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Lake Viking News

VVA Board of Directors Monthly Meeting

Call to Order

Board Pres. Marvin McNabb, lot 28, called the meeting to order, held in the upper level of the Clubhouse at 2:00pm. Board members present were: Troy Lesan, lot 576; Celeste Armanees, lot 62; Mike Booth, lot 2380; Doug Winter, lot 46. Not present (on Zoom virtually so nonvoting) were George Eshnaur, lot 505 and Allan Slavin, lot 181. Celeste Armanees led in prayer. Jeff Ferguson, Managing Lake Director, led the Pledge of Allegiance.


ANNUAL MEETING is on Sunday, March 5th @ 2:00pm.

Location: WINSTON HIGH SCHOOL gym @ 200 W 3rd St. Winston, MO

You must bring your current membership card to vote. Approx 2 weeks prior to the Annual Meeting, you will be e-mailed an Information Packet w/ the Ballot of Board candidates (3 seats open), ByLaw changes to be voted on, etc. If you don’t receive this via e-mail, you may pick up a hard-copy Info Packet at the Office. Doors open @ 1pm. Please plan to arrive EARLY for sign-in, as we expect an unusually large crowd due to ballot initiatives.

Approval of Minutes

Troy Lesan moved to approve the Jan. 2023 Board minutes. Seconded by Doug Winter; motion passed. Celeste Armanees moved to approve minutes from the Special Meeting held Dec. 3, 2022. Seconded by Troy Lesan; motion passed.


Handbook Committee

Celeste Armanees reported: We have Handbook updates to reflect the new Condo online app, for vote later this meeting.

Finance Committee

Doug Winter reported: The Finance Committee met w/ all members present. Financial Reports were reviewed. VVA investments were up $25,000 in the last month.

Campground: The Finance Committee recommends to the Board that the Campground electrical project can begin asap, using retained funds in the Campground line item to start the project. Also, the Finance Committee recommends Campground fees be increased from last year’s approx. $500/yr to this year’s fees @ $1,200 w/ sewer vs $1,100 no sewer. One attendee asked, “Why are we putting the burden of paying for Campground upgrades on the entire membership, when the Board a few years ago voted to make the Campground self-sustaining?” Mike Booth replied that self-sustaining came from the Campground Study, so the first year to track all expenses & income for the Campgrounds was ’21. Then CG fees went up in ’22. Another member said, “But we show the Campground made a profit for many many years before that!” Celeste Armanees responded, “That’s because not all expenses were included. Campground expenses were x% or y% or z% of so many different line items in VVA’s overall budget, it was impossible to do an accurate calculation, even if you tried. It was a mess. But we’ve separated



The Viking Valley Association Annual Meeting will be held March 5, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. The meeting will have a change of location: Winston R-VI School Gymnasium, 200 W. 3rd St., Winston MO 64689.

In order to attend the meeting, each person must be an Active Member in good standing. EACH PERSON MUST have their 2022 Membership Card with them to be admitted to the meeting. This is the only verification we have during registration that you are a paid member in good standing. A valid driver's license may also be required to validate identification.

As stated in the Viking Valley Association By-laws, Article I and Article II, Renters and Associate Members are not entitled to receive notice of any meeting, to vote, or to participate therein. Only “Active Members in Good Standing” (record owner of a lot or tract of land located in Valkyrie Valley Subdivision) are eligible to attend and participate in the meeting.

Please remember:

EACH PERSON MUST HAVE THEIR 2022 MEMBERSHIP CARD IN ORDER TO BE ADMITTED TO THE MEETING! Members should show up early for sign-in. Winston School entrance doors on south side will be open at @ 1:00 p.m.

out all those ‘hidden’ CG expenses & put them all into a self-sustaining CG line item that started in Jan. ’21. That’s why Campground fees went way up in ’22--because for the first time, the CG expenses scattered in all different line items were finally included in the calculations, now captured in the self-sustaining line item.” Other questions ensued. Frank Armanees, lot 62, introduced himself as having been volunteered to head up the Campground Study’s ad hoc Committee which in 2020 published their report, recommending the Campground be made selfsustaining, because our committee found Campground expenses as part of many different “buckets” of VVA’s budget so were never “counted” in Campground calculations. Frank said RE: the recent $450,000 quote on electrical grid, that back in 2020, he & his committee members & Shad Mort (then Lake Mgr) walked both Campgrounds with a Farmers Electric rep, who told them it’d be very difficult to provide an accurate cost to replace the electrical grid, because the VVA Office has no records or “map” showing where all the lines are buried. So he told us that until you’re in there—i.e. underground, you don’t know what you’re dealing with, so the Farmers Electric rep wouldn’t even give us a ballpark price. Frank said that means the $450,000 electrical upgrade could end up a higher cost (unless VVA has firm bids that won’t escalate) especially combined with the septic system that our committee

©Viking Valley Association | February 2023 Volume 35, No. 10 February 144 East Main, Gallatin, Missouri 64640
12, 2023 VVA ANNUAL MEETING: Sunday, March 5, 2023 @ 2:00PM at the Winston R-6 School Gym. Each person must have their 2022 Membership card with them to be admitted to the meeting. Continued on page 5
See this edition for: 2022 Financial Documents 2023 Projected Budget Annual Meeting Information

Meet the candidates for VVA Board

Current career setting: Retired

Number of years an Association Member: 40+

Previous VVA Board or committee service: Served on BOD for 3-1/2 years, acted as interim Lake Manager summer of 2022, Volunteer member of the Lake Viking Volunteer Fire Department. Currently serving as Fire Chief. Member of Strategic Planning Committee, also served on HOC committees such as incorporation study.

Additional personal or family data you would like to share with membership: I am a second-generation property owner. Parents purchased lot in 1968. I have been a full-time resident for approximately 20 years.

What qualities of Lake Viking led you to become a property owner?

My parents introduced me to the Lake with their purchase. This is a community close to the Greater Kansas City Area. It provides a place where a diverse population can come and enjoy the “Lake Life” in a rural setting providing great services. It is also a great place to not only enjoy as a weekend member but also a great place to retire.

Describe aspects of your background that uniquely prepare you for board service.

I have retired from the City of Independence MO Fire Department where I served as Lead Mechanic with 32 years of service. I have also recently retired from the Missouri Department of Transportation. I have also served as School Board President of a private school and BOD member of a regional School Board.

What do you feel is the greatest challenge facing our association?

Fiscal responsibility is always a challenge. As we continue to upgrade our office and digital presence and provide better service, I believe addressing our aging infrastructure will be one of our greatest challenges. Our community is 50+ years old and our road system, electrical systems, community areas are all showing their age. Our challenge will be to complete the necessary improvements and upgrades being mindful of all our members, both with improved lots as well as our members with unimproved properties.

What are the top two issues you want the board to focus on?

Completing the projects already in process. Upgrading our services in administration, and producing and implementing a long-range plan for infrastructure repairs and maintenance.

Describe your vision for Lake Viking.

I see Lake Viking as a place where a diverse population gathers. Providing a fun and safe place for all.

Tom Rice Lot 343

Current career setting: Attorney

Number of years an Association member: 14 years

Previous VVA Board or Committee Service: Strategic Planning Committee

Additional Personal or family data you would like to share with membership: My wife Karen and I have six children and four grandchildren, with many more grandchildren expected in the future. Our entire family enjoys the lake. I reside at the lake most days except for a few months in the winter when I am at the lake on the weekends.

What qualities of Lake Viking let you to become a property owner?

I grew up in the mountains of Tennessee near several recreational lakes. Lake Viking has the same friendly people and natural beauty of my childhood home. I wanted my family to have the same experience and memories at Lake Viking.

Describe aspects of your background that uniquely prepare you for board service.

My work experience focuses on problem solving, with most disputes involving multiple sides, each believing their position is correct. I have a reputation in the legal and business communities as working with others on the thorniest of issues in a fair and reasonable manner. What do you feel is the greatest challenge facing our association? Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001 L ake Viking News 2 February 2023
Glenda Ide, Broker | Nadine Parmenter | 816-390-7938| 816-233-5200 3827 Beck Rd., St. Joseph, MO 120 Annapolis Court: 3 bedroom, 2.75 bath, 2,444 square feet, 2 car garage $350,000 108 Crayfish Point: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,452 sq ft Waterfront lot with beautiful views! $680,000 Call Nadine 816-390-7938 NEW LISTING NEW TIER LOTS TIER 805 Lake Viking Terrace, Lot 3116: Has Yacht Club amenities, including boat slip $32,000 Lot S-131: Airpor t Lot. Price Improved! $39,000. Lot 2237 close to Beach 1, pool & Marina. Great lot!! $10,000. 2017 Lake Viking Terrace: 3 BR 2 BA, 1282 sq ft with attached garage $429,900 NEW BUILD N GREAT VIEW VIEW IRISH new property lake viking may the in finding your LUCK of the be with you at may the in your the be with you

Meet the candidates for VVA Board

As our lake membership continues to grow, the greatest challenge we will face is how we can all best enjoy the lake and its resources within a reasonable financial budget.

What are the top two issues you want the board to focus on?

The board should continue its focus on providing reasonable levels of basic services such as road maintenance, dredging, and security, with an eye to the increasing demand for these basic service, as our lake membership grows. After basic services are funded, the board can focus on the allocation of the lake association’s remaining financial resources on improving and adding lake amenities as the lake membership directs.

Describe your vision for the lake.

My vision for Lake Viking is that it remains a community that pulls together to solve the inevitable questions we will face in the future. I believe this is a vision that we all share.

Terry Nibarger

Lots 657 & 1868

Current career setting: Certified Financial Planner & Branch Manager, Raymond James Financial Services

Number of years an Association member: 5 years

Previous VVA Board or Committee Service:

Strategic Planning Committee 2019 - Present

Finance Committee 2022 – Present

Restaurant Exploratory Committee 2022 – Present

Additional Personal Information you would like to share with membership: In the last 5 years, Julee and I have made many friends and fallen in love with the lake community. We are at the lake from two to five days a week year round. We love being on the water with friends, and cruising in our 1930 Chris Craft or pontoon.

What qualities of Lake Viking let you to become a property owner?

We wanted a lake close to home. Lake Viking is beautiful and under an hour. It was a great choice. All the new friends have been a fantastic bonus. If it only had a restaurant.

Describe aspects of your background that uniquely prepare you for board service.

I currently serve on three committees at the Lake. The Finance Committee and the Strategic Planning Committee touches everything around the lake, and the experience has prepared me for board service.

I help individuals and organizations with their financial goals daily – and have for my entire career of over 30 years. Difficult decisions must be addressed head-on. The toughest problems are always the ones that have been ignored.

As a Branch Manager with Raymond James Financial Services, I manage investment advisors in Chillicothe, Trenton and Columbia, MO. I have been in finance my entire career.

What do you feel is the greatest challenge facing our association?

The campground electric and septic rebuild will be the single most expensive project we have undertaken since the lake was built. Let

Just a reminder for all members that the dump is open Wednesday-Sundays weekly. This is for members only, not for contractors doing work for you.

We have also added a couple of Concrete Washout areas here at the lake for concrete trucks to wash out. One is at the Maintenance Dump area and the other one is on the South side at 165th & LVT at South End Containment Pond (known as Temporary Road).

that sink in. Let’s get this right.

We are at a critical point in the lake’s history. How we deal with this issue will leave a legacy for many years – for better or worse.

What are the top two issues you want the board to focus on?

Here are three:

1) Re-examine the Campground and its rules. What are the goals? Design and rebuild a plan that follows the desires of most of the Association’s members.

2) Increase the focus on safety of members and guest lake-wide by taking steps to continually test the water for electricity around our docks with a mobile testing device.

3) Continue actions to preserve our lake and be good stewards of our natural and financial resources.

Describe your vision for the lake.

I see a happy, fun place – where we have a large group of friendly, active, and involved neighbors who freely give of their time, efforts, and money toward a variety of things that help us all. A place where neighbors help neighbors – and forget the division that has gripped our country.

Wouldn’t it be great? That is today at the Lake.

At a time when the world has become so divided, we have a place to forget all of that and come together, and be with friends.

The best part of the lake is the community. We need to hang on to this. It is special.

Anthony E. Lambert Lot 1769

Current career setting: Pre-trial Supervision Services – Probation & Parole

Personal or family data you would like to share with membership: My wife and I plan to build our retirement home at the lake in the next few years and become full time residents. We have several family members that are lake members including 2 of our sons, sibling, and niece.

What qualities of Lake Viking let you to become a property owner?

We were drawn to the Lake through family and instantly noticed the sense of community that it offered, not to mention the atmosphere that is beautiful, nature-filled space to unwind.

Describe aspects of your background that uniquely prepare you for board service.

I am currently on the adjustment board for the City of Hamilton. I am the Executive Director for the Supervision Services board, which I have held for over 10 years.

What do you feel is the greatest challenge facing our association?

Dealing with the growth of the Lake while preserving nature and continuing to maintain the esthetically pleasing surrounding and community.

What are the top two issues you want the board to focus on?

• Keeping our fees manageable for our members, while continuing to grow.

• Looking into future issues/opportunities, so that we are proactive. Describe your vision for the lake.

Preservation of the Lake, and surrounding area, so that it can be enjoyed by our children, grandchildren, and future heirs. We (I) hope that other like-minded individuals also find the peace, comfort, community, and fun at our happy place. Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001 L ake Viking News 3 February 2023 January 2023
Doug & Karen Poole Lot #3152
Keith & Lori Piercy
New Members
(Continued) Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001 L ake Viking News 4 February 2023 660-367-4407 888-669-5765 Rob’s Cycle PARTS • SALES • SERVICE Rob & Tricia Bozarth, Sales The Way Out #1 Polaris Drive Pattonsburg, MO 64670 CUSTOM MADE TARPS Boats, Trucks, Grills, Air Conditioners, Wagons, Trampolines, Semi Rollovers, Travel Trailer Skirting. Sand Box Covers, Upholstery, Disc Mowers & More! 24968 St. Hwy 190 Jamesport, MO 4 miles south of Jamesport on Hwy 190 For All Your Tarp Needs 660•973•4872 Roberson Funeral Homes Jamesport (660)684-6999 Pattonsburg (660)367-2117 Bethany (660)425-3315 Princeton (660)748-3325 Eagleville (660)867-3112 King City (660)535-4321 Stanberry (660)783-2869 Come Owners: Johnnie & Sally Black frostauto@hotmail com AUTO PARTS Open: 7:30 - 5:30 Mon - Fri 7:30 - 12:30 Sat 660-663-2152 or 660-663-2455 110 West Grand • Gallatin, MO 64640 FROST AUTOMOTIVE, INC . 660-605-1460 STORAGE LLC At Exit 61 on I-35 - Winston, MO Keep your Rv and out of the weather! Boats • BOAT • RV • • MINI STORAGE • 69 Check Out Our Lawn Furniture! Exit 61 off I-35 – Winston, MO – (Shop) 660-749-5310 (Cell) 660-663-7633 When you need your we have room for you! Space, We have a large variety of styles, sizes & colors with affordable pricing! • Maintenance Free Portable Buildings • New Garden Sheds • Garages • Horse Sheds • Custom Builds Midwest Mini Barns Midwest Mini Barns M Office St. MIDWEST MINI BARNS Quality Storage Buildings 3008 US Highway 69, Winston, MO 64689 Office (660) 749-5310 • ADDITIONAL DISPLAY LOCATION: St. Joseph, Beacon RV Park, 822 S. Belt Hwy We now offer Log Cabins! • Chicken Coops • Dog Kennels • Por table Buildings • Garden Sheds • Horse Sheds • Custom Builds Humphrey Dental Group Stanley E. Humphrey, DDS Jacob E. Humphrey, DDS 307 S. Main • Gallatin, MO 64640 Ph: (660) 663-2814 General Dentistry GLO Whitening and BOTOX Cosmetic offering serving the Lake Viking area Call me to help determine your best option! Open Enrollment? Dallas Lockridge Insurance LLC • Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplement? Dallas Lockridge, Agent • 660-663-5414

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

VVA Minutes

knew back in ’20 also needs an upgrade. More questions ensued. Troy Lesan stated that this discussion is moot, as the topic of who pays for the electrical grid will be voted on at the March Annual Meeting, using the motion that resulted from the Dec. 3rd Special Meeting.

Morgan Stanley investments: Attendee Mike Feiden lot 243 asked about the 5% decrease overall, per last month’s minutes in Lake Viking News. Terry Nibarger lot 657 on the Finance Committee responded, “My sincere apologies—that was a reading error on my part. During our meeting, I said a 5% decrease, but it was actually a .5% (0.5%) decrease. Much better. So at least the error was in VVA’s favor. And yes, I’m a Financial Advisor in my career, but not for Morgan-Stanley so I don’t make a penny on anything I do for VVA.”

Strategic Planning Committee

George Eshnaur reported: The committee met w/ 5 members attending. Various items were reviewed, as it had been some time since the committee met. We’ll measure back to the existing Strategic Plan, to see what has been vs. is yet to be done. Also discussed were: the new Condo app, Facebook, and ideas to generate revenue for VVA. Next month, the committee will discuss developing a new 5-Year Strategic Plan.

Activities Committee

Celeste Armanees reported: No report this month.

Building Committee

Marvin McNabb reported: The committee met, and approved 3 Building permits--none for houses.

Continued on page 17

February 2023


@ Winston High School Gym 200 West 3rd St. Winston, MO 64689

Call to Order at 2:00 p.m.: Marvin McNabb

Prayer: Troy Lesan

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: Jeff Ferguson

Moment of Silence for members we have lost.


President: Marvin McNabb

Asst. Secretary: George Eshnaur

1st Vice President: Mike Booth Treasurer: Doug Winter

2nd Vice President: Allan Slavin Asst. Treasurer: Troy Lesan Secretary: Celeste Armanees VVA Attorney: Rob Redman

Ask for a motion to accept the orders of the day.

President Report: Marvin McNabb

Approval of Minutes: March 6, 2022, Annual Meeting

Recognition of Committees & Lake Manager – Reports are available for review and will be submitted in writing.

Dredge Report – Shawn Hepinstall

Finance Committee – Doug Winter

Voting Instructions: Instructions in your handout. Floor Counters: Mark Closterman, Don Leeper, Robert Walton, Jim Miller

Introduction of Candidates: Tony Gronniger, Terry Nibarger, Tom Rice, Anthony Lambert Nominations from the floor? If none, ask that nominations be accepted as read. Each candidate will have 5 minutes to introduce + Q & A Cast Ballots, Vote for new Board of Directors: 3 positions. The election is closed when the counters take the ballot box.

Voting of Candidates: Vote on Assessments

 Special Assessments = $597.32

 Special Lake Assessments = $114.45

 Dredge Personnel = $21.80

 Special Lake Accrual = $32.70

 Special Road Assessments = $37.06

 Capital Project Assessment = $46.87


 TOTAL Assessments for 1 lot, including $75.00 Dues = $925.20 (a $70.20 = 9% increase vs. last year)

Presentation and Vote on By-Law changes -Celeste Armanees

 Late Fee’s

 Vote on annual meeting moving from March to October

Presentation and vote on Campground assessment - Motion made for Campground Electrical to be repaired by VVA members of a onetime assessment of $300.00 Per Member.

Matters to be voted on must be submitted by February 20th 2023. Final Agenda to be published February 22, 2023.


 Candidate results


After adjournment, 2023 Board members will meet to assign Board roles and Committee assignments.

The next regular Board Meeting will be on April 9, 2023, at 2:00 p.m.

**Alternative Annual Meeting date has been set for March 12, 2023, at 2 p.m. in the event of a cancellation due to inclement weather. The Annual Meeting agenda will remain the same**

MAINTENANCE AREA WINTER HOURS: Open Wednesday through Sunday 3:00-5:00

From $548.00
L ake Viking News 5
Cont. from
Presentation and vote on Campground assessment - Special Meeting Motion made for Campground Electrical to be repaired by VVA members of a one-time assessment of $300 Per Member; and other related motions submitted to office.

Items for VOTE at Annual Meeting



5, 2023

@ 2pm at Winston High School Gym

Campground Funding Motions

1. Motion from Dec. 3 rd Special Meeting Association members will pay a one-time assessment of $300 per association member to cover the $450,000 electrical grid project in the two campgrounds.

If this motion fails, move to 2.

2. Association members will pay a one-time assessment of $150 per association member to cover 50% ($225,000) of the electrical grid project in the two campgrounds, and the other 50% ($225,000) will come from the Deferred Maintenance Capital fund – Income line item 4350

If this motion fails, move to 3.

3. Association members will pay a one-time assessment of $150 per association member to cover 50% ($225,000), and campground members will pay 50% ($225,000) with money collected from the increase in rental fees.

If this motion fails, move to 4.

4. Proposed Motion for Funding and New By-Law

VVA members are to pay a $100 assessment to fund 2023 campground electrical expense.


Section 5: Campgrounds The campgrounds are not a general VVA amenity. Rather they are a limited amenity with no more than 200 campsites available at any given time. Therefore “VVA Members in Good Standing,” must not bear assessments paying for entire cost of campground infrastructure improvements. Campground assessments to VVA membership must be proportional in regard to the number of campers who are part of total membership number and not to exceed 25% of amount of any campground related assessment being proposed at an Annual or Special Meeting.

• By-Law on pg. 9: Shall VVA’s Annual Meeting be changed from March to October? See proposal.

• By-Law on pg. 6: … In the case of a married couple being the Active Member, then all privileges (insert “with the exception of unlimited guests”) shall be extended to his/her immediate family … who still reside in the home of such Active Member.

• By-Law on pg. 8, Section 8 on Late Fees: Shall current verbiage on late fees ($x or y% penalty) be replaced with higher late fees—i.e. “a 4% late fee will be assessed at 30 days late, again at 60 days late, and again at 90 days late.”

• Should VVA Raise 2023 Dues & Assessments to members (9% cost-of-living increase per Consumer Price Index for inflation)

Vote on 2023 Dues & Assessments

Special Assessments = $597.32 From $548.00

Special Lake Assessments = $114.45 From $ 105.00

Dredge Personnel = $21.80 From $20.00

Special Lake Accrual = $32.70 From $30.00

Special Road Assessments = $37.06 From $34.00

Capital Project Assessment = $46.87 From $43.00

TOTAL Assessments for 1 lot, including $75.00 Dues = $925.20 a $70.20 = 9% increase vs. last year Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001 L ake Viking News 6 February 2023
Ordinary Income/Expense Income Proposed 2023 Budget Proposed 2023 Operating Budget 4000 · Membership Dues ($ 107,000) ($ 107,000) 4100 · Special Assessments ($ 1,073,000) ($ 1,073,000) 4150 · Ramp Gate Assessment ($ 4,000) ($ 4,000) 4200 · Special Lake Assessments ($ 208,000) ($ 208,000) 4201 · Dredge Assessment ($ - ) ($ - ) 4202 · Additional Dredge Employee ($ 35,000) ($ 35,000) 4203 · Special Lake Accrual ($ 55,000) 4250 · NWFS Collections Del Acct ($ 10,000) ($ 10,000) 4251 · VVA Collections Delinquent Acct ($ 5,000) ($ 5,000) 4300 · Special Road Assessments ($ 70,000) ($ 70,000) 4350 · Defer. Maint./Cap. Proj. Assmts ($ 61,000) 4400 · Service Charge ($ 12,000) ($ 12,000) 4401 · Credit Card Convenience Fee ($ 6,000) ($ 6,000) 4500 · Campground Income ($ - ) ($ - ) 4500.01 · Camp Fees {Overnight} ($ 4,000) ($ 4,000) 4500.04 · Campground Mowing ($ 1,000) ($ 1,000) 4500 · Campground Income - Other ($ 115,000) ($ 115,000) 4550 · Mowing Receipts ($ 6,000) ($ 6,000) 4600 · Building Permit Fee ($ 50,000) ($ 50,000) 4650 · Clubhouse Income ($ 6,000) ($ 6,000) 4660 · LV News Income ($ 50,000) ($ 50,000) 4700 · Sales Income ($ 10,000) ($ 10,000) Total 4700 · Sales Income ($ 10,000) ($ 10,000) 4800 · Cemetery Income {Reimb} ($ 2,500) ($ 2,500) 4850 · Special Road Dist. #1 ($ 15,000) ($ 15,000) 4860 · Fire Department Income ($ 1,000) ($ 1,000) 4870 · Activities Income ($ 12,000) ($ 12,000) 4910 · Contract Income-P.W.S.D. #3 ($ 3,000) ($ 3,000) 4950 · Misc. Income ($ - ) ($ - ) 4950.01 · Misc. Income {Fines} ($ 10,000) ($ 10,000) 4950 · Misc. Income - Other ($ 65,000) ($ 65,000) Total 4950 · Misc. Income ($ 75,000) ($ 75,000) 4960 · Investment Income ($ 25,000) ($ 25,000) 4970 · Interest Income ($ 5,000) ($ 5,000) Total Income ($ 2,026,500) ($ 1,910,500) Expense 4050 · Bad Debt ($ - ) ($ - ) 6000 · Gross Wages-Administrative ($ 145,000) ($ 145,000) 6001 · Gross Wages-Maintenance ($ 213,000) ($ 213,000) 6002 · Gross Wages-Dredge {Sp. Lake} ($ 35,000) ($ 35,000) 6003 · Gross Wages-Safety ($ 175,000) ($ 175,000) 6004 · Gross Wages-Housekeeping ($ 6,000) ($ 6,000) 6005 · Gross Wages - Lifeguard ($ 10,000) ($ 10,000) 6006 · Credit Card Merchant Fees ($ 7,500) ($ 7,500) 6007 · Gross Wages-Campground ($ 8,400) ($ 8,400) 6008 · Contract Labor ($ 4,000) ($ 4,000) 6009 · Gross Wages Silt Containment ($ - ) ($ - ) 6010 · Employer FICA Tax Expense ($ 50,000) ($ 50,000) 6011 · NWFS Fees ($ - ) ($ - ) 6049 · Employee Retirement ($ 4,500) ($ 4,500) 6050 · Administrative Expense ($ 37,000) ($ 37,000) 6051 · Employee Insurance ($ 45,000) ($ 45,000) 6052 · Insurance & Bonds ($ 93,000) ($ 93,000) 6053 · Taxes, Licenses & Permits ($ 55,000) ($ 55,000) 6054 · Legal & Professional ($ 15,000) ($ 15,000) 6056 · Promotional & Advertisement ($ 15,000) ($ 15,000) 6059 · LV News Expense ($ 41,000) ($ 41,000) 6100 · Office Expense ($ 12,000) ($ 12,000) 6103 · Postage ($ 5,000) ($ 5,000) 6200 · Maintenance Expense ($ 70,000) ($ 70,000) 6210 · Mowing-Contract Expense ($ 3,000) ($ 3,000) 6250 · Roads ($ 225,000) ($ 225,000) 6251 · Roads {Special Rd. District} ($ 2,400) ($ 2,400) 6300 · Ramp Gate Expense ($ 2,400) ($ 2,400) 6400 · Safety Expense ($ 18,000) ($ 18,000) 6440 · Fire Department Fund Raising ($ 1,200) ($ 1,200) 6450 · Fire Department Expense ($ 9,000) ($ 9,000) 6500 · Special Lake Dredge Operations ($ 373,500) ($ 373,500) 6501 · Silt Basin Construction ($ - ) ($ - ) 6502 · Special Lake Silt Containment ($ - ) ($ - ) 6503 · Special Lake Beach/Other ($ 60,000) ($ 60,000) 6550 · Interest Expense ($ - ) ($ - ) 6600 · Electricity ($ 15,000) ($ 15,000) 66000 · Payroll Expenses ($ 3,200) ($ 3,200) 6700 · Phones ($ 5,500) ($ 5,500) 6750 · Water ($ 7,000) ($ 7,000) 6800 · Heat {Propane} ($ 7,200) ($ 7,200) 6900 · Fuel {Gas/Diesel} ($ 38,000) ($ 38,000) 6901 · Dredge Fuel ($ 45,000) ($ 45,000) 7000 · Trash Expense ($ 30,000) ($ 30,000) 7100 · Campground Expense ($ 27,900) ($ 27,900) 7101 · Campground Utilities ($ 64,750) ($ 64,750) 7300 · Deed / Lien Expense ($ 1,500) ($ 1,500) 7600 · Cemetery Expense {Reimb} ($ 3,000) ($ 3,000) 7795 · Activities Expense ($ 15,000) ($ 15,000) 7800 · Misc. Expense ($ 5,000) ($ 5,000) 7900 · Fish Stocking ($ 2,000) ($ 2,000) Total Expense ($ 2,010,500) ($ 2,010,500) Net Ordinary Income ($ 16,000) ($ (100,000) 1590 · Current Year Cap. Expenditures ($ 137,000) ($ 137,000) Total Other Expense ($ 137,000) ($ 137,000) Net Income ($ (121,000) ($ (237,000) Dredge accrual retained earnings - 2023 $ 202,000 Beach Improvement retained earning $ 35,000 Total Retained Earnings $ 237,000 Total Budget for Dredge America to complete south end 6901 · Dredge Fuel $ 45,000 6500 · Special Lake Dredge Operations - Other $ 171,050 6056 · Promotional & Advertisement $ 15,000 $ 15,000 6059 · LV News Expense $ 41,000 $ 41,000 6100 · Office Expense $ 12,000 $ 12,000 6103 · Postage $ 5,000 $ 5,000 6200 · Maintenance Expense $ 70,000 $ 70,000 6210 · Mowing-Contract Expense $ 3,000 $ 3,000 6250 · Roads $ 225,000 $ 225,000 6251 · Roads {Special Rd. District} $ 2,400 $ 2,400 6300 · Ramp Gate Expense $ 2,400 $ 2,400 6400 · Safety Expense $ 18,000 $ 18,000 6440 · Fire Department Fund Raising $ 1,200 $ 1,200 6450 · Fire Department Expense $ 9,000 $ 9,000 6500 · Special Lake Dredge Operations $ 373,500 $ 373,500 6501 · Silt Basin Construction $ - $6502 · Special Lake Silt Containment $ - $6503 · Special Lake Beach/Other $ 60,000 $ 60,000 6550 · Interest Expense $ - $6600 · Electricity $ 15,000 $ 15,000 66000 · Payroll Expenses $ 3,200 $ 3,200 6700 · Phones $ 5,500 $ 5,500 6750 · Water $ 7,000 $ 7,000 6800 · Heat {Propane} $ 7,200 $ 7,200 6900 · Fuel {Gas/Diesel} $ 38,000 $ 38,000 6901 · Dredge Fuel $ 45,000 $ 45,000 7000 · Trash Expense $ 30,000 $ 30,000 7100 · Campground Expense $ 27,900 $ 27,900 7101 · Campground Utilities $ 64,750 $ 64,750 7300 · Deed / Lien Expense $ 1,500 $ 1,500 7600 · Cemetery Expense {Reimb} $ 3,000 $ 3,000 7795 · Activities Expense $ 15,000 $ 15,000 7800 · Misc. Expense $ 5,000 $ 5,000 7900 · Fish Stocking $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Total Expense $ 2,010,500 $ 2,010,500 Net Ordinary Income $ 16,000 $ (100,000) 1590 · Current Year Cap. Expenditures $ 137,000 $ 137,000 Total Other Expense $ 137,000 $ 137,000 Net Income $ (121,000) $ (237,000) Dredge accrual retained earnings - 2023 $ Beach Improvement retained earning $ Total Retained Earnings $ Total Budget for Dredge America to complete south end 6901 · Dredge Fuel $ 45,000 6500 · Special Lake Dredge Operations - Other $ 171,050 6056 · Promotional & Advertisement $ 15,000 $ 15,000 6059 · LV News Expense $ 41,000 $ 41,000 6100 · Office Expense $ 12,000 $ 12,000 6103 · Postage $ 5,000 $ 5,000 6200 · Maintenance Expense $ 70,000 $ 70,000 6210 · Mowing-Contract Expense $ 3,000 $ 3,000 6250 · Roads $ 225,000 $ 225,000 6251 · Roads {Special Rd. District} $ 2,400 $ 2,400 6300 · Ramp Gate Expense $ 2,400 $ 2,400 6400 · Safety Expense $ 18,000 $ 18,000 6440 · Fire Department Fund Raising $ 1,200 $ 1,200 6450 · Fire Department Expense $ 9,000 $ 9,000 6500 · Special Lake Dredge Operations $ 373,500 $ 373,500 6501 · Silt Basin Construction $ - $6502 · Special Lake Silt Containment $ - $6503 · Special Lake Beach/Other $ 60,000 $ 60,000 6550 · Interest Expense $ - $6600 · Electricity $ 15,000 $ 15,000 66000 · Payroll Expenses $ 3,200 $ 3,200 6700 · Phones $ 5,500 $ 5,500 6750 · Water $ 7,000 $ 7,000 6800 · Heat {Propane} $ 7,200 $ 7,200 6900 · Fuel {Gas/Diesel} $ 38,000 $ 38,000 6901 · Dredge Fuel $ 45,000 $ 45,000 7000 · Trash Expense $ 30,000 $ 30,000 7100 · Campground Expense $ 27,900 $ 27,900 7101 · Campground Utilities $ 64,750 $ 64,750 7300 · Deed / Lien Expense $ 1,500 $ 1,500 7600 · Cemetery Expense {Reimb} $ 3,000 $ 3,000 7795 · Activities Expense $ 15,000 $ 15,000 7800 · Misc. Expense $ 5,000 $ 5,000 7900 · Fish Stocking $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Total Expense $ 2,010,500 $ 2,010,500 Net Ordinary Income $ 16,000 $ (100,000) 1590 · Current Year Cap. Expenditures $ 137,000 $ 137,000 Total Other Expense $ 137,000 $ 137,000 Net Income $ (121,000) $ (237,000) Dredge accrual retained earnings - 2023 $ 202,000 Beach Improvement retained earning $ 35,000 Total Retained Earnings $ 237,000 Total Budget for Dredge America to complete south end 6901 · Dredge Fuel $ 45,000 6500 · Special Lake Dredge Operations - Other $ 171,050 6056 · Promotional & Advertisement $ 15,000 $ 15,000 6059 · LV News Expense $ 41,000 $ 41,000 6100 · Office Expense $ 12,000 $ 12,000 6103 · Postage $ 5,000 $ 5,000 6200 · Maintenance Expense $ 70,000 $ 70,000 6210 · Mowing-Contract Expense $ 3,000 $ 3,000 6250 · Roads $ 225,000 $ 225,000 6251 · Roads {Special Rd. District} $ 2,400 $ 2,400 6300 · Ramp Gate Expense $ 2,400 $ 2,400 6400 · Safety Expense $ 18,000 $ 18,000 6440 · Fire Department Fund Raising $ 1,200 $ 1,200 6450 · Fire Department Expense $ 9,000 $ 9,000 6500 · Special Lake Dredge Operations $ 373,500 $ 373,500 6501 · Silt Basin Construction $ - $6502 · Special Lake Silt Containment $ - $6503 · Special Lake Beach/Other $ 60,000 $ 60,000 6550 · Interest Expense $ - $6600 · Electricity $ 15,000 $ 15,000 66000 · Payroll Expenses $ 3,200 $ 3,200 6700 · Phones $ 5,500 $ 5,500 6750 · Water $ 7,000 $ 7,000 6800 · Heat {Propane} $ 7,200 $ 7,200 6900 · Fuel {Gas/Diesel} $ 38,000 $ 38,000 6901 · Dredge Fuel $ 45,000 $ 45,000 7000 · Trash Expense $ 30,000 $ 30,000 7100 · Campground Expense $ 27,900 $ 27,900 7101 · Campground Utilities $ 64,750 $ 64,750 7300 · Deed / Lien Expense $ 1,500 $ 1,500 7600 · Cemetery Expense {Reimb} $ 3,000 $ 3,000 7795 · Activities Expense $ 15,000 $ 15,000 7800 · Misc. Expense $ 5,000 $ 5,000 7900 · Fish Stocking $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Total Expense $ 2,010,500 $ 2,010,500 Net Ordinary Income $ 16,000 $ (100,000) 1590 · Current Year Cap. Expenditures $ 137,000 $ 137,000 Total Other Expense $ 137,000 $ 137,000 Net Income $ (121,000) $ (237,000) Dredge accrual retained earnings - 2023 Beach Improvement retained earning Total Retained Earnings Total Budget for Dredge America to complete south end 6901 · Dredge Fuel $ 45,000 6500 · Special Lake Dredge Operations - Other $ 171,050
Other motions submitted to VVA office by 2-21-23 may also be on ballot [See page 14 for Retained Earnings] Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001 L ake Viking News 7 February 2023 Gallatin Lumber Company Come see us for all your construction needs! 116 South Market, Gallatin, Mo. Phone: 660-663-2522 Bird Backhoe Service & Dirt Hauling Bruce Maysville, MO 64469 • 816.449.2316 • Aeration Systems Drip Irrigation Systems System Design System R eplacement Water & Sewer Lines R ock & Top Soil Delivered SPECIALIZING IN ALTERNATIVE WASTE WATER SYSTEMS 30 Years Experience Mo Licensed Installer • 10 Year Labor Warranty • Limited Lifetime Shingles • CertainTeed ShingleMaster Contractor 660-605-0255 FULLY INSURED LICENSED FREE ESTIMATES Matt Adkison • ADKISON Electric COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Holiday lighting 660-663-7139 Grand River Heating and Cooling LLC Jay Hart • 660.663.3409 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL We offer new construction installs, replacements, ser vice calls, whole house ductwork and tune ups. An author ized Ruud Dealer Follow us on Facebook REPHVACAIR 816-87 3-2208 Septic System & Water Line Installation Trenching - Excavation | Soil Testing Willing Workers LLP Roofing, Siding, Lean-tos John Kramer 17594 St. Hwy 190 Jamesport, MO 64648 660-973-5694 Willing Workers LLP W illing W orkers LLP Willing Workers LLP Willing Workers LLP JOHN A. WHITE Phone (816) 449-2334 Fax (816) 449-5692 JESSE A. WHITE - OWNER Phone (816) 449-2912 Phone (816) 649-5078 J.A. WHITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY General Contractors Commercial & Residential Building Licensed - Bonded - Insured 250A East Hwy. 6, Maysville, MO 64469 Building custom homes since 1947 P.O. Box 369, Cameron, MO 64429 Dane Blades, Technician/Owner Yetter Pest Control 816-807-8142 Craig Griffin, Consultant “Yetter Is Better” All Work Guaranteed GIMSON N GIMSO BILL GIMSON PEST CONTROL P.O. BOX 613 • CAMERON, MO. 64429 • PH:816-632-1090 • CELL: 816-649-8202 Technician: Rob Flinn INC. TOLL FREE: 877-283-6715 All members in good standing are welcome and encouraged to attend. Each person must present their 2022 Membership Card to be admitted. VVA ANNUAL MEETING: Sunday, March 5, 2023 @ 2:00 PM at the Winston School Gymnasium. CK s Con struction •Metal Roofing •Houses, Shops, Barns •Complete Building Packages •Where Quality Counts• Carl Kramer 660-605-3233 • Jamesport, Missouri Free Estimates! Free Estimates!

Proposal – Bylaw Change the Annual meeting date

DATE: January 2023

Current Bylaw: Article VI, Section 1. Annual Meetings:

The Annual Meeting of the active Members who are current in the payment of all due and all other charges, fees and assessments as provided for under Article IV and who have satisfied all monetary obligations imposed upon such member under Article XIV, commencing with the year 1970, shall be held at the principal office of the Association, or at such other place within Daviess County, Missouri as may be determined by the Board of Directors, and shall be designated in the notice of said meeting, on the first Sunday in the month of March of each year(or if said day be a legal holiday, then on the next succeeding day not a legal holiday) at 2:00 pm for the purpose of electing Directors, and for the transaction of such other business as may be properly brought before the meeting.

Proposed By Law Change:

The Annual Meeting of the active Members who are current in the payment of all due and all other charges, fees and assessments as provided for under Article IV and who have satisfied all monetary obligations imposed upon such member under Article XIV, commencing with the year 1970, shall be held at the principal office of the Association, or at

such other place within Daviess County, Missouri as may be determined by the Board of Directors, and shall be designated in the notice of said meeting, on the third Sunday in the month of October of each year(or if said day be a legal holiday, then on the next succeeding day not a legal holiday) at 2:00 pm for the purpose of electing Directors, and for the transaction of such other business as may be properly brought before the meeting.

Proposed Bylaw Change


Budget – Currently, the association operates on a phantom budget for the first 2 months of the year. This date change will allow the association to approve the budget before the start of the fiscal year.

Attendance – The current date does not allow attendance for members that close their houses down or travel south for the winter. This change moves the annual meeting from early spring until fall hopefully before members are closing their houses for winter and members travel to warmer weather.

Weather – This change diminishes the chance of rescheduling the annual meeting due to the weather. Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001 L ake Viking News 8 February 2023
Posted Speed Limit: The maximum speed limit for the operation of any vehicle or conveyance upon the roads, ways, streets, and thoroughfares of the subdivision shall be thirty (30) miles per hour except in t h o s e a r e a s w h e r e a d d i t i o n a l l y restricted speed limits may be posted, whether temporary or permanent. 6 Improper Parking: The parking of motor vehicles on the traveled portion of any street, road, or way within the subdivision is prohibited except for an emergency which does not allow immediate removal. REMINDERS!! NOTICE Memorial Day – Monday May 30th – Pick-up Tuesday May 31st 4th of July – Monday, July 4th – Pick-up Tuesday, July 5th Labor Day – Monday, Sept. 5th – Pick-up Tuesday Sept. 6th AFFORDABLE DISPOSAL 2022 HOLIDAY TRASH SCHEDULE ANY and ALL other holidays will have normal Monday trash pick-up. Af fordable Disposal Service LLC Ef fective Immediately DO NOT PUT THE FOLLOWING IN DUMPSTERS: No Shingles No Wood No Rocks No Dirt No Paint No Yardwaste No Appliances No Flourescent Bulbs No Drywall No Oil PLEASE CALL AFFORDABLE DISPOSAL, AT (816) 238-8933, TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR CURBSIDE PICKUP FOR ANY OF THE ABOVE LISTED ITEMS.
Once again Jeff Hower has more great eagle pictures from Lake Viking. Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001 L ake Viking News 9 February 2023 Waterfront Home! Large lot, nice location, near the main entrance! $12,500 Yacht club privileges and low maintenance wooded lot! $5,000 N i c e l o t i n a q u i e t l o c a t i o n o n t h e S E s i d e o f t h e l a k e $ 6 , 0 0 0 @TownAndCountrySells T a n y a B u r n s 6 6 0 - 6 0 5 - 0 0 5 9 T o n i C o x 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 7 2 8 9 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 7 9 1 8 Jeff Riley, Broker A n i t a R i l e y 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 5 0 2 6 W W W . T O W N A N D C O U N T R Y S E L L S . C O M Cole Rorebeck 6 6 0 - 6 5 4 - 9 3 5 4 6 6 0 - 6 6 3 - 5 7 5 7 801 South Main St. Gallatin B o b G a e k w a d D a v i d C o x Lot #4003 Lot #3198 Lot #2188 6 6 0 - 9 7 3 - 6 2 8 6 Amazing Views, 3 BR | 2 5 BA 2 Bay Boat Dock w/Lifts, Swim Platform, & Large Deck $ 6 2 5 , 0 0 0 N i c e l o t l o c a t e d n e a r t h e W e s t e n t r a n c e $ 7 , 5 0 0 Lot #2460 1 8 4 6 L A K E V I K I N G T E R R A C E A-frame w/Loft, 2 BR | 1 BA Nice S-lot 137 w/Massive Deck Walking & Near Beach 2 New Listing! $ 1 6 5 , 0 0 0 1 1 9 L I N D B E R G D R I V E Lot #2425 Lot #2426 Tier lot is located near Beach 3! $12,000 Tier lot is located near Beach 3! $12,000 PENDING! PENDING!
at Lake
2023 Activities *Dates & times are subject to change March 25 Wine & Cheese Tasting 6-9pm April 8 Easter Egg Hunt 2pm April 22 Spring Garage Sale 8am-3pm May 6 Cinco-de-Mayo Fiesta 6-9pm June (TBD) Fishing Tournament TBD June 10 Poker Run 1-4pm (12:00 check-in) June 17 Patio Par ty w/ band 8-11pm July 1 Fireworks Display 9:30pm August 5 Patio Par ty w/ Now & Then Band 8-11pm August 26 Scavenger Hunt 1-4pm (12:30 check-in) Sept. (TBD) Fishing Tournament TBD September 9 Fall Garage Sale 8am-3pm September 30 Wine Fest & Beer ‘n Brats by Levi Garrison 5-9pm October 28 Halloween Trunk-or-Treat 2pm November 4 Firef ighters’ Chili Cook-Of f 5pm
It was the night before the Super Bowl and Alistair Gray at Grandma Sheri’s relaxes after decorating all day. Thanks Coach Reid and all the Chiefs for making it happen and winning the Superbowl again what fun and good food was had by all great party at 103 Lake Viking Terrace!

Town Hall Meeting Informs Members

Town Halls are a little different from other VVA Meetings. No resolutions voted on, no minutes taken; but usually plenty of information to share with members for the upcoming year. The Town Halls have occurred in February during the past few years, and this meeting, held on a particularly warm and sunny day on February 19 attracted around 100 VVA members.

Attendees were briefed on several topics. As usual Shawn Hepinstall started the meeting with an update on the ongoing dredging effort at Lake Viking. Shawn always gives a good presentation, complete great pictures, but this year the focus was a little different. The VVA will contract Dredge America out of Platte City, Mo. to do a full summer schedule of Dredging on the south end. This is a different direction for Lake Viking. We have always done our own dredging, but this time, we use the funds that were already present in our budget and contract Dredge America for a specified amount of cubic yards. A benefit of this arrangement is that VVA won’t have to pay an extra employee and will possibly avoid another one of those non budgeted, high-dollar breakdowns or emergency repairs that seem to occur so often. This arrangement with Dredge America is an experimental one.

Other speakers: Board Member Troy Lesan who went over financial documents and the financial outlook for 2023. Finance Committee Chair Paula Hepinstall answered budget line-item questions. Terry Nibarger reported

on the Association’s investments, which now include a stock portfolio and funds earning 4% interest in a Money Market Account. Safety Director Jason McTheeney was also present to update members on the Safety staff and possibilities in the future direction in boat stickering.

The final speaker was Board Member George Eshnaur. George addressed the upcoming motion by the campground committee for a $300 per member assessment for campground electrical repairs. George acknowledged that if this motion doesn’t pass there will be other motions and he has expense breakdowns on several different funding possibilities. There were question and answer periods after each speaker with many questions on various topics posed by members. It was

“Mission Accomplished” for the Town Hall. Next up – The Annual Meeting on March 5, 2 PM @ Winston High School.

VVA Office Needs Your E-Mail Addresses

We are launching a new software platform that includes a user-friendly online app for your phone ... to pay VVA dues, see Activities, info, sign forms, etc. This new feature will provide greatly improved access for membership but VVA needs all member emails to successfully implement.

Please send your e-mail address (with lot number, street address & name) to: “ Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001 L ake Viking News 10 February 2023 Available for bulk purchase: • Black Dirt • Gravel • River Rock • Erosion Matting • Mulch • Straw Waddles 660-605-0665 LANDSCAPING • Mowing • Lawn Applications • Shrubs • Irrigation • Seeding- New and Renovation PATIOS & RETAINING WALLS Septic System Installations Driveway Installations Dirt Work Rock Walls ,whichmeansmowing&landscaping seasonareaswell.VikingDirtworksandLandscapingisheretohelpyou Now is th treatment u •Landscaping •New Septic System Installations •Patios Springishere...andwearelookingtoaddmoremowing, sprayingandmaintenanceclientsforthe2020mowingseason. • All Electrical Needs • Lighting Upgrades • Remodels • Landscape Lighting • New Builds • GFCI Boat Dock Protection Per Lake Requirements


Donald L. Porter


Donald L. Porter, age 80, of Gallatin, MO passed away Wednesday afternoon, February 8th, 2023, at Cameron Regional Medical Center in Cameron, MO. Don was born on April 25, 1942, the son of David and Evelyn (Hepner) Porter in Salina, KS. He grew up in Salina and attended high school there. Don married Janice Hayden in 1962, and she preceded him in death in 2012. He then married Mary Diane (Lauhon) Forsythe. He was a member of Lake Viking Church, near Gallatin.

Don was preceded in death by his parents and wife, Janice; his parents and siblings, Jim Por-

ter, Karen Fay. He is survived by his sons, Todd Porter (Cheryl) of Kansas City, KS, Richard Porter (Jennifer) of Toganoxie, KS, and Gary Porter of Gardner, KS; nine grandchildren; several greatgrandchildren and siblings, Judy Hall, Ricky Lyttel, Judy Huff and Debby Creamer.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions are suggested to the Lake Viking Church in care of the funeral home. Private family services will be held. Burial at Lake Viking Cemetery, near Gallatin. Arrangements entrusted to the care and direction of Stith Funeral Home in Gallatin.

Condolences to the Family of Dennis Weidner

VVA Members were saddened to learn of Denny’s passing in Gold Canyon Arizona. Few other

details are known at this time. Denny and Janet Weidner resided at Lake Viking for several years.


Services Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001 L ake Viking News February 2023 11 Call for free estimates! DC Quality customer ser vice guaranteed! Dumpsters Call Nathan at 816-306-6772
SEAMLESS GUTTERING, A-1 Leaf Guard, CHI Overhead Door, LiftMasterChamberlain Operator Sales, Installation & Service. Call for free estimate. Serving you since 2006! Miller Construction, Jamesport, MO 660-684-6950.
121 W Jackson, Gallatin, MO | 660-663-2161 Call for financing options for your next property! READY TO MOVE?

PWSD #3 OPEN MEETING: December 20, 2022


Kyle Parkhurst, President (2023), called the meeting to order at 3:15pm which was held at the water plant. Members in attendance were Jeffrey Speaker (2025), Harlan Horst (2023), and Mark Closterman (2024). Heather Lund (2024) was unable to attend. Also in attendance were Roger Barker, Water Superintendent, Gary King, Operator, and Diane Hulett, Clerk.


Harlan Horst made a motion to amend the minutes to remove the words “after investing the funds in a CD” from the paragraph which pertained to closing the Investment Account. Jeffrey Speaker seconded. All voted to approve; motion carried. Jeffrey Speaker then moved to approve the minutes of the November 22, 2022 Board Meeting. Mark Closterman seconded All members were in favor; motion carried.


There was no public comment.


Roger provided the following update on the water plant upgrade: the window trim kits were installed but leaked so have been sealed again; sheetrock is still being hung and all insulation is done except for the ceiling; phone line/computer network cables are installed; and chemical feed lines have been ran. The electrician will be back next week to make connection with the pump house and the preliminary inspection with Department of Natural Resources is scheduled for 1/4/23.

The final budget for 2023 was submitted for approval. Jeffrey Speaker made a motion to approve the budget as presented. Harlan Horst seconded. All voted in favor; motion approved.

Who Ya Gonna Call?

NEW BUSINESS Financial Report:

The financial reports and bills were reviewed and discussed. Harlan Horst moved to approve the November financial reports as submitted and approve the bills and transfers. Jeffrey Speaker seconded. All members voted to approve; motion carried.

Roger presented current material/labor costs for new meter installations to the board. Harlan Horst made a motion to increase the Meter Installation Fee to $1200 effective 1/1/23, and to review the cost figures annually. Mark Closterman seconded. All voted in favor; motion approved.

Discussion was held regarding abandoned meter pits installed prior to the district’s formation in 1997. The topic was tabled until next meeting so more information can be gathered.

The need for security cameras at the new water plant was discussed. Harlan Horst made a motion to assign Gary to investigate security camera options for the new plant; Mark Closterman seconded. All voted in favor; motion approved.


Superintendent Report:

Roger reported that the Goose Court water line addition, scheduled to be done last week, was postponed by Decker Construction until after the first of the year. He also informed the board that the employee evaluations have been completed.

A motion was made by Harlan Horst and seconded by Mark Closterman for the board to enter closed session to discuss personnel per RsMO 610.021.13. Roll call votes were: Kyle Parkhurst-yes, Jeffrey Speaker-yes, Harlan Horst-yes, Mark Closterman-yes. The motion was approved and the board entered closed session at 4:20pm. At 5:20 pm, the board returned to regular session.

Kyle Parkhurst, President, announced the next meeting would be January 17, 2023 at the water plant. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30pm.

Respectfully Submitted, Harlan Horst

Garages Shops Storage Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001 L ake Viking News February 2023 12
Affordable Disposal has a five-bag limit on trash and cannot weigh more than 25 pounds per bag
208 E. Putnam, King City, MO 64463 (660) 535-4337
: headers Doug King 208 King 660-535-4337 Current located 0174, Garage, shops, and storage buildings available in wood frame and all steel structures Who Ya Gonna Call?
EMERGENCY: Daviess County 911 of Daviess County 660-663-2031 or 663-2149 Highway Patrol (emergencies) 800-525-5555 Viking Assoc. Office 660-322-9001 Viking Assoc. Safety Dept 660-663-9185 Water Supply District #3 (PWSD) 660-663-2771 Plant (PWSD) (after hours) 660-334-0100 Farmers’ Electric Co-op 800-279-0496 Farmers’ Electric Co-op (after hours) 800-927-5334 service (Affordable Disposal) 816-238-8933 company (Windstream) 800-501-1754 Viking Valley Assoc. 144 E. Main Gallatin, MO 64640 660-322-9001 phone
Who Ya Gonna Call?
EMERGENCY: Daviess County 911 Daviess County Sheriff 660-663-2031 or 660-663-2149 State Hwy Patrol (emergencies) 800-525-5555 Lake Viking Assoc. Office 660-322-9001 ext. 4 Lake Viking Assoc. Safety Dept 660-322-9001 ext. 1 Public Water Supply District #3 (PWSD) 660-663-2771 Farmers’ Electric Co-op 800-279-0496 After Hours Emergencies 800-927-5334 Trash Service (Affordable Disposal) 816-238-8933 Phone Company (Windstream) 800-501-1754

PWSD #3 Holds Open House & Retirement Celebration

During Roger Barker’s retirement celebration, held on February 3, at the new PWSD #3 Water Plant, he was presented with the special “L. Don Conn Award”, by Frank Offutt, Executive Director, of PWSD #4 - Platte County, for outstanding service to the water industry. This award has only been presented 4 times in the last 25 years. Roger has served the Lake Viking community for 41 YEARS!!! He is widely respected not only at Lake Viking, but statewide from serving on the State Rural Water Board.

The Water District also held an open house to show off their new “State of the Art” Water Plant, that is now in service. A meal was catered by Round Boy BBQ to commemorate the event.

With Roger’s retirement, Gary King is the new PWSD #3 Water Superintendent, and Travis Toney is the Water Operator. Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001 L ake Viking News February 2023 13 1203 Br yan Road, Cameron, MO 6 4 429 CROSSROADS C 21 L a ke Te a m - E s t a b l i s h e d 2 0 0 5 Levi McClure 816.724.3113 Jana Hanson 816.261.8924 UNBELIEVABLE Waterfront Price Wow!! What a great WATERFRONT opportunity!! Cheaper than some tier homes!! Make your offer today on this affordable MOVE IN READY 2 bed, 1.5 bath, 3 car garage, waterfront ranch home! Great cove location with easy access from I-35. Several upgrades have been done and lots of potential in the unfinished lower level including room for more bedrooms and living space! Excellent view of the lake from the kitchen or back deck! Concrete drive to the front garage and wraps around to the lower level garage for shop space or lake toys! Single well dock and grandfathered private boat ramp for easy lake access. This one won't last long so call today for your personal tour! 1534 Lake Viking Terrace: $650,000 $599,000 Beautiful, secluded waterfront building location! This RARE property is like nothing else on the water, don't this opportunity! Seclusion on a dead end street, gently sloping and less lake traffic. This lot is huge and has gorgeous mature trees. Lot 404 A PRIVATE COVE WITH TIMBER! SOLD! g g Look g to New listings coming soon! ooking forward to spring! R e l a x a n d r e c h a r g e h e r e ! L o v e l y 1 5 s t o r y waterfront home on a deep spring fed cove at Lake Viking! 3 bed 3.5 bath with an additional non-conforming bunkroom plus an extra nook on the upper level. Great home for entertaining –open concept on the main plus a lower level family room. The fireplaces will warm you on colder days, making this home your favorite g e t a w a y f o r t h e h o l i d a y s H u g e d e c k overlooking the water Two-car garage and additional storage room. Gentle sloping lot with mature trees and patio with a firepit. Deep water for fishing, swimming, or floating and is situated j u s t o f f t h e m a i n c h a n n e l A s k a b o u t w h a t personal property can stay. 512 Lake Viking Terrace $850,000 DEEP Water ~ Move In Ready! NEW listings coming soon! The SpringMarketIsUponUs! Lot 451 Contract Pending! ontract Pending! Put the C21 Lake Team to work for you! * C21 Lake Team still holds the record for highest dollar waterfront home sold at just over $1.6M* We can sell yours too!!

Annual Meeting of Members


ARTICLE VI: ANNUAL MEETING of Members of the Association

Section 1. Annual Meetings: The Annual Meeting of the Active Members who are current in the payment of all dues and all other charges, fees and assessments as provided for under ARTICLE IV and who have satisfied all monetary obligations . . . shall be held at the principal office of the Association, or at such other place within Daviess County, Missouri, as may be determined by the Board of Directors, and shall be designated in the notice of said meeting, on the first Sunday in the month of March of each year.

Looking Ahead to the Annual Meeting

The first thing that needs to be brought to the attention of VVA members is the location listed in the notice for the 2023 Annual Meeting that appears on page 1 of this edition. Lake Manager, Jeff Ferguson acting on direction from the Board of Directors, has secured the gymnasium of the Winston School in order to accommodate a much larger attendance than usual. There are several advantages with this location. First of all, Winston will be a closer drive for the many VVA members who will be driving from areas of metropolitan Kansas City and Saint Joseph. Secondly, the fire rating at the Viking Valley Clubhouse may render this location as both inadequate and unsafe. And lastly, the agenda items that membership will be voting on promise to draw a much greater attendance.

As a result of the December 3, 2022 Special Meeting (minutes included in the December edition of Lake Viking News), a motion was approved to be brought before the Annual Meeting that “the $450,000 cost to replace the Campground electrical system be paid by VVA Membership.”

According to the vote at the Special Meeting, this motion will be voted upon by membership. The minutes of the Special Meeting reflect that the consensus at that meeting was, to paraphrase, that the VVA Campgrounds are a Lake Viking Amenity, therefore costs of physical infrastructure improvements should be met by VVA membership. Again it is proposed that the cost of the electrical upgrade which has been set by bids from contractors at $450,000 be covered by assessments to members.

It is fair to say that most of the members present at the Special Meeting were campers, the meeting was about an issue that affected them, and the resulting motion reflected their overwhelming sentiments. At the annual meeting, there will a larger cross-section of members represented and some will argue that 1500 VVA members should not have to bear the large cost of an amenity that only provides for the 200 members who are campers.

Membership assessments are strictly a topic for Annual Meetings. There are no other meetings, per VVA By-laws, where membership assessments, as part of the Annual Budget are to be voted on. The motion that came from the Special Meeting will absolutely be voted on at the Annual Meeting – yea or nay.

Many of the arguments in regard to the camping infrastructure funding have been made again and again and for the sake of expediency in order that the meeting doesn’t drag on and on into the night, ALL members should know that President Marvin McNabb will gavel the meeting when dialogue from the floor drifts into irrelevant topics or redundant “talking points.” A parliamentarian will also be on hand to assist in maintaining an orderly and efficient Meeting.

Other topics to be voted on at the Annual Meeting will be a motion that will change the date of the Annual Meeting from March to October in order that more members can attend. Three candidates for open Board of Director Seats will also be voted on. All of these voting initiatives will take time and require presentations. There will also be a Dredge and Finance Committee report. The meeting will start at 2PM. The sign-in table will be open at 1, and members are encouraged to show up for sign-in early. Financial Documents for 2022, the 2023 Budget, and Board Candidate profiles appear in this edition of the Lake Viking News. Members are encouraged to read these in order to be well-informed. We look forward to seeing you at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Viking Valley Association on Sunday, March 5. Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001 L ake Viking News February 2023 14 6056 · Promotional & Advertisement $ 15,000 $ 15,000 6059 · LV News Expense $ 41,000 $ 41,000 6100 · Office Expense $ 12,000 $ 12,000 6103 · Postage $ 5,000 $ 5,000 6200 · Maintenance Expense $ 70,000 $ 70,000 6210 · Mowing-Contract Expense $ 3,000 $ 3,000 6250 · Roads $ 225,000 $ 225,000 6251 · Roads {Special Rd. District} $ 2,400 $ 2,400 6300 · Ramp Gate Expense $ 2,400 $ 2,400 6400 · Safety Expense $ 18,000 $ 18,000 6440 · Fire Department Fund Raising $ 1,200 $ 1,200 6450 · Fire Department Expense $ 9,000 $ 9,000 6500 · Special Lake Dredge Operations $ 373,500 $ 373,500 6501 · Silt Basin Construction $ - $6502 · Special Lake Silt Containment $ - $6503 · Special Lake Beach/Other $ 60,000 $ 60,000 6550 · Interest Expense $ - $6600 · Electricity $ 15,000 $ 15,000 66000 · Payroll Expenses $ 3,200 $ 3,200 6700 · Phones $ 5,500 $ 5,500 6750 · Water $ 7,000 $ 7,000 6800 · Heat {Propane} $ 7,200 $ 7,200 6900 · Fuel {Gas/Diesel} $ 38,000 $ 38,000 6901 · Dredge Fuel $ 45,000 $ 45,000 7000 · Trash Expense $ 30,000 $ 30,000 7100 · Campground Expense $ 27,900 $ 27,900 7101 · Campground Utilities $ 64,750 $ 64,750 7300 · Deed / Lien Expense $ 1,500 $ 1,500 7600 · Cemetery Expense {Reimb} $ 3,000 $ 3,000 7795 · Activities Expense $ 15,000 $ 15,000 7800 · Misc. Expense $ 5,000 $ 5,000 7900 · Fish Stocking $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Total Expense $ 2,010,500 $ 2,010,500 Ordinary Income $ 16,000 $ (100,000) 1590 · Current Year Cap. Expenditures $ 137,000 $ 137,000 Other Expense $ 137,000 $ 137,000 $ (121,000) $ (237,000) Dredge accrual retained earnings - 2023 ($ 202,000) Beach Improvement retained earning ($ 35,000) Total Retained Earnings ($ 237,000) Total Budget for Dredge America to complete south end 6901 · Dredge Fuel ($ 45,000) 6500 · Special Lake Dredge Operations - Other ($ 171,050) 4203 - Dredge Accrual - thru 2023 ($ 202,000) 6002 · Gross Wages-Dredge {Sp. Lake} ($ 35,000) Original Silt basin Accrual (retained Earnings) ($ 20,118) Total ($ 473,168) Selby Clean out Pond 1 & 2 ($ (85,000) Total allocated for Dredge America ($ 388,168) Cap X Backhoe ($ - ) Moved to 2024 2 Trucks ($ 80,000) Side by Side ($ 36,000) Roller ($ 21,000) Total ($ 137,000)
2022 2021 Change ASSETS Current Assets Bank Accounts 1052 BTC Bank Gen Checking 9,169.02 177,116.26 -167,947.24 1056 BTC Bank CD #2 0.00 33,265.03 -33,265.03 1058.1 Edward Jones CD#1 0.00 210,953.95 -210,953.95 1058.2 Edward Jones CD Interest 0.00 16,402.72 -16,402.72 1068 Morgan Stanley Bucket 1-2 1,088,728.84 1,164,315.40 -75,586.56 1069 Morgan Stanley Bucket 3 0.00 517,590.23 -517,590.23 1070 Morgan Stanley Bucket 4 157,535.26 157,535.26 1071 Morgan Stanley Bucket 5 199,616.18 199,616.18 1075 BTC Bank Money Market 562,624.92 562,624.92 1500 Petty Cash 500.00 500.00 0.00 1510 Activties Petty Cash 500.00 500.00 0.00 Total Bank Accounts $ 2,018,674.22 $ 2,120,643.59 -$ 101,969.37 Accounts Receivable 11000 Accounts Receivable 18,772.06 0.00 18,772.06 Total Accounts Receivable $ 18,772.06 $ 0.00 $ 18,772.06 Other Current Assets 11999 A/R Clearing 10,559.98 3,655.21 6,904.77 Total Other Current Assets $ 10,559.98 $ 3,655.21 $ 6,904.77 Total Current Assets $ 2,048,006.26 $ 2,124,298.80 -$ 76,292.54 TOTAL ASSETS $ 2,048,006.26 $ 2,124,298.80 -$ 76,292.54 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Other Current Liabilities 2000 SIT Payables 0.00 1,148.70 -1,148.70 2030 FUTA Payables 395.06 313.37 81.69 2040 SUTA Payables 0.00 185.56 -185.56 2085 Insurance Witholding 184.05 0.00 184.05 2089 Simple IRA 5,045.56 2,001.87 3,043.69 Total Other Current Liabilities $ 5,624.67 $ 3,649.50 $ 1,975.17 Total Current Liabilities $ 5,624.67 $ 3,649.50 $ 1,975.17 Total Liabilities $ 5,624.67 $ 3,649.50 $ 1,975.17 Net Assets Unrestricted 2,114,864.15 2,104,159.36 10,704.79 3560 Retained Earnings 250.00 0.00 250.00 Change in Net Assets -72,732.56 16,489.94 -89,222.50 Total Net Assets $ 2,042,381.59 $ 2,120,649.30 -$ 78,267.71 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY $ 2,048,006.26 $ 2,124,298.80 -$ 76,292.54 Note No assurance is provided on these modified cash basis financial statements. Substantially all disclosures omitted. Viking Valley Association Statements of Assets, Liabilities and Net Assets - Modified Cash Basis As of December 31, 2022 and 2021 Capital Expenditures Budget Amount Purchased Amount Furnace/AC for Office - Dock Safety $7,000.00 $11,500.00 Road Tubes $25,000.00 $35,952.92 Doors @ Maintenance Flatbeds $10,000.00 $9,602.00 Track Skid Loader $40,000.00 $45,000.00 Tractor for Maintenance $25,000.00 $36,114.38 Sign's/Safety Equipment Maintenance $3,000.00 $6,175.60 IT & Security Camera's $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Maintenance Pontoon Boat $6,000.00 $1,000.00 Speed Bumps $7,000.00 $8,458.57 Boat Motors $6,000.00 $10,300.00 Pool Repairs $10,000.00 $8,000.00 Total Budgeted Capital Expenditures $149,000.00 $182,103.47 1590.01-Maintenance Cap Ex $85,444.90 Total Budgeted Capital Expenditures $267,548.37 Capital Expenditures Mainenance Revenue (4950) $98,138.36 Net Maintenance Capital Revenue $12,693.46 Total Capital Expenditures $169,410.01 VIKING VALLEY ASSOCIATION 2022 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES

Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001

L ake Viking News
2022 2021 Change Percent REVENUES 4000 Membership Dues 98,440.67 86,851.86 11,588.81 13.34% 4100 Special Assessments 1,014,885.34 927,167.32 87,718.02 9.46% 4150 Ramp Gate Assessment 4,560.00 4,887.73 (327.73) -6.71% 4200 Special Lake Assessments 191,251.75 162,759.66 28,492.09 17.51% 4201 Dredge Assessment (24.18) 1,615.50 (1,639.68) -101.50% 4202 Additional Dredge Employee 36,401.66 32,145.63 4,256.03 13.24% 4203 Special Lake Accrual 54,602.50 48,217.50 6,385.00 13.24% 4250 NWFS Collections Del Acct 7,116.35 32,421.65 (25,305.30) -78.05% 4251 VVA Collections Delinquent Acct 6,786.75 6,786.75 4300 Special Road Assessments 63,191.84 53,089.97 10,101.87 19.03% 4350 Defer. Maint./Cap. Proj. Assmts 56,416.27 47,158.84 9,257.43 19.63% 4400 Service Charge 13,303.47 6,365.77 6,937.70 108.98% 4401 Credit Card Convenience Fee 5,951.47 4,831.62 1,119.85 23.18% 4500 Campground Income 121,867.24 84,556.13 37,311.11 44.13% 4550 Mowing Receipts 6,280.00 4,444.60 1,835.40 41.30% 4600 Building Permit Fee 92,600.00 98,550.00 (5,950.00) -6.04% 4650 Clubhouse Income 6,673.55 7,660.00 (986.45) -12.88% 4660 LV News Income 47,858.70 28,406.26 19,452.44 68.48% 4700 Sales Income 95,580.25 4,554.00 91,026.25 1998.82% 4701 Community Area Sales 252,893.00 (252,893.00) -100.00% 4800 Cemetery Income {Reimb} 2,929.00 6,012.00 (3,083.00) -51.28% 4850 Special Road Dist. #1 18,469.26 14,918.70 3,550.56 23.80% 4860 Fire Department Income 1,194.00 2,480.00 (1,286.00) -51.85% 4870 Activities Income 22,007.00 19,287.00 2,720.00 14.10% 4910 Contract Income-P.W.S.D. #3 2,725.00 5,626.50 (2,901.50) -51.57% 4950 Misc. Income 114,851.51 51,072.06 63,779.45 124.88% 4960 Investment Income 32,154.71 48,384.67 (16,229.96) -33.54% 4970 Interest Income 7,162.63 1,471.11 5,691.52 386.89% 4980 Accrual Account 1,355.63 1,355.63 4999 A/R Adjustment 1,270,206.37 - 1,270,206.37 Services (0.33) (0.33) Unapplied Cash Payment Income 293.92 3,624.46 (3,330.54) -91.89% Total REVENUES 3,397,092.33 2,041,453.54 1,355,638.79 66.41% Cost of Labor 6000 Gross Wages-Administrative 130,684.72 149,421.98 (18,737.26) -12.54% 6001 Gross Wages-Maintenance 184,001.08 158,664.98 25,336.10 15.97% 6002 Gross Wages-Dredge {Sp. Lake} 9,706.36 20,487.25 (10,780.89) -52.62% 6003 Gross Wages-Safety 158,883.69 122,832.41 36,051.28 29.35% 6004 Gross Wages-Housekeeping 4,980.95 3,472.63 1,508.32 43.43% 6005 Gross Wages - Lifeguard 9,721.95 6,712.09 3,009.86 44.84% 6007 Gross Wages-Campground 7,199.92 7,199.92 6010 Employer FICA Tax Expense 44,670.31 44,222.57 447.74 1.01% 6049 Employee Retirement 6,891.29 6,746.91 144.38 2.14% 6051 Employee Insurance 31,560.18 24,113.34 7,446.84 30.88% Total Cost of Labor 588,300.45 536,674.16 51,626.29 9.62% Gross Profit 2,808,791.88 1,504,779.38 1,304,012.50 86.66% Expenses 4050 Bad Debt 1,270,245.01 1,270,245.01 6006 Credit Card Merchant Fees 7,020.42 5,704.38 1,316.04 23.07% 6008 Contract Labor 39,285.00 39,285.00 6011 NWFS Fees 5,776.52 7,298.60 (1,522.08) -20.85% 6050 Administrative Expense 47,873.43 22,988.32 24,885.11 108.25% 6052 Insurance & Bonds 89,435.87 97,692.45 (8,256.58) -8.45% Viking Valley Association Statements of Revenues and Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2022 and 2021 2022 2021 Change Percent Viking Valley Association Statements of Revenues and Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2022 and 2021 6053 Taxes, Licenses & Permits 66,406.00 139,645.88 (73,239.88) -52.45% 6054 Legal & Professional 1,993.46 2,542.75 (549.29) -21.60% 6056 Promotional & Advertisement 14,208.59 10,860.00 3,348.59 30.83% 6059 LV News Expense 39,899.21 23,522.28 16,376.93 69.62% 6100 Office Expense 17,029.46 10,871.48 6,157.98 56.64% 6103 Postage 6,597.04 6,109.81 487.23 7.97% 6200 Maintenance Expense 53,980.10 61,114.23 (7,134.13) -11.67% 6250 Roads 204,587.52 270,052.51 (65,464.99) -24.24% 6251 Roads {Special Rd. District} 173.43 (173.43) -100.00% 6300 Ramp Gate Expense 2,342.58 3,319.50 (976.92) -29.43% 6400 Safety Expense 20,924.42 15,300.32 5,624.10 36.76% 6440 Fire Department Fund Raising 515.97 515.97 6450 Fire Department Expense 8,139.10 6,022.47 2,116.63 35.15% 6500 Special Lake Dredge Operations 109,431.62 20,508.51 88,923.11 433.59% 6501 Silt Basin Construction 262,864.07 377,223.75 (114,359.68) -30.32% 6502 Special Lake Silt Containment 29,866.66 29,866.66 6503 Special Lake Beach/Other 31,407.02 31,407.02 6600 Electricity 14,267.30 12,920.05 1,347.25 10.43% 66000 Payroll Expenses 937.00 2,400.50 (1,463.50) -60.97% 6700 Phones 2,298.62 7,896.59 (5,597.97) -70.89% 6750 Water 5,218.20 6,099.24 (881.04) -14.45% 6800 Heat {Propane} 6,556.07 4,196.66 2,359.41 56.22% 6900 Fuel {Gas/Diesel} 37,442.38 30,577.61 6,864.77 22.45% 6901 Dredge Fuel 20,964.82 4,589.31 16,375.51 356.82% 7000 Trash Expense 28,980.00 18,279.28 10,700.72 58.54% 7100 Campground Expense 16,359.07 28,086.51 (11,727.44) -41.75% 7101 Campground Utilities 59,578.05 55,842.18 3,735.87 6.69% 7300 Deed / Lien Expense 1,690.65 885.61 805.04 90.90% 7600 Cemetery Expense {Reimb} 1,628.49 1,530.02 98.47 6.44% 7795 Activities Expense 14,214.92 10,252.38 3,962.54 38.65% 7800 Misc. Expense 7,909.52 3,450.73 4,458.79 129.21% 7900 Fish Stocking 2,000.00 2,000.00 Unapplied Cash Bill Payment Expense - -Uncategorized Expense 150.00 150.00 Total Expenses 2,550,024.16 1,267,957.34 1,282,066.82 101.11% Change in Net Assets before Capital & Investment Expenses 258,767.72 236,822.04 21,945.68 9.27% Capital & Investment Expenses 1590 Current Year Cap. Expenditures 267,548.37 200,701.79 66,846.58 33.31% 7810 Investment Expenses 4,139.62 12,417.22 (8,277.60) -66.66% 7820 Realized Loses 59,812.29 7,213.09 52,599.20 729.22% Total Capital & Investment Expenses 331,500.28 220,332.10 111,168.18 50.45% Net Capital & Investment Expenses (331,500.28) (220,332.10) (111,168.18) -50.45% Change in Net Assets (72,732.56) 16,489.94 (89,222.50) -541.07% Substantially all disclosures omitted. Note No assurance is provided on these modified cash basis financial statements. Actual Budget Variance Percent Income 4000 Membership Dues 98,440.67 90,000.00 8,440.67 109.38% 4100 Special Assessments 1,014,885.34 955,000.00 59,885.34 106.27% 4150 Ramp Gate Assessment 4,560.00 4,000.00 560.00 114.00% 4200 Special Lake Assessments 191,251.75 168,500.00 22,751.75 113.50% 4201 Dredge Assessment (24.18) (24.18) 4202 Additional Dredge Employee 36,401.66 32,500.00 3,901.66 112.01% 4203 Special Lake Accrual 54,602.50 49,500.00 5,102.50 110.31% 4250 NWFS Collections Del Acct 7,116.35 20,000.00 (12,883.65) 35.58% 4251 VVA Collections Delinquent Acct 6,786.75 6,786.75 4300 Special Road Assessments 63,191.84 55,000.00 8,191.84 114.89% 4350 Defer. Maint./Cap. Proj. Assmts 56,416.27 48,500.00 7,916.27 116.32% 4400 Service Charge 13,303.47 6,000.00 7,303.47 221.72% 4401 Credit Card Convenience Fee 5,951.47 6,000.00 (48.53) 99.19% 4500 Campground Income 121,867.24 95,200.00 26,667.24 128.01% 4550 Mowing Receipts 6,280.00 8,000.00 (1,720.00) 78.50% 4600 Building Permit Fee 92,600.00 50,000.00 42,600.00 185.20% 4650 Clubhouse Income 6,673.55 5,000.00 1,673.55 133.47% 4660 LV News Income 47,858.70 54,000.00 (6,141.30) 88.63% 4700 Sales Income 95,580.25 4,000.00 91,580.25 2389.51% 4800 Cemetery Income {Reimb} 2,929.00 2,500.00 429.00 117.16% 4850 Special Road Dist. #1 18,469.26 5,000.00 13,469.26 369.39% 4860 Fire Department Income 1,194.00 1,000.00 194.00 119.40% 4870 Activities Income 22,007.00 10,000.00 12,007.00 220.07% 4910 Contract Income-P.W.S.D. #3 2,725.00 3,000.00 (275.00) 90.83% 4950 Misc. Income 114,851.51 23,000.00 91,851.51 499.35% 4960 Investment Income 32,154.71 35,000.00 (2,845.29) 91.87% 4970 Interest Income 7,162.63 1,500.00 5,662.63 477.51% 4980 Accrual Account 1,355.63 - 1,355.63 4999 A/R Adjustment 1,270,206.37 1,270,206.37 Services (0.33) (0.33) Unapplied Cash Payment Income 293.92 - 293.92 Total Income 3,397,092.33 1,732,200.00 1,664,892.33 196.11% Cost of Goods Sold 6000 Gross Wages-Administrative 130,684.72 101,000.00 29,684.72 129.39% 6001 Gross Wages-Maintenance 184,001.08 213,800.00 (29,798.92) 86.06% 6002 Gross Wages-Dredge {Sp. Lake} 9,706.36 34,000.00 (24,293.64) 28.55% 6003 Gross Wages-Safety 158,883.69 141,500.00 17,383.69 112.29% 6004 Gross Wages-Housekeeping 4,980.95 4,000.00 980.95 124.52% 6005 Gross Wages - Lifeguard 9,721.95 7,300.00 2,421.95 133.18% 6007 Gross Wages-Campground 7,199.92 7,200.00 (0.08) 100.00% Viking Valley Association Actual vs Annual Budget - Modified Cash Basis For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2022 Actual Budget Variance Percent Viking Valley Association Actual vs Annual Budget - Modified Cash Basis For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2022 6010 Employer FICA Tax Expense 44,670.31 40,000.00 4,670.31 111.68% 6049 Employee Retirement 6,891.29 4,500.00 2,391.29 153.14% 6051 Employee Insurance 31,560.18 38,000.00 (6,439.82) 83.05% Total Cost of Goods Sold 588,300.45 591,300.00 (2,999.55) 99.49% Gross Profit 2,808,791.88 1,140,900.00 1,667,891.88 246.19% Expenses 4050 Bad Debt 1,270,245.01 - 1,270,245.01 6006 Credit Card Merchant Fees 7,020.42 6,000.00 1,020.42 117.01% 6008 Contract Labor 39,285.00 48,000.00 (8,715.00) 81.84% 6009 Gross Wages Silt Containment 17,000.00 (17,000.00) 0.00% 6011 NWFS Fees 5,776.52 - 5,776.52 6050 Administrative Expense 47,873.43 39,000.00 8,873.43 122.75% 6052 Insurance & Bonds 89,435.87 89,000.00 435.87 100.49% 6053 Taxes, Licenses & Permits 66,406.00 121,800.00 (55,394.00) 54.52% 6054 Legal & Professional 1,993.46 5,000.00 (3,006.54) 39.87% 6056 Promotional & Advertisement 14,208.59 12,000.00 2,208.59 118.40% 6059 LV News Expense 39,899.21 39,000.00 899.21 102.31% 6100 Office Expense 17,029.46 10,500.00 6,529.46 162.19% 6103 Postage 6,597.04 6,000.00 597.04 109.95% 6200 Maintenance Expense 53,980.10 45,000.00 8,980.10 119.96% 6250 Roads 204,587.52 190,000.00 14,587.52 107.68% 6251 Roads {Special Rd. District} - 1,000.00 (1,000.00) 0.00% 6300 Ramp Gate Expense 2,342.58 1,500.00 842.58 156.17% 6400 Safety Expense 20,924.42 12,000.00 8,924.42 174.37% 6440 Fire Department Fund Raising 515.97 - 515.97 6450 Fire Department Expense 8,139.10 7,500.00 639.10 108.52% 6500 Special Lake Dredge Operations 109,431.62 53,000.00 56,431.62 206.47% 6501 Silt Basin Construction 262,864.07 214,000.00 48,864.07 122.83% 6502 Special Lake Silt Containment 29,866.66 37,000.00 (7,133.34) 80.72% 6503 Special Lake Beach/Other 31,407.02 35,000.00 (3,592.98) 89.73% 6600 Electricity 14,267.30 15,000.00 (732.70) 95.12% 66000 Payroll Expenses 937.00 - 937.00 6700 Phones 2,298.62 5,500.00 (3,201.38) 41.79% 6750 Water 5,218.20 7,000.00 (1,781.80) 74.55% 6800 Heat {Propane} 6,556.07 5,000.00 1,556.07 131.12% 6900 Fuel {Gas/Diesel} 37,442.38 25,000.00 12,442.38 149.77% 6901 Dredge Fuel 20,964.82 30,000.00 (9,035.18) 69.88% 7000 Trash Expense 28,980.00 22,000.00 6,980.00 131.73% 7100 Campground Expense 16,359.07 19,300.00 (2,940.93) 84.76% 7101 Campground Utilities 59,578.05 48,800.00 10,778.05 122.09% 7300 Deed / Lien Expense 1,690.65 1,000.00 690.65 169.07% Actual Budget Variance Percent Viking Valley Association Actual vs Annual Budget - Modified Cash Basis For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2022 7600 Cemetery Expense {Reimb} 1,628.49 3,000.00 (1,371.51) 54.28% 7795 Activities Expense 14,214.92 10,000.00 4,214.92 142.15% 7800 Misc. Expense 7,909.52 5,000.00 2,909.52 158.19% 7900 Fish Stocking 2,000.00 2,000.00 - 100.00% Uncategorized Expense 150.00 150.00 Total Expenses 2,550,024.16 1,187,900.00 1,362,124.16 214.67% Net Operating Income 258,767.72 (47,000.00) 305,767.72 -550.57% Other Expenses 1590 Current Year Cap. Expenditures 267,548.37 196,842.75 70,705.62 135.92% 7810 Investment Expenses 4,139.62 14,000.00 (9,860.38) 29.57% 7820 Realized Loses 59,812.29 59,812.29 Total Other Expenses 331,500.28 210,842.75 120,657.53 157.23% Net Other Income (331,500.28) (210,842.75) (120,657.53) 157.23% Net Income (72,732.56) (257,842.75) 185,110.19 28.21% 2022 Viking Valley Association Statements of Revenues and Expenses For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 6053 Taxes, Licenses & Permits 66,406.00 6054 Legal & Professional 1,993.46 6056 Promotional & Advertisement 14,208.59 6059 LV News Expense 39,899.21 6100 Office Expense 17,029.46 6103 Postage 6,597.04 6200 Maintenance Expense 53,980.10 6250 Roads 204,587.52 6251 Roads {Special Rd. District} 6300 Ramp Gate Expense 2,342.58 6400 Safety Expense 20,924.42 6440 Fire Department Fund Raising 515.97 6450 Fire Department Expense 8,139.10 6500 Special Lake Dredge Operations 109,431.62 6501 Silt Basin Construction 262,864.07 6502 Special Lake Silt Containment 29,866.66 6503 Special Lake Beach/Other 31,407.02 6600 Electricity 14,267.30 66000 Payroll Expenses 937.00 6700 Phones 2,298.62 6750 Water 5,218.20 6800 Heat {Propane} 6,556.07 6900 Fuel {Gas/Diesel} 37,442.38 6901 Dredge Fuel 20,964.82 7000 Trash Expense 28,980.00 7100 Campground Expense 16,359.07 7101 Campground Utilities 59,578.05 7300 Deed / Lien Expense 1,690.65 7600 Cemetery Expense {Reimb} 1,628.49 7795 Activities Expense 14,214.92 7800 Misc. Expense 7,909.52 7900 Fish Stocking 2,000.00 Unapplied Cash Bill Payment Expense Uncategorized Expense 150.00 Total Expenses 2,550,024.16 Change in Net Assets before Capital & Investment Expenses 258,767.72 Capital & Investment Expenses 1590 Current Year Cap. Expenditures 267,548.37 7810 Investment Expenses 4,139.62 7820 Realized Loses 59,812.29 Total Capital & Investment Expenses 331,500.28 Net Capital & Investment Expenses (331,500.28) Change in Net Assets (72,732.56) Substantially all disclosures omitted. Note No assurance is provided on these modified cash basis financial statements.
February 2023 15

Almost everything... you need to know about Lake Viking

Lake Viking 2023 Boards and Committees

Activities Committee

Mary Hibler (Chairperson), Dustin Hibler, David Hibler, Gail Bush, Resa Wiltse, Janet Hillman, Leanne Lee, Celeste Armanees (Board Contact), Dan and Connie Weidmaier, Dave & Tina Daniel, Cassie Martin

Board of Directors

President, Marvin McNabb; 1st Vice President, Mike Booth; 2nd Vice President, Allan Slavin; Secretary, Celeste Armanees; Assistant Secretary, George Eshnaur; Treasurer, Doug Winter; Assistant Treasurer, Troy Lesan.

VVA Board of Directors Meetings are held the second Sunday of each month, at 2:00 p.m. at the clubhouse. All members in good standing are welcome to attend.

Building Committee

Marvin McNabb, Doug Wiltse, Flint Hibler (Chairman), Matt Hibler, Al Christifano, Mary Aschbrenner, Bo Steed, Gregory Hall, Sue Morris, Allan Slavin (Board Contact) Building Committee Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at the clubhouse. Building permits are required to be approved by the Building Committee prior to the start of any construction as stated in the Covenants, Restrictions, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Viking Valley Association.

Campground Committee

Mary Hibler (Chairperson), Mike Wolfe, Kathy Price, Charles Sudduth, James Funk, Mike Booth (Board Contact)

Dredge Committee

Paula Hepinstall, Robert Hayes, Brett Bush, Shad Mort, Dave Daniel, Jim Miller, Shawn Hepinstall (Chairman), Doug Winter (Board Contact)

Employee Board Contact

Marvin McNabb

Exploratory Restuarant Committee

Don Leeper, Terry Nibarger, Erica Bruggerma, Sue Wolfe, and Robert Walton

Finance Committee

Donna Archibald, Terry Nibarger, George Eshnaur, Flint Hibler, Celeste Armanees, Paula Hepinstall (Chair), Troy Lesan, Doug Winter (Board Contact), Tony Conforti, Kevin Euston

Handbook Committee

Donna Archibald (Chair), Mary Miller, Kim Spidle, Terri Schlaiss, Celeste Armanees (Board Contact)


James Funk (Chairman), Mike Booth (Board Contact), Carl Butcher, Bob Clemens, Jim Gibbany, Kyle Loehnig, Ed White, Bob Shinogle Lake Committee

Shirley Leakey, Don Leeper, Carolyn Leeper, Bo Steed, Mike Krehbiel, Sherry Krehbiel, Eric Odette, Robert Walton, Troy Lesan (Board Contact)

Email: Meetings held the 2nd Wed. of the month at 2:00 p.m.

Special Road District

Ron Spidle, Troy Knight, Tony Gronniger

Strategic Planning Committee

Matt Nielsen (Chair), Tony Gronniger, Terry Nibarger, Tom Rice, Jack Buckingham, Haley Wright, Anthony Dirks, George Eshnaur (Board Contact)

Technology Committee

Scott Fatheree, Kelly Matenia, Mike Lammers

Volunteer Fire Department

Rusty Hendricks, Gary King, Tony Gronniger (Board Contact), Dennis Schlaiss, DJ Schlaiss, Tanner Hunter, Luke Threlkeld, Mark Closterman, Anthony Dirks, Mike Booth

The Fire Department meets on the second Friday of the month at 2:00 PM. If you have the interest and the time to serve your community, be sure to attend the next meeting. The monthly siren test will also be done at that time.

Public Water Supply District #3

Kyle W. Parkhurst, President, term expires 4/2023 - Sub-District #3; Jeffrey Speaker, Vice President, term expires 4/2025 - Sub-District #4; Harlan Horst, Secretary, term expires 4/2023 - Sub-District #5; Mark Closterman, Director, term expires 4/2024Sub-District #2; Heather Lund, Director, term expires 4/2024 - Sub-District #1; Roger Barker, Superintendent; Gary King, Water Operator; Travis Toney, Water Operator; Diane Hulett, Clerk. Board meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4 pm at PWSD #3 office.

Office Hours: 8am-4pm • Monday thru Friday.

All payments for metered water bills are to be made payable to Public Water Supply District No. 3 of Daviess County, Missouri. You may abbreviate as PWSD #3. If you have any questions, contact the PWSD No. 3 office, 116 Waterworks Dr., Gallatin, Mo. 64640 (located at the water plant). Phone 660-663-2771.

Online payments can be made at:

For the convenience of customers of Public Water Supply District No. 3, a drop box is available at the front door of the office located at the water plant for the payment of water bills. Payments received after 4 p.m. in the drop box will post the following day.

For the convenience of Association members, a drop box is available in the front door of the association office for the payment of association bills.

Property Owners

You are responsible for your guests and their actions. It is your responsibility to educate them on the rules and regulations of Lake Viking. Lake Viking is private property, but all lots are owned by some other individual.

Viking Valley Association

Office Address: 144 E. Main, Gallatin, MO 64640 660-322-9001 |

Office Hours: April 1 - Labor Day

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Saturday: 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Day after Labor Day - March 31

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Please do not drive or ride ATVs or bicycles on neighboring lots, or walk across lots to fish or use others’ property without first getting the property owner’s permission.

Fishery Guidelines

Bass: Release all bass 12” to 19”. Fishermen can keep one bass per day of 19” or longer. Crappie: Keep all crappie caught, within the state limit, which is 30 per day.

Walleye: Fisherman can keep Walleye at least 21” in length, release all catches under 21”.

Mowing Regulations

You are required to have your lot mowed by May 1st, June 1st and September 1st of each year. If you do not keep your lot mowed, or hire a contract mower, the Association will mow it, and bill you $90.00 for each mowing.

The Association does not want to be in the mowing business. Please self-mow your lot or hire a contract mower to do it for you. All contract mowers are required to submit a customer list to the Association office. If you are not on their initial list, you may be accidentally billed by the Association, so please contact your mower early. The below listed mowers have registered with the Association office and can usually be reached in the evening. There may be other mowers who advertise in the Lake Viking News.

Contract Mowers Can Save You Money

Eric Critten

Randy Gatton

Mark Hoig

Gary Salmon

Lyle Hoover

Jeff Hoppenthaler

Rick Roberts

Mow Betta Lawn Care

Patriot Lawn & Landscaping

Pain In The Grass, Steven Carlton

Jake Cameron



816-716-1896 or 660-663-4244









Please Keep Control of Your Dogs

Dogs are not allowed off the member’s property and shall be contained by a fenced enclosure or controlled by a leash. Guests’ dogs are included. Violation of this rule may be subject to an Infraction Ticket issued to the property owner.

Building Permit Notice

Emergency Phone Numbers

* DAVIESS COUNTY EMERGENCY . . . . . . . . . . . 911 Ambulance - Fire - Rescue

* Fire - Lake Viking Fire Dept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911 To Report Fire Only

* Lake Viking Safety Patrol . . . . . 660-322-9001 ext.1

Building Permits are required, but not limited to the following projects: fences, storage shed, shelters, decks, boat docks, boat houses, room additions, porches and any alteration of the roof line; and any other construction that requires large earth moving equipment, concrete trucks and other equipment that requires multiple axle trailers. Failure to comply with building regulations could result in a minimum fine of $500 and loss of lake privileges. Any construction not in compliance with these regulations could result in forced relocation of the structure.

Watch When and Where You Burn!

Anytime you are burning brush, etc., on your lot, make certain you are burning on your lot and not someone else’s property. Unattended burning is prohibited and burning is not allowed when winds are in excess of 15 mph and shall be subject to an Infraction Ticket and fine.



• Helmets are required to be worn when operating a motorcycle within the Lake Viking Subdivision.

• Goose population control is hard to manage... The first step in this process is DO

* Sheriff, Daviess Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660-663-2031 Sheriff Larry Adams . . . . . . . . . . . . or 660-663-2149

* Highway Patrol (Emergencies) . . . 1-800-525-5555 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Important Phone Numbers

* Association Office 660-322-9001 ext. 4

* Public Water Supply District #3 of Daviess County (Water Plant) 660-663-2771 Roger Barker (Emergency after hours) 660-334-0100

* Farmers Electric Co-op., Inc. During business hours . . . . . . . . . 1-800-279-0496

After Hours 1-800-927-5334 Affordable Disposal LLC . . . . . . . . . . . 816-238-8933

* Windstream Telephone Company Customer Service (Residential) 1-800-347-1991 Repair Service 1-800-782-6206 Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001 L ake Viking News February 2023 16

VVA Minutes

Fire Department

Tony Gronniger reported: We met Feb. 10th. Four members of the Fire Dept. were sponsored to attend training. Two staff members have completed EMT training. Tony has met with the ISO (agency which sets fire ratings) and says we expect to maintain or better our rating.

Campground Committee

Mike Booth reported: Two virtual meetings were held. On the committee, some positions will be re-assigned to include non-Campground members. The committee is working on scenarios for the Campground repair.

Lake Committee

Troy Lesan reported: The committee will start roadside inspections this week. Troy encouraged members to check their signage to ensure the lot number (must have the word “Lot” per recent Board vote) & your 911 address (# only, so no street name necessary) are both clear and readable, which will take you 5 minutes & possibly save you an Infraction. Both must be displayed where applicable.

Dredge Committee

Shawn Hepinstall (Chair) reported: Silt ponds 1 & 2 will be cleaned out. Dredge America will be here in June to begin dredging. Berm construction begins in March, to

help prevent erosion on the beaches.

Restaurant Exploratory Committee

Robert Walton (Chair) reported: No report this month.

Tech Committee

Jeff Ferguson reported:

Internet “fiber” install: Jeff met with MidStates, who has received a grant from the state of Missouri, to install more efficient “fiber” Internet service at Lake Viking and Altamont. Their project will begin in 60 days & will take 12 months to complete. Internet service will be much faster than existing service. Info will be available soon on the cost to subscribers for this new service.

Condo online app: The new Condo app went live Jan. 1, which requires your email address to sign up & use it. Please call the Office at 660-322-9001 to provide your e-mail address, as we currently have e-mail addresses for only ½ of VVA’s 1,519 total members. As the Condo system becomes updated and used by more people, our website will become less used and eventually depleted. The Condo app will include: Activities calendar, VVA Handbook, apply for Building Permits, register your boats for the lake, Membership Authorization & Guest Authorization--no more laminated Membership cards nor laminated Guest cards to keep track of, as it will

all be on-line.

Continued from page 5

Lake Director’s Report

Jeff Ferguson reported: We received the necessary permit from DNR, so Campground 1’s lagoon has been cleaned out & rock to be added around the outside of the lagoon to address the muskrat problem. Tree-trimming continues around the lake. We are looking at the 2023 chip and seal project on approx. 6.7 miles of road.

Financial Statement Approval

Troy Lesan moved to approve the Jan. Financial Reports. Seconded by Doug Winter; motion passed.

Guest Time

No guests were on the agenda for this meeting.


Handbook Rule changes: Celeste Armanees reported: Next is to vote on the 4-page document of many small updates to the Handbook Rules, which I e-mailed to the Board last week. All these proposed changes were suggested by Safety Mgr Jason McTheeney. These proposed “housekeeping” changes are for 3 different reasons: 1) To reflect the new Condo app, we added “using VVA’s online system”—e.g. to replace laminated Mem-

Continued on page 19

March 2023

Fruit Juice California Blend Green Beans Corn Salad Carrots

Cornbread, Oranges Applesauce Fruit Parfait

Gelatin with Fruit Peach Crisp Board Meeting 10 a.m.

Game Night 4-7 DCHD Blood Pressures 11-12 20

BINGO 10 a.m.

Mushroom & Onion Burger Pulled Pork Sandwich Beef Tips in Sauce over Chicken Noodle Soup Chicken Strips

Diced Potatoes Tater Coins

Mashed Potatoes Cole Slaw

Beets Green Beans Carrots

Broccoli & Cauliflower

Tomatoes Buttered Peas

Strawberry Shortcake Pineapple Peaches Mixed Fruit

Sliced Ham Swiss Steak Ham & Beans Chicken Livers Beef Vegetable Soup

Sweet Potatoes with Tomatoes, Peppers & Onions Fried Potatoes & Onions

Mashed Potatoes Cheese & Crackers

Seasoned Beans Parsley Potatoes Spinach, Cornbread Green Beans Fruit Juice

Applesauce Mandarin Oranges Mixed Fruit Gelatin with Fruit Diced Peaches

BINGO 10 a.m.

Game Night 4-7

= total meal has over 1 gram of sodium Bread, 2% milk, and one whole grain serving available with all meals. Menus subject to change. Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001 L ake Viking News February 2023 17
Active Aging Resource Center - serving times 11-12:30 Monday-Friday 109 S Main, P O Box 272, Gallatin, MO 660-663-2828 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 27 28 1 2 3 Tomato Soup Beef Pot Pie Oven Fried Chicken Cheeseburger on Bun Meatloaf Cheese & Crackers with Mixed Vegetables Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Tater Tots Carrots Broccoli Cole Slaw California Blend Vegetables Fruit Juice Green Beans Pineapple Upside Down Cake Peaches Pears Mandarin Oranges Applesauce BINGO 10 a.m. Game Night 4-7 6 7 8 9 10 Potato Soup & Ham Sandwich Ham Steak Chicken & Noodles Tater Tot Casserole Chicken Fillet Pickles & Onions Sweet Potato Mashed Potatoes with Ground Beef Carrots Spinach, Cornbread Green Beans Spinach Broccoli Salad Harvard Beets Mixed Fruit Apple Crisp Strawberries & Bananas Cole Slaw, Grapes Peaches Blood Pressures-Comfort Care Hospice BINGO 10 a.m. Game Night 4-7 13 14 15 16 17 Tuna & Noodles Pork Tenderloin Baked Chicken with Turkey Sandwich Corned Beef Peas & Carrots Mashed Potatoes Potatoes & Carrots Pasta Salad with Veggies Cabbage & Potatoes
Active Aging Resource Center Menu
21 22 23 24
Rivers Hospice-Blood Pressures BINGO 10 a.m.
Night 4-7 27 28 29 30 31


Church of Christ (108 E. Johnson St.) — Charles Ross, E v a n g e l i s t ; L o r d ’ s D a y s e r v i c e s 1 0 a m ; E v e n i n g services 6 p.m. For transportation, call 663-4061 or 6633957.

First Baptist Church (511 W Richardson St.) — Bro. Daniel Pelichowski, Pastor; Bro. Wood Marshall, Youth Pastor Bible Study 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.; Worship 10:40 a.m. (nursery provided). Evening Worship at 6 p.m.; Tuesday Bible study 6 p.m., Wednesday Adult Choir 8:05 p.m. For transportation, call church office at 663.663.2331.Office hours: 8 to 11 a.m. weekdays.


United Methodist Church — Marilyn Dorst, Minister; Worship 9:30 a.m., S S following on 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays; Sunday School 9:30 a.m. on 1st and 3rd.


First Baptist Church — Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m.; Sunday & Wednesday services 6:30 p.m.; church ph: 749.5577

Fair view Community Church — Pastor Shadrach Landry; Sunday School 9:45-10:45 a.m.; Worship 11 a.m.

United Methodist Church — Eugene Keats, Pastor; Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m.


First Christian Church (1501 S. Main St.) — Rev Kyle Taft, pastor; Children’s Pastor Emily Miller Sunday worship at 9 a.m.; Sunday School at 10 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Meetings at 5:30 p.m. followed by Bible Study at 6 p.m.; Men’s Bible Study 5 p.m. Sundays; Youth groups at 5:30 p.m. every second and fourth Sunday during the school year Visit our website:, and also join us on Facebook: Gallatin First Christian Church

Friends in Christ (400 N. Main St.) — Sunday morning worship 9:30 a.m. and small groups at 11 a.m. For more information, call Shonna at 660.663.2228

Gallatin First Assembly of God (208 S. Willow St.) — Rev Wayne Smith, Pastor, ph: 660.663.3213. S S 9:45 a.m., Celebrations 10:45 a.m.; Wednesdays 6 p.m.

Lake Viking Church (East Entrance to Lake) — Rev Robert Nelson, Pastor; Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m.; Wednesday Bible study and prayer service 7 p.m.; Email:

Mar y Immaculate Catholic Church (409 S. Main) — Fr Tom Hermes; Saturday Mass 4:30 p m on holiday weekends only; Sunday Mass 10:30 a.m. (all year)

Olive Baptist Church (Route V, east of Gallatin) — David Leeper, Minister; Sunday School 10 a.m.; Worship 11 a.m. & 7 p.m.; Wednesday prayer service 7 p.m.

Presbyterian Church (201 S. Main St.) — James Norton, Minister; Fellowship 10:30 a.m. and Worship 11 a.m.

Visit: Seventh-day

S. Clay St.) —

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (211

Ash) — David Marble, Bishop, ph: 660.663.9258. Sunday Sacrament Service 10 a.m.; Wednesday youth activities, 7 p.m.

United Methodist Church (111 S. Market) — Pastor Brad Dush; Sunday School and Worship 11 a.m.;

Alta Vista Baptist Church (NW of Winston on Hwy 6) — Rev Robert Dean, Pastor; Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship service 10:30 a.m.


Baptist Church — Tim Wilson, Pastor; Sunday School


United Methodist Church (109 E. Main) — Pastor Brad Dush; Worship 9:30, Sunday School

Baptist Church (708 W Auberr y Gr v) — Rev Jim Whitley, pastor Sunday School 9:45 a.m.; Worship 10:45 a.m. & 7 p.m.; Wednesday Bible study & prayer meeting 7 p.m.


United Methodist — Christy Clark, Pastor; Worship 10:30 a.m.

Heath United Methodist (2009 Oak St.) — Christy Clark, Pastor; Worship 9 a.m.; Sunday School 10 a.m.

CAMERON Cameron United Methodist Church (201 N. Pine) — Pastor Dan Brown Kid’s Sunday School (ages


First Baptist Church (202 E. Ford) Senior Pastor Ken Gazaway Sunday School All Ages 9:30 a.m.; Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m.; Tuesday Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study 6:00 a.m.; Wednesday Awana Clubs 6:30 p.m.; Thursday Impact Youth 6:30 p.m. Ph: (816) 632-7251 Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001 L ake Viking News February 2023 18 Stanley E. Humphrey, DDS Jacob E. Humphrey, DDS 307 S. Main, Gallatin 663-2814 Humphrey
Adventist Church
M i k e C a r n e r, Pa s t o r, p h : 6 6 0 7 7 2 3 3 0 6 ; S a t u r d a y Sabbath School 9:15 a.m., Worship 11 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
- 5th Grade) 9:00 a.m.; Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 a.m.; Sunday Youth Group (ages 6th -12th Grade) 7:30 p.m.8 : 3 0 p m We d n e s d a y N i g h t L i v e ( a g e s 4 t h - 5 t h Grade)6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Ph: (816) 632-3461 Christian Church — Terry Oliphant, Pastor; Sunday S c h o o l 9 : 3 0 a m ; F e l l o w s h i p 1 0 : 1 5 ; C h u r c h a n d Communion 10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.; Worship 11:30 a.m.; Wednesday Bible study
River of Life
Church (811 S. Walnut Street)
Sunday School 9:00 a.m.; Sunday Morning Worship 10:15 a.m. Ph: (816) 6322246 Liber ty Baptist
9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:15 a.m. First Christian
N. Pine) — Pastor Russ Hamilton Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 a.m.; Monday Evening Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Ph: (816) 632-3605 First Baptist Church — David Stephenson, Pastor; Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m. Oak Ridge Church (north of Old Pattonsburg) Dwight Schell, lay speaker; Sunday worship 10:30 a.m. Cornerstone Church (317 N. Locust) — Pastor Morgan S a u n d e r s S u n d a y M o r n i n g W o r s h i p 1 0 : 0 0 a m ; Wednesday
Otis Nixdorf & Dave Nixdorf
— Sunday School
Church (318
Evening Worship & Youth Group 6:30 p.m. Ph: (660)
10:35 a.m., nursery
Bible Baptist Church (515 S. Elm Street) — Pastor James Mackey Sunday School 10:00 a.m.; Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.; Sunday Afternoon Service 2:00 p.m.; Wednesday Evening Service & Kids Club 7:00 p.m. Ph: (816) 632-7337 Church of Christ (108 N. Williams) — Sunday Bible study 9 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Wednesday Bible study 7 p.m. Word of Life Christian Fellowship — Clyde Hulet, Pastor; Sunday School 9:15 a.m.; Worship 10 a.m.; Wed. Bible prayer meeting 7 p.m. 401 N Main St, Gallatin MO Ph. 660-663-3314 Open 8 A .M.-8 P.M. • 7 Days a week! Like us on Facebook! Funeral Home JAMESPORT 501 N. Locust 660.684.6133 Pr ofessional Ser vice with Dignity GALLATIN 1329 W. Grand, Gallatin, MO 64640 Fax: 660.663.3029 • 660.663.2117 Frost Automotive, Inc. Auto - Truck & Tractor Parts South side of Gallatin Square 663-2152 or 663-2455 Johnnie & Sally Black, Owners These sponsors encourage you to worship God wher ever you ar e, whatever your cir cumstances: Gallatin, MO 660-663-2183 Ph. 663-2161 121 W. Jackson, Gallatin Member FDIC OF NORTHERN MISSOURI Viking Valley Association 660-322-9001 144 East Main Street Gallatin, MO Monday-Friday | 8 am - 4 pm 816-945-2760 Custom Screen Printing & Embroider y Personalized Gif ts & More!

VVA Minutes

bership cards & Guest cards. Also to access “VVA’s online system” (Condo app) to submit Building Permit forms, Clubhouse reservations, etc. 2) Infractions: changed current wording “will receive” to “subject to” a $500 fine, so gives Safety team more discretion in any Infraction fines. 3) Simplified & standardized our water safety Rules that currently say 50ft vs. 75ft vs. 100ft from shore, depending on which Rule. So simplified all water rules to a standardized 75 feet from shore. Celeste Armanees made a motion to approve these Handbook Rule changes that were e-mailed to the Board. Seconded by Mike Booth; motion passed unanimously.

Campground Fees: Doug Winter made a motion to increase Campground fees to

$1,200/yr with sewer vs. $1,100/yr no sewer. Seconded by Troy Lesan; motion passed unanimously.

Campground Electrical for vote @ Annual Meeting: Celeste Armanees made a motion to add a question to the ballot for vote @ Annual Meeting, reminding folks that already on the Annual Meeting ballot is the following question per the Special Meeting held Dec. 3rd: “Shall every VVA member pay a one-time $300 Campground Assessment to replace the $450,000 Campground electrical grid?” However, Celeste stated that electrical is only step 1. To get the Campground where it needs to be for the future, you can’t do step 1 electrical, without doing step 2 which is a min. $200,000 septic upgrade needed in the

Continued from page 17

next year or so. Combined, this Campground project is by far the #1 largest spend in VVA history, since the lake was built. So, Celeste motioned to add this question to the Annual Meeting ballot: “Shall VVA Association spend $450,000 electrical grid + minimum $200,000 septic = total $650,000 on the Campgrounds … to be 100% paid by increased Campground fees, such that VVA’s “break-even” to recoup this $ spend is in 5-7 years?” The motion was seconded by Troy Lesan. The vote on the motion was 2:2 with Lesan and Armanees voting yes; Booth and Winter voting no. Board Pres. Marvin McNabb cast the tie-breaking vote of no; motion failed to pass.

Meeting Adjournment

Mike Booth made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 2:57pm. Seconded by Troy Lesan; motion passed. The Board adjourned to Executive Session, to discuss Legal, Personnel, and Board organizational matters.


Approximately 30 members were in attendance, too many to list here. A sign-in Attendance Sheet is on record at the Office for reference.

Let the record show that these minutes are a record of business transacted at this meeting, and are a sampling of the discussions. Comments and discussions are not reflected in whole or as actual quotations in the minutes, nor do they reflect all comments by members.

Respectfully submitted, Celeste Armanees Secretary, VVA Board of Directors

At the Annual Meeting in March, members will vote to elect 3 Board members. Current Board members whose terms expire are Marvin McNabb, Mike Booth, Celeste Armanees. The Nominating Committee is now accepting applications from any VVA members interested in running for a seat on the Board of Directors. For further information, send inquiries to LakeViking Community@ Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001 L ake Viking News February 2023 19 Viking Valley Association Ph: 660-322-9001 L ake Viking News February 2023 20 8 1 6 - 3 0 9 - 5 0 3 1 he Lake Viking Waterfront Realtor The Lake Viking Waterfront Realtor 8 1 6 - 4 5 2 - 4 2 0 0 E a c h o f f i c e s n d e p e n d e n t l y o w n e d a n d o p e r a t e d w w w . L a k e V i k i n g H o m e s F o r S a l e . c o m | K e v i n @ K e v i n T r i m b l e H o m e s . c o m K E V I N T R I M B L E , M B A Congrats to both buyers & sellers! Two Lake Viking homes are now under contract and will have new families this Spring! One family currently from Colorado and the other from Kansas City! Spring is for New Beginnings Find out what Kevin can do for you! WE HAVE MUCH INTEREST FROM BUYERS FOR LAKE VIKING..... MISSOURI'S BEST KEPT SECRET! NDER 118 Crayfish Point 22 Lake k ikin er. NDER

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