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GPIC News Letter

FEB. Final


8:36 AM

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Issue (49) February 2002

REG. No. IGPI 021



ommenting on the occasion of GPIC’s success in obtaining His Highness the Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Industry, in the large companies sector, General Manager Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed expressed his great pleasure and pride in meeting His Highness Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, Prime Minister at his court and receiving this prestigious award on behalf of the Company. He said this award is not only a source of pride to the Company but also to the entire Bahraini industry. Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed further said this occasion was a very happy and auspicious one and reaffirmed that His Highness Shaikh Kahlifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, has provided continuous support and backing to the Company since its inception. He stressed that this prestigious award was a strong motive cont. on page 2

GPIC’s Senior Officials Celebrate the Award Newsletter published by the Public Relations Dept. of Gulf Petrochemical Industries Co. P.O. Box 26730, Bahrain

GPIC News Letter

FEB. Final


Ω2002 ôjGÈa (49) Oó©dG

8:36 AM

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IGPI 021 π«é°ùàdG ºbQ

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GPIC News Letter

FEB. Final


8:36 AM

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(Cont from page 1)

for making more contributions, raising production levels and developing product quality, while maintaining the highest levels of occupational safety, health and protection of the environment. In addition, emphasis will continue to be laid on developing the Company’s human resources.

equipment and operational methods, but it is their qualified and innovative manpower that set the few apart from the rest. This is the corporate culture that is constantly being developed GPIC. The Company’s strategy has been the focus of many specialised academic studies that have proved its effectiveness and worth.

Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed attributed the Company’s achievements, successful operations and growth to the continuous support received by the Company from His Highness Shaikh Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, Amir of Bahrain, His Highness Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, Prime Minister and His Highness Shaikh Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown prince and Commander-inChief of the Bahrain Defence Force.

As an example of the significant programmes that serve the Company’s objectives of developing its human resources and ensuring participation in the decision making process and enhancing the feelings of loyalty, GPIC has launched a suggestion scheme that allows for evaluation of the employees’ ideas and implementing them according to international standards. The scheme has positive benefits for the Company and employees not only from the material aspects but also for raising the standard of performance in all areas of work.

Commenting on the criteria followed for GPIC’s success in winning this award, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed said that an evaluation committee had conducted a study on the status of each firm according to very precise standards concerning productivity, exports, profitability, quality control procedures, environmental and safety standards, concern with Bahrainisation and development of human resources. A company’s own initiatives and other activities that distinguishes it from other businesses were also taken into consideration.

Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed added that concern with occupational safety, health and the environment is considered one of the key aims of the Company and its operations. The plants have been designed according to international standards and local regulations governing health, safety and the environment. In this regard, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed praised the Company’s achievements in these areas which helped it acquire an international reputation. Along with these achievements, there are also major challenges to ensure the continuation of growth with the emphasis on maintaining the Company’s values. These include the fact that GPIC is the first Gulf joint venture to be launched in the region with high expectations for fruitful Gulf economic integration.

GPIC is considered as a leading example in the petrochemical field. The Company has achieved record figures in the production of Ammonia, Urea and Methanol with very high levels of efficiency. The total output amounts to more than 1,450,000 metric tons of petrochemicals annually. These products are marketed in highly developed markets that demand high degrees of quality. This calls for a considerable ability to adapt to very advanced technologies and successful penetration of international markets.

In the areas of quality and the environment, GPIC is considered as one of the leading industrial companies in the region. GPIC obtained quality management accreditation, ISO 9002 in 1995 and environmental management system ISO 14001 in 1999. These two awards are considered as international recognition of the total management system applied by the Company in all its operations. It is one reason why the Company enjoys a high international reputation.

GPIC has been able to achieve substantial profits making it possible to pay dividends to the Shareholders on a regular basis as well as to strengthen the Company’s financial position. Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed praised this distinguished performance which has had economic returns through continuous investments in developing the Company’s equipment and facilities, using the latest technologies available in the international markets. As part of the company’s strategy to reduce expenditure and to achieve savings in production costs, the Company launched an extensive maintenance programme involving the internal manufacture of spare parts according to international specifications. GPIC also makes use of the available resources of local manufactures.

The environmental issues, which undoubtedly have had a major impact upon the Company’s prominence, are concerned with major environmental activities that go beyond complying with environmental laws. The Company has launched a number of environmental and charity schemes such as the Charity Fish Farm, Charity Vegetable Garden and a Bird Sanctuary. These modest projects have significant implications and have proved beyond doubt the clean environment around the GPIC Complex. As an example the Charity Fish Farm has approximately 30,000 rare sea-bream, the annual production of which is partly donated to the local needy people while the remainder is released in to the sea to further enhance and enrich marine life.

The culmination of the Company’s success was the launch of the $170 million Urea project which was inaugurated by H.H the Prime Minister on 3rd March, 1998. The Urea Plant has an annual production of 560,000 metric tons of high quality Urea Granules. The plant, which used advanced technology is a step forward to further consolidating the petrochemical and fertiliser industry in Bahrain. Construction was carried out efficiently with the efforts of highly trained Bahraini manpower and the help of local contractors who implemented the project in record time.

In addition, the Company has developed a green area to grow vegetables and palm trees with the produce going to the local needy people. The latest environmental project carried out by the Company is the Bird Sanctuary where natural resources are made available to help migrating and local birds to adapt and breed in the Complex environment. The aesthetic benefits to the Company are clearly underlined.

Commenting on manpower in the Company, Dr Mustafa Al Sayed said that GPIC gives top priority to Bahrainisation and development of human resources since it believes that its competitive edge and continuous success primarily rely on the efforts of its workforce rather than its fixed assets, equipment and technologies. There are many similar enterprises that use the same

Commenting on the significance of this major award, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed said its was a source of pride for Bahrain’s industry to receive such a level of motivation that encourages overseas


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FEB. Final


8:36 AM

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Chairman for his significant role in developing the Company and enabling it to win this prestigious award. He also thanked all Government and private organisations in the State of Bahrain, Saudi Basic Industries Company and Petrochemical Industries Company of Kuwait for their continuous support to the Company and expansion of its activities.

investors, especially the Gulf investors. This is an added attraction to invest in such downstream industries that further support Bahrain’s policy of diversifying sources of income and creating jobs for Bahraini citizens. Indeed, the Urea project is only the beginning in a series of expansion projects in the Company’s operations, especially after having acquired natural gas from Qatar.

He also thanked all the employees for their effective contributions and sincere efforts towards making the Company a success.

This award, he said, is considered as a major incentive to go ahead with such projects. It encourages GPIC and the shareholders to approve new ventures and implement them so that the Company becomes a genuine example of successful Gulf joint ventures by all standards.

Concluding, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed praised the efforts made by the organising committee of His Highness Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa Award for Excellence in Industry, led by H.E. Mr. Ali Saleh Al Saleh Minister of Commerce and Industry, for their sincere efforts in achieving the aims of this scheme.

Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed expressed his thanks and appreciation to H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Minister of Oil and GPIC



.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Minister of Oil and GPIC Chairman recently visited the GPIC Complex on the occasion of winning the International Sector Award from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA). The award was presented on 15th September at a ceremony held in the city of Glasgow, Scotland with more than 200 Britsh and overseas companies vying for this major award. H.E. Minister of Oil congratulated the Company and its employees on this significant achievement in the fields of health and safety, which reflected the strict standards followed by GPIC in such vital areas. awards given by the UK Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA). Entrants for this award must demonstrate four years of consistently excellent or continuously improving health and safety performance with a high standard of safety policy and commitment. In spite of the stiff competition from UK and international companies GPIC was able to win this major award.

On this occasion, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager praised the standards of the Bahrain oil sector and its global reputation which qualified GPIC to win this key award. He thanked the Government for its interest in developing this vital sector. He noted the Company’s strict compliance with safety, health and environmental standards which has resulted in winning this award after having received the RoSPA Gold Award eight successive times. He added the International Sector Award is only given to companies and organisations with the most outstanding performance in health and safety within a particular industry over several years.

Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager received the award, which is an engraved silver trophy, from Dr. J. D. Hooper, RoSPA’s Chief Executive Officer, during the presentation that was held in Glasgow. Dr. Al Sayed said this award is the result of the support and backing of H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Minister of Oil and the key role played by His Excellency in developing this vital sector. He also thanked all the Company’s employees and contractors for their high standard of awareness in the fields of health and safety, enabling GPIC to achieve this level of productivity and performance.

During his visit, the Minister was accompanied by Mr. Mohamed Saleh Al Shaikh Ali, Undersecretary of the Oil Ministry and Dr. Ahmed Al Sheryan, Assistant Undersecretary for Planning and Economic Studies at the Ministry and a GPIC Board member. The International Sector Award is one of the most prestigious


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PIC participated in the Middle East Refining and Petrochemicals Exhibition and Conference (PETROTECH 2001) held recently under the patronage of H.H. Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the Prime Minister, and opened by of H.E. Mr. Abdulnabi Abdulla Al Shoala, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs. GPIC’s participation was represented through one joint stand under the umbrella of the Oil Ministry, which also included Bahrain Petroleum Company (BAPCO) and Bahrain National Gas Company (BANAGAS). H.E. the Minister, accompanied by a number of officials, toured the different participating companies’ stands and saw the latest technological innovations in the oil and petrochemical industry.

On his arrival at the GPIC stand, H.E. the Minister was received by H.E. Mr. Nasser Ahmed Al Sayyari, GPIC Managing Director, and other officials who welcomed H.E. the Minister and the accompanying delegation and briefed them about the Company and its achievements in different fields.



PIC participated in the 1st Arab Engineering Industries Exhibition, held from 5th – 7th November 2001 organised by the Bahrain Society of Engineers and held under the patronage of H.H. Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, Prime Minister. The exhibition, was opened by H.E. Mr. Fahmi bin Ali Al Jowdar, Minister of Works. The opening ceremony was attended by a large number of senior officials and invited guests. H.E. the Minister, accompanied by a number of senior officials, toured the various stands of the exhibitors. On his arrival at the GPIC stand, H.E. the Minister and the accompanying delegation were welcomed by Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager, who briefed them about the Company and its achievements in various fields.


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( 2001 ∂```````«Jhô`à``H ) ¢Vô````````©e ≈a ∑QÉ`````°ûJ äÉ`````jhÉ````ª«`chô`àÑdG ≈˘˘ ˘ a Gôk ˘ ˘ ˘NƒD ˘ ˘ ˘e ᢢ ˘ cô˘˘ ˘ ˘°ûdG ¢Vô`` ` ` `©˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ eh ô“Dƒ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘e äÉ`` ` ` ` «˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ æ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘≤˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘à˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘d §`` ` ` `°ShC’G ¥ô`` ` ` °ûdG äÉ`` ` ` ` ` ` ` jhÉ`` ` ` ª˘ ˘«˘ ˘chô˘˘ à˘ ˘Ñ˘ ˘dGh ô`` jô``µ` `à˘ ˘ dG â– º˘˘ «˘ ˘bCG iò`` `dG ( 2001 ∂«˘˘ Jhô˘˘ ˘à˘ ˘ H) øH áØ«∏N ï«°ûdG ƒª°ùdG ÖMÉ°U ájÉYQ , ôbƒŸG AGQRƒdG ¢ù«FQ áØ«∏N ∫BG ¿Éª∏°S ≈˘˘Ñ˘ æ˘ dGó˘˘Ñ˘ Y Pɢ˘à˘ °SC’G IOɢ˘©˘ °S ¬˘˘ë˘ à˘ à˘ aCGh ¿ƒÄ°ûdGh π˘ª˘©˘dG ô˘jRh á˘∏˘©˘°ûdG ¬˘∏˘dGó˘Ñ˘Y ᢢ cQɢ˘ °ûe â∏˘˘ ã“ ó˘˘ bh .ᢢ ˘«˘ ˘ Yɢ˘ ˘ª˘ ˘ à˘ ˘ L’G á˘∏˘¶˘ e â– ó˘˘Mƒ˘˘e ìɢ˘æ˘ L ≈˘˘a ᢢcô˘˘°ûdG §Øf ácô°T øe πc º°V , §ØædG IQGRh øjôëÑdG RÉZ ácô°Th (ƒµHÉH) øjôëÑdG IOɢ˘©˘ °S Ωɢ˘b ó˘˘bh . (Rɢ˘Zɢ˘æ˘ H) ᢢ«˘ æ˘ ˘Wƒ˘˘ dG á˘˘ë˘ æ˘ ˘LGC ∞˘˘ ∏˘ ˘àfl ≈˘˘ a ᢢ dƒ˘˘ é˘ ˘H ô˘˘ jRƒ˘˘ dG QÉÑc øe OóY ¬≤aGôj ácQÉ°ûŸG äÉcô°ûdG çó˘˘ MCG ≈˘˘ ∏˘ ˘Y ™˘˘ ∏˘ ˘WCG å«˘˘ ˘M , Údƒ˘˘ ˘Ä˘ ˘ °ùŸG ≈˘a á˘ã˘ jó◊G ɢ˘«˘ Lƒ˘˘dƒ˘˘æ˘ µ˘ à˘ dG äGô˘˘µ˘ à˘ Ñ˘ e . äÉjhɪ«chÎÑdGh §ØædG áYÉæ°U ,ácô°ûdÉH ÚdƒÄ°ùŸG øe OóYh ÜóàæŸG IQGOE’G ¢ù∏› ƒ°†Y iQÉ«°ùdG óªMCG ô°UÉf ¢Sóæ¡ŸG IOÉ©°S ¬dÉÑ≤à°SG ≈a ¿Éc ácô°ûdG ìÉæL ¤EG ¬JOÉ©°S ∫ƒ°Uh óæYh .ä’ÉéªdG ∞∏àfl ≈a äGRÉ‚EG øe ¬à≤≤M Éeh ácô°ûdG øY IòÑf º¡d Ωóbh ≥aGôŸG óaƒdÉHh ¬H Ö«MÎdÉH ¬JOÉ©°S ΩÉb å«M


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GPIC CELEBRATES EXPORT OF 2 MILLION TONNES OF GRANULAR UREA On this occasion, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed extended his sincere thanks and appreciation to H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Minister of Oil and Chairman of the Board and to all Board Members for the support extended to the company. He also praised the efforts being exerted by the Company Shareholders, Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC) of Kuwait and Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) for their fruitful cooperation in marketing the company products. Dr Al Sayed congratulated all the employees for this landmark achievement which was made possible through their hard work, dedication and team spirit. Dr. Al Sayed added that since the start of Granular Urea export from the dedicated export terminal at Sitra back in January 1998, GPIC has handled a total of 90 Urea ships to different countries worldwide under its brand name ‘DANAT’. This celebration also marked 380 days of uninterrupted operation and production of the Urea Plant. This achievement was made possible by the efforts of the dedicated GPIC employees in maintaining the highest record of safety, maintenance of the plant and care to the environment.


n 23.12.2001, GPIC celebrated the export of two million tonnes of Granular Urea which coincided with the loading of M.V ‘LOK RAJESHWARI’, the first shipment to South Korea. It is all the more satisfying that the shipment with which this milestone was reached was being made to Korea, a new market for GPIC.

The Master of the ship, Captain W.C. MALHOTRA, expressed his full satisfaction with the loading operation and stated that he ranked GPIC terminal and loading facilities as one of the best he has visited in his 30 years experience in terms of safety, efficiency and care to the environment.

Moreover, GPIC which is a reliable supplier to worldwide markets such as U.S.A, Australia, Thailand and South Africa, exported 40,000 tonnes to Korea during December 2001 and January 2002. In a ceremony held at the Urea Export Terminal, GPIC Managing Director Mr. Nasser Al Sayyari and General Manager Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed presented the Master of the ship with a certificate and a commemorative gift to mark this occasion in the presence of the Executive Management and other senior staff.

It is worth noting that GPIC operates a purpose built Urea export terminal capable of handling Panamax ships of 60,000 DWT capacity, with modern ship loading facilities.



r. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager received Mr. Mohamed Al Khaja, Employees’ Representative Chairman in the Joint Committee to present to him a letter of thanks from all employees of the Company to H.E. the Chairman, members of the Board and executive management for giving benefits and incentives to all employees. Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed thanked him for this kind gesture by the employees and expressed his satisfaction with the good efforts made by all the employees towards the Company’s growth and success. The meeting was attended by Mr. Fawzi. Al Jaber Administration Manager and Management’s representative Chairman and members of the Joint Committee.


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GPIC AT "MADE IN THE GULF" SHOW IN AMMAN Jordan, represented by H.E. Mr. Wasif Azir, Jordanian Minister of Industry and Commerce. The opening ceremony was attended by the GCC Federations and Chambers of Commerce Chairmen, GCC Ambassadors and a number of senior officials, high ranking guests and businessmen. The Jordanian Minister, accompanied by a party of senior officials, toured the participating companies stands. On arrival at the GPIC stand, the Minister and his party were received by Mr. Zuhair Tawfiqi, GPIC Public Relations Manager, who briefed them about the Company’s history, Ammonia, Methanol and Urea production, exports and GPIC achievements in various fields.


PIC took part in the joint GCC "Made in the Gulf" Exhibition, held recently in the Jordanian capital (Amman), under the patronage of H.M. King Abdulla II, of

Fifteen Bahraini companies representing different industrial sectors participated in this event.



PIC considers strategic management as one of the most important tools that companies should deploy for improvement and achievement of the best results in this competitive world. In this regard, the company organised a special training programme on 31st December, 2001 in the Training Centre for all graduate engineers and other graduate disciplines. The General Manager, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, gave an invaluable lecture about strategic management and thinking, during which he exposed the graduates to the ‘MOCIF’ model, which includes all the functions and phases of successful strategic management. follows, are the creation of Dr. Al Sayed’s long experience in this field.

Dr. Al Sayed then talked about the challenges of translating these strategies into tangible results by presenting the ‘CREAMOC’ model. This entails the use of motivation, creativity and organisational culture to reach the best results using strategies.

Finally, Dr. Al Sayed honoured the participants with certificates and wished them all the best in their responsibilities, urging them to use the ‘MOCIF’ and ‘CREAMOC’ models to achieve the best results.

It is worth mentioning that these models, which the company


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s part of GPIC’s policy to enhance its employees’ academic and practical skills through organising various training programmes, the Company recently held a specialised training programme on safety and emergency evacuation procedures in co-operation with leading UK consultants Marsh, from 8th – 10th October, 2001. The programme covered 3 stages. First Stage: For training of all GPIC staff in charge of planning emergency procedures and providing security for the Company’s facilities and resources. Second stage: For training all safety supervisors at GPIC complex and the employees working there, on evacuation procedures in case of emergency and the key role played by safety supervisors. Third stage: For training supervisors and engineers on supervising and analysing the evacuation procedures in emergencies. The programme was attended by department managers and over 200 employees from various departments of the company.

PIC EMPLOYEES ATTEND TRAINING IN GPIC The training courses included theoretical lectures and training on operating the Urea Plant, using simulators and practical training in the plant. The courses were held at the GPIC Training Centre and Urea Plant. At the end of their training, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed presented the trainees with completion certificates, in the presence of senior officials of both companies.


s part of the current and continuous co-operation between GPIC and Petrochemical Industries Company of Kuwait, GPIC has recently trained 38 PIC employees who included engineers, supervisors and operators. The employees were divided into three groups.

Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed paid tribute to the remarkable co-operation between GPIC and PIC on all levels, to the benefit of both companies.


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s part of National Day Celebrations, GPIC together with Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco) and Bahrain National Gas Company (Banagas) participated in the National Day Festival, which was organised by the Ministry of Information from 16th to 23rd December, 2001. The festival included a stand representing the three oil companies which displayed photographs showing the history of each company. Prominent visitors to the stand included H.E. Mr. Nabeel Yaqoob Al Hamar, Minister of Information and other senior officials. They were briefed by Mr. Zuhair Tawfiqi, Public Relations Manager, on the company’s activities and its role in serving the local community.



s part of co-operation and co-ordination between GPIC and educational institutions on the island, twenty students from the University of Bahrain, other overseas universities and the Bahrain Training Institute, joined the Industrial Training Programme organised last summer as part of a specialised training for Bahraini students. Since GPIC is equipped with the most advanced manufacturing equipment and facilities, students were able to benefit from the on-site training which helped them to apply such knowledge in their specialised studies. The students’ performance was supervised by the GPIC Training Centre in co-ordination with the professors of their respective universities and institutes. As part of the scheme, a number of professors visited GPIC from time to time to follow up on the students’ progress. The students were requested to prepare reports on the programme, which are part of their academic graduation requirements.

At the end of the programme the students received their training completion certificates from the Company.



large number of staff members attended GPIC Medical Centre to donate blood as part of a campaign organised by the Central Blood Bank in co-operation with GPIC. The Company registered a record of 73 donors, who demonstrated their willingness to support a noble cause.


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GPIC APPOINTS A BAHRAINI FINANCE MANAGER assumed responsibilities as Financial and Administration Coordinator of the Company’s multimillion Dollar Urea project.


he Company announced the appointment of Mr. Yasser A. Rahman Abdulla to the position of Finance Manager effective 1st January, 2002. The company General Manager Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed expressed his satisfaction at this important promotion for Yasser whom he described as a responsible and dedicated manager and well qualified. Dr. Al Sayed added that this promotion is part of the Company’s policy to give Bahraini executives the opportunity to shoulder important responsibilities.

As part of his career development, for one year, Yasser also worked as Training Superintendent following which he was promoted as Financial Co-ordinator. During these years, Yasser was sponsored by the Company to a number of short courses and seminars in the fields of finance, accounting and management. He successfully completed the “Gulf Executive Leadership Programme” at the University of Virginia, U.S.A. which was organised by BIBF in 1999.

Mr. Yasser joined GPIC with a BBA, in Finance & Management from “St. Edward’s” University in Austin, Texas, U.S.A. in August 1988, as Accounts Receivables Officer. In 1992, he was sponsored by the Company to obtain the Certified Public Accounting (CPA) qualification from the U.S.A. and during that year he was promoted to the position of Treasurer. Subsequently, Yasser was promoted as Management Accountant. Later he

GPIC PARTICIPATES IN SEMINAR ON "HYDROCARBON TRANSPORTATION" gas carriers, equipped with a cooling system able to transport such substances under a low temperature of up to –34C. It was noted that Ammonia is often given less priority than liquefied petroleum gas, which makes it difficult to find suitable ships for exporting Ammonia. He also discussed the Ammonia trade volume on an international level, with an expected increase from 15 million metric tons at present to 18 million metric tons in 2008. The GCC States will be the main exporters of Ammonia to Asian countries, making it necessary to build modern carriers to meet the growth in Ammonia trade in the next few years. The seminar provided a unique opportunity for the participants to share ideas and expertise with industry professionals in the Arab and overseas countries in the field of transportation of all kinds of petrochemicals, as well as learning about the latest technologies in this field locally and internationally.


PIC participated in a seminar held by the Organisation of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) on "Transportation of Hydrocarbons in the Arab States", from 4th – 6th November 2001 under the patronage of H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Oil Minister. Mr. Yusuf Ebrahim Fakhroo, Marketing and Planning Manager, presented a paper on "Current and Future State of Ammonia Transportation", in which he discussed the methods of Ammonia transportation, depending mainly on using liquefied petroleum

A total of 75 delegates representing Arab and other countries took part in this event.


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Dr. Al Mahroos highlighted the importance of undergoing regular check-ups at the GPIC Medical Centre for early diagnosis of common diseases, such as diabetes. Dr. Al Mahroos praised GPIC’s efforts and concern for providing facilities to ensure good health and safety for all its staff.


s part of the health awareness campaign organised by the Health Subcommittee of the GPIC Safety, Health and Environment Committee, the group organised two lectures in Arabic and English, given by Dr. Faisal Al Mahroos, Diabetes Consultant at the Health Ministry, on 24th and 26th September 2001, respectively.



s part of celebrations marking GPIC’s Safety, Health and Environment Week during the period from 3rd – 7th November, 2001, a lecture was organised entitled "Bees and their Role in Maintaining Safety, Health and Environment.” The event was jointly organised between GPIC and the Bahrain Health and Safety Society. Mr. Ismail Al Ansari delivered this lecture which included a detailed explanation of bees and their benefits in our lives. In his lecture, Mr. Al Ansari dealt with the effective role of bees in protection of the environment through preserving the food chain and enhancing the efficiency of plantation of trees and flowers. The presentation included the benefits of bees and honey for man through the different stages of producing honey, especially royal jelly and honey wax.

The lecture was well attended by a large number of GPIC employees including Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager and members of the executive management.

In his presentation, he explained in detail safety methods and protection when dealing with honeybees. The lecturer also explained first aid in case of bites from bees.

The lecturer then answered various questions and inquiries from the audience.


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PIC held a luncheon for its employees who had presented new suggestions and ideas that were successfully implemented by the Company, in the areas of improving productivity cost reduction, safety and security of the Company’s facilities. In a speech by Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager during the event, he welcomed the employees and praised their active role towards the development and success of the Company. He also stressed the management’s interest in this scheme, and its total commitment to supporting and helping the Suggestions Committee in achieving its goals.



PIC recently organised the 9th Charity Fishing Competition achieving a record catch of fish for this season with over 400kg of various Bahraini fish, such as Canaad, Hamour, Sheri etc. Sixteen teams representing different departments in the Company took part in the challenge. A presentation was held for competing fishermen in the Marina Club where Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager, awarded prizes to the winning teams. The presentation was attended by a number of GPIC executives and staff. The Urea ‘A’ Team came first place with landing the largest amount of fish, followed by Maintenance ‘A’ Team who were the runners-up. The Urea ‘A’ Team won the top prize for catching the biggest fish, while Safety and Security ‘A’ Team were the runners-up. The Maintenance ‘A’ Team won the top prize for catching the longest fish, followed by the Urea ‘A’ Team as runners-up. On this occasion, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed gave a speech in which


he expressed his satisfaction with this charity event that reflects the friendly atmosphere and willingness of GPIC staff to support charity. He also confirmed the continuation of organising this contest annually, saying this year’s record was outstanding and reflected the employees’ interest in taking part in voluntary activities. This was obvious through the increasing number and enthusiasm of participants, he added. GPIC organises this fishing event annually as part of its various activities in support of charity. The Company donates the fish caught by the competitors to charity organisations on the island.

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s part of GPIC’s celebrations of the Safety, Health and Environment Week, the Company recently held a ceremony for the staff families with the aim of promoting awareness of safety, health and environment issues. The event took place at the Conference Centre at the Holiday Inn Hotel. Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager, gave a speech on this occasion in which he welcomed the audience, and underlined the importance of following safety and health practices at home by the employees’ families, and wished them good health. Dr. Al Sayed then presented awards to the children who had won in different competitions, including painting and colouring competitions and another writing competition about safety, health and environment. The event included musical and entertainment programmes, as well as snacks, beverages and gifts to all the children.

TIPS ON AVOIDING FLU To protect yourself and others from flu, follow these tips during this season of changing weather conditions:-

5- Eat plenty of fruits such as apples, oranges and kiwi, that are rich in Vitamin C, which the body needs when you have Flu.

1- Keep away from people who have flu.

6- Avoid drinking cold liquids.

2- Maintain good ventilation in your own home.

7- To flush your body from microbes and germs, brush your teeth and clean your nose several times daily, as well as taking a warm shower before going to bed.

3- Set the A/C temperature at 15-26°C. 4- Avoid sudden changes in body temperature by covering mouth and nose with your hand and removing it gradually when moving from a warm to a cold place and vice versa.

8- Physical exercise is good for improving body immunity. With best wishes from the Health Sub Committee.


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nder the patronage of H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Minister of Oil and GPIC Chairman, the company observed their Safety, Health and Environment Week from 3rd to 7th November at the GPIC Complex in Sitra. On this occasion, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed delivered a speech in which he reiterated the management’s interest in observing this event on an annual basis. He also conveyed the best wishes of H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Minister of Oil and GPIC Chairman who also expressed his thanks and appreciation to all the staff members. Dr. Al Sayed congratulated all the employees for the recent success of the Company in receiving the International Sector Award in the petrochemical industry from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) in recognition of their continuous efforts in the areas of safety and health management.

An Em ployee Receive s his Aw ard

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The General Manager noted the outstanding achievement of the Company by registering more than 4 million accident free hours since June 1998. He considered these two achievements as an unprecedented record for GPIC on both local and international levels in the areas of industrial health and safety management and improved operational efficiency. This is a reflection of the employees’ efforts and their concern with strict enforcement of safety rules and instructions in all their daily operations, he added. In his speech Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed said this achievement could not have been possible without the Company’s efforts in continuously seeking to boost production efficiency and realising continuous development through increased preventive and environmental awareness The introduction of a charity fish farm, a

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AFETY & ENVIRONMENT WEEK Department Awards for housekeeping and safety at the work place to the Laboratory, Methanol, and Public Relations Department. Also honoured were the outstanding employees in the area of safety throughout the Company’s departments. They were namely: Mr. Mohamed Hilal of the Plants Operation Department, Mr. Gopal Purhit of Technical Services Department, Mohamed Saleh of the Maintenance Department and Hussain Jaffer of the Administration Department.

The Tech. Services Manager Receives the Housekeeping & Safety Awards bird sanctuary and charity vegetable garden are all steps in this direction. The General Manager underlined the significance of preventative and environmental awareness in the petrochemical industry. He pointed out the Company’s continuous concern with the safety and health of it employees and with the maintenance of a clean and tidy environment. This can easily be seen by any visitor to the Complex. The Company is indeed proud that its employees are working in a healthy and safe environment. He further said how GPIC has become one of the landmarks of the petrochemical industry worldwide. Concluding, he said such achievements in the fields of safety, health and

environment could not have been possible without the support and backing of H.E. Board Chairman and members of the Board of Directors with the continuous support of the Oil Ministry and concerted efforts of all the employees and contractors. He expressed his thanks to all the Safety Committee and the Safety, Health and Environment Week Organising Committee. All these efforts, he continued, further enhance the achievement of a safe and healthy working environment to serve as an incentive for more productive and creative work. H.E. Shaikh Abdul Rahman bin Abdulla Al Khalifa and Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager then presented

During the ceremony a prize draw took place aiming at enhancing safety awareness among the employees and urging them to observe safety precautions at work and at home. A prize was also given to Ahmed Mansoor Al Aali Company for being the best contractor observing the safety precautions and occupational health standards for their staff. The invited guests toured an exhibition depicting the activities of the Health, Safety and Environment Sub-committees Joint Labour Committee and local contractors doing business with GPIC. The week’s events included lectures presented by specialists from outside the Company covering health and safety issues. The ceremony was attended by a large number of officials representing government organisations, industrial companies and GPIC department managers.



s part of GPIC’s commitment to the environment, the Company recently published the 2002 calendar which includes photographs of birds that nest in the GPIC Complex. This bird habitat is a further reflection of the clean environment of the GPIC Complex. The onshore birds could not find any better nesting ground than the green areas and landscaping in the GPIC Complex, surrounded by palm trees, lush greenery and beautiful flowers in bright and radiant colours.


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