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©Viking Valley Association |

June 2021

VVA Board of Directors Monthly Meeting Call to Order Tony Gronniger, lot 2281, called the meeting to order, held in the upper level of the clubhouse at 6:30 p.m. Board Members present were: Mark Leggett, lot 72; Celeste Armanees, lot 62; Troy Lesan, lot 576; Allan Slavin, lot 181, Marvin McNabb, lot 28 and Mike Booth, lot 2380. Celeste Armanees led in prayer. Shad Mort led the Pledge of Allegiance. Troy Lesan wanted to mention that Lake Viking has lost two (2) longtime members within a couple days of each other. We lost Norma McCaulla age 94 and Jack Morris, whom both have been in our community for many, many years. Before opening the business of the regular meeting, Tony Gronniger informed the members, the Daviess County Sheriff would like to speak to the members. Sheriff Larry Adams Mark Leggett introduced the Daviess County Sheriff Larry Adams. The Sheriff wanted to share what his office does and their capabilities and what resources they provide. Daviess County has 1 Sgt., 4 road Deputies, 1 Courthouse Security Officer and 2 Office Administrators. Some of the Sheriff’s Office duties include maintaining the Sex Offender Registry, Court Security and Court operations. We have the only Regional Jail in the state, which we are partners with Dekalb County. We have the capacity to house 200 prisoners and at this time we have 126 in our jail. There are 24 sex offenders in Daviess County. The Sheriff’s Office also does civil paper service, take calls for service, and their own investigations. Daviess County does work closely with the Missouri Highway Patrol to give our citizens the best service they can get. Larry commented that Lake Viking Safety does a great job and he has

Next VVA Board Meeting:

Sunday, July 11, 2021 @ 6:30PM at lower level of the clubhouse.



talked with Jason McTheeney to let him know the Sheriff’s Office is here to help with whatever they can to keep our residents safe. Daviess County has updated their traffic enforcement equipment and their investigative equipment and utilizing training to get our Deputies as top notch as we can. Larry’s goal as Sheriff is to be able to open up to every community in Daviess County, which covers approximately 600 square miles. If you see weird traffic, weird people or anything like that we would want you to call our office, even if it is anonymous. We want to be proactive when possible and get out in front of these things by investigating early and hope to solve the problem. Larry opened the floor for questions. Robert Walton asked if when 911 is called, is that the Sheriff’s office. Larry responded that calling 911 the call goes to Daviess County Central. Daviess County Central will then page out the necessary aid for what the situation calls for, whether it be police, fire or EMS. Resa Wiltse is concerned about the beach areas and kids drinking and trespassing on Lake Viking property. She asked Larry who she should call when she sees things happening like this. Larry responded if it looks like someone is hurt, call 911. Larry went on to say if you see a criminal act or someone breaking the law call the Sheriff’s Office. If you see things, you know are infractions of the lake rules you should call the Safety Dept, but if someone in a public area is breaking laws or acting suspicious then call the Sheriff’s Office. Someone asked about the shifts the Deputies work. Larry said they have two (2) full time shifts, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., 4:30 p.m. – 12:00 (midnight) and from midnight to 8:00 a.m. is a call out situation. Troy Lesan brought up trespassing at the lake is a huge problem here. He asked Larry if we could get a license plate of someone who is engaged in a flagrant act of trespassing what can the Sheriff’s Office do? Larry said if you can get a li-

All members in good standing are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you want on the agenda, you must notify the office on or before the Monday prior to the board meeting.

cense plate without having to engage anyone, then call it in to the Sheriff and it is their job to track that person down and do a criminal interview and investigate. Troy went on to say our biggest trespassing issue is illegal dumping. Marvin McNabb commented we are putting up surveillance cameras and Larry said that would be a slam dunk for prosecution. Mark Leggett thanked Sheriff Adams for coming to this meeting. The Sheriff and our Safety Coordinator, Jason McTheeney are working closely to help educate our members. Two of the challenges we have asked Jason to work with the Sheriff on are speeding on our roads and late night boating. The Sheriff and his staff could be a great benefit to help in solving some of our issues. Tony Gronniger opened the meeting with the Vision/Mission Statement: “Lake Viking is a private lake aspiring to preserve our community and environment for future generations.” “Our informed members are the strength of our community.”

Volume 35, No. 2

June 13, 2021 Approval of Minutes Mark Leggett moved to approve the minutes of the May 9, 2021 Board meeting. Celeste Armanees seconded; motion passed. Finance Committee In reviewing Financial Statements, income line items are up from this time last year with notable increases in collections and building permit fees. Expense items are running the same if you take away the capital gains tax, we paid this year. The Capital Expense item of $20,000 for Safety Boat dock has fallen off due to an agreement that we have made with Lake Viking Marine for an annual rental of one of their docks which we feel will be a much more secure area for our new Safety Boat. The rental will be charged to the Safety Expense line item. Meanwhile the Capital Expense amount will be absorbed by expenditures approved at last month’s meeting for [Continued on Page 4]

July 3rd

day, r u t a S

Fireworks Display on 9:30 thep.m. lake!

Mark your calendars and join us for the big day!

Bring Your Lawn Chairs To One of the Best Fireworks Displays in the Region!

Please Note: To ensure safety for all, the road at the top of the hill next to the clubhouse will be closed at 8 p.m.; Beach #1, the pool and the lawn area will be evacuated and no boats will be allowed within 700 feet of the shore at Beach #1 and the clubhouse area.

Great Fireworks & Fun for the whole family!



June 2021


Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

Lake Viking News


| Nadine Parmenter | 816-390-7938 | 816-233-5200 Glenda Ide, Broker

3827 Beck Rd, Saint Joseph MO

New Listing 732 Lake Viking Terrace: Welcome to South Point! This is Lake Viking at it’s BEST! GATHER, ENTERTAIN, OR RELAX HERE! 2 Lofts. Breezeway upon entrance that separates the main house and the Annex; which can be served as the Main Floor Master or Guest Suite. Renovated Kitchen open to the Great Room and Dining Area. $950,000

117 Whitecap Dr: Ranch style close to marina, clubhouse, pool & many amenities. 3 BRs, 1 1/2 baths, open kitchen concept, w/ newer epoxy countertops. Countertop cook-top & built in oven. Eat in breakfast nook & open dinning area w/ large LR. Laundry just off kitchen next to half bath. Full bath located close to all BRs. #2241060 $218,500

Call Nadine 816-390-7938



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Welcome Back We need listings!



Lot 2461: Lake Viking Terrace. #2307716 $11,500 | Lot 2462: Lake Viking Terrace. #2307758 $11,500 Lots 2461 & 2462 can be sold together or separate. $11,500 or together $22,000 | Lot 3106: Lake Viking Terrace $19,500



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local KEEPIN' IT

See details online:


Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

June 2021

Lake Viking News


VVA Safety Enforcement Contacts May 2021

Safety Officers Issued 12 Infraction Notices during the month of May 2021 Infrac�ons are as follows: Failure to maintain trash in a sealable container – 2; Movement Conflic�ng – 1; Unauthorized Watercra� – 1; Life preserver viola�on – 1; Property Damage – 1; Allowed Dog to Roam – 1; Failure to Maintain Dumpster – 1; Lot Maintenance Viola�on – 1; Failure to Maintain Silt Fence – 1; Li�ering – 1; Interfere with Officer – 1. Safety Officers issued 21 Warnings in May 2021.

Submitted by Mike Booth

Know Your Numbers… When it comes to planning our Party Guest List we all follow the rule of “the more the merrier.” However, that saying doesn’t necessarily apply when it comes to boating. All boats should have a Capacity Plate located near the steering area or helm. If your boat does not provide that info, you can calculate the number of people you can safely carry using this equation … Number of People = Vessel Length x Vessel Width ÷ 15 Remember, the maximum person capacity is a guideline that needs to be adjusted based on the average weight of your passengers (150 lbs.) and other supplies you are taking on board. The Maximum Gross Load is the total weight your boat can handle—including people, equipment, fuel, engine assembly and steering controls.

They are as follows: Movement Conflic�ng – 4; Unauthorized Watercra� -3; Noxious or Offensive Behavior – 2; Sharing of Marina Gate Card – 2; Failure to Display Orange Flag – 2; Failure to Chain and Lock Private Boat Ramp-2; Loose Pet in Campground – 1; Unauthorized Use of Dumpster – 1; Failure to Maintain Silt Fence – 1; Failure to Maintain Trash in a Sealable Container – 1; Careless and Imprudent Driving – 1; Storing Boat without Current Year S�cker – 1. $2,400 in fines assessed with a $400 fine for Dumping Without Permit and $500 for Un-authorized Boat on the Lake.

Lake Viking News

Lake Viking News is published monthly by Viking Valley Association, located in Gallatin, Missouri. Application to mail at periodical postage prices is pending at Gallatin, Missouri. Approximately half of the Lake Viking News is subsidized by member dues and the other half is paid for by advertising. Lake Viking News shall serve as the official source of information and communication to all its members including notice of meetings, rules, by-law changes, Board and Committee actions and any other pertinent subject matter related to the functions and responsibilities of Viking Valley Association. Postmaster send change of address forms to the office of publication: Lake Viking News 144 East Main Street, Gallatin MO 64640


June 2021

Lake Viking News

VVA March Board Meeting

Also covered at the Finance Committee was the recent and unexpected development with Lake Viking News which I will also go over in this report to membership. Last month’s sudden announcement by Gallatin Publishing that they will suspend operations on June 1 took everyone by surprise. Basically, it meant that we would suddenly be without the newspaper and the LakeVikingMo website. When Tony read part of our Mission Statement earlier, he noted the point about informed members being the strength of our community. The loss of the newspaper and website jeopardizes this goal, and it would have been a monumental task to recreate substitutes. At this time, I want to personally thank Mark Leggett. While most of us, myself included, were ringing our hands over what to do, Mark sat down with Jill Steward, our Gallatin Publishing contact, and crafted an agreement whereby we could keep these two fundamental aspects of our communications intact. Briefly the agreement calls an $1,000 a month payment for three years as an outright purchase as well a $2,000 a month fee for 90 days where Jill, will oversee the transition after which time a GPC employee, who is both ready and willing, will go to work for us on a part-time basis to continue the operation. This sounds like a lot of money, but please realize that the Lake Viking News takes in around $50,000 a year in advertising which will become our revenue. Even with the significant upfront costs, we are told that we will still net $1,000 a month with more coming in when those costs fall off. I’d like to add that when news of the closure of Gallatin Publishing broke, our office received several calls from concerned parties most of whom were advertisers who were very concerned that they would lose the exposure they receive from Lake Viking New. The Association did not actively seek this publishing endeavor but now that it has fallen into our lap every indication is that we can make it work to our advantage while keeping the same level of information going out to members. Starting next month there will need to be two new line items on our Financial Statements – one for Publishing expense and one for publishing income which we believe will be the greater of the two. Committee Reports: Strategic Planning Committee Tony Gronniger commented a meeting is being scheduled. There will be a report of this years Board goals at




JULY 11,


[continued from page 1]

three security cameras as well as other Board Approved improvements in technology including a new computer and software for Quickbooks to be used when we begin to outsource our Financial Statements. Marvin will elaborate on this later.


Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

next months’ Board Meeting.

Campground Committee

Activities Committee

Mike Booth reported the Committee met over Memorial weekend. They elected Officers for their Committee. Mary Hibler was chosen as Chairperson; Mike Booth is Vice-chair and Flint Hibler to serve on the Finance Committee. The new spots are up and running and the planned internet service is being installed in Campground 1. They are looking into internet in Campground 2 also.

Celeste Armanees reported on last weekend’s 5th Annual Poker Run. There was a record number of 325 people participating. Celeste thanked the Activities for all the fun and they had another safe and successful activity. June 26 will be a patio party with a live band, Now and Then and on July 3 will be the Boat Parade which is being hosted by the Yacht Club. The Activities Committee will be providing prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Building Committee


Marvin McNabb reported the Committee reviewed 15 permits in May with 2 of those being houses. Fire Department

Tony Gronniger said the Fire Department will be participating in the July 3 activities. They will be set up around noon.




Lake Committee

Lake Committee Members did roadside inspections this month and noted several non-compliance issue. Letters and emails continue to go out and we have received several communications from members who intend on correcting shoreline rip rap and other issues.

[Continued on Page 5]

We are the closest storage units to the lake with managers that live on site and 24 hour surveillance.

WILSON FAMILY STORAGE FENCED-IN PROPERTY Hwy. 6, Altamont, MO Large Units 12x30 11x26

Motor Homes Trailers, Boats


Handbook Committee – No Report

Medium Units 10x20 10x10

Small Units 6x10 8x10

Wilson Family


We have a brand new building with 10 11x26 units ... perfect for Boats, RVs or Car Storage!


June 2021

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

VVA March Board Meeting

[continued from page 4]

Infraction Committee/Safety Allan Slavin gave the report for May infractions. There were 12 infraction notices issued and 21 warnings. The Committee reviewed 19 violations. There were 2 infractions dismissed and 17 upheld. The bulk of the infractions were minor for trash and dogs roaming, but there were 2 infractions received $400 and $500 fines for building without a permit and an unauthorized boat on the lake, respectively. Dredge Committee Shawn Hepinstall reported on dredge operations: We are moving forward with our contract of the south end project. We have a verbal agreement with them at this point, with Board approval. We will be doing this in 2 phases with the first phase cleaning out the existing silt basin and rebuilding the berms. The second phase would be installing the drain systems. Potential starting time will be the first week of July. We will have to build a temporary road off of 165th street. Shawn and Shad walked the 3 tubes area and we will need to cut and drain the existing basins in that area. Shawn has had inquiries from members about moving docks to dredge. We will move docks from a safety standpoint, but we will not move docks to clean out under them. If a member needs dredging done under their dock they will have to hire for that to done on their own. Shawn asked the Board about accepting the policy he presented to them last month. The Dredge Committee would like to have this policy on record. Mark Leggett asked about signage for the dredge ponds from a safety standpoint. Shawn replied they are working on this. Lake Manager Report (Shad Mort) 1. Trash contract: The new trash company will be bringing in his dumpsters early so we can have a smooth transition. There will be a trash truck left on sight. 2. Road work: We will be patching the next few weeks with asphalt. We plan on putting down 500 – 600 tons of mix so we will be ready for the chip and seal process. The goal is to be ready to chip and seal sometime early September. 3. Tube replacement: We have 2 tube replacements to do. There is a very large one to be replaced at the shipyard and the 2nd one is in the campground 1 area. 4. Fireworks: We are ready for the July 3 fireworks. This will be the last year for the shooter we have had for the last 10 – 12 years. 5. A new maintenance worker was hired last week to replace Riley Blades. His name is Shadow Phillips. We look to hire one more very soon. 6. The new Handbooks are available in the Office. Financials Troy Lesan moved to approve the financial reports. Mark Leggett seconded; motion passed. Guest Time: 1. Carolyn Leeper asked the Board aboutewspending the N ng balance of the clubhouse renovation fund. Listi They have $2030 leftover and they would like to buy blinds for the downstairs and do some painting. They would also like to

E - This farm es with 194.03 and acres there led in CRP thru ent of $28,407. hunting timber, op and gravel ounty. #1264X


Lake Viking News

buy some round tables for upstairs. The Board gave their approval to make these purchases. 2. Joe Jacobson addressed the Board about a variance to extend his new dock more than 41 feet (existing length) out from shore. The Building Committee said the building file shows a 38-foot length, so sometime over the years someone moved it out to 41 without a permit. The Building Committee recommended he try to dig out first. The Board asked Joe for more information before they can make a decision on letting the dock go out farther.

Emergency Phone Numbers * DAVIESS COUNTY EMERGENCY . . . . . . . . . . . 911 Ambulance - Fire - Rescue * Fire - Lake Viking Fire Dept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911 To Report Fire Only * Lake Viking Safety Patrol . . . . . . . . . . 660-663-2204 * Sheriff, Daviess Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660-663-2031 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or 663-2149 * Highway Patrol (Emergencies) . . . 1-800-525-5555

Board Discussions 1. Gallatin Publishing: Mark Leggett moved to go forward with the Letter of Intent with Gallatin Publishing to purchase the Lake Viking News. Troy Lesan seconded; motion passed. 2. Finance RFP: Marvin McNabb informed the Board he has purchased a computer system and a technical person scheduled the 18th to set this up. 3. Cameras: Marvin McNabb reported the new camera has been installed at the new safety boat dock and the maintenance cameras should be installed in the next week. Marvin McNabb moved to change the proposal for cameras at beach 2 from 2 cameras to 4 cameras. Mark Leggett seconded; motion passed. Marvin also said some of the cameras at beach 2 will need to have internet access. With internet Safety will be able to watch live feed from their office and it will also be recorded.


Important Phone Numbers * Association Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660-322-9001 * Maintenance Barn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660-663-2777 * Public Water Supply District #3 of Daviess County (Water Plant) . . . . 660-663-2771 Roger Barker (Emergency after hours) 660-334-0100 * Lake Viking Marine, Inc., Lot #1000 . . 660-663-3722 * Lake Viking Sales Office, Lot #Z-9 . . . 660-663-2134 * Farmers Electric Co-op., Inc. During business hours . . . . . . . . . 1-800-279-0496 After Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-927-5334

4. Dumpster fence proposal: Marvin McNabb proposed removing the small dumpsters at maintenance and build a fence around the roll offs. This would be an 8’ fence with barbed wire across the top and gates to be opened at controlled times. After a short discussion there was no motion made at this time.

* Advanced Disposal Services, Inc . 1-800-346-6844

5. Technology: Marvin McNabb addressed the Board about the need for more upgrades in the Office due to taking over the Lake Viking News and the QuickBooks installation. Marvin has already purchased a computer for the QuickBooks outsourcing project. We will also need a computer for the Lake Viking News. Mark Leggett moved to set a $5000 budget for these upgrades. Celeste Armanees seconded; motion passed.

Repair Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-782-6206

Adjourn: Mark Leggett moved to adjourn to Executive Session, to discuss personnel and Board organizational matters at 7:55 p.m. Allan Slavin seconded; motion passed. Attendance: Larry Adams, Daviess County Sheriff; Flint & Mary Hibler, Mark & Stephanie Closterman, Robert & Vikki Walton, Shawn & Paula Hepinstall, Jerry Goehring, Doug & Resa Wiltse, Robert Hayes, Sue Wolfe, Randall Davidson, Don & Carolyn Leeper, Jeff & Janet Yuratovich, Levi McClure, Jim & Ramona Miller, Shad Mort (Lake Manager), Sally Zerbe (Office). Let the record show that these minutes are a record of the business transacted at this meeting and a sampling of the discussions. Comments and discussions are not reflected in whole or as actual quotations in the minutes, nor do they reflect all comments by members.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or 1-800-778-7652 * Windstream Telephone Company Customer Service (Residential) . . 1-800-347-1991

Stay Safe… Big Changes are Coming… A�er several years of hard work and planning, the South End silt pond project is about to take off. Keep in mind that while the silt pond might look like a great place to ride your ATV or explore, it actually is a very dangerous area. This deep pond holds loose, lightweight materials that share the same characteris�cs as quicksand. So, whether inside or outside of the silt pond berms, remember NO MOTORCYLCES, NO ATVs, NO BIKING, NO HIKING

Respectfully submitted, Celeste Armanees, Secretary VVA Board of Directors New Price

New Listin g


New Listing

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Landmark Realty

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New g n Listi



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New g n Listi

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New g n Listi

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New Listing

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Airstrip lot! An opportunity like this is hard to come by! This .64 acre airstrip lot is located at Lake Viking with easy access to the private paved 3000-ft. landing strip. You can build your dream hangar, hanger house, or put up a storage building to store your camper, boat, etc. Fly in for the weekend to take advantage of this friendly, uncrowded area, offering natural beauty plus lots of outdoor recreation with access to the campgrounds, beaches and swimming pool and a boat launch nearby. One of the few level lots left on the air strip for actual hanger use. It is a Great location with easy access to I-35.$54,900 #1295

N Li

June 2021


Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

Lake Viking News

Local Veterans a�ending the Memorial Day Service at the Lake Viking Church.

Obituaries Norma McCaulla 1926-2021 - age 94 of Gallatin, MO passed away Saturday morning, June 12th, 2021 at her home. Norma was born on August 25th, 1926. She was the daughter of Willis and Ina (Barnhart) McCaulla in Independence, MO. During the recent Memorial Day Service, Lake Viking She attended Mt. Washington and Church had a brother/sister honor guard to present the colAlton grade schools and William ors. (L) Morgan Taylor, Na�onal Guard & (R) Collin Taylor Chrisman Junior and Senior High School. Norma was Army Reserve. The proud parents of Morgan and Collin are known for her creativity even as a child and enjoyed art Mark and Kacey Taylor. club, sewing club and cheerleading. Norma served as the president of the Daughter’s of the VFW Post 1700 and was a life member of the Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW Post# 4242 in Raytown. She lived in Independence, MO until 1970, when she moved to Lake Viking. Norma worked for Prudential Life Insurance Company for 35 years, until she retired in 1982. Norma and her parents moved to Lake Viking in 1970 and built one of the first houses on the lake. She was a charter member of Lake Viking Church. She cared a lot about people and was a very loyal person.

Norma had an ironclad memory and could recall conversations she’d had fifty, sixty, or even seventy years ago. As a school-girl in Independence, she recalled the school kids tagging along behind Harry Truman as he walked about in the city when he was a County Commissioner. Norma’s [Continued on Page 14 ] yard was very impor-

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Norma was an animal lover and a cat aficionado. Her house was full of cat statuettes; she had cat images on her pajamas, on sweaters, on socks, and cat refrigerator magnets. Cats were often on the many greeting cards she sent. She had owned many cats. Her most recent “Blackie” was one of her favorites . . . and anyone who went on an errand to buy cat-food needed to know that Blackie would only eat “Patee.” Norma was a devoted friend. Prior to their passing, Norma and the “four musketeers” (Ina, Lucille and Ruth) were very active in everything. The people who knew her often said she was young at heart. She liked to ‘play’ and laugh often.

May 2021

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Lake Viking News June 2021


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June 2021

Lake Viking News

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

June 2021

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001





NEW LISTING! 3 bed 2 bath, close to Beach 3 #MH69 $99,000










REDUCED! Beautiful lake home in prime water! #10123 $735,000



SOLD! 2 bed, 2 full bath. Excellent location close to dam. #10690 $550,000


NEW LISTING! 3 bed 2 bath, 1+ acres on 2 lots! #131062 & 2056 $273,00



SOLD! 4 beds, 3.5 bath overlooking the lake #1081 $500,000



NEW LISTING! Waterfront home with adjoining lake lot on main channel. #10688 & 689 $1,200,000




NEW LISTING! Waterfront, 4 bed 3 bath, 83 ft. shoreline #10595 $859,000


NEW LISTING! Lakers Dream can come true on this Lot. #10350 $350,000


Lake Viking News


SOLD! 2 beds, 2 bath covered boat dock, 117 ft of shoreline #10425 $449,000

Tier Lots For Sale #1741.....................................$1,500 SOLD #1101...................................... $2,500 NEW #2154......................................$2,500 U.C. #1828......................................$3,000 NEW #2396....................................... $3,000 U.C. #1086......................................$5,500 U.C

#1631....................................$5,500 SOLD #2673...........................................$7,500 #2405 & 2406..................................$9,500 #1708.............................$12,000 Reduced #1073......................................$12,500 U.C. #1578...............................................$12,500

#2417...............................................$12,500 #2419 & 2420................................$12,500 #2440..............................................$12,500 #2689............................................$12,500 #2385...........................................$12,500 #2438........................................$12,500

#1555...................................$18,500 SOLD #1598 & 1599.....................$20,000 NEW #1843............................................$22,500 #1844............................................$22,500 #S-129 Airstrip lot...........$53,000 SOLD


Lake Viking News June 2021

For Sale BASE ROCK, BLACK DIRT AND fill dirt. CRP clean-up, brush removal, & have a bucket truck for trimming trees (insured). Huston Trucking & Construction, 660-663-3234 or 660-334-0997

Services SEAMLESS GUTTERING, A-1 Leaf Guard, CHI Overhead Door, LiftMaster-Chamberlain Operator Sales, Installation & Service. Call for free estimate. Serving you since 2006! Miller Construction, Jamesport, MO 660-6846950. KELLY B’S Trees, prompt professional pruning, reasonably priced removals, complicated/ technical removal done regularly. Please call 816-632-7077 or 816-288-2002.

Midwest Mini Barns

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001


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Lake Viking News

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Beautiful Lake Viking ... Lake Living the Better Way!


Lake Viking iking News A Monthly Newsletter for Lake Viking iking lot owners produced by the Viking Valley Association

To o get your ad message in the next edition, email or call 660-663-2154.

Next Advertising Deadline:

July 12, 2021


June 2021

Lake Viking News

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

Lake Viking Bass Fishing Tournament

August 14, 2021 • 5:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Entry Free: $100/Boat • Up to 3 people/boat (ONE must be LV Member) Based on weight of top 5 • “Live” fish ONLY • 15 inch MINIMUM Length Fish released at weigh in!

Prizes for first, second, & third place!

QUESTIONS: CONTACT BRET BUSH (816) 564.7127 • SPONSORED BY THE LV ACTIVITY COMMITTEE Registration at Lake Viking Office • Form & fee due at time of registration NAME(S):


Notice from Affordable Disposal Affordable Disposal Service LLC will provide trash removal for a contracted 3 years to renew for two (2) 1 year periods, for a total or five (5) years. 2. Part time homes (387) will be $15.25 a month for April 1 thru September 30 for $35,410.50 and full time homes (189) will be $15.25 a month for all 12 months of the year for $34,587.00. After one year will ask the board for an increase to $17.25 per month for years 2023 & 2024. 3. Affordable will provide all labor, trucks, and equipment used for trash removal. 4. Affordable will be responsible for billing and collection of all ums due from association members. Association will provide a list of members' names and addresses. 5. Affordable will provide trash removal one (1) time per week Mondays unless a holiday, Tuesdays. 6. Affordable will provide the Association with a certificate of adequate liability insurance. 7. Contractor assumes responsibility as being an independent Contractor and holds the Association harmless of claim due to injury or damages resulting from their services provided to the Association. 8. In the event Affordable fails to fulfill this agreement in any way, the Association will have the right to give 30 days written notice to terminate the agreement. 9. Contractor will provide a dedicated phone number and/or email for members to contact. In addition to residential trash removal, Affordable will provide 8 dumpsters for locations designated by the Association. Affordable will have trash trust on-site during the contract period. dumpster will be a 6 cubic yard and will be dumped no less than one time per week and twice if needed. 2 possibly 3 roll off dumpsters will be available at any given time for $29,520.00 a year. 3- 30 yard rolloff x 12 months x $280.00 = $10,080.00 3- rolloffs x 12 months x 4 ton x $45.00 = $6,480.00 6- 6 yard x 12 months x $180.00 = $12,960.00 5 bag limit on curbside pick-up! The following will not be picked up at Association Dumpsters: mattresses, furniture, and appliances. Association Members wishing to dispose of these items my call the Affordable Disposal office and make arrangements to have these items picked up at residences for a nominal charge of $40. Affordable Disposal phone # 816 271-8933 (cell) 816 271-3090 Any VVA member leaving these items at Association Dumpsters will receive an infraction! Association Members might want to make sure automatic debit with old trash provider is cancelled.




June 2021

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

Lake Viking News 2021 Lake Viking Poker Run


By Troy Lesan

This goodie basket was one of many prizes given away at numerous drawings.

It seems like when wri�ng about Associa�on Ac�vi�es Commi�ee Events, superla�ves are becoming a regular thing. Terms like “huge turnout” and “bigger and be�er than ever” are o�en used. As for the 2021 Fi�h Annual Lake Viking Poker Run, the superla�ves are once again applicable. The Poker Run has become one of the most popular events of the year, and this year’s edi�on was by far the “biggest yet” with 315 entries. With close to 100 more entries on Saturday morning right before the start, it got to the point where Ac�vi�es Commi�ee volunteers, who usually me�culously plan for everything, were running out of maps and other things. Likewise the helpers at the various sta�on were really kept hopping.

The five sta�ons where par�cipants drew a card were at South Big Creek, Beach 2, Beach 3, Campground 1, and the Five Pines area at the very southwest corner of the Lake Viking Property. The good turnout translated into a lot of drawing �ckets sold by the Ac�vi�es Commi�ee. By the �me the day was done, over a $1,000 had been accumulated for the 50/50 drawing. The lucky winner of that drawing was Nancy Walsh a weekend guest of Ellen Dors. There were also cash winners for best poker hands and other drawings. Thanks again to the Ac�vi�es Commi�ee and their many volunteers for the hard work. The line-up of ac�vi�es they have organized, during the past few years is extraordinary. I know – another superla�ve.

A BIG thanks to our sponsors!

The clubhouse was a crowded place during the start and finish of the Poker Run.

A&E Builders Adkison Electric American Family Insurance BTC Bank - Gallatin Burkhead & Associates Dane Worrell Construction Daviess County Land & Title Deluxe Dock Installation Diva of DIY, LLC Dungy’s Market Elbert’s Frost Automotive Gallatin Lumber Grand River HVAC Grand River Title Hillcrest Manor - Hamilton Homestead Graphics Lake Viking Marina Lake Viking Sales My Hunny’s Kitchen ODette Enterprises, LLC Price and Johnson Insurance Reece Nichols - Nadine Parmenter

Riley Plumbing Rob’s Cycle South Big Creek Ranch ATV Park Tadlock State Farm Insurance Terry Implement Toney Drywall Viking Dirtworks Wall Street Station

Mike and Stacie Toney find a nice spot under a shade tree.

Ward Roofing & Construction

A crowd gathered at Beach Two.

Kim Spidle


Financial Advisor 117 East Third Street Cameron, MO 64429 816-632-2165

Member SIPC

Whitney Roofing Will Salmon Excavating, LLC

June 2021

Lake Viking News 14 Almost everything...

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001 Viking Valley Association Office Address: 144 E. Main, Gallatin, MO 64640 Office Hours: April 1 - Labor Day Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Day after Labor Day - March 31 Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

you need to know about Lake Viking Lake Viking 2021 Boards & Committees

Activities Committee Mary Hibler (Chairperson), Dustin Hibler, David Hibler, Gail Bush, Resa Wiltse, Janet Hillman, Leanne Lee, Janet Yuratovich, Celeste Armanees (Board Contact), Dan & Connie Weidmaier

Board of Directors

President, Tony Gronniger; 1st Vice President, Mark Leggett; 2nd Vice President, Mike Booth; Secretary, Celeste Armanees; Assistant Secretary, Allan Slavin; Treasurer, Troy Lesan; Assistant Treasurer, Marvin McNabb. Viking Valley Association Board of Directors Meetings are held the second Sunday of each month, at 6:30 p.m. in the lower level of the clubhouse. All members in good standing are welcome to attend.

Building Committee

Marvin McNabb (Board Contact), Doug Wiltse, Jim Miller, Flint Hibler, Matt Hibler. Building Committee Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at the Association office. Building permits are required to be approved by the Building Committee prior to the start of any construction as stated in the Covenants, Restrictions, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Viking Valley Association.

Campground Committee

Mary Hibler (Chairperson), Mike Wolfe, Kathy Price, Charles Sudduth, James Funk, Mike Booth (Board Contact)

Community Strategic Planning

Kenny Southwick (Chairman), Tony Gronniger (Board Contact), Shawn Hepinstall, Paula Hepinstall, Dennis Schlaiss, Lana Southwick, Kim Spidle, Carolyn Leeper, Terry Nibarger, Sue Wolf, Brad Trenkle, Don Leeper, Susan Zalenski (Member), Anthony Dirks

Dredge Committee

Paula Hepinstall, Robert Hayes, Brett Bush, Shad Mort, Rick Roberts, Shawn Hepinstall (Chairman), Mark Leggett (Board Contact)

Employee Board Contact

Please self-mow your lot or hire a contract mower to do it for you. All contract mowers are required to submit a customer list to the Association office. If you are not on their initial list, you may be accidentally billed by the Association, so please contact your mower early. The below listed mowers have registered with the Association office and can usually be reached in the evening. There may be other mowers who advertise in the Lake Viking News.

Contract Mowers Can Save You Money Eric Critten .................................................................. 660-663-9122 Randy Gatton ............................................................... 660-663-9348 Mark Hoig ......................................... 816-716-1896 or 660-663-4244 Jim Miller .............................................816-520-3280 Gary Salmon .......................................660-663-9363 Lyle Hoover .........................................816-244-0752 The Lawn Rangers..............................214-577-7223

Please Keep Control of Your Dogs Dogs are not allowed off the member’s property and shall be contained by a fenced enclosure or controlled by a leash. Guests’ dogs are included. Violation of this rule may be subject to an Infraction Ticket issued to the property owner.

Building Permit Notice Building Permits are required, but not limited to the following projects: fences, storage shed, shelters, decks, boat docks, boat houses, room additions, porches and any alteration of the roof line; and any other construction that requires large earth moving equipment, concrete trucks and other equipment that requires multiple axle trailers. Failure to comply with building regulations could result in a minimum fine of $500 and loss of lake privileges. Any construction not in compliance with these regulations could result in forced relocation of the structure.

Watch When & Where You Burn!

Mark Leggett

Finance Committee Mike Krehbiel (Committee Member), Donna Archibald, Shad Mort, Sally Zerbe, Len Zalenski, John Kmetz (Chairman), Lyle Alexander, Missy Leggett, Flint Hibler, Marvin McNabb, Celeste Armanees, Troy Lesan (Board Contact)

Handbook Committee

Anytime you are burning brush, etc., on your lot, make certain you are burning on your lot and not someone else’s property. Unattended burning is prohibited and burning is not allowed when winds are in excess of 15 mph and shall be subject to an Infraction Ticket and fine.

Member Reminders • Helmets are required to be worn when operating a motorcycle within the Lake Viking Subdivision.

Donna Archibald (Chair), Mary Miller, Kyle Parkhurst, Kim Spidle, Terri Schlaiss, Celeste Armanees (Board Contact)


James Funk (Chairman), Allan Slavin (Board Contact), Carl Butcher, Bob Clemens, Jim Gibbany, Kyle Loehnig, Ed White, Bob Shinogle

• Goose population control is hard to manage... The first step in this process is DO NOT FEED THE GEESE!


[continued from page 6]

tant to her, and she loved working Norma McCaulla- in it and tending to Shirley Leakey, Don Leeper, Carolyn Leeper, Bo Steed, Mike Krehbiel, Sherry Krehbiel, Eric Odette, her flowers. Even in her nineties, Norma could often be seen working in her yard Robert Walton, Troy Lesan (Board Contact) in bare feet, and in summer months she Special Road District often worked until dark. While she often Mark Leggett, Ron Spidle, Troy Knight went barefoot in her yard, Norma was alVolunteer Fire Department ways stylishly dressed when out in public, and she often received complements, Rusty Hendricks, Gary King, Tony Gronniger, Dennis Schlaiss, Riley Blades, Luke Threlkeld, Len even from complete strangers, on her apZalenski, Mark White, Mark Closterman, Anthony Dirks. Mike Booth (Board Contact). pearance. Norma was the longest tenured Fire Department meetings are held the 2nd Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. at the firehouse in the member of Lake Viking. She was proud of association main parking lot. If you have the interest and the time to serve your community, be sure to attend the next meeting. the fact that she had been to every Annual Membership Meeting – except for two – Public Water Supply Dist. #3 in Lake Viking’s History. She recalled that Kyle W. Parkhurst, President, term expires 4/2023 - Sub-District #3; Troy Lesan, Vice President, term in the early days, when the Annual meetexpires 4/2021 - Sub-District #2; Jeffrey Speaker, secretary, term expires 4/2022 - Sub-District #4; Mark ings only had a handful of attendees, the White term expires 4/2021 - Sub-District #1; Harlan Horst, term expires 4/2023 - Sub-District #5; Roger Barker, Superintendent; Gary King, Water Operator; Diane Hulett, Clerk. Board meetings are held on the Lake Manager would buy a box of donuts for refreshments. In later years, when hun3rd Tuesday of each month at 4 pm at PWSD No 3 office. dreds attended, Norma would head up the Office Hours: 8am-4pm • Monday thru Friday. Lake Viking Church ladies who provided All payments for metered water bills are to be made payable to Public Water Supply District No. 3 cookies and coffee for the large meetings. of Daviess County, Missouri. You may abbreviate as PWSD #3. If you have any questions, contact the PWSD No. 3 office, 116 Waterworks Dr., Gallatin, Mo. 64640 (located at the water plant). Phone She did this until she was 93. Norma had a servant heart and her relationship with 660-663-2771. Jesus was reflected in everything she did. Online payments can be made at She will be dearly missed by her family, her church family and her many friends. For the convenience of customers of Public Water Supply District No. 3, a drop box is available at the

Lake Committee

front door of the office located at the water plant for the payment of water bills. Payments received after 4 p.m. in the drop box will post the following day.

For the convenience of Association members, a drop box is available in the front door of the association office for the payment of association bills.

Property Owners You are responsible for your guests and their actions. It is your responsibility to educate them on the rules and regulations of Lake Viking. Lake Viking is private property, but all lots are owned by some other individual. Please do not drive or ride ATV vehicles or bicycles on neighboring lots, or walk across lots to fish or use others’ property without first getting the property owner’s permission.

Fishery Guidelines Bass: Release all bass 12” to 19”. Fishermen can keep one bass per day of 19” or longer. Crappie: Keep all crappie caught, within the state limit, which is 30 per day. Walleye: Fisherman can keep Walleye at least 21” in length, release all catches under 21”.

Mowing Regulations You are required to have your lot mowed by May 1st, June 1st and September 1st of each year. If you do not keep your lot mowed, or hire a contract mower, the Association will mow it, and bill you $90.00 for each mowing.

The Association does not want to be in the mowing business.

John J. Morris 1934-2021 John J. Morris, 86 formerly of Kansas City, MO, retiring to Lake Viking in Northwest Missouri in 2000, passed away on June 9, 2021 at St. Joseph Medical Center. He was born on August 23, 1934 to Arthur J. Morris & Margaret M. (Bresnahan) Morris in Kansas City, Missouri. A proud brothers boy attended De La Salle High School, class of 1952. His entire working life was in the printing and publishing field. In 1955 Jack married Pauline Richey. 9 children, 25 grandchildren, and 13 great- grandchildren were the result of this marriage. Pauline died in 1984. In 1989 Jack married Sue Cox and she survives him. Other survivors include children, John (Katy) Morris, Timothy (Kathy) Morris, Kevin Morris, Kathleen (Craig) Lay, Paula (Rich) Lorino, Nancy Corkill,

Norma was preceded in death by her parents; siblings, Willis (Boyce) McCaulla, Patrick McCaulla, Earl Sommers; sistersin-laws, Shirley and Dorothy McCaulla; and niece, Heather McCaulla. Survivors include nephew, Patrick McCaulla, Jr of Independence, MO ; nephew, Herbert Willis (Joyce) McCaulla of Plattsmouth, NE; niece, Karen Senterfitt of Mission Viejo, CA; niece, Linda (Ken) Tucker of Temecula, CA; great nieces, Christina, Karissa Senterfitt, Breanna (Brandon) Lilly; great nephew, Timothy Tucker; and great-great nephew, Sylas Senterfitt. Memorial contributions are suggested to Lake Viking Church in care of the funeral home. A Private family graveside service will be held at Green Lawn Cemetery in Kansas City, MO. A memorial service and celebration of life will be held at 4PM, Wednesday, July 28th, 2021 at Lake Viking Church in Gallatin, MO. Arrangements entrusted to the care and direction of Stith Funeral Home in Gallatin. (660) 663-2117. Online guestbook at www. Edward (Annette) Morris, William (Kristi) Morris; stepdaughter, Donna Stevenson; 12 step- grandchildren and 9 step-great-grandchildren. He was preceded by son, Daniel Morris, in 1993 and stepson,Gene Brenner, in 2017. “Jack” was well-known at Lake Viking and greatly appreciated because of his unwavering support for the staff and the Association. Private family services were held and a public celebration of life will be held June 24, 6pm to 9pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 5111 E 112 Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64137. In lieu of flowers donations are suggested to Building Fund, Mary Immaculate Catholic Church, 409 S. Main, Gallatin, MO, 64640 or the charity of your choosing. Condolences may be offered to

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

June 2021


Lake Viking News

Now is the tim treatment pro upcom •Landscaping •New Septic System Installations •Patios

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June 2021


r v e i b m e m s u s mmer vibe

Lake Viking News

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001


u s

2 2 0 2022 2




















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