Trenton R-times_ 07-21-20

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Tuesday, July 21, 2020



per copy Check out the Republican-Times on the Internet: ©W.B. Rogers Printing Co., Inc.

Established Sept. 4, 1864 - 156th Year - No. 91

Trenton, MO 64683


Ten Pages ELECTION 2020 Vote Is Aug. 4

Guidelines To Be Reviewed As Needed

R-9 Outlines Back To School Plan The Trenton R-9 School District will be sending out letters to parents and staff, outlining the initial plan students, staff and patrons will be asked to follow when classes start next month. The letter explains the process used by the district to develop safety guidelines to deal with the COVID19 pandemic, which cover a myriad of topics associated with the start of school. A second page outlines the district’s proposed practices for the start of school as well as a list of considerations used in determining those practices. Superintendent Mike Stegman said plans are for school to begin one day later than previously announced, with the first day of classes possibly being moved to Wednesday, Aug. 26 (subject to board approval and in-service scheduling). Classes will be held on site, person-to-person, five days a week, with both students and staff being required to wear masks when inside of a school building (exceptions are listed in the letter as well as at the bottom of this story). Temperature checks will be taken daily and transportation will be provided with new established safety protocols (also at the bottom of the story). According to the letter being sent out by the district, the plan was determined using results of a survey of parents/guardians conducted by the district as well as information from the Grundy County Health Department, the Centers for Disease Control guidelines, guidance from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and information

from area schools dealing with the same situation. The letter notes the district wants to reopen school “as normal as possible,” but understands certain precautions are needed to create a safe enviroment for both students and staff. Stegman said the district has attempted to develop proposals that it feels are managable and best for the students and staff. He noted the plan will continually be reviewed and, as new information and guidance becomes available, will make adjustments as necessary. “We want parents to know we are doing all we can to do our best to minimize the risk to our students and staff,” he said. “We understand it is imperative to provide as safe an enviroment as we can and also provide a quality education for the youth of our community.” ********** PROPOSED TRENTON R-9 BACK-TO-SCHOOL PRACTICES • Start school as normal as possible with in-person classrooms, serving meals, transportation and all other activities - start school with five days per week; Aug. 25 or Aug. 26 (dependent on in-service schedule); preschool starting Monday, Aug. 31. • Offer On Site Learning - classroom instruction at all buildings will occur for as many students as possible using health and safety protocols. • Temperature Check - all persons entering buildings; establish single entrance into each school building.

• Masks - for all students and staff (this would allow us to keep most everything close to normal); THS/TMS masks all day, Rissler masks only in between classes and/or while not in cohort room. • Transportation will be provided with safety protocols for buses - hands sanitized and mask required to get on bus; assigned seating required, one morning and one afternoon stop (no changes to stops); bus rider parents may opt to pick up their student (car rider), this is to facilitate contract tracing, if necessary. • Band - high school and seventh/eighth grade classes can go outside during marching season with social distancing. Any band class inside must wear masks when not practicing instruments. • Choir - wear masks or go outside with social distancing. • PE - outside when possible with social distancing; inside activities will require mask. • Breakfast - “grab and go” breakfast only served in the cafeteria. • Lunch - Rissler K-2 in cafeteria with alternate schedule and social distancing; third and fourth grade (wearing masks) go to cafeteria to pick up lunches to take back to class; TMS/THS masks while in line (alternate schedules and social distancing). • Visitors - highly restricted to essential visitors only; must be wearing mask; meet with parents virtually.

R-T Photo/Wendell Lenhart

Dirt work is under way at the intersection of 28th Street and Highway 65, site for the new Orscheln Farm & Supply building to be constructed later this year. The $5.1 million project is being partially financed through a Tax Increment Financing program approved by the city council earlier this year.

SCHOOL BOARDS Newtown-Harris

Board OKs Fuel, Milk Bids The Newtown-Harris Board of Education took action on several items during a meeting on Thursday night, July 16. According to information provided by Superintendent Lucas McKinnis, the board approved MFA as the district provider for diesel and unleaded fuel and Anderson-Erickson for milk products. Rachael Spence was approved as the district drug testing compliance coordinator and McKinnis was approved as the district Title IX PL 93-142 compliance coordinator. Approval was given for part-time See N-H, Page 10

Briefs... Com mmi tte ee Me eets

THS Alumni Survey Alums of Trenton High School are being asked to participate in a brief online survey regarding participation in the 2020 Labor Day reunion activities. The alumni association is in the final stages of planning the reunion and, as a result of COVID-19, are needing to determine participation numbers for events being planned over the Labor Day weekend. Alums are asked to visit the Foundation Trust for THS-THS Alumni Association Facebook page and answer just two questions. The association is asking for all responses to be made by July 31.

TPD Offiice er Le eav ving The Trenton Police Department will be short yet another officer as one will be leaving to take a position in Chillicothe. Trenton Police Chief Rex Ross said the resignation of TPD Officer Seth Rorebeck will now leave the department three officers short of being fully staffed. Rorebeck, whose resignation is effective July 25, is the third officer in the past couple of months to leave the TPD to join the Chillicothe Police Department, which has a higher salary schedule than the local department. In addition, an officer recently left to join the Livingston County Sheriff’s Department. Ross said his office is actively looking for officers to join the department.

National Weather Service

Showers and thunderstorms are expected during the bulk of this week with high temperatures around 88 and lows in the lower 70s. Skies will clear for the weekend. The high on Thursday, July 16 was 88, Friday’s high was 94 and Saturday’s high was 94. The high on Sunday was 87, the low was 73. The high on Sunday at the Government Weather Station near Spickard was 84, the low was 67 with .03 of an inch of rain recorded.

The Utility Committee of the Trenton City Council met on Friday night, electing a chairman and reviewing financial information. City Clerk Cindy Simpson said Cathie Smith was chosen as chairman of the utility committee, whose other members are council members David Mlika and John Dolan. Two members of the public are to be appointed by Mayor Linda Crooks to serve on the committee. Mrs. Simpson said the committee discussed financial information regarding the electric, water and wastewater departments. TMU customers are also being reminded the 8.5 percent increase in water rates approved by the council last year will be reflected in bills received by customers in August.

Crowde er Meeting Crowder State Park is inviting the public to an informational meeting scheduled for Saturday, July 25 at the campground amphitheater. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m., during which time members of the public are invited to share comments about the park and its operations. Park staff will also be present to provide information and answer questions. An evening program will follow the meeting at around 8:30.

What’s Inside... The Rex Pettegrew Youth Golf Tournament was held on Friday at the Riverside Country Club. See page 3 of today’s Republican-Times for results and photos of the 2020 trophy and medal winners.

Trenton Republican-Times “News Every Day...When YOU Want It”


Judges Set For August Primary Voters who haven’t already voted by mail or voted absentee will go to the polls on Aug. 4 for the Primary Election. In Grundy County, voters in the county’s second district will be selecting from among three Republican candidates for county commissioner. Incumbent Joe Brinser is being challenged by fellow Republicans Martha Roberts and Brad Chumbley. There are no Democrat candidates seeking the seat on the ballot. Grundy County Clerk Betty Spickard said judges will be provided with masks, gloves and face shields. Booths will be wiped down with sanitizers and extra styluses have been ordered and will be cleaned between voters as will the marking pens. Floor markers will be used to indicate the physical distance that should be maintained between individuals and signage to that effect. The official ballot is scheduled to appear in the Republican-Times on both Friday, July 24 and Friday, July 31. Mrs. Spickard said a meeting with supervisory judges will be held at 2 p.m. Monday, Aug. 3. Judges for the election, with the supervisory judges listed first, and polling places include: Liberty and Myers Townships (voting at Galt) - Linda Baugher, Kelly Eller, Republican; Kathy Tabbert, Abigail Neff, Democrat. Wilson and Marion Townships (voting at the Laredo Community Building) Vickie Bowe, Peggy Scott, Republicans; Jackie Owens, Kayla Smith, Democrats. Franklin and Washington Townships (voting at the Spickard Christian Church) - Rhonda McIntosh, Carol Marrs, Republicans; Vicki Weaver, Carolyn Brown, Democrats. Madison and Taylor Townships (voting at the Edinburg Baptist Church) Barbra Adams, Shirley Gondringer, Republicans; Wanda Long, Margaret Turner, Democrats. Trenton First Ward and Jefferson Township (voting at the Grundy County Courthouse) - Janice Garrison, Marleen Johnson, Republicans; Linda Brummitt, Sue Ball, Democrats. Trenton, Second Ward and Lincoln Township (voting at the Ketcham Community Center at North Central Missouri College)Jim Coldicott, Michelle Grisamore, Republicans; Melanie McCloud, Michelle Shaw, Democrats. Trenton, Third Ward and Harrison Township(voting See Election, Page 10

What’s Inside

Sports 2 & 3 Local News 4 Community 5 Calendars 5 Comics 6 7 Dear Annie 7 Classifeds 8 & 9

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PAGE 2 • TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2020



MSHSAA Committed To Fall Sports, But Not Without Guidelines And Regulations Organization Sends Out Eight-Page Document Detailing Return To Play

When Trenton High School students return this fall, high school sports will return with them. On Wednesday, the Missouri State High School Activities Association sent out an eightpage document to all of its member schools. The document outlines the guidelines and recommendations MSHSAA has for opening the rapidly approaching fall sports season. According to the document, as long as schools are not closed to in-person learning statewide, MSHSAA will proceed with its fall sports lineup, which at Trenton includes football, softball, volleyball, girls tennis and girls golf. Any school that closes or goes to onlineonly learning formats will not be eligible to compete in fall sports. Schools must have their respective campuses open to students to be allowed to hold MSHSAA-sponsored athletic events. In the release, MSHSAA states masks will be required for all participants during any time they are not doing strenuous activity. That requirement includes players, coaches and officials. On bus rides out of town, masks will have to be worn. While not taking part in drills at practice, masks will have to be worn. That could be the most challenging aspect of MSHSAA’s rules for the impending fall sports season. “Most of (the items in the release) were standard stuff and a lot of it was covered in the waiver that we had our athletes sign before they could come back to competition,� Trenton athletic director John Cowling said. “The things that stood out to me were wearing masks during practice when athletes aren’t competing and how difficult that might be for coaches to enforce. But we are all going to have to work together - coaches, athletes and administrators -


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R-T Photo/Seth Herrold

Fall sports are on track to begin as scheduled, but there will be rules and regulations in place in which Trenton High School must adhere to in order to create a safe playing environment for its student athletes.

to make these seasons happen this fall.� The document also mentions that should sports be stopped, as they were during the spring sports season back in March, the stoppage would be done across the board and not on a sport-by-sport basis. So while sports like girls golf and tennis have no physical contact and ample social distancing, they would follow the same path as contact sports like football or indoor sports such as volleyball. Either all sports will be played or all sports will be stopped. MSHSAA is also requiring schools to screen athletes and coaches before practices, which Trenton is already doing. The Bulldogs have been having sport-specific workouts for two weeks now and temperatures of each student-

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athlete are taken at the door. This practice will continue throughout the fall sports season. “We are going to continue to check temperatures before practice,� Cowling said. “The plan is to check temperatures even at the start of the school day, so our athletes will be monitored multiple times a day. Our coaches are going to get used to cleaning their facilities every night and our kids are going to have to clean their equipment. We just have to do everything we can to ensure our seasons happen this fall.� If a student-athlete shows symptoms that lead to a positive COVID test, written clearance by a healthcare provider, documentation of a negative test outcome or a 14-day quarantine period (quarantine period starts from first positive

screen) shall be required prior to an athlete’s return to participation. The document also outlined cleaning practices now required as well as limits on different types of athletic equipment that can or cannot be used. Social distancing must also be implemented on bus trips for road games. Trenton may have to limit the number of players on some teams who travel for games or else take additional buses, which would mean additional travel costs for the school in sports that have larger rosters, such as football. “What we have discussed on travel so far - as a potential solution - is to limit the traveling squads,� Cowling said. “You don’t necessarily travel your whole roster if you are going to a varsity contest. You just take your varsity team or the kids who could possibly play that night.� As far as fans in the stands, MSHSAA has let local restrictions dictate mass gatherings. Three tiers were mentioned in the document. Tier one includes essential personnel such as participants, coaches, officials, event staff, medical staff and security. Tier two consists of media and tier three includes spectators and vendors. The MSHSAA document states only those listed in tiers one and two should be allowed to attend events until state and local health officials lift restrictions on mass gatherings. Schools are encouraged to offer live-stream of all activities to help reduce attendance at events and allow social distancing guidelines to be met. “We haven’t really determined that as of yet,� Cowling said. “I think, right now, what we want to deal with are the immediate concerns about bringing everybody back in for practice on Aug. 10 and then, as we get closer to official games, we will start to worry about fans and how we are going to deal with that. I have already talked to someone about potentially streaming some of our contests this fall, so we are looking into different options, too.� MSHSAA’s Sports Medicine Advisory Committee will be continually monitoring and evaluating the ever-changing circumstances and working with state and local health officials to make decisions in the best interest of all studentathletes’ safety. See me for quotes on

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TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2020 • PAGE 3



Submitted Photo

Winners of the 6-7-year-old divisions at Friday’s Rex Pettegrew Youth Golf Tournament included, from left, Lillyann Lorenz, girls first; Brooklynn Ray, girls second; Wesley Stiles, boys first; and Keaton Anderson, boys second.

Submitted Photo

Winners of the 10-11-year-old boys division at Friday’s Rex Pettegrew Youth Golf Tournament included, from left, Caleb Ray, third; Drake Weaver, first; and Graeme Sager, second.

Submitted Photo

Winners of the 8-9-year-old divisions at Friday’s Rex Pettegrew Youth Golf Tournament included, from left, Turner Jackson, boys second; Julian Maynard, boys first; and Caleb Dixon, boys third. Not pictured is Kenlie McCall, girls first.

Submitted Photo

Winners of the 10-11-year-old girls division at Friday’s Rex Pettegrew Youth Golf Tournament included, from left, Johanna Goodin, third; Quin Weldon, first; and Annie Currie, second.

Submitted Photo

Winners of the 12-14-year-old boys division at Friday’s Rex Pettegrew Youth Golf Tournament included, from left, Luke McCullough, first; Kiefer Tolson, second; and Mason Rongey, third.

Zusi’s Goal Gives Sporting Win Sports Briefs... Kansas City Takes Advantage Of Two Rapids’ Red Cards SPORTING KC 3 COLORADO RAPIDS 2

LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. (AP) — Graham Zusi scored in stoppage time to give Sporting Kansas City a wild 3-2 victory Friday night over the shorthanded Colorado Rapids

in the MLS is Back tournament. Jonathan Lewis scored in the 84th minute to pull the Rapids into a 2-2 draw after Alan Pulido's penalty kick put Sporting up in the 72nd minute. The match was contentious, with two second-half red cards taking the Rapids down to nine players. The Rapids took the early lead when Kellyn Acosta scored with the inside of his left foot in the sixth minute. Colorado's Nicolas Benezet got a yellow card after an elbow to the face of Zusi, who

was treated for several moments after the hit. Colorado's Danny Wilson pulled down Khiry Shelton as he was sprinting toward the goal. After a video review, Wilson was handed a red card and sent off in the 61st minute. Minutes later, Shelton evened the game from a difficult angle with a shot that sailed into the top of the net and into the far corner. A controversial handball call on Diego Rubio gave Pulido the penalty kick, which he buried to put Sporting up 2-1.

Submitted Photo

The winner of the 12-14-year-old girls division at Friday’s Rex Pettegrew Youth Golf Tournament was Reece Weldon.

Trenton n QB Club Me eetin ng

Page Tree Service

The Trenton Quarterback Club will hold a parent meeting on Thursday at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held at C.F. Russell Stadium. At least one representative for each football player is asked to attend.

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PAGE 4 • TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2020


LOCAL DEATHS Peggy Sue Sims Peggy Sue Sims, a 74-yearold Trenton resident, died at 2:24 p.m., on Thursday, July 16, 2020 at Sunnyview Nursing Home in Trenton. The body will be cremated under the direction of SlaterNeal Funeral Home of Trenton. Mrs. Sims was born on Oct. 30, 1945 in Grundy County, the daughter of Kenneth and Lois Pettit Axtell. She was a graduate of Galt High School. She was married on Jan. 19, 1964 at the Fairview Methodist Church to Kenneth Sims. She retired from Modine Manufacturing after 20 years. She was well known for making red cake and noodles. She is survived by two sons, Michael Sims and his wife, Karen of Trenton and Mark Sims of Jefferson City; a daughter-in-law, Melissa Sims of Trenton; three brothers,

Bob Axtell and his wife, Patty of Trenton, Jim Axtell and his wife, Iola of Emma and Bill Axtell and his wife, Mary of Trenton; six grandchildren, Mandy Betz and her husband, Skylar, Tiffany Herrold and her husband, Seth, Krystal Sims, Julia Sims, Casey Feigly and her husband, Brady and Zachary Scott and his wife, Cynthia; and six greatgrandchildren, Cash, Makenzie, Alexander, Rylan, Weylan and Selene. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband; a son, Steve Sims; and two brothers, Charles and Jack Axtell. Donations are suggested to either the Wright Memorial Hospice or Church Women United. They may be left with or mailed to the funeral home. Online condolences may be left at

Joy Marie Ward Joy Marie Ward, a 70-yearold resident of Gilman City, died on Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at her home. The body was cremated under the direction of Roberson Funeral Home of Bethany. Memorial services were held at 11 a.m. today (Tuesday, July 21, 2020) at the Melbourne Baptist Church at Melbourne. Inurnment was in Masonic Cemetery at Gilman City. Mrs. Ward was born on March 29, 1950 in Trenton, the daughter of Garland and Mildred Ratliff King. She was a lifelong resident of Gilman City. She was married on May 10, 1969 to Don Allen Ward, who preceded her in death on Jan. 9, 1992. She is survived by two sons, Shawn (Jodi) Ward of Coeur

d’Alene, ID and Brandon (Kerri) Ward of Stanberry; five grandchildren, Colten Ward of Spokane, WA, Justice Ward of Coeur d’ Alene, Rylan and Renner Ward of Lathrop and Haizlee Ward of Stanberry; a great-grandchild, Vincent Ward of Spokane; a brother, Bill King and his wife, Sheryl of Gilman City; and two sisters, Kathleen Crump and Norma Cross, both of Gilman City. In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by her parents; a brother, Gary King; and a sister, Deanna Meek. Memorials may be made to the Melbourne Baptist Church in care of Roberson Funeral Home, PO Box 46, Bethany, MO 64424.

FUNERALS Marvin Ray Kelley Memorial graveside services for Marvin Ray Kelley were held at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 18, 2020 at Shelburne Cemetery, southwest of Trenton. Rev. Aaron Stark officiated. Mr. Kelley, an 80-year-old resident of Centerton, AR, died on Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2020 in Springfield.

Military rites were conducted by the Joseph L. Norton VFW Post No. 919 at Trenton. Participating were Tony Ralston, Sam Smith, J.A. Keuhn, John Rice and Lannie Harkins. Slater-Neal Funeral Home of Trenton was in charge of arrangements.

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DAILY RECORD CIRCUIT COURT Associate Division Judge Steven D. Hudson Melissa B. Brill, Galt, waived formal arraignment and pleaded not guilty to two class D felony charges of possession of a controlled substance except 35 grams or less of marijuana/synthetic cannabinoid and a class E felony charge of unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia amphetamine or methamphetamine. She is scheduled to appear in court again on Aug. 13. William N. Griffin, Trenton, waived formal arraignment and pleaded not guilty to driving while intoxicated (persistent offender) and resisting arrest, both class E felonies. He is scheduled to appear in court again on Aug. 13. James C. Phillips, Port Huron, MI, waived formal arraignment and pleaded guilty to driving while intoxicated-persistent offender, a class E felony. He was sentenced to serve four years in the Department of Corrections, with execution of the sentence suspended. He was placed on probation for five years and is to serve 30 days of incarceration, with credit given for time served. He is to have electronic alcohol monitoring for 120 days and pay $137 recoupment. Jeffrey Chad Corbin, Trenton, had a hearing held and the court found that he has violated the terms of his probation on an original charge of possession of a controlled substance except 35

grams or less of marijuana/synthetic cannabinoid, a class D felony. He is scheduled to be in court again on Aug. 13. William E. Grimes IV, Trenton, admitted violating the terms of his probation on original charges of stealing and resisting arrest, both class E felonies. He is scheduled to appear in court again on Aug. 13. James I. Lewellen, Trenton, had his bond revoked on charges of possession of a controlled substance except 35 grams or less of marijuana/synthetic cannabinoid, a class D felony, and resisting arrest for a felony, a class E felony. His bond was re-set at $5,000 cash only and he is scheduled to appear in court again on Aug. 13. Ayrik A. Redden, Trenton, admitted violating the terms of his probation on two original counts of class C felony delivery of a controlled substance except 35 grams or less of marijuana/synthetic cannabinoid. He is scheduled to appear in court on Aug. 13. Josy N. Simmons, Trenton, admitted violating the terms of her probation on an original charge of possession of a controlled substance except 35 grams or less of marijuana/synthetic cannabinoid, a class D felony. Her probation was continued with the additional condition that she complete the 120 CODS program. Victor L. Tunnell, Galt, had a hearing held, with the court find-

ing that he had violated the terms of his probation on original charge of class C felony forgery. His probation was revoked and he was sentenced to serve three years in the Department of Corrections. Execution of the sentence was suspended and he was placed on probation for five years, with the special condition that he submit to monthly urinalysis. Harold J. Stiner, Spickard, pleaded guilty to driving while intoxicated-aggravated offender, a class D felony. He was sentenced to serve six years in the Department of Corrections, with execution of the sentence suspended. He was placed on probation for five years with the special conditions that he complete 480 hours of community service, wearing electronic monitoring for 120 days, pay $300 to the Law Enforcement Restitution Fund and apply for his driver’s license when eligible. Failing to appear in court on probation violations and having warrants issued for their arrests were James L. Baker, Trenton, failing to register as a sex offender, a class E felony; Donald Brown, Milan, 12 counts of passing bad checks, all class C felonies; Trace Harvey, Spickard, thee class D felony counts of second degree burglary and one class D felony count of tampering with a motor vehicle (warrant was already active); Madison M. Lewis, Princeton, possession of a controlled

substance except 35 grams or less of marijuana/synthetic cannabinoid, a class D felony; Kelsey L. McCaughey, Trenton, possession of a controlled substance except 35 grams or less of marijuana/synthetic cannabinoid, a class D felony, and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia-amphetamine or methamphetamine, a class E felony (warrant was already active); and Christy L. Russell, Trenton, class D felony stealing. Misty L. Miller-Smith, Trenton, was arrested for failing to abide by a judge’s order on a class C felony charge of delivery of a controlled substance except 35 grams or less of marijuana or synthetic cannabinoid. Her bond was set at $5,000 cash only and her probation violation hearing was set for Aug. 13 on this case and on three class C felony charges of possession of a controlled substance except 35 grams or less of marijuana. Joseph S. Parr, Cameron, admitted violating the terms of his probation on an original charge of possession of a controlled substance except 35 grams or less of marijuana/synthetic cannabinoid, a class D felony. His probation was continued with the additional condition that he serve 10 days shock incarceration. REAL ESTATE Becky Vandevender to Theo Mitchell. Jon Stowers and wife to Matthew R. Clark and others.


High Low Last July 20 WHEAT 5,000 bu minimum; cents per bushel Sep 535 535Ÿ 519Ÿ 519ž Dec 539 540ž 525ž 526 Mar 545Ÿ 547 532½ 532ž May 548Ÿ 549Ÿ 535ž 536Ÿ Jul 542 543ž 532Ÿ 532½ Sep 549 549 540 541 Dec 558½ 558½ 551Ÿ 551ž Jul 550 554½ 545 545½ Est. sales 72,728.Fri.'s sales 84,227 Fri.'s open int 378,516 CORN 5,000 bu minimum; cents per bushel Sep 333 333½ 326 326Ÿ Dec 339ž 340 332½ 333Ÿ Mar 350 350 343Ÿ 344 May 356 356 349ž 350ž Jul 361 361 354ž 355½ Sep 360Ÿ 360Ÿ 355ž 356½ Dec 367½ 367½ 363 364 Mar 373Ÿ 373ž 372Ÿ 373Ÿ May 378Ÿ 378Ÿ 378Ÿ 378Ÿ Jul 383ž 383ž 383ž 383ž Dec 374 374½ 373ž 373ž Est. sales 150,825.Fri.'s sales 203,875 Fri.'s open int 1,506,324,up 1,491 E-mail your news information to the Republican-Times at rtimes@


—15 —14½ —13½ —12Âź —10ž —8½ —8Âź —11Âź

—6ž —6½ —5ž —5Âź —5Âź —4 —3Âź —2ž —3 —2Âź —2½

OATS 5,000 bu minimum; cents per bushel Sep 281Âź 282½ 275ž 275ž —4Âź Dec 270½ 272 267½ 268 —2ž Mar 273Âź 273Âź 273Âź 273Âź —Ÿ Est. sales 100.Fri.'s sales 131 Fri.'s open int 4,261 SOYBEANS 5,000 bu minimum; cents per bushel Aug 898½ 903 897 902½ +4½ Sep 893 897 890ž 896Âź +4 Nov 896ž 899ž 893ž 898ž +3ž Jan 899½ 904Âź 898½ 902ž +3½ Mar 897 900½ 894ž 899Âź +3Âź May 896 899½ 893Âź 898Âź +3½ Jul 899Âź 904ž 899Âź 903Âź +3Âź Aug 904 904 902ž 902ž +2Âź Est. sales 67,565.Fri.'s sales 121,282 Fri.'s open int 822,090, up 2,778 July 17 Trenton MFA Soybeans, 8.38 (July 20); 8.20 (New Crop 20). Corn, 2.93 (July 20); 2.85 (New Crop 20). Laredo MFA Soybeans, 8.38 (July 20); 8.20 (New Crop 20). Corn, 2.93 (July 20); 2.85 (New Crop 20). Ray-Carroll County Grain Growers/Carrollton (1-800-722-4407) Old Crop - Corn, 3.33; soybeans, 8.83; wheat, 5.34. New Crop - Corn, 3.04; soybeans, 8.25; wheat, 5.18.

City of Trenton Sales Tax Comparisons The Trenton City Council, once a month, receives information in its packet concerning the monthly taxes received by the city, along with a comparison of funds received a year ago. The Republican-Times will carry this information when made available.

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COMMUNITY STRAIGHT TALK WITH SAM Sixth District U.S. Rep. Sam Graves 1415 Longworth House Bldg. Washington D.C. 20515 Phone: 202-225-7041 HELPING FLOODED COMMUNITIES FIGHT BACK I introduced this bill on MonIt’s been 493 days since the Flood of 2019 started. For many day, July 13 and on Thursday, families and communities, the July 16, we passed it through nightmare still isn’t over. While the Transportation and Infrathe images of washed away structure Committee. It adhomes, flooded communities, vances a new plan to better and grain bins popped open like manage the lower Missouri canned biscuits garnered na- River basin, building on bipartitional media attention, the 24- san consensus to protect comhour news cycle ended, and the munities and family farms. It media moved on. Our communi- gives our communities more help planning and implementing ties did not. To this day, there are still flood control projects that limit countless levees that still the risk of future floods and it exthe authorization haven’t been repaired. Thou- pedites sands of acres of the most fertile process to get those projects farmland in the world still lie cov- done. It does more than just prioriered under floodwaters or silt and sand. And communities are tize flood control though, WRDA still living in fear behind tem- 2020 makes key investments in porarily repaired levees meant our harbors and inland waterto protect them from the next po- ways to help get our goods and products where they need to go. tential flood. Back in Washington, it’s been After all, 578 million tons of an uphill battle trying to fix the goods are shipped by barges way we manage our rivers and every year, including a lot of the help folks rebuild and recover. grain our farmers produce right Getting good, bipartisan bills here in north Missouri. This legislation does all this in done to help people just hasn’t been a priority for this speaker. a fiscally responsible way. That Thankfully though, the Water is to say, it doesn’t blow up the Resources Development Act of budget or break the bank. It’s 2020, has given us an opportu- rare that we hear of real bipartinity for Republicans and Democ- san work getting done in Washrats to work together within the ington, but I’m proud we’re Transportation and Infrastruc- getting some done, and I’m ture Committee to get a good bi- proud to be a part of it. This bill partisan bill done to help our is a win for folks that live and communities impacted by re- work along our rivers, but it’s an peated flooding and improve our even bigger win for America. water infrastructure.

R-T Photo/Diane Lowrey

A ribbon cutting was held on Friday, July 17 to celebrate the grand opening of Life Options Green Hills. The ribbon cutting was sponsored by the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce and Trenton Ambassadors.




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We are ready to replace your old gutters with new seamless aluminum gutters!



Friday, July 24 Noon - 4 pm


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Windfield Real Estate

359-6889 • 359-6993

Building Size: 6,250 SF

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810 Washington St., Trenton, MO 64683

1011 Cedar St., Trenton Office:

Trenton Area Calendar of Events WEDNESDAY Green Hills Alcoholics Anonymous, 10th Street Baptist Church, noon. For more information, call 3592704 or 357-2367.

FRIDAY Church Women United Thrift Shop, 17th & Harris, noon to 4 p.m. Green Hills Alcoholics Anonymous, 10th Street Baptist Church, 6 p.m. For more information, call 3592704.

SATURDAY Crowder State Park Public Informational Meeting, Park Amphitheater, 7 p.m. Grief Share Self-Help Group, Tenth Street Baptist Church, 4:30 p.m.

Celebrate Recovery, Tenth Street Baptist Church, 6 p.m. Church Women United Thrift Shop, 17th & Harris, 9 a.m. to noon. Grundy County Museum open, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.

SUNDAY Grundy County Museum open, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.


TELEPHONE: 660-359-5687

Farmers Mutual Insurance Company Grundy County

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PAGE 6 • TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2020



by Jim Davis


by Jim Davis





For Better or For WorseÂŽ

by Lynn Johnson

For Better or For WorseÂŽ

by Lynn Johnson

by Jim Davis

The Born LoserÂŽ

by Art and Chip Sansom

The Born LoserÂŽ

by Art and Chip Sansom

The Born LoserÂŽ

by Art and Chip Sansom

by Jeff MacNelly

by Jeff MacNelly

by Jeff MacNelly

Frank & ErnestÂŽ

by Bob Thaves

Alley OopÂŽ

by Joey Alison Sayers and Jonathan Lemon

Frank & ErnestÂŽ

by Bob Thaves

Alley OopÂŽ

by Joey Alison Sayers and Jonathan Lemon

Frank & ErnestÂŽ

by Bob Thaves

Alley OopÂŽ

by Joey Alison Sayers and Jonathan Lemon

For Better or For WorseÂŽ

by Lynn Johnson

When you want to know the whole story, turn to the source that really sheds some light on the subject.

To order your subscription today, call 359-2212.

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TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2020 • PAGE 7




THE Daily Commuter Puzzle by Jacqueline E. Mathews ACROSS 1 Sad-faced 5 Friends 9 Probability 13 Like a pricey coat 15 Plant part 16 Gather crops 17 Walk leisurely 18 OK to do 20 Actor Daniel __ Kim 21 __ as a fiddle 23 Breathed heavily 24 Linda Lavin TV role 26 Squealer 27 __ getting by; eking out a living 29 Show

32 Make happy 33 Sunlight-on-thewindshield problem 35 Charge 37 Teases 38 __ like; appears to be 39 Fail to leave 40 Four qts. 41 Pile up 42 Pet __; personal irritant 43 __ citizens; retirees 45 Zoomed skyward 46 TV’s “__ Rise” 47 Removes from power 48 Leased

Created by Jacqueline E. Mathews

ACROSS 1 Paper __; staple alternative 5 “The Lord __ Rings” 10 Slimy residue 14 “The __ Star State”; Texas 15 Liquid 16 “__ springs eternal” (Alexander Pope) 17 __ alternative to; instead of 18 Indicate beforehand 20 Chest muscle, for short 21 Lyme disease

transmitter 22 Kilns 23 Timepiece 25 __ West of “She Done Him Wrong” 26 Black-and-blue mark 28 Forgive 31 Is a breadwinner 32 Plant destroyer 34 Circumferencecalculating letters 36 Run-in 37 Have dibs on 38 Coin with Lincoln on it 39 __-tac-toe 40 Pillars

Created by Jacqueline E. Mathews

ACROSS 1 __ on the back; show of praise 4 Divide down the middle 9 Try to persuade 13 “And on top of that…” 14 Planetary visitor 15 “All You __ Is Love”; Beatles song 16 “__ move on!”; cry to a slowpoke 17 Failing to keep up with others 19 __ none; without exception 20 “Thou shalt not __” 21 Toast topper 22 __ than; besides

24 Battery size 25 Arizona’s Grand __ 27 __ up; dress warmly 30 One way to enlarge a family 31 Asian nation 33 “You are what you __” 35 Green fruit 36 Whitney or Rainier 37 Violent frenzy 38 Money paid for a service 39 Tropical island trees 40 Remington or Winchester 41 Suave; sophisticated 43 Hopeful desires

Created by Jacqueline E. Mathews

51 Word attached to work or flix 52 Actor Holbrook 55 Car crashes 58 Old saying 60 Prison knife 61 Lawn tool 62 Water embankment 63 Rubber tube 64 Catch sight of 65 Nickname for Elizabeth DOWN 1 Pleased 2 __ beans 3 Too much to endure 4 Ott or Gibson

©2020 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved.

5 Yakety-yak 6 Gmail alternative 7 Reply to a texter’s joke 8 Sink plugs 9 Citrus fruit 10 In __; owing 11 Valley 12 Ignored highway limits 14 Corrupt the purity of 19 Give up voluntarily 22 Like slick winter roads 25 “Why don’t we!” 27 Floating mass of ice 28 Assumed name 29 NFL team 30 Item in a man’s toilet kit 31 Sailor’s time off


33 First, neutral or reverse 34 French article 36 Black-__ peas 38 Burns without flame 39 Tush 41 Felt miserable 42 Part of USPS 44 __ Americans; Sioux, Apache, etc. 45 Haul into court 47 Beginning 48 Impulsive 49 Reverberate 50 TV series for Mark Harmon 53 Grows gray 54 Cobb & Majors 56 Siesta 57 Ring ruling 59 Actress Messing, to friends

DOWN 1 __-bargain; avoid a trial 2 Stargazer

Dear Annie: I need some advice on what to do about my daily journals. I keep a daily journal and have for many years -- including during a time when my husband was an alcoholic. He's been sober for 27 years. (We are in our late 70s.) In those journals, I wrote about the times he got drunk - of his stumbling around in a drunken stupor, of his passing out in his lounger with our children sitting in the room, of his lying about going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and instead going to the club and drinking for hours. I wrote about all these times and more, describing the family's embarrassment and frustration and adding my own angry comments. Now that he's been -- so thankfully -- sober all these years, I'm wondering what to do about those journals from the times when he was not. They contain not only comments about the difficulties I went through dealing with his drinking but also information about the family's normal daily

©2020 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved.

DOWN 1 Applaud 2 Misplace 3 Mistake 4 Animal enclosure 5 Oval __; Trump’s workplace 6 Pastor’s concern 7 Ankara native 8 Rush 9 Begley & Harris 10 Used a razor 11 Morse __ 12 “Once __ a time…” 13 Kitten cries 19 Stockpile 21 Throw 24 Fuzzy residue 25 Cause injury to 26 __ Buy; seller of PCs & TVs 27 Speedy 28 Greek letters 29 Benevolent; giving

3 __ degree; somewhat 4 Waste no time 5 Modify 6 Turkey’s currency 7 Tender meat 8 Nigeria’s official lang. 9 Remove cargo 10 __ in; bring under control 11 Actor Hackman 12 Nervous 13 Bell’s monogram 18 Nation whose capital is Accra 20 Big __; VIP 23 __ A personality; aggressive one 24 Rosemary Clooney, to George 25 Part of the leg 26 Toulouse farewell 27 Canisters 28 Tiny plant pest 29 Bird of prey


31 Composer __ Porter 32 Ho-__; dull 34 Golf shop purchase 36 Horse’s hair 37 Stand up 39 Hooded jacket 40 “__ a cock horse to Banbury Cross…” 42 Garbage can 43 Deteriorate 45 Waken 46 “Beat it!” 47 Commotion 48 Greek aperitif 49 Many a Kosovo resident 50 Pigeon noises 52 Attractive guy 53 “What’ll __”; Irving Berlin song 55 Seventh letter 56 Word with mask or lift


The Daily Commuter Puzzle is Sponsored by Sunnyview Nursing Home and Apartments, 1311 E. 28th St., Trenton, MO 660-359-5647

"Ask Me Anything: A Year of Advice From Dear Annie" is out now! Annie Lane's debut book -- featuring favorite columns on love, friendship, family and etiquette -- is available as a paperback and ebook. Visit http://www. for more information. Send your questions for Annie Lane to COPYRIGHT 2020 CREATORS.COM

S&P 500


Dow Jones industrials


Close: 3,224.73 Change: 9.16 (0.3%)


Close: 26,671.95 Change: -62.76 (-0.2%)













30 Airhead 32 Part of “aka” 33 Mrs. Nixon 35 Asterisk 37 Show up 38 Duplicate 40 Trousers 41 Money owed 43 Lariat loops 44 Very witty reply 46 Sudden forward rush 47 Marching band instrument 48 As dumb as __ 49 Hard to find 50 “The __ Piper of Hamelin” 52 Dauntless 53 Linkletter & Carney 55 Part of the WWII Allies 56 Prefix for section or day 57 “Son __ gun!”

©2020 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved.

life -- for example, children's sports games. I'd like to save my journals in case my grandchildren or great-grandchildren would like to know, in the future, what their grandmother's or great-grandmother's life was like, but I wonder about the wisdom of making it possible for them to read about their alcoholic grandfather or great-grandfather. Should I leave the journals unabridged, or should I take only the good excerpts from them to preserve my husband's sober image? His grandchildren only know him as a loving sober man. I don't know whether our children have ever enlightened their own children about how their grandfather used to be before he stopped drinking. I have a hunch they have never said anything about it. So, what do I do? At my age, I'm thinking that if I'm going to change anything, I'd better start doing it now. -- Deliberating Diarist Dear Deliberating Diarist: Your family's struggle with alcoholism is not something you




44 “__ we having fun yet?” 45 Western competition 46 Long-legged bird 49 Twenty 51 __ Beta Kappa 54 Brave 56 Potato 57 Tool with an arched blade 58 Jagged 59 Game similar to lotto 60 Implement 61 “The Beverly Hillbillies” star 62 Make angry

Written by Annie Lane

Send your questions for Annie Lane to To find out more about Annie Lane, visit the Creators Syndicate website at


41 Singer Fargo 42 Go-getter 44 Gentle breeze 45 Afternoon hour 46 Tripoli’s nation 47 Fortune-teller’s deck 50 Football kick 51 Org. for Suns & Spurs 54 Humble; modest 57 Smell 58 Dull speaker 59 Under __; being attacked 60 Fez fabric 61 Logging tools 62 Deadly reptile 63 __ up; tallies

ear Annie

or your husband should feel ashamed of, and it might actually be helpful for your grandchildren and great-grandchildren to be made aware of it -- when they're old enough -- as they may be genetically predisposed to the disease themselves. Even if they're not at risk, they will inevitably face some hardships of their own. How special it would be for them to be able to look to the pages of your journal and remember their heritage of perseverance. You're passing these journals down because you want your descendants to know what your life was like, so let them know what it was really like: thrilling, exasperating, challenging, fulfilling, maddening, awe-inspiring -not always pretty but ultimately still beautiful.






StocksRecap Vol. (in mil.) Pvs. Volume Advanced Declined New Highs New Lows



3,556 3,675 1406 1180 66 2

4,192 4,071 1808 1221 111 11


DOW DOW Trans. DOW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000



HIGH 26808.43 9941.61 830.53 12427.49 10532.62 3233.52 1841.74 32990.09 1482.40

18,000 LOW 26619.88 9831.62 812.89 12339.87 10421.21 3205.65 1824.98 32706.64 1464.71



CLOSE 26671.95 9900.09 828.60 12402.74 10503.19 3224.73 1836.55 32906.97 1473.32

M CHG. -62.76 +108.70 +19.08 +52.63 +29.36 +9.16 +7.97 +101.10 +5.76



%CHG. -0.23% +1.11% +2.36% +0.43% +0.28% +0.28% +0.44% +0.31% +0.39%

WK s s s s t s s s s


MO QTR YTD s s -6.54% s s -9.18% s s -5.75% s s -10.86% s s +17.06% s s -0.19% s s -10.98% s s +0.06% s s -11.70%

Peacock flaps its wings The largest U.S. cable company, Comcast, is threading a needle between hanging on to its traditional media business and grabbing a piece of a new wave of online TV and movies. Comcast’s NBCUniversal debuted its new Peacock service as an extension of a traditional broadcast network, loading it up with familiar network shows, news and sports, as well as movies from its library. There are also a handful of new original series — there would have been more had the pandemic not shut down Hollywood. More original shows, the lifeblood of subscription streaming services like Netflix, are expected in 2021.

Walking the tightrope: NBCUniversal aims to keep business growing in old and new markets. The swings in local markets reflect political spending.

Trends in U.S. advertising revenue National TV Local TV Digital video Year-over-year change in three markets 2019 revenue $50 bil.




















-20 2019

Source: Magna Global

The company hopes to see 30 to 35 million users by 2024, a more restrained target than other recent arrivals such as Disney Plus and HBO Max. Comcast’s broadband business has boomed as people increasingly go online for work, entertainment, shopping and everything else. Meanwhile, cable cord-cutting has surged and is expected to accelerate, even though TV ratings got a bump during the start of the pandemic. That hurts NBC’s networks. The company sees Peacock as another way to capture ad revenue as traditional TV viewership declines and advertisers shift money to digital outlets.




-20 2020*



2019 Tali Arbel; J. Paschke • AP

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RED BARN MINI STORAGE, across from the new hospital. 5 Unit sizes available, prices starting at $19 per month. Call Mike or Jane Cooksey 359-1069 or 359-7683. Fdtf ------------------------------------------H & S CONTRACTING Remodeling, room additions, garages & decks * New homes & basements w/ICF forms * Wall replacement under homes, repair cracks & bowed walls * Leveling, waterproofing & excavation. Kale Hoerrmann Owner, 30 years experience – 660-953-0724. FSep18 ------------------------------------------JAMESPORT BUILDERS 660-684-6931 32137 State Hwy 6, Jamesport POLE BARNS – GARAGES Spray foam insulation FOct2 ------------------------------------------Fiber Optic Broadband Internet!! High Speed!! Prices Starting at $54.90 Mid-States Services Sign up at For more info, call 660-359-2045 *Available in Trenton* TOct9 ------------------------------------------BUY - SELL - TRADE BIG NASTY'S GUNS & AMMO We have 1000s of guns and hunting products on our website. Choose in store pickup and pay 0 shipping fees. Text or call for appointment. $25 FFL Transfers Nathan Rorebeck 425 NW 40th St. Trenton, MO 64683 660-635-0469 FSep18 ------------------------------------------PAGE TREE SERVICE Jeff Page 359-3699–shop, 3592202–home. Serving the entire Green Hills Area! Specializing in tree trimming, stump grinding & complete removal. 60’ bucket truck, chipper & stump grinder. Licensed & insured. Free Estimates! Tdtf ------------------------------------------S&B Hinnen Hauling & Construction, L.L.C. Rock • Sand • Dirt Asphalt • Grain Demolition Debris & Excavation Services Shaunda - 660-973-4445 Brian - 660-973-2983 90 Mansur Street Chula, MO 64635 FJul14-Aug7 ------------------------------------------YODER CONSTRUCTION, Daniel Yoder, 660-748-3099 (leave message). New Roofs * Pole Barns * Remodeling * Decks. Good Service * Quality Structure * Affordable FOct9 ------------------------------------------Lawn work, stump grinding, brush cutting w/removal and more! Call me about your project! Good work at a good price. Contact Dustin Wilson, 660635-1282. TJul21-Aug14 ------------------------------------------AKC Recycling - Buying copper, brass, aluminum, etc.... Also doing... Auto Repair. Call Alec: 660-654-0163 1209 NE 10th Ave., Spickard, MO. FJul21-Aug14 -------------------------------------------


3-Family Garage Sale, Friday, July 24, 3:30 - 6:00 p.m. and Saturday, July 25, 8 a.m. - Noon. Sizes S-XL women's & men's clothing, baby clothes & toys, primitive decor & household. 2615 Mariner Rd. Hdtf -------------------------------------------


See me for quotes on *Life Insurance *Guaranteed Life Insurance *Annuities *IRAs *Medicare Supplements RON DOUGAN 903 Main St., Trenton, MO 660-359-0100 51 years in the Insurance Business Tdtf -------------------------------------------


Shelter Insurance – Cale Gondringer 1601 E 9th St., Suite D. 660-359-4100. LIFE * HOME * AUTO * FARM * BUSINESS. We’re your shield. We’re your shelter. Tdtf ------------------------------------------HELTON INSURANCE SOLUTIONS Williams Shopping Center, Trenton, MO. New To Medicare or Want To Compare Pricing ... Call Brian McDaniel 816-289-1935 He is originally from Gilman City and we feel his 28 years of experience in the insurance business is a BIG PLUS to our agency. Or Leah Helton 660-359-3806 or 660-635-0537 "Our Quality Of Service Is What Makes Us Different" Tdtf ------------------------------------------Confused by Medicare? You're not alone! Over 80% of Seniors are... * Receive all the benefits available to you * Save money on premiums/prescriptions * Stay in network + keep your doctor Danielle Knapp, Licensed Agent Senior Benefits Services Call or text to learn more! 660-654-3077 1039 Oklahoma Avenue Trenton, MO 64683 TOct9 ------------------------------------------Turning 65 This Year? Call Larry Bunnell at 359-7467 or 359-4700 for your insurance quotes on Medicare Supplements, Nursing Home, Major Medical, Life & Group Health plans. 1600 East 9th Street, Trenton. Tdtf -------------------------------------------


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CALL MELISSA For Results That Move You!

MELISSA PURKAPILE 359-1101 dtf ----------------------------------------FORMER LAW OFFICE FOR SALE 810 Washington St., Trenton, MO 64683 Sale Price: $385,000 Building Size: 6,250 SF Contact Broker: Windfield Real Estate 816-612-5191 TJun30-Jul24* -------------------------------------------

PICK GREG For All Your Real Estate Needs!

GREG FREEMAN 358-4003 dtf ----------------------------------------For Service Beyond The Sale, Call Me! John Graber Land & Farm Specialist 660-654-3566 Davidson Real Estate Specializing in Land & Farms 321 N. Walnut Cameron, MO 64429 (816) 632-4400 dtf ------------------------------------------Homeland Realty Lynn McCarter Broker/Owner 1601 Park Lane Trenton, MO 64683 Cell: (660) 635-0181 Office: (660) 359-3458 TJun30-Sep18 -------------------------------------------

CALL MIKE Farms, Homes and Commercial

Mike Johnson 359-7749 J151d24 -----------------------------------------


Wanting to buy standing timber: cottonwood, maple, oak, walnut. Call 660-646-5082 after 6:00 p.m. dtf ------------------------------------------Wanting to buy standing timber. All trees considered. Call 660-605-1699. TJun30-Jul24* -------------------------------------------


Iowa hydrants, blue poly roll pipe 1" & 3/4", 1 1/4 160 PSI reel pipe, pond valves, livestock tank supplies. Trenton Hardware, 901 Main, 359-3660. T150d28 ------------------------------------------Cardinal Mini Barns All Display Buildings at 1062 Oklahoma Ave., Trenton, $500 off. Call Rene at 660-654-3327. FAug14 -------------------------------------------


PUBLISHER'S NOTE: "All rental property advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” "We will not knowingly accept any advertising for rental property which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis." ----------------------------------

Sunnyview Apartments is taking applications for single & double apartments. Sunnyview is a residential care facility for the elderly. We provide qualified staff to administer medications, provide three meals a day and offer minimal assistance with the activities of daily living. Now accepting Medicaid. For more information contact Kathy Cheek at 660-359-5647. S553dtf ------------------------------------------LOCK-N-GO STORAGE 2709 Pleasant Plain 660-6540241. tf ------------------------------------------2 bedroom duplex with all appliances provided, mowing & snow removal included, no pets or smokers. Call 359-5088. V414d21* ------------------------------------------FOR RENT One bedroom apartments for rent. Rent based on income. HUD program for the developmentally disabled. Call 660-339-7235 Friendship Place Apartments F113d21 -------------------------------------------

See Consumer Oil & Supply for your One Stop Shop for Muck and Lacrosse boots and gloves. Consumer Oil & Supply 614 Harris Ave. 359-2258 C361dtf -------------------------------------------


The Republican-Times business office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday thru Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to Noon on Friday. The office is closed on Sat.

Republican-Times 122 E. 8th St. 359-2212 Fax: 660-359-4414 ------------------------------------------REPUBLICAN-TIMES CHARGES Standard obituaries written by the newspaper are not charged. Photo with obituary $25 Obituary written as requested starts at $35 Obituary written as requested with photo starts at $50 Photos with standard engagement announcement $25 Photo w/anniversary $25 ea Standard wedding with photo submitted within the 3-month deadline $25 Weddings written as requested starts at $50 Weddings submitted over 3 months starts at $50 Wedding picture & cutline submitted over 3 months $25 Color print from R-T $5 ------------------------------------------THE PEOPLE’S CO-OP, 1736 East 9th • 359-3313. Premium Diesel, Gas, 10% Ethanol – CENEX. 83 years of service & experience. MR. TIRE – Dean, Hankook, Cooper tires. Tdtf -------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------North Central Missouri College is seeking RFPs for IT Infrastructure Upgrades. Please see for more informaiton. N116d24 -------------------------------------------


1999 31 foot RL Hitchhiker II Rio Grande series 5th wheel camper with 2 slides. See it to appreciate. 660-339-7171 or 660-358-2126. S418d21* -------------------------------------------

HELP WANTED Farm Equipment Salesman Experience helpful. Salary + commission, plus paid health insurance and retirement. Vehicle provided, vacation and sick leave. Full fledge farm equipment dealership selling many lines of equipment. Send resume to P.O. Box 232, Gallatin, MO 64640 or come in and apply. Gallatin Truck & Tractor. G111d21 ------------------------------------------Accounting Supervisor - Need BS degree in accounting plus knowledge of accounting systems used for medium sized Ag dealership, payroll experience & working knowledge of Excel spreadsheets needed. Salary depends upon experience. Paid health insurance, retirement, vacation and sick leave. Dealership has been in business for 74 years. Send resume to P.O. Box 232, Gallatin, MO 64640 or come in and apply. Gallatin Truck & Tractor. G112d21 ------------------------------------------Wanted: Part-time or full-time dental assistant, depending on experience. CDA preferred. Willing to train. Bring resume to 1011 Cedar, Trenton, MO. C117d24 ------------------------------------------The Grundy County R-V School District is now accepting applications for substitute bus drivers and substitute teachers for the 2020-21 school year. Interested parties are required to have appropriate certifications/licenses. Applications may be requested by contacting the district office at 660-673-6511. The Grundy County R-V School District is an equal opportunity employer. G149d28 ------------------------------------------Construction Workers Wanted Full-time employment company hiring! Provides good pay to qualified individuals experienced in carpentry, electric, plumbing or heating and cooling with a strong desire to learn any of the other trades mentioned that they are not experienced in and perform as leaders. Require 3 years minimum experience in one of the 4 trades mentioned. May be required to work weekends on occasion. For more info, call 660-445-2130. FJul21-Aug14 -------------------------------------------


North Central Missouri Mental Health Center in Trenton, Missouri has an immediate opening for a Director of Nursing (DON), base office to be determined. The DON provides oversight of the medical clinics and the DM3700 process. The DON is responsible for the general organization, supervision and administration of medical clinic nurses and DM3700 staff and service activities. Current Missouri RN license, valid driver’s license, reliable vehicle and liability insurance are required. Minimum starting annualized salary is negotiable depending on education and experience with an excellent benefit package. Applicants must have an acceptable background screening. Send résumé and references to Personnel, NCMMHC, PO Box 30, Trenton MO 64683. Position to remain open until filled. EEOC/Male/Female/Handicapped/Veteran.

PETS/ANIMALS Shelly's Pet Care. 660-6846864, 103 S. Locust St., Jamesport, MO 64648. Professional, Personalized Grooming. Appointments available Monday Saturday. 35 Years of Experience! Serving the Green Hills Area since 1996! dtf -------------------------------------------


Replacement Parts; Accessories; Chemicals; Tool & equipment. T470dtf -----------------------------------------REPUBLICAN-TIMES tf ------------------------------------------CENTURY 21 TEAM ELITE C184dtf -------------------------------------------


CRP/PASTURE CLEARING Tree Pulling/Removal with Skid Loader Call Gabe Buzzard Trenton, MO 816-678-3918 FAug28* ------------------------------------------*WANTED* FARM GROUND TO LEASE! Competitive Rates AARON LANDES 660-358-2682 L905tf ------------------------------------------Big Square Hay Baling, Brush Hogging. Peter Beery 660-6544764. FJun30-Jul24 -------------------------------------------

Call 660-359-2212 for more information! FREE WITH ANY PRINT SUBSCRIPTION!!

FLIP PAGES FOR WEBSITE.qxp_Layout 1 7/20/20 11:10 AM Page 9

TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2020 • PAGE 9


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The personal representative's attorney's name, business address and phone number is: MATTHEW HOWARD HOY P.O. BOX 189 900 MASSACHUSETTS SUITE 500 LAWRENCE, KS 66044 PHONE: 785-843-0811 The non-resident personal representative's designated agent's name, address, and phone number is: STEVEN J BOWLING, JR 6955 VALLEY ROAD KANSAS CITY, MO 64113 816-729-3712 All creditors of said decedent are notified to file claims in court within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice or if a copy of this notice was mailed to, or served upon, such creditor by the personal representative, then within two months from the date it was mailed or served, whichever is later, or be forever barred to the fullest extent permissible by law. Such six-month period and such two-month period do not extend the limitation period that would bar claims one year after the decedent's death, as provided in Section 473.444, RSMo, or any other applicable limitation periods. Nothing in Section 473.033, RSMo, shall be construed to bar any action against a decedent's liability insurance carrier through a defendant ad litem pursuant to Section 537.021, RSMo. Date of decedent’s death: 31-OCT-2019 Date of first publication: 30-JUN-2020 Madison Beverlin, Probate Clerk Receipt of this notice by mail should not be construed by the recipient to indicate that the recipient necessarily has a beneficial interest in the estate. The nature and extent of any person's interest, if any, can be determined from the files and records of this estate in the Probate Division of the above referenced Circuit Court. dJun30,Jul7,14,21 ------------------------------------------


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Lynn McCarter Broker/Owner

1601 Park Lane Trenton, MO 64683

Cell: (660) 635-0181 Office: (660) 359-3458


660-684-6864 103 S. Locust, Jamesport, MO 64648

Professional, Personalized Grooming APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE MONDAY - SATURDAY 35 years of experience! Serving the Green Hills Area Since 1996!

Green Hills Animal Shelter 359-2700 • 3041 E. 10th • Trenton, MO

“Peekers� - Male Short Haired Cat Looking for home!

“Silver� - Male Short Haired Cat Looking for home!

“Margo� - Female Boxer Mix Looking for home!

“Rocky� - Male Norwegian Elkhound/Husky Mix Looking for home!



$ 00

Off Per Bag

on 10 Bag Purchase! Formerly GFG Ag Services Same Great Local Service 614 Harris Ave., Trenton 359-2258

2006 East Ninth, Trenton

Feed Your New Pet PURINA DOG CHOW 34 Lb. Bag



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PAGE 10 • TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2020


AREA Three Injured In Area Mishaps Three persons received injuries in two separate area accidents investigated over the weekend by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Two of the injuries were in a one-vehicle accident on Highway 65, eight miles south of Trenton, on Saturday afternoon. The patrol said Dennis Hess, 68 and Rebecca Hess, 73, both of Grants Pass, OR were injured when the SUV driven by Dennis Hess was southbound and struck a deer. Dennis Hess was treated at the scene while Mrs. Hess was transported by private vehicle to Wright Memorial Hospital in Trenton. The vehicle received extensive damage. Both persons were wearing a seat belt. The accident was investigated by Trooper K.J. Cool, who was assisted by Trooper

B.N. Rainey. The second accident occurred on Sunday morning on Route V, six miles south of Jamesport in Daviess County. The patrol said a car driven by 19-year-old Dariyn Pettit of Gallatin was eastbound on Route V when it swerved to miss a deer in the road. As the driver overcorrected, the car went off the south side of the road and overturned, coming to rest on the driver’s side. Ms. Pettit was taken by LifeFlight Eagle to Truman Medical Center in Kansas City for treatment. The vehicle received extensive damage. Ms. Pettit was wearing a seat belt. The accident was investigated by Cpl. M.J. Miller, assisted by the Daviess County Sheriff’s Office and Daviess County EMS.


substitute bus drivers, custodians, kitchen help and teaching positions. McKinnis updated board members on summer maintenance work as well as announced the school audit would take place on July 28. Plans are moving forward for the 2020-21 school year, with

teachers reporting on Aug. 19 and the first day of classes being Aug. 24. McKinnis is working on a back to school plan, which will be modified as needed. The board set the annual tax levy hearing for 6:45 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 10, prior to the regular board meeting. Approval was given for an FFA trip to Macon for a “Battle of Chapters” event.


• From Front Page •

Local Resident Earns Degree

Madison Trump of Trenton is among students scheduled to graduate from Harding University during a virtual commencement ceremony on Aug 15. Miss Trump will receive a master’s of business administration degree in management and business ethics. She is the daughter of Tom and Benna Trump of Trenton.


Paid for by Committee to Elect Martha Roberts Grundy County Commissioner - Tara Hoffman, Treasurer.

• From Front Page •

in the fellowship hall at the First Christian Church in Trenton) - Ida Lee Little, Nadine Gibler, Republicans; Janet Slater, Diane Zeiger, Democrats. Trenton Fourth Ward and Jackson Township (voting at the First Baptist Church Recreation Center) - Janet Spencer, Amy Bethards, Republicans; Sheron Lovell, Yvonne Ulmer, Democrats. Judges scheduled to count absentee ballots include Lorene Skroh and Janet Wilson, Republicans; and Charlene Arnold and Marie Gladback-Dolan, Democrats. Tonna Ricketts will run the machine during that time and will join Mrs. Skroh and Janet Wilson as night judges, who count one precinct by hand to ensure the electronic ballot counter is accurate.

See Page 4 of today’s Republican-Times for Obituaries, the Daily Record and other Back Page news

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