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FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2021



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Established Sept. 4, 1864 - 157th Year - No. 70


Seniors Take Final Steps In Journey

Possible Changes Coming

Graduation Set For 7:30 p.m. In THS Gym The Trenton High School Class of 2021 was challenged to transform the world around them in the message given during Wednesday night’s baccalaureate service at First Baptist Church. Jon Guthrie, a teacher and coach in the Trenton R-9 School District, was selected by the students as the speaker for the service because, as senior Jaycie Griffin said, he is an “exceptional role model” to the students and makes them “feel like they matter and that they are part of something great.” In his address, he told them about Joe Ehrmann, a former football player, coach and author of “InSideOut Coaching: How Sports Can Transform Our Lives.” Ehrmann believes there are two types of coaches: transactional and transformative, with the former focused on how much he or she can get out of a player so they can add to their own success and the latter being a coach who is focused on how to help the athlete become the best version of themselves wherever they are. Guthrie compared that philosophy with the words Paul spoke to the Romans when he told them to not be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewal of their minds so they could discern the will of God. Guthrie told the seniors the world will encourage them to make their lives about themselves, about making money, etc., but God calls us to be transformed and to transform the world around us. He spoke of three settings where the students will have the opportunity to transform the world – college, their community and their family. Guthrie encouraged the students to be involved in service organizations and Christian organizations in college, noting that the two groups that were the first to arrive to offer help to those impacted by Hurricane Katrina were church groups and college student service organizations. Guthrie also encouraged them to be involved in their communities, volunteering with those serv-

Unless a new buyer is found, the Gallatin North Missourian has announced it will cease operations on Friday, May 28, a move that will affect the Trenton Republican-Times and the Green Hills Weekly. Gallatin Publishing Company prints the Republican-Times and the Green Hills Weekly and the closing of that operation would mean a new printer would be sought for both publications. The change could result in modified deadlines and publication dates, which will be announced to our readers as soon as they become available.

R-T Photos/Ronda Lickteig

Baccalaureate was held for graduating members of the Trenton High School class of 2021 on Wednesday at the First Baptist Church. Above, senior members of Gold Rush, from left, Jordan Sullivan, Travis Gifford, Amanda Parrack, Katelyn Stevenson and Kayleigh Snuffer perform at the event. At left, Jon Guthrie delivers a message to the graduates. Graduation is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Saturday in the THS gym with overflow seating available in the performing arts center.

ice organizations and church groups as well. He also told them the importance of transforming the world through the families they will create, telling them to be loving to their spouse, be present for their children and to be a leader. He gave the example of his great-uncle Victor from Stanberry, who lived a humble life but made an impact on the world during his service as a pilot and gunner in World War II and then came back to his hometown, where he was the “go-to” person for tasks such as getting someone to a doctor’s appointment or helping with repairs at his church. While he had no children of his own, he made a difference, Guthrie said. “In all those ways he was trying to transform his community,” Guthrie said, before sharing with students the words Jesus spoke in Luke 6:43-45, “For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit, for each tree is known by it’s own fruit…The good person out of the good treasure of his heart [See GRADUATION, Page 8]

Graduation Details While the event has been moved inside to the THS gym due to the likelihood of rain, 92 students are set to graduate from Trenton High School at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday. Doors will still open at 6 p.m. All guests should plan to enter through the activities entrance on the south side of the school. There will still be no limit on the number of patrons who may attend. The Performing Arts Center will be open for patrons to view the live stream if additional seating is required. The program includes selections by the THS Concert Band, under the direction of Ethan Stewart, and THS Gold Rush, under the direction of Tyler Busick, with Superintendent Mike Stegman giving the welcome. The featured speakers will be Carly Spencer, valedictorian, and Hannah Stark, salutatorian. Principal Kasey Bailey will recognize honor graduates and Bailey, Stegman and R-9 Board President Dorothy Taul will present diplomas. Those scheduled to receive diplomas, with honor graduates denoted by an *, include Allen Michael Airey, Zachary Austin Allen, Steven Lee Archuleta, Coy Benton Lamma Bachman, Patrick Logan Behen, Cierra Nicole Bettis, Ellie Lorene Boman*, Kael Douglas Brock, Owen Lee Brown, Trinity Noelle Burks, Kayleigh Michelle Campbell, Kasen Taylor Christy, Lanie May Collins, Holly Beth Copeland, Brayden Justus Crider, Emma Lou Curtis, Noah Ferrel Curtis, Jenna Nichole Dillon, Emma Elizabeth Dodson, Morgan Ellen Dolan, Sydney Lauren Ellis, Kristi Elizabeth Ewing, Caleb Dillon Glenn Fender, Brice Scott Gibler*, Travis Gene Gifford, Lexi Kay Gott*, Skylar Brianne Gott*, Jaycie Marie Griffin*, Kidridge Hobus Griffin*, Quincy Kole Griffin, Melanie Rosaura Guerrero, Chloe Beth Harris*, Preston Blake Harris, [See DETAILS, Page 8]

Pool Facing Big Lifeguard Shortage Parks Hit Hard By Vandalism Over The Weekend

Opening day for the Trenton Family Aquatic Center is rapidly approaching and as of right now there simply aren’t enough lifeguards to have the pool open in its traditional for-


mat. The Trenton Park Board met on Wednesday night at the upper Moberly Park shelter house. The pool staffing crisis dominated much of the meeting, which lasted just under 20 minutes. As of Wednesday evening, the board had only received six lifeguard applications for the summer of 2021. That small response comes even after park superintendent David Shockley took applications to

the high school, hoping to garner interest. The board discussed several options for increasing interest in serving as a lifeguard over the summer. Suggestions to raise the base pay — lifeguards currently start at $8 an hour with a 25 cent raise for each additional year served — and paying for potential lifeguards’ training and certification were discussed, but the board ultimately made no motion on either of those options.

The board also discussed only having certain sections of the pool open on a rotation basis if they were unable to get a full staff put together by opening day. Shockley had a planned meeting with pool manager Taylor Richman, who was hired after being the only applicant for the position, on Thursday to go over potential assistant managers and advised he would talk with her about [See PARKS, Page 8]

Submitted Photo


The Missouri FFA Association recognized Kidridge Griffin of the Trenton FFA Chapter as the State Star Farmer at the 93rd Missouri FFA Convention. He is pictured with his parents, Ethan and Amanda Griffin, front row; and his advisors, back row, Kabel Oaks and Sadie Roy. The State Star Farmer is chosen based upon outstanding production agriculture in the student’s supervised agricultural experience program and active participation in FFA. Additional details can be found on page 6.

New Tower Location Drawing Backlash Commission Votes To Recommend Not Approving Site

Opposition to the location of a tower that will boost wireless coverage in Trenton resulted in the Trenton Planning and Zoning Commission voting to recommend that the city council not approve the proposed location of the tower. Gary Buster, site acquisition specialist for KGI Wireless, Inc., appeared at the meeting to discuss the request for a conditional use permit to placement of a Verizon Wireless tower on property at 212 E. Seventh St. The property is owned by Mark and Marilyn Silkwood, but they do not live at that location. They were present at the meeting but did not address the commission. Three persons spoke out in opposition to the proposed 150-foot monopole, Jon Guthrie, Dr. Paul Cox and Chris Hoffman, while it was noted that there had been five letters written to the commission in opposition. Guthrie’s main concern was safety, noting that the tower would be 80 yards from his property. Buster said Verizon has a comprehensive safety compliance plan to meet all federal safety standards. He said the radio frequency emis-



Mostly clear skies Friday night give way to a chance of rain over the weekend. High temperatures will sit in the mid-50’s to low 60’s with overnight lows in the 40’s. The high in Trenton on Monday was 67 with 1.04 inches of rain falling. Tuesday’s high was 64 and Wednesday hit 71 with a low of 43. The high on Wednesday at the Government Weather Station at the Barton Farm Campus was 69 with a low of 40.

The Trenton High School tennis team picked up a 9-0 win over Cameron on Monday. Trenton will see Cameron again at the Class 1, District 15 Tournament next week where the Bulldogs are the top-seeded team. SPORTS, PAGE 2

Trenton Republican-Times “News Every Day...When YOU Want It”


sions levels would be below the safety standards of the Federal Communications Commission and would be comparable to bluetooth devices or a baby monitor. The 5G technology, he said, is well within the federal limits and would be comparable to wifi routers, bluetooth devices, etc. Grundy County Emergency Management Director Glen Briggs told the commission and those present that federal statute prohibits local decisions on the placement of towers premised directly or indirectly on the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions, assuming that the provider is in compliance with the FCC’s radio frequency rules. Briggs also told members of the commission that he had sent some information to them about 5G technology and said there is nothing inherently unsafe about 5G technology. Dr. Cox and Hoffman, as well as Guthrie, addressed the fact that the proposed location is in a residential area. Buster said that the tower would “kink” if there was ever wind strong enough to topple it; it would not fall straight over. He said because it is under 200 feet tall, there would not be lights on it. Guthrie also questioned how placing the tower in the area would affect home values and resale. Buster said that the millennial generation would be happy to have the [See TOWER, Page 8]


SPORTS ....................PAGE 2 & 3 OP/ED ...........................PAGE 4 CALENDAR .....................PAGE 5 AGRICULTURE .........PAGE 6 & 7 LOCAL ............................PAGE 8 COMICS ..........................PAGE 9 CROSSWORDS ..............PAGE 10 CLASSIFIEDS.................PAGE 11 AREA .............................PAGE 12

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