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REG. No. IGPI 021

Issue (44) Feb. 2000


The Company recently celebrated being awarded the Quality Environment Management Certificate (ISO 14001) from the Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance. H.E. Shaikh Isa Bin Ali Al Khalifa, Minister of Oil and Industry and GPIC Board Chairman, presented the certificate to Mr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager, on behalf of all employees of the Company. On this occasion, H.E. Shaikh Isa Bin Ali Al Khalifa congratulated all GPIC employees for this tremendous achievement and stated that this accomplishment was the result of the efforts of all staff and their hard work to achieve the highest environmental protection stan-

dards. He reiterated that the Company’s success in receiving this international award was a major milestone in its history. Mr. Al Sayed also mentioned that it was fortunate that achieving this significant standard coincided with the country’s National Day celebration and advent of the Holy month of Ramadan. He added that the Company’s efforts focus on many vital areas contributing to the preservation of the environment and fulfilling all health and safety requirements. These are demonstrated by enhancing the plants’ safety levels, providing the necessary equipment, establishing projects such as the Charity Vegetable Garden and Fish Farm and con centrating on intensive landscaping

and increasing the areas covered with greenery and flowers as well as similar initiatives in this field. All these steps have demonstrated that the Company is worthy of receiving this major certificate for environmental protection. He said he was both pleased and proud of the Company’s achievements in this vital area. It had a positive impact on the neighbouring areas in particular and the country’s environment in general. He reassured everyone that the Company’s petrochemical products were produced to the highest environmental protection standards. He stressed that receiving this Certificate from a reputed and respected international organisation reflected the cont. p.7

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of Petrochemical Industries Company of Kuwait led by H.E. Mr. Saad Al Shuwaib, Vice Chairman and Executive Assistant to the Managing Director for Administration and Projects, recently visited the GPIC complex to familiarise themselves with administrative systems and to inspect the plants. They were welcomed by Mr. Mustafa Al Sayed , General Manager and executive managers of the company. The General Manager briefed the prominent visitors about production operations, profitability, concern with the human resources, training and exports. He discussed the Company’s achievements in the areas of safety, quality, environmental protection and cost rationalisation steps. Mr. Al Sayed concluded his presentation by giving details about the Company’s achievements and its outstanding performance compared with other operators on a global level. He also shed light on proposed future projects. During a tour of the Training Centre, the Kuwaiti visitors were given a briefing about production operations via a scale model tour of the plants. Later they made a tour of the plants and the Charity Fish Farm. Members of the Kuwaiti delegation expressed their admiration and appreciation of the Company’s achievements that were recognised internationally. They wished the Company and its management every future

progress and prosperity. They reiterated their backing and support for the Company’s future projects. It should be noted that the visit of the Kuwaiti group aimed at familiarising themselves with Gulf joint ventures since GPIC was the fruit of joint Gulf co-operation between the State of Bahrain, State of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.


Mustafa Al Sayed, reported that GPIC had ventured smoothly into the new millennium without any problems or disturbance to company operations despite worldwide concerns regarding the impact of the century rollover and the Y2K `bug`. Mr. Al Sayed said that GPIC has been preparing for this issue since 1994 when the company started an awareness campaign with the aim of making all key employees familiar with the Year 2000 problem and its potential effects on company operations. At an early stage, various teams and committees were set up to conduct studies and formulate plans to tackle this issue in respect of computer and process control systems. Some of the precautionary measures taken to combat Y2K problems included: 1- A full inventory of all potential date sensitive computer, electronic and plant related equipment

was compiled and reviewed. 2- A study was conducted to determine the impact of Y2K on identified key components and systems and remedial plans put in place to resolve them. 3- Action was taken to fix or replace equipment and systems that were not Year 2000 compliant. 4- Where possible, all modified equipment and systems were tested to verify that they would operate correctly beyond the Year 2000. 5- Several internal awareness sessions were conducted for all employees and key personnel. 6- Participation in numerous regional and international conferences and seminars dedicated to Y2K issues, took place. 7- Attendance and sponsorship of the Bahrain Y2K Forum to exchange ideas and share experiences with other major industries and organisations. 8- An independent third party Y2K Auditor was engaged to assess the work completed by the company. The auditing concluded that the

actions and tests carried out by the company were satisfactory and the company had managed to identify and eliminate all potential risks. By committing themselves wholeheartedly into these activities the company managed to complete all the requirements and achieve Y2K compliance. In reply to a question concerning why GPIC did not issue a readiness statement prior to the millennium rollover, Mr. Al-Sayed stated that the company was completely focused on solving the issue. However, we have reported the progress of this project to concerned institutions such as banks, insurance and industrial companies, affiliates, customers, suppliers and others. Furthermore, the details of our project have been reported on a regular basis to the Bahrain Y2K Forum. GPIC mobilised several command centres and task forces at its complex to control, monitor and ensure an early response to any unforeseen eventualities at the time of rollover. Due to cont. p. 6

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STUDENTS RELEASE SEA-BREAM INTO CHARITYFISH FARM As part of the Company’s ongoing concern and care for the environment around its Complex, GPIC marked on Saturday 16th October, 1999 the release of its fourth batch of 10,000 sea-bream, a rare species of fish locally called Subaiti, into the Company’s charity fish farm. GPIC General Manager Mr. Mustafa Al Sayed said the environment represented the future of youngsters who have the prime responsibility of protecting it. Mr. Al Sayed also invited a group of private and Government school students to attend the ceremony for release of the fourth batch of sea-bream in to the GPIC fish farm. As well as proving that the GPIC complex is environmentally friendly to the Marine environ, enhancing environmental awareness is one of the major aims of this exercise. He said the management also organised, as part of their visit itinerary, a lecture about the Company’s environment management system. This is a demonstration of the Com-pany’s concern with the environment and its application and a reflection of the commitment to comply with global environmental policies. Meanwhile, he stressed that the project continues to achieve its objectives since its launch, given that the fishes grow in a suitable and natural and healthy environment. This has been possible due to the Company’s interest in preserving the environment and as a contribution to developing the country’s fisheries that are vital for our lives. As part of its charitable and humanitarian activities, the farm’s fish production is also distributed to needy Bahrain families. The Company is co-ordinating with the Fisheries Directorate at the Ministry of Works and Agriculture to obtain small fish of this variety . Mr. Al Sayed was delighted with the existing cooperation between GPIC and the Fisheries Directorate, Ministry of Health and Environment Protection

Directorate, to ensure the project’s success. Mr. Khalid Mohamed Fakhroo, Director General of Environment Affairs at the Ministry of Housing, Municipalities and Environment, expressed his thanks to GPIC for its on-going concern with cont P. 8 environmental protection. He added that


part of the ongoing co-operation between the Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company and other international companies in the areas of training and development, GPIC instructed an Australian technical team on the operation of the granulated Urea plant during the period from 30th August to 8th September, 1999 at the GPIC Training Centre. The programme was devised in collaboration with the international Norwegian Company Hydro Fertilizer Technology. The training programme included lectures about the latest Urea granule manufacture technology delivered by an expert representing the Norwegian Company in co-ordination with the Company’s operation and training group in the Company. Also delivered were lectures about GPIC and its advanced methods in operation and training enabling it to make many major achievements in the areas of production, safety, occupational health and environment. At the end of the training period, Mr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager, presented certificates and commemorative gifts to members of the Australian technical crew and

wished them every success in their plant operation “Australia”. The presentation was attended by senior managers and executives of various technical departments in the Company.

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part of GPIC’s aims to globalise training programmes that seek the promotion of cooperation regionally and internationally, the Company trained a visiting Venezuelan technical crew on the operations of the Urea Plant and the related shipping and export facilities from 20th August to 6th October, 1999. The programme included specialised workshops on the latest Urea granule manufacturing technology and modern methods used in export and shipping the product. At the end of the training course, a ceremony was held in the presence of the Company’s senior managers and executives. Mr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager, presented certificates to members of the Venezuelan technical crew and expressed the hope for further co-operation between Vebezuela and Bahrain in this field.

He wished the group members every success in the operations of their Venezuelan plants.

PLANTS OPERATIONS DEPT. BIDS FAREWELLTO MR.COMBOY The Plants Operation Department held a farewell celebration in honour of Mr. Terrence Comboy Ammonia Superintendent, marking the end of his term of Office in the Company. In a speech, Mr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager praised the service of Mr. Comboy wishing him every success in the future. Mr. Comboy responded by thanking the General Manager, Executive Management and colleagues at Plants Operation Department for the support and co-operation enjoyed from everyone during his service in the company. A token gift was presented to Comboy by Mr. Mustafa Al Sayed.

TRAINING COURSES FOR COMPANY’S STAFF In compliance with the Company policy in developing Supervision Management and Technical skills, the following staff attended specialised courses: ■ Jehan Al Murbati a Trainee with the Administration Department, attended a course in “Stores & Inventory Management Systems” in the UAE. from 2-7 Oct. 1999. ■ Sami. Khairi Personnel Superintendent attended a course in “Localisation and Industrial Development” in the UAE, from 19-20 Nov. 1999. ■ Nader A.Rahim from Technical Services

Department attended “Sabic 2nd Corrosion Technical Meeting” in Saudi Arabia on 10 Nov. 1999. ■ Yasser A. Rahim from Safety & Security Department attended a “Gulf International Conference - Business Ethics” in the UAE, from 13-14 Nov.1999. ■ Abdulrahman Kayed from Technical Services Department, attended a course in “Cost Effective Purchasing & Supply Management Euromatech, in the UAE, from 13-17 Nov. 1999. ■ Mohammed A.Rahim from Finance Department attended a course in “Accounting for Derivatives” in UAE, from 27-29 Nov. 1999.

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GPIC SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETES (HAZOP) STUDIES OF ITS PLANTS In the continued endeavour of the GPIC management to ensure design integrity and the safety of GPIC plants and personnel, GPIC embarked on and completed a major Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) of their Ammonia, Methanol and associated offsite and Utilities Plants. This study was carried out despite the plants being designed to the highest of safety standards, and conforming to good engineering practices by such internationally experienced engineering companies as (Uhde) of Germany, and Snamprogetti of Italy. It should be noted that the (Hazop) study for the newly constructed Urea plant was completed during the design stage of that project. The above study also fulfils partial requirement of the implementation of Process Safety Management (PSM) system, which is aimed at the prevention of major chemical process hazard resulting from GPIC’s activities, to people, plant and environment, as per the recommended practice of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and American Petroleum Institute (API).

The Hazop technique is a formally structured method of systematically investigating each element of an operating system, in order to identify all ways in which important parameters can deviate from intended design conditions, therby creating hazards and operability problems. The hazard and operability problems are typically determined by a study of plant engineering documents, such as piping and instrument diagrams, by a team of personnel who critically analyse the effects of potential problems arising in each pipeline and vessel of the operation. As a result of this study, recommendations and cont. p.6

ROAD SAFETY LECTURE AT GPIC As part of a continuous co-operation and co-ordination relationship between GPIC and the Traffic and Licensing Directorate, the Safety Sub-committee formed by the Company’s Safety, Health and Environment Committee, organised a road safety lecture delivered by First Lieutenant Yousif Jamal (in Arabic), at the Company’s Training Centre. On the following day, the lecture was delivered (in English) by senior policeman Javad Akram. The lectures talked about driving safety and road handling given the ever increasing number of vehicles on the island and the risks likely to be faced by all road users. First Lt. Yousif Jamal praised the spirit of GPIC employees and their compliance with driving safety precautions in general . He noted that GPIC staff were disciplined and generally complied with safety

laws both inside and outside the complex. This is a reflection of the care of GPIC management and its concern with employees’ safety and welfare.

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LECTURE ON BACKACHE As part of its health awareness and education efforts, the GPIC Health SubCommittee organised two lectures in Arabic and English about how to look after one’s back and how to avoid back pain. The lectures were delivered at the Training Centre by Dr. Jamal Saleh, an orthopaedic surgeon at the BDF Hospital. In his presentation, he focused on how to look after the safety of the backbone, avoiding heavy weights and movements affecting one’s back. The lectures were externally well received and tie in with GPIC’s proactive approach to preventing accidents. Dr. Jamal Saleh praised the management of the Company for its interest in providing its employees with precautions to ensure their safety and health.

GPIC SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETES (CONT.) remedial measures are developed and actioned in order to minimise or eliminate identified hazards. GPIC utilised the services of a consultancy firm, Arthur D. Little, to carry out this hazop study. In addition to the consultants, the assembled GPIC team included experienced personnel from Operations, Maintenance, Technical Services and Safety & Security Departments. The team also included Bahraini trainee engineers and operators , in order to familiarise GPIC’s future key personnel with the design concepts adopted in the safe and reliable operation of the plants. Arthur D. Little is an internationally renowned consultancy organisation with a proven track record of successfully completed hazop, risk assessment, safe-

ty audit and Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) studies, for several petrochemical plants and refineries worldwide. The hazop study of GPIC’s operating plants, comprising the critical analysis of over 80 piping and instrument diagrams, covering Ammonia, Methanol and their associated utilities plants, product loading and marine terminals, was completed successfully in a record period of 30 working days. Although there were a few minor recommendations to enhance safety and reliability of the plants, the results of the study have proved that the GPIC operating plants have a very high level of safety and reliability with no major identified hazard to plant, personnel, environment or to Bahrain as a whole. A feat of which we can all be proud.

SAFETY DAY AT GPIC (CONT.) managers of the Company. On Thursday 23rd December, 1999 the company held a Family Safety Evening ceremony for employees’ families at the Holiday Inn Hotel. The event was held to enhance awareness of safety , environment and health issues amongst the families. GPIC General Manager, Mr.

Mustafa Al Sayed delivered a speech at the event underlining the management’s keen interest in ensuring the participation of employees’ families and their involvement in following safety guidelines and protecting the local environment. He wished everyone the best of health safety and environment for the new millennium.

Mr. Al Sayed presented prizes to children who won in different competitions, including drawing, colouring , essay writing and a general quiz on home safety . At the ceremony, live music was played and entertainment items presented. Refreshments were provided and gifts were presented to all children participating in the events.

NO EFFECT FROM Y2K (CONT) all these efforts, response was not necessary. Mr. Mustafa Al Sayed congratulated and extended his sincere thanks

to the Chairman H.E. Shaikh Isa bin achievement. He also thanked all Ali Al Khalifa, all board members and employees for their support and the executive management commit- team spirit which was crucial to tee of the company on this great achieving Y2K compliance.

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Thursday 28th October, 1999 Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company held its 7th annual charity fishing competition. Fifteen teams representing GPIC’s various departments took part in this event achieving a record catch of more than 300 kgs. of different kinds of fish such as hamour, chanaad, shie’eri, etc. At a ceremony held at the Marina Club, Mr. Mustafa Al Sayed, GPIC General Manager presented prizes to the winning teams. The presentation was attended by H.E. Shaikh Hamad Bin Ebrahim Al-Khalifa, Bahrain National Gas Company Chairman, H.E. Dr. Hamad Ali Al Sulaiti, Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs at the GCC General Secretariat and a number of other executive and employees of the Company. The Urea ‘A’ team came first with the biggest catch of the day. Runners up went to the Methanol ‘A’ team. The first and runner up positions for the biggest individual fish caught were won by the successful Methanol ‘A’ team. The Methanol ‘A’ team also bagged the prize for the longest fish. Runners up went to the Safety and Security Department Team. Mr. Mustafa Al Sayed expressed his pleasure in holding this important annual event and thanked spectators and participants that brought together GPIC employees

in a friendly atmosphere that would certainly have a positive impact on the working environment. This event, he said, has fantastic spin-offs as it both cultivates a spirit of goodwill amongst all participating employees and additionally, helps the needy. He emphasised that the holding of this event would continue to take place on an annual basis. He noted with satisfaction the record catch achieved by this year’s competition. This is evidence of the enthusiasm of the participants towards this voluntary activity as demonstrated by the increase in the number of competitors a healthy fishing environment in Bahrain and the strong desire of everyone to play a role helping others. GPIC holds this competition on an annual basis as part of its diverse programmes in support of charity in the country. The event’s fish catches are donated to homes for the elderly.

H.E. MINISTER OF OIL AND INDUSTRY CONGRATULATES GPIC (cont) concerted efforts of everyone in the Company according to the directives of H.E. The Minister of Oil and Industry and Board Chairman and guidance of all GPIC Board members. He reaffirmed that the Environment Quality Management Certificate (ISO 14001) was not the end of the road. Efforts had to continue to improve the plant operations and Company’s activities. However, obtaining this Certificate would motivate everyone to

face the challenges of the next millennium, particularly those that would effect the environment and humanity as a whole. On the occasion of National Day, Mr. Mustafa Al Sayed extended his best wishes and greetings to the wise leadership of Bahrain and expressed his best wishes for further progress and prosperity for the people of Bahrain.

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framework of continuous co-operation between GPIC and all educational institutions on the island, a number of Bahrain School students visited the GPIC Complex recently. At the beginning of their visit, students were welcomed by Mr. Zuhair Tawfiqi, Public Relations Manager, who briefed them on the Company’s history. He expressed GPIC’s willingness to co-operate with the School’s administration in its programmes in the service of the students. Later, the group watched a documentary about the Urea Plant and heard a briefing on stages of production and methods of manufacture using a scale model of the Complex. They subsequently made a tour of the Ammonia , Urea and Methanol plants and the Company’s Charity Fish Farm.

These types of visits help to infuse general interest in advanced and specialised industries in young children, who are of course , the important future of Bahrain.

NEW MILLENNIUM BABY FOR EMPLOYEE There was some good news with the start of the new millennium for Mr. Mohamed Abdulla Hubail, an employee at the Safety and Security Department with the arrival of his new baby Yusuf. On this happy occasion, he received a message and a present from the General Manager Mr. Mustafa Al Sayed who wished the new baby all the best. The GPIC management and employees extended their best wishes to Mohamed and to all members of his family.

STUDENTS RELEASE SEA-BREAMS IN CHARITY FISH FARM (cont) the Company’s launch of the fish farm was an integral part of its keen interest in the environment. He praised the idea of the students’ participation in this ceremony as it would help cultivate environmental awareness and further enhance their environmental appreciation of an important issue which we should all focus on during the new challenging millennium. GPIC’s Charity Fish Farm was set up on the 20th November, 1996 and has since been very well received by a large number of environmental experts at several regional, pan-Arab and international semi-

nars and conferences. It has also been highly commended by all visitors of the GPIC complex prompting officials to consider expanding it to achieve greater environmental and social benefits. The sea-bream release ceremony was attended Mr. Jassim Ahmed Al Qaseer, Director of Fishers at the Ministry of Works and Agriculture, Dr. Ismail Mohamed Al Madani, Environment Professor at the Higher Studies College in the Arabian Gulf University and members of GPIC executive management.

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The General manager of Mechanical Service & Contracting Company receives the Best Contractor Award


the patronage of HE Shaikh Isa Bin Ali Al Khalifa, Minister of Oil and Industry and GPIC Board Chairman, the Company marked its annual Safety Day on Wednesday 24th November 1999, at the GPIC Complex in Sitra. The company’s General Manager, Mr. Mustafa Al Sayed, delivered a speech underlining the keen interest of the Company’s management to hold this ceremony annually given GPIC’s outstanding safety achievements. He conveyed the greetings and best wishes of H.E Shaikh Isa Bin Ali Al Khalifa, Minister of Oil and Industry and GPIC Board Chairman, who also expressed his thanks and appreciation to all the employees. He reported that the Minister was pleased and delighted with the excellent achievements of the Company’s staff in the areas of safety health, environment and productivity. Mr. Al Sayed pointed out the company’s tremendous safety achievements this year and in previous years enabling the Company to gain the highest recognition, prizes and merit awards. This was only possible with the effective and fruitful interaction between management and all

employees. The message delivered reflected our continuous commitment towards all issues of safety, health and environment not just at work, but in everything we do, at home and at leisure. He reiterated that concern and care for safety, health and environment was not something that could be switched off when employees clocked out at the end of each working day. For it to be effective, it had to be an important integral part of our entire approach to life. He added that this event at GPIC celebrated the company’s safety, health and environment initiatives and achievements during the last 12 months. It is a particularly significant Safety Day for us because it is our last safety day celebration of the century. In just over a month, we will be welcoming in the new Millennium, bringing new challenges, for everyone. Mr. Al Sayed also explained in his speech that the Company’s concern with the environment went hand in hand with safety. GPIC had maintained its excellent standards in safety and were awarded a seventh consecutive Gold Medal by the Royal Society for the Prevention of

Accidents (ROSPA) UK during 1999. To further enhance our capabilities in safety we had recently commenced a comprehensive First Aid course for all employees during ‘98 and ‘99. Mr. Al Sayed was proud to mention that GPIC was in the process of being awarded the ISO 14001 certification in due course. He added that this further demonstrated the pride we had in running one of the best, safest and most reliable petrochemical complexes in the world. He further underlined the significance of preventive environmental awareness in this strategic industry. GPIC, he said, showed great concern with the safety and health of its employees as well as the preservation of the environment around the Complex as could be proven by any visit to our complex. He added that the Company was proud that all employees were working in a healthy environment and in a complete framework of quality and safety. GPIC continues to become an example to be followed by others in choosing to protect the environment in the petrochemical industry.

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The Company’s main interest, focuses on employees who are the most important asset to our wealth. Such achievements were not possible without the co-operation and concerted efforts of all employees in the Company who have helped maintain safety for all. The workers were the real wealth in achieving our country’s economic growth and progress. Mr. Al Sayed concluded his speech by congratulating all GPIC employees for their continuous commitment to safety, health and the environment. He added we had now worked more than 3 million person hours in total at the complex, without suffering a lost time accident. That in itself was an incredible achievement for any industrial company. Later, HE. Mr. Mohamed Abdul Rahman Al Terkait, Managing Director and Mr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager presented the Best Department Housekeeping & Safety Award to the Utilities plant. They also honoured outstanding employees in the area of safety in different departments of the Company. Those employees were, Mr. Isa Aqeel, of Administration, Mr. Qamar Uz Zaman of Urea Handling Plants Operation,

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Mr. Ebrahim Ghuloom, of Plant Operations and Ahmed Bukamal, of the Safety and Security Department. An award was also given to Mechanical Contracting & Services Company (MCSC) for being outstanding in terms of safety, health and environment management at GPIC. The Award was collected by the management of MCSC. The event also included prize draws with the aim of enhancing employees’ awareness of safety, health and environment issues and urging them to push for the highest safety and security standards at home as well as at their workplace. The Safety Day ceremony was attended by Mr. Abdulla Bukhalaf AlSadah, Director of Employment and Recruitment and Chairman of the High Committee for Vocational Health and Safety at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Mr. Abdul Ghafar Abdul Husain, Chairman of the General Committee of Bahrain Workers and member of the Consultative Council, Professor Ismail Al-Madani, Professor of the Environment at the Arabian Gulf University, a large number of officials at industrial companies, invited guests and department cont. P.6

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The Utilities Supt. receives the Best Department Housekeeping Award from H.E. the Managing Director & General Manager

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