Khaleejieh 101

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Issue 101 - April 2019

Newsletter issued by Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company

H.H. Deputy Prime Minister Visits GPIC stand

GPIC holds EGM

You read in this issue ... GPIC holds EGM


GPIC achieves record production


H.H. Deputy Prime Minister Visits GPIC stand


GPIC supports Foreign Ministry celebration


H.E. Minister of Interior visits GPIC pavilion


H.E the Minister of Health visits GPIC


Top NEBOSH official meets Labour & Social Development Minister


GPIC and BANAGAS Chiefs receive ROSPA Awards


GPIC Welcomes AlMabarrah AlKhalifia Foundation's Chairperson


Petrochemical Industries Company CEO visits GPIC


Top Tatweer Petroleum Official visits GPIC


Dr. Jawahery meets newly-promoted employees


GPIC attends AFA meeting in Cairo


GPIC Receives Social Responsibility Award


GPIC Organizes a Walk Day


GPIC organizes beach clean-up


P.O.Box 26730 Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, Tel: (+973)17731777, Fax: (+973)17731047 Web page: Email Address:

‫جائزة صاحبة السمو الملكي‬ ‫األميرة سبيكة بنت إبراهيم آل‬ ‫خليفة لتمكين المرأة البحرينية‬

With the launch of this new issue of Khaleejiah, GPIC celebrates a myriad of unprecedented achievements and success over the past several months. With our new strategy underway, we continue our journey confidently and we are assured that the initiatives and decisions we are implementing will lead us to further success and sustainability. Firstly, I would like to extend my deepest appreciation and gratitude to His Excellency, Dr. Ahmed Al Sharyan and their Excellencies the Board Members of GPIC, for their continued and unparalleled support to the company’s operations and endeavours. Over the last year we have seen remarkable achievements for GPIC, both in terms of health and safety and production. These have been achieved in sometimes less than favourable circumstances, the year has been one of uncertainty, complexity and volatility for our industry around the globe and we have faced many challenges given the extremely difficult market conditions underpinning our markets. Notwithstanding this, we have also accomplished a huge amount. Safety is always our number one priority and of paramount importance to us, and this year we have had no LTA for either our employees or contractors, this is because, thanks to our workforce, we always keep 100% focused on our goals of Reliability, Efficiency and Sustainability. In February, GPIC again successfully participated in the Bahrain International Garden Show 2019, held every year under the patronage of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and in the presence of Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka Bint Ebrahim Al Khalifa, wife of His Majesty and President of the Supreme Council for Women. Besides serving as a platform for an annual gathering, the show has become a top destination for visitors and lovers of agriculture from both inside and outside the Kingdom, and therefore is very close to GPIC’s heart. I am not able to cover here all activities, programmes and initiatives implemented by the company in recent months, but I am delighted that, at the community level, everyone at GPIC recognizes the importance of a sustainable and effective Corporate Social Responsibility strategy. Our employees have remained fully engaged in developing, sharing knowledge and sponsoring key initiatives to support and build our great country. Our recent successes and achievements no matter how big or small will no doubt enhance the image of GPIC and our employees continue to show that huge volumes of critical and challenging work can be carried out flawlessly and in a professional manner. However, for this issue of Khaleejieh we are here to highlight the most important events to give the audience a glimpse of what the company achieved during the past few busy and productive months.

Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery


GPIC holds EGM GPIC held its 5th Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) and its 40th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on March 21 in the Kingdom of Bahrain under the Chairmanship of the Minister of Oil, His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, who represented the Kingdom of Bahrain. While Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC) of Kuwait was represented by the Company’s Finance Manager Mr. Khalid Al Kandari whereas the SABIC Agri-nutrient Investment Company was represented by its VP-Global Finance Reporting & Controllership Mr. Khalid Ali Al-Garni. During its last meeting, the Ordinary General Assembly had approved the Board of Directors' business report and the Auditor’s report for 2018. The shareholders expressed their satisfaction and appreciation at the Company’s outstanding financial position and its achievements at all levels, as well as enjoying an excellent local, regional and international reputation.


The General Assembly also expressed its sincere gratitude to His Majesty King Hamad, His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the Prime Minister and His Royal Highness Prince

Salman Bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister, for their continued support and care for the Company's operations and community programs. The General Assembly also praised the efforts of the Board of Directors, the Executive Management and all the employees for their outstanding performance during 2018, and commended their hard work, team spirit and commitment to GPIC’s success and operations, which had reflected on the company’s record profits achieved during the year. The company’s Chairman, H.E. Dr. Ahmed Ali Al Sharyan had emphasized that the Company continues to achieve in 2018 as it did in the previous years. He also said that the combined efforts of all had resulted in reduced spending and increased production, despite the global challenges that the petrochemical industry had witnessed in the last one year, continuing that the Company had also managed to exceed all production targets set forth by the Board of Directors.

Dr. Ahmed Ali Al Sharyan: The combined efforts of all had resulted in reduced spending and increased production, despite the global challenges that the petrochemical industry had witnessed in the last one year H.E. the Chairman praised the close cooperation and coordination with SABIC and PIC, which has had a great impact on the smooth flow of exports of the Company's products. He said GPIC exceeded all its targets for 2018, and even achieved new records for the first time in its history by the end of 2018. The total production during the summer (July - August) for Urea was 120,456 metric tons, an increase of 20,000 metric tons over the original target. A new record production of 2,078 metric tons of Urea per day was also achieved. GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said that the Company also had achieved a new record of 8,311 working days without a lost time accident, which translates to over 30.2 million hours since May 2002. He said the Company has exported a total of 49,325 metric tons of Ammonia, 408,076 metric tons of Methanol and 667,721 metric tons of Urea, all of which were exported to their final destination on board 59 vessels. In addition, 798 metric tons of bagged Urea and 1,629 metric tons of Methanol

were allocated to the local market, in support of Bahrain’s agricultural and industrial sector. China and Brazil accounted for the largest share of the Company's total exports at 18 percent each, followed by India with 16 percent and Taiwan with 14 percent. He mentioned that these markets are of great strategic importance to all producers. The Company exported a total of 1.13 million tons of Ammonia, Urea and Methanol, 1 percent higher than the original target for 2018. Dr. Jawahery said that the carbon dioxide recovery unit continued to help reduce emissions and maintain environmental safety according to Bahrain government standards set up in coordination with the Supreme Council for the Environment. Dr. Jawahery said that the Company has maintained the efficiency of its preventive maintenance systems, which ensures necessary operational efficiency for all of its units. He also said that the Company is committed to a decimal plan that is devised for the renewal or periodic replacement of equipment according to their validity cycle and on evaluating its effectiveness in terms of health.


GPIC achieves record production

GPIC achieved a record production of 415,130 metric tons of ammonia, urea and methanol in the first quarter of this year. This was an increase of 6.3 per cent over the same period last year and was achieved without a single lost time accident. Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said he was pleased at the achievement and recalled the attention, care and continuous follow-up of the wise leadership, which looks at the GPIC as one of the most important industrial entities leading Bahrain’s national economy. He said one of the most important successes of the company is its approach based on continuing to modernize and develop its operations and equipment as well as its commitment to periodic maintenance procedures while developing its human resources and organizing the best training programmes. He said this enables all employees to develop their professionalism and raise their competence.


Dr. Jawahery stressed on the company's ability to keep pace with ambitions and excellence in an industry full of challenges and competition at

all levels. He said this was possible thanks to the flexible strategy set up by the Board of Directors that takes in to account all circumstances and rapid changes. He spoke about the professionalism of the members of the executive management and all employees who come together as a single family. He also praised the role of the company's trade union and the constructive cooperation between it and the executive management and the workers and the professional way in which it applies the principles of union work not only in the company, but also at the local, regional and global level. Dr. Jawahery said this has contributed to the GPIC’s achievements. He said the average daily production for the first quarter of this year was 4,590 metric tons of ammonia, urea and methanol, which is due to the efforts by the employees and reaffirms their confidence in the Board of Directors. He said the company would continue to achieve more records at all levels of its work, while adhering to the strictest possible international standards in occupational safety and health.

Dr. Jawahery said the company has exported 313,297 metric tons since the beginning of the year, with Sudan and Taiwan taking the largest share, at 20 per cent each. He said this confirms the importance of these strategic markets. These two countries were followed by Ethiopia at 15 per cent and India at 13 per cent.

and safety of its administrative and operational systems. He said the company trains its cadres within and outside Bahrain to achieve sustainability in its operations and services provided to the community. He said they are looking forward to the year ahead, with its tasks and challenges, which requires everyone to double their efforts.

The exports were made on board 17 vessels. Dr. Jawahery said all products are subject to international regulations related to quality, environmental protection, occupational health and safety and responsible care. He said the GPIC has received the highest honors and awards, indicating its excellence and quality of products

He said the GPIC is keen to develop its Bahraini employees by providing specialized courses at home and abroad, workshops on all aspects of the petrochemical industry, and involving them in forums and gatherings.

2019 ‫ ﻳﻮرﻳﺎ( ﻟﻐﺎﻳﺔ ﻣﺎرس‬-‫إﺟﻤﺎﻟﻲ ﺗﺼﺪﻳﺮ ﻣﻮاد )ﻣﻴﺜﺎﻧﻮل – أﻣﻮﻧﻴﺎ‬ CUMMULATIVE EXPORTS BY REGION Q1 2019 (METHANOL - AMMONIA - UREA) U.S.A Mexico



Republic of China


South Korea


Kingdom of Thailand




Republic of Sudan


313,297‫ﻃﻦ ﻣﺘﺮي‬ :‫اﻟﻤﺠﻤﻮع‬





Total: 313,297 metric Tons


H.H. Deputy Prime Minister Visits GPIC stand


Deputy Prime Minister His Highness Shaikh Ali bin Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa visited the GPIC pavilion during the opening of the 21st Middle East Oil Conference and Exhibition. H.H. Shaikh Ali earlier inaugurated the event on behalf of His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the Prime Minister. H.H. Shaikh Ali was accompanied by His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, the Minister of Oil.

quality products and exports to global markets.

GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery and members of GPIC’s Executive Management welcomed their Excellencies to the stand and also took them around the pavilion and briefed them on GPIC’s production process, its high

His Highness also applauded the great development in the petrochemical industry in Bahrain and the professionalism of Bahraini employees who manage operations efficiently. He praised the achievements of the Company

H.H. Shaikh Ali expressed admiration at the high quality materials produced, which are exported around the world as well as development in Bahrain’s petrochemical industry and the quality of its products. This is in addition to the excellent quality of its products, achievements at the regional and global level and its care for the environment.

on regional and international levels and added the government would continue to support the company and expressed appreciation to the management and shareholders. He said the government is sparing no effort to provide a fruitful environment that makes Bahrain attractive to investments, including those in the industrial and oil sector. He expressed his admiration for the high level and development by the Company, which is a model of co-operation between GCC countries. In a statement, Dr. Jawahery thanked the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Oil for the visit and said they will make every effort to

achieve excellence and success in all fields. The President applauded His Highness for assuring the Company of all possible support and followup from the government. He also applauded the support and encouragement of His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, the Minister of Oil. The event has been organised by the World Society of Petroleum Engineers and Arabian Exhibition Management in collaboration with the National Oil and Gas Authority. It will highlight the latest products and technologies in the oil industry as well as current major projects. It would also be an opportunity to review the achievements of companies in the region.


GPIC supports Foreign Ministry celebrations

GPIC is proud to announce its support for the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of Bahraini Diplomacy, which is a national occasion dear to us all and under the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery praised Bahrain’s policy and relations, which have always been characterised by moderation, good associations, and a peaceful approach to resolving disputes, and have earned the Kingdom appreciation and respect, making it a state present at regional and international levels. He said the Foreign Ministry has half a century of history since it was established in 1969 and the journey of Bahraini diplomacy symbolises achieving national sovereignty and the Ministry’s contribution to establishing diplomatic relations


with kindred and friendly countries, as well as addressing the interests of the Kingdom of Bahrain and its citizens in various fields. Dr. Jawahery congratulated Minister of Foreign Affairs His Excellency Sheikh Khalid bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa, on representing the Kingdom of Bahrain abroad and contributing to consolidating its position and defending its interests, security and stability. He expressed great pride in the close cooperation between the GPIC and the ministry and said the company was delighted to support the “50 Years of Diplomacy” Exhibition that documents the history and journey of Bahraini diplomacy. The Foreign Minister expressed thanks and appreciation for the GPIC’s support.


H.E. Minister of Interior visits GPIC pavilion His Excellency the Minister of Interior, Gen. Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, visited the pavilion of GPIC during the 13th Professional Development Conference, organized by the American Society of Safety Professionals. H.E. the Minister was received by GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery and members of the Company's Executive Management. They thanked him for his interest in visiting the Company's pavilion at the exhibition. Dr. Jawahery also briefed the Minister on the Company's work, achievements and awards in the field of security and safety, which it is committed to promoting in the community. H.E. the Minister expressed admiration at the advanced level of the Company and appreciated GPIC’s outstanding contributions in the field of occupational safety and community development through its various awareness programmes.


H.E. praised the Company's efforts in promoting a culture of public safety and contributing by making it a community culture aimed at improving performance, providing occupational health and preserving the environment.

H.E the Minister of Interior pointed out that GPIC's is not only one of the most important industrial companies in Bahrain, it is also a model for the strict application of occupational safety, health and safety standards. He said this confirms the Company's outstanding position in the field of professional safety. The Minister praised the capabilities of Bahrain’s companies working in the oil industry and the achievements of GPIC as well as the distinction it has achieved in the production of petrochemicals and fertilizers. He spoke of the contributions of the company and its role in supporting conferences and specialized events in Bahrain and expressed admiration for the development of the company. Dr. Jawahery said that the visit of H.E. the Minister of Interior to the Company's pavilion comes in recognition of the Company's efforts in the field of occupational safety and its excellent record in achieving record working without a lost time accident. He thanked H.E. the Minister for the visit and said GPIC is keen to cooperate with the Ministry of the Interior at all levels. He said the two sides have an active partnership in many programmes and initiatives that serve their common goals.

H.E the Minister of Health visits GPIC Minister of Health H.E. Ms. Faeqa bint Saeed Al Saleh visited GPIC, accompanied by experts from the World Health Organisation (WHO).

staff at work. He said GPIC has achieved the highest rates of safety and health in all stages of manufacturing and production.

The delegation was received by Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery who said the visit would strengthen the close relationship with the Ministry, especially since GPIC is committed to health promotion issues in general and environmental health in particular.

He said the Company is making the most of its resources in all its operations, including issues related to water, energy and raw materials, to reduce waste generated by the manufacturing processes. In the process it ensures its facilities are more considerate and friendlier on the environment. He stressed strict compliance with the legislative and regulatory environmental requirements is integral to all Company policies.

Dr. Jawahery said Bahrain and all its institutions are keen to adhere to WHO principles and recommendations, as it is evident from the development of its health sector. Dr. Jawahery spoke about the Company's experience in applying occupational safety and health standards, saying that it has a unique record in the field and that it has spared no effort to invest in the health and safety of its

He said the Company also carries out activities that raise environmental awareness among the community such as an environmental research programme, environmental awareness lectures for schools, and the green wave campaign in cooperation with the United Nations to expand the green area in schools.


Top NEBOSH official meets Labour & Social Development Minister


In January H.E. Jameel Bin Mohammed Ali Hamaidan - Labour & Social Development Minister received Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, President of GPIC at the ministry. Dr. Jawahery introduced H.E., Mr. Ian Taylor, Chief Executive of the British National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH), who was in Bahrain to attend the 13th Development Conference and Exhibition organized by the American Society of Safety Professionals in the Middle East. Senior officials from the Ministry and GPIC also attended the meeting.

H.E. said that The Ministry of Labour and Social Development is particularly keen to enhance cooperation with Bahraini and international bodies, entities and institutions such as NEBOSH who have a global reputation in many countries as a prestigious institution that strives for excellence in occupational safety and health in organisations all round the world. He emphasized that the ministry is keen to benefit from NEBOSH’ expertise in developing a flexible strategy for occupational safety and health to be applied in line with Bahrain’s 2030 Vision.

H.E. the Minister of Labour and Social Development welcomed Mr. Ian Taylor, his delegation and all the attendees, he praised the great role played by NEBOSH and its vision to preserve and improve health, safety and the environment in workplaces worldwide, which the Ministry fully supports in Bahrain. Of particular significance is NEBOSH’s desire to extend the competence of those working in high hazard industries and prevent the recurrence of accidents. This contributes to the creation culture of safety as the first priority and encourages companies to apply the standards, principles and rules of occupational safety and health, to create a safe working environment, free from accidents and injuries.

H.E. Mr. Humaidan congratulated Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, President of GPIC and Dr. Shaikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, CEO of Banagas on being recognized as RoSPA Awards Ambassadors. This was from NEBOSH, and in acknowledgement of their efforts to spread a culture of safety worldwide. Mr. Taylor expressed his thanks and appreciation to H.E. the Minister of Labour and Social Development for the warm welcome, and the important topics discussed in the field of safety and occupational health. Stressing that the meeting was a good opportunity to exchange views on the issues of safety in the Bahraini companies and institutions.

GPIC and BANAGAS Chiefs receive ROSPA Awards The British Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) have selected Bahrain National Gas Company (BANAGAS) Chief Executive Dr. Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa and GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery as recipients of its Global Award, in recognition of their companies’ success in the fields of gas and petrochemicals.

two to become their Award Ambassadors. “We have established this role to strengthen our relationship with the communities where we are present.” He said only a small number of individuals and institutions are qualified to carry out this role and responsibilities and will join a select group of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs.

ROSPA Chief Executive Officer H.E. Errol Taylor spoke of the success of Dr. Sheikh Mohammed and Dr. Jawahery and their commitment to the highest standards of safety, health and environmental protection. He said these principles are among the most important, noting the success of BANAGAS and GPIC deserve prestigious RoSPA awards, including the Sir George Earl Trophy.

ROSPA has a global community of seven million employees and their families, who work in organizations and companies in 32 countries around the world. “They are a tremendous force for good and can contribute to the highest standards of safety."

"Since joining ROSPA 25 years ago, I have been aware of the inspirational leadership of BNAGAS and GPIC,” said Mr. Taylor. “These are not just two of the world's leading industrial enterprises in terms of their industrial and commercial activities but are also exemplary in their approach to safety, the environment and community service.’ He said ROSPA has now decided to invite the

He said BANAGAS and GPIC have for many years recognized the importance to safety both at the workplace and within the wider community. "Together, we can save lives and work to prevent further casualties by sharing experiences on a larger scale." ROSPA Vice President H.E. Lord Jordan of Bournville invited Dr. Sheikh Mohammed and Dr. Jawahery to attend a ceremony at Dubai’s Ritz Carlton Hotel, where a reception was organized in conjunction with the NEBOSH.


GPIC Welcomes AlMabarrah AlKhalifia Foundation's Chairperson

GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery received AlMabarrah AlKhalifia Foundation’s Chairperson HH Sheikha Zain bint Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, and the accompanying delegation. Established in 2011, the non-profit foundation aims to make a social impact in the education field and empower Bahraini youth to reach their optimum potential by providing them with the right knowledge and skills, in order to further excel and contribute towards developing the Kingdom. Dr. Jawahery welcomed the delegation and expressed his hope that this visit is a start of a close cooperation between both entities.


During the visit, the two parties discussed the best means of cooperation and highlighted the importance of finding innovative ways to invest

in Bahraini youth through training and supporting them in their academic studies. Dr. Jawahery hailed the partnership with MKF and said that both parties have one common goal which is to support education in Bahrain. He reiterated the company’s commitment to support and train youth in line with the Kingdom’s 2030 vision. He said HH Sheikha Zain had put forward many creative ideas through which young people could be supported by and helped to explore the future, implement projects and charitable initiatives that benefit the community. Dr. Jawahery accompanied HH Sheikha Zain and the delegation on a field tour, where she was introduced to the training programmes and activities offered by the Academy of Leadership and Learning - the e-Learning Center.

‫سويا‬ ‫الزيارة وسنعمل‬ ‫سعيدون بهذه‬ ‫الدكتور‬ ّ Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery: HH Sheikha Zain had:‫جواهري‬ put forward many ‫تحقيق‬ ‫الخليفية‬ ‫المب ّرة‬ ‫مع‬people ‫والتعاون‬ ‫الشباب‬ ‫على دعم‬by creative ideas‫في‬ through young could be supported ّ which and helped to explore the future. ‫األهداف المشتركة‬ The academy contributes to the continuous education of the company’s employees, as well as students of universities and higher academic institutions. HH Sheikha Zain praised the modern technologies and the means of education and advanced training. She also highlighted that the availability of such training facility in GPIC’s headquarter confirms the company’s interest in training employees and ensuring that they are provided with the latest technology and knowledge related to the rapidly evolving industry. The tour was then followed by a visit to the Princess Sabeeka Garden for Aromatic Plants and the Medicinal Herbs and Plants Garden, which preserves rare medicinal herbs that we used in the past for therapeutic purposes. They also saw the charity fish farm and inspected the bird sanctuary.

HH Sheikha Zain later planted a sapling to commemorate her visit and as a contribution to support the GPIC’s environmental orientation. She expressed her thanks to Dr. Jawahery and the Executive Management for their welcome and hospitality, while applauding GPIC’s advanced training programmes which are available to all employees from CPIC as well as other entities. She also praised the Company's attention to production processes, quality and safety during all stages of work, which has led the company to industrial excellence. HH also highlighted the company’s efforts to support and empower its women and thanked Dr. Jawahery for his personal efforts in doing so. She attributed the awards received by GPIC for empowering women to the company’s commitment and efforts towards the advancement of women in the field.


Petrochemical Industries Company CEO visits GPIC GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery received Chief Executive Officer of Kuwait Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC) H.E. Mr. Mutlaq Al Azmi on his first visit to the Company.

cooperation of partners. It had also become a member of influential organizations and institutions related to the petrochemical and fertilizer industry.

GPIC Managing Director H.E. Mr. Hamad Dakhil Badah, members of the Executive Management and Labour Union Deputy Chairman along with officials were present.

Dr. Jawahery thanked his Kuwaiti counterpart for the Company’s efforts in support and cooperation in addition to the professionalism they show in marketing GPIC's Ammonia and Urea in international markets. He also praised similar efforts by the SABIC Agri-nutrient Investment Company to market GPIC’s Methanol.

Dr. Jawahery praised the strong relations between the two sides and said their co-operation is a major contributor to the success of GPIC.


The President gave a detailed explanation on the Company’s procedures in stages of manufacturing and export and its achievements since 1985. He said GPIC had positioned itself among the most distinguished in the field of petrochemicals and fertilizers in the region, in addition to its solid reputation in the global industry, due to the

Dr. Jawahery said such cooperation had opened wider horizons for integration between the Company and the shareholders and marketers not only in the field of investment and marketing, but also in enhancing efforts to achieve optimal performance by applying the principle of knowledge sharing between the three giant companies.

H.E. Mr. Al-Azmi described GPIC as a distinguished Company, especially in preserving the elements of sustainable development. He said he is happy to visit and see the development in its operations as well as commercial projects and those centered on environmental excellence. He said GPIC’s policies and strategies have made it one of the most successful petrochemical companies regionally and globally.

to achieve prosperity of the industrial sector in the Gulf States and to get the best returns for the natural resources available in these countries. He also applauded Bahrain for its progress and prosperity and wished GPIC more achievements and success.

The guest later went to the Academy of Leadership and Learning and the plants where he was briefed on the operations and facilities. He said the Company had contributed to the He also went to the eLearning Centre and the strengthening brotherly relations between Company’s environmental projects. the shareholders, especially since this active partnership has been strengthened to reach the The Kuwaiti Company is one of the shareholders highest levels. in GPIC, along with the Government of Bahrain, represented by the National Oil and Gas Authority He said he is personally interested in continuing to and SABIC Agri-nutrient Investment Company. seek more ways to enhance bilateral cooperation The three have an equal share of 33.3 per cent.


Top Tatweer Petroleum Official visits GPIC

Tatweer Petroleum General Manager of Exploration and Development Mr. Yahya Alansari and his accompanying delegation visited GPIC in January 2019, where members of GPIC’s Executive Management Team, representatives from the company’s Trade Union and other officials, welcomed him. The visit came as part of mutual co-operation between the two companies and in an effort to strengthen the close relations between the GPIC and Tatweer Petroleum, both of whom are involved in Bahrain’s oil industry. The two sides exchanged views on the latest industry developments and ​​efforts to support the environment, sustainable development and Bahraini manpower.


The visiting delegation spoke to GPIC officials about the rapid changes the world had witnessed

and stressed the need to keep up with these by developing plans and expansion projects. They said the recent discovery of oil would affect the oil and the petroleum industry and Bahrain would witness growth and prosperity. They also talked about the possibility of Tatweer Petroleum benefiting from the GPIC’s experience with their carbon dioxide recovery plant. The visitors were given a brief on GPIC's business philosophy and operational strategy, including a proposal to double production. They also learned about its management methodology, production and export capabilities, achievements and awards in safety, quality within their petrochemical and fertilizer products, as well as environmental conservation and community contributions. The Tatweer Petroleum Delegation toured the company's complex and stopped at the environmental projects that reflect GPIC’s

commitment to a balance between industry and occupational safety and health standards; this the environment. contributes to the creation of a culture of safety as the first priority and encourages employees They visited the Princess Sabeeka Garden for to apply the standards, principles and rules of Aromatic Plants and the Herbs and Medicinal occupational safety and health, to create a safe Plants Garden that has been set up to preserve rare working environment, free from accidents and medicinal herbs used in the past for therapeutic injuries. purposes. They also visited the fruit and vegetable gardens, and learned that the produce is donated Mr. Al Ansari planted a tree to commemorate his to charities and needy families. They concluded visit and as a gesture to contribute to environmental their tour at the Charity Fish Farm and the Bird sustainability. He thanked Dr. Jawahery and the Sanctuary. Executive Management Team for the welcome and the hospitality and praised GPIC’s attention Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery to detail that it gives to its production processes, spoke about the GPIC's experience in applying quality, safety and occupational health.


Dr. Jawahery Chairs GPCA Fertilisers Committee Meeting

The Fertilizers Committee of the Gulf Chemical and Petrochemicals Association (GPCA) held its periodic meeting under the Chairmanship of GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery in Muscat, Oman. The meeting highlighted the achievements of the committee in 2018 and outlined its strategic plans for 2019. Members spoke of the action and the arrangements made for the annual fertilizer conference to be held in September. Dr. Jawahery thanked GPCA Chairman H.E. Mr. Yousif Bin Abdullah Al-Bunyan for its support and expressed appreciation to GPCA Secretary General Dr. Abdulwahab Al-Saadoun, to help the committee achieve its aspirations. He said the committee would continue to work to adopt the best strategies that would contribute to the development of performance at all levels and to benefit from successful global experiences. He also noted the efforts of the members of the committee to develop mechanisms of action in the management and supervision of the Gulf fertilizer industry, and follow up on all its details.


Dr. Jawahery pointed to the importance of building an industrial economy that is more innovative and sustainable. He said it is the direction in which industries tend to preserve resources and energies and make them environmentally friendly.

He stressed on the importance of the cooperation of all countries to achieve the ultimate goal of ensuring food security as one of the most important challenges the world faces. "Despite the availability of natural and human resources and the interest of political leaders, agriculture in the region and the Arab world has not yet achieved its targetted production, and has not met increasing needs of food. Speaking about GPIC’s important role in supporting the fertilizer industry, Dr. Jawahery said that GPCA is one of the largest entities supporting the fertilizer industry in the region. “The committee contributes to promoting the exchange of best practices in the industry through workshops, seminars and conferences, and communicates in general among members.� Established in 2006, GPCA has as its members more than 90 per cent of the region's petrochemicals and chemicals producers. It is the first of its kind in the Middle East to strengthen the role of companies and enable them to play a key role in the global chemical industry. It is the most respected petrochemical and chemicals representative body in the region, plays a key role in shaping international and regional policies, fostering the interests of companies and supporting them to achieve their aspirations.

Employee of the Month

Nahla Essa

Rashid Bucheeri

GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery along with Labour Union Chairman and Senior Officials presented a certificate and an award to Ms. Nahla Essa from the Finance and Marketing Department, who has been named the Employee of the Month for October 2018.

Ismaeel AlJawder

SABIC Agri-nutrient Investment Company, Executive Vice President Agri-Nutrients H.E Mr. Samir A. Al-Abdrabbuh and GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery presented a certificate and an award to Mr. Rashid Bucheeri of the Procurement and Warehousing Department, who has been named the Employee of the Month for November 2018.

Amer Ebrahim

Chief Executive Officer of Kuwait Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC) H.E. Mr. Mutlaq Al Azmi, GPIC Managing Director H.E. Mr. Hamad Dakhil Badah along with Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahey GPIC President, presented a certificate and an award to Mr. Ismaeel Al Jawder from the Safety Security, Health and Environment Department, who has

Amina Qaed been named the Employee of the Month for December 2018. And to Mr. Amer Ebrahim from the Maintenance Department, and to Ms. Amina Qaed from the Information Technology and Knowledge Department, who have both been named the Employee of the Month for January 2019.


Dr. Jawahery meets newly-promoted employees

GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery met with a number of Executive Management, Deputy Labour Union Chairman and staff members who have been promoted to Supervisory positions.

Dr. Jawahery congratulated the employees and urged them to keep abreast with the latest technical developments in their field of work and in a world of rapid changes.

The meeting follows a decision to promote the employees under the guidance of the Company's Board of Directors and within the framework of its policy of honoring and upgrading Bahrainis.

He spoke about their diligence, professionalism and dedication over the past years, stressing that they would have more tasks and responsibilities to face, requiring more effort and work to meet new job requirements.

Dr. Jawahery said GPIC believes that the development of human resources is a necessary element and is the best. This, he added, clearly reflects in the performance of the Company in all aspects and fields as well as its continuity in success and development.


"There will be lasting challenges, and the best way to overcome them depends on the efficiency of the manpower we train and develop."

The newly promoted staff thanked the Company's Board of Directors, headed by H.E. Dr. Ahmed Al Sharyan, and Dr. Jawahery, for their confidence, and reiterated their keenness to preserve the Company's achievements and success while doing their best to serve the Company and work in a team spirit.

GPIC attends AFA meeting in Cairo GPIC took part in the 25th meeting of the Arab Fertilizer Association (AFA) in the Egyptian capital, Cairo. Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said GPIC is always keen to participate in various AFA activities and gatherings. Dr. Jawahery spoke about the large participation in the activities of the forum and praised the attendance at the accompanying exhibition, which had some of the largest Arab and international companies specialized in the fertilizer industry and equipment taking part. The President praised the organizing committee in preparing for the event and said those attending had expressed great satisfaction at the facilities. Dr. Jawahery also spoke of the response of companies keen to attend and participate in the exhibition and said these had been keen to attend and share the good reputation and prestige of the regional association. He said exhibitors presented the latest industrial equipment for the fertilizer industry, which attracted a lot of interest. He said the fertilizer industry in the Arab world is today considered one of the most important

strategic industries and a key pillar in the countries’ economies. He said the AFA is looking to identify problems facing production and bottlenecks that lead to reducing capacity while also ensuring qualitative consumption of raw materials and reducing waste. He said the countries in the region had shown keen interest in the development of this sector, an important tributary of the national economy of the countries of the region as part of its quest towards achieving sustainable development. He said the share of Arab exports in world markets had reached 71 per cent phosphate rock, 81 per cent superphosphate, 49 per cent ammonia, 25 per cent urea and 41 per cent of other products. He said the AFA seeks to establish a network of communication between Arab companies through direct contact and organizing technical workshops, conferences and forums to develop solutions to these problems while closely reviewing the experiences and vision of these companies. The event discussed several important issues, including the fertilizer policy in the region, factors affecting it and the changing of views regarding the conditions and standards of global supply and demand markets.


GPIC Receives Social Responsibility Award GPIC has been presented the 2018 Corporate Social Responsibility Award in the Arab States, Awarded by the Regional Social Responsibility Network. The Award is in appreciation for the Company’s responsible role in the service of the community, and its initiatives in the field. It also recognizes GPIC’s efforts to instill a culture of social responsibility in Bahrain companies. Dr. Jawahery expressed appreciation for the appreciation to the network and thanked its Board of Directors. He praised its important in laying the foundation of community work. "This recognition comes from an organization that has been able to, by its unique efforts, raise awareness of the importance of corporate social responsibility and to promote this awareness not only in the Middle East but also globally," he said.


He said this was once again a time to appreciate the Company's employees because everyone made an effort to implement the Company's vision and mission in the dissemination and dedication of a culture of social responsibility. He stressed such recognition would be a new impetus to make more efforts in this area.

Dr. Jawahery spoke of the support of His Excellency the Chairman and the Board of Directors in the field of social responsibility and sustainable development, as well as its workers union. He said because of the Company’s distinction and multiple Awards in the field of social responsibility, it has become an example of successful Arab cooperation in the petrochemical industry. He pointed out to the network’s important professional role in activating the concept of social responsibility in the private sector through clear vision and thoughtful programmes that contribute to the development of the society and meet its health and educational requirements while working to develop infrastructure and human resources. He said the corporate social responsibility is now a major business concept, especially in the light of increasing awareness of social and environmental issues that affect lives of ordinary citizens. Social responsibility, he added, provides the opportunity for companies to make more concrete contributions and initiatives that benefit their societies.

GPIC Organizes a Walk Day

GPIC organized a walk to mark the Bahrain Sports Day on 12 February 2019. This is part of the initiative launched by His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the Prime Minister, and the directives of His Highness Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Personal Representative of His Majesty the King for Charity and Youth Affairs. All of the company’s employees took part in the event, held within its complex in Sitra. GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery praised the initiative, which reaffirms the unlimited support the wise leadership towards sport in general and the keenness to make it a lifestyle for all members of society. He said it also shows the importance of sport and its connection to the promotion of public health for individuals and society.

of society. He said that the countries of the world have realised the great importance of sport, as they devise special plans, programmes and strategies for all organizations, Ministries and public and private Institutions. "This is a great support for the importance of sport, which should be a daily behaviour and practice.� He pointed out that the Company would organise the day with programmes and activities aimed at achieving the desired objectives of this initiative and maximizing its benefit. He said Bahrain has proved beyond any doubt it is moving forward in achieving the objectives of sustainable human development, and build Bahraini citizens physically and mentally.

Dr. Jawahery spoke of the importance of the role of sport and its great impact on the development


GPIC Organizes a Workshop on Stress Management

The Health Committee of GPIC organized an awareness workshop on developing focus and stress management skills. The lecture was presented by Art of Living Bahrain representative Mr. Prem Sagar, who highlighted the importance of developing skills that increase concentration and eliminate tension. It also spoke of the effective impact of these skills in helping the individual to cope with problems of work, increase his ability to focus as well as explain how to practice meditation and relaxation sessions and breathing exercises. The lecture also explained the impact of psychological training on lifestyle regulation and spoke about the available treatments and the correct ways to clear the mind and purify the body using yoga.


Participants praised the lecturer and the subject, stressing they benefited greatly from the information that helped them improve their quality of life, especially with regard to eliminating tension that has become a disturbing feature of this era because of its effects on people. Mr. Sagar thanked the Company Management for hosting the workshop while GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said the Company paid great attention to spreading awareness not only among the employees but among all segments of society. Dr. Jawahery stressed the Company's keenness to host such awareness and educational workshops that contribute greatly to raising awareness and culture of the Company's employees.

Parents' Care Home delegation visits GPIC A delegation from Dar Al Muharraq Parents' Care Home visited GPIC. The visit came as part of the company’s enthusiasm to serve the Bahraini community and its endeavor to strengthen social ties with all clubs, institutions, professional associations, and charities. Company Corporate Communications Manager Zuhair Tawfiqi and several members of its youth committee welcomed the delegation and passed the greetings of GPIC’s President, Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery. The visitors were given a brief on GPIC's business philosophy and operational strategy. They also learned about its management methodology, production and export capabilities as well as achievements in safety, quality, environmental conservation and community contributions. The Dar Al Muharraq Parents’ Care Home representatives toured the company's complex and stopped at the environmental projects that reflect GPIC’s commitment to a balance between industry and the environment. In a statement, Dr. Jawahery stressed the visit was an opportunity to inform members of the

society of Bahrain’s development in the field of petrochemicals and fertilizers and about the GPIC, which has modern facilities and a highly qualified Bahraini workforce. Dr. Jawahery praised the home’s contributions to serving the elderly and the retirees by providing them with the right environment to enjoy entertainment and educational programmes that strengthen social cohesion. The visitors thanked GPIC officials for the welcome and the hospitality and expressed respect for the advanced operations at GPIC’s factories, including the state-of-the-art equipment. They praised the activities and programmes organized by the company outside the scope of its business and as part of its social responsibility, which has a very positive influence on society. The visitors said they would convey to their colleagues in the club and their families their experiences with their visit and GPIC. They thanked the company for welcoming them and said they had thoroughly enjoyed themselves and learned a lot about the Petrochemical industry and its potential within Bahrain and the GCC.


GPIC organizes beach clean-up GPIC organized a campaign to clean the beach next to the Bahrain Fort as part of its mission to protect and preserve the environment. The campaign, in cooperation with the Manama Municipality comes in response to the Company’s annual initiative to raise environmental awareness within the community and highlight the importance of recycling. The campaign is being held for the fourth consecutive year in conjunction with other Gulf cities.


GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery thanked GPCA Secretary General Dr. Abdulwahab Al Sadoun, for introducing an initiative that has a direct impact on Gulf communities. He said the industry provides services and makes efforts in the field of environmental care, in addition to encouraging voluntary work, which provides opportunities to GPIC employees to serve the community.

Dr. Jawahery said the campaign is not aimed at a certain segment, but would benefit all in society, from beach visitors and tourists. He also praised the organisers and their efforts to raise awareness on the importance of environmental care as a community necessity. He said the Company's Management made sure during the campaign to provide qualified medical staff to take care of any emergency. Dr. Jawahery spoke of the importance of providing clean beaches for the protection of marine organisms that are endangered by dumping in coastal areas. He urged people not to dump waste that may cause the marine environment to lose its natural components. He said such waste poses danger to both citizens and residents. Dr. Jawahery thanked Manama Municipality Director General H.E. Engineer Shawqia

Dr. Jawahery: The industry provides services and makes efforts in the field of environmental care, in addition to encouraging voluntary work.

Humaidan, for his guidance in making the campaign a success. He also thanked the Chairman and members of the Company’s Social Activities Committee for its efforts to organise the annual event. H.E. Engineer Shawqia Humaidan stressed the importance of the private sector’s participation in Government efforts to preserve the environment, including cleaning Bahrain’s beaches and bays as an environmental and national mission. He also praised the outstanding volunteer efforts of GPIC employees, who are known for their social and humanitarian initiatives. He added that campaigns are consistent with the official directions to protect the marine environment and clean the beaches. He said intensive awareness campaigns are carried out by the Ministry of Works, Municipalities and Urban Planning to restore the beaches to their former splendor and protect marine areas.

He called on all individuals, institutions and companies to implement such campaigns that encourage people to stop polluting beaches and dumping waste. He said the Manama Municipality’s support to the campaign confirms its commitment to actively participate in the service of the community and make all efforts to make sure these campaigns succeed. More than 300 students from public and private schools took part in the campaign,. Gloves, plastic bags and sunscreen caps, as well as drinking water, refreshments and snacks were provided by the Company. The campaign also aims at activating partnership between the Company and all segments of civil society.


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