LVN December 2017

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Lake Viking News

VVA Board of Directors Meeting Call to Order Jon Allen called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the lower level of the clubhouse. Members in attendance were Troy Lesan, Mike Krehbiel, Flint Hibler, Phil Stockard, Sherry Parkhurst and Mike Booth. Shad Mort led the Pledge of Allegiance. Jon Allen asked for a moment of silence in honor of Terry Shank and continued with a prayer. Volunteer of the Month There was no volunteer of the month. Roger Lankford asked to nominate Brock and Barb Horner for volunteer of the month. Flint Hibler moved to accept Roger’s nomination of Brock and Barb Horner. Mike Krehbiel seconded; motion carried. Approval of Minutes Troy Lesan moved to approve the Nov. 12, 2017, board of directors meeting minutes. Phil Stockard seconded; motion carried. Committee Reports Handbook Committee: No report. Finance Committee: Troy Lesan announced the 50th anniversary book has been sent to the printer and should be here in time for Christmas. Our first 50 years has been a great ride, but in our first year of the next 50, we are looking at monumental challenges financially. During the last 10 years our bottom line has been flat. We need to build long-term financial strategies. We are faced with the cost of building a new sediment structure for dredging. Glenn Miller has volunteered his managerial and accounting expertise to come up with ideas and recommendations for us to study. The Finance Committee has been meeting twice a month and having



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December 10, 2017

very long meetings. Troy commented that he had three motions he wanted to present. Troy Lesan moved to add a 3% convenience fee as of January 1, 2018, for all credit card transactions. This should result in a savings for the association and most all of the Finance Committee agreed that this will not impact the collection of fees due. Sherry Parkhurst seconded; motion carried. Troy continued with a report on doing a “cash basis compilation” for year ending 2016. The Finance Committee received quotes from Jeremy Clevenger for $2,000 - $2,500 and Karlin and Co. for $900 or $1,200 (the higher amount includes notes). Troy moved to accept the Karlin and Co. quote for $1,200. Phil Stockard seconded; motion carried. Troy also brought up the fees for clubhouse rental. Troy moved to double the clubhouse rental rates to $50 per hour for upper level and $30 dollars per hour for the lower level. Mike Krehbiel seconded; motion carried. The Finance Committee continues to work on the 2018 budget and will present it to the board in January. Strategic Committee: Sherry Parkhurst reported that they did not have a meeting this month. Sherry did say that Don and Carolyn Leeper have agreed to head up the clubhouse remodel. Sherry stated that no one has dropped the ball on this project; it is a matter of funding. They would very much like to get started but have to figure out how to fund it. Mark Leggett commented his concern about the committee not meeting to discuss the issues of funding. Mary Hibler commented that the Activities Committee is planning on donating part of the money they have raised this year to the clubhouse project. Mary will get with Sherry to discuss. Activities Committee: Mary Hibler presented to

Happy 50th ...

Now where do we go from here? We know that everyone had a great time at the Lake Viking 50th year anniversary celebration this summer. Now it’s time to plan for the next 50 years. As part of the next 50 years, the Incorporation Study Committee was asked to look at the issue of whether Lake Viking should consider incorporating into a village or class four city. This idea has been tossed around before, so we were asked by the Board of Directors to take a deep dive into data to better understand the pros and cons for Lake Viking and then to write a study with recommendations. The Incorporation Study Committee is chaired by Missy Leggett. Others on the committee include Lowell Kruse, Paula Hepinstall, Tony Gronniger, Tom Johanson , Jon Allen, George Townsend and Susan Zalenski. As part of this process, the Incorporation Study Committee plans to provide several public forums over the next year to share information with association members from experts around this topic and to hear feedback and questions from our association members. We hope that there will be a genuine sharing of information as the recommendations are developed. We believe this is a very important issue that requires the input from our association members as well as experts in this area. We want to take our time to assure that decisions are based on the long term best interest of our Lake Viking association. As we research data for this study, the committee welcomes input from our association members who may have experiences and expertise around this issue of incorporation. Please feel free to reach out to members of the Incorporation Study Committee to share your thoughts … your thoughts are valued. We will keep you informed as we move forward with the study about the pros and cons of incorporating. Please watch emails and the LV Newspaper for future dates of the public forums. We encourage everyone’s participation in this important issue. Susan Zalenski –; 913-707-7832

Next VVA Board Meeting January 14, 2018 6:30 p.m. in the lower level of the clubhouse.

All Members in Good Standing are Welcome & Encouraged to Attend.

the board a list of the 2018 activities they would like to schedule. Flint Hibler moved to accept the activities for 2018. Troy Lesan seconded; motion carried. Building Committee: Flint Hibler reported there were six new permits, with one new house for November. Fire Department: Roger Lankford reported there were two 911 medical calls this past month. Campground Committee: Mary Hibler reported they have 21 winter campers. Flint Hibler has been talking with the electrician about getting the upgrades to 50-amp done. Lake Committee: No report. Cemetery Committee: No report. Infraction Committee: No report. Dredge Committee: Shawn Hepinstall commented on the south silt pond. We have had a couple of months of dry weather so the pond is drying out for us to be able to do some dipping out to make more room. We will be looking at doing some stream stabilization in the three-tubes area [Continued on Page 4]

Enroll in the Lake Viking Association Text Alert System The Lake Viking Communications Team is very excited to announce that our urgent/emergency text alert system is up and going. We are very grateful to Dan Lockridge with Farmers Bank in Gallatin for providing this service to us. Even though some of you provided telephone numbers, you need to go directly to the Farmers Bank website to enroll for the text alert system. We cannot enroll you. You can also stop the text messages at any time. The text communication tool will be reserved for important messages. Here are the steps to enroll: 1. Go to 2. Click on “Community Connection” on top right hand side of page 3. Click on “Sign Up Today.” 4. Step 1 – under general information a. Add your name and zip code b. Click “yes” under text message c. Enter your cell number and carrier d. Under “Message Group,” click the box for “Lake Viking” (under Daviess County-Gallatin Branch) 5. Click on continue 6. Enter the 5-digit authorization code that will be sent to your cell phone through a text message and continue to enrollment process. 7. You are enrolled to receive urgent and emergency messages from Lake Viking Association. If you have questions, please feel free to contact the Lake Viking Communications team: Susan Zalenski, Linda Allen and Dennis Schlaiss.

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