford engine; shopDon benches; shop fan; steel welding bench; gents: ac 2 lan 660-222-3262 o ent to own wner ro er woodworking tools; lg. hite o anne ic asst. e tools; wrenches; shop items; new bi-fold doors. ourthouse 6


Gallatin Lumber Company Co or all o r on tr t on n

Phone: 660-663-2522

wner ro er


gpc208 gpc207 gpc208 gpc206


CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

Decemb er 26 , 20 17

TRENTON MO T renton - Move- in Ready anch Home er e ficient ranch with a great location! E nj oy the convenience of everything on one level in this three b edroom, one b ath 120 0 + sq uare foot home. Conveniently look ed near maj or shopping area, including grocery stores and restaurants. Well cared for home with newer laminate flooring in the kitchen and dining room, high-e ficienc furnace and central air, and ample cab inet space in the kitchen ull unfinished asement, b ack patio, and a 1 car attached garage. Call or tex t Greg Freeman at 6 6 0 - 3 58 4 0 0 3 to come tak e a look ! $7 6 ,50 0 . # 20 6 50 6 4 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, 8 8 8 .4 4 6 .8 7 4 0 T renton - 3 B drm 2 S tory H ome. Y ou will love the location of this 3 - b edroom home! L ocated in a family friendly neighb orhood that is within walk ing distance to the city pool and Mob erly P ark . S ituated on a corner lot, this home has a wrap- around deck that is partially covered, a b ack deck off the master

b edroom, and a large lot with mature shade trees. Main floor includes master edroom with master b ath, formal dining room, k itchen & living. 2 b edrooms & full b ath upstairs. Call Greg Freeman at 6 6 0 - 3 58 - 4 0 0 3 for more info. $7 8 ,8 0 0 . # 20 0 0 4 18 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, T renton - 2 B drm well maintained condo: E verything on one level and no ex terior maintenance to worry ab out. N ice 2 b edroom, 1 ½ b athroom condo located in good neighb orhood, comes with all appliances including washer & dryer. S mall patio area b ehind. L awn care & snow removal provided as part of minimal monthly fee. Call or tex t Melissa at 6 6 0 - 3 59 - 110 1 to schedule your personal showing today! $7 9 ,50 0 . # 20 6 50 51 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates T renton - Roomy Ranch on L arge L ot! T his nice, clean 3 drm home has a ull finished b asement, attached garage, huge yard and a nice outb uilding: I t’s a must see at a great price! $9 9 ,50 0 . # gpc20 4 4 9 6 5 RE /MAX T own & Country, Gallatin, MO 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 57 57

T renton, MO - - 3 b edroom 2 b ath ranch home with many q uality additions. Main home features newer k itchen with b eautiful cab inetry & hardwood floor, updated dou le pane tip out windows, carpet is ex cellent (owner says hardwood under the carpet). T he home o ers an open floor plan on the large living and dining room giving plenty to room for a family or entertaining. B ut that’s not all, have your coffee in the morning in a 50 0 sq ft. sunroom right off the k itchen! O ne of the nicest features I ’ve come across on a home. Guests park on the front drive and walk up on a large deck to the front door. H owever, with a lot that runs from street to street you will drive in the b ack and park in a 3 0 x 3 0 oversiz ed 2 car garage. Garage is large enough to provide ex tra storage or shop/hob b y area. Get out of the car and walk j ust a few feet to the house. Very few steps for retirees look ing for a home with ex tras. Call Mik e J ohnson 6 6 0 - 3 59 - 7 7 4 9 to set up an appointment today! $10 9 ,9 0 0 . # 20 7 9 250 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, T renton, MO 8 8 8 .4 4 6 .8 7 4 0


T renton - L ak e Area 5 B drm H ome: H ome Features 3 - 5 B edrooms 2 1/2 B aths. L arge K itchen with all appliances I ncluded. Dining room, living room, 3 b edrooms, 1 1/2 b aths (Full B ath Recently U pgraded) and a utility room all on the main L evel. P artiall finished asement includes large family room, 2 b ed or b onus rooms and a large b athroom. L arge Deck and Gaz eeb o to enj oy on a large corner lot. Reduced: $119 ,9 0 0 . # 7 20 H omeland Realty, 6 6 0 - 3 59 - 3 4 58

with 4 b edrooms, living room, k itchen, family room, large dining room, and 1.5 b aths. L ocated on a doub le lot that includes an ab ove ground pool ready for summer fun. T he home also features a b ack deck , patio, 2 car attached garage, and partial b asement. Recent updates in 20 15 include vinyl doub lepane windows, vinyl siding, architectural roof, and gutters. Central air and b rand new natural gas forced air furnace. Call or tex t Greg Freeman at 6 6 0 - 3 58 - 4 0 0 3 for more information. $129 ,0 0 0 . # 19 9 0 4 8 4 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, T renton, MO 8 8 8 .4 4 6 .8 7 4 0

T renton - L ak e L ocation, Great H ome. B rick front ranch home with 5 b edrooms, 2.5 b athrooms, and over 2,9 0 0 s t o finished li ing space S ituated on a corner lot with estab lished shrub s and trees. Features a wood deck with gaz eb o, family room with b rick gas fireplace, a kitchen with cab inets galore, and a 2 car attached garage. $119 ,9 0 0 . # 1226 8 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates, 8 8 8 .4 4 6 .8 7 4 0

T renton - N ice H ome for a Great P rice!! H ome has it all! P rime location at a great price. Move right in to this ranch home and enj oy the neighb orhood close to schools and the walk ing trail. E verything you need is right on the main floor The main level has 158 0 sq uare feet with a large living room with fireplace per ect or amil gatherings, spacious k itchen with generous counter space, formal dining room, a master b edroom with adj oining b ath-

T renton, MO - - S pacious 4 B drm Ranch H ome. Many updates in this spacious ranch home located in the T renton L ak e area! P lenty of room

room The main floor also has 2 additional b edrooms and an additional full b ath, as well as a nice laundry/mudroom and an additional half b ath. T here is a ull unfinished asement and an oversiz ed 2 car garage with b uilt in cab inets. P lenty of yard to enj oy on this corner lot. Call Melissa at 6 6 0 - 3 59 - 110 1 to view this home q uick ly as it will not last long at this price. $129 ,0 0 0 . # 20 8 20 9 6 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates T renton, MO - - N ice Ranch S tyle H ome. 17 5 x 225 L ot: T his 4 b edroom, 2 3 /4 b ath home is located on a large lot with a great yard. Move- in Ready! Reduced: $13 9 ,9 0 0 . # 13 0 19 /223 51 Gaslight Real E state, Chillicothe, MO 6 6 0 6 4 6 - 14 17 T renton - Country Club Area. U pgrade your lifestyle with this ex ecutive style home. I deal location j ust b eyond the entrance to the country club , enj oy this perfectly situated semi private yard, tak e advantage of the b eautiful 9 - hole Country Club golf course with swimming pool. Call Melissa 6 6 0 - 3 59 - 110 1 $150 ,0 0 0 . # 19 8 27 0 8 CE N T U RY 21 S mith & Associates,



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END OF YEAR CONSIGNMENT 9AM THUR, DEC 28TH T RA C T O RS ’9 8 Agco Allis 8 7 6 5, 28 9 9 hrs, 3 pt, MFWD I H 528 8 , clean I H 14 8 6 , Cab I H 10 8 6 , 4 3 7 6 hrs, N ice I H 10 0 H ydro w/ loader CI H 7 8 4 , low hrs, nice Case 4 8 5, 2wd, pto, side mount sick le mower CI H 14 9 4 , Canopy, T A 26 L oader CI H 7 14 0 , MFWD, J D 9 4 0 0 , 4 wd, 9 8 0 0 hrs J D 7 20 0 w/ 7 4 0 loader, 8 0 0 0 hrs J D 4 4 4 0 w/ 158 loader, 7 0 0 0 hrs J D 29 4 0 w/ canopy J D 3 0 10 Diesel J D 3 0 10 Gas J D 9 50 J D 4 0 1B w/ 14 6 loader Ford 54 0 B , w hd b lade Ford 6 0 0 0 Commander White 2- 7 0 , canopy, 3 pt, pto, White 2- 10 5, cab K ub ota L 17 5 T ractor w/ B elly mower O liver 17 55, gas, new paint & clutch J D 6 55 w/ b elly mower, 3 pt 50 0 hrs J D 510 3 , Canopy, P to, dual (2) AC 18 5 tractors ‘ 13 Massey Ferguson 153 3 , Cab , H eat, AC, 3 4 0 hrs, N I CE J D 53 20 , j d54 1 L oader, 4 7 0 0 hrs L andpride Raz orZ z ero turn

C O M B I N ES | H EA D ERS J D 6 6 20 , 4 4 0 0 hrs, N I CE w/ 215 head J D 6 4 3 6 r3 0 in head J D 9 25 H ead I H 8 6 3 head N H 7 4 c- 3 0 ft P latform L O A D ERS | O T H ER T RA C T O R REL A T ED J D 14 8 loader, off of 4 250 Westendorf T A 28 L oader Cat Challenger Replacement T rack s N E W, 50 8 6 0 2D1,1R13 8 5,50 20 58 D1, 50 8 6 0 3 D1,554 110 D1 C O N S T RU C T I O N ’7 8 J D 7 50 doz er, 8 8 0 0 hrs, 10 ft b lade Caterpillar D6 H , N ice, Cab , H eat, A/C, L ik e new undercarriage Caterpillar 9 22 Crawler Caterpillar 9 6 6 B , wheel loader J D 4 4 0 C L og S k idder Case B ack hoe for parts Case 58 0 K B ack hoe, E x tend- a- hoe, N eeds work

Gallion Compactor Roller M- 16 2 Caterpillar 3 0 3 cr, T humb ,16 0 0 hrs, E x cellent track s K ub ota U 25 E x cavator, new track s

S K I D S T EERS Case 18 16 B ob cat 4 6 3 S k id S teer T rack s O T H ER C O N S T RU C T I O N J ager Ground Vib rator- 3 pt Reel T railer P L A N T ERS | P L A N T I N G EQ U I P M EN T | D RI L L S K inz e 3 0 0 0 6 - 11, N o till K inz e 220 0 , 12- 3 0 , N o till White 6 10 0 12- 23 P lanter J D 7 20 0 12- 3 0 , liq uid J D 7 20 0 12- 3 0 , no till J D 7 20 0 12- 3 0 conservation, trash whips J D 7 0 0 0 8 - 3 0 , Dry Fetiliz er J D7 0 0 0 4 -3 8 J D 7 0 0 0 4 - 3 8 , Dry Fertiliz er Great P lains S S 20 0 0 20 ’, no till, Grass Crustb uster 3 4 0 0 15’ J D 8 3 0 0 12ft w/ grass J D 8 3 0 0 12ft w/ grass CI H 54 0 0 drill, 7 .5 J D 7 50 Drill, N T J D 7 10 0 8 - 3 0 P lanter 2 T aylor 3 pt P asture Renovator G RA I N T RU C K S | T RA I L ERS | S EM I S ’0 6 Freightliner Century Class S /T , 4 28 ,0 6 2 miles, 10 speed Mercedes ’9 9 T alb ert 50 ton, hyd detach N E W Delta 18 10 16 ft B umper L ivestock T railer 7 b ale inline gooseneck trailer ’9 9 B lue Diamond 4 0 ft Gooseneck Gold S tar 3 0 ft GN Flatb ed trailer 0 7 Wilson P ace S etter H opper B ottom B and B 16 ft Dump T railer, high sides, tandem duals (2) 20 0 6 Volvo semis, I S X Cummins engines - 7 4 Chevrolet C6 5 crane truck - 20 0 5 Volvo VN L 6 3 0 . 4 6 5hp, Volvo dd12, 10 spd, nice virgin tires, 8 0 0 k miles - 20 0 7 Freightliner, cat 4 3 5hp, 4 0 0 k , nice - 7 9 Chevy c7 0 Grain M A N U RE S P REA D ERS | A P P L I C A T I O N EQ U I P M EN T | S P RA Y ERS DMI 13 S hank AA B ar, Closing wheels, notill DMI N utritill S trip T ill Machine- N ice I rrigation Reel and S prink ler head

2 14 6 6 AA T ank s, w/ tags nice ’15 B B I Fertiliz er S preader, used once N H 514 S preader N H 512 S preader N H 3 27 S preader N I 3 6 26 spreader T erra Gator 16 0 3 , 120 0 hrs, 3 20 8 cat, 6 0 ’ 2002 Case IH 3300B floater, Cummins, automatic, raven control 3 0 20 , b elt over chain FI EL D C U L T I V A T O RS K rause 4 10 0 H R 26 ’ K rause 4 10 0 H R 3 6 ’ K ent Disk - O - Vator- 28 ’ H inik er 20 ’ I H 4 6 0 0 24 ’ D IS K S ’15 Mcfarlane 4 10 0 VT machine ’11 Mcfarlane Reel Disk 20 ’ J D 6 3 0 25’ w/ harrow J D 6 3 0 22’ J D 23 0 24 ’ w/ harrow J D 215, 14 ’ Ford 24 2 25.5’ White 27 1 22’, new b lades, new tires White 27 1 20 ’, new b lades, new tires K rause 19 0 7 25.5’ K rause 3 9 50 , 8 in 20 ft, N I CE K ewanee 10 10 , 20 ’ K ewanee 24 ’ I H 4 7 0 16 ’ Dak on 20 ’ I H 3 7 0 12’ AC 14 ’ AC 14 ’ plow disk I A 24 24 9 ft offset , 24 in

B RU S H C U T T ERS Diamond H yd S ide mount B rush cutter Woods 214 , 14 ’ L andpride 15’ J D 150 8 15’ B ushwhack er 15’ L andpride 10 ’ mounted J D3 0 7 6 ’ S everal other small 3 pt and pull type FO RA G E & FEED I N G EQ U I P K night 4 0 3 6 Feed Wagon, left discharge, scale Roto Mix 6 3 5 T MR Mix er Vandale V15, Mix er w/ scale, electric Roto- Grind B ale P rocessor N H 28 S ilage B lower MC 24 0 20 ft S talk chopper G RA I N EQ U I P | H A N D L I N G Rem 250 0 Grain Vac, Reb uilt recently, Full rack of pipe Rem 210 0 Grain Vac, Full rack of pipe

H usk y Gravity Wagon Westfield 8x31 truck auger, pto K illb ros Gravity wagon Flow E Z E Grain Cart- 4 0 0 b ushel Grain- O - Vator, Auger Wagon Rem VRX Grain Vac 150 hrs C H I S EL S | RI P P ERS | M U L C H ERS | C U L T I V A T O RS | P L O W S | RO T A RY H O ES | H A RRO W S Sunflower 4317-177 shank inline ripper J D 27 0 0 5 B tm plow 20 ft S idewinder T iller Delta 25’ P asture H arrow L ogan 22’ P asture H arrow J D 10 ft Doz er B lade J D 9 ft doz er B lade CI H 18 3 12r 3 0 in 2- H inik er 4 - 3 0 Cultivators I H 4 15 16 ft Mulcher I H 7 S hank Ripper- 3 pt Ford 3 b tm rollover MF 57 0 5 b tm rollover S k id S te e r A tta c h m e n ts

J D 7 0 2 10 wheel rak e 4 N H 256 Rak es J D 6 6 0 rak e N H 14 3 2 Moco N H 14 12 moco, N ice N I 54 10 disc mower J D 28 5 Disc mower L ely O ptimo, 9 ’ H esston 10 6 0 10 ’ N H 10 3 3 B ale Wagon, nice G RI N D ER M I X ERS | M I L L S P eerless 6 3 0 Roller Mill, H yd Drive, N I CE Gehl 120 Grinder O MC 4 3 0 Grinder N H 3 57 Grinder K asten H ammer Mill L I V ES T O C K EQ U I P | W A G O N S | M I S C | S T EEL B EA M S 6 0 free standing panels- 24 ft, 7 6 5lb s apiece 2- 25ft Cattle Alleyway 1 H D 2 B ale feeder H ay E levator S eed Cleaner 3 P T EQ U I P M EN T (A ll a tta c h m e n ts a r e S k id S te e r Q u ic k Bushhog ATH900 finish mower a t t a c h , n e w & w i l l s e l l w i t h N O Re s e r v e ) Vandale L agoon Agitator - 3 pt L owe H yd Auger 7 50 Ch w/ 9 & 12” , B ushhog RT S 7 2 in tiller 15” auger Ford 10 ft 3 point b lade, H yd S tout B rush Grapple 6 6 - 9 S everal 3 pt P lows, b lades, etc. S tout B rush Grapple X H D8 4 - 6 J D 3 50 9 ft sick le b ar S tout B rush Grapple 7 2- 8 S tout Rock B uck et/ B rush Grapple Comb o K ing hitter hyd post driver ES T A T E H D7 2- 3 O pen E nd J D 4 23 0 , Front E nd loader S tout T ree P ost P uller S pra Coupe 220 S prayer- 4 5ft B ob cat B ulb Grab b er I H 158 6 , Cab , H eat, Air 3 6 in B ob cat auger MF 18 0 , diesel, N R 3 6 in B ob cat auger I H 14 6 0 Comb ine 24 in B ob cat Auger 6 6 ” ,7 5” , 8 0 ” , 8 4 ” rock b uck et 4 ” tine space I H 8 20 header 6 6 ” , 7 5” 8 0 ” , 8 4 ” sk eleton grapple 4 ” tine I H 8 6 3 header I H 4 9 0 20 ft disk space 7 0 ” . 8 0 ” Root Grapple w/ 8 ” T ine S pacing J D 7 0 0 0 6 - 3 0 planter Great P lains S S 14 N o- till drill 7 4 ” , 8 4 ” B rush Grapple Massey Comb ine T rack s 7 2” b rush mower AC Manual fold disk T ree/post puller N H 3 11 S q uare B aler S olo L og Grapple Farmhand B ale accumulator and grapple 4 Q uick attach plate S tock T railer- 18 ft 7 ’ Fork E x tensions H usk ee Gravity Wagon 2 S k id S teer Receiver hitch N H 56 , 256 rak es H A Y EQ U I P M EN T MF 8 8 0 plow, 5b tm J D56 8 , N et, T wine, k ick er, approx 14 0 0 0 Many more items to b e listed! b ales J D 56 7 , N et, T wine, K ick er J D 53 5 B aler, N et, k ick er J D 53 5 B aler, N et, J D 53 0 , T wine, N I CE N H 6 8 8 Round B aler H esston 558 0 n\ b aler Vermeer 50 4 F Vermeer B ale Wrapper, single J D 53 5, twine J D 56 6 ,twine Agco 14 Wheel H ay rak e

MORE BY SALE DAY join us on

Shay Esbeck 660.605.0839 | Barney Esbeck 660.605.0841 | Justin Harlow 660.605.2346 N O T E: Partial Listing. More by sale day! Check online for the most up to date listings.


T erms: Cash, check w/proper I D. N othing removed until settled for. N ot responsib le for theft, accident or inadvertent errors in advertising. S tatements made day of sale tak e precedence over printed material. N o items will b e pre- sold. S ale b ill sub j ect to change.


CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

Decemb er 26 , 20 17

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Email: Box 192 - Carrollton, MO 64633

ason 641-782-0790


Chillicothe, MO , on Decemb er 28 : GO L D, S I L VE R CO I N & CU RE N CY CO L L E CT I O N , 15 VE RY N I CE GU N S , N I CE FO RD RAN GE R P I CK U P , N I S S AN U L T I MA, AN T I Q U E S & CO L L E CT I B L E S . S ee L U T H E R CAN O N on GP Cink . com presented b y Mik e Miller Auction, 6 6 0 - 6 4 6 - 117 9 . Gallatin, MO , on Decemb er 28 : Call S hay E sb eck 6 6 0 6 0 5- 0 8 3 9 or B arney E sb eck 6 6 0 - 6 0 5- 0 8 4 1. S ee B and S E q uipment Y ear E nd Consignment Auction U P DAT E D P ART I AL L I S T I N G on GP Cink .com presented b y B &S E q uipment Auction, P h: 6 6 0 6 0 5- 0 8 3 9 . Alb any, MO , on Decemb er 29 : S ee 2- Day E state on GP Cink . com b y Dollars Messner Auction, P h: 6 6 0 - 7 26 - 3 252. U tica, Mo, on J anuary 6 : 5 miles west of Chillicothe, Missouri off of 3 6 H wy. S ee Real

E state & P ersonal P roperty on GP Cink .com presented b y Arnaman Real E state & Auction, P h: 8 16 - 28 4 - 0 57 0 . U tica, MO , on J anuary 6 : Real estate and personal property. S ee Rhonda Reeter on GP Cink .com presented b y Arnaman Real E state & Auction, P h: 8 16 - 28 4 - 0 57 0 . Ab ingdon, I L , on Decemb er 29 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 7 0 .7 1- Acre L and on GP Cink .com presented b y S ullivan Auctioneers, L L C, P h: 217 .8 4 7 .216 0 .

Richmond, MO , on Decemb er 29 : RE AL E S T AT E . S ee 111.11- Acre L and on GP Cink .com presented b y Wheeler Auctions & Real E state, P h: 6 6 0 .3 27 .58 9 0 or 6 6 0 .3 27 .18 0 6 . B olck ow, MO , on Decemb er 3 0 : Farm Machinery. S ee S mith Ab solute Machinery Reduction on GP Cink .com

Montgomery City, MO , on J anuary 2: FARM E Q U I P ME N T . S ee Farm E q uipment on GP Cink .com presented b y Wheeler Auctions & Real E state, P h: 6 6 0 .3 27 .58 9 0 or 6 6 0 .3 27 .18 0 6 .




NORTH MISSOURI LIVESTOCK AUCTION LLC Paul & Deanna Eitel, Owners 52762 Bus. Hwy 5 • Milan, MO

Barn: 660.265.4286


Paul 660.265.6404 Ell Ray 660.684.6541

presented b y Y AC L L C d.b .a. Y ounger Auction Company, P h: 8 16 .58 2.53 6 0 .

12 Noon Start Time

Mike 660.358.2010 Justin 660.654.4967

Also featuring...


Dwain & Amy Ireland, Owners, 660-973-0097 HWY WW, Tina MO 64682 Market: 660-622-4214 Mailing Address: PO Box 704, Chillicothe MO 64601 E-mail: Please call Dwain for further details on the upcoming sale: 660-973-0097



Dan Dedrick: 660-646-8103 Pam Dedrick, Office Manager: 660-646-8119 Kurt Kleeman: 816-284-0611 Clark Allen: 660-973-6826 Wes Gorham: 816- 853-7359 L J Cahill: 660-322-1193 J a n 0 3 — S pecial Cattle S ale S tarting the new year off with auction to b egin at 11 a.m. Daviess County L ivestock Mark et, Gallatin, MO J a n 1 3 — S pecial Cow S ale S aturday morning special sale. Call our sale b arn for more details: 6 6 0 .226 .5222. N ew Camb ria L ivestock Mk t, L L C, N ew Camb ria, MO J a n 1 3 — S pecial B red Cow S ale S ale time 1 p.m. Daviess County L ivestock Mark et, Gallatin, MO J a n 1 8 — P re- Condition P rogram S ale MFA H ealth T rack & P urina 4-S uare, SA Sourced erified, White & Red T ag H ealth P rogram. N ew Camb ria L ivestock Mk t, L L C, N ew Camb ria, MO

13 special auctions online

Fe b 1 0 — S pecial Cow S ale S aturday morning special sale. Call our sale b arn for more details: 6 6 0 .226 .5222. N ew Camb ria L ivestock Mk t, L L C, N ew Camb ria, MO Fe b 1 0 — S pecial B red Cow S ale S ale time 1 p.m. Daviess County L ivestock Mark et, Gallatin, MO M a r 1 0 — S pecial Cow S ale Don’t miss this special event. Call us at6 6 0 .226 .5222 for more information. N ew Camb ria L ivestock Mk t, L L C, N ew Camb ria, MO M a r 1 0 — S pecial B red Cow S ale S ale time 1 p.m. Daviess County L ivestock Mark et, Gallatin, MO A p r 0 2 — B rock mere Angus B ull S ale. P lan to attend this special sale. Call us for more details: 6 6 0 .226 .5222 N ew Camb ria L ivestock Mk t, L L C, N ew Camb ria, MO

Gallatin North Missourian, June 28, 2017 - 15 Decemb er 26 , 20 17


CAMERON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER We’ve Dedicated Our Lives to Yours

Outpatient Clinic Physicians

Staff Physicians Muhammad Amin, M.D. Laeeq Azmat, M.D. Sam Barton, D.O. Gordon Byrom, D.O. Stephanie Davis, D.O. Kendall DeSelms, D.O. Doak Doolittle, M.D. Nancy Gasparovic, D.P.M. Daut Gjoni, M.D. Laura Harbison, D.O. Molly Harp, D.O. Arihant Jain, M.D.

Fred Kiehl, D.O. James Neely, D.O. Shahzad Shafique, M.D.**

Srivani Chunchulu, M.D. Elisa Vinyard, D.O.

Gallatin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660.663.3751 Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.632.3945 Lathrop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.740.3282 Cameron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.632.3945 Plattsburg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.930.2041 Lathrop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.740.3282 Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.632.2139 Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.632.2801 Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.632.2101 Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.632.2111 Bethany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660.425.7333 Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.632.5424 Cameron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.632.5228 Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.649.0500 Bethany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.649.0500 Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.632.2111 Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.583.7839 Polo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660.354.2550 Jamesport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660.684.6252 Lathrop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.740.3282 Pattonsburg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660.367.4304 Hamilton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.583.7839 Maysville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.449.2123 Stewartsville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.669.3225 Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.649.3230 Bethany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660.425.7333 Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.649.3398 Eagleville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660.867.5414 Gilman City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660.876.5533 Maysville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.449.2123 Stewartsville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.669.3225 Maysville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.449.2123

January 2018 Outpatient Clinic Calendar

Ask us about our prompt self-pay discount program.

New Years

Dr. Khan

Dr. Shaffie Dr Malik Dr.

Dr. Shoaib

Dr. Cornett Dr. Middleton Dr. Barnes Dr. Shemwell Dr. V. Tonkovic Dr. Carter Dr. Cornett Dr. Middleton Dr. Shemwell Dr. Barnes Dr. Stevens Dr. Montone Dr. Ramos Dr. V. Tonkovic Dr. Stark

Dr. Cornett Dr. Middleton Dr. Shemwell Dr. Barnes Dr. Hindupur Dr. V. Tonkovic Dr. Carter

Syed Abidi, M.D., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardiology Faheem Arain, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Psychiatry/Child Psychiatry Peri Ananth, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pain Management (Located in Orthopedic Center) Kerri Barnes, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Urology (Located at Westside Medical Office) Gregory Barnhill, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orthopedics (Located in Orthopedic Center) Nancy Brecheisen, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pulmonary Medicine Wendell Bronson, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rheumatology Robert Carter, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vascular Surgery (Located at Westside Medical Office) Alan Cornett, D.O.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orthopedics (Located in Orthopedic Center) S.R. Davuluri, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neurology David Dugan, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orthopedics (Located in Orthopedic Center) Steven Freeman, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardiology Mohan Hindupur, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardiology Syed Jafri, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gastroenterology James Kesl, D.O.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orthopedics (Located in Orthopedic Center) Shahbaz Khan, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Psychiatry Eugene Lee, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Urology (Located at Westside Medical Office) Matthew L. Lukens, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vascular Surgery Salman Malik, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neurology Mark Mandelbaum, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neurology Roma Manzoor, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Psychiatry Mary Jo Middleton, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physiatry (Located in Orthopedic Center) Moben Mirza, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Urology (Located at Westside Medical Office) Jason Montone, D.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orthopedic Spine Surgery John P. Olson, M.D., PhD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neurosurgery Priya Padmanabhan, M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Urology (located at Westside Medical Office) Ricardo Ramos, M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardiology Muhammad Salamat, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oncology Thomas Scott, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rheumatology (Located in Orthopedic Center) Sobia Shaffie, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Psychiatry Arvind Sharma, M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardiology Robert Shemwell, D.P.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Podiatry Muhammad Shoaib, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neurology Karl Stark, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vascular Surgery (Located at Westside Medical Office) Damien Stevens, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pulmonary/Sleep Medicine Marija Tonkovic, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dermatology Viseslav Tonkovic, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dermatology Karen Yates, M.D., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ear, Nose & Throat Sherry Zhou, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Endocrinology

Outpatient Clinic I (816) 649-3230 Outpatient Clinic II (816) 649-3208 NEW Orthopedic Center (816) 649-3362

Dr. Lee Dr. Ananth Dr. M. Tonkovic

Dr. Cornett Dr. Middleton Dr. Barnes Dr. Stevens Dr. V. Tonkovic Dr. Shemwell Dr. Ramos Dr Dr. Dr Montone Dr. Dr Stark

1600 E. Evergreen; Box 557, Cameron, MO 64429

Dr. Jafri Dr. Lukens Dr. Scott Dr. Dugan Dr. Yates

Dr. Mirza Dr. Sharma Dr. Bronson Dr. Barnhill Dr. M. Tonkovic

Dr. Kesl Dr. Freeman Dr. Yates

Dr. Mandelbaum Dr. Ananth Dr. Davuluri Dr. M. Tonkovic Dr. Lee

Dr. Middleton Dr. Barnhill Dr. Zhou Dr. Mirza Dr. Sharma Dr. V. Tonkovic

Dr. Jafri Dr. Yates Dr. Scott Dr. Dugan Dr. Brecheisen

Dr. Olson Dr. Kesl Dr. Yates Dr. Freeman Dr

Dr. Davuluri Dr. Ananth Dr. Lee Dr. M. Tonkovic

Dr. Barnhill Dr. Middleton Dr. Mirza Dr. M. Tonkovic

Dr. Jafri Dr. Scott Dr. Dugan Dr. Yates Dr. Lukens Dr. Middleton

Dr. Kesl Dr. V. Tonkovic Dr. Yates

Dr. Mandelbaum Dr. Ananth Dr. Lee Dr. M. Tonkovic

Dr. Middleton Dr. Sharma Dr. Mirza Dr. Barnhill Dr. V. Tonkovic

Dr. Jafri Dr. Scott Dr. Dugan Dr. Padmanabhan Dr. Yates Dr. Abidi

Dr. Kesl Dr. Yates Dr. Freeman

Dr. Davuluri Dr. Ananth Dr. Lee Dr. M. Tonkovic

Dr. Middleton Dr. Sharma Dr. Mirza Dr. Barnhill


**Dr. Shafique provides full-time Nephrology/Kidney services in Medical Plaza II at CRMC

Dr. Manzoor Dr. Salamat Dr. Khan

Dr. Arain

Dr. Salamat Dr. Shoaib Dr. Arain

CRMC offers financial assistance to qualifying individuals. Please call 816-649-3326 for more information.


CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

Decemb er 26 , 20 17

CAMERON MO Cameron, MO - - Y ou want everything on one level? T his one has it. T wo b edrooms, O ne b ath, and a open concept. L arge dining room off of the k itchen that opens up to the living room. L aundry room is right off the k itchen. riginal hardwood floors in dining room, living room, and b edrooms. N ew carpet also in corner of living room. N ew laminate flooring through out entry way and k itchen. I f you are look ing for a nice, clean, older home in a well k nown sub division in Cameron, this is the one! $7 4 ,50 0 . # gpc20 8 28 7 7 Woodward Real E state, Cameron, MO 8 16 .6 3 2.6 0 0 0 Cameron - Charming, remodeled 4 b drm, 2 b athroom house. P erfect home for a small family or would mak e a great starter home. Additional lot to the E ast of the house conveys with the property. $7 5,0 0 0 . # gpc20 8 3 8 8 8 B erk shire H athaway H omeS ervices H ahn RE AL T O RS ®, Cameron, MO 8 16 .6 3 2.24 59 Cameron, MO - - Charming 3 b drm 1 b ath home. 16 0 x 7 1 L ot: L arge b ack deck and huge treed lot! Reduced: $7 5,0 0 0 . # gpc20 7 0 8 9 2 B erk shire H athaway H omeS ervices H ahn RE AL T O RS ®, Cameron, MO 8 16 .6 3 2.24 59

Cameron, MO - - O N T H E E DGE O F CAME RO N : 3 b edroom ranch with large shaded yard! B ig front deck and outb uilding! Close to schools & park s! $8 2,9 9 9 . # 4 4 7 9 0 U nited Country O ’Connor Agency, Cameron, MO Cameron, MO - - CAME RO N B U N GAL O W: S tately 3 b edroom, 2 b ath b ungalow featuring high ceilings and original woodwork circa the 19 3 0 ’s. P ock et doors add to the charm and tell of the period. I n 20 0 7 many updates were complete including new wiring, plumb ing, furnace and AC and a new roof was installed in 20 17 . T he home sits on a large corner lot with a nice fenced b ack yard. L ocated at 7 17 N orth Main S treet in Cameron. $10 9 ,9 50 . # 3 3 8 6 Davidson Real E state, Cameron, MO Cameron, MO - - E S T AT E S AY S “ S E L L ” O N E O WN E R 3 B E DRO O M RAN CH : 16 50 s t amil room with fireplace, hardwood floors, 3 car attached garage, full b asement & large lot! $125,0 0 0 . # 4 57 0 0 U nited Country O ’Connor Agency, Cameron, MO - - S hort sale VA. B eautiful custom woodwork (seasoned white oak w/ tile inlay), new carpet & laminate flooring w 2 30 r transferab le warranties. N ewer stainless steel appliances

REAL ESTATE PARTITION SALE DAVIESS COUNTY REAL ESTATE: Approx. 80 acres – W ½ SE ¼ Section 23 Township 58 Range 26; all in Daviess County Mo. OwnersJames Gary Greenwood, Sharon Elaine Greenwood Grant, Traci Bowman, Laurie Bowman, Heather Bowman Hayes, Jamie McCormick, James R. McCormick, III, Sarah McCormick, Preston McCormick, and Susie McCormick. SALE DATE: January 11, 2018, at 2:00 p.m., at south front door of Daviess County Courthouse, in Gallatin, Missouri. 10% down at sale, balance payable within 30 days. Title insurance to be provided. Sale does not include any growing crops on the property. 2018 Taxes Prorated At Closing. Sale includes all buildings, fences, and other improvements on the property. Possession at closing.

CONTACT: Lauren Horsman at 660-646-0627 for additional information.

& custom counter tops in the k itchen. L arge master b edroom w/ walk in closet & ex tra closet too! Wonderful large li ing room w gas fireplace Finished b asement includes a athroom w tile floors j etted tub . B ack yard is large, great for family &/or pets. N ice deck on the b ack as well! $125,0 0 0 . # gpc20 7 18 4 6 U S Farm & L and Real E state Cameron, MO - - CAME RO N : Very well maintained 3 b edroom, 2 b ath ranch home in q uiet neighb orhood. T he home has a full b asement a two car attached garage. T here is a huge L shaped deck on the b ack of the home with a well shaded yard. L ocated at 213 L overs L ane. $129 ,0 0 0 . # 3 3 7 5 Davidson Real E state, Cameron, MO Cameron, MO - - Ranch home located in N orth Cameron H eights S ub division. T his 4 b edroom one level home features 4 b edrooms and 2 b aths on the main level. T he home had many updates over the last 10 years including a new kitchen Terrific k itchen. Reduced: $13 0 ,0 0 0 .

# gpc20 7 4 3 4 1 B erk shire H athaway H omeS ervices H ahn RE AL T O RS ®, 8 16 .6 3 2.24 59 Cameron - Another q uality slab home coming soon b y Manion P roperties! 3 B E D, 2 b ath, one level home features vaulted ceilings, custom stained cab inetry, & tile floors in athrooms laundr N o steps here! S till time to pick your colors! $159 ,9 0 0 . # gpc20 8 3 4 9 4 B erk shire H athaway H omeS ervices H ahn RE AL T O RS ®, 8 16 .6 3 2.24 59

Cameron, MO - - Cameron S ub division: Great move- in ready home on q uiet culde- sac! P erfect family home with additional living space in the lower level family room, large b ack yard for the k ids, and additional storage in the sub - b asement. Floor plan allows for a lot of natural light and open feel. Recent improvements include new roo , H AC hi-e ficient unit, hot water heater and newer stainless appliances. S pacious eat- in k itchen and mas-

ter suite. Wonderful location in nice Cameron sub division. Reduced: $16 7 ,50 0 . # 1224 B en L ee Real E state, Cameron - N ew split entry home b eing b uilt in 20 18 to feature 3 b drms, 2 1/2 b athrooms, finished walk-out b asement: S till time to pick out colors! Custom cab inets. pen floor plan er nice b ack yard. L ocated in H idden Creek S ub division! $16 9 ,9 0 0 . # gpc20 8 3 4 8 1 B erk shire H athaway H omeS ervices H ahn RE AL T O RS ®, 8 16 .6 3 2.24 59

Better Way, LLC 66 -24 - 2

-- Mar


IN-HOME CARE & COMPANIONSHIP * Elder Care * Sick Care * Respite Care * Non-nursing Care & Help with Daily Activities * Long Term or Short Term * Four to 24-Hour Care * All Caregivers Carefully Screened & Bonded (Private Pay Only)




December 2017


SERVING YOU SINCE 1941 835 S. Washington • Chillicothe, MO 660-646-5525
































24 31


D e c e m b e r 2 6

Get your event in the AdZone FREE. Email us at

D e c e m b e r 2 8

W ee Read Tuesdays 1 0: 00AM Livi ngston Co. Library Chillicothe

Acoustik Element New Year’ s Concert 6 : 00- 7 : 00PM Livi ngston Co. Library Chillicothe

Chillicothe Eagles Club

Good Times Dance 7 : 3 0PM Grand Rive r Multi- Purpose Center ( former Aldi’ s building) Chillicothe

J a n u a ry 5 Good Times Dance 7 : 3 0PM Grand Rive r Multi- Purpose Center ( former Aldi’ s building) Chillicothe

J a n u a ry 1 2 5 0’ s, 6 0’ s & 7 0’ s DJ Dance 6 : 3 0PM Grand Rive r Multi- Purpose Center ( former Aldi’ s building) Chillicothe

D e c e m b e r 2 9

Aerie 2428

BINGO NIGHT Every Wednesday 6PM

D e c e m b e r 3 1

J a n u a ry 1 9

New Years Eve

200 East Jackson, Chillicothe


Canned Food Drive

Dec 20th D e c e m b e r 2 7 Lego Lab 4: 00- 4: 5 0PM Livi ngston Co. Library Chillicothe

HAPPY ! R A E Y W NE J a n u a ry 1 , 2 0 1 8

J a n u a ry 8 AUDITIONS for Gullive r’ s Trave ls Missoula Children’ s Theatre 4: 00- 6 : 00PM Gary Dickinson Performing Arts Center Chillicothe




Operation H elp Chili F undraiser 4: 00- 7 : 00PM F irst Christian Church Chillicothe

J a n u a ry 1 9 Good Times Dance 7 : 3 0PM Grand Rive r Multi- Purpose Center ( former Aldi’ s building) Chillicothe


CH I L L I CO T H E - 6 6 0 - 7 0 7 - 18 20 | AdZ one@ GP Cink .com GAL L AT I N - 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 2154 | Ads@ GP Cink .com Gallatin P ub lishing Company | www.GP Cink .com

Decemb er 26 , 20 17

** Selected Varieties

WED 27


$ 99/lb


FRI 29

SAT 30




Ground Beef

Fresh Family Pack 80% Lean


129/lb $169/lb 99¢/lb

399 ea

$ 2/



Pork Sirloin Roast

KC Strip Steaks


Pork Sirloin Chops

Fresh Bone-In

10 Oz Fresh Cut Boneless Skinless

Drumsticks or Thigs

Fresh Family Pack Bone-In

Previously Frozen Family Pack



Best Choice Wings 3lb bag

Best Choice Beans or Tomatoes 14.5-15.5 Oz, **




Eat Smart Veggie Tray

Armour Meatballs

36 Oz




Old Folks Sausage

11-14 Oz, **




16 Oz, **

Bar S Franks


Hillshire Farm Lit’l Smokies

12 Oz, **

12-14 Oz, **







$ 99

Dole Salad

Baby Peeled Carrots

California Navel Oranges


Wholly Guacamole 8 Oz, **




$ 99




$ 99


Reser’s Salads

Best Choice Cheese

John Morrell Cocktail Smokies

Doritos, Kettle Chips or Sun Chips

15-16 Oz, **

16 Oz

7-8 Oz chunk or shredded, **







Best Choice Tomato Juice



$ 99


Nabisco Oreo Cookies

Tostitos, Lay’s or Cheetos Party Size

8.5-15.3 Oz, **

6.5-11.25 Oz, **



Best Choice Sloppy Joe Sauce

46 OZ, **

16 Oz, **

15 Oz, **

12 OZ


$ 29


Best Choice Refried Beans

Best Choice Blackeye Peas

7•Up Products


5lb Red or Gold




10 Oz


2lb bags


Best Choice Shrimp Ring


9-12 Oz, **





Best Choice Taco Shells 12 Ct, **

15.5 Oz, **





Pace Picante Sauce 15-24 Oz, **





Nabisco Snack Crackers

Best Choice Popcorn

Best Choice Peanuts

3.75-9 Oz, **

3 Ct, **

13.5-24 Oz, **

12 Oz, **

12 oz cans, 12 pack,**



7•Up Products

2 liter bottles **





Best Choice Soda

Simply Drinks

12 Oz Cans 12 pack, **

59 Oz, **

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