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Issue (47) April. 2001
REG. No. IGPI 021
GPIC MAKES US$40 MILLION NET PROFIT GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING DECIDES TO PAY US$36 MILLION DIVIDENDS TO IT’S SHAREHOLEDERS occasion of convening the ON the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of Shareholders of the Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company, H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Minister of Oil and Industry and GPIC Board Chairman said he was very satisfied with the company’s excellent performance represented by continuous reliable and efficient operations and production and exports whilst maintaining the highest safety, health, environment, quality and security standards.
H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa
His Excellency explained that owing to the loyal and sincere efforts by all employees for continued rationalisation of costs, reduction of expenditure and production costs and enhanced productivity, the Company’s net profits had
totalled US$40 million. The Company Ordinary General Meeting decided to pay US$36 million as dividends to its shareholders. (cont. on page 9)
GPIC LAUNCHES CHARITY FISH FARM EXTENSION the Charity Fish Farm extension. The Minister was welcomed at GPIC’s Sitra Complex by Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, GPIC General Manager and members of the executive management. Dr. Al Sayed delivered a speech welcoming H.E. the Minister and his party and briefed them on the Company’s activities, production operations, training, exports and future plans. GPIC’s achievements in the areas of safety, occupational health, quality and the environment were highlighted to the visitors. The Minister and his accompanying group were shown a scale model of the Ammonia, Methanol, Urea and Utilities Plants followed by a tour of the actual facilities. the patronage of H.E. Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Minister of State for Amiri Court Affairs and chairman of the National Committee for Wildlife Protection, Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company held a ceremony on 22nd January, 2001 for the launch of
During his speech, Dr. Al Sayed, welcomed H.E. Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, and all invited guests. He thanked them for honouring GPIC by demonstrating genuine interest shown by His Excellency concerning all environmental projects carried out by the Company. (cont. on page 8)
Newsletter published by the Public Relations Dept. of Gulf Petrochemical Industries Co. P.O. Box 26730, Bahrain
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3 MILLION ACCIDENT FREE HOURS WORK ACHIEVED the sidelines of the Company’s Board of Directors meeting held on the 10th February, 2001, the Directors marked the Company’s achievement of reaching and surpassing 3 million accident free work hours, highlighting the Company’s best ever continuous safety record.
On this occasion, H.E Mr. Nasser Ahmed Al Sayyari, Deputy Board Chairman delivered a speech congratulating the company’s management and staff for this major achievement. He said this feat was made possible by their high performance level, teamwork spirit and compliance with strong safety health and environment standards. He said that this truly reflected the highest level of safety awareness prevailing amongst all members of the staff at all levels of the organisation.
Minister of Oil and Industry and Board Chairman and all Directors. Without their essential backing and interest such milestones would not be achievable.
In response, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed thanked the Board for its strong backing and interest by H.E Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa,
Executive Secretary of the Regional Marine & Undersecretary of the Health Ministry Visit GPIC March, 2001, H.E. Dr. Abdul Rahman Al Awadhi, ON 20th Executive Secretary of the Regional Marine Life
Sayed spoke about the Charity Fish Farm Project that is part of the Company’s environmental concerns.
Protection Organisation accompanied by H.E. Mr. Abdul Rahman Buali, Undersecretary of the Health Ministry, visited the GPIC Complex in Sitra. The aim of the visit was to have a close look at environmental projects and safety procedures followed in the Company.
Then, the guests heard an explanation of the Ammonia, Urea and Methanol production process using the scale model of the complex. Later, they made a tour of the plants, Fish Farm and Charity Vegetable Garden. At the end of the visit, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al Awadhi and Mr. Abdul Rahman Buali praised the Company’s pioneering initiative in setting up the Charity Fish Farm and locating it near the Complex water outlet to prove the lack of impurities and contaminants. This move is a reflection of the belief that the sea around us is our long term future that must be protected. We have to do something for our children’s future as it has been passed on to us by our predecessors.
The prominent guests were welcomed by Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager and department managers. Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed briefed them about the Company’s history, its future projects, efforts made for protection of the environment and the Company’s commitment to providing a safe and healthy working environment. Dr. Mustafa Al
They praised the Company’s concern for protection of the environment around us and expressed the hope that other companies would follow GPlC’s example in this field. They praised the development of the Company in all fields. H. E. Dr. Abdul Rahman Al Awadhi was on an official visit to Bahrain to attend the Second Cancer Conference under the patronage of H.H. Shaikh Khalifa bin Sulman Al Khalifa, Prime Minister. The Conference was organised by the Bahrain Cancer Society.
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GPIC AT NATIONAL DAY FESTIVAL Under the slogan “Loyalty for the Leadership and Invoking Sovereignty”, GPIC together with Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco) and Bahrain National Gas Company (Banagas) participated in Bahrain National Day ceremonies organised by the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs and Information. A tent was erected housing a display of historic and present photographs of the political leadership’s support for these companies. Also illustrated were production operations and activities of the three participating companies.
Prominent visitors to the stand included H.E. Mr. Mohamed ALMutawa, Minister of Cabinet Affairs and Information, H.E. Mr. Abdul Nabi Al Shoala, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs and other senior officials. They were briefed by Mr. Zuhair Tawfiqi, Public Relations Manager, on the Company’s activities and its role in serving the local community.
Many visitors to the Festival attended the exhibition of the respective companies taking part in this event.
SEMINAR ABOUT HOW TO DEAL WITH AND MANAGE CHANGE part of Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company’s policy of boosting the efficiency of its employees to keep pace with rapid international developments on all levels, the Company organised on Tuesday 27th March, 2001 at the Riffa Golf Club a workshop about “How to Deal with and Manage Change”. The workshop focused on the well-known best seller Book “Who Moved My Cheese?”.
Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, GPIC General Manager opened the workshop by introducing the topic discussed by the book. In his speech, he discussed the significance of change in our lives and pointed out to the changes made by the Company enabling it to achieve its numerous objectives. Dr. Al Sayed added that the Company’s image has improved through looking forward to excel in all areas, thanks to the co-operation and team spirit of all the employees in collaboration with the executive management.
Later, Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Amer made a presentation of the chapter and stages of change as explained in the book. This was followed by a discussion of how to combine practical experience with the newly acquired concepts.
Then, Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Amer, a management and organisation consultant from the State of Kuwait, explained to the participants the concept of change and how to handle it. The workshop programme involved presentations made by each department manager of the most significant changes that took place in their departments and how they were successfully made in previous years. During the workshop, Miss. Nadra Hussain Abu Ali from Bahrain T.V read out extracts from the book.
At the end of the workshop, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed expressed his thanks and appreciation for the Company’s managers and superintendents for their valuable contributions to the Company’s growth and development. He urged them to benefit from new management methods for achieving more positive results to maintain productivity, staff safety, and product quality and to cost reduction. (cont. on page 5)
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DEVELOPMENT OF GPIC DIGITAL CONTROL SYSTEM commissioned in 1984. Due to the accuracy of this system and high quality in completing the required tasks and providing rapid development of new technologies in digital control systems, the Company decided in 1996 to develop this system further to keep pace with the latest international specifications and increase its efficiency. The aim was to ensure that GPIC maintained a leading global position as a major petrochemical organisation. A team of engineers representing the various technical departments was formed to work on the digital control system development for the Ammonia, Methanol and Utilities plants. This team was able to manage the entire project starting with the engineering studies, technical specification and equipment procurement right through to the installation and commissioning stages. The latter was the most important and difficult stage as it was implemented during complex routine maintenance and within a limited period of ten days only. The technical team’s high level of efficiency and expertise was the cornerstone in implementing this delicate phase according to the timetable and operating the plants according to plan.
Company is very proud of its realistic outlook and status as one of the leading petrochemical industrial company’s as well as protection of its investments through well planned reliable, productive and safe operation of all its plants.
With the above in mind, the Company’s digital control system development project reached its peak during the year 2000. The first digital control system was
GPIC PARTICIPATES IN AN INTERNATIONAL FERTILIZER CONFERENCE IN USA The Nitrogen Conference, which is organised by British Sulphur, U.K. is regarded as one of the major conferences in which exchange of information with regard to commercial, marketing and technical issues pertaining to Ammonia and Urea are presented and shared. This year’s conference came at a critical time for the petrochemical industry in general and Ammonia and Urea in particular due to various world events. Dr. AL Sayed’s active participation in this conference was much appreciated by the participants and the organisers since he was able to present key view points of the Middle East region on these issues. Dr. Al Sayed is also the Vice President of the international Fertilizer Association (IFA) for the Middle East Region.
Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, the General Manager, participated in the recently held Nitrogen Conference in Tampa, USA. He also chaired the opening session of the conference which was attended by over 140 senior delegates from all over the world.
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Al Sayed, GPIC General Manager recently obtained his Ph.D. degree in management from the London School of Economics and Political Science at the University of London, UK. Dr. Al Sayed was congratulated by H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Minister of Oil and Industry and the GPIC Board Chairman for this great achievement. GPIC Board of Directors, Executive Management and all GPIC employees congratulated the General Manager on his outstanding academic success which can only continue to benefit the company’s future success and to galvanise work place team spirit and initiative.
Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed
part of a familiarisation visit to Bahrain’s economic and industrial sectors, Mr. Ayman Abdul Noor, the Syrian President’s Advisor, recently visited the GPIC Complex. He was welcomed on arrival by Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager and a number of senior managers. The General Manager briefed the prominent guest about the Company’s history and business activities and briefed him of GPIC’s worldwide reputation for maintaining quality standards of its petrochemical export products. Later, the Syrian offical toured the Complex including the Charity Fish Farm.
this major Gulf joint venture and his appreciation of the national skills and expertise in this demanding international industry. He wished the Company and its officials further progress and success in the future.
At the end of his visit, Mr. Noor expressed his admiration of
He also expressed his appreciation for H.E. Dr. Mohammed bin Jassim Al-Ghatam, President of the University of Bahrain for his support for the Company’s training programmes. He Thanked Dr. Shaikh Ali bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Chairman of Mangement & Marketing, Assistant Professor of Marketing at College of Business Administration and Mrs. Evelengah Maguire, Lecturer (Department of Management) at College of Bussiness Administration for their participation in the workshop. He also thanked Mr. Mohamed Ahmed for presenting the workshop.
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GENERAL MANAGER RECEIVES WORKERS REPRESENTATIVES Al Sayed, GPIC Dr. Mustafa General Manager recently received at his office, the newly elected Chairman and members of the Workers Representatives on the Joint Labour Committee following their election for the current term of office (20012003). The meeting was also attended by Mr. Fawzi Al Jaber, Administration Manager and Chairman of the Management Representatives on the Committee, also Mr. Zuhair Tawfiqi, Public Relations Manager and Committee Secretary. Dr. Al Sayed highlighted the pioneering and effective role played by the Committee Chairman and members that assisted the company in boosting productivity and maintaining excellent safety, health and environment standards at the GPIC complex. He encouraged them to maintain the team spirit within the Company. He also expressed his thanks and appreciation for the workers general contributions in
achieving the best interests and benefits for both sides of the production process. Mr. Mohamed Al Khaja, Workers Representatives Chairman replied in a speech expressing his thanks and appreciation on behalf of the workers
representatives. He thanked management for its positive efforts in facilitating and supporting the Joint Committee’s activities to realise its goals. He committed his team to the growth and progress of the Company on various levels.
of the activities of the Environment Subcommittee, which operates in accordance with the leadership of the GPIC’s Safety, Health and Environment Committee, a lecture on how to manage hazardous waste was organised on the 25th February 2001 and delivered by Mr. Hugh Kennedy of the National Environmental Reserve Company of Saudi Arabia. Mr. Kennedy reviewed the significance of managing industrial waste and how to deal with it in the various phases of storage, shipping and disposal. In his lecture Mr. Kennedy praised the Company’s notable efforts in the areas of safety, health and environment, and how to make the work place safe for workers. Following the lecture, there was a question and answer session and a lot of active participation from all employees.
The lecture was another significant measure taken by the company to help raise and maintain environmental awareness amongst all employees and to ensure that the
The lecture was attended by Mr. Eduard Horn, Acting General Manager, senior management and a large number of employees.
company’s waste disposal arrangements complied with internationally acceptable standards.
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SEMINAR ON RISK MANAGEMENT Participants in the seminar included Mr. Richard Barton, Vice Chairman of March Datum Marine and Energy UK and representative of the Company’s insurers Bahrain National Insurance Company. The seminar dealt with the topic of risk management beginning with identifying and analysing major risks and quantifying them. The process continues with risk management in terms of organisation and financial aspects with the objectives of optimising value for the organisation through achieving balance between risks and returns. The Risk Management Process involves thoroughly reviewing the main categories of all risks faced by an organisation that threaten its ability to function, namely determining the general risks, financial risks, operational risks and strategic risks.
of the existing co-operation between GPIC and AS part local and overseas insurance companies, a seminar about “Corporate Risk Management” was held at the Company’s Training Centre. The seminar was opened by Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager, who commended the role played by the Company’s insurers for their good efforts towards providing the Company’s senior executives with vital information about risk management. When they are mismanaged, such risks can cause considerable problems.
The overall impact of such risks on the organisation are analysed for the realisation of its objectives. The seminar was attended by a number of senior Company officials, middle management representatives and a number of senior engineers and trainees and was very well received.(cont. from
ARAB EXPORTERS AND IMPORTERS VISIT GPIC Horn Deputy General Manager and senior management. They were briefed by Mr. Yousif Abdulla, Technical Services Manager on the Company’s various achievements in the areas of productivity, protection of the environment and safety and health in the work place. The visitors were shown a scale model of the GPIC complex and were escorted on a tour of the Complex . At the end of their visit, members of the delegation expressed admiration for the Company’s growth and general development. They wished GPIC and its management further progress and success in the future.
articipants in the Arab Chemical and Petrochemical products Importers and Exporters Forum recently visited the GPIC Complex. They were welcomed by Mr. Eduard
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framework of the GPIC Training Centre’s plans and programmes for developing the skills and abilities of the Company’s employees, the Training Centre organised jointly with MIRC Training and Consultancy a course on “Internal Customer Service”. This was held during the period from the 8th to 10th January, 2001. The key speaker was Mr. Rami Al Fantari who focused on the significance of co-operation in the work place and its impact on productivity, also providing unexpected service to the customers inside and outside the Company.
The course was attended by 21 employees from various departments and was well received.
20,000 fishes. This effort was a clear indication of GPIC’s enhanced contribution to supporting Bahrain’s natural wildlife. What made this achievement particularly special was the fact that this project was undertaken by a group of GPIC employees on a purely voluntary basis. The Farm, he said, was overseen by a committee from the employees led by Mr. Yousif Abdulla Yousif, GPIC’s Technical Services Manager.
He also noted that it was heartening that the ceremony coincided with the visit made by His Highness Shaikh Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, Amir of Bahrain, His Highness Shaikh Khalifa bin Sulman Al Khalifa, Prime Minister and His Highness Shaikh Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Commander-in-Chief of the Bahrain Defence Force, to the southern region of the island for inspection of wildlife sanctuaries. This provided further evidence of a keen interest in protecting and preserving the Bahrain environment by the country's leadership.
On this occasion, Dr. Al Sayed reiterated GPIC’s loyalty and backing for the wise leadership of His Highness the Amir, His Highness the Prime Minister and His Highness the Crown Prince. Dr. Mustafa prayed to God, the Almighty, to bless Bahrain and enable it to continue enjoying peace, security and environmental tranquility.
Dr. Al Sayed explained that GPIC fully realised the significance of maintaining the Bahrain environment and that is why it had always sought to comply with all environmental rules and international practices. This compliance initiative culminated in the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Accreditation in 1999. This was the first major international environmental achievement for a Bahraini company.
He also expressed his thanks to everyone for the continuous efforts being made to protect the marine, animal and plant wildlife and reinforced the critical commitment to preserve all aspects of the environment in Bahrain.
Dr. Al Sayed also stressed that GPIC considered itself to be an integral part of the community and had always opted to make an effective contribution to serving the community on many and various environmental, charitable and humanitarian levels.
Following the speech, H. E. Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa unveiled a commemorative plaque marking the launch of GPIC Charity Fish Farm extension. At the end of the visit, H.E. Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa expressed his pleasure at participating in the GPIC Charity Fish Farm extension launch. He considered the project a means of supporting fisheries and a major effective contribution to the National Marine Culture Centre and the release of live fish in marine areas.
In view of these considerations and to underline its national and social contributions, the Company in cooperation with the Fisheries Directorate of Works and Agriculture Ministry launched a fish farm in November 1996, The project aimed at enriching marine life and enhancing the country’s fish stocks. This scheme’s message to the community was that there is no conflict between industrial development and safety of the environment if the environmental laws are properly maintained and respected.
His Excellency also thanked GPIC for its continuous efforts towards enriching fish stocks in Bahrain’s territorial waters. H.E. expressed the hope that other economic sectors would follow GPIC’s example by supporting projects that benefit fisheries and the environment in general. Such projects, he added, were essential for the development and protection of fish stocks in this part of the world.
Dr. Al Sayed was also very pleased to launch the first. extension of the existing Fish Farm. The new extension effectively doubles the Farm’s area with a capacity of
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SPRING CAMPING FOR EMPLOYEES its annual staff evenings at GPIC held the Sakhir Spring Camp on three consecutive Thursdays in honour of all its employees and in recognition of their sincere efforts and loyalty during the year. The Camp evenings were attended by Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager and senior management officials. The event included presentation of recreational items and performances by talented members of the staff. A folk music band performed at the event and was highly appreciated by the audience. A raffle draw was also held to provide further entertainment.
activity helps promote a one family spirit and forges closer ties amongst all employees outside of the normal working hours. It is also an opportunity for new staff members to get acquainted with other employees of the Company. Many employees attended these popular evenings.
The management always enjoys organising this annual event which is highly beneficial to the employees. This kind of
TRAINING COURSES FOR GPIC EMPLOYEES of the Company’s ongoing policy of arranging training and development courses for its employees to enhance As part their management, supervisory and technical skills, GPIC sent Mr. Khalid Al Malki, Mr. Saleem Al Balushi, Mrs. Amal Yusuf and Miss. Reema Mohamed from the Finance Department to the UAE to attend a course on the “Basics of Financial Resources” during the period from 11 to 14th February, 2001. Mr. Yousuf Mohamed Al Maarafi and Mr. Hassan Al Nasooh of the Maintenance Department, as well as Administration trainee Mr. Isa Mohamed, attended a conference for “Middle East Gas Turbine Users” during the period from 19 to 20th February, 2001.
(cont. from page 1)
Khalifa, the Amir of the State of Bahrain, His Highness Shaikh Khalifa bin Sulman Al Khalifa, The Prime Minister, and His Highness Shaikh Sulman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, The Crown Prince and Commander-in-Chief of the Bahrian Defence Force, for their kind continued support of the Company.
His Excellency also paid tribute to the Company’s extensive efforts to train Bahrainis and to develop the workforce while giving priority to occupational safety, health and environment management. The Company was recently awarded a Gold Medal Award in 2000 from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) UK. This was its eighth excellent safety award from RoSPA to date.
The Meeting members also praised the remarkable efforts made by the Board of Directors, executive management and all employees of the Company for their outstanding performance and their team spirit and loyalty that directly contributed to the success of the Company’s operations.
The 22nd Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of the Shareholders was held on Saturday 10th March, 2001 at the company’s Head Office under the Chairmanship of H.E. Shaikh Ebrahim bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance and National Economy representing the Government of the State of Bahrain and membership of Mr. Mahmood Hashem Al-Kooheji, Director of Government Shareholdings at the Ministry of Finance and National Economy. Representing the Kuwait side on the Board was H.E. Mr. Saad Al Shuwaib, Deputy Board Chairman and Executive Assistant of the Managing Director for Administration and Projects at Petrochemical Industries Company of Kuwait. Present on behalf of the Saudi side was H.E. Mr. Humood Abdulla Al Tuwaijri, Executive Vice President of Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC).The General Meeting reviewed the Director’s Report about the Company’s operations during the year which had just ended, the Auditor’s report and approval of the Company’s balance sheet and final accounts.
The Company also held a ceremony marking the achievement of its highest daily production level, Daily production of the Ammonia plant reached 1,275 tonnes and the Urea plant achieved a level of 1,770 tonnes while maintaining the highest safety, health, environment and security standards. The Employees had achieved 3.5 million accident free workhours during the year. All these factors combined had contributed towards enhancing the Company’s financial position and increased its productivity as a successful symbol of Gulf Co-operation. Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager extended his deep thanks and appreciation to Shareholders and the Board members for their continuous support of the Company. He thanked all employees for their sincere efforts and dedication that went a long way to making the company’s achievements possible.
The General Assembly Meeting expressed its appreication and gratitude to His Highness Shaikh Hamad bin Isa Al-
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FAMILY SAFETY DAY ON 14th December 2000, the Company held its annual major ceremony at the Radisson SAS Diplomat Hotel for the employees’ families and children marking the climax of its Safety,
Health and Environment Week. Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager delivered a speech in which he welcomed the guests and underlined the importance of the families participation in ensuring that safety, health and environmental principles were followed at home as well as at GPIC. He expressed his best wishes to everyone. A prize presentation took place for the many children who had entered the many different competitions such as the drawing and colouring, essay writing and general quiz contests focusing on issues of safety, health and environment. There were also safety spot prizes awarded to children during the evening. All children as well as contest top prize winners were allocated gifts and prizes. A supper was held and upon leaving the event all children received a company Safety, Health and Environment pack which contained games, brochures, stickers and other educational and interesting information concerning ‘SHE’ topics at home, at school and play. A special gift was a glossy booklet containing the contest contributions and photographs of last year’s ‘SHE’ week children’s contest winners and participants. A great event for the many youngsters as well as for GPIC.
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