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Residents may shoot approved fireworks on member's property with a midnight curfew June 30th - July 4th

The use of “Sky Lanterns” is banned at Lake Viking.

PWSD #3 Update

By Troy Lesan

Clerk Diane Hulett is settling into her new office environment quite nicely. After the culmination of a process that started in April 2021 and ran into delays because of Covid, final transition into the new facility has been made during the past 2 months. Although the old water plant served the lake nicely for 50 years plus, it will be good for PWSD #3 staff to be able to operate from the new state of the art building which features a greatly expanded office facility and a new state of the art pumping station.

VVA Minutes

ing powered waterboards, if they are creating a wake. Tom Rice motioned the change be accepted and the motion was seconded by George Eshnaur. Motion passed unanimously.

• Tom Rice stated the committee is recommending a change to the Control of Pets section. The statement pets are not allowed off the owner’s property will be deleted. Statement will be added that pets not on the member’s property shall be controlled on a leash. Statement will be added that an animal which causes a bite wound or abrasion may be deemed vicious and may not be allowed at the lake. Also, from page 18 dog impoundment paragraph will be removed as we do not have the ability to provide impoundment. Tom Rice motioned that the change be accepted and motion was seconded by Tony Gronniger. Motion passed unanimously.

• Tom Rice stated the committee is recommending a change to page 30 under Careless and Impudent driving a second sentence will be added stated, A fine up to $500.00 may be assessed for each infraction including driving while intoxicated. Tom Rice made the motion to accept the change and it was seconded by George Eshnaur. Motion passed unanimously.

• Tom Rice stated the committee has proposed changes to the Campground rules in the handbook. On page 31 removal of camper shells will not be allowed to be removed at the campground. Camping season is open year-round. The water is shut off to the campgrounds in November and turned on in spring weather permitting after the probability of freezing is past. Tenting paragraph removed and added tenting will be $5.00 per day per person. The Campground Manager’s number will be changed to 660605-3004. Any improvements in the campground must have the approval of the Managing Director and/or the Campground Manager. Changes to permanent site leases must remain with the site. This includes but not limited to timbers installed, gravel added etc. Any request to dig in the campground must by properly approved through the campground manager. A broken campground contract will result in the RV port located on the site to become the property of VVA Campground. Noise regulation quiet hours will be 11pm to 8am. The last change was no cleaning and disposal of fish remains will be allowed at the campground trash containers. Tom Rice made the motion to accept the changes and motion was seconded by Tony Gronniger. Mo-

(continued from page 1) tion passed unanimously.

Finance Committee

Terry Nibarger reported:

• The Finance Committee met June 8, 2023 and was led by Paula Hepinstall. The May 2023 financials were reviewed. Terry reported there was an 8% increase in revenue. Morgan Stanley account for May 23 was up $8225.71. The balance in the Morgan Stanley investment account is $1,105,573 and is earning 5.45% rate of return. Terry Nibarger recommended that $500,000 be moved to the FDIC insured account to avoid risk. Paula Hepinstall recommended that a full independent audit be done of the VVA financials.

• Seven VVA owned lots have been sold. Lot 717 work will be done in the next two weeks and the lot will be offered for sale at $275K to VVA members with no realtor’s fees. If the lot is not sold to a VVA member it will be placed with a realtor for sale.

• Terry Nibarger reported an interested party has volunteered to do work on building a jetty if the Association will pay for their fuel and install the boat docks behind the jetty.

• Terry reminded the attendees that the annual meeting date has been changed and will be in October 2023.

• Terry reported that Phase 1 of the campground electrical repair has been completed. The special assessment that was approved at the annual VVA meeting has brought in $113,000 to date.

• Terry reported on the septic system needs a larger berm and a larger lagoon. This is being reviewed for future changes.

Strategic Planning Committee

George Eshnaur Lot 505 reported: Meeting was held May 16, 2023 and will meet again June 21, 2023. During the May meeting the pros and cons of selling lake lot 717 were discussed. Strategic planning committee will begin obtaining RFPs for projects which are anticipated. The committee is working with Jeff Ferguson to review projects and update the status of these projects.

Activities Committee

No report for this meeting. The Annual Poker Run was held June 10, 2023. The event was very successful with 350 participating in the Poker Run.

Building Committee

Doug Winter reported for Allan Slavin Lot 181: In the past

Fishing Guideline Reminders

Conservation Agent Jaycob O’Hara from the Missouri Department of Conservation recently spoke at a board meeting. Key take aways from his discussion follow:

• Lake Viking is Classified as “Waters of the State”

• Anyone fishing on “Waters of the State” is required to have a fishing permit except:

- Anyone 15 years of age or younger

- Missouri Residents 65 years of age or older

• Nonresidents must purchase Nonresident Fishing Permits

- Nonresidents defined as – anyone who claims resident privileges in another state

• Fishing Permits and a Form of Identification must be on your person while fishing (Drivers Licenses, Official Domical, Voter or vehicle registration)

• Statewide Daily and Length limits apply

- Can be found online or in the Fishing Pamphlet

• Permits may be bought

-Online (mdc.mo.gov)

-Phone apps (Mo Hunting/Mo Fishing)

-Retail Establishments (Walmart, Wall Street Gas Station, Like Viking Marina)

If you have any questions, feel free to call/text Conservation Agent Jaycob O’Hara at (660) 605-2893.

Lego to the Rescue

Photo By Troy Lesan

Now that summer is here, memories of winter are far from our minds, and it seems the winters have been so much milder. There were, however, a few days in January 2023 that were brutal. This is a story of an incident on one of those days that caused a grateful lady to say “Linda and Lego saved my life!” This story has recently circulated again through testimonies at Lake Viking Church, and it is told in the following narration by VVA Member Linda Evans:

“Introducing Lego a 15 pound rescue dog I adopted from Wayside Waifs in Kansas City. He looks like a little fox and is very intelligent. He is a constant companion that many have probably seen on our daily walks and golf cart rides.

On Sunday, January 22, Lake Viking had over 8 inches of snow and ice with below freezing temperatures. Lego was in for the evening but suddenly demanded to go outside. When I opened the door, he immediately started barking and ran through the snow toward the road. I then heard my elderly neighbor lady from across the street say. “Lego, go get Linda.” I called out to her and she said she needed help because she had fallen in her driveway and broke her leg.

I called 911 as I ran to her with a blanket and a flashlight. She did not have a coat on and was in a lot of pain. I feared she was going into shock, so I wrapped her in a blanket and kept talking to her and reassuring her help was on the way. If it had not been for Lego, the outcome would have been very bleak, and I would not have found her until morning.

I hope this encourages people to look out for their neighbors and to “Adopt, Don’t Shop” when you are considering a pet.

T h e l o t i s s i t u a t e d o n a g r a d u a l s l o p e t h a t t a k e s y o u t o t h e r o c k s h o r e l i n e a n d s w i m d o c k t u r e T r e e s & U t i l i t y S h e d

B o r d e r e d o n t w o s i d e s b y s h o r e l i n e

$ 3 4 0 , 0 0 0 w w w K e v i n T r i m b l e H o m e s c o m | K e v i n @ K e v i n T r i m b l e H o m e s c o m

A l l n u m b e r s m e a s u r e m e n t s t a x e s s c h o o l s t o b e v e r i f i e d b y b u y e r s a n d / o r b u y e r s ' a g e n


6 Exceed Maximum Posted Speed Limit:

The maximum speed limit for the operation of any vehicle or conveyance upon the roads, ways, streets, and thoroughfares of the subdivision shall be thirty (30) miles per hour except in t h o s e a r e a s w h e r e a d d i t i o n a l l y restricted speed limits may be posted, whether temporary or permanent.

6 Improper Parking:

The parking of motor vehicles on the traveled portion of any street, road, or way within the subdivision is prohibited except for an emergency which does not allow immediate removal.

Savvy Boater Tips from Uncle Buck

As a dock owner, it is not unusual to have friends or family enjoying fishing from the dock.

As a boater, when you are cruising one of the items you should be alert for is fishing lines in the water. Sometimes, some of our friends or family might walk off and leave their lines in the water- causing a potential hazard.

If you are cruising close to the docks (as many are in the habit of doing), you may get lucky and get a fishing line wrapped around your prop. How fun?

Not only will you destroy the rod as you pull it from the dock, but you could spend the next two hours getting towed back to the marina, where they will be happy to remove the fishing line, hooks etc. from your motor- possibly sometime next week. All for a small fee, of course.

Two things could make this a much better experience:

1. As a dock owner- ask your fishing friends to pull in their lines when they leave the dock.

2. As a boaterdon’t get so close to the docks when you are out cruising.

The LV Patio Party on 6-17-23 featured the return of “Cheap Thrills.” Great music and another good Activities Committee event at the clubhouse!


& swim deck. Amazing covered shelter by the water and fire pit, perfect for entertaining. Gorgeous living area w/ fireplace & open stairway.


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