Big Buck Fever Local 2019 Hadley Cox age 10, 8 points
Preston Jawahir, Spickard, MO 11 points
Kendell Jones age 8
Thomas Hogan age 7, 5 points
T.J. Kline, age 8 5 points shot with his bow
Gage Lockridge, age 10 Cameron, MO, 7 points
Cole Chrisman age 9, 10 points
Tagen Eversole, age 10
Kensley Jones pictured w/fathers (Jamie Jones) 13 points
Gavin Sprague age 11, 10 points
Quade Sprague age 13, 8 points
Kaylen Sterneker, Gallatin, MO age 12, 9 points
Jasper Hamilton age 12, 10 points
Kylie Spencer age 9, 12 point
Big Buck Fever Local 2019 Ben Gott, Galt, Mo 14 points Raylan Adkison age 6, 12 points
Tegan Alexander age 11, 8 points
Ambrey Hunter, Bethany, Mo age 10, 12 pointer
Kason King age 10,6 points
Ariel Harris Ten points
Drake Johnson 10 points
Mason Hamilton age 15, 9 points shot with his bow!
Draygan Schweizer 17 points
Malakai Gray age 11 with his 8 point buck
Josh Sprague, 13 points
We would love to here from you! Send us your Big Buck picture. Be sure to include name, city, age and points. Email: