GNM 07-26-17

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July 26, 2017 UPSP 213-200 Vol. 153, No. 9

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Gallatin receives authentic historic letter from namesake City Administrator Tony Stonecypher presented Mayor Ballew a framed copy of a historic letter written by Albert Gallatin to J.D. Garesche, Esq., which was donated to the City of Gallatin by the Friendship Hill Association of New Geneva, Penn. The letter, presented during the meeting of the Gallatin Board of Aldermen held July 24, is written by Mr. Gallatin in 1823.

Mr. Gallatin was Secretary of the Treasury. In the letter, he is corresponding with J.D. Garesche, who was the acting counsel of the United States serving at La Rochelle, France. The letter has to do with difficulties arising with French custom house offices demanding the register of American vessels arriving in the ports of France. The officials wanted the actual docu-

Mayor Barb Ballew holds the document penned by Albert Gallatin

ment itself, not an authenticated copy. Mr. Gallatin tells Mr. Garesche that there can be no objection to the exhibition of the paper, as long as the officials don’t keep it. It shall be “returned and deposited in your hand according to law.” The letter is signed ‘your most obedient servant Albert Gallatin.’ Friendship Hill Association, which donated the letter, said it was discovered by the West Overton Village Museum near Scottdale, PA. West Overton was the home of 19th century industrialist, Henry Clay Frick, and in or around 1802, the location of the Old Overholt whiskey distillery. During an inventory of un-cataloged items, the original Gallatin letter was found. It has been certified as an original document and the signature authenticated. The West Overton Village Museum recognized that the letter’s subject matter and time-period more properly belonged with the Friendship Hill Association. The Association took possession of the letter and envelope. On May 1, 2016, the letter was formerly presented by the Association to the National Park Service. The Friendship Hill Association was organized in 1981. The mission of the association is to work in conjunction with and to (continued on page 10) — FREE with your print subscription

Local jury finds Coffey man guilty of molestation, rape A jury returned a verdict of guilty in a four-day trial held in Daviess County Circuit Court July 1720. Larry LeRoy Sprague, 74, Coffey, was found guilty of child molestation first degree; statutory rape first degree; and two counts of attempted statutory rape first degree. The crimes occurred between 2007 and 2013 in or around the town of Coffey, and involved a juvenile who was around six years of age at the time of the first encounter. Larry LeRoy Sprague The investigation began after the Daviess County Sheriff ’s Office received information from the Department of Social Services in May 2016. The jury began deliberations at 11:27 a.m. on July 20 and returned with the guilty verdict at 2:55 p.m. After the guilty verdict, the jury continued deliberations on sentencing at 4:25 p.m. and returned at 5 p.m. with the following recommendations: 5 years for molestation, 10 years for statutory rape, and 8 years on each of the attempted statutory rape charges. Sprague rejected a plea offer which was made by the State on the first day of the trial. The sentencing hearing was set for Sept. 13, and Judge Thomas Chapman ordered a sentence assessment report. The State was represented by Annie Gibson, Daviess County Prosecutor. Sprague was represented by Kyle Fisher and Mona Spencer, who are public defenders for the 43rd Circuit.

City to keep old water tower property Gallatin aldermen considered selling the property which was previously the site of the old water tower off the alley from the south side of the business square during its public business meeting held July 24. Though there has been some interest expressed, the city is not interested in selling the property at this time. Repairs would need to be made before it could be sold and the city has not advertised to accept bids. Public Works Director Morey stated the cost would

be approximately $8,000 to install the new valves at the water tower. Street cut permits would also need to be approved from the Missouri Department of Transportation. In other business matters, aldermen noted that the contractor has ordered materials for the cupola roof repairs and plans to start soon. The building on the northwest corner of the square has been purchased; repairs are underway. Plans for the gluten-

Wait no more for ‘Worth the Wait’

by T.L. Huffman

Worth the Wait, a paperback book written by Corey and Ivonne Norman of Gallatin is now available to purchase. Their love story really all started about 10 years before the young couple even laid eyes on one another. “When I was still in the Philippines I had started praying for my future husband,” says Ivonne. “I wanted one—only one. I didn’t want to be in a lot of relationships. I wanted to wait for the spouse God had in mind for me. I remember the times when I wrote love letters to my future spouse. I was praying for him.” Little did Ivonne know that, at the same time, Corey was praying for his future wife in America. Corey and Ivonne Norman have settled into their new assignments as lead pastor at the Gallatin First Christian Church. Having arrived in April, they already discovered favorite spots in Gallatin. “Our favorites are the Daviess County Library and Casey’s pizza,” notes Ivonne. Their book is not exactly a ‘self help’ book, not quite a ‘how to’ book. Corey says it is a ‘relationship guide.’ They began writing the book in January of this year. Both are the authors, sharing back and forth chapters about their experiences from their own perspective. The book cover reads: “Through 8,285 miles, in two continents, in three countries, in eight cities, and over almost a decade, God worked out the impossible for two people who chose to dream big with Him. Learn how Corey and Ivonne waited

for a love story authored by the greatest day, she introduced Ivonne to Corey. matchmaker of all time.” “God turned around a bad situation “God still writes amazing love stories,” and used the hurricane event so I could says Ivonne. “Pursue God first and He will meet Corey,” says Ivonne. faithfully guide you.” Corey’s and Ivonne’s friendship grew, It’s a short book (80 pages), meant but it seemed like it would be short-lived. to appeal to the quick-read millennials. Ivonne was sched“We’re not experts uled to leave for the on relationships. Middle East to be a We’ve learned missionary. But for from others and 16 days in October the book is about 2013, the federal the lessons we’ve government shut realized during down and curtailed our wait.” most routine opWhile Corey erations because was an associate legislation to appastor in Pennsylpropriate funds vania, Ivonne was for 2014 was not with her parents enacted in time. in the Middle East. Get This delayed IvoIn pursuit of her Worth the Wait, nne’s plans for a doctorate in physifrom Amazon, WestBow Press, or visa, and gave Corey cal therapy, she arthe blog site, some time to call (click bookstore at the end of the page) Ivonne’s parents in rived in America and found employthe Middle East to ment as a physical therapist in New York ask for their permission to court her. This City. Hurricane Irene hit Rockaway Park started his pursuit of Ivonne. where she was stationed. From being good friends for 18 months, “I was nervous and scared,” she says. they proceeded to a courtship. “I asked God to relocate me to a place They started dating in October, 2013, without a big body of water.” and were engaged on New Year’s Eve that She found herself being re-assigned same year. Ivonne’s parents were visiting to Meadville, Pennsylvania. As she was the U.S. for Christmas and that gave Coshopping for work scrubs, she landed in rey the opportunity to ask them face-tothe store of a lady, who attended the same face for Ivonne’s hand in marriage. church where Corey worked. The lady in“He showed my parents the ring and vited Ivonne to church and then that Sun- my dad started bawling,” says Ivonne.

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Going back to the book, the couple hopes that it will inspire married couples and older couples, too. “The lesson is to continue to pursue your spouse,” says Corey. “Don’t stop the pursuit just because you got married.” “The whole idea of the book actually started because older couples reached out to us,” says Ivonne. “Our parents prayed for us at a young age long before we met. We have several older mentors. They have been teaching us a lot about how to make a marriage work. One couple celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary this year!” In a world where more than half of the marriages end in divorce, Corey says relationship problems are as prevalent in the church as in the secular world. “The top priority is to seek God in whatever you do, submit yourself first to Him.” While Corey and Ivonne don’t claim “love at first sight” they do offer advice regarding physical attraction. “It’s certainly important,” says Corey. “But there is much beyond that. The character of the person is more important than the chemistry.” Corey says he looked to Proverbs 31 in the Bible for guidance. The proverb details the attributes of a virtuous wife. Ivonne says she found inspiration in the story of Isaac and Rebekah from Genesis 24. “A lot of people experience hurt in relationships and the book is not meant to condemn or browbeat anybody,” says Corey. “It’s about looking at what God can do. “It’s about what can happen when you dream with God,” adds Ivonne.

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