NEXT VVA MONTHLY MEETING: Sunday, April 14, 2024 @ 2:00PM at the clubhouse.
All members in good standing are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you want on the agenda, you must notify the office on or before the Monday prior to the board meeting.
NEXT VVA MONTHLY MEETING: Sunday, April 14, 2024 @ 2:00PM at the clubhouse.
All members in good standing are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you want on the agenda, you must notify the office on or before the Monday prior to the board meeting.
Call to Order
President Doug Winter, Lot 47, called the meeting to order, held in the upper level of the Clubhouse, at 2:00 pm. Board members present were: Doug Winter, Lot 47, Tom Rice, Lot 343, and Robert Walton, Lot 217. A quorum of board members was not present. Tony Gronniger led in prayer. Jeff Ferguson, Lake Manager, led the Pledge of Allegiance. Doug Winter read the mission statement of Lake Viking.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes were not approved from the February 2024 meeting as a quorum of board members was not present. These minutes will be presented for approval at the April 2024 meeting.
Handbook Committee
No report.
Finance Committee
Doug Winter, Board President thanked the Finance Committee for all the work done in preparing the Budget proposals for 2024.
Strategic Planning Committee
No report.
Activities Committee
No report.
Building Committee
Report by Robert Walton. Number of permits approved in the last month were 7. One of these was a house.
Fire Department
Report by Tony Gronniger
• The Fire Department met on March 8, 2024, at 2:00 pm. Storm sirens were tested and apparatus readiness was checked.
• Construction has begun on the restroom facilities and water supply installation for the Safety/Fire Department Building and if projected to be completed by Spring 2024. The Fire/Safety Command vehicle has been repaired and is in service. Updated stickering is scheduled and will be installed soon.
Safety Department
No report this month.
Campground Committee
No report this month.
Lake Committee
Robert Walton reported:
• Four (4) properties that do not comply with the VVA handbook guidelines still have pending compliance issues.
• Road Inspections will begin in the next week.
Infraction Committee
No report
• The next scheduled meeting of the Infraction Committee will be April 27, 2024.
Dredge Committee
Shawn Hepinstall reported:
• The committee met two weeks ago.
• The dredging will begin April 1, 2024, for Pilot/Pirate, Garney, and Three Tubes coves.
• Shawn met with Dredge America in preparation for the upcoming dredging season.
• Shawn reported dredging will begin at the back of the coves and will move forward toward the main lake. We will dredge for 20 days in each cove.
• Maintenance has been working on silt ponds and they are ready for dredging to begin.
Fishing Committee
Tom Rice reported:
• May 4, 2024, will be the Crappie Fishing Tournament.
• June 1, 2024, will be the Bass Fishing Tournament.
• The Fishing Committee is working on organizing a kid’s fishing tournament.
• July 6, 2024, will be Fishing Committee Fund Raiser. Chris Cakes will be serving a pancake breakfast to raise monies for the fishing committee for fish stocking for VVA.
• The committee is discussing locations to place fish attracters.
• Discuss about the best time of year to catch crappies.
Tech Committee
Jeff Ferguson reported that the Tech Committee will meet before the next scheduled board meeting. No report at this time.
Beautification and Donations Exploratory Committee
Felicia Roth reported on the progress made by the Committee. Their goal is to: 1. Refresh and improve the Lake’s appearance, 2. Fundraising through donations to enable projects to be completed without raising member dues, 3. Improve appearance at Lake Entrances, the VVA Office, and the Safety Office, and refresh signs for more eye appeal.
(continued on page 17)
Call to Order
President Doug Winter, Lot 47, called the meeting to order, held in the upper level of the Clubhouse, at 12:00 pm. Board members present were: Doug Winter, Lot 47, Tom Rice, Lot 343, Michelle Sullivan, Lot 1826, Robert Walton, Lot 217, George Eshnaur, Lot 505. Troy Lesan led in prayer. Jeff Ferguson, Lake Manager, led the Pledge of Allegiance. Doug Winter read the mission statement of Lake Viking and stated the reason the special meeting has been called is to fulfill the requirement of our covenants and By-Laws to approve annual member dues for 2024. It was explained that Option 1 would be discussed and then voted on first. If Option 1 is passed by greater than 51% of the voting members it will be accepted and the voting will stop there. If Option 1 is not passed then Option 2 will be discussed with questions allowed and then a vote will be taken on Option 2. Again, it will need to pass by a 51% margin to be approved.
Call to Order
President Doug Winter, Lot 47, called the meeting to order, held in the upper level of the Clubhouse, at 2:00 pm. Board members present were:
Doug Winter, Lot 47, Tom Rice, Lot 343, Robert Walton, Lot 217, George Eshnaur, Lot 505, Jeremy Lillig, Lot 3041, Michelle Sullivan, Lot 1826 and Terry Nibarger, Lot 657. Terry Nibarger led in prayer. Jeff Ferguson, Lake Manager, led the Pledge of Allegiance. Doug Winter read the mission statement of Lake Viking.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes were approved from the January 2024 meeting. A motion was made by Tom Rice and was seconded by Michelle Sullivan. The minutes for January 2024 were approved unanimously.
Handbook Committee
Tom Rice reported the committee is compiling changes made during the last year for inclusion in the new handbook. Michelle Sullivan will be the liaison for the Handbook Committee going forward.
Finance Committee
• Michelle Sullivan reported that the committee met on February 9, 2024.
• Michelle reported goals were to enhance communication regarding VVA Financial information and to improve documentation in Quickbooks.
• Investments were up in January 2024 with 9% growth for the month.
• There will be a procedural change going forward. Financial documents will be provided before the Board Meeting.
• 2023 FY Audit - The UHY audit of 2023 is underway but is taking longer than expected.
• Sale of Lake Owned Lots – This is going well. Michelle reported $60,000 in lot sales to date.
• Sale of Lot 717 – There is a pending sale on this lot for $230,000. Closing should take place in April 2024 if things go as expected.
• The Finance Committee is looking into a 401K as an investment opportunity for VVA employees.
• The Finance Committee is also exploring a settlement suit against MC/Visa where we may be able to recover some of the settlement.
• Special use “SU” 13 lots have been re-platted as SU lots, allowing for certain types of storage structures to be built with the approval of the BOD and Building Committee. These lots will be priced at $35,000 and will be offered to current members first. Any remaining lots will be sold to the general public after the member-only period has closed.
Strategic Planning Committee
No report per George Eshnaur.
Activities Committee
No report per Jeremy Lillig.
Building Committee
• Report by Robert Walton. The number of permits approved in the last month was 4. None of these were houses.
• Discussion ensued regarding the classification of lots to SU Lots with structures allowed to be the same as on S Lots. It was stated that 13 lakeowned lots would be classified as SU Lots.
Robert Walton made a motion that the Lake owned lots 2504-2513, 2516, 2519, and 2520 be reclassified to SU Lots. The motion was seconded by Terry Nibarger. The motion carried unanimously.
Questions fielded before the vote included
1. Janet VanWye voiced concern that the reclassification of these lots will cause property values to decrease.
2. Jeff Speed voiced concern that property values may be affected by the reclassification.
3. Allysa Mahler voiced concern as she would be directly impacted by lot 2516 being reclassified as her house has a view of that lot and if a storage building etc. were built there it would lessen the view and possibly value of her lot.
Fire Department
No report this month.
Safety Department
No report this month
Campground Committee
No report this month
Lake Committee
Robert Walton reported:
• The Lake Committee has been active this past month with lake inspections. Action was taken on four (4) properties that do not comply with the VVA handbook guidelines. Property owners were given time to respond and make corrections to their properties to bring them into compliance. If corrections are not made, the Lake Committee will then proceed to more aggressive action to rectify the situation. The committee will give updates on these four properties at future board meetings.
Infraction Committee
Terry Nibarger reported:
• The next scheduled meeting of the Infraction Committee will be April 27, 2024.
• A Zoom meeting was held on February 15, 2024.
• Members of the committee have changed verbiage regarding appeals of infractions.
• The change will be as follows: Members who fail to appear at and present their case to the infraction committee forfeit their right to appeal the infraction committee’s decision. The only thing that may be appealed, is the amount to the Board of Directors if the member fails to appear before the infraction committee. The Board of Directors will not consider guilt or innocence of the violation. Safety will present the same facts of the case to the Board of Directors that the infraction committee considered and there cannot be a dispute of the facts. No fine can be reduced lower than the standard minimum fine the infraction committee normally imposes, and the Board of Directors may increase the fine up to the maximum allowed by the rule.
• Terry Nibarger motioned the revised verbiage to the Infraction Committee policies and procedures. The motion was seconded by Robert Walton. The motion passed unanimously.
Dredge Committee
Doug Winter reported:
The dredge will begin working in late March/early April Fishing Committee
Tom Rice reported: No report Tech Committee
Jeff Ferguson reported: No report Beautification Exploratory Committee
Felicia Roth reported on the progress made by the Committee. Their goal is to: 1. refresh and improve the Lake’s appearance, 2. Fundraising through donations to enable projects to be completed without raising member dues, 3. Improve appearance at Lake Entrances, the VVA office, and the Safety Office, and refresh signs for more eye appeal. The Committee was renamed the Beautification and Donations Exploratory Committee.
Priority Projects include:
1. Entrance signs created and shown. More examples to come.
2. Safety & Fire buildings measured. Fire Department building paint has also degraded. Painting both structures is suggested. Create drawings of structures with improvements soon. Complete the list of materials needed for these projects and submit it to the membership soon.
3. Spring Fest fundraiser Saturday, April 27th, released an announcement to members. Submitted participant application for release, and delivered printed applications and announcements to the office. Print more as needed. Send applications to those interested in participating. Finalize Spring Fest banner, sign, and T-shirt design.
4. Create zones for seasonal and fund-raising banners or signs.
5. Invite members to submit for consideration nature and/or lake photos, drawings, or paintings for fundraising merchandise. Possibly include items at the Spring Fest.
(continued on page 19)
Call to order, by Chair, 5:00PM Thursday, March 7, 2024 on ZOOM
Roll call of attendees: Paula Hepinstall Chair, Jeff Ferguson Lake Manager, George Eshnaur, Doug Winter, Jeremy Lillig, Jacque Leslie, Kevin Euston, Deena Stous, & Troy Lesan.
February 2024 Financial Documents. It was noted both revenues and operational expenses are up.
Morgan Stanley Fund Continues to be strong and is up for the month by $32,062 after fees.
2023 Full Year Audit started last fall & will resume in April after tax season. Doug commented that very strong financial controls are in place due to the fact that VVA Financial Documents are also audited each month when compiled by UHY.
Jetty Project: Jeff reiterated that 260 loads of rip-rap @ 19 tons each, for stream embankment stabilization, also have resulted from this project.
Sale of lake owned lots: 7 lots were sold in February for a total of $56,000.
Sale of lot 717 VVA has accepted a $230,000 offer with closing in April.
Campground Septic/Electrical Update DNR has approved VVA plan for septic; system is still being designed. With phase 2 on electric completed, phase 3 will occur next year with no work to begin until CG septic is completed.
Clubhouse Septic Update – Accepted Bird Septic bid - $87k. Update Jeff emphasized that both the Campground and Clubhouse systems will be much larger than residential units thus the cost.
Lake Director Report There was brief discussion regarding the fact that VVA owned (small) adjoining waterfront lots 59 & CA 4 are still for sale due to previous membership approval.
401K through ADP – Michelle continues to work with Financial Advisors on a possible new plan that is inclusive to more members. Jeff also reported that he is looking at comparisons on employee health insurance.
Mastercard/Visa Settlement – Kevin reported that a good deal of paperwork is required for this and it is in the process of being submitted.
Other Business: Jeff reported that notice will be published regarding SU Lots for sale. Jeremy reported on the possibility of VVA going onboard with the Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri which would result in tax-exempt status for members or any others wishing to gift money to a VVA fund thru this foundation. More details next meeting.
With no other business, meeting was adjourned at 6:19 PM
Minutes respectfully submitted by Troy Lesan
We are pleased to announce the sale of 12 lots designated as “SU” (Special Use) that will follow the same building requirements and parameters as the “S” lots/ Hangers.
Please refer to the VVA Handbook for these requirements.
These lots will be put out to the membership for 60 days as a first come first serve basis at $35,000 each. After 60 days the lots will be listed on the open market.
12 lots are available and are as follows:
SU Lots 2520, 2519, 2513, 2512, 2511, 2510, 2509, 2508, 2507, 2506, 2505,2504.
Jeff Ferguson, Lake DirectorCall me sentimental but, as a resident of Lake Viking, for the past 23 years, I still miss the Gallatin newspaper. The Gallatin North Missourian was a wonderful small-town/county seat newspaper and a respected institution. It was around to cover the famous Gallatin Courthouse trial of Frank James (brother of Jesse James) in 1881. No less than three of the Gallatin newspaper’s former owner/publishers are in the Missouri Press Association Hall of Fame along with other notable names such as Joseph Pulitzer of the Saint Louis Dispatch and William Rockhill Nelson of the Kansas City Star. That’s pretty good company!
Actually, one could say that the last visible down-sized remnant of the Gallatin Newspaper is this publication, The Lake Viking News, which had previously been printed by Gallatin Publishing for over 50 years. The Association was fortunate enough to acquire this periodical from Gallatin Publishing before it closed, so that we would still be able to mail information on meetings and other events to each and every Association Lot Owner on a monthly basis.
Anyway, Daviess County has a population of 8,430 and is a county that, in days of yore, had a weekly newspaper in almost every little town: Altamont, Winston, Pattonsburg, Jameson. Now the county has one weekly newspaper in Jamesport. But, not to worry. Help is on the way.
See the caption accompanying the above picture. It is a press release that is part of a large feature story from the New York Post March 11, 2024. The article explains that “The McBee Dynasty” is a docu series consisting of 10 episodes and follows Steve McBee, who is the owner of McBee Farm and Cattle in Gallatin, Missouri, which spans 40,000 acres and runs a couple thousand head of cattle.”
Many Lake Viking Association Members have probably driven past the big McBee Farms complex when traveling on Highway 6 between Lake Viking and Gallatin. McBee Farms is a large employer in the Gallatin area. Over the years, I can immediately think of several people with Lake Viking connections who have been part of the McBee workforce. I’m not going to get into the numbers game, because I have learned that
when a novice like me starts spitting out numbers, it’s too easy to get it wrong. But it can certainly assumed that with all of that land (and cattle and equipment) much of which is in Daviess County, tax revenues derived from personal property taxes and tax levies for several public school districts as well as income for community members, local merchants and contractors, provide a positive financial impact for the area that is SIGNIFICANT.
There used to be an old saying that went like this: “hey all I know is what I read in the newspaper.” Well, it’s not quite that simple anymore due to the extra layers of information to be found in the often insane and insufferable nattering from social media as well as the traditionally unreliable prattle from the local convenience store and Dollar General parking lots and coffee shops. But in the case of local Daviess County news, as amazing as it seems, we now have a nationally broadcast reality show to set the record straight. Items in this article were taken from the March 11, 2024 online version of the New York Post in a routine internet search.
This is fascinating stuff, and the internet versions of the New York Post, The Kansas City Star, and the USA Insider from the USA network (also headquartered in New York City at 30 Rockefeller Plaza), and the media demos, promos, and resulting Youtube trailers have pretty much covered all the bases. The bottom line, as this series will show, is that McBee Farms is a humongous agri-business operation, probably the biggest ever in Daviess County, and it is accompanied by huge challenges. Meanwhile, I’m all in with the USA Network telecasts of McBee Dynasty. The shows are first scheduled on Mondays, they repeat on the network throughout the week. And maybe I will also check the online version of the New York Post more often . . . in order to stay abreast of the “local” Daviess County Missouri news.
Meeting held 2/29/24
In attendance: Chair - Felicia Roth, David Roth, Jeff Ferguson
Mission Statement
1. Focus on projects that will refresh, improve and benefit Lake Viking’s environment & community
2. Envision, plan, prepare & create.
3.Explore ways for VVA to raise funds for future expenses.
4. Design projects that will not raise dues or association fees and will provide positive opportunities for the community.
Priority Projects:
1. “Spring Fest” fundraiser - Sat. April 27 2024: distributed printed posters & fliers inviting Artists, Craftspersons & businesses to apply. More promotion to be done.
2. T-Shirt samples ordered for “Spring Fest” & new Lake Viking Merchandise. Finalize banners/signs plus reviewed new merchandise designs.
3. Inviting members to submit Nature/Lake themed photos & art for fundraising items.
4. Continuing research for a Lake Viking fundraising website with direct print & ship on demand features of assorted merchandise.
5. “Volunteers Needed” Fliers distributed. Individuals are needed for efforts at entrance sign areas, plus construction, sanding, power washing & painting of Safety & Fire buildings.
6. Drawings of Safety & Fire buildings improvements to come.
7. List of Donated Materials to be finalized & released.
8. Reviewed Entrance Sign designs.
9. Communicating with Conservation Dept. and applying for a cost sharing program for native wildflowers & trees for Community areas etc.. A half acre of land or more is required and it takes a few years for full root & bloom establishment.
VVA is a Not for ProÞt organization that maintains & cares for Lake Viking Missouri. Our community depends on volunteers and donations for maintenance & improvements.
1. Weed Matting rolls (thick 4’ x 100’ ) - 800 sq. ft.
2. Decorative River Rock - 8 scoops
3. Larger assorted rock - 100s
4. Gravel - 24 scoops
5. Cedar or Cypress Mulch ( natural ) - 12 scoops
6. Garden edging, stake down ( 1.7” / 2” Bl. ) - 300‘
7. Garden Stakes (plastic or metal) - 400
8. Self Watering rings & mats ( 12”, 24”, 36” ) - 24
9. Small evergreen bushes - 6
10. Weigela Bushes - 6
11. Coneßowers ( purple, pink & yellow) - 12
12. Plastic coated ßex steel cable & zip ties - assort.
Goals are listed, any amount of donation is appreciated. Some quantities are approximates.
New or in good condition items please.
or Gray) - 560 sq. feet
15. Metal siding ( Dark Blue or White) - 360 sq. feet
16. Windows ( 36” x 48’) - 2
17. Shutters ( 36” h. Black or White) - 4
1. Pergola, Gazebo or Shelter ( Cedar look treated wood, vinyl or powder coated steel.) - 3
2. Arbors ( Cedar or black powder coated steel ) - 2
3. Arbor ( Made of tree branches, clear coated ) - 1
4. Benches ( Powder Coated Aluminum ) - 3
Paint, metal siding & rooÞng colors and lengths, yet to be Þnalized.
Information, images & where to purchase some items is available.
When donating all materials or funds for a project, an appreciation plaque may be posted.
18. Interior Satin Acrylic paint (White) - 10 gal.
19. Exterior eggshell paint & primer ( Dk. Blue, White or Black) - 20 gallons
20. Steel or Fiberglass Front Door ( White, 36” ) - 1
21. Exterior paint ( Fire Hydrant Red ) - 2 gallons
5. Concrete Tables with benches - 3
6. Stump stools for seating - 24
7. Adirondack Chairs ( Blue ) - 6
8. Boat, Canoe & Kayak, small & real - 3
9. Trellises, curve top (Black, White, 27” & up) - 36
Please contact Felicia Roth
BDE Committee
LV ofÞce 144 East Main Gallatin MO 64640
10. Solar Lights ( black or silver, 4x4” post mt. ) - 36
11. Solar Lights ( black or silver, ground stake ) - 36
12. Planters, large ( Cedar look treated wood, concrete, plastic, Blue ) - 15
13. Conduit ( 10’ x 1” ) & Black Spray Paint - 6
March 2024
To: Fellow Lake Viking Members
From: Lake Viking Dredge Committee
Subject: 2024 Dredging Operations Information
Date: 3-11-24
Dredging will begin soon in your cove and here is a rundown for 2024 operations. Dredge has been rented for 60 days, The intent is to dredge in three coves, 20 days per cove. Dredging is affected by cove conditions, silt pond capacity, rental time, fuel cost and unforeseen issues. We will be adhering to the Dredging Policy approved by the BOD in August of 2023 to protect the dredge and docks. Start dates are subject to change based upon conditions.
1. Pilot/Pirate cove April 1 – April 20th
Three Tubes cove April 21 – May 10th
Garney cove May 10 – May 30th.
2. Dredging operations will generally focus on the center portion of the coves. Dredging will stay approximately 20 feet from shorelines to prevent undercutting the banks, rip rap, or retaining structures on the shorelines. Dredging will not be performed under docks and will be kept approximately 20’ from docks to prevent damage to the docks or the dredge.
3. The dredge discharge pipeline will be floating at or near the surface of the water. Please stay clear of the pipe. Damage to the pipe will result in additional costs and time delays and costly damage to a member’s boat or motor. No boating, paddle boarding, kayaking, or fishing near the dredge or discharge pipe.
4. The targeted depth for dredging will be 7 feet. If rock, clay or dense material is encountered dredging will stop at that location to avoid damaging the dredge. We are doing a Bathymetric sur-
vey of the bottom to determine depth and structure. Please remove any artificial fish beds or sunken items near your property.
5. Dredging will start as near to the back (water inlet) of the cove as possible to float the dredge. In some instances, the dredge may work further into the cove (toward the water inlet) when shallow soft material is encountered. In most instances, the dredge will work from the back of the cove toward the main body of the lake. Dredge rental time, fuel costs, and silt pond capacities will determine how far out of the cove toward the main body we can go.
6. VVA and the Dredge Committee will not move docks. If a member wants to move their dock, then the dock should be removed before dredging begins in their cove. Each member is responsible for finding a suitable location to move their dock. If moving to another member’s property you need to get permission from that member. Please disconnect any electricity to the dock before moving it. Securely attach the dock in the temporary location in case of severe weather or high water while the dock is in the temporary location. It may be easier to put a float under the dock walkway and leave it attached to the shore and only move the dock. A permit from the Building Committee is not required to temporarily move your dock, but the dock must be put back to the same location. You may not relocate your dock.
7. Please do not contact the dredge operator. Please contact Billy Hunter @ (816) 204-4780 or Shawn Hepinstall @ (816) 520-8339
Date: 3/8/2024
Location: LV Clubhouse Lower Level
Attendees: Tom Rice, Jim Powers, Gary Buck, Bret Bush, Shawn Hepinstall, Troy Knight
1) The pancake breakfast was discussed. We are using Chris Cakes for cooking. Below are details discussed.
• Our cost $6.5 per plate
• Charge $12 per adult $8 kids (12 and under)
• Cash or check only
• To Go Boxes (Shawn to buy)
• Alcohol sales ( Troy to check with Joe A for donation and one day liquor license)
• Entrance Signs (Troy to handle - Generic date such as “ Saturday 4th of July Weekend)
• Condo Control - Facebook post (Shawn to draft announcement )
• One Page Flyer to post at local businesses (Shawn to create)
• Trash barrels needed
• Paid Stamp (Shawn to handle)
2) Below is a summary of what was discussed regarding 2024 fishing tournaments.
• Crappie May 4th
• Bass June 1st
• Fall Bass TBD
3) We once again discussed making and placing fish structure.
• Depth Clearance from water surface Minimum 6 feet at normal pool
• Bret is gathering plastic pipe from left over pieces on internet contractors
• Use cement and 5 gal buckets
• Schedule a fish bed party, Build 18
• Committee to place them
Strategies Used
Lake Viking is a watershed lake. Water levels are maintained through rain drainage from surrounding agricultural land. We cannot stop silt from entering the lake. Silt management is a continual process using weirs to reduce the flow of silt, stream bank stabilization for erosion control and dredging to remover silt from the lake.
Dredge Operation Policy
1. The operation of the dredge is for the removal of silt that will accumulate in our lake channels and coves. Removing the silt closest to the source in our feeder channels and coves will help keep the silt from “Creeping” farther into the lake and giving the most benefit for all members ... a cleaner and healthier lake.
2. Docks will not be moved for the purpose of dredging under an owner’s dock to make the water deeper. Cleaning out or digging under individual docks is the responsibility of the member and they must hire their own contractor and purchase a permit.
3. Docks will remain in place and will not be moved by Lake Viking Dredge Committee. Dredging will be done in the center of the channel and cove operating at a safe distance of generally 20’ from the docks to avoid damage.
4. The dredge must stay a safe distance of generally 20’ from the shore. This is to avoid “jamming” the cutter head, damaging the dredge and undercutting the bank causing rock armor or retaining structure to fall off the bank.
The management of silt at Lake Viking to help maintain the health and quality of our lake.
5. If necessary, docks may be moved by the dock owner for access into narrow areas so the dredge can operate. In these cases, the 20’ rule from the normal dock placement and shoreline will be followed to safely operate the dredge.
1. Silt Pond areas are dangerous and off limits to the general membership. Silt Ponds are designed to hold silt while the water drains and silt dries. The silt is like quicksand and is dangerous.
2. No Hiking or biking in the area.
3. No Quad, Motorcycle or Side by Side operation on the berms or around the Silt Ponds.
Activities Committee
Mary Hibler (Chair), Dustin Hibler, David Hibler, Gail Bush, Resa Wiltse, Leanne Lee, Dan and Connie Weidmaier, Dave & Tina Daniel, Cassie Martin, Jeremy Lillig (Board Contact).
Board of Directors
President, Doug Winter; 1st Vice President, George Eshnaur; 2nd Vice President, Terry Nibarger; Secretary, Michelle Sullivan; Assistant Secretary, Robert Walton; Treasurer, Jeremy Lillig; Assistant Treasurer, Tom Rice.
VVA Board of Directors Meetings are held the second Sunday of each month, at 2:00 p.m. at the clubhouse. All members in good standing are welcome to attend.
Building Committee
Flint Hibler (Chair), Marvin McNabb, Doug Wiltse, Matt Hibler, Al Christifano, Mary Aschbrenner, Jim Miller, Gregory Hall, Sue Morris, Robert Walton (Board Contact). Building Committee Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at the clubhouse. Building permits are required to be approved by the Building Committee prior to the start of any construction as stated in the Covenants, Restrictions, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Viking Valley Association.
Campground Committee
James Funk, (Chair), Mary Hibler , Jeff Spragues, Kathy Price, Charles Sudduth, Randall Davidson, Mike Booth, Flint Hibler, Bob Gates, Michelle Sullivan, Denise Ferguson, George Eshnaur (Board Contact)
Dredge & Erosion Committee
Shawn Hepinstall (Chair), Paula Hepinstall, Robert Hayes, Brett Bush, Dave Daniel, Jim Miller, Doug Winter (Board Contact)
Finance Committee
Paula Hepinstall (Chair), Steve Danner, Flint Hibler, George Eshnaur, Kevin Euston, Jeremy Lillig, Troy Lesan, Terry Nibarger, Jacque Leslie, Deena Stous ,Michelle Sullivan (Board Contact).
Fishing Committee
Brett Bush (Chair) Shawn Hepinstall, Gary Buck, Troy Knight, Jim Powers, Tom Rice (Board Contact)
Handbook Committee
Mary Miller (Chair), Donna (Archibald) Redden, Kim Spidle, Terri Schlaiss, Michelle Sullivan (Board Contact)
James Funk (Chair), Marvin McNabb, Marianne Hughes, Carl Butcher, Ed White, Bob Shinogle, Safety Coordinator: Jason McTheeney, Anthony Castillo, Terry Nibarger ( Board Contact)
Lake Committee
Troy Lesan (Chair) Shirley Leakey, Don Leeper, Carolyn Leeper, Bo Steed, Mike Krehbiel, Sherry Krehbiel, Eric Odette, Robert Walton, Robert Walton (Board Contact)
Email: Meetings held the 2nd Wed. of the month at 2:00 p.m.
Special Road District
Ron Spidle, Troy Knight, Tony Gronniger
Strategic Planning Committee
Matt Nielsen (Chair), Tony Gronniger, Terry Nibarger, Tom Rice, Haley Wright, Anthony Dirks, Sue Wolfe, Nikki Prewitt, David Thomas, Joe Steer, George Eshnaur (Board Contact)
Technology Committee
Kelly Mathenia, Mike Lammers, Jeff Ferguson, (Board Contact)
Volunteer Fire Department
Fire Chief-Tony Gronniger, Volunteers: Rusty Hendricks, Gary King, Dennis Schlaiss, DJ Schlaiss, Tanner Hunter, Luke Threlkeld, Mark Closterman, Anthony Dirks, Billy Hunter, Dakota Hiley, Nick Walker, Stephanie Closterman, Jessica Conard, Robert Walton (Board Contact).
The Fire Department meets on the second Friday of the month at 2:00 PM. If you have the interest and the time to serve your community, be sure to attend the next meeting. The monthly siren test will also be done at that time.
You are responsible for your guests and their actions. It is your responsibility to educate them on the rules and regulations of Lake Viking. Lake Viking is private property, but all lots are owned by some other individual. Please do not drive or ride ATVs or bicycles on neighboring lots, or walk across lots to fish or use others’ property without first getting the property owner’s permission.
Dogs are not allowed off the member’s property and shall be contained by a fenced enclosure or controlled by a leash. Guests’ dogs are included. Violation of this rule may be subject to an Infraction Ticket issued to the property owner.
Viking Valley Association
Office Address:
144 E. Main, Gallatin, MO 64640 660-322-9001 |
Office Hours:
May 1 - Labor Day
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
Day after Labor Day - April 30
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Kyle W. Parkhurst, President, term expires 4/2026 - SubDistrict #3; Harlan Horst, Vice President, term expires 4/2026 - Sub-District #5; Mark Closterman, Secretary, term expires 4/2024 - SubDistrict #2; Gary Buck, Director - term expires 4/2024 - Sub-District #1; Mike Lammers, Director term expires 4/2025 - Sub-District #4; Zack Morrison, Superintendent; Gary King, Water Operator; Diane Hulett, Clerk. Board meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4 pm at PWSD #3 office.
Office Hours: 8am-4pm • Monday thru Friday.
All payments for metered water bills are to be made payable to Public Water Supply District No. 3 of Daviess County, Missouri. You may abbreviate as PWSD #3. If you have any questions, contact the PWSD No. 3 office, 116 Waterworks Dr., Gallatin, Mo. 64640 (located at the water plant). Phone 660-663-2771.
Online payments can be made at:
For the convenience of customers of Public Water Supply District No. 3, a drop box is available at the front door of the office located at the water plant for the payment of water bills. Payments received after 4 p.m. in the drop box will post the following day. For the convenience of Association members, a drop box is available in the front door of the association office for the payment of association bills.
You are required to have your lot mowed by May 1st, June 1st and September 1st of each year. If you do not keep your lot mowed, or hire a contract mower, the Association will mow it, and bill you $90.00 for each mowing.
The Association does not want to be in the mowing business. Please self-mow your lot or hire a contract mower to do it for you. All contract mowers are required to submit a customer list to the Association office. If you are not on their initial list, you may be accidentally billed by the Association, so please contact your mower early.
The below listed mowers have registered with the Association office and can usually be reached in the evening. There may be other mowers who advertise in the Lake Viking News.
Eric Critten
Randy Gatton
Mark Hoig 816-726-2644
Gary Salmon
Jeff Hoppenthaler
Rick Roberts
Mow Betta Lawn Care
Patriot Lawn & Landscaping
Pain In The Grass, Steven Carlton 660-322-2988
Jake Cameron
Building Permits are required, but not limited to the following projects: fences, storage shed, shelters, decks, boat docks, boat houses, room additions, porches and any alteration of the roof line; and any other construction that requires large earth moving equipment, concrete trucks and other equipment that requires multiple axle trailers. Failure to comply with building regulations could result in a minimum fine of $500 and loss of lake privileges. Any construction not in compliance with these regulations could result in forced relocation of the structure.
Anytime you are burning brush, etc., on your lot, make certain you are burning on your lot and not someone else’s property. Unattended burning is prohibited and burning is not allowed when winds are in excess of 15 mph and shall be subject to an Infraction Ticket and fine.
Member Reminders
• Helmets are required to be worn when operating a motorcycle within the Lake Viking Subdivision.
• Goose population control is hard to manage... The first step in this process is DO NOT FEED
Kyle Parkhurst, President (2026), called the meeting to order at 4:00pm which was held at the water plant. Members in attendance were Harlan Horst (2026), Gary Buck (2024), Mike Lammers (2025), and Mark Closterman (2024). Also in attendance were Zack Morrison, Water Superintendent, Gary King, Water Operator, and Diane Hulett, Clerk.
Mike Lammers made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 19, 2023 Board Meeting. Harlan Horst seconded. All members were in favor; motion carried.
There was no public comment.
There was no old business.
Financial Report:
The financial reports and bills were reviewed and discussed. Harlan Horst moved to approve the December financial reports as submitted and approve the bills and transfers. Mike Lammers seconded. All members voted to approve; motion carried.
The 2024 Equipment Rental Agreement from VVA was submitted for review. Gary Buck made a motion to approve the contract followed by a second from Mark Closterman. All members voted in favor; motion carried.
Superintendent Report:
Zack informed the board that the 4th quarter THM results came back good and that he is still waiting for approval from DNR on the pilot study to feed permanganate, plus add the GAC units back to the treatment process. Bartlett & West has submitted the required paperwork and expects to obtain approval before much longer. Zack reported that the insulation has been installed above the office and lab areas. He also noted that during the recent cold spell, the pump house heater
quit, causing the pumps to freeze. The system alarm alerted Zack of the issue so he and Gary were able to fix the problem quickly by replacing the heater unit. Fortunately, there was no damage to the pumps. Zack reported that the meters had been read on a couple different occasions looking for leaks after the temperatures dropped so low. The board felt this type of customer service was worth noting so Diane will contact Lake Viking News about placing an article in the paper. Zack also thanked Gary for bringing his tractor over to push snow after the 8” snowfall the lake received. Hiring a contractor was discussed but the board decided to pay Gary as needed to finish out the season. A motion was made by Mike Lammers and seconded by Harlan Horst to pay Gary King $50 for recently pushing snow and, going forward, the rate to be paid will be $50 if done on company time and $100 if on personal time. All members voted to approve; motion carried.
Kyle Parkhurst, President, announced the next meeting would be February 27, 2024 at the water plant. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00pm.
Respectfully Submitted, Mark Closterman
4. Envision, prepare and create. The Committee was renamed the Beautification and Donations Exploratory Committee.
Priority Projects include:
1) The “Spring Fest” fundraiser will be on Saturday, April 27, 2024. Fliers and printed posters inviting artists, crafts persons, and businesses to apply have been distributed. More promotion will be done.
2) Safety & Fire building drawings of improvements to come.
3) T-shirt samples ordered for the Spring Fest fundraiser on Saturday, April 27, and for new Lake Viking merchandise. Finalize banners/signs plus review new merchandise designs.
4) Members are invited to submit Nature/ lake-themed photos and art for fundraising items.
5) Continue research for a Lake Viking fundraising website with direct print and shipon-demand features of assorted merchandise.
6) “Volunteer Needed” fliers distributed. Individuals needed for efforts for refurbishing Entrance sign areas and the Safety and Fire Buildings construction, sanding, power washing, and painting.
7) List of donated materials to be finalized in the near future for distribution.
8) Entrance Sign designs reviewed.
9) Communicate with the Conservation Department regarding applying for a cost-sharing program for native wildflowers and trees for Community areas. A half-acre of land or more is required and it takes a few years for full root and bloom establishment.
Jeff Ferguson, Managing Director, reported:
• Please welcome our new VVA Office Manager, Cathy Poindexter
• Dues billing for 2024 Billing will be emailed to Lot owners on April 1, 2024, and will be due May 1, 2024.
• Dues billing for 2025 Billing for 50% of the approved dues amount will be emailed on January 2, 2025, and will be due February 1, 2025. The second half of the billing will be emailed to lot owners on April 1, 2025, and will be due May 1, 2025.
(continued from page 1)
• Dues billing for 2026 dues will be emailed to lot owners in full on January 2, 2026, and will be due in full on February 1, 2026.
• Continue cleaning silt ponds and laying dredge pipe in preparation for spring dredging coming in April.
• A $10,000 anonymous donation was received for fireworks.
Financial Statements for February 2024 were not approved as a quorum of board members was not present. February 2024 minutes will be presented for approval at the April 2024 Board of Directors meeting.
Two guests were on the agenda for the March 2024 board meeting.
• Vinzent Cooper Lot 1095 HOA Concerns
- Vinzent chose to defer his time until the next Board of Directors meeting as not all the Board Members were present.
• Dustin Hibler Lot 12562
-Question was asked for clarification if the Z13 lot could be used for liquor sales. Doug Winter stated that the contract with Viking Marina is non-exclusive and liquor and snack
food may be sold if a business is established on lot Z13.
SU (special usage) lots were discussed last month and are documented under the Building Committee section. The Board has decided to not list Lot SU2516 for sale as the owner of the adjacent lot attended the February 2024 meeting and asked that Lot SU2516 not be sold because of the impact on her home’s view and lot value.
A motion was made by Tom Rice and seconded by Robert Walton to adjourn to Executive Session at 2:30 pm to discuss legal, personnel, and Board organizational matters. The motion passed unanimously.
A sign-in Attendance Sheet is on record at the Office for reference. Let the record show that these minutes are a record of the business transacted at this meeting and are a sampling of the discussions. Comments and discussions are not reflected in whole or as actual quotations in the minutes, nor do they reflect all comments by members.
Michelle Sullivan and George Eshnaur both presented information about the two budget proposals being submitted and discussed the implications and ramifications of each of the proposals if approved. A copy of the two submitted Dues and Assessment Proposals is attached to the minutes.
After the presentation of the two Dues and Assessment Options questions were fielded for Option 1 to clarify members understanding. Voting instructions were discussed to ensure member understanding.
Questions asked included the following:
• Is the jetty included in the budget figures? Answer was no
• Marina gate replacement led to a discussion of should the jetty have a gate for access.
• Does the Marina pay anything for the gate? The answer was no.
• Ramp gate replacement at the marina. Will this belong to VVA? The answer is yes. We have been paying significant maintenance/repair expenses, and replacing is more cost-effective.
• Truck safety/replacement question including if approved will new vehicles/equipment be purchased. Reasons and uses for replacing vehicles were discussed.
• Has savings on truck maintenance been calculated for budgeting purposes? Yes.
• Will newer trucks lower the maintenance costs? Answer yes.
from page 2)
• Maintenance will have three (3) newer trucks and will not have large maintenance costs that have been paid in the past. VVA will also be able to depreciate cost of newer vehicles.
Voting Results
Option 1
Yes 79
No 51
Option 2
No vote was taken as Option 1 passed.
Motion was made by Tom Rice and seconded by Michelle Sullivan to adjourn at 12:40 pm. Motion approved unanimously.
A sign-in Attendance Sheet is on record at the Office for reference. Let the record show that these minutes are a record of the business transacted at this meeting and are a sampling of the discussions. Comments and discussions are not reflected in whole or as actual quotations in the minutes, nor do they reflect all comments by members.
To the uninitiated, a morel does not have the most appetizing appearance. Its brain-like form looks like something out of a campy horror movie, and a morel’s neutral, earthy color doesn’t command much attention. From about late March to early May, however, foraging for these small mushrooms is serious business — a business so serious that many folks refuse to reveal their morel spots even to their closest friends and family!
The question many people ask this time of year is, “How can I find morels?” Well, morels are finicky fungal organisms. The underground portion of the fungus only produces mushrooms in some years — mostly based on
soil temperature and moisture availability (but other factors play a role, too). Ultimately, most of what we know about finding morels is anecdotal and widely variable, but here are a few tips to help you narrow down good places to look for morels:
• Morels commonly appear after warm, moist spring weather with daytime temperatures in the low 70s and nighttime temperatures in the 50s.
• South and west facing slopes are good sites to look for morels early in the season, with north and east slopes being better for later-season morel hunting.
• Morels tend to favor tree species such as elms, ashes, cottonwoods, and even domesticated apples.
Late April is a good time to find morel mushrooms. They often grow in bunches, but in varied places and not everywhere. Sometimes a morel seeker feels lucky to find just one, or if none, wild places are still fun to visit in the spring season.
Look around recently dead trees but beware of falling branches!
• Areas disturbed by flooding, fire, or logging often produce loads of morels.
• Morels peak when lilacs bloom!
• Most public lands in Missouri allow the collecting of mushrooms for personal use, but always check the regulations before you collect to be sure.
Remember, these are just general guidelines — morels have been found growing in all sorts of locations and conditions!
Before setting off into the forest, make sure you know how to correctly identify morels. Misidentifying and consuming toxic mushrooms can cause anything from mild stomach issues to organ failure or even death! There are several mushroom species in Missouri, including the big red false morel, which are considered toxic and not recommended for consumption. Consult with field guides or a professional to be completely confident in species identification before consuming any mushrooms.
(continued from page 3)
6. Research the development of a not-for-profit fundraising website with direct print and ship-on-demand features.
7. Send out committee participation and volunteer request forms for Spring Fest.
8. Suggestion: Create a volunteer announcement covering the need for people and businesses to help with sanding, painting, construction, gardening, etc. to cover the upcoming projects at the Fire and Safety Building, signs, entrances and clubhouse grounds.
(continued on page 20)
(continued from page 19)
Jeff Ferguson, Managing Director, reported: Office
• Jeff reported the independent audit is continuing. Lake
• Maintenance plowed snow several times during the last month.
• Maintenance is done on the pontoon; snowplow equipment/one snow truck required a new transmission.
• Continue working on silt ponds in preparation for spring dredging.
• Tree trimming continues.
• Repaired heat in the clubhouse. The lower-level unit was replaced and the upper-level unit was repaired.
Terry Nibarger made a motion to approve the Financial Statements for November 2023. Jeremy Lillig seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Guest Time
One guest was on the agenda for the February 2024 board meeting.
Vinzent Cooper Lot 1095 HOA Concerns
Vinzent stated he has requested to be allowed to have access to the VVA Facebook page but has not been given this permission.
Vinzent requested VVA begin video recording the VVA Board meetings and make these recordings available to members who are not able to attend the meetings.
Vinzent indicated he has requested the past 5 years of Financial Statements from the Lake Manager but has not received them. He stated he has a friend who is an auditor who will audit these. This request was not approved by the BOD as the HOA has an independent auditor doing an audit now on the financials of VVA.
Vinzent stated that the HOA is his target and he would like to see improvement in the operation of the HOA.
Concerning the Jetty project, Vinzent stated the board is not a governing body.
Vinzent also voiced opposition to the sold lot designations.
Board Discussion
• Board Role changes
Michelle Sullivan will move to the Secretary position and as Board Contact to the Handbook Committee. Jeremy Lillig will move to the treasurer position and will serve as Board Contact for the Finance Committee.
• SU (special usage) lots were discussed earlier and are documented under the Building Committee section.
A motion was made by George Eshnaur and seconded by Terry Nibarger to adjourn to Executive Session at 3:50 pm to discuss legal, personnel, and Board organizational matters. The motion passed unanimously.
A sign-in Attendance Sheet is on record at the Office for reference. Let the record show that these minutes are a record of the business transacted at this meeting and are a sampling of the discussions. Comments and discussions are not reflected in whole or as actual quotations in the minutes, nor do they reflect all comments by members.