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TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2021



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Established Sept. 4, 1864 - 157th Year - No. 71


BRIEFS FFA Breakfast Is Friday

The Trenton FFA Chapter has scheduled its community appreciation breakfast for Friday, May 14. The breakfast will be held in the agriculture building from 6 to 8 a.m. with all FFA supporters invited to attend.

R-9 Board Agenda

The Trenton R-9 Board of Education will meet in regular session at 5:30 p.m. tonight (Tuesday, May 11) at the district office. Items on the announced agenda include, under old business, non-certified payroll disbursement and extra-duty scheduled adjustments; under new business, escrow deposit agreement 2010B bonds and a cooperative sports agreement with the Pleasant View R-6 School District; under informational items, a safety plan for tornados, the Title Program evaluation and principal and superintendent reports; and a closed session to discuss personnel and legal matters.

R-T Photos/Ronda Lickteig

Carly Spencer, left, was named the valedictorian of the Trenton High School Class of 2021, with Hannah Stark, right, named the salutatorian. Both young women were given the honor of addressing their classmates during Saturday’s graduation ceremony.

Spencer, Stark Are Top Students A Total Of 92 Graduates Receive Diploma At Ceremony In THS Gym The threat of rain that moved the Trenton High School graduation ceremony from C.F. Russell Stadium to the school gym didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the Class of 2021 as they received their diplomas Saturday night. Class valedictorian Carly Spencer, the daughter of Amy Spencer and Jeff and Melissa Spencer, and salutatorian Hannah Stark, daughter of Aaron and Michelle Stark, were the speakers for the evening. Ms. Spencer thanked those who have helped her along the way and told her classmates to remember the victories they’ve shared, such as winning “battle cry” at a pep rally during their freshmen year. That victory, she said, taught them a lesson. “Just a simple little memory like our freshman year battle cry victory can become a huge life lesson and something we should take with us as we enter the world of adulthood. If you believe you can, you

will. We definitely believed we could be the loudest grade and we were. In life I encourage each of you to set your goals high and fully believe in yourself even when it seems like all odds are against you, and if you do happen to forget that, just think back to battle cry!” She recalled the positivity she has seen in her classmates, and reminded them that positivity, optimism and a smile can take them a long way. Ms. Spencer shared how the class was called on to adapt when the COVID-19 pandemic changed everything about school. “We had to adapt to a whole new learning style and be accepting of the fact that any control we once had was gone. Those two concepts have benefitted all of us in ways that even our parents may never experience.” That experience, she recalled, helped her learn to be grateful for the ability to keep learning, to have helpful teachers and great class. “Being grateful for the good and the bad is a trait I hope that each of you retain as we experience each day,” she commented. Before closing by sharing Joshua 1:9, she told the class all they’ve been through has made them stonger.

“From being awkward freshmen, to now adults about to take on the world. This year was nothing like what we expected, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. The challenges and changes have shaped us into stronger humans and taught us life lessons galore.” In her address, Ms. Stark reminded students how memories and experiences, as well as other people, help shape us into who we become. “Life is made of memories and experiences. Personalities form from the way those memories and experiences, along with other people, have shaped you. Therefore, the people around you and the experiences you endure are essential to who you turn out to be,” she said. While we don’t always appreciate those experiences or people as life is happening to us, they are what has made members of the class strong, passionate and perseverant, she said. “Throughout our years of elementary, middle and high school, we and our teachers, have molded each other into the people we are today, forging friendships and familial bonds through blood, sweat, tears and laughter. We haven’t always been the best people, but we’re learning and grow[See GRADUATION, Page 3]

Scholar Bowl Banquet Held

The Trenton High School Scholar Bowl Team was honored during a banquet held Thursday evening. The team had a 16-3 season, including a Grand River Conference Championship and made it to the final four of districts this year. Students who earned letters were Hannah Stark, Ellie Boman, Jillian Simpson, Mari Atup and Shelby Williams. Those earning All-Conference honors were Hannah Stark, Jillian Simpson and Shelby Williams, while Hannah Stark was named to the All-District team. Individual honors included Hannah Stark and Jillian Simpson, tied for top scorers; Joey Pattison, most improved; Shelby Williams, outstanding leadership; and Ellie Boman, who was chosen by her team to receive the most valuable player award. Derek Bloom is the THS Scholar Bowl coach.

Grundy R-5 Board Agenda

The Grundy R-5 Board of Education will meet in regular session at 6 p.m. Wednesday at the school. Items on the announced agenda include the opening of bids for propane, fuel and milk, review of bus barn bids, the second reading of MCE policy updates, the Princeton transportation agreement, voluntary student insurance coverage, summer projects (playground equipment), adding track to the cooperative agreement with Newtown-Harris, principal reports, a financial report and a closed session for personnel and student discipline.

Spickard Board Meeting

The Spickard R-2 Board of Education accepted several bids during a special meeting held May 5. According to information provided by Secretary Kelli Girdner, the board accepted a bid of $28,500 for removal of asbestos flooring from Sunbelt Environmental Service of Springfield, and agreed to purchase six ceiling fans from Lowe’s to replace older ones in the kitchen/cafeteria area. The board also voted to purchase a mower from Woody’s Outdoor at a cost of $2,100 minus the amount allowed for a trade in.


Chinn Addresses Graduates Mosaic’s Turner Speaks To Allied Health Graduates

The 2021 graduating class of North Central Missouri College was challenged by speakers in two graduation ceremonies held Saturday on the Trenton campus, with Missouri Director of Agriculture Chris Chinn encouraging graduates at the morning ceremony to make the most of the opportunity they’ve been given, while Dr. Davin Turner of Mosaic Life Care Medical Center, the speaker at the afternoon ceremony, encouraged the allied health graduates to remember the number one

person on the health care team. In her address to students, Mrs. Chinn, a fifth generation farmer from Clarence, told graduates that being director of agriculture was not in her original plan, but when she fell in love with a farmer, she went back to the family farm. She said she learned to “lead from where you’re at” and to make the most of the opportunities she was given. She told graduates they can make a decision to just “float by” or to “grab life by the horns and do something.” Leaders, she said, have vision and she encouraged them to think about their vision. “Where do you want to make a difference? What challenges keep you up at night?” she asked before telling them that each person can make a difference right where they

are. “You don’t need a title like ‘Director of Agriculture’ to make a difference.” Mrs. Chinn challenged the students to remember, when they “make it,” to look around them and pull somebody else up and help them succeed. Move forward with purpose and leave your mark on something, she told them, and never underestimate the gift they received at NCMC. “I know that you will be great leaders. Continue to believe in yourself and never, ever underestimate the gift you’ve been given at this school,” she said. In the afternoon ceremony, Dr. Turner, chief medical officer and president of Mosaic Life Care Medical Center in St. Joseph, reminded the allied health graduates that they are joining a team, noting that the

Photos Courtesy of North Central Missouri College

Missouri Director of Agriculture Chris Chinn, left, gave the address at the morning graduation ceremony at North Central Missouri College on Saturday, while Dr. Davin Turner, chief medical officer at Mosaic Life Care, right, gave the afternoon address to allied health graduates.

“team” approach to medicine is more important now than ever. While nurses do the “lion’s share” of patient care, Dr. Turner pointed out that team includes many other important members, such as the dietary staff, pastoral care, cleaning staff, groundskeepers,

pharmacists and technicians. The most important thing to remember, he said, is that the number one member of the team is the patient. He told the graduates they will need to be the advocate, the friend and sometimes the family for their patients, a responsibility that



High temperatures will be in the 60’s this week with overnight lows in the 40’s. Sunny skies give way to a chance of rain on Friday. The high in Trenton on Thursday was 65 with Friday reaching 73 and Sunday hitting 61. The high Sunday was 60 with a low of 43 and .40 of an inch of rain falling. The high on Sunday at the Government Weather Station at the Barton Farm Campus was 58 with a low of 42 and .54 of an inch of rain.

Trent Villacampa and Bradyn Sager combined to capture the individual district doubles championship on Saturday in Chillicothe. Dylan Smith also medaled at the event, placing fourth in the singles bracket. SPORTS, PAGE 2

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was made even more important during this time of COVID-19 and the isolation of patients. “Everybody else is number two on the team,” he said. “As long as you remember the patient is number one, the patient [See NCMC, Page 3]


SPORTS ..........................PAGE 2 LOCAL ............................PAGE 3 ACROSS MISSOURI .......PAGE 4 CALENDAR .....................PAGE 5 COMICS ..........................PAGE 6 CROSSWORDS ................PAGE 7 CLASSIFIEDS..................PAGE 8 CHURCH .........................PAGE 9 AREA ............................PAGE 10

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