Trenton R-Times_04-06-2021

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Established Sept. 4, 1864 - 157th Year - No. 61

BRIEFS Cops ‘n Bobbers Is Back

After taking a year off due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Trenton Police Department will host its annual Cops ‘n Bobbers police and kids fishing event from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, June 5 at the North Central Missouri College Barton Campus, located at 96 SE 8th Avenue. The event, which is free, is co-sponsored by the Missouri Department of Conservation, the Barton Campus and the National Wild Turkey Federation. A free lunch will be provided, courtesy of the NWTF and participating youth will also be eligible for prizes. Children under age 11 must be accompanied by an adult and youth age 16 and older must have a Missouri fishing permit. Businesses, organizations or individuals who would like to provide prizes or money to purchase prizes for the youth are encouraged to contact the TPD as soon as possible. Anyone with questions can contact TPD Chief Rex Ross at 660-359-2121 or via email at

Park Board Agenda

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EASTER EGG HUNT Saturday morning brought perfect weather for the annual Trenton Kiwanis Club/Trenton High School Key Club Easter egg hunt, held at Moberly Park. There were approximately 90 children who took part in the event, which also included games led by the Key Club, a photo station and personnel and EMS vehicles from the Trenton Police Department, Trenton Fire Department and the Grundy County Ambulance Department. Kiwanis Club members were thankful for all the support shown for the annual community service event.

Trenton Wins GRC Scholar Bowl Title Bulldogs Defeat Gallatin 120-70 To Win League Crown

Trenton High School has a conference champion in its Scholar Bowl team, which earned the honor by defeating Gallatin on Thursday, April 1. The team, coached by THS social studies instructor Derek Bloom, has run a 14-1 record so far this year. Members of the team include seniors Ellie Boman, Travis Gifford and Hannah Stark; juniors Mari Atup, Joey Pattison, Jillian Simpson and Shelby Williams; sophomore Haley Shultz; and freshmen Aubree Dalrymple and Nathan Stark. At Thursday’s GRC competition, the team had to get past North Andrew in the semi-finals, winning that hard-fought match 160 to 140. Following that victory, the conference championship match placed THS against Gallatin, where the Bulldogs won 120 to 70. Team members credit their

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The Trenton High School Scholar Bowl team is the Grand River Conference champion after getting a 120-70 victory over Gallatin on Thursday. Team members are, from left, Coach Derek Bloom, Haley Shultz, Ellie Boman, Shelby Williams, Joey Pattison, Hannah Stark, Aubree Dalrymple, Jillian Simpson,Travis Gifford, Nathan Stark and Mari Atup.

ability to work together for their success this year. “In all seriousness, the reason we won was not because of superior intellect or because we were better than anyone else, it was because of our incredible teamwork and support of each other,” said Hannah Stark. “There was never a moment in which we weren’t encouraging each other and we

spent more time having fun as a team than we did worrying about winning any match.” The team will now compete at the district tournament. Their plan is to keep working hard and see how far they can go this season. “I’m extremely proud of everyone on the team for getting us here” junior Shelby Williams commented. “We’ve

come very far and we’re not stopping here. We’re going to keep working as hard as we can and not give up.” Trenton also had three of its team members placed on the All-Conference Team. Hannah Stark and Jillian Simpson were both named to the Second Team, while Shelby Williams made the honorable mention list.

Tennis Courts Getting Renamed Long-Time THS Tennis Supporters To Be Honored With Naming Rights

Two long-time supporters of the Trenton High School tennis program will be honored on May 1 as the THS courts are named in their honor. The courts will be named “The Carl Carpenter and Mike Bosley Courts” in a ceremony scheduled for 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 1. The event will begin with a

social hour at noon, which will give guests, which is expected to include many former and current players, coaches from the past and present and other members of the public, a chance to visit with the honorees. Weather permitting, the courts will be open for hitting and playing before and after the dedication ceremony, which will involve the reveal of a rectangle stone monument with a bronze plaque. The plaque has been paid for mainly through prior contributions and those wishing to donate to this project and future court upkeep may send checks to The Foundation Trust of THS, P.O. Box 185, Trenton, MO 64683. The gifts are tax deductible and should contain “Tennis Fund” in the

memo on the check. The THS courts were built in 1973. Carpenter coached the THS girls teams from 1973 to 1977 and the boys team from 1972 to 1974. Bosley coached the girls team from 1980 to 2008 and the boys from 1975 to 2009. The four courts have been used for countless summer lessons, city tournaments, high school matches, public play and alumni weekend round robins. With the addition to enclosed walkways within the THS campus, the courts are best accessed from the Trenton R-9 District office parking lot, located at 1607 Normal St., on the west side of the courts.

The Trenton Park Board will meet in regular session at 5:15 p.m. Wednesday at the Upper Moberly Shelter House. The meeting will begin with a closed session to discuss personnel, followed by the approval of the 2021-22 budget, a discussion of a donation by Lisa Guy for Moberly Park tennis courts and reports from the pool, grounds and facilities committees.

County COVID Progress

Grundy County made significant progress against the COVID-19 virus during the month of March. According to information provided by Grundy County Health Department Administrator Elizabeth Gibson, the county recorded only five cases of the virus during the month of March. With one new case reported over the Easter holiday weekend, the county currently has two active cases. Grundy County has had 1,062 total cases, including 821 confirmed cases and 241 probable cases. Forty deaths have been attributed to COVID-19 during the pandemic. Ms. Gibson said the health department will have vaccine available this week, with more details to be released on the number of doses that will be available and when they will be distributed.

Trump Case Dismissed By The Supreme Court Trump Was Banned From Twitter On Jan. 8

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Monday dismissed a case over former President Donald Trump's efforts to block critics from his personal Twitter account. The court said there was nothing left to the case after Trump was permanently suspended from Twitter and ended his presidential term in January. Twitter banned Trump two days after the deadly attack on the Capitol by Trump supporters on Jan. 6. The company said its decision was “due to the risk of further incitement of violence.” The court also formally threw out an appeals court ruling that found Trump violated the First Amendment whenever he blocked a critic to silence a viewpoint. Justice Clarence Thomas wrote a separate opinion arguing that the bigger issue raised by the case, and especially Twitter's decision to boot Trump, is “the dominant digi-



Showers are likely on Wednesday and Thursday with a high of 70 on Wednesday and 60 on Thursday. Friday will be clear with a high temperature of 67. Thursday’s high in Trenton was 51 with Friday and Saturday reaching 65 and 75 respectively. Sunday saw a high of 82 and a low of 50. The high on Sunday at the Government Weather Station near Spickard was 79 with a low of 55.

The North Central Missouri College men’s and women’s basketball teams each won Region 16 championships on Saturday at the Ketcham Community Center in Trenton. SPORTS, PAGE 3

Trenton Republican-Times “News Every Day...When YOU Want It”


tal platforms themselves. As Twitter made clear, the right to cut off speech lies most powerfully in the hands of private digital platforms.” Thomas agreed with his colleagues about the outcome of the case, but said the situation raises “interesting and important questions.” The case concerned the @realdonaldtrump account with more than 88 million followers and Trump's argument that it is his personal property. The Justice Department argued that blocking people from it was akin to elected officials who refuse to allow their opponents’ yard signs on their front lawns. But the federal appeals court in New York ruled last year that Trump used the account to make daily pronouncements and observations that are overwhelmingly official in nature. The case had been styled Trump v. Knight First Amendment Institute, the group that originally sued to challenge Trump's decision to block his critics. But when Trump left office, President Joe Biden replaced Trump in the case's title, though the new president had nothing to do with the lawsuit.


SPORTS ....................PAGE 2 & 3 LOCAL .............................PAGE 4 NATIONAL ......................PAGE 5 CALENDAR .....................PAGE 5 COMICS ..........................PAGE 6 CROSSWORDS ................PAGE 7 CLASSIFIEDS ...........PAGE 8 & 9 AREA ............................PAGE 10

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