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©2021. All Rights Reserved. Gallatin Publishing Company
May 5, 2021 UPSP 213-200 Vol. 156, No. 50
Published Since 1864 — Our Best to You Each Week!
www.NorthMissourian.com — FREE with your print subscription
County high school graduation ceremonies on tap for 81 seniors Gallatin’s graduation speaker for 2021 will be a familiar face, as he filled the same shoes in 2019! Ryan Beenken was a teacher and coach at Gallatin R-5 from 2012-2019. He will reprise his graduation message to Gallatin’s seniors at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, May 7, at the GHS Athletic Field. Mr. Beenken, 32, was born in Wesley, IA, and has lived in Iowa Falls, Jefferson and Seymour, IA. He graduated from high school at Seymour. He earned a B.S. degree in social science education from Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville. He student taught at St. Joseph Christian
Daviess County Commencement Ceremonies: Gallatin R-5......6:30 p.m. Friday, May 7, GHS Athletic Field -- 32 Graduates Pattonsburg R-2 ............2 p.m. Sunday, May 16, PHS Gym -- 15 Graduates North Daviess R-3 .......................... 6:30 p.m. Friday, May 14 -- 4 Graduates Winston R-6 ........... 7 p.m. Friday, May 21at WHS Gymnasium -- 14 Seniors Tri-County R-7 .......7 p.m. Friday, May 7 at TCHS Gymnasium -- 16 Seniors
A special salute to all graduates -- featuring photos, honors and much more -- is planned to be printed in the May 26th edition of this newspaper, sponsored by area businesses. School. Beenken began teaching at Gallatin R-5 Middle School in 2012. He taught social studies, pre-civil war American history, current events, world geography, and criminal justice and also served as an assistant var-
sity football coach and basketball coach. He served on the Gallatin Middle School Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) leadership team and was leader of the Student Recogni-
tion Group. He also served as youth pastor at the First Christian Church. In 2019, Beenken received his master’s degree in school counseling. He has been the counselor at Holden High School since leaving Gallatin. He also coaches football and basketball there. Ryan said his message will focus on how this class has the opportunity to be extremely resilient because of the last year and a quarter of their lives and what they have been through with COVID. “I’m honored to address this class (lots of good and memorable students),” says Beenken,
May 5, 2021
d friends…
Dear readers an
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Ryan Beenken with daughter, Raelynne, and wife, Dara “and I plan to keep the speech light and uplifting.” “Gallatin was my first teaching job,” he said. “The seniors may not realize what Gallatin has done for them, but they’ll miss the community.”
FFA convention ranks local students among best in state contests Competition conducted during the 93rd Convention of Missouri Future Famers of America (FFA) counts several students from Daviess County schools as among the best the state offers. The Missouri FFA has 25,662 members representing 351 chapters. Thus, Braden Lee, winning top Winston FFA awards on the statewide level is considered a significant achievement. Individuals achieving outstanding placements during this year’s competitions are Braden Lee of Winston, Lane Lane Dowell, Dowell of Galla- Gallatin FFA tin, Hailey Eads of Jamesport, Hayden Jumps of Gallatin as well as Winston dairy team members Paige Lang, Megan Christensen and Marissa Uthe. The following summarizes Hailey Eads, FFA convention Jamesport contest results. Braden Lee ranks #1 as WHS Dairy Team wins 2nd The Winston FFA Chapter placed second in the dairy foods career development event at convention. There were 24 teams in this competition. The team members include Braden Lee, Paige Lang, Megan Christensen and Marissa Uthe. Lee was named top individual, Lang placed seventh, Christensen placed 15th and Uthe placed 42nd out of 88 participants. The Winston FFA advisor is Katie Martin. The participants in the competition taste-test milk samples for flavor, identify 14 different types of cheese, and use a scoring system to test milk products according to USDA standards. (continued on page 6)