11, 2022 @ 2:00PM
at the clubhouse.
All members in good standing are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you want on the agenda, you must notify the office on or before the Monday prior to the board meeting.

11, 2022 @ 2:00PM
at the clubhouse.
All members in good standing are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you want on the agenda, you must notify the office on or before the Monday prior to the board meeting.
Marvin McNabb reminded membership there will be 3 open seats on the Board of Directors to be voted on at the Annual Meeting in March. Members in good standing who are interested in running for election to the Board are encouraged to call the Office by Jan. 15th or email: LakeVikingCommunity@ grundyec.net.
Doug Winter made a motion to approve the October Board minutes. Seconded by Troy Lesan; minutes were approved.
Celeste Armanees reported: No report.
Finance Committee
Doug Winters reported:
• The Finance Committee met on November 9th.
• Financial statements: We are doing well. We budgeted to lose $210,000 due to expenditures being up. However, instead of a $210,000 loss we are instead UP $249,000 which is a $500,000 swing in a positive direction. Most of that upswing comes from cost savings, and “S” lot sales.
• Late Fees: Our current Late Fee structure needs to be modified to automate these fees for our new QuickBooks software. Versus, currently must enter Late Fees manually which takes days. This change is a By-Law, so membership will vote on this at the Annual Meeting in March.
• Campground fees: Doug reported that the Campground Committee recommended instead of current 4-tier rates, we simplify to 2-tier rates (with vs. without sewer), since there is only a small $15/year difference between 30-amp & 50-amp, and soon all sites will be upgraded to 50-amp electrical. So for these 2 rates, the Finance Committee recommends a 9% cost-of-living increase, as this reflects the CPI inflation index of 9%. Doug made a motion to approve a 9% cost-of-living increase in Campground “base fee” going into next year at $604/year for sewer vs. $525/year for non-sewer. Seconded by Troy Lesan. Motion passed 5:0 as Mike Booth recused himself (due to conflict-of-interest).
• Campground’s electrical grid @ $450,000 projected cost: The 1960s electrical grid in Campground #1 and Campground #2 is failing & needs replaced. The Finance Committee has approved for VVA to loan to the Campground line item the $450,000 @ x% interest, which will be repaid/reimbursed to VVA over the next 6 years via increased Campground fees. So Campground fees pay for this expense. This loan has 2 options: loan @ 4.7% interest which is break-even (same return as putting this $450,000 into a money market fund) vs. loan @ 6% interest. VVA membership will vote on these 2 options at a Special Meeting being called for Saturday, December 3rd at 2 p.m., so work on the project can begin ASAP. Doug made a motion that these 2 options approved by the Finance Committee now be approved by the Board, for membership’s vote @ Special Meeting. Motion was seconded by Troy Lesan; motion passed by 5:1 with Mike Booth voting against.
• Campground’s 4 overnight campsites: These campsites are available to any VVA member in good standing, however are seldom ever used. This is an under-utilized revenue stream to generate funds that would go directly to the Campground. Currently, Handbook says these 4 campsites are “first come, first served” vs. Finance Committee recommends these instead be “by reservation—call the Campground Manager.” This way, any VVA member can plan ahead for their weekend guests, having reserved a place to camp for a predetermined night or weekend. And generate funds to the Campground. Mike Booth agreed the Campground Committee will submit a Handbook rule change on this.
• Beach improvement: Sale of “S” lots will go toward this project; one S lot (S#131) remains unsold. Of 6 RFPs sent out, we received 1 bid back. Doug made a motion to approve the $11,500 bid
George Eshnaur reported:
• The committee met today. The 2020 Strategic Plan will be our roadmap.
• We do need additional members--especially females, as currently the committee is 6 males. If interested, please call the Office or email: LakeVikingCommunity@grundyec.net.
•George motioned to add 2 new Committee members: Tom Rice, Jack Buckingham. Seconded by Doug Winter; motion passed.
Celeste Armanees reported:
• The Halloween Trunk-or-Treat had 75-100 kids & parents attending this successful event.
• Celeste motioned to approve the 2023 Activities Calendar. Seconded by Allan Slavin; motion passed.
• Celeste motioned for new Activities Committee members: replace Leanne Lee with oncoming members Doug Wiltse, and Logan & Cassie Martin. Seconded by Troy Lesan; motion passed.
Allan Slavin reported:
We met a couple times in October. In the past month, the committee has reviewed & approved 19 Building Permits—including 3 for houses, 1 for a hanger, 2 for additions, and 10 for shoreline work.
Tony Gronniger (Fire Chief) reported: The Firefighters’ Chili Cook-Off was held November 5th attended by 80-100
Board President Marvin McNabb, lot 28, called the meeting to order, held in the upper level of the Clubhouse at 2:00pm. Board members present were: Troy Lesan lot 576, Doug Winter lot 46, Mike Booth lot 2380, Allan Slavin lot 181, George Eshnaur lot 505, Celeste Armanees lot 62. Celeste Armanees led in prayer. Jeff Ferguson, Managing Director, led the Pledge of Allegiance. from Selby Construction to do the beach berms, which leaves $23,000 in the fund for beach bathroom renovation. Seconded by Celeste Armanees; motion passed.During the Missouri Rural Water Association (MRWA) Fall Operations & Maintenance Symposium, held at Lodge of Four Seasons/Lake of the Ozarks, on October 27, 2022, Howard Baker, Executive Director for the MRWA, presented the rare and prestigious “Outstanding Service Award” to Roger Barker, Daviess County Public Water Supply District #3, Viking Valley Association. Roger started his employment with the Viking Valley Association over 40 years ago, serving most of those years as Water Superintendent.
The Outstanding Service Award is selected by nomination only. The nominee shall be an individual that has made contributions above and beyond, and whose achievements have benefited the Missouri Rural Water Association.
Roger Barker has donated time, expertise, and expense without expectation of compensation, reimbursement or return of favor. He gives and doesn’t expect anything back. He leads by example and does not shy away from a tough challenge. Roger has worked tirelessly to increase his knowledge over the years and now takes time to encourage his colleagues to join in on his journey, since he recognizes the benefit of shared knowledge. He exemplifies the intangibles found in the fabric of a true leader: caring, respect, humility, commitment, dedication, humor (and it’s dry sometimes, but it’s there), honesty, integrity, empathy, and transparency. Yes, that this is a lot of adjectives, but they are very deserving.
He brings a considered and thoughtful approach to leadership and a willingness to learn. He takes the time to listen, (and he truly does listen). He makes sure that all voices in the conversation are heard and makes a thoughtful and inclusive decision. He is willing to take the initiative when asked and does so with gusto and determination. He has established a renewed and reinvigorated spirit of cooperation and collaboration over his 40+ year tenure, as a natural leader.
Roger provides an exceptional level of service to investigate water issues not only for his system but also for others. He has the confidence to act and the persistence to keep working through issues until a resolution is found. Simply put, Roger can run his water facility and is willing to step in and help run others if needed, often going unnoticed in the process.
Roger’s knack for seeing a need and stepping in to help extends well beyond his home department. For example, lake residents struggling to locate excess water usage, he jumps in to collaborate with the residents to find and fix the problem. His assistance has even included a trip to town to purchase the parts with a return to the home for installation.
He has an open-door policy with time for everyone and a work week that extends far beyond normal hours. He develops relationships with everyone he interacts with, whether in person or by phone, and he treats everyone the same; with honesty, openness, and fairness.
Roger has spent countless hours researching, developing, and working toward completion of a new Water Purification System for the Viking Valley Association. His personal investment in the project is huge, but he is quick to give credit to others when due. He has worked tirelessly with his Board of Directors, Engineers, Contractors and Coworkers to expedite this project. His expertise and intimate knowledge of water operations have allowed him to steer this collaborative effort in a manner to keep the project on track and moving forward.
Even after all these years, “normal” is not a word used to describe Roger’s day. There is no school to attend that will teach you to run Daviess County PWSD #3 or how to deal with the wide array of issues that crop up on any given day. Roger juggles everything while remaining calm, cool and professional. His interactions with customers, attorneys, elected officials, staff or myriad of others allow him to apply the professional skills he has acquired on every “normal” day, for many years. A true local hero, going often unnoticed while going about the business of “saving the day” for so many others by taking on the following roles: Dig Rite Expert; Small Animal Trapper (Coon, Beaver, Squirrel); Pest Control Technician; Carpenter; Electrician; Mechanic; Heavy Machinery Operator; Professional Shovel Houdini; IT Guru.
Roger is the only remaining original employee of Lake Viking Association. He has been in the industry for 40+ years, has worked alongside MRWA for over 18 years, and is currently the Region 1 Director for the Missouri Rural Water Association.
Congratulations Roger on this monumental award!
ery year is a little different. Last year there was a lot of chili but only a few desserts. This year there were 10 entries in the dessert department . . . and it was all good. Thinking of everything as they always do, the Activities Committee even had a huge plate of hot dogs for “chili-dogs.” Prizes were given to first and
second place winners in each category with votes registered by dropping money into jars in front of the respective offerings. First and second place winners were as follows: Chili –Amanda Dirks and Gary Buck; desserts - Melissa Goehring and Kathy Buck; Soup – Resa Wiltse and Dianne Thomas. As always, the Activities Committee was on hand to serve and clean-up! Proceeds raised by the event were over $1,200.
A good crowd for Lake Viking’s Fire Department Chili Cook-Off.
Beautiful, secluded waterfront building location! This RARE property is like nothing else on the water, don't this opportunity! Seclusion on a dead end street, gently sloping and less lake traffic. This lot is huge and has gorgeous mature trees. Lot has been surveyed, cleared, rip-rapped and currently a new road and
utilities are being put in. Score an undiscovered lot at Lake Viking! Your search for a beautiful, secluded waterfront building location has been found! This RARE property is like nothing else on the water, don't miss your opportunity to buy now and build next spring! Seclusion on a dead end street, gently sloping & less lake traffic makes it a great place to escape & relax. This lot is huge and has
BASE ROCK, BLACK DIRT AND fill dirt. CRP clean-up, brush removal, & have a bucket truck for trimming trees (insured). Huston Trucking & Construction, 660-663-3234 or 660-334-0997.
SEAMLESS GUTTERING, A-1 Leaf Guard, CHI Overhead Door, LiftMaster-Chamberlain Operator Sales, Installation & Service. Call for free estimate. Serving you since 2006!
Miller Construction, Jamesport, MO 660684-6950.
Jodi Beth (Slaughter) Frazier, 60, of Weatherby, Mo., departed this world and went to be with the Lord on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 at Liberty Hospital, surrounded by her loving family.
Jodi was born in Bethany, Mo., to Olin Fletcher and Jeanette (McElhiney) Slaughter on June 23, 1962. She went to High School in Bethany and graduated in 1980 in Winston, Mo. Jodi went on to earn a L.P.N. nursing degree and later an Administration Certification. On November 16, 1984, she married Randy Frazier in Bethany, Mo.
Jodi dedicated her life to caring for others through her nursing and Administrative career.
She will be sadly missed and
will always hold a place in our hearts.
Jodi leaves behind her beloved husband Randy of 38 years, father, Olin Slaughter; Jr., children, Cathy (Chad) Poindexter, Milton “Squeak” (Tori) Cook; IV., Jessica (Joshua) Hoffman, Cody Frazier, siblings, Olin Fletcher Slaughter; III., Timothy (Patty) Slaughter, Jami (Ryan) Mattox, grandchildren, Nathan, and Kiley Poindexter, Avasa Cook, Dixie and Wyatt Hoffman, step grandchildren, Hunter, Miley, and Mea McCampbell, many other relatives and a multitude of friends.
She was preceded in death by her mother Jeanette (McElhiney) Slaughter, and sister Terri Oliver.
VVA employees and several Board Members and spouses attended an office farewell for Ellen Dors on November 2. After working in the office for 2 ½ years, and serving as a steadying presence in an environment of transition and change, Ellen will be moving away from Lake Viking. We wish Ellen well and are thankful that we were able to count on her as a reliable and efficient employee. Ellen has been training VVA Member Kathy Butts as her replacement.
Kyle Parkhurst, President (2023), called the meeting to order at 4:00pm which was held at the water plant. Members in attendance were Jeffrey Speaker (2025), Harlan Horst (2023), Heather Lund (2024), and Mark Closterman (2024). Also in attendance were Roger Barker, Water Superintendent, Gary King, Operator, and Diane Hulett, Clerk.
Heather Lund moved to approve the minutes of the September 20, 2022 Board Meeting. Jeffrey Speaker seconded. All members were in favor; motion carried.
There was no public comment.
Roger updated the board on the status of the water plant. Yard piping is in and the interior plumbing for the filter units is mostly done with the tentative startup date to test the units scheduled for the week of November 14th. Progress is being made on the interior walls/rooms and some preliminary electrical work has been completed. Delivery of the variable frequency drives for the raw water pumps has been delayed until March 2023 so other options are being researched.
Roger reported that the water line extension for Goose Court is still on hold. Decker Construction has been scheduled for the third week in November, dependent on whether the corrected easement is received before then.
Preliminary information for the uniform policy was presented. A final draft on the new policy will be presented at the next meeting.
The financial reports and bills were reviewed and discussed. Jeffrey Speaker moved to approve the September financial reports as submitted and approve the bills and transfers. Mark Closterman seconded. All members voted to approve; motion carried.
Current market rates on CDs were discussed. Harlan Horst made a motion for Diane to invest $40,000 from the Investment Account at the best rate with the shortest term after gathering local rate/term information. Jeffrey Speaker seconded. All voted in favor; motion carried.
Superintendent Report:
Roger reported that he, Gary and Travis attended the Safety Fair held in St. Joseph last week. Roger also noted that he will be attending the MRWA Fall Conference next week.
A motion was made by Mark Closterman and seconded by Harlan Horst for the board to enter closed session. Roll call votes were: Kyle Parkhurst-yes, Jeffrey Speaker-yes, Harlan Horst-yes, Heather Lund-yes, Mark Closterman-yes. The motion was approved and the board entered closed session at 5:15pm. At 7:00 pm, the board returned to regular session.
Kyle Parkhurst, President, announced the next meeting would be November 22, 2022 at the water plant. The meeting was adjourned at 7:10pm.
Respectfully Submitted, Harlan HorstChurch of Christ (108 E. Johnson St.) — Charles Ross, E v a n
n g services 6 p.m. For transportation, call 663-4061 or 6633957.
First Baptist Church (511 W Richardson St.) — Bro. Daniel Pelichowski, Pastor; Bro. Wood Marshall, Youth Pastor Bible Study 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.; Worship 10:40 a.m. (nursery provided). Evening Worship at 6 p.m.; Tuesday Bible study 6 p.m., Wednesday Adult Choir 8:05 p.m. For transportation, call church office at 663.663.2331.Office hours: 8 to 11 a.m. weekdays.
Email: fbchurch@windstream.net
Visit: www.firstbaptistgallatinmo.org
First Christian Church (1501 S. Main St.) — Rev Kyle Taft, pastor; Children’s Pastor Emily Miller Sunday worship at 9 a.m.; Sunday School at 10 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Meetings at 5:30 p.m. followed by Bible Study at 6 p.m.; Men’s Bible Study 5 p.m. Sundays; Youth groups at 5:30 p.m. every second and fourth Sunday during the school year Visit our website: www.gallatinmofcc.org, and also join us on Facebook: Gallatin First Christian Church
Friends in Christ (400 N. Main St.) — Sunday morning worship 9:30 a.m. and small groups at 11 a.m. For more information, call Shonna at 660.663.2228
Gallatin First Assembly of God (208 S. Willow St.) — Rev Wayne Smith, Pastor, ph: 660.663.3213. S S 9:45 a.m., Celebrations 10:45 a.m.; Wednesdays 6 p.m.
Lake Viking Church (East Entrance to Lake) — Rev Robert Nelson, Pastor; Sunday School 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m.; Wednesday Bible study and prayer service 7 p.m.; Email: lakevikingchurch@gmail.com
Mar y Immaculate Catholic Church (409 S. Main) — Fr Tom Hermes; Saturday Mass 4:30 p m on holiday weekends only; Sunday Mass 10:30 a.m. (all year)
Olive Baptist Church (Route V, east of Gallatin) — David Leeper, Minister; Sunday School 10 a.m.; Worship 11 a.m. & 7 p.m.; Wednesday prayer service 7 p.m.
Presbyterian Church (201 S. Main St.) — James Norton, Minister; Fellowship 10:30 a.m. and Worship 11 a.m.
Seventh-day Adventist Church
Sabbath School 9:15 a.m., Worship 11 a.m.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (211 Ash) — David Marble, Bishop, ph: 660.663.9258. Sunday Sacrament Service 10 a.m.; Wednesday youth activities, 7 p.m.
United Methodist Church (111 S. Market) — Pastor Brad Dush; Sunday School and Worship 11 a.m.; www.galjamesumc.webs.com
United Methodist Church — Marilyn Dorst, Minister; Worship 9:30 a.m., S S following on 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays; Sunday School 9:30 a.m. on 1st and 3rd.
First Baptist Church — Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m.; Sunday & Wednesday services 6:30 p.m.; church ph: 749.5577
Fair view Community Church — Pastor Shadrach Landry; Sunday School 9:45-10:45 a.m.; Worship 11 a.m.
United Methodist Church — Eugene Keats, Pastor; Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m.
Alta Vista Baptist Church (NW of Winston on Hwy 6) — Rev Robert Dean, Pastor; Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship service 10:30 a.m.
Baptist Church — Tim Wilson, Pastor; Sunday School 10:30 a.m.; Worship 11:30 a.m.; Wednesday Bible study 6:30 p.m.
United Methodist Church (109 E. Main) — Pastor Brad Dush; Worship 9:30, Sunday School 10:35 a.m., nursery provided. Website: www.galjamesumc.webs.com
Baptist Church (708 W Auberr y Gr v) — Rev Jim Whitley, pastor Sunday School 9:45 a.m.; Worship 10:45 a.m. & 7 p.m.; Wednesday Bible study & prayer meeting 7 p.m.
Church of Christ (108 N. Williams) — Sunday Bible study 9 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Wednesday Bible study 7 p.m.
United Methodist — Christy Clark, Pastor; Worship 10:30 a.m.
Heath United Methodist (2009 Oak St.) — Christy Clark, Pastor; Worship 9 a.m.; Sunday School 10 a.m.
First Baptist Church — David Stephenson, Pastor; Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m.
Christian Church — Terry Oliphant, Pastor; Sunday S c h o o l 9 : 3 0 a m ; F e l l o w s h i p 1 0 : 1 5 ; C h u r c h a n d Communion 10:30 a.m.
Oak Ridge Church (north of Old Pattonsburg) Dwight Schell, lay speaker; Sunday worship 10:30 a.m.
Word of Life Christian Fellowship — Clyde Hulet, Pastor; Sunday School 9:15 a.m.; Worship 10 a.m.; Wed. Bible prayer meeting 7 p.m.
Liber ty Baptist — Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:15 a.m.
Bible Baptist Church (515 S. Elm Street) — Pastor James Mackey Sunday School 10:00 a.m.; Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.; Sunday Afternoon Service 2:00 p.m.; Wednesday Evening Service & Kids Club 7:00 p.m. Ph: (816) 632-7337
First Christian Church (318 N. Pine) — Pastor Russ Hamilton Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 a.m.; Monday Evening Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Ph: (816) 632-3605
River of Life Baptist Church (811 S. Walnut Street) — Pastors Otis Nixdorf & Dave Nixdorf Sunday School 9:00 a.m.; Sunday Morning Worship 10:15 a.m. Ph: (816) 6322246
Cornerstone Church (317 N. Locust) — Pastor Morgan S a u n d e r s S u n d a y M o r n i n g W o r s h i p 1 0 : 0 0 a m ; Wednesday Evening Worship & Youth Group 6:30 p.m. Ph: (660) 815-5373
Cameron United Methodist Church (201 N. Pine) — Pastor Dan Brown Kid’s Sunday School (ages 4th - 5th Grade) 9:00 a.m.; Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 a.m.; Sunday Youth Group (ages 6th -12th Grade) 7:30 p.m.8 : 3 0 p m We d n e s d a y N i g h t L i v e ( a g e s 4 t h 5 t h Grade)6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Ph: (816) 632-3461
First Baptist Church (202 E. Ford) Senior Pastor Ken Gazaway Sunday School All Ages 9:30 a.m.; Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m.; Tuesday Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study 6:00 a.m.; Wednesday Awana Clubs 6:30 p.m.; Thursday Impact Youth 6:30 p.m. Ph: (816) 632-7251
people, and generated $1,200 donations for the Fire Department. We wish to thank the Activities Committee—they did a stellar job setting up the event, and we couldn’t do this without all their planning & hard work. So many, many thanks to all!
Mike Booth reported:
• The committee met with Farmers’ Electric regarding their part of the electrical upgrade.
• Mike motioned to add Randall Davidson to the committee. Seconded by George Eshnaur; motion passed.
Troy Lesan reported:
The Committee is finished for the season w/ inspections on the water, and will be starting inspections from the road. As always, the biggest issue with roadside inspections will be the display of lot # and 911 addresses. Members are advised to review rules for posting these numbers on pg. 39 of the ‘22 VVA Handbook.
Mike Booth reported: No report.
Shawn Hepinstall (Chair) reported:
• The committee met on Nov. 9th.
• Beach berms: Committee members Dave Daniels and Bret Bush will be project leads for berms.
• Outsource dredging: Shawn handed out info packets RE: bids from Dredge America and Selby Construction for upcoming dredge work. With Dredge America expanding their inventory of equipment to include specialty dredging, and the “broken” down-time of our dredge becoming more expensive, and demands on our Maintenance staff that prevent them from doing other Maintenance tasks, Shawn suggested that VVA, on a one-year trial basis, outsource & hire Dredge America to dredge the South End + hire Selby Construction to do clean-out of silt basin ponds 1 & 2. The cost of $480,000 and $80,000 respectively will not be additional expense—instead, this money is already in the budget line items for dredging, dredge fuel and dredge accrual. Our Dredge Committee also reached out to MacGruder Dredging as a 3rd company to bid, but they only provided a verbal bid. Doug Winter made a motion for the Board to authorize these expenditures using existing funds to hire Dredge America, and Selby. Seconded by George Eshnaur; motion passed.
Robert Walton (Chair) reported:
In order to determine feasibility/logistics IF decide we want a restaurant: We’d use a business model used at other lakes of constructing the building, then leasing it out to a restaurant operator. Toward that end, the committee has met with Doug Winter, and has spoken with contractors RE: grading work required, and has staked out boundary lines of the restaurant lot. Committee has also received business inquiries from several restaurant operators, and has reached out to building contractors for estimates. As the committee continues to investigate the feasibility of a restaurant at Lake Viking, it has established an email address: lakevikingrestaurant@gmail.com for additional inquiries.
Jeff Ferguson (Managing Director) reported:
We’d like to find more members w/ an interest in IT & social media to serve on this committee. For more information, please call the Office or email: LakeVikingCommunity@grundyec.net.
Jeff Ferguson reported:
• Our Office has transitioned from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online which will tie into the new “Condo” app. The Condo app will streamline communication with members, invoicing, etc. with a go-live date of Jan. 3rd.
• Our Office now has a check reader machine @ no cost, complements of BTC Bank. This will result in fewer trips to town.
• Safety has hired additional staff: we welcome Jessica Conrad to the team.
• The lake level is currently down over a foot. Maintenance staff have been cleaning up dead trees around the lake. Campgrounds have been winterized. And a new tube is going in at Pilot & Pirate.
Doug Winter made a motion that the Financial Statements be approved as presented. Seconded by Troy Lesan; motion passed.
No guests had requested time on the agenda.
As per our By-Laws, Board Pres. Marvin McNabb called a Special Meeting, to be held Saturday, December 3 @ 2pm at the Clubhouse: VVA membership will vote on Campground Infrastructure Funding. If approved, work would begin soon thereafter.
With no further business, Allan Slavin moved to adjourn the meeting at 3:16pm. George Eshnaur seconded; motion passed.
Annette Mathenia lot 45, Peggy Lankford lot 2591, Ally Mahler lot 519, Don Leeper lot 22, Robert Walton lot 217, Shawn Hepinstall lot 543, Tony Gronniger lot 2281, Sharon Gough lot 2045, Mark & Stephanie Closterman lot 1900.
Let the record show that these minutes are a record of the business transacted at this meeting and are a sampling of the discussions. Comments and discussions are not reflected in whole or as actual quotations in the minutes, nor do they reflect all comments by members.
Respectfully submitted, Celeste Armanees
Secretary, Board of Directors Viking Valley Association
Mary Hibler (Chairperson), Dustin Hibler, David Hibler, Gail Bush, Resa Wiltse, Janet Hillman, Leanne Lee, Celeste Armanees (Board Contact), Dan and Connie Weidmaier, Dave & Tina Daniel
President, Marvin McNabb; 1st Vice President, Mike Booth; 2nd Vice President, Allan Slavin; Secretary, Celeste Armanees; Assistant Secretary, George Eshnaur; Treasurer, Doug Winter; Assistant Treasurer, Troy Lesan.
Viking Valley Association Board of Directors Meetings are held the second Sunday of each month, at 2:00 p.m. at the clubhouse. All members in good standing are welcome to attend.
Marvin McNabb, Doug Wiltse, Flint Hibler (Chairman), Matt Hibler, Al Christifano, Mary Aschbrenner, Bo Steed, Gregory Hall, Sue Morris, Allan Slavin (Board Contact)
Building Committee Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at the clubhouse. Building permits are required to be approved by the Building Committee prior to the start of any construction as stated in the Covenants, Restrictions, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Viking Valley Association.
Mary Hibler (Chairperson), Mike Wolfe, Kathy Price, Charles Sudduth, James Funk, Mike Booth (Board Contact)
Paula Hepinstall, Robert Hayes, Brett Bush, Shad Mort, Dave Daniel, Jim Miller, Shawn Hepinstall (Chairman), Doug Winter (Board Contact)
Donna Archibald, Terry Nibarger, George Eshnaur, Flint Hibler, Celeste Armanees, Paula Hepinstall (Chair), Troy Lesan, Doug Winter (Board Contact), Tony Conforti, Kevin Euston
Donna Archibald (Chair), Mary Miller, Kim Spidle, Terri Schlaiss, Celeste Armanees (Board Contact)
James Funk (Chairman), Mike Booth (Board Contact), Carl Butcher, Bob Clemens, Jim Gibbany, Kyle Loehnig, Ed White, Bob Shinogle Lake Committee
Shirley Leakey, Don Leeper, Carolyn Leeper, Bo Steed, Mike Krehbiel, Sherry Krehbiel, Eric Odette, Robert Walton, Troy Lesan (Board Contact)
Email: lakecommittee@gmail.com. Meetings held the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 2:00 p.m.
Ron Spidle, Troy Knight, Tony Gronniger
Kenny Southwick (Chairman), Tony Gronniger, Dennis Schlaiss, Lana Southwick, Kim Spidle, Carolyn Leeper, Terry Nibarger, Sue Wolf, Brad Trenkle, Don Leeper, Anthony Dirks, George Eshnaur (Board Contact)
Rusty Hendricks, Gary King, Tony Gronniger (Board Contact), Dennis Schlaiss, DJ Schlaiss, Tanner Hunter, Luke Threlkeld, Mark Closterman, Anthony Dirks, Mike Booth The Fire Department meets on the second Friday of the month at 2:00 PM. If you have the interest and the time to serve your community, be sure to attend the next meeting. The monthly siren test will also be done at that time.
Kyle W. Parkhurst, President, term expires 4/2023 - Sub-District #3; Jeffrey Speaker, Vice President, term expires 4/2025 - Sub-District #4; Harlan Horst, Secretary, term expires 4/2023 - Sub-District #5; Mark Closterman, Director, term expires 4/2024Sub-District #2; Heather Lund, Director, term expires 4/2024 - Sub-District #1; Roger Barker, Superintendent; Gary King, Water Operator; Travis Toney, Water Operator; Diane Hulett, Clerk. Board meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4 pm at PWSD No 3 office.
Office Hours: 8am-4pm • Monday thru Friday. All payments for metered water bills are to be made payable to Public Water Supply District No. 3 of Daviess County, Missouri. You may abbreviate as PWSD #3. If you have any questions, contact the PWSD No. 3 office, 116 Waterworks Dr., Gallatin, Mo. 64640 (located at the water plant). Phone 660-663-2771. Online payments can be made at: https://pwsd3daviess.azurewebsites.net
For the convenience of customers of Public Water Supply District No. 3, a drop box is available at the front door of the office located at the water plant for the payment of water bills. Payments received after 4 p.m. in the drop box will post the following day. For the convenience of Association members, a drop box is available in the front door of the association office for the payment of association bills.
Office Address: 144 E. Main, Gallatin, MO 64640 660-322-9001 | vva@grundyec.net LakeVikingMO.com
Office Hours: April 1 - Labor Day Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Day after Labor Day - March 31 Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
You are responsible for your guests and their actions. It is your responsibility to educate them on the rules and regulations of Lake Viking. Lake Viking is private property, but all lots are owned by some other individual. Please do not drive or ride ATVs or bicycles on neighboring lots, or walk across lots to fish or use others’ property without first getting the property owner’s permission.
Bass: Release all bass 12” to 19”. Fishermen can keep one bass per day of 19” or longer.
Crappie: Keep all crappie caught, within the state limit, which is 30 per day.
Walleye: Fisherman can keep Walleye at least 21” in length, release all catches under 21”.
You are required to have your lot mowed by May 1st, June 1st and September 1st of each year. If you do not keep your lot mowed, or hire a contract mower, the Association will mow it, and bill you $90.00 for each mowing.
The Association does not want to be in the mowing business.
Please self-mow your lot or hire a contract mower to do it for you. All contract mowers are required to submit a customer list to the Association office. If you are not on their initial list, you may be accidentally billed by the Association, so please contact your mower early.
The below listed mowers have registered with the Association office and can usually be reached in the evening. There may be other mowers who advertise in the Lake Viking News.
Eric Critten 660-663-9122
Randy Gatton 660-663-9348
Mark Hoig 816-716-1896 or 660-663-4244
Gary Salmon 660-663-9363
Lyle Hoover 816-244-0752
Jeff Hoppenthaler 660-663-7951
Rick Roberts 816-558-2825
Mow Betta Lawn Care 816-465-0178
Patriot Lawn & Landscaping 573-944-0802
Pain In The Grass, Steven Carlton 660-322-2988
Jake Cameron 816-288-1067
Dogs are not allowed off the member’s property and shall be contained by a fenced enclosure or controlled by a leash. Guests’ dogs are included. Violation of this rule may be subject to an Infraction Ticket issued to the property owner.
* Lake Viking Safety Patrol 660-322-9001 ext.1
Building Permits are required, but not limited to the following projects: fences, storage shed, shelters, decks, boat docks, boat houses, room additions, porches and any alteration of the roof line; and any other construction that requires large earth moving equipment, concrete trucks and other equipment that requires multiple axle trailers. Failure to comply with building regulations could result in a minimum fine of $500 and loss of lake privileges. Any construction not in compliance with these regulations could result in forced relocation of the structure.
Anytime you are burning brush, etc., on your lot, make certain you are burning on your lot and not someone else’s property. Unattended burning is prohibited and burning is not allowed when winds are in excess of 15 mph and shall be subject to an Infraction Ticket and fine.
• Helmets are required to be worn when operating a motorcycle within the Lake Viking Subdivision.
• Goose population control is hard to manage... The first step in this process is DO NOT FEED THE GEESE!
Sheriff, Daviess Co. 660-663-2031 Sheriff Larry Adams or 660-663-2149
* Association Office 660-322-9001 ext. 4
* Public Water Supply District #3
of Daviess County (Water Plant) 660-663-2771
Roger Barker (Emergency after hours) 660-334-0100
* Farmers Electric Co-op., Inc.
During business hours 1-800-279-0496
After Hours 1-800-927-5334
Affordable Disposal LLC 816-238-8933
* Windstream Telephone Company
Customer Service (Residential) 1-800-347-1991
Repair Service 1-800-782-6206
Randy Lee Ott, 61, of Winston, Missouri, passed away at his home on November 8, 2022.
Randy was born on August 4, 1961, to Maynard and Myrna (Penta) Ott in Spencer, Iowa.
Randy had a love for the automotive industry and began his career in his early teenage years, making a living as a service manager.
Randy loved his family and the time spent together making lasting memories. He had a contagious laugh, and his stories were always entertaining and memorable. Randy was an avid outdoorsman. On most nice evenings, you could find him cruising around Lake Vi-
king on his boat, or wetting a line in his pond, or mowing grass on his John Deere.
Randy loved to hunt, and would always look forward to opening day so he could chase the big one. He enjoyed golfing any chance he got, especially playing in the Cameron Elks Tournament. Randy was a Kansas City Chiefs fanatic. He loved to cheer for, talk about, and wear his Chiefs gear. Whether it be watching the Chiefs, golfing, hunting, fishing, or boating, Randy wanted to do it with friends and family that he loved. He always wanted to make sure everyone around him was having fun, and he always did just that.
He is preceded in death by his parents; wife, Teresa Ott; brother, Frank Sgambato; step-father, Raymond “Ike” Lynn; and dear friend, Terry Shank.
Randy is survived by his wife Suzanna, of the home; daughter, Kaley (Wade) Dixon, Jamesport, Missouri; step-children, Hannah (Marshall) Briner and Jon Hughes, Chillicothe, Missouri; grandchildren; Nash, Jag, and Cora Dixon, Madisyn, Marley, and Milo Briner, and McKenzie Hughes; siblings, Glenn Ott, Chillicothe, Missouri, Denise Everman (Johnnie Willits) Weatherby, Missouri, Shane Ott, Kansas City, Missouri; nieces and nephews, Harmony Sgambato, Ashley Moore, Heather Kennedy, Steven Sgambato, Caleb Ott, Melissa Jochem, Trevor Ott, Nicole Everman, and Dillon Ott; step-mother, Shirley Ott.
Randy’s joyful and entertaining personality, his famous one-liners, and infectious laugh will be missed by all who loved him.
Memorial contributions are suggested for a memorial bench and tree at the Lake Viking Yacht Club in care of the funeral home.
Arrangements by Poland-Thompson Funeral Home, Cameron, MO.
Assoc. Office 660-322-9001 ext. 4
Lake Viking Assoc. Safety Dept 660-322-9001 ext. 1
Public Water Supply District #3 (PWSD) 660-663-2771
After Hours Emergencies 660-334-0100
Farmers’ Electric Co-op 800-279-0496
After Hours Emergencies 800-927-5334
Trash Service (Affordable Disposal) 816-238-8933
Phone Company (Windstream) 800-501-1754