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Established Sept. 4, 1864 - 157th Year - No. 59

Local Easter Services

BRIEFS Special Council Meeting

The Trenton City Council has scheduled a special meeting for tonight (Tuesday, March 30) at city hall. The meeting will be open to the public, but can be accessed on Zoom at The meeting will be held to amend the 2021-22 city budget, which was approved last week, due to an error found in the document. In addition, the council will discuss fire department equipment replacement.

Area Churches Announce Special Plans For Holiday Several area churches have announced special plans for Easter Sunday and the days leading up to it. Among those announcing their plans include: St. Joseph’s Catholic Church - Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 7 p.m., Thursday; Celebration of the Lord’s Passion and Veneration of the Cross, 7 p.m., Friday; Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Mass, 8 p.m.; and Easter Sunday Mass, 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Dockery Chapel Church Breakfast, 8 a.m., Sunday, followed by the Easter service at 9 a.m. Trenton First Baptist Church - Good Friday Services, 6 p.m.; Easter Sunday service at 9:30 a.m.. Trenton First Christian Church - Maundy Thursday Communion Service, 6 to 6:30 p.m.; Easter morning service at 8:45 and 10:30 a.m. Tenth Street Baptist Church - Maundy Thursday Candlelight Service with the Lord’s Supper, 9 p.m.; Easter Sunday service, 10:30 a.m. Trenton Foursquare Church - Easter Morning Service, 9 a.m. Wesley United Methodist Church - Holy Thursday service, 7 p.m.; joint sunrise service at Hodge Presbyterian Church, 7 a.m. on Sunday (bring a lawn chair); Easter Sunday worship service, 10:15 a.m. Trenton First Assembly of God Church - Easter morning services, 9 and 11 a.m. South Evans Christian Church - Easter Breakfast with all invited, 9:30 a.m.; Easter service to follow. Hodge Presbyterian Church- Maundy Thursday Service, 6 p.m.; Easter sunrise service in conjunction with Wesley United Methodist Church, 7 a.m. on the Hodge lawn (bring a lawn chair), children’s Easter egg hunt at 9:15 a.m. and the Easter Sunday worship service at 10 a.m. Galt Churches - A community sunrise service will be held at 8 a.m., Sunday, followed by doughnuts and oranges juice. Galt Baptist Church - Upper Room Service, 6:30 p.m., Friday; Resurrection Services, 10:30 a.m. Sunday (no Sunday school). Galt Christian Church Good Friday services with communion, 7 p.m.; Resurrection Services, 10 a.m. (no Sunday school). Laredo Christian Church Laredo Community Sunrise Service in conjuction with the Laredo Baptist Church at 6:30 a.m. with breakfast to follow at the Christian Church. Easter morning worship service at 8:30 a.m.

Area Highway Projects Planned

R-T Photo/Olivia Roberts (THS)

The Trenton High School Students of the Quarter for the Third Quarter of the 2020-21 school year include, from left, senior Ellie Boman, junior Colton Roy, sophomore Juliet Schmadeke and freshman Kate R. Clark.

Students Of The Quarter Named Honor Bestowed On Clark, Schmadeke, Roy And Boman

Four Trenton High School students have been selected as “Students of the Quarter” for the third quarter of the 2020-21 school year. Those receiving the honor, which can only be bestowed on a student once in their high school careers, include freshman Kate R. Clark, sophomore Juliet Schmadeke, junior

Colton Roy and senior Ellie Boman. Kate is the daughter of Hylee Thomas and participates in volleyball and choir, as well as serving as the manager for the wrestling teams. She is a member of FFA and outside of school, she is a member of the Edinburg Baptist Church. Juliet is a member of FBLA, FCA, FCCLA, Key Club, Student Council and Spanish Club. The daughter of Shana Norris and Darren Schmadeke, Juliet is also a member of the volleyball team. Outside of school, she works at Sonic and is a member of the First Assembly of God Church and its

youth group. Colton Roy is the son of Eric Roy and Alicia Roy. He is a member of Spanish Club, Student Senate, Science Club, Prom Committee and FFA, where he holds the office of secretary. Outside of school, he is a member of the Wesley United Methodist Church and the Missouri Beekeepers Association. Senior Ellie Boman is a member of National Honor Society, Scholar Bowl and a fouryear member of the Golden Bulldog Marching Band. Outside of school, she is employed at Sonic. She is the daughter of John and Chasidy Boman.

Three highway projects are scheduled to be let for bids in Grundy County this year. Grundy County Commissioner Phillip Ray attended a meeting of the Missouri Department of Transportation’s Transportation Advisory Committee on Thursday. He said Michael Marriott, an engineer with MoDOT, listed three projects to be let for bids in 2021, including: scrub seal from Highway 6 to Highway 5, which would also include two miles of paving in the westbound lane east of Trenton; resurfacing of Route Y from Highway 6 to Mercer County Route E; and resurfacing of Route E from Highway 6 to Missouri Highway 139. Ray said the department has plans for the construction of a left (south) turn lane on Highway 6 west of Trenton at the intersection with SW 30th Avenue and a left (south) turn lane at the intersection with Route W. Those projects are scheduled to be let for bids in 2022. Ray said that as always, the project are subject to funding and changes in the department’s list of priorities.

COVID Vaccine Clinics

Grundy County Health Department will hold a first dose Moderna vaccine clinic on Thursday, April 1 for individuals in the open tiers. Missouri Phase 2 is now eligible for vaccination. Phase 2 includes higher education, construction, restaurant and hotel workers, manufacturing, and financial services. Call 660-359-4196 to make an appointment. Wright Memorial Physicians’ Group in Trenton and Saint Luke’s Mercer County Clinic in Princeton are now scheduling COVID-19 vaccination appointments for established patients who fall under the Phase 2 population. The next scheduled COVID-19 vaccination clinics will be on Wednesday, March 31 at the Saint Luke’s Mercer County Clinic, and Thursday, April 1 at Wright Memorial Physicians’ Group. The vaccine administered will be the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, which only requires one shot. Patients must plan to be monitored for 15 minutes after receiving the vaccine. To schedule an appointment, call Wright Memorial Physicians’ Group at 660-358-5750 or the Saint Luke’s Mercer County Clinic at 660-748-4040. For more information on Missouri’s vaccine priority phases, see Grundy County Health Department Administrator Elizabeth Gibson said the county has had no new COVID cases since the last update on Thursday.

Proposed Budget Cuts Targeting Home-Based Care Access II Independent Living Center Mobilizing To Fight Back

Proposed cuts currently being considered in Gov. Mike Parson’s 2021 state budget would have a profound effect on those who count on home-based care, according to an area independent living center. In response to two proposed budget cuts to the Consumer Directed Services program, Access II Independent Living Center is mobilizing the community to fight back against these cuts. Access II is joining with other Centers for Independent Living in the state to denounce these cuts. According to information provided by the Access II, the Consumer Directed Services program allows eligible individuals with disabilities to control their own personal care and remain independent in their own homes. This Medicaid program serves over 40,000 Missourians with significant disabilities and Access II has served 130 people on this program in the last year. During this current legislative session, Gov. Parson has made two recom-

mendations to cut this program by millions of dollars. The proposed cuts are coming at a time during the pandemic when healthcare is of the utmost importance, and also at a time when the State is seeing unprecedented funds streaming into the State for the very purpose of helping Missourians remain safe and healthy in their own homes. Tonya Arndt, a 34-year-old college graduate who resides in Trenton, is very concerned about the proposed budget cuts and how it will impact her daily life. “These types of budget cuts force people like myself into long-term care facilities which not only strip the individual of all their independence, but also the ability to work, and any chance of having a healthy, active social life,” she said. “Facilities also cost the state more money to provide the same services.” Ms. Arndt became a quadriplegic at age 17. She works in her local community and pays a premium to the state of Missouri that allows her to maintain the assistance of her personal care attendants. “CDS allows me to live in my own home and maintain the independence to choose who and when someone comes in to assist me with my care,” said Ms. Arndt. “This allows me to work, be actively involved in my community, and

spend time with my friends and family. Being forced out of our homes where we can’t even decide who helps us bathe, or when or what we eat, should not be an option when programs like CDS exist and work effectively.” Ms. Arndt has found an interesting and challenging job as an Intelligence Officer at Daviess DeKalb Regional Jail. She also does speeches for ThinkFirst, a national brain and spinal cord injury prevention and awareness organization and works part-time at Ketcham Community Center. She enjoys being outdoors, attending concerts and cheering on her nieces at their sporting events. She started using Medicaid in 2005 when she moved part-time to Maryville to attend Northwest Missouri State University just one year after the motor vehicle accident that resulted in her being a quadriplegic. She has been receiving services with Access II the past 14 years. According to the COVID Tracking Project, less than 1% of America’s population lives in long-term-care facilities, but as of March 4, this tiny fraction of the country accounts for 34% of US COVID-19 deaths. “This past year communicable diseases within facility living have jeopardized the health and safety of many of our elderly, and people with disabilities who were forced to live in Institu-

Tonya Arndt

tions,” said Heather Swymeler, Access II Executive Director. “CDS allows a more affordable and safe option.” It will be challenging for Access II and other Centers for Independent Living to provide these vital services with the proposed cuts. “I am frustrated and outraged that the proposed cuts demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of the importance CDS plays in the lives of people with disabilities. Jeopardizing peoples’ option to continue living in their own homes when the state is experiencing a positive budget is embarrassing,” said Jim Ruedin, Executive Director of Delta Center in St. Peters Missouri.



Sunny Skies will cover Trenton this week with highs ranging from 49 on Wednesday to 67 on Friday. The high in Trenton on Thursday was 45 with .29 of an inch of rain falling. Friday and Saturday saw highs of 59 with another .13 of an inch of rain falling on Saturday. The high Sunday was 56 with a low of 37. The high on Sunday at the Government Weather Station near Spickard was 53 with a low of 38.

Election Day is April 6 and there are several local issues on the ballot. The Republican-Times has you covered with an election special outlining all the races and issues voters will have to decide on next week. ELECTION, PAGE 5

Trenton Republican-Times “News Every Day...When YOU Want It”



SPORTS ..........................PAGE 2 LOCAL .............................PAGE 3 COMMUNITY ..................PAGE 4 CALENDAR .....................PAGE 4 ELECTION....................PAGE 5-7 COMICS ..........................PAGE 8 CROSSWORDS ................PAGE 9 CLASSIFIEDS............PAGE 10-11 AREA .............................PAGE 12

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