Shaikh Khalifa Bin Salman Al Khalifa Award for Excellence in Industry
Issue (51) December 2002
REG.No. IGPI 021
.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Minister of Oil and GPIC Chairman received at his office in the GPIC complex members of the Company’s volleyball team who won the Industrial Companies’ Volleyball League and Cup Championships
for 2002. This win is the team’s twelfth successive victory. Present at the reception were Mr. Nasser Ahmed Al Sayyari, Managing Director, Dr. Ahmed Al Sharyan, Board member and Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager.
nder the patronage of H.E. Shaikh Isa Bin Ali Al Khalifa, Minister of Oil and GPIC Chairman, and attended by HE Shaikh Abdulrahman Bin Abdulla Al Khalifa, Undersecretary of Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the Company celebrated Safety, Health and Environment Week from 19 to 23 October 2002 at the GPIC Complex in Sitra. The theme of this year’s event was titled “Plant a tree today … ensure a better environment tomorrow” to focus and concentrate GPIC’s employees towards further enhancement and improvement in environmental care and management. On this occasion, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed delivered a speech in which he conveyed the best wishes of H.E. Shaikh Isa Bin Ali Al Khalifa, Minister of Oil and GPIC Chairman who also expressed his thanks and appreciation to all the staff members. Dr. Mustafa reiterated that the aim of this celebration is to demonstrate the management’s interest in revitalizing the paramount issues of safety, health and environmental care on an annual basis. cont. on page 13
A proud employee receives his award.
Newsletter published by the Public Relations Dept. of Gulf Petrochemical Industries Co. P.O. Box 26730, Kingdom of Bahrain Website:, e-mail:
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Isa Al Khalifa, King of the Kingdom of Bahrain and his
r. Mohamed Al Khaja, GPIC Trade Union Chairman extended his congratulations to Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed General Manager and Mr. Abdul Rahman Jawahery, Plants Operation Manager on behalf of all the Company employees for their appointments as members of the Shura Council and enjoying a high Royal confidence.
wise government, led by by His Highness Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, Prime Minister and with the backing of His Highness Shaikh Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Commander-in-Chief of BDF. He concluded his speech by congratulating Dr. Al Sayed and Mr. Jawahery on receiving the high Royal trust that is
In a speech on this occasion Mr. Mohamed Al Khaja said that such high level of confidence only served as proof of the success and effectiveness of the policy pursued by the company’s management. Such policy, he said, has enabled the Company to become on par with the leading international companies in this industry.
considered as a merit award to all the Company’s employees. He said that both were amply qualified for these appointments given their successful achievements that went beyond the Company for the good of the entire country. Meanwhile, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed and Mr. Abdul Rahmen
He noted the Company’s effective role through its civilized approach and generous contributions that are felt throughout the Kingdom. He added that the Company’s employees were fully confident of Dr. Al Sayed and Mr. Jawahery’s positive and effective contributions with their colleagues on the two Councils to build a bright and better future for Bahrain and continuing the blessed march of progress and prosperity under the leadership of His Majesty Shaikh Hamad bin
Jawahery expressed their thanks and appreciation for such sincere feelings from the Chairman and members of the GPIC Trade Union. They
appreciated and reiterated that the Company’s success was based on team work and the fine efforts made by its employees. 2
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s part of the close and ongoing co-operation by GPIC and the University of Bahrain, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager presented a copy of the book entitled “Sustained Development and Preserving the Environment” to Dr. Majid bin Ali Noaimi, Minister of Education and former President of the University. The presentation was made in recognition that the University of Bahrain represents a vital academic institution that contributes to promoting knowledge and education and qualifying nationals in different spheres. Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed said this book was prepared by GPIC staff headed by Mr. Yusuf Abdulla Yusuf, the Technical Services Manager in keeping with the Company’s policy underlining the preservation of the environment as a national duty and a service to the local community.
The book discusses the plans and programmes pursued by GPIC in the areas of development, protection and preservation of the environment. The publication contains attractive photographs of the landscape, vegetables and wildlife and shows pictures of the employees’ children during their visit to GPIC Complex.
principles and concepts of showing care for the environment at an early age so that its fruits would by realized in the future for the good of the Kingdom.
He further said the book documents and underlines the close relationship between industrial development, enhancement of human resources and preserving the environment in compliance with the wise directives of Bahrain’s leadership for improving environmental awareness. Since the environment is the responsibility of everyone, we hope that this book will be of benefit to all groups in the community such as academics, students and researchers in the field of the environment. GPIC seeks in different ways to cultivate the
During the presentation, Dr. Majied bin Ali Al Noaimi, expressed his thanks and appreciation for the policy pursued by GPIC in dealing with development and preservation of the environment and wildlife. This policy, he added, is compatible with the plans and programmes of the private and public sectors in creating a better environment for the benefit of all members of the community. The GPIC approach highlights the bright cultural face enjoyed by the Kingdom of Bahrain, he concluded.
Two Major Global Achievements for GPIC’s Methanol and Urea Plants
Bahraini workers who account for 75% of its workforce. He noted that a plant’s efficiency usually declines with time, but owing to staff competence, modernisation, the method of operation and continuous maintenance of the plant, it was possible to realise this achievement.
he achievement of more than 600 days of continuous operation by GPIC’s Methanol and Urea plants was highlighted at a major ceremony held at the GPIC Complex in Sitra, in the presence of members of the executive management and a number of officials. The event was held to honour the employees who had contributed to this significant achievement.
Dr. Al Sayed added that this excellent achievement, as testified by all experts in this field, is considered as a source of pride not only for the Company but also for the Bahraini industry in general.
On this occasion Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed delivered a speech in which he said that this achievement could be considered as a global one by all standards, given that the plant was more than 17 years old and operated with the highest safety levels, relying upon
He reiterated that this achievement followed the Company’s cont. on page 10
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n Sunday 13th October 2002 a ceremony was held at the GPIC Complex, Sitra, marking the election of the first ever trade union in the Kingdom’s history. This event was attended by Mr. Abdul Ghafar Abdul Hussain, Chairman of the General Union of the Bahrain Workers Trade Unions. The event was aimed at recognising the efforts of the former Labour Committee and to welcome the new Board members of the Company’s Trade Union.
and co-operation with the management. He said he has every confidence that the new members would enjoy the same spirit.
Concluding his speech, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed said he hoped that the Trade Union would act as a forum for developing performance, productivity, safety protection and preservation of the environment. He said that he looks forward to the Trade Union working with the management with the ‘one team spirit’ that is prevalent amongst the people of Bahrain.
On this occasion the General Manager, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to the Bahrain leadership on the publication of the Decree authorising the launch of trade unions in the Kingdom. He conveyed to the workers the greetings of H.E. the Chairman and members of the GPIC Board of Directors. He expressed his congratulations to Mr. Abdul Ghafar Abdul Hussain, Chairman of the General Union of the Bahrain Workers Trade Unions and thanked him for monitoring the election process and attendance at the voting and vote sorting procedures.
Mr. Abdul Ghafar Abdul Hussain, Chairman of the General Union of the Bahrain Workers Trade Unions gave a speech in which he affirmed that the concept of the Trade Union in Bahrain was the concern and belief of H.M. the King and instigated in order to ensure the stability of Bahrain workers and the prosperity of Bahrain’s business establishments. Mr. Abdul Ghafar said that GPIC has been a pioneer in various fields and Bahrainisation has reached 75%. Which is an outstanding record for this Hi-Tech Industry which contributes to Bahrain’s economy.
He also expressed his best wishes to Mr. Mohamed Al Khaja, the newly elected Chairman of the GPIC Trade Union and other members of the Board who won the elections held on 8th October, 2002. Meanwhile, he wished the members all the best in their duties for the Company’s success and growth.
He also lauded the role of the General Manager, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed and the achievements made in safety, vocational health and environment.
In his speech Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed reiterated the need to work hand in hand to preserve the Complex safety and security. He said he was extremely pleased that the GPIC Trade Union was the first to be chartered in the history of the Kingdom of Bahrain which was a great honour for the Company in its pursuit to serve the country.
He also thanked the previous Members of the Joint Labour Committee and congratulated the newly appointed Trade Union members. Members of the GPIC Trade Union include M/S Mohamed Al Khaja (Chairman), Abdulla Buchiri (Deputy Chairman), Hamad A. Aziz (Secretary), Saleem Al Balooshi (Treasurer), Mohamed Ali (Member), Ebrahim Abdul Ghani (Member), Ali Al Kooheji (Member), A. Aziz Al Mahmood (Member), Taher Jassim (Member).
He underlined the importance of making sincere and concerted efforts for achieving the Company’s future projects and programmes. He added that the management looks upon the Trade Union as a complete entity that strives to achieve mutual benefits for everyone through co-operation and team work. He noted with appreciation the role played by workers in maintaining the Company’s good reputation on the local, pan-Arab and international levels through their fine achievements.
Also honoured at the ceremony were members of the incumbent Labour Joint Committee (management and employees) for their leading role in the Company’s success. Also honoured at the ceremony were members of the Election Committee for their effective role in organising the election process in a smooth manner.
Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed reiterated that the Trade Union’s role supplements that of the Labour Committee in constructive work 4
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GPIC AT CHEMISTRY IN INDUSTRY CONFERENCE AND SHOW The Conference patron visited the GPIC stand where he was received by Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager and Mr. Zuhair Tawfiqi, Public Relations Manager. Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed briefed the Minister on the Company’s operations and achievements in various fields. He showed His Excellency a copy of the recently published book entitled “Continuous Development and Protection of the Environment, GPIC Approach”. The Minister praised the efforts being made by the management and its wise policy in protecting the environment. He also praised the environmental projects and schemes adopted by GPIC to show that industry can be environmentally friendly.
PIC took part in the Chemistry in Industry Conference and Exhibition that were held under the patronage of H.E. Mr. Ali Saleh Al Saleh, Minister of Commerce and Industry during the period from 14 to 16 October, 2002.
were shown a scale model of the Ammonia, Methanol and Urea Plants. This was followed by a tour that covered the GPIC plants.
n Saturday 31st August, 2002, H.E. Mr. Yang Hong Lin, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Kingdom of Bahrain and an accompanying delegation visited the GPIC Complex. The visit was within the framework of the continuous co-operation between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the People’s Republic of China and is a follow up of the successful visit of His Highness Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa to China recently.
At the end of their visit the Chinese Ambassador expressed his thanks and appreciation for the warm welcome and hospitality. He noted the tremendous development witnessed by the Company in all spheres and expressed his country’s willingness to continue co-operation and to further trade exchanges with the Kingdom of Bahrain. He praised the Company’s efforts to maintain the environment, both within the process area and around the Complex. He wished GPIC and its management further growth and progress.
His Excellency the Chinese Ambassador and the accompanying delegation were welcomed by Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager and members of the executive management.
The People’s Republic of China is considered one of the most vital Urea and Methanol markets. In 2001 the Company exported around 150,000 metric tons of Methanol to China with a similar quantity expected to be exported there during this year.
Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed welcomed the Ambassador in a speech and expressed the Company’s willingness to further enhance the existing co-operation between the two countries in various fields for the benefit of both countries.
It should be noted that Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager will participate next week with a delegation from the Ministry of Finance and National Economy in a visit to China to attend an international exhibition and conference that will promote industrial and trade investment and co-operation between the two countries.
Then the prominent guest heard a briefing on the Company’s activities in the areas of production, training and exports and its future plans. He was informed about the Company’s achievements in the fields of industrial safety, health, quality and environment. The Ambassador and accompanying delegation 5
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production operations, exports of Ammonia, Methanol and Urea and the many achievements of the Company in the areas of quality, safety, occupational health and the environment.
PIC took part in the 12th GCC Joint Exhibition which was held in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman under the patronage of H.H. Mr. Asaad bin Tariq Al Saeed, representative of His Majesty the Sultan of Oman during the period from 19 to 27 October 2002.
The senior Omani official praised the high level of the Company’s management and noted the outstanding standard of the petrochemical industry in the Kingdom of Bahrain. He said he considered the Company an ideal example of joint Gulf co-operation. He wished GPIC and its officials every success in the future.
H.H. representative of H.M. the Sultan of Oman accompanied by a number of GCC Ministers visited the GPIC stand where they were welcomed by Mr. Zuhair Tawfiqi, Public Relations Manager. He briefed them on the Company’s history, its
ulf Petrochemical Industries Company took part in the 49th Session of the Damascus International Fair held in the Syrian Arab Republic from 28th August to 7th September, 2002 under the patronage of President Dr Bashar Al Assad of Syria. H.E. Dr. Ghassan Al Rifai, Syrian Minister of Commerce and Economy accompanied by H.E. Mr. Waheed Mubarak Sayar, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain to Syria and a number GCC and Arab Ministers of Commerce and Economy visited the Company’s stand at the Fair. Upon their arrival at the stand they were welcomed by Mr. Zuhair Tawfiqi, Public Relations Manager, who briefed them on the Company’s history and Ammonia, Methanol and Urea production and export. He informed the prominent visitors about the Company’s achievements.
Meanwhile, H.E. Syrian Minister of Commerce and Economy praised the high standards achieved by the Company and noted the levels reached by the petrochemical company in the Kingdom of Bahrain. He wished GPIC and its management further success and progress. 6
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s part of GPIC’s Bahrainisation policy for qualifying Bahraini staff members to fill supervisory positions in the Company, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager issued a decision for appointing Mr. Jassim Darwish as Maintenance Superintendent, Mr. Kamal Ahmed as Planning Superintendent, Mr. Salah Ebrahim as Senior Digital Supervisor at the Maintenance Department, Mr. Eyad Mohamed Saleh as Ammonia Unit Shift Supervisor and Mr. Mohamed Faqihi as Urea Unit Shift Supervisor at the Plans Operation Department.
On this occasion, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed congratulated the promoted staff members and praised the sincere efforts made by them and their keen interest in carrying out their duties which qualified them for occupying the new positions. He said he was proud of such hard working young people and their interest in shouldering their responsibilities. He wished them further success and progress in their new jobs for the growth and progress of the Company. The newly promoted employees expressed their thanks and appreciation to Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed for his confidence in them for promoting them to the new positions. They noted with gratitude the support given to them by the Company’s management. They said they appreciated the management’s efforts towards supporting and encouraging all the employees by providing training and development opportunities. They reassured the management that they would do all they could to enable the Company to enjoy a high repute at all forums. The new appointments are part of the Company’s policy of improving conditions of the Company’s employees and qualifying them to take over key positions in GPIC.
TAWFIQI & AL ORAIBI RECEIVE MBA Mr. Tawfiqi and Maitham every success in their future career.
n keeping with GPIC’s policy for training and development of its staff members, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, GPIC General Manager presented the Masters Degree to Mr. Zuhair Tawfiqi, Public Relations Manager. Mr. Tawfiqi completed his Master Degree in General Management at Hull University, United Kingdom. Mr. Maytham Al Oraibi, Urea Shift Supervisor, completed his Master Degree in Environmental Technology from the University of Manchester Information Technology in the United Kingdom.
Meanwhile, Mr. Zuhair and Maitham expressed their deep Maytham Al Oraibi Zuhair Tawfiqi appreciation to the Company’s management led by Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager and everyone who supported them in completing their MBA. They added that they were proud of the support and care given by the management to the Bahraini employees in terms of training and development opportunities both within the Company and overseas.
The presentation took place at a ceremony held at GPIC Complex in the presence of executive managers and senior officials of the Company. On this occasion, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed said this step comes within the framework of the Company’s ambitious programme to qualify Bahraini personnel and furthering their skills. He wished 7
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On this occasion, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, GPIC General Manager honoured the Bahraini engineers and operators in a bid to encourage national skills and to highlight their efforts on both local and overseas levels. He said he was proud of the team’s contributions in enhancing GPIC’s reputation.
s part of the exchange of expertise and technical cooperation between GPIC and Petrochemical Industries Company of Kuwait, the Company recently dispatched a group of engineers and operators to PIC in the State of Kuwait. The technical team took part in operating the Granula Urea plant, which went on stream last July.
s part of GPIC’s training policy for the development of its staff skills, the Company dispatched Mr. Sami Khairi, Personnel Superintendent and Acting Training Superintendent to the United States to attend an executive management training programme.
competitive edge, developing personal leadership qualities, how one can be an element of change and understanding the dynamics of economic development.
The programme was organized by the Bahrain Banking and Finance Institute in co-operation with the Darwin Business Administration College at Virginia University, USA. The programme was for a four-week period. In the fourth week, Sami made field visits to certain government agencies and major industrial companies. The programme focused on a number of key issues including the understanding of prevailing facts. Creating a
Mr. Sami Khairi expressed his thanks and appreciation to the management of the Company represented by Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager for giving him the opportunity to take part in this training programme. He said it was considered as one of the most significant management programmes for developing the skills of Bahraini executives. He said he hoped that this would further enhance his skills in the service of the Company.
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s part of the continuous co-operation between the Company
health, quality and the environment.
and the General Organisation for Youth and Sports, a visit
The visiting group was then given a lecture about protection of
was paid to GPIC Complex on Sunday 8th October by a group of
the environment and achievements in environmental areas that
children and youngsters representing the GCC Science Clubs and
could positively reflect on the quality of product. The delegation
Centres. This visit comes as part of the programme prepared by
was briefed on the practical applications of scientific
the GOYS Children’ Science Centre to get acquainted with
environmental projects and later, they toured the GPIC Plants,
GPIC’s environmental programmes to protect marine life and
Palm Tree Oasis, Charity Fish Farm and the Bird Sanctuary.
other achievements in the areas of the environment, safety and
On this occasion, Mr. Khalid Ishaq, Head of the Children’s
occupational health.
Science Centre praised the positive results of the delegation’s
On arrival of the group Mr. Zuhair Tawfiqi, Public Relations
visit to the Company. He noted the concern of the Management,
Manager welcomed them in a speech. He conveyed to them the
led by Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, with environmental projects. This is
best wishes of Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager and he
an indication of the sound policy followed by GPIC. The group
reviewed the Company’s operations, production, training, exports
said they were impressed by what they had seen in terms of
and achievements made in various areas of safety, occupational
environment and charity project.
large number of staff members attended GPIC Medical Centre to donate blood as
part of a campaign organised by the Central Blood Bank in co-operation with GPIC.
The Compnay registered a record of 73 donors, who demonstrated their willingness to support a noble cause.
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On this occasion, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed delivered a speech in which he expressed his pleasure at organising this annual event. He thanked the spectators and participants at the event which brought together GPIC employees in a friendly atmosphere that would certainly have a positive impact on the working environment. This event, he said, has charitable objectives as it cultivates a spirit of goodwill amongst the employees. He emphasised that this event would continue to take place on an annual basis. He noted with satisfaction the record catch achieved by this year’s competition. The enthusiasm of the participants towards this voluntary activity was demonstrated by the increase in the number of competitors and the strong desire of everyone to play a role.
n Thursday 18th October, 2002 Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company held its 10th Annual Charity Fishing Competition.
Sixteen teams representing GPIC’s various departments took part in this event achieving a record catch of more than 550 kgs. of different kinds of fish such as Hamour, Canaad, Shie’eri, etc. At a ceremony held in the Marina Club, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, GPIC General Manager presented prizes to the winning teams. The Urea B team came first with the biggest catch of the day and the runner up was the Ammonia team. First position for the biggest fish prize was won by the Laboratory and the runner up was Methanol A. The Methanol D team were successful in winning the prize for the longest fish and the runner up was the Ammonia team. The Methanol D team won the prize for the best catch of fish and the runners up were the Ammonia team.
GPIC organises this competition on an annual basis as part of a number of programmes in support of charity in the Kingdom. The fish caught in the event is donated to the Elderly Homes.
Two Major Global Achievements for GPIC’s Methanol and Urea Plants cont. from page 3
success in winning the Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa Award for Excellence in Industry for major companies in 2001. It comes as a true reflection of the concern and encouragement by our wise leadership to the industrial sector in our beloved Kingdom. He said this concern motivates us to make further achievements in the areas of production, safety and the environment. Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed expressed his congratulations to all the employees of the Company for this major achievement. He stressed that this success could not have been possible without the employees’ co-operation and teamwork spirit that ensures the Company’s growth and prosperity. He urged the employees to make continuous efforts to realise further achievements and to maintain the Company’s status. It should be noted that the Urea Plant was inaugurated on 3rd March, 1998 under the patronage of His Highness Shaikh Khlaifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, Prime Minister. 10
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Oral Health Lecture
company’s employees that would have a positive reflection on their performance and productivity.
s part of the health education and cultural activities organised by the Health Sub-committee, a lecture entitled “Oral Health” was delivered in both Arabic and English by Mrs. Sawsan Al Thaqafi, from the American Mission Hospital’s Dental Clinic.
The event was well attended by the employees who felt that the information given was useful.
This lecture was part of the health education campaign for the
executive management, all the soccer players were true stars on
he GPIC soccer team’s performance during the 2002 season was very successful in the Companies Soccer League and Cup competitions. The GPIC team was the runner up for this season, thanks to the team spirit displayed by the players, the coaching and administration groups. Backed by the GPIC
the pitch, sparing no effort to make this achievement possible. GPIC player Khalid Janahi has been recognised as top scorer of the league. 11
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1200 Children attend GPIC Family Safety Day
family safety, health and
environment day on Thursday 21st November, 2002. The event was celebrated with a major
employees of the company and their families at the International Convention Centre - Gulf Hotel. On this occasion, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, General Manager, gave a speech in which he welcomed the guests
company’s to
participation of the employees’ families. This will further enhance the principles of safety, health and the environment at home and elsewhere, he said. The General Manager
present the best of health. He also presented awards to the children who
competitions such as painting, and essay-writing about safety, health and the environment. Live music and entertainment was
event. Snacks and drinks were served and gifts were given to all the children who took part in various competitions.
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GPIC CELEBRATES ENVIRONM He congratulated all the employees for the success of the Company in 2002, such as receiving the Highly Commended Chemical Sector Award from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) in recognition of its continuous efforts in the areas of safety and health management. This achievement is of equal stature and importance as the one achieved in 2001, when
2.5 million accident free hours in 2002. This demonstrates the high level of commitment to safety both on the part of employees as well as contracting companies working at the GPIC complex. He considered these achievements as an unprecedented record for GPIC both in the local as
ard receives his aw es ye lo p em g tandin well as international areas of One of the outs GPIC won industrial excellence. This reflects the improved and the International Sector Award. Dr. Al Sayed scientific efficiency in industrial health and safety emphasized that achievements such as these enabled management. It is also a reflection of the employees’ GPIC to be honoured and selected for His Highness efforts and their concern with strict adherence to the Prime Minister’s Award for Industrial Excellence safety rules and instructions in all daily operations, he added. for major companies in 2002. GPIC is also proud to be the first company in Bahrain to form a trade union in the Kingdom, with the full cooperation of our dedicated employees and support from Mr. Abdulghaffar Abdulhussain of the General Federation of Bahrain Workers. You, my brothers and sisters are as His Majesty the King said in his speech yesterday “Partners in the path towards these great achievements for the benefit of our beloved country.”
In his speech, Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed said that these achievements could not have been possible without the company’s efforts to continuously seek improvement in production efficiency and the realisation of development through increased environmental awareness. The introduction of a charity fish farm, a bird sanctuary and a charity vegetable garden are all steps in this direction.
The General Manager noted the outstanding achievement of the Company by registering more than
Dr. Al Sayed underlined the significance of enhancing environmental awareness in the petrochemical
HEALTH, SAFETY & MENT WEEK Sulman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Commander-in-Chief of the Bahrain Defence Force, for their kind support to the Company.
industry, as indicated by the theme of this year’s event. He pointed out the company’s continuous concern for the safety and health of all employees and the provision of a clean and healthy environment in which they could work.
VIP Guests du ring their
He expressed his thanks and appreciation to all government and national organisations in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Saudi Basic Industries Corporation
visit to the Exh ibition
The Company is indeed proud that the employees are working in a healthy and safe environment for the ultimate benefit in terms of quality and safety. He further said, that GPIC has become one of the landmark companies in the petrochemical industry worldwide. Dr. Al Sayed concluded by saying that achievements in the fields of safety, health and environment could not have been possible without the support and backing of H.E. the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors with the continuous support granted by the Ministry of Oil, the good cooperation and coordination with other industrial companies in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and the concerted efforts of all the employees and contractors. He also expressed its appreciation and gratitude to His Majesty Shaikh Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of Bahrain H.H. the Prime Minister, and H.H. Shaikh 14 26
(Sabic) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC) of the State of Kuwait, for their support and cooperation. He also expressed his appreciation and thanks to the management and all employees for their sincere efforts and loyalty, which have contributed so much to these achievements in 2001. He thanked all the safety, health, environment subcommittees and the organising committee for the Safety, Health and Environment Week, for making this event an enjoyable and beneficial gathering. The event was attended by a large number of officials of government organisations, industrial companies and GPIC departmental managers.
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