3 minute read
Delinquent Accounts
from LVN_June2023
by GranDesign
Per the March annual meeting, a 4% late fee will be assessed on all unpaid dues, assessments, or infractions effective 5/24/23 and will continue for the next three months on any unpaid balances.
Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday thru Friday, and 8 a.m. to Noon on Saturday for payments to be processed. Card payments can be accepted over the phone with a 5% processing fee.
Safety Tip: Electricity Around Water
ELECTRICITY. It’s shocking. It can be deadly.
If you have a dock, you have a responsibility make certain that it is safe for you, your guests, and your neighbors.
Most of us have electricity on our docks. We power our boats lifts, lights, pumps, refrigerators, battery chargers and more. Even a little “loose voltage” can cause serious problems.
If you are in the water and you feel a tingle, get away from the dock and call for help! Touching the ladder (or anything metal) might be the last thing you ever do. Someone on the shore needs to turn off the electricity immediately. Do you know how to do that? How many other people at your dock know how to shut off the power? Don’t keep it a secret.
Tragic stories are easy to find. Every summer someone is on the news, usually deadfrom electric shock while in the water. I recommend that you look at the website for www. docklifeguard.com for examples, and how to avoid tragedy.
There are several products that will alert everyone in the area to stray voltage in the water. They vary in cost and effectiveness. Their reviews are important to read. Dock Lifeguard had by far the best reviews I saw. There may be a better product out there. I didn’t see it.
I encourage you to think of who you are protecting as you consider this issue. This is not where you want to go cheap.
I chose Dock Lifeguard. A lake area electrician is a certified installer.
Don’t let your dock become part of a horror story.
This is NOT an advertisement.
Terry Nibarger
Who Ya Gonna Call?
Farmers’ Electric Co-op
After Hours Emergencies 800-927-5334
Trash Service (Affordable Disposal)
Phone Company (Windstream)
Managing Directors Report
Doug Winter reported for Jeff Ferguson (Managing Director): Condo Control
• We are moving from Card Connect for credit card payments to Zego. The fee is 3% plus $2.00 per transaction. The change was made as the credit card system has to be compatible with Condo so payments can be processed online.
• Payments via Condo will be available in July 2023.
Lake Information
• Clubhouse rental fees are being reviewed.
• Jeff is working with the USDA to identify programs which the Lake may be eligible to participate in. One example is a pollinator garden as much of the Lake land are used for haying for livestock.
• Beach 2 has suffered some erosion during the recent rain.
• Permit payments are used for the road repairs.
• Lot S131 has not sold. Nadine Parmenter is the agent who has the lot listed for sale. Plan is to lower the price and let the buyer do any work that is needed on the lot.
Fishing Committee
• Brett Bush reported that there will be two additional fishing tournaments later this year. There will be a Crappie tournament and another Bass tournament.
• Brett reported that they will contribute another $2000 to stock fish, as well as the $2000 in the association budget.
• Fishing Committee will report at monthly meeting going forward.
Approval Of Financial Statements
Tom Rice made a motion that the Financial Statements for May 2023 be approved as presented. Seconded by Terry Nibarger; motion passed unanimously.
Guest Time
No guests were on the agenda for this meeting.
Board Discussion
No board discussion was held.
Motion was made to adjourn to Executive Session at 3:15 pm to discuss legal, personnel, and Board organizational matters. A second was received and the motion passed by all board members. Meeting was adjourned at 3:15 pm.
A sign-in Attendance Sheet is on record at the Office for reference. Let the record show that these minutes are a record of the business transacted at this meeting and are a sampling of the discussions. Comments and discussions are not reflected in whole or as actual quotations in the minutes, nor do they reflect all comments by members.
Just a reminder for all members that the dump is open Wednesday-Sundays weekly. This is for members only, not for contractors doing work for you.
We have also added a couple of Concrete Washout areas here at the lake for concrete trucks to wash out. One is at the Maintenance Dump area and the other one is on the South side at 165th & LVT at South End Containment Pond (known as Temporary Road).