Trenton R-Times_05-04-2021

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TUESDAY, MAY 4, 2021



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Established Sept. 4, 1864 - 157th Year - No. 69

THS Graduation Week Full Of Events Graduation Set For 7:30 p.m. Saturday At The Stadium

Photos Courtesy of Jenny Otto

A week of senior activities for the Trenton High School Class of 2021 got under way on Sunday, with the annual senior celebration being held at THS. The event included a mechanical bull, inflatable obstacle course, corn hole and “Minute to Win It” games. In the photo at left, senior boys participate in the one of the games, including, from top, clockwise, Chase Otto, Brice Gibler, Kayden Spencer and Royce Jackson, while at right, Emma Curtis takes a turn on the mechanical bull. Events continue with senior awards and baccalaureate on Wednesday, the annual trek through Rissler Elementary School and Trenton Middle School on Thursday and graduation at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday.


This is graduation week at Trenton High School and several special events will take place before the ceremony on Saturday evening. All events are open, with no tickets required. Senior awards night will be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the Performing Arts Center. Seniors should arrive by 5:45 p.m. in business casual attire. Baccalaureate will also be held Wednesday evening. The student-led event will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the First Baptist Church. The last day for the class of 2021 will be Thursday. Seniors should arrive at C.F. Russell Stadium by 9 a.m., with grad-

uation practice scheduled until 10:15 a.m. After the practice the seniors will leave for Rissler Elementary School and then return to Trenton Middle School for the traditional procession through the schools. Class members will then gather in the THS gym for a group picture, followed by individual pictures in the PAC. Graduation will be held at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at the stadium, with the facility opening at 6 p.m. for seating. All guests will enter through the main southeast gate. In the event of inclement weather, the ceremony will be moved indoors to the THS gym. A decision on whether or not to move the ceremony indoors will be made on Wednesday. While there is no limit on the number of people permitted to attend the ceremony, it will also be livestreamed on the Trenton Bulldogs Activities Channel on YouTube.

Park Board Agenda

The Trenton Park Board will meet in regular session at 5:15 p.m. Wednesday at the upper Moberly Park Shelter House. Items on the announced agenda include discussion of pool staffing and policies, reports from the pool, grounds and facilities committees and the park superintendent’s report.

Truman’s Birthday Closures

In observance of President Harry Truman’s birthday, state offices will be closed on Friday, May 7. In addition, the Grundy County Courthouse will also be closed on Friday.

Road Closure On Saturday

Main Street and Mabel Street will be closed for a while on Saturday morning and again Saturday afternoon to allow for activities related to North Central Missouri College graduation ceremonies. Main Street at Crowder Road and Mabel Street at 12th street be closed from 8:40 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. and again from 12:40 p.m. until 1:00 p.m. to allow graduates to march from Geyer Hall to the Ketcham Center for the morning and afternoon NCMC commencement ceremonies. Mabel Street at 12th will once again be blocked when each ceremony is over to allow the crowd to disperse safely out of the building. Mabel will reopen when the street is clear of pedestrians.

TMS Band Concerts

The Trenton Middle School bands will present a concert on Monday, May 10 in the Performing Arts Center. The fifth grade band will perform at 6 p.m., followed by the sixth grade band at 6:45 p.m. and the seventh and eighth grade band at 7:30 p.m. Each student will receive six tickets for guests to attend. All band students are asked to report to the band room 30 minutes before their concert.

Scouts Collecting Gym Shoes

Cub Scout Pack 23 and Boy Scout Troop 97 are continuing the tradition of organizing a community service project for the Trenton R-9 School District to collect and recycle gently used gym shoes for donation to Bright Futures Trenton. The scouts of Pack 23 will hold their “Gym Shoe Dash” on Wednesday, May 19, at Rissler Elementary, where cub scouts will visit the classrooms of their respective grades to collect gym shoes from their fellow students. Students must have their parents’ permission in order to donate their gym shoes. The shoes will then be piled in the commons area, so the kids can see the results of their efforts. Boy Scout Troop 97 will be providing collection containers at TMS. Students may donate their gym shoes the last few weeks of school, with their parent’s permission. The ladies of Wesley United Methodist Church will launder and sort the gym shoes over the summer. These shoes will then all be available to students in need of gym shoes for the 2021-2022 school year. They will be offered during the Grundy County Back to School Event 2021 hosted by Bright Futures Trenton. Permission slips will soon be sent home with students, so parents can designate if they would like their child to donate their gym shoes. For more information, please contact Mrs. Critten at Rissler Elementary, 359-2228 or

Spickard Hires Administrator

A teacher at Ridgeway has been hired to serve as the superintendent of the Spickard R-2 School District for the 2021-22 school year. According to current superintendent Dr. Kristi Weldon, Erica Eakes has accepted the position of superintendent/principal at the school, replacing Dr. Weldon, who resigned to take a different position. Ms. Eakes is currently a math teacher at Ridgeway and will begin her new duties on July 1. The Spickard board will meet in special session at 6 p.m. Wednesday, taking action on floors, ceiling fans and a lawn mower.

R-T Photo/Seth Herrold


The Trenton High School Drama Club presented “Til Death Do Us Part” Friday evening in the Trenton Performing Arts Center, with a socially-distanced but enthusiastic crowd. The play, under the direction of Drama Club Sponsor Tashyana Dowell, is an audience participation wedding mystery by Craig Sodara and gave the crowd many laughs during the evening. Those participating as a cast or crew member in the inaugural production in the PAC, with seniors denoted with a *, were Travis Gifford*, Hannah Stark*, Madison Snuffer, Jesse Ledbetter, Ronald Woods, Jaica Clark, Grayson Coon, Summer Ceradsky, Wyatt Ledbetter, Serenity Marsh, Connor Campbell, Joey Pattison, Nathan Stark, Lydia Leininger, Kayleigh Snuffer*, Shelby Williams, Neva Owens*, Jillian Voorhies, Maurissa Bonta, Michael Schultz and Carol Pattison*.

Vaccination Rates Vary Widely 37 Percent Of Missourians Have Had At Least One Dose KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Vaccination rates vary widely across Kansas and Missouri as officials work to persuade more people to get the coronavirus shots. Statistics on the vaccination campaign show some communities making good progress distributing the shots while other, often rural areas, lag behind. In Kansas, a 26-percentage point gap exists

between the county with the highest vaccination rate and the lowest. In Missouri, that gap is 33 percentage points. The disparity could lead to islands of places where new infections are limited because of vaccinations next to places that continue to see hospitalizations linked to the virus, The Kansas City Star reports. “The higher vaccinated counties will have less disease and less impact,” said Lee Norman, secretary of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. Alan Morgan, CEO of the National Rural Health Association, said there could be lingering prob-



Mostly sunny skies will settle over Trenton this week with high temperatures sitting in the mid-tohigh 60’s. Overnight lows will be in the 40’s. The high in Trenton on Thursday was 77 with Friday reaching 82 and Saturday hitting 84. The high temperature on Sunday was 82 with a low of 59. The high on Sunday at the Government Weather Station at the Barton Farm Campus was 81 with a low of 58.

The tennis courts at Trenton High School were officially named the ‘Carl Carpenter and Mike Bosley Courts’ at a ceremony on Saturday. The two long-time tennis coaches and supporters were honored at the event. SPORTS, PAGE 3

Trenton Republican-Times “News Every Day...When YOU Want It”


lems if rural and urban areas aren’t vaccinated at the same rates. “We’re a mobile society, and if you have adjacent rural towns and rural communities not vaccinated, you’re still allowing this pandemic to continue into the future,” Morgan said. Overall, 38% of all Kansans have received at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine and 37% of Missourians have received at least one dose. In both states, health officials are turning their attention to smaller clinics and personal approaches to help reach people who are hesitant to get vaccinated.


SPORTS ....................PAGE 2 & 3 R-9 PRESCHOOL...........PAGE 4 COMMUNITY ..................PAGE 5 CALENDAR .....................PAGE 5 COMICS ..........................PAGE 6 CROSSWORDS ................PAGE 7 CLASSIFIEDS ...........PAGE 8 & 9 AREA ............................PAGE 10

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